NTIS - New Technologies for the Information Society - Research Centre of the Faculty of Applied Sciences of the University of West Bohemia
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NTIS – New Technologies for the Information Society Research Centre of the Faculty of Applied Sciences of the University of West Bohemia
Specializations of Research Programs NTIS – New Technologies in the NTIS Centre for the Information Society Research Centre NTIS – New Technologies for the Information Socie- and the development of the scientific disciplines P1 Development of cybernetic control systems, identification, intelligent decision-making ty (NTIS) is a modern research centre of the Faculty of physics and geomatics. Mathematical modelling and communication systems of Applied Sciences (FAV) of the University of West support for the systems and processes researched, • Identification systems, estimation and change detection systems, and systems Bohemia. The Centre came into existence mainly and the development of appropriate mathematical for adaptive stochastic systems’ control: decision-making and control under uncertainty (p. 4) thanks to funding from the European Regional De- structures themselves, have a key role in these ac- • Advanced methods and algorithms for machine and process control, velopment Fund, from the Operational Programme tivities. and means for their implementation (p. 6) Research and Development for Innovation, Priority About two hundred scientists and researchers • Speech technologies for man-machine communication (p. 8) Axis 1: European Centres of Excellence. The NTIS work for the NTIS Research Centre; a substantial Research Centre, which is so far the largest invest- number of them being experts from the Faculty of • Information technologies for the public security and healthcare support ment in the history of the University of West Bohe- Applied Sciences. Thanks to a unique combina- • Research and development of advanced diagnostics and reliability methods, mia, is the only research centre of its kind in west- tion of natural sciences and engineering sciences namely for power systems (p. 10) ern Bohemia and one of eight centres of excellence backgrounds, researchers have been achieving P2 Advanced computer and information systems in the Czech Republic. outstanding scientific research results for many • Geometrical models and algorithms for computer graphics applications The mission of the NTIS Research Centre is re- years. For their research and experiments, scientists search, development and innovation in the priority and researchers at the Centre can use modern fa- • Methods and tools for the design of safe, reliable and robust computer systems directions of “Information Society“ and “Materials cilities with work rooms and laboratories equipped • Natural language processing and intelligent web technologies (p. 12) Research“. Activities of the Centre are focused on with cutting-edge devices and technologies worth • Data and knowledge for decision-making in bio-medicine (p. 14) the development of cybernetics, computer science around 200 million CZK. P3 Research and modelling of heterogeneous materials and mechanical and mechanics – disciplines which are crucial for The Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and biomechanical structures the development and application of information, and Cartography is a partner of the NTIS Research • Heterogeneous materials and biomechanical structures (p. 16, 18) communication and mechatronic technologies, Centre. • Smart materials and structures subject to dynamic loads (p. 18, 20) P4 Novel nanostructured thin-film materials prepared using plasma processing • New nanostructured thin-film materials (p. 22) • New plasma sources used in thin-film deposition and surface modification (p. 22) P5 Qualitative and quantitative investigation of mathematical models • Mathematical Modelling of Continuous Systems and Processes (p. 24, 32) • Mathematical Modelling of Discrete Systems and Processes (p. 26, 30) • Development of tools and methods for collecting, processing and application of spatially defined data (p. 28) 3
Functions Stochastic variables Principles and Starting Points Adaptive control Structural system description Stochastic system description of Modern Cybernetics and decision-making Recognition – estimation P1 Research Program – Cybernetic Systems ▶ prof. Ing. Miroslav ŠIMANDL, CSc., simandl@ntis.zcu.cz Real system “Cybernetics is based on information. In fact, the Deterministic Models and Uncertainty Recognition and control under uncertainty. question is how to process and handle informa- So-called deterministic models used to be applied tion. Typically, information is processed and used often to describe reality. Depending on the initial statistical tools and probability theory is a pillar sup- ing sensors; they can detect defects in monitored to control a certain system. Nevertheless, informa- conditions and anticipated regularities, these mod- porting almost all modern sciences – from quantum objects and enable prediction of future behaviour tion management must be automated and require els explicitly determine the future condition of a mechanics to meteorology and cybernetics. of quantities. Knowledge obtained in this way can no human interference,” Professor Šimandl of the process or a system. They should provide an abso- then be used in decision-making and control. To NTIS Research Centre and simultaneously Vice- lutely accurate image of what will happen tomor- Ability of Control Systems to Adapt name a few application examples: determination Rector for Research and Development at the Uni- row, the day after tomorrow, or in a hundred years. Recognition of the uncertainty and complexity of of car operating values in the automotive industry, versity of West Bohemia, describing the essence of The trouble is, that as far as real phenomena taking the surrounding world resulted in a huge step for- monitoring of the life functions of human beings in cybernetics to non-specialists. place in nature are concerned, we do not know if ward in the development of cybernetics, and made medicine, power engineering applications, identifi- we have an accurate and exhaustive description of the creation of more accurate mathematical models cation of individuals, and many more. The works of American mathematician Norbert the initial conditions or if the regularities that we possible. It is also worth noting that the process of Wiener, written in the first half of the twentieth cen- anticipate are correct and take into consideration automation has adopted characteristics of living or- Applications of Adaptive Systems tury, are considered the foundation of cybernetics. all of the actually existing interactions. That is why ganisms, such as learning and the ability to adopt. Automated recognition is followed by automated In the 1960s, Rudolf Emil Kalman contributed to a uncertainty models are more likely to be used now- Nowadays, cybernetics has to face a great chal- control and automated decision-making. If an en- great advancement in cybernetics; he was the first adays to describe actual systems. lenge: to find an optimum way of balancing and tire control system is required to possess the abil- one to anticipate processes representing system Our lack of knowledge of the surrounding world using information that is simultaneously generated ity to