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N O VE L G U ID AN C E AN D N O N L IN E AR C O N T R O L S O L U T IO N S IN P R E C IS IO N G U ID E D P R O J E C T IL E S R IC HA R D A . HUL L T E C HNIC A L F E L L OW C O L L INS A E R O S P A CE JUNE 3 0 , 2 0 2 0 © 2018 C ol lins Aerospac e, a U ni ted Technologies c ompany. All rights reserved. This document does not contain any export controlled technical data.
O U T L IN E : I. Introduction to Precision Guided Projectiles SGP 5” Projectile Flight Test Video Guidance, Navigation, Control Block Diagram Guidance, Navigation and Control Issues II. Guidance Law – GENEX III. Nonlinear Robust Control Law Design Background – Dynamic Inversion, Feedback Linearization, Back-stepping, Robust Recursive IV. Nonlinear Recursive Pitch-Yaw Autopilot Design for a Guided Projectile Nonlinear Recursive Pitch-Yaw Controller Design Aerodynamic Functions for Hypothetical Projectile Pitch-Yaw Controller Equations Mass Properties for Hypothetical Projectile MATLAB Simulation Results for Hypothetical Pitch-Yaw Projectile Controller V. Conclusions © 2018 C ol lins Aerospac e, a U ni ted Technologies c ompany. All rights reserved. 2 This document does not contain any export controlled technical data.
5 -i n ch Mu l ti Servi ce Stan d ard Gu i d ed Proj ecti l e •Video Courtesy of BAE Systems 46D3A21E0F0E9D7FE67446D3A21E0F0E9D7F&FORM=VIRE © 2018 C ol lins Aerospac e, a U ni ted Technologies c ompany. All rights reserved. 3 This document does not contain any export controlled technical data.
S YS T E M B L O C K D IAG R AM Guidance, Navigation and Control Target Steering Actuator Actuator Location Commands Commands Deflections Control Airframe/ Guidance Autopilot Augmentation Propulsion Law System Nav Solution Navigation Inertial Filter Sensors IMU output Projectile Motion GPS Receiver Antenna © 2018 C ol lins Aerospac e, a U ni ted Technologies c ompany. All rights reserved. 4 This document does not contain any export controlled technical data.
G U ID AN C E IS S U E S : Minimum Control Effort Optimal Control Problem with: • Final Position (Miss Distance) Constraint • Terminal Angle of Fall (Velocity Unit Vector) Constraint • Control Action Constraint (Normal to Velocity Vector) • Nonlinear Dynamics (True Optimal Solution is TPBV Problem) • May be Final Time (Time on Target) Constraint Several Well Known Sub-Optimal Solutions • Modifications to Biased Proportional Nav • Explicit Guidance • Generalized Explicit Guidance (GENEX) • Not well suited to Guided Projectiles of “Limited Maneuver Capability” © 2018 C ol lins Aerospac e, a U ni ted Technologies c ompany. All rights reserved. 5 This document does not contain any export controlled technical data.
N AVIG AT IO N IS S U E S : • Electronics Must Be Densely Packaged and Low Cost! • Inertial Sensors Must Survive High “G” Gun Launch Environment (~10,000 g’s) • GPS Must Acquire Quickly, In-Flight, On A Rapidly Moving, Spinning Projectile • Navigation Filter Must Initialize and Self-Orient In Mid-Flight • What to Do if GPS is Unavailable © 2018 C ol lins Aerospac e, a U ni ted Technologies c ompany. All rights reserved. 6 This document does not contain any export controlled technical data.
C O N T R O L IS S U E S : • Ballistic Portion of Flight Must Avoid Roll Resonance Issues • Airframe Control Capture at Canard Deployment • Airframe May Become Unstable at Canard Deploy • IMU Sensors May Be Saturated at Canard Deploy • High Roll Rate • Deployment Shock • Large Flight Envelope of Mach and Dynamic Pressure • Rapidly Changing Flight Envelope • Winds and Variations in Atmospheric Properties Cause Significant Uncertainties in Gain Scheduled Parameters (No Air Data Probes) • Highly Nonlinear and Uncertain Aerodynamics • Canard “Vortex Shedding” Interactions with Tails • Uncertain Tail “Clocking” Relative to Canards © 2018 C ol lins Aerospac e, a U ni ted Technologies c ompany. All rights reserved. 7 This document does not contain any export controlled technical data.
