NEW STUDENT Summer 2021 Edition - ASTON'S APPLICANT MAGAZINE 2021 - Aston University

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NEW STUDENT Summer 2021 Edition - ASTON'S APPLICANT MAGAZINE 2021 - Aston University
                                                 WELLBEING AND SUPPORT | BIRMINGHAM LIFE
                                                ANSWERS TO POPULAR APPLICANT QUESTIONS

                      ASTON’S APPLICANT MAGAZINE 2021

Summer 2021 Edition

NEW STUDENT Summer 2021 Edition - ASTON'S APPLICANT MAGAZINE 2021 - Aston University
ASTON’S APPLICANT MAGAZINE 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                               ASTON’S APPLICANT MAGAZINE 2021

     Speak to a student                                                                                                          Meet the team
     You can message Aston students at
                                                                                                                                                                                         d year                                                                                                                                  Ecc    le s , I’ m a thir ns
                                                                                                                                                 Poppy rnational Rela ntly
                                                                                                                                        Hi I’m       n  d In te                   c u r re                                     My na
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        me is
                                                                                                                                                   a                        I’m
                                                                                                                                        Politics t Aston, and orking in the                                                    been            R
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     study yan Harm
     Learn what it’s like to live in Birmingham, be a student and study here. You can                                                             t  a
                                                                                                                                         Studen cement year nce and have
                                                                                                                                                                              w                                                             ing at         o
                                                                                                                                                   pla                       da
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              for fou
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      r            Aston n, I have
     also get tips on revision, preparing for university and settling in on campus.                                                      on my                  love to                      Club                             BSc B years and             Unive
                                                                                                                                                       vice. I                    Dance of                                          iomed           Ia          rsit
                                                                                                                                          Civ il S e r
                                                                                                                                                                 r of   A s  to n
                                                                                                                                                                                           ber                                               ical S m a recen y
                                                                                                                                                      membe                    ve mem                                                              cience        t
                                                                                                                                          been a 8 and an acti                                                                                            gradu
                                                                                                                                           since 2 nts’ Union.
                                                                                                                                                 S tu  de
                           Atif                                                      Shreya                                                 the
                           BSc Business Computing and IT                             BSc Psychology and Business
                           I come from                                               I come from
                           Birmingham, UK                                            Leicester, UK
                           I speak                                                   I speak
                           English, Urdu, French                                     English
                           I’m currently in                                          I’m currently in
                           3rd year                                                  3rd year
        About me                                                   About me
        Would love to have my own business. Massive fan            l work as a student ambassador, spend time
        of cars, even had the chance to rebuild my own             socialising and playing sports occasionally.
        car’s engine. Massive fan of superhero films. Into         Choosing what course is right for you can be
        media, video editing, film-making and just generally       a very stressful and a challenging decision, so
        having a good time. Food is always great.                  if you have any questions or concerns about
                                                                   Aston or university in general, feel free to ask!

                           Tahseen                                                   Laya
                           BSc Optometry                                             BSc Sociology and Social Policy
                           I come from                                               I come from
                           Mombasa, Kenya                                            Kent, UK
                           I speak                                                   I speak
                           English, Swahili                                          English, Malayalam
                           I’m currently in                                          I’m currently in
                           2nd year                                                  2nd year
        About me                                                   About me
        Living away from home was not easy but it has been a       I love Bollywood movies and music, dancing, makeup,
        wonderful experience. I understand choosing a course       beauty, fashion, reading, cooking and Indian food. I am
        and university can be a very challenging decision, so if   a member of the Kerala, Indian and Hindu Societies.
        you have any questions about this drop me a message :)

                           Azret                                                     Omaya                                    I’m Eleano                                                   Hi, my name is Aiyesha Swarnn, and                                                           a
                                                                                                                                          r Harris an                                                                                                                     l Ojo. I’m d
                           BSc Marketing                                             BEng Chemical Engineering                and Englis              d I’m a His                          I am a second-year student studying
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              m   y n a m    e is Ethe         d u a te an
                                                                                                                                         h Languag                tory                                                                    Hi,                       ie nce gra
                           I come from                                               I come from                                                    e student.                             History and International Relations.                             l  S  c
                                                                                                                              My Aston
                                                                                                                                        placement                                                                                         Biomed      ic a                    a form r  e
                           Astanà, Казахстан                                         Damascus, Syria                         opportunit             gave me th                             Aston University has given me the                           a l  s  tu  dent. I’m            U
                                                                                                                                        y to broad              e                                                                         a Me    d ic                     r at the S
                           I speak                                                   I speak                                 by working            en my hori
                                                                                                                                                                                           opportunity to do a wide range of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               s ta in a b  il ity Office         a b o u t
                                                                                                                                         abroad at                                                                                         Su                              nate
                           Kazakh, Russian                                           Arabic, English                         Paderborn              the Univers                            things like being the vice-president                            ery passio everything
                                                                                                                                        in German               ity of                                                                     and am v                        d
                                                                                                                                                   y.                                      of the Film and Book Society and                                   nment an                     ,
                           I’m currently in                                          I’m currently in
                                                                                                                                                                                           participating in online CV workshops.           the enviro I love the theatre
                           2nd year                                                  4th year                                                                                                                                                   s ta in a  b  le  .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 in g  o n   nice
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ,  p  la n ts and go
        About me                                                   About me                                                                                                                                                                  puppies
        I enjoy football (in every way, watching it, reading       I am looking at securing an engineering job preferably                                                                                                                     scenic hik
        about it, playing it. etc), a lot of music, watching       in the energy sector and sustainability. After doing
        movies, reading books and playing different                my placement at GSK my interest for sustainability
        instruments. I am a member of the Pool and                 increased and I saw how we are all capable of making
        Snooker society.                                           the right changes in industry.

