Page created by Justin Moreno
March 2020      Vol 28 No 2

                                    Sivili Enjeneereng


Ethical leadership
Ethics is topical in our economy and body       main road connecting it to other sur-              with other individuals or households
politic, primarily because of the challenges    rounding villages and centres of economic          there must be a mechanism that makes
the country is currently facing – corruption,   activity. The development is so remarkable         it possible and desirable for them to
growing inequality, high unemployment           that people are now building themselves            cooperate – i.e. the benefits of cooperation
rate, blurred lines on conflict of interest,    double-storey houses on stands of 2 000            must outweigh those of working in isola-
construction mafias, nepotism, procure-         to 3 000 m2, which is leading to questions         tion, and similarly the costs of working
ment rules not followed, late awarding of       of whether the classification of a village is      in cooperation with others must be lower
contracts, patronage networks, not fin-         still appropriate. The place is now looking        than those of working alone. This is where
ishing projects, appointing inexperienced       more and more like a township. Similarly,          bold and decisive leadership is required to
contractors, cutting maintenance budgets,       the surrounding areas that were regarded           take the country on an inclusive growth
and so on. These are threatening to undo        as villages are transitioning to townships.        trajectory in an ever-changing global
the great achievements of the democratic        The same can be said of areas around               environment. One acknowledges that, in
dispensation. In this respect the following     Nandoni Dam in Venda, where villages               the process of seeking solutions, various
three problem areas have a ripple effect:       are being turned into ‘Golf Estates’. This is      stakeholders’ interests should be addressed
                                                good, because some people now no longer            and catered for.
Procurement                                     see the need to migrate to urban areas in
My submission is that our country has           search of jobs. Shopping centres are built         IN CONCLUSION
good laws, policies and regulations, and if     in these areas and have become a source            The Thuma Mina spirit (“send me”), albeit
we follow them by the book, many of these       of local employment. Our government                with a reduced momentum, is a great
problems would not exist. Conducting            should be commended for the sterling               initiative which should be supported by
procurement of goods and services from          work they have done in providing some of           every South African who desires economic
suppliers should not be as difficult as         the basic services to these communities.           growth levels above 3%. As the National
landing on the moon or performing heart         Of course one acknowledges that more               Development Plan aspires to achieve eco-
surgery. The seven cardinal sins (greed,        work is still required.                            nomic growth levels of more than 5%, we
gluttony, pride, envy, lust, wrath and sloth)       This brings me to the question of              should raise our hands now, as we cannot
are holding back the country’s development      stealing from the poor. The above develop-         wait until we get there.
and negatively impacting on the opportu-        ments are great and must be commended
nity to be considered one of the respectable    as indicated; however, the quality of the           Fana Marutla
nations of the world. In particular greed       new infrastructure (especially roads)
(intense and selfish desire for wealth,         is very poor. The new roads are built               SAICE President 2020
power, fame, etc, at the expense of others)     by inexperienced contractors who are
has been seen to normalise wrongdoing           “politically connected”, resulting in poor
with no consequences to the wrongdoers.         quality roads that are not fully achieving
This malfeasance is destroying our today        the ultimate goal of encouraging economic
and stealing our tomorrow. One can              activity in these areas. Hence the full value
only envy the development that is taking        for money is not realised, as repair main-
place in countries like China, where the        tenance on these roads has to start earlier
development of economic infrastructure is       than expected.
a top priority.
                                                Decisive leadership
Corruption robs the poor the most               In his book “The Architects of Poverty”,
The village where I grew up in Limpopo          Moeletsi Mbeki reminds us that countries
(Thabampshe, Ga-Masemola) has seen              develop primarily by pooling the collective
a great change in the last 26 years. In         strengths and energies of their citizens to
1994, when we voted for the first time,         achieve a common goal. For this to happen
the village did not have electricity (yes I     two key elements must be present –
mean 0% coverage), no tarred roads and          ­institutions that facilitate cooperation, and
a severe water shortage. I wrote matric          leaders who ensure that these institutions
in 1991 using paraffin and candle lights.        function and deliver on expectations. If
Fast-forward to 2020 – every household           individuals or households are expected
has electricity and the village has a tarred     to pool their energies and resources

Civil Engineering March 2020                                                                                                                 1
March 2020      Vol 28 No 2

                                                          Sivili Enjeneereng

                      NEW ERASMUSRAND UPGRADING OF THE      SAISC 2019

                                                                                       On the Cover                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            P4
Sivili Enjeneereng = Setswana

TRM Piling (Pty) Ltd has a well-established
track record for deep foundations
engineering applications and solutions                                                 ­ 	Since its introduction to the African market almost a decade ago, the TRM piling system has been
throughout southern Africa, having designed                                                selected and successfully used at numerous challenging projects across South Africa and the continent
and installed TRM piled foundations for
various structures, including transmission
lines, bridges, silos, conveyors, screening
plants, tanks, heritage sites, mines, car                                               FROM THE PRESIDENT’S DESK
dealerships, office buildings, apartment
blocks, retrofits and power plants.                                                     Ethical leadership ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 1

                               South African
                               Institution of
                               Civil Engineering
                                                                                        ON THE COVER
                                                   March 2020            Vol 28 No 2
                                                                                        TRM Piling – designed and installed ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 4

                                                       Sivili Enjiniereng

Published by SAICE
                                                                                        STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING
Block 19, Thornhill Office Park,
Bekker Street, Vorna Valley, Midrand
Private Bag X200, Halfway House, 1685                                                   Interaction between the bridge and geotechnical engineer –
Tel +27 11 805 5947/8 | Fax +27 11 805 5971 |                                        finite element modelling of rock foundations������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 8
                                                                                        Wind farm projects flying��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 15
Acting Chief Executive Officer
Steven Kaplan Pr Eng | Tel +27 11 805 5947/8
Verelene de Koker                                                                       Upgrading of the Rimer’s Creek Water Treatment Works��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 20
Tel +27 11 805 5947/8 | Cell +27 83 378 3996
                                                                                        Design and construction of the Erasmusrand Pedestrian Bridge ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 22
Editorial Panel

                                                                                        The fire safety performance of internal and external walls in multi-storey buildings����������������������������������������������������������� 28
Marco van Dijk (chairman), Irvin Luker (vice‑chairman),
Fana Marutla (president), Steven Kaplan (acting CEO),
Andile Gqaji, Jeffrey Mahachi, Avi Menon,
Prisca Mhlongo, Jones Moloisane, Beate Scharfetter,
Verelene de Koker (editor), Sharon Mugeri
(editor’s assistant), Barbara Spence (advertising)                                      Steel Awards – showcase of continued excellence����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 32
                                                                                                   Durban Christian Centre Roof Structure������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 32
Annual subscription rate
R730.00 (VAT included)