E XP L IC IT G U ID AN C E Solution to a Time Varying Linear Optimal Control Problem of the form: tf u2 minimize J dt 0 2 Subject to the following state constraints: Where we define: Which yields the optimal control: u 1 2 6 x1 2 T x2 T Note – we often augment this with an acceleration term to include known effects of gravity and drag. © 2018 C ol lins Aerospac e, a U ni ted Technologies c ompany. All rights reserved. 8 This document does not contain any export controlled technical data.
G E N E R AL IZ E D E XP L IC IT G U ID AN C E ( G E N E X) “Generalized Vector Explicit Guidance”, Ernest J. Ohlmeyer and Craig A. Phillips, AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics, Vol. 29, No. 2, March-April 2006 Solution to a Time Varying Linear Optimal Control Problem of the form: tf u2 Family of functions, parameterized by scalar n minimize J n dt Higher n allows greater penalty weight on control 0 2T usage as T → 0 Subject to the following state constraints: Where we define: Which yields the optimal control: u 1 2 k1 x1 k2 x2T T where : Note that n = 0 results in k1 = 6 and k2 = -2 reducing to k1 (n 2)( n 3) k 2 (n 1)( n 2) the standard explicit guidance gains © 2018 C ol lins Aerospac e, a U ni ted Technologies c ompany. All rights reserved. 9 This document does not contain any export controlled technical data.
G E N E X w i t h G r a v i t y Te r m ( N E W ) : Note on Updated Derivation of Generalize Explicit Guidance to Include Gravity Acceleration Term from Ernie Ohlmeyer, May 2016 Solution to a Time Varying Linear Optimal Control Problem of the form: tf u2 Family of functions, parameterized by scalar n minimize J n dt Higher n allows greater penalty weight on control 0 2T usage as T → 0 Subject to the following state constraints: Where we define: Which yields the optimal control: u 1 2 k1 x1 k2 x2T k3 g T where : k1 ( n 2)( n 3) k2 ( n 1)( n 2) ( n 2)( n 1) k3 Setting k3 = 0 recovers original GENEX 2 © 2018 C ol lins Aerospac e, a U ni ted Technologies c ompany. All rights reserved. 10 This document does not contain any export controlled technical data.
E XAM P L E T R AJ E C T O R IE S U S IN G G E N E X GENEX Guidance from Apogee N= N= 0.5 1.0 GENEX Guided Projectile V0 = 1000 m/s 3 N= N= 1.5 2.0 N= 2.5 Launch Elevation = 50 deg 2 Mach Final Gamma = -80 deg 1 Target Range = 50 km 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 GENEX Guided Projectile N= 0.5 14 50 N= 1.0 gamma - deg N= 1.5 0 12 N= 2.0 N= 2.5 -50 10 -100 0 50 100 150 200 250 8 25 Altitude - km 20 AlphaT - deg 15 6 10 5 4 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 guidance cmds mag- gees 2 6 4 0 2 -2 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 50 100 150 200 250 time Ground Range - km © 2018 C ol lins Aerospac e, a U ni ted Technologies c ompany. All rights reserved. 11 This document does not contain any export controlled technical data.
R E C U R S IVE C O N T R O L D E S IG N : “Recursivist” – one who views the world as a giant opportunity to apply the rigorous methods of recursive nonlinear control design, one layer at a time! See also “Integrator Backsteppinger”,“Dynamic Inversionist” and “Feedback Linearizationist” © 2018 C ol lins Aerospac e, a U ni ted Technologies c ompany. All rights reserved. 12 This document does not contain any export controlled technical data.
D YN AM IC IN VE R S IO N Given a nonlinear system “affine” w.r.t. the control input: If g(x) is invertible the control: Will cause the system to track the desired dynamics : Note that we are not actually inverting the dynamics of the entire system, only the algebraic input connection matrix! © 2018 C ol lins Aerospac e, a U ni ted Technologies c ompany. All rights reserved. 13 This document does not contain any export controlled technical data.
