Nucleic acid quantification and disease outcome prediction in colorectal cancer
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TECHNOLOGY R EPORT Nucleic acid quantification and disease outcome prediction in colorectal cancer Stephen A Bustin Histopathological stage at diagnosis remains the most important prognostic determinant University of London, Institute of Cell and for colorectal cancer. However, conventional staging is unable to predict disease outcome Molecular Science, accurately for each individual patient. This results in considerable prognostic heterogeneity Barts and the London, within a given tumor stage and is of particular relevance for a subgroup of patients with Queen Mary’s School of Medicine and Dentistry, stage II disease that would benefit from adjuvant therapy. The recent advances in London, UK functional genomics are beginning to have a significant impact on clinical oncology, and there is widespread interest in using molecular techniques for clinical applications. These *Centre for Academic Surgery, 3rd Floor Alexandra Wing, have focused on two approaches: the use of polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based The Royal London Hospital, methods for the detection of occult disease in lymph nodes, bone marrow and blood and London E1 1BB, UK the use of microarrays for the expression profiling of primary tumors. The aim is to develop Tel.: +44 020 7377 7000 Ext. 2431; molecular classifiers that will allow the prediction of disease outcome, thus matching E-mail: s.a.bustin@ patients with individualized treatment. Despite the obvious attractions of these approaches, there have been significant technical, biological and analytical problems in * Address for correspondence their translation into clinically relevant practice. This is particularly true for colorectal cancer, the second most common cancer in the western world. Nevertheless, progress is being made and the improved awareness and appreciation of those difficulties is beginning to generate results that should prove useful for clinical oncology. Colorectal cancer, the second most common clinicopathological factors. ANNs are computer- cancer in the western world [1], is best considered based algorithms that can be used to discover com- not as a homogeneous disease, but as covering a plex relations within data sets. They permit the rec- spectrum in terms of its molecular properties ognition of patterns in complex biological data sets and its clinical and pathological diversity. Unlike that cannot be detected with conventional linear other cancers, such as those of the lung and statistical analysis by a process of error minimiza- breast, the size of the primary tumor is often not tion through learning from experience. Although a primary prognostic indicator. Tumors have a ANNs can increase the accuracy of colon cancer tendency to grow slowly, enlarging gradually classification and survival prediction when com- until they eventually penetrate the bowel wall. pared with other statistical or clinicopathological Surgical resection of the primary cancer contin- method [4], this improvement is still not able to ues to be the only curative option for colorectal predict survival for each individual patient. Fur- cancer. The probability of a cure following sur- thermore, ANNs are considered to be ‘black boxes’ gery is directly related to the stage of the cancer, with lengthy development and optimization times, and lymph node (LN) status is the most influen- as well as huge computational requirements and, tial prognostic marker with respect to disease- since model development is empirical, ANNs pro- free and overall survival. However, even after an vide low decision insight. Therefore, while histo- apparent curative surgical intervention, approxi- pathological staging procedures and extensions mately 50% of patients experience metastatic such as ANN are useful in defining the extent of relapse that in most cases eventually leads to and prognosis for colorectal cancer and placing death. There is considerable prognostic hetero- patients into risk groups, they are unable to accu- geneity within each tumor stage [2]: up to a third rately identify the risk of treatment failure for every Keywords: cancer, colon, of LN-negative (N0) patients experience treat- individual patient. Consequently, there continues metastasis, microarray, occult ment failure and die from disseminated disease, to be widespread interest in using molecular disease, polymerase chain reaction, reverse transcription, whereas around a third of stage III (T1–4N1–2M0) techniques in clinical diagnostics. staging patients are cured [3]. There are many approaches to improving the The challenge accuracy of clinical staging. One interesting There are various approaches employing molecu- approach utilizes artificial neural networks lar techniques that can be used to predict disease (ANNs), trained and validated using various outcome for colorectal cancer patients. One 10.2217/17410541.3.2.207 © 2006 Future Medicine Ltd ISSN 1741-0541 Personalized Medicine (2006) 3(2), 207–216 207
