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NEW ACQUISITIONS - APRIL 2022 BOOKS GENERAL FICTION Call No. Author Title F ABU-JABER, D Abu-Jaber, Diana Fencing with the king : a novel F ALBOM, M Albom, Mitch, 1958- The stranger in the lifeboat : a novel F ALEXANDER, K Alexander, Kianna Carolina built : a novel F ALI, K Ali, Kasim Good intentions : a novel F ALPSTEN, E Alpsten, Ellen, 1971- The tsarina's daughter : a novel F ANDREWS, V Andrews, V. C. (Virginia C.) Becoming my sister F ASHCROFT, J Ashcroft, Jenny, 1980- Under the golden sun : a novel F BAILEY, T Bailey, Tessa Hook, line, and sinker : a novel F BANWO, A Banwo, Ayanna Lloyd When we were birds : a novel F BARASCH, C Barasch, Caitlin A novel obsession : a novel F BARR, L Barr, Lisa Woman on fire : a novel F BENNETT, C Bennett, Claire-Louise Checkout 19 F BHANOO, S Bhanoo, Sindya Seeking fortune elsewhere : stories F BROWN, C Brown, Carolyn, 1948- The Bluebonnet battle F BULAWAYO, N Bulawayo, NoViolet Glory : a novel F BURTON, T Burton, Tara Isabella The world cannot give F CANDLISH, L Candlish, Louise The Heights F CHOU, E Chou, Elaine Hsieh Disorientation F CLARE, O Clare, Olivia, 1982- Here lies : a novel F CLARK, A Clark, Andrea Yaryura On a night of a thousand stars F COGBURN, B Cogburn, Brett Too proud to run F COLE, L Cole, Lee, 1990- Groundskeeping F COLGAN, J Colgan, Jenny Welcome to the School by the Sea : the first school by the sea novel F COMFORT, J Comfort, Jen The astronaut and the star F CRANOR, E Cranor, Eli, 1988- Don't know tough F DAVIDS, C Davids, C. A. How to be a revolutionary : a novel F DOLLER, T Doller, Trish The suite spot F DOYLE, R Doyle, Roddy, 1958- Life without children : stories F DUGONI, R Dugoni, Robert The silent sisters F ELLIOT, A Elliot, Amanda Sadie on a plate F FERENCIK, E Ferencik, Erica Girl in ice F FINLAY, A Finlay, Alex The night shift F FOWLER, K Fowler, Karen Joy Booth F FOX, C Fox, Candice The chase F FOX, H Fox, Hester A lullaby for witches F FREY, R Frey, Rea Secrets of our house : a novel
F FU, M Fu, Melissa Peach blossom spring F GAINZA, M Gainza, María, 1975- Portrait of an unknown lady : a novel F GORCHEVA- NEWBERRY, K Gorcheva-Newberry, Kristina The orchard : a novel F GRANDE, R Grande, Reyna A ballad of love and glory : a novel F GRAY, P Gray, Philip, 1962- Two storm wood : a novel F GRAY, S Gray, Shelley Shepard Edgewater Road F GRIFFIN, A Griffin, Anne, 1969- Listening still F HARKIN, J Harkin, Jo Tell me an ending : a novel F HARVEY, K Harvey, Kristy Woodson The wedding veil : a novel F HAUPT, J Haupt, Jennifer Come as you are : a novel F HENDRICKS, G Hendricks, Greer The golden couple F HERON, F Heron, Farah Kamila knows best F HOLTON, I Holton, India The league of gentlewomen witches F HOOPER, E Hooper, Elise Angels of the Pacific : a novel of World War II F HUBBARD, L Hubbard, Ladee The last suspicious holdout : stories F HUBSCHER, L Hubscher, Libby If you ask me F JORGE, L Jorge, Laidia The wind whistling in the cranes : a novel F KANON, J Kanon, Joseph The Berlin exchange : a novel F KATE, L Kate, Lauren By any other name F KATZ, E Katz, Erica Fake : a novel F KAUFFMAN, R Kauffman, Rebecca Chorus : a novel F KAVA, A Kava, Alex Fallen creed F KEENAN, D Keenan, David, 1971- Xstabeth F KENEALLY, T Keneally, Thomas The Dickens boy : a novel F KENT, M Kent, Minka Unmissing : a thriller F KISTLER, B Kistler, Bonnie The cage : a novel F KRAVETZ, L Kravetz, Lee Daniel The last confessions of Sylvia P. : a novel F KU, P Ku, Pyŏng-mo, 1976- The old woman with the knife : a novel F LIARDET, F Liardet, Frances Think of me F LLOYD, E Lloyd, Ellery The Club : a novel F LLOYD, J Lloyd, Josie The bright side running club F LOTZ, S Lotz, Sarah The impossible us F LUNDE, M Lunde, Maja The last wild horses : a novel F MACMILLAN, G Macmillan, Gilly The long weekend : a novel F MALLERY, S Mallery, Susan The summer getaway F MAYQUIST, K Mayquist, Kit Tripping Arcadia : a novel F MCCOY, T McCoy, Taj Savvy Sheldon feels good as hell F MCNEES, K McNees, Kelly O'Connor The myth of surrender : a novel F MEDEL, E Medel, Elena, 1985- The wonders / a novel F MEGINNIS, M Meginnis, Mike Drowning practice : a novel F MELTZER, B Meltzer, Brad The lightning rod F MEZRICH, B Mezrich, Ben, 1969- The midnight ride F MILLER, V Miller, Vanessa Something good : a novel F MISHRA, P Mishra, Pankaj Run and hide F MORRIS, A Morris, Amelia Wildcat