D YN AM IC IN VE R S IO N The primary restrictions on Dynamic Inversion are: 1. The system must be scalar or square – that is it must have the same number of inputs as states, and 2. The matrix g(x) must be non-singular over the entire region of interest. Invertibility of g(x) also insures stability of the zero dynamics, so that the system is minimum phase. In fact, it is a stronger condition, which guarantees that the system can be decoupled into n independently controllable subsystems by the n control inputs. This condition is somewhat rare in real systems! © 2018 C ol lins Aerospac e, a U ni ted Technologies c ompany. All rights reserved. 14 This document does not contain any export controlled technical data.
F E E D B AC K L IN E AR IZ AT IO N • Not Conventional (Jacobi) Linearization • Systematic Method for finding a state transformation that maps the system to an “equivalent” linear system. • Design Control for the Linear System • Map the Control back to the original nonlinear system. 0 u u(x, v) u x v k T z Linearization loop Pole-Placement loop z z z(x) © 2018 C ol lins Aerospac e, a U ni ted Technologies c ompany. All rights reserved. 15 This document does not contain any export controlled technical data.
F E E D B AC K L IN E AR IZ AT IO N Feedback Linearization involves a transformation of state variables in order to make the control design and stability analysis of the system easier. State Transformation Linear Nonlinear System System Control Design Stable Stable Linear Nonlinear Inverse State System System Transformation But, in order to guarantee “equivalence” of dynamics and transference of stability properties between the linear and nonlinear systems, we must rely on concepts from set theory, and differential geometry. © 2018 C ol lins Aerospac e, a U ni ted Technologies c ompany. All rights reserved. 16 This document does not contain any export controlled technical data.
F E E D B AC K L IN E AR IZ AT IO N - C O M M E N T S Input-Output Feedback Linearization is more desirable for the control of missiles and aircraft, in which output tracking (command following) is of interest. Exact Output Tracking is not possible for non-minimum phase systems, which are equivalent to systems with less than full relative degree (r < n), and unstable zero dynamics. Tail Control of Aircraft and Missiles exhibits minimum phase response in alpha and beta, but non-minimum phase characteristics in normal accelerations. The machinery of State Feedback Linearization could be used to find an alternative output for non-minimum phase acceleration tracking – however the transformations are fairly intractable . © 2018 C ol lins Aerospac e, a U ni ted Technologies c ompany. All rights reserved. 17 This document does not contain any export controlled technical data.
IN T E G R AT O R B AC K S T E P P IN G Given: u x g (x) + f (x) Design a stabilizing “fictitious: control (x) for the output subsystem: u x + g (x) + (x) f ( x) g ( x) ( x) © 2018 C ol lins Aerospac e, a U ni ted Technologies c ompany. All rights reserved. 18 This document does not contain any export controlled technical data.
IN T E G R AT O R B AC K S T E P P IN G Then “backstep” that control through the integrator of the previous subsystem: u z x + g (x) + f ( x) g ( x) ( x) It can be seen that a change of variable z (x) is equivalent to adding zero to the original subsystem: Resulting in an equivalent subsystem: © 2018 C ol lins Aerospac e, a U ni ted Technologies c ompany. All rights reserved. 19 This document does not contain any export controlled technical data.
R E C U R S IVE D E S IG N By recursive application of Integrator Backstepping, we can extend the results to higher order systems provided they have the strict feedback cascaded form: At each step we define a new state variable: Until the control design equation “pops” out: © 2018 C ol lins Aerospac e, a U ni ted Technologies c ompany. All rights reserved. 20 This document does not contain any export controlled technical data.
R E C U R S IVE D E S IG N Also at each step, we recursively accumulate the terms of the Lyapunov function: 1 2 1 2 1 2 V z1 z 2 z n 2 2 2 For which it can be shown: Advantages of Recursive Backstepping Design over Feedback Linearization 1. Transformation is simple (no PDE’s to solve) 2. No need to cancel “beneficial” nonlinearities 3. No need to cancel “weak” nonlinearities 4. Can add robust stabilizing terms to overcome uncertainties © 2018 C ol lins Aerospac e, a U ni ted Technologies c ompany. All rights reserved. 21 This document does not contain any export controlled technical data.
R O B U S T R E C U R S IVE D E S IG N Model the system with uncertainties: Which meet the Generalized Matching Conditions Bound the uncertainty that appears in the equations: f ( zi ) i Add a robust fictitious control term to the Such as: © 2018 C ol lins Aerospac e, a U ni ted Technologies c ompany. All rights reserved. 22 This document does not contain any export controlled technical data.
