NORD/LB Group Presentation - August 2021

Page created by Amy Perez
NORD/LB Group Presentation - August 2021
NORD/LB Group Presentation
August 2021

NORD/LB Group Presentation - August 2021

NORD/LB at a glance         2
Financials                  13
Segments                    19
NORD/LB 2024, Outlook       27
Appendix                    36

NORD/LB Group Presentation - August 2021
NORD/LB at a glance

              Ownership structure and regional network.

                                       Ownership Structure1,2                                                    Headquarters and ownership region

                               FIDES Delta3


            FIDES Gamma4
                              12.73%                                                                                        Hanover
            Lower Saxony
        Savings Banks and                                                         State of Lower Saxony5
          Giro Association

   Saxony-Anhalt Savings
Banks Holding Association 1.90%      6.66%
           Special Purpose Holding
                 Association of the State of
            Mecklenburg-Western Saxony Anhalt
         Pomerania Savings Banks

       1)   Total differences are rounding differences
       2)   As at 31 December 2020
       3)   Fides Gamma: Trustee company of DSGV (German Savings Banks Association)/savings banks
       4)   Fides Delta: Trustee company of DSGV (German Savings Banks Association)/landesbanks
       5)   Divided into: State of Lower Saxony € 1,000.59, Niedersachsen Invest GmbH (NIG) 42.92 per cent and
            Hannoversche Beteiligungsgesellschaft Niedersachsen mbH (HanBG) 12.23 per cent
NORD/LB Group Presentation - August 2021
NORD/LB at a glance

       Represented in important financial and trade centres worldwide.

                                                                                                                       Head offices
                                                                                                                        Hannover, Brunswick, Magdeburg
                                                                                                                       Branches worldwide
                                                                                                                        London, New York, Singapore,
                            New York
                                                                                                                       German branches
                                                                                                                        Bremen, Duesseldorf, Hamburg,
                                                                                                                        Munich, Oldenburg, Schwerin and
                                                                                                                        approx. 100 branches and self-service
                                                                                                                        centres of Braunschweigische
                                                                                                                       Subsidiaries and Real Estate Offices
                                                                                        Hamburg                         (Deutsche Hypothekenbank) NORD/LB
                                                              London                              Schwerin
                                                                               Oldenburg                                Luxembourg Covered Bond Bank
                                                                       Amsterdam Bremen
                                                                                  Hanover    Brunswick
                                                                                               Magdeburg     Warsaw
                                                                 Paris             Frankfurt  Nuernberg

                                                                                               Munich                                             Shanghai



Addresses and more details:
NORD/LB Group Presentation - August 2021
NORD/LB at a glance

We rely on strong regional roots and leading positions in attractive niche markets.

                                                        Corporate Customers                          Markets
                                                        // German SMEs                               // Institutional customers
                           Commercial Real Estate       // Special business (Agricultural banking)
                                                                                                     // Public customers
                           // Deutsche Hypo                                                          // Savings banks
                           (CRE centre of competence)                                                // NORD/LB CBB

Special Finance
// Energy and infrastructure                                                                                               Private- &
// Aircraft
                                                                                                                           Commercial Customers
                                                                                                                           and Savings Banks Network

                          // Attractive niche player with a holistic and sustainable consultancy approach
                          // Excellent know-how in the field of renewable energies and infrastructure projects
                          // Outstanding expertise in aircraft and commercial real estate financing
                          // Long-standing stable association business with partners of the S-Financing Group

NORD/LB Group Presentation - August 2021
NORD/LB at a glance

 Stronger interaction between credit customers and investors.

                                                                  // Matching banking products with investors
                                                  Asset           // Coordinating investors direct participation in credit
                                               Distribution          exposures with high credit ratings through service
                                                                     function, syndication

// Traditional lending business                                                              // Project finance for
    with medium-sized and                                                                       renewable energies,
    upper midsize companies                                                                     infrastructure, aircraft and
// Focus on individual solutions   Loans for                                                    commercial real estate
    through close customer         corporate                                                 // In-depth market
    interaction and market                                             finance                  knowledge due to
    knowledge                                                                                   decades of experience

                                                                  // Connecting credit customers and investors
                                                Markets           // Promissory notes, bond issues, (mortgage bonds, green

    The interaction between credit customers, investors and NORD/LB creates new product solutions for customers and
    additional commission income in a capital-friendly manner

NORD/LB Group Presentation - August 2021
NORD/LB at a glance

       Our key brands1,2.

                                                       Private and Commercial Customers and Savings Banks
                                                       Corporate Customers
                                                       Markets
                                                       Special Finance (Energy, Infrastructure and Aircraft)
                                                       Real Estate Banking Customers
                                                       Special Credit and Portfolio Optimization (SCPO)

                                   3                                                        4                                                         100%5

                                                                                                                                           Public and project finance
               Commercial real estate finance                                Private and commercial customers                              Issuance of Lettres de Gage5

1)   As at 1 July 2021
2)   For more information about subsidiaries and affiliated companies please consult or our Group Annual Reports 2020, Note (75)
3)    Deutsche Hypothekenbank (Actien-Gesellschaft) was integrated into NORD/LB on 1 July 2021. The commercial real estate finance business will remain a core business segment in the
     NORD/LB Group after the merger. The "Deutsche Hypo" brand established in the market will be continued
4)   Incorporated under public law with partial legal capacity
5)   NORD/LB ensures that the companies mentioned in the Group Annual Report 2020, Note (72) are able to meet their obligations
6)   Further details starting at page 45
NORD/LB Group Presentation - August 2021
NORD/LB at a glance

       Our ratings.

         NORD/LB Credit Ratings

         Issuer Rating (long-term1/short-term2)                                                          A34/P-2              A-4/F1                 A (high)4/R-1 (middle)4
         Deposits (long-term / short-term)                                                               A34/P-2               A/F1                 A (high) 4/R-1 (middle)4
         Counterparty Risk Rating / Derivate counterparty rating
                                                                                                      A3(cr)/P-2(cr)         A(dcr)/ -                             -
         (long-term / short-term)
         Senior unsecured liabilities (preferred)                                                          A3                    A                            A (high)4
         Senior unsecured non-preferred debt                                                              Baa2                   A                                A4
         Subordinate / Tier 2                                                                              Ba2                   B+                           A (low)4
         Intrinsic financial strength3                                                                     ba1                   bb                          BBB (low)
         Subordinate / Tier 1                                                                            Ca(hyb)                  -                                -
         Public-Sector / Mortgage Pfandbriefe                                                           Aa1/Aa1                   -                                -

                                                                                                                       5                                                7
         NORD/LB Sustainability Ratings

         Corporate Rating / Sustainability Rating                                                        C+ Prime            Positive B                            A
         Public-Sector Pfandbriefe                                                                           -             Positive BBB                            -
         Mortgage Pfandbriefe                                                                                -              Positive BB                            -
         Ship Pfandbriefe                                                                                    -               Positive B                            -
1)   Long-term Issuer Rating / Long-term Issuer Default Rating (IDR) / Long-term Issuer Rating   4) Stable outlook         7) March 2021, for further information see page 51
2)   Commercial Paper/ Short-Term Issuer Default Rating / Short-Term Issuer Rating               5) March 2019
3)   Adjusted Baseline Credit Assessment / Viability Rating / Intrinsic Assessment               6) November 2019
NORD/LB Group Presentation - August 2021
NORD/LB at a glance

Reduction of the non-strategic portfolio and transformation programme
proceeding more successfully than planned despite COVID-19.

