Official 2013 Oneida County Travel Guide

Official 2013 Oneida County Travel Guide
Official 2013 Oneida County Travel Guide | 800.426.3132
Official 2013 Oneida County Travel Guide
Turn Upstate travel into
           an uplifting escape.
                  “Most Excellent Golf Resort, U.S. & Canada”
                                                                      –Condé Nast Johansens

                                                                                       |          |         |
                                                                          STAY GOLF MEET SPA DINE ENTERTAINMENT CASINO |                               |
Enhance your visit to Oneida County with a distinctive mix of exciting
recreation and serene retreat location. Immerse yourself in blissful spa
services, romantic dining, world-class entertainment and three of Golfweek’s
“Best Courses You Can Play in New York State.” Take an easy trip to the
comfortable luxury of our AAA Four Diamond resort.

                                                                                                                 Proudly owned and operated by the Oneida Indian Nation
Learn more at or call 800.771.7711.                                          Verona, New York • 30 miles east of Syracuse • Exit 33 off the NYS Thruway
Official 2013 Oneida County Travel Guide
utica boilermaker
                                                         oneida lake   post-race party

                                                      wolf oak acres   black river canal trail

                       welCOme TO
                      Oneida COunTy   Official 2013 Oneida County Travel Guide

Warmest Gree tings,                                                                                     Table Of COnTenTs
                                                                                                 Oneida County Map             2
Oneida County is Central New York’s           simulcast racing, concerts and more. Take
                                                                                                 Website & Oneida County App   3
Getaway Region. Cities bustling with          in a Broadway show at The Stanley in Utica
international flair as well as quaint towns   and savor our unique culinary diversity            Utica Area                    4
and villages offering a wide variety of       that will please everyone’s palette.               Rome Area                     5
year round attractions, signature events                                                         North Country Area            6
and adventures. Nestled in the foothills      Reenergize your game! Tee up for des-
                                                                                                 Southern Hills Area           7
of the Adirondack Mountains, our conve-       tination golf and play a different course
nient location provides a quick and easy      every day for a month. Lush fairways and           Sylvan Beach Area             8
getaway via the NYS Thruway (I-90),           velvet greens dot the landscape. Choose            Signature Seasonal Events     9
Amtrak Train and air service to Hancock       from 29 courses with another ten nearby.           Arts & Entertainment          10
International Airport in nearby Syracuse.                                                        Family Fun                    14
                                              Use this guide for more ideas of things to
                                                                                                 Historic Sites                16
Reconnect with family fun! Our lakes and      see and do, where to eat, and places to
beaches offer endless summer recreation       stay. Whether you are on vacation, a busi-         Destination Golf              18
at Verona Beach State Park, Delta Lake        ness trip, or visiting family and friends,         Outdoor Recreation            20
State Park, and Sylvan Beach…an authen-       we wish you warm greetings and invite              Winter Adventure              24
tic beachfront community situated where       you to return again soon. Get away to it
                                                                                                 Shopping & Factory Tours      26
the historic Erie Canal enters Oneida         all in Oneida County, New York.
Lake, New York’s largest inland lake. Visit                                                      College Life                  28
two National Parks, ride the Adirondack                                                          Spas                          29
Scenic Railroad, and let the kids be cre-                                                        AgriTourism                   30
ative at the Children’s Museum.               Safe travels,                                      Culinary Delights             31
                                                                                                 Where to Dine                 32
Rekindle the romance! Enjoy world-class
entertainment, gaming, spas, and res-                                                            Where to Stay                 41
taurants at Turning Stone Resort Casino.      Kelly Blazosky                                     Special Events & Gatherings   47
Vernon Downs Casino Hotel offers sea-         President,                                         Transportation & Community    48
sonal harness racing, year round gaming,      Oneida County Tourism

                                            | 1
Official 2013 Oneida County Travel Guide
Map of Oneida County
Explore the best of what Central New York has to
offer when you…get away to it all in Oneida County!



                                                                                                              oneida county
                                                                                                             welcome center


                                                                                                                          nortH country

                                                                                                                      sylvan    ut
                                                                                                                      beacH       ic


                                                                                                           distances to oneida county
                                                                                                           city                        miles   Hours
                                                                                                           Albany, NY                    90     1.5
                                                                                                           Atlantic City, NJ           350      5.5
                                                                                                           Binghamton, NY              130        2
                                                                                                           Boston, MA                  275      4.5
                                                                                                           Buffalo, NY                 200      3.5
                                                                                     250 air mile radius   Burlington, VT              185      4.5
                                                                                                           Cleveland, OH               380        6
oneida county welcome center                                                                               Concord, NH                 310        5
P.O. Box 551                                                                                               Cooperstown, NY               40       1
NYS Thruway, Exit 31
                                                                                                           Hartford, CT                200        3
Utica, NY 13503
t 800.426.3132 | f 315.724.7335                                                                            Harrisburg, PA              270      4.5                                                                               Montreal, Quebec            250      4.5                                                                                    New York City, NY           225        4
Design: Trainor Associates, New Hartford                                                                   Niagara Falls, NY           210      3.5
Printing: Vicks Lithograph, Yorkville
                                                                                                           Ottawa, Ontario             240        5
® I LOVE NEW YORK logo is a registered trademark/                                                          Philadelphia, PA            270        5
  service mark of the NYS Dept. of Economic
  Development, used with permission.                                                                       Pittsburgh, PA              410      6.5
please NOTe: We want you to experience the best that                                                       Providence, RI              250        4
Oneida County has to offer. However, please understand
that changes often occur with attractions. Hours change,
                                                                                                           Rochester, NY               140        2
days of operation change and, unfortunately, some attrac-                                                  Scranton, PA                180        3
tions close. So, to ensure your visit to the Getaway Region
will be unforgettable, please contact Oneida County Tour-                                                  Syracuse, NY                  54       1
ism and/or the attraction before your trip,to verify the
attraction will be open when you visit. For more information                                               Toronto, Ontario            300      3.5
on events and attractions visit                                                       Washington, DC              400        8
©   2013 Oneida County Tourism                                                                             Watertown, NY                 82       2

                                                                                 2 | 800.426.3132
Official 2013 Oneida County Travel Guide
                                                                            Our website puts events, places and things at your fingertips.
                                                                            Comprehensive listings, video highlights, photo slide-show,
                                                                            packages and articles fill you in on what there is to see and do.

                                                                            Plan your visit with our interactive MY TRIP feature which en-
                                                                            ables you to pinpoint your interests and map out your activities.
                                                                            The Calendar of Events gives you a chronological picture of
                                                                            what’s happening and when. Our interactive map takes you to
                                                                            your favorite place or pastime.

                                                                            Become a fan of Oneida County on Facebook, check out our
                                                                            gallery on Flickr and view our TV spots on YouTube. Get away
                                                                            to it all (virtually and in person)…in Oneida County.
fOllOw us On:

Go Mobile
The Oneida County Tourism mobile App, (for iPhone, iPad and Android) is available
as a free download on the App Store and on Google Play.

App features include detailed listings of area events and attractions, a trip planner with
an interactive map, Central New York Travel Show podcasts, local weather, as well as
search and share options.

    When the county fair opens in most places,
    it’s a big deal. But in New York it’s a lot harder to stand out from
    the crowd. So if the hundreds of fairs across the state want to turn
    heads, they’d better be every bit as glitzy and exciting as the city.
    Fashionista Carnivals.
          Another reason,

                                                                                   Create your free personal Travel Guide at
                                                                                    ™ I LOVE NEW YORK logo is a trademark/service mark of the NYS Dept. of Economic Development (NYSDED).
                                                                                                                       ©2009 NYS Department of Economic Development. All rights reserved.

