NEURO NUMBERS 2019 Does this need a subtitle? - Space for cover image - Neurological Alliance

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 A report by the Neurological Alliance                       March 2019

Translating data into improved outcomes for
people with neurological conditions
The importance of data                               conditions. Here, in Neuro Numbers 2019
                                                     we publish new data on current neurological
Without good data it is difficult to know whether    prevalence estimates. We reveal there are now
services and treatments are leading to improved      an estimated 14.7 million neurological cases,
outcomes. Or the extent to which the care            equating to at least 1 in 6 people living with one
system is meeting the needs of patients. Over        or more neurological condition(s). We cannot
the last ten years we have seen the importance       make direct comparisons with 2014 data, the last
of data and intelligence in supporting rapid         time we published Neuro Numbers (see ‘About
advances in cancer and stroke care. Data is also     Neuro Numbers’ below for more detail). Yet,
                                                     we know that because of an ageing population,

                    1 in 6
                                                     improvements in diagnosis and advances in
                                                     neo-natal care, neurological prevalence is
                                                     rising and set to continue to rise. The latest
                    people have a                    prevalence data is presented here alongside the
                    neurological condition           most recent published national data relating to
                                                     people with neurological conditions. The national
important for holding the system to account          data for people with neurological conditions
and incentivising improvement. It is perhaps         includes how much money the NHS spends, use
unsurprising that neurology is barely mentioned      of hospital services and data about deaths.
in the NHS performance architecture, given there
are so few national data sets on which to base       What data is missing?
national indicators. In policy and campaigning
terms, data provides evidence with which to          Most of the care for people with neurological
influence change. During the development of          conditions takes place in outpatient neurology
the NHS Long Term Plan there was a very clear        clinics or in the community. Yet with existing
message from NHS England that if the benefits        datasets it is not possible to know what condition
of a proposal could not be evidenced, it would not   an individual attending a neurology appointment
be included. It is for all these reasons that The    has, nor whether the appointment was relating to
Neurological Alliance has long campaigned for        diagnosis or ongoing management of a condition.
more and better data in neurology, which until       There is also no nationally collected dataset
recent years, has been virtually non-existent.       about patient outcomes with which to assess the
                                                     effectiveness of care. Another huge gap is the
Given our interest in neurological data, we have     lack of data about social care for people with
also developed our own datasets, such as the         neurological conditions. There has also not
neurology patient experience survey. We regularly    been any quantification of support from
publish intelligence highlighting our own and        the voluntary sector. This means current
externally produced data findings, and what          estimates of the level of spending
these findings mean for people with neurological     on neurological conditions

THE NEUROLOGICAL ALLIANCE | NEURO NUMBERS 2019                                                            2

– £4.4 billion – is only part of the picture. It is   An improving picture?
also noteworthy that the national spend data
included in this publication – the only data          Despite the number of needed improvements
publicly available – is several years out of date.    in neurology data collection, we are tentatively
                                                      hopeful. Over the last five years we have seen
For many of the rarer neurological conditions         the development of several new data initiatives
– which we estimate represent over 150,000            for neurology. These include, the establishment
neurological cases – there is little or no data       of the Neurology Intelligence Network and the
collected at all, meaning this group of patients      first national neurological data set, Right Care
is virtually invisible to the health system. The      pathway development, and Getting it Right
other hidden group are people with neurological       First Time (GIRFT) neurosurgery and neurology
symptoms, but no confirmed diagnosis.                 programmes. The Neurological Alliance has
                                                      further developed the methodology for our own
Without all this additional information, it is        patient experience data collection. The Neurology
hard to understand if £4.4 billion NHS spend          Intelligence Collaborative, which we helped to
(plus an unknown amount of social care spend)         set up in 2018, is supporting the coordination

