NORTON SOUTH Runcorn Local Policing Unit - Your West Cheshire

NORTON SOUTH Runcorn Local Policing Unit - Your West Cheshire
Runcorn Local Policing
                        NORTON SOUTH

Local News Update
Welcome to your September 2021 Newsle er for your area…
With autumn now in full swing, we expect to see longer darker
nights, which provide an ideal environment for criminality. Your
local Police officers, PCSO’s are out, and about in the community
to address any concerns that you have and to ensure you are safe.
We want to make sure that our resources are targeted in areas
where they are really needed and for that, we need your help.
With Halloween and Bonfire Night fast approaching, we will be
taking the opportunity this coming month to educate the local chil-
dren in our schools about staying safe during this busy period.
Resident’s voice leaflets have also been posted along with our
street of the week forms and are at Brookvale Community Centre.
These allow us to set our priori es for the Norton South area, if
you have a moment please fill in this quick survey.
Have a safe and happy Halloween and Bonfire Night

PC Amy Clarke and PCSO Georgie Griffiths
Norton South Beat Team

                               Police surgery ‐ upcoming mee ngs
          Police surgeries will now be back out in the community please check social media accounts for
         dates and times. Don’t forget you can however direct message social media channels at any time
         with a question or query. These accounts are not monitored 24/7 and there may be a slight delay
                                              in receiving a response.
                        Please always call 999 in an emergency and 101 for non-emergency.
NORTON SOUTH Runcorn Local Policing Unit - Your West Cheshire
News Stories From Your Local Area

  Resident have raised concerns in various areas of Norton South This
  month to local officers.
  These areas have all received a form to fill in along with the Residents
  Voice survey details.
  This will help officers to build a picture and evidence of issues raised.
  All forms are returned to your local officers who will then work with part-
  ner agencies to problem solve.
  This will help officers to build a picture and evidence of issues raised and
  refer t the correct agency for support.
NORTON SOUTH Runcorn Local Policing Unit - Your West Cheshire
News Stories From Your Local Area

  A 59 year old male received a 19 week custodial sentence a er being
  arrested and charged for a variety of offence at Broome Court.

  There has been several arrests and ongoing enquiries a er two serious
  reported incidents in Padstow Square.

  A 41 year old male known in the area has been arrested for possession
  with intent to supply class A drugs the male has ben remanded in
   custody whilst inves ga on con nue
NORTON SOUTH Runcorn Local Policing Unit - Your West Cheshire
News Stories From Your Local Area

  Group of youths are s ll causing alarm and distress to customers and
  staff at Padstow Square, loud and abusive language and behaviour.
  Males on electric bikes have also been reported speeding on the foot
  path in the area.
  Li er and drugs paraphernalia in the area has increased.
  Criminal damage to a Arriva bus as it passed Brookvale bus stop
  inves ga ons are ongoing.
  Residents in Broome Court concerned and distressed loud noise late on
   ll the night
  Norton South Beat team are con nuing to raise these issues at the
  Community Safety for support from other agencies.
NORTON SOUTH Runcorn Local Policing Unit - Your West Cheshire
News Stories From Your Local Area

                             We are s ll wai ng on the clearance of the graffi‐
                              and for the drains to be
                             cleared to prevent flooding, this will be raised at
                             the community safety mee ng
                             this month for an update.

  Males on electric bikes have also been reported speeding on the foot
  path in the area.

  There has been a large number of concerns for safety and missing
  persons Norton South this month all with happy outcomes with
  support networks and referral put in place to con nue support.

  There are also a high number of neighbour disputes that Norton South
  officers are dealing with and hoping to resolve some of these dispute
  are civil however we do offer and can organise media on.
NORTON SOUTH Runcorn Local Policing Unit - Your West Cheshire
News Stories From Your Local Area

  An elderly male who was ringing the 999 service regularly is now being
  supported by several agencies. Norton South beat team and tenancy
  Support from Onwards Homes has con nued to ask for support. We
  recently held a partner mee ng to ensure the gentleman is receiving
  the best possible support.

  A 9 year old child was hit by a vehicle on Murdishaw thankfully only
  sustained minor injuries. The driver was dealt with at the scene by

  There has been several incidents involving motor vehicles this month
  including a damage only Road Traffic Accident on Murdishaw Avenue
  where the driver of one the vehicle failed to stop, the vehicle was
  found and the driver is being dealt with for offences.
NORTON SOUTH Runcorn Local Policing Unit - Your West Cheshire
News Stories From Your Local Area

 Unfortunately there has been a rise again this month with parking issues. Were parking bays are
 owned by the Housing Associa on, no one has a designated parking space. Were there is a disabil-
 ity bay this is for anyone who displays a valid disability badge in their vehicle. The bay is not for the
 sole use of the resident who may have had the disability bay installed.
 A rise in incidents on Norton South of persons being aggressive when other person parks in front of
 their property this could lead to an arrest of public order or assault.
 If a person threatens or is abusive over parking this need a incident crea ng for local officers to deal
NORTON SOUTH Runcorn Local Policing Unit - Your West Cheshire
News Stories From Your Local Area

 PC Clarke and PCSO Griffiths have posted quite a few of the leaflets for RESIDENTS
 VOICE on the Norton South area. There is also leaflets in the Brookvale Community
 The QR Code takes you to survey to complete regarding poling issues.
 I have also place informa on on our social media sites.
 Norton South are s ll very very low on numbers os surveys completed.
NORTON SOUTH Runcorn Local Policing Unit - Your West Cheshire
News Stories From Your Local Area

