Office of the CIO Clark County Technology Strategic Plan - 2020 to 2022

Page created by Jimmie Daniel
Office of the CIO Clark County Technology Strategic Plan - 2020 to 2022
Office of the CIO
Clark County Technology
Strategic Plan
2020 to 2022
Office of the CIO Clark County Technology Strategic Plan - 2020 to 2022
Table of Contents

A Message from the CIO                               i
Our Technology Plan & Community Input                1
Our Commitments                                      4
Technology Roadmap                                  14

     Clark County Information Technology
     Powering Clark County Through Service, Technology & Innovation
Office of the CIO Clark County Technology Strategic Plan - 2020 to 2022
A Message from the CIO

        I am lucky to live and work in one of the fastest
        growing and most dynamic counties in the
        country. Clark County is always exciting! From
        the millions of visitors that come to enjoy Las
        Vegas each year, to the vast number of new
        residents and companies that are relocating to
        Clark County, this is a region that is thriving.

        The County prides itself on providing outstanding
        services to its residents, visitors and businesses.
        In order to deliver that outstanding service, our
        County employees rely on technology to do their
        jobs. We are living in extraordinary times with
        COVID-19. These unique circumstances, despite
        the terrible impact on many of us, have also
        highlighted the important role of technology in
        addressing societal needs.

        I am honored to work with the men and women of
        the County’s Information Technology Department.
        Our team of nearly 200 employees are dedicated
        to providing service, technology, and innovation to
        our fellow County employees– and now more
        than ever, climate sustainability is also top of
        mind for us. Through the power of technology, we
        will enable our fellow County employees to better
        serve our residents, businesses and visitors, both
        now and in the future.

        Nadia Hansen,
        Chief Information Officer

Office of the CIO Clark County Technology Strategic Plan - 2020 to 2022
Powering Clark County
  Our Technology Plan
Clark County is Nevada’s epicenter for growth, technology and civic
innovation. We must use the technology assets we already have to
enhance the quality of life for our citizens while also becoming what is
commonly referred to as a “Smart Community.”

Our County is a global leader in tourism, with nearly 90% of Nevada’s
$1.7 billion gaming and hospitality tax revenue generated in Clark
County. The world-famous Las Vegas Strip attracts 42 million visitors a
year and has enabled McCarran International to grow into the nation’s
8th busiest airport. Beyond tourism, the County is experiencing
substantial growth in our tech community. The County is developing a
national reputation as a startup friendly business environment,
increasingly attracting high profile pilots and projects to support
autonomous mobility, 5G and blockchain incubation, as just a few

Leading innovation in the use of technology is the job of the Clark
County Information Technology Department. The following document
details our commitments to enabling the agencies we serve to work
better, faster and smarter.

Office of the CIO Clark County Technology Strategic Plan - 2020 to 2022
What the community asked for:

In developing this plan, we asked the community what they wanted from
technology and from our community portal for county services. Here is what
community members said…..

“   An easier way to
    access important
    information such as
    what district I live in,
    and who is my
                               “   A keyword search
                                   that will only take
                                   you to places on
                                   the County

                         ”“                          ”

“    Easier
     navigation and
     a less clunky
     website. More
                                    An easy ‘Request
                                    for Service’
                                    function that

     photos.                        functions.

“    Smartphone
                               “   Simple, easy to
                                   follow. No wasting
                                   time waiting for
                                   photos or


                 ““     Current news, projects,
                        direct link to county
                        meetings, associated
                        minutes and events in the

                        landing page.

Office of the CIO Clark County Technology Strategic Plan - 2020 to 2022
Clark County Information Technology…
    Powering Clark County Through Service, Technology & Innovation

  Unleashing the possible for DCVision
                                 in the digital age. Mission
As a strategic business partner, we modernize to provide intuitive and convenient
                      access to Clark County integrated services.