represents value for money, or whether it is
translating into positive outcomes for the 1 in
6 people living with a neurological condition.         Surely it is time neurology was
Given the rising prevalence, surely it is time
neurology was prioritised for improvement in           prioritised for improvement
terms of data collection, so the system can            in terms of data collection, so
make evidence based decisions about care?
                                                       the system can make evidence
While more challenging to determine generic
outcome measures than in specialities such as
orthopaedics or cancer, it is possible to develop
                                                       based decisions about care?
indicators on neurological patient outcomes.          of existing data projects and developing new
We have included in an annex to this publication      projects to fill gaps in the data. In parallel, the
a set of suggested neurological outcome               merger of NHS England and NHS Improvement
measures, developed with our membership,              also presents an opportunity for further
and presented against the NHS outcomes                collaboration between NHS Right Care and GIRFT.
framework. The lack of outpatient coding has
been discussed by the neurological community          This year is set to be a landmark year for data
for many years, and we are encouraged that            and neurology as we look forward to the
the National Neuro Advisory Group has now             publication of the Neurology GIRFT report, the
identified this as a barrier to improvement           development of further neurological RightCare
and is scoping a project to address this. The         pathways, and updates to the RightCare
Office for Statistics Regulation is currently         neurology data packs. The Neurology
reviewing social care data, which presents an         Intelligence Network continues its
opportunity to learn more about the social care       programme to develop more
needs of people with neurological conditions.         accurate prevalence estimates

THE NEUROLOGICAL ALLIANCE | NEURO NUMBERS 2019                                                              3
Foreword (continued)

for neurological conditions. The Neurology           To this end, The Neurological Alliance is calling
Intelligence Collaborative is developing plans to    for data to be translated into real change for
improve outpatient coding. We also anticipate        people with neurological conditions. This is in
our own patient experience survey data being         addition to our existing calls for more and better
richer than ever before, providing regional and      data, particularly in relation to rarer neurological
Trust level data about patient experience.           conditions. Despite the efforts of RightCare, a
                                                     recent freedom of information request found
Using data to drive improvement                      that only 37 out of 195 Clinical Commissioning
                                                     Groups have submitted delivery plans that
Just as important however, is what happens           reference neurological conditions. As it stands,
after data is published. In 2018 we welcomed         the NHS Long Term Plan is unlikely to do
a new report by Public Health England about          much to raise the profile of neurology among
deaths associated with neurological conditions.      local decision makers, given the lack of pan-
                                                     neurological priority in the Plan. We want to see

                                                     national incentives for local and regional decision
                                                     makers to tackle unwarranted variation in
  It is essential that the different                 neurological care, based on the opportunities for
  parts of the system work                           improvement demonstrated by local-level data.

  together to address the issues

                                                     Over the coming years we look forward to
  being illuminated by the data.                     working with our partners in The Neurology
                                                     Intelligence Collaborative to address some of the
                                                     shortcomings in the current data and to develop
                                                     new data sources. We believe this is critical to
However, we have yet to see a concerted              underpinning improvement in services to deliver
system-wide effort to tackle some of the stark       better outcomes for people with neurological
findings of this report. We have included a few      conditions, as well as better value for money.
of the findings in this briefing but further work    We also call on both NHS England and regional
needs to be done to understand the story behind      and local decision makers to take heed of the
the data. This includes the number of people         new data emerging about neurological services,
with neurological conditions whose deaths could      and to act now to give people with neurological
have been avoided with better care and support.      conditions the care they need and deserve.
Given that by the end of 2019 we will have more
data than ever before, it is essential that the      Sarah Vibert
different parts of the system work together to       Chief Executive
address the issues being illuminated by the data.    March 2019

THE NEUROLOGICAL ALLIANCE | NEURO NUMBERS 2019                                                              4
National data

                                                       The NHS spends over

   1,654,577                                              £4.4bn                           1,009,021
    people were admitted                                                                   people were admitted
     with a neurological                                                                   as emergencies with a
     mention (including                                                                    neurological mention
      non-emergency)                                                                            in 2016/173
        in 2016/172

                                                             on people with
         There has been a                                                                    There has been a

                 24%                                                                             21%
        INCREASE                                                                             INCREASE
    in admissions over the                                                                     in emergency
       5 years 2016/172                                                                     admissions over the
                                                                                             5 years 2016/173

  1 Department of Health, Programme budgeting data 2012/13, February 2014.
  2	Extract from inpatient data compendium, dementia and stroke are additional extracts
     from HES. Neurology Intelligence Network, Public Health England.
  3	As above.