                 Implementation of measures agreed with the EU in 2019 fully on track
                 Administrative expenses decrease continuously
                 Deutsche Hypo fully integrated into NORD/LB as of 1 July 2021
                 Reduction of the ship portfolio proceeds faster and economically more efficiently than assumed
                 2020 was shaped by risk-conscious and capital-oriented business policy
                 Planned reduction of non-strategic portfolios causes almost balanced result before risk provisioning, restructuring,
                  transformation and taxes of € -4 million
                 Strong CET1 ratio at 15.4 per cent

                 Sustainability is more than just a trendy topic for us, but follows our conviction
                 Launch of a bank-wide sustainability project for the sustainable orientation of all business areas
                 Commercial real estate financing covers the entire green value chain
                 Financing in renewable energies already saved the output of a medium-sized German coal-fired power plant in 2021
                  (around 700 megawatts)

                 Focused work on process digitalisation and automation
                 Promoting the digital mindset of the workforce by offering various formats & methods
                 Increased use of new, digital communication options to ensure hybrid cooperation

NORD/LB Group Presentation - August 2021
NORD/LB at a glance

NORD/LB is committed to strategically integrate sustainability into its
business model.

                      Integration of sustainability into our business model:
 Commitment            Signing the Principles for Responsible Banking and the UN Global Compact.
                       Impact of our business on the environment and society will be measurable and assessable for our stakeholders

                      Adopting the following principles within the framework of sustainable corporate governance:
                       Focus on stakeholders: Knowing the requirements of our specific stakeholders
                       Responsibility: Respecting human rights, fighting corruption and protecting the environment are essential
 Strategy               elements of our responsibility
                       Holism: A holistic approach to managing social and environmental impacts
                       Transparency: Transparent corporate governance and strong own positions as added value for the customer,
                        investors and society

 Guidelines           Integrating environmental, social and governance aspects into business decisions

                      External reporting of ESG topics within the scope of the reporting obligation § 289 HGB (CSR Guideline)
                      and the standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)

NORD/LB at a glance

Clear definition of ESG guidelines.

      As a Landesbank and a public-law institution, NORD/LB bears a special responsibility for economic development and social cohesion.
      This social responsibility includes NORD/LB's social commitment and responsible corporate management with clear ethical principles
      as well as the example of integrity and legally compliant conduct.

  1                                            2                                                  3
      Guidelines for the bank as a whole            Guidelines for individual industries                             Exclusions

 Environmental                                 Environmental                                       No "controversial weapons"
  Climate Change                               ESG requirements for project financing
                                                                                                   No business relations with companies in the
  Environmental impact of our corporate        Dealing with renewable resources
                                                                                                    defence industry unless all applicable laws,
    activities                                  Dealing with non-renewable resources
                                                                                                    embargoes and regulations are complied with
  Operational environmental protection         Sustainable aircraft financing and real estate
                                                  financing                                        No business relations with companies in the
 Social                                                                                             pornography industry
  Consideration of human rights and labour    Social
                                                                                                   No financing of the construction of nuclear
    standards                                   Business relations with companies in the
                                                                                                    power plants
                                                  defence industry
 Governance                                                                                        No financing of the construction of
  Dealing with interest groups                                                                     conventional coal-fired power plants
  Dealing with tax law requirements
                                                                                                   No financing of dam constructions and
                                                                                                    hydroelectric power plants in areas requiring
                                                                                                    special protection
                                                                                                   No transactions in own name for own account
                                                                                                    on commodity futures exchanges

NORD/LB at a glance

       Sustainability is successfully integrated in NORD/LB Group’s operative business.

       The integration of sustainability into our core business is our main driver to ensure long-term future orientation and competitiveness of
       the NORD/LB Group, our customers and business partners

 2012                                      2016                                    2018                                    2021
 Implementation of first                   Group sustainability report in          Publication of the Group                Implementation of a Sustainability
 ESG guidelines for the                    accordance with GRI G4                  Sustainability Report in                Board to strategically integrate
 lending business.                         guidelines2                             accordance with the GRI                 sustainability into the bank's
                                                                                   standards3                              supply chain

                    2013                                       2017                           2020
                    Signing of the                             First Green Pfandbrief         Signing of the “Principles
                    UN Global Compact                          issued by Deutsche Hypo        for Responsible Banking”
                    2013                                                                      2020
                    First Group sustainability                                                First "Lettre de Gage énergies renouvelables"
                    report in accordance with                                                 (Luxemburger Covered Bonds Renewable Energies)
                    the GRI guidelines3
                    Implementation of
                    further guidelines for the
                    lending business

1)   Environmental, Social and Governance
2)   Guidielines of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), standard version G4
3)   GRI - Global Reporting Initiative

NORD/LB at a glance          2
Financials                   13
Segments                     19
NORD/LB 2024, Outlook        27
Appendix                     36


       Strong performance in transformation process. COVID-19 loads are easing.

                                           The Group earnings before restructuring, transformation and taxes were € -24 million as at 30 June 2021.
             Consolidated                  Net risk provisioning (with the exception of aircraft financing) continues to be inconspicuous. The model
                profit                     adjustments in risk provisions (related to possible COVID-19 impacts) were reduced to € 368 million in the
                                           first half of 2021 (portfolio; as at 31 Dec 2020: € 386 million)

                                           The portfolio reduction is progressing. As at 30 June 2021, the total exposure was € 124.6 billion, down
                                           4 per cent compared to year-end 2020 (€ 130.5 billion). The Group NPL ratio fell to at 1.2 per cent (compared
             De-risking of
                                           to year-end 2020). The shipping portfolio was reduced to € 1.5 billion, of which 94 per cent are included in
            loan portfolio                 guarantees or securitisations. The aircraft portfolio amounts to € 3.2 billion, of which 55 per cent is covered
                                           by guarantees or securitisations

                                           The transformation programme was continued as planned, with personnel expenses falling by € 23 million.
           Transformation                  Total assets were further reduced to € 116.7 billion, a reduction of 24 per cent or € 37 billion since the end
                                           of 2018.
             Programme                     The NORD/LB 2024 strategy programme bundles efficiency improvement programmes and implements the
                                           business model adjustments1

                                           The Common Equity Tier 1 capital ratio (CET1) of 15.4 per cent as at 30 June 2021 was significantly above
          Common Equity                    the regulatory requirements (SREP 8.7 per cent). The total capital ratio was 20.0 per cent as at 30 June
            Tier 1 ratio                   2021. The MREL ratio was 49.5 per cent² as at 30 June 2021. The cost/income ratio was 103.3 per cent and
                                           the return on equity was -1.8 per cent.

1)   Further details starting at page 28
2)   Further details on page 18

       First half-year only with slightly negative result.