F MOSS, S Moss, Sarah The fell F MURPHY, J Murphy, Jennifer, 1956 Scarlet in blue : a novel F MYERS, A February Myers, 14- Adele The tobacco wives : a novel F OJEDA, M Ojeda, Mónica, 1988- Jawbone F OKRI, B Okri, Ben Astonishing the gods : a novel F O'NAN, S O'Nan, Stewart, 1961- Ocean state F OSUNDE, E Osunde, Eloghosa Vagabonds! F PAINTER, L Painter, Lynn Mr. Wrong Number F PARTON, D Parton, Dolly Run, Rose, run F PELLEGRINO, A Pellegrino, Amanda Smile and look pretty F PRESTON, D Preston, Douglas J. Diablo Mesa F REED, J Reed, Joe Mungo Hammer F RIVA, A Riva, Agnès Geography of an adultery : a novel F RONAN, K Ronan, Kelsey Chevy in the hole : a novel F RUNCIE, J Runcie, James, 1959- The great passion : a novel F RYAN, E Ryan, Erin Kate Quantum girl theory : a novel F SANDS, L Sands, Lynsay Highland wolf F SCOTT, K Scott, Kieran, 1974- Wish you were gone F SCOTTOLINE, L Scottoline, Lisa What happened to the Bennetts F SEARLES, J Searles, John Her last affair : a novel F SERLE, R Serle, Rebecca One Italian summer : a novel F SHARMA, N Sharma, Nisha, 1985- Dating Dr. Dil : a novel F SHEPHERD, P Shepherd, Peng The cartographers : a novel F SMITH, J Smith, Jennifer E., 1980- The unsinkable Greta James : a novel F SOLA, I Solà, Irene, 1990- When I sing, mountains dance : a novel F SPENCER, K Spencer, Kate, 1979- In a New York minute F ST. JAMES, S St. James, Simone The book of cold cases F STACHNIAK, E Stachniak, Eva, 1952- The school of mirrors : a novel F STANISIC, S Stanišić, Saša, 1978- Where you come from F STEEL, D Steel, Danielle High stakes : a novel F STEN, C Sten, Camilla, 1992- The resting place F STRAIGHT, S Straight, Susan Mecca F STRAWSER, J Strawser, Jessica The next thing you know F STRELECKY, J Strelecky, John P. The cafe on the edge of the world : a story about the meaning F SWANSON, P Swanson, Peter, 1968- of lifelives : a novel Nine F TAWADA, Y Tawada, Yōko, 1960- Scattered all over the earth F TYLER, A Tyler, Anne French braid F TYLER, P Tyler, Paige True wolf F ULSTEIN, S Ulstein, Silje Reptile memoirs : a novel F WALSH, R Walsh, Rosie The love of my life F WARD, A Ward, Annie, 1970- The lying club F WARD, C Ward, Catriona Sundial F WEBB, H Webb, Heather, 1976 The next ship home : a novel of Ellis Island F WILKERSON, C December 30- Wilkerson, Charmaine Black cake : a novel F WILLIAMS, S Williams, Sheila (Sheila J.) Things past telling : a novel
F WOODS, S Woods, Stuart A safe house F WRIGHT FALADE, D Wright Faladé, David, 1964- Black cloud rising : a novel F WROBEL, S Wrobel, Stephanie This might hurt F ZIMMER, M Zimmer, Michael, 1955- The devil by his horns MYSTERIES Call No. Author Title M F AKERS, W Akers, W. M. Westside lights : a novel M F BAHR, D Bahr, Dane The houseboat : a novel M F BARRON, S Barron, Stephanie Jane and the year without a summer M F BENNETT, S Bennett, S. J. (Sophia J.) All the queen's men : a novel M F BLACK, C Black, Cara, 1951- Murder at the Porte de Versailles M F BLACK, J Black, Juneau Cold clay M F BLAEDEL, S Blædel, Sara A harmless lie : a novel M F BOWEN, R Bowen, Rhys Wild Irish rose M F BOX, C Box, C. J. Shadows reel M F CLARE, A Clare, Alys Magic in the weave M F COBEN, H Coben, Harlan, 1962- The match M F DANVERS, H Danvers, Holly Long overdue at the Lakeside Library M F DAY, M Day, Maddie Batter off dead M F DEVERAUX, J Deveraux, Jude A relative murder M F ENGBERG, K Engberg, Katrine, 1975- The harbor M F EVANOVICH, J Evanovich, Janet The recovery agent M F FLOWER, A Flower, Amanda Put out to pasture M F FOLEY, L Foley, Lucy The Paris apartment : a novel M F GARRETT, K Garrett, Kellye, 1978- Like a sister M F GEHRMAN, J Gehrman, Jody The summer we buried : a novel M F GORDON- SMITH, D Gordon-Smith, Dolores The chapel in the woods M F GRAVES, S Graves, Sarah, 1951- Death by chocolate chip cupcake M F HANDLER, D Handler, David, 1952- The lady in the silver cloud M F HART, R Hart, Rob The Paradox Hotel : a novel M F HILL, S Hill, Susan, 1942- A change of circumstance M F JANCE, J Jance, Judith A. Nothing to lose M F JOHANSEN, R Johansen, Roy Killer view M F JOHNSON, S Johnson, Sara E The bone track M F JUDD, A Judd, Alan, 1946- A fine madness : a Christopher Marlowe murder mystery M F KNIGHT, N Knight, Nikki Live, local, and dead M F LEON, D Leon, Donna Give unto others M F LESCROART, J Lescroart, John T. The missing piece : a novel M F LOUDON, M Loudon, Margaret Peril on the page M F LUNA, L Luna, Louisa Hideout M F MARGOLIN, P Margolin, Phillip The darkest place M F MAZ, W Maz, William The Bucharest dossier M F MEADOWS, W Meadows, Wendy Cinnamon Rolls and Corpses : Snow Falls Alaska Cozy 1
