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New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research Vol. 44, No. 3, September 2010, 149165 Sediment macrobenthos off eastern Waiheke Island, Hauraki Gulf, New Zealand KL Clara Wonga,b* and Steve O’Sheaa a Earth & Oceanic Sciences Research Institute; bSchool of Applied Sciences, Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand (Received 14 January 2010; final version received 27 May 2010) Aspects of sea-bed structure and benthic-macroinvertebrate species composition, distribution, richness and diversity in coastal waters off eastern Waiheke Island, Hauraki Gulf, are reported. In contrast to the sole historical account of sea-bed community structure from this same region, Downloaded by [] at 16:30 25 July 2015 no widely distributed assemblages of species are recognised throughout it; no two sites share the exact same complement of species; and almost all sites are less than 80% similar in their taxonomic composition, most considerably so. Species richness and diversity are reported to vary with substratum type and depth, and spatially; species occurring within muds are the least diverse and species rich, followed by those of muddy gravels, and then gravels; many taxa prove common to the three substratum types; and dominance of taxa is recognised to decrease with an increase in substratum complexity, from muds to gravels, and species richness. With the exception of invasive marine species, apparent changes in the composition of assemblages throughout this region over the eight-decade period that data span are considered artefacts of the way in which such assemblages were historically defined. We recommend historical accounts of sea-bed community distributions throughout Hauraki Gulf be interpreted with caution, especially when attempting to use such schematic depictions to determine whether changes have occurred in assemblage composition. Keywords: Waiheke Island; sea-bed communities; benthos; sediments; species; diversity; richness; dominance Introduction generalised assemblages of species occur Substantive accounts of the composition and throughout parts of Hauraki Gulf. However, distribution of sea-bed communities through- biological data from neither of these accounts out Hauraki Gulf are few, limited largely to the have been subject to more rigorous multivariate pioneering works of Powell (1937), based on statistical evaluation, and as such the validity of sampling at 138 dredge stations undertaken purported species assemblages has not been between 1926 and 1936 throughout the gulf, demonstrated. and a broadly comparable but more geogra- With the exception of that limited sea-bed phically limited survey of the inner Waitemata sampling reported by Powell (1937), sea-bed Harbour and Rangitoto Channel undertaken communities off eastern Waiheke Island have by Hayward et al. (1997), based on sampling at not been reported. On the basis of nine widely 150 dredge stations surveyed between 1993 and spread dredge stations, three collected in 1927 1995. These studies have firmly entrenched in and six in 1933, Powell (1937) recognised two the minds of natural historians the concept that sea-bed formations in this region: a widespread *Corresponding author. Email: ISSN 0028-8330 print/ISSN 1175-8805 online # 2010 The Royal Society of New Zealand DOI: 10.1080/00288330.2010.498088
l 150 KLC Wong and S O’Shea urchin (Echinocardium) formation/association; characteristic species, and secondarily on the and a more-restricted-in distribution bivalve basis of changes in species richness (Powell (TaweraVenericardia (now Purpurocardia)) 1937: 371). However, we cannot reliably repli- formation/association (Fig. 1). Powell appears cate this procedure, a problem exacerbated by to have differentiated his formations from his Powell’s boundaries also being somewhat in- associations on the basis of the absence of a tuitively defined and likely influenced by that Downloaded by [] at 16:30 25 July 2015 Fig. 1 Site distribution and associated substratum type [hatched area depicts TaweraPurpurocardia formation of Powell (1937)]; insets: North Island, New Zealand; and Waiheke Island, Hauraki Gulf.