THE NEUROLOGICAL ALLIANCE | NEURO NUMBERS 2019                                                                     5
National data

                                                                                                   There has been a

                                                           9.78                                        39%
                                                           DAYS                                    INCREASE
                                                                                                in neurological deaths
                                                                                                  during 2001–20147

        bed days were
                                                                                                  This compares to a
     recorded for patients
      with a neurological
     mention in 2016/175                                                                                 6%
                                                     was the average length
                                                     of stay for people with
       There has been an                             neurological mention in                    in all cause deaths over
                                                           2016/174                                 the same period7

                   8%                                                                            Deaths associated
                                                                                                 with a neurological
        INCREASE                                        This compares to an
                                                         average length of
                                                                                                   condition were
      in bed days over the                                 stay of 7 days
      5 years to 2016/175                                 for all patients6                              35%
                                                                                                  more likely to be
                                                                                                  premature during
  4	Extract from inpatient data compendium, dementia and stroke are additional extracts from
     HES. Neurology Intelligence Network, Public Health England.
  5	Extract from inpatient data compendium, dementia and stroke are additional extracts from
     HES. Neurology Intelligence Network, Public Health England.
  6	Length of UK inpatient stays 2015, NHS Confederation.
  7	Deaths associated with neurological conditions in England, 2001–2014, National Neurology
     Intelligence Network, National End of Life Care Intelligence Network.

THE NEUROLOGICAL ALLIANCE | NEURO NUMBERS 2019                                                                             6
Prevalence data

                                                                                             14.7 million
                                                                                                    neurological cases
                                                                                                           in England

                            Over 75,000
                            cases per Clinical
                   Commissioning Group (CCG)

                                              Rare disease
              at least 150,000
                                    neurological cases

                                 9.7 million

                                 2.1 million

                  Stable with changing needs
                                 1.7 million

                                            Sudden onset
                                 1.1 million

  Figures based on estimations of condition prevalence using the references detailed in the
  accompanying data table overleaf. Where only UK prevalence figures were available a calculation
  has been made based on the Office for National Statistics estimation of UK and England
  populations, ‘Overview of the UK population, November 2018’.

THE NEUROLOGICAL ALLIANCE | NEURO NUMBERS 2019                                                                           7
Prevalence and incidence of
neurological conditions

Condition                    Categorisation      Prevalence   Reference                               Incidence
                                                 (England)                                            (England unless
                                                                                                      otherwise stated)
Acoustic neuroma             Progressive         27,800       British Acoustic Neuroma Association
Ataxia                       Progressive         8,600        Ataxia UK
Autism                       Stable with         580,000      Autistica
                             changing needs         
Batten disease               Progressive         105          Batten Disease Family Association
Brain, CNS and other         Progressive         85,927       The Brain Tumour Charity                7,810
intracranial tumours                                
Carpal tunnel syndrome       Progressive         Not known
Cavernoma                    Intermittent        90,000       Cavernoma Alliance UK                   335 (symptomatic)
Cerebral palsy               Stable with         25,273       Scope                                   1,800
                             changing needs         
Charcot-Marie-Tooth          Progressive         19,376       Charcot-Marie-Tooth UK
Chronic fatigue              Stable with         210,606      Action for M.E.
syndrome (ME)                changing needs         
Chronic inflammatory         Progressive         3,329        Guillain-Barre and Associated           600
demyelinating                                                 Inflammatory Neuropathies
Cluster headache             Intermittent        111,200      Organisation for the Understanding of
                                                              Cluster Headache (OUCH UK)
Dementia                     Progressive         759,000      Alzheimer’s Research UK                 180,000
(includes Alzheimer’s)                              
Dystonia                     Progressive         58,970       The Dystonia Society
Encephalitis                 Sudden onset        –            Encephalitis Society                    5,000
Epilepsy                     Intermittent        526,000      Epilepsy Action                         32,000
                                                              Epilepsy Research UK
                                                              SUDEP Action
                                                              The Daisy Garland

