OCO Global Innovation Index for Investment Promotion Agencies June 2021

Page created by Sue Campos
OCO Global Innovation Index for Investment Promotion Agencies June 2021
OCO Global Innovation Index for
 Investment Promotion Agencies
                     June 2021
OCO Global Innovation Index for Investment Promotion Agencies June 2021
Foreword from the CEO
OCO are excited to launch a new annual IPA Innovation Index. With the arrival of the global coronavirus pandemic, IPAs
(along with every other business) had no choice but to adopt new ways of working, and new approaches to
communicating and transacting with clients.

Our analysis shows that IPAs are beginning to adopt new approaches and embrace digital tools and process to reflect
practices that have been embedded in their clients for some time.

Although new project volumes were down, expansion and retention work tested the capabilities of many IPAs in account
management and stress tested CRM. It also demonstrated that sacred cows such as remote working being less productive
were myths. And most importantly the whole client journey became digital and in some cases more effective as a result.

The top 2 innovation awards go to IPAs from emerging economies (India and Abu Dhabi) which demonstrates the level of
ambition and importance of FDI for these countries, and fires a shot across the bows of the more established and
complacent status quo. These organisations were already well advanced in respect of digital tools, sustainable sectors of
the future and recognise that success is about liveability as well as well as economics.

We are grateful to all of the IPAs who took part in the study and look forward to tracking progress and further proving out
the relationship between innovation and success.

Mark O'Connell
Founder & CEO

OCO Innovation Index Awards Report 2021

OCO Global Innovation Index for Investment Promotion Agencies June 2021
Global economies undergoing a period of unprecedented change
The coronavirus pandemic has accelerated changes in business practices and government policy...

Companies are used to innovating in periods of downturn,
but are Investment Promotion Agencies (IPAs)?

  “       Developing an innovation strategy that reacts to or even anticipates a downturn, doesn’t just weather
          the storm but creates a competitive edge for the future. We looked at 30 Fortune 1000 companies that
          accelerated during 2008 and all of them invested in new growth options instead of just cutting costs. Bain
          & Company came to a similar conclusion after analysing 5,000 companies over 10 years.

         Gartner, 2020

GE Financial Services was founded         Airbnb was founded in the financia         Over 1/3 of bank branches in Europe
post the Great Depression as a            crisis of 2008 as increasing number        have closed in the last 10 years,
channel to sell its refrigerator and      of cost-conscious consumer and             owing to business model change
washing machine products to               business travellers sought alternatives    brought about by financial crisis. A
consumers.                                to hotels.                                 an example, in Q3 2020 80% of all
                                                                                     Santander UK sales and customer
                                                                                     transactions were conducted via
                                                                                     digital channels.

                                                                                              OCO Innovation Index Awards Report 2021

OCO Global Innovation Index for Investment Promotion Agencies June 2021
The OCO Innovation Index examines how effectively IPAs are adapting to
the challenges of Pandemic recovery, sustainability and digitisation.

The OCO Innovation Index, aims to:
• identify and assess those changes initiated by IPAs, in light of the challenges raised by the Covid pandemic, and
• assess how IPAs are positioning themselves for the post Covid investment landscape

                                                Two elements to this study

                                                                        Supported by a series of in-depth
            A quantitative survey covering a                            qualitative interviews with IPAs to
          series of 3 key topics spanning IPA                        expand upon the key themes emerging
           innovation in the past 12 months                          from the quantitative survey, illustrating
                                                                        best practice and highlighting key
                                                                             examples of innovation

Methodology: The Innovation Index Explained
The OCO Innovation Index broken down: 10 categories across 3 areas (Strategy, Operations & Technology). Scored on
whether the IPA made a change or not in response to Covid-19 and new strategic opportunities.