Sediment macrobenthos off eastern Waiheke Island 151 information he had on the composition of in a 5% buffered (sodium bicarbonate) for- sediments throughout the region. malinseawater solution and returned to the The purpose of the survey reported herein laboratory. These were subsequently sieved was to establish series of control sites for a over a 500-mm Endicott mesh, then species separate monitoring programme designed to removed from the coarser fraction (500 mm) evaluate the effects of mussel farming on sea- and identified to the lowest common denomi- bed communities off Taniwhanui Point, rather nator, whether this be species or species-specific than to critique Powell’s sea-bed communities enumerated unknown, with the exception of all off eastern Waiheke Island (Fig. 1). As such, all Nemertea, Nematoda and Oligochaeta, each sites surveyed by Powell were not resampled. treated as single taxonomic entities. A voucher Nevertheless, as a consequence of our study, we collection of all taxa has been accessioned into can report the benthos and sedimentary char- the biological collections of Auckland Univer- acteristics of the sea bed in a quantitative sity of Technology; full biological data from manner at many more sites spread over a these sites, and those surveyed elsewhere greater area than has been previously reported. throughout Hauraki Gulf are available online Downloaded by [] at 16:30 25 July 2015 This represents the first fully quantitative at the Monalisa Biodiversity database, www. evaluation of sea-bed communities in Hauraki Gulf, which we intend to augment with addi- With the time and resources available, it was tional accounts of sea-bed fauna elsewhere (see not possible to analyse sediment grain-size the Monalisa Biodiversity Database for cover- properties from each of the 228 biological sites age, that were surveyed; our compromise was to describe sediments from these sites as either predominantly mud, mud/gravel or gravel, Methods based on a visual and tactile appraisal of the The sea bed from 430 m between Cowes Bay proportion of shell gravel and granule to mud and Kauri Point (36846.5249.85?S, 175809.47 and silt within it. To characterise sediment grain- 12.21?E), eastern Waiheke Island, was surveyed size properties more accurately, nine additional during February of 2008. Macrobenthic fauna samples were collected, three from locations was identified from 228 sea-bed samples, 102 classified as belonging to each aforementioned samples (34 sites with three replicates at each) substratum type. Percentage volumes for sedi- from along three transects extending from ment fractions (3.35, 1.18 and 1.0 mm, and 600, within an existing mussel farm off Taniwhanui 500, 300, 150, 63, 11 and B11 mm) were Point to approximately 80 m outside its physi- determined by wet-sieving, with the grain-size cal boundary, and 126 non-replicated grab sites properties of each sample characterised by spread throughout the greater survey region five granulometric indices: median particle dia- (Fig. 1). Nine further grabs were collected meter (850), first (825) and third (875) quartiles, at representative sites for sediment grain-size sorting coefficient ((875825)/2), and 8- analysis. quartile skewness ((875825)/2 850); the All samples, whether collected for biological degree of sorting of each sediment sample was purposes or for sediment grain-size analysis, characterised in accordance with the classifica- were taken by Van Veen grab. This grab has tion of Gray (1981). a bite aperture of 0.0336 m2, but the depth To determine if any depth-related differ- to which it samples depends upon grain size ences were apparent in the composition of sea- and degree of substratum compaction; any grab bed communities, mud and mud/gravel sites was discarded in the event the sample was not were placed into three arbitrarily selected depth at least 75% full. Upon collection, samples ranges, capturing the range in depth through- for biological analyses were immediately fixed out the region: those more shallow than 10 m,
152 KLC Wong and S O’Shea those from 1015 m, and those at depths 15 m (to 30 m); gravel sites were encountered within only two of these depth ranges, those more shallow than 10 m, and those between 10 and 15 m. Biological data were analysed using PRI- MER v6 (Clarke & Gorley 2006). Measures of biological diversity were presented in five indices: total individuals (n), Margalef’s index of species richness (d), Pielou’s evenness index (J’), ShannonWiener diversity index (H’), and Simpson dominance index (l). To determine Fig. 2 Dry weight composition of sediment grain whether significant differences existed in these size class each of the three substrata (mud, mud/ gravel and gravel). indices in different substrata, each was tested by ANOVA in SPSS 15.0. To determine the in the distribution of species richness existed Downloaded by [] at 16:30 25 July 2015 relationship between species dominance, sub- throughout the region, such as localised ‘hot stratum type, and species richness, Simpson spots’ of richness. To do this, we created a 7- index (l), a dominance index, was plotted point index of species richness from and unique against species richness for each substratum. A similarity