THE NEUROLOGICAL ALLIANCE | NEURO NUMBERS 2019                                                                            8
Prevalence and incidence of
neurological conditions (continued)

Condition                    Categorisation      Prevalence   Reference                              Incidence
                                                 (England)                                           (England unless
                                                                                                     otherwise stated)
Essential tremor             Progressive         842,424      National Tremor Foundation
Fibromyalgia                 Stable with         1,167,600    Versus Arthritis
                             changing needs         
Functional                   Intermittent        Not known    FND Action
neurological disorder                               
                                                              FND Hope
Guillain-Barre syndrome      Sudden onset                     Guillain-Barre and Associated          1,200
                                                              Inflammatory Neuropathies
Hemiplegia                   Stable with         55,600       Hemihelp
                             changing needs         
Huntington’s disease         Progressive         6,739        Huntington’s Disease Association
Hydrocephalus                                                 Shine Charity                          1 per 1,000
(congentital)                                                       live births
Idiopathic intracranial      Sudden onset        6,060        IIH UK                                 23,182
Meningitis                   Sudden onset                     Public Health England                  755
Migraine                     Intermittent        7,945,633    Migraine Trust
Motor neurone disease        Progressive         3,962        Motor Neurone Disease Association      1,132
Multiple sclerosis           Progressive         90,590       MS Trust                               4,120
                                                              MS Society
Multiple system atrophy      Progressive         2,354        Multiple System Atrophy Trust          321
Muscular dystrophy           Progressive         58,970       Muscular Dystrophy UK
                                                              Action Duchenne
Myasthenias                  Intermittent        10,109       Myaware
Myelopathy                   Progressive         Not known

THE NEUROLOGICAL ALLIANCE | NEURO NUMBERS 2019                                                                           9
Prevalence and incidence of
neurological conditions (continued)

Condition                    Categorisation      Prevalence   Reference                             Incidence
                                                 (England)                                          (England unless
                                                                                                    otherwise stated)
Narcolepsy                   Stable with         22,250       Narcolepsy UK
                             changing needs         
Neurofibromatosis            Progressive         24,093       Nerve Tumours UK
Neuromyelitis optica         Progressive         842          Tranverse Myelitis Society
Parkinsons disease           Progressive         121,927      Parkinson’s UK                        For people aged 45
                                                                     or over: 18,461
                                                              Spotlight Young Onset Parkinsons
Post-Polio syndrome          Progressive         100,800      Polio Survivors Network
Progressive                  Progressive         6,500        PSP Association                       2,040
supranuclear palsy                                  
Restless legs syndrome       Intermittent        1,056,400    Restless Legs Syndrome UK
Rett syndrome                Progressive         1,264        Rett UK
Spina bifida                 Stable with                      Shine Charity                         200
                             changing needs         
Spinal cord injury           Sudden onset        34,303       Spinal Injuries Association           858
Spinal muscular atrophy      Progressive         660          SMA Support UK                        138 diagnosed with
                                                                       5qSMA per year
Stroke – ischaemic           Sudden onset        1,000,000    Different Strokes                     80,000
and hemorrhagic                                     
                                                              Stroke Association
Tourette syndrome            Stable with         252,000      Tourettes Action
                             changing needs         
Transverse myelitis          Sudden onset        3,820        Tranverse Myelitis Society            253
Traumatic brain injury       Sudden onset        1,095,152    UKABIF                                900,000 A&E
                                                                         attendences per
                                                                                                    year in the UK
Trigeminal neuralgia         Sudden onset        50,000       Trigeminal Neuralgia Association UK   6,000
Tuberous sclerosis           Progressive         6,720        Tuberous Sclerosis Association

THE NEUROLOGICAL ALLIANCE | NEURO NUMBERS 2019                                                                           10
About Neuro Numbers

Neuro Numbers brings together all the latest pan-neurological data that
is available for England. It is intended to be a ‘consensus document’ about
neurological conditions.

