NDC & Kerrygold Quality Milk Awards Farm Development Category 2021

Page created by Sue Simon
NDC & Kerrygold Quality Milk Awards Farm Development Category 2021
October 2021

                                                                                                              Tel: 1890 47 47 20 I www.lakeland.ie I Twitter: @DairiesJP

New Board                                         NDC & Kerrygold Quality Milk Awards
elected for                                        Farm Development Category 2021
Following from the recent completion of
Board elections Lakeland Dairies has
announced the Board of the Co-
operative, taking effect on 1st November

  The elections follow from the decision
of members at an SGM last April
approving changes to the co-operative’s
governance structure, including a
reduction in the number of elected
Board members of the co-operative,
from 22 to 13 members.

  This follows from the merger of
Lakeland Dairies and LacPatrick Dairies
in 2019, when it was agreed to review
the rules of the new merged Society once
the merger was completed. Electoral
areas were subsequently revised to
establish a 13 member Board (from 22),
with an option to also co-opt up to 3
further directors.

   The 13 member Board has now been
                                                        L-R Eamon Duignan, Lakeland Dairies, Eugene Fitzpatrick, daughter Ruth, Special Guest Kelly Harrington,

established following elections in 8
                                                                        Deirdre Fitzpatrick, son Conor, Adrian McKeague, Lakeland Dairies

electoral areas, and further elections will     Congratulations to Eugene Fitzpatrick and his family, wife    (a) Teagasc member, adopting modern farming practices
also be held in Autumn 2022 covering a          Deirdre, daughter Ruth and son Conor, Lisryan, Granard,       and technologies such as; *grass measuring, *milk
remaining 5 electoral areas, completing         Co. Longford on winning the NDC & Kerrygold Quality           recording,*soil sampling, *reseeding with clover
the adjustment process.                         Milk Awards 2021 in the Farm Development                      inclusion, *using sexed semen, *solar panels, *selective
                                                category. This is a prestigious national award won by the     dry cow therapy, *low emission slurry spreading,
  The Board membership is as follows:           Fitzpatrick family for the conversion from a dry stock        *protected urea, *rain water harvesting and *low energy
Niall Matthews (Chair), Andrew                  farm to the development of a modern dairy farm over the       appliances.
McHugh (Vice-Chair), Alan McCay                 past twenty years.                                             (b) in a discussion group
(Vice-Chair),    Keith Agnew, Sean                Speaking on the awards, Minister for Agriculture,            (c) involved with his co-op
Connolly, John Joseph Cooney, Michael
                                                Food & the Marine, Charlie McConalogue said;                   (d) involved in his community
Dobson, JJ Lavelle, Anthony Leddy,
Christy McKenna, Oliver Neville, Alan           “The NDC & Kerrygold Quality Milk Awards are a unique          (e) aware of his responsibilities to the environment.
Thompson, Alex Walker. In May 2021,             way of celebrating what is truly special about Ireland. The     The transition of this farm began with the transfer of the
Liam Larkin was co-opted to the Board           passion and dedication of Irish family farms, together        holding from his late father Benny, who sold and serviced
as an independent non-executive                 with our unique farming system, has helped build a strong     milking machines to many dairy farmers in Cavan,
director and continues in this capacity.        reputation for Ireland as a high-quality, sustainable food    Longford and Leitrim. The conversion to milk production
                                                producer. While we face significant challenges as an          began during the milk quota regime, purchasing and
   Niall Matthews, Chair of                     industry, it is important to celebrate our dairy farmers      leasing of milk quota for the first 13 years was a necessary
Lakeland Dairies said, “I welcome               who are ambassadors for the industry, committed to            and expensive part of the farm’s development. The
the establishment of our new Board and          maintaining exceptional standards in milk quality and         progression has been gradual and sustainable in
look forward to working with each               sustainable farming.”                                         increasing cow numbers, milk production and associated
member to advance the best interests of          All farming finalists underwent a detailed assessment by     infrastructure complying with all regulations.
the co-operative for all our members            an expert judging panel including Professor Pat Wall            However, lifestyle is also important, Eugene says
and milk producers in the years ahead.
                                                from UCD, Dr David Gleeson from Teagasc and Dr                “outside of farming, our schedule is packed with
 On behalf of the Board and members of
                                                Jack Kennedy, Deputy Editor of the Irish Farmers              football, swimming and gymnastics lessons”
the co-operative, I thank all retiring
Board members for their commitment,             Journal. All finalists were judged on sustainable farming       This farm and farmer have been available for farm walks
dedication and service. Based on our            practices, milk quality, technical knowledge, and animal      and workshops allowing Lakeland Dairies, Teagasc and
democratic and leadership structures,           welfare on-farm practices.                                    Animal Health Ireland to promote all that is important
Lakeland Dairies will continue our              On their visit to the Fitzpatrick family farm they saw a      and necessary for good dairy farming to his neighbouring
strong progress into the future.”               farmer;                                                       farmers in Longford, Westmeath, Cavan and Leitrim.