matrix was constructed using to our data set, with relative measures of square-root transformed data and the Bray species richness ranging very low to very high Curtis coefficient. Data were presented graphi- (Table 1); for instance, should a sample from cally using multi-dimensional scaling (MDS) any site have three species in it, and the range in ordinations and group average clustering richness (number of species) throughout the (CLUSTER). Significant differences in the com- region be 269 per sample, then such a site position of species assemblages by depth and would be categorised as very low in richness (3 substratum type (groups) were determined using being 4.3% of 69). The second classification a randomised permutation test (ANOSIM; enables the spatial distribution of abundance Clarke & Green 1988) on the similarity matrix. (density) to be depicted, calculated in the same The main species contributing most to the manner as species richness (Table 1); should a within-group similarity between sites, or dissim- sample from any site have 21 individuals in it, ilarity between groups were determined using and the range in numbers of individuals the Similarity Percentage Routine (SIMPER; throughout the survey region for any given Clarke & Warwick 1994). The breakdown in sample be 21572, then such a site would be SIMPER is based on BrayCurtis coefficient of all pairs of samples within or between groups. Table 1 Classification of relative density and richness To determine to what extent our sampling using a 7-point scale for all subtidal substratum effort captured the total number of species types, eastern Waiheke Island. throughout the survey region, species accumu- lation curves were prepared using pooled bio- Density/richness (%) Density/richness score logical data for all substrata throughout the B5 Very low survey region, and separately for each substra- 510 Low tum type (Fig. 2), using the ‘Species-Area plot’ 1125 Fairly low in PRIMER. 2650 Medium Our data set was subject to two final, 5175 Fairly high somewhat unorthodox classifications. The first 7695 High of these was to determine whether any pattern 96100 Very high
Sediment macrobenthos off eastern Waiheke Island 153 categorised as very low in density (21 being the Simpson dominance index (l) (Table 4, 0.1% of 1572). Both classifications may have Fig. 4). Community composition was also sig- limited application outside of the survey area, nificantly different among substratum types substratum (habitat) type or time during which (R 0.575 0.951, P 0.1%), with mud/gravel this survey was undertaken. sites having species assemblages intermediate between those of mud and gravel sites (Fig. 5). Annelida (primarily Polychaeta) was the Results most species rich taxon in all substratum types; Within the 228 sea-bed samples off eastern the number of polychaete taxa, in addition to Waiheke Island, 326 taxa were identified. Of those of Mollusca and Arthropoda, increased these, 168 occurred beneath the mussel farm with increased sediment complexity, from muds and 307 outside of it. Numbers and ranges of to gravels (Table 5). Within muddy substrata, individuals, taxa and degree of apparent local bivalves were proportionally most abundant, endemism within our samples by substratum whereas polychaetes were proportionally (not type are detailed in Table 2. Only 31.6% of taxa necessarily absolutely) most abundant in mud/ occurred in both muds and gravels, 40% Downloaded by [] at 16:30 25 July 2015 gravels and gravels (Table 6). The invasive occurred in both muds and muddy gravels, bivalve Theora lubrica was the most regularly and 44.8% were common to both muddy and abundantly occurring taxon in muddy gravels and gravels. samples throughout this region (Table 7). An Wet-sieved grain-size data for the three sediment samples collected from three represen- ostracod (Ostracod sp. 2), Nemertea, three tative sites within each substratum type are polychaete species (Prionospio sp., Heteromastus presented in Table 3 and Fig. 2. Species accu- filiformis and Sthenelais sp.) were the most mulation curves for each of the substrata, and regularly and densely occurring taxa in mud/ for them all combined are presented in Fig. 3. gravels (Table 8). Within gravels, four poly- The relationship between species dominance, chaetes (Heteromastus filiformis, Prionospio sp., substratum type and species richness is depicted spionid sp. 1 and Macroclymenella stewartensis) in Fig. 4. and one bivalve, Notocorbula zelandica, were the DIVERSE indices and community composi- most regularly and abundantly occurring taxa tion both differ significantly among substrata (Table 9). (ANOVA, P-value B0.05). Gravel samples, Taxa occurring in muds differed signifi- followed by mud/gravel samples, had the cantly by depth (R 0.046 0.223, PB0.5%; highest total number of individuals (n), Marga- Fig. 6), but no significant difference was lef’s index of species richness (d), Pielou’s apparent in any DIVERSE index. ANOSIM evenness index (J’), ShannonWiener diversity revealed assemblages of species from muddy index (H’), but lowest Simpson dominance gravel sites only differed significantly between index (l); mud substrata had the lowest value sites more shallow than 10 m and those deeper for each DIVERSE index, with the exception of than 15 m (R 0.315, P 0.3%; Fig. 7), but Table 2 Number of individuals and taxa per sample (0.0336 m2) in each substratum type. # of # of Average individuals/ # of Taxa range/ Taxa endemic to Substrata samples individuals sample taxa sample substrata Mud 139 6805 49.0 142 241 36 Mud/ 32 2531 79.1 166 1153 25 gravel Gravel 57 10,559 185.2 255 1869 106
