Offer Document Fairbairn Irrigation Network Pty Ltd /2

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Offer Document Fairbairn Irrigation Network Pty Ltd /2

Fairbairn Irrigation Network Pty Ltd
                               ACN 615 973 754

                Offer Document
Offer Document Fairbairn Irrigation Network Pty Ltd /2
Fairbairn Irrigation Network Pty Ltd
                                                                                                                      Offer Document

Responsibility for information                                            Customers are cautioned about relying on any such forward
The information in this Offer Document has been prepared                  looking statements. The forward looking statements in this
by the Company and is the responsibility of the Company.                  Offer Document reflect views held only as at the date of this
The Government Shareholder and the Department (and, as                    Offer Document.
applicable, their directors, officers, employees and advisers) do
                                                                          Additionally, statements of the intentions of the Company and
not assume any responsibility for the accuracy or completeness
                                                                          the Board reflect present intentions as at the date of this Offer
of any such information, subject to the following:
                                                                          Document and may be subject to change.
     (a). the Department has prepared and is responsible for              To the maximum extent permitted by law, the Company, the
          the Department Information. The Company and its                 Government Shareholder and the Department disclaim any
          directors, officers and advisers:                               duty to update any forward-looking statements other than
           (i). have not verified the Department Information;             with respect to information of which they become aware
           (ii). have relied on the Department to verify the              prior to the Closing Date which is material to the decision of
                  Department Information;                                 a Customer whether or not to support the Local Management
                                                                          Proposal and apply for their Share Entitlement.
           (iii). do not assume any responsibility for the accuracy
                  or completeness of the Department Information;          Your decisions
                  and                                                     This Offer Document does not take into account the particular
           (iv). accordingly, disclaim responsibility and liability for   needs, objectives and financial circumstances of each
                  the Department Information.                             individual Customer or any other person. Before making any
     (b). KPMG Transaction Services has prepared the                      decision in relation to whether or not to support the Local
          Investigating Accountant’s Report (contained in                 Management Proposal or to apply for your Share Entitlement,
          annexure A) and takes responsibility for that report.           the Directors encourage you to consider whether that decision
          None of the Company, the Government Shareholder,                is appropriate in light of your particular needs, objectives and
          the Department, or (as applicable) their directors,             financial circumstances, and to consult your financial or legal
          officers, employees and advisers assume any                     adviser.
          responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the
          information contained in the Investigating Accountant’s         Restrictions on distribution of this Offer Document
          Report, except in relation to information given to              This Offer Document does not constitute an offer or invitation
          KPMG Transaction Services by them. KPMG Transaction             in any place in which, or to any person to whom, it would not
          Services does not assume any responsibility for the             be lawful to make such an offer or invitation.
          accuracy or completeness of the information contained           The distribution of this Offer Document (including an
          in this Offer Document other than that contained in the         electronic copy) outside Australia may be restricted by law. If
          Investigating Accountant’s Report.                              you are a Customer outside Australia and come into possession
     (c). Jacobs has provided and is responsible for the Jacobs           of this Offer Document, you should observe and seek your
          Report (contained in annexure B). None of the Company,          own advice on any restrictions. Any failure to comply with such
          the Government Shareholder, the Department, or (as              restrictions may contravene applicable laws. The Company
          applicable) their directors, officers, employees and            and the Government Shareholder disclaim all liabilities to such
          advisers assume any responsibility for the accuracy or          persons. Customers’ trustees or custodians for persons outside
          completeness of the information contained in the Jacobs         Australia are encouraged to seek independent advice as to how
          Report, except in relation to information given to Jacobs       they should proceed.
          by them. Jacobs does not assume any responsibility              No action has been taken to register or qualify the Shares
          for the accuracy or completeness of the information             or to otherwise permit a public offering of the Shares in any
          contained in this Offer Document other than that                jurisdiction other than in Australia.
          contained in the Jacobs Report.
                                                                          External websites
Forward looking statements and intentions                                 Unless expressly stated otherwise, the content of the
Certain statements in this Offer Document relate to future
                                                                          Company’s and the Department’s websites, including
Customers should be aware that there are risks (both                      au, do not form part of this Offer Document and Customers
known and unknown), uncertainties, assumptions and other                  should not rely on any such content.
important factors that could cause the actual conduct, results,
performance or achievements of the Company to be materially               Glossary and defined terms
different from the future conduct, results, performance or                Capitalised terms used in this Offer Document are defined in
achievements expressed or implied by such statements or                   the Glossary in Section 10 of this Offer Document. Section 10
that could cause the future conduct, results, performance or              also sets out rules of interpretation which apply to this Offer
achievements to be materially different from historical conduct,          Document.
results, performance or achievements.
                                                                          The calculation of figures, amounts, percentages, prices,
These risks, uncertainties, assumptions and other important               estimates, calculations of value and fractions in this Offer
factors include the risks set out in Sections 4 and 7 of this Offer       Document are subject to the effects of rounding. Accordingly,
Document.                                                                 their actual calculation may differ from the calculations set out
                                                                          in this Offer Document.
None of the Company, the Government Shareholder, the
Department, their respective directors, officers or advisers,
                                                                          Date of the Offer Document
or any other person, gives any representation, assurance
                                                                          This Offer Document is dated 14 January 2019.
or guarantee that the occurrence of the events expressed
or implied in any forward looking statements in this Offer
Document will actually occur.


Fairbairn Irrigation Network Pty Ltd                                                              ACN 615 973 754

                            Offer Document
                  If you are in any doubt as to how to deal with this document, please consult your financial or
                  legal adviser, or call the LMA Information Line on 0468 960 538 or email admin@lmairrigation.
         You can also obtain more information about the Local Management Proposal from the
                  Directors of the Company. Their contact details are included at page iv.
                  This Offer Document is not a prospectus within the meaning of the Corporations Act and may
                  not contain all of the information that would be required to be in a prospectus.


 Event                                                                            Date and time
 Customer information session                                                     Wednesday 6 February
                                                                                  at 6.30pm at the Mayfair,
 Date by which the Support and Acceptance Form must be received in                1 March 2019
 Anticipated transition to Local Management                                       30 June 2019

These dates are indicative only and subject to change. Any changes will be notified on the Company’s
Fairbairn Irrigation Network Pty Ltd
                                                                                                    Offer Document

       If I have a question about this document who should I contact?
       For further information on the Local Management Proposal and the Offer, please contact the LMA
       Information Line or a member of the Board. Contact details are provided below.