TECHNOLOGY REPORT – Bustin involves attempting to detect circulating tumor expression profile [11]. Expression profiling, in cells in blood before surgery, coupled with a particular, is expected to lead to the identifica- molecular analysis of the LN after surgery. This tion of cellular and serum markers for colorectal is often referred to as molecular staging and aims neoplasia. Ideally, such markers would have sev- to augment histopathological staging with addi- eral characteristics: first, they should be tional, patient-specific information. Molecular expressed at high levels in most tumors and at staging can be followed up with monitoring the greatly reduced levels in normal tissues, thus pro- appearance of circulating tumor cells in blood ducing high sensitivity and specificity. Second, over time after surgery, with the aim of detecting any elevated expression should be an early event the appearance of metastatic recurrence at the and remain at high levels during the neoplastic earliest possible time. Another approach tries to transformation process. Third, markers should associate a tumor’s metastatic potential with the be secreted to facilitate their detection. The iden- genotypic or expression characteristics of the pri- tification of such markers, together with any cor- mary tumor. All these methods have as their ulti- relation between specific types of genetic changes mate goal the identification of colorectal cancer and relevant clinical information should be able patients with actual residual disease, rather than to distinguish clinical prognostic groups. of patients belonging to a group with a statistical risk of harboring metastases, and hence in need PCR-based detection of occult disease of adjuvant treatment. At the same time, these This approach has the longest track-record, and investigations may also result in the identifica- there are numerous publications identifying a tion of reliable markers capable of distinguishing huge range of potential prognostic markers [12,13]. between subgroups of patients that respond to Occult disease can be detected by identifying its different treatment regimens. This review deals DNA (PCR) or its mRNA (reverse transcription with the first aim, the second one having been [RT]-PCR) in LN, blood or bone marrow. The dealt with recently [5,6]. targeting of DNA has the advantage of allowing Two, not necessarily exclusive, molecular the detection of tumor-specific mutations, thus approaches are used to address these challenges. providing direct evidence for the presence of The first is based on the assumption that treat- tumor-derived DNA. The targeting of RNA aims ment failure is due to the presence of occult dis- to detect colon tissue-specific mRNA in a back- ease, sometimes referred to as ‘micrometastasis’, ground where its expression would not be which is defined as metastatic cancer of limited expected to occur. However, while simple in prin- disease burden that cannot be detected by stand- ciple, there are several limitations associated with ard histopathological techniques. Occult disease the detection of occult disease. First, whilst it may be revealed by the detection of characteristic would be ideal to be able to detect cancer-specific mutations and/or the expression of tissue-spe- mutations, there are no known mutations that cific genes. Since their detection requires occur consistently in colorectal cancers. Second, extremely sensitive and specific techniques, there even when the same p53 or K-ras mutations are has been widespread interest in polymerase chain identified in both primary cancers and LN, a sig- reaction (PCR)-based methods capable of nificant number of patients do not develop distant detecting such targets [7]. These involve conven- recurrences [14,15]. One reason for this may be that tional gel-based PCR methods, as well as quanti- the detection of DNA may simply be a reflection tative methods such as real-time PCR, of tumor burden [16,17], a problem that is not standardized competitive reverse transcription solved by switching to the detection of tumor-cell- (StaRT)-PCR and linear-after-the-exponential derived RNA, as even the presence of RNA is not a (LATE)-PCR. Today, such methods provide the reliable indicator of the presence of viable cells [18]. most sensitive and specific means of detecting Third, there are some concerns regarding the lack occult disease. of truly tissue-specific markers. For example, the A second approach arises from the recognition widely used epithelial tissue-specific marker cytok- that the metastatic potential of a cancer may be eratin 20 (ck20) is expressed in the blood [19–22] encoded in the bulk of the primary tumor [8] and and LN [23] of healthy controls, with no associa- that characteristics present in primary tumors tion between ck20 mRNA levels and distant may predict the course of a patient's disease. recurrence or survival [24,25]. Similar reservations Consequently, this approach aims to analyze the have been recorded for the other commonly used primary tumor for microsatellite [9] and tissue-specific markers [12]. Fourth, conventional ploidy [10] status, and increasingly, its gene RT-PCR assays can be very unreliable [26,27]. 208 Personalized Medicine (2006) 3(2)
