OFFICIAL ISU SPONSORS - March 22-28 2021 - Stockholm 2021, ISU ...

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OFFICIAL ISU SPONSORS - March 22-28 2021 - Stockholm 2021, ISU ...
March 22–28 2021


OFFICIAL ISU SPONSORS - March 22-28 2021 - Stockholm 2021, ISU ...
Photo: Anna-Lena Ahlström/Kungl. Hovstaterna
                                                           Crown Princess Victoria opens
                                                   The ISU World Figure Skating Champion-          for all competitors in the World Cham-
                                                   ships 2021 at the Ericsson Globe Arena          pionships.
                                                   start with a spectacular opening ceremony          The ceremony is produced by
                                                   on ice on the evening of March 24.              choreographer and artistic director
                                                   HRH Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden           Albin Boudrée. For Boudrée, who has
                                                   will inaugurate the Championships.              competed in figure skating at elite level,
                                                      The opening ceremony itself is divided       this is a dream come true.
                                                   into four separate themes. The first is            “This is huge and I’m incredibly excited.
                                                   challenging in terms of choreography            Figure skating has always been a big part
                                                   and technique and is about challenging          of my life and to be responsible for the
                                                   our fears and never giving up. The second       opening ceremony of the World Champi-
                                                   features two solo skaters who find them-        onships is an unbelievable honour.”
                                                   selves in a dream world filled with love.       Cermony choreographic assistant is
                                                      The third theme is about community.          Melanie Kajanne Källström.
                                                   Multiple sources of light combine to               The ceremony will also include
                                                   create a visually beautiful whole. Solo-        speeches by Anna König Jerlmyr, Mayor
                                                   ist Lovisa Svensson sings the national          of Stockholm, Helena Rosén Andersson,
                                                   anthem. The ceremony culminates                 President of the Swedish Figure Skating
                                                   with a big rock number filled with love,        Association, and Jan Dijkema, President
                                                   warmth, and a message of good luck              of the International Skating Union.

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OFFICIAL ISU SPONSORS - March 22-28 2021 - Stockholm 2021, ISU ...
Photo: Henrik Montgomery/TT
                                                                                                                              On behalf of the Swedish Figure                      normal times. For me personally, it is
                                                                                                                              Skating Association, I would like to                 just wonderful to see the world elite
                           Dear Figure Skating Friends,
                                                                                                                              extend a warm welcome to the ISU                     compete again. I myself was a flower

                         Welcome!                                                                                             World Figure Skating Championships
                                                                                                                              2021 at the Ericsson Globe Arena in
                                                                                                                              Stockholm, the capital of Sweden.
                                                                                                                                                                                   girl at the 1976 World Championships
                                                                                                                                                                                   in Gothenburg and had the privilege of
                                                                                                                                                                                   presenting flowers to gold medallist
On behalf of the International Skating        and fans international competitions                                                                                                  John Curry. This time, it will be
Union, it is a great pleasure for me to       again in a safe way.                                                            Due to the ongoing pandemic, the                     Sweden’s 14th World Figure Skating
extend a warm welcome to all of you              Therefore, I would like to express my                                        Championships will unfortunately be                  Championships and it is a great honour
at the 2021 ISU World Figure Skating          sincere appreciation to everyone who                                            held behind closed doors. The safety                 for us to once again host one of the
Championships in Stockholm, Sweden.           has contributed to this major ISU Event.                                        of the skaters, their teams and officials            world’s biggest winter sports events.
  This memorable edition will be a            Compliments go to Swedish Figure                                                are our top priority. This means that                   It is particularly encouraging that
spectacle full of exciting and breath-        Skating Association, the Organizing                                             figure skating fans from all around the              interest in figure skating in Sweden is
taking performances. I would like to          Committee, the officials and the many                                           world will instead watch the world’s                 growing. Over the past two years or
wish everybody at the venue and fans          volunteers who have worked hard to                                              best figure skaters and their fight for              so, membership of the Swedish Figure
from all over the world, who follow the       make the Championships a success.                                               medals on TV.                                        Skating Association has increased by
event through the media, a very joyful        I also extend my gratitude to the media                                            In light of this, I believe it is important       24 per cent. I am convinced that the
experience.                                   and the sponsors for their interest in                                          that we strive to create happiness and               Championships will increase the inte-
  One year ago, we could not imagine          our beautiful sport.                                                            a sense of shared experience through                 rest in figure skating even more, both
that our lives would change in so many           Last but not least, I wish the skaters a                                     figure skating at the very highest level             in our country and globally.
ways. The COVID-19 pandemic has               great deal of success after a very difficult                                    during the difficult times that the whole               So, let’s all get ready to enjoy the
a huge impact, and the far-reaching           year. Together we get #UpAgain.                                                 world currently faces. The Champion-                 world’s best figure skating of 2021!
consequences have also been felt                                                                                              ships will therefore, also this year, be
strongly in the ice skating community.                                                                                        an event that the entire figure ska-                                   Helena Rosén Andersson,
                                                                                                                                                                                                     President of the Swedish
However, it was essential for the ISU                                                                                         ting world can gather around, albeit                                   Figure Skating Association
to find creative ways and offer skaters                            Jan Dijkema, ISU President                                 in a slightly different way than during

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OFFICIAL ISU SPONSORS - March 22-28 2021 - Stockholm 2021, ISU ...
Photo: Per Andrén/AAD

                        On behalf of the Organizing Commit-            I would like to take this opportunity       Good luck with the competitions                 we all have the chance of being part of
                        tee, it is my pleasure to welcome you          to express our sincere thanks to the        and welcome back to Stockholm!                  with the televising of the competition.
                        all to the ISU World Figure Skating            International Skating Union for putting                                                         We hope that your stay in Stockholm
                        Championships 2021.                            their trust in Sweden to host this event    It gives me great pleasure, together with       during the championships will create
                                                                       and for their support in planning these     the people of Stockholm, to welcome             many wonderful sporting memories,
                        It is a great honour and pleasure to           Championships.                              everyone in the figure skating family to        great competition, and that in the future
                        have Crown Princess Victoria open the             The team that made these World           Stockholm and to the Ericsson Globe.            you will have the opportunity to see
                        Championships here at the Ericsson             Championships possible include many            We are especially proud that                 more of our beautiful city. Stockholm is
                        Globe Arena.                                   volunteers from all across Sweden and       Stockholm, together with the Swedish            known for its openness and diversity.
                            The Swedish Figure Skating Associ-         I would like to thank them for all their    Figure Skating Association, is hosting a        It is a place where everyone is equally
                        ation has been working closely with            time and effort.                            World Figure Skating Championships.             welcomed and praised. Stockholm is
                        The International Skating Union to host           I would also like to thank The City of   The last time we hosted one was 74              close to nature and highly urban. It is
                        the ISU World Figure Skating Champi-           Stockholm for their excellent support       years ago, in 1947.                             one of Europe’s top hubs for innovation
                        onships 2021. The health and safety of         and cooperation.                               Major sports competitions and                in tech, fashion, music, film, design,
                        participants is our number one priority           Finally, I hope you will enjoy the       championships unite people all over             gaming, and other creative industries.
                        and something we have focused on               exciting competitions we have ahead of      the world. Sport serves as a powerful               Again, we really hope that you will be
                        extensively.                                   us! We are delighted to be your hosts in    inspiration for movement and exercise           able to experience Stockholm when the
                            The Organizing Committee and its           Stockholm!                                  that supports a healthy, happy lifestyle        time is right.
                        associates have worked extremely                                   Ulrika Molin            – which is especially important now                 Good luck in the championships and
                        hard to provide the best possible                                  President of the        during the pandemic. A World Figure             welcome back!
                                                                                           Organizing Committee
                        conditions for all participants in these                                                   Skating Championships also provides                                  Anna König Jerlmyr
                                                                                                                                                                                        The Mayor of Stockholm
                        challenging circumstances.                                                                 excitement and entertainment that