  I have been made aware that we a few residents now signed up for Neighbourhood
  Watch on Norton South. Neighbourhood Watch should be ge ng in touch to inform
  me of any new NHW coordinators on Norton South, if you have signed up and not
  heard from me please email me.
  I am s ll looking at arranging a mee ng for all NHW residents and coordinators on
  Norton South, to let you know how we can work together to make Norton South a
  safer, cleaner place to live.
  We are s ll looking for coordinators across the Norton South area.
  If you would like to become a NHW coordinator please see the below link.
  Home | Neighbourhood Watch | Na onal network | Local Watch areas | Community crime preven on groups
NORTON SOUTH Runcorn Local Policing Unit - Your West Cheshire
News Stories From Your Local Area

Thrilled to be part of the Kops N Kids ac vi es at Brookvale Community Centre this half
term. Please note booking is essen al . Great partnership working bringing much
needed youth ac vi es to the area.
Hope to see you there
News Stories From Your Local Area

  Domes c violence incidents are probably one of the highest call for service
                         we have on Norton South.

                                   Clare’s Law is the Domes c Violence Disclosure Scheme. It is
                                   named a er Clare Wood, who was murdered in 2009 by her
                                   ex-boyfriend who had a history of violence against women.
                                   The scheme allows you to ask us about the informa on we
                                   hold on a person in rela on to domes c abuse offences and
                                   convic ons. Disclosures provide you with domes c abuse
                                   informa on we hold on an individual. If our checks show
                                   that the individual has a record of violent behaviour or
                                   something that may put you at risk of harm, we will consider

                                    There are now Open Door posters in all areas where Nor-
                                    ton South residents will a end with informa on on who
                                    to contact for help.

                                    We also have open door live Q&A ses‐
                                    sion which we adver se on our social
                                    media sites.
News Stories From Your Local Area

  Thank you to residents who have supported their community by sup-
. por ng the police and partner agencies to make Norton South a safer
  community to live and work in.

The purpose of gathering intelligence is to iden fy individuals or groups
of individuals in an efforts to an cipate, prevent, or monitor possible
criminal ac vity. The informa on you report could be vital and may just
be the missing jigsaw piece or informa on that the police are looking for.
Norton South beat team appreciate all intelligence they receive and do
act on informa on received. Neighbourhood Watch schemes are very
low in Norton South area please see below on Neighbourhood Watch .
You can contact Norton South beat team directly, call 101 or report to
Crimestoppers 0800 555 111. Thank you
News Stories From Your Local Area

Brookvale Community Centre lots of clubs and ac vi es, gardening club and many
more. There is also a informa on area were we have placed our Neighbourhood Watch
and Residents Voice informa on.
For further informa on you can contact Brookvale Community Centre direct
Pop down, bring a friend and give them a try, you wont be disappointed.
Telephone: 01928 713877
News Stories From Your Local Area

  Brookvale Community Centre is a third party repor ng centre for Hate Crime.
  Hate Crime is defined as ‘Any criminal offence which is perceived by the vic m
  or any other person, to be mo vated by hos lity or prejudice based on a per-
  sons race or perceived race; religion or perceived religion; sexual orienta on or
  perceived sexual orienta on; disability or perceived disability and any crime mo-
   vated by hos lity or prejudice against a person who is transgender or perceived
  to be transgender. Staff at the centre have completed training and if you feel un-
  comfortable repor ng direct to police they have the informa on and support
  agencies they can refer you too.
  We are very proud to have this facility at our Community Centre
News Stories From Your Local Area

We could do with some more youths from Norton South to join the
News Stories From Your Local Area

                             Road safety

Speed enforcement on Murdishaw Avenue and Palacefields Avenue con nues
with Trucam. Murdishaw Avenue is a 30mph speed limit and Palacefields is a
20mph. Pedestrians do comment on how fast some vehicles are driven along
both of these roads and the difficulty is crossing they are very happy to see
speeding enforcement con nue on these roads on Norton South. There have
been ac va ons.
News Stories From Your Local Area
News Stories From Your Local Area

PC Clarke Email:

PCSO Griffiths Email:

Norton South Facebook and Twitter pages have regular updates and you can contact us via Facebook pri-
vate message.

Runcorn Police Station
Halton Lea
News Stories From Your Local Area

Recommend Cheshire Police Alert System this month
I realise that I have sent all members this update via Cheshire police alert! However I am
asking that you recommend the Alert service to all of your friends, family and colleagues,
they can either sign up themselves or ask any PCSO or police officer including myself to
sign them up. This way myself and other police officers can contact a great number of peo-
ple with any important updates or alerts. (Including the monthly newsle er)
Sign up at…
h ps://
Or if they prefer they can Contact Pc Clarke or PCSO Griffiths to signs them up! Easy!

‘Cheshire Police Alert is the community messaging system brought to you by Cheshire Con-
stabulary and servicing the whole of Cheshire.
By registering with Cheshire Police Alert, you receive news and appeals, local crime infor-
ma on and crime preven on advice - direct to you as an e-mail, mobile text or voice mes-
Registering with this site is completely free, and not only allows you to receive messages
about your local area, but also allows you to feed back informa on to your local policing
teams to help them be er police your neighbourhood’
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