adapt to the changing characteristics of a properties that change over time. Moreover, his ap- is not the only problem that deterministic math- by a mathematical model on the one hand, and controlled object, control algorithms must also be proach enabled utilization of a simpler mathematical ematical models have to deal with. The fundamen- measurements on the other, in order to ensure the able to adapt. These sophisticated adaptive systems apparatus than the one used by Wiener. tals of classical physics, which are deterministic in most accurate understanding of the current and bring in new opportunities for the management of Cybernetics deals with the essence of informa- principle, were shaken by Heisenberg’s discovery subsequent future condition of a controlled system robotic and complex technological systems in the tion processing. In principle, there are two types of of the uncertainty principle. He discovered that or process. The whole task is even more compli- automotive industry, for example. The behaviour of information – a priori information and information ob- when we are able to determine the position of a cated, as it is necessary to simultaneously evaluate a vehicle full of passengers and with a full fuel tank tained by measurement. A priori information is based particle, then in accordance with the principle of measurement data from multiple sources – infor- differs dramatically from the behaviour of a half- on a mathematical model that describes a process uncertainty, we are unable to precisely determine mation fusion – and obtain optimum estimates of empty car. Its behaviour depends largely on the or a system regardless of whether it is a technical its momentum; or vice versa, when we know its unknown or immeasurable quantities. This area environment - whether the car is driven off road, object or a living organism. Measurement data are momentum, we are unable to accurately determine of information processing is known as automated on a motorway, on a dry or wet road, etc. Based obtained while running the process of controlling a its position. Currently, theoretical physics anticipate recognition or system identification. Moreover, in on active recognition of the current conditions, it is certain real object; these data are typically used to that the principle of uncertainty applies to the world some cases, automated recognition must be able to possible to minimize the differences in the vehicle’s develop feedback to correct the control that would we live in. adapt to the changing characteristics of monitored behaviour by changing control system parameters be based on algorithms built only on mathematical Pascal was among the first to recognize the objects. affecting the car’s characteristics, for example, modelling principles. That is to say, in a practical ap- likelihood of the existence of the laws of probability Estimation systems with these capabilities, with adaptive chassis configuration, active noise plication, it is impossible to reach absolute accuracy that apply to sets of phenomena, yet do not apply which include automated recognition, make it pos- suppression, adaptive cruise control, the ABS sys- of mathematical models representing real objects. to them individually. Nowadays, the combination of sible, for example, to reduce the number of measur- tem and others. 4 5
top of that, the movement was slow. I had my con- cerns, but the only way was to accelerate. I changed the parameters setting and the transporter set out “running”. It was practically silent.” explains Prof. Schlegel, who came up with the unique solution. Animating Machines Other significant research results can be seen in the J. K. Tyl Theatre in Pilsen, the Estates Theatre, the Archa Theatre, and the Congress Centre in Prague. Tasks are Numerous Model of a defectoscope robot for inspection P1 Research Program – Cybernetic Systems Another current research project is focused on ro- of piping welds. ▶ prof. Ing. Miloš SCHLEGEL, CSc., schlegel@ntis.zcu.cz botics and mechatronics. A robot controlling unit and its construction are currently under develop- nary phenomenon among Czech universities. They ment, for example. The robot is being designed to have been very successful in passing through the Every age brings in its own phenomenon; we all alizing it – it must process information needed to clean components in the automotive industry. It so-called “death valley”. It is the difficult process know examples where this is reflected directly in maintain the balanced position of the body. The is to handle components in a way that will move leading from a theoretical research project to its the name – the steam age. The current world is the brain evaluates all the data as the individual walks the soiled parts into the flow of a cleaning medi- practical implementation. According to Weinreb: world of information technology, the world of ideas and assigns tasks to muscles to make the body um. Therefore, the robot must be highly resistant “There are experts in mechanics, materials, elec- and ingenuity. As not so long ago the key thing in move correctly. There are many small movements to an aggressive environment. Professor Schlegel tronics as well as other disciplines in the team, so engineering was the technical solution, or as we say involved that are controlled by the brain based on describes as extremely demanding another project the team is able to design final constructions, or “iron” , today it is the control algorithm of a device the signals obtained. dealing with a system that controls the position of even make their prototypes.” that is crucial. crank supports (the so-called “support steadies”) of Apart from the many experts on the team, the How Does It All Work? crankshafts during machining, person behind its success is Miloš Schlegel. He If we look, within Czech universities, for a team of Analysis of the problem comes first, of course; the The work of the research team clearly leads to has not always worked in an academic environ- scientists whose research is most useful in practice, contracting party specifies the capabilities of the savings in manufacturing processes as well as to ment; he was also engaged in industrial research the scientists from the NTIS Centre who specialize machine and the desired result. A team of special- increasing the competitiveness of the Czech econ- and was the director of the Easy Control Company. in cybernetic systems would rank among those in ists will then create a mathematical model and omy abroad. The application of research results – Therefore, he directly combines theory and its prac- top positions. work on its optimization. However, it cannot be just advanced control algorithms – makes the control- tical applications. His main fields of focus include The scientists gathered around Professor Miloš a mere theory; at a certain stage, the mathematical ling systems manufactured by Teco Kolín and ZAT linear systems, robust control, predictive manage- Schlegel are among the busiest researchers in the model is programmed into a given control system Příbram increasingly competitive in world markets. ment, mechatronics and the automated setting of NTIS Centre. They perform research into the devel- and tested on a real device. What is then left is to industrial regulators. He has written more than a opment of optimal algorithms to revitalize other- tune out minor problems and factors