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OFFICIAL ISU SPONSORS - March 22-28 2021 - Stockholm 2021, ISU ...
Ericson Globe is part of the largest

                                                                                                                                                                                                       Photo: Visit Stockholm
Photo: Ola Ericson

                                                                                                               event district in Northern Europe and
                                                                                                               one of the most modern multi arenas
                                                                                                               in the world, awarded ”Venue of the
                                                                                                               Year” in 2014. The arena is home arena
                                                                                                               of both Hammarby football and
                                                                                                               Djurgården football as well as hosting
                                                                                                               mega artists as Avicii, The Rolling
                                                                                                               Stones, Justin Timberlake, Madonna
                                                                                                               and many more.
                                                                                                                  The event district around the Tele2
                                                                                                               Arena with the sister arenas Hovet and        tions as one of Europe’s best preserved
                                                                                                               Annexet also includes hotels, restau-         medieval city centers to Fotografiska,
                                                                                                               rants, offices and shopping facilities        the world’s largest meeting place for
                                                                                                               and is served by excellent connections        contemporary photography, or
                                                                                                               to the public transportation system           the Vasa Museum, the most visited
                                                                                                               that we hope you can explore one day          museum in Scandinavia or ABBA the
                                                                                                               in Stockholm.                                 Museum filled with music.
                                                                                                                  Next time you visit Stockholm we              Stockholm is a vibrant and creative
                                                                                                               hope you have some time to explore            city loving sports and events, and we
                                                                                                               the local city life in the streets and        are really proud to host the World
                                                                                                               restaurants. Stockholm has experien-          Championships in Figure Skating 2021!
                                                                                                               ced a culinary boom the last couple              Welcome to join Stockholm for the
                                                                                                               of years. Now everything, it seems,           Worlds 2021!
                                                                                                               revolves around food. New venues are             For more information and inspiration
                                                                                                               opening one after another. Stockholm          on Stockholm please visit:
                                                                                                               also offers unique and famous attrac-

                                                                                                                                                                                                          Photo: Henrik Trygg
                     Welcome to join Stockholm
                        for the Worlds 2021!
                     Stockholm is widely regarded as one of         Fashion, technology, music, film, design
                     the world’s most beautiful cities, built       and the game industry thrive here like
                     where lake meets sea, on fourteen              never before.
                     islands, with eight centuries of history         It is a place where creativity grows,
                     and culture to choose from.                    and where dreams and new ideas are
                        Stockholm is a ground breaking,             realized. But most of all
                     welcoming and innovative trendsetter.          – A city open for everyone!

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OFFICIAL ISU SPONSORS - March 22-28 2021 - Stockholm 2021, ISU ...
                       International Skating Union
                                                                                                                  Event Officials

              Council                       Technical Committees          ISU                                         Men                               Pairs
                                                                          Representative:                     Referee:                           Referee:
President:                                   Single & Pair Skating        Jan Dijkema                         Philippe Meriguet                  Yukiko Okabe
Jan Dijkema – Netherlands               Chairperson:                                                          Technical Controller:              Technical Controller:
                                        Fabio Bianchetti – Italy                                              Leena Laaksonen                    Vera Tauchmanova
1st Vice President		                                                      Medical Advisor:
                                        Members:                                                              Technical Specialists:             Technical Specialists:
Figure Skating:                                                           Joel Shobe
                                        Yukiko Okabe – Japan                                                  Konstantin Kostin                  Troy Goldstein
Alexander Lakernik – Russia                                               ISU
                                        Rita Zonnekeyn – Belgium                                              Filip Stiller-Borowicz             Sarkis Tewanian
2nd Vice President		                                                      Event Coordinator:
                                        Leena Laaksonen – Finland                                                   Ladies                             Ice Dance
Speed Skating:                                                            Wieland Lüders
                                        Susan Lynch – Australia                                               Referee:                           Referee:
Tron Espeli – Norway                    Appointed Skater:                 ISU                                 Fabio Bianchetti                   Hilary Selby
Figure Skating:                         Fedor Klimov – Russia             Event Coordinator Assistant:        Technical Controller:              Technical Controller:
Patricia St. Peter, USA                 Appointed Coach:                  Julia Degenhardt                    Emilie Billow                      Halina Gordon-Poltorak
Tatsuro Matsumura – Japan               Patrick Meier – Switzerland                                           Technical Specialists:             Technical Specialists:
Maria Teresa Samaranch – Spain                                                                                Vera Vandecaveye                   György Elek
                                                Ice Dance
Marie Lundmark – Finland                                                                                      Sandor Galambos                    Ayako Higashino
Benoit Lavoie – Canada
                                        Halina Gordon-Poltorak – Poland
                                                                                               Data / Replay Operators: David Santee, Soltan Kokoev
Speed Skating:                          Members:
Stoytcho G. Stoytchev – Bulgaria        Shawn Rettstatt – USA
Sergio Anesi – Italy                    Hilary Selby – Great Britain
Jae Youl Kim – Republic of Korea        György Elek – Hungary
Roland Etienne Maillard – Switzerland   Appointed Skater:                 Agita Abele                         Elena Fomina                       Jennifer Mast
Suwanna Silpa-Archa – Thailand          Alper Uҫar – Turkey               Pia Alhonen                         Tomie Fukudome                     Iryna Medvedieva
Director General:                       Appointed Coach:                  Inger Andersson                     Peggy Graham                       Christiane Miles
Fredi Schmid – Switzerland              Maurizio Margaglio – Italy        Julia Andreeva                      Katarina Henriksson                Miroslav Misurec
                                                                          Almila Arikan Sarbanoglu            Garry Hoppe                        Ron Conacher
Treasurer:                                  Synchronized Skating          Sviatoslav Babenko                  Feng Huang                         David Munoz
Ulrich Linder – Switzerland             Chairperson:                      Ronald Beau                         Marketa Horklova                   Roland Mäder
Legal Advisors:                         Philippe Maitrot – France         Lenka Bohunicka                     Kerstin Kimminus                   Marta Olozagarre
Michael Geistlinger – Austria           Members:                          Claudia Brambati                    Olga Kozhemyakina                  Massimo Orlandini
Béatrice Pfister – Switzerland          Petra Tyrbo – Sweden              Josip Cerovac                       Marcin Kozubek                     Tineke Posno
                                        Lois Long – USA                   Dan Chen                            Laimute Krauziene                  Katharina Rauch
Figure Skating Sports Director:
                                        Uliana Chirkova – Russia          Salome Chigogidze                   Matjaz Krusec                      Chihee Rhee
Charles Z. Cyr – USA
                                        Appointed Skater:                 Ludwig Czoczek                      Anthony Leroy                      Stanislava Smidova
Speed Skating Sports Director:          Roberta Giuliani – Italy          Lisa Davidson                       Elisabeth Louesdon                 Ursula Stahl
Hugo Herrnhof – Italy                   Appointed Coach:                  Francoise de Rappard                Kristina Lundgren                  Yu Wang
                                        Cathy Dalton – Canada             Andrea Derby                        Helle Lyngberg
                                                                          Wendy Enzmann                       Anastassiya Makarova

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OFFICIAL ISU SPONSORS - March 22-28 2021 - Stockholm 2021, ISU ...
Organizing Committee

                                                                                                                                        Photo: Sören Andersson
  President:                        Event Appearance/Decoration:
  Ulrika Molin                      Cathrine Svensson