                                               | 3
Official 2013 Oneida County Travel Guide
tHe stanley

                                                     Clark Mills      Oriskany           Whitesboro
                                                     Deerfield        Rome               Whitestown
                                                     Marcy            Utica              Yorkville

A Renaissance C ity.                                 New Hartford
                                                     New York Mills
                                                                      Washington Mills

Nestled in the vibrant foothills of the      famous works of art at the Munson-Wil-             Take part in the
Adirondacks, the city of Utica is rich in    liams-Proctor Institute’s Museum of Art,           region's signature
                                                                                                                      hOme Of The
culture and history. Utica began with the    one of four museums designed by archi-             event, the Utica
                                                                                                                      6Th larGesT
settlement of old Fort Schuyler during the   tect Philip Johnson.                               Boilermaker Road CrafT brewery.
French & Indian War and evolved with a                                                          Races, held the       F.X. Matt Brewery
burgeoning nation. The Revolutionary         Tour the F. X. Matt Brewery, the 6th largest       second Sunday of
War, the construction and implementation     craft brewery in the nation, and sample            July, attracting over
of the Erie Canal, and the textile boom      Utica Club, the first beer licensed for sale       18,500 runners from all over the world.
of the 19th century feature prominently      in the U.S. after prohibition. See a Broad-        The week-long celebration culminates
in the city’s development. The brilliant     way show at The Stanley. Visit Sculpture           in a challenging 15K (9.3 miles) road
Olmstead Brothers designed Utica's           Space or the Children’s Museum. Take a             race and huge post-race party where the
magnificent parklands which encompass        relaxing journey on the Adirondack Sce-            whole city comes to celebrate!
565 acres and includes Valley View golf      nic Railroad departing from Utica's historic
course and Val Bialas ski area.              Union Station.                                     The possibilities are endless. Play golf, ten-
                                                                                                nis, and picnic in our many parks. See over
Easily accessible in the heart of Central          hOme Of One Of The                           200 animals from around the world at the
New York, this city of historic landmarks        larGesT 15K rOad raCes.                        Utica Zoo, or catch a Utica Brewers colle-
                                                    Utica Boilermaker Road Race
and modern diversity offers visitors a                                                          giate baseball game while you're in town.
world of things to see and do.You can dine
around the globe in scores of excellent
                                                                                                           To learn more about Utica visit
ethnic and American restaurants. View

                                                                          utica boliermaker
 utica zoo                                                                    15k road race   adirondack scenic railroad

                                                           4 | 800.426.3132
Official 2013 Oneida County Travel Guide
delta lake
                                                                                                                                                      state park

                                                         Clark Mills           Oriskany           Whitesboro
                                                         Deerfield             Rome               Whitestown
                                                         Marcy                 Utica              Yorkville

The Copper C ity.                                        New Hartford
                                                         New York Mills
                                                                               Washington Mills

                                                                                                         resTinG plaCe Of
                                                troops, it became known as “the fort that
                                                                                                         The pledGe Of
                                                never surrendered.” The Battle of Oris-                  alleGianCe auThOr.
                                                kany was fought just six miles away in                   Francis J. Bellamy
                                                1777, and was one of the war’s bloodiest
                                                and costliest engagements.
                                                                                                         Take the kids to the Fort Rickey Children’s
                                                The copper works Paul Revere founded                     Discovery Zoo, a special zoo with kids
                                                in 1801 continues as the Revere Copper                   and fun in mind. Enjoy fine ethnic and
                                 fort stanwix   Company, with a manufacturing division                   American cuisine at one of Rome’s super-
                           national monument
                                                in Rome. The Erie Canal broke ground                     lative restaurants or dinner theatre at The
                                                here in 1817, and in 1892, Rome resi-                    Beeches. Stroll the tree-lined shores of
Rome, like its famous namesake, has             dent Francis Bellamy wrote the Pledge                    Delta Lake State Park and the nature trails
a vibrant presence and a prominent              of Allegiance.                                           of the Rome Sand Plains. Check out the
history. Rome evolved from a fortified                                                                   Visitor's Center at Rome Fish Hatchery
trading post at the head of the Mohawk          Today Rome is renowned as a city of                      and see how Brook and Brown Trout are
River in the mid-1700s. Located on one of       famous sites, natural wonders, recreation                raised by the millions. Enjoy skiing, sail-
the most noted military and commercial          and entertainment. Discover the roots of                 ing, fishing, hiking, biking, and more. All
routes on the continent, it was known as        the Revolution at Fort Stanwix National                  roads lead to the perfect spot!
the Oneida Carrying Place or Deo-Wain-          Monument and the Oriskany Battlefield.
Sta to the tribal people of the Iroquois Six                                                                         To learn more about Rome visit
                                                Tour the authentic 19th century structures                 
Nations. Rome’s historic Fort Stanwix,          at the Erie Canal Village.
constructed in 1758 to protect the Car-
rying Place from French attack during
the French and Indian War, also hosted
the Continental Army forces during the
Revolutionary War. Besieged by British

                 hOme Of The
                 wOrld series Of
                                                 fort rickey cHildren's discovery zoo                   erie canal
                 Toccolana Club

                                                | 5
Official 2013 Oneida County Travel Guide
Hinckley reservoir

                                                                     Annsville              Camden         Holland Patent   Steuben             Westernville
                                                                     Ava                    Florence       Lee              Stittville          Westdale

                                                                     Alder Creek            Floyd          Lee Center       Taberg              Woodgate
                                                                     Barneveld              Forestport     Prospect         Trenton
                                                                     Boonville              Hinckley       Remsen           Western

An Outdoor Lovers Paradise.

Located in the Adirondack foothills and
the southwestern tip of the Adirondack
Park, Oneida County’s North Country is           hOme Of The
dotted with lakes, streams, hills, and for-      nys wOOdsmen's
                                                 field days
ests of breathtaking beauty and historical       Boonville
interest. Rich with living history and nat-
ural wonders, it was home and hunting
grounds to the Iroquois tribes for centu-        Today you can follow in the footsteps of his-
ries. Eighteenth century luminaries like         tory or make a little of your own. Take a tour
                                                                                                                            remsen barn festival of tHe arts
William Floyd, signer of the Declaration         of the Black River Canal Museum in Boon-                                                            remsen

of Independence, and Baron von Steuben,          ville or Baron von Steuben’s historic home
Revolutionary architect of military tactics      in the Town of Steuben. Enjoy heritage cel-
who helped guide Colonial forces to vic-         ebrations like the wonderful Remsen Barn
tory, made their homes here.                     Festival of the Arts and the New York State
                                                 Woodsmen's Field Days.
In the 19th century the Black River Canal,
a 77-mile engineering marvel, was built to       Go trophy fishing in the West Canada
connect the Erie Canal with the Black River.     Creek. Visit Mystic Stamp in the Queen
And, during the Civil War, Trenton Falls was     Village of Camden. Tour the scenic Trenton                                              snowmobile trails
chosen by Governor Seward, Lincoln’s             Falls, open to the public four times a year.
Secretary of State, to be the site for a vital
meeting with international diplomats. The        From the shores of Hinckley Reservoir
spectacular falls was meant to impress the       to the colorful vistas at Pixley Falls, pic-
group whose support was needed by the            turesque villages and historic homes,
Union against the Confederates.                  nature walks and picnic spots, with excep-
                                                 tional places to swim, sail, fish, hike, kayak,
         hOme TO a siGner                        canoe, ski, and sled are yours to enjoy.
         Of The deClaraTiOn
         Of independenCe.                                    To learn more about the North Country visit                                         erwin park
         William Floyd, Westernville                                                                  boonville

                                                                6 | 800.426.3132
Official 2013 Oneida County Travel Guide
Hamilton colleGe

sOuThern hills
                                                                                                    Augusta           Kirkland            Sangerfield
                                                                                                    Bridgewater       Knoxboro            Sauquoit
                                                                                                    Clayville         Marshall            Waterville

Picturesque Villages and Farms with Historic Charm.
                                                                                                    Clinton           Oriskany Falls
                                                                                                    Deansboro         Paris

                                                George Eastman, was born in the nearby                          hOme Of Over
                                                village of Waterville in 1854, around the                       48 milliOn GallOns
                                                same time that the residents and merchants                      Of milK prOduCed
                                                of the Southern Hills were being preyed                         Oneida County Dairy Farms
                                                upon by the Loomis Gang, notorious horse
                                                thieves and counterfeiters.                               To learn about the Southern Hills region visit
                                                Enjoy the garden and nature walks at
                                                historic Root Glen on the campus of            Visit the windmill farms, at the forefront
                              farmer's market
                                   waterville   Hamilton College. Retrace the footsteps        of green energy. See agri-businesses
                                                of the ancient tribes. Discover the pic-       like the numerous dairy farms of Oneida
From the charm of the Hamilton College          turesque New England-style village of          County that produce 48 million gallons
campus to the untamed splendor of its           Clinton with its artisan shops, specialty      of milk annually. See exhibitions by local
forests and streams, the Southern Hills of      stores, restaurants, cafés and pristine vil-   and world famous artists at the Kirkland
Oneida County is one of the loveliest areas     lage green which plays host to scores of       Arts Center. Cruise along on the his-
in the state. Historic home to Oneida and       events throughout the year. Tour the local     toric Route 20 Scenic Byway. Tee off on an
Brothertown Indians, this scenic area is rich   architecture, the quaint shops and old-        emerald green; hike, bike, fish,
in history, agriculture, and natural beauty.    fashioned farmers' markets in Waterville,      or bird-watch, and experience
In 1787, the picturesque village of Clinton     Oriskany Falls and Clinton.                    numerous Nationally Registered
was settled by pioneer families led by the                                                     historic sites all in the Southern
dynamic Revolutionary War Captain Moses                                                        Hills of Oneida County.
Foote. Five years later, Hamilton Oneida
Academy was founded by the Reverend
Samuel Kirkland, a school that evolved and
was officially chartered in 1812 as Hamilton
College. International giant Bristol Myers
began in Clinton in 1887, and in 1912,
American statesman and Clintonian Elihu
Root was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
Another American icon, Kodak founder                                                                                                        route 20