Nucleic acid quantification and disease outcome in colorectal cancer – TECHNOLOGY REPORT Today there are three PCR-based methods in problems [30] and its appropriate application common use for the detection of cancer cells from depends on optimizing and validating each indi- blood, LN and bone marrow. All three are capable vidual step that makes up a qPCR assay [31]. of quantification, thus adding an additional factor, Proper optimization of pre-assay [32] and assay [33] to the parameters potentially useful for developing conditions, its validation [34] and standardization a practical, clinical diagnostic assay. [35–37] are crucial to meeting the quality criteria expected of any laboratory test applied in clinical Real-time PCR medicine [12]. Arguably the most important over- The most widely used technology involves the all parameter concerns assay and data standardi- application of real-time PCR (qPCR) assays [28], zation. A recent survey of qRT-PCR protocols which represent a significant advance on conven- and analysis procedures revealed huge variability, tional PCR-based methods [29]. Quantification is even between diagnostic laboratories [38]. Differ- based on the detection of a fluorescent reporter ences in the pre-analytical steps, such as blood molecule, and the increase in the amount of flu- sample processing [39,40] and RNA isolation [41] orescence as PCR products accumulate with lead to heterogeneous results even if evaluated in each cycle of amplification. There are three main the same laboratory. Similarly, the differences in chemistries in general use: analytical variables that affect the accuracy of • Intercalating dyes, such as SYBR®-Green conventional PCR assays [42] affect both qPCR (Invitrogen, CA, USA), which fluoresce upon assays [43,44]. Standardized data are necessary light excitation when bound to double when making interexperimental and interlabora- stranded DNA. These are cheap, easily added tory comparison of gene expression measure- to legacy assays and amplification products ments, and it is near impossible to develop a can be verified by the use of melt curves. On meaningful gene expression database with the other hand, they can lack specificity and nonstandardized data. fluorescence varies with amplicon length. StaRT-PCR • Primers linked to fluorophores, for example, The problem of data standardization is addressed Lux™ primers (Invitrogen) or Plexor™ by an alternative method, termed StaRT-PCR [45]. (Promega, CA, USA). Fluorescence detection StaRT-PCR is a quantitative method for measur- depends on the primers binding to, and being ing multigene [46] expression using standardized extended during the PCR reaction. These are mixtures of competitive templates that include cheap, and amplification products can be veri- defined reference templates for β-actin and glycer- fied by melt curves. However, specificity aldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH). depends on the primers and company-specific Since these reference competitive templates are design software needs to be used for optimal included in each reaction, any expression value performance. can be related to the expression of one or both of • Hybridization-probe-based methods, for these two genes. The inclusion of the reference example, TaqMan® (Applied Biosystems) or genes in each mixture also allows for direct com- molecular beacons. These are the most spe- parison of values obtained with different mixtures, cific methods, as products are only detected if or different experiments. The competitive tem- the probes hybridize to the appropriate plates for each gene are commercially designed, amplification products. There are many vari- manufactured and validated. Each gene expres- ations on this theme, with melt curve analysis sion result is reported as the number of molecules possible for some chemistries. Their main dis- of mRNA for gene ‘X’ per 106 molecules of refer- advantages are cost, complexity and occa- ence gene. Serial dilutions of the standardized sional fragility of probe synthesis and mixes allow quantitative measurements over a 6.5 potential problems associated with the fact log range. All data are directly comparable as data that probe-based assays do not report primer are measured using standardized lots of the inter- dimers that can interfere with the efficiency nal standards. With such standardized data, of the amplification reaction. expression levels of genes in diseased vs normal tis- If real-time PCR is preceded by a RT step to sue can be compared across experiments and other quantitate mRNA or viral RNA targets, this laboratories. In addition, an internal standard method is often termed qRT-PCR or, alterna- inherently corrects for any inhibitors that may be tively RT-qPCR. Not surprisingly, whilst simple present in tissue extracts, a problem that requires in concept, this technology has its own additional assays with real-time PCR analysis. The 209