D YN AM IC R E C U R S IVE D E S IG N Dynamic Recursive Design extends the Recursive Process to systems which do not meet the strict feedback cascaded form: By differentiating u (n-r) times to create additional state variables, such that: Until the control design that “pops” out is a derivative of u: © 2018 C ol lins Aerospac e, a U ni ted Technologies c ompany. All rights reserved. 23 This document does not contain any export controlled technical data.
6 - D O F R IG ID B O D Y E Q U AT IO N S O F M O T IO N Recursive Design for Pitch/Yaw Acceleration Control p ω B q Θ B r ( , , ) ωB ΘB u MB R u P Y y v x v B v y x z vz x I y vB X I z fB αB © 2018 C ol lins Aerospac e, a U ni ted Technologies c ompany. All rights reserved. 24 This document does not contain any export controlled technical data.
6 - D O F R IG ID B O D Y E Q U AT IO N S O F M O T IO N 12 state equations in body coordinates: fB External body forces m mass Using the Euler Rate equations: M B External body moments J B Moment of Inertia Matrix © 2018 C ol lins Aerospac e, a U ni ted Technologies c ompany. All rights reserved. 25 This document does not contain any export controlled technical data.
6 - D O F R IG ID B O D Y E Q U AT IO N S O F M O T IO N The external body forces are computed as functions of: Fx , , M , q , p , y , r FxBT , , M , q Fxi , , M , q , r f B Fy , , M , q , p , y FyBT , , M , q Fyi , , M , q , y Fz , , M , q , p , y Fz , , M , q Fz , , M , q , p BT i where : Body Tail + Canard Control Increments Angle of Attack Angle of Side Slip T M Mach Number, 1 vx v 1 y q dynmaic pressure tan v sin v vT vx2 v y2 v z2 z T cos cos cos sin sin sin cos sin sin cos sin cos TBI1 TBI T cos sin cos cos sin sin sin sin cos cos sin sin sin sin cos cos cos © 2018 C ol lins Aerospac e, a U ni ted Technologies c ompany. All rights reserved. 26 This document does not contain any export controlled technical data.
Recursive Design for Coupled Pitch/Yaw Controller Reference: Dynamic Robust Recursive Control: Theory and Applications, Ph.D. Dissertation, Richard A. Hull, University of Central Florida, Orlando Florida, 1996. First, Define Output Error States: a z D desired pitch accelerati on a y D desired yaw accelerati on a z a z D z1 a z pitch accelerati on feedback a y a yD a y yaw accelerati on feedback Then, recursively define the state transformations: Where 1 , 2 represent robust fictitious control terms to overcome bounded uncertainties. © 2018 C ol lins Aerospac e, a U ni ted Technologies c ompany. All rights reserved. 27 This document does not contain any export controlled technical data.
Recursive Design for Coupled Pitch/Yaw Controller Choosing the desired dynamics to map to a stable linear system: Design gains: k1 , k2 The Design Equation (without robust terms) is: Where: Assume that , , q , m, vm are known parameters, and define the body normal accelerations to be: a z 1 Fz aB a y m Fy Where Fz and Fy are the aerodynamic forces normal to the body x axis. We write the Recursive Design Equation for an acceleration controller: © 2018 C ol lins Aerospac e, a U ni ted Technologies c ompany. All rights reserved. 28 This document does not contain any export controlled technical data.
Recursive Design for Coupled Pitch/Yaw Controller © 2018 C ol lins Aerospac e, a U ni ted Technologies c ompany. All rights reserved. 29 This document does not contain any export controlled technical data.
Recursive Design for Coupled Pitch/Yaw Controller Using just the pitch and yaw dynamic equations and assuming p = 0, we can compute the rate of change in alpha and beta: Then, assuming small angle approximations for alpha and beta: © 2018 C ol lins Aerospac e, a U ni ted Technologies c ompany. All rights reserved. 30 This document does not contain any export controlled technical data.
Recursive Design for Coupled Pitch/Yaw Controller Using approximations for the time derivatives of alpha and beta: We will solve for the control input to give the required body angular accelerations … © 2018 C ol lins Aerospac e, a U ni ted Technologies c ompany. All rights reserved. 31 This document does not contain any export controlled technical data.
