Needy - 100%ZAKAT POLICY - Zia Ul Ummah Foundation

Page created by Leo Welch
Needy - 100%ZAKAT POLICY - Zia Ul Ummah Foundation
                                     RESPONDING TO
                                     THE CALL OF THE

    H          Charity No. 1131760
Needy - 100%ZAKAT POLICY - Zia Ul Ummah Foundation
Over 90 Years of
                                   Educational & Social
Since 1925 the Zia Ul Ummah Foundation has been on the ground in
Pakistan, opening the door to schooling and welfare for those who hail
from poor, disadvantaged and less socially mobile backgrounds. With your                                             £130
                                                                                                                    TO INSTALL A
support, here are some of 2021’s successes.                                                                         HAND WATER

REACHING NEEDY                         GIRLS COLLEGE                          BUILDING A HIFZ OF
FAMILIES                               EXPANSION                              QUR’AN COMPLEX
Team ZUF expanded our Feed             COMPLETED                              This year we have taken a new

                                                                                                                  Clean Water
Pakistan project to assist thou-       By Allah’s Grace in November           challenge to build a Hifz School,
sands of families across the whole     2020 we completed the building         where approximately 300 will
of Pakistan. Food poverty has          expansion and with your support        benefit from facilities such as

                                                                                                                  for All
risen dramatically, this year we       last year we were able to finish       classrooms, residence, kitchens,
are committed to feeding more          the computer lab and new library.      dinning, staff rooms, IT labs and
people in the month of Ramadan         Thousands of girls join our college    sports provisions all under one
with extended Iftari programs. In      in Bhera to benefit from a free        roof. The project construction
2021 we supplied regular food
parcels to families in Muzafrabadh,
                                       education. During the 6-year
                                       programme we provide a full
                                                                              cost is estimated to be £350,000,
                                                                              to build a 20,000 square foot, 5
                                                                                                                  There continues to be a strong need for clean
                                                                                                                  water supply in forgotten and remote
                                                                                                                                                                             Water Projects
Rahimyaar Khan, Ghotki, Pindi,
Jehlum and other cities, with over
                                       boarding service that caters for all
                                       of their physical and educational
                                                                              storey building with a basement.
                                                                              Please donate your Zakat and
                                                                                                                  communities. Since last year, we have installed            Making a Difference
                                                                                                                  over 200 handpumps for individual families and
80,000 beneficiaries.                  needs. Because of your generosity      Sadaqah and help us secure the
                                                                                                                  have installed clean water filtration plants in over       Clean water filtrations were installed in
                                       our facilities can now adequately      future of our children.
                                                                                                                  20 schools. Some 10,000 children now have access           over 25 schools to provide clean water
SHARING                                meet the needs of students.
                                                                                                                  to clean water. We are committed to suppling               to children. It is essential requirement for
                                                                              Donate 30 Square Feet: £500
RAMADAN 2021                                                                  Donate 15 Square Feet: £250         clean water in remote areas of Sindh, where there          a healthy life and supporting children
Last year we served over 50,000                                               Donate 50 Bricks: £50               is a particular scarcity and we have supplied clean        through their education.
people with our Iftar program                                                                                     water to thousands of people in villages and               TeamZUF is committed to
during the blessed month of                                                                                       remote areas, where womenfolk walked over 2km              expand the project and             £400
Ramadan. Our Iftar and food pack                                                                                  one way, every day to collect water.                       install in a further 50 schools FOR     A WATER
projects are growing year on year.                                                                                                                                                                               FILTRATION
                                                                                                                                                                             this year.                              UNIT
We provide hundreds of families
food packs every month and aim
to serve 1000 people a hot meal
every day. We pray that Allah (swt)
permits us to continue being
amongst those that feed the hun-
                                                                                                                  Quick ZUF Facts...                 • Over 10,000 children are
                                                                                                                                                       benefitting from our filtration
                                                                                                                                                                                         • We performed Qurbani In
                                                                                                                                                                                           Sindh and Punjab. 30,600
gry. "And they feed, for the love of                                                                                                                   water units which provide 		        people had joyful Eid
Allah, the needy, the orphan, and                                                                                 • One of the oldest educational      safe drinkable water
the captive" [Al Qur'an 76:8]                                                                                       institutions in Pakistan                                  Sponsor
                                                                                                                                                                                   • Perayear
                                                                                                                                                                                          Hafiz   forpeople
                                                                                                                                                                                              80,000  £20 		 per
                                                                                                                                                     • We have installed 200         benefits from our daily hot
                                                                                                                  • Sustainable education                                     month
                                                                                                                                                       handpumps in Sindh (Ghotki)   or  £240
                                                                                                                                                                                     meal projectper  year
                                                                                                                    programmes that support                                                                                               students up to employment
Needy - 100%ZAKAT POLICY - Zia Ul Ummah Foundation
Future Scholars                                                                                       DONATE
                                                                                                                                                                 30 SQUARE
                                                                                                                                                                                 15 SQUARE
                                                                                                                                                                                                   50 BRICKS

