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          International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology (2010), 60, 249–266                         DOI 10.1099/ijs.0.016949-0

            Taxonomic                           Notes on the characterization of prokaryote strains
            Note                                for taxonomic purposes
                                                B. J. Tindall,1 R. Rosselló-Móra,2 H.-J. Busse,3 W. Ludwig4 and P. Kämpfer5
            Correspondence                      1
                                                  DSMZ-Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen und Zellkulturen GmbH, Inhoffenstraße 7B,
            Brian J. Tindall                      D-38124 Braunschweig, Germany
                                                  Grup de Microbiologia Marina, Departament d’Ecologia I Recursos Marins, IMEDEA (CSIC-UIB),
                                                  C/Miquel Marqués 21, E-07190, Esporles, Spain
                                                  Institut für Bakteriologie, Mykologie und Hygiene, University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna,
                                                  Veterinärplatz 1, A-1210 Vienna, Austria
                                                  Lehrstuhl für Mikrobiologie, Technische Universität München, Am Hochanger 4, D-85354
                                                  Freising-Weihenstephan, Germany
                                                  Institut für Angewandte Mikrobiologie, Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen, Heinrich-Buff-Ring 26-
                                                  32 (IFZ), D-35392 Giessen, Germany

                                                Taxonomy relies on three key elements: characterization, classification and nomenclature. All three
                                                elements are dynamic fields, but each step depends on the one which precedes it. Thus, the
                                                nomenclature of a group of organisms depends on the way they are classified, and the
                                                classification (among other elements) depends on the information gathered as a result of
                                                characterization. While nomenclature is governed by the Bacteriological Code, the classification
                                                and characterization of prokaryotes is an area that is not formally regulated and one in which
                                                numerous changes have taken place in the last 50 years. The purpose of the present article is to
                                                outline the key elements in the way that prokaryotes are characterized, with a view to providing an
                                                overview of some of the pitfalls commonly encountered in taxonomic papers.

          INTRODUCTION                                                              placement of a genus in a family should be mentioned, and
                                                                                    this can be extended to the other hierarchical levels as these
          The characterization of a strain is a key element in
                                                                                    become defined. Although this approach may appear
          prokaryote systematics. Although various new methodo-
                                                                                    novel, with much emphasis currently being placed on the
          logies have been developed over the past 100 years, both
                                                                                    species, the advent of 16S rRNA gene sequencing forces us
          the newer methodologies and those considered to be
                                                                                    to choose between primers that are specific for members of
          ‘traditional’ remain key elements in determining whether a
                                                                                    the Archaea or for members of the Bacteria, so the first step
          strain belongs to a known taxon or constitutes a novel one.
                                                                                    in that direction is already routine in many laboratories.
          In the case of a known taxon, a selected set of tests may be
                                                                                    However, such a classification system is only possible if
          used to determine whether a strain has been identified as a
                                                                                    strains are comprehensively and properly characterized. A
          member of an existing taxon. However, in the case of a                    further key element is the way in which datasets are
          strain or set of strains shown to be novel taxa, they                     compared and it is here too that some degree of guidance
          should be characterized as comprehensively as possible.                   and a discussion of the potential problems needs to be
          The goal of this characterization is to place them within                 provided. In the case of species, various recommendations
          the hierarchical framework laid down by the                               have been made with respect to the ways in which species
          Bacteriological Code (1990 revision) (Lapage et al.,                      may be delineated and it is important to consider these
          1992), as well as to provide a description of the taxa.                   aspects when considering how new strains are to be placed
          Strains should be allocated to species (and/or subspecies),               in novel species. However, far too little attention has been
          but the nature of the ‘species name’ (a binomial or                       paid to the way in which taxa above the rank of species
          combination) dictates that it must also be assigned to a                  should be characterized and modern prokaryote taxonomy
          genus. The genus may be either an existing or a novel                     would benefit from paying greater attention to the ranks
          genus. The Bacteriological Code also recommends that the                  above those of species.

          Abbreviations: AFLP, amplified fragment-length polymorphism; DDH,         The purpose of the present article is to deal with current
          DNA–DNA hybridization; LPS, lipopolysaccharides; MLSA, multilocus         methodologies and to outline how these methods should
          sequence analysis; MLST, multilocus sequence typing.                      be best used and implemented. It does not set out to guide

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B. J. Tindall and others

the reader as to how the results should be interpreted,         published. Data may be supplied by colleagues who do not
although there are some aspects that are not widely             wish to be co-authors, but have given their consent for the
appreciated, where an indication of the value of the dataset    results to be published, or they may be supplied as part of a
may be helpful. The article is divided into genetic             scientific service. In both cases, the source of the data
(including protein sequence-based methods) and pheno-           should be given clearly and unambiguously in order to
typic methods. The latter include aspects such as cell shape,   make it obvious that the data were not collected by the
size, physiological and biochemical tests, as well as methods   authors. Methods must be given.
of chemical analysis of the cell.
                                                                The importance of types
Information on the strains being studied
                                                                It should be remembered that in prokaryote taxonomy
In a publication, the information presented on the              the inclusion of types is of central importance. Although
strains being studied should be as complete as possible.        not laid down by the Code, since the Code deals with
It should include the location from which the strains           matters of nomenclature and not matters of taxonomy, it is
were isolated (geographical references may also include         taxonomic common sense to include all type strains that
GPS or latitude/longitude data where possible), the             are relevant to a study. Where members of different genera
strain designations (including any culture collection           are included and not all species belonging to those genera
accession numbers) and any information that relates to          can be taken into consideration, the inclusion of the type
the environment from which the strains were isolated            species of the genera under study is of utmost importance.
(e.g. pH, salinity, temperature, chemical composition of        Naturally, the type strain of that type species must be used.
the environment, depth of the water column or soil              It must be emphasized that the type species of the genus is
profile). However, care should be taken in using such data      the most important reference organism to which a novel
to formulate conclusions regarding the ecological signifi-      species has to be compared if it is considered to be a
cance of the novel strain in the environment without            member of the same genus. Other species of the same
further studies (role of the organism in the environment,       genus may be misclassified and may be subject to
cell counts, etc.). Note that it is unacceptable to cite a      reclassification in the future. Similarly, a species placed in
culture collection number if that strain has not been           a new genus must be compared with species of closely
obtained directly from a collection (e.g. DSM 1234 vs           related taxa, which must include the type species of the
derived from strain DSM 1234 and supplied by x). This           genera under study. In the case of comparisons across
information may also be required by culture collections or      families, the type genera must be included, and by
databases such as GenBank, DDJB or EBI/EMBL and it is           extension, the type strains of the type species of the type
the responsibility of the author(s) to make sure that all the   genera. Many papers published in the IJSEM seriously
information is consistent in order to avoid the accumula-       violate this elementary taxonomic principle. It should be
tion of errors. Where reference is made to a strain as a        borne in mind that the types of certain taxa may be
type strain, this should be clearly indicated in the            organisms that are pathogenic to humans, animals or
publication, database entry (GenBank/DDBJ /strain5              plants. Not all researchers have access to the facilities or
‘,strain_id.’ /note5‘,type strain of. ,Genus. ,spe-             permits for handling such organisms. This should be taken
cies.’ or EMBL /strain5‘type strain: ,strain_id.’), or          into consideration before research is begun and also by the
the culture collection accession form. The current policy of    editors of manuscripts that would normally require
GenBank, DDBJ and EBI/EMBL is not to accept new                 comparative studies with such organisms.
taxonomic names until they have appeared in print. In order
for the database staff to update the names, it is important
that the strain can be accurately identified by using the
                                                                GENETIC-BASED METHODS
associated information submitted to the database. This
information will also enable the entry to be linked to the      Modern prokaryote taxonomy has been strongly influenced
relevant publication.                                           by developments in genetic methods. The elucidation of
                                                                the structure of DNA and the deciphering of the genetic
                                                                code were major steps forward in biology. The long-term
Source of the data in the publication                           goal of researchers in the 1950s was to be able to gain rapid
The data presented in a manuscript may be derived from a        access to the genome sequence data, a goal that was realized
number of different sources. Original data should be based      by the mid 1990s. Even prior to the elucidation of whole
on results collected using the methods described in the text.   genome sequences, the widely differing DNA G+C values
So that others may repeat the experimental work described       within the prokaryotes were recognized as having a direct
in a paper, the methods used should be given clearly or a       link to codon usage (De Ley, 1968), a topic that is
reference should made to another publication in which the       becoming more transparent as more genomes are
methods are fully described. When data are extracted from       sequenced. The development of nucleic acid hybridization
the literature, clear and unambiguous references should be      methods (DNA–DNA and DNA–RNA) has allowed the
made to the publication(s) in which the data were first         indirect comparison of gene sequences. The introduction