                                            I N N O V AT I O N I N D E X

            OPERATIONS                                STRATEGY                                TECHNOLOGY
        New Sectors                             New/updated Plan                           CRM/Tools Upgrade
        New Markets                             Proactive M&A                              Virtual events/Conferences
        New Services                            Engagement VC/JV                           Virtual Tours
                                                Account Mgmt Focus

OCO Innovation Index Awards Report 2021

OCO Global Innovation Index for Investment Promotion Agencies June 2021
Findings are based on 20 responses covering a broad
geographical spread of IPAs

  Abu Dhabi Investment Offic         Dubai FDI                Invest in Holland
  Austrade                           IDA Ireland              Invest in Spain
  Bahrain EDB                        Invest Hong Kong         Invest India
  Business France                    Germany Trade & Invest   Invest Trinidad & Tobago
  Invest in China                    Invest in Lithuania      Italian Trade Agency
  CINDE Costa Rica                   Invest in Denmark        Switzerland Global Enterprise
  UK Dept. for International Trade   Invest in Finland        ABA Austria

                                                                   OCO Innovation Index Awards Report 2021

OCO Global Innovation Index for Investment Promotion Agencies June 2021
The Global FDI market collapsed in 2020
And whilst there are signs of recovery in certain sectors, the outlook overall is uncertain.

                                                              Global FDI inflows 1995-2020 (US $bn)

                                                                                                                                       -35% vs 2019
                                   2000                                                                                                2020 volumes 30% below
                                                                                                                                       financial crisis and back a
                                                                                                                                       levels of late 1990s

                                   1500                                                                                        1390



                                           1995             2000           2005            2010              2015              2020

                                               Latest UNCTAD Investment monitor report published last week shows
                                               global FDI flows falling from $1.5 trillion in 2019 to $1 trillion in 2020.

    Types of Investment                                            Geographic Mix                                   Outlook
    $ value                                                        Greenfield $ valu                                •U
                                                                                                                      S picture expected
    2020 vs 2019                                                   2020 vs 2019                                      to improve under new

    35% decline in Greenfield                                       15% decline in Europe                           •M
                                                                                                                      &A H2 recovery in Tech and
                                                                                                                     Life Sciences seen as positive
    10% decline in M&A                                              29% decline in USA                               indicator for these sectors
                                                                                                                    • Industrial / Manufacturing: slow
                                                                    38% decline in Asia                               recovery expected as value
                                                                                                                      chains re-configu ed over time

Source : UNCTAD Investment Monitor

Some sectors have fared better than others…

              RESILIENT                                      NEUTRAL                                                 EXPOSED

               Renewables                                   Food & Drink                Financial Services            Automotive            Hotels & Tourism

                      14%                                          29%                            39%                    55%                          70%

            Medical Devices                                  Technology                    Aerospace           Adv. Manufacturing
              & Biotech
                                                                   30%                            69%                    35%

However the short term impact is only part of the story; more relevant is how the pandemic and its aftermath shapes
business models in both the resilient and exposed sectors; from the latter we expect acceleration of innovation (eg EVs in
Automotive) and new investment environment to emerge.
Source : fDi Markets, no. projects, 2019 compared to 2020

OCO Innovation Index Awards Report 2021

OCO Global Innovation Index for Investment Promotion Agencies June 2021
Sometimes it takes a crisis….IPAs have been forced to adapt strategies, fle
operating models and embrace technology to maintain relevance

           01                         02                          03                                   04
 Time for an Update         Innovative Upstarts         Regional Dispersion                    Yes Minister

 By happy coincidence      Some of the more             The exodus from the              Investment attraction
 for some IPAs the turn    resilient strategies (that   cities and success of            has gone up the political
 of the decade heralds     required little update)      remote and homeworking           agenda both in terms
 the 5 year strategy       belong to younger IPAs       has opened up new                of security, and as a
 update, and for all       in emerging markets          possibilities for regional       stimulus for recovery
 others a rewrite has      like Dubai, Trinidad,        dispersion and deeper            so we can expect
 been necessitated by      and Costa Rica rather        regional engagement              more senior political
 the pandemic              than the more mature         features in a number of          engagement and not all
                           economies                    IPA strategy updates             of it positive!

Operationally, there has been a pivot to resilient sectors & different modes of
investment, whilst IPAs are keeping faith with their historical source markets
           05                         06                          07                                   08
   Double down on              Sector Refresh              Sector Markets                       Open-to-all
    existing clients                                                                           Investments

 With diminished new       IPAs have pivoted to         No discernible shift             Some reactive positions
 business pipelines        resilient sectors such       in global footprints             moving to proactive on
 all respondent IPAs       as fintech, hea th tech,     but IPAs beginning to            M&A with pitchbooks,
 have been righting an     renewables, food and         question the need for            distressed cos and
 historical imbalance      drink, while tourism,        such expansive overseas          supply gap fi ling, while
 of support for            retail and manufacturing     offices and less might b         all IPAs now recognise
 aftercare and account     has consolidated.            more in a virtual world.         value of Venture Capital
 management, versus        Sustainability/Green         China, India and Gulf            as an channel to market
 new investment            growth is a new and          rising in priority
                           recurring theme