that the math- Passing through the Death Valley hundred professional publications. If you enter his wise perfect machines and enable their utilisation ematical model cannot capture. The great advan- According to the project manager of the NTIS Cen- name into the Google browser, thousands of links in practice. Results of their work are used by dozens tage of such an approach is saved funds that would tre, Josef Weinreb, Schlegel’s team is an extraordi- will come up. of companies in the power, metallurgy, food, chemi- otherwise be spent on the actual testing of the ma- cal, textile, automotive and mining industries, as chine – the mathematical model faithfully simulates well as by theatres. the whole process and its possibilities without the necessity of programming the machine. We Are Controlled by Algorithms as Well Simply said, the team is developing mathematical Practice Is the Best Reference processes, and eventually software, that can con- One of the best-known of Schlegel’s research trol various devices based on signals, or better to projects was concerned with the above-mentioned say, parameters, measured on the given equipment. concept of walking. The project dealt with the de- The principle is similar to that of the human walk, velopment and construction of a control system for where an individual’s brain is the programme. The a crawling transporter weighing approx. 800 tons in brain gets information on the required destination, the Bílina mine. “After we set the crawling trans- on obstacle on the way at certain moments of time, porter into operation, the vibrations were so severe Unique control system for automatic alignment Giant feet allowing movement and at the same time – without the individual re- that they caused a huge transformer to come off. On of folded crankshafts. of the mining transporter. 6 7
Speech Technologies in Practice P1 Research Program – Cybernetic Systems ▶ prof. Ing. Josef PSUTKA, CSc., psutka@ntis.zcu.cz A scheme of live broadcast captioning. An example of translation into sign language. Unfortunately, not all people can hear and use spo- only one speaker is talking into a microphone at a could make another, less noisy, audio track and let Teaching Computers to Understand Colloquial ken language in communication with other people. time, speaking clearly and in a rather silent environ- the viewer choose. However, this would, reported- Language In addition, in particular among the elderly, there ment. “We have been providing this direct conver- ly, infringe filmmakers’ copyright, so this is not the Speech technologies may be very important for are people who can hear relatively well, but have sion of speech into subtitles for Czech Television way. Automatic voice-over seems to be the right older people who are not skilled in using comput- problems understanding speech if disturbed by, since May 2010“, says Professor Josef Psutka. option here; in such a case the spoken dialogue ers or other high-tech equipment. The fact is that for example, shouting or loud music. Yet everyone The so-called re-speaker helps produce cap- is not voiced by voice-over actors, but the voices machines need clear instructions to communicate wishes to understand and communicate in the easi- tions mainly in spontaneous, live broadcasts such used in the dialogue are created automatically by or perform tasks. Yet not all people know how to est way possible. as the news, sports coverage and talk shows, when a computer.” provide these instructions. That is why the Pilsen the recorded sound is full of disturbing moments researchers are studying the possibilities of con- How Live TV Subtitles Are Born (speakers interrupt each other, talk rapidly, use A computer that uses sign language trolling computers and other devices with natural A team of researchers from the NTIS Centre, in co- ungrammatical language, etc.). In such a case, the At present, researchers from the NTIS Centre are speech. Apart from the necessary conversion of operation with the SpeechTech Company, are trying re-speaker voices the original soundtrack over in a studying possibilities of making TV programmes spoken language into text and vice versa, recogni- to help people with impaired hearing and people “neutral” manner to a computer installed with an accessible also to viewers who communicate with tion of spoken sentences plays a critical role here suffering from vocal cord disorders. They are devel- automatic speech recognition system, which then sign language and prefer to view on their television in order to enable a computer to respond correctly. oping a method for fast conversion of spoken lan- automatically converts the speech into subtitles. screen a window with a figure that uses signs to The research team is developing a system that guage into subtitles and vice versa. The outcomes This method of subtitling was first used in May present original spoken words instead of subtitles. would make it possible to communicate with a com- of this research are very much in demand. A very 2011 to provide captions for the programme “Ques- Such speech technologies are not utilized only in puter in everyday informal language using a “Rail- interesting project in this area is being developed in tions from Vaclav Moravec”, and since that time it TV broadcasts, but can also be used at state of- way Station” dialogue system. Clients use the sys- cooperation with Czech Television. Czech Television has gradually been extended to other genres of pro- fices, in shops or at schools where they can help tem to communicate in their own natural language is required to provide closed captions for at least grammes, for example “TýTý Awards” or ice hockey people with disabilities communicate with informa- with the IDOS timetable database. The system uses 70% of the programmes broadcasted. Although and football world championships. tion systems. Currently, an information panel for voice to respond or ask for additional information. they are successful in providing subtitles for films train connection announcements is being devel- This way, information about types of trains, times of and documentaries, to provide closed captions for Making Action Movies Easier to Understand oped in Pilsen. The system will communicate using departure and arrival, price, changing trains, travel- “live”, real-time programmes, such as talk shows Scientists at the Department of Cybernetics would the Czech sign language. In the case of machine ling time and registered luggage options is provided. or sport coverage, is a more demanding challenge. also like to help Czech TV viewers who find it dif- translation of speech into sign language, it is al- “The system puts no restraints on an individ- Automatic captioning of live broadcasts can take ficult to understand programmes like action movies, ways necessary to convert spoken language into ual’s expressions. Users communicate in the lan- place so that a system of automatic speech recog- where all characters often shout at the same time text first, and only consequently can the text be guage they are used to. In case they forget to ask nition either directly converts original soundtrack and speak in the most action-packed scenes, often translated into the sign language. It is then demon- about a specific destination, the system will take into written text, or it may be necessary to have the accompanied by shooting and tyre screeching. Peo- strated by a moving three-dimensional figure (the the initiative and ask the passenger to clarify the soundtrack voiced over by a so-called re-speaker. In ple meter measuring has showed that older viewers so-called avatar) shown on a computer display. The destination. During the dialogue, the user may add both cases, it is essential that conversion of speech in particular lose individual words, are no longer so-called sign language synthesis may also include or change requirements as well”, explains Prof. into subtitles is as accurate as possible. Automatic able to follow overall dialogues content, and prefer a talking head that articulates the spoken text. This Psutka, adding that the system is being tested now, captioning is suitable, for example, in live broad- to choose a different channel, or simply turn the TV is used by individuals who know or are learning lip- but is supposed to be commissioned soon for on- casting of sessions of the Czech Parliament, where set off. As Prof. Psutka explains, “Theoretically, we reading. site operation. 8 9