  Event & Technical Manager:        Hygiene & Safety:
  Peter Levin                       Ulrika Ljungdahl
                                    Johan Ljungdahl
  Accommodation Manager:
  Sofia Borg                        Judges Service & Skating Lounge:
                                    Carina Kelly
  Communication Manager:
  Anna Cedergren                    Logistics:
                                    Leif Kronkvist
  Competition Manager:
                                    Johan Lundberg
  Camilla Fredman
  Financial Manager:
                                    Lars Rambäck
  Kaj Nyman
  Food & Beverage Manager:
                                    Helen Karlsson
  Johanna Holmudd
                                    Annette Rödström
  Health & Safety Manager:
  Tove Lindqvist
                                    Berit Westin
  Hospitality & Partner Manager:    Anna Häägg
  Anna Magnusson
                                    Printing Office:
  Legal Adviser: 			                Gunilla Ödlund
  Björn Sahlin
                                    Rink Coordination:
  Press Officer: 			                Laila Davidsson
  Fredrik Pallin
  Volunteer Manager:		              Mona Friedman
  Olivia Skoog
  Accreditation: 			                Anna Wärdell
  Marianne Hogner
                                    Volunteer Service:
  Announcers:			                    Camilla Bergström
  Susanne Seger
                                    City of Stockholm:
  Arena Construction:		             Anette Craas
  Pasi Rönkkö                       Annika Malhotra
  Ceremonies: 			                   Stockholm Live:
  Cathrine Svensson                 Åsa Sandström
  Albin Boudrée                     Jonas Andersson

                                                                       The Ericsson Globe is the largest spherical building on Earth.

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OFFICIAL ISU SPONSORS - March 22-28 2021 - Stockholm 2021, ISU ...

                                                                                                Photo: Joosep Martinson/ISU
     Wenjing Sui&Cong Han – CHN.                    from injuries, and are hoping to make
     The two-time World Champions are               this their kick start for the 2022 Winter
     looking to win a third gold medal here.        Olympics in Beijing. Sui and Han
     However, it will be their first major          teamed up in 2007 without having pre-
     international competition this season,         vious pair experience. They are both
     after missing out on the Grand Prix Cup        inspired by Olympic Champions Xue
     of China in November due to Han’s hip          Shenand Hongbo Zhao and started
     surgery.                                       skating after watching them compete
       This artistic and stunningly powerful        in the 2002 Olympic Games. Hongbo
     team is known for amazing comebacks            Zhao is now their coach.

                                                                                                Photo: Joosep Martinson/ISU
     Evgenia Tarasova&Vladimir Morozov              back very strong and won the Russian
     – FSR. This experienced Russian                Nationals in December against tough
     couple have three World Championship           competition. Look out for their triple
     medals (two silver, one bronze). They          twist, when Morozov throws Tarasova
     are also two-time European champions           high in the air before catching her.
     (2017 and 2018) and were fourth at the         Tarasova and Morozov teamed up in
     Winter Olympics in 2018.                       2012 after their respective coaches sug-
        Like many other athletes, they have         gested the move. Tarasova competed at
     had their 2020/2021 season disrupted           the international junior level in singles
     by illness, but have managed to come           before switching to pairs in 2010.

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OFFICIAL ISU SPONSORS - March 22-28 2021 - Stockholm 2021, ISU ...

                                                                                                                                                                  Photo: Joosep Martinson/ISU
                                                                       Aleksandra Boikova&Dmitrii Kozlovskii           with grace, they have become true con-
                                                                       – FSR. Despite their young age, this            tenders at the world level. This season
                                                                       team managed to win the European                they won the Grand Prix Rostelecom
                                                                       Championships in 2020 in their second           Cup during the fall, and they are hoping
                                                                       senior season, in a discipline where it         for their first World Championship
                                                                       usually takes many years to reach the           medal here. Boikovaand Kozlovskii
                                                                       top. They also took bronze at the Euro-         teamed up in November 2015, both
                                                                       pean Championships in 2019, and sixth           were single skaters. Coach Artur
                                                                       place at the World Championships the            Minchuk competed at the international
                                                                       same year. By pairing explosive tricks          junior level in pair skating.

                                                                                                                                                                  Photo: Lintao Zhang/ISU
                                                                       Cheng Peng&Yang Jin – CHN. Slowly               have also shown strong results in the
                                                                       but surely this immensely talented cou-         few competitions that have been held
                                                                       ple have come closer to the top, by ska-        this season, so they are to be consi-
                                                                       ting with flow and ease and a beautiful         dered medal contenders. Peng and
                                                                       sense for the music and choreography.           Jin teamed up following the 2015/16
                                                                       They missed out on a World Cham-                season. He is the 2014 and 2015 World
                                                                       pionship medal in 2019 by a narrow              Junior Champion with former partner
                                                                       margin in, finishing fourth, but have           Xiaoyu Yu. Coach Hongbo Zhao is the
   Drive the edge of EOS technology for an unforgettable experience.   taken both silver and bronze at the             2010 Olympic Champion, with partner
                                                                       Four Continents Championships. They             Xue Shen.

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©2021 Canon Inc
OFFICIAL ISU SPONSORS - March 22-28 2021 - Stockholm 2021, ISU ...

                                   Anna Shcherbakova – FSR. The two-

                                                                                                                            Photo: Joosep Martinson/ISU
                                   time Russian Champion has an impres-
                                   sive ability to combine difficult quadru-
                                   ple jumps, such as the Lutz and the Flip,
                                   with graceful and artistic skating. There
                                   is always a lightness about her skating
                                   that is wonderful to watch.
                                      This will be her debut at the World
                                   Championship, but she already has a
                                   great level of maturity in her skating. In
                                   2020, she won the silver medal at the
                                   European Championship, and the year
                                   before that, she took silver at the Junior
                                   World Championships. The Muscovite
                                   is also a three-time National Champion
                                   of Russia. In December 2020, she won
                                   the Nationals despite losing plenty of
                                   training due to illness. Shcherbakova
                                   turns 17 on Sunday March 28th.

                                                                                 Alexandra Trusova – FSR. She has

     Photo: Joosep Martinson/ISU
                                                                                 made history on numerous occasions,
                                                                                 becoming the first woman to land a
                                                                                 quadruple Lutz (2018) and a
                                                                                 quadruple Flip (2019) in competition,
                                                                                 at a very young age. She is as well the
                                                                                 first woman to land a quadruple
                                                                                 Toeloop as well as two quadruple
                                                                                 jumps (Toeloop and Salchow) in one
                                                                                 program in competition (at the World
                                                                                 Junior Championships 2018).
                                                                                    Trusova displays athletic and power-
                                                                                 ful skating and has a bronze medal
                                                                                 from the European Championships, as
                                                                                 well as two gold medals from the World
                                                                                 Junior Championships. Coach Evgeni
                                                                                 Plushenko is a two-time Olympic
                                                                                 Champion (2006 and with the team
                                                                                 2014) as well as two-time Olympic silver
                                                                                 medalist (2002, 2010).

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                               Rika Kihira – JPN. With her beautiful

                                                                                                                       Photo: Chung Sung-Jun/ISU
                               triple Axel and smooth skating skills,
                               Kihira has become a force to be
                               reckoned with. She is the first woman
                               to land a triple Axel-triple Toeloop
                               combination in competition (at the
                               Junior Grand Prix of Figure Skating Final
                               in December 2017).
                                  She is the reigning two-time Four
                               Continents Champion, and won the
                               Japanese Nationals in December
                               against many strong competitors. In
                               2019, Kihira came incredibly close to
                               a medal at the World Championships,
                               landing in fourth place, only 0,31 points
                               behind the bronze. Coach Stephane
                               Lambiel is the 2005 and 2006 World
                               Champion and 2006 Olympic silver
                               medalist, representing Switzerland.