M F MONTGOMERY, J Montgomery, Jess The echoes M F NICKSON, C Nickson, Chris The blood covenant M F OMER, M Omer, Mike Damaged intentions M F OSLER, R Osler, Rob Devil's chew toy : a novel M F PANDIAN, G Pandian, Gigi, 1975- Under lock & skeleton key M F PEK, J Pek, Jane The verifiers M F ROSENFELT, D Rosenfelt, David Citizen K-9 M F ROTHSCHILD, P Rothschild, Peggy A deadly bone to pick M F SEGURA, A Segura, Alex, 1980- Secret identity : a novel M F ST. ANTHONY, J St. Anthony, Joyce Front page murder M F WALKER, M Walker, Martin, 1947 January Bruno's challenge : and other stories of the French countryside 23- M F WEISEL, F Weisel, Frederick The day he left M F WINSPEAR, J Winspear, Jacqueline, 1955- A sunlit weapon SCIENCE FICTION & FANTASY Call No. Author Title S F BISHOP, A Bishop, Anne Crowbones S F BLAKE, O Blake, Olivie The atlas six S F COREY, J Corey, James S. A. Memory's Legion : the complete Expanse story collection S F DEEDS, M Deeds, Marion Comeuppance served cold S F GLADSTONE, M Gladstone, Max Last exit S F HEARNE, K Hearne, Kevin Hexed S F HEARNE, K Hearne, Kevin. Hounded S F HOSSAIN, S Hossain, Saad Z. Kundo wakes up S F KADE, K Kade, Kel Destiny of the dead S F LANDWEBER, M Landweber, Michael The damage done : a novel S F MACALLISTER, G Macallister, Greer Scorpica S F MAMMAY, M Mammay, Michael The misfit soldier S F MAY, F May, Francesca Wild and wicked things S F MCGUIRE, S McGuire, Seanan Spelunking through hell : a visitor's guide to the underworld S F MUELLER, S Mueller, Sara A. The bone orchard S F POWELL, G Powell, Gareth Stars and bones : a Continuance novel S F ROSS, R Ross, Rebecca (Rebecca J.) A river enchanted : a novel S F SCALZI, J Scalzi, John, 1969- The Kaiju Preservation Society S F SIM, T Sim, Tara The city of dusk S F STROSS, C Stross, Charles Escape from Yokai land S F TCHAIKOVSKY, A Tchaikovsky, Adrian, 1972- Elder race S F WAY The way spring arrives and other stories S F WINDWALKER, C Windwalker, Cassondra Hold my place S F WONG, K Wong, Khan The circus infinite YOUNG ADULT FICTION
Call No. Author Title YA F BRYANT, E Bryant, Elise (Elise M.) One true loves YA F CLAYTON, D Charaipotra, Sona The rumor game YA F COHOE, S Cohoe, Samantha Bright ruined things YA F DE LA CRUZ De la Cruz, Melissa, 1971- Cinder & glass YA F FULTON, V Fulton, Victoria Horror hotel YA F MAFI, T Mafi, Tahereh This woven kingdom YA F MCLEMORE, A McLemore, Anna-Marie Lakelore YA F NEIL, H Neil, Haley Once more with chutzpah YA F OLDER, D Older, Daniel Jose Midnight horizon YA F O'NEIL, C O'Neil, Carolyn Tara Daughters of a dead empire YA F OSEMAN, A Oseman, Alice Loveless YA F SCHOLTE, A Scholte, Astrid League of liars YA F SCHWAB, V.E. Schwab, Victoria Gallant YA F SEPETYS, R Sepetys, Ruta I must betray you YA F TAHIR, S Tahir, Sabaa All my rage YA F TAMAKI, M Tamaki, Mariko Cold YA F VELEZ, A Velez, Angela Lulu and Milagro's search for clarity YA F ZOBOI, I Zoboi, Ibi Aanu Okoye to the people YOUNG ADULT GRAPHIC NOVELS Call No. Author Title YA F AIDALRO AidaIro Toilet-bound Hanako-kun. 0 YA F ALFAGEEH Shammas, Nadia Squire YA F BENDIS Bendis, Brian Michael Moon Knight : the complete collection YA F DC Superman red and blue YA F DUGGAN Duggan, Gerry Savage Avengers. Vol. 5, The Defilement of all things by the cannibal-sorcerer Kulan Gath YA F FUJIMOTO Fujimoto, Tatsuki Chainsaw man. 3, Kill Denji YA F FUJIMOTO Fujimoto, Tatsuki Chainsaw man. 7, In a dream YA F HIGGINS Higgins, Kyle, 1985- Radiant black. Volume 002, Team Up YA F HOWARD Howard, Tini Excalibur. Vol. 4 YA F KAO Kao Studios Magical Boy : a graphic novel. Volume 1 YA F KEYS Keys, Alicia Girl on fire YA F KIZUKA Kizuka, Nero The hero laughs while walking the path of vengeance a second time. 1 YA F KOMOTO Komoto, Hajime Mashle : magic and muscles. Vol. 5 YA F LEMIRE Lemire, Jeff Snow angels. Volume 1 YA F LOEB Loeb, Jeph The long Halloween ; Dark victory YA F MARVEL Mervel-Verse Moon Knight YA F NICKE Nicke Beyond the clouds. Volume 04 : the girl who fell from the sky YA F OHTAKA Ohtaka, Shinobu- Orient. Volume 7 YA F PAGE Page, Nathan, 1985- The Montague Twins. Volume 2, The devil's music YA F PULLMAN Pullman, Philip The subtle knife : the graphic novel