                                                                                                 Net interest income: Decrease, among others due to declining
                                                     1 Jan -          1 Jan -                     volumes
         Income statement (in €m)                                               Change in %
                                               30 June 2021    30 June 20201
                                                                                                 Net commission income: In particular, the € 45 million decrease in
         Net interest income                            427              543           -21        guarantee fees for the guarantees of the State of Lower Saxony had
         Net commission income                           14              -27          >100        a positive effect on the result
         Profit/loss from financial assets                                                          Fair-value result: essentially the lower trading result due to higher
         at fair value (incl. Hedge                      99              159              -38       interest rates in the euro area and positive valuation effects at the
         Accounting)                                                                                guarantee from Lower Saxony contribute to the result
         Risk provisioning                              -20              -99              -80    Risk provisioning: In order to adequately take into account existing
         Disposal profit/loss from financial                                                      uncertainties as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the model
                                                        -18              -14              29
         assets not measured at fair value                                                        adjustment formed in 2020 will be maintained at a slightly reduced
         Profit/loss from shares in                                                               level (€ 368 million)
                                                         10               -6          >100
         companies                                                                               The disposal result is mainly characterised by the repurchase of
         Profit/loss from investments                                                             own receivables as well as own issued liabilities
         accounted for using the equity                  -4                7          >100
                                                                                                 Administrative expenses: Decrease in personnel expenses
                                                                                                  (€ -23 million). Increased operating expenses due to investments in
         Administrative expenses (-)                    455              462               -2     IT infrastructure (€ 14 million)
         Other operating profit/loss                    -77              -71                8    The other operating result mainly shows the bank levy and
         Earnings before restructuring,                                                           additions to the deposit guarantee fund
                                                        -24               30          >100
         transformation and taxes                                                                Transformation expenses ( €-37 million) mainly consist of
         Profit/loss from restructuring and                                                       consulting services for strategy, IT and legal advice
                                                        -35              -25              40
         transformation                                                                          The tax income comes mainly from the release of deferred tax
         Earnings before taxes                          -59                5          >100        liabilities of a foreign subsidiary
         Income taxes (-)                               -14               -1          >100
         Consolidated profit/loss                       -45                6          >100

1)   Previous year‘s figures were adjusted

Total assets further reduced through strict restructuring measures.

                                                                              Total assets further reduced, mainly by reducing various loan
                                                                   Change      portfolios. Business with banks was also further reduced
 Balance sheet (in €m)                30 June 2021   31 Dec 2020
                                                                    (in %)
                                                                              Financial assets at fair value through OCI: As maturing securities
 Total assets                           116,749        126,491       -8        were only partially replaced and some securities were sold as
                                                                               part of the reduction of risk assets, the portfolio decreased
 Financial assets at fair value                                                accordingly
 through other comprehensive             13,681         14,903       -8
 income (OCI)                                                                 Financial assets measured at amortised cost include the main
                                                                               parts of the traditional lending and borrowing business and parts
 Financial assets at amortised
                                         86,377         90,745       -5        of the securities portfolio. Decrease in loans and advances to
                                                                               customers €-3.6 billion, especially in the areas of time deposits,
     of which: Loans and                                                       aircraft financing and loans to public-sector customers, on the
                                         13,763         14,418       -5
     advances to banks                                                         other hand from the reduction of loans and advances to banks in
                                                                               the amount of € -0.6 billion
     of which: Loans and
                                         68,885         72,502       -5
     advances to customers                                                    Decrease in financial liabilities measured at amortised cost
 Financial liabilities at amortised                                            mainly influenced by the decrease in securitised liabilities
                                         96,767        103,727       -7        (€ -2.9 billion) and time deposits (€ -1.1 billion)
                                                                              Increase in equity due to higher interest rate in the
     of which: Liabilities to banks      29,517         30,195       -2        measurement of pension and benefit obligations

     of which: Liabilities to
                                         45,322         48,535       -7
     of which: Securitised
                                         21,619         24,844      -13

 Equity (balance sheet)                   5,831          5,821        0


       Solid equity ratios after capital measures in 2019.

                                                                                    Equity ratios1,2
                                                                                                                                    CET11                           Total capital ratio

                     18.1%                                                                                              19.2%

                                                                                        14.5%                              14.6%                              15.4%
                     12.4%                            12.7%


                       2017 4                           20184                            20194                              2020                           30 June 21

                   Slight decrease in Common Equity Tier 1 capital (€ -47 million) mainly due to decrease in retained earnings in the first quarter, RWA down
                    by € 2.5 billion to € 37.4 billion due to portfolio reduction, CET1 ratio strengthened
                   Increase in total capital ratio mainly due to decrease in RWA, own funds almost unchanged (€ -159 million)
                   SREP minimum requirement CET1 ratio (since 12 March 2020): 8.7 per cent, total capital ratio: 13.3 per cent

1)   CRR/Basel III (phase-in)                                                                     3)   Fully-loaded: CET1: 15.4 per cent; Total capital: 20.0 per cent
2)   The regulatory registration data as of 31 December 2018 was modified as a result of the      4)   Figures subsequently adjusted
     adjusted regulatory requirements to show the Pillar 2 requirements and due to the correct-
     ions (on corrections see Annual Report 2019 Note (5) Adjustments of previous year’s figures)

       Key financial ratios are robust.

                                                            30 June 2021              31 Dec 2020

                                                                                                                    NPL ratio fell again slightly
               NPL ratio                                             1.2 %                     1.3 %
                                                                                                                    Total amount of MREL funds: € 18.5 billion
               MREL1                                              49.5 %3                    47.1 %2                MREL minimum requirement from 2022: 22.59 per cent TREA
                                                                                                                    (Total Risk Exposure Amount)

                                                                                                                    The LCR (Liquidity Coverage Ratio) fell slightly (Increase in
               LCR                                               142.8 %                    157.8 %                 deposits with central banks and decrease in short-term
                                                                                                                    receivables), but is still well above the required 100 per cent

               NSFR                                               122.5 %                            -              The NSFR (Net Stable Funding Ratio) had to be submitted for
                                                                                                                    the first time. The minimum ratio of 100 per cent must be met
                                                                                                                    at all times

               Leverage Ratio                                        4.9 %                     4.3 %                The LR (Leverage Ratio) has increased due to a significant
                                                                                                                    reduction in total assets and consequently also in the leverage
               CIR                                                103.3 %                     64.5 %

               RoE                                                  -1.8 %                    -0.2 %

1)   Minimum requirement for own funds and eligible liabilities
2)   Calculation acc. to TREA (Total Risk Exposure Amount): € 39.1 billion, previous year‘s figures were adjusted
3)   Calculation acc. to TREA (Total Risk Exposure Amount): € 38.7 billion

NORD/LB at a glance          2
Financials                   13
Segments                     19
NORD/LB 2024, Outlook        27
Appendix                     36


         Strong operating performance in all core segments.

                                                             Operating earnings NORD/LB Group 1,2,3
         as at 30 June 2021                                                                                                                                                       in €m

                                                                                                                                                      (p.y. 30)
                                                                                                                           (p.y. 86)
                                                                                                (p.y. 117)
                                                                         103                                                                                                    694 4
                                                                       (p.y. 64)                                                                                              (p.y. 593)
                                                (p.y. 166)
                    (p.y. 130)

               Private and     Corporate Customers                    Markets               Special Finance         Real Estate Banking      SCPO (Special Credit               Total
          Commercial Customers                                                                                          Customers               and Portfolio
            and Savings Banks                                                                                                                   Optimization)

                      1                          -18                      -                       -94                        7                        55              Risk provisioning5
                    (-31)                        (-4)                    (-)                     (-39)                     (-15)                      (4)             30 June 2021 (p.y.) in €m
                     -12                          66                     36                       -30                       59                       143              Earnings before taxes6
                    (-21)                        (78)                    (9)                      (-1)                     (42)                      (27)             30 June 2021 (p.y.) in €m

1)   Net interest and commission income, trading, valuation and Other operating profit/loss 5) Excl. treasury/consolidation/other, reconciliation
2)   Total differences are rounding differences                                               6) Incl. treasury/consolidation/other, reconciliation: €-24m (30 June 2021), €30m (30 June 2020)
3)   The previous year's figures were adjusted for individual items
4)   Income from treasury/consolidation/other, reconciliation: €451 (30 June 2021), €592 (30 June 2020)

       Private and Commercial Customers and Savings Banks Network: Deeply rooted in
       the home region.

