Page created by Neil Lynch

             JUNE 2021
                                                    THE GLOBAL LEGAL IMPACT
                                                    The market for non-fungible tokens (NFTs), or cryptoassets
                                                    representing proof of title to a unique digital version of an
                                                    underlying asset, has soared. In the sports and digital arts
                                                    sectors, recent NFT issuances have sold out in seconds,
                                                    netting their creators millions.

                                                    Subject to limitations in any relevant jurisdiction, NFTs have the
                                                    potential to facilitate new revenue streams by establishing new
                                                    forms of digital property, act as new channels for businesses and
                                                    digital creators to reach customers, fans, and audiences and/or
                                                    enable the monetisation of physical assets.

                                                    While NFT issuance is growing rapidly globally, the legal and
                                                    regulatory treatment of NFTs continues to evolve. We have been
                                                    advising clients on NFTs in various jurisdictions. In this briefing,
                                                    we share our experience to demystify NFTs and consider some
                                                    of the key risks, and how the tokens are regulated across some
                                                    key financial centres.
    NBA Top Shot
    The National Basketball Association's                                                          NFTs have gained traction to date in the
                                                    What are NFTs?
    (NBA) Top Shot, is a blockchain-based                                                          digital space but also have the potential
    online platform hosted by Dapper Labs           An NFT is a digital asset whose
                                                                                                   to digitise unique physical assets, such as
    for basketball fans to purchase and             uniqueness and ownership can be
                                                                                                   physical artwork, in theory allowing these
    trade highlights of NBA sporting                demonstrated and verified using
                                                                                                   assets to be bought, sold and traded
    history (or "Moments") through NFTs             distributed ledger technology (DLT). NFTs
                                                                                                   more efficiently. In principle, all physical
    intended to act as virtual trading cards.       can be used to create a tokenised proof
                                                                                                   assets could be tokenised either as
    Moments are minted (i.e. created) on            of title to a unique digital version of an
                                                                                                   fungible or non-fungible tokens. Many
    the underlying blockchain platform,             underlying digital asset (such as images,
                                                                                                   businesses have successfully tokenised a
    but are graphically displayed as digital        videos or other digital content) or physical
                                                                                                   range of assets including iconic images,
    cubes containing the video highlight            asset (such as paintings, sculptures or
                                                                                                   athletic highlights, entertainment and
    in the online marketplace.                      other tangible assets).
                                                                                                   sports memorabilia, event tickets, music
                                                                                                   albums, artwork, famous Tweets, internet
                                                    When someone “mints” an NFT, they
                                                                                                   memes, gaming and e-sports digital
                                                    create a unique digital version of the work
                                                                                                   content, unique sportswear and other
                                                    as a data file using blockchain, or another
                                                                                                   collectibles using NFTs.
                                                    type of DLT. Once minted, NFTs cannot
                                                    be edited or deleted, and can be viewed
                                                    publicly and freely traded with verifiable     How do NFTs generate
                                                    security of exclusive ownership and            revenue?
                                                    transaction traceability. An NFT issuance      NFTs can enable the efficient
                                                    may consist of a single NFT, or may            commercialisation of unique assets that
                                                    involve thousands or millions of tokens.       are otherwise difficult to sell or prove
                                                                                                   ownership of, as well as the creation of
                                                    Each NFT is unique. In contrast, most          entirely new digital product lines and
                                                    other cryptoassets, are fungible, i.e. each    revenue streams.
                                                    token is interchangeable with and
                                                    indistinguishable from another                 As with many other digital assets, some
                                                                                                   NFTs offer the ability to "fractionalise"
                                                    Some NFTs incorporate smart contracts          ownership of the underlying asset, i.e. to
                                                    which specify and automate certain rights      split ownership so that each purchaser of
                                                    and obligations of the buyer and seller, for   an NFT benefits from the underlying asset
                                                    example, to provide that the NFT creator       in proportion to the fraction they own,
                                                    receives a percentage of the transaction       which can enable new ownership
                                                    proceeds every time the NFT is sold on.        structures that proponents assert have
the potential to democratise ownership of    The sale of those NFTs creates a whole
                                                                                             Buying Myself Back:
assets that have traditionally been viewed   new revenue stream. The provenance of
                                                                                             A Model for Redistribution
as inaccessible. However, other NFTs         the underlying digital asset is assured by
are indivisible.                             the NFT.                                        Model Emily Ratajkowski recently sold
                                                                                             an NFT called "Buying Myself Back:
Transaction structures for minting and       An artist could also sell an NFT linked to      A Model for Redistribution" for
selling NFTs vary. Many NFT creators are     a digital version of a physical asset (e.g.     US$140,000. Her NFT is linked to a
"crypto natives" with DLT expertise who      an image or video of a painting or              photograph of herself standing in front
issue the NFT themselves and also create     sculpture) to one buyer, while selling the      of a painting by artist Richard Prince of
or own the underlying artwork or other       physical work itself to another buyer as        a photo of herself – for which she was
asset to which the NFT is linked. Where      an additional opportunity to profit. NFTs       paid US$150 at the time. Her NFT
the content creator/owner is not native to   have opened the door to artists and             served two purposes – (1) to take
the crypto space (e.g. a celebrity,          content producers further commercialising       back control of her own image,
musician, athlete or sports club or other    their work in a digital environment, by         which she believes Prince had
business), a third party may issue the NFT   providing an infrastructure in which value      exploited; and (2) to generate
on behalf of the content creator/owner.      can be ascribed to a digital 'copy' of a        revenue. The purchasers of her
The third party may also provide the         work due to the uniqueness of that copy.        NFT will not receive a physical copy
underlying technology platform for minting                                                   of the photograph.
and selling the NFTs, or another platform    Commercialisation of
provider may be involved. Revenue            physical assets
sharing models between the various           While NFTs have been mostly linked to
participants differ considerably and         digital assets to date, fine art, luxury
should be carefully considered.              goods and other physical assets have the
                                             potential to be linked to NFTs. This
Commercialisation of digital assets          ensures the provenance of the underlying
A digital asset, such as a significant       asset but can also assist with increasing
tweet, a video file or digital photograph,   liquidity. Considering the collectible wine
can be linked to a finite number of NFTs.    investment market for example, NFTs may

