NEWTON Summer 2021 RECREATION COMMISSION - Newton Recreation Commission

Page created by Alvin Torres
NEWTON Summer 2021 RECREATION COMMISSION - Newton Recreation Commission
                                         NRC Summer Activity Guide 2021

          Summer 2021
                    Activity Guide

415 N. Poplar St., Newton, KS 67114 (316)   283-7330
NEWTON Summer 2021 RECREATION COMMISSION - Newton Recreation Commission
NRC Summer Activity Guide 2021

       MUNICIPAL POOL                                               Bart Peace, Assistant Superintendent,

Visit or our Facebook page for current updates.
         New Municipal Pool
                    Renovation Design

NEWTON Summer 2021 RECREATION COMMISSION - Newton Recreation Commission
NRC Summer Activity Guide 2021

                           Brian Bascue, Superintendent,   GENERAL INFORMATION
    Newton Recreation Commission Board                                             TABLE OF CONTENTS
                             Jodi Runge - Chairman                               ADULT PROGRAMS
                                                                                 ADULT PAINTING CLASS                 5
                                Timothy Marlar                                   IN.FORM				                         22
                                   Willis Heck                                   WELLNESS COACHING PROGRAM           22
                               Mallorie Coffman                                  ART:
                                  Rick Golubski                                  ADULT & YOUTH PAINTING CLASSES       5
                                                                                 BASIC CARTOONING CLASSES             5
                                                                                 PRE-K HOLIDAY SENSORY & ART          7

                      Administrative Staff                                       AQUATICS:
                                                                                 AQUATIC FITNESS CLASSES             12
Superintendent		          Brian Bascue		          INDOOR PUBLIC SWIM		                16
Asst. Superintendent      Bart Peace		             KIDS WATER JAM			                   16
Program Director          Audrey Gann		             MUNICIPAL POOL                       2
                                                                                 SCOUT NIGHT			                      16
Sports Director		         Tyler Boese		            SWIM LESSONS			                  13-15
Wellness Director         Tracie Strain		   
Business Manager          Lori Hein		               BUILDING BETTER BALANCE           19
Office Manager		          Candice Egizi-Sifuentez       FITCORE                           20
                                                                                 FITNESS CLASSES                19-21
Grounds Supervisor        Joel Smith		             IN.FORM                           22
Head Custodian		          Nathan Boese		           MOTHERHOOD FITNESS                20
                                                                                 NRC WELLNESS CENTER 		         17-18
Aquatic/Wellness SPC      Rebecca Butcher        PERSONAL TRAINING		               19
                                                                                 SILVERSNEAKERS® & SILVER&FIT 18 & 21
                                                                                 TAKE CONTROL WITH EXERCISE        20

 NRC Mission Statement                                                           VIRTUAL FITNESS CHALLENGES
                                                                                 WELLNESS CENTER SPECIALS
                                                                                 WELLNESS COACHING PROGRAM
                                                                                 YOGA				                          19

     To improve the health, quality of                                           MARTIAL ARTS/SELF-DEFENSE:
                                                                                 INTRO TO TAE KWON DO                 8
   life and recreational opportunities                                           TAE KWON DO			                       8

      for all residents in USD 373 in                                            PRESCHOOL/TODDLER:
                                                                                 PRE-K HOLIDAY SENSORY ART            7
    collaboration with the community.                                            TODDLER HOME KITS                    7

                                                                                 RENTAL INFORMATION:
                                                                                 FACILITY RENTALS		                  10
Facility Hours                                                                   TABLES & CHAIRS		                   11

Monday-Thursday				                          5:30 AM - 10:00 PM                  SAFETY TRAINING:
                                                                                 GROUP CPR & FIRST AID TRAINING      16
Friday						5:30 AM - 8:00 PM
      (Administrative Office opens at 8:00 AM, Monday - Friday)                  SPECIAL EVENTS:
                                                                                 EATING WELL			                      22
Saturday					                                7:30 AM - 5:00 PM                   FAMILY “21” SUMMER		                 6
         (Administrative Office opens at 8:30 AM, Saturdays)                     SNAP-TAG-WIN			                      6
                                                                                 VIRTUAL FITNESS CHALLENGES           6
Sunday 					                                 12:30 PM - 5:00 PM
                                                                                 ADULT COED SUMMER SOFTBALL          25
                                                                                 CORN HOLE                           25
Contact Information                                                              PICKLEBALL                          25
NRC				                                    (316) 283-7330                        TENNIS
                                                                                 YOUTH BASEBALL
                                                                                 YOUTH PROGRAMS:
Facebook			                                   DISCOVERY CAMP		                      4
Twitter		  		                              NewtonKSRec                           GYMNASTICS                          8-9
                                                                                 FISHING DERBY                    5 & 16
                                                                                 SCHOOL AGE HOME KITS                  8
Online registration, programming information and updates available online.       OTHER:
      Please email staff with questions or concerns.                             EVERYONE SHOULD PARTICIPATE         23
                                                                                 JUST FOR SENIORS!		                 26
              NRC accepts VISA, MasterCard,                                      ON-GOING SCHEDULE		                 27
                American Express, and checks.                                    YOUTH SPONSORS		                    24

NEWTON Summer 2021 RECREATION COMMISSION - Newton Recreation Commission
NRC Summer Activity Guide 2021

    DISCOVERY CAMP                                Audrey Gann, Program Director,

                          June 1st - August  6th
                                         Be pa rt of
                                                                                     th e   Weekly
                                                                                                 DiscThemes iple
                                                                             Week 1: GAMES! GAMES! GAMES! (June 1 - 4)
                                                                       We are kickingKid         s Ca
                                                                                        off Discovery Camp mpin a game daze! This week will
                                                                       be filled with all the games you could ever think of!! Board games,
                                                                       water games, gymBatc           hgames,
                                                                                            games, name    1 0game show games, active
                                                                       games and so many more!
                                                                                   t his
                                                                                Week    2: CAMP  SSPIRIT
                                                                                                    umme   WEEK!r!   (June 7 - 11)
                                                                       We’re just getting the fun started and this week we will bring the
                                                                       camp spirit to life! Each day will have a different theme for
                                                                       campers and counselors to get crazy with and have fun!
                                                                              ( F or a g es 6- 1 0)
                                                                           Week 3: THE GREAT OUTDOORS (June 14 - 18)
                                                                       Campers will participate in outdoor games and nature learning
                                                                       opportunities all week long. We will go fishing at a local lake and
                                                                       even learn how to build a campfire, tie knots, and so much more
                                                                       from our resident outdoorsman.
                                                                            Week 4: ALTERNATIVE SPORTS (June 21 - 25)
                                                                       This week we will introduce campers to variations of sports they
                                                                       already know and love. Campers will also play sports they may have
                                                                       never been exposed to before. Water Balloon Volleyball or Ding
                                                                       Dong Baseball anyone??
                                                                                  Week 5: HOLIDAZE! (June 28 - July 2)
                                                                       Here at Discovery Camp we LOVE holidays! Each day campers
                                                                       will celebrate a holiday with décor, crafts, and games. We will end
                                                                       the week with a 4th of July celebration just in time for the actual
                                                                                    Week 6: COLOR WARS (July 5 - 9)
                                                                       This week we are getting colorful! Each age or group will have
                                                                       certain colors to wear each day. We will end the week with a color
                                                                       party! Campers will have to complete an obstacle course where
                                                                       they will be covered in powered colors throughout. Expect to get
                                                                       messy this week.
                                                                                  Week 7: WATER WEEK (July 12 - 16)
                                                                       This week is going to be a SPLASH!! Campers will play games
                                                                       involving water each day during this week. Some games will be in
                                                                       the pool and some will be on land! Either way, come prepared to
                                                                       get drenched!
                                                                                 Week 8: TIME TRAVELERS (July 19 - 23)
                           Sign Up!                                    Campers will spend the week playing different games inspired
                                                                       by different periods of time. Each day will be a different decade
                                               Mon - Fri               where we encourage campers and staff to dress up! Join us as we
                                            FEE: $109/week             travel through time!
                         Contact:               $30/day
                                                                               Week 9: CAMP OLYMPICS (July 26 - 30)
     7am - 6pm Grace Taylor                   Add'l Kids:              The Discovery Camp Olympics will coincide with the Summer
                                               $95/Week                Olympic Games in Tokyo! We will begin our week with the
     Drop-off 7a-9a & Pick-up 4:30p-6p
                    615-555-0170                                       Olympic Torch lighting and Opening Ceremony parade of teams.
                                                                       Each day campers will compete in games, puzzles, team activities
                                                                       and more in the hopes of winning a Discovery Camp Olympics
            Mon - Fri                                                  medal! We will conclude the week with a Closing Ceremony and
          FEE: $55/week
             $15/day         AM: 7a-12:30p
                                                                       medal presentation.
                                                                                  Week 10: SHARK WEEK (August 2 - 6)
           Add'l Kids:
                     Drop-off 7a - 9a & Pick-up 12p-12:30p
                                                                       This week is all about sharks! We will play games like Sharks &
            $47/Week                   PM: 12:30p-6p                   Minnows, Shark BINGO, Shark Attack and more! Campers will
                               Drop-off 12:30p-1p & Pick-up 4:30p-6p
                                                                       learn about the various types of sharks and even have the chance
                                                                       to create their own “new shark species!”
NEWTON Summer 2021 RECREATION COMMISSION - Newton Recreation Commission
NRC Summer Activity Guide 2021

