OFF TO A GOOD START ! - Read this document before beginning your course. Keep it for the duration of your studies - Cégep à distance

Page created by Felix Vega
OFF TO A GOOD START ! - Read this document before beginning your course. Keep it for the duration of your studies - Cégep à distance
  Read this document before beginning your course.
 Keepthis  document
       it for           before
              the duration      beginning
                           of your studies. your course.
Keep it for the duration of your studies.
OFF TO A GOOD START ! - Read this document before beginning your course. Keep it for the duration of your studies - Cégep à distance

    This guide contains essential information about:            As a student, you are responsible for knowing the rules
                                                                and procedures that govern your studies at Cégep à
    – The Introduction and Instructions guide, which presents   distance. Please read Introduction and Instructions
      the main rules and procedures at Cégep à distance         at
    – The Campus that you will connect to in order to take
      your courses or carry out various administrative tasks     Policies and regulations

    – The support and supervision offered by Cégep à distance    Since Cégep à distance is an integral part of the Collège de
                                                                 Rosemont, you are subject to its policies and regulations.
    – Other things that may be useful during your studies
                                                                 You can read them at
      at Cégep à distance

                                                                6.    START NOW!
    If your course materials are wrapped, open the package
    to inspect all the documents. If anything is missing,       Start your course right away! You have six months
    contact Cégep à distance within 30 days at                  to submit all your assignments, and the countdown to
    514-864-6464 or 1-800-665-6400, option 1, or                the deadline has already begun! Begin by reading the
    by email at to report            Study Guide and then dive into your Workbook or
    the missing material and obtain a replacement.              your Textbook.

          PUT IT SOMEWHERE SAFE                                 To contact us
    Your welcome letter contains:                     
    – Your username and password for the Campus
                                                                514-864-6464 or 1-800-665-6400
      online environment
    – Your tutor’s name and contact information                 To contact your tutor over the phone
    – The due dates for your assignments                        You can leave a voice mail any time
                                                                – Dial 514-864-6464 or 1-800-665-6400.

    4.    MAILING LABELS AND PUT THEM                           – Press 2.
          SOMEWHERE SAFE                                        – Then dial your tutor’s number.
    If your assignments are to be submitted by mail, you        Attention! If the number starts with a zero (0),
    should have labels and envelopes. If your assignments       you must replace the zero (0) with one (1).
    are to be submitted through the Campus online               Example: number 0265 becomes 1265.
    environment, you will not receive labels and envelopes.
                                                                If the number has just three digits, add a 1
                                                                to the beginning.
                                                                Example: 789 becomes 1789.

OFF TO A GOOD START ! - Read this document before beginning your course. Keep it for the duration of your studies - Cégep à distance

INTRODUCTION                                                 Tutors’ response time
AND INSTRUCTIONS                                             Tutors have two business days to respond to messages
                                                             and phone calls. The best method of communication is
The document entitled Introduction and Instructions          the messaging system in the Campus. You may also use
is available on our website (              the telephone system, as necessary.
introduction) as well as in the General Resources
section of your course.
                                                             SUBMISSION OF ASSIGNMENTS
CHECKLIST OF RULES AND GUIDELINES                            Sending more than one assignment at a time to
                                                             your tutor is not allowed. The assignments are to be
You have just enrolled in one or more courses at Cégep       submitted to your tutor in order, one at a time. You
à distance. Here is a summary of the various rules to        must wait for the tutor’s feedback before submitting the
follow to effectively organize your educational progress.    next assignment.
All of the information mentioned here is excerpted from
                                                             If you send more than one assignment at a time, the
the Introduction and Instructions guide, available on our
                                                             extra assignments will be returned to you UNMARKED,
website ( and from the
                                                             which may end up causing you a delay. Also note that
General Resources section of your course.
                                                             assignments sent directly to the tutor by email will
Course deadline                                              not be marked.

