Verizon Wireless Center Mankato, MN - October 16, 2014

Page created by Shane Jackson
Verizon Wireless Center Mankato, MN - October 16, 2014
October 16, 2014
Verizon Wireless Center
     Mankato, MN
Verizon Wireless Center Mankato, MN - October 16, 2014
2014 Minnesota Lutheran Education Conference
             October 16, 2014
DATE:          August 12, 2014

TO:            Ministers of Religion, Commissioned
               Early Childhood Directors & Teachers
               Concordia University
               Retired Educators
               Candidate/Non-Candidate Members
               Lay Teachers/Lay Workers

FROM:          Mr. Kris Gustin, President of MN Lutheran Education Conference

SUBJECT:       Education Conference Registration Materials

The theme for the 2014 Minnesota Lutheran Education Conference is “The Stones Will Cry
Out,” drawing from Luke 19:37-40. This passage comes as Jesus triumphantly enters Jerusalem
riding on a colt. As He travels down from the Mount of Olives, the disciples who have gath-
ered speak His praises. The Pharisees call out to Jesus, demanding He rebuke these disci-
ples. Jesus responds with, “I tell you . . . if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out.” Here, in
the very moment that fulfills Zechariah’s prophecy, Jesus rides into Jerusalem, the very center
of all Jewish faith, like the true king that He is. In response to the Pharisees, Jesus reveals that
even if His disciples are silent, the praises of the coming King will be heard, even if the stones
must cry it. God’s message of love, sent in the person of Jesus Christ, was bound to be told that
week. Our Savior came to Jerusalem knowing that God’s perfect plan would be complete with
His Son’s death and resurrection for all mankind—nothing would halt the impending salvation
bought with the blood of Christ, not the Pharisees, not even the devil himself. That message
was going to be told, will be told until the end of the world. God’s message of love cannot be
stopped—if necessary, even lifeless stones will cry out the message of salvation in Jesus Christ.

God’s plan for salvation could be told by inanimate objects like stones, yet in His perfection he
is able to take each of us, beings who are dead in our sin and trespasses, and transform us in to
living stones who are not only called, but created to cry out the Good News of Christ Jesus. 1
Peter 2:4-5 tells us that “As you come to Him, a living stone rejected by men but in the sight of
God chosen and precious, you yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual
house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus
Christ.” The function of living stones, just like the function of the inanimate stones in our
theme verse, is to cry out the praises of God.

As Lutheran educators, each and every day we have the opportunity to be living stones to our
students. We have the opportunity to cry out God’s wonderful story of salvation for man-
kind. What a great blessing! Each and every day we are building God’s Kingdom, living
stones who cry out and tell the old, old story of Jesus and His love. God’s message of love will
be told, and we are lucky enough to be commissioned to carry on the great commission as His
living stones. All praise and glory to God!

Verizon Wireless Center Mankato, MN - October 16, 2014
The commission to share the Good News given by Jesus Christ centuries ago continues today.
Individuals themselves may fail, but nothing will prevent God’s purpose from being carried out.
In fact, God could, if necessary, cause the “stones to cry out.” This year’s conference logo, de-
signed by Chris Roth, emphasizes this through a combination of strong, bold text and four
speech bubbles that, with their round shape, suggest stones. Those four shapes overlap, subtly
putting a stylized cross at the center of the logo, just as Christ is at the center of what we do as
Lutheran educators.

The 2014 Minnesota Lutheran Education Conference will be held at the Verizon Wireless Cen-
ter in Mankato, Minnesota, on Thursday, October 16, 2014. The conference is ONE day only
again this year.

You are receiving the program schedule, description of sectionals, registration form, and motel
information to use prior to the conference. Please note that we have sent you only one hard
copy of each to save copying and mailing cost; so if you would be kind enough to copy the ma-
terials for your respective personnel, it would be greatly appreciated. You can also register for
the sectionals online at However, the registration fee will need
to come to the District Office, as stated on the form.

Please note:

1. There will be no Business meeting scheduled for Thursday, October 16. The election of
   officers and various committees will be done by electronic means and sent to you prior to
   the conference (MNS District Only).
2. If you have a resolution for the conference, please send it via e-mail to Gae Ash at or mail to 14301 Grand Ave. S., Burnsville, MN 55306 no later
   than September 30, 2014.
3. The Conference evaluation form will be sent to you for completion via electronic means
   after the end of the conference on October 16.
4. A block of rooms will be held at designated hotels until September 15, 2014. (see page 5)
5. Questions concerning the conference may be directed to Mr. Kris Gustin, kgus- or to Gae Ash at (952-223-2156).

                                              OCTOBER 16, 2014
                                     Verizon Wireless Center - Mankato, MN

                                         “The Stones Will Cry Out”
                                                      Luke 19:40

Please type or print the following information:( Administrators, please make a copy of the form for each educator)


                                              City                              State               Zip Code


Check: Teacher _____    DCE _____ DCO _____ Deaconess _____ College _____               Music Dir._____   Other _____


   Educators’ Conference Registration Fee is $80.00 per person. Registration Fee includes pro-
   gram, Thursday lunch, dinner, and food at breaks on Thursday (see schedule). There is no
   cost for Emeritus and Student Teachers, but please fill out a registration form.