                                                                                                   Protea Glen Secondary School 2��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 35
Barbara Spence, Avenue Advertising
Tel +27 11 463 7940 | Cell +27 82 881 3454
Design and reproduction                                                                            Peech Hotel������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 36
Marketing Support Services, Ashlea Gardens, Pretoria
Fishwicks, Pretoria
                                                                                                   Omnia Nitrophosphate Plant ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 37
                                                                                                   The 1054��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 38
The South African Institution of Civil Engineering accepts
no responsibility for any statements made or opinions
expressed in this publication, and all information is provided

                                                                                                   KTM Raceworx���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 39
without prejudice. Consequently nobody connected with the
publication of the magazine, in particular the proprietors, the
publishers and the editors, will be liable for any loss or damage

                                                                                                   Fourways Mall Promotions Court Roof��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������40
sustained by any reader as a result of his or her action upon
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                                                                                                   Chilleweni Cold Storage Solutions ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 41
ISSN 1021-2000

                                                                                                   CTICC Sky Bridge����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 42

                                                                                        Civil Engineering March 2020

    Photo-luminescent / glow-in-the-dark concrete polymers����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������43

    Powering Africa – a local perspective ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 44

    Award-winning university building incorporates Corobrik’s face brick for effect ���������������������������������������������45

    Concor Buildings – constructing Oxford Parks Phase I������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 46

    A new decade, a new relationship between SAICE and IStructE ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������49

    Introducing the new SAICE Structural Division��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������50

    The Candidate Academy™ – celebrating ten years of service excellence������������������������������������������������������������������������52

    Obituaries – Francis Legge and Carlos Ribeiro da Silva ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������56

    SAICE Training Calendar 2020 ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������58


    P32                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            P46

 TRM Piling –
 designed and installed
 TRM Piling’s success to date with clients        Table 1 UMK Screening Plant Upgrade, Hotazel, Northern Cape, 2019
 has been achieved based on quality, safety,       Project Description    UMK Process Screening Plant Uprade
 mutual trust and respect. Since being in-
                                                   Structural engineer    DRA Projects (Pty) Ltd
 troduced into the African market almost
 a decade ago, the TRM piling system has                     Location     Hotazel, Northern Cape, South Africa
 been selected and successfully used at                                   The site consisted of aeolian sand (5–13 m), overlying interlayered
 numerous challenging projects across                                     calcareous sands including well-developed calcrete, overlying banded
 South Africa and the African continent,                                  ironstone at great depth.
 including piling for transmission lines,              Pile loads (SLS)   V+ (max) = 475 kN; V– (max) = –140 kN; H (max) = 47 kN
 bridges, silos, conveyors, screening plants,
                                                                          TRM 118/7.5 socketed piles were installed into competent calcrete to
 tanks, heritage sites, various mines, car                                achieve geotechnical load transfer. Socketed TRM piles designed to
 dealerships, office buildings, apartment           Technical solution    penetrate several metres into competent calcrete (penetration variable
 blocks, retrofits and several types of                                   depending on actual weathering condition of in-situ material at each
                                                                          specific pile position). The design allowed an average pile length of 10 m.
 power plants.
                                                                          Operating mine, piling within a processing plant alongside active
 RISK REDUCTION                                                           conveyors and screening plants. Restricted piling locations, very close to
                                                           Challenges     existing structures. Limited working space. Buried underground services.
 The TRM piling system offers total
                                                                          Fast-track programme required by the client. Variable ground conditions.
 versatility between end-bearing and                                      Extremely tight piling shedule (to ensure plant outage date could be met).
 friction-pile systems for geotechnical
 load transfer. This makes it a dependable,
 flexible and adaptable system of choice
 to minimise risks in case of limited
 geotechnical information or unexpected
 variations. Pile depth/length adjusts auto-
 matically to match actual unique sub-soil
 conditions encountered at each individual
 pile location.
     Classified as displacement piles and
 using a high-frequency hammer, vibration
 is minimal (normal peak particle velocity
Table 2 Burbec, Apartment Blocks, Pretoria, 2019

        Project Description     Residential Building – apartment block

       Structural engineer      Engineering Design Services (Pty) Ltd

                    Location    Silver Lakes, Preotoria, Gauteng, South Africa

  Geotechnical conditions       Fill overlying shallow soft rock shale bedrock

                                TRM 170/9: V+ (max) = 810 kN
             Pile loads (SLS)
                                TRM 118/7.5: V+ (max) 560 kN

                                Combination of TRM 118/7.5 and TRM 170/9.5
                                end-bearing piles installed into competent
         Technical solution
                                bedrock in order to achieve geotechnical
                                load transfer.

                                Residential area, with nearby businesses.
                                                                                                    Burbec apartment blocks – sloping site
                 Challenges     Highly variable ground condition. Sloping
                                                                                              with cut-and-fill terraces, with sub-structure
                                site with cut-and-fill terraces.
                                                                                            works following immediately after piling works

Table 3 K69, River Bridge, Pretoria, 2019
        Project Description     K69, River Bridge 5358

       Structural engineer      GKB Design Associates (Pty) Ltd

                    Location    Mamelodi, Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa

                                Residual shale with very soft to soft rock
  Geotechnical conditions
                                shale bedrock expected at 5 m depth.

                                Abutment: V+ (max) = 1 010 kN
             Pile loads (SLS)
                                Pier: V+ (max) = 1 041 kN

                                TRM 170/9 end-bearing piles installed into
         Technical solution     competent bedrock for geotechnical load
                                transfer. Estimated average pile length 6.5 m.

                                Uneven and soft working platforms with
                                groundwater at surface.
                                Tight piling schedule to ensure piles were
                                                                                     K69 River Bridge – uneven and soft (saturated) working
                                installed before the summer rains arrived.
                                                                                   platforms, with piling completed prior to summer rains

Table 4 Kusile Power Station Conveyor Upgrade, Delmas, Mpumalanga, 2019

        Project Description     Kusile Power Station Conveyor Upgrade

       Structural engineer      ASD Consulting Engineers

                    Location    Delmas, Mpumalanga, South Africa

                                Fill overlying shale bedrock at approximately
  Geotechnical conditions
                                5 m depth

                                V+ (max) = 665 kN; V– (max) = –145 kN;
             Pile loads (SLS)
                                Horizontal (max) = 15 kN

                                TRM 118/7.5 socketed piles installed into
                                competent bedrock in order to achieve
                                geotechnical load transfer. The socketed TRM
         Technical solution
                                piles were designed to penetrate up to 3 m
                                into the competent shale, with average pile
                                length being 10 m.