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NEW STUDENT Summer 2021 Edition - ASTON'S APPLICANT MAGAZINE 2021 - Aston University
ASTON’S APPLICANT MAGAZINE 2021                                                        ASTON’S APPLICANT MAGAZINE 2020                                                                                                                  ASTON’S APPLICANT MAGAZINE 2021

            Award-winning university
                                                                                                                                                                 e commercial
                                                                                                                               ing  w  orke  d in some of th                     societies
                                                                                                                          H av
                                                                                                                                             ne w  S  U  an d being part of
                                                                                                                          outlets in th   e                                   e building
                                                                                                                                         e  sp ac e,  I felt proud that th
                                                                                                                          that use th                                         spires”,
                                                                                                                                          na m  ed  a   “B uilding That In
                                                                                                                          was bein     g                            put into the
                                                                                                                                              k that has been
                                                                                                                           for all the wor                         ts for students.
                                                                                                                                  ing  an  d w  ha t it represen                                                 The fact that
                                                                                                                           build                                                             e                                  we won “Unive
                                                                                                                                                                          ar 2020 by Th                                                          rsity of the Ye
                                                                                                                                        m  ed  U ni ve  rsity of the Ye              an  d  su  pport           2020 shows ho
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  w hard the staff                ar” in
                                                                                                                            Being na                     ent to the hard
                                                                                                                                                                              work                              Aston. This aw                       and students
                                                                                                                                       n  is a te st am                             ea t fe el in g                              ard sums up th                        work at
                                                                                                                            Guardia                                    . It is a gr                                                                e hard work ac
                                                                                                                                      A st on off er s its students                   an  d   it’s              University and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 even though th                       ross the
                                                                                                                            which                                   clusive team                               from physical                       e pandemic st
                                                                                                                                                 diverse and in                                                               ly meeting, w                         opped us
                                                                                                                             to be part of a                       ta ken in closing
                                                                                                                                                                                          the                                                 e are still a un
                                                                                                                                  az ing  to he  ar the strides                ua te ea  rn ings               With The Tim                                   ite d  team.
                                                                                                                             am                                      g grad                                                  es naming us
                                                                                                                                                 ps and boostin                                                                               th e “M
                                                                                                                              attainment ga                         le has    achi ev ed  .                    Entrepreneuria
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               l University”,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ost outstandin
                                                                                                                                                 rsity as a who                                                                               it has opened
                                                                                                                              that the Unive                                                                  eyes to the ra
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             nge of opportu                     my
                                                                                                                                                                                                              the city of Birm                 nities at Aston
                                                                                                                               Ryan Harmon                                                                   proud to be as
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ingham. It mak
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 es me feel real
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              sociated with                        ly
                In November, we were delighted to be announced                                                                                                                                               university and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             this fuels my
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              such a prestig
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            desire to stud
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             y more!
                   as the Guardian’s University of the Year 2020.                                                                                                                                            Aiyesha Swar

                   The Guardian’s decision to award this prestigious accolade to
                   Aston University is based on their objective assessment of the
                          121 UK universities against numerous criteria.

                                                    THESE INCLUDE:                                                                                                   to see the hard
                                                                                                                                              udent it’s nice
                                     • Graduate employability and earnings                                               As an Aston st                             ents recognis
                                                                                                                                               staff and stud
                                                                                                                         work of all the                               rt of  a un iv er sity
                                               • Student retention                                                                              pr ou  d to be pa
                                                                                                                         in this  w ay.  I’m                                  lovely eing
                                                                                                                                      pl  ifies   ex  cellence. It was                      ent
                                           • Closing attainment gaps                                                      that ex  em                                   r its commitm
                                                                                                                               on final ly  ge   t recognition fo                na  bi lity.
                                                                                                                          Ast                                      and sustai
                                           • Embedding sustainability                                                                         ility, diversity
                                                                                                                           to social mob                                                    whilst just      If you’ve been
                                                                                                                                                      pu  latio n   is very apparent                                        lucky enough
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             to visit the Stu
                                                                                                                            Aston’s divers
                                                                                                                                                e po                                  ly worked with        Union (SU) yo                                     dents’
                                                                                                                                                         pu s.  I have previous                                            u will know w
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           hy it has won
                                                                                                                            walking across
                                                                                                                                                   ca m                               and can testify       the new SU in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           spires, enterta                 this award,
                              But our award-winning spree didn’t stop there.                                                                         d th e  S tu  dents’ Union                            an incredible                    ins, and provid
                                                                                                                            the University
                                                                                                                                                 an                                     . Speaking                                                           es
                                We scooped two more prestigious prizes:                                                                             ’s de  dica   tion in this area                        Being a mem
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          space for club
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           s and societie
                                                                                                                             to the Unive     rs ity                             lacements team                           ber of the SU                    s.
                                                                                                                                                   e, th e  Careers and P                           ed.    experience so                  has made my
                                                                                                                             from expe    rie  nc                                 all well deserv                          much better th                  student
                                                                                                                                         is  al so   ve ry helpful. This is                               imagined and                       an I could have
                                                                                                                              at Aston                                                                                    I’m so glad it’
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         s received this
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Poppy Eccle                                       award!
                                                                                                                             Ethel Ojo                                                                                   s

                The Guardian awarded Aston University’s          Aston University was announced as the
                 new Students’ Union a “Buildings That            winner of the Times Higher Education’s
                  Inspire” award, saying “The building           (THE) 2020 Outstanding Entrepreneurial
                   reflects the importance to students            University in recognition of our support
                     of sustainability and inclusivity.”            for student entrepreneurship, small
                                                                businesses, and the West Midlands region.
                 The building has multipurpose rooms
                                                                Aston Business School was also shortlisted
                for clubs and societies, and a mirrored,
                                                                   for THE Business School of the Year.
               sprung-floor dance studio which becomes
                   a revision space in exam season.