                                                                                                                                  1 Jan -             1 Jan -
                                  Exposure by industry1                                              in €m1,2
                                                                                                                               30 June 2021        30 June 2020
       as at 30 June 2021                                       Exposure at default: €24.5bn         Income                         119                 130
                                    Other service                                                    Expenses                       133                 120
                                      industry            Other                                      Earnings3                      -14                 10
                                         5%                9%                                        Risk provisioning               1                  -31
                                                                                                     Earnings before taxes          -12                 -21
                                                                                                     Offering needs-oriented consulting and sales of selected financial
                                                                                                      products and services for all private and commercial customers
                                                                                                      as a savings bank in the business territory of Braunschweigische
                                                                                                      Landessparkasse (BLSK), as NORD/LB in Hanover and Hamburg as
                                                                                                      well as Bremen and Oldenburg. In private banking (NORD/LB and
                                                                                                      BLSK): inheritance and foundation management, portfolio
                                                                        Institutions and              management and individual asset management. High
            Public                                                                                    performance through partners such as Öffentliche Versicherung
        administration,                                                                               Braunschweig, LBS Nord, Deka, Deutsche Leasing, S-credit
        defence, social                                                                               partners and the Hanover insurance group as a special service
                            Land, housing                                                            Serving the savings banks in Lower Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt,
                                10%                                                                   Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Schleswig-Holstein as part
                                                                                                      of the giro central function. Syndicated loan business / business
                                                                                                      with corporate customers conducted in cooperation with savings
                                                                                                      banks, support for municipalities with a focus on the S-Group
                                                                                                      region, KfW pass-through function for savings banks, capital
1)   Total differences are rounding differences                                                       market access for savings banks and provision of private banking
2)   The previous year's figures were adjusted for individual items                                   and other products for the savings banks.
3)   Earnings before restructuring, transformation and taxes

          Corporate Customers: Well diversified portfolio.

                                                                                                                                      1 Jan -             1 Jan -
                                     Exposure by industry1                                              in €m1,2
                                                                                                                                   30 June 2021        30 June 2020
          as at 30 June 2021                                       Exposure at default: €16.6bn         Income                          147                 166
                                                                                                        Expenses                         63                  84
                                                                                                        Earnings3                       84                  82
                                                                   Manufacturing                        Risk provisioning               -18                  -4
                Service                                            industry 18%                         Earnings before taxes            66                  78
                                                                                                        In-depth and recognised expertise in agricultural banking, the
                                                                                                         energy and food industry, leasing companies and acquisition
                                                                                                         finance, among others, with a strong market position
                                                                              Energy, water and
                                                                                 mining 13%             Successful strategic positioning with our clients by leveraging our
      Financing                                                                                          diversified product expertise (including working capital
institutes/insurance                                                                                     management, factoring, capital market-related financing and risk
                                                                           Construction 2%              Customised financial solutions for our medium-sized corporate
                                                                                                         customers, e.g. for the management of balance-sheet structures
             communications                                       Trade, maintenance                    Service provider for payment transactions/cash management
                  10%                                               and repairs 13%                      and trade finance
                                      Agriculture, forestry
                                        and fishing 11%                                                 As part of the realignment, there is active management of the
                                                                                                         customer portfolio with the aim of concentrating on customers
                                                                                                         who fit NORD/LB's new business model

   1)   Total differences are rounding differences
   2)   The previous year's figures were adjusted for individual items
   3)   Earnings before restructuring, transformation and taxes

       Markets: Frequent issuer and arranger of successful benchmarks.

                              Syndicated issues (selection) 2021                                                                                     1 Jan -         1 Jan -
                                                                                                                  in €m1,2
                                                                                                                                                  30 June 2021    30 June 2020
                                                                                                                  Income                              103               64
                  € 750,000,000                 € 1,000,000,000                  € 500,000,000                    Expenses                             67               54
                        0.1%                         0.010%                          0.25%
                  Covered Bond                   Covered Bond                      Pfandbrief                     Earnings3                           36                10
                May 2021 –May 2029            May 2021 – May 2028             May 2021 – May 2036
                     Joint Lead                    Joint Lead                      Joint Lead                     Risk provisioning                    0                 0
                                                                                                                  Earnings before taxes                36                9

                                                                                                                  Comprehensive, customised range of money and capital market
                   € 750,000,000                 € 500,000,000                   € 1,000,000,000                   products in private-placement segment
                       0.05 %                        0.375%                           0.01%
                Green Covered Bond                  Pfandbrief                    Covered Bond
                Mar 2021 – Mar 2031            Mar 2021 – Mar 2041             Mar 2021 – Mar 2031                Issuer of Pfandbriefe including Green Bonds (public-sector,
                     Joint Lead                     Joint Lead                      Joint Lead                     mortgage, ship and aircraft), Lettres de Gage (covered bonds
                                                                                                                   according to Luxemburg law), bearer bonds, promissory notes,
                      Wallonia                        Wallonia                   Lower Saxony                      money market securities
                                                                                                                  Successfully positioned as lead manager/arranger of bond issues,
                    € 700,000,000                   € 500,000,000               TAP € 1,000,000,000
                        0.05%                           1.25%                          0.01%                       particularly covered bonds
            Senior Unsecured Dual-Tranche   Senior Unsecured Dual-Tranche        State treasury bills
               March 2021 – June 2037
                      Joint Lead
                                               March 2021 – June 2071       February 2021 – August 2030           International funding programmes4:
                                                      Joint Lead                     Joint Lead
                                                                                                                   € 25 billion EMTN Programme, € 10 billion CP Programme and
                                                                                                                   € 4 billion Negotiable European CP Programme
                   Thuringia                   Saxony Anhalt
                                                                                                                  As at 30 June 2021: € 19.0 billion ECB eligible securities relating
                                                                                  € 1,000,000,000
                                                                                                                   to NORD/LB Group, thereof € 14.0 billion from NORD/LB AöR
                    € 500,000,000                € 500,000,000
                       0.125%                         0.5%                             0.01%
                 State treasury bills          State treasury bills                Covered Bond
             January 2021 – January 2051    March 2021 – March 2051         January 2021 – Januayr 2036
                      Joint Lead                   Joint Lead                        Joint Lead

1)   Total differences are rounding differences                                      3) Earnings before restructuring, transformation and taxes
2)   The previous year's figures were adjusted for individual items                  4) NORD/LB AöR (single entity)

           Special Finance: Strong expertise in project and aviation finance. Well diversified.