                           Audrey Gann, Program Director,                        ART & FISHING
                   Basic Cartooning
                     Wednesday, June 2nd
Try your hand at cartooning by learning a variety of cartooning
tips and tricks to improve your drawing skills. This class will be
offered four times with each week having different cartooning
taught, so sign up for all four today.
Time: 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Fee: $15
Ages: 6 years - 14 years
Instructor: Celina Gillespie
Location: NRC Cottonwood Room
Registration Deadline: Tuesday, June 1st
Minimum Enrollment: 5 Maximum Enrollment: 35

                   Basic Cartooning
                     Wednesday, June 9th
Try your hand at cartooning by learning a variety of cartooning
tips and tricks to improve your drawing skills. This class will be
offered four times with each week having different cartooning
taught, so sign up for all four today.
Time: 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Fee: $15
Ages: 6 years - 14 years
Instructor: Celina Gillespie
Location: NRC Cottonwood Room
Registration Deadline: Tuesday, June 8th by noon
Minimum Enrollment: 5 Maximum Enrollment: 35                                         Fishing Fridays
                                                                                Friday, June 4th - East Lake
                   Basic Cartooning                                            Friday, June 25th - West Lake
                    Wednesday, June 16th                                      Friday, July 16th - Spring Lake
Try your hand at cartooning by learning a variety of cartooning      Meet us on a few Fridays this summer for a morning
tips and tricks to improve your drawing skills. This class will be
                                                                     of fishing. Each Fishing Friday will be at a different
offered four times with each week having different cartooning
taught, so sign up for all four today.
                                                                     body of water around Newton. You bring your own
Time: 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM                                              tackle and water bottle, we will provide bait and lunch.
Fee: $15                                                             Time: 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Ages: 6 years - 14 years                                             Fee: $5 per day
Instructor: Celina Gillespie                                         Ages: 6 years - 15 years
Location: NRC Cottonwood Room                                        Location: East Lake - meet at Volunteer Hall
Registration Deadline: Tuesday, June 15th by noon                                West Lake - meet at dock
Minimum Enrollment: 5 Maximum Enrollment: 35                                     Spring Lake - Shelter/Spring Lake Dr. 100
                                                                     Registration Deadline: Tuesday, June 1st
                   Basic Cartooning                                  			                         Monday, June 21st
                    Wednesday, June 23rd                             			                         Monday, July 12th
Try your hand at cartooning by learning a variety of cartooning
                                                                     Note: Must pre-register for each
tips and tricks to improve your drawing skills. This class will be
offered four times with each week having different cartooning
                                                                     Fishing Friday. Bring your own
taught, so sign up for all four today.                               fishing tackle and water bottle, let
Time: 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM                                              us know at registration if you are
Fee: $15                                                             in need of a fishing rod. We will
Ages: 6 years - 14 years                                             provide fishing bait and a lunch of
Instructor: Celina Gillespie                                         hot dogs & chips. Parents do not
Location: NRC Cottonwood Room                                        need to stay unless you want to.
Registration Deadline: Tuesday, June 22nd by noon                    Maximum Enrollment:
Minimum Enrollment: 5 Maximum Enrollment: 35                            12 participants per day

NEWTON Summer 2021 RECREATION COMMISSION - Newton Recreation Commission
NRC Summer Activity Guide 2021

    CHALLENGES                                     Audrey Gann, Program Director,

                          M onthly
         V irtual        F itness C hallenges
              Internet access needed to view videos.
      Hand Weights & Resistance Bands available for purchase.             For 10 weeks this summer we challenge
                                                                          you to complete 21 activities as a family!
                       Mother “MAY” I?
                             May 3rd - 28th
                                                                           Each week NRC staff will email you 2-3
     We all played this childhood game either as children               activity ideas and you choose what you do!
     ourselves or with our own children. We are bringing the             You will need to take photos and post to
     playful game to life for May’s virtual fitness challenge. And
     the best part is our participants are going to help us plan the      your Facebook OR Twitter page and use
     workouts! Don’t worry, no one but NRC staff will know who            the tag #NRC21summer to document
     gave what idea! When registering you will be asked to provide
     your 3 favorite OR your 3 least favorite fitness moves to do.         your participation. For every challenge
     NRC staff will then take all provided answers to create the          completed, families will earn an entry to
     workouts we will send via video link every Mon/Wed/Fri.
                                                                         the grand prize drawing to be held at the
     Fee: $5
     Registration Deadline: Sunday, May 2nd                                     completion of the 10 weeks.
     Note: Equipment used this month will be hand weights,
     yoga mats, and resistance bands.
                                                                        FEE: $5 per family
                        Booty Busters                                   DEADLINE: Sunday, May 30th
                           June 2nd - 30th
     Ahoy, me hearties! June's virtual fitness challenge be all about
     th' booty! NRC's best mates will send a video link every
     Mon/Wed/Fri t' participants t' follow as we all work t' raise,
     lose, and tone that booty! Aye aye!
     Fee: $6
     Registration Deadline: Tuesday, June 1st
     Note: Equipment used this month will be hand and leg
     weights, yoga mats, resistance bands and body bands.
                                                                        The WINNER of this FREE photo contest will
                             ARMerica                                   have their photo featured on the front cover
                            July 2nd - 30th                                of Newton Recreation Commission's
     This July we want to proudly wave our flag, not our arm sag!
     This month’s virtual fitness challenge will focus on our arms.                2021 Fall Activity Guide.
     NRC staff will send participants a video link every Mon/
     Wed/Fri with a new arm workout. You won’t want to miss                          CONTEST RULES:
     this arm show!                                                      1. Contest will Run May 26 - June 18. Photos posted
     Fee: $7                                                                and tagged outside of contest dates will not be
     Registration Deadline: Thursday, July 1st                              accepted.
     Note: Equipment used this month will be hand weights,               2. Photos must be posted on your personal Facebook
     yoga mats, and resistance bands.                                       OR Twitter page and include the tag
                                                                            #NRCSnapTagWin to be entered. Multiple entries
                      Backs and Snacks
                                                                            are allowed.
                          August 2nd - 30th
     We are “BACK” to workout with you and bonus….we have                3. Photos must contain people and/or pets. No
     “SNACKS” (well the recipes for them, haha)!! This month                landscape photos will be accepted.
     we will work on strengthening our backs. Did you know your          4. Photos must be high resolution, portrait/vertical,
     back is one of the most neglected areas of                             and non-blurry.
     fitness training? We’re here to help you fix that! And              5. Photo must fit into one of these categories:
     because we all love to snack we want to share some of
     our favorite healthy snack recipes with you!                                      * NRC SPORTS * AQUATICS *
     Fee: $8
     Registration Deadline: Sunday, August 1st                                          * FITNESS * FAMILY FUN *
     Note: Equipment used this month will be hand weights,
     yoga mats, and resistance bands.                                      NRC's Board Members will pick the winning
                                                                             photo. Winner will be notified in July.
NEWTON Summer 2021 RECREATION COMMISSION - Newton Recreation Commission
NRC Summer Activity Guide 2021

                             Audrey Gann, Program Director,            PRESCHOOL PROGRAMS
                    Flowers for Mom
                        Tuesday, May 4th                                       Toddler HOME Kits
Mother’s Day is just around the corner and we have the perfect
crafts to share with you! It is always nice to present flowers to
                                                                                Ages 2 - 5 years
mom on Mothers’ Day. In this class we will have a combination of
super cute flowers you can make for mom.
Time: 10:00 AM (class will be 30-45 minutes)
Fee: $10
Ages: 18 months - 5 years
Instructor: Candice Egizi-Sifuentez
Location: NRC Cottonwood
Registration Deadline: Sunday, May 2nd
Minimum Enrollment: 5 Maximum Enrollment: 10                            What's Inside?
Note: Parents need to stay and participate with children.
                                                                         *Activity Guide
                      Hooked on Dad
                     Wednesday, June 16th                                *Craft Supplies
With Father’s Day approaching, it’s time to start thinking about
crafts that honor the fathers (or father figures) in your child(rens)       *Activity
lives. Join NRC staff to make a gift guaranteed to make Dad feel            Supplies
loved and special. Plus, these Father’s Day crafts will come straight
from your child(rens) hands.                                             *and more but
Time: 10:00 AM (class will be 30-45 minutes)                            we don't want to
Fee: $10                                                                    spoil the
Ages: 18 months 5 years                                                    surprises!!
Instructor: Candice Egizi-Sifuentez
Location: NRC Cottonwood Room
Registration Deadline: Sunday, June 13th
Minimum Enrollment: 5 Maximum Enrollment: 10
Note: Parents need to stay and participate with children.