 • Blockchain is one type of DLT in          • Non-fungible token (NFT)
   which the data is set out and built up      An NFT is a unique cryptoasset that
   in successive blocks, where each new        represents rights to an underlying
   block of data verifies the content of       ‘tokenised’, often digital asset, which
   the previous block. It is known for         is created and transferred using DLT.
   being the technology underlying             This contrasts with many existing
   Bitcoin, but has been integrated into       cryptoassets, including cryptocurrencies
   many other transaction and asset            like Bitcoin, which are fungible
   types. Most NFTs are minted on the          or interchangeable.
   Ethereum blockchain.
                                             • Smart contract
 • Cryptoasset                                 A smart contract is commonly defined
   A digital asset created using               as an agreement written in computer
   cryptography. Cryptocurrencies are          code with automated performance.
   a subset of cryptoassets with               Smart contracts are automatable and
   money-like functionality. The term          enforceable either by legal enforcement
   token is often used synonymously            of rights and obligations (though they
   with cryptoasset.                           may not always amount to legal
                                               contracts) or via tamper-proof
 • Distributed ledger technology (DLT)
                                               execution of computer code.
   DLT is a decentralised peer-to-peer
   data storage system where                 • Token
   participating computers (known as           A token is a digital entry on a DLT
   nodes) hold and maintain identical          register or other digital infrastructure
   copies of the ledger. Data integrity is     where a person is recorded as owning
   achieved through public-private key         a unit or other entitlement. Tokens
   cryptography, so that an individual         may represent a permission to control
   node cannot tamper with the                 a resource native to the DLT platform,
   information recorded in the ledger by       rights granted to the holder, or a “real
   rewriting the transaction.                  world” asset. The latter is commonly
                                               referred to as the "tokenisation" of
                                               underlying assets.

                                                                                                                       CLIFFORD CHANCE    3
                                                                                           NON-FUNGIBLE TOKENS: THE GLOBAL LEGAL IMPACT
reduce the risk of counterfeiting and             for NFTs develops and regulation
                                                   substitution by linking individual bottles of     evolves, regulated firms may seek to
                                                   wine to a unique NFT (e.g. by way of a            offer specialist intermediary services to
                                                   QR code) that proves provenance, history          help the market develop.
                                                   of ownership and provides a record of
                                                   how and where the wine has been                 Asking the right questions
                                                   stored. A secure physical storage facility
                                                                                                   Understanding the legal and regulatory
                                                   is likely to be a key component of any
                                                                                                   issues is critical before deciding whether
                                                   structure. As such, collectible wines can
                                                                                                   to issue, purchase or deal in NFTs. Here
                                                   be virtually traded more easily while
                                                                                                   are some questions to consider:
                                                   showing proof-of-ownership and proof-of-
                                                   value. However, in the short term, liquidity
                                                                                                   Are there any licensing
                                                   may be more limited as investors will
                                                   need to be comfortable with the
                                                                                                   Most jurisdictions do not yet have
                                                   technology and the operator of the
                                                                                                   legislation or regulations specifically
                                                   platform, as well as the issues around
                                                                                                   applicable to NFTs, but a host of existing
                                                   secure and effective storage that typically
                                                                                                   regulations may still apply. This will
                                                   accompany collectible wine.
                                                                                                   depend on:
                                                   Royalty collection as a                         • the token's characteristics and
                                                   payment model                                     features;
                                                   Some NFTs are coded to incorporate
                                                                                                   • the activities performed in respect of
                                                   smart contracts that can be programmed
                                                                                                     such token; and
                                                   to include the automatic allocation of a
                                                   portion of the amount paid by an NFT            • the territorial scope of the particular
                                                   purchaser to the original owner/issuer of         regulatory framework.
                                                   the NFT, thus giving the original owner an      For example, in the UK, the Money
                                                   ability to realise the benefits of the          Laundering Regulations 2017 define
                                                   secondary marketplace by way of                 cryptoassets as "a cryptographically
                                                   "royalty" payments. Ratajkowski's NFT,          secured digital representation of value or
                                                   for example, is understood to generate          contractual rights that uses a form of DLT
                                                   a payment for her every time that it            and can be transferred, stored or traded
                                                   is resold.                                      electronically", and set out activities that,
                                                                                                   when performed in respect of
                                                   Who is interested?                              cryptoassets, trigger a registration
                                                   • Potential issuers: as NFTs may                requirement. Where NFTs meet this
                                                     represent either digital or physical          definition, exchanging them for cash or
                                                     underlying assets, they open up huge          other cryptoassets or making
                                                     opportunities for monetisation in the         arrangements for others to do so, would
                                                     creative sector. Although most NFT            trigger a registration requirement. Where
                                                     activity has been seen in the creative,       an NFT does not qualify as a cryptoasset,
                                                     sports, gaming and fashion sectors, we        for example because it does not
                                                     anticipate issuances across the broader       represent value or contractual rights,
                                                     retail sector.                                the regime does not apply to it.