                                                                            Elizaveta Tuktamysheva – FSR.

     Photo: Lintao Zhang/ISU
                                                                            This lady has made the comeback of all
                                                                            comebacks. She won both the World
                                                                            Championships and the European
                                                                            Championships in 2015, but after that,
                                                                            she had to face very tough competition
                                                                            in Russia, with ladies performing
                                                                            elements the world had not seen ever
                                                                            before. But Tuktamysheva never gave
                                                                            up. Instead, she has learned to jump
                                                                            the rare and valuable triple Axel, while
                                                                            also developing her characteristic style
                                                                            and personality. At 24 years of age,
                                                                            she is more experienced than many of
                                                                            her competitors, but probably just as
                                                                            hungry for a medal. This season, she
                                                                            won the Grand Prix Rostelecom Cup,
                                                                            and has shown good form prior to the
                                                                            World Championships.

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                                                                               Nathan Chen – USA. Since the Olympic

     Photo: Joosep Martinson/ISU
                                                                               Games in 2018, Nathan Chen has not
                                                                               lost one single competition. The two-
                                                                               time World Champion is known as the
                                                                               “quad king”, for his ability to consistently
                                                                               land numerous quadruple jumps with
                                                                               breathtaking quality.
                                                                                  He became the first skater to perform
                                                                               five quadruple jumps in one free
                                                                               skating (quad Lutz, Flip, Salchow and
                                                                               two quad Toeloops at the U.S. National
                                                                               Championships and Four Continents
                                                                               Championships in 2017). A year before,
                                                                               he became the first skater to land four
                                                                               quads in one free program. What is
                                                                               extra impressive, is that despite this
                                                                               incredibly difficult technical content,
                                                                               Chen keeps developing his artistry to a
                                                                               new level each season.

                                   Yuzuru Hanyu – JPN. Although he has

                                                                                                                              Photo: Atsushi Tomura/ISU
                                   won two back-to-back Olympic gold
                                   medals, Hanyu keeps pushing himself
                                   to improve. He is the first Japanese
                                   male skater to win Olympic gold and
                                   the first man since 1948 and 1952
                                   Olympic Champion Dick Button (USA)
                                   to win back-to-back Olympic gold
                                   medals. He is the first skater to
                                   perform a clean quadruple Loop in
                                   competition (2016).
                                      His massive fanbase loves him for his
                                   ability to execute spectacular programs
                                   with flow and ease, and his jumps can
                                   seem unreal in their sheer perfection.
                                   Hanyu has two World Championship
                                   titles from 2014 and 2017 and has
                                   contributed significantly to the choreo-
                                   graphy of his programs in the 2020/21

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                                                                                                                                                                                               Mikhail Kolyada – FSR. After sitting out

                                                                                                                      Photo: Atsushi Tomura/ISU
                                                                                                                                                                                               the 2019/2020 season due to sinusi-

                                                                                                   BEAUTÉ                                                                                      tis, the artistically immensely talen-
                                                                                                                                                                                               ted Kolyada has made an impressive
                                                                                                                                                                                               comeback this season. With beauti-
                                                                                PROFESSIONNELLE                                                                                                ful programs and a much-improved
                                                                                                                                                                                               consistency in the jumps, the World
                                                                                PROFESSIONAL BEAUTY CARE                                                                                       Championship bronze medalist from
                                                                                                                                                                                               2018 has mesmerized figure skating
                                                                                                                                                                                               audiences at numerous competitions.
                                                                                                                                                                                               Kolyada is a silver medalist in the
                                                                                                                                                                                               Team Event at the 2018 Olympic Winter
                                                                                                                                                                                               Games and has two bronze medals
                                                                                                                                                                                               from the European Championships
                                                                                                                                                                                               (2017, 2018). He is the first Russian
                                                                                    VISAGE                                                                                                     skater to perform a quadruple Lutz in
                                                                                                                                                                                               international competition (2017) and
                                                                                     FACE CARE                                                                                                 got married to former competitive
                                                                                      TREATMENTS                                                                                               figure skater Daria Beklemisheva in
                                                                                                                                                                                               July 2019.

                                                                                                                                                  Shoma Uno – JPN. Shoma Uno is

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Photo: Joosep Martinson/ISU
                                                                                       SOINS                                                      especially loved for his amazing ska-
                                                                                                                                                  ting skills, speed across the ice, and
                                                                                    CORPS                                                         deep knee bend, especially in his jump
                                                                                                                                                  landings. He won the silver medal at
                                                                                    BODY CARE                                                     the Olympic Games in 2018 and has
                                                                                      TREATMENTS                                                  two silver medals from previous World
                                                                                                                                                  Championships (2017, 2018). He is also
                                                                                                                                                  the 2019 Four Continents Champion,
                                                                                                                                                  and a four-time Japanese Champion.
                                                                                                                                                  Uno went to the ice rink for fun with his
                                                                                                                                                  father when he was five years old and
                                                                                                                                                  liked skating immediately. He looks up
                                                                                                                                                  to 2010 World Champion Daisuke Taka-
                                                                                 ÉPILATION                                                        hashi. Uno switched coaches in 2019
                                                                                    PARFAITE                                                      and has relocated to Switzerland for
                                                                                                                                                  training. Coach Stephane Lambiel is the
                                                                                  HAIR REMOVAL                                                    2006 Olympic silver medalist and the
                                                                                        METHODS                                                   2005 and 2006 World Champion.

                                                                           24                                                                                                                 25
Droits visuels valables jusqu’à fin 2024. À ne plus exposer au-delà.
Rights to the visual valid until the end of 2024. Do not use after that.                 

Photo: Atsushi TomuraISU

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Photo: Lintao Zhang/ISU
                                Viktoria Sinitsina&Nikita Katsalapov           flow and long beautiful lines will be          Madison Chock&Evan Bates – USA.                 a concussion during the summer that
                                – FSR. It has been a disrupted season          looking for a podium finish at these           This is another very strong team from           kept her off the ice for a month and
                                for the reigning European Champions            World Championships. Sinitsina and             the United States that can deliver              the couple out of two competitions in
                                and 2019 World Championship silver             Katsalapov teamed up in spring 2014.           mesmerizing performances and keep               the fall. Chock and Bates teamed up
                                medalists from Russia. After winning              Sinitsina is the 2012 World Junior          the audience at the edge of their seats.        in spring 2011, and before that, they
                                the Grand Prix Rostelecom Cup in No-           Champion with former partner Ruslan               Chock and Bates have a silver and            were both World Junior Champions
                                vember both contracted covid-19 and            Zhiganshin, while Katsalapov is the            a bronze medal from previous World              with their previous partners. The team
                                had to withdraw from competing at the          2014 Olympic bronze medalist and               Championships and have won the Four             trains in Canada alongside Hubbelland
                                Russian National Championships. Even           Olympic gold medallist in the team             Continents Championships two times              Donahue with coaches Marie-France
                                so, the couple known for their graceful        event with former partner ElenaI linykh.       in a row (2019 and 2020). She suffered          Dubreuil and Patrice Lauzon.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Photo: Christian Petersen/ISU
Photo: Minas Panagiotakis/ISU

                                Madison Hubbell&Zachary Donahue                skating. This will be their seventh time at    Alexandra Stepanova&Ivan Bukin – FSR.           podium at the 2019 World Champions-
                                – USA. After not being happy with the          the World Championships. Hubbell and           They are Russian Champions after a              hips. Make sure to notice their speed
                                2019/2020 season, Hubbell and                  Donohue teamed up in spring 2011. Prior        breathtaking performance at Nationals           across the ice, unison, and grace.
                                Donahue have had several successful            to that, Hubbell had competed success-         in December and will be looking for               Stepanova and Bukin teamed up in
                                competitions this season. The two-time         fully with her brother Keiffer at the inter-   their first World Championship medal            2006. She was a single skater before
                                World Championship medalists won               national junior level. Hubbell and Do-         here. With their modern, innovative             and moved from St. Petersburg to Mos-
                                both the Grand Prix Skate America              nahue switched coaches and moved to            skating, Stepanova and Bukin have               cow to take up ice dance. Bukin is the
                                in October 2020 and the US National            Canada in 2015, and coaches Marie-Fran-        won several medals at the European              son of 1988 Olympic Ice Dance Champion
                                Championships in January 2021, with            ce Dubrueil and Patrice Lauzon are the         Championships, and in 2019 they were            Andrei Bukin, and his mother Elena
                                their fluid, gorgeous and yet powerful         2006 and 2007 World silver medalists.          less than two points away from the              Vasiuk was also an ice dancer.

