NORTHERN SUPERIOR RESOURCES - TPK Three Large Scale Opportunities: One Great Company!

Page created by Maria Barker
NORTHERN SUPERIOR RESOURCES - TPK Three Large Scale Opportunities: One Great Company!
       Three Large Scale Opportunities:

       One Great Company!

              Lac Surprise…
                              Croteau Est…

                      February, 2022

                          TSXV:SUP/ OTCQB:NSUPF
NORTHERN SUPERIOR RESOURCES - TPK Three Large Scale Opportunities: One Great Company!
Safe Harbour Statement
 Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements: This Press Release contains forward-
 looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties, which may cause actual results to differ
 materially from the statements made. When used in this document, the words “may”, “would”,
 “could”, “will”, “intend”, “plan”, “anticipate”, “believe”, “estimate”, “expect” and similar
 expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Such statements reflect our
 current views with respect to future events and are subject to such risks and uncertainties. Many
 factors could cause our actual results to differ materially from the statements made, including
 those factors discussed in filings made by us with the Canadian securities regulatory authorities.
 Should one or more of these risks and uncertainties, occur or should assumptions underlying the
 forward looking statements prove incorrect, actual results may vary materially from those
 described herein as intended, planned, anticipated, or expected. We do not intend and do not
 assume any obligation to update these forward-looking statements, except as required by law.
 Shareholders are cautioned not to put undue reliance on such forward-looking statements.

2/1/2022                           WWW.NSUPERIOR.COM   TSX.V: SUP/ OTCQB:NSUPF                        2
NORTHERN SUPERIOR RESOURCES - TPK Three Large Scale Opportunities: One Great Company!
  •   Board
           ✓   Thomas Morris (President and CEO)
           ✓   François Perron (Chairman, Audit Committee)
           ✓   Andrew Farncomb (Chair Audit Committee)
           ✓   David Beilhartz
           ✓   Michael Gentile                                      Appointed: December 30th, 2019
           ✓   Gord Morrison                                        Appointed: January 14th, 2020
           ✓   David Medilek                                        Appointed: April 15th, 2020

  •   Management
          ✓ Thomas Morris PhD, FGAC, PGeo , ICD.D (President and CEO)
          ✓ Rodney Barber BSc., PGeo (Citation Applied Geostatistics)
          ✓ Dan Rothberg (Corporate Secretary)
          ✓ Jeannine Webb (Chief Financial Officer)
          ✓ Roxanne Gélineau (Office Manager)

  •   Advisors
           ✓ Catharine Farrow PhD, ICD.D, PGeo
           ✓ Alan King BSc., MSc.

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NORTHERN SUPERIOR RESOURCES - TPK Three Large Scale Opportunities: One Great Company!
  •   Technical
           ✓ Thomas Morris PhD, FGAC, PGeo , ICD.D
           ✓ Rodney Barber BSc., PGeo, Citation (Applied Geostatistics)
           ✓ Adrian Lupascu BSc., MSc., PGeo (APGO & OGQ)(Contract)
           ✓ Sandra Dean BSc., PGeo (Contract)
           ✓ Don Boucher BSc., PGeo (Contract)
           ✓ Michel Leblanc BSc., PGeo (Contract)
           ✓ Matt Sooley, PMP

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NORTHERN SUPERIOR RESOURCES - TPK Three Large Scale Opportunities: One Great Company!

Share Price (2022/01/31):                                    $ 0.73
Market Cap (2022/01/31):                                     $ 51,731,176
Hard Dollars (2021/12/05):                                   $ 2,943,186              (approx.)
Ontario F.T. (2021/12/05):                                   $ 3,639,391              (approx.)
Québec F.T. (2021/12/05):                                    $ 5,865,375              (approx.)
Total Cash (2021/12/05):                                     $ 12,447,952             (approx.)
Debt:                                                        None
EV:                                                          $ 39,283,224

Issued and Outstanding Shares:                                           70,864,624
Options Outstanding:                                                      2,675,000               (0.39)
Warrants Outstanding:                                                     7,687,635*              (0.30)

*Trading restrictions apply, see Northern Superior press releases, December 30, 2019, December 17th, 2020,
            December 3, 2021.