                                                                                                                                         1 Jan -             1 Jan -
                                      Exposure by industry1,2                                              in €m1,4
                                                                                                                                      30 June 2021        30 June 2020
           as at 30 June 2021                                        Exposure at default: €18.5bn3         Income                          134                 117
                                                                                                           Expenses                         71                  79
                                                      Supply and                                           Earnings5                       63                  38
                              Other energy; 4%       disposal; 3%
                                                                                                           Risk provisioning               -94                 -39
                Solar energy; 8%                                     Transportation; 3%                    Earnings before taxes           -30                  -1
          Public Sector; 1%
        Media and IT; 3%
                                                                                                           Energy: The focus is on financing energy production from wind
                                                                                                            and solar power in the core European markets of Germany,
                                                                                                            France, Ireland and the UK. Targeted expansion and cultivation of
Trade and services;                                                                                         customer relationships in North America and Asia
       19%                                                                      Wind (onshore);
                                                                                                           Infrastructure: For social infrastructure projects, focus on
                                                                                                            education, accommodation, blue light and transportation; use of
                                                                                                            existing structuring expertise in the broadband segment. Active
                                                                                                            in Public Finance Initiative/Public Private Partnership business
       Gas/ biogas; 2%
                                                                                                           Aviation: The aviation portfolio is very broadly diversified. It
            Others; 3%                                                                                      consists of 320 aircraft (including warehouse facilities) and
                Freighter; 2%                                                                               31 (spare) engines.
                  Widebodies; 5%                                                                            Product spectrum: Financing structures with a focus on operating
                                                        Wind (offshore); 1%
                        Narrowbodies; 7%                                                                    leasing, finance leasing and portfolio transactions. The focus is on
                                                                                                            long-term valuable and fungible assets (wide- and narrow-bodies,
                                                                                                            cargo and regional aircraft and (spare) engines from leading
  1)     Total differences are rounding differences                                                         manufacturers)
  2)     Further information starting at page 38
  3)     Thereof € 3.2 billion aircraft finance and € 15.3 billion energy and infrastructure
  4)     The previous year's figures were adjusted for individual items
  5)     Earnings before restructuring, transformation and taxes

       Real Estate Banking Customers: Focus on commercial real estate in Germany.

                                                                                                                                   1 Jan -             1 Jan -
                                          By country1                                                in €m1,2
                                                                                                                                30 June 2021        30 June 2020
       as at 30 June 2021                                       Exposure at default: €14.6bn         Income                          85                   86
                                                                                                     Expenses                        34                  30
                                                                                                     Earnings3                       51                  56
                     Benelux 19%                                                                     Risk provisioning               7                   -15
                                                                                                     Earnings before taxes           58                   42

                                                                                                     Deutsche Hypothekenbank (Actien-Gesellschaft) was integrated
                                                                                                      into NORD/LB on 1 July 2021. The commercial real estate finance
                                                                                                      business will remain a core business segment in the NORD/LB
                                                                                                      Group after the merger. The well-established "Deutsche Hypo"
            UK 9%                                                                                     brand will be continued
                                                                                                     Tailored financial solutions and individual, high quality customer
                                                                                                      consultation. Emphasis is on financing of office buildings,
           France 7%
                                                                                                      shopping malls, hotels, logistics facilities and multi-story
                                                                                                      residential properties in preferred urban centres with good
               Spain 1%                                                                               tenant structure and above average cash flow. Successful
                   Other 4%                                       Germany 60%                         strategic cooperation with pension funds as financing partners
                                                                                                      for high-volume projects
                                                                                                     Activities are focussed on Europe especially on Germany and
                                                                                                      financings of commercial real estate in France, UK, Benelux,
                                                                                                      Poland, Spain and Austria
                                                                                                     Green Banking: Complementing the product range by granting
1)   Total differences are rounding differences                                                       green loans for green buildings
2)   The previous year's figures were adjusted for individual items
3)   Earnings before restructuring, transformation and taxes

       SCPO (Special Credit and Portfolio Optimization): Shipping portfolio further

                                                                                                                                   1 Jan -              1 Jan -
                             SCPO wind-down portfolio1,2                                             in €m1,3
                                                                                                                                30 June 2021         30 June 2020
       as at 30 June 2021                                        Exposure at default: €8.2bn         Income                          106                  30
                                                                                                     Expenses                         18                   6
              Corporate and
                                                                                                     Earnings4                       88                   24
               agricultural                                       Ships                              Risk provisioning                55                   4
                customers                                         18%                                Earnings before taxes           143                  27

                                                                                                     At the end of 2020, the internal wind-down unit SPO (Strategic
                                                                                                      Portfolio Optimization) and Special Credit Management (SCM)
                                                                                                      were merged to form the new Special Credit and Portfolio
                                                                                                      Optimization (SCPO) unit
                                                                                                     After the shipping portfolio was reduced from € 10.3 billion to €
                                                                                                      4.6 billion in 2019 through a major portfolio transaction,
                                                                                                      successful sales activities at the individual financing level and
                                                                                                      repayments, the reduction was continued in 2020 from
                                                                                                      € 10.3 billion to € 4.6 billion, the reduction to € 2.1 billion was
           Supra-regional                                                  30%                        successfully continued in 2020 through further individual
             municipal                                                                                transactions and (special) redemptions. At the end of the first
             financing                                                                                half-year of 2021, the ship portfolio amounts to € 1.5 billion
                                                                                                     Other portfolios that are no longer strategic were also
                                                                                                      transferred to SCPO as wind-down portfolios in 2020 and will be
                                                                                                      successively wound down there. These include housing
                                                                                                      (€ 2.5 billion as at 30 June 2021) and supra-regional municipal
1)   Total differences are rounding differences
2)   Further information starting at page 40
                                                                                                      financing (€ 2.4 billion) as well as non-strategic parts of corporate
3)   The previous year's figures were adjusted for individual items                                   and agricultural customers (€ 1.8 billion)
4)   Earnings before restructuring, transformation and taxes

NORD/LB at a glance          2
Financials                   13
Segments                     19
NORD/LB 2024, Outlook        27
Appendix                     36

NORD/LB 2024, Outlook

Transformation programme successfully implemented.

 NORD/LB 2024

                                   NORD/LB 2024 programme with focus on value contribution of ~€ 600 million (~€ 200 million
             Value contribution    profit and ~€ 400 million costs)

                                   As at 6 July 2021, the conception of measures for a value contribution of ~494 million € was
             Detail concept        completed and confirmed. This means that ~85 per cent of the measures are already being
                                   implemented or are ready to start implementation

                                   Deutsche Hypo legally merged with NORD/LB on 1 July 2021. This success laid the foundation
             Total bank
                                   for achieving a saving of around € 41 million per year. This therefore represents one of the most
             transformation        important measures for achieving the programme cost targets for 2024

                                   The target for the reduction of personnel in NORD/LB AöR Germany was achieved with the
             Staff reductions      conclusion of contracts amounting to 1,100 full-time equivalents

 SCPO (Special Credit and Portfolio Optimization) – disposal unit

                                   Bundling of the shipping division and other portfolios according to the dismantling plan in the
                                   bank's internal dismantling unit SCPO. Detailed reduction plans have been drawn up for all
             concentration         portfolios assigned to the non-core area; these are now being successively operationalised

                                   Ship loan portfolio further reduced to around € 1.5 billion as at 30 June 2021. Other portfolios
             Portfolio reduction   to be wound down total around € 6.7 billion. The portfolio reduction on the shipping side and
                                   the other portfolios are currently ahead of schedule

NORD/LB 2024, Outlook

NORD/LB 2024: Transformation management is essentially handled via platforms.