                       Patriotic Art
                    Wednesday, June 30th
With 4th of July around the corner, we have just the thing to
keep little hands occupied while creating some crafts for your
star-spangled celebration. We have planned to incorporate
sensory play and creativity into these crafts. These particular
projects will allow kids to create colorful crafts using their                   Everyone Should
imagination.                                                                       Participate!
Time: 10:00 AM (class will be 30-45 minutes)
Fee: $10                                                                Denotes Scholarship Program
Ages: 18 months 5 years                                                 NRC’s scholarship program is available to those currently
Instructor: Candice Egizi-Sifeutentez                                   receiving Free/Reduced School Lunches or that have a
Location: NRC Cottonwood Room                                           current KanCare Card.
Registration Deadline: Sunday, June 27th
Minimum Enrollment: 5 Maximum Enrollment: 10                            Those who qualify for ESP will be able to participate in
Note: Parents need to stay and participate with children.               NRC’s ESP programs at a 50% reduced rate. Be sure to
                                                                        look for the above logo next to program information to
                                                                        see which programs qualify.
                                                                        To receive this rate, please bring a copy of your letter of
  @NewtonKSRec               @newtonKSRec        Newton KS Rec
                                                                        approval for free/reduced rate lunches or your KanCare
           You can check out...                                         Medical Card with you to NRC at the time of enrollment.
      *Deadlines *Upcoming Events                                       We will make a copy of your paperwork and keep it on file
     *Pictures *Cancellations *Etc.                                     until the next school enrollment.

NEWTON Summer 2021 RECREATION COMMISSION - Newton Recreation Commission
NRC Summer Activity Guide 2021

     PROGRAMS                                        Audrey Gann, Program Director,

            Introductory Tae Kwon Do Class
                    Session I: Saturday, April 10th
                    Session II: Saturday, June 12th                             Martial Arts
                  Session III: Saturday, August 14th
     Have you ever thought about taking a martial arts class but did not
     know what to expect? Here is an opportunity to attend a FREE,
     one-time, introductory class and experience what the traditional
     martial art of Tae Kwon Do is all about. This introductory class
     is designed for the beginner and is a great opportunity for family
     members to participate in an activity together.
     Time: Session I & III - 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
            Session II - 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM
     Fee: FREE
     Ages: 6 years and up (families welcome)
     Instructor: Dany Monares
     Location: NRC Santa Fe Room
     Deadline: Tuesday, 4/6, 6/8, and 8/10
     Minimum Enrollment: 5 Maximum Enrollment: 20                           Tae Kwon Do
                                                                            Instructor: Dany Monares
                                                                            Tae Kwon Do is a Korean style martial art, which
          School Age HOME Kits                                              literally means the “hand”, “foot”, “way of life.”
                                                                            Through consistent training, Tae Kwon Do enables
             Grades K - 4th                                                 you to defend yourself and build self-confidence.

                                                                            All Level Class: This class emphasizes
                                                                            developing Tae Kwon Do kicks, stances, blocks,
                                                                            strikes and forms. Self-defense attack and counter
                                                                            techniques, sparring, and the tenets of Tae Kwon
                                                                            Do are also included. All ages and all levels of Tae
                                                                            Kwon Do are welcomed in this class.
      What's Inside?
                                                                            When: Mondays & Wednesdays
       *Weekly Guide
                                                                            Time: 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
       *Craft Supplies                                                      Fee: $4 drop in fee per person
                                                                            Location: NRC Santa Fe Room
          *Activity                                                         Maximum Enrollment: 9
                                                                            Note: Participation is on a first come first serve
        *Video Links
                                                                            basis. Participants may not pay more than 30
      *and more but we                                                      minutes prior to class start time.
      don't want to spoil
        the surprises!!
                                                                              Private Gymnastics Lessons
                                                                           Love Gymnastics but prefer one-on-one instruction?
                                                                           Sign up for private gymnastics lessons today! Private
                                                                           lessons will be set up to fit individual needs and
                                                                           schedules. The process is easy, come in and register
                                                                           and then our instructor will contact you and set up
                                                                           the lesson schedule. * See page 9 for Summer classes.
                                                                           Six 30 Minute Lessons: $80 Additional Persons: $50

NEWTON Summer 2021 RECREATION COMMISSION - Newton Recreation Commission
NRC Summer Activity Guide 2021

                             Audrey Gann, Program Director,                                GYMNASTICS
         8 Week Summer Session                                                                  Tumbling
Fee: $46                                                              Participants will build on current skills on the floor. They will
Instructor: Valerie Reimer                                            learn proper technique and form. Skills that will be taught
Location: NRC Santa Fe Room                                           include but are not limited to: back walkovers, front walkovers,
Registration Deadline:
                                                                      round offs, back handsprings, and front handsprings.
         Saturday, May 29th
Minimum Enrollment: 4                                                 Fee: $46
Maximum Enrollment: 8                                                 Ages: Kindergarten and older
Note: Only 1 parent/guardian will be                                  Dates: Tuesdays, June 1st - July 20th
allowed to attend class and a mask must                               Time: 5:00 PM - 5:45 PM
be worn (by parent/guardian). No                                      Registration Deadline: Thursday, May 27th
additional children will be allowed to                                Note: Participants must be able to do a handstand and
attend. Participants should wear loose                                cartwheel unassisted to enroll in this class. Wear athletic clothes.
fitting clothes and socks, bring a water                              *Summer session: participants must have completed
bottle, and put long hair up in a                                     Kindergarten.*
ponytail. Please wash hands and wait
for instructor in the lobby.

This is an interactive class with the instructor leading with the
assistance of a parent/guardian. Work with your child on basic
tumbling skills at her/his own pace with guidance from Valerie.
Ages 18 months - 3 years
Dates: Saturdays, June 5th - July 24th
Time: 9:00 AM - 9:30 AM

Pre-School                                                                            Advanced Gymnastics
This is a class designed for 3-5 year olds that haven’t started      This class is for students who have previously taken the
kindergarten yet. It is a bridge between the Parent-Tot and          Intermediate class and are ready to continue at a more advanced
Beginners class. Students will be working on entry level             level. This class meets two times a week, on Tuesdays and
gymnastics skills with the close guidance of the instructors.        Saturdays. *MUST be able to do an unassisted cartwheel,
Ages: 3 years - 5 years                                              handstand, and a standing backbend.
Dates & Time: Saturdays, June 5th - July 24th                        Fee: $65
                  9:35 AM - 10:20 AM                                 Dates & Time: Tuesdays & Saturdays, June 1st - July 24th
              OR                                                                        Tuesdays: 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
                 Thursdays, June 3rd - July 22nd                                        Saturdays: 12:05 PM - 1:05 PM
                  5:00 PM - 5:45 PM                                  Registration Deadline: Thursday, May 27th
                                                                     Minimum Enrollment: 6 Maximum Enrollment: 8
Beginner                                                             Note: Instructor must approve participants in this class.
Introductory class that will start the kids down the correct road.   Class will meet twice a week on Tuesday and Saturday.
Basic tumbling, coordination, and stretching will be taught.
Ages: 1st grade and up                                                           Valerie Reimer,
Dates & Time: Saturdays, June 5th - July 24th                                 Gymnastics Instructor
               10:25 AM - 11:10 AM
          OR                                                                               Valerie has been with the Newton
                Thursdays, June 3rd - July 22nd                                            Recreation Commission for 7 years. She
                6:00 PM - 6:45 PM                                                          started as an assistant and has now been
                                                                                           the lead instructor for a year. Valerie
                                                                                           also competed in gymnastics for 5
Intermediate                                                                               years. She has her Associate’s Degree in
This class builds on existing skills, helps develop coordination,                          Elementary Education and is currently
flexibility, and confidence. All this and it’s fun!                                        working to get her Bachelors degree in
Dates: June 5th - July 24th                                                                Elementary Education. Valerie is
Time: 11:15 AM - 12:00 PM                                             looking forward to continuing the wonderful Gymnastics
Note: Participants MUST be able to do an unassisted cartwheel         program NRC has, while adding her skillset and passion for
and handstand to take this level.                                     the sport and the youth of Newton.