                                Operating power station. Restricted working
                                space of piling locations very close to existing
                 Challenges     structures, limited space and headroom.
                                Buried underground services. Tight piling                    Kusile Power Station Conveyor Upgrade –
                                shedule.                                                   restricted piling locations, very close to existing
                                                                                        structures, with buried underground services

Civil Engineering March 2020                                                                                                               5
Table 5 765 kV Line Ankerlig to Sterrekus, Western Cape

         Project Description     ESKOM 765kV line Ankerlig to Sterrekus, Western Cape, South Africa

         Structural engineer     ESKOM

                    Location     Melkbosstrand, Western Cape, South Africa

                                 Loose saturated sand for the upper 3–4 m, becoming medium-dense to
     Geotechnical conditions
                                 dense thereafter with calcrete lenses interspersed sporadically.

             Pile loads (SLS)    V+ (max) = 529 kN; V– (max) = –437 kN

          Technical solution     TRM 118/7.5 friction piles with 270 mm shoe. Average pile length 12 m.

                                 Saturated variable ground conditions. Remote site locations. Climate –
                                 winter. Sand dunes with protected flora – limited working platforms.
                 Challenges      Vehicles getting stuck and needing to be towed. Planning of concrete
                                 trucks – batching plant fair distance away.
                                 Low overhead locations.                           765 kV Line Ankerlig to Sterrekus – remote site locations with limited
                                                                                       working platforms, including wet and saturated ground conditions

load and quality testing. Additionally, the              FURTHER SIGNIFICANT COST                              solutions throughout South Africa and
exceptional corrosion resistance of ductile              AND TIME SAVINGS POSSIBLE                             the wider region.
iron pile material guarantees a structural               By selecting and awarding the TRM                        The TRM piling system has been used
service life of up to 100 years.                         piling system from an early stage, further            and accepted by many highly regarded
                                                         significant cost and time savings are also            professional entities including ACSA, ASD
TIME AND SCOPE SAVINGS                                   being achieved. Closer pile centres of TRM            Consulting Engineers, Arup, Aurecon, BA
BEFORE, DURING AND AFTER                                 piles, with reduced inter-pile span distances,        Engineers, BIGEN Africa, DRA Projects,
PILING EQUATES TO SIGNIFICANT                            enable the sub-structure dimensions to                EDS Consulting, ESKOM, GKB Design
CLIENT COST REDUCTION                                    be value-engineered, resulting in overall             Associates, Greene Group, Jones & Wagener,
Fast mobilisation and site set-up of light-              volume reductions of potentially up to 80%,           Kantey & Templer, LNW Consulting
weight mobile equipment enables imme-                    and major time and cost savings.                      Engineers, Moroff & Kuhne, Mosomo, Mott
diate access and commencement of piling                      The TRM piling system has brought                 Macdonald, PRASA, RHDHV, SASOL,
works on site, even under challenging                    value engineering solutions to many deep              SRK, V&H Consulting Engineers, VNA
conditions. Using compact and versatile                  foundation projects over recent years (see            Consulting and many more.
piling equipment, the TRM piling system                  Tables 1–7 for examples).
accesses challenging working positions,                                                                          Info
and reaches down into pre-excavated                      IN CONCLUSION
pilecap (sub-structure) excavations. Being               During the past decade, the TRM PILING                  Tyrone Shuttleworth
a full-displacement piling system, the sub-              SYSTEM has earned a well-established                    Lanseria Head Office
                                                                                                                 +27 74 310 1111
soil is also compacted, with no piling spoil             track record for high-quality deep            
or debris left behind.                                   foundations engineering applications and

Table 6 East Point Mall, New Decathlon Building, 2019                                          Table 7 Stand 188, Apartment Blocks, Kempton Park, 2019

                           Retail Shopping Mall Retrofit – existing structure that               Project Description    Residential Building – apartment block
 Project Description
                           had been partially demolished
                                                                                                 Structural engineer    V&H Consulting Engineers
 Structural engineer       LNW Consulting Engineers
                                                                                                           Location     Kempton Park, Gauteng, South Africa
              Location     Boksburg, Gauteng, South Africa
                                                                                                                        Colluvium layer blanketing the site
                           Fill, overlying clayey silty sand (residual sandstone),                                      with a pebble marker layer. Loose
                           overlying firm to stiff clayey silt (residual shale), overlying             Geotechnical     to medium dense nodular ferricrete
                           either soft rock shale bedrock or soft rock diabase                           conditions     with collapsible potential. Depth to
                           bedrock, shallow water table approximately 4 m below                                         the competent shale or basaltic lava
                           site surface.                                                                                bedrock estimated at 8–10 m.

        Pile loads (SLS)   V+ (max) = 419 kN; V– (max) = –50 kN                                      Pile loads (SLS)   V+ (max) =1 358 kN

                           TRM 118/7.5 end-bearing piles installed into competent                                       Combination of TRM 118/7.5 and TRM
     Technical solution    bedrock in order to achieve geotechnical load transfer.                                      170/9 end-bearing piles installed
                           Average pile length 12 m.                                              Technical solution    into competent bedrock in order to
                                                                                                                        achieve geotechnical load transfer.
                           Operating shopping mall. Limited access due to building                                      Average pile length 8 m.
                           not being fully demolished. Piles installed next to existing
                           structures and services. Restricted headroom. Highly                                         Residential area, with nearby
                           variable geotechnical conditions throughout the site.                                        businesses. High groundwater table.

6                                                                                                                                  March 2020 Civil Engineering

Reinforced Earth® retaining structures
are custom designed to meet unique
technical and environmental requirements.
An upgraded section of the historic                               character of the pass, infrastructure
Cogmanskloof Pass, which was                                      firm AECOM combined Reinforced
originally designed by Thomas Bain                                Earth TerraTrel® retaining walls with
in the mid 1870s, runs through                                    local stone cladding. This technical
the Langeberg Mountains of the                                    and aesthetic solution provides an
Western Cape. Being sensitive to                                  improved experience for road users
preserving the historic and scenic                                of the pass.