        Value contribution NORD/LB 2024                                            NORD/LB 2024 platforms

in €m

            ~ 600        ~ 200                                                           Investment and Project

                                                                            Financial     Retail     Wholesale     Branches
                                                                            Markets                                 abroad/
                                        ~ 400                                                                     subsidiaries

                                                                            New bank management incl. data management

                                                                                                             Staff and
                                                                                  (IT platform)
           Value        Earning      Cost savings                                                          mgmt. functions
        contribution    measures

 NORD/LB 2024 transformation programme already                        Focus on e2e optimisation in initiatives by
  launched in parallel with the 2019 recapitalisation                   integrating all areas along the value chain
 Focus of the programme: Achieving the 2024 targets                   e2e-orientation ensures close interaction between
                                                                        the business side and IT as well as the market and
                                                                        back office

NORD/LB 2024, Outlook

       Transformation is on schedule.

                                                31 Dec 2020   30 June 2021      Target 2024   Comments/explanations

                                                                                                Since 2018, total assets have already been
           Total assets1                          €126.5bn       €116.7bn           €110bn       reduced by more than € 27 billion. The
                                                                                                 target balance sheet total is divided into
                                                                                                 € 98 billion in the core bank and € 12
           Total risk exposure amount
                                                   €39.7bn        €37.4bn          €44,7bn       billion in the non-core areas (mainly KfW
                                                                                                 Pass-through loans). Further details on
                                                                                                 page 31
           Operative earnings                      €1.43bn         €451m                        The total risk amount in 2024 already
                                                               (1H20: €592m)
                                                                                                 takes into account Basel IV effects and the
                                                                                                 reduction of securitisations
           Full-time equivalents                      4,446          4,076          2,800 –     The ongoing transformation phase and the
                                                                                      3,000      COVID-19 pandemic will weigh heavily on
                                                                                                 both income and expenses in some cases
           Administration expenses                  €934m          €455m                        The largest reductions in personnel costs
                                                               (1H20: €426m)
                                                                                                 are expected in 2022 and 2023

           CIR                                       64.5 %       103.3 %             50 %

           RoE                                       -0.2 %         -1.8 %           7.5 %

1)   Total bank data, for details see page 31
NORD/LB 2024, Outlook

              Planned reduction and redimensioning of total assets.

                                                                              Development of total assets
                                                                                                                                                                              in €bn

                                         Reduction Non-Core (€15.2bn)                                                Redimensioning Core-Bank (€28.6bn)
                                 9.9                1.4             3.9
                                                                                  0.9              1.3             5.3
                                                                                                                                   1.6             1.4


Core-bank       126.2


Non-Core        27.8
                                                                                                                                                                            12.7 3

                2018             Ships        KfW pass-through    Others1      Private-and     Corporate         Markets      Special Finance   Commercial      Group       Target
                                                 loans² and                    Commercial      Customers                                        Real Estate   management/    2024
                                                  suprareg.                   Customers and                                                                     others2
                                              municipal finance               Savings Banks
      1)    Includes Corporate Customers and Private & Business Customers wind-down portfolios as well as Savings Banks Network
      2)    Includes in particular the redimensioning of treasury activities; incl. effects from reconciliation
      3)    Thereof € 7.1 bn KfW pass-though loans
NORD/LB 2024, Outlook

       The staff reduction at NORD/LB AöR in Germany is contractually secured.

                                                                                          NORD/LB 2024
               in full-time equivalents

                                    ~5,670                              1,250

                                                                                                        ~ 1,650-1,850

                                                                                                                                         ~ 2,800-3,000

                                    2018                             One Bank                           NORD/LB 20242                     Target 2024

            One Bank: Staff reductions fully implemented in 2020
            NORD/LB 2024: The target for the reduction of personnel in NORD/LB AöR Germany using products of the NORD/LB 2024 service
             agreement was achieved with the conclusion of contracts amounting to 1,100 full-time equivalents

1)   Including portfolio reduction and reduction of market units due to reduction of the asset class and redimensioning of the Bank and optimisation of processes in all units

NORD/LB 2024, Outlook

With a clear plan and initial successes, we are moving into an economically
successful future.

                            Far-reaching restructuring of the Group gains pace
                            // Costs decrease
                            // Capital base strengthened

                        Our targets for 2024 are clearly defined
                        // Achieving attractive returns                // Staff reductions
                        // Reduction of total assets
                        // Strengthen solid equity base

                   Expansion of the product range already started
                   // Innovative offers, especially in the area of credit asset management
                   // Added value for our clients through asset know-how and structuring expertise - without burdening our own balance sheet

               Business model is precisely defined
               // Strong focus on German medium-sized companies and the financing of our specialist and project financier in the fields of
                  renewable energies, infrastructure projects, commercial real estate and aircraft
               // More than 250 years of experience as a universal bank with extensive advisory expertise and tailored customer solutions

         Position as market leader for medium-sized corporate customers is strengthened
         // Understand our customers and speak their language

NORD/LB 2024, Outlook

Positive trend in operating business, burdens from COVID-19 possible.

                  Making all employees home office-ready by March 2020
                  Implementation of the COVID-19 occupational health and safety standard
                  Development of an access concept for branch operations

                  Reliable partner for our regional and international customers
                  Targeted investments in the Bank's IT infrastructure
                  Stronger alignment of the business model with sustainable principles

                  Reduction of NPL ratio through SCPO reduction
                  MAC-19 risk provisioning for 2021 expected to be stable
                  Cost reductions to be expected through staff cuts
                  NORD/LB is aiming for a positive result for the full year 2021 - before expenses for the transformation of the
                   Bank and before possible risk provisioning

NORD/LB 2024, Outlook

Financial calendar.

 Interim Report (30 June 2021)          26 August 2021

 Figures as at 30 September 2021        25 November 2021


NORD/LB at a glance          2
Financials                   13
Segments                     19
NORD/LB 2024, Outlook        27
Appendix                     36


       Overall high portfolio quality: 81 per cent in the highest category.

                   NPL ratio                                                       4.0%
                                        in %                                                                   1.3%            1.2%
                                                             181.4    8.8
                                                                      2.3          177.6   7.1
                                                                      1.6                  1.1
                                                                      4.0                  1.2
                                                               7.0                         4.0
                                                                                    5.8                  0.9
                                                              15.5                               149.8   2.9
              Total exposure1                                                                            1.4
                                                                                                  6.1                  1.7
                                      in €bn
                                                                                                               130.5   1.2              1.5
                                                                                                 11.3                  1.3    124.6     1.2
                                                                                                                4.9    3.5              1.1
                                                                                                                                 5.3    3.1
                 default (=NPL) ³
                 very high risk
                 high risk                                    147.8                142.6
                 increased risk                                                                  123.3
                                                                                                               105.3            101.3
                 very good to good

                                                             2017                  2018          2019          2020          30 June 21

1)   Total differences are rounding differences
2)   Restatement of figures, see Interim Report as at 30 September 2017, page 32
3)   Net amount after fair-value deduction

       NORD/LB aircraft portfolio (total).