250                                                             International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 60
Characterization of strains for taxonomic purposes

of the analysis of the 16S rRNA gene by cataloguing (Fox et            CLUSTAL_X, CLUSTAL W, CLUSTAL X2, CLUSTAL W2,
al., 1977), reverse transcriptase-sequencing (Sanger et al.,           MEGA, T-COFFEE, MUSCLE),   followed by manual editing.
1977; Lane et al., 1988) and finally PCR-based gene                   Evaluate the alignment of new and reference sequences
sequencing (Saiki et al., 1988) has provided a useful                  with respect to primary and secondary structure
working hypothesis on which other elements may be                      consensus. The alignment MUST be made available to
compared when investigating the taxonomy and evolution                 the editors and reviewers at the time of manuscript
of prokaryotes. It is realistic to assume that the recognition         submission – this should be extended to the deposition
of novel taxa often centres on the use of 16S rRNA gene-               of the alignments as supplementary data as outlined
based techniques. Despite the widespread use of 16S rRNA               below. Examples of programs that can display secondary
gene sequencing, there are a number of points that need to             structure for sequence editing are ARB and PHYDIT
be considered when evaluating the data. 16S rRNA gene                  (, which has been
sequences are one of the most widely used datasets.                    discontinued in favour of jPHYDIT (http://plaza.
Although there is justification for using 23S rRNA gene      ; Jeon et al., 2005).
sequences, this dataset is currently much smaller and the              RnaViz (De Rijk et al., 2003; http://rnaviz.sourceforge.
16S rRNA gene sequence presently remains the gene                      net/) was also developed specifically to display RNA
sequence of choice. As more whole genome sequences                     secondary structure. The Gutell Lab. at the University of
become available, a greater selection of genes with different          Austin Texas maintains the Comparative RNA website
degrees of resolution will become available.                           and project ( and this
                                                                       resource is an excellent source of reference secondary
Recommendations for sequence analysis of the                           RNA structures.
16S rRNA gene                                                         Pairwise nucleotide sequence similarity values should
                                                                       be calculated with caution. The following should be
Primary data quality                                                   considered:
     Use (almost) complete sequences.
     Check the quality of new and reference sequences:                  (i) the way in which the similarity was calculated
      ambiguities, primary and secondary structure con-                      should be given in detail. The following
      sensus violations, overlay of potential cistron                        programs are recommended for similarity
      heterogeneities (direct PCR fragment sequencing).                      calculations: ARB, PHYDIT and jPHYDIT.
      The quality of the sequences should also be checked                    Programs such as CLUSTAL or PHYLIP give the
      against a set of properly aligned sequences (see                       dissimilarity values. EzTaxon (www.eztaxon.
      below). The quality should be checked before                           org) provides a web-based tool.
      sequences are deposited in databases, used in                     (ii) pairwise similarity values obtained from local
      publications or sent to culture collections along                      alignment programs, such as BLAST and FASTA,
      with type strain deposits.                                             should not be used. These programs are
     Remember that the sequence databases are full of                       primarily useful for database searches.
                                                                       (iii) corrected evolutionary distance (e.g. Jukes and
      incorrectly labelled and poor quality sequences.
                                                                             Cantor model) should not be used for pairwise
      There is NO justification for using a sequence of
                                                                             similarity calculations.
      poor quality/dubious origin simply because it is in
                                                                       (iv) full-length sequences should always be used.
      the database. When characterizing new taxa, a
      taxonomist should use the best quality data                Assignment to defined taxa
      available, including resequencing if appropriate.               Overall sequence similarity values (ranges) might be
                                                                       sufficient if comprehensive high quality reference
Multiple alignment
                                                                       datasets are available. There is extensive documented
     The use of expert-maintained seed alignments                     evidence that two strains sharing less than 97 % 16S
      comprising only high quality sequence data is highly             rRNA gene sequence similarity are not members of
      recommended, e.g. ARB (, RDP                     the same species (Amann et al., 1992; Collins et al.,
      (, SILVA (www.arb-sil-                   1991; Fox et al., 1992; Martı́nez-Murcia & Collins, and LTP (                1990; Martı́nez-Murcia et al., 1992). There have been
      tree/). The European rRNA database at the                        suggestions that this value should be set higher;
      Department of Plant Systems Biology, University of               however, it should be remembered that the values
      Gent, is no longer updated (as of February 2007) but             should be based on almost full-length, high quality
      a link is provided to the SILVA website. A limitation            sequences. 16S rRNA gene sequences alone do not
      is that seed alignments may not be universally                   describe a species, but may provide the first
      compatible with some of the programs used by                     indication that a novel species has been isolated
      authors of articles in the IJSEM. Alternatively, high            (less than 97 % gene sequence similarity). Where
      quality sequences that were not previously aligned               16S rRNA gene sequence similarity values are more
      can be obtained from public databases and aligned                than 97 % (over full pairwise comparisons), other
      using robust multiple alignment programs (e.g.                   methods such as DNA–DNA hybridization or                                                                                                   251
B. J. Tindall and others