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NEW STUDENT Summer 2021 Edition - ASTON'S APPLICANT MAGAZINE 2021 - Aston University
ASTON’S APPLICANT MAGAZINE 2021                                                                                                                                                               ASTON’S APPLICANT MAGAZINE 2021

                                              tips to level
                                              up academically

                          Ethel Ojo                     I know what you’re thinking:             2. Know yourself                          5. Silence isn’t always golden
                                                        ‘I already know how to study,            Not everyone studies in the same way.     The ideal study environment doesn’t        You can write nice notes in tactile
                          Biomedical Science Graduate   I don’t need to read this’ or            Some people learn by listening, so        have to be completely quiet. There’s       paper notebooks, have them
                                                        else: ‘Who needs to study?               reading out loud and talking through      definitely a time and a place for          typed up in Microsoft Word, or jot
                          and Medical Student           I’m just at university for the           their notes works best for them.          studying in silence, but sometimes         everything on colour-coded flash
                                                                                                 Some people learn more practically,       you need to make noise (by saying          cards. Experiment and work out
                                                        vibes and fun.’                          by doing. Some people learn by            things out loud, or bouncing your          what’s best for you.
                                                                                                 seeing, using visual aids, images and     ideas off a friend). So don’t feel
                                                        I’m sure you can study great, but        nicely highlighted notes. You can         like you always have to study in the       8. Learning objectives
                                                        a few tips won’t hurt. And while         learn by a mixture of all three, what’s   silent section of the library. There are
                                                        you’re vibing, why not try some                                                                                               At the beginning of most lectures
                                                                                                 important is that you experiment and      plenty of group study spaces around
                                                        studying on the side? All the best                                                                                            you’ll be given a list of learning
                                                                                                 figure out what works best for you.       the University and sometimes that
                                                        universities recommend it.                                                                                                    objectives. Familiarise yourself with
                                                                                                                                           background buzz of chatter is just
                                                                                                                                                                                      them whilst studying and ensure
                                                        Studying can sometimes be a pain,        3. Make a study plan                      what you need.
                                                                                                                                                                                      you’ve met them all at the end of
                                                        especially when you just want to
                                                                                                 “A goal without a plan is just a wish”                                               each study session. If you haven’t,
                                                        lay down and binge a good Netflix                                                  6. Dealing with distractions
                                                                                                 (I didn’t make that up, Antoine                                                      don’t be afraid to ask!
                                                        show. Then you remember you’re at
                                                                                                 de Saint-Exupéry did). I don’t            Distractions! The biggest enemy of
     Every new student at Aston University              university and you have academic
                                                                                                 know about you, but half the              any student during exam season.            9. Test yourself
     has access to the Get Ahead                        responsibilities. It’s a very sobering
                                                                                                 time my mind is a jumbled mess.           They can come in the form of a
                                                        moment. But it isn’t always bad.                                                                                              How will you know what you’ve
     programme, which aims to help every                Studying can actually be quite
                                                                                                 I like it a bit less jumbled when         clueless friend or a series of apps
                                                                                                                                                                                      learnt or retained if you don’t quiz
     student make the best start at Aston,                                                       I’m studying to help with the             on your phone (*cough* Instagram
                                                        enjoyable when you have a plan                                                                                                yourself? It’s always important to
                                                                                                 assimilation of new information.          *cough*). Distractions are infinite
     providing information on:                          (and when you don’t leave it all until
                                                                                                                                           and ever-present. We can’t totally
                                                                                                                                                                                      review your knowledge regularly, not
                                                        the night before your exam). Here        It helps when I write things down.                                                   necessarily after each study session
                                                                                                                                           eliminate them, so we have to learn
     •   How university differs from school             are a few tips to help you make          Writing down deadlines and listing                                                   but at regular intervals. You can
                                                                                                                                           to deal with them. Identify the source     utilise practice tests and flash cards,
         or college                                     the most of your study time.             tasks not only helps break down
                                                                                                                                           of distraction and tackle it somehow.      get friends and family to quiz your or
                                                                                                 the work into manageable chunks,
     • 	How to make the most of the                                                                                                       Muting notifications and putting your
                                                        1. Change your mindset                   but also helps with motivation.                                                      search for online question banks.
         blended combination of online                                                                                                     phone on ‘do not disturb’ mode can
                                                                                                 You can make daily, weekly or
         and on-campus learning                         You have to start thinking of studying                                             definitely help to manage distractions.    10. Rest
                                                                                                 monthly lists and arrange them
                                                        as something you look forward
     •   Understanding your timetable                                                            in order of importance.                   Try rationing your phone usage.            Would this really be a good list of
                                                        to, not something you have to do.
                                                                                                                                           Timetable slots during your                study tips if I didn’t tell you to rest?
     •   Being an independent learner                   Try not to think of studying as a        Making lists is one of the most
                                                                                                                                           study time to indulge in your              Self-care should always be your
                                                        chore. You picked this course and        underrated study tools out there.
     • 	Essay writing, maths skills and                                                                                                   favourite time-wasting apps as a           top priority. Listen to your body
                                                        this subject because it sparked
         time-management techniques                                                              4. Study environment                      reward after a specific time (for          when it tells you it’s tired. If you
                                                        your imagination – don’t forget
                                                                                                                                           example, five minutes of Twitter           find yourself reading the same line
     •   Finding your voice in class                    that. Changing your mindset isn’t
                                                                                                 Keep your study space as organised        for each hour of studying) or after        again and again, you’re struggling
                                                        always easy but give it a try and
     • 	Working with personal tutors and                                                        as you want your mental space to          meeting a goal (such as finishing          to understand the words, or find
                                                        see how it impacts your studying.
         peer mentors                                                                            be. A cluttered desk can reflect a        a chapter in your textbook).               yourself staring blankly out of a
                                                                                                 cluttered mind, and if you struggle to                                               window – that’s a sign you need a
     • 	Connecting with others through                                                          find a pen on your study table you’ll     7. Note-making                             break. Step away, do something
         peer mentoring                                                                          also struggle to find the answer to
                                                                                                                                           Do you make notes? If so, how?             else and come back refreshed. Oh,
     • 	Looking after your health and wellbeing                                                 that assignment question.                                                            and make sure to always get a good
                                                                                                                                           Making notes is basically having
         and student support services                                                                                                      lecture content in a format unique         night’s sleep before and after every
                                                                                                                                           to you and best suited for your            study session. Or try to at least!
     • 	Finding your way around our
                                                                                                                                           understanding. Notes are also very
         city-centre campus.
                                                                                                                                           good for condensing content to allow
                                                                                                                                           for time effective revision.

