Ocular pigmentation in white and Siamese cats - Journal of Vision
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Ocular pigmentation in white and Siamese cats L. N. Thibos, W. R. Levick, and R. Morstyn Ocular pigmentation in white cats with blue and. yellow eyes and in Siamese cats was examined ophthalmoscopically and histologically. Yellow-eyed, white cats had. entirely normal ocular pigmentation. Blue eyes of white cats had. normal pigmentation of the iridial and. retinal pigment epithelia but no stromal pigmentation of the iris or choroid. This deficit is apparently due to the absence of stromal pigment cells, certainly in the iris. As a general rule, the blue eye of white cats had no tapetum. Siamese cats had reduced pigmentation of the iridial and retinal pigment epithelia and no stromal pigmentation of the iris or choroid. The lack of pigmentation is apparently due to the inability of stromal pigment cells to produce pigment, certainly in the iris. We conclude that the abnormality of visual pathways previously described, in the Siamese cat is not due simply to a deficiency of pigment in cells of neural crest origin. Key words: ocular pigments, white cats, Siamese cats, iris pigment, choroid pigment v3iamese and white cats are two breeds This report describes the extent of ocular which have a deficiency of coat pigmentation pigmentation in white cats as compared with and which can also have reduced ocular pig- Siamese and normally pigmented cats. Sev- mentation. The comparative details of this eral of the animals used in these experiments hypopigmentation are of interest because the were also subjects in neurophysiological in- Siamese cat suffers from an abnormal visual vestigations of the visual pathways which are pathway 1 " 3 yet the white cat does not. 4 Al- described elsewhere. 4 bino individuals of other mammalian species have pathway abnormalities similar to those Methods in the Siamese cat, and the suggestion has Ophthalmoscopic observations of six adult white been made that the cause might be specifical- cats (A through F) of undetermined genetic con- ly related to the amount of pigment in the stitution were made after each animal was pre- retinal epithelium. 5 ' 6 pared for neurophysiological recordings. The pupil was dilated with atropine drops (1%), and a zero-power contact lens was fitted. Additional ob- servations were made on six white, five Siamese, From the Department of Physiology, John Curtin School and one solid black cat (cats G through S). Color of Medical Research, Australian National University, photographs of the fundus and iris were taken with Canberra, Australia. a Zeiss fundus camera and Kodacolor 400 film. L. N. Thibos was supported by a Postdoctoral Fellow- Upon completion of neurophysiological exper- ship of the U. S. Public Health Service. R. Morstyn iments, a dose of about 30 mg of pentobarbitone was a Vacation Scholar of the Australian National Uni- versity. per kilogram of body weight was administered in- Submitted for publication Dec. 27, 1978. travenously, and the eyes were enucleated. Each Reprint requests: Dr. W. R. Levick, Department of eye was then hemisected at the pars plana, the Physiology, John Curtin School of Medical Research, vitreous and lens were discarded, and the remain- Australian National University, P.O. Box 334, Can- der was fixed in 10% neutral buffered formal berra City, A.C.T. 2601, Australia. saline. 0146-0404/80/050475+12$01.20/0 © 1980 Assoc. for Res. in Vis. and Ophthal., Inc. 475 Downloaded From: https://jov.arvojournals.org/pdfaccess.ashx?url=/data/journals/iovs/933322/ on 09/26/2018
Invest. Ophthalmol, Vis. Set. 476 Thibos, Levick, and Morstyn May 1980 Fig. 1. For legend see facing page. Downloaded From: https://jov.arvojournals.org/pdfaccess.ashx?url=/data/journals/iovs/933322/ on 09/26/2018
Volume 19 Number 5 Ocular pigmentation in cat All To get satisfactory iris preparations, animals G illumination the iris had a translucent to di- through R, which were not part of neurophysiolog- aphanous appearance, quite different in side- ical experiments, were given 2 drops of 0.5% by-side comparison with irides of white cats. physostigmine to contract the pupil. A lethal dose Fundus. The dominant feature of an ordi- of pentobarbitone was administered, and the eyes nary pigmented cat's fundus is the yellow- were enucleated and fixed as described above. green tapetum which is surrounded by very Before the histological preparation was begun, fundus tissue was sandwiched between slices of dark pigmentation. Although the precise size fixed cat liver to