                                                   • Investors: NFTs make establishing             Regulatory regimes vary significantly
                                                     provenance and traceability of assets         globally, so it will be necessary to analyse
                                                     much easier, making assets such as            the regulatory position in each jurisdiction
                                                     digital works of art easier to buy, sell      where the NFT is issued, marketed and
                                                     and trade and broadening access to            where key participants are based.
                                                     new asset classes.
                                                                                                   Are there any tax implications?
                                                   • Financial institutions: Trading in NFTs       Whilst tax authorities globally have made
                                                     could one day be facilitated or engaged       progress in considering and issuing
                                                     in by financial firms (acting as              guidance on the taxation of
                                                     intermediaries or on their own behalf),       cryptocurrencies, the tax treatment of
                                                     mirroring the role they play in markets       other cryptoassets, including NFTs,
                                                     for more conventional forms of                remains unclear. Most jurisdictions
                                                     investments or property. As the market        consider cryptoassets to be property for

tax purposes, but, without detailed                Given all of this complexity, coupled with
legislation or guidance, their precise tax         the decentralised and anonymous nature
treatment requires consideration of                of cryptoassets, we expect that a
existing tax rules and an attempt to fit a         significant proportion of transactions
given cryptoasset within the most                  involving NFTs and other cryptoassets
appropriate regime. This means looking at          remain unreported and untaxed. Tax
a variety of factors including the nature of       compliance and evasion risks with
the cryptoasset, what it represents, its           respect to NFTs and other cryptoassets
intended use and whether any analogies             have largely remained unexplored to date.
can be drawn from the relevant
jurisdiction's existing approach (if any)          However, cryptoassets in general are
to taxation of cryptocurrencies. This can          becoming more mainstream, and NFTs in
give rise to considerable complexity               particular are very much in the public eye
and uncertainty.                                   by virtue of being associated with
                                                   celebrities, sports teams and
The exercise becomes particularly
                                                   eye-watering sale prices. The OECD is
challenging when considering NFTs.
                                                   developing proposals around effective
By way of example, if I sell my NFT to
                                                   reporting and information exchange for
you, questions will need to be asked to
                                                   cryptoassets, potentially making
ascertain the tax treatment, such as:
                                                   exchange platforms responsible for
• What exactly is being sold and why?              compliance in addition to taxpayers.
  Is it the underlying asset (and if so, is        Tax, and tax compliance, is therefore
  that underlying asset an intangible              likely to become more complex for those
  asset, a financial instrument, a physical        issuing and arranging NFTs.
  asset, or something else), is it certain
  limited rights in the underlying asset, or       Are there any resale
  are such rights so limited that the asset        rights implications?
  being sold amounts to no more than               In the UK and the EU, the Artist’s Resale
  the NFT itself? Capital gains taxes,             Right (ARR) ensures that creators of
  income taxes, VAT/sales taxes and/or             original pieces of physical artwork receive
  transfer taxes may be relevant                   a small percentage of the sale price
  depending on the answers.                        whenever their work is resold by
                                                   qualifying intermediaries, for example by
• If the sale falls within deemed market           way of auction or dealership. ARR is
  value rules, how do we go about                  unlikely to apply to artwork sold by way of
  valuing the NFT in a potentially illiquid        NFTs and so creators may be concerned
  market when it is supposed to                    that NFTs offer a way to avoid ARR.
  represent something unique,
  and may in fact merely confer the                One of the benefits of NFTs issued on
  status of owning the NFT itself without          DLT platforms that utilise smart contracts
  any meaningful rights in an                      is that the commission process can be
  underlying asset?                                automated. By incorporating royalty
                                                   obligations in the smart contract that
• Which jurisdiction(s) get to claim taxing        accompanies the NFT, artists can ensure
  rights? Are NFTs located where the               that they have similar protection to that
  beneficial owner of the NFT is resident,         provided by ARR.
  as is generally the approach taken with
  respect to cryptocurrencies, or might            In jurisdictions where the law does not
  they be located in the jurisdiction of the       recognise resale rights relating to creative
  underlying asset (and is it                      works and contractual provisions have
  straightforward to work out where that           traditionally given an alternative recourse,
  is if the underlying asset itself is digital)?   smart contracts that automate royalty
                                                   payments could help bypass such
• What happens if the underlying asset is          limitations.
  later hacked, duplicated, counterfeited,
  destroyed or deleted, or the link                However, some NFT marketplaces only
  between the NFT and the underlying               function on specific types of DLT, which
  asset is broken? Will the purchaser be           means that automated royalty payments
  able to claim a loss for tax purposes?           might only take place when the NFT is