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NEW STUDENT Summer 2021 Edition - ASTON'S APPLICANT MAGAZINE 2021 - Aston University
ASTON’S APPLICANT MAGAZINE 2021                                                                                                                                                                                       ASTON’S APPLICANT MAGAZINE 2021

     Wellbeing, worries,
                                                                                                                          3. Start every day on a positive note                         4. Keep a gratitude journal
                                                                                                                          Creating a consistent morning routine,                        Having a journal improves your optimism and sense
                                                                                                                          waking at a similar time each day, can really                 of wellbeing. You can do this by writing in your

     concerns and questions
                                                                                                                          help your mood. Having a morning routine                      gratitude journal each morning when you wake up
                                                                                                                          helps us set the right tone for the day and                   or at night before you sleep. This trains your mind
                                                                                                                          leaves us free to focus on the important stuff.               to focus on the positives in life and notice the good
                                                                                                                          This will make you far more productive.                       things around us.

                         Aiyesha Swarnn                                                                                   5. Practise gratitude
                         BSc History and International Relations                                                          Now that we have a journal, let’s start to use it. Think of
                                                                                                                          people or an event that gives you comfort or happiness
                                                                                                                          and express a sentence saying “I am grateful for …”
     Do you feel nervous when you                                                                                         Saying this aloud will boost your mood.
     imagine entering your first lecture
                                                                1. Cultivate and live in a positive environment           6. Practise positive self-talk
     or attempting to talk to someone
                                                                By living within a positive environment, you are most     Pay attention when you do something well and take a
     new on your first day at uni?                              likely able to do great things. Having that secure        moment to praise yourself. Tell someone else – maybe text a
     If you answered yes…..                                     and positive support circle will help you become          friend or family member: “I got a great mark for my essay”,
                                                                the best version of yourself as they have the utmost      “I joined the hockey team”. Celebrate the small victories.
     you are not alone!                                         confidence in you. To find your new group, go to
     All of us experience some degree of fear                   social events, libraries, cafés because once you’re
     and anxiety about doing something new                      out there, you find you start to gain confidence.
     for the first time. It was the same for me.
     I was always a shy and introverted kid                     2. Exercise regularly and eat and sleep well
     who never really liked change so entering                  I know, this sounds obvious. But it’s a cliché for good   7. Identify your areas of negativity                          8. Smile!
     university was like a horror show for me!                  reason! Basic habits have a huge effect on the way        To keep the positivity up, we must then look at               Smiling lightens the mood even if you are not
     But I knew that if I wanted results, I needed              we function. By having a good rest of 7-10 hours’         the negativity within our lives from the way we               feeling it; pretending can even improve your
     to grow and change, to adapt to fit this                   sleep, eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly,   talk to our negative friends. Don’t get into the              mood and lower stress levels. Smiling releases
     new life. And that is exactly what I did.                  we can absolutely boost our moods. If you struggle        habit of constantly grumbling about workloads                 cortisol and endorphins that reduce blood
                                                                with this, try writing a plan (meal plan, exercise        or deadlines – the stories we tell ourselves may              pressure, increase endurance and can even
     When we feel worried or sad about something,               schedule etc) and stick to it! They say if you do         come true!                                                    reduce pain!
     it affects us in multiple ways. Here are the               something every day for 30 days, you’ve formed
     10 tips I use to stay positive in those times.             a new habit and it becomes the norm!
     I am not trying to say that you need to be
     positive all the time – it’s obviously okay to
     not be okay some days. But for the rest of
     the time, why not give these tips a try?
                                                                                                                          9. Yoga all the way
                                                                                                                          Incorporating yoga into your routine enhances your mood
                                                                                                                          as it calms you down. Even ten minutes of yoga goes a long
                                                                                                                          way. There are plenty of free yoga courses on YouTube to
                                                                                                                          get you started.