      analysis of gene sequences with a greater resolution             sequences should be removed or the organism in
      must be used. These methods must also be                         question should be resequenced.
      correlated with the characterization based on                   Establish sequence conservation profiles for the
      phenotypic tests. While the resolving power of the               group of interest and higher ranks (Ludwig &
      16S rRNA gene with respect to the delineation of                 Klenk, 2001; Peplies et al., 2008).
      novel species has been extensively debated, less                Use these profiles as filters to recognize branch
      attention has been paid to other taxonomic ranks,                attraction effects probably resulting from plesio-
      such as the genus. 16S rRNA gene sequence                        morphic sites. Alignment columns should be succes-
      similarities between strains belonging to the same               sively removed according to positional variability and
      genus may vary dramatically from ~97 % in members                the resulting tree topologies compared. Applying no
      of the family Enterobacteriaceae and some members of             and 50 % filters has proved to be a reasonable
      the Actinomycetes, etc., to much lower levels, for               compromise. The filters MUST be clearly and
      example, in the genera Deinococcus and Hymenobacter.             unambiguously identified otherwise the work is
      This variation may be in part due to either an                   NOT reproducible. When taxonomic interpretation
      overinflation of the number of genera (high similarity           is based on filters/masks, these MUST be identified in
      values) or a failure to recognize the presence of                the alignments that accompany the paper.
      additional taxa (low similarity values).                        Apply alternative treeing methods (distance matrix,
     At values above ~95 % 16S rRNA gene sequence                     maximum-parsimony, maximum-likelihood meth-
      similarity (over full pairwise comparisons), taxa                ods). The latter two are to be preferred; distance
      should be tested by other methods to establish                   matrix methods should be used for raw screening
      whether separate genera are present. In BOTH                     only (Ludwig & Klenk, 2001; Peplies et al., 2008).
      cases, the establishment of novel species or new                 The use of different methods of evaluation using the
      genera (irrespective of the degree of sequence                   same dataset does not identify effects such as gene
      similarity) should be clearly and unambiguously                  transfer or convergent or parallel evolution.
      documented. In the case of species, authors should               Credibility should be given to other datasets
      document differences between the novel species and               (alternative genes and non-sequence based meth-
      existing species within the genus. If the genus is too           ods) that have been shown to reflect evolution.
      heterogeneous (e.g. members of the genera Bacillus or           As many high quality sequence data as possible should
      Clostridium), then the authors should provide a                  be included and balanced datasets (with respect to the
      reasonable scientific justification for using only a             phylogenetic spectrum) should be preferred to reduce
      limited set of species from the genus. However, the              bias resulting from branch attraction effects (Ludwig
      type species of the genus in question must be                    & Klenk, 2001; Peplies et al., 2008). New maximum-
      included. In the case of genera, reasonable attempts             likelihood software tools are available (PHYML, RAXML),
      should be made to differentiate the new genus from               which allow the inclusion of a reasonable number of
      other genera that are ‘closely related’. Many genus              sequences.
      descriptions published in recent years do not                   Remember that all methods are based on underlying
      distinguish the new genus from existing genera,                  assumptions. If the dataset violates those assumptions
      violating an elementary principle in taxonomy. A                 (which is often difficult to test), then the tree
      95 % gene sequence similarity ‘lower cut-off window’             produced may well be the most parsimonious or
      for genera seems reasonable, but in practice it may not          most likely, but it is not necessarily the ‘correct’
      be easy to implement. A key issue is often the                   answer in terms of the true evolution.
      interpretation of chemotaxonomic data and few                   Never use sequences from single distantly related
      scientists now have extensive experience of this                 organisms as (an) outgroup(s) (branch attraction!).
      procedure. A recent article (Yarza et al., 2008) has             The group of interest is the ingroup, the remaining
      also indicated that a ‘lower cut-off window’ of 95 %             taxa included in the tree serve as outgroups for that
      16S rRNA gene sequence similarity may be reasonable,             ingroup.
      but it must be emphasized that this was based on the            Always include sequences of the appropriate types –
      evaluation of taxa that are delineated by a broad                type strains for species, the type strain of the type
      spectrum of methods and not on 16S rRNA gene                     species for genera, etc. (this applies to ALL datasets!).
      sequences alone.
                                                                Presentation of trees
Graphical representation – phylogenetic trees                         If properly described (via the methods section and in the
     Use (almost) complete high quality sequences.                    legends to the figures), it is acceptable to visualize only
     Use high quality alignments.                                     the part(s) of trees based on comprehensive datasets (as
     Do not mix full and partial sequences.                           recommended) that is (are) of importance in the
     Never truncate an alignment to the region covered                context of the taxonomic assignment or description.
      by partial sequences (due to a reduction in the                 If properly described (via the methods section and in
      information content) – instead the truncated                     the legends to the figures), it is acceptable to show

252                                                             International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 60
Characterization of strains for taxonomic purposes