                                                                                                                              CLIFFORD CHANCE    5
                                                                                                  NON-FUNGIBLE TOKENS: THE GLOBAL LEGAL IMPACT
traded through the same platform it was         marketplace or platform offers to ensure
    The Nyan Cat meme
                                                    issued on. Selecting the right platform is      that the creator is not ceding more rights
    The minting of an NFT linked to the             therefore a key commercial decision for         to purchasers than expected.
    Nyan Cat meme provides an example               the issuer to ensure it can enforce its
    of a content producer commercialising           royalties, together with inclusion of           While certain cryptoassets have been
    their work via an NFT drop (the act of          appropriate restrictions around resale.         recognised as qualifying as "property"
    offering the NFT for purchase).                 Similarly, analysis of the legal recognition    (rights "in rem") in some jurisdictions, the
    The author of the original Nyan Cat             and enforceability of smart contracts in        question of whether an NFT would be
    meme minted a single NFT of a                   each relevant jurisdiction is a crucial step.   recognised by the courts as proof of legal
    remastered version of the Nyan Cat                                                              title to a digital version of the asset to
    meme. This NFT was purchased for                What is the ownership status?                   which it is linked remains open.
    around US$590,000 following a                   The purchaser of an NFT owns the token          Technically, the holder of an NFT simply
    bidding war on the crypto art platform,         itself, which is a record of ownership of       has a unique set of numbers which
    Foundation. The purchaser of the NFT            the unique digital version of the underlying    amount to a token in their wallet, thereby
    acquired the token, which is a record           work, so that when the NFT is transferred       granting the holder the ability to decide
    of ownership of the unique digital              to someone else, the underlying digital         where or to whom the NFT should be
    version of the meme. However, the               version of the work is transferred with it.     transferred. Arguably, this creates factual
    copyright in the original meme was              An NFT does not (unless stated                  control of the linked asset in a way akin
    retained by its creator.                        otherwise) represent copyright ownership        to property rights. The logic is that when
                                                    of the underlying asset. Copyright to the       something like a picture, sound or text is
                                                    underlying work, or property rights in          attached to the NFT, the token proves
                                                    respect of a physical underlying asset,         that the digital copy of the underlying
                                                    would only be transferred where                 work is an authentic copy of the
                                                    specifically agreed (and validly assigned).     original work.
                                                    In most of the NFT issuances to date,
                                                    there has been a clear intention not to         However, as discussed above, the NFT
                                                    create ownership interests in the               does not necessarily transfer copyright
                                                    underlying asset. In this respect,              and therefore the scope of an NFT
                                                    purchasing an NFT is the same as                buyer's enforcement rights is unclear.
                                                    purchasing a physical work of art, which        This poses the question of whether the
                                                    rarely involves an assignment of copyright      NFT owner can require the original
                                                    in the artwork.                                 creator to take steps against someone
                                                                                                    who has created unauthorised versions of
                                                    By virtue of retaining the copyright in an      the underlying content, and, if that
                                                    underlying work, the original creator of an     counterfeiter in turn created a counterfeit
                                                    NFT retains the exclusive right to do           NFT, who would or could take action. It
                                                    certain acts in relation to the underlying      also raises the question of what action
                                                    work which are restricted by copyright,         can be taken by the purchaser of an NFT
                                                    namely the right to make additional             where the creator subsequently issues
                                                    copies, distribute, display or sell the work    more versions of the NFT, thus increasing
                                                    to someone else. The purchaser of the           the availability of the asset (and therefore,
                                                    NFT receives the token and, typically,          in principle, reducing its market value).
                                                    the rights to use the unique digital version
                                                    of the work for personal use and resell         Are there anti-money laundering
                                                    that copy of the work.                          (AML) concerns?
                                                                                                    Physical artwork has been used as a tool
                                                    The scope of a purchaser's usage rights         for money laundering, given the potential
                                                    with respect to an NFT are determined by        for anonymous purchases of high value
                                                    the conditions or licence terms attached        artworks to be made. However,
                                                    to the acquisition of the applicable NFT,       its effectiveness is limited as physical art
                                                    which will vary from token to token. The        can be hard and expensive to transport
                                                    creator of the NFT or marketplace where         and store. To the extent that NFTs are
                                                    it is acquired could therefore implement        developed that provide an actual
                                                    more permissive licence terms enabling          ownership interest in artwork, they would
                                                    the buyer of an NFT broader rights to           offer the benefits of purchasing physical
                                                    exploit the unique digital version of the       art while resolving the problems of
                                                    work acquired in connection with the            physical transportation and storage and
                                                    respective NFT. Equally, creators should        therefore could represent serious
                                                    be mindful of the licence terms that any        AML concerns.

The Financial Action Task Force (FATF),        relies on proof-of-work validation, is
the global standard setter in relation to      computationally intensive and requires a
AML, has recognised that NFTs may              large amount of energy. This type of
create opportunities for money laundering      validation is similar to the mining or
or terrorist financing and has called for      creation of new Bitcoins, which
further regulation, so we are likely to see    Cambridge University recently found
international developments in this space       consumed more energy than the entire
in the coming months.                          country of Argentina on an annual basis.
                                               Validating NFT transactions will continue
Whether NFTs fall within the scope of          to consume significant amounts of energy
existing AML regulation will depend on         until more sustainable data centres and
local implementations of FATF guidance         validation techniques are created at large
in relevant jurisdictions and the specific     scale. There is ongoing work around
characteristics of the NFT in question.        migrating Ethereum from "proof-of-work"
See page 8 onwards for highlights of the       to "proof- of-stake" validation, which is
considerations across key global               anticipated to considerably decrease the
financial centres.                             amount of energy required for validation.
                                               However, proof-of-stake validation raises
What are the practical                         separate network operation concerns,
considerations?                                which may impact the overall anticipated
Data and storage                               reduction in energy consumption,
NFTs are hosted on a DLT platform,             including in relation to security, fairness,
which typically does not enable storage of     and transaction redundancy. Alternative
large files, such as digital assets. As a      platforms may offer issuers more
result, the NFT and its underlying digital     sustainable solutions today. This will
asset are typically connected to each          be a key consideration for potential
other via a link. If the digital asset is      issuers, advisers and purchasers who
stored on a conventional server, there is a    are focussed on reducing their
risk that the file could be changed or         environmental impact.
deleted, or the server could shut down,
hence breaking the link between the            Reputational risks
asset and its corresponding NFT.               Brand reputation is key for entities who
Certainty of the reliability and security of   have worked hard to build close ties with
the link and the server hosting the digital    their fans, followers and supporters.
asset is essential. A more robust              The reputational benefits of being
alternative is a distributed, decentralised    associated with a nascent technology
storage system, but these are yet to be        need to be balanced against the risks
widely adopted.                                such technologies inherently bring.
                                               If an issuer's NFTs or tokens significantly
Litigation risk                                reduce in value, there is a great risk of
The usual risk of misrepresentation when       brand devaluation. Equally, the issuer's
selling digital assets will apply to NFTs.     brand could be affected by issues with
NFT issuers need to be clear with              the platform used to sell and trade
purchasers about the risk of market            the NFT, which may, in extreme
volatility leading to a complete loss in       circumstances, render the
value for them. Whether NFT owners             NFT worthless.
have any rights in relation to the
underlying asset in such a case                NFT issuers should also consider the risk
remains to be seen.                            of reputational damage by issuing NFTs
                                               on platforms that have a negative
Environmental cost                             environmental impact, as set out above.
The execution and validation of NFT
transactions on a blockchain, particularly
under the Ethereum blockchain which