minimize detachment of the ret- and shape of the tapetum varies somewhat ina from the choroid. Tissues were embedded in from cat to cat,7 it is possible to predict the paraffin, and 5 /u,m sections were prepared with location of the tapetum with acceptable reli- hematoxylin and eosin stain. In some preparations ability. We shall refer to this fiducial region melanin pigment was bleached by treatment with where one expects to find a tapetal reflection 0.1% potassium permanganate followed by 1% as the tapetal zone. The statements which oxalic acid. Photomicrographs were taken with a follow are based upon complete ophthalmo- Zeiss photomicroscope. scopic and microdissection surveys of the entire fundi supported by selected fundus Results photographs. Ophthalmoscopic and microdissection ob- The fundi of yellow-eyed white cats had servations. A summary of the gross appear- the same appearance as those of ordinary ance of the irides and fundi of the 18 subjects pigmented cats. A yellow-green reflection is given in Table I. from the tapetal zone and the retinal blood Iris. Color photographs of the living cat iris vessels within this region were clearly visible are given in Fig. 1, A, for a yellow-eyed ophthalmoscopically (e.g., upper part of Fig. white cat and in Fig. 1, C, for a blue-eyed 1, B). The shape and size of the tapetum was white cat. Dissection of the eyes of white cats within the normal range.7 The nontapetal revealed the posterior surfaces of the irides to zone appeared dark brown (e.g., lower part be as darkly pigmented as in the ordinary of Fig. 1, B) due to the presence of pigment pigmented cat. Side-by-side comparison un- in both the retinal epithelium and choroid as der transillumination showed that the yellow observed by microdissection. However, in and blue irides of white cats were each as eight of 12 eyes there were horizontally elon- opaque as the yellow iris of a black cat. gated patches of inferior fundus about 5 to The blue iris of a seal-point Siamese cat is 10 mm wide and 2 to 4 mm high where shown in Fig. 1, E. The posterior surface of choroidal pigment was completely missing. the Siamese iris was not as heavily pigmented Apart from these patches, the choroid was as in the ordinary pigmented cat, appearing a equally heavily pigmented inside and outside dark chocolate brown in the seal point and a the tapetal zone. lighter brown in the lilac point. Under trans- The fundus of the usual blue-eyed white Fig. 1. Iris and fundus of the living cat eye. Shown are yellow-eyed white cat iris (A) and fundus (B), blue-eyed white cat iris (C) and fundus (D), and seal-point Siamese iris (E) and fundus (F) (left eye of animals Q, R, and S, respectively). The darkly pigmented pupillary ruff of the epithelium, located at the pupil margin, is more evident in A and C than in E. Note the translucent quality of the Siamese iris. Fundus photographs all show the inferior border of the tapetal zone with the retinal blood vessels exiting from the optic nerve head in the upper left of the picture. Each field subtends about 30° of visual angle and each is centered approximately 15° below and 7° nasal to the center of the area centralis, so as to show parts of both tapetal and nontapetal zones. B has the appearance of the ordinary pigmented cat's fundus. D lacks both tapetum and choroidal pigment, thereby revealing choroidal blood vessels. Clumps of retinal epithelial pigment are evident at the bottom of D. Because of the absence of a reflecting tapetum, the exposure for this photograph had to be increased substantially relative to B and F. F has a tapetum, dilute epithelial pigment, but no choroidal pigment; thus the choroidal vessels are visible below the tapetal zone. Downloaded From: https://jov.arvojournals.org/pdfaccess.ashx?url=/data/journals/iovs/933322/ on 09/26/2018
Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 478 Thibos, Levick, and Morstyn May 1980 Table I. Summary of macroscopic appearance of ocular pigmentation Cat identification /breed G A F H Q B D E L C I p R J M N s K Eye Bl W W W w W W W W W w- w W SS SS SS SS LS Iris color Y Y By Y By B B B B B B B B R Y Y Y Y Bv B B B B B B B B B Iris epithelium L 0 o o o o R o 0 o o o Choroid L Of o o o 0 o o o o R o o o o o o o o o Tapetum L O o o o R o o o o Retina epithelium L O G O O O outside tapetal zone R O O O O O W = white cat; Bl = black cat; SS = Seal-point Siamese cat; LS = Lilac-point Siamese cat. Letter O not used for identification of cat. Y = yellow appearance; B = blue appearance; By = blue with yellow sector. Key: • Pigment (or tapetum) present; O