         Name                       Position        Contact
         Anne Marie O’Callaghan     Chair           0428 582 852
         Ross Burnett               Director        0427 336 340
         Peter Galea                Director        0417 636 881
         David McDougall            Director        0419 782 419
         Emma McCullagh             Director        0438 789 488
         Hamish Millar              Director        0418 741 553
         LMA Information Line                       0468 960 538 or

Fairbairn Irrigation Network Pty Ltd
                                                                                                                                Offer Document

                     OVERVIEW OF THE OFFER DOCUMENT............................................................... 6

                     1.    LOCAL MANAGEMENT PROPOSAL ................................................................7

                     2.    FAIRBAIRN IRRIGATION’S BUSINESS PROPOSAL ...................................... 8

                     3.    REASONS TO ACCEPT OR NOT ACCEPT THE OFFER ..............................13

                     4.    KEY QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ...................................................................15

                     5.    FINANCIAL INFORMATION ............................................................................. 23

                     6.    THE COMPANY’S PRICING POLICY AND
                           COMPARISONS WITH SUNWATER ............................................................... 29

                     7.    RISK FACTORS .................................................................................................... 33

                     8.    DETAILS OF THE OFFER ..................................................................................40

                     9.    ADDITIONAL INFORMATION .........................................................................44

                     10. GLOSSARY .......................................................................................................... 58

                     Annexure A: Investigating Accountant’s Report ............................................... 63

                     Annexure B: Jacobs Report..................................................................................... 72

Fairbairn Irrigation Network Pty Ltd
                                                                                                                                      Offer Document

      OVERVIEW OF THE OFFER                                                       What you need to do?
      DOCUMENT                                                                    You should read this Offer Document carefully
                                                                                  before deciding whether or not to support the
                                                                                  Local Management Proposal. You must be an
      Introduction                                                                ‘Eligible Customer’ to be able to complete and
      This Offer Document is important and requires                               return the Support and Acceptance Form. You are
      your immediate attention, as you are being                                  an Eligible Customer if you:
      asked to decide whether you support the Local
      Management Proposal and agree to become a                                      • are registered as a holder1 of a Water
      Shareholder of Fairbairn Irrigation Network Pty                                    Allocation (which is delivered to you via
                                                                                         the Irrigation Scheme) on the Initial Record
      Ltd (referred to in this Document as either ‘the
                                                                                         Date; and
      Company’ or ‘FIN’).
      The Local Management Proposal is the proposal                                  • you are a SunWater Customer with a
                                                                                         channel and pipeline contract for the Water
      to transfer the Emerald Channel Irrigation
                                                                                         Allocation delivered in the area of the
      Scheme from SunWater to FIN. The transfer                                          Irrigation Scheme; and
      is targeted for 30 June 2019. Under the terms
      of the transfer the Department will pay FIN a                                  • are located in Australia.
      Separation Payment of $2.5 million. FIN will also
                                                                                  If you are not a registered holder of a Water
      receive a further $350,000 (part related to exit
                                                                                  Allocation (which is delivered to you via the
      fees previously paid to SunWater, and part in lieu
                                                                                  Irrigation Scheme) on the Initial Record Date
      of SunWater upgrading the bulk meters for the
                                                                                  (29 November 2018) you are not eligible to be a
                                                                                  Shareholder of the Company.
      The Local Management Proposal will only
                                                                                  If you support the Local Management Proposal
      proceed if customers representing at least 70% of
                                                                                  you must complete and return the Support and
      Water Allocations by nominal volume support the
                                                                                  Acceptance Form which must be received by no
      proposal and accept the Offer of Shares in the
                                                                                  later than 5.00 pm (Brisbane time) on 1 March
      Company or the Board and Government agree to
      waive that requirement.
                                                                                  If you do not return your Support and
                                                                                  Acceptance Form, you will be taken not to
      Supported by the Board of FIN
                                                                                  support the Local Management Proposal and will
      The current Board of FIN has carefully considered
                                                                                  not receive Shares in the Company.
      the Local Management Proposal and the
      Directors unanimously recommend that you                                    The terms and conditions associated with
      SUPPORT the Local Management Proposal. In                                   becoming a Shareholder in the Company can
      addition, the Directors on the Board who are                                be found in Section 8 and 9.7. You will only
      eligible to vote and accept Shares in FIN intend to                         receive Shares if the Local Management Proposal
      support the Local Management Proposal.                                      proceeds. You do not have to pay any cash
                                                                                  amount to accept the Offer of Shares. Further
                                                                                  details are set out in Section 8.1.
                                                                                  When making your decision, you should consider
                                                                                  the risks associated with the Local Management
                                                                                  Proposal, some of which are set out in Sections 3,
                                                                                  4 and 7.

      1    A holder of a Water Allocation is either the person whose details are stated on the water allocations register as the person who holds the
           water allocation or if a lease of the water allocation is registered on the register—the lessee of the lease.

Fairbairn Irrigation Network Pty Ltd
                                                                                                                               Offer Document

  1. LOCAL MANAGEMENT                                                         Summary of the Local Management
     PROPOSAL                                                                 Proposal
  1.1       Background                                                            • Assets: Selma and Weemah channel
  In late 2016, the Queensland Government set up                                     and pipeline systems and related drains
                                                                                     (excluding part of the LN1 drain) to be
  FIN and appointed the Board to negotiate and
                                                                                     transferred to FIN
  investigate the local management proposal with
  the Queensland Government and ultimately, if                                    • Employees: Existing local SunWater staff to
  accepted by the Board and the Customers, to                                        transfer to FIN, on the same employment
  become the owner and operator of the Irrigation                                    conditions and with any accrued leave
  Scheme.                                                                            entitlements preserved (and with FIN to
                                                                                     receive a cash payment for certain accrued
  The move toward local management of the                                            leave entitlements)
  Irrigation Scheme has been discussed and
  considered by customers of the Irrigation                                       • Separation Payment: Government to pay
  Scheme and the Queensland Government for                                           FIN a Separation Payment of $2.5 million
  over 20 years. This document is the culmination
                                                                                  • Cash Assets: SunWater will transfer cash
  of work commenced in 2012 when Government                                          assets representing exit fees previously paid
  began detailed investigations into the feasibility                                 by Customers to SunWater (at this stage
  of Local Management for SunWater’s irrigation                                      approximately $81,000), $276,000 in lieu
  schemes.2 It was that process that resulted in the                                 of SunWater replacing the Parshall flumes
  formation of the Company and the appointment                                       with new bulk meters3, an amount for any
  of the Board (see Section 2.2 for details of the                                   non-routine works in the 2018/19 network
  Board).                                                                            service plan that are not undertaken by
                                                                                     SunWater prior to the Transfer Day, and
  The Board has assessed the offer from the                                          amounts to cover certain leave entitlements
  Government and negotiated the terms of the                                         for the transferring employees.
  proposed transfer of the Irrigation Scheme to
  the Company. As part of this process, risk-based                                • Winton Creek: SunWater will be required to
  enquiries supported by external experts, including                                 undertake works on Winton Creek
  legal, accounting and engineering assessments,                                  • Customers: Existing SunWater customers
  into the transferring assets and liabilities have                                  in the Scheme to transfer to FIN, including
  been undertaken and the Board has examined                                         Water Allocation holders who will become
  various financial models to assist it to understand                                customers of FIN under a new Customer
  the prospects of the Company should the Local                                      Contract
  Management Proposal proceed.
                                                                                  • Shareholders: Water Allocation holders can
                                                                                     elect to become Shareholders of FIN
  1.2       Local Management Proposal
  The Local Management Proposal is the proposal
                                                                                  • Bulk Water: SunWater will continue to
                                                                                     operate the Fairbairn Dam and collect bulk
  by the Government to transfer the Irrigation                                       water charges (Part A and B charges)
  Scheme and its associated business and certain
  liabilities from SunWater to FIN. A Transfer Deed                               • Transfer Date: Transfer scheduled for 30
  has been executed by FIN under which the                                           June 2019
  Department has agreed to transfer the Irrigation
                                                                                  • Conditions need to be met: Transfer
  Scheme to the Company. The box below                                               conditional on sufficient customer support
  summarises key aspects of the proposal. Further                                    and other conditions being met.
  details of the terms of the transfer are provided in
  Section 9.2.