                                                                                                                                                                  FEET FOR        FEET FOR            FOR
                                                                                                                                                                 £500            £250               £50
                                                            Fostering Balanced
                                                            Islamic Scholarship

                                                                                                            Hifz of
                                                                                                            In recent years, our Hifz department has grown
                                                                                                            and more children are enrolling to memorise
                                                                                                            The Holy Qur’an. Our greatest challenge was to
                                                                                                            provide the best facility to our children, where

                                                                                                            we could provide them classrooms, residence,
                                                                                                            kitchens, dinning, staff rooms, IT labs and sports
                                                                                                            provisions all under one roof. This year we are
                                                                                                            planning to build a Hifz Complex building

                                                                                                            where we will have the capacity to provide all
                                                                                                            these facilities for up to 300 children.

                                                                                                            The project construction cost is estimated to
                                                                                                            be £350,000, to build a 20,000 square foot, 5
Beautifying Young Hearts                                       Highlights                                   storey building with a basement. Please donate
                                                                                                            your Zakat and Sadaqah and help us secure the
                                                               Due to Covid, it was a very challenging      future of our children.
At each of our 200 schools, 10% of students opt to
                                                               year for our children, however we have
take the Quranic memorisation course. Our 100%
                                                               managed to maintain our success rate
completion rate is a testament to both the quality
                                                               and 63 children completed their
                                                                                                         Muhammad's Story
of our teaching and the dedication of our students.
                                                               memorisation this year.
Our 3-year memorisation course advances students’
knowledge and understanding of Islam. It’s structured
                                                                                                         Muhammad belongs to a very poor family, his father works seven days a
so they’re able to take their studies to university level
and enter the world of Islamic scholarship, while also             £25             £300                  week in a small hotel to put food on the table for his 5 children. Mohammad’s
                                                                 PER MONTH        SPONSORS A             father could not afford to send him to school, so the only option Muhammad had
giving them the option to study traditional subjects at          TO SPONSOR       STUDENT FOR
a higher level too.                                               A STUDENT          1 YEAR              was to work with his father. He was introduced to and joined our Hifz program, we now provide him
                                                                                                         a full boarding facility including uniform, stationary and 3 daily meals. This year Mohammad will sit
                                                                                                         his year 8 exams for English, Math, Urdu and other essential subjects. Your support had given him a
                                                                                                         chance to succeed in his life.
Needy - 100%ZAKAT POLICY - Zia Ul Ummah Foundation
Zia Ul Ummah                                                       £25                £300                          Answering the call of                                        Sana’s Story
    Girls School                                                     SPONSORS A
                                                                       GIRL FOR
                                                                      A MONTH
                                                                                         SPONSORS A
                                                                                           GIRL FOR
                                                                                            1 YEAR
                                                                                                                        Single Mothers                                               Sana is 38 year’s old and lost her hus-
                                                                                                                                                                                     band in a road accident a few years ago.
                                                                                                                                                                                     On the day of this tragedy, when her life
    Our Girls Education                                                                                                 Since 2021 we have supported over 40 single
                                                                                                                        mothers to setup businesses such as grocery, clothing
                                                                                                                                                                                     changed forever, her 2 year old son was
                                                                  Quick Facts:                                                                                                       unwell in a local hospital. Her husband
    Drive Continues                                               Barriers to Education In Pakistan                     and beautician outlets, to bring stability to their lives.
                                                                                                                        Zakat and Sadaqah is used to build a small business,
                                                                                                                                                                                     went to bring some food for his family
                                                                                                                                                                                     but never returned.
                                                                  • 55% of out-of-school children are girls
    In 1990 we set up the Ghousia Girls College                   • 34% of girls are out of school because              where we provide them with essential training and six
                                                                                                                        months of practical and emotional support. Our project       Sana’s ordeal was brought to the
    in Bhera City, which offers a five-year course                  their parents don’t allow them to attend
                                                                                                                        is underpinned by the importance of serving those in         attention of Zia ul Ummah
    that includes A-levels, a bachelor’s degree and               • 15% don’t attend because education is                                                                            Foundation field workers and we
    comprehensive Islamic studies. Since its incep-                 too expensive                                       need in times of hardship. We will continue to help
                                                                                                                                                                                     decided to financially support her and
    tion over 12,000 girls have graduated and in                  • 13% can’t go because their school is 		             single mothers to become independent and
                                                                                                                                                                                     provide necessary care for her child. It
    2021 743 girls graduated with BA/MA degrees.                    too far away                                        self-sufficient, this is only possible with your             has been 2 years since the accident,
    With your donations we have continued to                      • 10% need to help their family at home,              kind donations.                                              and Sana is attending a local centre to
    improve our education facilities for the girls                  or work so they can earn money for food                                                                          improve her IT and sewing skills, while
    college, having built a new IT Lab, with the                                                                                                                                     her 4 years old child now attends a local
    latest computers, AV equipment and furniture.