                                                                                                                                                             Farm 1
NDC & Kerrygold Quality Milk Awards Farm Development Category 2021

                  Preparing for a successful dry cow period
The time of year has come again to         and dry, completely disinfect them           Some things to keep in mind are the         teat at dry off. This will mean there is
prepare to dry-off cows. It is             using cotton wool and methylated             following:                                  a high chance the cow will calve down
important to plan to ensure cows get       sprits, rub the teat end opening for a        • Do you have enough information           with an infection.
the correct treatment in order to avoid    minimum of ten seconds, (Note: this             for individual animals? Have you a
issues in the coming season.               is a very important step!). Start with          record of the individual animal’s        It is crucial that the
                                           the teats furthest away and then the            clinical cases during the lactation      teat and sealer tube is kept sterile,
Cows should be dried off for a period      nearest      this     will    prevent           and have you 4 milk recordings for       and cows are left to stand in a clean
of 8 weeks, with problem, thin or          contamination. Ensure the teats are             the animal, with the last recording      yard afterwards.
younger cows given a longer period if      clean by wiping with the cotton wool,           within 4 weeks of dry off. If not, she
needed. This time is required for the      if the cotton wool is not clear repeat          may not be suitable for SDCT.            If you are not currently carrying out
udder to repair and rejuvenate. It is      until it is.                                  • What is the current level of mastitis    SDCT it is worth starting a checklist
important to put some time into                                                            control in your herd at present?         now and maintain this going forward:
planning this and you should use           When treating the cow start with the            The minimum requirements would           • Milk record a minimum of 4 times
expected calving dates to plan.            teat closest to you and then the                be a herd SCC of less than 200,000.         during a lactation with one test 4
                                           furthest away, this is to prevent               Less than 7% new/recent infection           weeks before drying off.
It is advised to take milk samples         recontamination of the teats. It is very        rates and less than 2% clinical case     • Record all cases of clinical mastitis
from a good selection of cows to get a     important to ensure the nozzle of the           rate in the last 3 months.                  during the lactation, recording cow
profile of the types of bacteria in your   tube is kept sterile to prevent               • You would also need a recent                details and medication used.
herd. It is very important that these      introducing new infection into the              sensitivity or culture test with no      • Monitor your bulk SCC, it should
samples are sterile, otherwise results     teats and udder. Insert the tip of the          presence of mastitis causing                remain below 200,000 cells/ml
will not be accurate. Review your bulk     nozzle into the teat opening and                bacteria                                 • Use the California mastitis test
tank SCC and milk recording records        squeeze the contents gently into the                                                        CMT to identify infected quarters
if available. Identify problem cows        quarter. When the tube is emptied            If you meet the above criteria, then           and monitor infected cows.
from during the year that may have         into the teat, massage the antibiotic        there is a strong possibility that part     • Record dry-off dates and
been treated multiple times. These         up into the quarter. Spray the teats         of your herd would be eligible for             treatments accurately.
cows are difficult to cure and may         with teat disinfectant after the             SDCT. It is advised to only select
need to be culled from the herd while      treatment.                                   cows for SDCT that have a SCC less          Please see the attached flyer with
others may require sensitivity tests to                                                 than 100,000. However, if this is           details of upcoming webinars that
identify the cause of infection if not     If using teat sealer, follow the same        your first time you may wish to lower       examine the use of milk recording
already done.                              measures but before squeezing the            this.                                       records in making better management
                                           tube use your free hand to close off                                                     decisions for SDCT, correct drying off
When you receive the results of the        the base of the teat where it joins the      With SDCT it is extremely important         procedure & improved herd SCC
milk samples you should contact your       udder. This will ensure the sealer is        to manage hygiene, without the use of       management.
vet and discuss the correct course of      left in the teat. This acts as a physical    antibiotics there is no preventative
action regarding antibiotic use. With      barrier to bacterial infection of the        measure if dirt or bacteria enters the
the rules set to change from 2022, this    cow’s teats and provides extra
year may be an opportunity to try          protection towards the end of the dry
selective dry cow therapy where            period and especially around calving
suitable.                                  time.