  2    More information on the history of the Local Management Project is available at
  3    FIN has no current plans to upgrade these bulk meters. More information can be found in Section 4 below.

Fairbairn Irrigation Network Pty Ltd
                                                                                                         Offer Document

      The transfer is conditional on:                          2. FAIRBAIRN IRRIGATION’S
          • customers representing 70% of Allocations             BUSINESS PROPOSAL
              by nominal volume of Water Allocations in
              the Scheme supporting the proposal and           2.1    Board’s vision for FIN
              accepting the Offer of Shares in FIN.            The Board’s vision for FIN is a locally owned
                                                               entity, working with irrigators to create
          • FIN entering agreements with SunWater
              related to:                                      sustainable water access solutions for the
                                                               Irrigation Scheme. Its core business principles will
                  » the provision of pumping services from     be:
                    the Selma pump station,
                                                                 • Sustainability and growth: The Board
                  » the supply of distribution loss                  intends to take a long-term view of
                    allocations to be transferred to FIN,            management of the business, to ensure the
                                                                     Irrigation Scheme remains financially viable
                  » a service level agreement between the            and is able to support future generations of
                    parties,                                         farmers in the district, while also having the
                                                                     potential to grow over time.
                  » the release of water into the section of
                    the LN1 drain that will be retained by       • Local accountability: The Board, which
                    SunWater, and                                    currently includes several local irrigators,
                                                                     will be directly accountable to its customer
                  » the Channel Lining Project.
          • Term sheets which set out the main terms             • Efficient and cost-effective services: The
              to be included in the final agreements have
                                                                     Board’s goal is to provide cost effective
              already been agreed for the Selma pump
                                                                     water services to its customers through
              station and LN1 drain agreements, as have
                                                                     efficient and effective management of its
              the principles for the Channel Lining Project.
                                                                     physical and human resources.
      These conditions can be varied or waived by
                                                                 • Working with customers: The Board
      agreement between FIN and the Department.                      intends to work closely with customers,
      If FIN is unable to agree satisfactory terms with              with the goal of building their trust and
      SunWater, then the Board intends to consult with               understanding their needs.
      Current Customers prior to making a decision on
      how to proceed under the Transfer Deed.                    • Revenue stays in the scheme: All revenue
                                                                     from distribution and drainage charges
                                                                     will be accounted for, and spent, in
                                                                     operating and maintaining the Irrigation
                                                                     Scheme. There will be no dividends or
                                                                     other distributions paid to Shareholders.
                                                                     Customers will be able to track the
                                                                     performance of FIN as a standalone entity.

                                                               Further detail on key elements of the Board’s
                                                               proposal for FIN are set out below.
                                                               Pricing. After the Transfer Date, the Board will
                                                               be responsible for setting prices (as opposed to
                                                               Government, based on recommendations from
                                                               the Queensland Competition Authority (QCA)).
                                                               The Board will be able to set prices annually
                                                               by giving customers at least six months’ notice
                                                               before the start of each financial year.
                                                               The Board has determined the distribution prices
                                                               to apply from the Transfer Date for the 2019/20
                                                               financial year. These are shown in Table 1.

Fairbairn Irrigation Network Pty Ltd
                                                                                                                                     Offer Document

  Table 1: FIN prices 2019/20 and comparison with SunWater

                                               Fixed (per ML)            Variable (per ML)          FIN Total                SunWater Total4
                                               (Part C)                  (Part D)
      Medium Priority Allocation               $25                       $6.71                      $31.71                   $34.15
      High Priority Allocation                 $36.27                    $6.71                      $42.98                   $46.74

  Fixed distribution prices for medium priority                                 expenditure through the savings in operating
  water will be 8% lower in 2019/20 under FIN                                   expenses described above. (Note that if the Board
  compared with SunWater.                                                       were to adopt the SunWater capital profile, this
                                                                                would mean that the modelled prices under FIN
  The lower prices under FIN reflect the Board’s
                                                                                would increase by only 2.4% per annum over the
  estimate of operating expenses, which is more
                                                                                29-year period, rather than 3.7%.)
  than $400,000 lower than SunWater’s estimate.
  The Board’s intention is to operate under a lower                             One of the Board’s goals is to bring more water
  cost base than currently exists under SunWater                                into the network, for example, where feasible by
  and to continue to look for ways to reduce the                                making any surplus distribution loss allocation
  cost of supplying water to customers. The Board                               available for productive use. (Since 2008,
  is targeting long-term price increases of 3.7%5.                              between 11,900 ML and 23,500 ML of surplus
  This compares with since 2007:                                                distribution loss water has been available at the
                                                                                end of each water year.) While not included in
       • an average annual increase in SunWater’s
          prices of 4.9%, and                                                   the current Asset Refurbishment and Renewal
                                                                                Strategy, the Board also intends to look at options
       • an average annual increase in SunWater’s                               for modernising the scheme, as well as funding
          costs of 8.4%.6                                                       options (including government grants) to support
                                                                                modernisation, to ensure the scheme can provide
  Drainage charges in 2019/20 will be the same
                                                                                services that respond to irrigator demands.
  as the 2018/2019 year but escalated by inflation.
  The 2018/2019 rates are $28.10 per hectare for                                Meeting service standards, with a view to
  irrigable land and $6.85 per hectare for non-                                 improvement. The existing service levels, as
  irrigable land. Drainage charges will increase in                             described in the current distribution rules under
  line with inflation each financial year thereafter.                           SunWater, will be adopted by the Company. The
                                                                                Board’s intention is to target an improvement
  Maintaining, growing and modernising the
                                                                                in service standards over time through its local
  scheme for the benefit of customers. The Board
                                                                                focus and capacity for independent decision-
  intends to manage the network to enhance its
                                                                                making. The Board intends to set service
  capacity to support and promote agriculture
                                                                                standards, based on customer needs, and then
  in the region. The Board’s Asset Refurbishment
                                                                                meet those standards. Concerns raised during the
  and Renewal Strategy provides for $19.5 million
                                                                                Local Management process have already resulted
  of capital expenditure over 29 years, which is
                                                                                in SunWater agreeing to spend additional funds
  fully funded under the proposed price path. This
                                                                                improving drainage through Winton Creek. The
  compares with $7.9 million planned by SunWater
                                                                                Board is committed to continuing to fund such
  over the same period7. The Board’s intention
                                                                                maintenance activities.
  is to meet the cost of the additional capital

