North Brighton Kindergarten - 2021 Family Information Handbook

Page created by William Paul
North Brighton Kindergarten - 2021 Family Information Handbook
North Brighton
2021 Family Information Handbook
           North Brighton Kindergarten
       145A Cochrane Street, Brighton, 3186
             Telephone: 0466 810 198

         Instagram- North Brighton Kindergarten
North Brighton Kindergarten - 2021 Family Information Handbook
Table of contents

Contact Information ............................................................................................................................... 4
   Welcome ............................................................................................................................................ 5
       INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................. 5
       CHILD SAFE ORGANISATION .................................................................................................................. 5
       OUR VISION ....................................................................................................................................... 5
       MISSION STATEMENT .......................................................................................................................... 5
       OUR PHILOSOPHY ............................................................................................................................... 5
       OUTCOMES........................................................................................................................................ 6
       OUR PROGRAM .................................................................................................................................. 6
       ONGOING QUALITY IMPROVEMENT ........................................................................................................ 8
   Staffing teams / profiles ..................................................................................................................... 8
   Session times and term dates ............................................................................................................ 9
       SESSIONS .......................................................................................................................................... 9
       2021 NBK TERM DATES...................................................................................................................... 9
       2021 PUBLIC HOLIDAYS ...................................................................................................................... 9
   In the children’s words ..................................................................................................................... 10
Your kindergarten experience .............................................................................................................. 11
   Your child’s day at kindergarten ...................................................................................................... 11
       ARRIVAL AND PICK-UP ....................................................................................................................... 11
       WHAT TO WEAR ............................................................................................................................... 11
       SUN PROTECTION ............................................................................................................................. 12
       WHAT TO BRING ............................................................................................................................... 12
       HEALTHY AND SAFE EATING ................................................................................................................ 12
       NUDE FOOD ..................................................................................................................................... 12
       BIRTHDAYS ...................................................................................................................................... 12
   The NBK transition program............................................................................................................. 12
   Health and Safety at kindergarten ................................................................................................... 13
       INFECTIOUS DISEASES ........................................................................................................................ 13
       MEDICATION ................................................................................................................................... 13
       ALLERGIES/HEALTH REQUIREMENTS ..................................................................................................... 13
       ANAPHYLAXIS ................................................................................................................................... 13
       MEDICAL CONDITIONS POLICY ............................................................................................................. 13
       NOTIFICATION OF ACCIDENTS .............................................................................................................. 14
       NOTICE OF PRIOR INJURY .................................................................................................................... 14

North Brighton Kindergarten - 2021 Family Information Handbook
HEAD LICE ....................................................................................................................................... 14
       OUR COMMITMENT TO CHILD SAFETY. .................................................................................................. 14
   Emergency Management ................................................................................................................. 14
   Immunisation policy ......................................................................................................................... 14
   Communication ................................................................................................................................ 15
       PROCESSES FOR ALLEVIATING PARENT CONCERNS ................................................................................... 15
       PARENT COMPLAINTS ........................................................................................................................ 15
   Family involvement .......................................................................................................................... 15
       WORKING WITH CHILDREN CHECKS ...................................................................................................... 16
       BEING ON DUTY ................................................................................................................................ 16
       JOINING THE MEMBER COMMITTEES..................................................................................................... 16
       FUNDRAISING................................................................................................................................... 16
       WORKING BEES ................................................................................................................................ 16
       OTHER ............................................................................................................................................ 17
   What do parents think? ................................................................................................................... 18
Enrolment and fees .............................................................................................................................. 19
   Kindergarten readiness .................................................................................................................... 19
       AGE/BIRTHDAY ................................................................................................................................. 19
       GROUP PARTICIPATION ...................................................................................................................... 19
       GOVERNMENT FUNDING .................................................................................................................... 19
       DEFERMENT..................................................................................................................................... 20
   Enrolment process ........................................................................................................................... 20
       ELIGIBILITY FOR 3-YEAR-OLD KINDERGARTEN ....................................................................................... 20
       ELIGIBILITY FOR 4-YEAR-OLD KINDERGARTEN ....................................................................................... 20
       CENTRAL REGISTRATION ..................................................................................................................... 20
       ENROLMENTS PRIORITY OF ACCESS CRITERIA .......................................................................................... 21
       ENROLMENTS FORMS AND TIMELINES ................................................................................................... 21
   Fees .................................................................................................................................................. 21
       GENERAL GOVERNMENT FUNDING ....................................................................................................... 21
       FREE OR LOW COST FUNDING .............................................................................................................. 21
       2021 KINDERGARTEN FEES ................................................................................................................ 21
       2021 BRIGHTON PLAYROOM FEES ....................................................................................................... 21
Kindergarten policies ........................................................................................................................... 22
Privacy statement ................................................................................................................................ 23
   Parent Occupation Index .................................................................................................................. 25

Contact Information

Position            Name                  Email
                    North    Brighton
Kindergarten                                            0466 810 198
Nominated           Kylie Lawson                                        0466 810 198
Supervisor          Kylie Stanley
Administration                                                                                       0466 810 198
                    Kylie Stanley
                    Anne Sidebottom                                     0407 057 866
                    Natalie Esler                                                                    0404 850 957
Enrolments          Deb Pollock                                     0411 740 920
Book Keeper         Robina Sheerer

                              Licensee: North Brighton Kindergarten Inc. 10471
                                                  ABN 668 4392 3127

                                               Hours and days of operation

                                    The kindergarten is open from 8.30 a.m. – 4.30 p.m.

                                            Monday to Friday during term times

        This Service’s Regulatory Authority: Department of Education and Training, 165-169 Thomas Street,
                   Dandenong, 3175. Ph 8765 5787. Email

            Policies, procedures and copies of the Education and Care Services National Law and National
            Regulations 2011 are available for inspection at the kindergarten and on our website.