                                                                                                                          10 Last but not least, go slow
                                                                                                                          It takes time to see growth and positivity. Just doing these
                                                                                                                          points once will not help. This is a long-term solution for you
                                                                                                                          to develop a positive mindset and like anything else, it takes
                                                                                                                          time and practice to get better.

         We take student support seriously            The Learning Development Centre team
         at Aston University. Alongside               runs the Get Ahead programme for new
         these tips, don’t forget the Aston           students every year - giving you the
         University team is always here for           skills to tackle the step up from school to                                                                      Our team is here for you. To find
         you if things get too much.                  university. The team also offers ongoing                                                                         out more about our student support
         The Hub in Main Building has teams
                                                      workshops and resources to help with study                                                                       services, please visit our website:
                                                      skills, essay writing, maths and more.
         specialising in advice, support                                                                                                                     
         and counselling for students. The            Finally, our peer mentoring scheme
         Chaplaincy in the Martin Luther King         allows every student to benefit from
         Centre offers pastoral and spiritual         the experiences of those who are
         guidance, support and friendship.            further along their university journey.
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       1                              3          8                                          9

       4                                                                                                        11

       5                          6       10                                                                    12

     Here is ASTON
                                               1. Aston Eagles Basketball Club.           5. Laughter Yoga with the Chaplaincy.   10. Graduation hugs.
                                               2. The change on campus over the           6. Product design in action.            11. Training session at
                                                  last 50 years.                                                                      Aston Snow Club.
                                                                                          7. Heading out to town.
                                               3. Behind the scenes with                                                          12. #TeamAston Varsity winners.
                                                                                          8. LEAVES!!!!!!!!!
                                                  student stories.
                                                                                          9. Graduation celebrations.
                                               4. Celebrating Holi, the Hindu
                                                  festival of love, colours and spring.

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ASTON’S APPLICANT MAGAZINE 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                       ASTON’S APPLICANT MAGAZINE 2021

     My Birmingham

                         Poppy Eccles                                                                                                                                   Of course, I couldn’t share
                         BSc Politics and                                                                                                                               my favourite places in Brum
                                                                                                                                                                         without mentioning the best
                         International Relations                                                                                                                         places to go out for drinks
                                                                                                                                                                           (cocktails and mocktails). If
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Finally, whether you celebrate it or not, you
                                                                                                                                                                                                           need to visit the German Christmas markets at
                                                                                                                                                                            you’ve wandered around         least once. Seeing the entire city centre lit up
                                                                                                                                                                             Birmingham, you know          by Christmas lights and cosy cabins selling hot
     One of the best parts about living in                                   Gina, a                                                                                         for a fact you can’t turn
                                                                                       se                                                                                                                  chocolate, hot dogs, and all sorts of souvenirs
     Birmingham is that you are guaranteed to                               psycho cond year                                                                                  a corner without seeing      is an experience in itself. If your student loan is
                                                                                      logy stu
     get the full student experience, no matter                             he r c he           dent wit                                                                      a bar – but which ones
                                                                                      e se c ak
                                                                                               e pop.
                                                                                                        h                                                                                                  running out towards Christmas (as mine almost
     who you are or what you enjoy. Before I start,                                                                                                                     are worth your while?              always seems to) the Christmas markets are
     I must be honest, in my three years living in                                                                                                    Some of my favourite places to dress                 a great place for a cheap, or even free day
                                                                                                                                                                                                           out where you can admire the lights and carol
     Birmingham, I certainly haven’t discovered                                                                                             up and grab a drink are: Turtle Bay, Revolution
                                                                                                                                                                                                           singers without breaking the bank.
                                                                                                                                         de Cuba, The Ivy (if you want a posh evening out),
     every hidden gem and place to be, but that’s
                                                                                                                                         and of course, for cheap and cheerful cocktails                   My top tip for the Christmas markets is DO
     the great thing about this city – there is                     One hidden gem many people haven’t discovered yet                    and entertainment, Aston Students’ Union, where                   NOT go on a weekend if you can help it. The
     always more to discover!                                       is La-Pop! in Edgbaston Village, serving handcrafted,                some of my best nights have been spent!                           market is extremely popular and you can have
                                                                    organic gelato, decorated ‘Subway style’ with your
                                                                                                                                                                                                           a much better time on a less busy week day
                                                                    choice of toppings, or if it’s cold (which is most
     If you already live in Birmingham I’m sure you can                                                                                                                                                    than you will on the weekends, when you can
                                                                    of the year) you can opt for a cheesecake pop,
     relate to me when I say there are so many perks to                                                                                  But classic chain bars and crazy nights at the                    barely move for crowds!
                                                                    which is just as great as it sounds, believe me. This
     living in this city, but if you haven’t had the chance to      place is perfect for those people who want a sweet                   Students’ Union aside, the best place to try
     explore Brum just yet, allow me to fill you in on the          snack and it’s definitely student budget friendly.                   interesting cocktail blends and get some cute
     best places to eat, shop, and socialise.                                                                                            Instagram photos is Dirty Martini!
     One of my favourite things about Brum, well to be honest,                                                                           Dirty Martini has a cosy atmosphere where you can
     one of my favourite things in general, is food, and this                                                                            spend an entire night drinking and socialising with
     city has a restaurant, pub or bar for every taste. A short                                                                          friends, or pop in for some snacks and small plates,
     walk from the University is Grand Central hosting a variety                                                                         like their buttermilk chicken, Korean samosas, mac
                                                                        One not-so-hidden gem in Birmingham is
     of restaurants serving Vietnamese street food, Spanish                                                                              and cheese and so much more amazing bar food.
                                                                        the National Sea Life Centre. Not only is it a
     cuisine, Lebanese dishes and so much more! But I want              great place to bring your family when visiting                   My favourite drinks were the mango and chilli
     to put you on to one of my all-time favourite places to eat,       (especially if you have younger siblings) but                    martini, pineapple and peach cocktail and the
     which is Cocoa by Ali - serving brunch, coffee, desserts           it’s also a great way to chill out in the day.                   chocolate martini, don’t knock it till you try it!
     and plenty of photos for your Instagram feed!                      During the hectic exam season last year, my
     This aesthetic café is only a ten minute Uber from Aston           friend and I visited the sea life centre as a
     and with prices starting from £1.90 you can still enjoy a          way to relax during all the chaos – and with
     cute brunch on a budget!                                           cheap student tickets available, and the
                                                                        centre being surrounded by cosy bars and
     If you’re like me and only have a sweet tooth once in a            restaurants this is a great way to relax.
     blue moon don’t worry! This café offers a varied menu
     from peri-peri cheese toasties                                                                                                                                                                                  As y
     to naan pizzas and nacho                                                                                                                                                                                       a re v u c a n s e
     boats (vegan options are                                                                                                                                                                                                er y b       e, we
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ch r i s        u            e
     also available!).                                                                                                                                                                                                       tmas sy at the kends
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ma r k
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          et s .