Previous editions of Neuro Numbers have               The originating sources are available from the
been quoted extensively by charities, health          charities who can be contacted via their websites,
care professionals, academics and policy              referenced within this publication. Where
makers when referencing neurological data.            prevalence ratios were only available as a range,
There are two main categories of data and             we use the lowest figure in this publication.
intelligence included in Neuro Numbers:
                                                      The number of neurological cases
1 Data that is collected and analysed                 has increased
   nationally by public bodies such as NHS
   England or the Neurology Intelligence              There is a large increase in the figure for the
   Network at Public Health England.                  total number of neurological cases in this
                                                      2019 edition of Neuro Numbers, compared
2 Prevalence (and where available, incidence)         with the 2014 edition. Although it is widely
   estimates collated and synthesised by              accepted that overall prevalence is increasing,
   The Neurological Alliance with the support         we caution against direct comparisons. There
   of charities providing support to people           are a number of factors affecting changes
   with specific neurological conditions.             in prevalence data and the overall accuracy
                                                      of neurological prevalence estimates.
Nationally collected data is referenced within
the document and included with permission             Methodological reasons
from the originating organisation.
                                                      1 A number of neurological conditions were not
                                                        included in Neuro Numbers 2014. Amongst
                                                        these were conditions with high prevalence
  PREVALENCE: The number of individuals in a            such as autism (580,000), restless legs
  population who have a disease at a specific time.     syndrome (1,056,400) and traumatic brain injury
                                                        (1,095,152), which have been included in 2019.
  INCIDENCE: The number of individuals who
  are newly diagnosed with a disease during a         2 For some conditions such as functional
  particular time period.                               neurological disorder, there are still no
                                                        reliable prevalence estimates. Yet, we
                                                        know prevalence is high and that
Prevalence estimates have been sought mainly            it often occurs co-morbidly with
from national patient groups representing each          another neurological condition.
condition. Patient groups have generally sourced
prevalence (and where available incidence) figures    3 In many disease areas
from academic peer reviewed publications.               prevalence estimates

THE NEUROLOGICAL ALLIANCE | NEURO NUMBERS 2019                                                             11
About Neuro Numbers (continued)