                                                                                                                          CLIFFORD CHANCE    7
                                                                                              NON-FUNGIBLE TOKENS: THE GLOBAL LEGAL IMPACT
A GLOBAL ISSUE:                                 of non-fungible cryptoassets will not be
                                                                                                   required to publish a white paper.
                                                   WHAT ARE THE
                                                   REGULATORS DOING?                             Germany
                                                   NFTs are available and traded globally        • The German implementation of the
                                                   because DLT platforms operate beyond            5th AML Directive (AMLD5) defined
                                                   borders. Therefore, issuers, advisers and       "crypto assets" as financial instruments
                                                   purchasers of NFTs will need to consider        within the meaning of the German
                                                   the legal status and regulatory                 Banking Act (KWG). Under the KWG,
                                                   frameworks across multiple jurisdictions.       crypto asset means "a digital
                                                                                                   representation of value that is not
                                                   There is very little global regulatory          issued or guaranteed by a central bank
                                                   guidance as to whether NFTs fall within         or a public authority and does not
                                                   the perimeter of existing regulation            possess a legal status of currency or
                                                   applicable to cryptoassets.                     money, but is accepted by natural or
                                                   Most jurisdictions have not yet developed       legal persons as a means of exchange
                                                   regulatory frameworks specifically              or payment or which can be used for
                                                   applicable to NFTs, although several have       investment purposes and which can be
                                                   implemented or published plans to               transferred, stored and traded
                                                   regulate DLT or cryptoassets more               electronically". The reference to being
                                                   broadly. Liechtenstein is an exception,         used for investment purposes is an
                                                   having established a law regarding the          expansion of AMLD5. As NFTs can, in
                                                   civil and supervisory framework for the         principle, be used for investment
                                                   tokenisation of rights in physical assets,      purposes given their unique (value-
                                                   which would cover certain NFTs.                 creating) character, there are good
                                                                                                   arguments that NFTs may qualify as
                                                   Some highlights of international regulatory     crypto assets and therefore as financial
                                                   developments across key global financial        instruments under the KWG. In this
                                                   centres are set out below.                      respect, the underlying service in
                                                                                                   relation to an NFT (i.e. brokerage or
                                                   European Union (EU)                             trading-related activities) may trigger a
                                                   • NFTs are not currently specifically           licence requirement.
                                                     regulated in the EU. However, the           • Some NFTs may qualify as investment
                                                     features of any proposed NFT issuance         products under the German Capital
                                                     would need to be considered alongside         Investment Act, which governs the
                                                     various existing regimes, including in        public offerings of investment products
                                                     relation to securities, electronic money      that promise an interest payment,
                                                     and crowdfunding, to ensure that these        repayment of invested capital or a cash
                                                     are not triggered.                            settlement in exchange for an
                                                   • On 24 September 2020, the European            investment of capital. Whether NFTs fall
                                                     Commission published the Markets in           within this definition is a question of
                                                     Crypto-assets Regulation (MiCA),              fact, subject to the characteristics of
                                                     which proposes to regulate currently          the particular token.
                                                     out-of- scope cryptoassets and their
                                                     service providers under a single            Italy
                                                     licensing regime. MiCA is anticipated to    • Under the Italian implementation of
                                                     take effect by 2024 and will apply to         AMLD5, the definition of "virtual
                                                     any person issuing or providing               currency" also encompasses digital
                                                     cryptoasset services across all Member        representations of value which are not
                                                     States, as well as any non-EU firm            used as means of exchange but are
                                                     seeking to trade in EU member states.         held for investment purposes, as long
                                                     One of the proposed obligations is that       as they are transferred, stored and
                                                     cryptoasset issuers would need to             traded electronically. In principle, NFTs
                                                     issue a prospectus-like "crypto-asset         could fall within the scope of such
                                                     white paper". MiCA's definition of            definition and trigger AML obligations.
                                                     'crypto-assets' includes NFTs –
                                                     although, as currently drafted, issuers

• Some NFTs may also qualify as                   one or more of the existing
  investment products under the Italian           regulatory frameworks:
  Consolidated Financial Act triggering
                                                  1. Where an NFT qualifies as a financial
  additional licensing and other
                                                     instrument, a number of activities
  obligations. "Investment products"
                                                     including the buying, selling,
  encompass MiFID instruments as well
                                                     intermediation as well as certain
  as "any other form of investment of a
                                                     ancillary services in respect of such
  financial nature". The Italian regulator
                                                     financial instrument may trigger a
  has clarified that an 'investment of a
                                                     licensing requirement as an
  financial nature' is one entailing all of
                                                     investment firm. Additionally, any
  the following: (i) a capital disbursement;
                                                     other related financial sector activity
  (ii) the expectation of a financial gain;
                                                     performed in Luxembourg (e.g.
  and (iii) the assumption of a risk directly
                                                     custody or lending of financial
  linked and correlated to the capital
                                                     instruments) may trigger licensing
  disbursement. An NFT's features would
                                                     requirements and create certain
  need to be carefully considered to see
                                                     regulatory and prudential obligations.
  if it would meet these conditions.
                                                  2. Where an NFT qualifies as electronic
Japan                                                money, the issuer may trigger a
                                                     licensing requirement as an
• In Japan, while fungible tokens are
                                                     electronic money institution and be
  regulated as security tokens or
                                                     subject to ongoing obligations,
  cryptoassets under the financial
                                                     including conduct of business rules.
  regulations, and dealing with them
  triggers certain licensing requirements,        3. The issuance of NFTs which qualify
  the non-fungible nature of NFTs means              as units of a collective investment
  that they usually do not have a                    undertaking could trigger a licence
  settlement function and therefore will             requirement as an undertaking
  not qualify as regulated cryptoassets.             for collective investment for the
                                                     issuer or its management company
• As a result, many NFTs are not
                                                     under the relevant Luxembourg
  specifically regulated, and dealing with
                                                     investment funds and AIFM laws
  them does not trigger any licensing
                                                     and regulations.
  requirements. NFTs linked to trading
  cards or in-game items recorded on the        • Pursuant to Luxembourg's AML
  blockchain are most common in Japan,            legislation as adapted following AMLD5
  primarily because the Japanese online           and relevant FATF guidance on virtual
  gaming market is one of the biggest             assets, a virtual asset means "a digital
  and most mature globally.                       representation of value (including a
                                                  virtual currency), that can be digitally
• Despite not being caught by specific
                                                  exchanged, or transferred, and can be
  financial regulations, NFTs issued as
                                                  used for payment or investment
  in-game items do raise issues in
                                                  purposes" with the exception of virtual
  relation to the Act Against Unjustifiable
                                                  assets which constitute electronic
  Premiums and Misleading
                                                  money or financial instruments. It is
  Representations and gambling crime
                                                  possible that certain NFTs may fall
  under the Criminal Code. Therefore,
                                                  within this definition.
  recently the Blockchain Contents
  Association and the Japan                     • Firms who are established or provide
  Cryptocurrency Business Association             services in relation to virtual assets in
  have each formulated guidelines                 Luxembourg, including exchange,
  concerning NFTs.                                transfer, safekeeping and administration
                                                  and the participation in and provision of
Luxembourg                                        financial services related to an offer of
• NFTs are not currently specifically             virtual assets, are subject to a
  regulated in Luxembourg. However,               registration requirement as a virtual
  depending on the features and                   asset service provider with the
  purpose of an NFT, certain activities in        Commission de Surveillance du Secteur
  respect of such NFT could fall within           Financier and must comply with
                                                  relevant AML obligations.