TECHNOLOGY REPORT – Bustin establishment of a gene expression database that is patients remains unclear. This is due to concep- annotated with respect to phenotype (e.g., respon- tual reservations, as well as technical limitations siveness to particular chemotherapeutic agents) that interfere with the diagnostic specificity of makes it possible to compare and evaluate the util- qRT-PCR assays. The lack of clinical validation ity of gene expression data from new clinical spec- of RT-PCR-based assays in prospective studies imens [47]. StaRT-PCR has been used to develop a suggests that although RT-PCR assays can iden- method that is 100% accurate for diagnosing lung tify LN harboring colon-derived cells that are cancer in cytological specimen, improving on the not detected by conventional histopathology, 80% sensitivity rate currently obtained for mor- these are not likely to progress to distant metas- phological criteria [48]. Results obtained using tases. This implies a conceptual flaw, based on a StaRT-PCR correlate well with those obtained simplistic view of the biology and kinetics of using TaqMan assays [49], and this technology may tumor cell traffic through the lymphatic and sys- be better for high-throughput quantitative temic circulation and subsequent metastasis transcript measurements. development [12]. Critically, RT-PCR detection strategies do not provide any information about LATE-PCR the metastatic potential of the cells they detect. A third alternative is LATE-PCR, which is particu- Even unequivocal detection of tumor cells by larly useful when targeting low copy number tar- mutant allele-specific PCR fails to predict relapse gets [50]. This method is similar to asymmetric within 5 years of surgery in between 27 [14] and PCR, in that the two PCR primers are used at dif- 70% [15] of patients. Indeed, a patient in the LN- ferent concentrations. However, LATE-PCR takes negative group also died. In general, when into account the difference in melting temperature RT-PCR assays are used to detect ‘tissue-specific’ (Tm) of two primers present at different concentra- mRNA expression, tumor recurrence is observed tions, thus improving both efficiency and specifi- in only 14–50% of patients whose LN are city. LATE-PCR also makes it possible to use RT-PCR positive. Together with the results lower temperature detection, since the probe does described above, this suggests, as has been previ- not need to compete with hybridization and ously asserted [52], that while RT-PCR may be extension of the limiting primer during the early, detecting cancer cells, the majority of these may exponential phase of the reaction. Hybridization not have any metastatic potential. Hence their of probe and target is unimpeded once the limit- detection may be no more prognostic for the ing primer is depleted and can be done either by individual patient than conventional staging. lowering the annealing temperature at that point, or by introducing a low-temperature detection Microarrays step between the extension and melting steps. DNA microarrays rely on nucleic acid hybridiza- Probes with lower melting temperatures are easier tion and the use of nucleic acid polymers, immo- to design, more allele discriminating, and have bilized on a solid surface, as probes for lower background fluorescence. Moreover, as the complementary nucleic acid target sequences. probe dissociates from its target strand well below They can be used to monitor simultaneously the the extension temperature of the reaction, suffi- expression of thousands of genes from human cient probe can be added to the reaction to meas- tumor samples and can be applied to large num- ure all product strands without inhibiting the bers of samples in parallel. There are two plat- amplification reaction. Consequently, LATE-PCR forms, based on cDNA or oligonucleotide increases the signal strength and allele discrimina- microarrays. cDNA microarrays consist of cDNA tion capability of fluorescent probes and reduces clone inserts representing genes of interest spotted variability among replicate samples and provides a onto a solid support. They are commonly queried means for improving the accuracy of single-cell with cDNA derived from experimental and refer- genetic diagnosis [51]. Therefore, it is suited for ence RNA samples that have been differentially detecting and/or quantitating nucleic acids from labeled with two fluorophores to allow for the the very limited amounts of tumor material quantification of differential gene expression, and available for analysis following a resection. expression values are reported as ratios between two fluorescent values. Oligonucleotide arrays use Usefulness of PCR-based methods a single fluorescent label and experimental RNA is The prognostic value of detecting disease-associ- amplified, biotinylated for detection, hybridized ated mRNA from circulating colorectal cancer and detected through the binding of a fluorescent cells in the blood, LN or bone marrow of streptavidin-bound compound [53]. 210 Personalized Medicine (2006) 3(2)