   Make check payable to Minnesota South District and mail to: Gae Ash
                                                               MNS District Office
                                                               14301 Grand Ave. S.
                                                               Burnsville, MN 55306

   Total Enclosed: $________                      Registration deadline is October 1, 2014
   You may register individually online at
   A check will still need to be sent to the MNS District office

Jubilarian - please complete Jubilarian Form and return to MNS District Office by September 15th.

Please indicate the sectional (number) you plan to attend in each time period:
        Thursday at 10:45 am:
        Thursday at 12:45 pm:                              Thursday at 2:15 pm:

           Please indicate if you will be at:          Lunch (Thursday) - YES or NO
                                                       Dinner (Thursday PM) - YES or NO
                                                       Check if you need gluten-free 

Sorry, I cannot attend the conference.

Minnesota Lutheran Education Conference
                              October 16, 2014
                    Verizon Wireless Center - Mankato, MN

                     Motel Accommodations
Please note that the Lutheran Education Conference will be held at the Verizon Wireless
Center in Mankato, MN and housing is available at the following motels:

Mankato City Center Hotel           $81.00 plus tax, per room
                                    101 Main Street, Mankato, 56001

Hilton Garden Inn                   $94.00 plus tax per room
                                    20 Civic Center Plaza, Mankato, 56001

Blocks of rooms have been reserved under Lutheran Education Conference or Lutheran
Educators and will be held until September 15, 2014. Please mention Lutheran Education
Conference when making your reservations, in order to receive the special rates for the con-

                     located in downtown Mankato, MN
            on the corner of Riverfront Drive and Hickory Street

Coming from the North, take HWY 169 (Minneapolis, St. Paul, Hudson, WI).
Follow this highway to HWY 14 East. Take the Riverfront Drive exit and follow Riverfront
Drive south to the Riverfront Drive Parking Ramp. Or take HWY 22 (St. Peter, Kasota) con-
tinue following this highway, which turns into Riverfront Drive south and follow it to the
Riverfront Drive Parking Ramp.

Coming from the South, take HWY 169 (Blue Earth, Algona, IA)
Take the Riverfront Drive exit, going north on Riverfront Drive to the Walnut Street Parking
Ramp. Or take HWY 22 (Wells, Minnesota Lake, Mapleton). Follow to HWY 14 West and to
Riverfront Drive exit turning left onto Riverfront Drive South. Follow Riverfront Drive to the
Walnut Street Parking Ramp.

Coming from the East, take HWY 14 (Waseca, Owatonna, Rochester)
Take this highway west to Riverfront Drive exit, turning left onto Riverfront Drive South. Fol-
low Riverfront Drive to the Walnut Street Parking Ramp. Or take HWY 83 (Waldorf, St.
Clair) Turn right to HWY 14. Follow this highway west to the Riverfront Drive exit, turning
left onto Riverfront Drive to the Walnut Street Parking Ramp. Or take HWY 60 (Elysian,
Faribault). This highway will merge with HWY 14. Follow HWY 14 west to the Riverfront
Drive exit, turning left onto Riverfront Drive to the Walnut Street Parking Ramp.

Coming from the West, take HWY 14 (New Ulm, Sleepy Eye, Marshall).
Follow east to the Riverfront Drive exit, turning right onto Riverfront Drive South to the
Riverfront Drive Parking Ramp. Or take HWY 60 (Worthington, Windom). HWY 60 will
merge with HWY 169 North. Follow this highway to the Riverfront Drive exit. Turn right on-
to Riverfront Drive going north to the Walnut Street Parking Ramp.

Parking is available in downtown parking ramps on Hickory Street and Walnut Street.
Handicapped parking is available in designated areas.

Minnesota Lutheran Education Conference
                                             October 16, 2014
                                   Verizon Wireless Center- Mankato, MN

                      Jubilarian Recognition
A jubilarian is one who celebrates a jubilee commemorating personal service in a state of
life or profession. The conference will recognize special milestones of the educators who
are currently serving in various ministries in the Minnesota South District and Minnesota
North District, as well as those who have retired and are observing the anniversary of
their original graduation date.

Each educator is asked to fill out the following form, if applicable, and return to the Minne-
sota South District by September 15, 2014. Due to the 2013 President’s Confer-
ence we did not recognize the 2013 Jubilarians. Please note we will rec-
ognize both the 2013 and 2014 Jubilarians. If you reached your special
milestone in 2013 or 2014 please complete the form below.
Jubilarians will be honored at the dinner on Thursday evening. In order to include your
name in the conference booklet, please return to the Minnesota South District, 14301
Grand Avenue South, Burnsville, MN, 55306, no later than September 15, 2014



               City                                              State              Zip

Please check the number of completed years of service in Lutheran schools or the
number of years since your graduation date (for those who have retired). PLEASE
indicate 2103 or 2014. Thank you.

