NOVEL METAL-FREE CATALYSTS - for Epoxy Carboxy Coatings

Page created by Eric Lindsey
NOVEL METAL-FREE CATALYSTS - for Epoxy Carboxy Coatings
 for Epoxy Carboxy Coatings
 By Ravi Ravichandran, Michael Emmet, Matthew Gadman, John Florio, and Steven Woltornist
 King Industries, Inc.

     A new class of metal-free catalysts              an important part of the automotive        material, which in turn leads to
     has been developed that promotes                 clearcoat and powder coating market        visible pitting of the clearcoat surface.
     the crosslinking reaction of epoxy               segments. Their versatility of cross-      The etch phenomenon was believed
     functional polymers with carboxyl                linking with various agents [e.g. acids,   to be primarily the result of acid-
     functional compounds and polymers.               anhydrides, dicyandiamide (DICY),          catalyzed hydrolysis of ether cross-
     Particularly effective at much lower             and phenolics], in addition to their       links in acrylic melamine clearcoats
     cure temperatures, these catalysts               ability to provide superior chemical       due to a combination of acid rain
     provide stable single package formula-           resistance, extraordinary acid etch        exposure and high temperatures. The
     tions and improved resistance proper-            resistance, and good adhesion, make        resulting crosslink scission on the
     ties. In addition, unlike amine-based            epoxy functional resins attractive in      surface can be a localized phenome-
     compounds, these catalysts do not                several end-use markets.                   non, leading to defects on the surface
     yellow during cure or on over-bake.                                                         that resemble water spotting.
                                                                                                    Water spotting damage is irre-
                                                      Epoxy Acid Automotive Clearcoats           versible as the chemical degradation
     INTRODUCTION                                     During the late 1980s, field dam-          of the clearcoat results in increased
                                                      ages caused by environmental etch          surface roughness, leading to poor
     Epoxy resins are commercially and                became a major issue especially at         appearance properties, such as
     technologically relevant and play a              automotive import storage areas in         reduced gloss. It has since been
     critical role in several key applications        Jacksonville, FL. This phenomenon          established that acidic airborne
     such as coatings, adhesives, laminates,          was a clearcoat appearance issue           pollutants like SO2 produced in
     castings, encapsulations, and mold-              associated with the formation of what      heavy industrial areas are converted
     ings. Epoxy-based polymer resins are             appeared to be permanent water             to acid rain. The typical pH of acid
                                                      spotting. The physical damage caused       rain encountered in aggressive
     Presented at the American Coatings Conference,
     April 9–11, 2018, in Indianapolis, IN.
                                                      by etch results in localized loss of       environments (Jacksonville, FL)

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NOVEL METAL-FREE CATALYSTS - for Epoxy Carboxy Coatings
is in the range of 3.5–4.5.1,2 These    use a combination of crosslinking        witnessing huge growth in emerging
phenomena have led to the devel-        mechanisms together with acrylic         economies. Approximately 36% of the
opment of etch-resistant clearcoats     melamines. Isocyanates can be func-      global automotive coatings market
using new crosslinking chemis-          tionalized with alkoxysilyl compounds    is in each Asia Pacific and Europe
tries. For example, modifications       leading to both urethane and siloxane    with the remainder in the Americas.5
of acrylic melamine clearcoats          crosslinks in the coating.3 Similarly,   Emerging economies such as China,
made with additional crosslinking       resins with alkoxysilane functionality   India, and Brazil are the key markets
with either blocked isocyanates or      can also be combined with carbamate-     for automotive coatings. Emerging
silane led to improved etch resis-      functional acrylics.4                    middle-class population, changing life
tance. 3 During the thermal cure           Epoxy-functional acrylics cross-      style, growing purchasing power par-
the alkoxysilane pendant groups         linked with carboxylic acids or          ity, and improving standard of living
undergo aqueous hydrolysis to form      anhydrides provide excellent envi-       of consumers in these economies are
silanols, which in turn co-react to     ronmental etch resistance. The tech-     the key factors that drive the demand
form siloxane crosslinks, resulting     nology using epoxy/acid crosslink-       for automotive coatings. Among all
in enhanced acid-etch resistance.       ing reaction, very popular with the      the regions in the world, Asia-Pacific
Carbamate functional acrylics           Asian automakers, is the most robust     is the largest market for automotive
crosslinked with melamine res-          of them all, producing very powerful     coatings owing to the huge base of
ins result in a hydrolysis-resistant    acid etch and scratch-resistant coat-    automotive industries in that region.
urethane crosslink without the use of   ings, and can be formulated as either    It is also the fastest growing market
                                                                                                                          ©ISTOCK | CANDY1812

two-component (2K) polyisocyanate       one-component (1K) or 2K coatings        during the period 2014–2020 due to
formulations. To achieve the best          The global automotive coatings        the technological advancement and
combination of environmental etch,      market size is projected to reach US     large number of vehicles produced. It
weathering and scratch resistance,      $16.24B by 2021, registering a CAGR      is poised to grow at a CAGR of more
and appearance properties, clearcoats   of 7.02% between 2016 and 2021, and      than 7% for the next six years.