Nucleic acid quantification and disease outcome in colorectal cancer – TECHNOLOGY REPORT There have been many attempts to find novel non-metastatic tumors [61]. The authors identi- markers to identify patients with the potential for fied a 200-odd gene set that divided patients colon cancer progression [54]. The concept of dis- with significantly different 5-year survival rates. ease classifiers based on differential gene expression Importantly, most non-metastatic tumors that supposes that metastatic potential is associated clustered with metastatic cases eventually devel- with the expression levels of a given set of genes. oped metastasis, confirming the notion that met- Hence the characterization of global mRNA pat- astatic potential can be predicted from the terns is expected to reveal clues about regulatory transcriptome of the primary tumor. Discrimi- mechanisms, biochemical pathways and broader nator genes were associated with various cellular cellular function and so advance the understand- processes (e.g., cell-cycle regulation, cell adhe- ing of disease pathology and increase the accuracy sion and angiogenesis). However, in common of staging. Furthermore, transcriptome analysis with other findings they do not point to an obvi- could lead to the identification of key markers ous discriminatory mechanism for metastasis. among the complex network of gene products Although many of the genes identifying LN involved in metastasis and their association with metastasis and predicting distant metastasis are previously undetectable features of the molecular the same, there are differences. This is a reflec- basis of individual tumor characteristics. tion of the clinical observation that the two are not perfectly correlated and emphasizes expres- Profiling of colorectal cancers sion of the underlying biological differences. Since the first report comparing expression pro- Another recent study examined the expression files of tumor and normal colon tissue [55], there profile from 74 patients with stage II colorectal have been several studies analyzing expression cancer and identified a 23-gene signature profile profiles from different disease stages. Two have that predicted recurrence. The signature was val- analyzed molecular differences between adeno- idated in 36 independent patients with an over- mas and carcinomas and identified 1800 [56] and all accuracy of 78%: 13 out of 18 patients with 50 [57] discriminating genes capable of distin- relapse and 15 of 18 disease-free patients were guishing the two stages. Another study reported correctly predicted, representing an odds ratio of the construction of a ‘colonochip’, a microarray 13 [11]. A third report used a 43-gene signature to specifying some 4600 genes that are expressed in predict 3-year survival with a 90% accuracy colorectal cancer, normal colonic mucosa and (93% sensitivity and 84% specificity) in predict- liver metastatic cancer tissues and its use to ing 36-month overall survival in 78 patients and, identify expression profiles associated with most importantly, was able to discriminate a sur- colorectal tumor progress. Expression profiling vival difference in an independent test set [62]. In of highly metastatic cell lines relative to their another study, a 20-gene expression profile that poorly metastatic parental cell line has identified predicted distant recurrence was obtained from metastasis-associated expression pattern changes the primary tumors of stage III patients that had in 170 genes [58]. Another study compared the not received any adjuvant therapy [63]. Although expression profiles of LN-positive and LN-nega- the ability to predict a poor clinical prognosis tive cancers using a 4608 cDNA array and iden- does not necessarily indicate a benefit from an tified 60 genes that could correctly place 10/12 intervention, it certainly seems capable of defin- cancers into their appropriate groups [59]. Yet ing a group of patients that will not require any another study collected primary and metastatic adjuvant treatment. tissue from patients undergoing simultaneous primary resection from the colon and metastatic Usefulness of microarray-based methods resection from the liver [60]. Samples were iso- The identification of genes associated with lated using laser capture microdissection (LCM) metastasis demonstrates the feasibility of com- and analyzed using a 9121-gene cDNA microar- bining large-scale molecular analysis of expres- ray. A total of 40 genes were upregulated signifi- sion profiles with classic morphological and cantly, while seven genes were downregulated clinical methods of staging and grading cancer significantly in metastatic as compared with for better outcome prediction. The studies primary tumor. above suggest that global expression profiling is A recent report addresses the issue of progno- beginning to identify patterns of gene expres- sis and suggests that expression profiling of sion that appear to correlate with metastatic colorectal cancers is able to distinguish clinically potential and may identify molecular markers relevant subgroups and metastatic versus for colon cancer prognosis. 211
TECHNOLOGY REPORT – Bustin However, there are a number of limitations of the host [69]. In addition, there is an important that result in uncertainty concerning the reliabil- contribution from the tumor microenvironment ity of DNA microarray measurements. First, and metastasis can be modified by stromal since the hybridization conditions are variable events. Consequently, it is plausible that multi- for different genes, accurate measurements of ple signatures could be a consequence of the absolute expression levels and the reliable detec- multiple pathways through which colorectal tion of low-abundance genes are currently metastases arise [70], as demonstrated by the fact beyond the reach of microarray technology. that LN and liver metastases from the same Consequently, although the direction of change patient