___ 15 years          ___ 20 years         ___ 25 years          ___ 30 years

___ 35 years          ___ 40 years         ___ 45 years          ___ 50 years

___ Other - Please state:

                   LUTHERAN EDUCATORS


    Minnesota Lutheran Education Conference
Please take the time to nominate a fellow Lutheran educator from the Minneso-
ta South or Minnesota North District for this annual award of the LCMS.
Whether it is a classroom teacher, principal, DCE, or other professional involved
in Lutheran education, your nomination of this servant who is “outstanding” is

The Outstanding Lutheran Educator of the Minnesota Lutheran Education Con-
ference is someone who has contributed to the total ministry of education within
or without the parish setting. This involvement and contribution to Christian Edu-
cation can be witnessed by performance in any one or more of the following are-

      Classroom teaching
      Educational innovations and research

The Outstanding Lutheran Educator is also recognized as being involved not
only with the Lutheran school, but also with any aspect of the educational minis-
try within the congregation and community. The Outstanding Lutheran Educator
shows by personal example, Christ’s love in his or her ministry.

Please complete the attached form to nominate a fellow servant in the Minneso-
ta South or Minnesota North District as the 2014 OUTSTANDING
LUTHERAN EDUCATOR and return the form by September 15, 2014 to:

                                  Gae Ash
                        Minnesota South District, LCMS
                          14301 Grand Avenue South
                            Burnsville, MN 55306

                                         Official Nomination Form
I wish to nominate the following Lutheran Educator, either a DCE, DCO, Director of Parish Music, Dea-
coness, Director of Family Life, Certified Lay Minister, Principal, or a teacher (Early Childhood, Ele-
mentary, High School) currently serving in one of the Lutheran churches or schools in the Minnesota
South or Minnesota North District, who has given unselfishly of time and talents for the work of the
Kingdom and is truly worthy of recommendation and nomination.

Signed                                                                       Date

Name                                                                         Position/School or Church

Address                                                              City                        State          Zip

Phone #                                                              Email



First Name                                                Middle Initial                                 Last

School/Church                                                                         Position

Address                                                              City                        State          Zip

Phone #                                                              Email


Please answer the following questions to the best of your ability. You may wish to consult the nominee for needed

How long has nominee been at present ministry?

Nominee’s total years of ministry?

Nominee’s school/DCE, DCO, etc. activities and leadership roles:

Nominee’s church activities and leadership roles (outside of job requirements):

Nominee’s community activities and leadership roles:

Nominee’s District/Synodical activities and leadership roles:

Nominee’s membership/leadership in professional organizations:

Please attach a brief description of the special characteristics the nominee has that makes him/her worthy of this
special recognition as “Outstanding Lutheran Educator.” The committee will notify nominees of nomination. Send
nominations by September 15, 2014 to:

                                               Gae Ash
                                     Minnesota South District, LCMS
                                       14301 Grand Avenue South
                                         Burnsville, MN 55306

                                            EDUCATION CONFERENCE

                                        PROGRAM SCHEDULE
                                             “THE STONES WILL CRY OUT”
                                                       (LUKE 19:40)

Thursday, October 16 Verizon Wireless Center - Mankato, MN

8:50 AM - 10:15 AM    W ORSHIP - BALLROOM



11:45 PM – 12:40 PM   LUNCH




4:30 PM - 5:30 PM     KEYNOTE SPEAKER


Minnesota Lutheran Education Conference
                                                      October 16, 2014
                                               Verizon Center - Mankato, MN

                                                    Presentation by
                                                    Alan November

Who Owns the Learning?
Who should be working harder during class? The teacher or the students? In the “Age of the
Empowered Learner” we can equip our students to take responsibility to manage a large pro-
portion of their learning. We can also empower our students to create content that contributes to
the learning of their peers. Research indicates that one of the most powerful strategies to im-
prove learning is to provide students with self assessment strategies. Alan will provide step-by-
step strategies that create a culture of the empowered self directed and collaborative learner.

Alan November is an international leader in education technology. He began his career as an
oceanography teacher and dorm counselor at an island reform school for boys in Boston Harbor.
He has been director of an alternative high school, computer coordinator, technology consultant,
and university lecturer. He has helped schools, governments and industry leaders improve the
quality of education through technology.
Audiences enjoy Alan's humor and wit as he pushes the boundaries of how to improve teaching
and learning. His areas of expertise include planning across curriculum, staff development, new
school design, community building and leadership development. He has delivered keynotes and
workshops in all fifty states, across Canada, and throughout the UK, Europe, Asia and Central

Alan was named one of the nation’s fifteen most influential thinkers of the decade by Tech and
Learning magazine. His writing includes numerous articles and best-selling books. Alan’s most
recent book “Who Owns the Learning?” is on the New York Times education best sellers list for
2013. Alan was co-founder of the Stanford Institute for Educational Leadership Through Tech-
nology and is most proud of being selected as one of the original five national Christa McAuliffe

Each summer Alan leads the Building Learning Communities summer conference with world-
class presenters and educators from more than 25 countries.

Minnesota Lutheran Education Conference
                                        October 16, 2014
                              Sectional Descriptions
Directions:         Please choose one sectional for each time period and record the number of the
                    sectional on the enclosed registration form.

October 16 (Thursday)                          10:45 am–11:45 am
100     Continuing Education and Relicensure
        Relicensure Committee

        If you have any questions about relicensure this sectional is for you. The Continuing Education Commit-
        tee will provide an overview of procedures and requirements for Minnesota relicensure and renewal. Time
        will be allotted for questions and discussion.