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NOVEL METAL-FREE CATALYSTS - for Epoxy Carboxy Coatings
More than 80% of the clearcoat markets         Polyester epoxy hybrids offer more versa-        expansion. Rising construction spending
in Japan and Korea are 1K etch-resistant          tility compared to 100% epoxy, including         in various countries including China,
coatings. One-component epoxy/acid is the         better external weatherability at a lower        the United States, Mexico, Qatar, UAE,
leading etch-resistant clearcoat technol-         cost, and, as a result, have captured a larger   India, Vietnam, and Singapore will fuel
ogy used by several auto manufacturers,           share of the market. Polyester-epoxy hybrids     growth over the forecast period. Major
including Nissan, Toyota, and Mitsubishi.         and polyester-triglycidylisocyanurate (TGIC)     factors that are driving the market’s
                                                  powders are the two main types used in           growth are the increasing usage of pow-
Epoxy Acid-Based Powder Coatings                  the North American market; together they         der coatings in the automotive industry
Powder coatings have become an attractive         represent nearly 60% of the market, followed     across applications such as door handles,
alternative to conventional coating tech-         by polyurethanes, epoxies, and acrylics.         rims, and under-the-hood components;
niques. This is primarily due to their high           Catalysts are used in epoxy powder           and growing demand for consumer
efficiency, the durability of resulting finish-   coatings: (1) to catalyze the reaction of        goods in Asia-Pacific, including washing
es, and very low environmental impact. In         glycidyl ester functional acrylic resins         machines, freezer cabinets, and micro-
addition, powder coatings effectively resist      with dicarboxylic acids or with carboxyl         wave ovens. Industrial uses present the
chipping, scratching, and fading, leading to      functional resins, (2) for crosslinking of       largest application market, with fur-
high quality finishes that are color-stable.      carboxyl functional polyester resins with        niture and appliance markets showing
Since no solvents are involved in the pro-        TGIC, and (3) for hybrid powder coatings         steady and strong growth. Information
cess, the powder coatings can be recycled         of bisphenol A diglycidyl resins with            technology and telecom are new markets
and reused, thereby reducing the emissions        carboxyl-functional polyesters.                  where applications of powder coatings
of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and              A catalyst that can lower cure tem-          are developing.
waste generated from the conventional             peratures of epoxy/acid powder systems              Epoxy-polyester hybrid powder
liquid coatings. Powder technology finds          to 120°C or below would be of inter-             coatings will witness the fastest volume
widespread use in automotive parts and            est in powder applications and could             growth at a CAGR of 8.1% from 2016 to
bodies, architectural, furniture, and many        result in energy savings and/or higher           2024 because of their increasing appli-
household appliances.                             throughput in industrial coating lines.          cation in domestic appliances, machines,
   Four major crosslinking chemistries            The advent of low-curing temperature             equipment, decorative devices, and
are widely used in thermal powder                 systems will have a significant impact           general industries. Furthermore, superior
coating systems. Esterification reaction          on the powder coatings market utilizing          properties including greater resistance to
(acid/hydroxyl reaction) exemplified by           heat-sensitive substrates such as wood,          yellowing during cure; better transfer effi-
hydroxyalkyl amide (Primid®) polyesters,          plastics, and assembled components               ciency; and cleaner, brighter colors than
is the least reactive with a cure profile         with heat-sensitive details. The coating         many epoxy formulations are expected
of 150°C–220°C. Hydroxyl/blocked                  of metal substrates also benefits from           to stimulate industry growth. The epoxy
isocyanate reaction leading to polyure-           this technology with lower energy and            polyester hybrid segment is expected to
thanes, with either blocked isocyanates           investment costs, shorter curing times,          account for more than 50% of the powder
or uretdiones (isocyanate dimer) can lead         and higher lines speeds. 6                       coating market share by 2024.
to a slightly lower temperature cure with              Global demand on powder coatings
minimum cure temperatures in the 140°C            was valued at roughly US $5.8B in 2010           Binder, Crosslinking Chemistry,
range. The other two chemistries are              to US $9.1B in 2013, a compound annual           and Catalysis
both based on epoxies that can cross-             growth rate of 7% and is expected to
                                                  grow by 6% in the coming years.7,8 The           The crosslinking chemistry involves the
link with a variety of functional groups                                                           reaction of an epoxy-functional resin with
including acids, anhydrides, aromatic             powder coatings market is projected to
                                                  reach US $16.55B by 2024, at a CAGR              a hardener containing a carboxylic group,
hydroxyls, amines, DICY, and even                                                                  in a ring opening condensation reaction,
through homopolymerizations. Epoxy/               of 6.75% from 2017 to 2022. Increasing
                                                  use of powder coatings for aluminum              resulting in stable linkages with excellent
acid or epoxy/anhydride has the highest                                                            chemical resistance properties, and with-
potential for low-temperature cure in             extrusion used in windows, doorframes,
                                                  building facades, kitchen, bathroom,             out the formation of any reactive volatiles
the range of 120°C to 140°C, followed by                                                           (Figure 1).
epoxy/phenolic or epoxy/DICY, which are           and electrical fixtures will fuel industry
both amenable to cure temperatures as
low as 110°C. Higher curing temperatures          FIGURE 1—Epoxy carboxy crosslinking reaction.
in the 150–200°C range are not useful
with substrates such as plastics, wood,
and certain metal alloys, and are limited
to substrates that can tolerate higher
temperatures. Epoxy homopolymeriza-
tions and epoxy/phenolic reactions, while
providing lower temperature cure options,
lack the UV resistance necessary for
exterior applications. Thus, to meet both
lower temperature cure potential and
adequate exterior durability, formulations
based on acid-functional polyesters and
epoxy crosslinkers offer the most promise.

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The ester linkage formed is significant-            in applications that are sensitive to             efficient cure at 120°C, or lower, with
ly more stable to acid etch and leads to               discoloration.                                    good viscosity stability, while imparting
one-package coatings with good storage                    Quaternary ammonium and phos-                  no yellowing or discoloration following
stability, which can also meet the aggres-             phonium bromide salts are effective 1K            overbake.
sive artificial acid etch test of Japanese             catalysts, with less thermal yellowing on            Herein we describe the development
auto producers, like the Toyota Zero                   overbake compared to the free tertiary            of a new class of metal-free catalysts
Etch Test.                                             amines. However, their strong basicity            useful in a variety of epoxy/acid systems
   For outdoor applications requiring                  can lead to problems with water per-              that are efficient and would lead to the
good weatherability, such as automotive                meability and humidity resistance. In             desired lower temperature cure required
clearcoats, aromatic epoxy resins such                 addition, these catalysts do not impart           both in automotive and powder coating
as bisphenol A diglycidylether cannot be               adequate mar resistance on catalyzed              applications.
used, while copolymers of glycidyl acry-               coatings.
lates or methacrylates are typically used.                Metal salts and chelates are stable at
The co-monomers are chosen to provide                  higher temperatures and impart little or
other critical performance properties                  no yellowing during cure and through              The three experiments discussed in the
such as hardness, flexibility, and the like.           the life of the coatings. Unfortunately, all      following sections include a series of tests
The structure of the acidic resin is also              the state-of-the-art zinc catalysts, while        that demonstrate the catalyst capabilities
critical to achieve the desired hardness               efficient at 140°C, are not effective at          of two new metal-free catalysts for the
and scratch/mar resistance properties. A               lower temperatures, especially at 120°C           reaction of carboxyl and epoxy function-
high scratch resistance can be achieved                or below. Although zinc carboxylates are          al resins.
by a combination of high crosslink den-                effective catalysts for the epoxy/carboxyl           Experiment I investigates the overall
sity and flexible chains between network               reaction, the divalent zinc can contrib-          efficacy of NACURE® XC-324 as a cata-
points, using flexible acidic polyesters as            ute to ionic crosslinking, which leads to         lyst in a 1K epoxy/carboxy clearcoat. Ex-
the acid component.9                                   storage instability, viscosity increase, and      periment II explores lower temperature
   The hydroxyl group generated during                 gelation.                                         cure capabilities of NACURE XC-355 in
the reaction can be utilized for addition-                Lewis acids are very effective for             a 2K epoxy/carboxy clearcoat. Studies on
al crosslinking reactions with auxiliary               epoxy homopolymerization but can lead             environmental etch resistance of epoxy/
binders such as blocked polyisocyanates                to many side reactions in epoxy/acid              carboxy clearcoats compared to amino-
or polymeric siloxanes containing hydro-               cure.12 Super acids, such as trifilic acid,       plast crosslinked polyols are included in
lyzable silyl group. Such hybrid technolo-             can catalyze the homopolymerization               Experiment III.
gies can provide clearcoats with excellent             and copolymerization of epoxy resins                 All epoxy/carboxy test formulations
acid etch and mar resistance.10                        with hydroxyl functional polymers, cyclic         in these experiments use commercially
   Catalysis of the epoxy/carboxyl reac-               ester, oxetane, and vinyl ether reactants.        available, solid grade resins dissolved
tion has been investigated thoroughly                  Most of the cationic catalysts are activat-       in solvent. Solventborne (SB) clear-
in an earlier study, which resulted in the             ed by UV radiation.                               coats were formulated using a carboxyl
development of a zinc chelate catalyst.11                 Recently, quaternary ammonium                  (COOH) functional acrylic resin with
A wide range of catalysts have been de-                blocked hexafluoroantimonate and triflic          glycidyl methacrylate (GMA) resins.
veloped for this reaction, which fall into             acid catalysts have been introduced for
four major classes (Table 1).                          thermal cationic cure.13 These catalysts          Experiment I: Catalyst Studies on
   Basic catalysts such as tertiary amines             function by a rearrangement of the
provide high reactivity at lower tempera-              quaternary compound to a weak, basic
                                                                                                         NACURE XC-324 in a 1K SB Epoxy/
tures, but formulations containing these               amine. Lewis and super acids are not              Carboxy Clearcoat
catalysts suffer from severe yellowing and             commonly used as catalysts in epoxy/acid          NACURE XC-324 was evaluated in a 1K
limited stability, especially in a 1K sys-             coating systems.                                  SB epoxy/carboxy clearcoat against two
tem. Thus, their volatility, odor, yellow-                We began our research towards a more           widely used conventional basic amine
ing, and potential hazard labeling make                efficient and versatile alternate to the          catalysts [octyldimethylamine (ADMA-8)
these catalysts unsuitable especially                  above catalyst options that can provide           and 2-ethylimidazole (2-EI)].