                                                                          26                                                                                             27
The official webshop                                              The Swedish National Team
   Examples of what you can find in our webshop:                                                           Josefin Taljegård. She keeps progres-               Nikolaj Majorov. The 20-year-old
                                                                                                           sing in her figure skating career, with             Swedish Champion Nikolaj Majorov will
                                                                                                           better results both in Sweden and                   be representing his home country at
                                                                                                           internationally. Josefin Taljegård has a            the World Championships. His progres-
                                                                                                           unique energy and charisma and has                  sion over the last couple of years has
                                                                                                           won her three Swedish Championship                  been explosive, both when it comes to
                                                                                                           medals so far, one silver and two bronze.           his high and powerful jumps and his
                                                                                                             The season 2020/2021 has been                     energetic artistry.
                                                                                                           Taljegård’s strongest to date, with                   His international breakthrough came
                                                                                                           many personal bests. But her career                 at the European Championship in 2020,
                                                                                                           hasn’t been a straight path. In 2014,               where he finished in 15th place.
                                                                                                           she decided to quit skating.                        Majorov is from a true figure skating
                                                                                                                                                               family, where older brother Alexander
                                                                                                                                                               Majorov gained several top ten finis-

                                                                 Photo: IsabellaStåhl/StudioEmmaSvensson
                                                                                                                                                               hes at Europeans and was 12th at the
                                                                                                                                                               World Championships in 2018. Father
                                                                                                                                                               Alexander Majorov senior is Nikolaj’s
                                                                                                                                                               coach, and mother Irina Majorova is
                                          Knitted Beanie 20 €                                                                                                  the choreographer.

                                                                                                                                                                                                             Photo: IsabellaStåhl/StudioEmmaSvensson
             Vest 95 €

                                                                                                           – I was injured, my body told me I needed
                                                                                                           to take it easier. I started studying at
                                                                                                           the university, lived the life of a normal
                                                                                                           student, and joined a theatre group, says
                                                                                                           Taljegård. After a while, however, she
                                                                                                           started to miss skating.
                                                                                                           – It is a special feeling to be on the ice,
                                                                                                           a feeling you can’t have anywhere else.             – My brother is a big role model for me, as
                                                                                                           I realized I was not finished; I had not            is my father. It was a natural step for me
                                                                                                           achieved what I knew I could. What I like           to start skating when I was young, says
                                                                                                           most about skating is performing, the fact          Majorov.
                                                                                                           that you are on a stage in front of a lot of           He is aiming to add quadruple jumps
                                                                                                           people. It is such a thrill.                        to his programs, where the Salchow is
                                                                                                                                                               the main goal.
 Absorbent towel 13 €                              Fleece 55 €

                         28                                                                                                                               29
Illya Solomin. Illya Solomin has made              Anita Östlund. She has made it to the                                                                                                 Cassandra Johansson. This 21-year-                  Matilda Algotsson. With two 13th
                       an impressive comeback. After being a             final at the European Championships                                                                                                    old has shown impressive consistency                place finishes at the European Champi-
                       young and successful talent in his early          three times in a row, and the two-time                                                                                                 in her triple jumps and is an establis-             onships, this Stockholm native became
                       teens, he is now back at a high interna-          Swedish Champion has shown that she                                                                                                    hed name at the top level of Swedish                one of Sweden’s most promising future
                       tional level at the age of 22. Last season        is one to watch. With the ability to pull                                                                                              skating. She has achieved a gold medal              hopefuls in figure skating. Matilda
                       he was very close to reaching the final           off triple-triple combinations with ease,                                                                                              at the junior level and two top five se-            Algotsson has one gold and three other
                       of the European Championships, and                Östlund emerged as a big talent at an                                                                                                  nior placements at the Swedish Cham-                medals from the Swedish Champions-
                       he continues to develop both technically          early age.                                                                                                                             pionships, but Cassandra Johansson                  hips and uses her great musicality to
                       and artistically.                                                                                                                                                                        is aiming for the international champi-             wow the judges and the audience.
                          He made his debut at the European                                                                                                                                                     onships in the coming years.                          The next step is to increase her

                                                                                                                         Photo: IsabellaStåhl/StudioEmmaSvensson
                       Championship in 2014, at only 15 years                                                                                                                                                      She says she has a tougher, more                 consistency, she says.
                       of age.                                                                                                                                                                                  dynamic style than the average figure

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Photo: IsabellaStåhl/StudioEmmaSvensson
Photo: Maria Jangbro

                                                                                                                                                                   Photo: Rasmus Lindahl/Studio Emma Svensson
                                                                            The 20-year-old was born in Odessa,
                       – It was really exciting. I had never seen        Ukraine and describes herself as
                       the skaters that participated there live          competition-minded and stubborn.
                       before, like Javier Fernandez from Spain.         – I like to improve and always do my best.                                                                                                                                                 – I want to continue to improve the tech-
                       And to be able to not only see them, but          Technically the jumps are my strong suit,                                                                                              – I like to keep a high tempo, rather than          nical contents of my programs, like doing
                       to compete against them, was great, says          but I’ve also developed a lot artistically.                                                                                            aim to be elegant or graceful. Jumping              triple-triple combinations more frequent-
                       Solomin.                                          This has made it easier for me to express                                                                                              and learning difficult tricks is what I like        ly. And of course, I am hoping to compete
                          It would be another six years before           my programs and find personal connec-                                                                                                  best, but also to learn new programs,               in more championships.
                       his next European Championship in                 tions to them, says Östlund.                                                                                                           says Johansson.                                        Matilda Algotsson looks up to skaters
                       2020.                                                Because of the diversity in the                                                                                                        Her programs are choreographed                   like Carolina Kostner, Ashley Wagner,
                       – I had a tough time in some of those             sport of figure skating, there is always                                                                                               by Viktoria and Joshi Helgesson, who                and Satoko Miyahara. She describes
                       years, where I stopped competing due              something to work on.                                                                                                                  achieved some of Sweden’s best figure               herself as a person with mixed traits.
                       to injuries. When I came back it took a           – My goal is to keep getting better at all                                                                                             skating results in modern times, when               – I can be very focused and precise at
                       long time to prepare the mental strength          aspects of the sport. Even if I’ve raised the                                                                                          they competed until 2015 and 2017                   times, but more absent-minded in others.
                       I needed to compete. But I managed to             bar on my performing aspect, there are                                                                                                 respectively.                                       I’m a Gemini which might explain some
                       perform a clean short program at the              other things to think about too. I’ve                                                                                                  – I need to improve my edges and lines,             of it to whoever is interested in astrology
                       Europeans and proved to myself that I             focused a lot lately on skating my                                                                                                     and to be more precise and elegant, says            and zodiac signs, she says with a laugh.
                       can still do it.                                  programmes, to stabilize all my elements.                                                                                              Cassandra Johansson.