Reinforced Earth® RETAIN, CROSS and PROTECT techniques are used for the following applications:
Bridge Abutments, overpasses & underpasses, approach ramps, access road and railway retaining walls, dump walls,
storage bunkers, reclaim tunnels, reservoirs…

Contact our team and let us know about your next project.                                                    Email:                              Phone: +27 11 726 6180
Reinforced Earth Applications

                                                                                                                                        Reinforced Earth (Pty) Ltd South Africa
                                                                                                                                        2nd Floor, 1 Park Road,
   Roads          Railways          Rivers          Ports          Water            Dams          Mining     Construction   Energy      Richmond, Johannesburg
& Motorways                      & Waterways   & Coastal works   management      & Reservoirs   & Minerals    materials

                                                                                                                                        Tel: +27 11 726 6180
  Industry    Land development     Airports       Waste          Environmental     Military      Sports        Bridges
                  & Building                    management                                      & Leisure

 Interaction between the bridge and
 geotechnical engineer – finite element
 modelling of rock foundations
           Dylan Fourie                            the top of the piers, resulting in significant   relatively low shear strengths, and most
           Master’s Graduate                       load redistribution between piers.               rocks contain them (Wyllie 1999).
           Geotechnical Engineering                    It is therefore proposed that the analysis       A rock mass cannot be tested to deter-
           Stellenbosch University
                      process is, and should be, an iterative pro-     mine if the rock is suitable to be used as
                                                   cess between the structural and geotech-         a support for massive structural loadings,
                                                   nical engineer, as settlement and distortion     as there is rarely a rock specimen that is
                                                   are best estimated by the geotechnical           dependable enough to fully represent the
           Nanine Fouché
           Department of Civil Engineering
                                                   engineer, whilst load take-down due to           entire rock mass from which the results
           Stellenbosch University                 these varying foundation stiffnesses is best     had been extracted. Numerical model-
                        estimated by the structural engineer. This       ling techniques are able to simulate the
                                                   iteration should continue until convergence      possible conditions of the rock mass with
                                                   is reached between the two models. This          the information obtained from field inves-
                                                   study aimed to compile a guideline to            tigations and laboratory testing on intact
           Frans van der Merwe Pr Eng
           Principal Geostructural Engineer
                                                   optimise the iteration process between           rock and discontinuities respectively. A
           GaGE Consulting                         the geotechnical and structural engineer,        geotechnical FEM software, Rocscience’s
               and to assist the geotechnical engineer in       RS3 (Figure 1), was used as a tool to model
                                                   improving the consistency in the finite          the foundation system, including the
                                                   element modelling (FEM) of the interac-          rock mass beneath a foundation using an
 OVERVIEW                                          tion between the structure and the rock.         appropriate constitutive model to take the
 The design and modelling of foundations           This was achieved by modelling a bridge          structure and joint surface conditions into
 cross two civil engineering disciplines,          footing on rock using a 3D geotechnical FE       account. Figure 2 shows the subsurface
 namely structural and geotechnical                software package, obtaining the footing’s        investigation on the proposed widening of
 engineering. The structural engineer goes         settlement and rotation, deriving structural     a tall bridge structure.
 into great detail when sizing foundations         springs and inserting these revised springs          When designing bridge foundations,
 to ensure effective load transfer from the        back into a structural FE software package       the interaction between the structural
 superstructure to the underlying geoma-           to determine the revised load takedown.          engineer and the geotechnical engineer
 terials. This is usually accomplished by          This should result in more realistic and         should be an iterative process. An effec-
 deriving the load and moment taken down           accurate modelling by the bridge engineer.       tive way is needed to guide the geotech-
 from the superstructure onto the founda-                                                           nical and structural engineer through
 tion. This load takedown is normally              INTRODUCTION                                     the iterative process, as incorrect spring
 established as a first estimate based on          Large bridge structures require suitable         values could result in significantly un-
 either a fixed-base or an assumed springs         support from the geomaterials beneath            derestimated loads on foundations. From
 stiffness model in structural finite element      them. Due to the ability of rock to with-        experience it is known that differences of
 (FE) analysis. The loads transferred from         stand immense shear and tensile loading,         10–25% in axial load and bending moment
 the superstructure to the various piers and       structures such as bridge piers and dams         can be expected.
 foundations will vary depending on the            are more frequently founded on rock as an            The purpose of this article is to guide
 fixity assumed by the structural engineer,        alternative to soil. However, caution must       the geotechnical and structural engineer
 and could result in large discrepancies           be exercised when constructing founda-           to better understand the influence of
 when modelled with the same stiffness             tions on rock, as a single low-strength          foundation stiffness on the behaviour
 when certain foundations are stiffer than         discontinuity in the rock mass at a certain      of foundations on rock, the constitu-
 others. This becomes more critical in large       orientation may cause total failure of the       tive models that are applicable for rock
 bridge structures with tall piers where even      rock. These discontinuities range from           foundations and the required interaction
 the slightest differentials in displacement       joints with rough surfaces that have sub-        between the structural and geotechnical
 at the base of adjacent piers could lead to       stantial shear strengths to massive faults       engineers when designing bridge founda-
 significant differential tilt and settlement at   that contain various kinds of clays with         tions. This will be achieved by modelling

 8                                                                                                                   March 2020 Civil Engineering
Figure 1 RS3 model of foundation on rock

a bridge foundation with RS3 geotechnical
FE software using geotechnical constitu-
tive models, obtaining the footing’s
settlement and distortion, and deriving
foundation structural springs.

ECCENTRIC LOADING ON                                                                                Figure 2 Subsurface investigation on
BRIDGE FOUNDATIONS                                                                             proposed widening of a tall bridge structure
AASHTO (2002) recommends that the
eccentricity, e, of the resultant force on          It should however also be remembered      value uniformly below and between
a spread foundation be kept to e ≤ B∕6          that these allowable bearing capacities       different foundations.
and e ≤ B∕4 for foundations on soil and         are normally derived taking the footing           For illustration purposes, a crude
rock respectively (where B = foundation         geometry into consideration.                  hand calculation for settlement is given
width or length). This check is normally            On strong rock, especially on bridge      below to compare two footings with the
undertaken in the Serviceability Limit          foundations, it is assumed that the over-     same applied stress and soil stiffness in
State (SLS) and implies that a foundation       turning will govern the design, whilst the    order to show that the subgrade modulus
on soil may not have any “uplift” whilst a      pressures on the edges of the foundations     varies depending on the geometry – the
foundation on rock may have 25% “uplift”.       will not be close to the allowable bearing    first with a footing width of B = 0.6 m, an
The concept of limiting eccentricity to         capacity of the rock, which is normally       applied stress of σ = 200 kPa and a soil
e ≤ B∕6 is based on the premise that the        very high.                                    stiffness of E = 10 MPa, and the second
geotechnical engineer normally provides                                                       with a footing width of B = 7 m.
the structural engineer with an allowable       ABUSE OF SPRINGS                                  The settlement is assumed to be
bearing pressure, qall. Assuming the            Springs are widely used by structural         given by:
Factor Of Safety (FoS) on this allowable        engineers to model soil-structure interac-
bearing pressure is 3, the maximum              tion in structural modelling packages to             0.9Bσ
pressure below the foundation with an ec-       represent the stiffness of the foundation              E
centricity of B∕6 will be 2qall (FoS = 1.5 on   soils. Soils and rock exhibit non-linear
the edge of the foundation). Similarly in       stress-strain behaviour. Typically,           The settlement for the 0.6 m wide footing
the Ultimate Limit State (ULS) the eccen-       subgrade moduli from standard tables,         was calculated as:
tricity could be limited to B∕3.6, assuming     such as those provided in Bowels (1996)
the maximum pressure below the edge of          are used without understanding that                  0.9(0.6)200
                                                                                              δ=                   = 10.8 mm
the foundation will be 3qall, but this could    subgrade moduli are not constant values                    10
potentially result in significant rotation of   and vary with applied load and footing
the foundation and increased P-δ (P-delta       geometry. Key to appreciate, is that a        The subgrade reaction is then calculated as:
second order effects) moments on the            subgrade modulus is not a soil property, it
foundation that could result in pressures       is not constant below foundations, and it            200 (1 000)
                                                                                              ks =                 = 18 518 kN/m3
exceeding 3qall.                                is also not conservative to use the lowest              10.8