                                                                                                         Materials and Preparation of 1K SB
TABLE 1—Classes of Available Catalyst Technologies                                                       Epoxy/Carboxy Clearcoat Formulations
 CATALYST CLASS                                               EXAMPLES                                   Joncryl 819,14 a carboxyl functional
                                                                                                         acrylic resin, and Fineplus AC 2570,15
                                2-ETHYL IMIDAZOLE(2-EI),1-ETHYL IMIDAZOLE, OCTYLDIMETHYLAMINE(ADMA-8),   a glycidyl methacrylate resin, were
 QUATERNARY AMMONIUM                                                                                     ratio and dissolved with xylene, PM
                                          DODECYLTRIMETHYLAMMONIUM BROMIDE (DTMAB),
 COMPOUNDS                                                                                               form a 45% resin solution. A breakdown
 METAL SALTS AND                                                                                         of formulation components is in Table 2.
                                            Zn (ACETYLACETONATE)2, Zn OCTOATE, ZINC ACETATE                 NACURE XC-324 and the two control
                                                                                                         catalysts were all post-added to the
                                                                                                         clearcoat formulation and mixed via high

                                                                                                                       PAINT.ORG |              31
speed dispersion using a FlackTek high                    Film Properties of Catalyzed Clearcoats      tures while XC-324 catalyzed coatings
speed mixer from FlackTek Inc.                            NACURE XC-324 was compared to the            provided high gloss properties, exhibiting
   Clearcoats were catalyzed with 1.0% cata-              control catalysts in the 1K SB epoxy/        similar gloss units (GU) to the octydime-
lyst solids on total resin solids (TRS).                  carboxy clearcoat using two bake sched-      thylamine catalyzed system.
                                                          ules: 120°C/30 min and 110°C/30 min.           It should be acknowledged that a
Film Preparation of 1K SB                                 Catalyzed epoxy/carboxy clearcoats were      decrease in pencil hardness was observed
Epoxy/Carboxy Clearcoats                                  applied over bare cold roll steel (CRS).     for XC-324 when dropping the bake
                                                          Dry film thickness (DFT) of the clearcoat    schedule to 110°C. However, XC-324
All films prepared for testing were applied
                                                          was approximately 1.0–1.2 mil. Tested        did not exhibit as significant of a loss in
via draw down. Epoxy/carboxy clearcoats
                                                          film properties include MEK resistance,17    pendulum hardness or adhesion as the
were applied using a drawn down bar.
                                                          pencil hardness,18 pendulum hardness,19      control films when baked at 110°C vs
White waterborne (WB) basecoats used
                                                          crosshatch (CH) adhesion,20 and gloss.21     120°C. Results are in Tables 3a and 3b.
in color testing were applied using a bird
applicator. Epoxy/carboxy clearcoats                         NACURE XC-324 provided similar cure
and WB basecoats were both given an                       response to the control catalysts using      Viscosity Stability of Epoxy Carboxy
approximately 10–15 min flash at ambient                  both bake schedules. Coatings catalyzed      Liquid Coatings
temperatures prior to baking at the desig-                with 2-ethylimidazole exhibited the poor-    All 1K formulation should be able to
nated temperatures.                                       est gloss when baked at both tempera-        remain stable during transportation and
                                                                                                       storage prior to end use application.
                                                                                                       To assess these properties, age stability
            TABLE 2—1K SB Epoxy/Carboxy Clearcoat                                                      of catalyzed epoxy/acid clearcoats was
                                                                                                       evaluated by monitoring viscosity change
                     COMPONENTS                            DESCRIPTION                  %              of the catalyzed systems upon aging using
             JONCRYL 81914                         CARBOXYL FUNCTIONAL ACRYLIC       27.0              three storage conditions: 60°C, 50°C, and
             FINEPLUS AC 257015                    GLYCIDYL METHACRYLATE (GMA)       18.0              room temperature (RT).
                                                                                                          NACURE XC-324 was evaluated against
             XYLENE                                           SOLVENT                 22.1
                                                                                                       the octyldimethylamine and 2-ethylimid-
             PM ACETATE                                       SOLVENT                 22.1             azole catalysts at all three storage tempera-
             BUTYL ACETATE                                    SOLVENT                 10.6             tures. In addition, all three tests included
             BYK 31016                                    SURFACE ADDITIVE             0.2             an uncatalyzed system. Viscosities were
                                                                                                       measured using an AR1000 rheometer
                                                 TOTAL                               100.0
                                                                                                       with a 40 mm 2° steel cone geometry from
             %TOTAL RESIN SOLIDS (TRS)                              45                                 TA Instruments. Samples were tested at
             ACRYLIC COOH/GMA EPOXY                                60/40                               25°C using a shear rate of 100s-1.
                                                                                                          NACURE XC-324 showed minimal
                                                                                                       change in viscosity during all age stability
TABLE 3a—Film Properties of Carboxyl Functional Acrylic and GMA Epoxy—120°C/30 min                     testing with significant improvement
                                                                                                       in viscosity stability compared to both
                             OCTYLDIMETHYLAMINE             2-ETHYLIMIDAZOLE                           control catalysts. Furthermore, the XC-
       PROPERTIES                                                                    NACURE XC-324
                                  (ADMA-8)                         (2-EI)
                                                                                                       324 catalyzed system behaved nearly the
% CATALYST SOLID ON TRS                1.0                           1.0                    1.0        same as the uncatalyzed epoxy/carboxy
MEK DOUBLE RUBS                 100 (LIGHT MAR)               100 (LIGHT MAR)        100 (LIGHT MAR)   system during most of the storage testing.
GLOSS, 60° GU                         106                           104                    105            Results for viscosity stability using
                                                                                                       60°C storage are in Table 4 and Figure 1a.
GLOSS, 20° GU                          91                            81                     94
                                                                                                          Results for 50°C and RT (ambient) stor-
PENDULUM, CYCLES                      132                           133                    133         age are in Figures 1b and 1c, respectively.
PENCIL HARDNESS                      4H-5H                         4H-5H                  4H-5H
ADHESION, % CH                        100                           100                    100         Gel Fraction Studies
                                                                                                       The cure response of a coating can be
                                                                                                       verified by measuring the gel fraction of
TABLE 3b—Film Properties of Carboxyl Functional Acrylic and GMA Epoxy—110°C/30 min                     the polymer system, namely the percent-
                             OCTYLDIMETHYLAMINE             2-ETHYLIMIDAZOLE                           age of polymer chains that have reacted
       PROPERTIES                                                                    NACURE XC-324     and are crosslinked to form the coating
                                  (ADMA-8)                        (2-EI)
                                                                                                       film. A higher gel fraction correlates to a
  % CATALYST SOLID ON TRS               1.0                        1.0                     1.0
                                                                                                       better cure with more crosslinking. The
     MEK DOUBLE RUBS                 100 (MAR)                  100 (MAR)               100 (MAR)      gel fraction is defined as the weight ratio
       GLOSS, 60° GU                    105                        106                     105         of dried network polymer (crosslinked
       GLOSS, 20° GU                     94                         89                      94         material) to that of the polymer before
                                                                                                       being subjected to Soxhlet extraction
    PENDULUM, CYCLES                    122                        118                     128
     PENCIL HARDNESS                   4H-5H                      4H-5H                   3H-4H           Gel fractions studies were conducted by
      ADHESION, % CH                   90-95                      85-90                    100         subjecting 1K SB epoxy/carboxy clear-