                                                                    30                                                                                                                                                                                         31
Photo: Argle Bargle

                                        Måns & Polina
                                                                                                                  the Organizing Committee.                           seems to me impossible and amazing.
                                                                                                                     “It feels great that Polina and I have           “Circles and Squares” is a very direct and
                                             The stars behind the official song.                                  been entrusted by the Figure Skating                romantic song – which is just how I see
                                                                                                                  Association to perform the song together.           figure skating! I hope that figure skating
                      For the ISU World Figure Skating Cham-           “The song will help lift the Champion-     I was extremely impressed by her as a               fans and music lovers will like the song,”
                      pionships 2021, global stars Måns             ships and will be performed throughout.       singer back in 2015 in Vienna. When we              says Polina.
                      Zelmerlöw and Polina Gagarina have            We’ll play the single during build-up and     wrote the song, we wanted to capture the               “Circles and Squares” is written by
                      combined to perform the official song         practice sessions and the music video will    drama and theatre of figure skating. I              Måns Zelmerlöw, Stefan
                      of the Championships: “Circles and            be shown on the big screen inside the are-    really think we’ve put together a song that         Örn, David Lindgren
                      Squares”. The artists met in 2015 in          na. I hope that figure skating fans around    is ideal for the ice,” says Måns.                   Zacharias, Sandra
                      the Eurovision Song Contest final, in         the world play the song to get in the right      “For me, this collaboration is not only          Bjurman and Jon Eyden.
                      which Zelmerlöw clinched victory with         World Championships mood! The song            about visiting beautiful Sweden, but also
                      his track “Heroes” and Gagarina took          is available on most digital platforms, so    an immersion in the world of figure skating.        Scan and listen now!
                      second place with “A Million Voices”.         enjoy!” says Ulrika Molin, President of       I admire the skaters. Everything they do

                                                               32                                                                                                33
Axel Paulsen
iQ fuel is a Swedish company with focus on developing next generation                                                     The only jump that takes off from the front, making the jump easy to recognise.
products within the segment sport and health. Our products are produced in
Sweden with triple filtered water that optimizes the uptake of nutritions in the best                                    Because there’s extra rotation involved, the Axel is seen as the most difficult jump.
way possible. Our products are also free from caffeine, taurine and sugar therefore
this is a perfect alternative for all young athletes. We have developed two
products, one vitamin enriched focus drink that gives you the right energy and
optimizes your mental focus. The other is a vitamin enriched fluid replacement
filled with electrolytes. Makes you better, for real!

                                                                                                   Zero sugar                                                               Flip
                                                                                                   Caffeine free          In a Flip, you dig the right toe picks* into the ice while the other foot skates on the
                                                                                                   Vitamin enriched         back inner edge. No one has yet landed a clean quadruple Flip in competition.
                                                                                                   Natural flavors
                                                                                                   Natural dyes
                                                                                                   No age limit

                                                                                                                           In a Lutz, the skater also digs their right toe picks* into the ice, but here the other
                                                                                                                                                   foot skates on the back outside edge.

                                                                                                                            The Salchow is an edge jump that takes off from a back inside edge on the left
                                                                                                                             foot*. The Salchow is seen to be the second easiest jump in Figure Skating.

                                                                                                                                                                         Toe Loop
                                                                                                                           The Toe Loop takes off from the left toe pick*, while the other foot travels on the
                                                                                                                               back outside edge, and is seen to be the easiest jump in Figure Skating.

                             Psst.. Ditt företag har bara en chans att göra ett första intryck. Har ni råd att chansa?                                                      Loop
                                                                                                                          An edge jump in which you take off from the same foot you land on. If the jump is
                                                                                                                                     towards the left, take-off is from the right outside edge.
                                                                                                                         * The take-off foot named above applies for jumps to the left, rotating anti-clockwise, which is most common.

                                                                       34                                                                                                     35
Swedish figure skating
                                                                                 – a growing sport


                                                                                                                                            Photo: Beata Holmgren
of ice ads
We’re extremely proud and happy
                                                Figure skating has a long history in                Swedish figure skating is on a roll!
to be both a sponsor of the 2021                Sweden. And in recent years, interest            Growing numbers of talented juniors
World Figure Skating Championships              in the sport has flourished. In the past         are competing for national team places
                                                two years, Swedish figure skating has            and seniors continue to challenge for
and the producer of all advertising
                                                grown by 24 per cent and interest in             podium spots at international com-
for the event. The fact that the Swedish        the sport is growing among children              petitions. The successes and cham-
                                                and adults. Sweden’s hosting of                  pionships of recent years at home,
Figure Skating Association has chosen
                                                international championships has also             (European Championships in Malmö
us as partner isn’t so strange.                 resulted in figure skating reaching a            in 2003 and Stockholm in 2015, World
                                                wider audience.                                  Championships in Gothenburg in 2008,
We have extensive experience in                    The Swedish Figure Skating Associ-            and World Synchronized Skating
                                                ation was formed back in 1904 as part            Championships in Stockholm in 2018),
large arena productions and take
                                                of the Swedish Skating Association,              have increased the visibility of the
pride in producing masterful ice-ads.           before becoming independent in 1945.             sport. And greater visibility drives
                                                Sweden’s greatest competitive succes-            interest in the sport.
Because we think the masters of ice
                                                ses in figure skating came before the               Today, figure skating is among
should have the very best.                      second world war, with names such                Sweden’s top 20 sports, and one of the
                                                as Ulrich Salchow, Magda Juhlin, Gillis          sports that has grown most rapidly in
                                                Grafström, and Vivi-Anne Hultén. More            recent years. Between them, 145 local
                                                recent successes include Joshi and               clubs from Kiruna within the Arctic
                                                Viktoria Helgesson’s 4th and 5th pla-            Circle to Trelleborg on the south coast
                                                ces at the European Championships in             have some 38,500 members. Activities
                                                2015, Alexander Majorov’s 7th place at           for children and younger figure skaters
                                                the European Championships in 2018,              are increasing rapidly and in recent
          Win                                   and Team Surprise – the world’s most             years more and more adults have
                                                successful Synchronized Skating team             made their way onto the ice.
      SEK 10 000
                                                – with 12 medals including six World                Joy, enthusiasm, and a sense of com-
     in ice advertising
                                                Championship golds, the most recent              munity are hallmarks of the Swedish
       Read more at                             of which was in 2012, and silver in 2018.        Figure Skating Association. We strive to                             Most recently, Nikolai Majorov took              be the best in the world – for everyone
                                                15th place at the 2020 European                  and at all levels.

                                           36                                               37
A bit of history
                                                                                           by Claes-Johan Larsson

                                                            We often hear their names, but who

                                                                                                                                                          Jackson Haines
                                                            are they – the pioneers? Here’s a quick
                                                            look at those who came before us.