        Group Level: All (Meets MN Licensure—Accommodations, Modifications, and Adaptations of Curriculum)

101     Creative Writing—Using Current Literature as a Model
        Dr. Jeffrey Burkart

        Using recent adolescent and children’s fiction as models, this sectional workshop will assist elementary
        and secondary (4th – 12th grades) teachers in teaching creative writing. The workshop will provide par-
        ticipants some time to do creative writing of their own, discuss best practices and focus on new writing
        assignments they can suggest to their students. Participants are highly encouraged to bring their laptops
        computer devices to the workshop.

        Dr. Jeffrey E. Burkart, Professor of Educational Media/Communications, Emeritus and Artist in Resi-
        dence at Concordia University, St. Paul, MN, is a nationally known speaker, author, dramatist, musician,
        and teacher who has given over 2,500 presentation and has more than 200 publication to his credit includ-
        ing books, articles, plays, musicals, songs, hymns, CD recordings, videos and films.
        Dr. Burkart was the 2012 recipient of the Lutheran Education Association’s Christus Magister (Teacher of
        Christ) Award for his significant contributions to Lutheran Education. Before coming to Concordia Uni-
        versity, St. Paul, he served in elementary, junior high, and secondary schools in Indiana, Missouri, Ne-
        braska, and Wisconsin. He and his wife, Martha, have three sons and reside in Roseville, MN.

      Group Level: Elementary/High School (Meets MN Licensure—Accommodations, Modifications…)
                                             (Reading Preparation for High School ONLY)
102     Healthy Eating in a Hurry
        Steve Gruenwald

        The hectic pace of life leads to haphazard lunches thrown in a lunch bag, unhealthy snacking throughout
        the day, and quick meals out. The danger is that many seemingly “healthy” meals aren’t, and knowing
        what good foods to choose can be confusing. Hidden calories and large portion sizes certainly add to the
        confusion. Through quizzes and helpful information, this presentation is a light-hearted, non-threatening
        way of learning about how to eat well

        Steve Gruenwald is a former English, speech and drama teacher having taught in Lutheran high schools
        for 12 years. In 1996 he joined Concordia Plan Services as a Communications Specialist and also as the
        writer/editor of Better Health. In 2006 Steve completed requirements to be a Certified Health and Well-
        ness Manager, and is currently the Health and Wellness Educator of Concordia Plan Services. Steve and
        his wife, Bev (the Early Childhood Ministry director at Abiding Savior Lutheran School) live in South
        County, St. Louis.

        Group Level: All
103   Creating a New Culture of Teaching and Learning
      Alan November

      Access to timely information and communication tools can empower educators to focus on the individual
      learning needs of their students. These same tools can lead to a wealth of benefits, such as greater collegi-
      ality, stronger relationships, self-directed students, curriculum-aligned technology, authentic work, rigor-
      ous and motivating assignments, and the development of a strong learning community. Learn all about
      this potent new culture of empowered teaching and fearless learning.

      Alan November—Please see Keynote Bio

      Group Level: All (Meets MN Licensure—Accommodations, Modifications…)

104   Bringing “Jesus Time” Into Your Every Day Early Childhood Activities
      Rachel Stohlmann

      Have you ever found it difficult to make “Jesus Time” more concrete for toddlers? We will explore ways
      to take some basic Bible stories and incorporate them in fun ways throughout your daily activities
      (sensory activities, art projects, snack time, etc.). By reinforcing the ideas in multiple areas throughout
      the day, the toddlers not only learn basic concepts but develop a love of Jesus and Bible Stories. You will
      walk away with the tools to implement several familiar Bible stories right away (ideas can be easily con-
      verted to older children)! Be ready to share some of your successful Bible Story activities as well!

      Rachel Stohlmann is a graduate of the Theatre program at Concordia - St. Paul. She has worked as a
      professional actor as well as a Child Care professional for over 10 years. She has presented at the Con-
      cordia Early Childhood conference. God has blessed Rachel with the ability to work closely with children
      of all ages. Currently, she is using her talents to entertain 3 young boys as a nanny in Minneapolis.

      Group Level: Early Childhood

105   Creating Multimedia Lessons with Share
      Mark Meyer

      Share is a multimedia piece of software that allows teachers and student to easily create multimedia rich
      lessons with no programing language. There will be a demo of the software to show what it is capable of
      doing and then we will end with some Internet info.

      Mark Meyer was a Principal and teacher in 3 WELS schools in MN for 17 years before starting work as
      an international trainer for Apple Computer. He then began his Academic career at Bethany Lutheran Col-
      lege in the year 2000 where he is currently Manager of Academic Computing and Coordinator of Second-
      ary Education. He teaches Technology in Education and some Computer Applications classes at Bethany.
      He has been doing trainings around the country with Promethean Interactive Whiteboards and is currently
      also working with Pearson Co. in the EdTPA.

      Group Level: All (Meets MN Licensure—Technology)

106   Understanding By Design: How can Comprehensive Planning Lead to Engaged Learning
      Lynn Gehrke

      How do we know if our students understand and can transfer the skills and knowledge we teach them?
      This workshop sectional focuses on planning for student engagement. We will talk about how an engaged
      student is a student who is learning deeply.

      Lynn Gehrke is a former classroom teacher and current associate professor of education at Concordia
      University, St. Paul, MN. She is called upon to partner with in-service teachers and help them create in-
      tentional curriculum and instruction to meet the developmental needs of their students. As professor and
      presenter she is responsible for developing, delivering, and assessment curriculum and programming.
      Lynn frequently speaks at teacher workshops and conferences sharing her love for all things related to
      passionate and courageous teaching. In her free time, Lynn keeps many notes about teaching scratched on
      note paper, white boards, and Evernote until the time she develops them into another blog post.