do not always show the same genetic indicated by microarray experiments is usually aberrations [71]. This implies that the accuracy of reliable, the magnitude of gene expression multigenic classifiers may be improved if their changes are much less so [54]. However, it is likely selection is based on better understanding of the that technological advances in extraction, underlying tumor biology. The finding of a hybridization and detection methods will molecular signature in primary cancers predic- improve the measurement potential of micro- tive of metastasis [8] suggests that the metastatic arrays. Second, differential gene expression and potential of many cancers is encoded in the bulk prognostic value of expression patterns are not of the primary tumor and raises the expectation necessarily synonymous and there is little con- that this will result in a prognostic application. sistency between studies used to predict clinical Nonetheless, it is notable that colorectal cancers outcome [64]. A recent tissue microarray study were not included in the demonstration of clini- was unable to show any association between the cal utility of this metastasis-associated signature, expression profiles of several cell cycle regulatory although another recent study does describe such or proliferation-related markers previously corre- a signature for stage III colorectal cancer lated with prognostic relevance and disease-free patients [63]. Interestingly, this study also sug- survival in node-negative rectal cancers treated gests that detection of the expression of a single by surgery alone [65]. It is apparent that single mRNA, the ras homolog gene family member A microarray data are prone to false findings [66] (RHOA), can identify a subset of patients that and that different studies result in different gene may benefit from adjuvant chemotherapy. How- lists; indeed different gene selection methods can ever, this depended on selecting appropriate cut- lead to strikingly different gene lists from the off levels for mRNA levels, with the associated same experiment [67]. This may be caused by problems this entails [12]. technical variability, where the methods by Cancer analysis by expression profiling cannot which the classifiers are extracted from the afford to ignore the molecular complexity of microarray data generate variable results. In this colorectal cancer. There is extensive intratumor case the use of appropriate ‘models of consist- genetic heterogeneity in colorectal cancers, with ency’ and standard operating procedures may between two and six different clonal genotypes resolve the underlying biological phenomena of per tumor [72,73], with obvious implications for the experiments. Furthermore, the establishment expression heterogeneity. Furthermore, gene of gene coexpression networks for functionally expression profiles of colorectal cancers are related genes is also likely to improve the biolog- affected by environmental conditions, such as dif- ical validity of microarray data. A recent study ferences in diet or the preparation of the bowel combined independent datasets on different prior to surgery. It must also be remembered that types of cancer to explore transcriptional changes colorectal cancer biopsies are composed of epithe- in terms of gene interactions rather than at the lial cells, as well as numerous other cell types. Var- level of individual genes [68]. Two distinct net- iable proportions of these nonepithelial and non- works were able to detect biological changes and malignant cells could lead to inconsistent and bio- identify gene groups whose co-regulation might logically inaccurate gene expression patterns. contribute to malignant transformation. Analysis of microdissected cell populations partly On the other hand, recent evidence implies a addresses these problems, and has been applied to significant role in the metastatic process for the analysis of profiles associated with colorectal germline polymorphisms. In practice this means cancer development [74]. However, analysis of that malignancy is influenced not just by envi- microdissected cell populations has its own disad- ronmental stimuli, and multiple genetic and epi- vantages; a significant proportion of metastasis- genetic events that arise within the malignant associated signatures appear to be derived from epithelium, but also by the genetic background the nonepithelial component of the tumor and 212 Personalized Medicine (2006) 3(2)
Nucleic acid quantification and disease outcome in colorectal cancer – TECHNOLOGY REPORT microdissection would result in the loss of that marker will be validated if it is able to predict the component [8]. The case for considering expres- risk of distant recurrence accurately for every indi- sion profiles of both epithelial and stromal cells is vidual patient. Whether this will turn out to be a further strengthened by the extraordinary plastic- blood or LN-based marker, a multigene mRNA ity of cells: signals arising in a tumor can repro- expression profile obtained from primary tumors, gram both normal and cancer cells. Cancer cells or protein/peptide or metabolome profiles may be reprogrammed to take on the structure obtained from primary tumor, LN or blood, and function of vascular