   are improving all the time. A large proportion   Health service reasons
   of the overall increase in the number of
   cases is due to the increase in migraine         9   Improvements in scanning and other
   prevalence figures. This is because of               diagnostic techniques mean that
   new prevalence ratio estimates having                diagnosis of neurological conditions is
   been developed in the last few years.                improving. This also means that some
                                                        conditions – such as cavernoma – are
4 In some condition areas, such as narcolepsy,          diagnosed asymptomatically, with a
   it is believed that many cases still go              resulting increase in prevalence figures.
   unreported, meaning prevalence is much
   higher than current estimates suggest.           10 The number of neurologists has
                                                        also increased over the last decade.
Demographic reasons                                     This also means more neurological
                                                        diagnoses are made.
5 The population of England has increased
   from 53 million (2011–12 – the year              11 A few conditions are declining in prevalence
   upon which the 2014 Neuro Numbers                    where primary prevention measures
   prevalence estimates were based) to 55.6             are possible and have been successful
   million (2018 Office for National Statistics         – e.g. meningitis, due to vaccinations.
   data, the basis for this publication).
                                                    For some conditions, such as Motor Neurone
6 For some neurological conditions, risk factors    Disease (MND), the number of people living
   include high blood pressure (e.g. stroke)        with the disease suggests the condition is rare
   or obesity (e.g. IIH). This means that the       according to the internationally recognised
   prevalence of these conditions is increasing     definition of rare disease, but this is because
   at a faster rate than population growth          MND is life limiting and the time from
   alone, given the increasing occurrence of        diagnosis to death is often only a few years.
   these risk factors in the general population.    The lifetime risk of developing MND is around
                                                    1 in 300 which makes it about as common as
7 Some increased prevalence can be accounted        conditions such as Multiple Sclerosis (MS).
   for by an ageing population. Advances
   in treatments for other diseases such            Please note that Neuro Numbers does not
   as cancer means that people are living           include an exhaustive list of neurological
   longer. As such they are more likely to be       conditions. The Neurology Intelligence
   living with a neurodegenerative condition        Network describes adult neurological diseases
   such as Parkinson’s or dementia.                 in 16 main condition categories, with an
                                                    additional catch all category which covers
8 A small proportion of increased prevalence can    rare and other neurological disease. These
   be attributed to advances in neo-natal care.     categories cover 473 International
                                                    Classification of Disease Codes.

THE NEUROLOGICAL ALLIANCE | NEURO NUMBERS 2019                                                        12
Annex: Summary of recommended
neurological outcome measures

NHS Outcomes             Relevance to                 NHS Outcomes Framework               Additional neurological outcome
Framework domain         neurological conditions      indicators that should               measures that could complement
                                                      be disaggregated for                 the framework
                                                      neurological conditions
1: Preventing           ●● Reducing premature        ●● 1a: Potential years of life       ●● Under 75 mortality rate for people
    people                  mortality due to poor        lost from causes considered          with neurological conditions
    from dying              management of                amenable to healthcare
    prematurely             symptoms                  ●● 1.5: Excess under 75
                                                         mortality rate in adults with
                                                         common mental illness
2: Enhancing quality    ●● Quick and accurate        ●● 2: Health related quality         ●● Time taken to reach a stable
    of life for people      diagnosis                    of life for people with              neurological diagnosis following first
    with long-term       ●● Prompt and                   long-term conditions                 consultation due to symptoms
    conditions              equitable access to       ●● 2.1: Proportion of people         ●● Unplanned hospitalisation for people
                            appropriate specialists      feeling supported to                 with long-term neurological conditions
                            and treatment                manage their condition            ●● Attendances at A&E for people with
                         ●● Access to high            ●● 2.2: Employment of people            long-term neurological conditions
                            quality information          with long-term conditions         ●● Proportion of patients with a
                         ●● Support to self-          ●● 2.3: Unplanned hospitalisation       neurological condition who see
                            manage the condition         for chronic ambulatory care          a specialist who understands
                         ●● Maintaining                  sensitive conditions (all ages)      their condition within 24 hours
                            functional ability        ●● 2.4: Health-related                  of being admitted to hospital
                         ●● Coordinated                  quality of life for carers        ●● Proportion of people with a neurological
                            health and social         ●● 2.7: Health-related quality of       condition who have a personal care plan
                            care support                 life for people with three or     ●● Proportion of people with a
                         ●● Enhancing quality            more long-term conditions            neurological condition who have
                            of life for carers                                                access to a clinical nurse specialist
                                                                                           ●● Proportion of people with a
                                                                                              neurological condition given access to
                                                                                              counselling/psychological support
3: Helping people       ●● Helping people            ●● 3a: Emergency admissions          ●● Hospital bed days for people with long-
    to recover              to recover their             for acute conditions that            term neurological conditions, following
    from episodes           independence and             should not usually require           emergency and elective admissions
    of ill health or        functional ability           hospital admission                ●● Proportion of people with a neurological
    following injury     ●● Reducing emergency        ●● 3b: Emergency readmissions           condition given access to rehabilitation
                            admissions and               within 30 days of                    services within two weeks of referral
                            length of stay               discharge from hospital           ●● Time taken to return to a near-
                         ●● Helping people to         ●● 3.6: Proportion of older people      baseline level of functional ability for
                            return to work               who were still at home 91            people with neurological conditions
                                                         days after discharge from         ●● Proportion of people with a
                                                         hospital into reablement/            neurological condition able to
                                                         rehabilitation services              remain in employment