                                                                                                                                                                                        TO WARDS

Dr Fatima’s Story                                                                                                                                                                      SUPPORTING
                                                                                                                                                                                         A FAMILY

‘I wanted to overcome the challenge of studying Islamic and secular education
in one institution. I then discovered the Girls College run by ZUF’. Our college,                                                                                                    Includes the following
provided her the opportunity where she studied religious texts including                                                                                                             • Survey and setup a business
Uloom-ul-Hadith, Uloom-ul-Tafseer, Islamic Jurisprudence, Islamic History and Translation                                                                                               (including purchasing products)
of the Holy Qur’an. She went on to achieve a distinction in her Bachelor's from the University of Karachi and a first                                                                • Training and material
class Masters in Islamic Studies, she now holds a Ph.D. in Comparative Study of Religions. Dr Fatima says that: ‘my                                                                  • 6 month support and skill
decision of taking admission in Ghosia Girl’s College was always the catalyst to the success in my career’. She now                                                                    development
works as an Assistant Professor at the National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST), Islamabad.
Needy - 100%ZAKAT POLICY - Zia Ul Ummah Foundation
Iftar Project
                                                                                                         Sharing the Blessings
                                                                       DONATE A            FEED 20
                                                                                                         of Ramadan
                                                                      FOOD PACK            PEOPLE
                                                                       FOR ONLY           FOR ONLY
                                                                        £40                £40

   The Food
   Project                                                                                               The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: “Whoever feeds
   Feeding Pakistan                                                                                      the person who is breaking his fast, they will have their
                                                                                                         reward (for fasting) without decreasing anything from
   Some 82.6 million people suffer from food                                                             the reward of the fasting person.” [Tirmidhi]
   insecurity in Pakistan. That means just under
   half the population doesn’t have enough food                                                          In the noble month of Ramadan, our dedicated teams
   to eat. Essential foods are expensive, and many                                                       work tirelessly to support thousands of people to
   families our field workers meet are unable to                                                         feed them through the Iftari project. We ensure that
   support themselves or their children.                                                                 all your donations utilised to deliver food to those in
                                                                                                         most need.
   The Foundation has food banks across the                                                              HIGHLIGHTS
   country where we distribute cooked meals                                                              In 2021 we successfully fed almost 12,000 people in
   and food packs to thousands of people living                                                          cities across Pakistan, including Sargodha, Islamabad,
   in poverty. Team ZUF went as far as Sindh, Mu-                                                        Pindi, Faisalabad, Muzafrabadh and Ghotki villeges.
   zafrahbadh, Mirpur, Jehlum, Pindi and many                                                            However, this year we are aiming to increase this
   other cities to provide family food packs and                                                         figure Insha’Allah, on average we expect almost 1000
   hot meals. Our aim is to provide good quality                                                         people to join our Iftari gatherings every evening.
   food packs for a family of 6 for one whole
   month. Since Ramadan 2021 we have helped          Our family food packs contain provision for an
   over 80,000 families with hot meals and we        entire month and include: 20kg flour, 2kg lentil,
   have provided food packs to over 3000 fami-       2kg sugar, 2kg dry milk, 2kg tea bag, 2kg gee         Help us with your Fidya, Kaffarah, Fitrana and Zakat to
   lies every month.                                 or cooking oil (Our food pack contents vary           reach our target to feed 20,000 people. In exceptional
                                                     between summer and winter)                            circumstances Fidya is £4 per fasting day missed or £120
                                                                                                           for the entire blessed month, Kafarra is £240.
Needy - 100%ZAKAT POLICY - Zia Ul Ummah Foundation
    Needs Us
    The conflict in May 2021 during Ramadan
    lasted 11 days and according to the OHCHR
    killed 256 Palestinians, including 66 children
    and almost 2,000 were injured. The attacks
    caused massive destruction to infrastructure,
    administrative and humanitarian buildings,
    business and homes, many of which were
    bombed with residents inside. Many families
    were wiped out altogether. Civilian men,
    women and children had to flee their homes
    in search of safety and sheltered in UNRWA
    schools in the governorates of North Gaza,