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12                                                eal! ect                                                                                                                                                                                                         13
NEW STUDENT Summer 2021 Edition - ASTON'S APPLICANT MAGAZINE 2021 - Aston University
ASTON’S APPLICANT MAGAZINE 2021                                                                                                      ASTON’S APPLICANT MAGAZINE 2021

                                             The first place to start of course, is   There are a range of student bank       Do you know how much your cup
                                             budgeting. Learning to budget is one     accounts, each offering its own         of coffee is costing you? Based on
                                             of the first independent challenges      incentives. Don’t plunge straight in    a medium latte at a popular coffee
                                             any university student faces. It is      with the account offering the largest   chain, just three cups a week on the
                                             important to understand your income      overdraft (although this may be handy   way to lectures could cost you nearly
                                             and outgoings and the dates which        at times). Other accounts may come      £400 a year! Why not save that money
                                             payments may arrive or be taken.         with benefits that can save you money   and invest in a reusable coffee mug
                                             A handy tip I find useful is using an    instead, such as student railcards,     and some nice coffee of your own? All
                                             online bank account that allows for      which are brilliant for students who    the little expenses add up, so making
                                             separating your monthly wages into       plan on travelling home often. Other    small changes to your routine could
                                             different pots, allowing money to be     accounts offer benefits such as         end up saving you hundreds.
                                             kept aside from your main balance        discounted Netflix or Amazon Student
                                             and used for paying scheduled bills.     prime, so shop around for what suits    Seek help!
                                             Most monthly budgets fail when           you best.
                                             students don’t factor in the extra                                               For advice or guidance while you’re

                                                                                      Be savvy with your bank accounts,       a student at Aston University,
                                             spending habits, whether it’s a night
                                                                                      two may be better than one. If you      The Hub, online or in the main
                                             out with friends or an impulsive
                                                                                      rely on your student loan to pay for    building, can handle all your student
                                             shopping trip.
                                                                                      your accommodation then keep this       support queries. The Advice and

                                                                                      money separate from your regular        Representation Centre (ARC),
                                             Discounts                                income and outgoings, this is a         located in Aston Students’ Union,
                                             Everybody knows that one of the most     great way to ensure that you have       offers free and impartial advice and
                                             exciting things about being a student    the money saved up for your regular     also processes claims for the Aston

                                             is the discounts. As soon as you are     payments and do not have to panic       Support Fund, which can provide
                                             a registered student, make sure you      when the deadline comes around.         financial support to students in need
                                             sign up to student discount providers                                            of assistance.
                                             such as UniDays, StudentBeans            Eating on a budget                      Many students hold down a part-time
                                             and TOTUM. Check regularly and
                                                                                      A major student spending point          job for regular income. At Aston
                                             sign up to student accounts of your
                                                                                      is eating out. When you’re living       Students’ Jobshop you can seek out
     Ryan Harmon                             favourite online shops too, some
                                             (such as Amazon Prime) even give
                                                                                      away from home it is so important       part-time employment opportunities
                                                                                      to control your finances by steering    whilst studying.
     BSc Biomedical                          you free delivery. Streaming services
                                             like DisneyPlus and Netflix also offer
                                                                                      away from the takeaways and learning
                                                                                      to cook meals for yourself. Grab a
     Science Graduate                        student discounts.
                                                                                      cheap cookbook, or look online,
                                                                                      and learn to cook your favourite
                                             Bank on it                               ‘fakeaways’ instead!
     Most students will worry about their    Many bank accounts offer incentives      Another handy tip is preparing a meal
     finances at one point or another and    through discounts or cashback            plan. University accommodation
                                             schemes. If you already have a
     now that I have been a university       banking app downloaded check for
                                                                                      could see you sharing a fridge and
                                                                                      freezer, giving you limited space so
     student for four years, I have picked   these offers. Once activated you         planning what meals you’ll eat that
     up a few tips and tricks to manage      could earn cashback on regular           week will help you to save space,
     my finances and keep a healthy          purchases which is a handy way to        money and food waste.
                                             gain some of your spending back.
     control over my spending.