YA F RUMBA Runba, Kokonasu Animal crossing, new horizons. Deserted island diary Vol. 2 YA F SATAKE Satake, Kousuke The witch and the beast. 8 YA F SNYDER Snyder, Scott Justice League. book three YA F SUZUKI Suzuki, Nakaba, 1977- Seven deadly sins omnibus. 2 YA F TACHIBANA Tachibana, Yuka The Saint's Magic Power is Omnipotent. Volume 5 YA F TAKAHASHI Takahashi, Rumiko, 1957- Mao. 4 YA F TYNION author, Tynion, artist. James, IV Wynd. Book two, TheSecret of the Wings YA F YAMADA Yamada, Hitsuji The masterful cat is depressed again today. Volume 2 YA F YAMADA Yamada, Hitsuji The masterful cat is depressed again today. Volume 3 YA F YAMAGUCHI Yamaguchi, Tsubasa Blue period. Volume 6 COMPUTER SCIENCE, INFORMATION & GENERAL WORKS Call No. Author Title 001.98 WEILL Weill, Kelly, 1994- Off the edge : flat Earthers, conspiracy culture, and why 025.1974 OLIVER Oliver, Amanda people Overduewill believe anything : reckoning with the public library 070.922 COHEN Cohen, Deborah, 1968- Last call at the Hotel Imperial : the reporters who took on a world at war PHILOSOPHY & PSYCHOLOGY Call No. Author Title 128.2 OGAS Ogas, Ogi Journey of the mind : how thinking emerged from chaos 152.4 O'NEIL O'Neil, Cathy The shame machine : who profits in the new age of humiliation 153.733 HARI Hari, Johann Stolen focus : why you can't pay attention--and how to think deeply again 158.1 ROBSON Robson, David The expectation effect : how your mindset can change your world RELIGION Call No. Author Title 204.36 CHOPRA Chopra, Deepak Abundance : the inner path to wealth 236.9 HAGEE Hagee, John The end of the age : the countdown has begun 292.211 HAYNES Haynes, Natalie Pandora's jar : women in Greek myths SOCIAL SCIENCE Call No. Author Title 303.482 ARCE Arce, Julissa You sound like a white girl : the case for rejecting assimilation 303.49 MCGONIGAL McGonigal, Jane Imaginable : how to see the future coming and feel ready for anything--even things that seem impossible today 305.4094 REID Reid, Eliza Secrets of the sprakkar : Iceland's extraordinary women and how they are changing the world
305.4097 FADERMAN Faderman, Lillian Woman : the American history of an idea 305.42 CHOLLET Chollet, Mona, 1973- In defense of witches : the legacy of the witch hunts and why women are still on trial 305.5209 SCHWEIZER Schweizer, Peter, 1964- Red-handed : how American elites get rich helping China win 305.8009 FONER Foner, Nancy, 1945- One quarter of the nation : immigration and the 305.8009 HENRY Henry, Andre transformation All of America the white friends I couldn't keep : hope--and hard pills to swallow--about fighting for black lives 306.095 YANG Yang, Jeff Rise : a pop history of Asian America from the nineties to now 306.0973 GAINES Gaines, James R. The fifties : an underground history 306.0973 PEACOCK Peacock, Margaret A deeper sickness : journal of America in the pandemic year 306.362 EMBERTON Emberton, Carole To walk about in freedom : the long emancipation of Priscilla Joyner 306.73 KIPNIS Kipnis, Laura Love in the time of contagion : a diagnosis 306.8909 HELLIS Hellis, Lori, 1956- The no-nonsense guide to divorce : getting through and starting over 306.893 WILLIAMS Williams, Florence, 1967- Heartbreak : a personal and scientific journey 320.011 NAIM Naím, Moisés The revenge of power : how autocrats are reinventing politics for the 21st century 323.1196 MARTIN Martin, Erica (Halcyenda Erica) And we rise : the Civil Rights Movement in poems 324.2734 PETERS Peters, Jeremy (Jeremy W.) Insurgency : how Republicans lost their party and got everything they ever wanted 324.2736 KAZIN Kazin, Michael, 1948- What it took to win : a history of the Democratic Party 331.4 SAUJANI Saujani, Reshma Pay up : the future of women and work (and why it's different than you think) 332.024 LAPIN Lapin, Nicole Miss Independent : a simple 12-step plan to start investing and grow your own wealth 332.024 WOMEN Women talk money : breaking the last taboo 332.6 JAKAB Jakab, Spencer The revolution that wasn't : GameStop, reddit, and the fleecing of small investors 338.092 SONI Soni, Jimmy The founders : the story of PayPal and the entrepreneurs who shaped Silicon Valley 338.4764 MAYNARD Maynard, Micheline Satisfaction guaranteed : how Zingerman's built a corner deli into a global food community 338.9001 GALOR Galor, Oded, 1953- The journey of humanity : the origins of wealth and inequality 342.075 DIONNE Dionne, E. J., Jr. 100% democracy : the case for universal voting 342.73 MYSTAL Mystal, Elie Allow me to retort : a Black guy's guide to the Constitution 347.012 ZERWICK Zerwick, Phoebe Beyond innocence : the life sentence of Darryl Hunt : a true story of race, wrongful conviction, and an American reckoning 362.1089 FISHER Fisher, Thomas still The to come : a year of healing and heartbreak in a Chicago emergency ER 362.1097 ZAITCHIK Zaitchik, Alexander, 1974- Owning the sun : a people's history of monopoly medicine from aspirin to COVID-19 vaccines 362.11 O'CONNER O'Connor, Candace Climbing the ladder, chasing the dream : the history of Homer G. Phillips Hospital