                                               | 7
Official 2013 Oneida County Travel Guide
sunset cottaGes
sylvan beacH

Vernon, Verona, Sherrill and                                                                      Blossvale             Vernon

sylvan beaCh
                                                                                                  McConnellsville       Vernon Center
                                                                                                  Oneida Castle         Verona
                                                                                                  Sherrill              Verona Beach

At the Corner of Beach and Canal.
                                                                                                  Sylvan Beach          Vienna

                                                                                  vernon downs                             oneida community mansion
                                                                                        vernon                                              sHerrill

Since the 1800s people have been flocking    sailing, fishing, nature hikes, or just relax-      plus a casino, fine dining, accommodations,
to The Beach for the sand and the sun, the   ing in the sun.                                     concerts and daily racing simulcasts.
food and the fun, the water and the spec-
tacular sunsets. The historic community of   The Silver City of Sherrill has its own place       In the nearby town of Oneida, you can
Sylvan Beach is nestled on the shores of     in history. Known as the Turkey Street Set-         explore the Shako:wi Cultural Center, an
Oneida Lake, the largest lake in New York    tlement in the mid-19th century, it was the         Oneida Indian Nation museum with an
State. Landmarks include Union Chapel,       home of the utopian Oneida Community                impressive collection of artifacts and art-
built in 1887, the 1896 Amusement Park,      until 1880 and the birthplace of the sil-           work, traditional crafts, and photographic
and the 1915 Lighthouse at Verona Beach.     verware giant Oneida Limited. Today you             images on display.
                                             can tour the Oneida Community Mansion
Visit the wonderful midway at Sylvan Beach   House, a National Historic Landmark. Enjoy                       To learn about the Sylvan Beach area visit
Amusement Park, with everything from         the gardens and seasonal events, or shop
bumper cars and bumper boats to the          for gifts at the Oneida Factory Store.
Galaxi roller coaster, Central New York's
largest roller coaster. Oneida Lake offers   Verona is home to Turning Stone Resort
water sports and restaurants, picnics,       Casino, a 1,200-acre resort featuring lux-
                                             urious accommodations, championship
                                             golf courses, spas, restaurants, and enter-
                  hOme Of                    tainment on a grand scale. Racing anyone?
                  new yOrK sTaTe's           Vernon Downs Casino Hotel features the
                  larGesT laKe.                                                                                           turninG stone resort casino
                  Oneida Lake                legendary Miracle Mile Harness Race track                                                        verona

                                                           8 | 800.426.3132
boonville snow festival                            saranac tHursdays                          utica boilermaker                     fort rickey fall fun fest
                                  boonville                                         utica                                       utica                                        rome

                                               + 2 013 S iGNAT U R E SE A SONA L E V E N T S +

               GeT away TO
                4 seasOns             Oneida County has events and attractions for every season.

winter                                         spring                                       summer                                      fall
January                                        april                                        July                                        October
                                               WiNe & ChOCOlaTe FesTival                    uTiCa BOileRmakeR ROaD RaCe                 Fall aRTs FesTival
aNNual mOhaWk valley aNTiqueFesT                                  
                                               ROme hOme shOW                               CliNTON aRT ROCks                           aNNual COppeR WiRe RuN
aNNual TOy TRaiN shOW                                                  
                                               may                                          BavaRiaN FesTival                           FORT RiCkey Fall FuN FesTival
                                               Bikes aT The BeaCh
BOONville sNOW FesTival                                                                                 BOONville-ONeiDa COuNTy FaiR                hallOWeekeNDs
                                               NaTiONal DisTaNCe RuNNiNg
val Bialas sNO-BOx DeRBy                       hall OF Fame RaCes                           gReaT ameRiCaN iRish FesTival                                                                                              spOOkTaCulaR
maRDi gRas paRTy                               kiRklaND aRT CeNTeR aNNual RuN & Walk        hONOR ameRiCa Days                                                       symphONy syRaCuse CONCeRT                   november
                                                                                                               CliNTON FiNe aRTs & CRaFTs shOW
march                                          June                                                                           
ameRiCa's gReaTesT heaRT RuN & Walk            FaRm FesT                                    aNNual veTTes aT The BeaCh                                        WONDeRlaND OF lighTs
uTiCa sT. paTRiCk's Day paRaDe                 WiNe iN The WilDeRNess                       august                                                       DRums alONg The mOhaWk                      pOlaR expRess
Nys puBliC high sChOOl                         sTONe sOup sTORyTelliNg FesTival
hOCkey ChampiONships                                            ROme CaNalFesT                              sauquOiT valley FiNe aRTs & CRaFTs shOW                                                                                        
                                               saRaNaC ThuRsDays
skaTiNg CluB OF uTiCa's aNNual iCe shOW                                  aNNual uTiCa ZOO BReWFesT                   ChRisTmas ON maiN sTReeT                                                                                            
                                               FROg FesT plus RODeO
ChilDReN's museum aNNual sCieNCe FaiR                               CapiTOlFesT 11 Film FesTival                CliNTON hOliDay sTROll                                                                                      
                                               heRB & FlOWeR FesTival
                                                  CaNal FesT - sylvaN BeaCh                   december
                                                                                                             viCTORiaN yuleTiDe
                                               muNsON-Williams-pROCTOR aRTs FesTival                                          
                                                                         Nys WOODsmeN's FielD Days
                                                                                                         The NuTCRaCkeR BalleT
                                                                                            CRuisiN iNTO WaTeRville                     sCROOge
                                                                                            RemseN BaRN FesTival OF The aRTs            a TuBa ChRisTmas
                Visit to
                see the full list of upcoming events                                        uTiCa ROaDRuNNeRs FalliNg leaves RaCe

                                                                  | 9
+ A rts & enterta i nment +

               get away to
                the arts
                                            Home of Over
                                         Twenty-Five Thousand
                                            Works of Art.
                                                Arts Institute, Utica

munson-williams-proctor arts institute

                                                   10 | 800.426.3132
rome art & community center                    sculpture space
                                                          rome                                           utica

                                                          Resort Casino. Enjoy dinner theatre at The      superbly restored 1850 Italianate man-
                                                          Beeches, the Players of Utica and other         sion that showcases room after room
                                                          regional stage productions. See vintage         of fine Victorian decorative arts and
                                                          movies and plays at the Capitol Theatre;        furnishings.
 tHe stanley
 utica                                                    live music at clubs, coffee houses, and
                                                          in concert; classical and modern dance,         See artists in action at Sculpture Space in
                                                          stand up comedy, sporting events, films,        Utica, or the visit their unique installations
What does a Picasso, a horse race, Scampi                 and more. Hear the area's best musicians        at Griffiss International Sculpture Garden
alla Millanese, and a world-class comic                   at Saranac Thursday's, the Utica Music          in Rome. Visit the Kirkland Art Center in
have in common? They’re all part of the                   and Arts Fest, and the Betsy Concert            Clinton, where local and world-renowned
manifest of attractions in Oneida County.                 Series at Lock 20 in Marcy.                     artists show their works and wares. There
                                                                                                          are scores of delightful venues to explore
From the Baroque halls of the historic                    Art lovers can spend a day with Picasso         in Oneida County.
Stanley Theatre to the sleek Modernist                    and Pollock, Kandinsky and O’Keefe,
architecture of the Museum of Art, Oneida                 Mondrian and Whistler. The Munson-
County has everything from Broadway                       Williams-Proctor Arts Institute is home
hits to old masters on display.                           to more than 25,000 works housed in
                                                          the splendid, near-celestial light of Philip    hOme Of
Our stages will bring you the world,                      Johnson’s 1960 architectural masterpiece,       ThOmas COle's
including dazzling headliners at The                      which was recently listed on the National      “vOyaGe Of life”
Stanley and on stage at Turning Stone                                                                     painTinGs
                                                          Register of Historic Places. Adjacent to        Munson-Williams-
                                                          the Museum of Art is Fountain Elms, a           Proctor Museum of Art
               Visit to find the
               latest on gallery openings, stage shows,
               music performances, concerts and more.

 wellin museum of art
 Hamilton colleGe
 clinton                                                                                                                                       Nancy L. Ford