                                                            One of the very first pioneers was
                                                            Henning Grenander. Like many others,

                                        Henning Grenander
                                                                                                                At the time, ice skating rinks were
                                                                                                              often a thing of vanity where skaters
                                                                                                              showed off that they could afford
                                                                                                              expensive skates and clothing. For
                                                                                                              those who had spent all their money
                                                                                                              on buying skates, the only thing left for
                                                                                                              them to do was to impress in another
                                                                                                              way – by becoming the best at
                                                                                                              performing ‘figures’ on ice, and so
                                                                                                              competitive figure skating was born,
                                                                                                              especially amongst men.
                                                            he was inspired by the great interna-               In 1866, the Royal Skating Club was
                                                            tional figure skater of the late 19th             established. Then, in 1883, the Stock-
                                                            century, the American, Jackson Haines.            holm Public Skating Club (SASK) was
                                                            Haines was actually an unemployed                 formed, which became part of the
                                                            ballet dancer at home in the United               International Skating Union (ISU) when
                                                            States who, living by the motto that ‘ice         that was set up in 1892. An organi-
                                                            is freer than air’, attached blades to his        sation was now in place that could
                                                            shoes and began to dance to music. He             arrange competitions at international
                                                            also understood how to dress stylishly,           level. The very first World Champi-
                                                            and the Europeans fell head over heels            onships were held in St. Petersburg in
                                                                                                              1896 and, as early as 1898, the graceful
                                                            for his charisma and charm.

                                   38                                                                    39
Swede Henning Grenander took World                                                                                                                                                           accident in the Swedish town of Borås.

                                                                                                                            Gillis Grafström
                   Championship gold. It was a win that                                                                                                                                                         But rather like Indiana Jones, he ma-

                                                                                                             Magda Juhlin
                   sparked the first World Championship                                                                                                                                                         naged to grab the lift cable and swing
                   scandal when the skaters who usually                                                                                                                                                         elegantly to safety. When he finally
                   won lodged a protest. Grenander took                                                                                                                                                         arrived in Antwerp, one of Grafström’s
                   it to heart and stopped competing.                                                                                                                                                           skates broke, but he managed to take
                   However, he had initiated a tradition of                                                                                                                                                     gold anyway – his third consecutive
                   Swedish victories!                                                                                                                                                                           Olympic gold! There might even have
                       In 1901, Ulrich Salchow won the                                                                                                                                                          been a fourth at Lake Placid in 1932,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                had it not been for a collision with a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                photographer, leaving him to settle for
Ulrich Salchow

                                                                                                                                                                                                                ”only” silver.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  What happened next? Grafström,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                who had a degree in architecture,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                moved to Potsdam and collected Meis-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                sen porcelain. He married the great
                                                                                                                                                                                                                grandchild of the composer Mendels-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                sohn-Bartholdy, but she died tragically
                                                                                                                                                                                                                from blood poisoning only two months
                                                                                                                                                                                                                after the wedding. Juhlin became an
                                                                                                                                                                                                                accountant and later appeared on her
                                                                   Olympic gold. Juhlin, who was four
                                                                                                                                                                                                                own postage stamp! She continued
                                                                   months pregnant at the time, was prai-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                to skate using the skates she received
                                                                   sed for her skilfully executed moves
                                                                                                                                                                                                                from Salchow until her death at the age
                                                                   and “admirable energy”.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                of 96 in 1990.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Salchow was committed to sport for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                his entire life. He competed in cycling,

                                                                                                             Svea Norén
                   first of his ten World Championships,                                                                                                                                                        sailing, and bobsledding. He was chair-
                   followed by nine European Champions-                                                                                                                                                         man of the Swedish Boxing Association
                   hips and an Olympic medal. A unique                                                                                                                                                          and AIK sports club, and President of
                   record that still stands today. Salchow                                                                                                                                                      the International Skating Union (ISU)
                   could have achieved another gold at                                                                                           Prior to the Antwerp Olympics, Gillis                          and much more. Each and every one
                   the Antwerp Olympics in 1920, but he                                                                                        Grafström survived the Spanish flu and                           were pioneers and role models.
                   fell while attempting his own original                                                                                      shortly afterwards was involved in a lift
                   move – a Single Salchow Jump. Despite
                   the fall, he still managed to finish in
                   fourth place. Salchow’s students also                                                                                       Sources:
                                                                                                                                               • Magda Henriette Maria Julin,, Svenskt kvinnobiografiskt lexikon (article by
                   competed at the same Olympics.                                                                                              Lennart K Persson), 2021-03-07.
                      Magda Juhlin had already won                                                                                             • Gillis E Grafström, , Dictionary of Swedish National Biography
                                                                                                                                               (article by Olof Groth), 2021-03-07.
                   several golds at the Swedish Champi-                                                                                        • K E J Ulrich Salchow, 6321&forceOrdinarySite= true , Dictionary of
                   onships and the Nordic Games, before                                                                                        Swedish National Biography, (article by Jan Lindroth), 2021-03-07.
                                                                                                                                               • ”Det är ingen som kan åka figurer idag” Artikel, Aftonbladet January 26, 2014, author Petra Thorén
                   narrowly beating Svea Norén to

                 1897      1901    1905   1909   1913     1922       1926      1933 1934   1938       1947                                              1976                                                                           2008                            2021

                   = Men     = Ladies                                                                                                                  Sweden, proud World Figure Skating Championships organaizer since 1897. Except for the championships in
                                                                                                                                                                          Gothenburg 1976 & 2008 thay have all been hosted in Stockholm.

                                                              40                                                                                                                                           41
The 40 participating ISU Members
                                                                                                          As of March 15 2021. Subject to change.

                                                                                       Armenia            ARM                     Israel              ISR

                                                                                       Australia          AUS                     Italy               ITA

                                                                                       Austria            AUT                     Japan               JPN

EkmanBuss Flexibussitet is the proud transportation partner for ISU World Figure       Azerbaijan         AZE                     Kazakhstan          KAZ
Skating Championship 2021. We operate premium coach trips to wherever and
         whenever you need to go, for big as well as small companies.                  Belarus            BLR                     Latvia              LAT

                                                                                       Belgium            BEL                     Lithuania           LTU
                     We wish all compeditors great luck!
                                                                                       Bulgaria           BUL                     Mexico              MEX

                                                                                       Canada             CAN                     Netherlands         NED

                                                                                       China              CHN                     Philippines         PHI

                                                                                       Chinese Taipei     TPE                     Poland              POL

                                                                                       Croatia            CRO                     Republic of Korea   KOR

                                                                                       Cyprus             CYP                     FSR                 FSR

                                                                                       Czech Republic     CZE                     Slovenia            SLO

                                                                                       Estonia            EST                     Spain               ESP

                                                                                       Finland            FIN                     Sweden              SWE

                                                                                       France             FRA                     Switzerland         SUI

                                                                                       Georgia            GEO                     Turkey              TUR

                                                                                       Germany            GER                     Ukraine             UKR

                                                                                       Great Britain      GBR                     United States of    USA
                                                                                       Hong Kong, China   HKG

                                                                                       Hungary            HUN
            Welcome to contact us for your next trip at
                              +46 8 16 59 33

                                     42                                                                                     43
Competitors                                                                                             Competitors
             As of March 15 2021. Subject to change.                                                                 As of March 15 2021. Subject to change.