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NORTHERN SUPERIOR RESOURCES - TPK Three Large Scale Opportunities: One Great Company!
Key Shareholders

   Key shareholder table currently
   being updated

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NORTHERN SUPERIOR RESOURCES - TPK Three Large Scale Opportunities: One Great Company!
TPK: Location and Property

                                                   ✓ Containing 2 regional-scale mineral systems;

                                                   ✓ Property connected to the Mussel White
                                                     (Newmont) gold mine by winter road; and

                                                   ✓ Fully permitted, year round exploration camp
                                                     and trail system.

   ✓ 30 x 20kms/ 2,431 claims/ 47,796 ha

   ✓ 100% Northern Superior

   ✓ Property conducive to year round drilling

   ✓ EEBA, Neskantaga First Nation

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NORTHERN SUPERIOR RESOURCES - TPK Three Large Scale Opportunities: One Great Company!
                                                      Structural Setting

                                                      ✓ Primary Structural Control:
                                                             • Gold- receptive splay shears off a major
                                                                inflection, Stull- Wunnummin Fault.
                                                      ✓ Comparable
                                                             • Malarctic- Val d’Or gold district on splays
                                                                off major bend, Larder Lake- Cadillac

                                                      Gold Grain-In-Till Dispersal Aprons/ Corridors:

                                                      ✓ Unique geological feature, largest N. America
                                                      ✓ Can only get this if there is significant gold exposed
                                                        at the bedrock surface
                                                      ✓ Most gold dispersal trains 200m x 3kms

                                                      “Gold grain anomalies of this scale are amalgamated
                                                      responses from a cluster of gold zones. They normally indicate
                                                      a large gold system or district rather than a single gold
 Think District, Scale: Atlantic Gold/ Meadowbank/ Hope Bay/ Casa Berardi/ Aurion Resources/ Meliadine
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NORTHERN SUPERIOR RESOURCES - TPK Three Large Scale Opportunities: One Great Company!
                                                       Gold-Mineralized Boulder Trains:
                            Goose Lake
                                                       •    Embedded within gold grain-in-till dispersal apron;
                       Goose Lake                      •    Several high grade gold-bearing, boulder dispersal trains;
                                                       •    Boulder lithology and geochemistry reveals much regarding
                                                            host rocks for the gold.

              Little Crying Boy Lake

  High-Grade Gold Core:
                                                                                             •   Multiple, significant gold
                                                                                                 discoveries already
                                                                                                 made, including:
                                                                                                   ✓ Highlighted
                                                                                                      intersection: 25.87
                                                                                                      g/t gold 13.45 m
                                           (see Northern Superior press releases: December
                                           13, 2010; November 17, 2017)

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NORTHERN SUPERIOR RESOURCES - TPK Three Large Scale Opportunities: One Great Company!
TPK: Targeting- Big Dam Area
           TPK-10-004: 25.87 g/t Au over 13.50m
           TPK-11-013: 04.74 g/t Au over 06.84m
                                                    Goose Lake
                                                                           Basal Till

                                                                           •    Gold Grain Data
                                                                           •    Pathfinder elements (Arsenic)

                                                      Little Crying
             TPK-12-30: 59.60g/t Au, 92.3 g/t         Boy Lake
               Ag and 3.19% Cu over 0.5 m;
                                                                           Boulder Gold Geochemistry
             TPK-12-34: 16.15g/t Au over 1.5m;
             TPK-12-40: 7.85 g/t Au over 0.8m; &
             TPK-12-43: 8.85 g/t Au over 1.0m                              •    High Grade Gold
                                                                           •    Pathfinder elements (Arsenic)

                                                                         Highlighted Big Dam Gold Assays
                                                                             Year          Boulders        Gold
                                                                           Collected       Collected        g/t
                                                                             2010            484           94.2
                                                                             2011            103           14.0
                                                                             2017            255           24.7

                                                                                                      Highlighted Meliadine Gold Assays
                                                                                                         Year        Boulders     Gold
                                                                                                       Collected    Collected      g/t
                                                                                                         2010          209        27.9
                                                                                                         2011           87        6.81
                                                                                                         2013          675        65.6
                                                                                                         2014          248        14.4
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TPK: Targeting- Big Dam Area
                                  Aerial Mag Data- 1st Derivative:

                                  ✓ Note east- west fabric, magnetics (explains historic S-N drilling);
                                  ✓ NW-SE magnetic destruction, faulting, silicification.