      Group Level: Early Childhood/Elementary/High School (Meets MN Licensure—Accommodations, Modifi-

107   PBIS-Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports
      Sharyn Miller

      This presentation will focus on positive ways to impact our school environments. We will look at ways to
      track and target problem areas. We will look at ways to improve student behaviors by using interventions
      that really work. Strategies will be presented that can be used to improve student behaviors, ultimately
      resulting in greater academic learning and achievement. PBIS is a system that has a proven track record
      and has helped countless schools nationwide.

      Sharyn Miller holds a Bachelor's degree from Minnesota State University, Mankato, and a Master's de-
      gree from Saint Mary's University. She has seven years of preschool teaching experience, six years of
      kindergarten experience, nine years of fourth grade teaching experience. Sharyn has also spent two years
      with Minnesota State, Mankato, supervising student teachers and teaching early level education classes.
      She has four grown children, two of whom are also teachers. She teaches Sunday School and volunteer
      regularly for Teens Encounter Christ

      Group Level: All (Meets MN Licensure—Positive Behavioral Intervention Strategies)

108   Play-Based Learning
      Drew Gerdes

      How do you incorporate age-appropriate learning into your environment and curricular areas? Children
      play differently today than they did a generation ago. Come and learn strategies and classroom environ-
      ment techniques that will help ensure your students learn through the highest level of play possible

      Drew D. Gerdes serves as Early Childhood Director at Messiah Lutheran School in Weldon Spring, Mis-
      souri. Drew grew up in Minnesota and attended several schools in the MNS District. He is active in the
      Lutheran Education Association and National Lutheran School Accreditation. Drew serves the church-at-
      large in many other capacities and speaks at a variety of conferences each year. Currently, he is complet-
      ing is doctoral degree at Concordia - Chicago.

      Group Level: Early Childhood

109   Practical Strategies for Differentiating Instruction
      Sharon Meyerring

      Investigating the purpose behind differentiated instruction and sharing of practical strategies that can be
      implemented in all classrooms for the implementation of meaningful instruction that helps all students

      Sharon Meyerring’s professional background includes years of teaching and administration in the pub-
      lic school system . In 2010 she retired from Osseo Area Schools as Director of Student Services. Since
      2007, she has been an adjunct professor for Concordia University teaching graduate students in two
      Master of Arts in Education Programs, namely Differentiated Instruction and Educational Leadership.
      Currently She also is a teaching specialist for University of MN supervising student teachers.

      Group Level: All (Meets MN Licensure—Accommodations, Modifications…)

110   Families Learning Together—Intergenerational Learning Events
      Christine Eid

      Providing opportunities for families to learn and grow together, and to have tools to continue to learn at
      home is a primary part of children's/family ministry. Here are some practical examples of seasonal in-
      tergenerational learning events to begin the experience.

      Christine Eid serves as Director of Children's Ministries at Cross View Lutheran Church, Edina. A
      graduate of Valparaiso University, Concordia-RF, and Concordia- St. Paul, she has served for 30 years
      in DCE ministry. Her passion is children and families learning together to grow in their faith

      Group Level: DCE/DCO

111   Generation iY: How the Generation We are Raising is Fundamentally Different from Millennials
      Mark Cook

      We've seen research, studies, and books, on the most studied generation: millennials, but what is the
      generation we are currently teaching in our schools, raising in our homes, and teaching the faith to in
      our churches shaping up to look like? How is this iY (sometimes called Z) generation fundamentally
      different from the Generation Y (Millennials)? We will take a look at this and how it impacts our
      churches, schools, and how we as educators can ministry to these children.

      Mark Cook graduated from Concordia Nebraska in 2008 and has served the past 5 years as Director
      Christian Education at Trinity Lutheran Church in Rochester, MN, in the areas of youth ministry and
      education. He is married to Libby Cook, a 5 th grade teacher at Rochester Central Lutheran School.

      Group Level: DCE/DCO

October 16 (Thursday) 12:45 pm - 1:45 pm
200   Curriculum Alignment for Your School (With a focus on Science)
      Corey Nelson/Lynn Gehrke

      What is your school's curriculum? From where does it come? Is it aligned to any state or national stand-
      ards? Why does any of this matter? In this sectional, the presenters will discuss with you the necessity
      and benefits of having an aligned curriculum at your school. Our purpose is to help classroom teachers
      and administrators know why curriculum should be aligned, where to begin with the alignment process,
      and how to pace the process to keep everyone sane! Additionally, resources will be shared from the col-
      laborative work of a MNS/CSP committee focusing on science curriculum and instruction.

      Corey Nelson is in his 22nd year of teaching in Lutheran Schools. He has taught several grade levels,
      with the majority spent in the primary grades. Currently, he is a Technology and Math Instructor at Roch-
      ester Central Lutheran School.
      Lynn Gehrke is a former classroom teacher and current associate professor of education at Concordia
      University, St. Paul, MN. She is called upon to partner with in-service teachers and help them create in-
      tentional curriculum and instruction to meet the developmental needs of their students. As professor and
      presenter she is responsible for developing, delivering, and assessment curriculum and programming.
      Lynn frequently speaks at teacher workshops and conferences sharing her love for all things related to
      passionate and courageous teaching. In her free time, Lynn keeps many notes about teaching scratched on
      note paper, white boards, and Evernote until the time she develops them into another blog post.