  4    SunWater prices are currently only set until 30 June 2019. The prices shown here are based on the 2018/19 prices increased by 2.5%.
  5    This target has been developed for the total price that is the fixed and variable and applies to both the Medium and High Allocations.
       These are targets developed by the Board using information available to the Board. The actual prices will be set by the Company over
       time and will be subject to the information available to the Company at that time. There are inherent risks associated with the operation
       of the business, which may impact the price of water which are discussed in more detail at Section 7.
  6    Based on SunWater’s total actual prices and total cost-reflective price for medium priority allocations. For further detail see section 6.4.
  7    Both the FIN and SunWater capital expenditure values exclude costs associated with the Selma pump station. The SunWater values
       also exclude any SunWater overheads. This is to allow for a like-for-like comparison, given that any overhead costs for FIN are already
       captured in their operating costs.

Fairbairn Irrigation Network Pty Ltd
                                                                                                                   Offer Document

       Corporate structure. FIN will be a public company                  operations of bulk water supply. SunWater will
       limited by shares.8 Holders of a water allocation                  also continue to own and operate the Selma
       distributed under the distribution operations                      Pump Station (with relevant costs passed on
       licence for the Irrigation Scheme will be eligible to              to FIN) and the section of the LN1 drain within
       become Shareholders in FIN. Shareholders will be                   the town of Emerald. In addition, SunWater will
       eligible to stand for election as a Director of the                be responsible for implementing the Channel
       Company and attend meetings of the Company.                        Lining Project. The Company and SunWater are
       A customer’s Share Entitlement will reflect the                    working towards agreements to govern these
       nominal volume held under Allocation. There is                     arrangements prior to the Transfer Date. Term
       a restriction in the Constitution to ensure that                   sheets have already been agreed for the Selma
       a person together with their Associates cannot                     pump station and LN1 drain agreements, as have
       hold more than 25% of the Shares in FIN9. The                      the principles for the Channel Lining Project.
       Company will prepare annual financial reports
       which will be publicly available.
                                                                          2.2 Board
       Continuity of operation. From the Transfer Date,                   The Constitution provides that the Board will
       FIN will operate out of the existing SunWater                      consist of a minimum of five and a maximum of
       office and depot at Esmond Street, Emerald                         seven Directors, with at least two Independent
       and the current local SunWater employees will                      Directors and at least two Shareholder Directors.
       transfer to FIN. The current SunWater employees                    At the first general meeting after the Transfer
       between them have significant experience                           Day, and each year thereafter, at least two of the
       working in the Irrigation Scheme and the Board                     Directors will retire. The Constitution provides
       recognises the importance of retaining their local                 that Directors may not serve for longer than a
       knowledge and skills. Staff will transfer with their               three-year term, without re-election. Directors
       existing entitlements and SunWater’s existing                      will be entitled to be paid for their role on the
       enterprise agreement.                                              Board. The Directors are currently paid based on
                                                                          rates that have been determined by Government
       Funding to support the transition. The $2.5
                                                                          in accordance with the Government’s general
       million separation payment from the Government
                                                                          policy for remuneration for board members
       will assist FIN with its initial set up costs and to
                                                                          on an entity of this type and size. Those rates
       replace systems and equipment that are currently
                                                                          will initially, subject to review by the Board,
       provided centrally by SunWater. Allowance
                                                                          continue to apply after the transition to Local
       for these costs has been factored into the
                                                                          Management. The Board intends to adopt higher
       Company’s business plan. There is also separate
                                                                          rates for Independent Directors, as a means for
       funding available from Government to meet
                                                                          attracting suitably qualified individuals.
       certain transitional costs incurred prior to the
       Transfer Day.                                                      The Board will have the power to manage the
                                                                          business of the Company except for those
       A local approach to business. The Board’s
                                                                          matters reserved for the Shareholders. The Board
       intention is to operate with a preference towards
                                                                          may delegate any of its powers to a committee
       engaging local suppliers and contractors.
                                                                          of the Board, a Director or an employee of the
       Insurance to manage risks. The Board intends                       Company.
       taking out insurance to mitigate key risks to the
                                                                          Details of the current Directors are set out below.
       business. In addition, the Board proposes to rely
       on its operating budget and funding set aside for                  Chair Anne Marie O’Callaghan, Independent
       capital costs to manage uninsurable risks such as                  director
       floods and insurance deductibles.                                  Anne Marie is an experienced director and
                                                                          finance professional with over 20 years’
       A new relationship with SunWater. FIN will
                                                                          experience in executive leadership and on
       have a close relationship with SunWater given
                                                                          company boards throughout rural and regional
       SunWater’s ongoing role in management and
                                                                          Queensland. She is a former partner of a regional
                                                                          chartered accounting practice with excellent
       8    FIN is currently a proprietary limited company. FIN will be
            converted to a public company prior to the Transfer Date.
                                                                          business acumen and financial skills, including
                                                                          extensive expertise in business advisory, financial
       9    Article 8(c)(ii)B1) of the Constitution