THE NEUROLOGICAL ALLIANCE | NEURO NUMBERS 2019                                                                                           13
Annex: Summary of recommended
neurological outcome measures (continued)

NHS Outcomes           Relevance to                  NHS Outcomes Framework                 Additional neurological outcome
Framework domain       neurological conditions       indicators that should                 measures that could complement
                                                     be disaggregated for                   the framework
                                                     neurological conditions
4: Ensuring that      ●● Improving people’s         ●● 4a: Patient experience of           ●● Additional measures to be derived from
    people have           experience of care            primary care – (i) GP services         national neurology patient survey
    a positive            across all care settings      and (ii) GP out of hours services
    experience         ●● Access to a clinical       ●● 4b: Patient experience
    of care               nurse specialist              of hospital care
                       ●● Provision of a personal    ●● 4.1: Patient experience
                          care plan                     of outpatient services
                       ●● Dying well                 ●● 4.2: Responsiveness to
                                                        in-patients’ personal needs
                                                     ●● 4.3: Patient experience
                                                        of accident and
                                                        emergency services
                                                     ●● 4.4.i: Access to GP services
                                                     ●● 4.6: Bereaved carers’ views
                                                        on the quality of care in
                                                        the last 3 months of life
                                                     ●● 4.7: Patient experience
                                                        of community mental
                                                        health service
                                                     ●● 4.8: Children and young
                                                        people’s experience of
                                                        inpatient services
                                                     ●● 4.9 People’s experience
                                                        of integrated care
5: Treating and       ●● Getting the right          ●● 5a: Deaths attributable to          ●● Proportion of people with a neurological
    caring for            medicines at the              problems in healthcare                 condition who receive information
    people in a safe      right time                 ●● 5b: Severe harm attributable           about the side effects and potential
    environment;       ●● Timely access to              to problems in health care             adverse effects of their treatment
    and protecting        assistive equipment        ●● 5.1: Deaths from VTE related        ●● Proportion of people with a
    them from             (including wheelchairs)       events within 90 days post             neurological condition admitted to
    avoidable harm                                      discharge from hospital                a hospital or care home who are
                                                     ●● 5.2: Incidence of healthcare           given their medication on time
                                                        associated infection (HCAI) –       ●● Time taken between referral and
                                                        (i) MRSA and (ii) C. difficile         being provided with appropriate
                                                     ●● 5.3: Proportion of patients            assistive technology (including
                                                        with category 2, 3 and                 wheelchairs) or adaptations for
                                                        4 pressure ulcers                      people with a neurological condition
                                                     ●● 5.4: Hip fractures from
                                                        falls during hospital care
                                                     ●● 5.6: Patient safety
                                                        incidents reported

THE NEUROLOGICAL ALLIANCE | NEURO NUMBERS 2019                                                                                            14
About us
The Neurological Alliance is a coalition of more than 80 organisations working
together to transform outcomes for the millions of people in England with
a neurological condition. We campaign for high quality care and support to
meet the individual needs of every person with a neurological condition, at
every stage of their life. Our work is shaped by the experiences of people
with neurological conditions and aims to address the causes of poor care.

Contact us
The Neurological Alliance
c.o. The British Polio Fellowship
The Xchange Building
Wilmington Close
WD18 0FQ

Phone: 01923 882 590

The Neurological Alliance is a charity registered by the Charity Commission
for England and Wales (registration number 1039034) and a company
limited by guarantee registered in England (registration number 2939840).
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