363.1 SINGER Singer, Jessie There are no accidents : the deadly rise of injury and disaster-- who profits and who pays the price 363.25 KROUSE Krouse, Erika Tell me everything : the story of a private investigation 363.3492 CARNEY Carney, Scott, 1978- The vortex : a true story of history's deadliest storm, an unspeakable war, and liberation 364.1066 CROKE Croke, Ken Riding with evil: taking down the notorious Pagan Motorcycle Gang 364.1253 BOSWORTH Bosworth, Charles Bone deep : untangling the Betsy Faria murder case 364.1523 WILLIAMSON Williamson, Elizabeth Sandy Hook : an American tragedy and the battle for truth 364.163 WILLIAMS (Journalist) Williams, Rachel DeLoache My friend Anna : the true story of a fake heiress LANGUAGE Call No. Author Title 411.09 FERRARA Ferrara, Silvia The greatest invention : a history of the world in nine mysterious scripts SCIENCE Call No. Author Title 502.07 NORTH North, Ryan, 1980- How to take over the world : practical schemes and scientific solutions for the aspiring supervillain 509 POSKETT Poskett, James Horizons : the global origins of modern science 523.1 DINE Dine, Michael This way to the universe : a theoretical physicist's journey to the edge of reality 573.87 HIGGINS Higgins, Jackie Sentient : how animals illuminate the wonder of our human senses 577.3 RAWLENCE Rawlence, Ben The treeline : the last forest and the future of life on Earth 577.699 NICOLSON Nicolson, Adam, 1957- Life between the tides 591.594 HASKELL Haskell, David George Sounds wild and broken : sonic marvels, evolution's creativity, and the crisis of sensory extinction 591.782 WARD Ward, Ashley The social lives of animals 598.943 DAVIS Davis, Jack E. The bald eagle : the improbable journey of America's bird TECHNOLOGY Call No. Author Title 613.2833 GUNDRY Gundry, Steven R. Unlocking the keto code : the revolutionary new science of keto that offers more benefits without deprivation 614.47 BOURLA Bourla, Albert Moonshot : inside Pfizer's nine-month race to make the impossible possible 614.5924 WERB Werb, Dan The invisible siege : the rise of coronaviruses and the search for the cure 616.044 O'ROURKE O'Rourke, Meghan The invisible kingdom : reimagining chronic illness
616.1 BALE Bale, Bradley Healthy heart, healthy brain : the proven personalized path to protect your memory, prevent heart attacks and strokes, and avoid chronic illness 616.2414 GILSINAN Gilsinan, Kathy The helpers : profiles from the front lines of the pandemic 616.8311 BLOOM Bloom, Amy, 1953- In love : a memoir of love and loss 617 RUTKOW Rutkow, Ira M. Empire of the scalpel : the history of surgery 630.973 HASPEL Haspel, Tamar To boldly grow : finding joy, adventure, and dinner in your own backyard 634.9 REID Reid, John W. Ever green : saving big forests to save the planet 635 DELA LLANA Dela Llana, Misilla Four-season food gardening : how to grow vegetables, fruits, and herbs year-round 635 MCCRATE McCrate, Colin Grow more food : a vegetable gardener's guide to getting the biggest harvest possible from a space of any size 635 WATKINS Watkins, Julia, 1976- Gardening for everyone : growing vegetables, herbs, and more at home 635.987 COWDEN Cowden, Meg McAndrews Plant grow harvest repeat : grow a bounty of vegetables, fruits, and flowers by mastering the art of succession planting 636.0832 ZALESKI Zaleski, Laurie Funny farm : my unexpected life with 600 rescue animals 639.9757 MILMAN Milman, Oliver The insect crisis : the fall of the tiny empires that run the world 641.5636 BILDIRICI Bildirici, Lottie Running on veggies : plant-powered recipes for fueling and feeling your best 641.5636 HONG Hong, Kristen Fridge love : organize your refrigerator for a happier, healthier life--with 100 recipes 641.5951 LEE MOLINARO Lee Molinaro, Joanne The Korean vegan cookbook : reflections and recipes from Omma's kitchen 641.5951 LOPEZ-ALT López-Alt, J. Kenji The wok : recipes and techniques 641.5954 ISMAIL-SINGER Ismail-Singer, Ashia Ashia's table : family recipes from India & beyond 641.815 BARROW Barrow, Cathy Bagels, schmears, and a nice piece of fish / A Whole Brunch of Recipes to Make at Home 641.815 EBUEHI Ebuehi, Benjamina A good day to bake : simple baking recipes for every mood 641.86 SIMMONS Simmons, Stephanie The one-bowl baker : easy, unfussy recipes for decadent cakes, brownies, cookies and breads 641.8654 HURST Hurst, Camila Macaron school : mastering the world's most perfect cookie with 50 delicious recipes 641.975 STEELE Steele, Lisa, 1965- The Fresh Eggs Daily cookbook : over 100 fabulous recipes to use eggs in unexpected ways 643.1209 GOREY Gorey, Jon Home buying 101 : from mortgages and the MLS to making the offer and moving in, your essential guide to buying your first home 646.2 MAHON Mahon, Joi Ultimate illustrated guide to sewing clothes : a complete course on making clothing for fit and fashion ARTS & RECREATION
Call No. Author Title 745.54 HIEBERT Hiebert, Helen, 1965- The art of papercraft / Unique One-Sheet Projects Using Origami, Weaving, Quilling, Pop-up, and Other Inventive Techniques 745.5943 LONGHURST Longhurst, Sophie Crafting authentic paper flowers : the beginner's guide to creating beautiful lifelike paper blooms with step-by-step projects 746.432 COZY Cozy knits : 30 hat, mitten, scarf and sock projects from around the world 746.432 TALLEY Talley, Safiyyah Knit 2 socks in 1 : discover the easy magic of turning one long sock into a pair! 751.422 PALMER Palmer, Matthew Watercolour landscapes for the absolute beginner 791.4309 SCHWARTZEL Schwartzel, Erich Red carpet : Hollywood, China, and the global battle for cultural supremacy 791.4372 BUCHANAN Buchanan, Kyle Blood, sweat & chrome : the wild and true story of Mad Max: fury road 791.456 LINDEMANN Lindemann, Danielle J. True story : what reality TV says about us 792.028 BUTLER Butler, Isaac The method : how the twentieth century learned to act 796.51 STREETS Streets, Annabel 52 ways to walk : the surprising science of walking for wellness and joy, one week at a time 796.5409 YOGERST Yogerst, Joseph R. 50 states, 500 campgrounds : where to go, when to go, what to see, what to do LITERATURE Call No. Author Title 809 FERRANTE Ferrante, Elena In the margins : on the pleasures of reading and writing 811.008 RESPECT Respect the mic : celebrating 20 years of poetry from a Chicagoland high school 814.54 ATWOOD Atwood, Margaret, 1939- Burning questions : essays and occasional pieces, 2004-2021 830.9006 NEUMANN Neumann, Peter, 1987- Jena 1800 : the republic of free spirits HISTORY & GEOGRAPHY Call No. Author Title 914.0408 BAXTER Baxter, Derek, 1973- In pursuit of Jefferson : traveling through Europe with the most perplexing Founding Father 937.05 STRAUSS Strauss, Barry S. The war that made the Roman Empire : Antony, Cleopatra, and Octavian at Actium 940.0709 OSTLER Ostler, Catherine The Duchess Countess : the woman who scandalized eighteenth-century London 940.5318 HELLINGER Hellinger, Magda, 1916-2006 The Nazis knew my name : a remarkable story of survival and courage in Auschwitz 940.5318 SULLIVAN Sullivan, Rosemary, 1947- The betrayal of Anne Frank : a cold case investigation
941.0099 BORMAN Borman, Tracy Crown & sceptre : a new history of the British monarchy, from William the Conqueror to Elizabeth II 943.364 BRENNER Brenner, Michael, 1964- In Hitler's Munich : Jews, the revolution, and the rise of Nazism 944.013 PUHAK Puhak, Shelley The dark queens : the bloody rivalry that forged the medieval world 951.9042 CLINE Cline, David P., 1969- Twice forgotten : African Americans and the Korean War, an oral history 959.57 VASAGAR Vasagar, Jeevan Lion City : Singapore and the invention of modern Asia 973.3092 RANDALL Randall, Willard Sterne The founders' fortunes : how money shaped the birth of America 973.3092 STUART Stuart, Nancy Rubin, 1944- Poor Richard's women : Deborah Read Franklin and the other women behind the Founding Father 973.7092 AVLON Avlon, John P. Lincoln and the fight for peace 973.71 LOWENSTEIN Lowenstein, Roger Ways and means : Lincoln and his cabinet and the financing of the Civil War 973.7114 HIRSCHMAN Hirshman, Linda R. The color of abolition : how a printer, a prophet, and a Contessa moved a nation 973.918 FRANK Frank, Jeffrey, 1942- The trials of Harry S. Truman : the extraordinary presidency of an ordinary man, 1945-1953 973.928 BARR Barr, William Pelham, 1950- One damn thing after another : memoirs of an attorney general 