      Group Level: Elementary (Meets MN Licensure—Accommodations, Modifications…)

201   Dyslexia 101
      Kara Bratton

      This presentation will cover basic information about dyslexia: what it is, what it isn’t, and also address
      some common misconceptions educators have about this reading disability. Ideas for classroom accom-
      modations and teaching strategies will also be addressed.

       Kara Bratton is the Resource Center Director for Lutheran Special Education Ministries (LSEM). She
       has her undergraduate degree in Elementary Education, graduate degrees in Special Education and Gift-
       ed and Talented Education, and a Master's degree in Education. Kara is also trained in Orton-
       Gillingham, has training in the area of autism, and is a DIBELS Next mentor/trainer.

      Group Level: Early Childhood/Elementary/High School
      (Meets MN Licensure—Accommodations, Modifications…) (Reading Preparation)

202   Building Christian Character through Fantasy Fiction
      Andrew Boll

      Many teachers and parents struggle with deciding on the appropriateness of fantasy fiction for their stu-
      dents and children. This workshop will help guide participants in discerning which content might be
      spiritually harmful to children. But it will also help them to maximize opportunities for Christian witness
      and reinforcement of character values through wholesome fantasy literature.

      Andrew Boll is principal and teacher at Our Savior's Lutheran School in Hutchinson, MN. Through his
      teaching, he has noted many ways that fantasy fiction can be utilized in growing positive values and char-
      acter traits in Christian readers of all ages. He is the author of three books titled: "The Hero and the
      Dragon: Building Christian Character through Fantasy Fiction", "Building Christian Character through
      'The Hobbit'", and "The Armory: Equipping Warriors of the Faith."

      Group Level: Elementary/High School

203   Wind Energy, Wind Turbines, and Renewable Energy Challenge
      Gary Loontjer

      This sectional will be a brief introduction to wind turbines and wind energy. Participants will be shown
      how this inquiry-based activity might have a place in their classroom. Participants will have time to con-
      struct wind turbines of their own and test their electricity generating ability vs. other participants. Infor-
      mation will be given about HighTech Kids, an organization in the Twin Cities that hosts a yearly Renewa-
      ble Energy Challenge. Door prizes will be distributed to fortunate participants.

      Gary Loontjer is beginning his 40th year of teaching, the 9th at Mayer Lutheran High School, in Mayer,
      MN. Gary has served schools and churches in Michigan, Nebraska, Missouri, and Minnesota, with time
      split evenly between middle school and high school grades. He and his wife, Susan, have three grown
      children with five grandchildren . Gary really enjoys presenting at teacher conferences and has done so
      multiple times including a presentation at the latest LEA convocation

      Group Level: Elementary/High School

204   Dramatic Writing for the Chancel
      Dr. Jeffrey Burkart

      Using the lectionary as source material, this sectional will help 3rd through 12th grade teachers to write
      and perform chancel dramas and dramatic readings for use in school chapel services and/or Sunday wor-
      ship services. Suggestions for student written dramas and readings will be provided and time will be al-
      lowed for participants to try their hand at writing a brief dramatic reading. Attendees are highly encour-
      aged to bring their laptop computers; if you do not have a portable computer with a Bible app, please
      bring an “analog Bible,” pen/pencil and pad of paper with you

      Dr. Jeffrey Burkart—see Bio on page 12

      Group Level: Elementary/High School

205   Supporting Innovative Strategies with EdTech Tools
      Tierney Brothers

      EdTech and new strategies are evolving so rapidly right now; we will be demonstrating how tools like
      Mobile Devices, SMART Boards, and Classroom Audio systems support rather new strategies like

      Tierney Brothers has been supporting schools in Minnesota for several decades, most recently we have
      taken a closer look at the EdTech solutions we offer and saw a need for us to help schools integrate our
      technologies more effectively. Our PD staff is made up solely of former and current educators who are
      continuously finding ways to make integration seamless for our customers as well as schools who bought
      from other companies who don't offer integrations services.

      Group Level: Elementary/High School (Meets MN Licensure—Technology)

206   Bullying
      Debra Kelzer

      This presentation will give teachers a baseline of ideas to share with their students about the different
      forms of bullying. The students will understand the different types of bullying and how to respond and
      gain confidence to stand up to bullies. The teachers will take home with them slide presentations to use in
      their classrooms. Most of the presentations are geared for middle school students, however adjustments
      can be made to any level.

      Debra Kelzer currently is serving at Mayer Lutheran High School as the Guidance Counselor. She also
      serves CCLS of Watertown and Zion of Mayer, 7 th and 8th grade students in counseling. Before Lutheran
      High, she served as the Administrator for Zion in Mayer for over 12 years. She resides in Mayer.

      Group Level: All (Meets MN Licensure—Accommodations, Modifications…)

207   Practical Ideas to Improve Teaching and Learning
      Kevin Wilaby

      This session will focus on practical ideas that have been proven to lead to quality instruction and in-
      creased student learning. These ideas will be introduced in a way that will allow you to assess whether it
      is a technique that will work in your classroom. These ideas are based on the book "Teach Like A Cham-
      pion" by Doug Lemov.