      consensus trees visualizing local support (resolved        an extensive collection of literature on DNA–RNA
      topology) or discrepancies (multifurcation, shading,       hybridization, this method was eventually replaced by
      circles) that have been constructed by applying            16S rRNA gene sequencing. Those consulting the older
      different treeing methods and parameters.                  literature should remember that there is generally a good
     Alignments must be made available as supplementary         correlation between the results obtained in DNA–RNA
      material.                                                  experiments and 16S rRNA gene sequencing.
     Trees could be included as supplementary material.
                                                                 Recommendations for DNA–DNA hybridization (reasso-
     Details of the settings used for some methods, such a      ciation) experiments. DNA–DNA hybridization (DDH) is
      maximum-parsimony or maximum-likelihood ana-               to be performed in cases where the new taxon contains
      lysis, are rarely given – one can only assume that the     more than a single strain, in order to show that all
      ‘default settings’ have been used. The settings used in    members of the taxon have a high degree of hybridiza-
      all tree-construction methods should be clearly            tion among each other. DDH is necessary when strains
      indicated.                                                 share more than 97 % 16S rRNA gene sequence
     Only bootstrap proportions of 70 or higher should be       similarity. If the new taxon shows this high degree of
      included in the dendrogram.                                similarity to more than one species, DDH should be
                                                                 performed with all relevant type strains to ensure that there
Other methods of representing the results of
                                                                 is sufficient dissimilarity to support the classification of the
sequence analyses
                                                                 strain(s) as a new taxon. DDH can be performed using a
     The graphical representation (trees) of sequence data
                                                                 number of techniques. Most of them have been validated
      is currently a two-dimensional representation.
                                                                 and show comparable results (Grimont et al., 1980;
     Heat maps have also been used to some effect in the
                                                                 Rosselló-Móra, 2006).
      analysis of large datasets and are a further devel-
      opment of the shaded similarity matrices that have              The method (with all modifications) must be clearly
      been commonly used in numerical taxonomy in the                  cited. If a novel method is used, the authors must
      past (Lilburn & Garrity, 2004; Sneath & Sokal, 1973).            provide evidence that the new method produces
     Three or multi-dimensional representations of the data           comparable results to the established methods.
      may be preferable to two-dimensional representations.           DDH data must be provided for the type strain of
                                                                       the proposed novel species with all other strains of
Other genes                                                            the proposed novel species, and for the new type
     As indicated above, there is growing interest in the use         strain with the type strain(s) of the closest related
      of other genes with a greater degree of resolution               species with validly published names. At least one
      (protein-encoding genes) to resolve issues that are not          reciprocal value for DDH of the closest related
      solved by 16S rRNA gene sequencing.                              species to the new type strain must be provided.
     Typically multiple genes are used and the sequences              Note that when applying spectrophotometric meth-
      are either compared as individual datasets or                    ods carried out in solution, no reciprocal values can
      combined in concatenated sequences. In such cases,               be obtained as none of the DNAs are labelled (De
      the criteria laid down for the compilation of reliable           Ley et al., 1970). Standard deviations of at least
      datasets and expertly maintained alignments are                  three analyses must be given.
      important.                                                      DDH is optional for new taxa encompassing a single
                                                                       strain that shares less than 97 % 16S rRNA gene
Sequences of other conserved protein-encoding genes,                   sequence similarity to the closest neighbour.
typically housekeeping genes, can provide a higher resolu-            In prokaryote systematics, DDH methods have largely
tion than 16S rRNA gene sequences and can complement                   concentrated on the use of relative binding ratio
DNA–DNA relatedness or 16S rRNA gene sequence data for                 (RBR) methods. The results should be given as
taxonomic analysis at the species level. It can be expected            percentage binding or percentage hybridization. It
that multilocus sequence analysis (MLSA) and multilocus                has been recommended that only DNA from strains
sequence typing (MLST) schemes will become available                   sharing a difference in the melting temperature (DTm)
through publicly accessible databases. However, it is                  of 5 uC or less should be included. Methods using the
essential that the species delineations based on MLSA                  difference in melting point of the heterologous hybrid
schemes are corroborated with DNA–DNA hybridization                    compared with the homologous hybrid (DTm) have
data, thereby also validating the MLSA scheme itself.                  rarely been used in studies with prokaryotes, but have
                                                                       been widely used in zoology.
Nucleic acid hybridization methods
                                                                      Hybridizations are commonly performed at
The technique of DNA–DNA or DNA–RNA hybridization                      Tm230 uC and/or Tm215 uC (stringent conditions).
was introduced into prokaryote systematics from the 1960s              Tm is calculated on the basis of the known DNA G+C
onwards (Brenner et al., 1967; De Ley et al., 1966; Johnson            content of the strains to be hybridized. The temper-
& Ordal, 1968; McCarthy & Bolton, 1963; Pace &                         ature at which the hybridization is carried out must be
Campbell, 1971; Palleroni et al., 1973). Although there is             clearly stated.                                                                                                   253
B. J. Tindall and others

     A DDH value equal to or higher than 70 % has been                 able to substitute for DDH. ANI has been demon-
      recommended as a suitable threshold for the defini-               strated to correlate with DDH, where the range of ~
      tion of members of a species (Brenner, 1973; Johnson,             95–96 % similarity may reflect the current boundary
      1973; 1984; Wayne et al., 1987), but this value should            of 70 % DDH similarity (Goris et al., 2007). ANI may
      not be used as a strict species boundary (Ursing et al.,          substitute for DDH analyses in the near future.
      1995). A single species must embrace all the strains       Gene content
      that cannot be clearly discriminated by a stable                 The rate at which this area can develop is dependent on
      phenotypic property. A single species may embrace                 the number of sequenced genomes that are available.
      groups of strains with DNA–DNA hybridization                      Such studies rely on the distribution of particular genes
      values of less than 50 % that are indistinguishable by            and also on good annotation of the sequenced genomes
      means of other properties tested at the time.                     (Snel et al., 1999; Huson & Steel, 2004).
     A single species may contain several genomic groups              Where representatives of only a small number of taxa
      or genomovars (Ursing et al., 1995) that may be                   have been studied, the coverage may be insufficient to
      reclassified as novel species once clear and stable
                                                                        delineate taxa adequately. In the case of taxa where a
      discriminative phenotypic properties are found.
                                                                        larger number of strains have been sequenced, more
DNA G+C content                                                         detailed analyses are already possible.
                                                                       In the apparent absence of ways of defining or
DNA G+C content is still a useful parameter and its                     differentiating higher taxa, it is often not clear
relationship to codon usage is clearly illustrated in genome            whether a particular taxon may be over differentiated
analysis. It is also an important prerequisite for determin-            (e.g. members of the family Enterobacteriaceae) or
ing the conditions used in DNA–DNA hybridizations.                      under differentiated (e.g. members of the genus
While DNA G+C content may be fairly constant in a                       Deinococcus). Pre-conceived concepts and nomencla-
group, there are notable exceptions, particularly for                   tures can easily influence the interpretation of data.
obligate intracellular parasites. Deviations from the values
obtained for other members of the group may also be an           Multiple (gene) aligned sequence datasets
indication of problems with the strain being studied. The              The comparison of large datasets of aligned sequences
methods of choice are now HPLC-based (Ko et al., 1977;                  is usually based on the concatenation of the dataset. In
Tamaoka & Komagata 1984; Mesbah et al., 1989).                          such cases, there appears to be some preference for the
Although thermal stability of the native DNA and caesium                selection of genes that strengthen a particular
chloride density-gradient centrifugation are alternative                viewpoint. When comparing genomes across all
methods, these are now largely of historical interest (see              members of the Bacteria or between the Bacteria and
Johnson & Whitman, 2007; De Ley, 1970).                                 the Archaea, the major problem appears to be the
                                                                        limited dataset since there are only a small number of
Use of whole genome sequences                                           genes that appear to be universally distributed (Dagan
The drop in the price of sequencing whole genomes,                      & Martin, 2006).
together with the technical advances that have been made               Different algorithms or the selection of a smaller
suggest that routine sequencing of prokaryote genomes will              subset of genes may give different results (Wolf et al.,
be realistic in the near future. Further advances need to be            2001).
made in the annotation of the genome. The pilot phase                  As in the case of 16S rRNA gene sequencing, particular
study of the Genomic Encyclopedia of Bacteria and                       attention must be given to accurately reporting the
Archaea project (GEBA;                      quality of the alignment, to the annotation of the
grams/GEBA/index.html) is currently examining the feas-                 genome and to any form of secondary restrictions (use
ibility of sequencing all available type strains. The current           of masking/filters) used in the dataset.
plan is for the information to be published as short genome
                                                                 There is increasing interest in the use of such multilocus
reports in the open access journal Standards in Genomics
                                                                 sequencing methods to define species. However, it is clear
Sciences ( A key issue that
                                                                 that estimating the influence of recombination within a gene
remains is the reliable annotation of all genes in a genome
                                                                 pool is not an easy task. In some cases strains appear to have
since identifying gene homologies (preferably orthologues)
                                                                 clonal origin, whereas others appear to be almost freely
is of central importance in taxonomy. In principle, there
                                                                 combining. The development of the concept of the ecotype
are three basic approaches:
                                                                 indirectly puts emphasis on the process of ecological
Genome indexes                                                   selection on the organism, where it is the expressed
     There are several indexes that are obtained by             phenotype (at the level of the organism) rather than the
      comparing pairwise genomes that could be used in           gene that is exposed to direct selection (Cohan, 2002).
      taxonomy. Noteworthy are the Average Nucleotide
                                                                 Nucleic acid fingerprinting
      Identity (ANI; Konstantinidis et al., 2006) and
      Maximal Unique Matches (MUM; Deloger et al.,               In general, these methods provide information at the
      2009) indexes as they have been hypothesized to be         subspecies and/or strain level. Examples for these