NEWTON Summer 2021 RECREATION COMMISSION - Newton Recreation Commission
NRC Summer Activity Guide 2021

     RENTAL INFORMATION                                      Candice Egizi-Sifuentez, Office Manager,

                         General Rental Information                                                         Meeting Rooms
     The Newton Recreation Commission has a number of facilities available         The Newton Activity Center has two meeting rooms available.
     for public rental. Our gymnasium, meeting rooms, park shelters,
     swimming pools and athletic fields are available for all your rental needs.   The Sunflower Room will
                                                                                   accommodate up to 80 people in
                            How do I rent a facility?                              any meeting or banquet style. The
     It is a simple process. Reservation forms are available at the Newton         Center’s kitchen is also available
     Activity Center during normal business hours Monday through Friday. If        to rent for $5 per hour. This is the
     the facility you wish to rent is available on the requested date and time,    larger of the two rooms and is ideal
     simply fill out the reservation form, pay the required deposit and the        for larger gatherings such as family
     rental amount. The reservation goes into the computer and the facility is     dinners, meetings and even dances.
     reserved for you and your event.
                                                                                   The Cottonwood Room will accommodate up to 40 people and is well
          Things to remember when making a reservation.                            suited for smaller gatherings such as birthday parties or baby showers.
     Several of our facilities require a damage/cleaning deposit which is
     separate from the rental amount. To insure the return of your entire                        When can I rent a meeting room?
     deposit, please make sure that the facility is left clean and undamaged.      Each room is available to rent seven days a week.

     All reservations must include the time needed for any set up and/or           Regular Rates: Cover the regular business hours. During those hours,
     clean up. Extra charges may be incurred for time not indicated on the         rates are $30 per hour.
     reservation form.
                                                                                   Premium Rates: Cover any hours at which time the Activity Center is
     For a slight fee, NRC will set up the facility according to your requests.    not open. *Premium rate rentals are subject to approval and staffing availability.
                                                                                   During those hours, rates are $45 per hour. NRC requires a staff member
                                Swimming Pools                                     to be present during these times.
     The Newton Recreation Commission operates two pools; one seasonal
     located at Athletic Park and one indoor pool that is available all year.      Rental of each meeting room requires a deposit of $25 which is separate
                                                                                   from the rental amount and is refunded if rental conditions are fulfilled.
     The Center Pool is located in the Newton Activity Center and has a
     capacity of 35 swimmers. Pool depth ranges from a shallow 2 feet to 6                                     Park Shelters
     feet at its deepest. A handicap lift is located on the deck and for your      The Newton Recreation Commission offers 3 park shelters for rental.
     convenience, locker rooms are located just a few steps away. The pool is a    Each shelter has a capacity of 25 people, tables, electrical outlets,
     perfect tie in with a meeting room to host your child’s birthday party.       bathrooms near and a fireplace. Reservations can be made beginning
                                                                                   Easter weekend and running through the weekend before Halloween.
                         When can I rent the pool?
     Pool Regular Rates: Cover the hours of 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM on                  Rental rates: $35 per 4 hour increments. Rental of each shelter requires
     Fridays, 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM or 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM on Saturdays and            a deposit of $25 which is separate from the rental amount and is refunded
     Sundays.                                                                      if rental conditions are fulfilled.

     During those hours, rates are $55 per hour. These fees include the staffing                                NRC Gymnasium
     of a lifeguard.                                                               The gymnasium in the Newton Activity Center houses 3 courts, marked
                                                                                   for basketball, volleyball, picklebabll and tennis. A walking track (12 laps
     Pool Premium Rates: Cover any hours at which time activities are not          equal 1 mile) frames the courts and is available for walking anytime during
     being held in the pool or hours at which time the Newton Activity Center      business hours. Use of the track is free. During the months of February
     is not open.                                                                  through April, the courts are converted into an indoor soccer field.

     During those hours, rates are $65 per hour. Once again, these fees include    The gym floor is synthetic rubber and curtains can be lowered to separate
     the staffing of a lifeguard.                                                  each court. Each court has an electronic scoreboard and bleachers. The
                                                                                   size of the gym lends itself to not only sports events but to dances, lock-
                                Party Package                                      ins and art shows. Any teams participating in NRC leagues are allowed to
     Rent the Center Pool for 1 hour and a room for 1 hour for $85 plus a $25      reserve courts for practice at no charge.
     refundable deposit.
                                                                                                   When can I rent the gymnasium?
       Needing sports equipment for a                                              The gymnasium is available to rent anytime that an NRC event or activity
                                                                                   is not scheduled.
          family or work outing?                                                   Rates: $25 per hour per court.

           Horseshoes- $5/set
     Outdoor Volleyball and Net- $5/set                                               Gift Certificates are available
      Other sports equipment is also available for rent.
                                                                                          for All NRC Activities
NRC Summer Activity Guide 2021

                  Audrey Gann, Program Director,   RENTALS & INFORMATION

 Program Updates and                                                      OOPS!
                                                            We cancelled it because you didn’t register!
    Cancellations                                      Sometimes excellent programs are cancelled when too
                                                     many people wait until the last minute to register. We need
 Wondering whether your activity has been            a minimum number of participants before a class will run.
                                                          If a program looks interesting, don’t hesitate...
 postponed or cancelled due to inclement
weather? We keep you updated several ways.                         REGISTER TODAY!
                                                       We only ask that registration and payment be made by
  1) Check the NRC website at                                the deadline that is posted for a program.
  2) Get text message updates to your                   Have you moved or changed
     phone by providing us with your cell                  your phone number?
     phone carrier.                                    Please keep us updated on your contact information so
  3) Check NRC Facebook or Twitter                       we can serve you better. If you’ve moved, changed
                                                         your phone number, or have any other updates we
     @NewtonKSRec                                          need to know, please stop by our front desk or
  4) Call the Newton Recreation                                    give us a call at (316) 283-7330
     Commission at (316) 283-7330.
                                                       Do you have a bright idea for a
Did you know...                                           new program or class?
                                                                       Please Email-
                                                       Audrey Gann, Programs,
         NRC has                                       Tracie Strain, Wellness,
     Lockers available                                  Bart Peace, Aquatics,
                                                         Tyler Boese, Sports,
         for Rent                                        We are always searching for
                                                             new program ideas!
     Locker - $5/Month
                                                     Did you know...
  Racquetball Courts                                        NRC offers
The Newton Recreation Commission has                  Table and Chair Rentals
two racquetball courts which are
available to rent by the
hour. Also, monthly
racquetball passes are
available. Pass holders
may call in advance to
reserve courts.
Racquetball drop-in fee: $5/Hour                                     1 Table - $10
Monthly Racquetball Pass: $25
                                                                    8 Chairs - $10
        **Racquetball Pass Included In                        1 Table & 8 Chair Set - $18
         Wellness Center Membership.                              with a $50 Deposit
NRC Summer Activity Guide 2021

     WATER FITNESS                                      Bart Peace, Assistant Superintendent,