When a Nuclear Power Plant Falters P1 Research Program – Cybernetic Systems ▶ doc. Ing. Eduard JANEČEK, CSc., janecek@ntis.zcu.cz When one’s car starts to make strange noises, the of vibration waves’ propagation in components of driver will typically take it to a garage. Then, a car the diagnosed machinery is up to six thousand me- mechanic can identify the source of these noises, ters per second. Together with his colleagues, he saying what they mean, and what the risks are develops methods and algorithms to create soft- if the cause of such noises is not eliminated. But ware used to identify the described observations. what is going on when strange sounds are heard The whole issue is even more complicated, as vibra- Jindřich Liška adjusting sensors for measuring vibrations of a turbine in a nuclear power plant. inside a nuclear power plant? tions caused by loose parts are usually much weak- er than those caused by flowing liquids, pumps or parts might cause enormous damage. Considerable According to Doc. Janeček, even the Dukovany When this happens, people will often call cybernet- surrounding devices. The operational vibrations damage may as well be caused by unplanned shut- power plant uses the results of a software proto- icists from the NTIS Centre. They are in fact work- have to be removed from calculations. And this is downs of a power plant, for example, due to a loose type developed by us. Their own system is unable ing on a system for diagnostics and localization of the task the researchers in Pilsen have recently bolt that represents no threat to the plant and does to locate accurately the points of contact of loose suspicious noises, including vibrations that are hard been focusing on. not need to be removed until a planned shutdown. parts with, for example, the reactor vessel”. to identify against a background of other sounds. Results of this research can save huge amounts Methods and algorithms that can reveal a source of The project is called A System for Free Parts Moni- of money in the operation of power generating equip- even very weak vibrations are important not only for The whole world uses the results toring in Nuclear Power Plant Components. It aims ment. Undetected or incorrectly diagnosed loose the sake of business, but also for safety reasons. Furthermore, these results may also be applied to at detecting loose bolts, wedge blocks or pivots, gas-steam power plants, for example, or to com- for example, and measuring their movement or the pletely different industries. They can help control place within a system where they have lodged. The the operation of large diesel engines in co-gener- next most difficult task is to determine the size of ation units, or in large machines and ship propul- such loose parts, in order to obtain the most ac- sion systems. As early as the 1990s, scientists from curate information about what damage they might Pilsen applied similar principles to design methods cause wandering through the system. All data are and algorithms for monitoring leakage from steam obtained by measuring vibrations on the surface of pipelines, gas mains, and oil pipelines. the system and by complex calculations. Jindřich Liška, Head of the Diagnostic Labora- tory mentions one sample of joint research: “At The Art of Identifying the Source of Vibrations present, research activities are mainly performed As Eduard Janeček, explaining the principle of free for AREVA. It is one of the few companies in the parts monitoring, says: “Our customer provides us world that can deliver an end-to-end nuclear pow- with an exact description of the cooling system and er plant project and built such a plant.“ He adds information about where the sensors are located. that it is the AREVA Company that has success- Depending on the distance between sensors and fully been using the findings of Pilsen researches the time the suspected vibrations need to reach the for several years. The company is going to apply sensors, we can identify the place where the vibra- Visualized calculation of a spot Model of the primary circuit these findings to its newly built plants in Finland tion was generated.” He adds that the usual speed where a loose part collided. of a nuclear power plant. and France. 10 11
Owen Software is evidence that the ownership of such technology really can determine success How to Teach a Computer or failure. “They commissioned a major contract, which required automatic recognition of whether one university course can replace another, or to Understand Text whether it cannot because the course does not cover the same material. Using commonly available methods that work with words without knowledge of meaning, we achieved a success rate of only 55%. But, after two years of research we can now P2 Research Program – Information Technology determine the substitutability of subjects with a ▶ Ing. Miloslav KONOPÍK, Ph.D., konopik@ntis.zcu.cz 92% success rate. This would have been nearly im- possible without the use of technology for finding hidden meaning,” says Miloslav Konopík. The massive expansion in the use of information a certain relationship to one another. This idea is and communication technologies in the last dec- explained by another of the experts in this field, Ing. Challenges for the future ade has also brought rapid development of what is Tomáš Brychcín, who uses a simple example: “Take Another major challenge for the team of scientists called Web 2.0. People put a large part of their lives two sentences: ‘The ship ran aground’ and ‘The ves- from NTIS is to make a breakthrough in statistical into electronic databases, and this has given rise to sel ran aground’. It is obvious that the words ‘ship’ modelling of the meaning of words. This would a really vast amount of text, much of which is avail- and ‘vessel’ occur in similar contexts, and thus make it possible for a computer to better under- able on the internet. there should be some connection between them.” stand what you write, and it would find great use in The huge benefits of this approach are that eve- many practical tasks which our IT world cannot do It is hard to imagine that in 2013 there was twice as rything happens without human assistance and the without. The results of this research would not only much textual information gathered on the internet methods used