You have six months to complete and submit the               Tutors’ correction time
assignments for each course. You must take your
                                                             Tutors have three business days to correct an assignment
examination(s) within three months of the date that the
                                                             or exam.
grade for your final assignment is recorded in your file.
                                                             IMPORTANT! Don’t forget to include postal delivery
Cancellation – Confirmation                                  times, if applicable.
– You must report your intention to drop or continue         – If it seems to be taking a long time to correct your
  a course, to avoid having a failing grade on your            assignment, please contact your tutor first to ensure
  transcript.                                                  the assignment was received.
– You have 30 business days after your course start date     – If your assignments are to be submitted through the
  to drop it. The withdrawal deadline for each course can      Campus online environment, only one assignment will
  be found in the Campus.                                      be active at the beginning of your course. Subsequently,
                                                               the entry of each assignment grade in the system will
– During the withdrawal period, your course will be            activate the next assignment.
  confirmed automatically as soon as you submit
  evaluations worth 20% of the course grade. After you       Examination
  do so, you can no longer drop the course.
                                                             All homework assignments must be corrected and the
– After the withdrawal deadline, you cannot drop the         grades must appear in your file before you can access
  course for any reason.                                     your final evaluation. If you have an oral exam to do, the
– You are responsible for your progress in your course(s),   grade for your oral exam must appear in your file before
  because dropping one or more courses may change            you can access your written exam.
  your student status. If you become a part-time student,
  you will have to pay tuition for your active courses in
  that session.                                              EXTENSIONS
– IMPORTANT! If you do not drop your course by the           To request an extension for an assignment, you must have
  deadline, you must finish and pass it (assignments and     at least one corrected assignment and the grade must
  exam) to avoid having a failure on your transcript.        appear in your file. No exceptions will be permitted.
– After the withdrawal deadline, you will receive a letter
  giving you the deadline for confirming the course.
                                                                                                           Cont’d     
OFF TO A GOOD START ! - Read this document before beginning your course. Keep it for the duration of your studies - Cégep à distance
IMPORTANT! Special conditions for the following courses:
    Physical Activity and Health (109-101-MQ), the mark from
    your 4th assignment must appear in your file; Physical         WANT TO PASS
    Activity and Autonomy (109-103-MQ), the mark from your
    3rd assignment must appear in your file.                       THE ENGLISH
    The extension for assignments is two months and the
    extension for exam(s) is one month.                            EXIT EXAM?
    – Under My Courses, select your course and click
      Request Extension.
    – You must apply separately for each course, if applicable.
    – There is a $40 fee for each extension for assignments
      and exams, for each course.
    IMPORTANT! Your request must be completed no
    more than five (5) business days after the assignment
    submission deadline date or final evaluation date for
                                                                  Didn’t pass your last attempt?
    your course.                                                  Feeling anxious because
    NO extensions will be granted to students who do not          you have to re-take the
    meet these criteria. In addition, Cégep à distance never
    grants a second extension.
                                                                  Cégep à distance offers you a winning formula
                                                                  with the course
                                                                  PREPARING FOR THE ENGLISH EXIT EXAM

                                                                  PREPARING FOR THE ENGLISH EXIT EXAM
                                                                  (864-MEE-FD) is designed to help you prepare for the
                                                                  Ministerial Examination of College English by working on
                                                                  the areas where you need more practice and confidence.
                                                                  When you take Preparing for the English Exit Exam
                                                                  (864-MEE-FD), you get:
                                                                  – An evaluation based on a personalized analysis of your
                                                                    previous exam results.
                                                                  – A review of everything you need to pass.
                                                                  – Personalized coaching by a specialized Exit Exam tutor.
                                                                  – Assignments and exercises specifically designed for the
                                                                    things you find difficult.
                                                                  – A 10-to-15-week program adapted to your needs.
                                                                  – A trial exam to make sure your next attempt will be
                                                                  – Accessible learning materials and attentive assistance.
                                                                  To register:

OFF TO A GOOD START ! - Read this document before beginning your course. Keep it for the duration of your studies - Cégep à distance
Username and
    HOW TO ACCESS THE CAMPUS                                                             Password
                                                                                         – Your username and
    ONLINE ENVIRONMENT                                                                     password were sent
                                                                                           to you by mail in the
                                                                                           welcome letter that
                                                                                           came with your course
                                                                                         – Your username and
                                                                                           password are case-
                                                                                           sensitive. Make sure to
                                                                                           use the UPPER- and
                                                                                           lower-case letters
                                                                                           correctly and to enter
HOW TO ACCESS THE CAMPUS                                                                   any spaces, and do not
Click on Access at                                                    confuse letter O with
or go to                                                         number 0.

ACCESS THE CAMPUS TO:                                                                    FAQs
–   Confirm your registration.
–   Change your address or phone number.                                                 Why is the system
–   Contact your tutor using the course messaging system.                                asking me to re-enter
–   Take part in a forum for a course.                                                   my username and
–   Access your final evaluation.                                                        password?
–   Get information about your marks and your course progress.                           If you stop using
–   Download your tax receipts.                                                          your computer for
–   Access your course(s) and assignments.                                               30 minutes or more,
                                                                                         your work session
IF YOUR ASSIGNMENTS HAVE TO BE SUBMITTED BY MAIL:                                        will automatically be
                                                                                         terminated and you
Use the address labels provided with your course materials.
                                                                                         will have to reconnect
                                                                                         to the system.
                                                                                         I would like to speak
Once you are logged into the Campus, click the Access my course button for the course    to my tutor in person.
you want to access.                                                                      Can I telephone?
                                                                                         Yes, you can leave a
                                                                                         message in your tutor’s
                                                                                         voice mail box and he or
                                                                                         she will get back to you
                                                                                         in a maximum of two
                                                                                         business days.