Civil Engineering March 2020                                                                                                            9
Whereas, the settlement for the 7 m wide
footing was calculated as δ = 126 mm, and                             0
the subgrade reaction as:

ks = 1587.3 kN/m3.

In addition to the above, if the applied
stress was changed, the Young’s modulus

                                                 Deflection (mm)
would change, as the stress-strain behav-
iour is non-linear, and Young’s modulus                            –0.15
will decrease with an increase in strain.
    Considering the above, a structural
model using springs assumed from the                               –0.20
above could result in erroneous load take-
down, assumed differential vertical settle-
ments and predicted tilt which for tall or
large structures could be problematic and
                                                                           0        1            2       3        4       5            6         7        8        9
RELEVaNT CONSTITUTIVE                                                                                         Footing length (m)
MODELS FOR ROCK                                                                Rigid half load               Rigid full load               Rigid double load
Constitutive models describe a material’s                                      Semi-flexible half load       Semi-flexible full load       Semi-flexible double load
response to different loading conditions,
such as mechanical loads, which in turn        Figure 3 Deflection of semi-flexible vs rigid footing loaded on footing geometry
provide the stress-strain relations of the
material to formulate governing equations      but the materials on which it rests as                                     degree of flexibility, and thus when a
(Zhang et al 2017). The Hoek-Brown (HB)        well (Chen & Duan 2014). Foundation                                        pressure or concentrated load is ap-
failure criterion is one of the most widely    systems are complex, as there are different                                plied, the footing undergoes bending.
accepted failure criteria used to estimate     constituents, each with variable material                                  As the flexible footing bends, the soil
rock strength. However, the original HB        properties interacting with one another                                    beneath the footing settles differen-
failure criterion is limited in many ways      (Lemmen et al 2016). With the exception                                    tially and leads to a non-linear pressure
and has thus been adapted and expanded         of unusual conditions, design codes such                                   distribution.
over four decades to allow the criterion       as the TMH7 Part 3 (1989), allow a varying                             Contact stress beneath a flexible footing
to be used for an extensive range of rock      linear soil pressure distribution to be                                is also highly dependent on soil type,
properties. The Generalised Hoek-Brown         assumed for eccentrically loaded footings.                             whereas the settlement is nearly uniform
(GHB) failure criterion is the most widely     This represents rigid behaviour. The actual                            for all types of soil. The rigidity behaviour
accepted constitutive model for a con-         behaviour can be tested in 3D geotechnical                             of the foundation was tested in two
tinuum rock mass. It appears to provide        FE models using geotechnical constitutive                              ways namely:
the most reliable set of results for use as    models, as discussed below.                                            QQ Applying only uniform stress (of
input for methods of analysis currently            Experience has demonstrated that                                       varying magnitude) on a rigid
used in rock engineering (Hoek 2001).          the assumption of a linear pressure                                        foundation (concrete E = 1 × 106 GPa)
The GHB parameters were based on the           distribution is adequate for the majority                                  and on concrete of normal stiffness
subsurface investigation logs, geophysical     of cases because of the conservative                                       (E = 30 GPa).
test results and laboratory test results for   load estimates and safety factors in the                               QQ Applying only axial load on top of
the specific example. If jointing or dis-      materials. However, there are also cases                                   the pier using both E = 30 GPa (semi-
continuity planes govern the behaviour of      where the footing must be analysed                                         flexible) and E = 1 × 106 GPa for the
the founding rock, these should be added       as a flexible structure, specifically for                                  foundation dimensions and rock prop-
into the FE model and the foundation           long, thin or wide foundations (Tabsh &                                    erties discussed in the next section.
modelled as a discontinuum mass.               Al-shawa 2005).                                                        The results are provided in Figure 3 and
                                                   One of the most important aspects                                  Figure 4 respectively, where it can be
FOUNDATION STIFFNESS                           of the rock-soil interaction is the contact                            established that the true foundation prop-
The term foundation is often used to           stress distribution and settlements beneath                            erties (E = 30 GPa) will result in flexible
describe the structural component that         the footing, which will vary as follows:                               behaviour for the specific example, whilst
transmits the weight of, and loads acting      QQ Rigid footing settlement is nearly                                  the settlements almost doubles when
upon, the entire structure onto the ground.        uniform for all types of soil, whereas                             modelling the pier and the foundation in
However, this is not a fitting description         the contact stress beneath the footing                             combination. It should be appreciated that
for a foundation, but is just one aspect of        is highly dependent on soil type.                                  the displacements on rock might be small,
a system, as the foundation system incor-      QQ In the case of a flexible footing, the                              but adjacent foundations could be piled and
porates not only the concrete component,           footing is considered to have some                                 displacements much larger, resulting in

10                                                                                                                                         March 2020 Civil Engineering
                                                    0                                                                                                              A bridge footing of a tall pier (>80 m) on
                                                                                                                                                                   rock was modelled using Rocscience’s RS3
                                             –0.10                                                                                                                 geotechnical FE software; the main reason
                                                                                                                                                                   being that RS3 contains built-in constitu-
                                                                                                                                                                   tive models used to accurately model rock
                                                                                                                                                                   behaviour such as the Hoek-Brown and
                                                                                                                                                                   Generalised Hoek-Brown failure criteria.
   Deflection (mm)

                                             –0.30                                                                                                                 The geometry of the spread footing was as-
                                                                                                                                                                   sumed to be 9 m × 7 m, and 2 m thick. The
                                                                                                                                                                   geometry and dimensions of the bridge
                                                                                                                                                                   footing and bridge pier were modelled. The
                                                                                                                                                                   footing is subjected to eccentric loading
                                             –0.50                                                                                                                 due to wind forces, launching loads, dy-
                                                                                                                                                                   namic forces applied from moving vehicles
                                             –0.60                                                                                                                 on the bridge deck, as well as seismic
                                                                                                                                                                   loading. The foundation was assumed to be
                                                                                                                                                                   on very hard rock (granite-gneiss) with an
                                                        0        1            2        3        4       5            6         7        8                      9   allowable bearing pressure of 16 000 kPa.
                                                                                            Footing length (m)                                                         The SLS loading applied to the footing
                                                            Rigid half load                Rigid full load               Rigid double load                         was modelled and is summarised in
                                                            Semi-flexible half load        Semi-flexible full load       Semi-flexible double load                 Table 1.