pigment diluted; O pigment (or tapetum) absent. '"Absence of pigment in a portion of inferior fundus. tQuadrantic sector of pigment in temporal midperiphery. cat was strikingly different from that of the same as for the white cats described above. ordinary pigmented cat.8- 9 There was no However, side-by-side comparison between bright yellow reflection from the tapetal fundi of the Siamese and blue-eyed white zone, nor was there any choroidal pigmenta- cats, neither of which had choroidal pigment, tion. Hence in vivo the tapetal zone had the showed that the white cat's epithelial pig- appearance of a jungle of red blood vessels ment was significantly darker. Even at the (e.g., upper part of Fig. 1, D). Microdissec- border of the tapetal zone where the epithe- tion of the fixed eyecup showed complete lial pigmentation just began, it was observed lack of choroidal pigmentation. There were that the pigment clumps in the white cat the following exceptions. In three eyes a pre- were darker than pigment in any part of the dominantly blue iris was partly yellow; in two Siamese retinal epithelium. This dilution of of these eyes the fundus had both tapetum epithelial pigment was quite definite in the and choroidal pigment. In all the blue-eyed seal-point Siamese and even more obvious in white cats the pigment of the retinal epithe- the lilac-point. lium was present outside the tapetal zone but Histological observations not within, just as in normal eyes. Pigmenta- Yellow iris. A cross-sectional view of the tion is shown in the lower part of Fig. 1, D, yellow iris taken from a black cat is shown in partly obscuring the choroidal blood vessels. Fig. 2, A, and from a yellow-eyed white cat in The Siamese fundus in vivo showed a Fig. 2, B. The pigmentation of the white cat's slightly desaturated tapetal reflection (e.g., iris is the same as for the black cat's iris: both upper half of Fig. 1, F) and outside the have heavily pigmented epithelial cells plus tapetal zone appeared reddish brown10 (e.g., light brown pigment cells of the stroma. The lower part of Fig. 1, F). Microdissection stromal pigment is in the form of long thin showed that there was no choroidal pigmen- filaments similar to that found in rhesus mon- tation. Visibility of the tapetum was reduced key iris stromal cells11 known to be true mela- in the fixed eye cup, probably because the nocytes.12' 13 Thus it is likely that the cat's absence of choroidal pigment led to increased stromal pigment cells are also melanocytes. amounts of scattered light. The distribution A magnified view of individual stromal of pigment in the retinal epithelium was the pigment cells is given in Fig. 3, A. Perikaryal Downloaded From: https://jov.arvojournals.org/pdfaccess.ashx?url=/data/journals/iovs/933322/ on 09/26/2018
Volume 19 Number 5 Ocular pigmentation in cat 479 B 100 y Fig. 2. Cross-sections of irides from black (A), yellow-eyed white (B), blue-eyed white (C), and Siamese (D) cats (animals G, H, I, and K, respectively). Specimens oriented with posterior (epithelial) surface to left, anterior (stromal) to right. Magnification bar (100 ju,m) is common to all. Pigment cells (PC) and pupillary ruff(R) are labeled in A only. Downloaded From: https://jov.arvojournals.org/pdfaccess.ashx?url=/data/journals/iovs/933322/ on 09/26/2018
Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Set. 480 Thibos, Levick, and Morstyn May J980 A B Fig. 3. Tangential sections of irides of yellow-eyed white (B), blue-eyed white (C) and Siamese (D) cats (same animals as in Fig. 2). Presumed pigment cell nuclei (PN) indicated by arrows. Magnification bar (100 /Am) in B applies to B to D only. A, High-magnification view of three pigment cells found at various locations of the iridial stroma in yellow-eyed white cat of B. Downloaded From: https://jov.arvojournals.org/pdfaccess.ashx?url=/data/journals/iovs/933322/ on 09/26/2018
Volume 19 Number 5 Ocular pigmentation in cat 481 Fig. 4. Fundus cross-sections in nontapetal region approximately 5 to 7 mm below the area centralis in black (A), yellow-eyed white (B), blue-eyed white (C) and Siamese (D) cats (animals G, H, I, and J, respectively). Structures indicated are photoreceptors (R), retinal epithelium (E), choroidfCj, sclerafSJ, and blood vessel (B). Magnification bar (100 JLUTI) is common to all. Separation of layers is artefactual. Downloaded From: https://jov.arvojournals.org/pdfaccess.ashx?url=/data/journals/iovs/933322/ on 09/26/2018