                     Water Fitness Classes                                                           Arthricise
     Water aerobic classes work toward cardiovascular fitness,             Water exercise is ideal for those who have difficulty in regular
     toning and flexibility. The water gives you a great workout while     exercise programs. Come meet some new friends while getting
     cushioning your joints. You don’t even have to get your hair wet!     some exercise. This class is led by an arthritis trained instructor.
                                                                           No swimming is required. A lift is available to enter and exit the
                   Water Fitness Class Fees                                pool.
     $4 - drop in fee                                                      When: Tuesdays & Thursdays
     $32 - 10-class card                                                   Time: 2:00 PM - 2:50 PM
     $27 - Wellness Center Member 10-class card                            Location: NRC Center Pool
     $40 - Preferred Aquatics Monthly Membership (unlimited classes)       Instructor: Becky Butcher
                                                                           Note: Access lift available.
                    Aquacise Morning Class
     When: Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays                                                 Aquacise Evening Class
     Time: 8:00 AM - 8:50 AM                                               When: Mondays, Tuesdays & Thursdays
     Location: NRC Center Pool                                             Time: 5:30 PM - 6:20 PM
     Instructors: Cathy Woodward                                           Location: NRC Center Pool
                                                                           Instructors: Cathy Woodward, Sandra Deyo
              Aqua Strength & Stretch Class
     This is a higher intensity class. Target heart rate will be reached
     early and maintained during session. Work-out is concluded with
     a stretch and cool down.
     When: Tuesdays & Thursdays
     Time: 8:00 AM - 8:50 AM
     Location: NRC Center Pool
     Instructors: Becky Butcher
                                                                                           Prenatal Water Class
                                                                           This class offers an exercise for moms-to-be or for those wanting
                         At Your Own Pace                                  to ease back into exercise after childbirth. Led by a Prenatal
     This is an overall body strength training and aerobics class for
                                                                           Aquacise Certified Instructor.
     those of all abilities and ages. This class also features lots of
                                                                           When: Tuesdays & Thursdays
                                                                           Time: 5:30 PM - 6:20 PM
     When: Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays
                                                                           Location: NRC Center Pool
     Time: 9:00 AM - 9:50 AM
                                                                           Instructor: Cathy Woodward
     Location: NRC Center Pool
     Instructor: Becky Butcher
                                                                                          Cathy Woodward,
                         Adapted Aquacise                                                  Aquatic Instructor
     Water exercise for the physically and/or mentally challenged and
                                                                           Cathy has been a Newtonian for most of her
     their caregivers.
                                                                           life although she was born in Iowa. She has
     When: Mondays and Fridays                                             two grown sons. Her favorites include; time
     Time: 2:00 PM - 2:45 PM                                               with family & friends, traveling, cooking, Bible
     Instructors: Becky Butcher                                            study group, walking/hiking, flowers, volunteer-
     Fee: $15/Month or $5 Drop-In                                          ing, dark chocolate and anything to do with
                                                                           water! She recently retired as a school teacher
                                                                           after teaching in a variety of K-8 classrooms
                  SilverSneakers® - Splash                                 in the Newton school system for 34 years. She
                                                                           has taught swim lessons and water exercise for almost 40 years.
                                                                           Water Exercise provides gain without the pain! You choose the
       In this fun, shallow-water exercise class, you’ll use a signature   speed and level of intensity. Water aerobics can improve your
       splash-board to increase strength and endurance. Splash is          cardiovascular & respiratory system in the same ways as cycling
       suitable for all skill levels and is safe for non-swimmers.         or running. There’s less stress/injury to joints & muscles than
                                                                           most workouts but the resistance against the water is strength
       When: Wednesdays                                                    building. The best bonus is that it burns calories without
       Time: 2:00 PM - 2:50 PM                                             sweating & it’s fun! Come visit her class and let her know what
       Location: NRC Center Pool                                           kind of a workout you want! Talk to her before your first class
       Instructor: Becky Butcher                                           and she promises you won’t be disappointed! No swimming skills
                                                                           needed to participate. She challenges you to try it once… and
       Fee: $30 - 10 class card or $3 Drop-In
                                                                           bring a friend!
NRC Summer Activity Guide 2021

                    Bart Peace, Assistant Superintendent,                        SWIM LESSONS
                                             Summer Swim Roundup
                                                      Saturday, May 8th
 Need to know what lessons you are ready for? Come in for a free swim evaluation. Take a few minutes before signing up for summer
 lessons and let us advise you on what class would be most beneficial.
 Time: 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
 Fee: FREE!
 Location: NRC Activity Center Pool
 Note: The NRC office will be open following the roundup for summer swim lesson registrations. Please drop in at any time.

                                                 Swim Lessons
Water Babies- Instructor will introduce the child to the water with the help of the parent. Parent Tot - 6 months and older.
*Aquaducks- Students learn to feel safe and comfortable in the water with instruction. Over 3 years of age.
Goldfish- Level 1- Fundamentals of aquatic skills, and beginning to learn basic strokes. Over 5 years of age.
Sunfish - Level 2- Assisted strokes, flotation, glides, front crawl, and back stroke.
Penguin- Level 3- Improving basic strokes, rhythmic breathing, and personal water safety.
**Otter- Level 4- Stroke development, guided practice, treading water, and diving.
Seal- Level 5- Continued stroke development, sidestroke, breaststroke, and turns.
Polar Bear- Level 6- Endurance, diving, introduction to butterfly stroke.
Sea Lion- Level 7- Polish and refine strokes, endurance, open turns and surface diving.
Dolphin- Level 8- Advancing skills, endurance, rescue skills and introduction to swim team and distance swimming.

        *Parents do not get into the water, for any special circumstances please make prior arrangement.
              **Diving will not be included with any lessons at the NRC Pool due to water depth.

                If you need further assistance in making a decision about which class to enroll your child,
                                 please call to set up an appointment for an evaluation.

                    Water Babies                                                         Aquaducks
            Tuesdays and Thursdays                                                 Monday - Thursday
                    June 15th - June 24th                               Morning Session I: June 7th - June 17th
                                                                        Morning Session II: June 21st - July 1st
                                                                        Morning Session III: July 5th - July 15th
                                                                        Morning Session IV: July 19th - July 29th
                                                                       Students learn to feel safe and comfortable in the water
                                                                        with instruction. Over 3 years of age. *Parents do not
                                                                           get into the water, for any special circumstances
 Introduce your infant to the water and encourage exploration                      please make prior arrangements.
 into the basic concepts of swimming and water enjoyment.
 This program promotes water safety knowledge and practices,             Evening Session I: June 28th - July 8th
 aquatic adjustment and swimming readiness skills. Emphasis in          Saturday Session I: June 5th - June 26th
 this session will be put on development of warm and trusting           Saturday Session II: July 10th - July 31st
 relationships between parents and children                         Time: Morning: 10:00 AM - 10:30 AM or
 and the instructor.
                                                                    		              10:35 AM - 11:05 AM
 Time: 5:00 PM - 5:30 PM                                                  Evening: 5:00 PM - 5:30 PM
 Fee: $30                                                                 Saturday: 10:00 - 10:45 AM or 11:00 - 11:45 AM
 Location: NRC Activity Center Pool                                 Fee: $30
 Instructor: Cathy Woodward                                         Location: NRC Activity Center Pool
 Registration Deadline: One week prior to each session              Registration Deadline: One week prior to each session
 Minimum Enrollment: 4 Maximum Enrollment: 12                       Minimum Enrollment: 4
 Note: Be sure to sign up quick, enrollment fills up fast.

NRC Summer Activity Guide 2021

     SWIM LESSONS                                 Bart Peace, Assistant Superintendent,

                                                        Goldfish (Level 1)
                                                      Monday - Thursday
                                               *NEWTON HIGH SCHOOL POOL*
                                             Morning Session I: June 7th - June 17th
                                             Morning Session II: June 21st - July 1st
                                             Morning Session III: July 5th - July 15th
                                             Morning Session IV: July 19th - July 29th
                                            Fundamentals of aquatic skills, and beginning to learn
                                                   basic strokes. Over 5 years of age.
                                             *NEWTON ACTIVITY CENTER POOL*
                                             Evening Session I: June 14th - June 24th
                                              Evening Session II: June 28th - July 8th
                                             Saturday Session I: June 5th - June 26th
                                             Saturday Session II: July 10th - July 31st
                                       Time: Morning: 9:30 - 10:15 AM, 10:20 - 11:05 AM
                                                       or 11:15 AM - 12:00 PM
                                             Evening: 6:30 PM - 7:15 PM
                                             Saturday: 10:00 - 10:55 AM or 11:00 - 11:55 AM
                                       Fee: $30
                                       Location: NRC Activity Center Pool (PM & Saturdays)
                                                 Newton High School (Weekday AM)
                                       Registration Deadline: One week prior to each session
                                       Minimum Enrollment: 4