                                  Lateral Gradient Magnetics:

                                  ✓ E-W pattern gone, NW-SE pattern emerges;
                                  ✓ Goose Lake/ Little Crying Boy connected… 3.2kms of strike length;
                                  ✓ How do we know it is silicified… we nicked it!

                                    ✓ Nicked the silicified alteration zone- high angle foliation
                                    ✓ TPK-10-004: 25.87 g/t gold, 13.5 m (incl. 749 g/t over 0.3m)
                                              from 149.3 metres.
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TPK: Targeting- Big Dam Area
                                               Learning and Adapting

                                               •   Rethinking the importance of east- west
                                                   structure to gold mineralization
                                               •   Recognizing the association of gold
                                                   mineralization to northwest- southeast
                                                   structure and alteration

                                                                 TURN THE DRILL…

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TPK: “Blue Sky” District Scale Opportunity-
        Annex- “Another District Scale System”…

                                                                      •     Keely Lake gold grain-in-till dispersal corridor
                                                                            (3.5 km wide, 13.5 km in length).

                                                                      •     Mineralized, large, tabular boulders returning
                                                                            assay values as high as 727 g/t gold, 111 g/t
                                                                            silver, and 4.05 % copper.

                                                                      •    Several high quality targets defined from
                                                                           geophysics, gold grains and mineralized boulders.

                                                                      •    Gold-silver-copper mineralization.

      Highlighted Annex Boulder with high Silver and Copper Assays
         Year            Boulders        Silver    Copper      Au
       Collected         Collected       ppm         %        ppm
                                          53.7      1.92      5.93
TPK: Targeting- Annex Area

           Gold Grain data

  Mineralized Boulder Data                     One discovery follow- up area + three target areas defined:
                     IP Trend

                                               ✓ Au- Ag targets associated with a basalt- andesite/
                                                 quartz diorite- monzogranite contact

                                               ✓ Au- Cu target associated with a dolerite- diorite-
                                                 gabbro/ quartz- diorite monzogranite contact.

                                               ✓ Discovery follow-up drilling proposed to understand
                                                 orientation of local structure associated with hole NG-
                                                 12-003C, 4.63g/t Au over 5.50m.
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TPK: Targetin- “Blue Sky” District Scale Opportunity
   •   Extension of the Big Dam Area- 29 km west: 35 km system!

                                             •   Extension, gold- bearing shear zone:

                                                   ✓ Distribution of anomalous gold grains;
                                                   ✓ Distribution of anomalous till Arsenic (As) values; and
                                                   ✓ Interpretation of structure from a high- resolution
                                                     airborne magnetics survey.

                                             •   Only reginal scale till sampling, boulder sampling and
                                                 limited prospecting has been completed over this part
                                                 of the property!

                                                   ✓ No clear target delineation has ever been completed
                                                     through detailed till sampling (sample spacing

Remarkable Gold Opportunities in
 the Highly Prospective Chapais-
      Chibougamau Camp

                TSXV:SUP/ OTCQB:NSUPF
               Both Within An Active, Prolific Gold Producing Region
                                                                    Chapais- Chibougamau (since 1953):
                                                                    • 16,395,000 ounces gold (proven/ probable)
                                                                    • 1,097,469,817 pounds Cu

The Chapais- Chibougamau Gold- Copper Camp:
•   Active Properties;
•   Development; and
•   Historic Gold Mines.

Nelligan Gold Property:
•   Open pit, 3.2million ounce gold deposit;
•   Nelligan ties onto the Lac Surprise property; and
•   Gold- bearing, hydrothermal system of Nelligan, extends onto Lac Surprise property.