                            Our Commitments
    Continuous Modernization of Infrastructure & Operations

    Deliver          Ensure
 consistent &                       Engage our          Provide          Maximize
                    quality of                                               cost
    valued                          employees        automation
                  services and                                          efficiency &
 services that                                       and mobility
                   secure data        through
    exceed            of the          ongoing
                                                                         ation of IT
 expectations        County        training and
                                                     productivity        operations
    of the          residents      development
                                                       of County
 departments           and           activities.
  we serve.       departments.

        Enablement of Innovation & Citizen-Facing Services

  Collaborate     Establish a      Enable Health        Provide       Provide access
  and partner       data &            & Human           modern          to services
 with regional     analytics           Services       technology            and
 organizations    program to         agencies to     services that     information
 to accelerate      enable         efficiently and   enable public       through
  innovation.      effective,       innovatively         safety          modern
                  fact-based           provide        agencies to         citizen
                   decision           services.        serve the       engagement
                    making.                           community.         portals.
Office of the CIO Clark County Technology Strategic Plan - 2020 to 2022
Our commitments
         Deliver consistent & valued services that exceed
           expectations of the departments we serve.

Our Department provides enterprise technology services to Clark County
agencies. From desktop support, to email, to radio infrastructure the services
we provide are critical to the agencies we serve. These are services that all of
our County agencies need so they can focus on what they do best — serving
our residents, businesses, and visitors.

We recognize that the agencies as well as greater community we serve
deserve reliable, customer-centric and consistent services. As such, we are
committed to increasing transparency, efficiency, and innovation in the
services we provide.

How will we get there?

 ❑ Measure and report on key IT          ❑ Establish a continual improvement
   services & performance.                 process to better manage
                                           workload and gain efficiencies.
 ❑ Provide innovation and digitally
   enabled services for the              ❑ Invest in technologies to process
   community and the                       information/applications faster.
   departments we serve.

                           Information Technology recognizes that to best

                       “      serve agencies, we need to ensure we are
                            always focused on the departments we serve
                                and understanding the services those
                             departments need and how to best provide

                                Les Lee Shell, Chief Administrative Officer    4
Office of the CIO Clark County Technology Strategic Plan - 2020 to 2022
Our commitments
          Ensure quality of services and secure data of the
                County residents and departments.

 Clark County, like other government agencies, faces increased cybersecurity
 risks as hackers seek to disrupt government agencies across the country.
 These attacks pose real threats to government agencies, as across the
 country we have seen agencies attacked and threatened for ransom.

  Each day cyberattacks become more sophisticated, more prevalent, and
  difficult to prevent. IT is committed to meeting this challenge head-on by
  making cybersecurity one of our top priorities.

  We are committed to a security posture that emphasizes best-in-class
  practices and to ensuring our infrastructure and applications are optimized.
  We are also committed to working with other federal, state and local
  agencies on joint security efforts.

How will we get there?

 ❑ Secure public data through            ❑ Provide infrastructure and security
   implementation of security and          upgrades to guard against
   risk management best practices.         security breaches.

 ❑ Implement quality assurance best-     ❑ Work with County Departments on
   practices for application               Disaster Recovery Plans.
   development services.                 ❑ Collaborate with other regional,
                                           state and federal agencies on
                                           joint cybersecurity initiatives.

                              In Clark County, we adhere to nationally
                                recognized security standards in our
                             efforts to proactively ensure Clark County
                                      is safe from cyberthreats.

                                                            Robert Vega,
                                                            Deputy CIO
Office of the CIO Clark County Technology Strategic Plan - 2020 to 2022
Our commitments
         Engage our employees through ongoing training
                  and development activities.

 Our employees are our greatest assets. In this rapidly changing technology
 landscape, ensuring our employees are well-trained and equipped to tackle
 any upcoming technical development is critical to our success. Increasing use
 of Cloud, data and analytics, AI and Machine Learning are all examples of
 rapidly expanding technologies that our team is beginning to tackle.

 We recognize that we can take several steps to support our amazing team.
 These steps include targeted training for all employees, appropriate training
 and onboarding of new employees and modernizing our job descriptions to
 better reflect the jobs being performed in this rapidly evolving field.