are language independent, so they be applied in tasks such as machine translation, but than there had been for all of its previous history. can be used equally well for English or Czech. also for example in modern business intelligence This naturally presents challenges, but also oppor- systems. Companies which are not able to find their tunities. In particular, if we use supercomputers or An algorithm which can even cope with Czech way through the huge tangle of records and infor- computing grids we can literally “mine” text infor- The functionality of processing natural language mation on the internet and in their own databases, mation using tools for natural language processing. has been proved many times by NTIS scientists. One and which do not even know what is being written These are special computer algorithms based on example is the improvement of machine translation about them, will fall behind their competitors who mathematical models and machine learning. from one language to another where the transla- have seized this new opportunity. tion model is expanded by the ‘knowledge’ of the Even a computer can understand the meaning meaning of words. “We have been placed among of a sentence the best teams (first place in the Czech Republic) in One of the research teams from NTIS focuses on a world competition for automatic sentiment analy- how to automatically infer the meanings of words sis in sentences,” says Tomáš Brychcín. Now it is or sentences from large texts. “In our approach the possible to use our method to find out, for example, computer learns the meaning of words, phrases or whether a certain product or restaurant is written even sentences by itself,” explains Ing. Miloslav about positively or negatively on the internet. Sci- Konopík, a specialist in this topic. The basis for this entists have managed to create an algorithm that approach is the distribution hypothesis. It was for- uses semantic information to cope with such mor- mulated in the middle of the last century, but only phologically complex languages as Czech. This al- today’s source of text data and processing power gorithm exceeds the accuracy of existing methods, has enabled its transfer into practice. and is indisputable evidence of the high potential of According to this hypothesis the meaning of the research results from Pilsen scientists. words and phrases can be determined by statistical exploration of their surroundings, or their context. Technology for finding hidden meaning Words that frequently occur in similar contexts have Our very successful cooperation with the US firm 12 13
Investigating the Activities of the Human Brain P2 Research Program – Information Technology ▶ Ing. Roman MOUČEK, Ph.D., moucek@ntis.zcu.cz One of the laboratories at NTIS specializes in re- ginning to fall asleep several minutes in advance. search into biosignals, in particular electroen- The brain begins to significantly alter its activity, cephalography signals (EEG). The importance of the and this can be observed in the changing levels of laboratory is indicated by the fact that the research- EEG signals. If a change or a decline in activity is ers also act as coordinators of the Czech Neuroin- detected, it is necessary to switch on or turn up formatics Node and participate in the activities of the radio, or use a voice signal to alert the driver the Czech National eHealth Center. that they should leave the road and rest or do some exercise,” says another of the Pilsen scientists, Pro- Scientists working here have a laboratory equipped fessor Václav Matoušek. for a wide range of experiments, including measure- Driving simulator. ments of event-related potentials – ERPs – which describe the electrical activity of the brain when Monitoring Developmental Coordination Experimental results show that children with subjected to stimuli or events. The brain’s response Disorder DCD cannot regulate their attention in situations to these stimuli can then be obtained from the EEG Further notable research, carried out in cooperation where they have to concentrate on more than one activity. The advantage of this method, says Roman with the Faculty of Education at the University of stimulus at a time. This, when combined with worse Mouček, is that “event-related potentials allow us West Bohemia and the University Hospital in Pilsen, evaluation and information retention, can create a to monitor brain activity online even when the test is the development of a method for early detection basis for DCD and problems with education. How- subject shows no outward change of behaviour.” of developmental coordination disorder (DCD) in ever, if we can reliably predict DCD in children, then children on the basis of their brain activity. DCD we can begin working on options for timely and Timely recognition of fatigue saves lives is a learning disorder and is usually described as targeted therapies. With our equipment we can run experiments in the a disorder in the development of motor skills which lab for investigating driver’s attention while driv- cannot be explained by intellectual disability. Coor- ing. Unlike conventional methods for detection of dination disorder affects both gross and fine motor fatigue, which monitor changes in driver behaviour, control of 6% of school age children, significantly we focus on changes in the characteristics of the affects school results and negatively influences event-related potentials. “We are trying to develop other day to day activities. an algorithm that will be able to determine with a It is possible to use ERPs to investigate develop- high probability whether the driver’s attention is ment disorder. “Children listen to sounds on head- too low to be able to safely continue driving,” says phones under various conditions. We monitor their Roman Mouček. brain activity online to identify any deviations from If we can ensure that drivers not fall asleep at expected values and then we process the data and the wheel, we could reduce by up to 40 percent compare it with the brain activity of other children the number of traffic accidents, especially the more who have taken part in the experiment,” explains serious ones. “We can predict that someone is be- Recording of ERP from the brain. Roman Mouček. Example of ERP from a subject. 14 15