254                                                              International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 60
Characterization of strains for taxonomic purposes

techniques are: amplified fragment-length polymorphism           relevant traits should be listed in the protologue of each
PCR (AFLP), macrorestriction analysis after pulsed field gel     taxon being described. At the rank of species and
electrophoresis (PFGE), random amplified polymorphic             subspecies, more than one representative strain should
DNA (RAPD) analysis, rep-PCR (repetitive element                 be included in order to determine which characteristics
primed PCR, directed to naturally occurring, highly              are stable and which are variable. The inclusion of
conserved, repetitive DNA sequences, present in multiple         suitable positive and negative controls should be empha-
copies in the genomes) including REP-PCR (repetitive             sized, particularly where test conditions differ from those
extragenic palindromic-PCR), ERIC-PCR (enterobacterial           given in standard reference works. The issue of the use of
repetitive intergenic consensus sequences-PCR), BOX-PCR          more than a single strain is raised at regular intervals
(derived from the boxA element), (GTG)5-PCR and                  (Christensen et al., 2001; Felis & Dellaglio, 2007). The
ribotyping. A major disadvantage of some of these                number of strains to be used is not (and cannot be) laid
fingerprint-based methods is that the results are often very     down by the Bacteriological Code (since it deals with
difficult to compare when they have been obtained in             nomenclature and not taxonomy or the characterization of
different laboratories due to the lack of standardization.       strains/taxa), but this does not diminish the importance of
Exceptions include AFLP and ribotyping since these               using more than a single strain. Morphological, physio-
approaches have been adequately standardized. DNA                logical and biochemical traits should be carefully evaluated
fingerprinting methods are of limited value for species          to determine those that are common (or even unique) to
descriptions, but when used properly they can be                 the taxon in question. Properties that are variable may be
valuable for identification at the species and subspecies        included in the protologue since they may indicate
levels. These typing techniques can however be very              subgroupings within the taxon in question.
useful to demonstrate whether or not isolates of a novel
taxon are members of a clone.
                                                                 Morphological criteria
                                                                      Cell shape and size. The diversity in cell form and its
PHENOTYPIC CHARACTERIZATION                                            underlying structural basis are now becoming
The phenotype of an organism is typically taken to be                  apparent, largely due to a combination of improved
restricted to parameters such as cell shape, colony                    methods of visualizing prokaryote cells, structural
morphology, biochemical tests, pH and temperature                      studies at the subcellular and molecular levels, and
optima, etc. However, such a definition is too limited or              genome sequencing. Although light microscopy may
simplistic and does not reflect the true scope of                      be adequate for describing coarse features of the cell,
phenotypic characteristics that can now be easily exam-                electron microscopic images have a higher resolu-
ined. Typically the chemical composition of the cell (fatty            tion. Depending on the organisms concerned, scanning
acid, polar lipid and respiratory lipoquinone composition,             electron micrographs may be used to show the
amino acid composition of the peptidoglycan of the cell                morphology of whole cells, while transmission electron
wall of Gram-positive bacteria, presence and size of                   micrographs may be used to determine the infrastruc-
mycolic acids, polyamine pattern, etc.) is included under a            ture of the cell envelope or the presence of cytoplasmic
separate heading, chemotaxonomy, but it is in essence a                inclusions, internal membrane structures, etc.
part of the phenotypic characterization of an organism. A             Cell shape and form should be adequately described
recently published collection of phenotypic methods has                and supported by appropriate photographs (including
incorporated references to standard chemotaxonomic                     electron micrographs). Photographs must be of good
methods under the category of phenotypic characteriza-                 quality and features discussed in the text must be
tion (Tindall et al., 2008). This publication includes, and is         evident in the photograph(s). In some cases, cells are
an extension of, the work by Smibert & Krieg (1994). This              simply rods with a uniform size and evenly rounded
view is adopted here and expands on principles outlined by             ends or cocci with a regular spherical shape. In other
two ad hoc committees of the ICSB (Wayne et al., 1987;                 cases, the ends of rods may have characteristic forms
Murray et al., 1990). Other references to methods useful for           or cocci that have just divided may have relatively flat
the phenotypic characterization of prokaryotes include                 adjoining surfaces. Spirilla and spirochaetes have
Bascomb (1987), Blazevic & Ederer (1975), Holdeman et                  different forms, with different amplitudes and wave-
al. (1977) and Barrow & Feltham (2004). This list is not               length. In extreme cases, cells may form spirals and
complete and reference to the appropriate published                    their diameter may be characteristic. Vibrios may also
minimal standards (a list of which is given later) should              be of different lengths and have different amplitudes.
be made where they are available.                                     Light microscope photographs of cells are best
                                                                       prepared by covering microscope slides with a thin
                                                                       layer of agar. Such slides may be used either while still
Morphology, physiology and biochemistry
                                                                       wet or air-dried and stored for later analysis. Wet
Examinations of morphological, physiological and bio-                  mounts should be examined for areas where cells are
chemical properties are the oldest tools for the                       well contrasted and form a single layer between the agar
characterization and classification of prokaryotes. All                surface and the coverslip (Pfennig & Wagener, 1986).                                                                                                   255
B. J. Tindall and others