Drying off procedure                       Make sure cows are identified
Dry off in small groups with no more       correctly and all details are recorded.
than 20 cows at a time and ensure          Once dried off, cows should be
that you are not tired and preferably      allowed to stand in a clean yard for a
have some help. Ideally have cow’s         minimum of thirty minutes before
tails clipped prior to drying off.         being let out to a dry field or clean
When drying off it should be done          cubicles. It is important to keep
abruptly and avoid skipping milking’s      cubicles clean and limed especially
leading up to it. If cows are yielding     two weeks post drying off and two
greater than 12 L /day in the week         weeks prior to calving.
before      dry-off,    reduce     feed
availability, but not water access, this   Selective dry cow therapy
will reduce milk production by the         In January 2022 the use of blanket
dry-off date.                              dry cow therapy as a preventative
                                           measure will no longer be allowed.
Make sure that you have all the            Antibiotics will still be allowed to treat
necessary equipment ready before           known infections, but the farmer will
starting, this includes a clean apron,     need to provide evidence of its
disposable gloves, teat wipes/cotton       requirement. Selective dry cow
wool, methylated spirits, marker,          therapy is something that will need to
head torch and intramammary tubes.         be used as cows with somatic cell
Try to have a system in place for          counts of

It’s crucial to test for antibiotics in your milk
As autumn herds are calving down and for farmers       ANTIBIOTIC SNAP TEST                                    tremendous peace of mind. We would encourage all
preparing for the 2022 spring calving season, it is    To help farmers detect the presence of antibiotics in   farmers to carry a bank of them over the busy spring
critical that every step is made to ensure that        milk, Lakeland Dairies is offering the sale of the      calving period to ensure your milk is as it should be.
antibiotic milk does not make it into the bulk tank.   Snap Beta-Lactum ST Plus / Antibiotic test.
                                                       The snap test is an on-farm test for antibiotic         It is critical that the test is performed and
There has been a worrying increase in the number       residues in milk. The test is both fast and accurate    interpreted correctly to ensure results are accurate.
of farmers failing antibiotic tests in 2021. This      and can be used as an aid on farm to detect             It is recommended that a supplier carries out a
brings huge cost to the co-op and also brings          antibiotic residues.                                    number of trial tests before relying on it completely.
unnecessary Department attention to farmers too.                                                               Snap tests are available to purchase for €3 each +
Simple steps can avoid this cost and burden.           Many farmers have already carried out the snap          VAT from Member Relations by contacting 1890 47
                                                       tests and found them easy to use, providing             47 20.