                        Sunfish (level 2)                                                   Penguin (level 3)
                     Monday - Thursday                                                    Monday - Thursday
              *NEWTON HIGH SCHOOL POOL*                                           *NEWTON HIGH SCHOOL POOL*
            Morning Session I: June 7th - June 17th                             Morning Session I: June 7th - June 17th
            Morning Session II: June 21st - July 1st                            Morning Session II: June 21st - July 1st
            Morning Session III: July 5th - July 15th                           Morning Session III: July 5th - July 15th
            Morning Session IV: July 19th - July 29th                           Morning Session IV: July 19th - July 29th
          Students work on assisted strokes, flotation, glides,                Improving basic strokes, rhythmic breathing, and
                      front crawl, back stroke.                                            personal water safety.
           *NEWTON ACTIVITY CENTER POOL*                                       *NEWTON ACTIVITY CENTER POOL*
            Evening Session I: June 14th - June 24th                            Evening Session I: June 14th - June 24th
             Evening Session II: June 28th - July 8th                            Evening Session II: June 28th - July 8th
            Saturday Session I: June 5th - June 26th                            Saturday Session I: June 5th - June 26th
            Saturday Session II: July 10th - July 31st                          Saturday Session II: July 10th - July 31st
      Time: Morning: 9:30 - 10:15 AM, 10:20 - 11:05 AM                   Time: Morning: 9:30 - 10:15 AM, 10:20 - 11:05 AM
                      or 11:15 AM - 12:00 PM                                             or 11:15 AM - 12:00 PM
            Evening: 6:30 PM - 7:15 PM                                         Evening: 6:30 PM - 7:15 PM
            Saturday: 10:00 - 10:55 AM or 11:00 - 11:55 AM                     Saturday: 10:00 - 10:55 AM or 11:00 - 11:55 AM
      Fee: $30                                                           Fee: $30
      Location: NRC Activity Center Pool (PM & Saturdays)                Location: NRC Activity Center Pool (PM & Saturdays)
                 Newton High School (Weekday AM)                                    Newton High School (Weekday AM)
      Registration Deadline: One week prior to each session              Registration Deadline: One week prior to each session
      Minimum Enrollment: 4                                              Minimum Enrollment: 4

NRC Summer Activity Guide 2021

                   Bart Peace, Assistant Superintendent,                      SWIM LESSONS
                   Otter (level 4)                                                   Seal (level 5)
              Monday - Thursday                                                Monday - Thursday
     *NEWTON HIGH SCHOOL POOL*                                      *NEWTON HIGH SCHOOL POOL*
   Morning Session I: June 7th - June 17th                        Morning Session I: June 7th - June 17th
   Morning Session II: June 21st - July 1st                       Morning Session II: June 21st - July 1st
   Morning Session III: July 5th - July 15th                      Morning Session III: July 5th - July 15th
   Morning Session IV: July 19th - July 29th                      Morning Session IV: July 19th - July 29th

      Stroke development, guided practice, treading                    Continued stroke development, sidestroke,
                   water, and diving.                                          breaststroke, and turns.

Time: 9:30 - 10:15 AM, 10:20 - 11:05 AM                       Time: 9:30 - 10:15 AM, 10:20 - 11:05 AM
      or 11:15 AM - 12:00 PM                                        or 11:15 AM - 12:00 PM
Fee: $30                                                      Fee: $30
Location: Newton High School                                  Location: Newton High School
Registration Deadline: One week prior to each session         Registration Deadline: One week prior to each session
Minimum Enrollment: 4                                         Minimum Enrollment: 4

              Polar Bear (level 6)                                              Sea Lion (level 7/8)
              Monday - Thursday                                               Monday - Thursday
     *NEWTON HIGH SCHOOL POOL*                                      *NEWTON HIGH SCHOOL POOL*
   Morning Session I: June 7th - June 17th                        Morning Session I: June 7th - June 17th
   Morning Session II: June 21st - July 1st                       Morning Session II: June 21st - July 1st
   Morning Session III: July 5th - July 15th                      Morning Session III: July 5th - July 15th
   Morning Session IV: July 19th - July 29th                      Morning Session IV: July 19th - July 29th

 Endurance, diving, and introduction to butterfly stroke.        Polish and refine strokes, endurance, open turns and
                                                                                     surface diving.
Time: 9:30 - 10:15 AM, 10:20 - 11:05 AM
      or 11:15 AM - 12:00 PM                                  Time: 9:30 - 10:15 AM, 10:20 - 11:05 AM
Fee: $30                                                            or 11:15 AM - 12:00 PM
Location: Newton High School                                  Fee: $30
Registration Deadline: One week prior to each session         Location: Newton High School
Minimum Enrollment: 4                                         Registration Deadline: One week prior to each session
                                                              Minimum Enrollment: 4

                Dolphin (level 7/8)
              Monday - Thursday
   Morning Session I: June 7th - June 17th
   Morning Session II: June 21st - July 1st
   Morning Session III: July 5th - July 15th
   Morning Session IV: July 19th - July 29th                          Private Swim Lessons
                                                               It is never too late or too early to learn this necessary survival
Advancing skills, endurance, rescue skills and introduction     skill. Private lessons will be set up to fit individual needs and
        to swim team and distance swimming.                               schedules. Contact Candice Egizi-Sifuentez at
Time: 9:30 - 10:15 AM, 10:20 - 11:05 AM                       , Becky Friesen Butcher at
                 or 11:15 AM - 12:00 PM                            or Bart Peace at
Fee: $30                                                     or (316) 283-7330 for more
Location: Newton High School                                             information on setting up your private lessons.
Registration Deadline: One week prior to each session                           Six 30 minute lessons: $80
Minimum Enrollment: 4                                                            Additional persons: $50

NRC Summer Activity Guide 2021

     AQUATICS CLASSES                            Bart Peace, Assistant Superintendent,

                          Scout Night                                                  Fishing Fridays
        Wednesday, June 23rd & Wednesday, July 14th                               Friday, June 4th - East Lake
     Boys and girls of all ages involved in scouting can swim for                Friday, June 25th - West Lake
     $.75 by showing proof of membership. All leaders can swim
     for free.                                                                  Friday, July 16th - Spring Lake
     Time: 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM                                        Meet us on a few Fridays this summer for a morning of
     Location: NRC Center Pool                                      fishing. Each Fishing Friday will be
                                                                    at a different body of water around
                                                                    Newton. You bring your own tackle
                       Kids Water Jam                               and water bottle, we will provide bait
                      Tuesdays & Thursdays                          and lunch.
                         3:30 PM - 4:15 PM                          Time: 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
     This program is based on water                                 Fee: $5 per day
     play in shallow and deep water. The                            Ages: 6 years - 15 years
     class components focus on games,                               Location: East Lake - meet at Volunteer Hall
     fun and water fitness. Participants                                          West Lake - meet at dock
     should have the ability to swim in                                           Spring Lake - Shelter/Spring Lake Dr. 100
     deep water.                                                    Registration Deadline: Tuesday, June 1st
     Location: NRC Activity Center Pool                             			                            Monday, June 21st
     Instructors: Becky Butcher                                     			                            Monday, July 12th
     Fee: $4.50 - drop in fee or $30 - 10 class card                Note: Must pre-register for each Fishing Friday. Bring
     Note: Minimum of 5 participants enrolled during the            your own fishing tackle and water bottle, let us know at
     summer.                                                        registration if you are in need of a fishing rod. We will
                                                                    provide fishing bait and a lunch of hot dogs & chips. Parents
                                                                    do not need to stay unless you want to.
           Group CPR & First Aid Training                           Maximum Enrollment: 12 participants per day
     This new offering of CPR and First Aid is great for
     businesses or family groups to safely receive training.
     Certifications will be issued upon successful completion of     Indoor Public Swimming Hours
     this course. Dates and times will be set
     according to the business/group and instructor
     availability. If interested, groups should contact
     Bart Peace at or (316)
     283-7330. Unfortunately due to COVID-19
     safety concerns, individuals not associated with a
     business or group will not be allowed to join the class.
                                                                                    Public Swimming Hours
                                                                               Mondays & Wednesdays: Noon - 1:00 PM
              Newton Summer Swim Team                                       Tuesdays/Thursdays/Fridays: 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
         Presented by the Newton Nitros Swim Club                              Mondays - Thursdays: 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM
                    May 24th - June 25th                                       Saturdays & Sundays: 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
                         Times TBD
                                                                                         Lap Swim Hours
      Try something new this summer! Join the Newton                     Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays: 6:30 AM - 7:30 AM
      Summer Swim Team. This low stress, high fun experience
      in a team atmosphere will get kids working on strokes,                          Pool Admission Fees
      having fun, and racing!                                                              $1.50 per person
      Visit: to register.                            Pool Admission included with Wellness Memberships
      Ages: to anyone 18 or younger who can swim the width
      of the pool (approx. 15 yds.) without stopping.                                      Senior Swim
                                                                       Senior swim is free and open to all over the age of 55. Held
      Fee: $72.50 Includes USA Swimming Registration, swim
                                                                                Monday-Friday from 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM.
      cap, ribbons, trophy and t-shirt. Discount available for
                                                                                 Water Temperature: 86-89 Degrees
      free/reduced lunch qualifiers (paperwork required).
      Minimum Enrollment: 24 swimmers                                   Indoor Swimming Pool is Available to Rent
      Note: Goggles and swimsuit are required.                                       *See page 10*