Digitisation used to extend to the website & social media activity, now it is
pervasive across the value chain of operations for many IPAs
           09                         10                          11                                   12
    New Products            Virtual Efficiencies         Lean IPA Processes                CRM Engagement

 Family Offices            Virtual tours, use of        The linear investment            Building deeper
 Incentives for green      drones and Zoom              process from first contac        relationships with fewer
 investment, Special       allows investors to visit    to deal closure has              but better investors
 Economic Zones,           geographically dispersed     become ‘lean’. More              requires sharper
 and ‘special access’      sites in a morning as        effective early stage            intelligence and co-
 for most significan       opposed to a 3 day fam       zoom meetings with key           ordination. Many IPAs
 investors are common,     tour and opportunity to      decision makers, tighter         have upgraded their
 and some near shoring,    showcase regions more        agendas and disciplined          contact relationship
 homeworking products      inclusively                  follow up has shortened          management tools
 by IPAs close to the US                                sales cycles                     (CRMs)

                                                                                     OCO Innovation Index Awards Report 2021

OCO Global Innovation Index for Investment Promotion Agencies June 2021
All of our respondents have either launched a new 2020-2025 strategy or
           updated their existing one in response to the Pandemic

                                     Key Findings                                                              Examples
                                     • F
                                        rom March – August 2020, most IPAs pivoted                            • G
                                                                                                                  reen growth is
                                       efforts to existing investors, initially to help                          a common theme               Average Score of
                                       navigate government assistance schemes and                                of these strategy            Pillar No.1;
                                       address supply chain, travel and social distance/                         updates as is                STRATEGY
                                       remote working issues.                                                    digitalisation and
                                                                                                                 mobility.                    This means that
                                     • L ater in the year, with depleted pipelines, many                                                     64% of IPAs have
                                        IPAs doubled down on retention and expansion                           • F
                                                                                                                  rance Relance,             developed a new or
                                        strategies, and many discovered that their                               UK Zero Carbon               developed an existing
                                        knowledge of the existing investor base and                              and Green                    strategy to deal with
                                        their CRMs were not up to the task.                                      shipping (HK) are            pandemic
                                                                                                                 all good examples
                                     • T
                                        hose who updated their strategies redeployed                            of this shift to             i.e; new plans, AM
                                       resources and targets to account management,                              more sustainable             focus, M&A, VC/JV
                                       focusing on supply chains, upgrading and                                  investment future.
                                       better connectivity to regional partners.

           Some evidence that IPAs have pivoted their sector focus towards the more
           resilient sectors

                                                                                                          8                           • S
                                                                                                                                         everal IPAs are looking to
                                                                                                                                        target niches that have been
                                                                   Tech              Life Sciences        7                             unaffected or seen a surge as a
                                                                    Pivot to more resilient sectors                                     result of Covid-19
No. IPAs Adding Sector as Priority

                                                                   Agri-food                                                          • New subsector targets:

                                                                                            Logistics     5                             - Cybersecurity
                                                                                                                                        - AI
                                                                                  Renewables              4                             - Blockchain
                                                                                                                                        - Fintech
                                                   Tourism           Heavy Manu.                          3                             - Disposable medical products
                                                                                   Electronics                                          - Cleantech
                                         Aerospace                                                        2                             - Agritech
                                                                                                                   Light Manu.
                                                                                                 Retail                                 - E-Commerce
                                        Textiles                                                          1

                                             Oil & Gas          Construction       Financial Services                                 • O
                                                                                                                                         nly two sectors were
                                                                                                          0                             removed by IPAs as targets:
                                      -80%               -60%              -40%                -20%           0%           20%          3 removed Tourism and 1
                                                                                                                                        removed Retail
                                                     % Change in Global Projects Jan-Nov 2019 vs 2020

           Source: fDi Markets

           OCO Innovation Index Awards Report 2021

OCO Global Innovation Index for Investment Promotion Agencies June 2021
M&A still a bit too hot to handle for most IPAs, but much wider engagement
and facilitation of JV and active engagement with VC