            The NBK Quality Improvement Plan is available for inspection at the kindergarten.

            We at North Brighton Kindergarten would like to say thank you to the Boon Wurrung
                         people of the Kulin Nations for letting us share your land.

                 We promise to care for the land, the animals, the plants and each other too.

Welcome                                             CHILD SAFE ORGANISATION
INTRODUCTION                                        In 2016, the Child Safe Standards were
                                                    introduced and North Brighton Kindergarten
Welcome to North Brighton Kindergarten,             has worked to meet the 7 Child Safe Standards
(NBK). We hope that your time at the NBK will       and become a Child Safe organisation. For more
be a valuable and enjoyable experience for          information regarding the standards, please
both you and your children.                         see;
NBK is a not-for-profit, member run,                a-child-safe-organisation/the-child-safe-
incorporated association offering three and         standards/
four-year-old kindergarten programs. We are a
licenced pre-school service, regulated by the       OUR VISION
Department of Education and Training (DET).
                                                    A nurturing kindergarten environment where
Since our inception as St Stephens                  children, families and educators collaborate to
Kindergarten in 1974, our fundamental aim           create a program and environment where
remains to provide a high quality pre-school
                                                    children are safe, challenged and respected.
education at a reasonable cost.
                                                    Where children can work with others to become
We operate out of the North Brighton Children’s     resilient, respectful and connected to the
Centre provided by the Bayside City Council.        natural world, the local community and the
This hub is shared with the North Brighton          wider world. At NBK, we work toward being a
Maternal and Child Health Centre and Brighton       part of a wider, healthy community.
Playroom; an occasional care facility that offers
after kindergarten care for certain sessions, in    MISSION STATEMENT
addition to sessional programs for toddlers and
those not yet ready for kindergarten. This co-      The children, families, committee and staff
location offers many opportunities for              work together to communicate openly and work
continuous care for your children through their     to develop relationships based on respect to
early years.                                        develop well-rounded quality three and four-
NBK children generally go on to attend primary      year-old kinder programs where children
school at Elsternwick Primary, or St James          develop a love of learning in a safe, respectful,
Catholic Primary School.                            challenging and connected environment, and
                                                    where families feel a sense of community and
NBK is managed by a member run Committee
of Management (CoM), elected at the Annual          connection.
General Meeting. The CoM work closely with,
                                                    OUR PHILOSOPHY
and to support, the team of teachers leading
our quality, outstanding early learning             We work towards North Brighton Kindergarten
program.                                            (NBK) being safe, respectful, caring and
NBK’s programs and processes are guided by          welcoming. Children are active and playful
the National Quality Framework (NQF) for early      participants in learning, active explorers of their
childhood education. The NQF raises quality         community and environment and have the
and drives continuous improvement and               opportunity to take part in a broad range of fun,
consistency in Australian education and care        playful and enjoyable experiences. Children are
services. In 2018, NBK was assessed overall as      viewed as capable and competent and are
Exceeding the National Quality Standards.           supported and encouraged to experience risk
NBK recognises that the needs of families           taking, to initiate and lead learning and to be
attending the kindergarten have changed since       actively involved in their learning.
the kindergarten first opened. Our Quality
Improvement      Plan    (QIP)   guides   the       We believe that the wellbeing of children is
kindergarten’s     focus    for    continuous       positively influenced by being connected with a
improvement in providing a quality education        healthy and active community, with families
program and experience.                             who are active and engaged in their child’s
                                                    educational experience, and families who
                                                    engage with information and resources to
                                                    support their parenting. A belief in fostering

inclusive partnerships with children and families   health and self-regulations skills. Developing
whilst meeting children at their unique             social and emotional skills are embedded in our
developmental level achieves positive outcomes      everyday practice. We intentionally support the
for children.                                       development of lifelong learning dispositions
                                                    such as resilience, persistence, confidence and
Our teaching team believe that being                collaboration.
collaborative, consultative, knowledgeable,
reflective and well informed are important          Our high-quality educational programs reflect
aspects of our role. Our teaching team believe      the children’s emerging interests and promote
it is important for us to be curious and to enjoy   learning and growth across all areas of their
learning along with the children, families and      development.       The    children     will    have
our colleagues.                                     opportunities to take part in a broad range of
                                                    carefully planned experiences that will help
We plan for the children to have the opportunity
                                                    them develop their skills and knowledge. This
to be exposed to new ideas, experiences and
                                                    will help them not only in the transition to the
knowledge with the intention of children
                                                    next level of education, but also nurture an
developing skills, dispositions and knowledge
                                                    interest in learning that will benefit the children
that are beneficial now, in the next stage of
                                                    throughout their lives. We aim for children to
their education and beyond. We support each
                                                    have a love of learning and to be learners for
child to develop a connection with the natural
environment and to develop a commitment
toward sustainability.                              Our educators work with a play-centred
                                                    approach that has an emphasis on children’s
NBK is a place for children and their families to
                                                    self-involvement and self-responsibility. We are
make friends and to practice listening,
                                                    intentional in creating a learning environment
communicating, negotiating with others and to
                                                    that is rich in experiences and interactions with
develop sharing, caring and respectful working
                                                    opportunities for children to use thinking skills,
relationships with others. Children are
                                                    to choose, negotiate, problem solve, to be
encouraged and supported to develop
                                                    responsible for their environment and to take
independence, respect, creativity, curiosity,
persistence and confidence. Every child is
supported to participate in the program, to play    Excursions and incursions are planned with the
and to develop a love of learning.                  intention of complimenting and maximizing the
                                                    learning opportunities in our programs. We love
OUTCOMES                                            to get out and about in our local environment.
    §   A kindergarten community connected          We are so lucky to have the support of our
        to our natural, social and educational      families who get out into our community with
        environments                                us. We really value family involvement and
    §   A safe learning environment                 collaboration as this allows children the very
    §   A respectful environment for learning in    best opportunity to reach their full potential.
        relation to nature, self and others
    §   A challenging environment to promote
        learning through risk taking
    §   Healthy minds and healthy lifestyles         We have been increasingly focused on
OUR PROGRAM                                          gardening and creating an environment
                                                     where the children can contribute
Our educational programs privilege the
importance of relationships. We attach great
                                                     actively to the changes in our
importance to supporting each child’s wellbeing      kindergarten yard. Giving children the
as this will have lifelong implications for a        opportunity to contribute and have an
person’s relationships, educational success and
                                                     impact on our environment speaks to our
community participation. We work hard to
create a sense of community and belonging. We        philosophy of children being active
plan and implement learning around                   participants and making decisions.
mindfulness, nutrition, physical activity, mental