154 KLC Wong and S O’Shea Table 3 Sediment grain size analyses by substratum type. Sorting Substrata 825 850 875 coefficient Mud # of 3 3 3 Moderately to samples moderately Mean 4.13 4.97 5.93 well sorted SD 0.38 0.15 0.45 Mud/gravel # of 3 3 3 Very poorly samples sorted Fig. 4 The relationship between species dominance Mean 0.1 1.9 4.63 and richness, all substrata, eastern Waiheke Island. SD 0.61 0.98 0.4 Gravel an existing mussel farm, in the deeper channels Downloaded by [] at 16:30 25 July 2015 # of 2 3 3 Poorly sorted between Waiheke Island and Pakatoa Island, samples and between Rotoroa and Ponui Islands Mean 1.15 0.1 2.07 (Fig. 9, left). When limiting analysis to relative SD 0.49 0.95 0.67 species richness within muds, the most species- rich sites are rather evenly distributed through- again, DIVERSE indices were not significantly out the eastern Waiheke Island region, but different between these depths. To the contrary, many occur inside and within the immediate ANOSIM revealed species assemblages from vicinity of the northern side of the existing gravel sites did not differ significantly between mussel farm (Fig. 9, right) * an area and depths (Fig. 8), but one DIVERSE index, substratum type subject to more intensive Margalef’s index of species richness (d), was sampling effort than elsewhere. significantly different, being higher at depths Those sites with the greatest density of 1015 m than depths B10 m (Table 4). individuals proved to be beneath and in the The most species-rich sites (relative to all immediate vicinity of the existing mussel farm, in sites throughout the survey region) prove to be the deeper channels between Waiheke Island those beneath and in the immediate vicinity of and Pakatoa Island, and Rotoroa and Ponui Island, and one site of relatively exceptional spionid polychaete density north of Pakatoa Island (Fig. 10, left). When limiting analysis to density within muds only, those sites with the greatest density of individuals are also rather evenly distributed throughout the eastern Waiheke Island region, but again many occur inside and within the immediate vicinity of the northern side of the existing mussel farm, at depths exceeding 20 m north and northeast of the mussel farm, and in the deeper parts of the channel between Waiheke and Pakatoa Islands (Fig. 10, right). When analysis is limited to the presence Fig. 3 Species accumulation curves, all substrata. or absence of taxa identified in all samples,
Sediment macrobenthos off eastern Waiheke Island 155 Table 4 DIVERSE indices by substratum type and depth (mean9SD), square-root transformed data. B10 m 1015 m 15 m Total Mud n 49.17944.53 39.85930.72 59.37978.71 48.96955.85 d 2.0990.82 2.0590.91 2.1191.06 2.0890.95 J’ 0.6290.21 0.6790.15 0.6190.13 0.6490.16 H’ 1.2890.51 1.3790.47 1.390.44 1.3290.47 l 0.4590.2 0.3990.17 0.4390.15 0.4290.17 Mud/ gravel n 83.05956.65 63.67965.99 81.57958.38 79.09957.29 d 4.291.81 4.0391.42 5.6791.67 4.4991.78 J’ 0.6690.22 0.7890.24 0.8390.08 0.7290.21 H’ 1.8890.70 2.0490.65 2.6090.30 2.0790.67 l 0.3290.23 0.2490.22 0.1390.04 0.2790.21 Downloaded by [] at 16:30 25 July 2015 Gravel n 186.259208.01 176.67950.21 N/A 185.259197.15 d 6.1691.35 7.6092.74 N/A 6.3291.58 J’ 0.7390.11 0.7790.05 N/A 0.7390.11 H’ 2.5190.42 2.8090.42 N/A 2.5490.42 l 0.1790.11 0.1190.03 N/A 0.1690.11 Abbreviations: n, number of individuals; d, Margalef’s index of species richness; J’, Pielou’s eveness index; H’, Shannon Wiener diversity index; l, Simpson dominance index. two main clusters of species assemblages are used to characterise communities in the sche- apparent, muds (right) and gravels (left), with mata depicted by Powell (1937) and Hayward species assemblages occurring within muddy- et al. (1997), two main clusters of species gravels occurring throughout both (Fig. 11); assemblages of muds (right) and gravels (left) the cluster using full quantitative data (not are again apparent, but those sites of a muddy- presented here) is even less clear. When limiting gravel nature similarly occur throughout both analysis to presence or absence of molluscan (Fig. 12). When analysis is limited to the most and echinoderm taxa, those two phyla largely intensively sampled substratum type, muds, for which the species accumulation curve most closely approximates an asymptote (Fig. 3), it is especially obvious that recurring assem- blages of species do not occur, in that no two sites share the same assemblage of taxa (Fig. 13). Discussion Potential changes in community structure Benthic-invertebrate assemblages off eastern Waiheke Island were attributed to one of two formations by Powell (1937): a Venericardia Fig. 5 Multi-dimensional scaling plot of species (now Purpurocardia) formation between Rotoroa assemblages within three substrata. Island and Ponui Island, and off the
