NEW Solutions for NEW Challenges - Syndicated Loans Conference 24 September 2019 - Loan Market Association

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NEW Solutions for NEW Challenges - Syndicated Loans Conference 24 September 2019 - Loan Market Association
                       Loans Conference
                       24 September 2019

                for NEW

Lead Sponsors
NEW Solutions for NEW Challenges - Syndicated Loans Conference 24 September 2019 - Loan Market Association
Loan Market Association
                Syndicated Loans Conference


      03   Welcome

      04   Programme

      06   Speaker Biographies

      22   Administrative Notes & App Instructions

      26   Sponsorship Listing

      35   Exhibitor Listing

      39   Clifford Chance
           Borrowing base financings: “knowledge is key”

      42   GLAS
           The rise of the independent loan agent

      43   S&P Global Ratings
           Transparency and lending credibility
           in sustainability linked loans

      47   LMA Events Calendar Q3-Q4 2019

NEW Solutions for NEW Challenges - Syndicated Loans Conference 24 September 2019 - Loan Market Association
Loan Market Association
                    Syndicated Loans Conference

          LMA Syndicated Loans Conference
          24 September 2019

          Dear Delegate,

          The syndicated loan market in 2019 has faced, and continues to face, a number of
          unprecedented challenges.

          Benchmark reform alone poses one of the greatest potential threats to the loan market
          since its inception. Regulators have made it clear that loan market participants cannot
          rely on the availability of LIBOR beyond the end of 2021, but with no obvious substitute
          for LIBOR, new solutions are urgently required if the loan and broader cash markets are
          to continue to function effectively.

          Geopolitical uncertainty has also had repercussions for the loan market across EMEA,
          hampering liquidity, particularly in developing markets. As at the time of writing, the
          situation in relation to the UK's withdrawal from the European Union remains uncertain.
          International tensions, in particular between the US and China, further threaten the stability
          of global financial markets. The emergence of new technologies and the threat of global
          climate change (and the associated regulatory implications this brings) also hold real
          potential to disrupt the market for years to come.

          However, with every challenge comes opportunity. The focus of today's conference is on
          developing new solutions to enable the syndicated loan market to adapt to and meet the
          challenges faced in today's ever–changing environment. Indeed, it is the flexibility of the
          loan product that remains one of its greatest strengths. The LMA will therefore continue
          to work closely alongside its members to help to bring about innovative solutions to meet
          the challenges faced by loan market participants and to continue to foster liquidity in the
          syndicated loan market.

          The LMA's focus on innovation was clearly demonstrated at its inaugural FinTech
          Conference held in May 2019, which included a range of panels and presentations
          looking at how the introduction of FinTech solutions could revolutionise the product.
          We are delighted to be joined again today by a panel of experts who will provide their
          insights on the benefits, as well as the difficulties, of embracing FinTech solutions in
          the context of syndicated lending.

          With the growing emphasis on the need for action on climate change, 2019 also saw the
          launch of the Sustainability Linked Loan Principles (SLLP) by the LMA, in collaboration
          with the APLMA and LSTA. The SLLP, like the Green Loan Principles before them,
          were developed through close collaboration with the LMA's green lending working party.
          The SLLP provide a high–level framework of market standards and guidelines, which aim
          to facilitate the development of the sustainability linked loan product. The green and
          sustainable lending panel will explain further how this innovative product is helping
          to open up the sustainable lending market to a wider range of market participants.

          We ask that you please play your part at today's conference by interacting with our
          speakers, both during the conference sessions and in the networking breaks. This is
          a great occasion for us all to assemble with a view to finding solutions that will ensure
          the loan market goes from strength to strength in 2019 and beyond.

          Clare Dawson                            Mathias Noack
          Chief Executive – LMA                   Co–Head Debt Capital Markets, Loans & Bonds – MUFG

NEW Solutions for NEW Challenges - Syndicated Loans Conference 24 September 2019 - Loan Market Association
Loan Market Association
                  Syndicated Loans Conference


       08:15   Breakfast and registration – sponsored by FIS

       09:00   Opening remarks and update from the LMA
               Clare Dawson, Chief Executive – LMA

       09:20   Heads of Syndication panel: fitting the pieces together
               Chair: Mathias Noack, Co–Head Debt Capital Markets, Loans & Bonds – MUFG
               Charlotte Conlan, Head of Loan Syndicate & Deputy Head of Leveraged
               Finance Capital Markets – BNP Paribas
               Laurent Deroy, Head of Debt Optimisation & Distribution UK – Crédit Agricole CIB
               Paul Gibbs, Co–Head of EMEA Loans & Acquisition Finance – Citi
               Reinhard Haas, Head Syndicated & Leveraged Finance – Commerzbank
               David Pepper, Head of EMEA Loan Capital Markets – BAML

       10:10   Beyond LIBOR: can we find solutions in time?
               Chair: Clare Dawson, Chief Executive – LMA
               Sarah Boyce, Associate Director, Policy & Technical – ACT
               Mark Campbell, Consultant – Clifford Chance
               Brian Fraser, Senior Manager, Markets & Lending Delivery – Lloyds Commercial Banking
               Isabelle Laurent, Deputy Treasurer & Head of Funding – EBRD
               Neil McLeod, Head of Group Treasury Markets Trading – Erste Group Bank

       10:55   Refreshments

       11:20   Economic outlook
               James Smith, Economist, Developed Markets – ING

       11:50   Institutional investor panel: the bigger part of the picture
               Chair: Chris Porter, Head of Private Equity, Loan & CLO Business Development, EMEA
               – S&P Global Ratings
               Michael Craig, Head of European Senior Loans – Invesco
               Fiona Hagdrup, Fund Manager – M&G Investments
               Madelaine Jones, Portfolio Manager – Oaktree Capital
               Lucy Panter, Portfolio Manager & Partner – Oak Hill Advisors

       12:30   Lunch – sponsored by Latham & Watkins

       13:45   Borrower interview: changes in the mix for corporates
               James Kelly, Group Treasurer – Pearson
               Kam Mahil, Director, Legal – LMA

NEW Solutions for NEW Challenges - Syndicated Loans Conference 24 September 2019 - Loan Market Association
Loan Market Association
                                 Syndicated Loans Conference

Programme continued

                      14:15   Developing Markets: changing horizons or same old sunset?
                              Chair: Tedd George, Consultant, Disruptive Technology & Emerging Markets
                              David Beckett, Head of Europe – SC Lowy
                              Charles Corbett, Head of Sovereigns & Financial Institutions, Leveraged
                              & Structured Solutions Africa – Standard Chartered Bank
                              Esi Eshun, Head of Legal – UK Export Finance
                              Penelope Smith, Head of Developing Markets Corporate Loan Origination
                              – Commerzbank

                      14:55   Refreshments

                      15:20   Green and sustainable lending: a changing environment?
                              Chair: Nicola Wherity, Partner – Clifford Chance
                              Orith Azoulay, Global Head of Green & Sustainable Finance – Natixis
                              Dave Davies, Director – Barclays Debt Finance
                              Peter Ellemann, Managing Director, Loan Markets – ABN AMRO Bank
                              Andrew Ferguson, Chief Executive Officer – APLMA