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TABLE 4—Viscosity Stability of Epoxy Carboxy Liquid Coatings (60°C/16 h)
coats catalyzed with NACURE® XC-324,                                                                 OCTYLDIMETHYLAMINE      2-ETHYLIMIDAZOLE
octyldimethylamine, and 2-ethylimid-                        VISCOSITY            NO CATALYST                                                          NACURE XC-324
                                                                                                          (ADMA-8)                 (2-EI)
azole to Soxhlet extraction conditions.         INITIAL (cP)                         156                     194                    326                    178
Formulations were catalyzed with 1.0%
catalyst solids based on TRS. Epoxy/            FINAL (cP)                           214                     GEL                    GEL                    216
carboxy systems were prepared over an           % INCREASE                            37                      —                      —                     22
untreated thermoplastic polyolefin (TPO)
substrate to facilitate easy removal of the    FIGURE 1a—Viscosity stability of epoxy/carboxy SB coatings (60°C storage).
cured film. Films were baked for 30 min                          600
at 140°C and 120°C. DFT of the clearcoats

                                                Viscosity (cP)
was approximately 1.0–1.2 mil.                                   400
   A 3 in. x 6 in. specimen of cured film
was placed inside a pre-weighed glass
thimble. All thimbles were previously
cleaned and dehydrated before weighing.
The glassware was submerged in a 1:1                                  0
                                                                             No Catalyst         Octyldimethylamine 2-Ethylimidazole           NACURE XC-324
acetone/N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF)
                                                                                                             0h    16 h
solution overnight and then dehydrated
for one hour at 110°C. Initial tare weight
of the thimble was determined after cool-      FIGURE 1b—Viscosity stability of epoxy/carboxy SB coatings (50°C storage).
ing at room temperature in a desiccator                           500
for approximately 20–30 min.
   The thimble containing the sample
                                                 % Increase

was weighed and placed in the extraction                          300
chamber. A 1:1 acetone/methanol mixture                           200
was used as the extraction solvent. Films                         100
were subjected to a six-hour reflux. Films
were then placed in the oven for one hour
                                                                              No Catalyst          Octyldimethylamine   2-Ethylimidazole   NACURE XC-324
at 110°C to dehydrate and remove any re-
                                                                                            50 h            100 h         170 h          220 h
sidual solvent from the thimble and film.
The thimble containing the dried film                                                                            )
sample was reweighed after being cooled        FIGURE 1c—Viscosity stability of epoxy/carboxy SB coatings (ambient storage).
at room temperature in a desiccator for                               300
approximately 20–30 min.                                              250
                                               %Change from

   Gel fractions were reported as percent

weight retention, where weight retention
is defined as the ratio of film weight after
extraction to the initial weight before
   NACURE XC-324 provided a high
                                                                              Octyldimethylamine               2-Ethylimidazole            NACURE XC-324
degree of crosslinking with the 140°C and
                                                                                      0h      48 h            100 h       180 h         5,800 h
120°C bake, exhibiting a similar weight
retention as both controls. Results are in
Table 5 and Figure 2.                          TABLE 5—Gel Fraction Studies after 6 h Soxhlet Extraction with Acetone/Methanol (1/1)
                                                                                                                 PERCENT WEIGHT RETENTION
QUV Resistance of Catalyzed Epoxy                              CURE CONDITIONS             OCTYLDIMETHYLAMINE        2-ETHYLIMIDAZOLE
Carboxy Coatings                                                                                                                                     NACURE XC-324
                                                                                                (ADMA-8)                   (2-EI)
Coating discoloration induced by cata-                            120°C/30 MIN                    90.98                    92.75                         92.65
lysts upon UV exposure is an undesired                            140°C/30 MIN                    96.24                    96.25                         97.86
property. Basic amine catalysts are known
to contribute to yellowness as a result of
such exposures.                                FIGURE 2—Percent weight retention after 6 h of reflux with acetone/methanol (1/1).
   A blocked sulfonic acid catalyzed                       100
melamine crosslinked WB white base-
                                               %Wt Retention

coat was applied over iron phosphated
CRS and baked at 80°C/10 min. The                                90
catalyzed epoxy/carboxy clearcoats were
then applied over the white basecoat and                         85
cured at 120°C/30 min. The DFT of the
clearcoat was approximately 1.6–1.8 mil.                         80
                                                                            Octyldimethylamine                2-Ethylimidazole              NACURE XC-324
   Cured films were evaluated for UV
                                                                                                      140°C/30 min      120°C/30 min
resistance by measurement of b* values of
                                                                                                                                       PAINT.ORG |                   33
the panels after 250, 500, and 1000 h of                         baked at 120°C/30 min. DFT of the cured                    Crockmeter Abrasion
QUV exposure.22                                                  films was approximately 1.6–1.8 mil.                       Catalyzed clearcoats were applied over
   NACURE XC-324 provided a rather                                  Cured films were exposed to Cleveland                   bare CRS and baked at 120°C/30 min.
significant improvement in UV resistance                         humidity conditions.23 The chamber was                     Baked films were tested for mar/scratch
compared to octyldimethylamine and                               maintained at 100% RH through the                          resistance using a Crockmeter abrasion
2-ethylimidazole, especially with regards                        experiment. Exposed films were evaluat-                    tester (M238AA) from SDL Atlas. The
to the longer QUV exposure times of 500                          ed for blistering. Films were given blister                DFT of the clearcoat was approximately
and 1000 h. Results are in Tables 6–7 and                        ratings24 following 220 and 500 h of                       1.6–1.8 mil.
Figure 3.                                                        humidity exposure.                                            An abrasion dry test was performed
                                                                    NACURE XC-324 provided similar hu-                      on each of the coatings using 2 in. x 2
Humidity Exposures of Catalyzed Epoxy                            midity resistance to octyldimethylamine.                   in. Crockmeter squares on the crock
Carboxy Coatings                                                 However, XC-324 showed an improve-                         finger and 20 Mule Team Borax on the
                                                                 ment compared to 2-ethylimidazole.                         test specimen. Each of the coatings were
Epoxy/carboxy clearcoats were applied
                                                                 Results are shown in Table 8.                              subjected to 20 cycles of abrasion.
over an electrocoated CRS substrate and
                                                                                                                               The degree of marring for each of the
                                                                                                                            films was rated qualitatively using a 0–5
                                                                                                                            scale with “0” and “5” being “No Mar” and
TABLE 6—Yellowness Measurements After QUV Exposure—b* Values                                                                “Film Break,” respectively. Break down of
               SYSTEM                             INITIAL                 250 H               500 H                1000 H   the 0–5 scale is in Table 9. Films were also
                                                                                                                            evaluated quantitatively by measuring the
 OCTYLDIMETHYLAMINE (ADMA-8)                       -0.45                   0.02                0.22                 0.31    change in gloss following abrasion.
 2-ETHYLIMIDAZOLE (2-EI)                           -0.59                   0.06                0.32                 0.40       The NACURE XC-324 catalyzed film
 NACURE XC-324                                     -0.47                   0.04                0.08                 0.10    exhibited good resistance to Crockmeter
                                                                                                                            abrasion in comparison to the control
                                                                                                                            catalysts. XC-324 provided very similar
                                                                                                                            abrasion resistance to 2-ethylimidazole.
TABLE 7—Yellowness Measurements After QUV Exposure—Δb* Values                                                               Nonetheless, the XC-324 films had a
                  SYSTEM                                  250 H                      500 H                    1000 H        lower frequency of deep scratches and
                                                                                                                            a lesser change in gloss than the films
  OCTYLDIMETHYLAMINE (ADMA-8)                              0.47                       0.67                     0.76
                                                                                                                            catalyzed by octyldimethylamine. Results
  2-ETHYLIMIDAZOLE (2-EI)                                  0.64                       0.91                     0.99         are in Table 10 and Figure 4.
  NACURE XC-324                                            0.51                       0.55                     0.57
                                                                                                                            Overbake Resistance
                                                                                                                            A blocked sulfonic acid catalyzed
FIGURE 3—Yellowness measurements after QUV exposure.                                                                        melamine crosslinked WB white base-
                                                                                                                            coat was applied over iron phosphated
      +1.00                                                                                                                 CRS and baked at 110°C/10 min. The
      +0.90                                                             +0.99                                               catalyzed epoxy/carboxy clearcoats were
      +0.80                                                                                                                 then applied over the white basecoat and
      +0.70                             +0.76                                                                               cured at 120°C/30 min. The DFT of the
      +0.60                     +0.67                   +0.64
                                                                                                                            clearcoat was approximately 1.6–1.8 mil.
                                                                                                                               Catalyzed films were tested for over-