     Special attention should be given to characteristic               distinguishes between cell-wall structures that allow
      features of the cell, such as apolar growth, the                  a dye complex to be washed out of the cell and those
      presence of stalks, or the fact that they undergo a life          that retain it. The structural basis of this reaction
      cycle (Caulobacter spp., Pirellula spp., etc.). The               has been described using electron microscopy
      formation of prosthecae, budding or branching are also            studies (Beveridge & Davies, 1983; Davies et al.,
      important characteristics, as is the formation of cell            1983). It should be noted that certain organisms
      aggregates (e.g. diplococci, sarcinas, chains of cells).          with a defective Gram-positive cell-wall structure
     Spore formation, endospores or exospores. In the                  may also stain Gram-negative (Wiegel, 1981) and
      case of endospore-forming organisms, the location                 that the reaction to the Gram stain may alter as the
      of the spores and their size in relation to the size of           cells age. However, such properties are not ran-
      the vegetative cell should be noted. In the case of               domly distributed, but are found in restricted
      exospores, features such as the formation of sporangia            groups of taxa.
      and the shape of the spores should be noted.                     In certain groups, such as members of the class
     The location of flagella should be noted with care:               Halobacteria, Gram staining may only work after the
      polar, subpolar or laterally inserted. Their occurrence           fixation of the cells. The stability of the cells at low salt
      in one location (tufts of flagella) or distributed at             concentrations or in the absence of salt may be a more
      different locations should be noted. Special care                 important feature than the Gram stain.
      should be taken to check whether strains are motile              Acid-fast staining has been used in the past for
      by standard tests or under the light microscope before            organisms that typically contain mycolic acids. A
      the strain is examined in an electron microscope since            detailed examination of the nature of the mycolic
      flagella may be lost during fixation.                             acids should be undertaken in such cases.
     Motility should be described accurately since both               Lipophilic cellular inclusions (e.g. polyhydroxybutyric
      the form and speed may be of significance. Some                   acid) may be stained with Sudan Black.
      organisms may be rapidly motile, others only slowly.             Extracellular polymers may be visualized by suspend-
      A distinction should be made between motility caused              ing cells in a solution of India Ink and observing wet
      by flagella and gliding or other forms of motility.               mounts under the microscope. Bright haloes around
     Intracellular structures visible under the light micro-           the cells indicate the presence of extracellular material,
      scope such as gas vacuoles, sulphur granules or                   such as polysaccharides.
      polyhydroxybutyrate granules should be investigated
      using appropriate methods.                                 Recommendations for phenotypic analyses
     When grown on solid surfaces, the shape and size of
      the colony, together with other features of the colony           The methods (with all modifications) must be clearly
                                                                        given. If novel methods are used, the authors must
      form, should be accurately noted. Standard textbooks
                                                                        provide evidence that the new method produces
      cover the diversity of colony shape and size, including
                                                                        comparable results to established methods.
      features such as the nature of the outer edge, whether
                                                                       Physiological and biochemical tests should be
      the colony is opaque or translucent and whether the
                                                                        carried out in test media and under conditions that
      colony has any visible additional structures/features.
                                                                        are identical or at least comparable. When different
      Some strains form rapidly spreading colonies, while
                                                                        methods are used, authors must provide evidence
      others are fairly compact.
                                                                        that they give comparable results.
     In cases where colonies are not formed, it is still
                                                                       Scientists are encouraged to use tests that may not be
      important to record whether cell material is pigmen-
                                                                        covered by API (bioMérieux) tests or Biolog (Biolog
      ted. Cellular pigments may be soluble either in water
                                                                        Inc.) test plates. Such tests may be documented in the
      or organic solvents. Typical pigments include carote-
                                                                        original literature or in minimal standards. For certain
      noids (which turn blue in the presence of concen-
                                                                        groups of organisms, the degradation of polymers is
      trated sulphuric acid), flexirubins (which change                 an important characteristic and should be tested by
      colour reversibly under acid and alkaline conditions),            appropriate methods. The use of multi-point inocu-
      (bacterio)chlorophyll [which is soluble in organic                lators and multi-well plates can be helpful for
      solvents, but becomes water soluble following saponi-             handling large numbers of strains.
      fication; treatment with acid results in the formation           It is important to differentiate between methods that
      of (bacterio)phaeophytin], melanin and pyocyanin                  require the demonstration of enzyme activity
      (fluorescence at 360 nm, reversible colour change at              (Bascomb, 1987; Blazevic & Ederer, 1975), growth
      acid/alkaline pH); this list is not exhaustive.                   on the substrate or metabolic activity without
                                                                        associated growth (Bochner, 1989).
                                                                       As a general recommendation, authors should
Staining behaviour of the cell
                                                                        include strains of the most closely related taxa for
     The Gram stain (Gram, 1884) is one of the oldest                  comparison in their phenotypic analysis rather than
      forms of staining the cells of prokaryotes and                    using the data from previously published work. The

256                                                              International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 60
Characterization of strains for taxonomic purposes