Recursive Design for Coupled Pitch/Yaw Controller Recalling the recursive design equation, and using the pitch-yaw acceleration and body rate vectors: a q a B Z , ωB a Y r We can substitute the preceding results into the design equation Fz Fz F Fy Fy Where we have defined © 2018 C ol lins Aerospac e, a U ni ted Technologies c ompany. All rights reserved. 32 This document does not contain any export controlled technical data.
Recursive Design for Coupled Pitch/Yaw Controller Now, provided F is invertible, we can solve the recursive design equation, for the required body angular accelerations: Equating to the body moment equations: We can solve for the body moments required to give the desired body acceleration response: Then, we “invert” the aerodynamic moment equations to find the pitch and yaw control input deflections that will give the required body moments above. © 2018 C ol lins Aerospac e, a U ni ted Technologies c ompany. All rights reserved. 33 This document does not contain any export controlled technical data.
C o n v e n t i o n s f o r Ae r o d y n a m i c D e f i n i t i o n s Body Rates Body Velocities, Body Axes & Forces X & Moments p, L u, Fx X X q, M v, Fy Y Y Y r, N w, Fz Z Z Z where : Pitch Plane Yaw Plane Angle of Attack Stability Stability Axes Angle of Side Slip Axes X X Canard Deflection, V p, q, r Body Rates V Y u, v, w Body Velocities Y L, M, N Body Moments Fx , Fy , Fz Body Forces Z Z © 2018 C ol lins Aerospac e, a U ni ted Technologies c ompany. All rights reserved.
H y p o t h e t i c a l P r o j e c t i l e Ae r o d y n a m i c s M o d e l Define aerodynamic forces and moments in the pitch and yaw axes in terms of alpha, beta, and the pitch and yaw control deflections as: Fz q Sref CZ ( , , P ) Aero Force along body z axis Fy q Sref CY ( , , Y ) Aero Force along body y axis m q Sref lref Cm ( , , P ) Aero Pitching Moment n q Sref lref Cn ( , , Y ) Aero Yawing Moment Where: q dynamic pressure, Sref reference area, lref reference length Assume aerodynamic coefficients are the following functions of alpha, beta, pitch and yaw control deflections (in degrees): CZ ( , , P ) .000103 3 .00945 .017 .00055 2 .034 P Coupled CY ( , , Y ) .000103 3 .00945 .017 .00055 2 .034Y Nonlinear Equations Cm ( , , P ) .000215 3 .0195 .051 .015 .700 P in Alpha Cn ( , , Y ) .000215 3 .0195 .051 .015 .700Y and Beta © 2018 C ol lins Aerospac e, a U ni ted Technologies c ompany. All rights reserved. 35 This document does not contain any export controlled technical data.
Aerodynamic Force and Moment Coefficients for a Hypothetical Projectile as Function of Alpha, Beta for Delta = 0 Aero Moments Coefficients - delta = 0 Aero Force Coefficients - delta = 0 15 20 15 10 10 5 5 Cm 0 Cz 0 -5 -5 -10 -15 -10 -20 50 -40 -15 0 -20 50 0 40 20 0 20 -50 40 -20 0 -50 -40 beta - deg alpha - deg beta - deg alpha - deg © 2018 C ol lins Aerospac e, a U ni ted Technologies c ompany. All rights reserved. 36 This document does not contain any export controlled technical data.
Aerodynamic Force and Moment Coefficients for a Hypothetical Projectile as Function of Alpha, Beta and Delta -Cm at +alpha indicates Neutrally stable with zero stable airframe delta around alpha = 0 Hypothetical Projectile Aero Coefficients, Beta =0 25 20 10 deg delta to trim at 15 15 deg alpha 10 5 Cm 0 -5 -10 -15 + delta = + moment -20 -25 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 Alpha -deg delta = 20 delta = 15 6 delta = 10 delta = 5 delta = 0 4 delta = -5 delta = -10 2 delta = -15 delta = -20 + Alpha = - Fz Cz 0 -2 -4 -20 deg + delta = - accel -6 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 +20 deg Alpha -deg © 2018 C ol lins Aerospac e, a U ni ted Technologies c ompany. All rights reserved. 37 This document does not contain any export controlled technical data.