      +0.50                                                                                          +0.55 +0.57
                                                                                             +0.51                          bake resistance by evaluating the coat-
      +0.40             +0.47
      +0.30                                                                                                                 ing’s color change. Films were subjected
      +0.20                                                                                                                 to three consecutive cycles of overbake:
      +0.10                                                                                                                 (1) 120°C/30 min, (2) 120°C/30 min and
       0.00                                                                                                                 (3) 150°C/30 min.
                     Octyldimethylamine                 2-Ethylimidazole                 NACURE XC-324                         All clearcoats showed a minimal
                                                250 h       500 h           1000 h
                                                                                                                            change in color following the first
                                                                                                                            overbake cycle. However, relative to the
                                                                                                                            control catalysts, NACURE XC-324 did
                                                                                                                            exhibit a lesser change in total color
TABLE 8—Humidity Exposures of Catalyzed Epoxy/Carboxy Coatings—Blister Ratingsa                                             (∆E*). A similar trend was observed for
                                                                                                                            the second overbake cycle.
              SYSTEM                                     220 H                                     500 H
                                                                                                                               More significant color changes oc-
 OCTYLDIMETHYLAMINE (ADMA-8)                            LIGHT / 6                                MEDIUM / 4                 curred following the third overbake cycle.
 2-ETHYLIMIDAZOLE (2-EI)                                LIGHT / 6                            MEDIUM / 4 + LIGHT / 2         The XC-324 films provided a significant
 NACURE XC-324                                          LIGHT / 6                                MEDIUM / 4                 improvement in resistance to yellowing
(a) Blister rating–density / size.
                                                                                                                            (∆b) and exhibited a much lesser change
                                                                                                                            in total color compared to the controls.
                                                                                                                            Results are in Figure 5 and Table 11.

34                        | MARCH 2019
TABLE 9—Visual Rating for Crockmeter Tests–0–5 Rating       TABLE 10—Images with Visual Rating and Change in Gloss Following Crockmeter Abrasion
    RATING                 DESCRIPTION                                                             OCTYLDIMETHYLAMINE            2-ETHYLIMIDAZOLE
                                                                                   SYSTEM                                                                      NACURE XC-324
                                                                                                        (ADMA-8)                       (2-EI)
       0                       NO MAR
       1                    LIGHT MAR
       2                       MAR
       3            MAR, MULTIPLE DEEP SCRATCH
                                                                                   IMAGE a
       4                   HEAVY MAR
       5                   FILM BREAK

Experiment II: Catalyst Studies on                                   VISUAL RATING (0-5)                      3                          2                           2
NACURE XC-355 in a 2K SB Epoxy/                                           ∆20° GU                           –27.0                      –23.7                       –24.4
Carboxy Clearcoat                                                         ∆60° GU                           –11.8                      –9.3                        –9.3
                                                           (a) Image color altered—enhanced contrast to better show abrasion markings.
NACURE XC-355 was evaluated in a 2K
SB epoxy/carboxy clearcoat and tested for
lower temperature cure capabilities.

Materials and Preparation of 2K SB Epoxy/               FIGURE 4—Change in gloss following Crockmeter abrasion.
Carboxy Clearcoat Formulation                                                           Octyldimethylamine             2-Ethylimidazole               NACURE XC-324
The 2K SB epoxy/carboxy clearcoat for-                                        0
mulation was prepared by dissolving Jon-
cryl 819, a solid grade carboxyl functional                                   -5
                                                         Δ20° GU / Δ60° GU

acrylic resin, and Fineplus AC 2710,25 a
solid grade glycidyl methacrylate resin,                                     -10
separately using a solvent blend contain-
ing xylene, PM acetate, and n-butyl ace-
tate (40.1/40.1/19.8). The flow additive was                                 -20
stored in the acid component. Breakdown
of formulation components is presented                                       -25
in Table 12.
   The acid component, containing the                                        -30
carboxyl (COOH) functional acrylic, and                                                                             Δ20°              Δ60°
the epoxy component, containing the
glycidyl methacrylate (GMA) resin were
both 45% TRS.
   Catalysts were premixed into the acid
component prior to addition of the epoxy                FIGURE 5—Yellowing (b*) and total color (E*) change of clearcoats after overbake.
component. All mixing was conducted via
high speed dispersion using a FlackTek                                        +1.00
high speed mixer.                                                             +0.90
   The clearcoat was formulated stoichio-                                     +0.80
metrically. The two components were                                           +0.70
blended 69/31 by total formula weight to                                      +0.60
                                                           ∆b*, ∆E*

give a solids ratio of 69/31 Acrylic COOH/                                    +0.50
GMA. This solids ratio provides an ap-                                        +0.40
proximately 1:1 molar ratio. The TRS of                                       +0.30
the final resin system was 45%.                                               +0.20
   Sample testing or film preparation began                                   +0.10
immediately after incorporating the epoxy
component into the acid component.                                                           Δb*        ΔE*                Δb*         ΔE*             Δb*            ΔE*
                                                                                               Overbake 1                    Overbake 2                      Overbake 3
Film Preparation of 2K SB Epoxy/
                                                                                              120°C/30 min                  120°C/30 min                 150°C/30 min
Carboxy Clearcoat
All films prepared for testing were applied                                                    Octyldimethylamine           2-Ethylimidazole       NACURE XC-324
via draw down. Epoxy/carboxy clearcoats
were applied using a drawn down bar.
White WB basecoats used in color testing
were applied using a bird applicator.