      comparisons must include the type strain of the            and members of the Erysipelothrix/Holdemania group. All
      type species of the appropriate genera. Exceptions         other murein-containing bacteria so far analysed exhibit
      may be made where laboratories have collected the          the A-type peptidoglycan. The amino acid composition of
      data used in previous publications themselves using        the peptide side chain, including the characteristic diamino
      identical methods.                                         acid is usually common to all species of a genus. However,
     Accurate citation of the source of the methods is          a higher degree of variability has been detected in the mode
      important, particularly where standard reference           of cross-linkage between the peptide side chains, which
      works may give more than one method. Authors               often differ among species of certain genera (e.g. members
      must clearly attribute the tests to the relevant           of the genus Microbacterium), but may also differ between
      reference work in which the test is described in detail.   strains of a single species as reported for Micrococcus luteus.
      In cases where more than one method for performing         Analysis of the peptidoglycan structure is a requirement for
      a particular test is given in a reference work, the        all members of novel Gram-positive genera when they are
      authors must indicate which of the methods was used,       described and at least the amino acid composition should
      e.g. lipase activity was determined using method 2         be provided for every novel Gram-positive species
      listed in Tindall et al. (2007).                           described. In the majority of cases, the amino acid
     All references to methods used should give the             composition of the peptide side chain of the type species
      source in which the method is described in detail,         of a novel genus may be shared by future species assigned
      allowing others to verify the method and the results       to the genus and hence it should be listed in the genus
      obtained. In many instances, reference is made to a        description as a characteristic trait. The complete
      work that itself also refers to another paper where        composition of the peptidoglycan of a novel species of a
      the method may, or may not, be described in detail.        recognized genus should be in agreement with the
      This can make it difficult to locate the original          characteristics of the genus and may provide differences
      publication and description of the method.                 in the interpeptide bridge that are useful for differentiation
                                                                 of the novel species from other species. A list of peptido-
                                                                 glycan variations can be found at
Chemical characterization                                        microorganisms/main.php?content_id=35. This system is
Chemical characterization of the cell (traditionally referred    slightly different to that developed by Schleifer & Kandler
to as chemotaxonomy) deals with various structural               (1972).
elements of the cell including the outer cell layers             Pseudomurein, a characteristic peptidoglycan, has been
(peptidoglycan, techoic acids, mycolic acids, etc.), the cell    detected in some Gram-positive staining members of the
membrane(s) (fatty acids, polar lipids, respiratory lipoquin-    Archaea, in which N-acetyl muramic acid is replaced by N-
ones, pigments, etc.) or constituents of the cytoplasm           acetyl talosuronic acid (König et al., 1982; 1983).
                                                                 Respiratory lipoquinones. Respiratory lipoquinones are
As a general recommendation, authors have to study the
                                                                 widely distributed in both anaerobic and aerobic organisms
chemotaxonomic features of the most closely related taxa
                                                                 within the Bacteria and Archaea. These may be divided into
for comparison, especially where novel genera are being
                                                                 two basic structural classes, naphthoquinones and
proposed. The discriminatory power of the different
                                                                 benzoquinones. A third class includes the benzothiophene
methods may vary (see specific comments below).
                                                                 derivatives, such as Sulfolobus quinone and Caldariella
                                                                 quinone, but data available to date indicate that this class is
Peptidoglycan. The discriminatory power of the structure
                                                                 restricted to members of the order Sulfolobales (Tindall, 2005).
of peptidoglycan is apparently restricted to Gram-positive
bacteria, whereas no variation has been reported among
members of the phylum Proteobacteria and phylum                  Benzoquinones
Bacteroidetes (Schleifer & Kandler, 1972). Analyses of the            Benzoquinones include ubiquinones, rhodoquinones
peptidoglycan structure can be performed at different                  and plastoquinones.
levels. The simplest analysis is the determination of the             Ubiquinones appear to be restricted to members of
characteristic diamino acid in the cross-linking peptide.              the classes Alphaproteobacteria, Gammaproteo-
Analysis of the peptidoglycan type (A type: cross-linkage of           bacteria and Betaproteobacteria (Tindall, 2005).
the two peptide side chains via amino acid three of one                Reports to the contrary should be treated with
peptide subunit to amino acid four of the other peptide                caution. Within members of the class Alphapro-
subunit; B type: cross-linkage of the two peptide side                 teobacteria, the predominant ubiquinone is Q-10,
chains via amino acid two of the one peptide subunit to                although some taxa are known with Q-9 or Q-11.
amino acid four of the other peptide subunit), mode of                 Members of the class Betaproteobacteria typically have
cross-linkage (direct or interpeptide bridge and amino                 Q-8, while there is a greater degree of variation within
acids in the bridge) and complete amino acid composition               the members of the class Gammaproteobacteria.
provide more detailed information. B type peptidoglycan is             Quinones Q-7 to Q-14 may be found in different
characteristic of all genera of the family Microbacteriaceae           taxa within the members of the class                                                                                                   257
B. J. Tindall and others

      Gammaproteobacteria, although there appears to be                  determined by 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis
      no evidence of organisms producing only Q-10 as the                (Tindall, 2005).
      major ubiquinone in members of this class. Members                It would appear that there are no differences in the
      of the genus Legionella typically synthesize more than             qualitative variation between strains within a species.
      one ubiquinone, with chain lengths between Q-10 and                Demethyl-, monomethyl-, dimethylmenaquinones
      Q-14 (Collins and Gilbart, 1983; Karr et al., 1982).               and menathioquinones also have characteristic distri-
     Some members of the classes Alphaproteobacteria and                bution patterns.
      Gammaproteobacteria may also synthesize menaquin-
      ones and rhodoquinones. Their relative concentra-
      tions are usually dependent on the substrates utilized      Methodological aspects
      and whether a strain is using oxygen as a terminal                Respiratory quinones should be extracted from cell
      electron acceptor. Based on the report of Hiraishi et              material taking care to avoid extremes of pH,
      al. (1984), there are betaproteobacterial taxa such as             exposure to strong light or highly oxidizing conditions.
      Rhodocyclus tenuis and Rubrivivax gelatinosus that, in            Pre-screening using TLC will identify the various
      addition to the synthesis of ubiquinones, also                     respiratory lipoquinone classes: ubiquinones, rhodo-
      synthesize menaquinone 8 (MK-8).                                   quinones, menaquinones, Sulfolobus-/Caldariella-quin-
     There is evidence for side chain modifications of the              ones, menathioquinones and demethyl-, monomethyl-
      ubiquinones in some methanotrophs (Collins, 1994).                 and dimethylmenaquinones.
                                                                        Separation of simple quinone mixtures may be
                                                                         undertaken using reverse phase TLC, but a properly
Naphthoguinones                                                          calibrated reverse phase HPLC column provides
     The vast majority of evolutionary lineages within the              greater reproducibility and allows more accurate
      Bacteria and Archaea that are known to produce                     quantification (Collins, 1994; Tindall, 2005).
      respiratory lipoquinones synthesize naphthoquinone                If quinones are detected that cannot be identified,
      (menaquinone) derivatives. These include menaquin-                 information such as UV-visible spectroscopy results
      ones, demethylmenaquinones, monomethylmenaquin-                    and accurate reports of the behaviour of the quinones
      ones, dimethylmenaquinones and menathioquinones                    in TLC and HPLC systems would be helpful. Full
      (Collins, 1985; Collins, 1994; Tindall, 2005).                     structural identification can usually be achieved by a
     The side chain lengths recorded to date of known                   combination of MS and NMR (Collins, 1994).
      respiratory lipoquinones range from 5 to 15 isopre-
      noid units.                                                 Hydrophobic side chains of lipids. Hydrophobic side
     The isoprenoid side chains are often fully unsaturated,     chains of intact lipids are typically obtained by alkaline or
      but certain groups have characteristic, stereospecific      acid hydrolysis of the intact lipids. A variety of side chains
      patterns of hydrogenation (saturation) in the side          has been recorded: members of the Bacteria contain a
      chain. Typically certain members of the class               diverse range of hydrophobic side chains in their lipids,
      Deltaproteobacteria and members of the class                whereas members of the Archaea have only isoprenoid-
      Halobacteria synthesize menaquinones in which one           based side chains.
      point of saturation occurs at the aliphatic end of the
      side chain. The isoprenoid side chains in members of        Isoprenoid-based ether-linked lipids
      the class Halobacteria are octaprenyl; in members of              Isoprenoid ether-linked side chains are currently
      the class Deltaproteobacteria they are penta- to                   only known to occur in members of the Archaea.
      heptaprenyl (Collins, 1994).                                       The stereochemistry of the glycerol-isoprenoid side
     In the high G+C Gram-positives, the isoprenoid side                chain is opposite to that found in the glycerol linked
      chains show different patterns of hydrogenation. In                to the hydrophobic side chains in members of the
      some cases, the first position of saturation is at the             Bacteria.
      second isoprenoid double bond (from the naphtho-                  In members of the Archaea, the intact glycerol
      quinone ring), followed by position three. In other                isoprenoid ethers are normally analysed and are
      cases, the second position of saturation is at the                 typically divided up into diethers, hydroxylated
      aliphatic end of the chain. There is currently a single            diethers, macrocyclic diethers, tetraethers, and polyol
      report of a tetra-hydrogenated menaquinone in which                derivatives of the tetraether. The presence of unsat-
      saturation is only present at the aliphatic end (Collins,          uration or penta- and hexa-cyclic rings is particularly
      1994).                                                             important in the further modification of the iso-
     Terminal ring structures have also been reported                   prenoid side chain.
      (Collins, 1994).                                                  Despite reports to the contrary, there is no reliable
     Fully saturated side chains have been reported in                  evidence that members of the Archaea have significant
      certain taxa within the Archaea.                                   amounts of ester-linked fatty acids in their lipids.
     The chain length, degree of saturation (if any) and               Care should be taken in choosing the methods of
      position of saturation closely follows groupings as                hydrolysis since some compounds (in particular