                      16:00   Regulation: when is enough enough?
                              Chair: Nicholas Voisey, Managing Director – LMA
                              Jürgen Beninca, Partner – Jones Day
                              Simon Gleeson, Partner – Clifford Chance
                              David Quirolo, Partner – Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft
                              Amelia Slocombe, Managing Director & Head of Legal – LMA

                      16:40   How FinTech is changing the game
                              Chair: Charles Kerrigan, Partner – CMS
                              Hubert Beaulat, Global Head of Innovation, Financing Activities – Crédit Agricole CIB
                              Simon Hurst, Head of Execution, Global Lending Group – Barclays
                              Thomas Walton Pocock, Co–Founder & CEO – AZTEC Protocol
                              James Quinn, CEO – Clarilis
                              Alistair Wye, Lead Innovation & Technology Solutions Attorney – Latham & Watkins

                      17:20   Closing remarks

                      17:30   Networking drinks reception – sponsored by Clarilis

NEW Solutions for NEW Challenges - Syndicated Loans Conference 24 September 2019 - Loan Market Association
Loan Market Association
                                Syndicated Loans Conference


                             Orith has been working in SRI/ESG             Prior to joining Natixis, Orith was
                             since 2002.                                   a senior SRI analyst at Groupama Asset
                                                                           Management from 2003 to 2008, where
                             She joined Natixis in 2008 to create
                                                                           she created and led their SRI practice.
                             and lead its SRI sell-side research team,
                                                                           She also worked for the ORSE,
                             which is now part of the Green and
                                                                           a French think tank for Corporate
                             Sustainable Finance Hub she is in the
                                                                           Social Responsibility, where she
                             process of creating.
                                                                           was a research analyst.
Orith Azoulay                Natixis’ Green and Sustainable Hub
                                                                           Orith started her career as an equity
Global Head of Green         consists of a dedicated, expert and
& Sustainable Finance
                                                                           analyst at JP Morgan Chase in London.
                             resolutely cross-asset operational task
Natixis                                                                    Orith graduated from ESCP Europe
                             force, whose main role is to develop
                                                                           in 2000 (Diplome Grande Ecole,
                             CIB’s Green & Sustainable franchise
                                                                           Diplom Kaufmann).
                             and its revenue generation in Europe,
                             Asia-Pacific and the Americas: it offers      Orith’s research team was ranked N°2
                             a wide range of services, from green          SRI/Sustainability Research team in
                             & sustainable financing to investment         Europe at the 2017 Extel Survey and she
                             solutions structuring through green           was ranked N°3 as an individual SRI
                             & sustainable research and advisory.          analyst in the same survey. In 2015, she
                                                                           was N°1 ranked SRI sell-side analyst for
                             As an analyst, Orith’s sectors of
                                                                           her understanding of the environmental,
                             specialty have historically been energy,
                                                                           social and governance (ESG) challenges
                             utilities, real estate – building materials
                                                                           facing companies in the European
                             & construction, but also carbon/climate
                                                                           Independent Research in Responsible
                             related topics. She is also Natixis’ expert
                                                                           Investment (IRRI) survey conducted by
                             on green bonds.
                                                                           Extel, WeConvene and SRI-Connect.

                             Hubert is leading innovation and digital      Prior to this position, Hubert held a
                             transformation of the financing activities    number of roles within Credit Agricole
                             of CACIB, covering all lending activities,    CIB, both in London and Hong Kong,
                             from structured financing to vanilla          in Capital markets, Credit Portfolio and
                             corporate lending. He is in charge of a       Asset & Liability Management. He has
                             vast multiyear transformation program         been working in the banking industry for
                             initiated in 2018, completely revamping       almost 20 years, as a consultant and
                             the lending value chain from origination,     then with Société Générale.
Hubert Beaulat               distribution to servicing, addressing the
Global Head of Innovation,   multiple challenges our industry is facing.
Financing Activities
Crédit Agricole CIB

NEW Solutions for NEW Challenges - Syndicated Loans Conference 24 September 2019 - Loan Market Association
Loan Market Association
                         Syndicated Loans Conference

Speaker Biographies

                      David, one of the firm’s first employees,       He draws on considerable experience.
                      joined SC Lowy as a sourcing and                David started his career at PwC and
                      origination specialist and now runs that        soon progressed to the restructuring
                      function globally. He has since                 team, where he advised banks on
                      transferred to London in 2014 and is            distressed situations, which included a
                      now also in charge of the firm’s                broad variety of work, from the landmark
                      expansion into Europe.                          $6.2 billion restructuring of Marconi’s
                                                                      debts and administration of Enron, to
                      Having solidified the firm’s reputation
David Beckett                                                         mid-market deals such as a portfolio
                      among bank clients in Asia Pacific as an
Head of Europe                                                        of burger joints and the crane-hire
SC Lowy
                      independent institution that can act as
                                                                      business that erected the London Eye.
                      principal, can execute well and has the
                      research capability to add value to             That led to an entrepreneurial
                      clients, David is now following these           opportunity in China, where he leveraged
                      relationships into Europe to replicate SC       his contacts to advise up-and-coming
                      Lowy’s successful Asia-Pacific model.           businesses in the mainland and raise
                                                                      capital for them from hedge funds and
                                                                      private equity firms.

                      Dr. Jürgen counsels European and US             cement, automotive, insurance,
                      corporate clients on antitrust regulatory       and industrial minerals industries.
                      compliance and represents businesses            His regulatory practice focuses on
                      before cartel authorities — including the       cartel and distribution cases and
                      German Federal Cartel Office and the            abuses of a dominant position.
                      European Commission — and before                Jürgen’s litigation experience includes
                      courts in antitrust matters. Antitrust          the representation of two US financial
                      follow-on litigation cases constitute an        institutions in approximately 300
Jürgen Beninca        important part of his practice. In addition     different cases.
Partner               to his antitrust practice, he assists clients
Jones Day
                                                                      He currently represents a client in the
                      in internal investigations and guides
                                                                      construction industry in an antitrust
                      clients through the screening process of
                                                                      investigation by the German Federal
                      foreign direct investments into Germany
                                                                      Cartel Office, represents a sweets
                      under Germany’s Foreign Trade and
                                                                      manufacturer in front of the German
                      Payments Ordinance (AWV).
                                                                      Federal Supreme Court in a case
                      Jürgen’s experience includes winning            concerning the mere exchange of
                      merger control approvals from the               competitively sensitive information,
                      German Federal Cartel Office and                and is pursuing an antitrust damage
                      the European Commission in a variety            claim against the truck cartel on behalf
                      of industrial sectors, including                of an industrial client. He also recently
                      the automotive, banking, paper,                 obtained a certificate of non-objection
                      pharmaceutical, and chemical industries.        pursuant to Section 58 AWV for the
                      He also has been involved in various            acquisition of a German target
                      international, European, and national           by a Chinese client from
                      antitrust investigations in the banking,        the German government.