        Sector breakdown of aircraft portfolio incl. guarantees1                      Aircraft: The aircraft portfolio is very broadly diversified. It
                                                                                       consists of 320 aircraft (including warehouse facilities) and
       as at 30 June 2021                         Exposure at default: €3.2bn          31 (spare) engines
                                                                                      Product range: Financing structures with a focus on
                                                                                       operating lease, finance lease and portfolio transactions.
                                          Other                                        The focus is on assets with long-term value and fungibility:
                                                                                       Wide- and narrowbodies, cargo and regional aircraft and
                                                                                       engines from leading manufacturers
                                                                                      Guarantee from the State of Lower Saxony and Northvest 2
                                                                                       securitisation transaction account for more than 55 per
            Freighter                                                                  cent of the portfolio
              14%                                                                     Predominantly business with large leasing companies with
                                                                   Narrowbodies        strong credit ratings
                                                                                      14 per cent of the portfolio is cargo aircraft, which are
       Regional Jets                                                                   currently well utilised despite COVID-19
            3%                                                                        Decrease in deferral volume: € 99 million at the end of
                                                                                       June, corresponding to an EaD of € 494 million for the
                                                                                       underlying exposures (16 per cent of the total portfolio)
                          Widebodies                                                  New net loan loss provisions: € 97 million (incl.
                                                                                       management adjustment). Global travel restrictions due to
                                                                                       the COVID-19 pandemic were the main driver

1) Total differences are rounding differences

       NORD/LB aircraft portfolio excluding guarantees and securitisations.

                                       by type                                                                                       by rating
          as at 30 June 2021                     Exposure at default: €1.45bn2                                 as at 30 June 2021            Exposure at default: €1.45bn2
                                  Other 2%                                                                                                         Non-performing (16-18)
                          Engines 4%             Narrowbodies 35%

              Turboprop                                                                                                Investment
                 8%                                                                                                    Grade (1-6)                                   Intensive
                                                                                                                          32%                                     support (11-15)

                   Widebodies                                                                                                                             Sub-Investment Grade
                                                           Jets 4%
                      35%                                                                                                                                         (7-10)

                                 by type of financing                            NORD/LB aircraft portfolio excl. guarantees as at 30 June 2021
                                                                                  Average term: 6.2 years, average rating: 9, 220 airplanes/engines1
          as at 30 June 2021                   Exposure at default: €1.45bn2
                         Other                                                    The majority of “Corporates” are corporate loans for airlines and leasing companies with
             KG financing                                                          strong credit ratings and PDPs (advance payment and construction period financing) for fleets
                                                          Lease                    of US airlines that also have strong credit ratings
           Direct Loan                                     49%
                                                                                  As a result of the COVID 19 pandemic, the International Air Transport Association calculates
                                                                                   that global passenger traffic (RPK, revenue passenger kilometres) plummeted by 66.7 per cent
                                                                                   in Q1/Q2 2021 compared to the pre-COVID-19 period Q1 2019. The declines were 85.8 per
                                                                                   cent in international traffic and 33.1 per cent in domestic traffic. In the context of global
                                                                                   import activities, domestic traffic is already showing noticeable growth again in Asia and North
                  Finance Lease                                                    America
                                                                                  The cargo tonne kilometres (CTK) achieved in Q1/Q2 2021 increased by 8.0 per cent
1)   An aircraft/engine can be reported in several sub-portfolios,                 compared to the same period last year. The lack of cargo capacity on passenger aircraft is also
     number includes aircraft and engines                                          leading to a further sharp rise in revenue for cargo airlines
2)   Total differences are rounding differences

       Second quarter 2021: container “peak season” started expensive as never before.

                    Feeder                          Intermediate                    Neo-/Postpanamax                               Bulker                           Cruise ships
           Containerships < 3K TEU             Containerships 3-5,9K TEU               Containerships                                                               and ferries
                                                                                      >6-14,9/ >15K TEU
              Current market level:                Current market level:              Current market level:                 Current market level:                Current market level:

                     strong                               strong                              strong                                strong                                 low
                    Expected                             Expected                           Expected                             Expected                           Expected
              market development:                  market development:                market development:                  market development:                market development:
           up to 12 mths / 12-36 mths           up to 12 mths / 12-36 mths         up to 12 mths / 12-36 mths           up to12 mths / 12-36 mths          up to12 mths / 12-36 mths

           unchanged / slight decrease          unchanged / slight decrease       unchanged / slight decrease            decrease / slight decrease        slight increase / slight increase

                  Crude oil                            Product                              Other                          Multi-Purpose                        Multi-Purpose
                   tankers                             tankers                             tankers                             General Cargo                         Heavy Lift

              Current market level:               Current market level:                Current market level:               Current market level:                Current market level:

                       low                                 low                                 low                                 middle                               middle

                    Expected                            Expected                            Expected                             Expected                            Expected
              market development:                 market development:                 market development:                  market development:                 market development:
           up to 12 mths / 12-36 mths          up to12 mths / 12-36 mths           up to12 mths / 12-36 mths            up to12 mths / 12-36 mths           up to12 mths / 12-36 mths

            unchanged / slight increase         unchanged / slight increase         unchanged / slight increase        slight increase / slight decrease   slight increase / slight decrease

Source: NORD/LB sector research based on charter rates and market values (new constructions and second hand) as at July 2021

          Ship Customers: Portfolio will be continuously reduced.

                     Run down of shipping loan portfolio
                                                                                                           Since 2011, the shipping loan portfolio has been massively
           1,850                                                                                            reduced by more than € 18 billion in total. This corresponds
     30            1,768                                                                                    to a reduction of 1,673 financed ships
                           1,698                                                                  1.800

                                                                                                           In the first half year of 2021, the NPL ship exposure was
                                           1,481                                                  1.600     reduced to € 580 million. Within the 2 ½ years since the
                                                   1,363                                                    conversion of risk provisioning to an exit scenario, more than
                                                                                                  1.400     90 per cent of the NPL ship exposure at that time
            19.5                           19.01
                                                                                                            (€ 7.5 billion as at 31 December 2018) has already been
                                                           1,115                                  1.200
                    18.0    17.7                                   1,047                                    reduced. The reduction of the remaining portfolio will be
                                   16.6            16.91
                                                                                                            consistently continued in the current financial year
                                                                                                           The reduction of the remaining portfolio will be consistently
                                                           12.1                                   800       continued in the current financial year
     10                                                                    535                    600      NORD/LB will withdraw completely from this business
                                                                                                            segment and reduce its ship portfolio completely
                                                                           4.6                             We have achieved our goal of having NPLs below
                                                                                                  200       € 1 billion by the end of 2020. NPL exposure to be almost
                                                                                  2.1      1,5              completely eliminated by the end of 2021
                                                                                               0.6 NPL
     0                                                                                             0
           2011    2012     2013   2014    2015    2016    2017     2018   2019   2020   30 June
                           Exposure (in €bn)                Number of ships financed

1)    The increased exposure values in 2015 and 2016 were attributable to exchange rate effects. The portfolio reduction was continued, as the ongoing decline in the number of financed
      ships shows

       Shipping portfolio.

                 Total shipping portfolio (performing and non-
                             performing) by rating1                                                            Risk provisioning for shipping (balance sheet)
            in €bn                                                                                        in €m


                 8.2                                                                                          3,307

                                   7.5                                                                                          3,167
                                                                                                               4,320                            1,479
                  1.7                               2.5
                                   0.7                                2.1                                                                                        622
                                                     0.6                               1.5                                                                                       419
                 2.2               2.2                                0.4               0.6
                                                     1.5                                0.5
                                                                      0.7                     0.4             2017              2018 3          20193            2020 3       30 June 213
                2017              2018             2019             2020         30 June 2021
                                                                                                                  Single loan loss provisions           Portfolio loan loss provisions
                     Rating class 1-10   Rating class 11-15       Rating class 16-18 (NPL)

             72 per cent of the total NPL exposure (€ 580 million) is covered by loan loss provisions (€ 419 million)
             Core Risk Coverage2 amounts to 131 per cent

1)   Total differences are rounding differences
2)   Core risk coverage: (market values of ships (€ 362 million) + loan loss provisions NPL (€ 397 million)) / NPL-EaD (€ 580 million)
3)   Loan loss provisions and fair-value discount for defaulted loans only (IFRS 9)

       NORD/LB exposure by segment and region.