258                                                               International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 60
Characterization of strains for taxonomic purposes

      hydroxylated diethers) produce artefacts when hydro-             a variety of polar lipids found in specific groups of
      lysed under strongly acid conditions (Ekiel & Sprott,            bacteria. These compounds appear to be formed by
      1992; Sprott et al., 1990). On the other hand, some              the condensation of a fatty acid with a molecule with a
      ether-linked lipids are notoriously stable and specially         small molecular mass, such as an amino acid. Known
      developed methods are required to cleave all head                examples include sphingolipids (Naka et al., 2003),
      groups (Kumar et al., 1983; Nishihara et al., 2002).             capnines (Godchaux & Leadbetter, 1984) and alkyl-
      The methods used must be fully documented.                       amines (Anderson, 1983). Long chain diols (Pond et
     Ether-linked lipids can be rapidly detected using TLC            al., 1986) have also been reported to be a significant
      methods (Tornabene & Langworthy, 1979). They may                 component in the lipids of Thermomicrobium roseum.
      also be detected by HPLC (Demizu et al., 1992;                   Where such compounds are known to occur,
      Ohtsubo et al., 1993; Koga et al., 1998), high                   appropriate methods of analysis should be undertaken
      temperature GC (Nichols et al., 1993) or MS (de                  to ascertain whether they are actually present. The
      Souza et al., 2009; Macalady et al., 2004). There                methods used must be documented.
      appear to be no universal methods applicable to all
      compounds.                                                 Non-isoprenoid based-ether-linked lipids
                                                                      In addition to fatty acids, there is a diverse range of
Fatty acids and their derivatives                                      members of the Bacteria that synthesize ether-
     Fatty acids, ester-linked to the glycerol are typical            linked lipids. Typically they are either straight chain
      constituents of almost all members of the Bacteria.              or simple branched (not isoprenoid) side chains or
      The Sherlock MIS system (MIDI Inc.) provides a                   mono-unsaturated derivatives, with the point of
      comprehensive database, but this is certainly not                unsaturation adjacent to the ether bond (i.e.
      complete and there are some discrepancies that                   plasmalogens or vinyl ethers). Plasmalogens/vinyl
      need to be clarified or compounds that are currently             ethers are hydrolysed under acid conditions to give
      not included in the database.                                    dimethyl acetals that elute with the fatty acid methyl
     When determining the fatty acid patterns of strains,             esters prepared by acid catalysis during GC. Where
      the cultivation conditions of the strains should be              such compounds are known or suspected to occur in a
      identical prior to fatty acid extraction. There may be           group, efforts should be made to record their
      exceptions in cases where it is impossible to grow               presence/absence. There is evidence that dimethyl
      the organisms under the same conditions. These                   acetals have been reported to occur in some organisms
      must be carefully documented.                                    where hydroxylated fatty acids elute with the same
     When reporting fatty acids, all components that                  retention time and may have been mistakenly
      constitute 1 % or more of the fatty acids must be                identified as dimethyl acetals instead of the hydroxy-
      reported. In cases where major peaks are not                     lated fatty acid (Moore et al., 1994; Helander &
      identified, they will not be included in the peak-               Haikara, 1995). For example, 1,1-dimethoxy-12-
      naming table. In such instances, their presence must             methyl-pentadecane (C15 : 0 anteiso-DMA) exhibits
      be reported and the equivalent chain-length (ECL)                an ECL of 20.0008 in GC analyses compared with
      given. This will allow any future work on the                    C14 : 0 2-OH (Kämpfer et al., 2000).
      elucidation of the structure to link to the ECL given           Non-plasmalogen ethers in members of the Bacteria
      in publications.                                                 include both mono- and diethers (Langworthy et al.,
     When comparing patterns of fatty acids, it should be             1983, Rütters et al., 2001). They do not co-
      remembered that they generally do not fluctuate                  chromatograph with mono- or diethers from mem-
      significantly within a taxonomic group. Thus care                bers of the Archaea, but methods applicable to the
      should be taken of reports of branched chain fatty               analysis of such compounds are similar to those used
      acids in a group that otherwise synthesizes straight             for members of the Archaea.
      chain and unsaturated fatty acids. Similarly the
      presence or absence of hydroxylated fatty acids is         Polar lipids There is a vast diversity of polar lipids now
      generally characteristic and their unexpected absence      known to be present in prokaryotes and in many cases their
      or presence should be treated with caution.                structures have yet to be fully elucidated. There is currently
     When comparing fatty acid patterns, it is important to     no collective work that adequately covers all aspects of
      make appropriate comparisons. The Sherlock MIS             prokaryote lipids, although the work of Ratledge &
      (MIDI) system extracts fatty acids from intact cells       Wilkinson (1988) is a good starting point. Their
      (Miller, 1982) and comparisons with results that have      biosynthesis is also not fully understood. It should be
      been obtained from the lipid fraction(s) extracted from    emphasized that the polar lipid diversity is associated with
      cells or on fatty acid methyl ester mixtures that have     the cell membrane(s) and is not limited to just
      previously been separated into different classes by TLC    phospholipids. Given the large diversity, it is important
      are not sensible and can falsify any interpretations.      to document the lipids present by providing an image of
     In additional to simple fatty acids, there is growing      the thin layer plate stained with a reagent that will allow all
      evidence for the importance of modified fatty acids in     lipids to be visualized.                                                                                                   259
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