Recursive Pitch/Yaw Controller for the Hypothetical Projectile Using the Force Coefficient Polynomials: CZ ( , , P ) a1 3 a2 a3 a4 2 b1 P CY ( , , Y ) a1 3 a2 a3 a4 2 b1Y where : a1 0.000103, a2 0.00945, a3 0.017, a4 0.00055, b1 0.034 We can find the required “aero slopes” matrix: Fz Fz C z C z 180 F q Sref Fy Fy C y C y because ( , ) are in degrees! From the coefficient polynomials: CZ CZ 3a1 2 2a2 sign( ) a3 2a4 , a4 2 CY CY a4 2 , 3a1 2 2a2 sign( ) a3 2a4 © 2018 C ol lins Aerospac e, a U ni ted Technologies c ompany. All rights reserved. 38 This document does not contain any export controlled technical data.
Recursive Pitch/Yaw Controller for the Hypothetical Projectile Using F, we compute the required body angular rates and moments: Ignore – pitch and yaw components are zero if p = 0 a q where: a B Z , ω B are from the accelerometer and gyro feedbacks a Y r the following parameters are estimated in real-time: , Angle of Attack and Angle of Side Slip Note – in the autopilot we have let q dynmaic pressure w_b(2) = -r , therefore reverse the vm velocity of projectile sign of the required yaw moment! m mass of projectile J zz J yz J B pitch/yaw moments of intetial J yz J yy Inertia Coupling Included And k1 , k2 are gains chosen by the designer to place the poles of the feedback linearized system. © 2018 C ol lins Aerospac e, a U ni ted Technologies c ompany. All rights reserved. 39 This document does not contain any export controlled technical data.
Recursive Design Applied to the Hypothetical Projectile Finally, we use the aerodynamic moment equations: Cm ( , , P ) c1 3 c2 c3 c4 d1 P Note: Pitch and Yaw Control Contributions May Not be Cn ( , , Y ) c1 3 c2 c3 c4 d1 Y De-coupled in the Real World! where : c1 0.000215, c2 0.0195, c3 0.051, c4 0.015, d1 0.700 to solve for the pitch and yaw control deflections needed to give the required pitch and yaw moments: M pR C ( , , P ) M R q Sref lref m R Cn ( , , Y ) B MY so the pitch and yaw control deflection commands are : 1 1 P d1 q Sref lref M pR c1 3 c2 c3 c4 Note – in the autopilot we have let w_b(2) = -r , therefore reverse the sign of the required yaw moment! 1 M YR c1 3 c2 c3 c4 1 Y d1 q Sref lref where again the parameters : , , q , are estimated in real - time, and Sref and lref are the known reference area and length. © 2018 C ol lins Aerospac e, a U ni ted Technologies c ompany. All rights reserved. 40 This document does not contain any export controlled technical data.
Hypothetical Projectile Parameters A totally fictitious configuration intended as a model to study guidance and control issues for guided projectiles. Model Parameters Parameter Value Units Diameter 140 mm Mass 50 kg Xcg (from nose) 1.0 m Ixx 0.200 Kg-m^2 Iyy = Izz 18.00 Kg-m^2 Iyz = Izy 0.50 Kg-m^2 Sref (aero reference area) 0.0154 m^2 Lref (aero reference length) 1.0 m MRC (aero model ref center) 1.0 m © 2018 C ol lins Aerospac e, a U ni ted Technologies c ompany. All rights reserved. 41 This document does not contain any export controlled technical data.
MATLAB/Simulink Simulation © 2018 C ol lins Aerospac e, a U ni ted Technologies c ompany. All rights reserved. 42 This document does not contain any export controlled technical data.
MATLAB/Simulink Simulation Results Simultaneous Pitch and Yaw Step Commands Full Coupled Nonlinear Aero Model with Inertia Coupling Pitch Channel response Yaw Channel response 100 command 100 command 2 Pitch Accel - m/s 2 Yaw Accel - m/s 50 50 0 0 -50 -50 -100 -100 0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20 10 10 5 5 alpha - deg beta - deg 0 0 -5 -5 -10 -10 0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20 100 100 Pitch Rate - deg/s Yaw Rate - deg/s 50 50 0 0 -50 -50 -100 -100 0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20 4 5 delta Pitch - deg delta Yaw - deg 2 0 0 -2 -4 -5 0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20 Time - sec Time - sec © 2018 C ol lins Aerospac e, a U ni ted Technologies c ompany. All rights reserved. 43 This document does not contain any export controlled technical data.