156 KLC Wong and S O’Shea Table 5 Breakdown of average similarity in taxon richness by substratum, to Phylum, square-root transformed data. Average # taxa Contribution (%) Cumulative contribution (%) Mud (average similarity: 63.63) Annelida 3.58 38.61 38.61 Arthropoda 2.92 37.53 76.15 Mollusca 1.31 18.71 94.86 Mud/gravel (average similarity: 64.73) Annelida 10.06 53.45 53.45 Arthropoda 4.53 24.16 77.60 Mollusca 2.28 10.91 88.52 Echinodermata 1.34 8.37 96.88 Gravel (average similarity: 74.97) Annelida 16.75 56.71 56.71 Mollusca 5.98 17.60 74.31 Arthropoda 6.05 16.95 91.26 Downloaded by [] at 16:30 25 July 2015 eastern side of Ponui Island (Fig. 1), and an tories were provided, were also resampled Echinocardium formation throughout most of (Powell’s J1, J6), both attributed to his the rest of the region. Too few samples TaweraPurpurocardia formation between were collected at sites falling within Powell’s Rotoroa and Ponui Islands. On the basis of recent Purpurocardia (as Venericardia) formation in sampling, neither Tawera nor Purpurocardia this current study to fully compare/contrast characterise species assemblages within gravels with Powell’s earlier formations, although our in this region, although the small, thick-shelled results show no recurring or widely distributed bivalve, Notocorbula zelandica, a species re- community structures occur within areas at- corded from more than 95% of gravel samples, tributed to this formation/association, or that does appear appropriate for this purpose of his Echinocardium formation/association. (Table 9). Only four of Powell’s (1937) nine sea-bed Excluding Powell’s unidentified poly- stations off eastern Waiheke Island occur within chaetes, 32% (nine of 28 taxa, Table 10) the area re-surveyed herein; for only two of reported by him from two of four sea-bed Powell’s stations did he provide species inven- stations within formations for which he furn- tories (Powell’s J3, J4); we have resampled only ished taxonomic inventories (Powell 1937: one of these stations (J4). A further two sites 370384) were not re-identified during our surveyed by Powell, for which no species inven- sampling. Two of Powell’s taxa were likely Table 6 Breakdown of average similarity in taxon abundance by substratum to level of Class, and Phylum Nemertea (average similarity of samples in parentheses). SIMPER Muds (58.26%) Mud/gravels (50.37%) Gravels (66.4%) Cumulative Bivalvia 41.85% Polychaeta 41.69% Polychaeta 42.74% contribution (%) Ostracoda 64.79% Ostracoda 60.07% Bivalvia 62.09% Polychaeta 86.58% Malacostraca 72.88% Malacostraca 74.00% Malacostraca 96.44% Bivalvia 83.80% Gastropoda 81.61% Ophiuroidea 90.23% Ostracoda 85.89% Nemertea 89.18% Ophiuroidea 92.31%
Sediment macrobenthos off eastern Waiheke Island 157 Table 7 SIMPER results for muds, average similarity: 39.09, square-root transformed data. Species Average abundance Contribution (%) Cumulative contribution (%) Theora lubrica 4.05 50.12 50.12 Ostracod sp. 2 2.55 24.77 74.88 Prionospio sp. 0.84 4.73 79.62 Sthenelais sp. 0.51 3.28 82.90 Paraphoxus sp. 1 0.73 3.03 85.93 Cossura consimilis 0.51 2.86 88.79 Echinocardium cordatum 0.41 1.92 90.71 Table 8 SIMPER results for mud/gravels, average similarity: 22.09, square-root transformed data. Downloaded by [] at 16:30 25 July 2015 Species Average abundance Contribution (%) Cumulative contribution (%) Ostracod sp. 2 3.30 21.72 21.72 Prionospio sp. 1.54 15.30 37.02 Heteromastus filiformis 2.14 9.38 46.40 Nemertea 0.77 4.83 51.23 Sthenelais sp. 0.52 4.23 55.46 Paraphoxus sp. 1 0.70 4.00 59.46 Amphiura rosea 0.65 3.42 62.88 Echinocardium cordatum 0.40 2.63 65.51 Theora lubrica 0.64 2.56 68.07 Aonides sp. 0.40 2.30 70.37 Trichobranchus sp. 0.39 1.86 72.22 Cirratulid sp. 1 0.36 1.52 73.75 Arabella sp. 0.36 1.47 75.21 Glycera tesselata 0.45 1.42 76.64 Macroclymenella 0.42 1.32 77.96 stewartensis Ostracod sp. 1 0.33 1.24 79.19 Onuphis aucklandensis 0.32 1.11 80.30 Sphaerosyllis sp. 0.34 1.07 81.37 Spionid sp. 1 0.60 1.05 82.42 Leptochiton inquinatus 0.37 0.87 83.30 Cossura consimilis 0.26 0.83 84.12 Exogone sp. 0.33 0.82 84.94 Commensal polychaete 0.52 0.76 85.71 Amphicteis philippinarum 0.37 0.73 86.43 Armandia maculata 0.46 0.72 87.16 Phoronis psammophila 0.32 0.67 87.83 Terebellides stroemi 0.31 0.62 88.45 Nematoda 0.28 0.60 89.05 Notocorbula zelandica 0.27 0.59 89.64 Paraphoxus sp. 2 0.27 0.59 90.22
158 KLC Wong and S O’Shea Table 9 SIMPER results for gravels, average similarity: 38.16, square-root transformed data. Species Average abundance Contribution (%) Cumulative contribution (%) Heteromastus filiformis 5.03 17.08 17.08 Notocorbula zelandica 4.45 14.43 31.51 Prionospio sp. 2.24 7.41 38.91 Spionid sp. 1 2.87 6.20 45.11 Macroclymenella 1.45 3.97 49.08 stewartensis Commensal polychaete 1.75 3.25 52.33 Terebellides stroemi 1.28 3.18 55.51 Nemertea 1.09 2.83 58.34 Oridia sp. 1.60 2.74 61.08 Paguristes setosus 1.83 2.47 63.54 Sphaerosyllis sp. 1.01 1.92 65.46 Amphicteis philippinarum 0.93 1.91 67.37 Downloaded by [] at 16:30 25 July 2015 Trochodota dendyi 0.95 1.90 69.27 Ostracod sp. 2 0.97 1.85 71.12 Ophiodromus 0.81 1.70 72.82 angustifrons Aonides sp. 0.82 1.56 74.38 Hydroides norvegicus 1.14 1.54 75.92 Ostracod sp. 1 0.67 1.39 77.31 Anomia trigonopsis 0.76 1.37 78.67 