                                                                                                                                               PAINT.ORG |                  35
TABLE 11—Change in Color Values of Catalyzed Clearcoats after Overbake
                                                                                                       increase in viscosity during the isotherm.
     OVERBAKE          COLOR VALUE      OCTYLDIMETHYLAMINE       2-ETHYLIMIDAZOLE   NACURE XC-324      It was also observed that the rate of
                           ΔL*                  –0.17                  –0.13            –0.07          change in viscosity of the XC-355 system
                                                                                                       was most significant during the first
      OVERBAKE 1           Δa*                 –0.03                   –0.02            –0.01
                                                                                                       half of the isothermal step. The rate of
     120°C/30 MIN          Δb*                   0.13                    0.13             0.13         change beginning to diminish or plateau
                           ΔE*                   0.21                   0.20             0.15          could suggest that the epoxy/carboxyl
                           ΔL*                 –0.15                    –0.17           –0.08          crosslinking reaction was at least near to
                                                                                                       completion after approximately 30 min
      OVERBAKE 2           Δa*                 –0.02                   –0.03            –0.01
                                                                                                       at 100°C.
     120°C/30 MIN          Δb*                  0.25                     0.18             0.18            The uncatalyzed system additionally
                           ΔE*                  0.29                    0.33             0.20          exhibited a large increase followed by a
                           ΔL*                 –0.33                   –0.37            –0.29          large decrease in viscosity when cooling
                                                                                                       the sample to 20°C followed by re-heating
      OVERBAKE 3           Δa*                 –0.09                   –0.07            –0.07
                                                                                                       to 100°C, respectively. This is caused by
     150°C/30 MIN          Δb*                   0.73                   0.86             0.58          uncrosslinked resins re-solidifying to their
                           ΔE*                  0.80                     0.94            0.65          solid state during cool down and again
                                                                                                       softening or re-melting upon additional
           TABLE 12—2K Solventborne Epoxy/Carboxy Clearcoat                                               On the contrary, the XC-355 system
                                                                                                       exhibited minimal change in viscosity
                        MATERIAL                          DESCRIPTION                %
                                                                                                       during cool down or re-heating of the
            COMPONENT 1—ACID COMPONENT                                                                 sample. The rheology of the resin system
            JONCRYL 819                            CARBOXYL FUNCTIONAL ACRYLIC      31.1               no longer exhibiting physical properties
            XYLENE                                           SOLVENT                15.1               of the individual solid grade resins sug-
                                                                                                       gests that XC-355 successfully catalyzed
            PM ACETATE                                       SOLVENT                15.1
                                                                                                       the reaction, producing a more thermally
            n-BUTYL ACETATE                                  SOLVENT                7.5                stable crosslinked network following the
            BYK 310                                     SURFACE ADDITIVE            0.2                isotherm at 100°C.
            COMPONENT 2—EPOXY COMPONENT                                                                   Data collected from these oscillation
                                                                                                       tests confirm that NACURE XC-355 is a
            FINEPLUS AC 271025                     GLYCIDYL METHACRYLATE (GMA)       14.0
                                                                                                       high active catalyst for reaction of car-
            XYLENE                                           SOLVENT                 6.8               boxyl and epoxy functional groups. Fur-
            PM ACETATE                                       SOLVENT                 6.8               thermore, the results validate XC-355 as a
            n-BUTYL ACETATE                                  SOLVENT                  3.4              catalyst capable of promoting the epoxy/
                                                                                                       carboxyl reaction at bake temperatures
                                           TOTAL                                    100.0
                                                                                                       of 100°C or potentially lower. Results are
            %TOTAL RESIN SOLIDS (TRS)                                45.0                              shown in Figure 6.
            ACRYLIC COOH / GMA                                       69/31
                                                                                                       Film Properties of Catalyzed Clearcoats
                                                                                                       Epoxy/carboxy clearcoats catalyzed with
Epoxy/carboxy clearcoats and WB base-                   to 100°C. The pre-experiment steps used        increasing dosages of NACURE XC-355
coats were both given an approximately                  for flashing solvent from the samples are      were evaluated for MEK resistance, gloss,
10–15 min flash at ambient temperatures                 shown in Table 13a. The protocol used for      and pendulum hardness. Films were
prior to baking at the designated tem-                  oscillation testing is in Table 13b.           prepared over bare CRS and baked at
peratures.                                                 The uncatalyzed and NACURE XC-355           100°C/30 min. DFT of the clearcoats was
                                                        systems both showed a decrease in com-         approximately 1.0–1.2 mil.
Rheology Studies on Catalyst Activity                   plex viscosity as the solid grade resins be-      Systems were catalyzed with 0, 1, 2, and
at 100°C                                                gin to soften or melt upon heating during      3% NACURE XC-355 solids on TRS.
                                                        the first temperature ramp to 100°C. It           All systems showed a very high pen-
An oscillation study on the change in
                                                        should be noted the rate of change in vis-     dulum hardness and great gloss. The
complex viscosity (|η*|) was conducted
                                                        cosity was slightly lower for the XC-355       NACURE XC-355 systems exhibited a
using an AR2000 rheometer from TA
                                                        system during the first temperature ramp.      slight decrease in both gloss and hard-
Instruments. A 20 mm steel flat plate
                                                        This could indicate that the catalyst had      ness. However, the system containing no
geometry was used during testing.
                                                        already activated the system at tempera-       catalyst gave very poor MEK resistance.
   The uncatalyzed epoxy/carboxy clear-
                                                        tures below 100°C.                             This indicates that the uncatalyzed resin
coat was compared to a system containing
                                                           Minimal increase in viscosity for           system was not fully crosslinked.
1% NACURE XC-355 solids on TRS.
                                                        the uncatalyzed epoxy/carboxy system              All NACURE XC-355 dosages provided
   Oscillation testing was comprised of
                                                        occurred throughout the 60 min isotherm        great MEK resistance. The XC-355 systems
four steps following sample equilibration
                                                        at 100°C. Catalyzing the formulation with      all achieved 100 MEK 2X. Increasing
at 20°C: 1) Heat to 100°C, 2) Isotherm for
                                                        NACURE XC-355 provided a significant           catalyst dosage provided improved mar re-
60 min, 3) Cool to 20°C, and 4) Re-heat
                                                                                                       sistance. Results are in Table 14 and Figure 7.

36                   | MARCH 2019
Overbake Resistance of Catalyzed                                 The clearcoats all exhibited very                    Experiment III: Environmental Etch
Clearcoats                                                    little yellowing (b*) following the initial
                                                              100°C/30min bake and the overbake.
                                                                                                                      Resistance of Epoxy/Carboxy vs
A blocked sulfonic acid catalyzed                                                                                     HMMM/OH
                                                              Although nearly negligible, very slight
melamine crosslinked white WB base-
                                                              increases in yellowing after overbake                   Environmental etch resistance of epoxy/
coat was applied over iron phosphated
                                                              for systems containing XC-355 were                      carboxy clearcoats catalyzed with
CRS and baked at 110°C/10 min. The
                                                              observed but it should be acknowledged                  NACURE XC-355 was compared to an
catalyzed epoxy/carboxy clearcoats were
                                                              that the uncatalyzed system was not fully               aminoplast crosslinked polyol clearcoat
then applied over the white basecoat and
                                                              cured as previously demonstrated. Addi-                 catalyzed with amine blocked p-TSA.
cured at 100°C/30 min. The DFT of the
                                                              tionally, minimal differences in total color
clearcoat was approximately 1.0–1.2 mil.
                                                              (∆E*) following overbake occurred for all               Materials and Preparation of SB Epoxy/
   Films were overbaked at 100°C/30
                                                              dosages of XC-355. Results are in Table 16
min after testing initial color of the films.                                                                         Carboxy and HMMM/OH Clearcoat
                                                              and Table 17.
Color change was evaluated for clearcoats                                                                             Formulations
containing 0, 1, 2, and 3% NACURE XC-                                                                                 The two formulations (A and B) were
355 solids on TRS.                                                                                                    both formulated as 2K systems. Formu-

TABLE 13a—Pre-Experiment Steps for Oscillation Tests                      FIGURE 6—Oscillation curve of complex viscosity and temperature as a function of time.
        1a               ZERO-GAP (400 MICRON)
        1b                SHEAR AT 100S-1/2 MIN
        1c                 REST AT 25°C/5 MIN
                   BRING  GEOMETRY  BACK TO ZERO-GAP
     STEP 2                  (400 MICRON)
        2a           INCREASE TEMPERATURE TO 80°C
        2b                SHEAR AT 100S-1/5 MIN
        2c             EQUILIBRATE AT 20°C/5 MIN

TABLE 13b—Protocol for Oscillation Tests
   EXP. STEP #                 DESCRIPTION
                       TEMPERATURE RAMP OF 10°C/MIN
      STEP 1                  FROM 20–100°C
      STEP 2            ISOTHERM FOR 60 MIN AT 100°C
                                                                          FIGURE 7—MEK resistance of hardness of epoxy/acid clearcoats—100°C/30 min bake.
                       TEMPERATURE RAMP OF 10°C/MIN
      STEP 3                  FROM 100–20°C                                    120                                                                                 150
                       TEMPERATURE RAMP OF 10°C/MIN                                                       100 Light         100 v. Light        100+ No Mar
      STEP 4                  FROM 20–100°C                                    100        140                                                                      140
                                                                                                                                                                         Pendulum, cycles

                                                                                   80                                                               131            130
TABLE 14—Film Properties of Carboxyl Functional Acrylic and
                                                                          MEK 2X

GMA Epoxy—100°C/30 min                                                             60     < 50                                                                     120

  PROPERTIES     NO CATALYST            NACURE XC-355                              40                                                                              110