Fairbairn Irrigation Network Pty Ltd
                                                                                                  Offer Document

  modelling, taxation and audit. She is also Director    Emma and her husband manage a family farming
  and Chair of Finance on the board of Suncare           enterprise on the river system at Emerald. During
  Community Services Limited, a healthcare               Stage 2 Emma was the project co-ordinator
  company. A strong advocate for agribusiness            for the Emerald interim board, gaining direct
  and community development, Anne Marie                  experience of the Local Management governance
  was a director of the Emerald Stage 2 Local            and stakeholder engagement processes, in
  Management Arrangements Interim Board.                 addition to an understanding of the entire
                                                         Emerald distribution scheme.
  Ross Burnett, Shareholder director
  For more than 14 years Ross has successfully           David McDougall, Independent director
  owned, operated and expanded his cropping              David has over 35 years’ experience providing
  business in the Emerald Irrigation Area. He            strategic, financial and economic advice to
  has been a pro-active advocate for Emerald             Government and the private sector. He was
  agribusiness on local and national industry            previously a partner of KPMG leading the
  organisations, serving in various executive roles on   Infrastructure & Projects Group in Queensland
  the Central Highland Cotton Growers & Irrigators       and PNG, a Director of a major Australian
  Association since 2006 and as President from           investment bank in Australia and the USA and a
  2011-2014. He has been the Emerald Member              senior manager at Westpac specialising in Project
  Representative on Cotton Australia from 2015-          Finance. David has expertise in project evaluation
  2018. He is currently the grower representative on     and procurement, transaction structuring, project
  Cotton Australia’s Sustainability Working Group        and structured finance, mergers and acquisitions,
  and is a director on the Queensland Farmers            valuations, capital raising and strategic advice.
  Federation board. His understanding of corporate       He was previously a Director of Water Secure
  governance and stakeholder engagement has              and Seqwater and a number of public and private
  been gained through involvement in operating his       companies and is currently a Director of Mineral
  own business and past board and executive roles.       Resources Lihir Pty Ltd the manager of the
  Ross has been involved in the LMA process since        Australian assets of the Lihirian Equity Trust, a
  its inception in 2012.                                 PNG based investment fund.

  Peter Galea, Shareholder director                      Hamish Millar, Shareholder director
  Peter has practical and in-field agribusiness          Hamish is the Managing Director of Cowal
  experience spanning more than 35 years                 Agriculture, a large scale agribusiness based
  including irrigation farms in Mackay, Burdekin         in Emerald, producing predominately irrigated
  and Emerald, in addition to dryland farming in the     cotton and grain. He is a graduate of the
  Clermont district. An active representative of the     Memphis Exchange International Cotton School,
  local community, Peter served as a director on         and has experience in classing and marketing.
  Stage 2 of the Local Management process.               Hamish has extensive knowledge of production
                                                         and agribusiness within the cotton industry,
  Emma McCullagh, Independent director                   including roles requiring strategic planning,
  Emma has been actively involved in advocating          business management and trading commodities.
  for Emerald’s community and agribusiness for           He has had extensive experience in several
  many years. She is the former president of the         cotton industry organisations, including the
  Central Highlands Cotton Growers and Irrigators        Chair of the Australian Cotton Growers Research
  Association and has held various executive             Association, Director of Cotton Australia, Director
  positions in the organisation over the past seven      of the Cotton Industry Council, Director of the
  years. Emma is a representative on the people’s        Cotton Research & Development Corporation,
  panel of the Cotton Research and Development           Chair of Cotton Industry Development in
  Corporation. She is employed as a project              Northern Australia and is a fellow of the
  officer for Central Queensland Rural Health            Australian Institute of Company Directors.
  where her role includes conducting stakeholder         Hamish is committed to the benefits of well-
  engagement across the primary health sector.           targeted research and development to underpin
  She also supports the governance process and           the overall performance of Australian agriculture.
  procedures within the organisation.

Fairbairn Irrigation Network Pty Ltd
                                                                                                        Offer Document

       2.3 Operations team
       The day-to-day management of the Company will be overseen by a general manager, Jason Smith,
       who will report directly to the Board. In addition to the general manager, the staff of the Company will
       comprise an additional eight staff. All the positions are expected to be filled by staff who transfer from
       SunWater. The proposed organisational structure is set out in the diagram below. In addition, the Board is
       proposing to engage a bookkeeper.

                                               Board of Directors

                                                General Manager

                      Administration           Water distribution                    Maintenance
                          1x administrator      1x operations supervisor          1x operations supervisor
                                                 4x operator maintainer            1x operator maintainer

Fairbairn Irrigation Network Pty Ltd
                                                                                                                                Offer Document

  3.1       Introduction
  Given the significant resources committed by the Department to investigating and supporting a move
  to Local Management since 2012, if the Local Management Proposal is rejected by Current Customers,
  further resources to facilitate a move to Local Management may not be made available for some time, if
  at all. As such, you should carefully consider the reasons for and against a transition to Local Management
  before responding to this Offer Document.
  If this Local Management Proposal does not proceed, the Department has indicated that the Irrigation
  Scheme will remain within SunWater. Comparisons between FIN and SunWater are shown in section 6.

  3.2 Reasons to support the Local Management Proposal
  Reasons why you may wish to support the Local Management Proposal include:

     P        A more flexible and responsive business controlled by a customer-elected Board
              Local Management would mean that the Irrigation Scheme will be owned and run by a company
              with a Shareholder elected Board. A locally owned Irrigation Scheme will mean greater flexibility
              and control in how the network is operated, including scope to vary service standards to meet
              local conditions or distribution pricing structures to respond to local demands, or to modernise
              the network.

     P        Transparency and local accountability, with all revenue staying in the scheme
              With a more accessible management team and a Board that is directly accountable to
              Shareholders, you are likely to benefit from greater transparency relating to the operation,
              decision-making and finances of the Company and the Irrigation Scheme. The Company will
              be a not-for-profit entity and all revenue earned by the Company will stay in the scheme and
              all costs accounted for within a local standalone entity. There will be no dividends or other
              distributions paid to Shareholders.

     P        Greater control over distribution prices
              Under Local Management, the Board will be responsible for future pricing policy.10 This is
              different to SunWater which is subject to pricing recommendations from the QCA and subject to
              the risk that Government policy in relation to pricing may change. Based on the Board’s proposal,
              the fixed prices paid by Customers in 2019/20 will be lower under Local Management than they
              will be under SunWater. There is a detailed discussion of pricing issues in section 6.

     P        More say over maintenance and replacement/refurbishment of key assets
              Local Management will give Shareholders more involvement in decisions on the refurbishment
              or replacement of assets including critical infrastructure. Decisions will be driven by the needs of
              the scheme and no longer influenced by SunWater’s corporate or state-wide policies. The Board
              is proposing a capital expenditure program that is significantly more than SunWater’s, while still
              targeting lower prices.