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LAC SURPRISE: The Property/ Neighbours…

                                              Key Facts:

                                              •      Large property position (20 x 20 km);
                                              •      Positioned within an established mining camp;
                                              •      Easily accessed by all- season roads, rail, airport and
                                                     hydro; and
                                              •      Exploration and mining services provided by three
                          274 claims
                                                     local communities, long history and tradition of
                          15,178.5 ha
                                                     mineral exploration and mining.

                                              Very active camp, in particular:
                           Nelligan Deposit   i)       Blue Thunder (Blue);
                                              ii)      IAMGold/ Vanstar (Orange);
           Lac Surprise                       iii)     IAMGold/ Kintavar (Mustard); and
                                              iv)      Northern Superior (Gold).

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LAC SURPRISE: The Neighbour, The Nelligan Gold Deposit…

                                                                                                        •   Nelligan property
                                                                                                            ties directly onto Lac

                                                                                                        •   43-101 compliant
                                                                                                            resource, 3.2 million
                                                                                                            ounces gold, grading
                                                                                                            1.02 g/t Au.

                                                                                                        •   Deposit consists of 3
                                                                                                            gold- bearing zones:
                                                                                                                   i) Renard
                                                                                                                   ii) Liam
                                                                                                                   iii) Dan

                                                                                                        •   Renard extends west
                                                                                                            to within 1.2km of
                                                                                                            the Surprise eastern
   …part of a “vast auriferous system offering a potential of multi-million gold ounces” (Vanstar PPt
   presentation, May 2019).

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LAC SURPRISE: Targeting…Fingerprinting Nelligan

                                                        •   Geophysical inversion work
                                                            on Nelligan.

                                                        •   Gold zones at Nelligan
                                                            associated with:

                                                              ✓ Strong destruction of
                                                                  magnetic signature;

                                                              ✓ Mineralization clearly
                                                                 associated with 60°

                                                        •   Fault orientation and
                                                            magnetic destruction also
                                                            observed on Lac Surprise.

                                                        •   Fingerprinting Nelligan
                                                            critical in discovery at Target
                                                            1, identifying additional
                                                            targets (Target 3).

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LAC SURPRISE: Target 1- Phase II Drill Program/ Stage I

                                                             Key Intersections:
                                                             Summary LCS20-13:
                                                             • Discovery, new gold zone (Falcon): 1.07 g/t AuEq
                                                               over 35.5m with a high-grade interval of 7.70 g/t
                                                               including 8.22 g/t AuEq over 2.6m;

                                                             • Discovery, two additional, gold-bearing zones,
                                                               lowermost zone assayed 2.06 g/t Au and 1.81 g/t
                                                               silver or 2.08 g/t AuEq over 3.9m;

                                                             Summary LCS19-005ext:
                                                             • Extension Falcon gold zone: 1.55g/t AuEq over
                                                               44.9m including 3.82 g/ t AuEq over 15.0m.

 Host material very similar to Nelligan material:
 • Coarser clastic materials (LCS20-13- wacke);
 • Best mineralization occurs at or near the contact
                                                                    (see Northern Superior Press Release,
    between the clastic sediments and the volcanoclastics;
                                                                    November 5th, 2020; December 22nd, 2020).
 • Primary mineral, pyrite (1 to 5%);
 • Silicified material (LCS20-13, weak to moderate);
 • Presence of potentially stratigraphic controlled gold-
    bearing units.

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Target 1: Summary, all assays > 1g/t Au.

  (M. Sooley, 2020)
  (T. Morris, 2020)

                                                            (M. Sooley, 2021)
                                                            (T. Morris, 2021)

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Target 1: Potential extension(s), Falcon Zone

                                                                                 Defining Characteristics:
                                                                                 Falcon Gold Zone 900m

                                                                                 1) Silicification;

                                                                                 2) Sericitization;

                                                                                 3) Coarse, clastic
                                                                                    materials (wacke);

                                                                                 4) Primary mineral,
                                                                                    pyrite; and

                                                                                 5) Gold- bearing.

