New York State Political Parties 2019-2022 - League of ...

Page created by Anne Collins
New York
New York State
Political Parties

This booklet contains, in alphabetical      Each of these parties may have
order, the eight political parties listed   primary elections in which those
on the New York State voter registra-       enrolled in the party may vote. The
tion form:                                  registration form permits registrants
                                            to write in a party in which they want
ff Conservative Party
                                            to enroll, other than those listed. Reg-
ff Democratic Party
                                            istrants may also choose not to enroll
ff Green Party
                                            in any party.
ff Independence Party
ff Libertarian Party                        If you would like more information
ff Republican Party                         about the parties, registration, or your
ff Serve America Movement                   rights as a voter, contact your local
ff Working Families Party                   Board of Elections or visit the League
                                            of Women Voters of the City of New
These parties have permanent posi-
                                            York’s website:
tions on the NY ballot because they
attained the 50,000 vote threshold          All descriptions are provided by each
to retain a permanent ballot line.          individual party.

2                                           NEW YORK STATE POLITICAL PARTIES 2019–2022
Conservative                                 Democratic
Party                                        Party

ff                                ff
                                             ff Committee chairperson:
ff Chairperson: Michael R. Long                 Sheila Comar

ff 486 78th Street                           ff 420 Lexington Avenue, Suite 845
   Brooklyn, NY 11209                           New York, NY 10170
   (718) 921-2158                               (212) 725-8825

“Since 1962, the Conservative Party          “The Democratic Party today
 has been the voice of the conser-            continues to offer New Yorkers and
 vative movement in New York State.           Americans across our nation hope
 Votes on the Conservative Party line         and opportunity. Democrats under-
 have provided the margin of victory          stand the value of hard work, educa-
 for statewide, congressional, and            tion, and opportunity. That’s why ev-
 local races. After decades of fighting       ery single day, across New York State
 soaring taxes and liberal social             and in Washington, D.C., Democrats
 experiments, the Conservative Party          are working hard to bring more people
 stands at the forefront of a revolution      into the economic mainstream, to
 in government. Only by cutting taxes         improve our public schools, to protect
 on families and businesses, turning          our homeland, to make health care
 public services over to the private          accessible, and to keep our air and
 sector, ending welfare to those who          water clean.”
 refuse to work, respecting traditional
 family values, and limiting the terms
 of politicians will Conservatives bene-
 fit the forgotten middle class.”

NEW YORK STATE POLITICAL PARTIES 2019–2022                                         3
Green                                      Independence
Party                                      Party

ff                                ff

ff                           ff 225 Broadway, #2010
                                              New York, NY 10007
                                             (212) 962-1699


“The Green Party is committed to           “The Independence Party promoted
 ecology, social justice, grassroots        the position that candidates and
 democracy, and nonviolence; Greens         elected officials should be free to
 are renewing democracy in the Unit-        tell the voters what their views are,
 ed States through community-based          without dictates from political party
 organizing without the help of             bosses, special interest groups, and
 corporate donors. Greens provide real      restrictive party platforms. We stand
 solutions for real problems. Whether       for honest dialogue with the Ameri-
 the issue is universal healthcare, cor-    can People and an end to empty po-
 porate globalization, alternative en-      litical posturing and rhetoric that has
 ergy, election reform or decent, living    long been fortified by the media, in
 wages for workers, Greens have the         collusion with the two party system.”
 courage and independence neces-
 sary to take on the powerful corporate
 interests opposed to reform.”

4                                          NEW YORK STATE POLITICAL PARTIES 2019–2022
Libertarian                                  “We, on the contrary, deny the right of
                                              any government to do these things,
Party                                         and hold that where governments
                                              exist, they must not violate the rights
                                              of any individual, namely (1) the right
ff                                     to life — accordingly, we support the
                                              prohibition of the initiation of physical
ff 1444 Duke Street                           force against others; (2) the right to
   Alexandria, VA 22314                       liberty of speech and action — ac-
   (800) ELECT-US                             cordingly we oppose all attempts by
                                              government to abridge the freedom
ff                                of speech and the press, as well as
                                              government censorship in any form;
                                              and (3) the right to property — ac-
                                              cordingly we oppose all government
“We, the members of the Libertarian           interference with private property,
 Party, challenge the cult of the om-         such as confiscation, nationalization,
 nipotent state and defend the rights         and eminent domain, and support the
 of the individual.                           prohibition of robbery, trespass, fraud,
                                              and misrepresentation.
“We hold that all individuals have the
 right to exercise solid dominion over       “Since governments, when instituted,
 their own lives, and have the right to       must not violate individual rights, we
 live in whatever manner they choose,         oppose all interference by govern-
 so long as they do not forcibly inter-       ment in the areas of voluntary and
 fere with the equal right of others to       contractual relations among individ-
 live in whatever manner they choose.         uals. People should not be forced to
                                              sacrifice their lives and property for
“Governments throughout history
                                              the benefit of others. They should be
 have regularly operated on the oppo-
                                              left free by government to deal with
 site principle, that the State has the
                                              one another as free traders; and the
 right to dispose of the lives of individ-
                                              resultant economic system, the only
 uals and the fruits of their labor. Even
                                              one compatible with the protection of
 within the United States, all political
                                              individual rights, is the free market.”
 parties other than our own grant the
 government the right to regulate the
 lives of individuals and seize the fruits
 of their labor without their consent.

NEW YORK STATE POLITICAL PARTIES 2019–2022                                           5
Republican                                Serve America
Party                                     Movement

ff                              ff
ff 315 State Street
   Albany, NY 12210
  (518) 462-2601


“New York Republicans believe that in     “We are dedicated to building a new
 order for people to be truly free and     political party for a new American
 prosperous, government must be            majority from the ground up. We will
 limited. Our candidates and elected       be an alternative to the two en-
 officials work tirelessly to defend       trenched parties both of whom place
 the rights of every taxpayer against      partisan purity and tribal allegiance
 uncontrolled government spending,         before service to the American
 which is inhibiting the promise of our    people. We formed the Serve America
 great state. We are the party of the      Movement in 2016. We will move as
 small business owner, the school          quickly as possible to achieve ballot
 choice advocate, start-up entrepre-       access, build grassroots support
 neurs, trade union members, and           and advocate for voter and election
 international companies we need           reform in all states and territories. We
 to keep our state strong. We know         plan to be ready to participate in the
 that cutting taxes, cutting spending      2020 presidential election. This is a
 and reducing regulations are the          moonshot. There are no short cuts,
 only ways to grow our economy and         no easy days. We are determined
 provide equal opportunity for all New     to bring together Americans across
Yorkers.”                                  the country, in all cities, states and
                                           communities to build a new majority
                                           for the 21st century.”

6                                         NEW YORK STATE POLITICAL PARTIES 2019–2022
Working Families


ff 1 MetroTech Center North, 11th Floor
   Brooklyn, NY 11217
   (718) 222-3796


“Working Families is New York’s
 progressive political party. The
 Working Families Party is focused on
 tackling the political, economic and
 educational inequality that deprive
 working and middle class families of
 opportunity. Our vision is to build a
 New York that is fair for all of us, not
 just the wealthy and well-connected.
 We’re known for our legislative fights
 on issues that cut to the core of New
Yorkers’ concerns today — raising the
 minimum wage and guaranteeing
 paid sick days, fighting the influence
 of big money over politics, and de-
 fending quality public schools.”

4 West 43rd Street,
Suite 615             (212) 725-3541
New York, NY 10036         @lwvnyc
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