NEW Solutions for NEW Challenges - Syndicated Loans Conference 24 September 2019 - Loan Market Association
Loan Market Association
                              Syndicated Loans Conference


                           Sarah is currently Associate Director       A qualified accountant who spent over
                           of Policy and Technical at the ACT –        two decades working in a wide range
                           tasked with ensuring that members           of finance and treasury roles, she has
                           are kept informed about latest market       extensive corporate experience and
                           developments and that policy makers         now spends her time putting that to
                           are supported in their understanding        practical use enabling others to
                           of the real economy, and corporate          understand how the corporate financial
                           treasury matters in particular, as they     world works and the relevance of
Sarah Boyce                work through their own agendas.             developments in financial markets
Associate Director                                                     on their day to day activities.
– Policy & Technical
Association of Corporate
Treasurers (ACT)

                           Mark is a Consultant and Special            and restructurings. He is advising the
                           Counsel at Clifford Chance. He was          LMA on benchmark transition and is a
                           Global Head of Clifford Chance’s            member of the Sub-group on Benchmark
                           Finance Practice from 2003-2015             Transition Issues in Syndicated Loan
                           and has over 35 years’ experience           Markets. He is the General Editor of
                           in the syndicated loan markets.             “Syndicated Lending – Practice and
                           He has advised the LMA on its standard      Documentation (Sixth Edition)” and is
                           documentation since its inception and       the Chair of Governors for Shapla
Mark Campbell              has acted for a wide variety of arrangers   School, Tower Hamlets and Chair of
Consultant                 and borrowers on corporate loans,           Trustees of Tower Hamlets Education
Clifford Chance            acquisition finance, leveraged finance      Business Partnership.

                           Charlotte is Head of Loan Syndicate and     team working across the credit spectrum
                           Deputy Head of Leveraged Finance for        on corporate and leveraged transactions.
                           BNP Paribas, EMEA. She is responsible
                                                                       Charlotte is a member of the LMA Board
                           for the underwriting and distribution of
                                                                       and the Advisory Board for the University
                           corporate and asset backed loan product
                                                                       of Birmingham Business School.
                           and the origination of all financial
                           sponsor and corporate leveraged             Charlotte is a graduate of Birmingham
                           transactions across the EMEA region.        University and holds a Master of
Charlotte Conlan                                                       Business Administration from Cass
                           Charlotte joined BNP Paribas in 2000
Head of Loan Syndicate &                                               Business School.
Deputy Head of Leveraged
                           from Greenwich NatWest where she had
Finance Capital Markets    been a Director in the Loan Syndications
BNP Paribas

NEW Solutions for NEW Challenges - Syndicated Loans Conference 24 September 2019 - Loan Market Association
Loan Market Association
                             Syndicated Loans Conference

Speaker Biographies

                          Charles joined Standard Chartered           returned to London to focus on the
                          Bank’s Graduate Training scheme in          Bank’s African markets, running the
                          1998 after graduating from Exeter           African Syndications business before
                          University with a Joint Honours degree      moving to a new role as Head,
                          in French and Russian. In twenty years      Sovereigns and Financial Institutions
                          at Standard Chartered, Charles has          for LSS Africa. Over the last four years,
                          enjoyed a variety of roles within its       Charles has been directly involved in a
                          Coverage, Corporate Finance and             number of benchmark and ‘first in class’
Charles Corbett           Capital Markets divisions, living and       transactions for African institutions; he is
Head of Sovereigns &      working across a number of developed        a passionate believer in collaboration
Financial Institutions,   and developing markets. Charles’            between Commercial Banks, Funds
Leveraged & Structured    international postings include two years    and Development Institutions and in
Solutions Africa          in Mumbai as Regional Head of Capital       promoting the African continent to new
Standard Chartered Bank
                          Markets for South Asia, during which        international investor pools. Charles now
                          time he also acted as Chairman of the       lives in Hampshire with his wife and three
                          Indian branch of the Asia Pacific Loan      children, travelling frequently to Africa,
                          Markets Association. In 2013 Charles        Asia and the Middle East.

                          Michael is the Head of European Senior      Previously, Michael worked at Citigroup
                          Loans, a Senior Portfolio Manager, and a    for their European Leveraged Finance
                          member of the Investment Committee for      Global Portfolio Management group.
                          global credits in Invesco’s global senior   He also worked for Ernst & Young as
                          loan group. Prior to joining the            a tax consultant. Michael received a
                          organisation in 2006, Michael was a         Bachelor of Management Studies and
                          portfolio manager and executive director    a Bachelor of Laws from the University
                          of the senior loan group at Morgan          of Waikato. He is a CFA charterholder.
Michael Craig             Stanley. He has more than 20 years of
Head of European          investment industry experience.
Senior Loans

                          David is a Director in Barclays Large Cap   owned businesses. David has been
                          debt structuring team, focused on the       actively involved in sustainable financing
                          strategic funding requirements of           for several years, supporting initiatives
                          Barclays FTSE100/250 listed client base     both within Barclays and externally,
                          across bank loan and capital markets.       including his role as a member of the
                          He has 14 years’ experience in debt         LMA Green Loans working group.
                          origination at Barclays, leading a wide     David holds a Masters degree (MChem)
                          range of financing projects across          in Biological Chemistry from the
David Davies              private, listed and financial sponsor       University of Sheffield.
Barclays Debt Finance

NEW Solutions for NEW Challenges - Syndicated Loans Conference 24 September 2019 - Loan Market Association
Loan Market Association
                               Syndicated Loans Conference


                            Clare joined the Loan Market                 bank’s head office in Tokyo, where
                            Association in 1999 after spending two       she helped establish a syndications
                            years in the syndications department at      desk. In London she worked mainly
                            Sumitomo Bank, working on loans in           on origination in various Western
                            Europe, the Middle East and Africa. Prior    European and Nordic countries.
                            to this she spent two years at the British
                                                                         Clare has an honours degree in
                            Museum Development Trust raising
                                                                         Modern and Medieval Languages
                            funds for the Museum’s Great Court
                                                                         from the University of Cambridge.
Clare Dawson                project. Before joining the British
                                                                         She is a member of the Bank of
Chief Executive             Museum, Clare had spent some eight
                                                                         England’s Working Group on Sterling
                            years at Sumitomo in the international
                                                                         Risk-Free Reference Rates and chairs
                            department, including two years at the
                                                                         the Sterling Loans sub-group.