  (M. Sooley, 2020)
  (T. Morris, 2020)

                                                             (M. Sooley, 2021)
                                                             (T. Morris, 2021)

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Target 1; Going Forward… Falcon Gold Zone Vertical Continuity… 900m so far
           Remains open at depth!

Vertical continuity                                             170.0m
                                                                Vertical continuity

                             (see Northern Superior press release, July 6, 2021)

                                                                                          Vertical cross section
                                                                                          illustrating the projected
                                                                                          extension of the Falcon Gold
                                                                                          Zone to surface:
                                                                                          250m vertical continuity
                                                                           (M. Sooley, 2021)
                                                                           (T. Morris, 2021)(see
                                                                                              Northern Superior press release,
                                                                                          August 17, 2021)

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Areas of Exploration Focus…

                                        Target Area 1                               Target Area 1
                                                                                    ✓ Core drill program
                                                                                    ✓ 8279m proposed

                                                                                    Target Area 3
                                                                                    ✓ Core Drill program
                                                 Area 3                             ✓ 1200m proposed

                                                                                    Fox Gold Showing
                                                                                    ✓ Core drill program
                                                                                    ✓ 1000m proposed
                              Drone Survey                   Area
                                                                                    Drone Survey
                                                                                    ✓ 954 line kms.

                                      (M. Sooley, 2020)
                                      (T. Morris, 2020)

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Drone Survey
Two areas to cover, purpose of which:
          1) Provide detailed airborne mag cover of both areas; and
          2) Most efficient and cost effective way to maintain assessment credits over this area.

                                                                              Area 1:
                                                                              • 270 line kilometers (50m)
                                                                              • Ties onto the confluence
                                                                                        area, part of the
                                                                                        region covered by
                                                                                        2019 drone survey.

                                                                              Area 2:
                                    Area 1                                    • 684 line kilometers (50m)
                                                                              • Extension of assessment
                   Area 2                                                               credits will cover
                                                                                        much of the
                                                                                        “shoulder” area to
                                                                                        the west, important
                                                                                        shadow area assoc.
                                                                                        with the Horsefly
                                                (M. Sooley, 2021)
                                                (T. Morris, 2021)
                                                                              Program Cost: $95,000
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    Acquisition: Kintivar’s Gaspard Nord Property

                                                                      Terms, 100% Ownership:

                                                                      •   85,000 common shares,
                                                                          Northern Superior Resources
                                                                      •   2% NSR, standard 1% buyback
                                                                          for $1M

Key Takeaways:

•    5 claims, 280 hectares;
•    Captures part of the Opawica-Guercherville deformation zone- system hosts the Nelligan gold
            deposit, Falcon gold zone; and
•    Captures contact between volcanics and sediments hosting 2 gold showings and “B” horizon soil gold
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A Gold Resource Already Defined,
Remarkable “Blue Sky” Potential…
in the Highly Prospective Chapais-
       Chibougamau Camp

                 TSXV:SUP/ OTCQB:NSUPF
CROTEAU EST: The Property
            30km by 15km/ 237 claims/ 12,545 hectares…

                                                                   Key Advantages:

                                                                   •     100% Northern Superior;

                                                                   •     Availability of highly
                                                                         prospective, under- explored
                            Inferred Resource
                                                                         ground in an important gold-
                                                                         copper camp, Québec;

                                                                   •     A number of support
                                                                         advantages ($168.67/m all in);

                                                                   •     Pre-development agreement,
                                                                         Oujé Bougoumou.

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CROTEAU EST: Existing Discovery and Resource
             43-101 Compliant, Inferred Mineral Resource…

                                                        •    Central (~ 550m strike by 150m width)
                                                               ✓ Gold cut- off of 1.0 g/t Au, 11.6 million
                                                                  tonnes, grade 1.7ppm Au; yielding
                                                                  640,000 ounces of gold;
                                                               ✓ Additional unclassified component of
                                                                  270,000 ounces of gold.”