     P        Capacity to realise benefits from distribution loss allocations
              If there is surplus water available under FIN’s distribution loss allocations in any given year, then
              the Company may be able to trade water on the temporary market. Such revenue could be used
              to improve service standards or to reduce water prices. This would also increase the amount of
              water available for productive use within the Irrigation Scheme.

  10 Bulk water prices will continue to be set in accordance with legislative and regulatory processes, which currently includes review by the
     QCA with prices set by the Government based on QCA recommendations.

Fairbairn Irrigation Network Pty Ltd
                                                                                                             Offer Document

          P        Scheme assets transferred at no cost, and money from the Government paid up front
                   As part of the transition to Local Management, the Company will receive, at no cost, assets with
                   a replacement value of $162 million. In addition, the Department has agreed to pay the Company
                   a Separation Payment of $2.5 million and SunWater will transfer certain cash assets including
                   approximately $81,000 for exit fees previously paid to SunWater and $276,000 in lieu of SunWater
                   upgrading certain bulk meters. The Board will be able to determine how those funds are best
                   spent. Government has advised that there will be no future subsidies paid to the Company.

          P        Other benefits:
                   Local economy: Local Management of the Irrigation Scheme may result in more of the work
                   related to the scheme being undertaken locally, rather than (as currently) in SunWater’s regional
                   centres or in the Brisbane head office. This may provide local economic benefits.
                   A voice for Customers: FIN will be a platform to raise issues with the Government on your behalf,
                   for example during bulk water pricing reviews or water planning processes, such as changes to
                   the water plan.
                   Potential to access alternative funding: FIN may be able to access a range of funding sources,
                   including Federal or State funds that are only available to private entities. The Company may be
                   more flexible and have greater incentives to apply for funding.

       3.3 Reasons not to support the Local Management Proposal
       Reasons not to support the Local Management Proposal:

          O        Maintain the status quo and avoid risks associated with Local Management
                   There is a risk that the operation of the Irrigation Scheme will not be a financially viable
                   business or that distribution prices will need to increase by more than anticipated to ensure
                   its viability. As a small, stand-alone, privately owned entity, FIN may have less capacity to
                   withstand unexpected events, including events that increase operating costs or capital
                   requirements or adversely affect customer viability. To mitigate these risks the Board intends
                   to take out appropriate insurance, and to build a cash reserve to meet future capital costs.
                   Risks associated with Local Management are discussed in detail in Sections 4 and 7.

          O        Lost potential to access Government subsidies and support
                   The Government has historically capped distribution price rises by subsidising the operation
                   of the Irrigation Scheme. Current Government policy is that Customers should ultimately
                   pay the full cost of operating and maintaining the network, but the Government has sought
                   to smooth the transition to Cost-reflective Pricing by limiting the rate at which prices have
                   increased. This support may continue if the network remains with SunWater (although there
                   are no guarantees regarding the Government’s future pricing policy). Under Government
                   ownership through SunWater, the Government has the financial ability, should it choose to do
                   so, to respond to unexpected events and support the Irrigation Scheme.
                   Under Local Management, the Company will need to rely upon insurance together with
                   existing operational budgets and cash reserves to respond to unexpected events. Where
                   additional funding is required, it will most likely need to be sourced from Customers through
                   an increase in distribution prices charged to them.

Fairbairn Irrigation Network Pty Ltd
                                                                                                Offer Document

  This Section 4 answers some questions Customers may have about the Local Management Proposal and
  the Offer of Shares, and should be read together with the other parts of this Offer Document.

    Question                  Answer                                                Further information

    What is the Local         The Local Management Proposal is the proposal         Sections 1.2 and 9.2
    Management Proposal?      to transfer the Emerald Irrigation Channel Scheme
                              from SunWater to FIN and pay FIN a Separation
                              Payment of $2.5 million as well as certain cash
                              assets including around $81,000 for exit fees
                              previously paid to SunWater and $276,000 in lieu
                              of SunWater upgrading certain bulk meters. The
                              transfer is targeted for 30 June 2019.
                              The Local Management Proposal is subject to a
                              number of pre-conditions.
    What are the pre-         Under the Transfer Deed, a number of conditions       Section 1.2 and 9.2
    conditions to the         must be satisfied before the transfer may occur,
    Proposal and what         including:
    happens if they are not
                                • 70% of Current Customers (by volume)
    met?                           accepting this Offer; and

                                • FIN concluding agreements with SunWater
                                   in relation the Selma Pump Station, the LN1
                                   drain, the Channel Lining Project, supply of
                                   distribution loss allocations and ongoing
                                   services via a service level agreement.

                              If the pre-conditions are not met by the dates
                              required in the Transfer Deed:
                                • those dates may be extended by agreement
                                   between the Company and the State (which
                                   could result in the Transfer Date being

                                • the Transfer Deed may be terminated by
                                   the Company or the State and the Local
                                   Management Proposal will not proceed, or

                                • the Board and/or State may waive the relevant
                                   condition allowing for the transfer to proceed
                                   despite one or some of the conditions not
                                   being met.

Fairbairn Irrigation Network Pty Ltd
                                                                                                     Offer Document

         Question                 Answer                                                 Further information
         What is the Irrigation   The Irrigation Scheme refers to the distribution and   Section 9
         Scheme and what assets   drainage assets in the Emerald Irrigation Area. This
         are being transferred?   includes:
                                    • the Selma and Weemah channel systems,
                                       including associated channels, pipes, pumps,
                                       meters, and the Parshall flumes

                                    • the drainage network, including the part of the
                                       LN1 drain within the channel system

                                    • the distribution loss water allocations
                                    • the house on Old Airport Drive, and
                                    • the depot and office at Esmond Street and
                                       plant and equipment related to the Irrigation
         Does the Irrigation      No, Fairbairn Dam and other bulk water assets will
         Scheme include the       remain with SunWater.
         Fairbairn Dam?
         What happens to Selma    SunWater will continue to own and operate the          Section 9.4
         pump station?            Selma pump station, which will be used to supply
                                  water to the Irrigation Scheme. FIN will pay
                                  SunWater for the cost of providing pumping services
                                  from the pump station.
                                  SunWater and FIN are negotiating an agreement
                                  regarding pumping services from the pump station.
                                  A term sheet has already been agreed.
         What about the LN1       FIN has successfully negotiated the retention by       Section 9.4
         drain?                   SunWater of the part of the LN1 drain that traverses
                                  the township of Emerald. The remainder of the LN1
                                  will transfer to FIN.
                                  FIN and SunWater are negotiating an agreement
                                  under which the Company will be required to pay
                                  SunWater for the discharge of water into LN1. A
                                  term sheet has already been agreed.