reduction or extension of vertebrae. As Prof. Křen can be created and a car crash simulated in order to explains, “Almost all of us experience pain in the determine the severity of damage suffered by a hu- Biomechanics spine; the reason is that the vertebrae either do not man body. Simulation, without having to use dum- fit so well together or they tend to move in a wrong mies, may provide relatively accurate information direction, nipping a nerve. We will examine their about injuries that could possibly be fatal. and Its Practical Applications ideal position, the bends and facets they should fit into, and the role of bodily fluids. Based on this information, it will be possible to help people with The application of biomechanics can not only protect and improve people’s health, but also ac- celerate healing. For example, a leg fracture may re- aching back by remodelling their problematic ver- quire fixing with a plaster cast for up to six weeks, tebra – by smoothing it down or extending it, or by and it heals completely in no less than six months. P3 Research Program – Mechanical and Biomechanical Structures designing a spacer to prevent the nerve from being When a so-called fixator, in part a product of biome- ▶ prof. Ing. Jiří KŘEN, CSc., kren@ntis.zcu.cz nipped.” He adds that bone adjustment techniques chanics, is used, patients can put weight on their are already available. leg in three days, and their limb heals in about two The challenge does not have to be a shape to three months. Biomechanics, or the description of the mechanical Biomechanics deals with issues such as blood adjustment technique. It may be bone fixing with Research by the university biomechanics team properties of living organisms, represents a rapidly flow in vessels, bone rigidity and elasticity, resist- screws or bone replacement with an implant. Spe- is conducted in close cooperation with experts at developing scientific discipline that facilitates ac- ance of soft tissues to impact, and ideal shapes of cifically, knee replacements are being examined the Teaching Hospital in Pilsen. The team consults celerated recovery after medical treatment, and cartilage. The findings contribute both to treatment within the research programme. The scientists are its findings, as well as the course of actual surger- that can be applied to car design in order to protect and to the replacement of ill-functioning or dam- trying to research how the joint fits in correctly and ies, with medical doctors. In the field of biomechan- drivers. aged tissues, and possibly also to forecasting medi- what the inaccuracies in an artificial joint position ics, the faculty also has important partners abroad cal complications, including their scope and risks. are that cause pain. Because pain is the indicator – mainly in France, Germany and the Netherlands. Solid knowledge of mechanics and considerable Based on this research, it is only a matter of time that something has not been “done” right. medical expertise. This combination makes bio- before we will be able to provide reliable simula- mechanics one of the most difficult scientific dis- tions of the course of operations and determine the Treatment Time Can Be More Than Halved ciplines, and it is the reason why there have been consequences of surgical interventions before the Biomechanics can also be used to improve road relatively few scientists working in this field so far. actual surgery takes place. safety. A computer model of a whole human body Nevertheless, a discipline concerned with math- For the time being, practicing an operation be- ematical description of the functioning of living fore the actual surgery takes place is not something organisms is indispensable for further rapid ad- that will be seen any time soon. In Pilsen, however, vancements in medicine and other disciplines. This they are making the first brush-strokes. For exam- argument is supported by the results achieved by ple, the scientists have already made a sketch of scientists in a research programme of the NTIS Re- the urethra. It’s about describing more accurately search Centre. They attract much attention of medi- its mechanical properties and entering them into a cal professionals not only in the Czech Republic, but computer program that will eventually provide an also abroad. overall visualization of the abdominal cavity. Ac- cording to Prof. Křen, “We would be able to make A Try-out Surgery virtual cuts, stitch or connect tissues together, and One of the specialists in the research programme, then the programme would show us the impact on Professor Jiří Křen explains, in simple terms, that the functioning of the urethra, whether the surgery biomechanics is mechanics applied to biology. It would improve or aggravate the condition. The op- uses non-linear equations to describe the mechani- timum solution would be found first and then fol- cal properties of individual tissues without hav- lowed by the actual surgery.” ing to measure them experimentally. As he says, “Mechanical properties of bones can be described We Can Remodel Aching based on experiment, or by using mathematical de- Back into a Healthy One scription of bone properties derived from properties Another research project is focused on the spine. It of microparticles. And it is a better solution than is to describe the ideal shape of vertebrae, the con- Knee joint visualization. The scientists in Pilsen are trying to determine the susceptibility breaking bones.” sequences of a vertebral injury and the intentional of knee elements’ movement to pain. 16 17
tional modelling. For this reason, the group of ex- Flow of compressible fluids perts from the research programme is developing in industrial facilities Modelling Fluid Flow mathematical models to identify aneurysms prone The members of Associate Professor Vimmr’s team to rupture, and thus help medical doctors in their are also dedicated to long term research in the field diagnosis and treatment decision. of compressible viscous flows with applications in in Everyday Practice Patient-specific flow models – a vision of the future internal aerodynamics. Recently they have been fo- cusing on the difficult issue of mathematical model- ling of flow in narrow channels, which has a wide To account for the complex rheological (flow) prop- application in engineering practice as, e.g., sealing erties of blood at different levels, the flow models gaps in rotating machines (screw compressors), P3 Research Program – Mechanical and Biomechanical Structures that have been developed so far are also combined labyrinth seals and sealing gaps of control valves ▶ doc. Ing. Jan VIMMR, Ph.D., jvimmr@ntis.zcu.cz with appropriate constitutive relations. In addition in steam turbines. to standard 3D models describing the blood flow in One of the projects that his team is working on complex vascular structures, 0D models are used, for Doosan Škoda Power at the moment is the de- We encounter fluid flow in everyday life – in in- When it comes to a bypass as well. The main advantage of these models is the velopment of new methodology and software tools dustrial facilities, transport and the human body. A Besides the carotid arteries, atherosclerotic plaques fact that they enable modelling of the influence to determine the impact of seals on the behaviour team of experts from the research programme has can also be found in the coronary arteries of the of downstream vasculature on the local haemo- of steam turbine rotors. The new methodology is in- long been focused on the mathematical modelling heart, where they are the main cause of myocardial dynamics, resulting in more accurate results. This tended for the solution of complex problems related of fluid flow with applications in both cardiovascu- infarction. In severe forms of atherosclerosis, where approach is particularly desirable if it is not pos- to the dynamics and vibration of steam turbine ro- lar biomechanics and internal aerodynamics. the coronary arteries are affected on a large scale, sible to clinically obtain patient-specific pressure tors. It can be used to predict and prevent unstable or when standard non-invasive procedures such as waveforms. “Another advantage of these 0D mod- behaviour of turbine rotors, thereby increasing their Blood flow in human vessels drugs and angioplasty with application of a stent els,” explains Jan Vimmr, “is that if we know the reliability and durability. “If, jointly with the staff of A group of specialists under the leadership of