                                                          | 11
kiss at tHe
       turninG stone events center

Griffiss international          art rocks!                                                   saranac tHursdays                                            capitol tHeatre                mvcc cultural series
    sculpture Garden            clinton                                                      utica                                                        rome                           utica

       arts & entertainment                                                                    Galleries & Performing Art C enters.
       BROaDWay TheaTRe league               DODge pRaTT NORTham                maRquee CiNemas                   RemseN peRFORmiNg &                  sCulpTuRe spaCe                   uNiTy hall
       258 Genesee Street                    aRT CeNTeR                         aT The ORChaRD                    visual aRTs CeNTeR                   12 Gates Street                   103 Vanderkemp Avenue
       Utica, NY 13501                       106 Schuyler Street                20 Ellinwood Drive                9627 Main Street                     Utica, NY 13502                   Barneveld, NY 13304
       315-724-7196                          Boonville, NY 13309                New Hartford, NY 13413            Remsen, NY 13438                     315-724 -8381                     315-896-4465                     315-942-5133                       315-768-3184                      315-831-2787                     
       Presenting Touring                                          International and local artists
       Broadway Shows.                       eDiTh laNgley BaRReTT              muNsON-Williams-pROCTOR
                                                                                                                                                       create innovative contemporary    uTiCa maeNNeRChOR
                                                                                                                  ROme aRT &                           art at this unique studio,        5535 Flanagan Road
                                             FiNe aRT galleRy                   aRTs iNsTiTuTe                    COmmuNiTy CeNTeR
       CapiTOl TheaTRe                       aT uTiCa COllege                   310 Genesee Street                308 W. Bloomfield Street             competing worldwide for one of    Marcy, NY 13403
       220 W. Dominick Street                1600 Burrstone Road                                                  Rome, NY 13440                       20 coveted 2–month fellowships.   315-735-5882
                                                                                Utica, NY 13502
       Rome, NY 13440                        Utica, NY 13501                                                      315-336-1040                         By appointment.         
       315-337-6453                          315-792-5289                                               
                                                                                                                                    sT. CeCilia ORChesTRa             uTiCa memORial auDiTORium                                                                         Rome’s only multi-arts facility
                                                                                Museum of Art, Performing Arts,                                        aND ChORus                        400 Oriskany Street W.
       Rome’s historic Capitol Theatre                                                                            featuring a performing arts café,
                                                                                School of Art, Gift Gallery and                                        1101 Howard Avenue                Utica, NY 13502
       offers concerts, live stage shows,    gelsTON CasTle esTaTe                                                four art galleries, art workshops,
                                                                                Museum – admission free.                                               Utica, NY 13501                   315-738-0164
       classic movies, and special           980 Robinson Road                                                    seasonal events all housed in an
       events. The annual Capitolfest        Mohawk, NY 13407                                                                                          315-368-8753            
                                                                                mvCC auDiTORium                   historic Tudor mansion.    
       film festival attracts fans from      877-3-SAFFLYN                      ROme Campus
       around the world.                                                                                                                                                                 veRNON DOWNs
                                               1101 Floyd Avenue                 ROme CiNemas                         sTReBel auDiTORium                CasiNO & RaCiNg
                                                                                Rome, NY 13440                    1122 Erie Boulevard W.               uTiCa COllege                     4229 Stuhlman Road
       CNy glass & meTal sTuDiO              gleNWOOD mOvieplex                 315-731-5722                                                           1600 Burrstone Road
                                                                                                                  Rome, NY 13340                                                         Vernon, NY 13476
       12840 State Route 12                  2152 Glenwood                              315-334-4475                         Utica, NY 13502                   877-88-VERNON
       Boonville, NY 13309                   Shopping Plaza                                                                                            315-792-3006            
       315-525-2802                          Oneida, NY 13421                   mvCC TheaTeR aND                                             
                                                                                                                  ROme COmmuNiTy TheaTRe                                                 All-Suite hotel, casino with                          315-363-6338                       small WORks galleRy
                                                                                                                  8911 Turin Road                                                        750 video gaming slots, live
       Handblown glass, custom                                                  uTiCa Campus
                                                                                                                  Rome, NY 13442                       The sTaNley                       entertainment, seasonal harness
       blacksmithing and welding             gRiFFiss iNTeRNaTiONal             1101 Sherman Drive                                                     259 Genesee Street
                                             sCulpTuRe gaRDeN                                                     315-337-7666                                                           racing and several dining
       and fabrication services.                                                Utica, NY 13501                                                        Utica, NY 13501
                                             153 Brooks Road                                                                                           options all in scenic Central NY.
                                                                                315-731-5722                                                           315-724-4000
                                             Rome, NY 13441                                                       Live theater featuring musicals,                                       Smoke Free!
       ChaTham DiNNeR TheaTeR                                                                                      
       aT The BeeChes                        315-338-0393                                                         comedies, dramas and
       7900 Turin Road                                                  mysteries. Our regular seasons
                                                                                NeW upTOWN TheaTRe                                                     TuRNiNg sTONe ResORT CasiNO
       Rome, NY 13440                                                                                             runs each October through
                                                                                2014 Genesee Street                                                    5218 Patrick Road
       315-336-1700                          kiRklaND aRT CeNTeR                                                  May. Additional productions
                                                                                Utica, NY 13502                                                        Verona, NY 13478                    9½ E. Park Row                                                       are scheduled as time and
                                                                                315-797-0020                                                           800-771-7711
       Live production of comedies           Clinton, NY 13323                                                    resources permit.
       and musicals in a dinner              315-853-8871                       playeRs OF uTiCa                                                       Turning Stone offers
                                                                                                                  RuTh aND elmeR
       theatre setting year-round at the                          1108 State Street                 WelliN museum OF aRT                 luxurious AAA award-winning
       Beeches Restaurant in Rome.                                              Utica, NY 13502                   aT hamilTON COllege                  accommodations, five golf
                                                                                315-724-7624                      198 College Hill Road                courses, Vegas style gaming,
                                                                                      Clinton, NY 13323                    world-class spa services, a
                                                                                Greater Utica’s Community         315-859-4396                         danceclub, superb dining and
                                                                                Theatre since 1913.                       dazzling live entertainment.

                                                                                                     12 | 800.426.3132
Andy Warhol, Flowers, 1964
                                            Offset lithograph on paper, 23 1/8 x 23 1/8 in., Collection of The Andy Warhol Museum, Pittsburgh
                                                     ©2013 The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc. / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York


                                                     FROM A TO B AND BACK AGAIN

This exhibition has been organized by The Andy Warhol Museum, one of the four Carnegie Museums of Pittsburgh.
Sponsored in Utica, NY, by Gilroy Kernan and Gilroy, and Dr. and Mrs. Raouf Kodsy and Family.

                                            | 13
+ fam i ly fun +

           get away to
           family fun
                 Home to 1 Million Brown and
              Brook Trout Eggs Hatched Annually.
                         Rome Fish Hatchery, Rome

rome fish hatchery

                               14 | 800.426.3132
utica-rome speedway                                                                                                                                sylvan beacH amusement park
 vernon                                                                                                                                             sylvan beacH

 Herkimer diamond mines                                                    fort rickey cHildren's discovery zoo                                     utica zoo
 Herkimer                                                                  rome                                                                     utica

Oneida County is fun for kids of all ages                                  on four floors of interactive play at the                                 Fish all four seasons for bass, pike, and
with a diverse array of activities, events                                 Children’s Museum. Visit a dairy farm,                                    more in the streams, rivers, and lakes.
and amusements for all types of families                                   an orchard, a nature preserve. Test your
year round.                                                                skills on the Go-Kart track at Peterpaul                                  Play miniature golf, see a 3-D movie, have
                                                                           Recreation Park or watch the big boys                                     a memorable meal with an amazing sun-
At the Fort Stanwix National Monument,                                     race at Utica-Rome Speedway. Build sand                                   set. Take a Saranac Brewery tour and
the kids will love the exhibits and can                                    castles in the sun and make waves on our                                  enjoy a foaming mug of Saranac Root Beer.
even become an official junior ranger.                                     spectacular shores. Swim, fish, and sail in                               Dig or pan for phenomenal gemstones
See mammals, birds, and reptiles from                                      dozens of lakes and ponds.                                                believed to be close to 500 hundred mil-
around the world at the Utica Zoo and                                                                                                                lion years old at the Herkimer Diamond
Fort Rickey Children’s Discovery Zoo.                                      Visit the Rome Fish Hatchery's new visi-                                  Mines. The treasure is yours to keep!
Test drive the Galaxi roller coaster, ride                                 tor center. This facility hatches out more
the bumper cars, or take a chance and                                      than 1 million Brown and Brook Trout eggs                                 Enjoy spectacular annual events like the
test your arcade skills at the Historic                                    annually, and stocks rivers, streams, lakes,                              Utica Boilermaker Road Race weekend,
Sylvan Beach Amusement Park.                                               and ponds in 11 counties in New York.                                     the Remsen Barn Festival of the Arts,
                                                                                                                                                     the NYS Woodsmen’s Field Days, the
See what life was like in the 1800s at                                     Explore nature trails through Root Glen,                                  Boonville Oneida County Fair, and many
the Erie Canal Village. Take a ride on                                     the Utica Marsh, and the Rome Sand                                        more events throughout the year.
the Adirondack Scenic Railroad or on a                                     Plains. See the Parker Scripture Botanical
Cruise boat down the Erie. Experience                                      Gardens and Nature Trails at Cornell                                                        For more on family attractions and events
natural history, science, and technology                                   Cooperative Extension of Oneida County.