 % CATALYST                                                                        20                                                                              100
                      0.0         1.0        2.0        3.0
                                  100        100       100+                         0                                                                              90
 MEK DOUBLE                                                                               0%                 1%                 2%                  3%
                     < 50        LIGHT      VERY        NO
 RUBS                             MAR       LIGHT      MAR                                                  % NACURE XC-355 Solid on TRS
 GLOSS, 60° GU       110          108        109        109                                                    MEK 2X        Pendulum, Cycles
 GLOSS, 20° GU       99.7        96.9        96.7      93.6
 PENDULUM,            140         134        129        131

                                                                                                                                      PAINT.ORG |                   37
lation A uses a solid grade hydroxyl (OH)                  Components 1 and 2 of Formulation             Formulation A is based on an experi-
functional acrylic resin (Component 1) for              A and B were formulated to 45% TRS by         mentally optimized ratio of solid resin.
crosslinking with hexa(methoxymethyl)                   dissolving the resins in a solvent blend      The two components were blended 70/30
melamine (HMMM) (Component 2).                          containing xylene, PM acetate, and            to give a solid ratio of 70/30 Acrylic OH/
Formulation B uses a solid grade carboxyl               n-butyl acetate (40.1/40.1/19.8). Flow ad-    HMMM. The TRS of the final resin sys-
(COOH) functional acrylic resin (Compo-                 ditive was stored in Component I of both      tem was 45%.
nent 1) for crosslinking with a GMA resin               formulations. Breakdown of formulation           Formulation B was formulated stoi-
(Component 2).                                          components is in Table 17.                    chiometrically. The two components were
                                                                                                      blended 60/40 by total formula weight
                                                                                                      to give a solids ratio of 60/40 Acrylic
                                                                                                      COOH/GMA. This solids ratio provides
                TABLE 15—Yellowing Resistance Following 100°C/30 min Overbake                         an approximately 1:1 molar ratio. The
                  PROPERTIES      NO CATALYST                    NACURE XC-355                        TRS of the final resin system was 45%.
                                                                                                         Catalyst was premixed into Component
                   %CATALYST                                                                          I of both Formulation A and B. Formula-
                                      0.0             1.0               2.0            3.0
                  SOLID ON TRS                                                                        tion A, the Acrylic OH/HMMM system,
                   b* INITIAL         0.13            0.16             0.18           0.21            was catalyzed with an amine neutralized
                                                                                                      p-TSA (0.56% p-TSA on TRS or 1% as
                    b* FINAL          0.15            0.21             0.20           0.24
                                                                                                      supplied on TFW). Formulation B, the
                      ∆b*             0.01            0.06             0.02           0.02            Acrylic COOH/GMA system, was cata-
                                                                                                      lyzed with NACURE XC-355 (1.0% solids
                                                                                                      on TRS or 0.9% as supplied on TFW).
                                                                                                         For both Formulation A and B, Compo-
                TABLE 16—Total Color Change Following 100°C/30 min Overbake                           nent II was incorporated into Component
                   PROPERTIES      NO CATALYST                   NACURE XC-355                        I containing the pre-catalyzed acrylic
                                                                                                      resin solutions. Catalyst premixing and
                    %CATALYST                                                                         component incorporation was conducted
                                        0.0             1.0            2.0            3.0
                   SOLID ON TRS                                                                       via high speed dispersion using a Flack-
                       ∆L*             -0.07          -0.05            -0.07          0.03            Tek high speed mixer.
                                                                                                         Sample testing or film preparation
                       ∆a*             -0.02          -0.02            0.00           -0.01           began immediately after incorporating
                       ∆b*              0.01           0.06            0.02           0.02            the HMMM and GMA solutions to the
                                                                                                      OH Acrylic and COOH Acrylic solution,
                       ∆E*             0.07            0.08            0.07           0.04

                                                                                                      Film Preparation of HMMM Crosslinked
TABLE 17—(a) Hydroxyl Functional Acrylic/HMMM vs (b) Acid Functional Acrylic/GMA Epoxy                Acrylic and Epoxy/Carboxy Clearcoats
        FORMULATION A—ACRYLIC OH / HMMM                      FORMULATION B—ACRYLIC COOH / GMA EPOXY   Films were applied over bare CRS via
                                                                                                      draw down, given an approximately 10–15
     MATERIAL       DESCRIPTION               %             MATERIAL           DESCRIPTION     %      min flash at room temperature, and baked
         COMPONENT 1 – POLYOL COMPONENT                         COMPONENT 1 – ACID COMPONENT          at 120°C/30 min. Epoxy/carboxy and
                       OH                                                  COOH                       aminoplast crosslinked films were tested
 JONCRYL 587 26     ACRYLIC            31.5             JONCRYL 819      ACRYLIC             27.0     for cure response and environmental etch
                                                                                                      resistance once cooled to room tempera-
      XYLENE           SOLVENT               15.4             XYLENE             SOLVENT      13.2
                                                                                                      ture following bake.
   PM ACETATE          SOLVENT            15.4           PM ACETATE         SOLVENT            13.2
 n-BUTYL ACETATE       SOLVENT             7.5         N-BUTYL ACETATE      SOLVENT             6.5   Cure Response of Acrylic OH/HMMM and
     BYK 310       SURFACE ADDITIVE       0.2              BYK 310      SURFACE ADDITIVE        0.2   Acrylic COOH/GMA
         COMPONENT 2—MELAMINE COMPONENT                          COMPONENT 2—EPOXY COMPONENT          Cure responses of the Acrylic OH/
                                                                                                      HMMM (Formulation A) and the Acrylic
                      MELAMINE                          FINEPLUS AC
     HMMM                                 13.5                               GMA               18.0   COOH/GMA (Formulation B) were tested
                     CROSSLINKER                            2570
                                                                                                      by evaluating the film’s resistance to
     XYLENE            SOLVENT            6.6              XYLENE           SOLVENT             8.8
   PM ACETATE          SOLVENT            6.6            PM ACETATE         SOLVENT             8.8     Formulation A and B both exhibited
 n-BUTYL ACETATE       SOLVENT            3.2          n-BUTYL ACETATE      SOLVENT             4.3   great cure response using the designated
                TOTAL                    100.0                       TOTAL                    100.0   catalyst dosages and bake schedule. Both
                                                                                                      formulations achieved 100 MEK 2X with
      %TRS                        45.0                      %TRS                       45.0
                                                                                                      minimal marring. Results are shown in
   ACRYLIC OH /                                         ACRYLIC COOH                                  Table 18.
                                 70 / 30                                              60 / 40
     HMMM                                                   / GMA

38                    | MARCH 2019
TABLE 18—MEK Resistance of (a) Acrylic OH/HMMM vs (b) Acrylic COOH/GMA
                          FORMULATION                    CATALYST               CATALYST DOSAGE                  MEK 2X
                                                                            1.0% AS SUPPLIED ON TFW
                    A      ACRYLIC OH/HMMM         AMINE BLOCKED p-TSA                                 100 NO MAR–VERY LIGHT MAR
                                                                              (0.56% p-TSA ON TRS)
                                                                            0.9% AS SUPPLIED ON TFW
                    B   ACRYLIC COOH/GMA EPOXY         NACURE XC-355                                   100 NO MAR–VERY LIGHT MAR
                                                                               (1.0% SOLID ON TRS)

                                  TABLE 19—Acid Etch Resistance of (a) Acrylic OH/HMMM vs (b) Acrylic COOH/GMA
                                                                                                           TIME EXPOSED
            FORMULATION               CATALYST            CATALYST DOSAGE                               TO H2SO4 (10%) / 60°C
                                                                                        20 MIN                40 MIN                      60 MIN

                                                        1.0% AS SUPPLIED ON TFW
       A     ACRYLIC OH/HMMM     AMINE BLOCKED p-TSA      (0.56% p-TSA ON TRS)