Asso- (reinforcement) are no longer effective, the only physiological boundary conditions, for example, the Škoda Power Doosan, we can try out a new type of ciate Professor Jan Vimmr is dealing with the multi- possible solution for renewing the blood flow is by measured flow rate of blood, then it is possible to seals designed on the basis of the newly developed scale modelling of blood flow in vascular networks, bypassing the damaged portion of the artery using adapt the parameters of these models for an indi- and experimentally verified computational meth- including the research of pathological cases when a vascular graft. To this end, the researchers from vidual patient.” The obtained results are regularly ods, it would be a significant achievement,” adds a certain part of the vessel is damaged, e.g., by the the research programme use numerical simula- consulted with medical doctors from the University Jan Vimmr. atherosclerosis. This chronic inflammatory disease tions of blood flow to determine haemodynamically Hospital in Pilsen. of the vascular wall, generally associated with high significant factors affecting the possible failure blood cholesterol levels, is characterised by the lo- of a newly implanted vascular graft and use their cal accumulation of lipids and other components of knowledge to provide guidance on how to properly blood and connective tissue, which over time leads connect the graft so the resulting bypass will be ef- to a permanent reduction of the internal diameter fective and have a long lifetime. (lumen) of a vessel. Among the most commonly affected arteries are More accurate diagnosis the carotid arteries that supply oxygenated blood to through computational modelling the head, especially the brain, where inadequate Blood flow modelling is not only about atheroscle- blood flow can have fatal consequences. “This is rosis and the risks associated with it, but also about why we have developed a suitable methodology pathological changes induced by structural chang- and related algorithms for numerical simulation of es in the vessel walls, which may not be related to blood flow in complex vascular structures in order elevated cholesterol levels at all. We are talking to determine the effect of the rate of stenosis of specifically about vascular aneurysms, which have damaged arteries on the risk of stroke,” says leader caused the death of many celebrities such as Albert of the research programme Jan Vimmr. The results Einstein and the late Czech film and television ac- obtained can then help medical doctors predict the tor Radoslav Brzobohatý. Prediction of rupture of a need for surgical intervention. weakened vessel wall, especially in aneurysms of the abdominal aorta, is still currently a matter for Visualisation of the computed flow field and wall shear stress in a sequential aortocoronary bypass an experienced surgeon rather than for computa- reconstructed from CT scans. 18 19
bird or by a lightning strike. As Prof. Laš explains, “Aircraft wings undergo visual checks nowadays. Materials However, it is very easy to make a mistake, as mi- cro cracks are hard to detect by visual examination. Sensors can be implemented in the critical parts; with Their Own Intelligence they are able to identify the point where a foreign body collided with the construction, and at the same time, they can determine possible damage to the construction caused by the collision. In case damage is detected by a computer, calculations P3 Research Program – Mechanical and Biomechanical Structures are carried out to determine the extent of the dam- ▶ prof. Ing. Vladislav LAŠ, CSc., las@ntis.zcu.cz age and the need for repair.” Crash Test Simulations Filmmakers shooting films set in the distant future their behaviour even before they are manufac- The team around Professor Laš has also recently certainly do not lack imagination when it comes to tured.” Practically, this means that the scientists been involved in numerical simulations of crash Sample experimental testing new machinery and devices. However, in one way use calculations to design the optimal structure tests. One of the tasks that is being addressed by of multilayer materials. their ideas have been stuck in the last century. In of construction layers to achieve, for example, the the research team is the simulation of a frontal col- science fiction movies, metal and concrete are still required weight and lifting capacity of a beam – lision of a composite-built vehicle with a concrete consumption. They would also help reduce produc- the most frequently used materials. Yet both of the dimensions of which have been predefined – to block. Construction weaknesses can easily be de- tion costs, were it not for the investments in the them can already be replaced with more up-to-date allow only small beam deflection under maximum tected once the test results are visualized, and an replacement of production technologies. Another alternatives. load. In the case of metals, on the contrary, such optimum form can be designed in order to ensure advantage is that the materials researched do not manipulation of properties, and in particular with passenger safety. The front end of a vehicle can be corrode and are easier to recycle. On top of that, It has been known for years that metals and con- weight, is virtually impossible. manufactured only after the construction design is their manufacture is also more environmentally crete can be replaced by firmer, cheaper and lighter tested successfully, and the real vehicle body must friendly. materials. The so-called multilayer materials are be- Constructions with Built-In Intelligence undergo a proper crash test. These materials can be used, among other ing designed in the Czech Republic as well. A team And the possibilities of design options do not end. Multilayer materials are the future for automo- things, in civil engineering in supporting struc- of specialists from one research programme of the The Pilsen scientists continue to introduce options tive and aviation industries, as they are for many tures, in power engineering, in the construction of NTIS Research Centre is working on developing for building a certain intelligence into construc- others. They are lighter, and if required, they can manufacturing machines, and in medicine, where their mechanical properties and adding the di- tions. For example, the resistance of the already– be much stronger than metal. Accordingly, they in- they have already been used to manufacture lighter mension of intelligence to these materials. “Metal mentioned beam can be reinforced against oscilla- crease vehicle safety and contribute to lower fuel mobile hospital beds and implants. sheets will always have the same strength, whether tions caused by wind or collisions. There are active we stretch them from top to bottom or left to right. elements – sensors and so-called actuators – that A composite wing reinforced with carbon fibres with In multilayer materials we can achieve the required can be inserted between layers. When these sen- attached sensors and actuators. strength by changing the orientation of the fibres. sors detect undesirable movement, they activate This way we can alter the materials´ properties“, actuators via the connected controlling unit. Then, explains Professor Laš. if the beam starts to oscillate, actuators initiate a re- Composites are probably the best-known mul- sponse in the construction to curb these vibrations. tilayer materials nowadays; they are based, for The scientists also determine where these active example, on fibreglass, carbon or Kevlar fibres elements are best installed in constructions. bonded by resin. As Prof. Laš says, “The advantage Developing intelligent or “smart” materials is is that by proper structuring of layers, it is possi- one of the main directions that the group of sci- ble to produce constructions possessing required entists from the research programme are heading mechanical properties, such as rigidity, weight, in. They intend to participate in the development damping capacity, thermal endurance, natural of intelligent aircraft wings and wind plant propel- frequency, and other properties. The research lers, for example. These can also be equipped with team has developed a methodology for designing systems that are able to detect hidden defects of such constructions. We are also able to simulate material caused, for instance, by a collision with a 20 21