14                                                                                                                                                                    15
NEW STUDENT Summer 2021 Edition - ASTON'S APPLICANT MAGAZINE 2021 - Aston University
ASTON’S APPLICANT MAGAZINE 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                       ASTON’S APPLICANT MAGAZINE 2021

     Clubs and societies
     at Aston University

                          Eleanor Harris
                          BSc History and English Language
                          and President of the Pool and Snooker Club

     Here at Aston, we have loads                 Societies                                                                          My experience with
     of clubs and societies to join!              Societies are interest-based groups       As a member of a club or society,        clubs and societies
                                                  and range from Italian to Indie music.    you can gain valuable life
     Finding close friends with similar                                                     experiences. Each year, a new            I’m a member of Aston University          The club also takes part in university-
     interests at university can be difficult,    We have a wide range including:           committee is voted in to run them.       Pool and Snooker Club (AUPSC),            wide campaigns. For example, the
     as they’re such vast places with             •	Cultural societies, like               This means that you can stand for        in fact, I’ve just been voted             Give Racism The Red Card campaign,
     thousands of students. It can also              Afro-Caribbean, LGBT+                  a committee position, such as Chair,     president of the club! I love playing     which encouraged sports clubs to               A Poo
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   l and
     be quite intimidating meeting new               and Bangladeshi Society                Vice-Chair, Treasurer or General         pool because it’s really social and       stand against racism in sport.                              Snook
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                er Clu
     people, especially if you’ve just                                                      Secretary. The Committee for a           you can chat whilst you play.                                                                                      b soc
                                                  •	Faith societies, like Hindu,                                                                                                                                                                            ial.
     moved to a new area. That’s what                and Islamic Society.                   club or society work together to                                                   The Students’ Union hosts events
     makes clubs and societies such a             •	Academic societies, like Aston         help organise different events but       I’m a commuter student so didn’t have     for members of clubs and societies.
     brilliant way to make new friends               Bright Futures, Aston Women in         also the day-to-day running of the       the option to make friends in halls,      These sorts of events bring together
     outside of your course or flat.                 Business and Pro Bono Society.         group. Not only is it a great addition   but I’ve made some brilliant friends      all the clubs and societies to celebrate
                                                  •	General Interest Societies, like       to your CV, but it’s really fun!         on my course and through AUPSC.           and have fun. For example, the Annual
     Aston Students’ Union has over                                                                                                                                            Christmas Dinner and Societies Ball.
                                                     Raise and Give, Disney, Drama,                                                  There are lots of opportunities
     130 different groups to join that are all                                                                                                                                 I’ve always had a brilliant time at
                                                     and Aston Labour Society.                                                       for competitive play as there are
     student-led. This means that the clubs                                                                                                                                    these events. At the Christmas dinner,
     are run by students, for students.           There are so many different societies                                              university tournaments throughout         there’s a three-course meal, a photo
                                                  to choose from, so no matter your                                                  the year. The most important              booth and discounts on drinks!
     In September, the University hosts                                                                                              tournament is British Universities
                                                  interests, you’ll be able to meet
     a Welcome Fair in the Woodcock                                                                                                  and College Sports (BUCS).                Joining a club has been one of the
                                                  like-minded people at Aston.
     Sports Centre (although it took place                                                                                           There are BUCS tournaments                best decisions I’ve made at university
     online last year), so students can find                                                                                         for most sports societies.                because I’ve made brilliant friends and
     out more about teams, clubs and                                                                                                                                           also improved at pool and snooker.
     societies and meet their members.            Clubs                                                                              For pool and snooker, the BUCS            Clubs and societies are one of the
                                                                                                                                     tournament takes place in Great           best ways to socialise but also learn
     In your first year, you will have time to    Clubs are sports-based groups.
                                                                                                                                     Yarmouth. Hundreds of students            a new skill or improve at a sport!
     explore your different interests as you      Whether you love competitive sport
                                                                                                                                     from across the country come
     adjust to life at university, making it an   or just want a group of people to
                                                                                                                                     together to play, in both the teams
                                                  exercise with, there’s a group for you.                                                                                                                                                              eam at a
     ideal time to join clubs and societies.                                                                                         and individual brackets. In 2019, I was                                                                 ’s First T ament.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Women             rn
     It’s definitely a good idea to join a few                                                                                       lucky enough to be selected to play                                                                       pool tou
                                                  We have a wide range of                                                                                                                                                             national
     different societies in your first year so    clubs, including:                                                                  in the Women’s First Team. It was a
     you can meet loads of new people             •	Performance clubs, like                                                         great experience to play at such a
     and explore lots of opportunities.              Aerial Fitness, Bhangra                                                         big event and meet different people
                                                     and Cheerleading.                                                               from lots of different universities.
                                                  •	Team Sports, including Netball,
                                                                                                                                     But clubs aren’t just about playing
                                                     Football and Hockey.
                                                                                                                                     sports. Most clubs also host
                                                  •	Individual Sports, including
                                                                                                                                     nights out, social activities and
                                                     Running and the Aston University
                                                                                                                                     get togethers. AUPSC has hosted
                                                     Pool and Snooker Society.
                                                                                                                                     nights out at different clubs like
                                                  •	Extreme Sports, including Kayak
                                                                                                                                     Propaganda and Rosie’s. We
                                                     and Mountaineering Club.                                                                                                                         AUPSC’s S
                                                                                                                                     have also been to buffets, on pub                                            how Racis
                                                                                                                                     crawls and to trampoline parks.                                                       m the Red
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Card even