Figure 4 Deflection of semi-flexible vs rigid footing loaded on the pier geometry                                                                                  Table 1 Loading applied to bridge pier

                                                                                                                                                                                  SLS Loading

                                                                                                                                                                       Load        Magnitude         Unit
                                                                                                                                                                         Nx           20 600          kN
                                                                                                                                                                         Mz           46 000         kN.m
   Centre displacement / Edge displacement

                                             1.20                                                                                                                        My           38 000         kN.m
                                             1.00                                                                                                                        Vy            925            kN

                                                                                                                                                                         Vz            108            kN

                                             0.40                                                                                                                  The derived springs will differ in the ULS.
                                                                                                                                                                   The foundation system can be modelled
                                                                                                                                            Current example

                                             0.60                                                                                                                  in two ways:
                                                                                                                                                                   QQ the first being to model the entire pier
                                                                                                                                                                       (assuming E = 30 GPa or 1 × 106 GPa),
                                                                                                                                                                       and reviewing displacements on
                                                    0       1.0178   2                4 4.4089      6                8             10 10.86                   12       the edge of the pier or foundation,
                                                                                          Rock stiffness (GPa)                                                         depending on rigidity, and
                                                                                                                                                                   QQ the second being to model the vertical
Figure 5 Influence of rock stiffness vs footing flexibility                                                                                                            forces (N) and bending moments (M)
                                                                                                                                                                       as a single vertical load, eccentrically
much larger differential tilt and displace-                                                         changed. Figure 5 compares the displace-                           placed on the foundation (lever arm)
ment between piers on rock and piles.                                                               ment at the centre of the footing with the                         with E = 1×106GPa. This high E was
    Therefore, the influence of rock stiff-                                                         displacement at the edge of the footing for                        used, as a stress concentration on the
ness on the deformation of the footing                                                              different rock stiffnesses.                                        foundation will result if E = 30GPa
was investigated – as this is theoretically                                                             Figure 5 illustrates that the stiffer                          was assumed, resulting in local failure.
the only parameter that can influence                                                               the rock material is, the more flexible                            This load at an eccentricity was
the behaviour, because concrete’s stiff-                                                            the footing behaves. This shows that a                             modelled to account for the bending
ness will vary between 15 and 30 GPa                                                                simplified point load method, assuming                             moments without modelling the entire
depending on creep and cracking of the                                                              E = 1 × 106 GPa with an applied ‘point                             bridge pier, thus making the model
section. This involved the same vertical                                                            load’ at an eccentricity, might not be                             simpler. The biaxial eccentricity was
stress (full load) being applied to the pier                                                        valid, and the flexibility of the foundation                       calculated around both axes, looking
geometry on the semi-flexible footing,                                                              should be checked before using such                                at displacements at the edges of the
while the stiffness of the rock was                                                                 a method.                                                          foundations, using:

Civil Engineering March 2020                                                                                                                                                                               11
Iteration 1                          Iteration 2                         Iteration 3

                                                                    in centre and
                                                                  corners of footing                      Settlement
      Geotechnical model                                                                                 in centre and                        Settlement
                                                                                                       corners of footing                    in centre and
                                                                                                                                           corners of footing

                                                                    New springs                          New springs                          New springs
                                                                                       New loads                            New loads
                                                                                                                                           Re-run structural
                                                                                                       Re-run structural                      model and
                                                                                                          model and                           assess load
      Structural model
                                                                  Re-run structural                       assess load                       re‑distribution
                                                                     model and                          re‑distribution
                               Initial loadset
                                                                     assess load

                                                                                   Model Convergence

Figure 6 Iteration process between geotechnical and structural engineers


As a first step, the structural engineer
provides the geotechnical engineer with
the proposed foundation geometry (based
on ABP) and a load set derived from
either a fixed based or assumed spring                        E                                    C
value structural analysis. These loads
are inserted into the geotechnical 3D FE
model to determine the settlement and
distortion, whilst the rock properties are                                  L
based on subsurface investigation and
laboratory results. Thereafter, new springs
are calculated and given to the structural        X
engineer. This section will show the deri-              Y
vation of the equations used to calculate               Z

the new springs. The iteration process is        Figure 7 Query points where settlement was reviewed
illustrated in Figure 6.
    The loads in Table 1 were inserted into             Nx                                                     rotational spring around the z-axis kφz
                                                 kv =
the RS3 model. As stated in the TMH7                    δcv                                                    (kN.m/rad) was derived by dividing the
Part 3 (1989), the footing was assumed to                                                                      applied moment about the z-axis by
be rigid, with the loading applied to the        The lateral springs in the z and y direc-                     the average angle of rotation φz in the
top of the column. The model was run             tions (kN/m) are similarly derived by                         direction of the applied moment (as the
and the vertical and lateral movements           dividing the lateral load applied to the                      moment is causing the rotation). The
were computed. Thereafter, the settle-           footing (in the respective direction) by the                  average angle of rotation about the z-axis
ments at the bottom four corners and the         lateral movement in the same direction at                     φz (radians) is derived by:

                                                                                                                            ⎧ (δA – δE) + (δB – δD) ⎧
middle of the footing, as well as the lateral    point C δcz and δcy respectively:
                                                                                                                            ⎪                       ⎪
                                                                                                                            ⎩                       ⎩
movements in the middle of the footing
(Figure 7), were recorded.                              Vz                                                                              2
                                                 kz =                                                          φz = tan–1
    Once the settlements were obtained                  δcz                                                                            B
from the RS3 computation, the vertical,
lateral and rotational springs were                     Vy                                                     The rotational spring around the z-axis
                                                 ky =
derived. The vertical spring k v (kN/m)                 δcy                                                    kφz:
was derived by dividing the vertical load
applied to the footing, by the vertical set-     Thereafter, the rotational springs around                             Mz
                                                                                                               kφz =
tlement at point C δcv:                          the respective axes were derived. The                                 φz

12                                                                                                                                  March 2020 Civil Engineering
Similarly, the rotational spring around         Table 2 Derived spring values
the perpendicular axis can be determined                                                        Springs
by taking the average distortion around
                                                                   Description                            Symbol            Value           Unit
that axis.
                                                 Vertical spring in X                                        kv              116.9         GN/m
STRUCTURAL SPRING RESULTS                        Horizontal spring in Z                                      kz               8            GN/m
The springs derived using the settlements
and lateral movements obtained from the          Horizontal spring in Y                                      ky              69.2          GN/m
RS3 model are presented in Table 2. These        Rotational spring around Z                                  kφz            1 431.4      GN.m/rad
values differ up to 4 000% from those
                                                 Rotational spring around Y                                  kφy            2 039.4      GN.m/rad
values calculated using subgrade moduli
from Bowles’ standard tables.