                            Laurent is the Head of Debt Optimisation     Laurent has had a long career within
                            and Distribution UK at Crédit Agricole       the Crédit Agricole Group and has held
                            CIB. His role includes all London based      several positions in Paris, Milan and New
                            origination, distribution and advisory       York including Head of Loan Sales and
                            activities. Previously, he was the Global    Trading for the Americas from 2005 to
                            Head of Corporate Loan Distribution          2009, and Head of Secondary Loan
                            within the Debt Optimisation and             Sales and Trading for EMEA in 2012.
                            Distribution Group.
Laurent Deroy
Head of Debt Optimisation
and Distribution UK
Crédit Agricole CIB

                            Peter has been active in the Syndicated      Peter has broad experience in all facets
                            Loan Markets since 1989 firstly with         of the loan market, has structured and
                            Nordea focusing on the Nordic market         executed transactions across a wide
                            before moving to ABN AMRO Bank               range of geographies and across the
                            in 1997, where he was head of the            credit spectrum. He is active in
                            European origination team until the RBS      developing ABN AMRO’s offering
                            acquisition in 2008. Peter remained with     in Green Loans as part of its wide
                            RBS until 2012, firstly in London and then   sustainability strategy and as part of
Peter Ellemann              in Hong Kong. Peter rejoined ABN             that initiative represented the Bank on
Managing Director,          AMRO at the end of 2017 after                the LMA’s Working Party developing
Loan Markets                representing ANZ’s syndication business      the Green and Sustainability Linked
ABN AMRO Bank               in Europe for the previous 4 years.          Loan Principles.

Loan Market Association
                               Syndicated Loans Conference

Speaker Biographies

                            Esi is the Head of Legal at UK Export        offerings. She has held a number of roles
                            Finance, responsible for the team of         throughout that time including leading
                            lawyers and paralegals advising UK           the legal aero team and on secondment
                            Export Finance on all legal risks relating   to head up one of UK Export Finance’s
                            to its business. Esi began her career at     busiest front line business divisions
                            Simmons and Simmons LLP and over             (Civil, Infrastructure and Energy).
                            her 10 years at UK Export Finance            Most recently, under Esi’s leadership,
                            specialised in international project         the legal team has been shortlisted for
Esi Eshun                   finance transactions and worked on the       the diversity and inclusion Law Society
Head of Legal               full range of UKEF products from buyer       Excellence Award 2019.
UK Export Finance           credits to trade finance and insurance

                            A veteran of the banking industry (a         Advisor to the Board of APLMA in
                            career spanning 39 years with Lloyds,        February 2018 and appointed as Chief
                            Bank of America, BNP Paribas, HSBC           Executive Officer in November 2018.
                            and ANZ), Andrew established a
                                                                         Andrew was educated at Southampton
                            successful consulting business in Hong
                                                                         University in England, is an Associate of
                            Kong in 2012, as a result of which he
                                                                         the Chartered Institute of Banking and a
                            delivered the APLMA Certificate Course
                                                                         Fellow of the Hong Kong Institute of
                            in Hong Kong, Singapore and Sydney in
                                                                         Directors, and twice served as the
Andrew Ferguson             2016 and 2017 and then undertook an
                                                                         Chairman of the Capital Markets
Chief Executive Officer     intensive research project for the
                                                                         Association in Hong Kong.
                            APLMA in 2017. He was appointed as

                            Brian is Senior Manager Agency and           Brian currently leads Lloyd’s Loans
                            Lending Servicing within Markets             Operations business IBOR Transition
                            Lending Delivery for Lloyds Bank. Brian      work stream having previously led the
                            has built up 37 years of experience within   operations team based in Edinburgh
                            Bank of Scotland/Lloyds Banking Group.       handling all Lloyds Led Agency deals.
                            Prior to assuming a role in Operations       Brian holds a position on the LMA
                            Brian has held positions in Joint            Operations Forum and in his spare
                            Ventures, Structured Products, Equity        time is a tutor for the Chartered Banker
Brian Fraser                Investment, Debt Origination, Loans          Institute, both in the UK and Asia, in
Senior Manager, Markets &   Agency and Portfolio Management.             Applied Business & Corporate Banking
Lending Delivery                                                         and Risk Management in Banking.
Lloyds Commercial Banking

Loan Market Association
                            Syndicated Loans Conference


                         Tedd is a thought leader on disruptive      managing a team of eight analysts
                         technology and emerging markets.            covering the fixed-income, currencies
                         He advises on a number of FinTech &         and commodities space. Prior to joining
                         agritech projects in Sub-Saharan Africa     Ecobank he worked for The Economist
                         and is a regular speaker at conferences     Intelligence Unit (EIU) as a Senior Editor
                         and commentator in the media (see           in both the Commodities and Africa
                         @DrTeddGeorge for details). He has          Departments. A linguist by training,
                         a number of specialities, including soft    Edward is fluent in French, Spanish and
Tedd George              commodities and agribusiness, trade and     Portuguese and holds a PhD in Political
Consultant, Disruptive   trade finance, and disruptive technology.   Science from the University of Bristol.
Technology & Emerging                                                His PhD thesis on the Cuban intervention
Markets                  Prior to becoming an independent
                                                                     in Angola was published as a book by
                         consultant, Tedd was the head of group
                                                                     Routledge in 2005 and came out in
                         research at pan-African bank, Ecobank,
                                                                     paperback in 2012.

                         Paul heads the EMEA Loans &                 25 years’ experience across Western
                         Acquisition Finance business for Citi,      Europe and emerging markets during
                         with a particular focus on Western          which he has originated, underwrote,
                         Europe. Based in London, he is              & executed a number of deals across a
                         responsible for the underwriting,           wide debt spectrum (acquisition finance,
                         arranging and syndication of Citi’s loan    leveraged buyouts, commodity finance,
                         related activities within EMEA. Paul has    project and infrastructure finance).
                         been with Citi since 1994 and has over
Paul Gibbs
Co–Head of EMEA Loans
& Acquisition Finance

Loan Market Association
                         Syndicated Loans Conference

Speaker Biographies

                      Simon specialises in banking and              reform of financial regulatory and
                      financial markets law and regulation,         resolution law, having worked with
                      clearing, settlement and derivatives.         national and international bodies to
                      Simon’s experience includes advising          develop the “bail-in” concept. He has
                      governments, regulators and public            been called to give evidence to UK and
                      bodies as well as banks, investment           EU parliamentary committees, and has
                      firms, fund managers and other financial      worked closely with other legislators
                      institutions on a wide range of regulatory    around the world (including G-20
Simon Gleeson         issues. He is described by all of the         governments). He advised the World
Partner               major legal directories as one of the         Economic Forum on its 2009 Report on
Clifford Chance       world’s leading experts in financial          The New Global Financial Architecture,
                      services and banking regulation,              and was involved in the establishment of
                      capital markets and derivatives.              the UK’s Banking Standards Board.
                      He is one of the lead legal advisors          Simon has lectured at Harvard, Oxford,
                      to the main UK banking and financial          Cambridge and Edinburgh Universities,
                      services industry bodies regarding            and at King’s College London, the LSE
                      Brexit.                                       and the Centre for Commercial Law
                                                                    Studies at Queen Mary Westfield
                      In addition to his private practice, Simon
                                                                    London. He is currently a visiting
                      is heavily engaged in the development
                                                                    Professor at Edinburgh University,
                      of law and policy in finance. He chairs
                                                                    a member of the bank resolution
                      the Institute for International Finance’s
                                                                    project of the Hoover Institution at
                      cross-border resolution committee,
                                                                    Stanford University, and has been
                      and is generally regarded as one of
                                                                    elected a Visiting Fellow of All Souls
                      the intellectual leaders in the post-crisis
                                                                    College Oxford.