Lakeland Dairies / Farmeye Soil Lactose Levels in late lactation.
Sampling Programme 21/22        Lactose percentage will drop in Where there is a requirement to
                                late lactation, this indicates; maintain levels of production
Soil sampling provides farmers          The soil sample results will be            (a) that the cow should be dried        increasing the level of meal
with an accurate picture of             assessed and interpreted by               off or                                   feeding will help with lactose
nutrient levels and chemical            Lakeland Agri’s team of technical           (b) her diet isn’t sufficient to       levels, talk to your Agri-rep about
balances in soil. Correct soil pH       experts who will advise farmers           maintain reasonable yield or             this option. Don’t dilute your
levels contribute to the overall        on how best to implement                  lactose percentage.                      tank with low lactose milk,
productivity and sustainability of      improvement        actions.      In                                                penalties are imposed on low
the farm for the long term.             addition, farmers will receive a          Low lactose milk causes                  lactose milk and will also exclude
                                        unique and customised soil                processing problems, particularly        you from the Out of Season
Lakeland Dairies has again              report containing colour-coded            in Autumn and early Winter. The          Bonus. Where there is an
teamed up with agri-tech                maps which are easy to read and           ideal lactose level approaching          ongoing problem with lactose
specialists Farmeye to further          interpret, along with access to the       the end of lactation is over 4.6%.       levels, there is often a problem
enhance the soil sampling service       Farmeye online system. The                Any cows yielding 10 litres or           also with high SCC’s and early
available       to       suppliers.     colour-coded system allows                less, along with thin cows and           drying off will in many cases help
 Farmeye is a highly visual, map-       farmers to select and view each           first calvers should be dried off.       solve both.

                                                                                  Reducing TB risk.
based soil management system            individual field to view nutrient
that can be accessed on a laptop,       status        and        fertiliser
desktop, or smartphone app, and         requirements.
used to maintain a record of the
soil management and nutritional         The service which includes farm           Here are some steps you can take to reduce the risk of a TB breakdown
profile of every field on a farm. It    mapping, GPS soil sampling and            in your herd.
provides an easy-to-use and             soil analysis is available to all
quality map-based system to             Lakeland Dairies milk suppliers           •   Check for badger activity including setts through September and
record as well as track where and       at a cost of €22/sample. The                  October, notify the Department of Agriculture, Food and the
when each sample was taken.             farm mapping is a once off cost of
                                                                                      Marine (DAFM) if you find any and prevent cattle accessing them
                                        €2.50/field and fields which
                                                                                      by fencing off the setts.
By using accurate soil tests to         were mapped previously will be
carry corrective actions to             charged at €19.50 per sample.             •   Throughs should be at least I meter off the ground, do not feed
address nutrient deficiencies in        The soil testing will be carried              concentrates on the ground as badgers may contaminate the area.
the soil, farmers can grow more         out    from      Mid-November,            •   Badger proof feed stores and sheds.
grass and significantly reduce          December,       January      and          •   Ensure your perimeter fences are stock proof.
fertiliser usage saving money           February each year.                       •   Reduce the risk of introducing infected cattle into your herd,
every year.                                                                           source cattle from herds which are TB clear in recent years and
                                        To provide this service in an                 look for cattle with a recent TB test date, consider isolating them
As part of the service being            efficient manner, farmers who                 and doing a post movement TB test to protect the rest of your herd.
offered by Lakeland Dairies and         intend to carry out soil analysis         •   Reduce the risk of residual infection, if you had a TB breakdown
Farmeye, the farm will be               this year should contact Lakeland
                                                                                      previously, cull older cattle that were exposed to infection at that
mapped out prior to soil samples        Dairies over the next number of
being collected. Using the              weeks to begin the process of
SoilMate App, each sample is            mapping.                                  •   Cull any cattle that ever tested inconclusive
barcoded and geo-tagged to the                                                    •   Use breeding bulls which are genetically TB resistant, using the
field that they were taken in. This     Milk Suppliers wishing to                     Irish Cattle Breeding Federation (ICBF) TB scores.
allows for complete traceability        register for the soil sampling            •   If contract rearing, discuss ways to reduce TB risk with the
of results and will give greater        programme       must contact                  contractor and prepare for how you would manage a TB
consistency in sampling for             Member Relations on 1890 47 47                breakdown on either the home farm or the rearing farm, and
subsequent years.                       20 and register by Friday 19th            •   Please see information video on TB at - www.bovinetb.ie
                                        November.                                     Source, ERAD, Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine.