GUIDELINE FOR GEOTECHNICAL                                                   Determine Allowable
ENGINEERS                                                                 Bearing Pressure (ABP) using
The guideline illustrated in Figure 8                                         first order methods
was developed to assist the geotechnical
engineer when analysing bridge spread
foundations on rock or piles using finite
                                                                            Send ABP to structural
element analysis as a numerical modelling                                 engineer to determine initial
tool. This guideline should be followed by                                       footing size
the geotechnical and structural engineer
                                                                Receive initial loadset from bridge engineer
to assist in the iteration process.

To prevent possible uplift of the footing                                  Assess rigidity of footing*
due to overturning moments, passive                             Rigid                                      Not rigid
rock dowels can be added to the footing
according to simple limit equilibrium                 Model the footing using
                                                                                                  Model the entire pier
hand calculations. Two rows of 40 mm                  the simplified point load
                                                                                                 geometry on the footing
diameter dowels, each row consisting of
seventeen 3 m long dowels, were inserted
along the length of the footing, as shown
                                                                            Derive structural springs
in Figure 9. The dowels were modelled
as bolts in RS3. A sensitivity analysis was
carried out to determine the effect of rock
stiffness on the amount of tensile force                                  Provide structural engineer                         Receive new loadset
                                                                             with derived springs                            from bridge engineer
attracted by the dowels for footings of
differing stiffnesses on rock of differing                       Receive new loadset from bridge engineer
stiffnesses. Figure 10 illustrates the mag-
nitude of axial force the dowel closest to
the point of uplift will attract for footings
                                                                           Is convergence reached*                     No
with 7 GPa, 30 GPa and rigid foundation
stiffnesses on weak, intermediate and
strong rock (rock strength determined by
stiffness, E).                                                                        Yes
    Figure 9 shows that the less stiff the
rock is, the more force the dowels will                                    Moment loading and axial
                                                                             loading are accurate
attract. Additionally, the less stiff the
footing is, the more force the dowels
will attract. However, for this specific        Figure 8 Guideline for assisting in the FEM of bridge footings on rock
foundation system, the tensile loads in
the dowels are low compared to those            that the use of passive dowels is a strain                CONCLUSIONS
calculated by the Limit Equilibrium (LE)        compatibility issue and that LE methods                   A guideline was developed to optimise
hand calculation to prevent uplift. This        might over-predict the ‘positive’ effect                  the iteration process between the
is due to insufficient settlement below         of passive dowels, and that the founda-                   geotechnical and structural engineer to
the compression corner of the foundation        tion should rather be increased in size                   assist them to improve the consistency
and corresponding small uplift displace-        if uplift is considered problematic on                    in modelling the interaction between the
ment in the opposite corner. This shows         stiff rock.                                               bridge structure and the foundation.

Civil Engineering March 2020                                                                                                                       13
the contact pressure beneath the
                                                                                                                           footing is not linear.
                                                                                                                      QQ   It was shown that if a footing is clas-
                                                                                                                           sified as rigid, the simplified point
                                                                                                                           load method can be used to determine
                                                                                                                           settlements, but when the footing is
                                                                                                                           classified as flexible, the entire pier
                                                                                                                           geometry will need to be modelled on
                                                                                                                           a flexible footing to obtain realistic
                                                                                                                      QQ   The stiffer the rock below a foundation
                                                                                                                           is, the less force passive dowels will
                                                                                                                           attract. Additionally, the stiffer the
                                                                                                                           footing is, the less force the dowels
                                                                                                                           will attract. The behaviour of passive
                                                                                                                           dowels is therefore a complex strain-
                                                                                                                           compatibility problem best modelled
                                                                                                                           in 3D geotechnical FE.
                                                                                                                      QQ   Analysis showed up to 4 000% differ-
                                                                                                                           ence in spring stiffnesses assumed,
Figure 9 Passive rock dowels                                                                                               using subgrade moduli form standard
                                                                                                                      QQ   From experience it is known that the
                      –2.0                                                                                                 axial load and bending moments can
                                                                                                                           differ by 10–25% from the original
                      –2.5                                                                                                 loads.

                      –3.0                                                                                            REFERENCES
                                                                                                                      Bowles, J E 1996. Foundation Analysis and
   Dowel length (m)

                      –3.5                                                                                                 Design. Fifth ed. New York: McGraw-Hill
                                                                                                                           Companies, Inc.
                      –4.0                                                                                            Chen, W & Duan, L 2014. Bridge Engineering
                                                                                                                           Handbook: Substructure Design. Second ed.

                      –4.5                                                                                                 Taylor & Francis Group.
                                                                                                                      TMH7 Part 3 1989. Committee of State Road
                                                                                                                           Authorities. TMH 7 Part 3: Code of Practice
                                                                                                                           for the Design of Highway Bridges and
                                                                                                                           Culverts in South Africa. Pretoria, South
                             –7       –6          –5             –4          –3         –2           –1           0        Africa: Department of Transport.
                                                                Axial force (kN)                                      Hoek, E 2001. Rock mass properties for
                                  Weak rock – 7 GPa footing                   Weak rock – 30 GPa footing                   underground mines. Underground mining
                                  Weak rock – Rigid footing                   Intermediate rock – 7 GPa footing            methods: engineering fundamentals and
                                  Intermediate rock – 30GPa footing           Intermediate rock – Rigid footing            international case studies, 21: 1–21.
                                  Strong rock – 7GPa footing                  Strong rock – 30 GPa footing            Lemmen, H E, Jacobsz, S W & Kearsley,
                                  Strong rock – Rigid footing                                                              E P 2017. The influence of foundation
                                                                                                                           stiffness on the behaviour of surface strip
Figure 10 Effect of rock stiffness on the axial force of the dowels                                                        foundations on sand. Journal of the South
                                                                                                                           African Institution of Civil Engineering,
    The following conclusions were drawn                              QQ The effect of high rock stiffness on              59(2): 19–27.
with regard to the FE modelling of rock-                                 the foundation resulted in the foun-         Tabsh, S W & Al-shawa, A R 2005. Effect of
structure interaction systems:                                           dation behaving in a more flexible                Spread Footing Flexibility on Structural
QQ Rock is a non-linear material and,                                    manner. Conversely, if the rock was               Response. Practice Periodical on Structural
    therefore, a suitable constitutive model                             weaker, the foundation would behave               Design and Construction, 10(2): 109–114.
    needs to be chosen in order to accu-                                 more rigidly.                                Wyllie, D C 1999. Foundations on Rock. Second
    rately imitate the rock mass behaviour                            QQ It was observed and confirmed that                ed. Vancouver, Canada: E & FN Spon.
    in a geotechnical FE. The Generalised                                rigid footings undergo uniform settle-       Zhang, X, Chen, Z & Liu, Y 2017. Constitutive
    Hoek-Brown failure criterion was                                     ment (when subjected to a uniformly               Models. In Academic Press: The material
    chosen to model the continuum rock                                   distributed vertically applied load),             point method: a continuum-based particle
    mass for the example in this article.                                with no differential deflection while             method for extreme loading cases. 175–219.