•    Resource based on 64 holes (20,643m),
     50m spacing:
       ✓ CBSZ ~1.1 km long, open along
         strike, both directions;
       ✓ Only one hole to 575m (all others
         < 350m), open at depth; and
       ✓ Additional CBSZ’s?

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CROTEAU EST: Cracking the High Grade Code

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CROTEAU EST: Cracking the High Grade Code
              High Grade Ore Shoots: West/ East/ at Depth…
                                                             Longitudinal Cross- section highlighting six of
                                                                       nine shallow southeastern dip of
                                                                       high grade “shoots.”

                                                                   •   13 hole, 4,800m core drillprogram set
                                                                         to define the extension of these to
                                                                         depth and to the east.

               “Mineable width and grade”

Exposed high grade gold shoot:
• two zones of > 10 g/t Au, 2.5m x 2.0 m and 2.0m x

•    enclosed by a halo of >5g/t Au, 7.0m x 2.5m; and

•    enclosed by a halo of gold mineralization of >3
           g/t Au over an area of 8.0m x 3.0m.
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CROTEAU EST: High Grade at Depth?
                                                                           Comparative Model:
                                                                           Osisko’s Windfall Project
                                                                           (see Northern Superior press release, July 5th, 2017)

                                                                                    •    Shallow, multiple stacked
                                                                                         eastward dipping ore shoots.

                                                                                    •    CBSZ Gold Grade x Thickness
                                                                                         values as good or higher upper

                                                                                    •    CBSZ modelled to only 450 m
                                                                                         depth, Windfall to 2,000 m+.

       Osisko Mining News Release July 11th 2018: ‘Triple-8’ Zone New Discovery, 20.4 g/t Au
       over 28.3m…
       ‘This deep hole confirms management’s view that there is significant high-grade gold mineralization at depth….
       We are beginning to see increasing intensity in the key alteration and sulfide mineralization as we progress deeper
       towards what we believe may be the main mineralized centre of the intrusive system’.

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CROTEAU EST: Blue Sky Regional Potential…

                                                        The CBSZ at the intersection of a NE-SW fault
                                                                  and E-W deformation zone;
                                                             • 11 other such opportunities
                                                             • Gold showings discovered at several of
                                                                  these intersections.

 However… there is a larger “gold” footprint to
         consider at the CBSZ… based on….

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CROTEAU EST: Larger CBSZ Gold Footprint…

                                             Gold grain-in-till anomalies

                                                         Soil gas hydrocarbon gold anomalies

                                 Mobile metal ion gold
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CROTEAU EST: Larger CBSZ Gold Footprint…
   Preliminary Results, 2021 RC Drill Program
   ✓ Significant expansion of the gold-footprint of the CBSZ area
   ✓ Nine new core drill targets defined

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CROTEAU EST: Larger CBSZ Gold Footprint…
   2021 RC Drill Program Gold Grain Results
               Target #    Sample     Program   Gold Grain Counts

                 No.         No.       Year       Total             Reshaped     Modified       Pristine

                  1       CBRC21-92    2021       120                 12            9             99

                          CBRC21-93    2021        55                  9            3             43

                  2        L755665     2012       112                  8            7             97

                  3        L772459     2012        76                 14           21             41

                           L772842     2012        50                  3           11             36

                  4        L755303     2012        29                  0            2             27

                          CBRC21-63    2021        55                  5            8             42

                  5        1132459     2021        33                  3            1             29

                  6       CBRC21-57    2021        44                  2            0             42

                          CBRC21-95    2021        29                  1            0             28

                  7        L772499     2012        63                  7           19             37

                           L772498     2012       102                 13           10             79

                  8       CRO14-186    2014       244                 12           60            172

                  9        L773976     2012       104                  6           13             85

                           L773977     2012       151                  4           16            131

                           L772638     2012       104                 12           33             59

                Test      N581952      2013       877                  4           29            844

                          N581953      2013       182                 12           13            157

                          N581954      2013        23                  2            3             18

                          N581955      2013        47                  3            9             35

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CROTEAU EST: Larger CBSZ Gold Footprint…
   2022 RC Drill Program
   ✓ To complete the work initiated in 2021

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