    Gaza City and Rafah. ZUF and their partners
    worked on the ground to support thousands
    of families.
                                                      £100        £48
                                                         TO       FEEDS 12
    We have also delivered medical aid to the         SUPPORT 5   FOR IFTARI
    Gaza Ministry of Health and the following          FAMILIES    & SEHRI
    hospitals: Al-Shifa Hospital, Nasser Hospital
    and the Sheikh Radwan Health Centre.
                                                                               For Every Hair You
    100 food packs were delivered in Gaza North
    to war affected families in Beit Lahia and                                 Receive a Reward
    Beit Hanoun. Each pack contained enough
    supplies to cover the needs of a family of 5 to
    6 people for a period of one month.
                                                                               Insha’Allah                                       Zakat Giving
                                                                               With our large network of food banks, we work
                                                                               all year round to relieve food poverty and help
                                                                                                                                 Purify Your Wealth
     GAZA PROJECT DELIVERY                                                     families across Pakistan. During special times
                                                                                                                                 Alhamdulillah, every year we help
                                Units Beneficiaries
                                                                               of the year such as Ramadan and Eid al-Adha,      thousands of families with your Zakat
                                                                               we also help communities here in the United       contributions. We have a dedicated Zakat
     Cooked Meals             13,960       69,800
                                                                               Kingdom fulfil their Islamic duties to families   Distribution Team that personally assesses
     Bread                    26,000      130,000
                                                                               and communities who are less fortunate. By        and organises localised Zakat projects to
     Family Food Packs           845        4,225
                                                                               supporting our work, you’ll be helping thou-      reach those who are most destitute. After
     1 Month Clean Water       1,635        8,175
                                                                               sands of people enjoy a happy Eid al-Adha. A      the declaration of Faith and Salah, Zakat is
     Non Food Items              305        1,525
                                                                               time of sacrifice, sharing and remembrance.       the third pillar of Islam, a compulsory form
     Medical Assistance                    25,000
                                                                                                                                 of worship through financial sacrifice,
                                                                               HIGHLIGHTS                                        whosoever fulfils the requirements of
                                                                               We distributed Qurbani meat to over 2500          Nisab is eligible to give Zakat.
                                                                               families in Sargodha, Bulwal, Bhera, Chuk
                                                                               Shezad and Jehlum.
Needy - 100%ZAKAT POLICY - Zia Ul Ummah Foundation
TO DONATE                                             YOU CAN ALSO DONATE:
                                                      £120 for the month of Ramadan
                                                      Payable for a person who has become extremely
WWW.                                                  weak due to old age or disease, has no hope
                                                      of recovery and cannot fast. They must feed a
ZIAULUMMAH.                                           deserving person twice a day or give the value of
ORG.UK                                                the meals. Your doctor will be able to advise you on
                                                      the nature of your illness.

 TELEPHONE                                            KAFFARA
                                                      £240 for the month of Ramadan
UK +44 (0)121 270 4786                                Payable for a person who has broken a fast in
USA 1 646 931 9786                                    Ramadan without a valid reason and they are
                                                      unable to fast for 2 months continuously with no
                                                      break in between. They must feed 60 deserving
 POST                                                 people two meals a day for 1 month or give the
Please make cheques or postal orders                  total value of the meals. All missed/broken fasts still
payable to: Zia Ul Ummah Foundation                   need to be made up.

Send to:                                              FITRANA
Zia Ul Ummah Foundation                               £4 for the month of Ramadan
13 Victoria Street                                    Obligatory for every person to pay before Eid prayer.
Birmingham B9 5AA                                     Remember to pay on behalf of any children or
United Kingdom                                        elderly members of your household. The amount
                                                      of fitrah is the value of one meal for a needy person
                                                      (£4 per meal). The earlier it is paid during Ramadan,
 BANK TRANSFER                                        the better, as Zia Ul Ummah Foundation shall spend
                                                      your Zakat-ul-Fitr funds on the day of Eid.
To transfer a donation directly
into our account:
Sort: 40-02-33
Account Number: 61416898
IBAN: GB83MIDL40023361416898
Swift BIC: MIDLGB2115A

                                  Zia Ul Ummah Foundation
                                  13 Victoria Street
                                  Birmingham B9 5AA
                                  United Kingdom
                                  Tel: UK +44 (0)121 270 4786
                                  Tel: USA 1 646 931 9786
Needy - 100%ZAKAT POLICY - Zia Ul Ummah Foundation Needy - 100%ZAKAT POLICY - Zia Ul Ummah Foundation Needy - 100%ZAKAT POLICY - Zia Ul Ummah Foundation
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