Plasma Technologies and Thin Film Materials P4 Research Program – Thin-Film Materials ▶ prof. RNDr. Jaroslav VLČEK, CSc., vlcek@ntis.zcu.cz One of the research teams at the NTIS Research stability up to 1700 °C has been performed in Pilsen Centre is dedicated to research on new thin-film recently. Discussing potential applications Prof. materials and in this field, they are highly recog- Vlček notes, “This will make it possible to manu- A new method for the creation of oxide and oxynitride layers with discharge plasma. nized experts in Europe. facture high-temperature electronic components that can be used directly inside of a new generation Electronic Systems on Plastic Foils in road tunnels. A similar process could be used for Thin-Film Deposits That Can Change of engines in order to check up on or even actively Research into thin-film materials has a practical walls and even surgical instruments in hospital op- Properties of Materials control functions of the engines. These new materi- use, for example, in the so-called flexible electron- erating theatres, where the thin antibacterial layers As Jaroslav Vlček, a Czech scientist renowned in als may also be used to protect the surface of space ics that will make it possible to apply functional and UV radiation could replace hydrogen peroxide the field of thin-film materials explains, “Our activi- vehicles or optic systems.“ He adds that the US Air coatings on mere paper or plastic foils. When bend- and other disinfectants. ties are focused on research and development of a Force Research Laboratory has already tested these ing, such thin layers are very susceptible to crack- The goal of many research teams in the world new generation of thin-film materials. Typically, materials successfully, and the IBM Corporation has ing, and therefore the Pilsen scientists are currently is to move the photoactivity of new materials into they are thick merely several micro-meters, or thou- also expressed a great deal of interest in them. successfully engaged in research aimed at increas- the visible light region and consequently make the sandths of a millimetre. Generally, they in fact do Creating such surfaces, however, is a very de- ing the resistance of these special layers. most of the solar radiation that reaches the earth’s not exist in a volumetric form. Nonetheless, they manding process, and therefore a key specializa- The new method of oxide film deposition will surface. Nearly half of the solar energy comes from can provide the materials on which they are de- tion of Pilsen scientists is also researching and offer great opportunities for use in optics. Further- that part of the light spectrum. Research in Pilsen posited with very interesting properties. These may developing new plasma sources for the deposition more, some of the substances, like titanium oxide, is focused on the preparation of layers based on include a high degree of hardness, a low friction of layers and the modification of surfaces. A major demonstrated a strong self-cleaning and antibacte- tantalum oxynitride; the electron structure of this coefficient, thermal stability, oxidation resistance, advantage of plasma technologies is that they can rial effect after being applied this way. This effect compound is suitable for using the visible part of biocompatibility enabling integration with a living create unique thin-film materials at relatively low is due to formation of OH– and O2– radicals. Accord- solar radiation for direct decomposition of water organism, antibacterial activity and a self-cleaning temperatures. This is possible through the use of ing to Prof. Vlček, “These radicals are stronger than into hydrogen and oxygen. effect. Also, these can be materials with high or dense discharge plasma, where there is a substan- hydrogen peroxide or chlorine. All that is needed is Nowadays, thin-film materials are used to treat very low electrical conductivity or materials with a tial increase in the reactivity of gases. This results the presence of air, humidity and ultraviolet radia- glass windows of skyscrapers, where they ensure high refractive index and high optical transparency in the creation of a sufficient number of ions which tion that is contained in sunlight, for example, and one-way reflection of a selected spectrum of radia- in the visible and infrared spectra.” Applying a thin then bombard layers during their growth, and thus the radicals are able to dissociate not only organic tion. In cold regions, they help keep heat inside build- film on a surface, the so-called deposition, is an ex- give them energy. impurities, but also some bacteria”. He also says ings, whereas in warm regions they reflect it back. tremely complicated operation and it plays a crucial The NTIS scientists have been extremely suc- that the opportunities for use of these thin-film ma- Plasma technologies can be used in practically role in the determination of new properties of the cessful in the field of plasma technologies as well. terial properties are inexhaustible. all branches of industry. They are being developed base material. In the past three years they have developed a new towards new possibilities in manufacturing of thin- method for high-speed deposition of oxide and ox- The Decomposition of Water by Sunlight film materials, in order to save material and achieve Components for Controlling an Engine ynitride layers. And it was this method that was reg- Special thin layers can be applied to car bodies, too. financial and power savings, as well as protect the from Within? istered in 2013 as a joint European patent with the Thanks to these layers, no organic impurities will environment. For all these reasons, the research Research into methods of developing new materials company TRUMPF Hüttinger. TRUMPF Hüttinger stick to them. Furthermore, the self-cleaning coat- into novel thin-film materials is considered strategic such as silicon, boron and carbon- based nitrides then signed an exclusive license agreement for its ings can be used on lighting fixtures or on walls that by the most developed countries worldwide, and resistant to oxidation and featuring extreme thermal industrial use with the University of West Bohemia. are easily soiled, but difficult to wash, for example, huge sums are being invested in it. 22 23
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