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NEW STUDENT Summer 2021 Edition - ASTON'S APPLICANT MAGAZINE 2021 - Aston University
ASTON’S APPLICANT MAGAZINE 2021                                                                                                           ASTON’S APPLICANT MAGAZINE 2021

                                                What makes Aston different?              Several of our partners are               What pastoral support is available
                                                                                         triple-accredited universities            – are there personal tutors?
                                                I think it’s the community feel
                                                                                         with very high standings in

                                                on campus. It’s rare to have                                                       As part of providing a quality
                                                                                         the international rankings.
                                                a city university with a family                                                    experience, all our students
                                                atmosphere and all our students          A few of our degrees even offer a         have a personal tutor to get the
                                                are so determined. I’m in awe most       ‘double degree’ option, which will see    support and guidance they need to

                                                days at the things they achieve.         you leave university with two degrees     succeed. You should be given the
                                                                                         if you opt to do a year abroad. Ask a     name of your personal tutor during
                                                Do you work with certain                 member of admissions for details.         Welcome Week, if not before.
                                                companies for your student
                                                placement years?                         Can I get a part-time job                 I am taking a BTEC and/or Access
                                                                                         while at university?                      course, can I get into the course
           Interview with Ady Yong,             We have great relationships with
                                                local, national and international        You certainly can and we even have
                                                                                                                                   with these qualifications?

           Admissions Manager                   employers. There are companies
                                                who take our students each year
                                                                                         a student job shop on campus to
                                                                                         help you find casual, part-time work
                                                                                                                                   For many of our courses we happily
                                                                                                                                   accept students with alternative
                                                and advertise their placements           or volunteering opportunities.            qualifications to A Levels, including
                                                on Aston Futures (a jobs site                                                      BTECs and Access to Higher
           If you have a burning question for   exclusive to Aston students.)            Can I commute into university?            Education courses. However, this
           the Admissions Team, chances are                                              Because we’re a city-based                isn’t possible for every degree.
                                                Of course, we have students placed
           that Ady has already answered it     with the big names like Jaguar           university, a lot of our students         Each of our courses has different
           at least once during her 25 years    Land Rover, PwC, GlaxoSmithKline         commute. So if you are planning           entry requirements, so please
                                                etc… But we also do business with        on commuting, you won’t                   check our website and get in touch
           at Aston University. A true                                                   feel like the odd one out.
                                                hundreds of smaller businesses                                                     if you need further clarification.
           admissions expert, we got her        and not-for-profit organisations         We have lockers, places you can
           to answer the most common            such as the NHS, to ensure you get                                                 What happens if I miss my offer?
                                                                                         cook/eat your own food and a load of
           questions we get from students       the sort of placement you need.          new study spaces if you want to get       This depends on the degree
           when applying to university.                                                  the most out of your day at university.   programme that you’ve applied for.
                                                Is the placement year compulsory?
                                                                                                                                   However, in general we try to be as
                                                The placement year is compulsory         Am I guaranteed accommodation             flexible as we possibly can when
                                                for many courses. If you are studying    in first year?                            results are released, especially
                                                a degree with an optional placement      All new undergraduate students            if you’ve committed to Aston as
                                                year we still encourage you to           who meet our criteria are                 your firm choice university.
                                                seriously think about taking up the      guaranteed a room in Aston
                                                opportunity. Doing so will make your                                               If I do a foundation year degree
                                                                                         Student Village and you can
                                                life a lot easier after university and                                             at another university, would
                                                                                         find the details on our website:
                                                greatly improve your employability.                                                I be able to enrol at Aston
                                                                                                                                   University for next year?
                                                What other opportunities are             How much does                             This is sometimes (but not usually)
                                                there at Aston that I can do             accommodation cost?                       possible. It depends on the
                                                alongside my studies?
                                                                                         There is no shortage of                   degree that you’re applying for,
                                                We have a new Students’ Union            accommodation in Birmingham,              the foundation programme that
                                                for just this! If you google ‘Aston      so prices are competitive. For            you’re currently studying and the
                                                Clubs and Societies’ you will find       private student accommodation             qualifications that you already have.
                                                the hundreds of sports, cultural         around and on campus you can pay
                                                and interest-based activities                                                      Do you make lower offers as
                                                                                         anything between £145-£235 per
                                                run by students on campus.                                                         I am the first generation in
                                                                                         week. That’s with all bills included.
                                                                                                                                   my family to go to university/
                                                You won’t be short of things to do.      The amount you pay depends                live in a certain area?
                                                                                         on whether you want a single
                                                Can I go abroad as part                                                            We have a contextual offer scheme
                                                                                         study bedroom with shared
                                                of my degree?                                                                      called Aston Ready that could
                                                                                         kitchen or a studio flat.
                                                                                                                                   reduce your undergraduate offer by
                                                Whenever it’s an option and safe
                                                                                         Also, make sure you check for             one or two grades. This is assessed
                                                to do so, we try and make this
                                                                                         extras included in the price. Some        at the point of application, there
                                                as easy as possible for you.
                                                                                         accommodation communities                 are no additional forms to fill in.
                                                We have dedicated people to              include cinemas, gyms and pop
                                                                                                                                   You can find details on our website
                                                help you find a placement or             up events including block parties
                                                                                                                                   if you search “Aston Ready”.
                                                study opportunity overseas. If           and visits from beauty therapists.
                                                you choose the study route, you
                                                may be able to select from a
                                                range of highly reputable partner
                                                universities from all over the world.

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Here’s to the ones who
carve out their own path


        Aston University
 Aston Triangle, Birmingham B4 7ET
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