      Kevin Wilaby is currently the principal at Mayer Lutheran High School. A graduate of Concordia-
      Seward, he began teaching at Martin Luther High School (Northrop, MN). His experience has been as a
      math/technology/accounting/religion teacher as well as an athletic director, assistant principal and princi-
      pal. Kevin has been blessed to be in ministry for 26 years at four different Lutheran High School.

      Group Level: Elementary/High School (Meets MN Licensure—Accommodations, Modifications…)

208   Giving Young Students a Strong Math Foundation
      Rebekah Jorgensen

      Many elementary and early childhood educators do not have a strong math focus or the understanding of
      the math targets for later years that secondary math teachers do. This presentation aims to help bridge that
      gap, to provide early childhood and early elementary teachers with ways they can strengthen traditional
      areas of weakness in middle and high school students by providing strong foundational skills. The pre-
      senter will suggest areas of emphasis within early childhood and early elementary standards and ways to
      help kids have positive early experience with mathematics skills instrumental in future success

      Rebekah Jorgensen has been teaching middle and high school math and German since 2006. She also
      has experience working in early childhood and elementary settings. She currently teaches math and Ger-
      man for Genesis Virtual Academy

      Group Level: Early Childhood/Elementary (Meets MN Licensure—Accommodations, Modifications…)

209   Leadership: Managing the Transition
      Alan November

      Listen as we outline essential skills for leadership and offer both practical guidelines and creative solu-
      tions for building accountability into the planning and implementation process. Articulating vision and
      mission, managing change, and aligning technology to primary curricular goals are emphasized. We will
      explore the “leader as a role model” concept and look at various professional development opportunities,
      such as joining a global professional community.

      Alan November—Please see Keynote Bio

      Group Level: All

210   Christ-Like, Servant Administration
      Michael Harvey

      Administration is a role that some Commissioned Church Workers do not feel they are allowed to do; that
      is pastor's role. Some Commissioned Church Workers may not want to get that formal, they prefer a more
      "organic" approach. Others struggle with how to keep up with it all. Let's take another, more freeing look
      at administration. How did and how does Jesus administrate?

      Michael Harvey is the Director of Christian Education at Redeemer Lutheran in Rochester, MN. He and
      his beautiful wife Erin have five children. In addition to his ministry at Redeemer Michael is a passionate
      supporter of KINDLE.

      Group Level: DCE/DCO

211   The “Conversation”
      Matthew Harwell

      You might have thought this was going to be something about sex education, though that is an important
      conversation topic, but this is about the conversation of faith. How is it transmitted? How does social me-
      dia and technology play into that conversation? This session won't teach you about social media or how to
      use it; rather, the focus is using it better to communicate your message. Some assumptions will be taken
      that participants use the major social media platforms and are somewhat aware about them.

      Matthew Harwell states, “I like talkin'. I like tellin' people about Jesus. For some reason, growing up as a
      digital native means I like social media and usin' it. My life experience is about melding all these facets
      (talking, Jesus, social media) into a seamless conversation with the community I serve. After a few years
      of practice, it's time to share! Am I the most qualified? Probably not. Can God use me? I think so!

      Group Level: DCE/DCO/Deaconess...

October 16(Thursday)                                            2:15 pm– 3:15 pm
300   Goodbye, Computer Lab! Hello, Mobile Technology!
      Corey Nelson

      Are Chromebooks and Tablets the answer for your school? Come hear how one school has implemented a
      mobile technology approach that involves technology instruction and content area integration. This sec-
      tional will focus on how using Chromebooks and Tablets allows for versatility, accessibility, and even
      affordability! If your school is needing a technology update or simply a better understanding of what
      Google Apps for Education can do, I encourage you to consider what this approach could do!

      Corey Nelson is in his 22nd year of teaching in Lutheran Schools. He has taught several grade levels,
      with the majority spent in the primary grades. Currently, he is a Technology and Math Instructor at Roch-
      ester Central Lutheran School.

      Group Level: All (Meets MN Licensure—Technology)

301   NWEA’s Solutions
      Theresa Hawkins

      NWEA is a multi-product, multi-service organization with a mission to partner with educators to help all
      kids learn. This session will focus on the solutions available from NWEA to support your school's initia-

      Theresa Hawkins is a nationally certified PreK-12 school counselor and an Account Executive at NWEA
      serving five states in the centrol region.

      Group Level: All (Meets MN Licensure—Accommodations, Modifications…)

302   The “New” NLSA
      Cletus Pfeiffer

      NLSA is now using a new process that takes effect with the 2014-2015 school year. If you are needing to
      renew your accreditation in the next couple years, this information will be very helpful. If you are a
      school that is not currently accredited, join this sectional to learn about the process and learn reasons why
      you should consider taking your school through the process.

      Cletus Pfeiffer has served schools in Minnesota and Nebraska. He has been active in accreditation in
      both the participant and regulatory roles since the 1980's. He currently serves as the NLSA Commission-
      er for the Minnesota South District and as a member of the National Commission for NLSA.

      Group Level: Early Childhood/Elementary/Administrators

303   Dual Exceptionalities: Giftedness and Learning Disabilities
      Kara Bratton

      This presentation will cover information about students who may have learning disabilities as well as be-
      ing gifted. Characteristics, identification and instructional strategies for these students will be discussed.