fun for the whole family                                                                                  At tractions for Kids of All Ages.
aDiRONDaCk sCeNiC RailROaD            ChilDReN's museum                    iNTeRNaTiONal BOxiNg               peTeRpaul ReCReaTiON paRk               sylvaN BeaCh                            uTiCa BReWeRs BaseBall
321 Main Street, Union Station        311 Main Street                      hall OF Fame                       5615 Rome-New London Road               amusemeNT paRk                          Donovan Stadium
Utica, NY 13501                       Utica, NY 13501                      1 Hall of Fame Drive               Rome, NY 13440                          Main Street                             Corner of Sunset Avenue
800-819-2291                          315-724-6129                         Canastota, NY 13032                315-339-2666                            Sylvan Beach, NY 13157                  and Burrstone Road                                  315-697-7095                              315-762-5212                            Utica, NY 13502
The Adirondack Scenic Railroad                                                             Affordable family fun featuring            315-796-0700
is a tourist railway operating from   FORT RiCkey ChilDReN's                                                  go-kart rides, bumper boat rides,                                     
Utica’s Union Station. Enjoy scenic   DisCOveRy ZOO                        NaTiONal BaseBall                  baseball/softball batting cages,        uTiCa BOileRmakeR ROaD RaCe
                                                                           hall OF Fame                                                               National Distance Running
trips through the Adirondacks or      5135 Rome-New London Road            25 Main Street                     kiddie go-karts, and arcade.                                                    uTiCa ZOO
our special excursion trains.         Rome, NY 13440                                                                                                  Hall of Fame                            99 Steele Hill Road
                                                                           Cooperstown, NY 13326                                                      114 Genesee Street
                                      315-336-1930                         888-HALL-OF-FAME                   ROme Fish haTCheRy                                                              Utica, NY 13501
BOONville-ONeiDa COuNTy FaiR                                                          8306 Fish Hatchery Road                 Utica, NY 13501                         315-738-0472
P.O. Box 775                          A special kind of zoo with kids                                         Rome, NY 13440                                                        
Boonville, NY 13309                   and fun in mind. Exotic and native   NaTiONal DisTaNCe RuNNiNg          315-337-1390                                           For over 98 years. The Utica
315-942-2251                          animals, petting areas, animal       hall OF Fame                                           The Boilermaker Road Race is            Zoo has been educating and                     shows, playgrounds.                  114 Genesee Street                                                         America’s Best 15K. Join us the         entertaining its visitors.
                                                                           Utica, NY 13502                    saRaNaC BReWeRy                         second Sunday in July.                  Open year round, visit today.
CeNTRal NeW yORk                      heRkimeR DiamOND miNes               315-724-4525                       830 Varick Street
ROlleR DeRBy                          4626 State Route 28                        Utica, NY 13502                         uTiCa-ROme speeDWay
P.O. Box 8827                         Herkimer, NY 13350                   National Distance Running Hall     800-765-6288                            5591 State Route 5
Utica, NY 13505                       1-800-562-0897                       of Fame is dedicated to honor                             Vernon, NY 13476                            the athletes who have impacted     Tour F.X Matt Brewing Company           315-829-4557
                                                                           the sport of Distance running in   where Saranac beers and soft  
                                                                           America.                           drinks are created. Stop in the         The Action track. Dirt Track racing
                                                                                                              1888 Tavern at end of tour for beer     at its best. Every Sunday night from
                                                                                                              and soft drink sampling.                April to September. Visit our website
                                                                                                                                                      for the current racing schedule.

                                                                             | 15
+ +h H
                                              i stor
                                                i stor
                                                     i ci cs istes
                                                               i tes+ +

                   get away
                  to history
                                       Home of Two
                                      National Parks.
                                     Fort Stanwix National Monument &
                                 Erie Canalway National Heritage Corridor

Fort Stanwix national monument

                                               16 | 800.426.3132
sHako:wi cultural center                                                          oriskany battlefield                                                                  fountain elms
                                                     oneida                                                                     oriskany                                                                           utica

See how history has played a major role in                                  its day. The village houses three museums                                  tory and lore, and find out more about the
Oneida County. Visit the Oriskany Battle-                                   plus period structures including Ben-                                      remarkable people.
field and Steuben Memorial for a first-                                     nett’s Tavern, the blacksmith’s shop, and
hand look at Colonial New York in the                                       railroad station.                                                          Enjoy a ride back in time to 1896 on
late 1700s. Experience how Fort Stanwix                                                                                                                Carello's Landmark Carousel on Main
played a pivotal role in preserving the                                     Visit the memorial of Baron von Steu-                                      Street in Sylvan Beach. Tour Fountain
ancient Oneida Carrying Place passage                                       ben, a Revolutionary hero, the tomb of                                     Elms for a room-by-room glimpse of life
by thwarting French attacks during the                                      Francis Bellamy, author of the Pledge of                                   in the Victorian era.
French and Indian War and British incur-                                    Allegiance, and Baggs Square where
sions during the Revolutionary War. The                                     General George Washington, General                                         Be inspired by the greats at the nearby
full-scale timber fort, reconstructed on the                                LaFayette, and Henry Clay stayed.                                          National Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooper-
actual site, is a living monument to what life                                                                                                         stown and the International Boxing Hall of
was like in our nation's formative years.                                   Experience the culture and history of the                                  Fame in Canastota.
                                                                            area’s original inhabitants at the Shako:wi
Jump ahead to 1820 at the Erie Canal Vil-                                   Cultural Center. See traditional Oneida                                                      To learn more about Oneida County history
lage to witness the engineering marvel of                                   Nation clothing and crafts, learn the his-

 black river canal museum

monuments, museums & halls                                                                                                       Live a Lit tle History.
aDiRONDaCk museum                   CaRRiage hOuse museum                  FOuNTaiN elms aT                   ONeiDa COuNTy                          RemiNgTON FiReaRms                    RuTgeR-sTeuBeN paRk
Route 28 & 30                       2 North Park Street                    muNsON-Williams-pROCTOR            hisTORiCal sOCieTy                     museum                                NaTiONal hisTORiC DisTRiCT
Blue Moutain Lake, NY 12812         Camden, NY 13316                       aRTs iNsTiTuTe                     1608 Genesee Street                    14 Hoefler Avenue                     Rutger Street
518-352-7311                        315-245-5685                           310 Genesee Street                 Utica, NY 13502                        Ilion, NY 13357                       Utica, NY                                                       Utica, NY 13502                    315-735-3642                           315-895-3200                          315-732-7376
                                    eRie CaNalWay NaTiONal                 315-797-8260                                                         
                                    heRiTage CORRiDOR                                      Full service museum, bookstore,        ROme hisTORiCal sOCieTy
Bagg's squaRe
                                    P.O. Box 219                                                              lecture and research center            200 Church Street                     shakO:Wi CulTuRal CeNTeR
100 Genesee Street                                                         h.p. seaRs Oil CO.
                                    Waterford, NY 12188                                                       located in the heart of Utica.         Rome, NY 13440                        5 Territory Road
Utica, NY 13502                                                            seRviCe sTaTiON museum
                                    518-237-7000                                                              Serving the Mohawk Valley since        315-336-5870                          Oneida, NY 13421
                                                 201 N. George Street
BOONville BlaCk RiveR                                                      Rome, NY 13440                     1876.                                     315-829-8801
CaNal museum                                                                                                                                         Museum-Genealogy Research   
                                    eRie CaNal village                     315-339-5180
502 Water Street                                                                                              ORiskaNy BaTTleFielD                   library- Gift Shop.
                                    5789 Rome-New London Road                         sTaTe hisTORiC siTe
P.O. Box 122                                                                                                                                                                               sTeuBeN memORial sTaTe
Boonville, NY 13309                 Rome, NY 13440                                                            7801 State Route 69                    ROme spORTs hall OF Fame              hisTORiC siTe
                                    315-337-3999                           heRkimeR hOme hisTORiC siTe        Oriskany, NY 13424                     & museum                              Starr Hill Road
315-942-6763                                                               200 State Route 169                                                       315-338-7730                           5790 Rome-New London Road             Remsen, NY 13438
                                    Erie Canal Village is a recon-         Little Falls, NY 13365                              Rome, NY 13440                        315-338-7730
The Boonville Black River Canal                                            315-823-0398
Museum is located in Boonville,     structed settlement on the site                                           New York State historic Site           315-337-5764                
                                    where the first shovelful of earth                       commemorating the Battle of  
New York at the junction of Main
Street and State Route 12 on the    was turned for the original Canal                                         Oriskany August 6, 1777. It is         The Professionally designed Rome      uNDeRgROuND RailROaD
                                                                           ONeiDa COmmuNiTy                                                                                                TRail TO FReeDOm
Banks of the Original Canal.        on July 4, 1817.                       maNsiON hOuse                      operated by Fort Stanwix National      Sports Hall of Fame and Museum
                                                                                                              Monument.                              features 52 exhibits honoring their
                                                                           170 Kenwood Avenue
CaRellO's laNDmaRk                  FORT sTaNWix                                                                                                     International, National, State,
                                    NaTiONal mONumeNT                      Oneida, NY 13421
CaROusel                                                                                                      ORiskaNy museum                        Regional Champions.
                                    100 N. James Street                    315-363-0745
Main Street                                                                                                   420 Utica Street                       Open Memorial Day – Labor Day
                                    Rome, NY 13440               
Sylvan Beach, NY 13157                                                                                        Oriskany, NY 13424
                                    315-338-7730                           Once home to the utopian Oneida
315-762-4361                                                                                                  315-736-7529
                                                     Community (1848-1880), the                                                                                   
                                    Discover how 800 people helped         National Historic Landmark
                                                                           houses a museum, residential       History Museum featuring Battle of
                                    change world history and how this                                         Oriskany, Village of Oriskany and
                                    fort lead to the American victory at   apartments, overnight lodging
                                                                           (includes breakfast and a tour),   USS Oriskany CV-34 Aircraft Carrier.
                                    Saratoga in 1777.
                                                                           and banquet and meeting space.
                                                                           Self-and guided-tours available.