                        NORD/LB assets by segment1,2                                                                          NORD/LB exposure by region
     as at 30 June 2021                                                        €85.3bn                  as at 30 June 2021                                                 €124.6bn

                                                                                                                                           Middle and
                   SCPO Special Credit and                                                                                                   South      Asia/Australia/
                   Portfolio Optimization)                                                                                      North      America 1%      Africa 2%
                                                         Private and Commercial
                             9%                        Customers and Savings Banks                                            America 4%
                                                                                                                Other Europe
        Real Estate                                                27%
       Banking Cus-
           15%                                                                                                  Europe

                20%                                                                                                                                                   Germany

1)   Total differences are rounding differences
2)   Excluding Treasury/Consolidation/Other and Reconciliation (with these items, segment assets amount to € 116.7 billion)

       Break down of securitised liabilities.

        in €m1                                         30 June 2021        31 Dec 2020   31 Dec 2019   31 Dec 20182   31 Dec 20172

         Securitised liabilities (at amortised cost)       21,619            24,844      26,270         30,379         36,058

               Pfandbriefs (covered bonds)                 10,425            10,839       10,779        10,573         11,429

               Municipal bonds                              2,592             3,677        4,026         6,947           8,434

               Other securitised liabilities                6,075             7,535        8,246         9,558         13,278

               Money market liabilities                      592                788         498            587            541

               Sub-ordinated securitised liabilities        1,935             2,105        2,721         2,714           2,376

        Securitised liabilities (at fair value )            1,763             2,404        3,151         3,438          2,883

        Securitised liabilities                            23,382            27,248       29,421        33,817         38,941

1)   Total differences are rounding differences
2)   Some previous year figures were adjusted

       NORD/LB Group - Pfandbriefe at a glance.

          Nominal values as at                                                     Cover pool                     Over-                                      Change of
                                                            Outstandings                                                       collateralisation
          30 June 2021 (in €m)                                                           total        Collateralisation                                   outstandings1
                                                                                                                                            in %
          NORD/LB AöR
                                                               9,428.1            13,220.6                  3,792.5                   40.2%                  -1,959.4
          Public-Sector Pfandbrief
          NORD/LB AöR
                                                               1,988.5              4,776.5                 2,788.1                  140.2%                    -139.6
          Mortgage Pfandbrief
          NORD/LB AöR
                                                                   30.5                40.0                      9.5                  31.1%                      -2.6
          Ship Pfandbrief
          Deutsche Hypo2
                                                               2,636.1              3,058.0                   421.9                   16.0%                    -400.2
          Public-Sector Pfandbrief
          Deutsche Hypo2
                                                               8,264.1              8,676.5                   412.4                     5.0%                   -514.1
          Mortgage Pfandbrief
          NORD/LB Luxembourg
                                                               3,971.4              4,798.4                   827.0                   20.8%                    -219.6
          Lettres de Gage Publique
          NORD/LB Luxembourg
          Lettres de Gage énergies                                  300               366.9                     66.9                  22.3%                         0
          Total                                               26,618.7            34,936.9                  8,318.3                                          -3,235.5
       As part of the "NORD/LB 2024" programme, it was decided to discontinue the mortgage bond business from 2022, This refers both to new issues via the existing
       Lettres de Gage products ("LdG Publiques" and "LdG Renewable") and to the further accounting of new loan transactions in the context of building up the
       respective cover pools. NORD/LB Covered Bond Bank will continue to be an integral part of the NORD/LB Group including the letter of comfort. In 2021 NORD/LB
       Covered Bond Bank will continue to be issuable and issues in private placement format are planned. Stable ratings are still being sought. The two existing cover
       pools are actively controlled and the assets required for controlling the cover pool come from the control portfolios of the bank.
       The cover register for aircraft was closed at the end of 2019, as the last aircraft Pfandbrief in the amount of € 5 million matured on 19 February 2019.
1)   Outstandings 30 June 2021 versus 30 June 2020
2)   Merger of the cover funds of Deutsche Hypo and NORB/LB as at 1 July 2021

       Germany: Healthy economic structure as a clear locational advantage in European
       and international comparison.

        Germany: Solid development of private debt in                                                          Solid public finances secure top rating
                 international comparison                                                                      (here: Government debt ratio as % of GDP)
                                                                                                   160         % of GDP
                  Debt of households and non-financial corporations
        200       % of GDP                                                                         140


        100                                                                                         80



          0                                                                                         20
                  Germany      USA          UK         France          Italy       Spain              2005          2008             2011            2014           2017       2020
                        Household debt               Nonfinancial corporate debt
                                                                                                         Eurozone          Germany          France          Italy      Spain    UK    USA

                   We are benefiting from Germany's strong economic situation, as Germany has good private debt development and solid public
                    finance with very good ratings
                   Solid economic data in Germany confirm NORD/LB’s focus

IMF data for the year 2018. Forecasts for the development of government debt ratios: NORD/LB Macro Research.
Source: IMF, Eurostat, Bloomberg, NORD/LB Macro Research

       Location Germany: Very low unemployment for years, labor factor well utilised;
       relatively high per capita income.

        Germany: Unemployment rate (ILO) well below                                          High per capita income compared to large
                   EU average for years                                                                developed economies
       30    in %, sa
                                                                                                               GDP per Capita
                                                                                         70.000                      (in PPP, 2019)



       10                                                                                30.000



         2005      2007    2009   2011     2013     2015   2017   2019     2021              0
                  Eurozone                  Germany                 France                        Germany   France        Italy       Spain    United   United States
                  Italy                     Spain                  United Kingdom

                  With an exposure-at-default of almost 70 per cent, we are benefiting from the healthy economic structure in Germany
                  The low unemployment rate, which has been low for years, together with the high per capita income shows a healthy
                   environment in which NORD/LB will continue to focus

Data per capita income for 2019
Source: Feri, Eurostat, IMF, NORD/LB Macro Research

Important links.

           Declaration of Norddeutsche Landesbank Girozentrale on the German Corporate Governance Codex:


           NORD/LB protection scheme


           Sustainability (report, ratings)


           NORD/LB managing board and supervisory board


           NORD/LB Annual, Interim Reports and Disclosure Reports and other publications




NORD/LB                                       Thomas Breit (Investor Relations)
Norddeutsche Landesbank Girozentrale
Corporate Communications/Investor Relations   Tel.: ++49 511 361-5382
Friedrichswall 10
30159 Hanover, Germany                        Carsten Halbe (Sustainability)
                                                                      Tel.: ++49 511 361-4318
                                              Marcel Mock, CIIA, CEFA (Investor Relations)
                                              Tel.: ++49 511 361-8914

                                              Svenja Pohlmann (Rating)
                                              Tel.: ++49 511 361-4683

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         –    the impact of political and economic developments in Germany               information herein supersedes any prior versions hereof and will be deemed to
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         –    the impact of fluctuations in currency exchange and interest               NORD/LB is not obliged to update or periodically review the material. All
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