NRC Summer Activity Guide 2021

                                      NRC WELLNESS CENTER
                     Tracie Strain, Wellness Director,

Make the NRC Wellness Center your headquarters for fitness!
                              **Check out our “Special Prices” on Page 18**

                                                                          Membership Fees
                                                                   Visitor Pass                   $5/Day         $10/Week

                                                                                    Monthly     6-Month          Annual
                                                                 Single               $34          $170            $340

                                                                Family                $54          $270            $530

                                                             Single Senior            $24          $120            $240

                                                             Family Senior            $40          $210            $410

                                                            Student/Military          $24          $120            $240

                                                              Special Pops            $24          $120            $240

                                                             Note: Senior = 55 years or older
                                                             Wellness Center Membership Fees
                                                                            * Racquetball Courts
                                                                      * Public Swim at the NRC Pool
                                                                  * NEW MEMBERS will receive 2 free
                                                                 personal training sessions per membership
                                                                             with NRC Trainer.

        We feature: 28 cardiovascular stations including 4 upright and 3 recumbent bikes, 1 rower
              1 recumbent elliptical, 7 treadmills, 6 Precor elliptical trainers, 2 stairmasters,
                  1 sports Art XTrainer, 3 AMT advanced motion technology trainers,
                   15 free weight stations, and 15 Precor selectorized weight stations.
To become a member please schedule a one time orientation session by calling the NRC Wellness Center at 283-7330.
             Person’s 12-15 years of age when accompanied by an adult or
      older may become Wellness Center members or participate in a fitness class.
           You must be 16 or older to use Free Weight Plate Loaded Stations.

               Business                                        # of Employees                  Fee Per Employee
              Memberships                                                 >100                            $160
 A business membership entitles the employee, their                       50 - 99                         $185
 spouse and legal dependent children under 24 years
 of age and living within their household that can                        25 - 49                         $235
 be claimed on their income tax return, to Wellness
                                                                          10 - 24                         $290
 Center benefits. All children 12-15 years old must be
 accompanied by an adult.                                                  1-9                            $330

NRC Summer Activity Guide 2021

     NRC WELLNESS CENTER               Tracie Strain, Wellness Director,

                                   July 1st - 31st Specials
                                 Wellness Center Memberships
                                                   6-Month                                Annual
                      Single                         $154                                  $289
                     Family                          $229                                  $429
                  Single Senior                      $110                                  $199
                  Family Senior                      $174                                  $329
                     Student                         $110                                  $199
                     *3 Personal Training Sessions                               for     $50*

             Wellness Center Hours                          FREE Supervised Child Play

                     Monday-Thursday                                         When:
                    5:30 AM - 10:00 PM                                 Tuesday & Thursday
                                                                       9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
                     5:30 AM - 8:00 PM                                 Wednesday & Fridays
                                                                       10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
                     7:30 AM - 5:00 PM
                    12:30 PM - 5:00 PM

       Health Insurance Eligible? We now offer...
             Benefits Include...
         •   SilverSneakers classes     •    All Water Fitness Classes
         •   Cardio - Fast & Furious    •    Wellness Center Membership
         •   Take Control with Exercise •    and more!

NRC Summer Activity Guide 2021

                         Tracie Strain, Wellness Director,     PERSONAL TRAINING
                   Professional                                     National Academy of Sports Medicine
                 Personal Training                                            Personal Trainer

                 Tracie Strain                                                     Chris Gilbert
       ACE Certified Personal Trainer                                 NASM Personal Trainer, NASM Senior
    Tracie is an American Council on Exercise Certified             Fitness Specialist, Symbria Senior Fitness
       Personal Trainer with 25 years of experience.                 Specialist, NASM Weight Loss Specialist,
                                                                            SilverSneakers Certified
        $30 - 1st 60 minute session                                                        Fee
    $25 - additional 60 minute sessions                                        $99 - 4 Sessions; 45 minutes
       * Ask about NRC’s 1/2 hour session package*                            $139 - 6 Sessions; 45 minutes
   Personal Training is a perfect next step when transitioning               $50 - 4 Sessions/2x per week;
   from physical therapy to a custom tailored exercise routine.       1/2 hour sessions for Balance and Stability

   For more information or to schedule an appointment please         For more information or to schedule an appointment please
 call the Newton Recreation Commission at (316) 283-7330.          call the Newton Recreation Commission at (316) 283-7330.

    Recovering Strength and Flexibility
  Mondays & Thursdays 9:15 AM - 10:30 AM
Improve strength, balance, and range of motion using
chairs and other props. Appropriate for those
recovering from injury or who have otherwise lost
mobility or those seeking a more gradual approach to
learning yoga.                                                      Building Better Balance Class
Location: NRC Gymnasium/Railer Room                                               Fridays, May 7th - 28th
Instructor: Cathy Anderson, Carolyn McNeill                                          9:00 AM - 9:45 AM

                      All Levels                                    Every second of every day an older adult falls in the United
             Fridays 8:30 AM - 9:45 AM                            States according to the CDC. This unfortunate statistic makes
Explore standing poses, hip-openers, seated poses,                 falling the leading cause of injury and injury related death in
twists, backbends, basic inversions, and breathing                      this age group. The good news is we can take steps to
exercises on deepening levels as you gain experience                           improve our stability to help avoid falls.
and skill. Teachers provide variations appropriate for
beginners and more advanced students.                             Building Better Balance is a dynamic 45 minute class
Location: NRC Gymnsium/ Railer Room                               designed to improve your balance, stability and overall
Instructors: Cathy Anderson, Lynette Roth                         strength. Join Chris Gilbert, NASM certified personal
                                                                  trainer and NASM certified senior fitness specialist as
            Drop-In Fee                         $8.00             we take action to stay stable and confident on our feet.
                                                                  Fee: $20 per session
     Week Pass - Unlimited                     $15.00             Location: NRC Cottonwood Room
                                                                  Instructor: Chris Gilbert, CPT, SFS
   Monthly Fee - Unlimited                     $48.00             Registration Deadline: Wednesday, 5/5
           10 Class Card                       $60.00             Minimum Enrollment: 4 Maximum Enrollment: 10