How will we get there?

 ❑ Assess and provide targeted,          ❑ Provide onboarding and transition
   actionable training tied to core        services for employees to
   IT processes.                           new positions.

 ❑ Modernize current IT job              ❑ Attract employees through
   descriptions to better reflect          partnerships with universities
   job functions.                          and other educational programs.
 ❑ Retain, hire and develop talent to
   meet emerging technology needs.

                             We can show our employees how much we

                       “     value them by investing in their growth and
                             development through training, mentorship
                                and a supportive work environment.

                                               James Nance, IT Manager
Office of the CIO Clark County Technology Strategic Plan - 2020 to 2022
Our commitments
        Provide automation and mobility that
        improves productivity of County employees.

 As with other government agencies, many of our county employees rely
 on mobile solutions to work effectively in the field. Be it a case worker,
 fire fighter, building inspector, animal or code enforcement officer, a
 large percentage of our county employees best meet the needs of our
 residents and visitors through strong mobile capabilities.

 Being able to access data in the field, write reports, and communicate with
 others are all critical to providing reliable service across the County. Further,
 automation can increase efficiency and productivity as well as free up time
 for county employees to focus on more complex activities.
How will we get there?
 ❑ Accelerate the adoption of              ❑ Automate manual processes
   automation to improve scale and           that exist today across the County.
   productivity of County                  ❑ Ensure mobile access for core
   departments.                              county services.
 ❑ Improve availability of mobile          ❑ Support technology solutions that
   solutions and data in the
                                              enable workload management.
   field for County employees.
 ❑ Modernize mobility and
   transportation deployment of GPS
   based signalization for case workers.

                              We are committed to partnering with the
                              agencies we serve so that our County field
                             employees are able to serve the community

                             efficiently wherever their work takes them.
                                           Suzanne Noble, IT Manager
Our commitments
          Maximize cost efficiency & standardization of IT
                   operations and investments.

 One of our key jobs as public servants is to be good stewards of taxpayer
 dollars. As such, we are committed to best meeting the needs of the County
 and the Community in the most cost-effective manner. This means focusing
 on our internal operations and identifying opportunities to improve how we

 As an IT organization, to be efficient and mature in our operations, we must
 look at: standardized processes; a service catalog that enables our partner
 agencies to understand IT offerings; good project management and oversight
 of IT projects; and streamlining our application portfolio.
How will we get there?

 ❑ Consolidate applicable IT Services       ❑ Implement a Project Management
   to achieve efficient, consistent           program to improve project
   processes.                                 outcomes.

 ❑ Establish a service catalog of core IT   ❑ Move from disparate document
   offerings.                                 management programs and
                                              automate statutory compliance.
 ❑ Create a roadmap of the IT projects
                                            ❑ Rationalize and consolidate
   and initiatives occurring across
   the County.                                redundant applications.

                        “     We are always working to find ways to work
                                more efficiently and provide value for
                                          taxpayer dollars.

                                               Martin Bennett, IT Manager
Our commitments
                 Collaborate and partner with regional
                 organizations to accelerate innovation.

As part of becoming a “Smart Community”, Clark County collaborates with
organizations to solve civic problems through data-sharing, technology and
re-imagined public services. We are committed to co-creating solutions with
regional agencies, including the Regional Transportation Commission (RTC),
the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority, academia (e.g., University
of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV), College of Southern Nevada (CSN)), law
enforcement agencies, Southern Nevada Health District (SNHD), State
agencies / departments, Clark County School District, Southern Nevada
cities, and nonprofit organizations.
Collaboration will expand the County’s service delivery capacity, prevent or
reduce duplicative efforts, remove jurisdictional barriers and provide more
seamless public services to our citizens.