                                                                                                                                                       Farm 3

On Farm Electricity Generators                                                                     Animal Health Certificates
There is some concern that the country could
experience power cuts this Winter, while not
                                                  Generators can be funded by Fundequip 01-
                                                  6391370 or Milkflex loans 01-6470255.            Animal Health Certificates have
certain,    this issue should get some
consideration, particularly for suppliers in
                                                  In the longer term equipment, reducing
                                                  power requirements on your farm could be         been sent to all suppliers along
                                                                                                   with your April Milk Statement.
Winter     milk     production     systems.       considered, such as, variable speed pumps
Investigating the purchase of a generator         and motors, plate coolers, solar panels and

                                                                                                   It is a DAFM requirement that all
might be worthwhile right now.                    efficient, fast cooling milk tanks.

                                                                                                   suppliers submit this annually to
                                                   Tip of the Month                                Lakeland Dairies to allow milk
                                                  To help you prepare for this dry season
                                                  CellCheck have produced a leaflet that
The dry period is a crucial time, when new        demonstrates what is involved in effective
udder infections can be picked up from the        tubing and also a self assessment checklist      These certificates are audited by both DAFM and
environment leading to mastitis, even             for winter housing.                              Lakeland Dairies customers and are key for ensuring
though clinical signs may not be seen until                                                        export certification for dairy products.
the start of the next lactation. Hopefully, you   This shows you how to take a fresh look at
had the opportunity to catch some of the key      your winter housing with a view to               They must be returned by FRIDAY 26th NOVEMBER 2021
messages that the CellCheck virtual week          preventing and managing mastitis and             to allow processing of the certificate before year-end.
promoted during their campaign week in            outlines the small changes that you can          We recommend you fully read the DAFM coversheets for full
October.                                          make that will be effective in reducing the      details on how to fill out the certificate with your vet.
                                                  spread of disease.
Just in case you missed them, they are            Both will be available online at                 Pages 1 and 3 must be returned to our Member Relations
available on the AHI website to review. In        https://animalhealthireland.ie/resources/?       Division.
brief, we focused on three areas that are         q=&resource_type%5B%5D=documents&p
fundamental to a good dry period and will         rog%5B%5D=cellcheck                              •    No animal tag list is needed, but you must note the
help improve mastitis control and overall                                                               number of cows submitted to the vet for testing on page 3,
herd health and performance at this key           The entire dairy industry is working together         and the vet must also note that number on page 1.
time of year.                                     to support you with the move towards using
                                                  less antibiotics, and only using antibiotics     •    You must sign PAGE 3 and your Vet must sign
These areas were:                                 where necessary to treat disease. Support is          PAGE 1
1. The importance of hygienic tubing cows         available through the CellCheck Dry Cow
   at dry-off, whether you are using teat         Consult, which is a chance for you to have a     •    Please only return the white copies of the form to
   sealant, antibiotic tubes or both.             free 3-hour consult with your trained                 Lakeland Dairies, the other copies should be retained by
2. The importance of good winter housing          veterinary practitioner. It is an opportunity         yourself.
   management.                                    to assess the current drying off process and
3. The benefits of milk recording, and how        dry period performance and identify              You will need this for your Bord Bia audit.
   to get the most value from the milk            additional gains that can be made. Some
   recording data for your farm.                  eligibility criteria apply, and for more         •    Please return direct to Member Relations,
                                                  information      and     to     apply,    see         Lakeland Dairies, Bailieboro, Co. Cavan

  Out of Season Bonus

                              November              December                January               February              The Lakeland Dairies
  % of May                         50%                   45%                   45%                  45%
                                                                                                                        member Relations Division
  supply                                                                                                                works closely with all our
  Payment c/lt                       3                     5                     5                     5
                                                                                                                        milk producers to help

  SCC Max                          300                   300                   300                  300
                                                                                                                        drive profitability at farm
                                                                                                                        level as well as providing
  TBC Max                           30                    30                    30                     30               information on the
  Lactose, min %                    4.4                  4.4                    4.4                    4.4
                                                                                                                        progress of the Society.

  Other conditions and quality criteria;
  No added water or Antibiotics
                                                                                                                        Contact us by calling
  Minimum collection 250 lts                                                                                            1890 47 47 20 (ROI)
  No unscheduled collections, carrying or holding milk from one month to the next
  A signed milk supply agreement must be in place

 4 Farm
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