                                                                                                                           CLIFFORD CHANCE    9
                                                                                               NON-FUNGIBLE TOKENS: THE GLOBAL LEGAL IMPACT
• Commercial activities not subject to a             currency and does not possess a
                                                    sector-specific regime and carried out             legal status of currency or money,
                                                    with a profit-making aim in Luxembourg             but is accepted by natural or legal
                                                    may trigger a general business                     persons as a means of exchange
                                                    licence requirement.                               and which can be transferred, stored
                                                                                                       and traded electronically", the
                                                  The Netherlands                                      activities that amount to (i)
                                                  • NFTs are not currently specifically                exchanging virtual currencies into
                                                    regulated in the Netherlands. However,             cash, or vice versa, or (ii)
                                                    certain activities in respect of certain           safeguarding private cryptographic
                                                    cryptoassets (depending on their                   keys on behalf of its customers to
                                                    features) could fall within one or more            hold, store and transfer virtual
                                                    of the existing regulatory frameworks:             currencies may trigger registration
                                                                                                       requirements in the Netherlands.
                                                    4. where an NFT qualifies as a financial
                                                       instrument (e.g. as shares, bonds,         People's Republic of
                                                       units in collective investment
                                                       schemes, or derivatives), the buying,
                                                                                                  China (PRC)
                                                       selling, intermediation and certain        • Activities relating to cryptocurrencies
                                                       ancillary services in respect of such        and cryptoassets are strictly regulated
                                                       financial instruments may trigger a          and scrutinised in the PRC. Despite the
                                                       licensing requirement as an                  absence of a unified regulatory
                                                       investment firm                              framework, rules in respect of
                                                       (beleggingsonderneming);                     cryptoassets are scattered in ad hoc
                                                                                                    notices and circulars issued by the
                                                    5. where an NFT qualifies as electronic         PRC financial regulators, as well as
                                                       money (electronisch geld) in                 self-discipline organisations. The
                                                       circumstances where it represents a          milestone regulation in this area is the
                                                       claim on the issuer for pre-paid             Circular on Preventing Risks related to
                                                       electronic spending power, the issuer        Initial Coin Offerings (ICO) (2017) issued
                                                       may trigger licensing requirements as        by seven Chinese governmental
                                                       an electronic money institution              agencies (including the PRC's central
                                                       (elektronischgeldinstelling);                bank, the People's Bank of China) in
                                                    6. where an NFT qualifies as an                 September 2017 (the ICO Circular).
                                                       investment object (beleggingsobject),        The ICO Circular marked an
                                                       which is defined as "an item or              unprecedented regulatory clampdown
                                                       object, a right to an item or object or      on cryptoassets which has been
                                                       a right to the full or partial return in     sustained in practice; since 2017 we
                                                       cash or part of the proceeds of an           have seen supervisory and
                                                       item or object, (…) that is acquired         enforcement actions taken in respect of
                                                       other than for no consideration (e.g.        crypto-related activities.
                                                       for payment in kind), with the             • In May 2021, the National Internet
                                                       prospect of a return in cash and             Finance Association of China, the China
                                                       where the management of the object           Banking Association and the Payment
                                                       is mainly carried out by someone             and Clearing Association of China
                                                       other than the acquirer", the offering       issued a joint statement reiterating the
                                                       and intermediation in respect of such        position in the ICO Circular that their
                                                       investment object may trigger a              member institutions (including banks
                                                       licensing requirement as a                   and payment firms) should not offer any
                                                       financial service provider                   crypto-related services in the PRC.
                                                       (financiëledienstverlener); and              The statement also set out further
                                                    7. where an NFT qualifies as a                  specific restrictions and risk alerts,
                                                       "virtual currency", which is defined in      including around cryptocurrency
                                                       the Dutch implementation of the              exchange, investment and trading.
                                                       AMLD5 as "a digital representation         • However, there is no clear-cut definition
                                                       of value that is not issued or               of cryptocurrency or cryptoasset under
                                                       guaranteed by a central bank or a            the laws of the PRC and whether an
                                                       public authority, is not necessarily         NFT qualifies as such may require a
                                                       attached to a legally established            "substance over form" analysis. If NFTs