                                                                              | 17
+ dest i nat i on golf +

                     Get away
                      to play
                     Home of 29 Golf Courses
                       Within 29 Minutes.

atunyote Golf club

                                18 | 800.426.3132
valley view Golf course                                                                  rome country club
 utica                                                                                    rome

Oneida County caters to golfers. Spend                      friends. Unwind in the evening at your                              Determined by the magazine’s nation-
a weekend, a day, or a season. Tee off on                   own pace. Take your pick of 300 fine res-                           wide team of sophisticated golf course
one of our splendid courses like the pan-                   taurants and scores of local attractions                            raters, the Top 40 list is reserved exclu-
oramic Valley View in Utica, designed by                    including Vernon Downs Casino and                                   sively for golf’s top layouts associated
the famous Robert Trent Jones, the ele-                     Harness Racing, Turning Stone Resort                                with a casino. Turning Stone is the only
gant Twin Ponds in New York Mills, or                       Casino, The Stanley, the clubs and pubs                             resort casino in the Unites States with
the spectacular Atunyote, Kaluhyat, or                      of Utica's Brewery District, museums, his-                          three courses on this prestigious list for
Shenendoah courses at Turning Stone.                        toric sites, sporting events, art exhibits,                         two consecutive years.
                                                            entertainment, shopping, and more.
Choose from any of our twenty-nine
fine courses. Perfect your swing or play                    In December 2012, Golfweek magazine
a round with a partner or a group of                        has presented Turning Stone with its most
                                                            recent honors by naming all three cham-
                                                            pionship 18-hole layouts – the Atunyote,
             To find more information about your next       Kaluhyat, and Shenendoah courses – to
             golf getaway visit   the “Top 40 Best Casino Courses” list.                               stay & play packaGes
                                                                                                                                 Pick up a Golf Getaways brochure
                                                                                                                                 showcasing our stay & play options
                                                                                                                                 as well as golf course information.
                                                                                                                                 It's available at the Welcome Center

Golf Courses                                   We have the course for you.
                                                                                                                                 at NYS Thruway, Exit 31, Utica.

alDeR CReek gOlF COuRse        CamRODeN gOlF &              DRiviNg RaNge aT The          NORTh shORe gOlF COuRse              sauquOiT kNOlls gOlF CluB      sulphuR spRiNgs
& COuNTRy iNN                  CROss COuNTRy ski CeNTeR     val Bialas spORTs CeNTeR      Hls 18 Ÿ­
                                                                                                  ­yds 2,750 Ÿ­
                                                                                                              ­par 35          Hls 9 Ÿ­
                                                                                                                                      ­yds 3,080 Ÿ­
                                                                                                                                                  ­par 36     gOlF COuRse
Hls 9 ­
       yds 3,178 ­
                  par 36       Hls 9 ­
                                      yds 3,700 ­
                                                 par 36     1312 Genesee Street           8062 Maple Flats Road                9807 Fairway Lane              Hls 18 Ÿ­
                                                                                                                                                                      ­yds 5,960 ­
                                                                                                                                                                                  par 71
11333 State Route 12           8233 Camroden Road           Utica, NY 13502               Cleveland, NY 13042                  Sauquoit, NY 13456             9256 Sulphur Springs Road
Alder Creek, NY 13301          Rome, NY 13440               315-266-4320                  315-675-8101                         315-737-8959                   Sauquoit, NY 13456
315-831-5222                   315-865-5771                                                                                            315-839-6261                                                                  ORiskaNy hills gOlF CluB             shamROCk gOlF
                               CResTWOOD gOlF CluB          hiDDeN valley gOlF CluB       Hls 9 Ÿ­
                                                                                                 ­yds 3,000 Ÿ­
                                                                                                             ­par 36           & COuNTRy CluB                 TWiN pONDs gOlF
aTuNyOTe gOlF CluB             Hls 18 ­
                                       yds 6,952 ­
                                                  par 72    Hls 18 ­
                                                                    yds 6,456 Ÿ­
                                                                               ­par 71                                         Hls 18 Ÿ­
                                                                                                                                       ­yds 6,323 Ÿ­
                                                                                                                                                   ­par 70    & COuNTRy CluB
                                                                                          8044 State Route 69                                                 Hls 18 Ÿ­
                                                                                                                                                                      ­yds 6,145 ­
                                                                                                                                                                                  par 70
Hls 18 ­
        yds 7,315 ­
                   par 72      State Route 291              189 Castle Road               Oriskany, NY 13424                   6295 Airport Road
State Route 31                 Marcy, NY 13403              Whitesboro, NY 13492                                               Oriskany, NY 13424             169 Main Street
                                                                                          315-736-4540                                                        New York Mills, NY 13417
Vernon, NY 13476                 315-736-9953                                                       315-336-9858
315-361-8006                   315-736-0478                                                                                     315-736-0550
                                                                                          pleasaNT kNOlls gOlF COuRse                                                                                                               sheNeNDOah gOlF CluB 
                                                                                          Hls 9 Ÿ­
                                                                                                 ­yds 3,393 Ÿ­
                                                                                                             ­par 36
                               CRysTal spRiNgs gOlF CluB    kaluhyaT gOlF CluB            4727 Stoney Brook Road               Hls 18 Ÿ­
                                                                                                                                       ­yds 7,162 ­
                                                                                                                                                   par 72
BaRkeR BROOk gOlF COuRse       Hls 9 ­
                                      yds 3,300 ­
                                                Ÿ­par 36    Hls 18 ­
                                                                    yds 7,105 Ÿ­
                                                                               ­par 72                                         5218 Patrick Road              valley vieW gOlF COuRse
                                                                                          Vernon, NY 13476                                                    Hls 18 Ÿ­
                                                                                                                                                                      ­yds 6,632 ­
                                                                                                                                                                                  par 71
Hls 18 ­
        yds 6,388 ­
                   par 72      6300 State Route 5           5218 Patrick Road             315-829-5192                         Verona, NY 13478
6080 Rogers Road               Vernon, NY 13476             Verona, NY 13478                                                   315-361-8518                   620 Memorial Parkway
                                                                                                                                    Utica, NY 13501
Oriskany Falls, NY 13425       315-829-3210                 315-361-8518                                             
315-821-6438                                                                                                                        315-732-8755
                                                                                          ROme COuNTRy CluB
                               DelTa kNOlls gOlF CeNTeR                                                                        sleepy hOllOW gOlF   
                                                                                          Hls 18 Ÿ­
                                                                                                  ­yds 6,800 Ÿ­
                                                                                                              ­par 72
BeaveR CReek gOlF CluB         Hls 9 ­
                                      yds 1,020 ­
                                                 par 27     mcCONNellsville gOlF CluB     5342 Rome-Taberg Road                Hls 18 Ÿ­
                                                                                                                                       ­yds 4,720 Ÿ­
                                                                                                                                                   ­par 68
Hls 9 ­
       yds 2,648 ­
                  par 33       8388 Elmer Hill Road         Hls 18 ­
                                                                    yds 6,317 Ÿ­
                                                                               ­par 70                                         8600 Country Club Drive        WesTmORelaND gOlF CluB
                                                                                          Rome, NY 13440                                                      Hls 9 Ÿ­
                                                                                                                                                                     ­yds 3,790 Ÿ­
                                                                                                                                                                                 ­par 36
5219 Rome-Taberg Road          Rome, NY 13440               3007 McConnellsville Road     315-336-6464                         Rome, NY 13440
Rome, NY 13440                 315-339-1280                 McConnellsville, NY 13401                                          315-336-4110                   6905 Fairway Drive
                                                                                                                                 Westmoreland, NY 13490
315-337-0920                                                315-245-1157                  Rome Country Club is a Golf
                               DOmeNiCO’s gOlF COuRse                                                                       315-853-8914
                                                                                          Digest rated four star champion-     sTONeBRiDge gOlF
BRaNDy BROOk gOlF COuRse       Hls 18 ­
                                       yds 6,715 ­
                                                  par 72                                  ship course. It measures back to     & COuNTRy CluB                 WOODgaTe piNes gOlF CluB
Hls 9 ­
       yds 3,195 ­
                  par 36       13 Church Road               mOhaWk gleN gOlF CluB         6800 yards and is fully irrigated.   Hls 18 Ÿ­
                                                                                                                                       ­yds 6,835 Ÿ­
                                                                                                                                                   ­par 72
3387 Foster Corners Road       Whitesboro, NY 13492         Hls 9 ­
                                                                   yds 6,582 ­
                                                                              par 72                                                                          Hls 18 Ÿ­
                                                                                                                                                                      ­yds 5,731 ­
                                                                                                                                                                                  par 70
                                                                                                                               2432 Graffenburg Road          2965 Hayes Road West
Durhamville, NY 13054          315-736-9812                 880 Perimeter Road            saNDsTONe hOllOW                     New Hartford, NY 13413
315-363-9879                                                Rome, NY 13440                                                                                    Boonville, NY 13309
                                                                                          Hls 9 Ÿ­
                                                                                                 ­yds 1,482 Ÿ­
                                                                                                             ­par 27           315-733-5663
                                                            315-334-4652                                                                                      315-942-5442
                                                                                          5218 Patrick Road          
                                                                                          Verona, NY 13478