      Kara Bratton is the Resource Center Director for Lutheran Special Education Ministries (LSEM). She
      has her undergraduate degree in Elementary Education, graduate degrees in Special Education and Gifted
      and Talented Education, and a Master's degree in Education. Kara is also trained in Orton-Gillingham,
      has training in the area of autism, and is a DIBELS Next mentor/trainer.

      Group Level: Early Childhood/Elementary/High School (Meets MN Licensure—Accommodations, Modifi

304   Integrating a Learning Management System Into Your Classroom
      Matt McClintock

      Presentation and discussion regarding integrating LMS into your daily classroom activities. Examples
      include Moodle and Schoology. Attendees encouraged to share advice on how they have integrated LMS
      into their own classrooms.

      Matt McClintock is the Technology Coordinator at Mayer Lutheran High School. He is a graduate of
      Concordia Chicago

      Group Level: High School

305   Smiles & Trials: Accomplishing God’s Work
      Drew Gerdes

      Teaching is not always easy. Ministry is not always easy. However, early childhood educators are at the
      forefront of sharing the Gospel to children and families. Come and learn some ideas that can help you
      reaching families in sharing the Gospel message. Bring a tissue, or two, and hear stories of how Lutheran
      schools have had a great impact on students - an impact that lasts for years.

      Drew D. Gerdes serves as Early Childhood Director at Messiah Lutheran School in Weldon Spring, Mis-
      souri. Drew grew up in Minnesota and attended several schools in the MNS District. He is active in the
      Lutheran Education Association and National Lutheran School Accreditation. Drew serves the church-at-
      large in many other capacities and speaks at a variety of conferences each year. Currently, he is complet-
      ing is doctoral degree at Concordia - Chicago.

      Group Level: Early Childhood

306   Personal Devotions for the Busy Educator
      Rev. Bill Natzke

      Who, what why, when, where, how of personal devotions

      Pastor Natzke spent all 40 years of his ministry in MN--Holloway, rural Rosemount, and St John's, Aus-
      tin. He and his wife Connie (Seward '66) have 3 children and 10 grandchildren. Their son Todd and
      daughter Sarah graduated from Concordia, St Paul. Sarah (Willmott) teaches at Trinity Lone Oak, Eagan.
      In retirement, the Natzkes live in Rochester and are members of Trinity.

      Group Level: All

307   Students with Behavioral and Emotional Difficulties: How to detect, refer, and follow-up for mental
      health treatment
      Andrea Thomas

      Educators, along with all staff working in school settings need to be able to recognize and refer students to
      needed services if they are struggling with a mental health concern or are experiencing thoughts of harm-
      ing themselves. This presentation will equip educators and staff with information and resources for them
      to refer students to if they are concerned. Risk factors and warning signs of depression and suicidal
      thoughts will be covered along with other childhood mental illnesses. This presentation will also intro-
      duce attendees to Ross Greene's book "lost at school" and his trademark "kids do well if they can" philos-

      Andrea Thomas is a Master's level therapist and has worked in the mental health for over 8 years as an
      educator. Andrea is certified as a School Suicide Prevention Specialist and is currently a School Linked
      Mental Health Therapist in the Rochester Public School District. Andrea is able to offer a unique perspec-
      tive as a person living with mental illness and as a professional in the field which she incorporates within
      her presentations.

      Group Level: All (Meets MN Licensure—Understand the Key Warning Signs of Early-onset Mental Illness)

308   Online Learning: 101
      Kim Ross

      Genesis Virtual Academy is moving into its' 3rd year. Serving Christian schools and students at home in 8
      states by providing online programming to meet various academic needs. We will share how online learn-
      ing works, what is expected of students, our experinces working with schools and students, and our plans
      for moving forward.

      Kim Ross is Director of Genesis Virtual Academy, a Ministry of Mayer Lutheran High School in Mayer
      MN. Kim has previously served public schools as a mathematics teacher, computer coordinator, Principal
      and Superintendent and has been developing online learning programs 2000

      Group Level: Elementary/High School/DCE/DCO (Meets MN Licensure—Technology)

309   Homosexuality: Teaching Against the Tide
      Rev. Patrick Simmons

      In a world that increasingly calls homosexuality normal, how do we teach God's design for creation?

      Patrick Simmons is a father of two young children and has been married to Beth for 15 years. Beth and
      Patrick have each lead support groups for people struggling with Same Sex Attraction. Our desire is not
      necessarily for a person to self-identify as a heterosexual but as a follower of Christ. Patrick currently
      serve as pastor of New Creation Lutheran Church, Shakopee.

      Group Level: All

310   Designing Engaging Devotions and Worship Experiences
      Joel Symmank

      Participants will explore ways to create devotional and worship experiences for retreats and other settings
      using movement, focus and a variety of media.

      Joel Symmank has served as Director of Christian Education at Woodbury Lutheran since 2005 and as the
      worship leader in the contemporary services since 2008. Joel has served as chaplain for a variety of KIN-
      DLE initiatives since 2005. Joel lives in Woodbury with his wife Rachel and their three sons, Ethan, Mi-
      cah and Luke. They love Friday night pizza and movies.

      Group Level: All

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