                      Reinhard is Head of Syndicated and            Reinhard’s teams are based in 5
                      Leveraged Finance within Capital              locations: Frankfurt, London, Paris, New
                      Markets at Commerzbank. Syndicated            York and Hong Kong. Prior to his current
                      Finance covers the structuring,               position, Reinhard acted as Head of
                      marketing and trading of syndicated           DCM Loans. He joined Commerzbank in
                      loans and private debt products for           2009 coming from Dresdner Kleinwort,
                      corporates, NFBIs and financial               where he held various positions in loan
                      institutions. Leveraged Finance is the        syndications, client coverage and risk
Reinhard Haas         global centre of competence for the           management. Reinhard holds a Master
Head Syndicated       provision of Commerzbank’s services to        of International Relations degree from
& Leveraged Finance   financial sponsor advised funds and their     the Insitut d’Études Politiques de Paris
Commerzbank           portfolio companies, including loan and       (“Sciences-Po”).
                      high yield bond financing.

Loan Market Association
                          Syndicated Loans Conference


                       Aly is Managing Director and Head of         funds, managed accounts and trading.
                       European Leveraged Loans and CLOs in         He joined the firm as its first employee
                       the European Fundamental Credit team         in 2004 as a credit analyst and
                       within BlackRock’s Alternatives division,    contributed to growing out the firm
                       focusing primarily on the high yield         and its assets under management. He
                       leveraged loan asset class and related       began his career at JP Morgan in 1999
                       products, including CLOs.                    working in leveraged finance origination,
                                                                    debt capital markets and financial
                       Prior to joining BlackRock in 2014, Mr.
Aly Hirji                                                           sponsor coverage.
                       Hirji was a partner and portfolio manager
Portfolio Manager
                       at New Amsterdam Capital, a European         Aly earned a BSc degree, with honors,
                       credit manager focused on leveraged          in economics from the University of
                       credit. He was responsible for managing      Bristol in 1999.
                       CLOs, leveraged loan and high yield

                       Simon is currently Head of Execution         potential of new technology to assist his
                       for the Barclays Global Lending Group.       team to efficiently execute lending
                       His team partners with clients and           activity. Simon joined Barclays in 2004,
                       relationship bankers to analyse lending      and has worked in various different
                       opportunities and structure and negotiate    capacities around the lending business,
                       loan transactions for Barclays’ corporate    before which he spent 6 years working
                       client base. He has a keen interest in the   with Allen & Overy’s banking practice.

Simon Hurst
Head of Execution,
Global Lending Group

                       Madelaine joined Oaktree’s London            specialising in loan, mezzanine
                       office in 2003 and serves as portfolio       and high yield bond financings to
                       manager for the European High Yield          support European leveraged buyouts.
                       Bond and European Senior Loan                Prior thereto, she spent two years in the
                       strategies, and co-portfolio manager for     Acquisition Finance Group at Natwest
                       the Global High Yield Bond strategy.         Group plc. Madelaine received a B.A.
                       Before joining Oaktree, she spent more       degree in economics from the
                       than three years at Deutsche Bank AG in      University of Durham, England.
Madelaine Jones        London as a senior associate in the          She is a CFA charterholder.
Managing Director      Leveraged Debt Origination Group
& Portfolio Manager

Loan Market Association
                         Syndicated Loans Conference

Speaker Biographies

                      James is Group Treasurer at Pearson,          $1.5bn of early public debt repayments
                      a FTSE 100 listed education company.          through market tender and make whole
                      James is responsible for Treasury,            exercises. James recently led Pearson’s
                      Insurance and Cash Management for the         debut ESG offering, refinancing it’s loan
                      group. Since joining, James has done          facility to put a $1.2bn 5 year facility in
                      significant work to simplify it’s financial   place with a margin linked to the
                      operations including streamlining its FX      company’s performance in advancing
                      operation and has undertaken over             vocational education outside the UK.
James Kelly
Group Treasurer

                      The Blockchain Industry Landscape             the Big Innovation Centre, named
                      Overview 2018 names Charles as                Think Tank of the Year 2018. He sits
                      one of the UK’s leading influencers on        on the advisory boards of the UK All
                      blockchain. He is a leading expert on         Party Parliamentary Group on Artificial
                      digital assets, artificial intelligence and   Intelligence (APPG AI) and the UK
                      blockchain technology, advising financial     All Party Parliamentary Group on
                      institutions and regulators. He acts on       Blockchain (APPG Blockchain).
                      corporate finance transactions in
                                                                    He has lectured widely, including on
Charles Kerrigan      FinTech, IP and intangible assets.
                                                                    Digital Money at the LSE, and is the
                      Charles sits on the Bank of England’s         author of books and articles, most
                      Financial Markets Law Committee on            recently The Financing of Intangible
                      Virtual Currencies. He is a board             Assets; TMT Finance and Emerging
                      member of the Innovators Board at             Technologies (Butterworths, 2019).

                      Isabelle is the Deputy Treasurer              She joined EBRD in 1997 as Deputy
                      and Head of Funding at the EBRD.              Head of the Treasury Funding team, and
                                                                    was promoted to Deputy Treasurer and
                      Isabelle spent 13 years in London and
                                                                    Head of Funding in 2003. In addition to
                      Hong Kong in treasury, fixed income
                                                                    overseeing EBRD’s issuance in the
                      origination, and swaps trading and
                                                                    capital markets and investor relations,
                      marketing with Swiss Bank Corporation
                                                                    Isabelle also focuses on capital markets’
                      International, Nomura International and
                                                                    development in EBRD’s countries of
                      latterly at NatWest Markets where she
Isabelle Laurent                                                    operations and sustainable finance.
                      was Director of Debt and Derivatives
Deputy Treasurer
& Head of Funding
                      Marketing.                                    Isabelle studied Russian and French
EBRD                                                                at Oxford and the Sorbonne.