Fairbairn Irrigation Network Pty Ltd
                                                                                                     Offer Document

    Question                   Answer                                                    Further information
    What about the Channel     SunWater has been granted $3.01 million from the          Section 9.5
    Lining Project?            National Water Infrastructure Development Fund
                               towards lining channels within the Scheme to
                               reduce water loss. The funding is subject to final
                               agreements being concluded between the Federal
                               Government, the State and SunWater.
                               Under the Transfer Deed, SunWater and FIN must
                               enter into a Channel Lining Project Agreement prior
                               to the Transfer Date in line with principles set out in
                               the Transfer Deed. Under those principles:
                                 • generally, SunWater will fund the capital costs
                                    of the Channel Lining Project and carry out the
                                    works after the Transfer Date,

                                 • SunWater will be able to recover the capital
                                    costs from the sale of any water saved by the

                                 • interest will be payable with respect to the
                                    capital costs and that interest amount should
                                    be recovered from the sale of any water saved
                                    by the project,

                                 • if there are surplus funds from the sale of water
                                    saved by the project after SunWater capital
                                    costs and interest have been paid, those funds
                                    would go to FIN.
    What about the bulk        SunWater had planned to replace the Parshall
    meters?                    Flumes with new bulk water meters in the current
                               network service plan. The Board determined that
                               the upgrade was not required immediately and the
                               funds allocated for the upgrade will instead be paid
                               to the Company on the Transfer Date. The Board
                               currently has no plans to install new bulk water
    Operation of the Irrigation Scheme
    Who will run the           FIN, overseen by its Board, will operate the Irrigation   Section 2.2 and
    Irrigation Scheme under    Scheme. FIN will be owned by those Eligible               section 2.3
    Local Management?          Customers who agree to become Shareholders in
                               the Company. The Board will be responsible for the
                               strategic direction of the Company, while the staff,
                               led by the general manager, will be responsible for
                               day-to-day operations.
                               Neither the Government nor SunWater will be
                               involved in the management or decision-making of
                               the Company.

Fairbairn Irrigation Network Pty Ltd
                                                                                                           Offer Document

         Question                    Answer                                                    Further information
         What happens to existing    All local SunWater staff working in the Irrigation        Sections 9.2 and 9.8
         SunWater employees?         Scheme in Emerald will transfer and the SunWater
                                     enterprise agreement will continue to apply to their
                                     employment with FIN. In addition, provision has
                                     been made:
                                       • to ensure that the ‘no forced redundancy
                                          provisions’ in the SunWater enterprise
                                          agreement will apply for 3 years from the
                                          Transfer Date, and

                                       • in the Transfer Deed to ensure that the
                                          transferring employees shall receive the
                                          benefit of any future beneficial terms in
                                          the new enterprise agreement currently
                                          being negotiated between SunWater and its
         Will the operation and      Initially, the Irrigation Scheme will be operated by      Section 1.1 and
         maintenance of the          the same staff (except employed by FIN instead of         section 5.9
         Irrigation Scheme be        SunWater) and using the same or similar operating
         different under Local       rules. Over time, the Board and management may
         Management?                 change service standards in response to decisions
                                     of the Board and feedback from Customers. The
                                     Board has planned for significantly more capital
                                     expenditure than is currently planned by SunWater.
         Water prices under Local Management
         Who will set the            The FIN Board will set prices for water distribution      Section 1.2 and 6.1
         distribution water          in the Irrigation Scheme and for related services.
         prices under Local          Distribution prices will be determined based on
         Management?                 the Board’s assessment of the revenue required
                                     to operate and maintain the scheme including
                                     provision for capital expenditure into the future.
                                     Under the new deemed Customer Contract, FIN
                                     can adjust the distribution prices (fixed and variable)
                                     annually on 1 July, provided it has given Customers
                                     at least six months’ prior notice.
         What about bulk water       Bulk water charges will continue to be paid to            Section 7.3(a)(ii)(C)
         prices under Local          SunWater. Bulk water prices will continue to be
         Management?                 set in accordance with legislative and regulatory
                                     processes, which currently includes reviews by the
                                     QCA with prices set by the Government based on
                                     the QCA recommendations.
         Will the Government         No. A Separation Payment will be paid on or before        Section 9.2
         subsidise water             the Transfer Date, which is a one-off lump sum to
         distribution prices under   assist with the transition of the Irrigation Scheme to
         Local Management in the     Local Management. The Government has stated that
         future?                     no subsidies will be paid by the Government to the
                                     Company in the future.

Fairbairn Irrigation Network Pty Ltd
                                                                                                                              Offer Document

    Question                             Answer                                                                    Further information

    Proposed governance arrangements
    What type of entity is               FIN will be a public company limited by shares.11                         Section 9.7
    How do I have a say in               To have a say in the decisions of the Company you                         Section 9.7
    the decisions of FIN?                need to be a Shareholder. If you are a Shareholder:
                                            • you or your nominee could seek election as a
                                               Shareholder Director;

                                            • you will be able to attend general meetings of
                                               the Company; and

                                            • you will be entitled to vote on the election of
                                               Directors and certain other decisions set out
                                               in the Constitution or where required by the
                                               Corporations Act.

                                         The Company will prepare annual financial reports
                                         which will be publicly available.
    How many Directors will              There must be a minimum of five Directors and a                           Section 9.7
    there be?                            maximum of seven Directors, of which at least two
                                         must be Independent Directors and two must be
                                         Shareholder Directors.
    How long are Directors               Directors will, depending on the particular date of                       Section 9.7
    appointed to the Board?              the relevant meeting and the rotation process in the
                                         Constitution, typically be appointed for a maximum
                                         of three years (subject to re-election).
    Other questions
    What happens to my                   On the Transfer Day, if you are a registered holder                       Section 9.3
    existing supply contracts            of a Water Allocation holder, your existing contracts
    with SunWater?                       with SunWater for bulk water and for the delivery of
                                         water through the Irrigation Scheme will be replaced
                                         by two new contracts:
                                            • one with SunWater for your bulk water; and
                                            • a new deemed Customer Contract with FIN for
                                               the water distribution and drainage services.

                                         The new deemed Customer Contract has been
                                         based on the existing SunWater channel and
                                         pipeline contract.
                                         You are the ‘holder’ of the relevant Water Allocation
                                         if you are registered as the person who holds the
                                         Water Allocation or if a lease of the Water Allocation
                                         is registered on the register, the lessee of the lease.