Guiding frameworks                                 Elsternwick. Children are best able to develop a
NBK programs are guided by the following           positive attitude to starting school when they
frameworks that outline practices supporting       have opportunities to talk about what it will be
and promoting children’s learning: the Victorian   like and are given realistic information about
Early Years Learning and Development               school experiences and expectations. Providing
Framework (VEYLDF) and Belonging, Being and        children with opportunities to visit a school
Becoming: The Early Years Learning                 setting with trusted educators, peers and
Framework for Australia (EYLF).                    parent helpers is one way we support children’s
Our programs take into account the five            positive transition to school.
learning outcomes: identity, community,
wellbeing, communication, and learning. These      Research shows the importance of community
are broad outcomes that identify the skills,       connections for the health and wellbeing of its
knowledge and dispositions children will need      citizens. Children who are connected and feel
to be successful learners now and in the future.   that they belong in their communities are more
For more information, please speak to the
                                                   likely to develop a strong identity and positive
teachers or you can access the framework and
                                                   sense of self.
explanatory       documents      online       at
learning-framework-0.                              At the beginning of the year, you will be asked
                                                   to fill out a permission form for your child to
Community connections                              participate in excursions to support community
We are proud of the strong community               connection, with details on the locations your
connections that we have developed and             child will be attending throughout the year. If
nurtured.                                          you have any questions or concerns about this
                                                   program, please speak to your child’s teacher,
Since 2015 we have been visiting the residents     or our Educational Leader, Kylie Lawson.
at local aged care facility Arcare. There is a     Program structure
multitude of current literature which supports     NBK has small class sizes of 22 children, which
the immense benefits of intergenerational          reflects our understanding of the importance of
programs for all involved. Our connection with     quality interactions between educators and
Arcare supports the children to develop            children. Smaller class sizes mean we have the
empathy for the elderly and to learn firsthand     time to really prioritise those interactions.
that you can feel good about yourself by doing     Each program is run by a team of educators
something for others. Other great outcomes for     including:
the children include developing a love and
respect of our environment, reading road signs         §   a    teacher,    with    a    university
                                                           qualification specialising in early
and house numbers together, time for shared,
sustained conversation, and learning about and
                                                       §   an experienced assistant (educator);
practicing road safety.                                    and
                                                       §   an appropriately qualified educator to
The children’s sense of belonging to their                 cover the teacher and educators for
community is enhanced during our visits to St.             their lunch on the long days.
Stephens gardens. The learning that happens
                                                   The educators are also supported by a
in the garden enhances dispositions such as        parent/guardian who assists with the session,
curiosity and problem-solving. Other learning      known as ‘being on duty’.
includes working as a team, having greater
respect for the environment, understanding the     Teachers maintain individual records of each
origins of food and respecting shared spaces.      child’s progress, learning and overall
                                                   development. The records remain confidential
The children are exposed to maths and science
                                                   and parents can discuss them with the teacher
concepts. They can connect with their outdoor      at any time.
environment through all of their senses.

We also have fantastic community connections
with local primary schools; St. James and

ONGOING QUALITY IMPROVEMENT                             seek to support a sense of wellbeing in children.
                                                        I do this by encouraging independence and
NBK uses the NQF and National Quality                   developing a sense of agency. Agency is the
Standard (NQS) in order to develop the Quality          knowledge that we have influence over our own
Improvement Plan (QIP) which guides our                 lives and has been shown to be a positive
direction. The QIP is an ever evolving                  influence in the development of resilient
document, and is continually informed by new            wellbeing in adulthood.’
learning. Our teaching team keep abreast of
current research and look at how our programs           Marg Mason, 3-year-old Blue Group and 4-
can be responsive to research to ensure our             year-old Green Group Educator
programs are relevant and enriching.
                                                        ‘I have worked at this beautiful kindergarten for
The QIP is available for you to view at the             over 10 years now. I have a passion for
kindergarten. Family input is important to us,          gardening and have been working with the
and we offer a number of formal opportunities           children to create an interactive space outdoors
and ways for you to contribute throughout the           where our children can be involved and be
                                                        active participants in creating a beautiful
year. Along with the formal opportunities, our
teachers, educators and CoM also take on
board what families say in everyday interactions
and think about how we can improve the
                                                        Kate Martin, 4-year-old Red Group Educator
experience for children and families.
                                                        ‘I have worked at this lovely kindergarten for
Staffing teams / profiles                               many years in a number of positions. I have a
                                                        particular interest in children’s art and love to
Kylie Lawson, Educational Leader and 4-year-
                                                        create aesthetically pleasing spaces and
old Green Group Teacher                                 resources for the children to explore and enjoy.’
‘I have been working at NBK for a number of
years and feel privileged to work with an
outstanding team of educators. I am passionate          Kylie Stanley, Nominated Supervisor and
about developing links with the wider                   Administration Manager
community and have enjoyed leading our
intergenerational connectivity program, which           Following 3 years as the President of NBK, Kylie
is a part of the ‘The Little Red Wagon project’.        joined the team in an administrative role to
It has been wonderful to see firsthand the              support the CoM and staff. Her role is to assist
immense benefit for both the elders and the             the CoM and staff to ensure NBK runs smoothly
children. I have a particular interest in the           and ensure; we are fully compliant across all
importance of teaching kindness and caring and          the legislation and that NBK is a great place for
I love sharing and promoting this interest with         our staff to work at.
the NBK teaching and parenting community. I
enjoy ongoing professional learning and the use
of reflective practice and see these as valuable
tools for improving teaching practice and for
providing the best possible outcomes for
children and their families.
Kim Burgess, 4-year-old Red Group and 3-year-
old Red Group Teacher
‘I have a particular interest in children’s health
and wellbeing.         I am personally and
professionally invested in health and wellbeing.
If my own is at its best, it will flow into all areas
of my life. I am then a better teacher and able
to nourish my relationships with children.
My relationships with children and their families
provide a solid foundation for supporting
children’s holistic education. This is also why I