                                                             | 19
+ O utdoor recreat i on +

             Get away
             to escape
                  Home of More Than
             40 Square Miles of Waterways.

fish creek

                          20 | 800.426.3132
erie canalway trail                                                                                                                                                                                                                       pixley falls state park
 utica                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  boonville

Sail, swim, fish, or picnic on beautiful                                                  If fishing is your favorite pastime, we have                                                     We cater to kayakers, too. Fish Creek
Oneida Lake. Rent a boat or launch and                                                    some of the best bass, trout, walleye, pike,                                                     Cabin Resorts offers guided tours to get
dock your own at one of our marinas.                                                      and panfish fisheries in the Northeast.                                                          your adrenaline pumping, with 9.5 miles
Spend a day, a week, or a season with                                                     Oneida Lake has been featured in the                                                             of some of the best Class III rapids in the
accommodations from first-class hotels                                                    Bass Pro Shop video game, The Strike, as                                                         U.S., from Point Rock to Taberg. They also
to beach houses, cottages, and camp-                                                      one of North America's top ten best fish-                                                        offer over 25 miles of calm-water kaya-
grounds.                                                                                  ing lakes. So cast your line in dozens of                                                        king from Taberg to Sylvan Beach and
                                                                                          lakes, rivers, ponds and streams, all within                                                     Camden to Blossvale.
Visit Pixley Falls State Park and see the                                                 an easy drive of Utica or Rome. Fly fishing
main attraction, a beautiful 50 foot cas-                                                 on the West Canada Creek is second to
cading waterfall. Stay for a picnic and                                                   none and ice fishing on Oneida and Delta                                                                        Find all there is to do in the great outdoors
hike the meandering nature trail through                                                  Lakes is gaining national attention.
the forest past additional waterfalls.

Combine your love of nature and cycling
on our scenic canal trails like the partici-
pants in the Cycling the Erie Canal Bike
Tour do. Go horseback riding, mountain
biking, and bird watching. Cruise, kayak,
tube or canoe down the Erie Canal. Enjoy
the splendors of the Adirondack Scenic
Railroad, or explore the gardens and                                                       west canada creek
trails of enchanting Root Glen.
                                                                                                                                                                                                             tiger muskellunge
                                            smallmouth bass
                          largemouth bass

                                                                                                          carp & suckers

                                                                                                                                                                           rainbow trout
                                                                                                                                                northern pike

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        other panfish
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         yellow perch
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           white perch
                                                                            brown trout
                                                              brook trout

                                                                                                                                                                                              rock bass


   Hot Spots!


black river                                 @                 @             @                                                                                    @          @
brandy lake                                                   @
delta lake                @                 @                                                @            @                           @         @                @                             @                                   @                        @              @
fish creek                @                 @                 @             @                             @                                                                                                                        @
florence creek                                                @             @
lansing kill                                                  @             @
little river                                                  @             @
mad river                                                     @             @
mohawk river/erie canal   @                 @                 @             @                @            @                @          @         @                @                             @                 @                 @          @             @              @
nine mile creek                                                             @
oneida creek                                                                @
oneida lake               @                 @                                                @            @                @          @         @                @                             @                                   @                        @              @
oriskany creek                                                              @
sauquoit creek                                                @             @                                                                                               @
sconondoa creek                                                             @
west canada creek                                             @             @
woodhull creek                                                @             @
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fisH creek

                                                         oneida lake

Reconnect with nature and get a fresh
perspective in Oneida County. Whether
your choice is a camper, RV, or cabin with
all the modern conveniences or a tent in
the wild, we have the grounds to suit your
plans. With 23 campgrounds and nearly
2,000 campsites, we have the ideal loca-                                    delta lake state park
tion for your next camping getaway.

Campgrounds                                                   Sites Near Woods, Water, Beaches, Mountains, & Trails.

north Country                        sTysh’s BROWN BaRN
                                     CampgROuNDs                           sylvan beach,                     laZy-k Rv RaNCh
                                                                                                             P.O. Box 507
                                                                                                                                                   Ta ga sOke CampgROuNDs
                                                                                                                                                   7820 Higginsville Road
                                                                                                                                                                                          veRONa BeaCh sTaTe paRk
                                                                                                                                                                                          6541 Lake Shore Road S.
area                                 3334 Moose River Road                 vernon, verona                    965 Stone Barn Road                   Blossvale, NY 13308                    Verona Beach, NY 13162
aOk CampgROuNDs
                                     Boonville, NY 13309
                                                                           & sherrill area                   Cleveland, NY 13042                   315-245-1744                           800-456-CAMP
7106 Stokes-Westernville Road                                                                                315-675-8100                               
Westernville, NY 13486                                                     aNgleRs’ Bay CampgROuND                       Family campground with several
                                     TRail’s eND CampgROuND                                                  Above Oneida Lake, wooded,            amenities: On- site restaurant,        villages aT TuRNiNg sTONe
315-827-9900                                                               812 State Route 49
                                     P.O. Box 60                           Cleveland, NY 13042               pond, laundromat, swimming pool,      arcade, planned activities, pontoon    5065 State Route 365
                                     Hinckley, NY 13352                    315-675-3662                      play station, rec room/games.         rentals, driving range and more.       Verona, NY 13478
kayuTa lake CampgROuNDs
                                     315-826-7220                                    Pedal karts, boat and kayak rent-     Our sites are shaded and open.         1-800-771-7711
10892 Campground Road                                                                                                                                     
Forestport, NY 13338                                                       Located on Oneida Lake’s North    als, tent to full hookups. Daily to   Located on Fish Creek with access
315-831-5077                         WesT CaNaDa CReek                     shore, we offer accommodations,   seasonal rates.                       to Oneida Lake.                   CampsiTes                             a marina and boat rentals.
Family oriented campground with      12275 State Route 28                  eDgeWaTeR CampgROuNDs
                                                                                                             lONe piNe CampgROuND                  The laNDiNg CampgROuNDs                utica & rome
                                                                                                             P.O. Box 501                          2796 Kellogg Road
160 sites, cabin rentals, swimming   Poland, NY 13431                      2253 Lake Shore Drive             600 16th Avenue                       Blossvale, NY 13308                    area
pool, playground, boat rentals,      888-461-2267                          North Bay, NY 13123               Sylvan Beach, NY 13157                800-318-1318
arcade, laser tag, general store,                                                                                                                         DelTa lake sTaTe paRk
                                                                           315-762-5129                      315-762-5544                
family games, themed weekends                                                                                                                                                             8797 State Route 46
                                                                           Newly renovated cottages –        Full hook-up. Open Apr 15–Oct 15.     The Landing Campground is a
and more.                                                                                                                                                                                 Rome, NY 13440
                                                                           See website Sylvan Beach area     RV seasonal park and marina.          picturesque place to spend your
pixley Falls sTaTe paRk              southern hills                        FulleR’s shaDy
                                                                                                             Within walking distance to beach,     vacation. Tent camping or RV
11430 State Route 46                 area                                  valley CampgROuND                 amusement park and downtown.          camping with 30 or 50 amp. Fully
Boonville, NY 13309                                                        P.O. Box 259                      Docking available.                    stocked store with bait and wood.      heRkimeR DiamOND miNes
315-942-4713                         lake ChaleT CampgROuNDs               7501 E. Lake Street                                                     Boat launch, boat rentals, beach for   aND kOa kampgROuNDs                         P.O. Box 22                                                             mayFaiR CampgROuND                    swimming, all at the camp. Close to    4626 State Route 28
                                                                           North Bay, NY 13123
                                     593 State Route 8                     315-245-1489                      3250 Old State Route 49               Sylvan Beach, Rome and Oneida          Herkimer, NY 13350
ROCky’s ReCReaTiON aRea              Bridgewater, NY 13313                                                   Blossvale, NY 13308                                                          1-800-562-0897
12255 Potato Hill Road               315-822-6074                          hiDDeN pOiNT CampgROuND           315-245-3870                          TReasuRe isle Rv paRk        
Boonville, NY 13309                                1010 Waterview Drive                     3132 Haskins Road
315-942-2250                         Motel with some efficiencies &        Blossvale, NY 13308               Located near the east side of         Blossvale, NY 13308
                                     beautiful view .Log cabins. Stocked   315-762-0547                      Oneida Lake between Syracuse and      315-2455228
sTO-Ne-NOls CampgROuNDs                                                                                      Rome. Exit 34 to Route. 13 from
                                     fishing, paddle boats, surf bikes,
340 N. Hillsboro Road                canoe, Laundromat, store etc.                                           NYS Thruway East or West.             Near Sylvan Beach, this RV Park
Camden, NY 13316                                                                                                                                   offers oversized sites and one mile
315-245-1638                                                                                                                                       of riverfront with 35 acres of land
Family campground-188 sites-                                                                                                                       perfect for relaxing and having fun.
peaceful country atmosphere.