Loan Market Association
                                  Syndicated Loans Conference


                               Kam joined the LMA in August 2015            infrastructure. She focused on current
                               and assists with the Association’s           awareness (covering both legal and
                               documentation projects, education and        sectoral developments) and developed
                               training events and regulatory and           precedents, know-how and training for
                               lobbying matters. At the LMA, Kam has        the global projects, energy and
                               a particular focus on investment grade,      infrastructure group. Kam was previously
                               leveraged, export and borrowing base         a banking and finance solicitor at
                               finance, and is also working on the          Slaughter and May where she acted for a
Kam Mahil                      transition from LIBOR to risk-free rates.    variety of UK and international
Director, Legal                                                             borrowers, focusing on general
                               Prior to joining the LMA, Kam was a
                                                                            syndicated finance, investment grade
                               professional support lawyer at Linklaters
                                                                            finance, leveraged acquisition finance
                               LLP specialising in project finance,
                                                                            and project finance.
                               acquisition finance, energy and

                               Neil has almost 20 years’ experience         Additionally he is a very active member
                               within the financial markets industry,       of the EUR Risk-Free Rate Working
                               across multiple asset classes. His           Group, chairing the sub group analysing
                               primary areas of focus historically have     methodological options for terms rates.
                               been Bond and Derivative Trading
                                                                            Neil has a Masters in Finance(MiF)
                               including XVA Management and Money
                                                                            from the London Business School
                               Market Trading. He is currently
                                                                            and a BA(Hons) in Economics from
                               responsible for the Group Treasury
                                                                            Sheffield University.
Neil McLeod                    Markets area within Erste Group Bank
Head of Group Treasury         AG, one of the major financial groups
Markets Trading                specialising in the CEE region.
Erste Group Bank

                               Mathias is a Managing Director and           North/Latin America. He joined MUFG
                               Co-Head of Debt Capital Markets –            in 2017 from UniCredit where he held a
                               Loans & Bonds for EMEA at MUFG               number of senior roles for over a decade,
                               Securities EMEA plc.                         latterly as a Senior Vice-President
                                                                            and Co-Head of Global Syndicate.
                               He is responsible for the origination,
                                                                            He previously held roles at Deutsche
                               structuring and distribution of syndicated
                                                                            Bank and ING.
                               loan as well as public and private bond
                               transactions within EMEA.                    Since September 2017 he is chairman
Mathias Noack
                                                                            of the board of directors of the Loan
Co–Head Debt Capital Markets   Mathias has over 20 years’ experience in
– Loans & Bonds,                                                            Market Association.
                               debt capital markets both in Europe and
Chairman LMA

Loan Market Association
                                 Syndicated Loans Conference

Speaker Biographies

                              Lucy has portfolio management               retail and leisure sectors. Lucy was
                              responsibilities for European performing    also responsible for managing the firm’s
                              investments. She serves on various firm     European CLOs. Previously, she worked
                              committees including the compliance         at PSAM and Goldman Sachs. Lucy
                              and ESG committees. Prior to joining        earned an M.A. from the Johns Hopkins
                              OHA, Lucy was a partner and portfolio       School of Advanced International
                              manager at GoldenTree Asset                 Relations and a B.A. from University
                              Management, where she was head of           College London.
Lucy Panter                   European Research. She focused on
Portfolio Manager & Partner   making investments in the consumer,
Oak Hill Advisors

                              David has 16 years of experience in         facilities to support Rosneft’s acquisition
                              structuring and leading a variety of        of TNK-BP in 2012/13, the $33.75bn
                              transactions, including acquisition         of debt facilities to support Teva’s
                              finance facilities within Europe,           acquisition of Allergan’s generics
                              Middle East and Africa (EMEA) for           business in 2015 and, most recently,
                              corporates, financial institutions and      the US$4bn acquisition facilities to
                              quasi-sovereign borrowers.                  support Steinhoff’s acquisition of
                                                                          Mattress Firm in the US.
                              David has played a leading role in the
David Pepper                  two largest acquisition financing to have   Prior to joining BofAML, David was Head
Head of EMEA Loan Capital
                              taken place in the CEEMEA region in the     of CEEMEA Loan Syndicate at WestLB
                              past 5 years, namely the $32bn of debt      (now Portigon Financial Services).

                              Tom graduated with BA and Master’s          technique which allowed AZTEC
                              degrees in maths from Cambridge, holds      to be the first company to publicly
                              a Graduate Diploma in Law from the City     demonstrate private transactions on
                              Law School, and is a CFA Charterholder.     Ethereum mainnet. AZTEC Protocol
                              He co-founded AZTEC to bring LMA            goes live in Q3 2019, and recently closed
                              credit issuance and secondary markets       a round of investment with ConsenSys.
                              to Ethereum. The company has                Joe Lubin sits on the board.
                              engineered a novel cryptographic
Thomas Pocock
Co–Founder & CEO
AZTEC Protocol

Loan Market Association
                             Syndicated Loans Conference


                          Chris is Head of Private Equity, Loan and      was to bring debut issuers from
                          CLO Business Development for EMEA              Thailand and India to the international
                          at S&P Global Ratings, looking after           loan market.
                          ratings throughout the region, for
                                                                         On his return to Europe he became the
                          corporate and leverage loans plus CLOs.
                                                                         Head of European Loan Trading for
                          He is also responsible for the coverage
                                                                         NatWest, taking the team through the
                          of Private Equity houses.
                                                                         integration with The Royal Bank of
                          Prior to S&P Global Ratings he spent           Scotland, transforming the desk from a
Chris Porter
                          over 20 years in the syndicated loan           back-to-back operation into a full trading
Head of Private Equity,
Loan & CLO Business
                          market, working across many of its             book, working mainly in the leverage and
Development, EMEA         different asset classes. His career            corporate markets. At the same time he
S&P Global Ratings        started in NatWest on the project group        joined the Board of the LMA, a post he
                          that subsequently transformed into             was to hold for ten years.
                          Europe’s first dedicated secondary loan
                                                                         During his time on the Board he
                          sales team. His next role was on the
                                                                         co-chaired the Valuation & Trading
                          primary sales desk, distributing
                                                                         Practices Committee and chaired a
                          corporate, structured and financial
                                                                         number of working parties, as well as
                          institution loans to European investors.
                                                                         writing the first set of Transferability
                          After primary sales, Chris was posted to       Guidelines for the LMA. He also held
                          Hong Kong, where he was responsible            the post of Vice-Chairman of the LMA
                          for the pricing, structuring and origination   for two years.
                          of syndicated debt in South and South
                                                                         After RBS, Chris moved to Bank of
                          East Asia. The main focus of this role
                                                                         Scotland, where he created and headed
                                                                         the Loan Sales and Trading Team.

                          James is CEO and co-founder of Clarilis,       simple documents, such as NDAs, but
                          an intelligent drafting solution designed      struggle to automate anything more
                          by lawyers for lawyers. The CLARILIS™          complex. The Clarilis team has
                          precedent automation platform offers           significant experience in automating
                          huge opportunities to drive operational        suites of LMA based precedents.
                          efficiencies for law firms, not just in time   CLARILIS™ was designed from the
                          saved in the drafting process, but also in     ground up to automate the most complex
                          delegation, risk mitigation and process        suites of precedents, with many
James Quinn               improvements. James was previously a           ancillaries, many parties and complex
CEO                       corporate tax lawyer at Slaughter and          underlying deal structures. Clarilis has
Clarilis                  May, formed one of the first Alternative       worked with firms such as Addleshaw
                          Business Structure law firms and has           Goddard, Baker McKenzie, Herbert
                          over 15 years’ experience in practice.         Smith Freehills, Simmons & Simmons
                                                                         and Travers Smith to deliver complex
                          CLARILIS™ differs from standard
                                                                         automation projects on-time and
                          automation tools that can automate
                                                                         providing a ROI.