   Key Findings                                              Examples
   • P
      ent up demand for deals coupled with                  • Business France, ICEX Spain and Austrade have
     a global wall of idle capital and market                  launched initiatives to market investment
     uncertainty presents the perfect storm for a tidal        opportunities in ‘distressed’ companies, while
     wave of M&A in 2021.                                      Trinidad and Tobago are focusing on attracting
                                                               foreign capital into existing indigenous firms.
   • IPAs have recognised the value of VC as a key
      channel to tech investors of the future and            • The UK has established an Office for Investment
      are mobilising initiatives to get closer to VC           to target foreign capital from SWF, Family
      community in key markets. Asian IPAs have built          Offices and High Net Worth individuals.
      on established schemes in this space. Nordic
      IPAs have been a first mover in the est.               • Invest HK is piloting a new proposition to attract
                                                               family offices to invest in innovation and tech
                                                               funds in the region. ICEX is working to attract
                                                               foreign capital into 100 ‘start-ups’, and
                                                               Switzerland is undertaking a similar programme.

IPAs are pursuing starts ups and investment in starts ups more actively,
although still targeting traditional forms of FDI

                           Types of Investment
   Only 5 of 20 added new investment types (although some were already
                      targeting outside of Greenfield

                                                                             We anticipate a number of factors will
                                                                             shape the post-Covid landscape and
                                                                             alter the mix of investment projects:

                                                                             • S
                                                                                ignificant rise in innovation /
                                                                               tech-rich sectors

                                                                             • A
                                                                                re-bound in M&A activity

                                                                             • A
                                                                                shortening of supply chains and
                                                                               an opportunity / need for domestic
   70%              67%              40%              40%        40%           capabilities to populate value chains

                                                                             • Increase in company failures
                                                                               creating expansion opportunities for
                                                                               strongest players
     JV           START-UPS        DOMESTIC           M&A     EXPANSION

                                                                                       OCO Innovation Index Awards Report 2021

OCO Global Innovation Index for Investment Promotion Agencies June 2021
Governments and IPAs have introduced incentives to support existing
investors, rather than designing offers that align with post Covid shifts

                                                                                          e.g. grants, loans,


                                      Non-Fiscal                                Fiscal

                           e.g. regulatory assistance,                     e.g. income tax,
                                 setup assistance                           VAT, customs


                   Only 8 of 19 have adjusted                                   4
                 their incentives in response to
                Covid, and some countries have                                                   3
                     tightened FDI policies

                     (e.g. 4 cited new foreign
                     ownership restrictions)…
                                                           Financial       Non-Fiscal         Fiscal
                                                           (e.g. grants)   (e.g. set-up       (e.g. tax)

OCO Innovation Index Awards Report 2021

Unused travel and conference budgets are being redeployed on tech
platforms, staff training and new marketing collateral

  Key Findings                                            Examples
  • R
     emote working and virtual investment                 ustrade and Invest
    promotion has exposed the dependency on face          India mentioned                  Average Score of
    to face meetings.                                     significant expenditu e          Pillar No.2;
                                                          in CRMs and SGE have             OPERATIONS
  • IPAs have rushed to CRM providers to upgrade
                                                          developed their own
     and improve their intelligence and insight on both                                    This means that
     existing investors and pipelines.                                                     62% of IPAs have
  • Z
     oom, Teams and others have all been widely                                           been agile, flexibl
    embraced for project collaboration and targeted                                        and resilient in the
    events. It has also allowed more time for                                              way they dealt with
    engagement of senior people in such events.                                            operations.

  • T
     raining and upskilling has also been a beneficiar                                    i.e; new sectors,
    of the pandemic, initially to help IPA executives                                      new markets, new
    in crisis management and more lately to upgrade                                        services, etc.
    skills in account management.
  • T
     ools such as Velociti for investor insight and
    targeting, Proven to manage intermediaries
    and GIS Planning to inventories and showcase
    investment sites have all seen uptake by IPAs on
    their digital journey.

Market focus: None of our respondents have radically upended their market
focus in response to the Pandemic

   Key Findings                                             Examples
   • T
      ravel restrictions limited IPA participation in      • Ireland, Netherlands and Belgium have all
     major overseas ‘recruitment’ and marketing                moved assertively to target the EU market
     events, increasing the reliance on other channels.        seeking investors.