                                                                                                                                                                    Visit to see
                                                                                                                                                                    a detailed listing of camp sites and amenities

                                                                                              22 | 800.426.3132
parks & recreation                                                       Outdoor Fun for all Seasons.

aDiRONDaCk aCRes                 heRkimeR & ONeiDa COuNTy        ONeiDa lake                             pixley Falls sTaTe paRk            sylvaN BeaCh                        veRNON NaTiONal
game FaRm                        Bike aTlas                      Sylvan Beach, NY 13157                  State Route 46                     village lakeFRONT                   shOOTiNg pReseRve
14136 State Route 28             321 Main Street                 315-675-3103                            Boonville, NY 13309                Main Street                         3426 Burns Road
Otter Lake, NY 13427             Utica, NY 13502                      315-942-4713                       Sylvan Beach, NY 13157              Vernon Center, NY 13477
315-369-2409                     315-798-5710                                                                            315-796-4587
                                              ORiskaNy CReek FaRm                                                                                  
Bellamy haRBOR paRk                                              7580 Bristol Road                       ROme saND plaiNs                   TReNTON Falls sCeNiC TRails
Mill Street at the Canal         heRkimeR DiamOND miNes          Clinton, NY 13323                       4807 Hogsback Road                 Trenton Falls Road off              veRONa BeaCh lighThOuse
Rome, NY 13440                   State Route 28N                 315-859-1442                            Rome, NY 13440                     State Route 28                      Off Route 13, S. Shoreline                  Herkimer, NY 13350                       315-866-6330                       Barneveld, NY 13304                 Verona Beach, NY 13162
                                 315-717-0175                                                                           315-896-2213              
DelTa lake sTaTe paRk               ORiskaNy FlaTs                                                   
8797 State Route 46                                              River Street                            ROOT FaRm                                                              veRONa BeaCh sTaTe paRk
Rome, NY 13440                   hiNCkley ReseRvOiR              Oriskany, NY 13424                      Peterboro & Youngs Roads           TReNTON gReeNBelT TRails            6541 Lake Shore Road
315-337-4670                     State Route 365                 315-793-2554                            Vernon, NY 13476                   Wood Road                           So. Verona Beach, NY 13162               Hinckley, NY 13352                315-363-6124                       Barneveld, NY 13304                 800-456-CAMP
eRie CaNalWay TRail                          paRkWay ReCReaTiON                                                         uTiCa maRsh COuNCil                                   CeNTeR                                  ROOT gleN gaRDeNs                  Barnes Avenue                       WhispeR WiND
                                 Ny ReCReaTiON WeB map           220 Memorial Parkway                    Hamilton College Campus            Utica, NY 13502                     equesTRiaN CeNTeR
Fall BROOk sTaBle                P.O. Box 525                    Utica, NY 13502                         Clinton, NY 13323                  315-793-2554                        6101 Skinner Road
10343 Coal Hill Road             Herkimer, NY 13350              315-223-4320                            315-859-4075                                   Westmoreland, NY 13490
Taberg, NY 13471                 315-866-2746                                                The Utica Marsh, an urban           315-335-3557
315-336-7841                                                                                                       wetland, provides a home for                                              philip a. Rayhill memORial              sylvaN BeaCh                       wildlife in a mixture of wetland
                                 Nys CaNalWay WaTeR TRail        ReCReaTiONal TRail
                                                                 Town of New Hartford                    amusemeNT paRk                     habitats bordering the Mohawk
Fish ChaRTeRs                    Utica, NY                                                               Main Street                        River and Barge Canal.
aT aNgleRs' Bay                           to Whitestown
                                                                 315-724-0654                            Sylvan Beach, NY 13157
812 State Route 49                                                                                       315-762-5212
Cleveland, NY 13042                                                                            

 erie canal outlet to oneida lake
 sylvan beacH

From picture-perfect sunsets at Verona                               for picnics and sand castles. Waterways
Beach and Delta Lake State Park, to Otter                            crisscross the county. From the largest
Lake, White Lake and the West Canada                                 lake in New York State to the famous Erie
Creek, Oneida County offers swimming,                                Canal, we have endless opportunities for
sailing, and a nearly infinite variety of                            all types of boating, from yachts to kayaks.
recreational activities. Thirty lakes and
ponds are ready for you to take the                                                   For more info on Marinas & Boating visit                   erie canal cruises
plunge, and our sandy beaches are great                                     

marinas                             Fuel         Rentals    Launch                                                                                 boat Tours
sylvan beach,                     hOlmes maRiNa, iNC.                  ONeiDa lake maRiNa                     utica & rome                         eRie CaNal CRuises
                                  2523 Oneida Street                   3713 State Route 31                                                         800 Mohawk Street
vernon, verona                    Verona Beach, NY 13162               Canastota, NY 13032                    area                                 Herkimer, NY 13350
& sherrill area                   315-762-4232                         315-762-4865                           lake DelTa yaChT CluB     n          315-717-0077
                                                      8843 Karlen Road           
Big Bay maRiNa                                                                                                Rome, NY 13440                       A calm relaxing 90 minute cruise includes an historic
155 Camic Road                    JOhNNie's pieR 31                    sNug haRBOuR maRiNa                                                         narration plus traveling through a lock. Voted a “Must See
                                  ResTauRaNT & maRiNa
Central Square, NY 13036                                               State Route 13 & Willow Drive                                               Destination” by Rand McNally and rated # 1 by Trip Advisor.
315-676-2223                      1 Upper South Bay                    Verona Beach, NY 13162
                                  Canastota, NY 13032                                                         maRCy maRiNa                         OlD FORge lake CRuises, iNC.                                                       315-762-5104                           200 Scharbach Drive
                                  315-697-7007                                                                                                     116 Steamboat Landing & State Route 28
                                                                                   Marcy, NY 13403
CallahaN's maRiNa
                                                                                                                                                   Old Forge, NY 13420
                                  maRiNeR's laNDiNg
                                                                                                              315-736-7617                         315-369-6473
9089 Callahan Drive                                                    ThRee piNes maRiNa
Canastota, NY 13032               705 Pioneer Avenue                                                                                     
                                                                       2054 Lake Shore Drive N.               RiveRsiDe maRiNa                     Historic steamboat and mailboat cruises through the
315 697-7470                      Sylvan Beach, NY 13157               North Bay, NY 13123                    6805 Martin Street               315-762-0112                                                                                                     Fulton Chain of Lakes.
                                                                       315-337-7448                           Rome, NY 13440
                                                                      315-337-5199                         RaqueTTe lake NavigaTiON
ess-kay yaRDs, iNC.               maRiON maNOR maRiNa                  Lakefront marina with cabin rentals                                         254 Antlers Road
5307 Guy Young Road               State Routes 13 & 31                 and dock space.                                                             Raquette Lake, NY 13436
Brewerton, NY 13029               Canastota, NY 13032                                                                                              315-354-5532
315-676-2711                      315-762-4810                                                                                                   

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