Loan Market Association
                            Syndicated Loans Conference

Speaker Biographies

                         David is a partner in the securities and   is currently representing the Loan Market
                         derivatives group in London focusing on    Association and a working group of CLO
                         structured finance. His practise focuses   managers and structuring banks on risk
                         primarily on CLOs, securitisations and     retention regulation in Europe. David
                         repackaging transactions involving         advises arrangers and collateral
                         various asset types in the United States   managers as well as issuers, managers,
                         and Europe. More recently, David has       originators and investors in a variety of
                         worked on many of the recent European      structured finance transactions both in
David Quirolo            CLO 2.0 transactions. In addition, David   the United States and Europe.
Cadwalader, Wickersham
& Taft

                         Amelia joined the LMA in October 2010,     numerous domestic and international
                         establishing the in-house legal team       corporate banks and a variety of UK
                         and working on the Association’s           and international borrowers, focusing
                         documentation projects, education          on general syndicated finance, leveraged
                         and training events and regulatory         and investment grade acquisition finance
                         and lobbying matters.                      and real estate finance. Amelia also
                                                                    spent time on secondment in the FI,
                         Amelia was also responsible for
                                                                    NBFI and Insurance teams at Barclays,
                         contributing to and editing the LMA’s
Amelia Slocombe                                                     where she gained experience of cash
                         four most recent books: “The Loan
Managing Director,                                                  management, structured finance
Head of Legal
                         Book”, “Developing Loan Markets”, “The
                                                                    products, and clearing and settlement
LMA                      Real Estate Loan Book” and “20 Years in
                         the Loan Market” (published in 2011,
                         2013, 2015 and 2016 respectively) and      Amelia is a regular speaker at both LMA
                         wrote the LMA’s Guide to Regulation.       and external training events, seminars
                                                                    and conferences, focusing on real estate
                         Prior to joining the LMA, Amelia was a
                                                                    finance, private placements and
                         banking and finance solicitor at Pinsent
                                                                    developing markets (specifically Africa).
                         Masons LLP, where she acted for

Loan Market Association
                                 Syndicated Loans Conference


                              James is a Developed Markets                  Europe, with in-depth analysis of Brexit,
                              Economist at ING, with primary                the Fed and Trump’s Presidency.
                              responsibility for coverage of the UK         He joined ING in 2015 and holds an
                              economy. As part of the wider team in         economics degree from the University
                              London, he also covers the US and             of Bath.

James Smith
Developed Markets Economist

                              Penny is Head of Developing Markets           debt origination team of WestLB AG
                              Corporate Loan Origination, responsible       where she was responsible for the
                              for the origination, structuring and          origination, structuring and execution of
                              execution of loans for DM corporate           various debt products for the CEE/CIS.
                              clients. She is also Head of
                                                                            From 1994-1998 Penny worked in the
                              Schuldschein/PP origination for
                                                                            Debt Capital Markets division of West
                              non-German speaking borrowers
                                                                            Merchant Bank, and was involved in
                              with a focus generally on the EU which
                                                                            starting up the CEE/CIS debt business
Penelope Smith                includes some of the CEE developing
                                                                            for the Bank. She then specialised in
Head of Developing Markets    markets. Until early 2009 she was
Corporate Loan Origination
                                                                            the Russian/CIS market. During this
                              Head of EM Corporate Loan and
Commerzbank                                                                 time she was involved in some of the
                              Bond Origination.
                                                                            very first syndicated loan transactions
                              Prior to joining Commerzbank in late          ever completed across the whole CEE/
                              2007, Penny was Head of the CEEMA             CIS region.

                              Nicholas has been active in the loan and      He was responsible for editing the LMA
                              financial markets for over 30 years, most     publications, ‘The Loan Book’,
                              recently at KPMG and before that as           ‘Developing Loan Markets’ and ‘The
                              Head of Syndications at National              Real Estate Book’, which were published
                              Australia Bank for 10 years. Prior to that,   in 2011, 2013 and 2015 respectively.
                              he held senior corporate banking roles        Over 20,000 copies of the three books
                              for Japanese and North American               have been circulated to-date worldwide.
                              institutions. He has a wide experience        He is a regular contributor to written
Nicholas Voisey               of the debt product, both primary and         media and a speaker at conferences.
Managing Director             secondary, covering corporate,
                                                                            Nicholas was a Board Member of the
                              leveraged, real estate, structured and
                                                                            LMA from 2001 to 2006.
                              project finance. He joined the LMA in
                              2008 and currently handles, amongst
                              other things, regulatory matters for the

Loan Market Association
                                  Syndicated Loans Conference

Speaker Biographies

                               Nicola has been a partner in the finance      acquisition finance and fund finance
                               practice at Clifford Chance since 2003.       work. Nicola is one of the lead partners
                               She undertakes a wide variety of UK and       at Clifford Chance for the LMA and drafts
                               cross-border finance work including           many of its standard form documents.
                               investment grade lending, restructuring,

Nicola Wherity
Clifford Chance

                               Alistair is the Lead Innovation &             Prior to moving into legaltech, Alistair
                               Technology Solutions Attorney for             began his career as a banking lawyer
                               Latham & Watkins’ European operations.        – primarily focused on leveraged finance
                               Alistair works cross-functionally with a      – working in private practice (Latham &
                               global team of lawyers and technologists      Watkins and Ashurst) and in-house
                               to identify, develop and validate strategic   (Deutsche Bank).
                               innovation opportunities across the firm.
                                                                             Alistair is also a programmer fascinated
                               Prior to re-joining Latham, Alistair          by the intersection of law and coding.
Alistair Wye
                               created and led iManage RAVN’s                As such, Alistair enjoys getting his hands
Lead Innovation & Technology
Solutions Attorney
                               presales operations and advised on            dirty, coding and training different
Latham & Watkins               product strategy, working with top global     machine learning algorithms to better
                               law firms and FTSE 100 in-house legal         understand the opportunities and
                               teams to design and implement AI              limitations of B2C and B2B AI solutions.
                               powered data extraction tools for due
                               diligence and contract reporting.

Loan Market Association
                                           Syndicated Loans Conference


Open Wireless Connection                   Messages                                  Access to presentations
Wireless connection is available           We cordially request that all mobiles     Presentations will be available on
throughout the building. You do not        are turned to silent out of respect for   the LMA website under the members’
need a username or password. Please        your fellow delegates while the           section and on the LMA event app.
connect to the network QEII Guest.         conference is in session.                 For queries, please contact Melanie
                                                                                     Hutchings at
Voting and questions for speakers          Lunch
During the conference we will be using     Lunch will be served in the Britten
                                                                                     Evaluation forms
our interactive delegate voting system,    Lounge on the 3rd floor unless your
Slido. In order to participate in live     name badge details lunch on the           Evaluation forms will be handed out
audience voting and to ask speakers        2nd floor.                                during the course of the conference.
questions, please either:
                                           Hostesses will guide you to the           The feedback you provide is invaluable
                                           stairwell and lifts to access the 2nd     in ensuring we deliver the best event
Access slido through the LMA event
                                           floor. This process is to ensure quick    experience possible for delegates
app selecting the slido icon and use
                                           and efficient service so we appreciate    so please can we encourage you to
event code LMA.
                                           your cooperation.                         complete the form before you leave.
Alternatively, visit and enter
                                           If you have pre-booked a vegetarian
the event code LMA.
                                           meal then please inform the waiting
                                           staff for your table.