Invest, Ophthalmol. Vis. Set. 482 Thibos, Levick, and Morstyn May 1980 Fig. 5. Fundus cross-sections in tapetal region approximately 3 mm above the area centralis. Animals used and key to structures indicated are as in Fig. 4. Tapetum (T) is also shown. Magnification bar (100 fxm) is common to all. Downloaded From: https://jov.arvojournals.org/pdfaccess.ashx?url=/data/journals/iovs/933322/ on 09/26/2018
Volume 19 Number 5 Ocular pigmentation in cat 483 shape varies from nearly circular to long and region about 7 mm below the area centralis. slender. A constant feature of these cells is Pigmentation of choroid and retinal epi- the large, darkly stained, oval nucleus. The thelium in the nontapetal zone for a black cat mean of the minimum and maximum nuclear is shown in Fig. 4, A, and the yellow-eyed diameters determined for 20 cells ranged white cat in Fig. 4, B. Epithelial pigment from 4.75 to 7.25 /am and averaged 5.5 /xm. thickness was in the range of 10 to 20 /Am in Such nuclei were found only within the pig- these cats. A heavy infiltration of pigment mented cells of the stroma. obscured the nuclei of the choroidal cells, but Stromal pigment cells tended to be con- bleaching revealed the nuclei to be of vari- centrated on the anterior surface of the iris. A able size and shape with no unambiguous tangential section made parallel to the iris identifying characteristics. The thickness of surface therefore revealed a large number of the choroid was due mainly to blood vessels pigment cells for both black and yellow-eyed rather than the thin pigment cells. white cats (Fig. 3, B). The greatest density of Within the tapetal zone of the black (Fig. pigment cells was found at invaginations and 5, A) and yellow-eyed white (Fig. 5, B) cat at the margin of these sections, which was the fundus the retinal epithelium was devoid of most anterior portion of the tissue. pigment, and the large, roughly circular nu- Blue iris. Cross-sections of the blue-eyed clei of this single-cell layer were evident. The white cat's iris showed a normal, heavily tapetal cells were easily recognized by their pigmented epithelium (Fig. 2, C). No pig- large nuclei, elongated perikaryon, regular mented cells were found in tangential sec- array, and particular coloration. The choroid tions of iris (Fig. 3, C). We ruled out the was equally heavily pigmented in the tapetal possibility that such cells were present but and nontapetal zones. unpigmented, as suggested by Lauber,14 be- Fundus of the blue eye. Outside the tapetal cause none of the stromal nuclei had the zone the blue-eyed white cat's fundus (Fig. quantitative characteristics described above. 4, C) had heavily pigmented retinal epithelial Pigmentation in the Siamese blue iris was cells. Above the area centralis within the distinctly different from that of the blue-eyed tapetal zone the retinal epithelium was un- white cat. The layer of pigment within the pigmented (Fig. 5, C) as in the ordinary pig- epithelium was thinner, and the granules mented cat, but tapetal cells were absent en- were less densely packed, particularly in the tirely. There was no choroidal pigmentation. lilac-point animal. Consequently individual Because no unique features of choroidal pig- pigment granules could be observed, and ment cells had been found in the ordinary the normal pupillary ruff was hardly evident pigmented cat, we were unable to determine (Fig. 2, D). The stroma was not pigmented, whether in the blue-eyed white cat the pig- but contrary to the situation in the blue-eyed ment cells were present and unpigmented or white cat, the pigment cells were evidently completely absent. present. This conclusion is based on the The Siamese cat had a thinner than normal tangential section of Fig. 3, D, which shows layer of pigment in the retinal epithelium in many large oval nuclei having the expected the nontapetal zone (Fig. 4, D). From the quantitative characteristics. edge of the tape turn to the ora terminalis, the Fundus of the yellow eye. The comparison maximum thickness of the epithelial pigment of pigmentation in different eyes is most layer in the seal-point retina was 5 (xm and in straightforward if one avoids the margin of the lilac-point 3 fxm, considerably less than in the tapetal zone where the thickness of epi- the ordinary pigmented cat. Within the thelial pigment varies. Accordingly, the data tapetal zone there was no epithelial pigment presented below for the tapetal zone are from and the tapetal cells appeared normal. Cho- the region about 3 mm above the area cen- roidal pigmentation was completely absent tralis and for the nontapetal zone is from the throughout the fundus, but it could not be Downloaded From: https://jov.arvojournals.org/pdfaccess.ashx?url=/data/journals/iovs/933322/ on 09/26/2018
Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 484 Thibos, Levick, and Morstyn May 1980 determined whether the pigment cells were white also carried the gene pattern for absent altogether or present but devoid of piebald spotting of the eye. White spots pigment. would be undetectable in the completely white hair and pink skin caused by dominant Discussion white, but the edges of a spot might be re- The results of this study are best summa- vealed by the ocular pigment. rized in relation to the postulated embryolog- Tapetum lucidum. The results obtained ical source of the various types of ocular pig- from blue-eyed white cats have shown that ment cells. This is not known specifically for the usual deletion of pigment from the retinal the cat, but the following description is epithelium within the tapetal zone is not common to other mammals,15' 16 birds,17 and under direct tapetal control, since in these amphibia.18 Pigment cells of the iris and cho- cats the tapetal cells were absent but the dis- roidal stromata are derived from cells which tribution of retinal epithelial pigment was migrate from the neural crest. The tapetal normal. cells of the cat are likely to be modified cho- Bernstein and Pease19 have suggested that roidal pigment cells19 and hence also of tapetal cells are modified choroidal melano- neural crest origin. On the other hand, the cytes. The Siamese has heretofore been in pigment epithelia of the retina and iris are apparent contradiction to this hypothesis, products of the embryonic eye cup. since choroidal pigment is missing yet the Our results show that the yellow-eyed animal has a normal tapetum. The inconsis- white cat has normal ocular pigmentation but tency is resolved if the present results on iris the blue-eyed white cat lacks pigment in the tissue are generalized to include choroid. We iridial and choroidal stromata. The basis of may suppose that unpigmented choroidal the deficit in the blue eye appears to be the pigment cells are likely to be present in the absence of the pigment cell itself. Presum- Siamese cat and therefore the derivative ta- ably the neural crest cells either failed to mi- petal cells would be present as well. If this be grate to the ocular tissue or failed to differ- true, it would imply that functional tapetal entiate and survive as uveal pigment cells. rods, which are the basis of light reflection The Siamese cat is also deficient in ocular phenomena,21 are not dependent upon mel- pigment but in quite a different way. First, anin production. there is a relative diminution of pigmentation Genetics. The all-white coat of the white of the iridial and retinal epithelia. Second, cat is inherited as a dominant character8'20"22 the common lack of pigmentation in iridial and therefore cannot be the result of the ac- and choroidal stromata is associated with the tion of an allele at the albino locus.23 There presence of unpigmented pigment cells, cer- has been only one report of an albino cat,24 tainly in the iris and possibly also in the but it is commonly believed that the Siamese choroid. breed represents an imperfect form of albi- In summary, the blue-eyed white cat lacks nism, as first suggested many years ago.25' 26 a particular cell type, whereas the Siamese is The evidence for this view is that (1) Siamese defective in pigment production. is a recessive characteristic2' resulting in There were exceptions to the above gen- hypopigmentation and (2) the pattern of eralizations. Three of 12 blue irides of white thermolabile coat pigmentation in the Sia- cats had yellow sectors, and in one of these mese cat resembles that in the Himalayan eyes there was a patch of choroidal pig- rabbit,28' 29 the gene of which is known to be mentation. In eight of 12 yellow eyes of white allelomorphic with the albino gene.27 cats the choroidal pigmentation was incom- The cause of the lack of pigment in albino plete. This heterogeneity might indicate the animals and some albino humans appear to presence of piebald spotting in the eye. It has be a failure of individual melanocytes to pro- long been suspected20 that a blue eye would duce pigment because of default of the en- appear if a cat carrying the gene for dominant zyme tyrosinase.l6- 30> 31 A piebald white spot, Downloaded From: https://jov.arvojournals.org/pdfaccess.ashx?url=/data/journals/iovs/933322/ on 09/26/2018