are created for fundraising, the relevant     Singapore
  regulatory risks would be high. Likely
                                                • NFTs are not currently specifically
  post-issuance activity may also be
                                                  regulated in Singapore. The regulatory
  relevant when evaluating potential risks
                                                  approach has been to look beyond a
  in relation to any NFT.
                                                  token's label and examine its
• Notwithstanding the above, neither the          characteristics. If such characteristics
  ICO Circular nor other regulations              fall within an existing regulatory
  explicitly prohibit a PRC resident from         framework, the NFT will be subject
  trading or investing in NFTs, but only          to regulation under that
  remind people of the relevant risks             existing framework.
  associated with cryptoassets.
                                                • Generally speaking, there are three
                                                  types of digital tokens – security
Russia                                            tokens, payment tokens and utility
• Russia has recently finalised its legal         tokens. If an NFT is determined to be a
  framework regulating cryptoassets. It           type of security token (i.e. it exhibits the
  does not currently specifically refer to        characteristics of securities, such as
  NFTs, but distinguishes between:                conferring or representing a legal or
                                                  beneficial ownership interest in a
  1.   digital utility rights, defined as
                                                  corporation, partnership or limited
       digital rights to request the: (i)
                                                  liability partnership), it may be subject
       transfer of tangible assets; (ii)
                                                  to the regulatory regime governing
       transfer of intellectual property
                                                  securities. This may include complying
       rights, or (iii) carrying out of works
                                                  with the offering regime for an offer of
       and/or provision of services;
                                                  securities and the licensing
  2.   digital financial assets, defined          requirements for dealing in securities.
       as digital rights including monetary
                                                • If an NFT is determined to be a type of
       claims, the possibility of exercising
                                                  payment token (i.e. it is structured to
       rights under securities, the right to
                                                  function as a medium of exchange as
       participate in the capital of a non-
                                                  payment for goods or services), it may
       public joint-stock company, the
                                                  be regulated under the Payment
       right to demand the transfer of
                                                  Services Act 2019, which governs the
       certain digital securities; and
                                                  provision of payment services (which
  3.   digital currencies, defined as a           includes a "digital payment token
       combination of electronic data: (i)        service"). Currently, the scope of
       contained in the information               regulation for "digital payment token
       system; (ii) capable of being              service" extends to dealing in digital
       offered and/or accepted as a               payment tokens or facilitating the
       means of payment and/or an                 exchange of digital payment tokens.
       investment; and (iii) in respect of        A person who carries on business in
       which there is no person obliged           such activities triggers the licensing
       towards every holder of such               requirements under the Payment
       electronic data, save for operators        Services Act 2019, unless a relevant
       and users responsible for issuance         exemption applies.
       and making entries to the
                                                • If an NFT is determined to be a type of
       information system in accordance
                                                  utility token (i.e. it is used to access a
       with its rules.
                                                  good or service and does not fall
• Depending on the characteristics of a           within the former two categories),
  particular NFT, it may fall within one of       it may be unregulated.
  these categories, or be considered as
  an asset sui generis. In either case the      United Arab Emirates
  specifics of issuance of or trading in the
                                                • The recently introduced Crypto Asset
  NFT and the related regulatory, legal
                                                  Regulations in the UAE, issued by the
  and tax implications would need to be
                                                  Securities and Commodities Authority
  analysed on a case-by-case basis,
                                                  with the support of Clifford Chance,
  depending on the characteristics of the
                                                  are designed to capture cryptoassets
  NFT and the underlying asset to which
                                                  which are securities or are otherwise
  it is linked.
                                                  traded on an exchange (a "regulated

                                                                                                                             CLIFFORD CHANCE 11
                                                                                                 NON-FUNGIBLE TOKENS: THE GLOBAL LEGAL IMPACT
commodity token). "Crypto assets"            UK
                                                    expressly include a DLT record serving
                                                                                                 • NFTs are not currently specifically
                                                    as a representation of ownership.
                                                                                                   regulated in the UK. However, certain
                                                    Therefore these regulations will only
                                                                                                   activities in respect of certain
                                                    apply to the extent NFTs become
                                                                                                   cryptoassets (which may include an
                                                    tradable through a digital assets
                                                                                                   NFT depending on its features) could
                                                    exchange, and such NFTs are
                                                                                                   fall within one or more of the existing
                                                    promoted or offered (or associated with
                                                                                                   regulatory frameworks:
                                                    other financial activities conducted)
                                                    within the UAE. It is unlikely in the near     1. where cryptoassets qualify as
                                                    term that NFTs listing on digital assets          regulated investments (such as
                                                    exchanges will be practical given their           shares, bonds, units in collective
                                                    unique and non-fungible nature.                   investment schemes, or derivatives),
                                                    Where an NFT is subject to a brokerage            the buying, selling, intermediation
                                                    arrangement or peer to peer transfer              and certain ancillary services in
                                                    (whether organised through an online              respect of such regulated
                                                    platform or not) – this is unlikely to be         investments would trigger a
                                                    an "exchange" to which the current                licensing requirement and ongoing
                                                    UAE rules are intended to apply.                  conduct of business obligations;
                                                    Notwithstanding the above, it remains          2. where the cryptoasset qualifies as
                                                    possible that activities in the UAE in            electronic money in circumstances
                                                    respect of NFTs (including for example,           where it represents a claim on the
                                                    brokerage) will be subject to AML                 issuer for pre-paid electronic
                                                    compliance responsibilities, which                spending power, the issuer will
                                                    would need to be assessed depending               trigger licensing requirements
                                                    on the nature of the underlying asset             and ongoing conduct of
                                                    and the size of the transaction.                  business obligations;
                                                  • The Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM),            3. under the UK's AML legislation,
                                                    a growing financial free zone in the              cryptoassets are defined as
                                                    UAE, has become a leading regional                "a cryptographically secured digital
                                                    zone for virtual assets business.                 representation of value or
                                                    The ADGM has developed its own                    contractual rights that uses a form
                                                    regulations on "virtual assets" and it            of DLT and can be transferred,
                                                    licenses firms to conduct regulated               stored or traded electronically",
                                                    activities in respect of virtual assets           and activities that amount to
                                                    separately to other parts of the UAE.             converting cryptoassets to other
                                                    However, again, these rules are unlikely          cryptoassets or cash into
                                                    to apply in respect of NFTs.                      cryptoassets would trigger
                                                    The definition of a "virtual asset" refers        registration requirements. Such
                                                    to a digital representation of value that         regulatory requirement is also
                                                    can be digitally traded and functions as          triggered by intermediating or
                                                    (1) a medium of exchange; and/or (2) a            arranging such exchanges.
                                                    unit of account; and/or (3) a store of
                                                    value. Unlike the UAE rules, this does       • Whether an NFT qualifies as a
                                                    not expressly include a "representation        cryptoasset under the UK's AML
                                                    of ownership". Therefore NFTs are              legislation requires careful
                                                    arguably not captured. However, to the         consideration, particularly if, based on
                                                    extent a particular NFT is determined a        its characteristics, it amounts to a
                                                    constitute a virtual asset, the ADGM's         representation of value or
                                                    Financial Services Regulatory Authority        contractual rights.
                                                    only permits firms to conduct activities     • There are various proposed regulatory
                                                    in respect of "Accepted Virtual Assets"        changes currently being consulted on
                                                    – which must satisfy a number of               in the UK, including around the
                                                    criteria (including maturity and market        regulatory perimeter applicable to
                                                    cap). These criteria are unlikely to be        cryptoassets and stablecoins and
                                                    satisfied by NFTs.                             extending the scope of the financial
                                                                                                   promotions regime to apply to currently
                                                                                                   out-of-scope cryptoassets which might
                                                                                                   impact NFTs.