Session times and term dates

 Monday               Tuesday              Wednesday            Thursday             Friday
                                                                                     8.30 – 12.15
                                           8.30 – 11.30
                                                                                     Green 4 yo
                                           BLUE 3 yo
 8.30 – 4.00          8.30 – 4.00 RED                           8.30 – 4.00 RED
 GREEN 4 yo           4 yo                                      4 yo
                                           12.15 – 4.00                              1.00 – 4.00
                                           GREEN 4 yo                                BLUE 3 yo

                                           8:40-12:00                                12.30 – 4.00
                                           Before care at                            After care at
                                           Brighton                                  Brighton
                                           Playroom                                  Playroom

For Green Group families there is a wraparound service provided on Wednesdays and Fridays.

            •   After-kindergarten care is available on Friday (until 4.00 pm) at Brighton Playroom.
            •   Before-kindergarten care is available on Wednesday (8:40am– 12:00pm) at Brighton

Enrol directly through Brighton Playroom

 Term 1              28th January –1st April
 Term 2              19th April – 25th June
 Term 3              12th July – 17th September
 Term 4              4th October – 17th December

Please refer to the letter (sent at the end of the year by your teacher) for staggered start times at the
beginning of the year, to allow for our important transition to the kindergarten program.

 Labour Day                                    Monday 9 March
 Good Friday                                   Friday 2 April
 Anzac Day                                     Sunday 25 April
 Queen’s Birthday                              Monday 14 June
 Melbourne Cup Day                             Tuesday 2 November

In the children’s words

“Today on the mat, I spoke to the children and told them that we needed their help to make a book
about kinder. I explained that they had such good ideas and knew so many things that I wanted to ask
them about what we should put in the book. Talking to children like this shows them that we see them
as knowledgeable and capable and builds their self-esteem.” Kylie, 4yo teacher

  If someone new is starting kinder,
  what do they need to know?

      §   Not to waste water – Pia, ‘cos
          it’s precious – Asia
      §   Don’t waste paper – Asia, So                    What do you like most about
          you don’t have to chop down                    kindergarten?
          trees – Pia
      §   No snatching because it’s not
                                                             §   Playdough ‘cos it’s soft – Violet
          nice – Ava
                                                             §   Cooking, sometimes for
      §   No hurting someone. So no one
                                                                 someone’s birthday – Camille
          gets hurt – Henry
                                                             §   Clay, ‘cos you can make
      §   You have to put your snack in
                                                                 whatever you like – Sophie
          your locker, put your drink bottle
                                                             §   Eating snack – Oliver
          on the trolley, wash your hands
                                                             §   Helping the people who are new
          and sit on the mat. – Pia
                                                                 – Lucinda
      §   You have to use kind words –
                                                             §   I like poison ball – Giselle
                                                             §   I like playing games outside –
      §   You have water to keep being
          hydrated - Will
                                                             §   Archie and me doing teamwork
                                                                 with blocks - Hughie

     What will the new children need to
     bring to kindergarten?

          §   Their snack – Sophie
          §   Bring your water bottle – Henry
          §   A hat, a jacket, a lunchbox,
              hairclips, an umbrella in case it’s
              rainy and a drink bottle. –
          §   Hat – Ava
          §   No bringing toys ‘cos if you play
              with them at kinder you might
              lose them – Jack