Armandia maculata 0.74 1.35 80.03 Leptochiton inquinatus 0.73 1.33 81.35 Glycera tesselata 0.62 1.21 82.56 Nematoda 0.63 1.15 83.71 Syllid sp. 10 0.68 1.14 84.85 Anthurid sp. 2 0.62 0.98 85.84 Maoricolpus roseus 0.67 0.92 86.76 Paraphoxus sp. 1 0.52 0.87 87.63 Glycinde sp. 0.64 0.86 88.48 Trichobranchus sp. 0.49 0.79 89.28 Amphiura aster 0.55 0.72 90.00 Exogone sp. 0.52 0.62 90.62 misidentified (Petrolisthes elongatus and Rangitoto Channel reported by Hayward et al. Nectocarcinus antarcticus); Powell’s ‘small, (1997). Having been relatively recently recog- pink holothurian’ was probably one of Ocnus nised from New Zealand waters, first recorded brevidentis or, more likely, Trochodota dendyi, in 1971 (Climo 1976), this species has become both of which occur throughout this region, widespread throughout Waitemata Harbour the latter being more common. One notable and Hauraki Gulf; it was not recognised by addition to the faunal inventory from this Powell in his surveys seven decades earlier region is the establishment of the invasive (Powell 1979: 451). bivalve taxon Theora lubrica; this species now Species assemblages occurring within muds characterises well-sorted muddy sediments off differ markedly from those of gravels, but those eastern Waiheke Island, in addition to those of muddy-gravels are somewhat transitional muddy sediments in Waitemata Harbour and between the two (Figs. 11 and 12). Muds, muddy
Sediment macrobenthos off eastern Waiheke Island 159 Downloaded by [] at 16:30 25 July 2015 Fig. 6 Multi-dimensional scaling plot of species Fig. 8 Multi-dimensional scaling plot of species assemblages within muds, grouped by depth (B10, assemblages within gravels, grouped by depth 1015, 15 m). (B10, 1015 m). gravels and gravelly substrata are also patchily depict schematically the distributions of any distributed throughout the eastern Waiheke communities throughout this region. The reality Island region (Fig. 1). Because of this, and is that too few sites were sampled by Powell because of the high level of dissimilarity in as- (1937) for him to have generalised sea-bed semblage structure between the greatest major- communities throughout this region, and the ity of samples throughout this region, regardless same may apply in our study (with a combined of what transformation we subject our data to surface area of all grabs sampled being only 7.66 m2). An alternative, plausible argument (Figs. 11 and 12), we do not recognise recurring, (Gray 1981) is that discrete assemblages of spatially discrete assemblages of species akin to species do not exist, as the distributions of those of Powell (1937) off eastern Waiheke species overlap, with one community grading Island. Accordingly, we make no attempt to into another; alternatively, the scale of our survey was too small, and the range of habitats too limited for any discrete community types to develop, although we consider this to be less likely given the intensity of our sampling, the range in substratum types experienced, and the relatively large size of the survey area. Assemblage structure Although recurring assemblages do not occur in the region, some relationships were apparent in the composition of assemblages by sub- stratum type. The moderately to moderately Fig. 7 Multi-dimensional scaling plot of species well-sorted muds were characterised by bi- assemblages within mud/gravels, grouped by depth valves, ostracods, polychaetes and amphipods; (B10, 1015, 15 m). the very poorly sorted mud/gravel-dwelling
160 KLC Wong and S O’Shea Downloaded by [] at 16:30 25 July 2015 Fig. 9 Spatial distribution of relative species richness, all substrata (left), muds (right). in- and epifaunal species assemblages were shelf. Regardless of whether the individual characterised by polychaetes, ostracods, am- substrata are classified as well sorted, moderately phipods, bivalves and ophiuroids; and the well, poorly or very poorly sorted, when the poorly sorted gravel-dwelling in- and epifaunal incidence of gravel is used as a proxy for species assemblages were characterised by poly- increased structure or complexity, it is apparent chaetes, bivalves, pagurid crabs, gastropods, that elevated diversities and densities of benthic ostracods, ophiuroids and nemertean worms. invertebrate taxa are encountered (Table 2). In this study, the higher numbers of taxa and These findings are consistent with those of diversity in gravel samples could be related to the Dewas (2008) for sea-bed communities off Otata poorly sorted nature of the substratum, with Island, Hauraki Gulf, where the density and such structurally heterogeneous substrata pro- richness of benthic invertebrates in adjoining viding more niche space, therefore elevating types of sea-bed, complex valves of the bivalve diversity (Gray 1981); conversely, the well- Tucetona laticostata interspersed with rhodo- sorted, structurally homogeneous muds had the liths, and less-structured and extensively frag- least diverse communities (Figs. 1 and 9). How- mented coarse sands, were greater in the former. ever, this relationship is not without exception; Of the 326 taxa recorded from the 228 grab for example, Ellingsen & Gray (2002) discerned samples throughout this region, 142 taxa were no relationship between species richness and identified from 139 muddy sites, 166 taxa from sediment properties (sorting coefficient and 32 muddy gravel sites, and 255 taxa from 57 percentage of silt) on the Norwegian continental gravel sites; less than 50% of the taxa were