MATLAB/Simulink Simulation Results Simultaneous Pitch and Yaw Step Commands at Different Frequencies Full Coupled Nonlinear Aero Model with Inertia Coupling Pitch Channel Yaw Channel response response 100 100 command command 2 Pitch Accel - m/s 2 Yaw Accel - m/s 50 50 0 0 -50 -50 -100 -100 0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20 10 10 5 5 alpha - deg beta - deg 0 0 -5 -5 -10 -10 0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20 100 100 Pitch Rate - deg/s Yaw Rate - deg/s 50 50 0 0 -50 -50 -100 -100 0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20 4 4 delta Pitch - deg delta Yaw - deg 2 2 0 0 -2 -2 -4 -4 -6 0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20 Time - sec Time - sec © 2018 C ol lins Aerospac e, a U ni ted Technologies c ompany. All rights reserved. 44 This document does not contain any export controlled technical data.
Su mmary an d C on cl u si on s • Precision Guided Projectiles Pose Challenging Guidance, Navigation and Control Problems • GENEX Guidance Law Provides an Analytical Solution to the Optimal Guidance Problem • Nonlinear Recursive Control Design Approach Demonstrated to Get Analytical Solution for Pitch/Yaw Autopilot for a Hypothetical Projectile with Coupled Nonlinear Aerodynamics and Off-Diagonal Inertia Coupling Terms. • Method requires computation of “slopes” of aerodynamic force functions, and inverse of aero moment functions • Good tracking control can be achieved without addition of integrators to controller • Good method for getting quick “simulation quality” controller • Problems may occur if aerodynamic partial derivatives matrix becomes ill- conditioned • Additional terms can be added to provide robustness to bounded uncertainties and un-modelled nonlinear dynamics © 2018 C ol lins Aerospac e, a U ni ted Technologies c ompany. All rights reserved. 45 This document does not contain any export controlled technical data.
REFERENCES 1. Ernest J. Ohlmeyer and Craig A. Phillips, “Generalized Vector Explicit Guidance”, AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics, Vol. 29, No. 2, March-April 2006 2. Buffington, J. M., Enns, D. F., and Teel, A. R., “Control Allocation and Zero Dynamics, AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference, San Diego, CA, Aug. 1996. 3. Colgren, R., and Enns, D, “Dynamic Inversion Applied to the F-117A”, AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference, New Orleans, LA, Aug. 1997. 4. Hull, R. A., “Dynamic Robust Recursive Control Design and Its Application to a Nonlinear Missile Autopilot,” Proceedings of the 1997 American Control Conference, Vol. I, pp. 833-837, 1997. 5. Buffington, J. M. , and Sparks, A. G., “Comparison of Dynamic Inversion and LPV Tailless Flight Control Law Designs”, Proceedings of the American Control Conference, June, 1998. 6. Hull, R. A., Ham, C., and Johnson, R. W., Systematic Design of Attitude Control System for a Satellite in a Circular Orbit with Guaranteed Performance and Stability, Proceedings of the 14th Annual AIAA/Utah State University Small Satellite Conference, August, 2000. 7. McFarland, M. B. and Hogue, S. M., “ Robustness of a Nonlinear Missile Autopilot Designed Using Dynamic Inversion”, AIAA 2000-3970. 8. Slotine, J.-J. E., and Li, W., Applied Nonlinear Control, Prentice Hall, 1991. 9. Krstic, M., Kanellakopoulos, I., Kokotivic, P., Nonlinear and Adaptive Control Design, John Wiley & Sons, 1995. 10. Qu, Z., Robust Control of Nonlinear Uncertain Systems, John Wiley & Sons, 1998. 11. Khalil, H. K., Nonlinear Systems, Third Edition, Prentice Hall, 2002. © 2018 C ol lins Aerospac e, a U ni ted Technologies c ompany. All rights reserved. 46 This document does not contain any export controlled technical data.
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