Please note that staff can only release children
 NBK shares the premises with Brighton               into the care of people who are authorised by
                                                     the parent/guardians to collect their children.
 Playroom and the Maternal and Child                 Parents/guardians give authorisation on the
 Health Services. Therefore, we ask that             enrolment form. For this reason, please put
 all parents respect the rights of other             down contact names of at least two or more
                                                     persons who are authorised to collect your child
 users and supervise their children in the           on the enrolment form. We also request that
 shared areas. Please ensure that the                you nominate a parent in your child’s group.
 front gate is kept closed at all times, and         (Refer to our delivery and Collection of Children
 note that smoking is not allowed in any
 part of the building or outside areas.              Parents can update this information at any time
                                                     as circumstances change. Additional people can
                                                     be added to this list in person, or via writing
                                                     (email/or letter). If you wish to update via a
Your kindergarten experience                         phone call, you will need to follow that request
                                                     up in writing. If staff have not met the person
Your child’s day at kindergarten                     picking up previously, please ensure they bring
                                                     photo ID in order to confirm their identity.
The following information gives you an outline
                                                     For further details, please see our Delivery and
of what to expect when preparing to send your
                                                     Collection of Children policy, available in the
child to kindergarten. If you have any other
                                                     kindergarten foyer and on our website.
questions, please do not hesitate to speak to
the teacher.                                         WHAT TO WEAR
ARRIVAL AND PICK-UP                                  We get messy at kinder! We have smocks, but
                                                     it is better if children can participate without
Each day you arrive with your child, you are
                                                     worrying about their clothing. Please dress your
required to come inside and register the child’s
                                                     child in clothes that are easily washed. We like
name, actual time of arrival and the name of
                                                     to get outside in all the weather, including rain.
person collecting the child. On collecting your
                                                     There are wonderful sensory and learning
child, you must write the actual time of pick-up
                                                     opportunities in the rain, so please pack a
and sign your name. This is a Victorian
                                                     waterproof jacket for those rainy days. Your
Department of Education and Training (DET)
                                                     child will feel more confident if dressed in
requirement so the teachers know exactly how
                                                     clothes that he/she can easily manage. Skirts
many children are in the kindergarten at any
                                                     and dresses make climbing difficult and will stop
time. It is a legal document and must be filled
                                                     girls from participating fully.
out correctly.
                                                     Please always pack a spare set of clothing.
It is helpful if parents leave the room promptly
                                                     Toileting accidents can happen unexpectedly,
after saying goodbye. Children find it easier to
                                                     but also sometimes children get wet or too
concentrate once their parents have left the
                                                     messy and like to have their own clothes to
building and it also assists those children who
                                                     change into. We do have a limited supply of
are having difficulty settling in. Please speak to
                                                     spares for emergencies. Please name all articles
your teacher if you have any concerns.
                                                     of clothing and footwear.
It is important to collect your child on time at
                                                     Appropriate footwear minimises the chances of
the end of the session. It is very distressing to
                                                     accidents. Thongs, clogs and crocs are not
be left behind when all the other children have
                                                     allowed at any time. Shoes with leather soles
gone. If you realise you are going to be late,
                                                     can also be slippery and hazardous and are not
please call and notify staff members. The
delivery and collection policy outlines the
circumstances in which a late collection fee can     You are now able to purchase NBK Logo
be charged. These are applied if a parent is         clothing (t-shirt, long sleeved t-shirt, jumper
consistently late and has reminded by a staff        and hats) from Eduthreads. Items are available
member or a committee member to collect their        in an assortment of colours.
child on time.

You can order all through the year. It would be         §   dry biscuits
great for children to have a t-shirt for                §   cheese
excursions. The kindergarten receives 10% of            §   yogurt.
all sales.
                                                    We encourage families not to provide unhealthy
SUN PROTECTION                                      options, such as chips, chocolates or drinks
                                                    other than water. Please note, a special treat
NBK has adopted a Sun Protection Policy. This       every so often for your child is OK.
means your child must wear a legionnaires,
bucket or broad brimmed hat and sunscreen for       Please don’t pack nuts!
outdoor play once the UV rating is 3 or over.       As part of our risk minimisation plan, we ask
This starts to happen in August, through to the     that children do not bring any nuts or products
end of April. We use the SunSmart App to check      containing nuts to NBK. This includes peanut
the rating each day. Children must also have        butter, Nutella, and any muesli bars containing
shoulders covered, so strappy dresses or            nuts. If children have these foods in their lunch
singlets do not meet the sun protection policy.     boxes, they will not be allowed to consume
(A t-shirt under strappy tops can be a suitable     them while on the kindergarten premises.
                                                    We have other strategies in place to deal with
Please apply sunscreen before the child comes       allergies to other foods. You will be advised if a
to kindergarten. We re-apply sunscreen in the       child in your group has other anaphylactic
afternoon on the long days for four year olds.      allergies to other foods. We thank you in
If your child requires sunscreen for sensitive      advance      for    your    co-operation     and
skin, please ensure a named bottle is in your       understanding. Please see the Anaphylaxis
child’s bag.                                        policy in the orange policy folder by the
WHAT TO BRING                                       entrance for further information or on our
Children in all programs should have:
                                                    NUDE FOOD
    §    water bottle (no juice or cordial)
    §    lunch box with healthy snacks              NBK encourages families to support a
    §    large backpack to carry everything         sustainable future by packing rubbish free
         (including completed artwork)              ‘nude’ snacks and lunches. There are many
    §    coat in winter                             lunch boxes and containers available for
    §    hat in summer                              purchase that have compartments for you to
    §    spare change of clothes.                   supply food without wrappers.
Children in the four-year-old sessions should       Please ensure that your children are able to
also bring the following for long day sessions:     open/close and manage their lunch boxes and
                                                    containers. It is a good idea to have some
    §    a healthy lunch, along with the snack in   practice runs with the containers you will use at
         a lunchbox                                 kindergarten before the start of the year.
All items sent to kinder should be clearly
labelled. Please include snacks that children can
open themselves. This promotes independence         Children love to celebrate their birthdays.
and self-esteem.                                    Please send individual cakes or treats, either on
HEALTHY AND SAFE EATING                             the day or the nearest day. Cream cakes are
                                                    not suitable and cakes must not contain nuts.
NBK supports healthy eating, teaching children      Talk to the staff if you have any questions.
that eating healthy food will make them strong
and ready to learn. Throughout the year,            The NBK transition program
children will be provided with opportunities to     At the beginning of the year, NBK runs a
learn about food, nutrition and healthy             transition program for each group, whereby
lifestyles.                                         initial sessions are shorter and contain fewer
Nutritious ideas for snacks and lunches include:    children. Our experience shows that this is an
                                                    invaluable program for numerous reasons.
    §    sandwiches/wraps/rolls
    §    fruit                                          §   It gives the teaching staff the time to
    §    vegetables                                         get to know your child. With less