Sediment macrobenthos off eastern Waiheke Island 161 Downloaded by [] at 16:30 25 July 2015 Fig. 10 Spatial distribution of relative species density, all substrata (left), muds (right). common to any two of these substratum types, As species richness increased, concomitant rendering the assemblages of each substratum with an increase in substratum complexity, unique. In fact, no two grab samples had the there also was a tendency for dominance of exact same complement of taxa either (Fig. 11), taxa to decrease (Fig. 4, Tables 79). This effectively rendering each surveyed site unique. relationship is more typical of terrestrial sys- None of the species accumulation curves pre- tems (e.g. Odum 1971; Hill 1973) than marine pared for individual substrata reached an asy- systems, with Birch (1981) recognising an mptote, although that for muds most closely inverse relationship between dominance and did; it is apparent that many additional taxa species richness in the marine environment, occur within each substratum type in this region, and Gray (2002) recognising no relationship particularly within the coarser substrata, and on between these two at all. the basis of monitoring exercises throughout During the survey period, February 2008, this region, seasonally also (Wong 2009). little variation was apparent in the distribution Although none of these accumulation curves of species richness throughout the eastern reached an asymptote, this could be typical of Waiheke Island region, but density was more marine benthic-community studies (Gray 2002). variable. Muds and mud/gravel substrata had A major factor contributing to this in our study minimum and maximum densities of individuals is the relative rarity of species throughout the of 119 m-2 and 17,440 m-2, and 238 m-2 and survey region, with almost one third of taxa (109 6905 m-2 respectively (with mean densities taxa) recorded from a single site only. of 1458 m-2 and 2351 m-2, respectively); the
162 KLC Wong and S O’Shea Downloaded by [] at 16:30 25 July 2015 Fig. 11 Dendrogram of similarity in faunal composition of all sites (n 228), all substratum types, eastern Waiheke Island, using presence/absence data. greatest density of individuals throughout this herein); muds off eastern Waiheke Island region was encountered in gravels, with mini- (17,440 m-2; herein); muddy gravels off eastern mum and maximum densities of 1339 m-2 and Waiheke Island (6905 m-2; herein); muds off 46,786 m-2, of mean density 5512 m-2. The value eastern Motutapu Island (maximum densities of the density schema used herein is that it 5832 m-2; Dewas 2008); undefined substrata enables a comparison of the relative densities of (potentially all of muds, mud/gravels and grav- individuals in sea-bed samples throughout els) in Rangitoto Channel (maximum density Hauraki Gulf, at least for those limited loca- 4440 m-2; Roberts 1990); muds off eastern tions, Motutapu Island (mean density 1797 m-2; dates and depths that have been surveyed Dewas 2008); and muds proximal to the mussel in a quantitative manner. Because of non- farm in the Firth of Thames (mean density standardised sampling volumes or surface areas, 115.5 m-2 outside and 84 m-2 inside a mussel available density data have had to be standar- farm, de Jong 1994). dised to number of individuals per m2 to enable The density scale proposed for off eastern some comparison to be made; we do realise Waiheke Island obviously will vary spatially, the limitations in this approach, especially given and temporally given both Dewas (2008) and the total sea-bed area sampled in this study was Wong (2009) report greatest densities of indi- 7.66 m2 only. To date, those areas throughout viduals in samples surveyed during mid-winter. Hauraki Gulf with the greatest densities of Accordingly, this classification must be used individuals, in decreasing order, occur off Otata with some caution when extrapolating to other Island in Tucetona/rhodolith-based shell gravels areas throughout Hauraki Gulf, and obviously (142,385 m-2; Dewas 2008); eastern Waiheke would not apply for the sea-bed off Otata Island in shell gravels (with limited Tucetona Island, the most dense and species rich area and no rhodoliths, 46,786 m-2; data reported thus-far recognised in Hauraki Gulf. Other
Sediment macrobenthos off eastern Waiheke Island 163 Downloaded by [] at 16:30 25 July 2015 Fig. 12 Dendrogram of similarity in molluscan and echinoderm taxa (n 228), all sites, all substratum types, eastern Waiheke Island, using presence/absence data. quantitative studies throughout the region are Those sites within 80 m of the boundary lacking, or data are not presented in a manner of the existing mussel farm, and within the enabling direct comparison. farm itself had the greatest densities of indivi- duals per sample, and those to the north of Fig. 13 Dendrogram of similarity in faunal composition of all sites, muddy substrata (n 139), eastern Waiheke Island, using presence/absence data.