   • M
      any IPAs remain committed and confiden               • C
                                                               entral American and Caribbean agencies like
     in the potential for FDI from Asia and have              CINDE and Trinidad and Tobago have jumped
     maintained and even expanded their presence in           on nearshore and remote working, plus are
     these markets.                                           targeting US fi ms with solutions that are close,
                                                              well regulated and highly cost effective.
   • B
      rexit has forced many European agencies to
     reposition their offer to either UK companies.

   • India and Middle East are attracting renewed
      attention, plus, we are seeing new initiatives
      across the Gulf and Indian States led by an
      emboldened Invest India.

   • M
      any countries will be encouraged by the more
     internationalist policies of Biden in the US and
     the $1.9tn stimulus.

                                                                                      OCO Innovation Index Awards Report 2021

...but that has not yet triggered a fundamental re-shaping of market focus...
                                 % Reductions in Project Volumes from 2019 to 2020
            Source Market Regions                     Top 20 IPAs With Most Resilience to Add New Source Markets – ADIO Most Resilient
           N America Most Resilient
                                                                    ADIO                                                         100%
                                                                    China                                              80%
                                                                       ICE                                             80%
                                                                      SGE                                              80%
     North America                   27%
                                                                    Dubai                                   60%
                                                                      EDB                                   60%
 Latin America &                                                       IHK                                  60%
       Caribbean                                                                                            60%
                                                                     NFIA                                   60%
 Western Europe                           34%                    Austrade                          40%
                                                                   Austria                         40%
                                                                   CINDE                           40%
Emerging Europe                            39%
                                                                       DIT                         40%
                                                                   France                          40%
       Middle East                          41%                      GTAI                          40%
                                                                     ICEX                          40%
                                                                      IDA                          40%
       Asia-Pacific                             45%                     IIF                        40%
                                                                 InvestDK                          40%
                                                                Lithuania                          40%
                                                                      T&T                          40%

     If post Covid landscape is shaped by a re / near-shoring agenda and a shift in sector mix; likely that additional
                                     shaping of geographic focus will be required

               High Priority                                                  20%

               Source Countries                                                                 • Changed Source Countries
               Only 4 of 20 amended their                                                         Additions as priority
               source market priorities                                                           • Germany – 3 IPAs
                                                                                                  • France, Hong Kong, USA – all 2 IPAs

Most of the ‘product offer’ innovation is connected to sustainability agendas or
new political priorities/alliances

      Key Findings                                                             Examples
      • A
         more regressive move across many countries is                        • Notable examples are:
        tighter screening and approval of investments in
                                                                                    - 8 new UK special economic zones with rates
        sensitive sectors and from sensitive places due to                             holidays and incentives for investors.
        security and self sufficiency conce ns.
                                                                                    - India’s new ‘Clearance Cell’ and ‘Investor Forum’
      • A
         number of IPAs (CINDE, IDA, NFIA) are                                        to fast track strategic investments through
        working closely with existing investors to help                                government and regional bureaucracy.
        them address remote working challenges as                                   - France Relance with high level political support
        well as decarbonise their footprint and offer                                  for recovery projects in automotive, aerospace
        incentives and support to achieve this through                                 and hydrogen sectors.
        wider national initiatives.
                                                                               • Invest HK is developing a ‘co-location’ offer where
                                                                                  investors can manufacture in mainland China but run
                                                                                  administration, finance and HQ f om Hong Kong.
                                                                               • T
                                                                                  &T and Costa Rica are offering special visas and
                                                                                 relocation supports for businesses and workers who
                                                                                 want to enjoy more remote working by the beach.

OCO Innovation Index Awards Report 2021

Spending splurge on digitization, and some new performance measures

Budgeting                                                                                                    New measures added
16 of 19 agencies have adapted their staff or budget levels
                                                                                                       dispersion of               3

   13                                                                                                  Projects' corporate
                                                                                                       social responsibility           4
                                                                                                       (CSR) credentials


                                                                                                       Levels of CAPEX                 4

                                                                                                       Quality / salary
                                                                                                       levels of jobs
                                    1                             1                  1
    Digital          Spend to service           Permanent         Temporary          Change in         Introduction of
                                                                                                       new technologies
   marketing            investors             change in staff   change in staff   other marketing
    spend                                       headcount         headcount           spend