                                                                                         I would like to
                                                                                         communicate with other
              MY FILE                                        Click on Access my course   students who are taking
              Home                                                                       my course. Can I?
              Personal file                                                              Yes. Just visit the
              Report card                                                                discussion forums to
              Stat. of account
                                                                                         share your tips and meet
                                            Campus options                               other students registered
                                                                                         to your course.
              Non creditable registration
              Sanction application
              Online shop

              MY COLLEGE
              Public documents

OFF TO A GOOD START ! - Read this document before beginning your course. Keep it for the duration of your studies - Cégep à distance

    – Assigning you a tutor to help and encourage you.             When you are registered at Cégep à distance,
    – Recommending tools that will help you to more                you can count on professional services during
        efficiently manage your study time.                        your entire time on the way to success!
    – Providing advice on effective work habits adapted
        to your particular situation and specific to
        distance learning.
    – Providing personalized support for students who are          SUPPORT TOOLS
        admitted conditionally.                                    Visit to discover a number of
    – Helping you to plan upcoming semesters (choosing             student success resources. Feel free to check them out!
        courses, updating your educational plan, etc.).
    – Helping you to deal with unforeseen events that could        –   Introduction and Instructions
        hinder your educational success.                           –   On the road to success TV program and website
    –   Referring you to online educational and career             –   Time Management Guide
        orientation resources.                                     –   Examination Stress Guide
    YOUR TUTOR                                                     –   The Road to Success Guide

    – Welcomes you.                                                –   And more!

    – Answers your questions about the course material
        within two business days by telephone or                   Any questions?
        e-mail, regardless of whether your course is print-based   Contact us!
        or in the Campus online environment.                       514-864-6464 or 1-800-665-6400
    – Corrects and provides feedback on your assignments.          Press 1
    – Helps you to prepare for the final exam.           
    – Corrects your final exam.
    Communicating with your tutor
    By telephone
    You can leave a voice mail anytime.
    – Dial 514-864-6464 or 1-800-665-6400.
    – Press 2.
    – Then dial your tutor’s number.
    Attention! If the number starts with a zero (0), you
    must replace the zero (0) with one (1).
    Example: 0265 becomes 1265.
    If the number is composed of three (3) digits, you must add
    one (1) in front.
    Example: number 789 becomes 1789.
    In writing
    – Send a message through the Campus messaging
    – Participate in the online forum for the course.
    – Add questions when submitting an assignment.
OFF TO A GOOD START ! - Read this document before beginning your course. Keep it for the duration of your studies - Cégep à distance

1.   PLAN YOUR TIME                                           3.    ESTABLISH YOUR STUDY STRATEGY

•	Set a realistic schedule that takes all your obligations   •	Before you begin, look over your schedule and set
   into account: work, family, transit time, courses,            your priorities: which courses or assignments should
   activities, etc.                                              come first?

•	Create a timeline for each course; ideally, plan to        •	If possible, study every day; a brief period each day
   submit your first assignment in the first month.              can really pay off.

•	Plan for the unexpected; don’t procrastinate until the     •	Don’t forget to take a 10-minute break after every
   last minute—you could end up really regretting it.            50 minutes of studying.

  Stick to your timeline and adjust along the way if          •	Don’t hesitate to contact your resources—they are
  necessary.                                                     there to help you: tutor, Academic Advisor.

      THE RIGHT TIME TO STUDY                                 4.     BE AWARE OF YOUR MOTIVATION

•	Find a suitable location and get rid of all sources of     •	Remember what is motivating you to pursue your
   distraction (cellphone, social networks, etc.) so you         education: better job, better lifestyle, better salary?
   can focus without being disturbed.
                                                              •	If you are feeling unmotivated, figure out why:
•	Establish your study ritual based on the time of day          the course, trouble understanding the material,
   you are most efficient.                                       schedule, sense of isolation, lack of support?

•	Explain to your family and friends the purpose and         •	Contact your tutor, who will be happy to give you
   goal of your studies (to help them understand your            advice, share tips or guide you to the resource you
   need to devote time to studying).                             need to regain your motivation.

•	Don’t feel guilty about taking this time for yourself.
   Be proud: you are building your future!

                                                                 Don’t forget that Cégep à distance is here
                                                                 for you. Reach out and we will help you:
                                                                 514-864-6464 (1-800-665-6400) or

Back cover photo: DeanDrobot/iStock – Photos without mention: iStock and Thinkstock

To contact us
514-864-6464 or 1-800-665-6400
                                                                                      Cégep à distance
                                                                                      6300, 16e Avenue
                                                                                      Montréal (Québec)
                                                                                      H1X 2S9

March 2021
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