children, we can focus on individual          that ensures confidentiality for the child who is
        interactions and relationships rather         unwell. Exclusion Table
        than group management. Relationships
                                                      Good Hygiene is important to staying healthy.
        are fundamental to a successful year
                                                      We encourage children to wash their hands
        and we want to ensure those key
                                                      upon entering the service, and before and after
        learning relationships get off to a good
                                                      eating. Encourage your child to blow their nose
                                                      using a tissue. Then dispose of the tissue in the
    §   It gives the children the opportunity to
                                                      bin and wash their hands afterwards. We
        familiarise themselves with their new
                                                      reinforce this in the kindergarten program too.
        environment – location of work areas,
                                                      Please refer to our Hygiene Policy.
        equipment, bathroom and playground.
    §   It is easier for children to meet and
        establish relationships with other
        children when they are in smaller             MEDICATION
        groups.                                       If your child requires medication, please notify
    §   Smaller groups result in less noise and       the staff. This must be written in the medication
        general busyness in the room. This            book and signed by both parent and teacher.
        allows the children to feel safer and
        secure      in      the     kindergarten      ALLERGIES/HEALTH REQUIREMENTS
    §   While some children in the four-year-         Any allergies or other health requirements
        old groups will have attended three-          should be noted in the child’s enrolment form.
        year-old kindergarten at NBK, others in       Remember children will bring birthday cakes
        the group will have had no prior              and other food into the kindergarten, so it is
        experience at this kindergarten. The          important to ensure the teachers are aware of
        transition program helps us cater for         any allergies or sensitivities.
        the needs of all children in the group.       ANAPHYLAXIS
    §   We are able to plan for each individual
        child’s needs more accurately.                Anaphylaxis is a severe form of allergy reaction
    §   We have more opportunity to observe           and it can be fatal. While the incidence of death
        and find out about each child’s               from anaphylaxis is rare, children can die
        individual interests. This helps us to        without appropriate intervention.
        develop a connection with each child
        and develop program planning based            In accordance with the Education and Care
        on the children’s interests.                  Services National Regulations, 2011, NBK has
    §   Experience and current studies have           developed an Anaphylaxis Management policy.
        taught us that young children benefit         If you would like to view the details of this
        from this style of introduction.              policy, it is located in the orange policy file in
                                                      the entrance to the kinder and on our website.
Please speak to your child’s teacher if you have
any questions or concerns.                            NBK has children currently being cared for with
                                                      anaphylaxis, so it is important to pay attention
Health and Safety at kindergarten                     to the signs in the kindergarten and notes from
                                                      teachers. In line with this policy, children will be
INFECTIOUS DISEASES                                   required to wash their hands when they arrive
                                                      at kinder and after consuming food.
Regular attendance at kindergarten is
important, but please keep your child away if         MEDICAL CONDITIONS POLICY
they are sick or could be infectious. Please call
or email your teacher to let them know if your        NBK has in place a policy that provides
child will be absent, or if they have had an          guidelines to ensure that clear procedures
infectious disease. It is important that you are      exist to support the health, wellbeing and
aware of your responsibilities as per our Dealing     inclusion of all children enrolled at the service,
with Infections Diseases Policy.                      including those with specific health care
 A poster setting out the symptoms and
contagious period of infectious diseases in           This policy considers the management of
children is on display at NBK. All parents will be    medical conditions, when a Risk Management
notified if any infectious illness occurs, in a way
                                                      Plan is required, the development of a medical

management plan and the ways in which                 We have developed a number of strategies to
communication between the kindergarten and            ensure we are meeting the Child Safe Standards
the child’s family will occur.                        and to ensure the safety of the children in the
                                                      NBK community. These include a Code of
                                                      Conduct for Families, a commitment to ongoing
NOTIFICATION OF ACCIDENTS                             staff training and continued awareness raising
                                                      within our community. We have risk
In the event that a child has a minor accident,       minimisation plans and policies to guide our
the parent/guardian will be notified at pick-up       practice, which are all available for you to see.
time. If there is a major accident and
                                                      We are committed to empowering the children
emergency care is required, the parents or
                                                      through      teaching    and    ensuring     their
emergency contact will be notified and medical,
hospital or ambulance services may be                 participation. We acknowledge that particular
arranged if appropriate. All accidents are            knowledge and strategies are required to
recorded on an accident notification form.            ensure the (cultural and otherwise) safety of
Parents will be informed of all incidents and         Aboriginal children, children from culturally and
must sign the documentation. Our staff team           linguistically diverse backgrounds and children
are all trained in first aid. A well-stocked first    with a disability. Please speak to Kylie or your
aid kit is accessible in the kinder room.             child’s teacher if you would like to see any of
                                                      these documents, or would like further
                                                      information. You will be sent a copy of our code
If your child has injured themselves outside of       of conduct at the start of the year and asked to
kinder, please let the staff know when you bring      sign a form saying you agree to abide by it. This
your child in to their session. You will be           code outlines appropriate interactions with the
required to fill in the Documentation of Prior        members of our community including children,
Injury form. These practices ensure that we can       and a copy is on display at the kinder.
best care for your child and fulfil legislative
HEAD LICE                                             Emergency Management
The occurrence of an outbreak of head lice is         NBK has an Emergency Management Plan that
difficult to avoid. Please inform the teacher if      considers potential risks to the kindergarten
you find head lice in your child’s hair. Children     and specifies actions to be taken in the event of
will be excluded from kindergarten until              an emergency, including an evacuation and a
appropriate treatment is given. As per our            lockdown.
policy, children can return to kindergarten after
                                                      The emergency procedures are displayed in the
their hair has been treated. We ask that parents
notify us early so we can help to minimise the        kinder room near the door to the playground.
spread. Please rest assured that we maintain          Please see the orange policy and procedures
confidentiality at all times.                         folder for more detailed information. The
                                                      children will be participating in practices
OUR COMMITMENT TO CHILD SAFETY.                       throughout the year.
As part of meeting the Child Safe Standards,          Immunisation policy
Kylie Lawson has been assigned the Child
Safety Officer. If you have any concerns              From 1 January 2016, all parents/guardians
regarding a child’s safety, particularly in regards   seeking to enrol their child at an early childhood
to children at risk of abuse, please speak to         service in Victoria must provide evidence that
Kylie, or the Approved Provider (as named on          their child is:
the front door.) If you believe a child is at
immediate risk of abuse, please call 000. The             §   fully immunised for their age OR
phone number for Child protection through The             §   unable to be fully immunised for
Orange Door service is 1800 319 353. Any adult                medical reasons.
in the state of Victoria, that holds a reasonable     The ‘No Jab No Play’ law applies to all early
belief that a sexual offence has been committed       childhood education and care services in
against a child, is legally obliged to disclose it    Victoria, including kindergarten.
to the police.