977.0049 CURTIS Curtis, Edward E., IV, 1970- Muslims of the heartland : how Syrian immigrants made a home in the American Midwest 978.752 NELSON Nelson, Megan Kate, 1972- Saving Yellowstone : exploration and preservation in Reconstruction America 987.06 NEUMAN Neuman, William Things are never so bad that they can't get worse : inside the collapse of Venezuela OVERSIZE NONFICTION Call No. Author Title OV 581.632 FIKE Fike, Jimmy W. Edible plants : a photographic survey of the wild edible botanicals of North America OV 712 ROMEREIN Romerein, Lisa Lotusland : eccentric garden paradise BIOGRAPHIES Call No. Author Title B BRUNI, F Bruni, Frank The beauty of dusk : on vision lost and found B CHASE, S Stahr Stahr, Walter Salmon P. Chase : Lincoln's vital rival B DICKENS, C Douglas- Douglas-Fairhurst, Robert The turning point : 1851--a year that changed Charles Dickens Fairhurst and the world B DOYNE, M Doyne, Maggie Between the mountain and the sky : a mother's story of love, loss, healing, and hope
B DRESSELHAUS, M Weinstock, Maia Carbon queen : the remarkable life of nanoscience pioneer Weinstock Mildred Dresselhaus B FIERSTEIN, H Fierstein, Harvey, 1952- I was better last night : a memoir B KENNEDY Thompson Thompson, Neal The first Kennedys : the humble roots of an American dynasty B OCASIO-CORTEZ, A Take up space : the unprecedented AOC B ODENKIRK, B Odenkirk, Bob, 1962- Comedy comedy comedy drama : a memoir B ROBERTSON, W Robertson, William B., 1933- Lifting every voice : my journey from segregated Roanoke to 2021 the corridors of power B SIPRESS, D Sipress, David What's so funny? : a cartoonist's memoir B TWAIN, M Scharnhorst Scharnhorst, Gary The life of Mark Twain : the final years, 1891-1910 B WELCH, R Miller Miller, Edward H. (Edward A conspiratorial life : Robert Welch, the John Birch Society, Herbert) and the revolution of American conservatism B WHITE, W Baime Baime, A. J. (Albert J.) White lies : the double life of Walter F. White and America's darkest secret B YOVANOVITCH, M Yovanovitch, Maria L., 1958- Lessons from the edge : a memoir LARGE PRINT FICTION Call No. Author Title LP F ATKINS, A Atkins, Ace Robert B. Parker's Bye bye baby LP F BARRY, M Barry, Max, 1973- The 22 Murders of Madison May LP F BEATON, M Beaton, M. C Death of a green-eyed monster LP F BELLE, K Belle, Kimberly My darling husband LP F BLAKE, O Blake, Olivie The atlas six LP F CASTLE, J Castle, Jayne Guild boss LP F ESCANDON, M Escandón, María Amparo L.A. weather LP F FLUKE, J Fluke, Joanne, 1943- Caramel pecan roll murder LP F FOLEY, L Foley, Lucy The Paris apartment : a novel LP F GARDNER, L Gardner, Lisa One step too far : a novel LP F GRAMONT, N de Gramont, Nina The Christie affair LP F GUDENKAUF, H Gudenkauf, Heather The overnight guest LP F HAIGH, J Haigh, Jennifer, 1968- Mercy Street : a novel LP F HURWITZ, G Hurwitz, Gregg Andrew Dark horse LP F JEFFERS, H Jeffers, Honoraee Fanonne, The love songs of W.E.B. Du Bois LP F JURCZYK, E 1967- Eva Jurczyk, The department of rare books and special collections LP F KEPLER, L Kepler, Lars The mirror man LP F KOONTZ, D Koontz, Dean R. (Dean Ray), Quicksilver LP F KRENTZ, J 1945- Jayne Ann Krentz, Lightning in a mirror LP F LESCROART, J Lescroart, John T. The missing piece LP F MITCHARD, J Mitchard, Jacquelyn The good son LP F MORIARTY, L Moriarty, Liane Apples never fall LP F O'CONNOR, C O'Connor, Carlene Murder in an Irish bookshop LP F PERRY, T Perry, Thomas, 1947- The left-handed twin LP F QUINN, S Quinn, Spencer. It's a wonderful woof LP F REYES, R Reyes, Raquel V. Mango, mambo, and murder
LP F ROBB, J Robb, J. D., 1950- Abandoned in death LP F SERLE, R Serle, Rebecca One Italian summer LP F STEWART, A Stewart, Amy Miss Kopp investigates LP F WALKER, M Walker, Martin, 1947 January The coldest case 23- AUDIOVISUAL DVD MOVIES Call No. Title DVD BELFAST Belfast DVD COMING Coming 2 America DVD DRACULA Dracula DVD FORTRESS Fortress DVD JOURNAL A journal for Jordan DVD KING King Richard DVD RESURRECTIONS The matrix : Resurrections DVD THREE The 355 DVD WEST West Side story DVD 781.66 BEATLES The Beatles : get back DVD TELEVISON SHOWS Call No. Title DVD ALL All creatures great and small. Season 2 DVD BILLIONS Billions. Season five DVD DALGLIESH Dalgliesh. Series 1 DVD YELLOWSTONE Yellowstone. Season 4 BLU-RAY MOVIES Call No. Title BD BELFAST Belfast BD COMING Coming 2 America BD JOURNAL A journal for Jordan BD RESURRECTIONS The matrix : Resurrections BD THREE The 355 BD WEST West Side story AUDIOBOOKS NONFICTION Call No. Author Title CD 158.1 BROWN Brown, Brené Atlas of the heart : mapping meaningful connection and the language of human experience