    Increase            Decrease

*2 IPAs noted that already measured some of these pre-Covid

Remote working and travel restrictions have forced and accelerated adoption
rates of technology platforms across the IPA value chain

     Key Findings                                                                   Examples
     • M
        any IPAs were attached to traditional models                               IDA Ireland, Invest
       of client engagement. They have been forced to                               India, Business France,               Average Score of
       evolve, and will likely remain post-pandemic.                                SGE and Bahrain                       Pillar No.3;
                                                                                    EDB described                         TECHNOLOGY
     • A
        poll of IPAs around digital adoption 18 months
                                                                                    how the traditional
       ago would have seen very few in the sphere of                                                                      This means that 64%
                                                                                    sequential approach
       operations or delivery.                                                                                            of IPAs have used
                                                                                    of initial overseas team
     • Z
        oom meetings, remote working, virtual                                      targeting, outreach                   technology under the
       investment tours etc are now common practices                                and introductions etc.                just-right framework
       among IPAs we interviewed, and many wish they                                had been condensed                    to win investments,
       had engaged with tech platforms earlier.                                     into one or two Zoom                  facilitate it and
                                                                                    meetings where all                    promote it.
     • It is possible to bring in heavy weight decision
                                                                                    the key actors could
        makers and politicians at an early stage.                                                                         i.e; CRM/Tools
                                                                                    be present with clear
        Investment Promotion has become ‘Lean’ and                                                                        upgrade, Conferences,
                                                                                    agenda and next
        peripherality is less of an issue on a virtual tour.                                                              Virtual Tours.
                                                                                    steps, and the elapsed
        Drones don’t complain of travel sickness!
                                                                                    time between firs
                                                                                    contact and investment
                                                                                    significantly educed.

                                                                                                                   OCO Innovation Index Awards Report 2021

Adoption and expansion of digital services has surged with 90%+ of
respondents making some change
                                                                      CRM/Tools        Conferences        Virtual Tours




Note : Assessment shown is representative of each grouping

Working from home used to be a slacker’s charter, now some will never return
to the office full tim

      Key Findings                                            Examples
      • G
         overnment organisations are typically               • S
                                                                 ome pointed to the success of their first tim
        not well organised for remote working due               virtual annual staff conferences such as IDA
        to technology constraints, security and                 Ireland, and NFIA.
        confidentialit , and less agile HR policies. A lot    • B
                                                                 usiness France have created a secure Extranet
        has changed in 12 months.                               ‘data room’ for strategic investors to access
                                                                their files emotely at any time and keep the
      • Indeed many respondents cited productivity             projects on track.
         gains, better collegiate and collaborative
         behaviour and greater client impact.                 • Invest
                                                                     India has been developing a national
                                                                database of industrial sites which can be
      • It is recognised that for larger strategic             accessed remotely.
         investments, site visits will always be essential,
         but for services and technology investors with
         limited capex, a project can be secured and
         mobilised without a client visit – IDA Ireland
         spoke enthusiastically about a virtual tour
         covering 3 locations taking 2 hours instead of
         2 days.

OCO Innovation Index Awards Report 2021

Our preliminary Innovation Index scoring clusters around 4 groupings

                                                                                                                                          4 Groupings

                                                                                                       Abu Dhabi                               Resilient Performers:
                                          Austria                                                 Switzerland                                  Limited change, with
                                10%                                                                                                            investment remaining robust
% Change in Projects 2019-20

                                   0.50              0.55      0.60               0.65            0.70             0.75           0.80         Wait and See: Limited
                                -10%                                                                                                           changes, despite
                                                                                  Dubai                                                        investment headwinds
                                -30%                                    Bahrain
                                                                                          UK   Netherlands                                     Reformers: Initiating change,
                                -40%                                  Spain                                               India
                                                                                                                                               but (as yet) insufficient t
                                                                        France                                                                 counter the Covid effect
                                                    Finland                        Germany Hong Kong

                                                                  Costa Rica
                                -60%                   China                                                                                   Planning ahead: Initiating
                                                                Denmark            Trinidad & Tobago                                           significant eform and
                                -70%                                                                                                           planning for the longer term
                                                                        Innovation Index Score

IPA Innovation Winners

                               1st                                                   2nd                                                 3rd
                               77%                                                   72.5%                                               71.8%
                               Invest India                                          Abu Dhabi                                           Austrade
                               (India)                                               Investment Offic                                    (Australia)