NRC Summer Activity Guide 2021

     FITNESS CLASSES                                Tracie Strain, Wellness Director,

                    Motherhood Fitness                                                            FITCore
                        April 19th - May 12th                                        Wednesdays, May 5TH - May 26TH
         Mondays & Wednesdays 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM                                           5:30 PM - 6:00 PM
      Join us to build a foundation of stability and mobility           A strong core is the foundation for structure, stability, and
      along your motherhood transition. Whether you are                 efficient movement. Join Chris Gilbert, NASM Certified
      pregnant and preparing for birth or you are postpartum            personal trainer, for this half hour “core on the floor”
      and want to create space for healing, we aim to use               class. Bring water, a towel, and a mat.
      functional movement and strength to achieve your health           Fee: $20 for 4 session
      and healing goals wherever you are on your fitness                Minimum Enrollment of 4
      journey. Class will utilize mats, hand weights, and fitness       Registration Deadline: Sunday, May 2nd
      bands. You may bring your own if you have some or they
      will be provided. For more information please e-mail                                 Buttz and Gutz
      Mallorie Coffman at                       Mondays & Thursdays 12:10 PM - 12:50 PM
      Fee: $40                                                          Join our lunch bunch to strengthen your core and improve
      Location: NRC Railer Room                                         your rear view. Make the most out of your lunch hour by
      Instructor: Mallorie Coffman                                      toning, strengthening and tightening your abs, lower back,
      Registration Deadline: Sunday, April 18th                         and glutes. No cardio, no sweat!
      Minimum Enrollment: 4 Maximum Enrollment: 10                      Fee: $25 - 10 class card or $3.50 drop in
                                                                        Location: NRC Railer Room
                                                                        Instructor: Tracie Strain
     **NEW DAY** Tuesdays 9:00 AM - 9:45 AM
             Saturdays 9:00 AM - 9:45 AM                                               H2O Buttz and Gutz
                Finding the balance between                                  Tuesdays & Fridays 12:10 PM - 12:50 PM
                  strength and surrender.                               A combination of aerobics, strength training and stretching
     ELASTICIZE is a 45-minute, stretching and core-                    using noodles, boards, and dumbbells. Let the water massage
     strengthening choreographed workout routine. The class             your stress away for a great start to your weekend!
     alternates stretching and strength exercises, targeting specific   Fee: $25 - 10 class card or $3.50 drop in
     muscle groups, resulting in greater flexibility, balance,          Location: NRC Activity Center Pool
     stability, and ultimately, core-conditioning. ELASTICIZE           Instructors: Tracie Strain, Carol Schmitt
     is truly for everyone, as it provides the necessary dynamics
     often missed in more advanced workout regiments, and can                    Take Control with Exercise
     also serve as a great transitional class for those beginning
     their fitness journey.                                                  Mondays & Thursdays 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
     Fee: $5 drop in fee; $40 - 10 class card                           In addition to reducing pain and stiffness, this exercise based
     Location: NRC Railer Room                                          program uses moderate activities to help increase joint
     Instructor: Hannah Mosher                                          flexibility, range of motion, balance, increase overall stamina,
     Minimum Enrollment: 4                                              and maintain muscle strength.
     Note: During the TUESDAY CLASS ONLY a supervised                   Emphasis on improving the
     child’s play area will be available for children 1 year and        cardiovascular system with
     older. Participants utilizing the child’s play area MUST           weights and rhythm is also
     RESERVE A SPOT prior to attending as there is a                    taught. There are optional
     maximum of 6 children allowed. (Free to ELASTICIZE                 floor exercises.
     class participants)                                                Fee: $4 drop in fee; $15 once a week, per month; $25 twice
                                                                        a week, per month
                           Zumba Gold                                   Location: NRC Sunflower Room
                  Thursdays 6:00 PM - 6:45 PM                           Instructor: Larry Schmitt and Tracie Strain
     Ditch the workout - join the party! This Brazilian/Latin
     dance class is a low impact, body energizing aerobic                            Cardio - Fast & Furious
     experience. Zumba features fast & slow rhythms to tone &                        Tuesdays 9:30 AM - 10:00 AM
     sculpt your body while burning fat. Zumba Gold takes the           This program is designed to improve your cardiovascular
     Latin-dance inspired workout of Zumba and makes it easy            stamina. Stretching, balance, and movement are emphasized.
     for seniors, beginners, or others who have limitations.            Weights are used and minimal floor exercises are optional.
     Fee: $5 drop in fee; $18 per month                                 Fee: $2.50 drop in fee; $8 per month
     Location: NRC Railer Room                                          Location: NRC Sunflower Room
     Instructor: Rose Jackson                                           Instructor: Tracie Strain
     Minimum Enrollment: 5
NRC Summer Activity Guide 2021

                    Tracie Strain, Wellness Director,      SILVERSNEAKERS

                       *WELLNESS CENTER MEMBERS,

                                      SilverSneakers® II - Circuit
                       Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays 8:00 AM - 8:45 AM
Experience standing, low-impact choreography alternated with standing upper-body strength work. This
class is suitable for nearly every fitness level, and your instructor can adapt the exercises depending on
your skill.
Location: NRC Activity Center
Instructors: Becky Butcher, Tracie Strain
                                     SilverSneakers® - Classic
                           Tuesdays & Thursdays 10:10 AM - 10:55 AM
Increase muscular strength and range of movement, and improve activities for daily living.
You’ll have a chair for seated exercises and standing support. Your instructor can modify the exercises for
your fitness level.
Location: NRC Activity Center
Instructors: Becky Butcher, Tracie Strain
                                    SilverSneakers® - Yoga
                                Wednesdays 3:30 PM - 4:20 PM
Move through seated and standing yoga poses designed to increase flexibility, balance, and range of
movement. Finish with restorative breathing exercises and final relaxation to promote reduced stress
and mental clarity.
Location: NRC Activity Center
Instructors: Carol Schmitt, Tracie Strain
                                      SilverSneakers® - Splash
                                   Wednesdays 2:00 PM - 2:50 PM
In this fun, shallow-water exercise class, you’ll use a signature splash-board to increase strength and
endurance. Splash is suitable for all skill levels and is safe for non-swimmers.
Location: NRC Activity Center Pool
Instructors: Becky Butcher, Tracie Strain

The SilverSneakers® Fitness Program is the nation’s leading exercise program designed exclusively
for older adults. The program includes use of basic amenities and access to signature SilverSneakers®
classes. The program is offered to Medicare-eligible members of a sponsoring health plan.
Medicare-eligible members are adults age 65 or older, or in some cases, those of any age deemed
disabled and receiving Medicare.
NRC Summer Activity Guide 2021

     HEALTH IMPROVMENT                           Tracie Strain, Wellness Director,

     Wellness Coaching Program
            This is an opportunity to assess where                               Introductory Meeting
               you are on your health journey!                                 Tuesday, April 20th @ 5:30
              Talk with Wellness Center staff or contact                     “Empowered to Transform”
         Becky Esch, Certified Health Coach, (316) 283-2215,                 Are you wanting to improve your health?
 to set up a free 20 minute
                                                                    Come to an informational meeting introducing the
       consultation. At this session, Becky will perform a short
                                                                    IN.FORM program, including a free health assessment.
      health assessment and bio-scan. Options will be presented
      and discussed to determine what might be most beneficial      IN.FORM is a clinically tested program designed to assist
                   for you to strengthen you health.                the body in rebalancing and resolving a number of health
                                                                    issues tied to metabolic syndrome. An added benefit is
                                                                    that the majority of class participants see improvement
                        Eating Well                                 in their energy levels, mental clarity and body shape. This
        “I’m sick of dieting. What do I do now?”                    class will meet for 13 weeks. Class day and time will be
                                                                    determined by participants in the program following the
                 Thursdays, April 15th & 22nd                       initial introductory meeting. Take charge of your health!
                              7:00 PM                               Fee: $99 per person; $149 per couple
      A peaceful relationship with food is one of life’s                  (13 week class; product fees may apply)
      great pleasures. However, for many people, eating is          Location: NRC Sunflower/Cottonwood Room
      anything but a pleasure. Do you struggle with guilt           Instructor: Becky Esch, Natural Health Consultant
      when eating enjoyable foods? An eating competent                           and Certified Health Coach.
      person feels positive, comfortable, and flexible with         Note: Please call (316) 283-2215 or e-mail
      eating as well as matter-of-fact and reliable about  for more information.
      getting enough to eat of foods they enjoy. Wish this
                                                                           Join this 13 week class and receive a Discount for the
      could be you? Come learn the basics of eating                           Wellness Center $5 off a 1 month Membership
      competence, how to feel good about foods you enjoy,                             $10 off a 6 month Membership
      and what you need to do to begin a peaceful
      relationship with food. This course is taught by
      Paula Miller, the food peace dietitian, from Sunrise                               Becky Esch,
      Nutrition Consulting LLC. Learn more about Paula                         Natural Health Consultant &
      at                                      Certified Health Coach
      Fee: $25                                                      Becky has been working as a Natural Health
      Location: NRC Sunflower Room                                  Consultant for 10 years. She has been
      Instructor: Paula Miller, MS, RDN, LD                         teaching IN.FORM and Maintenance
      Minimum Enrollment: 8                                         classes at NRC for over 3 years. Her
      Registration Deadline: Tuesday, April 13th                    husband Don, owns Esch Landscaping.
                                                                    Becky has 2 daughters. Rachel who has
                                                                    Elementary Ed/Music degrees, and has
                   Monthly Virtual                                  also worked at NRC with Discovery Camp.
                 Fitness Challenges                                 Elizabeth is at K-State in Fashion Studies/Business. Becky
                                                                    loves walking in the woods, reading, trying new recipes and
                                                                    growing unique garden crops!
                      Mother “MAY” I?
                          May 3rd - 28th                                  A Healthier Harvey County
                       Booty Busters                                                     Working together to improve the
                          June 2nd - 30th                                                health, safety, and success of all
                           ARMerica                                                      people in Harvey County.
                          July 2nd - 30th
                     “Back” to School
                        August 2nd - 30th                                      
                **See Page 6 for more details**
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