You must provide evidence of your child’s               §   an annual survey
immunisation status to enrol at North Brighton          §   regular informal communication with
Kindergarten. You can obtain a copy of your                 your child’s teacher and co-educator
child’s most recent Immunisation History                §   the planned educational curriculum,
Statement via:                                              displayed in the foyer and emails
                                                            regarding the curriculum and events for
    •   your Medicare online account through
                                                            the group.
                                                        §   parent-teacher interviews around the
    •   express Plus Medicare mobile app
                                                            middle of the year.
    •   call the Australian Immunisation
                                                        §   phone calls and emails.
        Register enquiries line 1800 653 80 (it
        will take 14 days to receive a copy)        If you have any concerns about your child at
                                                    kinder please arrange a time to speak with your
You     can    send  a   pdf     copy    to         child’s teacher. or bring a copy in
to the Kindergarten.                                PROCESSES FOR ALLEVIATING PARENT CONCERNS
    If your child has a medical reason that he      It is possible that issues will arise that are of
    or she cannot be vaccinated, you will need      concern to parents. NBK is committed to
    that recorded with the Australian               keeping parents included and informed about
    Immunisation Register, and your child’s         activities at the kinder and we encourage
    Immunisation History Statement will have        families to reciprocate by keeping us informed
    that indicated.                                 on matters on which they seek clarification.
                                                    Open and respectful communication between
If your child was vaccinated overseas, you must     home and NBK is encouraged so that areas of
obtain an immunisation status certificate from      potential misunderstanding can be clarified
a general practitioner or immunisation nurse,       before a problem occurs.
who will assess your international immunisation
                                                    If there is a problem or concern, or if you have
records, update the Australian Immunisation
                                                    a suggestion, there are various people who are
Register, and then you will be able to get the
                                                    available to respond. The class teacher is the
Immunisation History Statement to provide to
                                                    first point of contact. If that presents
                                                    difficulties, an appointment can be made with
If your child receives new immunisations please     the President.
provide an updated statement.
                                                    PARENT COMPLAINTS
                                                    NBK is committed to the resolution, where
NBK is committed to promoting a friendly,           possible, of complaints to the mutual
comfortable and cooperative relationship            satisfaction of those involved. A Complaints
between parents and teaching staff. NBK has a       policy is in the policy manual outlining the
Communication Policy that provides guidelines       procedures for the Grievance Sub-Committee
for communication between parents, staff and        who will follow up and aim to resolve
the Committee of Management.                        complaints.
There are many ways that communication              Parents are encouraged, in the first instance
occurs at the kinder including:                     and if comfortable to do so, to raise concerns
                                                    directly with the person/persons involved in
    §   this handbook                               order to resolve the concerns without recourse
    §   notice boards                               to the complaints procedure. Complaints can be
    §   EdSmart      for    Permission     slips,   raised with the Executive; contact details are
        information from the Committee,             located in the main entrance.
        Management and teaching staff
        regarding things such as social events
        and fundraising, health alerts, and
        much more.
                                                    Family involvement
    §   class parent representatives who liaise     NBK has a strong community and many lifelong
        between parents, staff and the              friendships have formed at kindergarten.
        Committee of Management                     Getting involved in NBK activities not only
    §   notices in your child’s kinder pocket       directly benefits your child, but also enables