164 KLC Wong and S O’Shea Table 10 Nomenclature of taxa reported by Powell (1937) and this study. Powell (1937) Current study Tawera spissa Tawera spissa Venericardia purpurata Purpurocardia purpurata Cominella quoyana Cominella quoyana Cominella adspersa Cominella adspersa Nectocarcinus antarcticus Liocarcinus corrugatus (possibly misidentified by Powell) Trochus tiaratus Trochus tiaratus Zegalerus tenuis Zegalerus tenuis Petrolisthes elongatus Petrolisthes novaezelandiae, or Petrocheles spinosus Cirostrema zelebori Not found Proxiuber australis Proxiuber australe Rhyssoplax stangeri Rhyssoplax stangeri Zemysia zelandica Felaniella zelandica Downloaded by [] at 16:30 25 July 2015 Epitonium jukesianum Not found Holothuria (small, pink) Probably Ocnus brevidentis or Trochodota dendyi Trachelochismus pinnulatus Not found Terenochiton inquinatus Leptochiton inquinatus Marginella pygmaea Not found Condylocardia concentrica Not found Condylocardia crassicosta Not found Notosetia micans Not found Estea minor Rissoidae Notoacmaea subtilis Not found Zemitrella choava Not found Echinocardium cordatum Echinocardium cordatum Dosinia lambata Dosinia lambata Amphiura rosea Amphiura rosea Neilo australis Neilo australis Polychaetes (not ident.) Many taxa Cadulus delicatulus Cadulus delicatulus the farm, and northeast and south of the farm out this information, no party is in any in deeper waters, had the least numbers of position to make informed decisions on the individuals per sample. On the basis of species relative merits of any area for conservation, richness and density of benthic invertebrates development, or, and topical at present, har- throughout the region (Figs. 9 and 10), the bour spoil disposal. Despite this, each activity mussel farm would not appear to be having any is routinely called for or undertaken in Haur- demonstrable negative or large-scale effect aki Gulf. There is a compelling case for on either. The results of temporal monitoring ongoing surveys to determine present-day of sea-bed communities beneath and at pro- patterns in the geographic and temporal dis- gressively increasing distances from this mussel tribution and density of species, augmented farm will be reported separately. with more systematic research to identify The lack of knowledge on the distribution many currently problematic taxa. This infor- and composition of sea-bed communities mation is largely absent and urgently required throughout Hauraki Gulf is lamentable. With- by agencies to ensure sustainable management
Sediment macrobenthos off eastern Waiheke Island 165 of Hauraki Gulf marine resources (HGF lished M.App.Sc. thesis, Auckland University of 2008). Technology. de Jong RJ 1994. The effects of mussel farming on the benthic environment. Unpublished M.Sc. Acknowledgements thesis, University of Auckland. Ellingsen KE, Gray JS 2002. Spatial patterns of We wish to acknowledge all staff and students in the benthic diversity*is there a latitudinal gradient Earth and Oceanic Sciences Research Institute, and along the Norwegian continental shelf? Journal School of Applied Sciences at Auckland University of Animal Ecology 71: 373389. of Technology that assisted in data collection. Gray JS 1981. The ecology of marine sediments. An Special thanks are due to Emma Beatson for introduction to the structure and function of skippering the AUT vessel Taniwha, and Drs Lindsey benthic communities. Cambridge, Cambridge White, AUT, Martin Cryer (New Zealand Ministry University Press. of Fisheries) and one anonymous referee for their Gray JS 2002. Species richness of marine soft constructive comments on an earlier draft of this sediments. Marine Ecology Progress Series manuscript. Funding for this study was provided by 224: 285297. the Earth & Oceanic Sciences Research Institute, and Hayward BW, Stephenson AB, Morley M, Riley School of Applied Sciences, Auckland University of JL, Grenfell HG 1997. Faunal changes in Downloaded by [] at 16:30 25 July 2015 Technology. Waitemata Harbour sediments, 1930s1990s. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand 27: 120. References HGF 2008. Tikapa Moana * Hauraki Gulf state of the environment report. Hauraki Gulf Forum. Birch DW 1981. Dominance in marine ecosystems. Auckland Regional Council. The American Naturalist 118: 262274. Hill MO 1973. Diversity and evenness: a unifying Clarke KR, Green RH 1988. Statistical design and notation and its consequences. Ecology 54: analysis for a ‘biological effects’ study. Marine Ecology Progress Series 46: 213226. 427432. Clarke KR, Gorley RN 2006. PRIMER v6: User Odum EP 1971. Fundamentals of ecology. Saunders. manual/tutorial. PRIMER-E Ltd, Plymouth. Powell AWB 1937. Animal communities of the sea- Clarke KR, Warwick RM 1994. Change in marine bottom in Auckland and Manukau Harbours. communities: an approach to statistical analysis Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal and interpretation. Plymouth Marine Labora- Society of New Zealand 66: 354401. tory, Natural Environment Research Council. Powell AWB 1979. New Zealand Mollusca: marine, Climo FM 1976. The occurrence of Theora land and freshwater shells. Collins. (Endopleura) lubrica Gould, 1861 (Mollusca: Roberts RD 1990. Impact of dredge spoil at sea. Bivalvia: Semelidae) in New Zealand. Auckland Unpublished M.Sc. thesis, University of Institute and Museum Conchology Section Auckland. Bulletin 1: 1116. Wong KLC 2009. The effects of green shelled mussel Dewas SEA 2008. Benthic-invertebrate diversity mariculture on benthic communities in Hauraki of Tucetona laticostata (Mollusca: Bivalvia) Gulf. Unpublished M.App.Sc. thesis, Auckland biogenic substrata in Hauraki Gulf. Unpub- University of Technology.
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