Volume 19 Number 5 Ocular pigmentation in cat 485 on the other hand, results from the failure of amese, such as a defective enzyme tyrosi- neural crest-derived pigment cells to sur- nase, and that reduced pigmentation is mere- vive.16' 32 Thus one finds amelanotic melano- ly one particular reflection of that defect.6 cytes, or "clear cells," in the skin and hair We are grateful to Miss W. Hughes who prepared the bulbs of albino individuals but not in piebald histological slides. Mrs. E. van de Pol rendered valuable individuals.16- 32- M technical assistance. We appreciated the technical sup- Our observation of clear cells in the iris port provided by Messrs. L. M. Davies, R. M. Tupper, stroma of the Siamese but not in the white cat and P. C. Kent and members of the Photographic Ser- vice. The fundus camera used in this study was gen- provides further experimental support for the erously provided by the Lions Club of Canberra. idea that Siamese is a member of the albino series whereas dominant white is related to REFERENCES piebaldism, and is consistent with the idea 1. Guillery RW: An abnormal retino-geniculate pro- first proposed by Wright34 that Siamese and jection in Siamese cats. Brain Res 14:739, 1969. white cats are two breeds deficient in pig- 2. Kalil R, Jhavery S, and Richards WR: Anomalous ment as a result of entirely distinct genetic retinal pathways in the Siamese cat: an inadequate mechanisms. substrate for normal binocular vision. Science 174: 302, 1971. Optic nerve decussation. We have shown 3. Hubel DW and Wiesel TN: Aberrant visual pro- elsewhere4 that the decussation of optic jections in the Siamese cat. J Physiol 218:33, 1971. nerve fibers in white cats is indistinguishable 4. Levick WR, Thibos LN, and Morstyn R: Retinal from normal. Coupled with the present ana- ganglion cells and optic decussation in white cats. tomical results, this means that normal de- (Submitted for publication.) 5. Sanderson KJ, Guillery RW, and Shackelford RM: velopment of the visual pathways may pro- Congenitally abnormal visual pathways in mink ceed without neural crest-derived pigment {hiustela vision) with reduced retinal pigment. J cells and rules out the possibility that the Comp Neurol 154:225, 1974. Siamese neural abnormality is simply due to 6. LaVail JR, Nixon RA, and Sidman RL: Genetic con- the lack of pigment in cells of neural crest trol of retinal ganglion cell projections. J Comp Neurol 182:399, 1978. origin. 7. Bishop PO, Kozak W, and Vakkur GJ: Some quanti- The hypothesis that neural development tative aspects of the cats eye: axis and plane of ref- depends upon optic cup pigmentation5-6 may erence, visual field co-ordinates and optics. J Phys- still be consistent with the results of this iol 163:466, 1962. paper. One argument against this view, how- 8. Bergsma DR and Brown KS: White fur, blue eyes, and deafness in the domestic cat. J Hered 62:171, ever, is that in cats with normal visual path- 1971. ways the retinal epithelium is unpigmented 9. Tjebbes K: Crosses with Siamese cats. J Genet in the tapetal zone. Examples from the litera- 14:355, 1924. ture7- 35 indicate that this unpigmented re- 10. Johnson GL: Ophthalmoscopic studies on the eyes gion is from V3 to V2 the area of the retina and of mammals. Philos Trans R Soc London Ser B 254:207, 1968. may include % of the retinal ganglion cells.36 11. Tousimis AJ: Pigment cells of the mammalian iris. If the adult pattern of epithelial pigment dis- Ann NY Acad Sci 100:477, 1963. tribution is also present in the developing 12. Hu F and Montagna W: The development of pig- embryo (an assumption we have verified in ment cells in the eyes of Rhesus monkeys. Am J fetuses as small as 11 mm crown-rump Anat 132:119, 1971. 13. Endo H and Hu F: Pigment cell development in length), then it is difficult to see how the Rhesus monkey eyes: an electron microscopic and presence of pigmentation outside the tapetal histochemical study. Dev Biol 32:69, 1973. zone could control the decussation of axons 14. Lauber H: Anatomische Untersuchungen iiber Het- arising from ganglion cells within the tapetal erochromie bei tauben, unvollkommen albinotis- zone. chen Katzen. Ophthalmologica 16:326, 1908. 15. Rawles ME: Origin of pigment cells from the neural If the pigment hypothesis becomes unten- crest in the mouse embryo. Physiol Zool 20:248, able, then it may be that the embryonic con- 1947. trol of optic nerve decussation is related to 16. Billingham RE and Silvers WK: The melanocytes of some more fundamental abnormality in Si- mammals. Q Rev Biol 35:1, 1960. Downloaded From: https://jov.arvojournals.org/pdfaccess.ashx?url=/data/journals/iovs/933322/ on 09/26/2018
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