you to meet other parents and socialise. We              §   to manage the kindergarten by
believe that family involvement and community                maintaining its financial viability,
participation adds to the strength of our                    ensuring compliance with all applicable
community and works to create a safer                        regulations, and monitoring all aspects
community for our children.                                  of the running of the Kindergarten; and
                                                         §   as an employer, to be responsible for
WORKING WITH CHILDREN CHECKS                                 employing suitably qualified and
New legislation came into effect on the 1st of               experienced staff and supporting those
August, 2017. While parents are not required to              staff wherever possible in offering a
have a Working with Children Check when                      creative and stimulating program.
helping out at the kindergarten, we do               The Parent Committee is the principle meeting
encourage families to get one. Many of the local     point for the kindergarten community. Its roles
schools require families to have one in order to     vary, with the main focus of guiding and
help out at the school, and they are quite easy      informing fundraising, social events, and
to get. The legislation does require that other      working bees. The committee is an important
family members such as grandparents and              forum for discussing significant issues facing
Kinship carers have one before helping out at        the kindergarten.
the kinder. Also, anyone employed to work with
the children (e.g. Nannies and babysitters.) are     Participation on the CoM and/or Parent
also required to have a check. You can apply         Committee offers an excellent opportunity to
online by filling out a form at the following        become involved in the operation of NBK, get
website.    It    is   free   for   volunteers.      to know the teachers better, and to meet other           parents. It is also essential to maintaining the
                                                     current NBK ‘community feel’ and for keeping
As part of our risk minimisation plan, we do         the costs of running the kindergarten to a
require that all volunteers on excursions have       minimum. If a CoM can’t be elected, the
a current Working with Children Check.               kindergarten would need to move to a different
                                                     management model, whereby the management
                                                     of the kindergarten would be outsourced to a
NBK is a community-style kindergarten that           centralised organisation, potentially resulting in
relies upon the voluntary help of parents to         increased costs and loss of autonomy.
keep fees reasonable.                                Position descriptions for both committees are in
Children enjoy having a parent or guardian           the Governance policy in the orange Policy, on
assist at kindergarten. Parent duty rosters are      our website and are mailed out before the AGM.
placed in the foyer each term, and it is essential   If you have any suggestions or concerns
that a parent or guardian do these duties once       regarding NBK’s management, please feel free
or twice a term. If you cannot attend yourself,      to contact the President.
please swap the day with another parent or
have a nanny/grandparent etc. fill in for you.       FUNDRAISING
Being on duty gives you a great opportunity to
get to know the children in the group, and to        Our aim with fundraising is to be mindful of how
see a kinder session in action.                      much we are asking of families, and to ensure
                                                     that there are other benefits from the
JOINING THE MEMBER COMMITTEES                        fundraising in addition to raising much needed
                                                     additional funds. Our large event is a fun night
NBK is run and supported by two committees:          out, and smaller events can often require
the Committee of Management (CoM) and the            parent participation e.g. Bunnings sausage
Parent Committee. Members of these                   sizzles and cake stalls.
committees are voted in at the Annual General
Meeting (AGM, generally held in November)            If you have any fundraising suggestions or time
from the association’s membership. Members           to commit to this important part of NBK, please
can include parents/guardians or any individual      speak with a member of the committee.
who has applied to be a member.                      WORKING BEES
As an incorporated association the CoM
manages the business and affairs of the              Working bees are held a few times a year on a
association. The main functions are:                 weekend to maintain the kindergarten. Work
                                                     concentrates on safety factors and ensuring all

the equipment is maintained in a good
condition. More hands make light work.
Other ways you can help with the smooth
running of the kindergarten include:
   §    Helping to take the children on
   §    Mending/sewing toys or smocks
   §    Washing smocks and dress-ups
   §    Reading stories, sharing events, and       I was a member of the CoM for 3 years.
                                                   Moving from general member, to HR to
   §    Sharing skills such as playing a musical
        instrument, cooking, singing, reading      President. I loved being a part of the
        stories in another language etc.           team. At first it was overwhelming; being
   §    Donating items, such as materials for      responsible for the running of the kinder
        collage and pasting – please do not
        throw out any interesting boxes,           especially the skilled and professional
        ribbons, wrapping paper or old clothes     teaching staff, but over time you learn a
        for dress ups.                             huge amount, begin to contribute and
                                                   finally become confident to make
                                                   decisions that impact the whole kinder
                                                   Supporting our professional and
                                                   dedicated teaching staff was a privilege.
  Being part of the Committee of
                                                   My boys also loved that I “was the boss”
 Management since 2019 has solidified
                                                   at their kinder (haha).
 my decision about choosing NBK as the
                                                   I highly recommend joining the team.
 kindergarten for our family.
                                                   You will make friends who you will know
 Communication with the Educational
                                                   for years to come, you will make
 Leader and NBK Presidents and other
                                                   contributions to enhance your child’s
 committee members on a monthly basis
                                                   early learning and you will be a part of
 has shown me how valued and respected
                                                   decisions that influence the greater
 each and every child and family at NBK
                                                   community, your community.
 is. Being on the Committee has felt like
                                                   Kylie, 2016 - 2018
 being a part of another family and
 knowing about what goes on ‘behind the
 scenes’ really has helped me understand
 how hard working our kinder teachers
 are, not to mention out amazing
 volunteer committee.
 Leanne, current

What do parents think?

The North Brighton experience is often as rewarding for the parents as it is for the children.

   One of the lovely things about being part
   of the North Brighton Kinder community
   is the familiarity for the children. They               NBK is a great way to meet other
   walk past their friends’ houses on the                  families and be part of an enthusiastic
   way to kinder, know each other’s siblings               and dynamic group of people who care
   and foster relationships, which in my                   about the beginning of their children's
   experience, extends beyond the pre-                     education. I loved being on the
   school years. – Melanie                                 committee of management and being
                                                           involved in the decision making for the
                                                           direction of the kinder, as well as the
                                                           social activities organised by the
                                                           committee. It was also great to be able
                                                           to provide support to the fantastic
      NBK offers our family a strong                       teaching staff at the kinder. – Joanne
      connection to the community. It gives
      our son the opportunity to explore, learn
      the value of play and build resilience. –

                                                       The thing I love most about NBK is
                                                       meeting the wonderful families in our
                                                       community. I have had three children at
                                                       this kinder and my children and I have
                                                       made such amazing friends. – Melinda

   We have had a wonderful experience at NBK. The staff are just amazing
   and so much more than just ‘educators’. Friendly, nurturing and
   extremely approachable, they provide a supportive and fun environment
   for my children. They share a thorough understanding of my child’s
   capabilities and disposition and the attention to detail and the
   observations they make are always so spot-on. We are so fortunate to be
   part of a place that promotes such a positive level of community spirit.
   NBK has provided a great opportunity for us to meet other parents in the
   area and to also develop many long-term friendships. I really cannot
   recommend NBK highly enough! – Susan

                                            When we first started, we'd been told it
                                            was good but didn't know what to
                                            expect. Once we started, we saw how
                                            awesome the staff are, cool activities,
                                            great facilities. Bottom line, the kids are
                                            happy there! – Andrew

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