             ACRYLIC COOH/GMA                          0.9% AS SUPPLIED ON TFW
       B                           NACURE XC-355
                   EPOXY                                  (1.0% SOLID ON TRS)

Environmental Etch Comparison of Acrylic           SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS                               color with good overbake resistance even
OH/HMMM vs Acrylic COOH/GMA                                                                              at higher catalyst dosages.
                                                   The new class of metal-free catalysts are                Environmental etch studies conducted
Environmental etch of the Acrylic OH/                                                                    on hydroxyl vs carboxyl functional acrylic
                                                   found to be very effective in promoting
HMMM (Formulation A) and the Acrylic                                                                     resins crosslinked with HMMM vs a GMA
                                                   the crosslinking reaction of carboxyl
COOH/GMA (Formulation B) was eval-                                                                       and catalyzed with amine neutralized
                                                   functional polymers with epoxy function-
uated by subjecting the films to a diluted                                                               p-TSA vs XC-355, respectively, demon-
                                                   al resins with potential utility in auto-
solution of sulfuric acid (H2SO4) at elevat-                                                             strated that epoxy/carboxy clearcoats
ed temperatures.                                   motive clearcoats and powder coating
                                                   applications.                                         can likely be used as an alternative to
   Equal amounts of a 10% H2SO4 solution                                                                 aminoplast crosslinked clearcoats when
were placed onto the film in three spots              NACURE XC-324 was determined to be
                                                   a versatile stable catalyst that can effec-           applications require superior acid etch
of equal surface area. Test areas were                                                                   resistance.
covered, placed in an oven at 60°C, and            tively promote the crosslinking reaction
evaluated in 20-min intervals. The acid            of a 1K SB epoxy/carboxy clearcoat using
solution was rinsed off the panel using            bake temperatures as low as 110–120°C.                ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
dIH2O once the films were near room                In addition to good cure with exceptional
temperature. Excess acid or dIH2O was              age stability, XC-324 films exhibited high            We thank Morgan Alexander for experi-
removed by lightly pressing with a towel.          gloss, great hardness, low color, and good            mental support and for evaluations of the
   The Acrylic OH/HMMM system                      adhesion to metal, as well as excellent               new catalysts in various coating systems.
catalyzed with amine neutralized p-TSA             overbake, humidity, UV, and abrasion                  We thank King Industries for permission
(Formulation A) began to fail following            resistance.                                           to publish this work.
40 min of testing. Precipitate and a blister          Investigations on lower temperature cure
in the center of the test area was observed        response validated NACURE XC-355 as a
for the HMMM crosslinked system after              high active catalyst capable of providing             References
60 min of testing.                                 good cure of 2K SB epoxy/carboxy clear-
                                                   coats using bake temperatures of 100°C or               1. Schulz, U., Trubiroha, P., Schernau, U., and
   The Acrylic COOH/GMA system cata-                                                                          Baumgart, H., “The Effects of Acid Rain on the
lyzed with NACURE XC-355 exhibited su-             potentially lower. In addition to excellent
                                                   cure response, XC-355 films exhibited high                 Appearance of Automotive Paint Systems Studied
perior acid etch resistance, showing only                                                                     Outdoors and in a New Artificial Weathering Test,”
slight markings following 60 min of acid           gloss and great hardness as well as low
                                                                                                              Prog. Org. Coat., 40, 151-165 (2000).
exposure. Results are given in Table 19.
                                                                                                                            PAINT.ORG |                      39
2. Palm, M. and Carlsson, B., “New Accelerated Weath-         9. Flosbach, C. and Schubert, W., “Zero Etch Clear—A       17. ASTM D4752 modified, Rub with MEK Soaked Cloth
   ering Tests Including Acid Rains,” J. Coat. Technol.,         New Modular Clearcoat System with Excellent                 Attached to Pound Ball Peen Hammer.
   74, 69-74 (2002).                                             Scratch/Mar Performance,” Prog. Org. Coat., 43, 123-    18. ASTM D3363, Test Method for Film Hardness by Pen-
3. Trinidade, D.J., Matheson, R.R., U.S. Patent 8710138;         130 (2001).                                                 cil Test.
   Barsotti, R.J., Hazan, I., and Nordstrom, J.D., U.S.       10. Igrashi, H., Kitagawa, H., Okumura, Y., Saika, M.,     19. ASTM 4366, Standard Test Methods for Hardness of
   Patent 6428898 (2002); Groenewolt, M., Hesener,                Nagai, K., and Yabuta, M., Kansai Paint Co., Ltd.,         Organic Coatings by Pendulum Damping Tests.
   S., Stubbe, W., Niemeier, M., and Westhoff, L., U.S.           U.S. Patent 6,214,418 (2001).
   Patent 8658752 (2014).                                                                                                20. ASTM D3359, Standard Test Methods for Measuring
                                                              11. Blank, W.J., He, Z.A., and Picci, M., “Catalysis of        Adhesion by Tape Test.
4. Edwards, P.A., Striemer, G., and Webster, D.C., “Nov-          the Epoxy-Carboxyl Reaction,” J. Coat. Technol., 74,
   el polyurethane coating technology through glycidyl            33-41 (2002).                                          21. ASTM D2457, Standard Test Method for Specular
   carbamate chemistry,” J. Coat. Technol. Res., 2 (7),                                                                      Gloss of Plastic Films and Solid Plastics.
                                                              12. Blank, W.J., “Advances in Catalysis for Organic
   517-527 (2005).                                                Coatings,” Chimia, 56, 191-196 (2002).                 22. ASTM D4587-11, Standard Practice for Fluorescent
5. Wulfsohn, W. and Knavish, T., “Automotive OEM                                                                             UV-Condensation Exposures of Paint and Related
                                                              13. Subrayan, R.P., Miller D.J., Emmet M.M., and Blank,        Coatings.
   Coatings,” PPG Industries Presentation, Feb. 2010.             W.J., “Catalysis of Thermally Curable High Solids
6. Merefeld, G., Molaison, C., Koeniger, R., Ascar, A.E.,         Cycloaliphatic Epoxy Formulations,” ACS PMSE           23. ASTM D2247, Standard Practice for Testing Water
   Mordhorst, S., Suriano, J., Warner, R.S., Gray, K.,            Preprints, Chicago Meeting, 2001.                          Resistance of Coatings in 100% Relative Humidity.
   Kovaleski, K., Garrett, G., Finley, S., Meredith, D.,      14. Joncryl 819 solid grade acrylic polymer from BASF      24. ASTM D714, Standard Test Method for Evaluating
   Spicer, M., and Naguy, T., “Acid/Epoxy Reaction Cat-           with a carboxyl equivalent weight of 748.                  Degree of Blistering of Paints.
   alyst Screening for Low Temperature (120°C) Powder
                                                              15. Fineplus AC 2570 solid grade glycidyl methacrylate     25. Fineplus AC 2710 solid grade glycidyl methacrylate
   Coatings,” Prog. Org. Coat., 52, 98-109 (2005).
                                                                  from DIC Performance Resins, with an epoxy equiva-         from DIC Performance Resins, with an epoxy equiva-
7. Global Powder Coatings Market Report, Acmite                   lent weight of 480 based on resin solids.                  lent weight of 343 based on resin solids.
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                                                              16. BYK-310 Silicone surface additive from BYK.            26. Joncryl 587 solid grade acrylic polymer from BASF
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   Chain Perspective,” Powder Coating, 21, 29-33 (2010).

                                                               RAVI RAVICHANDRAN, MICHAEL EMMET, MATTHEW
                                                                GADMAN, JOHN FLORIO, and STEVE WOLTORNIST,
                                                               King Industries, Inc., USA, 1 Science Rd., Norwalk, CT

40                       | MARCH 2019
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