14                                                                                                                                          March 2020 Civil Engineering
Perdekraal: Pre-clearing and grub area on wind farm

Wind farm projects flying
Concor Infrastructure has, over the past few years, established a sound reference base for the successful
construction of numerous wind farms across South Africa. In this article we look at two of the more recent
projects – the Perdekraal East Wind Farm in the Western Cape and the Kangnas Wind Farm in the Northern
Cape. Although the activities may appear to be repetitive, constructing a wind farm is not always as simple as it
would appear. Different geographical locations present varying site conditions and logistical challenges.
PERDEKRAAL EAST WIND FARM,                      environmental impact owing to the site’s          The Concor and Conco Consortium
WESTERN CAPE                                    straightforward electrical connection into    was appointed as the construction
Situated within the Witzenberg Local            the Eskom grid.                               contractors on this project. Marritus
Municipality in the Western Cape, the               When operating at full capacity, the      Bezuidenhout, Concor Infrastructure
Perdekraal East Wind Farm is less than          Perdekraal East Wind Farm will generate       construction manager on the site, explains
two hours from Cape Town. Spanning              sufficient clean renewable energy to          that the project consisted of the construc-
an area of 3 055 ha, the site was selected      supply electricity to power up to 95 000      tion of 48 turbine bases and hard stands,
for its excellent wind resource and its         South African homes. Each of the 48           maintenance of the existing public district
proximity to national roads for wind tur-       wind turbines, standing at a height of        gravel road, the construction of 32 km
bine transportation. In addition, studies       115 m, will have blades 53 m long and will    of internal roadways and the upgrading
showed that there would be minimal              generate 2.3 MW of power.                     of the existing Kappa Substation, as well

                                                               Perdekraal: Processing and compacting material before establishment on site

Civil Engineering March 2020                                                                                                          15
Perdekraal: Establishment of the batch plant and office area

as the construction of a new Eskom self-         cement replacement, which resulted in a         subcontractors, working on the wind farm
build substation.                                32.5% reduction in CO2, translating into a      project daily, toolbox talks were used to
    Work began on site in June 2018, with        saving of approximately 1 900 tons of CO2.      ensure that everyone was committed to
the scheduled completion of Concor               The concrete mix design on the project          safe work. In addition to the daily focused
Infrastructure’s portion of the works at         factored in that the water in this region has   interactions, a mass toolbox talk was
the end of September 2019.                       a high sulphate content. The first founda-      held once a week to refocus the teams by
                                                 tion was poured on 22 November 2018 and         reflecting on previous work incidents,
Construction of the foundations                  the last on 17 June 2019. All readymix con-     concentrating on identifying risks in the
The region consists of mostly weathered          crete was produced at the on-site 40 m3 per     coming week’s tasks, and discussing miti-
sandstone and mudstone, and some of the          hour batch plant, and in total 25 000 m3 of     gation. By June 2019, the Perdekraal East
foundation excavations required blasting.        concrete was used on the project.               Wind Farm project had achieved 537 532
Each of the 48 wind turbine foundations                                                          Lost Time Injury Free (LTIF) man hours.
was excavated to a depth of 3 m and has a        Involvement and training of
diameter of 20 m.                                the local population                            Responsible environmental stewardship
    The majority of the workers respon-          Apart from the long-term benefit for the        Adherence to sound environmental
sible for constructing the foundations           Ceres community from the wind farm,             stewardship underpins projects under-
came from the surrounding communities            during construction the bulk of the             taken by Concor Infrastructure, and an
of Ceres, Nduli, Bella Vista and Prince          workforce were drawn from Ceres. Skills         important factor on this site was the
Albert Hamlet. A local contractor was            development formed an important part            aridness of the region which had also just
responsible for cleaning the foundations         of the project, with training being done        been through a four-year drought. Water
up to the founding or rock level, following      with all Concor Infrastructure’s people on      was sourced from two boreholes on the
which the blinding was poured using              site to ensure that they had the necessary      site and, because of the volume and depth
15 MPa readymix concrete. An average of          competency and skills.                          of these, the project received a relaxation
120 m³ per foundation was required due               Participation from local companies          on the current water usage curtailment.
to the geological conditions. The free-          was also a focus. A local bus company           However, the water usage was monitored
issue bolt pack, weighing about 12 tons,         provided transport for personnel to and         continuously, with reports being sent to
was then assembled and put in place.             from site. Security was handled by a            the Department of Water and Sanitation.
Approximately 50 tons of reinforcing steel       security company based within the local             Education was again an important
was used in each base.                           community; awarding the contract to this        aspect of environmental stewardship.
    Using a shutter created by Concor            company enabled it to further develop its       This area is the habitat of the critically
Infrastructure, the conical section and the      personnel and systems, and increase its         endangered Riverine Rabbit (Bunolagus
plinth were poured in a single continuous        footprint and coverage. It also allowed         Monticularis), more commonly known as
pour. Not only was this an innovation            this company to upgrade its equipment to        the Bushman Rabbit. It was hoped that by
in turbine base construction, but it also        the latest technology available. Aggregate      training the local people to identify this spe-
resulted in significant time savings with        was brought in from Worcester from a            cies, greater awareness of their plight would
the associated cost savings.                     local Level 1BBBEE contractor.                  be created. The site was also equipped
    Over 400 m3 of concrete was used for                                                         with motion sensor cameras to detect and
each base, with 60 MPa being used for the        Safety                                          monitor the habitat of these small creatures.
plinth and 40 MPa for the conical section.       Safety is, as always, a non-negotiable, and         The network of internal roadways
The foundations were designed using a 70%        with more than 380 people, including            was mapped to avoid sensitive areas that

16                                                                                                                 March 2020 Civil Engineering
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