               Men                                   Ladies                                             Pairs                                                      Ice Dance
 1. ARM Slavik Hayrapetyan              1. ARM Anastasiya Galustyan              1. AUT Miriam Ziegler & Severin Kiefer                      1. ARM Tina Garabedian & Simon Proulx Senecal
 2.   AUS   Brendan Kerry               2.   AUS   Kailani Craine                2.   BLR   Bogdana Lukashevich & Alexander Stepanov         2.   AUS   Holly Harris & Jason Chan
 3. AUT Maurizio Zandron                3. AUT Olga Mikutina
                                                                                 3. CAN Kirsten Moore-Towers & Michael Marinaro              3.   AZE   Ekaterina Kuznetsova & Oleksandr Kolosovskyi
 4.   AZE   Vladimir Litvintsev         4.   AZE   Ekaterina Ryabova
                                                                                 4. CAN Evelyn Walsh & Trennt Michaud                        4.   BLR   Viktoria Semenjuk & Ilya Yukhimuk
 5.   BLR   Konstantin Milyukov         5.   BLR   Viktoriia Safonova
 6. BUL Larry Loupolover                6.   BEL   Loena Hendrickx               5. CHN Cheng Peng & Yang Jin                                5. BUL Mina Zdravkova & Christopher M. Davis

 6. CAN Keegan Messing                  7. BUL Alexandra Feigin                  6. CHN Wenjing Sui & Cong Han                               6. CAN Laurence Fournier Beaudry & Nikolaj Sorensen
 8. CHN Boyang Jin                      8. CAN Emily Bausback                    7. CHN Yuchen Wang & Yihang Huang                           7. CAN Piper Gilles & Paul Poirier
 9. CHN Han Yan                         9. CAN Madeline Schizas                  8. CRO Lana Petranovic & Antonio Souza Kordeiru             8. CAN Marjorie Lajoie & Zachary Lagha
10.   CZE   Michal Brezina             10. CHN Hongyi Chen
                                                                                 9.   CZE   Elizaveta Zhuk & Martin Bidar                    9. CHN Shiyue Wang & Xinyu Liu
11.   EST   Aleksandr Selevko          11.   TPE   Emmy Ma
                                                                                10.   FRA   Cleo Hamon & Denys Strekalin                    10.   CZE   Natalie Taschlerova & Filip Taschler
12.   FIN   Valtter Virtanen           12.   CYP   Emilea Zingas
                                                                                11.   FRA   Coline Keriven & Noel-Antoine Pierre            11.   FIN   Juulia Turkkila & Matthias Versluis
13.   FRA   Kevin Aymoz                13.   CZE   Eliska Brezinova
14. GEO Morisi Kvitelashvili           14.   EST   Eva-Lotta Kiibus             12. GEO Anastasiia Metelkina & Daniil Parkman               12.   FRA   Adelina Galyavieva & Louis Thauron
15.   GER   Paul Fentz                 15.   FIN   Jenni Saarinen               13.   GER   Annika Hocke & Robert Kunkel                    13.   FRA   Evgeniia Lopareva & Geoffrey Brissaud
16. GBR Peter James Hallam             16.   FRA   Mae Berenice Meite           14. GBR Zoe Jones & Christopher Boyadji                     14.   GER   Katharina Mueller & Tim Dieck
17.   ISR   Alexei Bychenko            17. GEO Alina Urushadze                  15. HUN Ioulia Chtchetinina & Mark Magyar                   15. GBR Lilah Fear & Lewis Gibson
18.   ITA   Daniel Grassl              18.   GER   Nicole Schott
                                                                                16.   ISR   Anna Vernikov & Evgeni Krasnopolski             16. HUN Anna Yanovskaya & Adam Lukacs
19.   ITA   Matteo Rizzo               19. GBR Natasha Mckay
                                                                                17.   ITA   Nicole Della Monica & Matteo Guarise            17.   ISR   Shira Ichilov & Laurent Abecassis
20.   JPN   Yuzuru Hanyu               20. HKG Yi Christy Leung
21.   JPN   Yuma Kagiyama              21. HUN Julia Lang                       18.   ITA   Rebecca Ghilardi & Filippo Ambrosini            18.   ITA   Charlene Guignard & Marco Fabbri

22.   JPN   Shoma Uno                  22.   ISR   Nelli Ioffe                  19.   JPN   Riku Miura & Ryuichi Kihara                     19.   ITA   Carolina Moscheni & Francesco Fioretti
23. KAZ Mikhail Shaidorov              23.   ITA   Lara Naki Gutmann            20. NED Daria Danilova & Michel Tsibato                     20.   JPN   Misato Komatsubara & Tim Koleto
24.   LAT   Deniss Vasiljevs           24.   JPN   Rika Kihira                  21.   FSR   Aleksandra Boikova & Dmitrii Kozlovskii         21.   LTU   Allison Reed & Saulius Ambrulevicius
25. MEX Donovan Carrillo               25.   JPN   Satoko Miyahara
                                                                                22.   FSR   Anastasia Mishina & Aleksandr Galliamov         22. NED Chelsea Verhaegh & Sherim Van Geffen
26. KOR Junhwan Cha                    26.   JPN   Kaori Sakamoto
                                                                                23.   FSR   Evgenia Tarasova & Vladimir Morozov             23. POL Natalia Kaliszek & Maksym Spodyriev
27.   FSR   Mikhail Kolyada            27.   LAT   Angelina Kuchvalska
28.   FSR   Evgeni Semenenko           28.   LTU   Elzbieta Kropa               24. UKR Sofiia Holichenko & Artem Darenskyi                 24.   FSR   Victoria Sinitsina & Nikita Katsalapov

29. SWE Nikolaj Majorov                29. NED Lindsay Van Zundert              25. USA Ashley Cain-Gribble & Timothy Leduc                 25.   FSR   Alexandra Stepanova & Ivan Bukin
30.   SUI   Lukas Britschgi            30.   PHI   Alisson Krystle Perticheto   26. USA Alexa Knierim & Brandon Frazier                     26.   FSR   Tiffani Zagorski & Jonathan Guerreiro
31. TUR Basar Oktar                    31. POL Ekaterina Kurakova                                                                           27.   ESP   Sara Hurtado & Kirill Khaliavin
32. UKR Ivan Shmuratko                 32. KOR Yelim Kim
                                                                                                                                            28. TUR Yuliia Zhata & Berk Akalin
33. USA Jason Brown                    33. KOR Haein Lee
                                                                                                                                            29. UKR Alexandra Nazarova & Maxim Nikitin
34. USA Nathan Chen                    34.   FSR   Anna Shcherbakova
                                                                                                                                            30. USA Madison Chock & Evan Bates
35. USA Vincent Zhou                   35.   FSR   Alexandra Trusova
                                       36.   FSR   Elizaveta Tuktamysheva                                                                   31. USA Kaitlin Hawayek & Jean-Luc Baker
                                       37.   SLO   Dasa Grm                                                                                 32. USA Madison Hubbell & Zachary Donohue
                                       38. SWE Josefin Taljegård
                                       39.   SUI   Alexia Paganini
                                       40. UKR Anastasiia Arkhipova
                                       41. USA Karen Chen
                                       42. USA Bradie Tennell

                                  44                                                                                                   45
Schedule                                        N°1
 As of March 15 2021. Subject to change.

                                                       en Institut de Beauté
                                                       en France
Date         Time       Event

             All day    Official Practice
                                                       No.1 Professional Skincare
March 22

             All day    Official Practice              brand in France
March 23

             10:00      Ladies – Short Programme
             17:30      Opening Ceremony on Ice
March 24
             18:30      Pairs – Short Programme

             11:30      Men – Short Programme
March 25     18:10      Pairs – Free Skating
                        Victory Ceremony – Pairs

                        Ice Dance – Rhythm Dance

             18:00      Ladies – Free Skating
                                                         Soins Visage
March 26
                        Victory Ceremony – Ladies
                                                         Face Treatments
                                                                             ”Pages reserved for IMG to include:
             11:00      Men – Free Skating                                        Back inside cover page”
Saturday,               Victory Ceremony – Men
March 27     17:00      Ice Dance – Free Dance
                        Victory Ceremony – Ice Dance

             14:30      Gala Exhibition
March 28

                                                          Soins Corps
                                                         Body Treatments

                                                          Hair Removal

                       46                                                                   47                        Droits visuels valables jusqu’à fin 2024. À ne plus exposer au-delà.
                                                                                                                   Rights to the visual valid until the end of 2024. Do not use after that.
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