  11 FIN is currently a proprietary limited company. FIN will be converted to a public company prior to the Transfer Date.

Fairbairn Irrigation Network Pty Ltd
                                                                                                                  Offer Document

         Question                            Answer                                                   Further information
         Does this mean I                    Yes, it is the Board’s intention that FIN will issue
         will now receive two                customers with an invoice for the distribution (fixed
         separate invoices for my            and variable) and drainage charges and SunWater
         water charges?                      will continue to invoice customers for the bulk
                                             water charges.
         What if I am a SunWater             If you have an existing channel and pipeline contract    Section 9.6
         customer who temporary              with SunWater to temporary transfer water into
         transfers water into the            the Scheme and you are not a registered holder
         scheme but don’t hold a             of a Water Allocation in the Scheme, that existing
         Water Allocation in the             contract will be transferred to FIN on the Transfer
         Scheme?                             Date. The terms of the existing contract will be
                                             amended via the Transfer Notice to provide for
                                             the change to Local Management, including, for
                                             example to allow FIN to set the charges in the same
                                             manner that it is able to set charges under the
                                             deemed Customer Contract which applies to the
                                             holders of water allocations in the Scheme.
                                             People who only trade on a temporary basis and are
                                             not a registered holder of a Water Allocation holder
                                             will not be entitled to own Shares in FIN.
         How do I have a say                 FIN intends to establish an irrigator advisory
         if I don’t become a                 committee. The governance structure of this group
         Shareholder or I am                 is yet to be determined but the Board’s intention
         not eligible to be a                is that this could include customers who are not
         Shareholder?                        Shareholders.
         What about drainage                 FIN will levy a drainage charge for each hectare in      Section 9.6
         under Local                         the Declared Drainage Area. The Declared Drainage
         Management?                         Area will be the same area as under SunWater. The
                                             drainage charge will be the current drainage charges
                                             escalated by CPI for the start of the next financial
                                             The terms and conditions associated with drainage
                                             are contained in either:
                                                • the new deemed Customer Contract; or
                                                • in the Company’s standalone Drainage
                                                    Contract for landowners in the Declared
                                                    Drainage Area who are not a party to the
                                                    deemed Customer Contract (because they are
                                                    not the registered holder of a Water Allocation
                                                    in the Scheme).12

       12 The standalone drainage contract is available at

Fairbairn Irrigation Network Pty Ltd
                                                                                                                                   Offer Document

    Question                              Answer                                                                     Further information
    What happens if                       It will be the responsibility of FIN to ensure that the                    Section 7
    following the transition,             operation of the scheme remains viable over the
    FIN does not have                     long term. FIN will need to ensure that its prices are
    sufficient funds to                   set at a rate to cover its costs and build sufficient
    operate the Irrigation                funds to cover future capital expenses or deal with
    Scheme?                               unforeseen circumstances.
                                          The Government has stated that there will be no
                                          recourse to the Government for funding once Local
                                          Management is implemented.
    Under Local                           The Constitution provides that a person together                           Section 9.7
    Management, could the                 with their Associates cannot own more than 25% of
    Irrigation Scheme be                  the Shares in FIN13.
    taken over by another
                                          A takeover therefore could only occur if
                                          Shareholders passed a special resolution majority
                                          vote to amend the Constitution to remove this
                                          25% cap. Any potential acquirer would also need
                                          to comply with the takeover provisions of the
                                          Corporations Act.
    Accepting the Offer of Share Entitlement
    If I accept the Offer,                You will receive one Share for each megalitre of the                       Sections 8.1 and 8.6
    how many Shares will I                nominal volume of your Allocation. However, no
    receive?                              one person together with their Associates may hold
                                          more than 25% of Shares in the Company.
    Does it cost anything to              No. There is no amount payable for an application                          Section 8.1
    become a Shareholder?                 for your Share Entitlement.
    Will becoming a                       As a Shareholder in a public company limited by                            Section 7
    Shareholder expose me                 shares, you are not exposed to the financial risks of
    to financial risk?                    FIN.
                                          In circumstances where revenues and reserves are
                                          insufficient, FIN may consider any additional sources
                                          of funds available to it. The most likely source of
                                          funding would come from an increase in prices
                                          charged to customers.

  13 See Article 7.3 of the Constitution. Also note that “Associates” is widely defined in the Constitution and includes, for example children,
     spouse, dependent or in the case of a company, another company in the group of companies.

Fairbairn Irrigation Network Pty Ltd
                                                                                                            Offer Document

         Question                     Answer                                                    Further information
         Will becoming a              An application for an Administrative Binding              Section 9.1(a)
         Shareholder expose me        Advice has been made to the Australian Taxation
         to any tax risk?             Office with a response due in early 2019. In similar
                                      circumstances, advices have been issued providing
                                      that no material income tax liability would arise for
                                      customers electing to become shareholder of the
                                      similar entities. The Transfer Deed is conditional
                                      upon the Company and the State being satisfied no
                                      material tax liabilities will arise as a consequence of
                                      the Local Management Proposal. You should obtain
                                      your own tax advice in relation to your individual
         If I support the Local       Yes. By supporting the Local Management Proposal          Sections 8 and
         Management Proposal,         and returning the Support and Acceptance Form,            9.7(g)
         do I have to apply for       you also agree to apply for Shares in the Company.
                                      If you support the proposal and return the Support
                                      and Acceptance Form but do not wish to be a
                                      Shareholder, then after the Transfer Date you
                                      may apply to the Company to have your Shares
                                      transferred, bought-back, cancelled or forfeited
                                      under the Constitution.
         What happens if I don’t      You will still become a customer of FIN under the         Section 8
         become a Shareholder?        new standard deemed Customer Contract.
         If I don’t support the       Yes, but only after the Transfer Day, at which time if    Section 8
         Local Management             you meet the criteria to hold Shares in FIN you can
         Proposal can I still         apply to become a Shareholder.
         become a Shareholder?
         Who will know whether        Your Support and Acceptance Form will be collected        Section 8.9
         or not I support the Local   by an entity called LMA Support Services Pty Ltd.
         Management Proposal?         LMA Support Services will review all responses and
                                      advise the Government and the Board whether the
                                      Customer Support Threshold has been met.
                                      If you support the proposal and thereby elect to
                                      become a Shareholder of FIN, and if the Local
                                      Management Proposal proceeds, then your details
                                      will be provided to the Government and FIN for the
                                      purpose of managing the Share Register.
                                      During the Offer phase, Board members may
                                      contact you to encourage you to return your
                                      Support and Acceptance Form and to discuss the
                                      Local Management Proposal with you.

You can also read