How will we get there?                    ❑ Seek out P3 Partnerships – public,
                                            nonprofit and private partners -
 ❑ Integrate with regional partners         to pilot emerging technologies.
   across Southern Nevada on
   Smart Technology initiatives.          ❑ Pursue ‘Startup in Residence’ type
                                            of procurement opportunities
 ❑ Partner with educational                 (e.g., Agile procurement).
   institutions to provide
   internships, attract and retain IT     ❑ Support data access and
   workforce.                               integration across multiple

                                Our Vision is to transform public service
                                   to Clark County constituents using
                                  collaboration and innovative use of
                                          Yolanda King, County Manager
Our commitments
         Establish a data & analytics program to enable
             effective, fact-based decision making.

 Clark County is committed to becoming a data-driven organization. Around
 the world, we are seeing communities utilize data in novel ways. For
 example, communities are utilizing Predictive Analytics helping identify
 where crimes are likely to take place and, as a result, proactively increase
 patrol in those locations to prevent crime.

 As the IT partner to our agencies, we are focused on facilitating data sharing
 across the County, with citizens, and other County stakeholders. The
 preponderance of data that exists across the region should be harnessed
 and used to make better decisions and solve problems facing our

How will we get there?

 ❑ Stand-up a formal data and            ❑ Establish a data classification policy
   analytics program.                      and associated processes.

 ❑ Partner with local                    ❑ Use emerging technologies and
   schools/universities to establish       creative means of improving the
   data governance and analytics           citizen experience by sharing
   capabilities.                           data securely.

 ❑ Use predictive analytics to inform
   data-driven decision making.

                              Developments in data analytics,

                      “    machine learning, artificial intelligence
                            (AI), are providing communities with
                              unprecedented opportunities to

                                    improve how we serve.
                                           Swetha Vemula, IT Manager
Our commitments
        Enable Health and Human Services agencies to
         efficiently and innovatively provide services.

Improving the health and human services across the County provided
to our residents is a priority of the County Commissioners. We are
seeing new approaches to the coordinated delivery of physical
health, behavioral health, housing support, food stability, and other
critical community services.
As an IT organization, we can facilitate the opportunities to establish a
more people-centric, “no wrong door” approach to service delivery
through data-sharing and collaboration with service providers. We can
also support the mobile workforce that carries out many of these social
services through the ability to access and utilize technology and case
management platforms in the field.

How will we get there?
  ❑ Provide mobile workforce the            ❑ Collaborate to provide the needed
    ability to access applications out in     Case Management platforms to
    the field for service delivery.           serve the community.
  ❑ Streamline information and access       ❑ Integrate data and information
    to family and social services online      sharing across health and human
    and through other outreach.               services agencies.

                          The coordination of social services, healthcare

                      “    and behavioral health services should lead to
                          improved health and well-being through more
                             efficient and effective use of resources.

                                                Dave Young, IT Manager
                                                                      ”     11
Our commitments
         Provide modern technology services that enable
         public safety agencies to serve the community.

Maintaining safe communities and protecting our citizenry is a priority of the
County Commissioners. Globally we are seeing innovations that focus on
improving infrastructure, utilizing predictive analytics and deploying regional
partnerships that result in improved public safety capabilities. For example,
integrated traffic lights can benefit traffic flow and provide crime data. IT is the
backbone to much of this work, and we are committed to continuing and
expanding partnerships with public safety agencies to execute.

How will we get there?

  ❑ Modernize the microwave system ❑          Collaborate and securely share data
    that transports public safety             with regional and national public
    communications across the County.         safety partners.
  ❑ Ensure timely, accurate public    ❑       Modernize justice data.
    safety and criminal history data  ❑       Support multiple means of
    is available to public safety             communication and information
    officers.                                 sharing among public safety

                                 “   IT is working with County Public Safety
                                           agencies to help deploy Smart
                                         technologies while keeping data
                                             secure across the region.

                                                                       ”        12
Our commitments

          Provide access to services and information through
                     citizen engagement portals.

 A hallmark of becoming an innovative, dynamic and Smart Community is
 direct engagement with the community. Interacting with citizens through
 various methods including web access, mobile access and other portals is
 essential as technology expands to offer additional means of transacting with
 the County. As such, IT is committed to partnering with County agencies to
 provide more County services online, additional mobile and online services,
 as well as improving the existing County website and portals. IT is also
 working to ensure public WiFi is available at County facilities.