cells in a process called remains an issue open for debate. However, there vascular mimicry [75] and tumors can organize can be no doubt that in the not-too-distant future regional fibroblasts and endothelial cells into a there will be a more accurate classification system collaborating metabolic domain that is able to sus- that will allow accurate prognostic stratification of tain cancer cell survival [76]. All these factors may individual patients and the administration of generate noise that could mask expression patterns molecular therapeutics that show optimal activity relevant for outcome prediction. in particular subgroups of patients. Conclusion & expert commentary Outlook Colorectal cancer is a complex disease arising from Host genetics plays an increasingly recognized the interplay of genetic and environmental fac- critical role in determining tumor behavior as tors. The achievements of genome sequencing well as patient response to adjuvant therapies. projects and technological advances in functional Consequently, new molecular therapeutics are genomics have facilitated the transition to large- likely to find optimal activity in particular, well- scale systemic approaches to studying this disease defined subgroups of patients. Furthermore, and, undoubtedly, the quantification of mRNA whereas there are numerous tumor-type specific by RT-PCR methods and expression profiling by changes on the path to malignancy and metasta- microarrays has provided important insights into sis, it appears that there may be fewer, and com- its biology. Less clear is whether these technologies mon changes in the cancer microenvironment, are more accurate at predicting disease outcome raising the hope that therapeutic targeting of for individual patients at risk of treatment failure these events could be generally applicable [77]. following supposedly curative surgery. First, they Interestingly, if polymorphisms, rather than generate yet more information without any clear oncogenic events, induce the metastasis-predic- evidence that this is any more relevant for patient tive gene signatures, then it may not be necessary management. The results obtained from using to obtain tumor biopsies for prognosis. Instead, RT-PCR to quantitate ‘tissue-specific’ markers, in normal colonic biopsies or even more easily particular, are not compelling. Second, there are accessible tissues, for example, blood, could be numerous technical issues that need to be useful for identifying patients at risk before they addressed and it is essential that technical variabil- develop tumors. This issues are well worth exam- ity is minimized by using standard operating pro- ining and it is essential to obtain epidemiological cedures that implement standards at each step of evidence linking human polymorphisms with the procedures, especially with regard to careful metastasis. In any event, the molecular networks quality control of experiments with associated involved in regulating the metastatic cascade are quality metrics. Again, the biological relevance of slowly being untangled and molecular medicine, data obtained using real-time PCR, the most by helping with more accurate prognostic strati- widely used RT-PCR technology, is obscured by fication of colorectal cancer patients, will play a its lack of any meaningful standardization. An leading role in the move toward individualized, alternative PCR-based method, such as STaRT- genome-based, combinatorial cancer therapy. In PCR may well be a more useful tool due to its combination with an increasing array of addi- very standardized protocol. Third, larger studies tional tools, such as tissue-specific genetic with appropriate clinical design, adjustment for knockouts, siRNA-mediated knockdown, the known predictors and correct validation inde- development of protein, tissue and interaction pendent data sets are essential before clinical deci- arrays, these serve to increase our understanding sions can be based on results obtained from either of the metastatic process and the role played by technology. Ultimately, any set of molecular the tumor microenvironment. 213
TECHNOLOGY REPORT – Bustin Highlights • Colorectal cancer describes a disease spectrum characterized by genetic and epigenetic heterogeneity. • There is a clear association between different subtypes of colorectal cancer and patient prognosis. • Molecular techniques such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and microarray analysis are being used in attempts to improve the accuracy of conventional histopathological staging for individual patients. • While numerous individual markers and several expression profiles have been reported as being independent predictors of disease outcome, none have been universally validated. • The acceptance of any markers into clinical practice must be supported by reproducible validation using standardized assay conditions or diagnostic criteria in multiple independent large sets of samples, as well as by different laboratories. • The identification of the role germline polymorphisms have in cancer progression suggests it will be possible to match therapy to individuals, based on their susceptibilities and response profiles. 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