US                                                However, the situation could change –
                                                  for example, if certain NFTs are actively
NFTs are not currently specifically
                                                  traded and come to have an
regulated in the US. Thus, the legal status
                                                  established value at which they can
and regulatory classification of NFTs
                                                  readily be converted to currency. In the
under US law remains unclear. However,
                                                  case of intermediaries who facilitate
as with other cryptoassets, the features of
                                                  NFT trading but also engage in other
an NFT and how it is marketed and
                                                  activities that are subject to established
purchased or sold could cause an NFT to
                                                  regulation, this argument may have less
fall under existing US federal regulatory
                                                  force. Recent changes to the Bank
frameworks. The following key points
                                                  Secrecy Act included in the Anti-Money
should be considered:
                                                  Laundering Act of 2020 (the 2020 Act)
• From a US securities law perspective,           amend certain definitions to include
  pieces of memorabilia and collectibles          businesses engaged in the exchange or
  are not ordinarily considered to be a           transmission of "currency, funds, or
  "security" standing alone. However, an          value that substitutes for currency" as
  NFT marketed as a financial investment          financial institutions that are subject to
  whose holders have been led to expect           AML regulatory requirements.
  profits from an entrepreneurial venture
                                                • US federal regulators could also
  involving the NFT, or the managerial
                                                  interpret anti-money laundering
  skills of the NFT's promoter, is more
                                                  regulations governing dealings in
  likely to be deemed to be part of an
                                                  "antiquities" or "art" to cover NFTs.
  "investment contract", which is a type
                                                  The 2020 Act amended the Bank
  of "security" that is subject to US
                                                  Secrecy Act's definition of "financial
  securities law. While no US federal
                                                  institution" to include persons engaged
  regulator has taken enforcement action
                                                  in the trade of antiquities, and directs
  against an NFT issuer to date, we have
                                                  FinCEN to promulgate implementing
  seen private litigants filing civil class
                                                  regulations. The 2020 Act also instructs
  actions against NFT issuers alleging
                                                  the Treasury and other agencies to
  that the issuance of their NFTs
                                                  perform a study of the facilitation of
  constituted an unregistered securities
                                                  money laundering in the trade of works
  offering under US law. Class action
                                                  of art, and report to Congress in
  suits can be expensive to defend
                                                  January 2022 to inform the debate over
  even where claimants are
                                                  whether to extend AML regulatory
  ultimately unsuccessful.
                                                  requirements to art dealers. The impact
• The Financial Crimes Enforcement                such actions will ultimately have on
  Network (FinCEN) and the courts have            NFTs, if any, is not known at present.
  yet to issue specific guidance on NFTs.
                                                • US federal sanctions laws may also be
  From a US anti-money laundering
                                                  relevant to the issuance, purchase, and
  standpoint, whether an NFT can be
                                                  sale of NFTs. NFT transactions can
  characterised as a "medium of
                                                  occur between counterparties located
  exchange" and ultimately as a
                                                  anywhere in the world. Thus, US and
  "convertible virtual currency" under US
                                                  certain non-US persons transacting in
  law is not entirely clear at present. NFTs
                                                  NFTs, and NFT dealers in particular,
  that are truly non-fungible should not
                                                  should ensure compliance with
  be considered a medium of exchange
                                                  regulations issued by the US Office of
  or convertible virtual currency because,
                                                  Foreign Assets Control prohibiting
  unlike Bitcoin or other virtual currencies,
                                                  business dealings with certain persons,
  most NFTs are not designed or
                                                  as NFTs of any value could be used to
  intended to serve as a currency
                                                  evade US sanctions.
  substitute or medium of exchange.

          Clifford Chance is unique in having a truly global sports industry group
          advising clients on novel legal issues such as these. Please contact a
          member of the group in your jurisdiction for more details of our experience.

                                                                                                                           CLIFFORD CHANCE 13
                                                                                               NON-FUNGIBLE TOKENS: THE GLOBAL LEGAL IMPACT
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AUTHORS                                                                                                CONTACTS

Diego Ballon Ossio        James Cranston          Laura Nixon              Laura de Arroyo Garcia      Lounia Czupper
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E: yusuke.abe@            E: chihiro.ashizawa@    E: boika.deleva@         E: steve.jacoby@            E: thom.beenen@

                                                                                                                CLIFFORD CHANCE 15
                                                                                    NON-FUNGIBLE TOKENS: THE GLOBAL LEGAL IMPACT
People's Republic of China                      Poland                  Russia

Marian Scheele                Jane Chen               Kimi Liu                Anna Biala              Alexander Anichkin
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