Loan Market Association
                                   Syndicated Loans Conference

How to download
the LMA event app

1                                     2                                  3
    Go to the app or Android                  Go to the CrowdCompass         Select the LMA Event
    store and search for                      Attendee Hub app and           to download it
    CrowdCompass Attendee                     search for the LMA Event
    Hub to install

4                                     5                                  6
    Click on the app homepage                 Select: Log-in                 Enter your name
    to initiate log-in or if you                                             and select: Next
    have previously downloaded
    an LMA event app select
    switch event

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    6 digit verification code

The Loan Market Association & Clarilis request
the pleasure of your company
at The Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre
Britten Lounge from 5.30 pm to 7.30 pm

 NEW Solutions
 for NEW Challenges


Have you visited the
LMA’s LIBOR microsite?

The LMA’s LIBOR microsite contains all content related to the discussions
around the potential discontinuation of LIBOR.

The LMA is working with the market,       • Minutes and materials of monthly        •   How can overnight RFRs be
other trade associations and the           LIBOR Trade Association Working              turned into term rates?
regulators on contingencies should         Group meetings which comprises
LIBOR cease to exist. The microsite is     trade associations from across           •   Impact of RFR transition on loan
regularly updated to reflect the latest    global financial markets and                 operations teams
market developments.                        product areas.
                                                                                    •   LMA response
LIBOR Microsite:                          Recent updates:
                                                                                  Recent webinars:                          How to transition from LIBOR
                                          to risk-free rates: are solutions       LIBOR transition: Conventions for
What content can you find?                now available for the syndicated        referencing risk-free rates in new
                                          loan market?                            agreements;
The microsite houses a variety of
content including:                        This article provides an update on      LIBOR Lowdown – Developments in
                                          progress in respect of forward-         Benchmark Replacement;
• The latest Legal & Regulatory News;     looking term rates based on risk-free
                                          rates, options in the absence of such   Developments on the future of LIBOR
• Submissions by the LMA, including       forward-looking term rates, a summary   and the impact on the syndicated loan
 links to consultations;                  of the most recent developments in      market; and
                                          respect of each LIBOR currency and
• Briefing notes and articles produced    the LMA's work on LIBOR transition.     The future of LIBOR and the impact
 by the LMA and member law firms;         Read this article here:     on the syndicated loan market.
• Spotlight interviews, including                                       
 with Neil McLeod, Head of Group          LIBOR transition – the loan
 Treasury Markets Trading at Erste        operations perspective                  Recent spotlights:
 Group Bank, which considers the
 ISDA consultation on IBOR fallbacks;                                             Spotlight on the ISDA July 2018
                                                                                  consultation on benchmark fallbacks
• Education & Events: both new
 upcoming events, as well as                                                      Spotlight on SARON as the future CHF
 webinars and recordings of our                                                   alternative to LIBOR
 recent panel sessions covering the
 LIBOR transition;                                                      

• Documentation & Guidelines:
 publication of exposure drafts of
 RFR-based facility agreements, the
                                                                                     LIBOR Contacts
 revised Replacement of Screen Rate
 clause, a note on considerations
 in respect of credit adjustment          This video is a recording at the LMA       Clare Dawson
 spreads, as well as guidance on          Loan Operations Conference on 6  
 developments relating to the future      June 2019. You can view it on the          + 44 (0)20 7006 6007
 of EONIA;                                LIBOR microsite.
                                                                                     Kam Mahil
• Publications: The LMA and ACT           The session focused on:
 Guide - The future of LIBOR: what
 you need to know;                          •   LIBOR alternatives: what             +44 (0)20 7006 6629
                                                are risk-free rates (“RFRs”)?
• Currency Working Groups: links
 to the webpages of key Currency            •   Differences between LIBOR
 Working Groups; and                            and RFRs

Loan Market Association
                                                     Syndicated Loans Conference


     DEVELOPMENTS IN                                                                   LEVERAGED FINANCE
                                                         GREEN FINANCE                 PRESSURE POINTS
                                                                                                                                    CLIFFORD CHANCE       |

                           LIBOR – CROSS                                                                           BREXIT –
                           PRODUCT REVIEW                                                                          KEY QUESTIONS

                                                         THE DIGITAL FUTURE OF
                                                         SYNDICATED LOANS
                                                         MAY 2019

                                     DECEMBER 2018

                                                                                                                                   JULY 2019

                                                         21ST CENTURY CHALLENGES       FINANCING THE ACQUISITION
                                                                                                                                   CLIFFORD CHANCE    |

Loan Market Association
               Syndicated Loans Conference


Lead Sponsor   Clifford Chance is one of the world’s      they arise. Our clients include lenders,
               pre-eminent law firms, with significant    financial investors, corporates,
               depth and range of resources across        governments, regulators, trade bodies
               five continents. We are committed to       and not-for-profit organisations.
               helping our clients achieve their goals
               by providing commercially focused          We have an open, approachable style
               legal advice of the highest quality that   and believe in the power of
               will consistently exceed their             collaboration and teamwork. To be at
               expectations.                              the forefront of the legal profession
                                                          requires foresight and a willingness to
               We combine the highest global              have a voice on issues of importance.
               standards of business and law with         We have the confidence to challenge
               local excellence of service and            existing thinking, to push boundaries
               maintain the depth, quality and scale      and to embrace new ideas.
               of resources necessary to meet our
               clients’ needs whenever and wherever

Loan Market Association
                                  Syndicated Loans Conference

     Our experience and our offices span the globe – which means
     we have local teams close to you, so there’s always someone
     available to take a meeting or your call that understands both
     the loans market and your local financial regulations.

     For more information please contact a business development
     representative at or +44(0)203 597 2940.

     A front office approach to back office services   
Loan Market Association
                                  Syndicated Loans Conference

Sponsorship Listing (continued)

Lead Sponsor                      GLAS is a global, independent,            our clients as an Agent on unitranche
                                  conflict-free provider of loan agency     transactions. We are the Agent of
                                  and corporate trustee services. We        choice on restructuring transactions
                                  provide a front office approach to        where there is a need to change the
                                  typically back office services and have   Agent or Trustee. We are based in
                                  expertise in handling complex             London, with offices in Paris, New
                                  transactions proactively, with speed      York, New Jersey, Sydney, Brisbane
                                  and flexibility whilst focusing on        and Singapore.
                                  customer service. GLAS is
                                  solution-driven with extensive  
                                  experience working alongside

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