AUDIOBOOKS FICTION Call No. Author Title CD F AGUIRRE Aguirre, Ann Witch please CD F ERDRICH Erdrich, Louise The sentence : a novel CD F GEORGE George, Elizabeth, 1949- Something to hide : a Lynley novel CD F JANCE Jance, Judith A. Nothing to lose CD F KELLERMAN Kellerman, Jonathan. City of the dead CD F PRESTON Preston, Douglas J. Diablo Mesa JUVENILE BOOKS JUVENILE FICTION Call No. Author Title JF ANSTEE Anstee, Ashlyn A mountain of a problem JF AUXIER Auxier, Jonathan Belly of the beast JF CITRO Citro, Asia Wishypoofs and hiccups JF COVEN Coven, Wanda Henry Heckelbeck builds a robot JF DAVIES Davies, Jacqueline, 1962- Sydney & Taylor and the great friend expedition JF DE LA CRUZ De la Cruz, Melissa, 1971- The stolen slippers JF DISNEY Orsi, Tea. adaptor. Encanto : the graphic novel JF GIBBS Gibbs, Stuart, 1969- Spy School : the graphic novel JF HALE Hale, Shannon The Princess in Black and the mermaid princess JF HIGUERA Higuera, Donna Barba The last cuentista JF KELLY Kelly, Erin Entrada Those kids from Fawn Creek JF KHAN Khan, Hena Amina's song JF LAROCCA LaRocca, Rajani Red, white, and whole JF LUKOFF Lukoff, Kyle Too bright to see JF MARTIN Farina, Katy Karen's school picture JF McMANN McMann, Lisa Map of flames JF RYAN Ryan, Pam Muñoz Solimar : the sword of the Monarchs JF SANTAT Santat, Dan The aquanaut JF VENABLE Venable, Colleen A. F. Katie the catsitter. 2, Best friends for never JF YANG Yang, Kelly New from here PICTURE BOOKS Call No. Author Title E ADEOLA Adeola, Dapo Hey you! E BARNETT Barnett, Mac John's turn E DIPUCCHIO DiPucchio, Kelly Oona and the shark E EATON Eaton, Maxwell, III Bear builds a house E EJAITA Ejaita, Diana Olu & Greta
E GOODALE Goodale, E. B. Also E HARRIS Harris, Robie H. Somewhere E HARRIS Harris, Shawn Have you ever seen a flower? E KUEFLER Kuefler, Joseph The digger and the duckling E LIONNI Lionni, Leo, 1910-1999 Mouse seasons E LLOYD Lloyd-Jones, Sally, 1960- Tiny Cedric E MARCERO Marcero, Deborah Out of a jar E MARLEY Marley, Cedella Marley and the family band E MILLER Miller, Pat Zietlow When I'm with you E MOAHLOLI Moahloli, Refiloe I am you : a book about ubuntu E MURPHY Murphy, Mary, 1961- Chirp! E PILLEMER Pillemer, Jayne Still mine E PUMPHREY Pumphrey, Jarrett Somewhere in the bayou E REAGAN Reagan, Jean, 1965- How to welcome a new baby E RUBY Ruby, Laura Me and Ms. Too E VO Vo, Young Gibberish E WELLS Wells, Rosemary. Little bunny, big germs H E MEYER Meyer, Gabrielle Show me the bunny H E WHEELER Wheeler, Lisa, 1963- Dino-Easter JF GREEN Green, John Patrick, 1975- InvestiGators. Braver and boulder BEGINNING READERS Call No. Author Title BR BERENSTAIN Berenstain, Mike, 1951- The Berenstain Bears meet the Easter Bunny BR CHANG Chang, Maggie P. Geraldine Pu and her cat hat, too! BR DERTING Derting, Kimberly Vivi loves science : sink or float BR DUBOIS Dubois, Liz Goulet That egg is mine! : a silly story about manners for kids JUVENILE NONFICTION Call No. Author Title J398.24 CALDWELL Caldwell, S. A. (Stella A.) The magnificent book of dragons J796.334 BUG Bugler, Beth My first book of soccer : Mostly Everything Explained About the Game J796.962 BEC Bechtel, Mark My first book of hockey J920.72 CLINTON Clinton, Chelsea She persisted in science : brilliant women who made a difference JUVENILE BIOGRAPHY Call No. Author Title JB COLVIN BAP Baptiste, Tracey Because Claudette JB FRANKLIN ABD Abdurraqib, Hanif, 1983- Sing, Aretha, sing! : Aretha Franklin, "Respect," and the civil rights movement
JB WHITE BON Bonsignore, Gregory That's Betty! : the story of Betty White JUVENILE AUDIOVISUAL JUVENILE DVDS Call No. Title J DVD BABY Baby shark's big show! J DVD BARBIE Barbie dreamhouse adventures J DVD BLUE'S Blue's clues & you! Story time with Blue J DVD POWER Power Rangers dino charge. The complete season. J DVD POWER Power Rangers dino super charge : the complete season. J DVD PUPS Pups alone J DVD SING Sing 2 J DVD TROLLS Trolls. Holiday in harmony JUVENILE BLURAY Call No. Title J BD SING Sing 2 (Blu-ray) J BD SPIRIT Spirit untamed : the movie JUVENILE MUSIC CDS Call No. Title CD JUV ENCANTO Encanto : original motion picture soundtrack CD JUV SING Sing 2 : original motion picture soundtrack.
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