How will we get there?
                                         ❑ Modernize the County website and
 ❑ Streamline and increase
                                           streamline reporting and tracking
   opportunities for self-service of
                                           of citizen requests.
   County Services.
                                         ❑ Enable targeted digital
 ❑ Increase mobile and online
                                           communications to constituents
   availability of County services.
                                           and residents.
 ❑ Provide public WiFi at the
   Community Centers and County

                       Increasingly, residents and businesses expect to
                       connect online with local government the same way
                       they do with entertainment, retail, and food. We are

                       building new solutions and apps to meet those needs.
                       Bob Leek, Deputy CIO

                             2020                                2021                       2022
                       Q1     Q2     Q3      Q4       Q1         Q2   Q3     Q4      Q1      Q2     Q3      Q4

  1                                                  Measure and Deliver Business Value on IT Services

Deliver consistent &
valued services that                                 Provide Digitally Enabled Services
exceed expectations
                                       Establish Continual
of the departments                     Improvement
we serve.                              Process

                       Implement Security and Risk Management Best Practices

  2                                       Implement Quality
                                          Assurance for
                                          Application Dev.
Ensure quality of
services and           Infrastructure and Security Upgrades to Guard Against Security Breaches
secure data of the
County residents
and departments.                                                             Business Continuity Planning

                                                     Collaborate with other regional, state and federal
                                                     agencies on joint cybersecurity initiatives

                                                                            Human-centric Design Center of
  3                                                                         Excellence

                                                     Modernize Workforce Recruitment
Engage our
employees through
ongoing, training      Invest in Individualized Training Plans
and development
activities.                          Onboarding and
                                              Partner with
                                              Universities and
                                              other Programs

                            2020                               2021                             2022
                    Q1      Q2      Q3       Q4         Q1      Q2      Q3      Q4     Q1       Q2      Q3     Q4

                                             Automated Routing to Reduce Carbon Footprint

  4                                           Improve Availability
                                              of Mobile Solutions
Provide                      Modernize GPS
automation and               Based
mobility that                Signalization
productivity of         Automate Manual Processes

County employees.
                        Accelerate Automation
                                                    Mobile Access for
                        to Improve Scale &
                                                    Core County Services

                                                    Application and Platform Rationalization

  5                                                          Expand Service Catalog

Maximize cost
                                                    Consolidate Applicable            Integration Platform
efficiency &                                        IT Services                       Competency
of IT operations
                                                    Document Management Program
and investments.

                                                    Project Management Program

  6                       Partner with National
                                                                                               Agile Procurement

Collaborate and
partner with        Integrate with Regional Partners Across Southern Nevada
organizations to
accelerate          Start-up in Residence Procurement

                                  2020                                  2021                                2022
                          Q1       Q2       Q3        Q4        Q1      Q2       Q3        Q4       Q1      Q2       Q3    Q4

  7                                                             Stand Up Data and
                                                                Analytics Program
Establish a data &
analytics program to                                                                    Data
enable effective, fact-                                                                 Program
based decision making.

                              Streamline Access to Family and Social Services
  8                           Online

Enable Health and                                                 Provide Mobile Workforce
                                                                  Application Access in the
Human Services                                                    Field
agencies to efficiently
and innovatively                                                  Collaborate to Provide
                                 Integrate Data and               Case Management
provide services.                Information Sharing              Platform

                                     Modernize Microwave
  9                                  System

Provide modern            Timely, Accurate Public
technology services       Safety and Criminal History
that enable public        Data
safety agencies to                                                                         Modernize Case Management
serve the community.                                                                       System

 10                                                                    Easy, Intuitive Access to County Digital Services

Provide access to                  Provide
services and                                             Increase Mobile Access to
                                   Digital Self-
information through                Service
modern citizen             Remove
                                                   Proactive Digital
engagement portals.        Barriers to
                           Online Access
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