                               Strategy                                              Operations                                          Technology
                               1st 86%                                               1st 82%                                             1st 80%
                               Department for                                        Abu Dhabi Investment Offic                          Invest Lithuania (Lithuania)
                               International Trade (UK)                              (United Arab Emirates)

                                                                                                                                         2nd 75%
                               2nd 84%                                               2nd 78%                                             Invest Hong Kong (Hong Kong)
                               Invest India (India)                                  Invest India (India)
                                                                                                                                         2nd 75%
                                                                                                                                         Invest Denmark (Denmark)
                               3rd 82%                                               3rd 76%
                               Austrade (Australia)                                  Germany Trade & Investment                          2nd 75%
                                                                                                                                         Bahrain Economic
                                                                                                                                         Development Board (Bahrain)

                                                                                                                                               OCO Innovation Index Awards Report 2021

Innovation already in action: Selected Examples

Invest India have innovated               Dubai is positioning itself as a new       ADIO consciously chooses to focus
intensely to improve connectivity         East/West axis and promoting itself as     on 5 target sectors within Knowledge
to their States Industrial landbanks.     a safe haven for retreating/reshoring      Intensive industries aligned to the
They offer Investors access to a          manufacturers building on the 2030         scale and make-up of the talent base
one stop shop and understand              Industrial Strategy. They also promote     in the region. These sectors are also
connectivity with R&D and centres         lifestyle and work/life balance in their   aligned to the broader economic
of excellence. They have also built       positioning to investors. They are         and social strategy of Abu Dhabi. In
an Investment Clearance Cell to           pushing the sustainability agenda,         order to create competitive clusters in
help foreign investors navigate           e.g. announcing flagship p ojects like     these areas, ADIO has a programme
state level bureaucracy. FDI Project      world’s largest solar park. Dubai has      of financial supports aligned t
development Cells have been               also migrated its entire service offer     innovative, fast growing companies
embedded in 29 Ministries to              on line and can be accessed from           (Series A, B) within these sectors
reduce bottlenecks and improve the        anywhere by investors.                     where through a transparent set of
investor journey. Finally a new $29bn                                                financial ebates they can plan their
incentives pool for manufacturing has                                                market entry with certainty.
been launched.

Innovation already in action: Selected Examples

Earlier this year, the UK Office for      As part of its recent 5 year strategy      Austrade has a new focus on
Investment was launched within DIT,       setting, NFIA will now work under a        attracting VC into indigenous start
but jointly attached to the UK Prime      different targeting regime - where         ups to help them internationalise.
Minister’s Office                         the primary investment targets will        The remote working and virtual tour
                                          now be set on a 5 year basis vs the        opportunity has been a great leveller
Its remit is clear – to lead and co-      previous annual timeframe.                 for Austrade with its remoteness.
ordinate efforts across whole of                                                     Austrade have also launched a
government in attracting strategic        This will enable NFIA to maintain          new investment assessment tool
inward investment.                        a clear focus on targeting strategic       throughout the project cycle to ensure
                                          investment that delivers long term         quality and value is prioritised.
The office comprises senior ex            value and re-investment in priority
private sector ‘deal enablers’            sectors, and avoiding the ‘chasing’
working alongside experienced civil       of short term / lower value wins that
servants to offer a seamless investor     inevitably distracts from the core
experience.                               mission.

OCO Innovation Index Awards Report 2021

Back to where we started:
How will innovation shape IPA 2025?

  IPA 2020                                   IPA 2025
  •   Focus on R&D and high value activity   •   Focus on job creation
  •   Large international office footprin    •   Smaller deeper footprint in core hubs
  •   Organised by Sector                    •   Organised by modes of investment
  •   Process largely delivered in-house     •   Working in tandem with partners

  •   ‘All things Tech’ as the priority      •   Shift to Green Economy and CSR
  •   Skills at the heart of proposition     •   Incentives and SEZs back in fashion
  •   General PM facilitation capabilities   •   Business advisory/deal making skills
  •   80% effort on new 20% AM               •   80% focus on stock, 20% on new
  •   Digital mainly for marketing           •   Digital investment process

  •   Open for all investment                •   Tougher screening and approval regime
  •   Annual budgets and measures            •   Impact measured over med to long term

                                                                       OCO Innovation Index Awards Report 2021

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