Navigating What's Next: The Post-COVID Workplace Safety Guidelines - Events Industry Council

Page created by Tina Gross
Navigating What's Next: The Post-COVID Workplace Safety Guidelines - Events Industry Council
 What’s Next:
The Post-COVID

The Post-COVID   Design Considerations     Safety
  Workplace       + Thought Starters     Guidelines
    Page 03             Page 10           Page 27
Navigating What's Next: The Post-COVID Workplace Safety Guidelines - Events Industry Council
Navigating What’s Next

About This Guide
As we navigate this crisis, Steelcase will draw
on the knowledge of our diverse network of
global clients, thought leaders and experts to
explore and understand the implications to work,
workers and the workplace.
Navigating What’s Next: The Post-COVID
Workplace is designed to share strategies
that can help organizations navigate this crisis
across three time horizons – now, near and far.
Our commitment to you is to share
as quickly as we learn:

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Navigating What’s Next

                          The Post-
                            Returning to the workplace
                               will be like reopening the
                              economy. It will happen in
                           waves and it will be stressful
                             for both organizations and
                             workers. It’s impossible to
                         predict what may happen next.

                           But we still need to prepare.

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Navigating What’s Next

Navigating What's Next
Reopening the economy will challenge every company
to quickly regain productivity and competitiveness,
without compromising health and safety.

During the shutdown every company was forced to hunker        Culture is rooted in community and the “social
down and keep things going. Established teams learned to      infrastructure” – places and protocols – that connect
use video conferencing to have meetings and individuals       people and shape how we interact. The modern workplace
could use email and enterprise resource planning systems      provides the infrastructure needed to foster relationships,
to sustain existing processes. That was the easy part.        build communities at work and allow people to achieve
Similar to the yellow caution light in auto racing, during    more. Steelcase has worked with clients to provide
the shutdown competitors mostly stayed in their lanes and     employees more privacy, more choices and more control
held their position. That’s all about to change.              over how they work. We have helped design meeting rooms
                                                              that support remote participants more inclusively. We have
As the economy reopens, competition will be intense.
                                                              launched new products that offer more flexibility as work
The crisis has created new challenges and new
                                                              shifts from individual to team and from formal to informal
opportunities in most every industry. Every competitor
                                                              throughout the day. All of this gets more important.
will try to respond. The winners will be those who most
clearly understand their customer’s needs, collaborate to     Infection control is a new priority. Employees will not
identify multiple solutions, prototype and iterate quickly,   return to an office that doesn’t feel safe, and most of
bring new ideas to market and make the risky decision         today’s high-density workplaces, with extensive reliance
to invest at scale. Digital transformation initiatives will   on hotelling and shared ancillary spaces will need to be
need to accelerate to redefine every element in the value     modified. Businesses understand that infection transmission
chain. Culture will never be more important as companies      within a workplace can not only shut them down again, but
focus on innovation, speed, and risk-taking. The winners      also damage their brand and their ability to attract new
will be those who can reactivate, redeploy and reengage       talent. As we add infection control as a new given, we must
talent most effectively. The losers will be those who stay    not “fix” the office in a way that weakens community,
hunkered down too long and miss the moment when the           creativity, productivity or the other keys to winning as
light turns green.                                            competitiveness intensifies – that’s the whole reason to have
                                                              an office. We also must remember the lessons from the past
This experience has also impacted everyone's wellbeing
                                                              and respond to this crisis so that we may adapt over time
at work –­­ their physical, cognitive and emotional
                                                              as risks are mitigated in other ways. The opportunity for the
wellbeing. Some people easily made the transition to
                                                              workplace is to move forward, not backward.
working from home and will want to have the option of
working remotely in the future. Others struggled because      As we navigate what's next, our solutions are holistic and
of inadequate space, furniture, worktools, and bandwidth.     consider not just furniture, but also materials, technology,
Some faced challenges balancing work demands and              planning paradigms and even behaviors and protocols. Our
family expectations, while others were affected by            ideas are rooted in the science of infection control as we
loneliness. Everyone experienced health-related anxiety       work with human health experts to define national and local
as we wore masks to go grocery shopping, crossed              guidelines for what makes a workplace safe. We also want
the street to avoid crossing paths with neighbors, and        to be practical, providing ideas companies can adopt now
worried about those who were not following the rules.         as the first wave of workers return to the office, but in a
Everyone will return to a workplace changed in                responsible way that also looks ahead to the near and far.
some way, though expectations will be different from          The office must immediately be made safe, but also more
person to person, and could create new tensions across        resilient and more adaptive to the changes we can only
generations at work. These new sensibilities will affect      imagine as competition intensifies in a post-COVID world.
how leading companies attract, retain, and inspire talent
for many years.
                                                              Jim Keane
                                                              President and CEO
                                                              Steelcase, Inc.

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Navigating What’s Next

Planning for the                         Today’s workplace                       • Residential aesthetic:
                                                                                   Workplaces feel less “corporate”
unknown: safety first                    challenges                                today and now include a wider
As we plan to return to work, we         The dominant characteristics of the       range of sofas and lounge seating.
need to make choices carefully and       pre-COVID workplace were designed         The scale of these settings tends
responsibly. Employee safety and         to support new ways of working            to be more intimate, bringing
wellbeing must be paramount —            and high levels of human interaction      people together more closely.
people need to be safe and               to fuel creativity, innovation, speed
feel safe.                               and agility. These attributes now
                                                                                 These characteristics created
                                         pose challenges for the post-COVID
                                                                                 a competitive advantage for
                                         workplace, as organizations strive to
                                                                                 organizations – a means to foster
                                         limit physical interactions.
                                                                                 new work styles, build culture
                                         They include:                           and attract talent. While many
                                                                                 organizations prepared for employee
                                         • Open plan: The open plan is the
                                                                                 safety in other ways, the workplace
                                           dominant form of office design
                                                                                 was not designed to mitigate the
                                           around the world. The degree of
                                                                                 spread of disease. Companies
                                           openness varies, but within these
                                                                                 around the world were not prepared
                                           spaces air and pathogens can
                                                                                 to think about the workplace as
                                           travel freely.
                                                                                 an environment that needs to adapt
                                         • High density: Over the past           quickly to health risks that can
                                           decade, the allocation of             rise unexpectedly. Going forward,
                                           space per person substantially        they cannot take the risk that rapid
Wellbeing happens when there               decreased, yet high density           transmission of a virus could
is an intersection between our             increases the likelihood of           cause a facility or entire business
physical, cognitive and emotional          spreading infections.                 to shut down.
health — safety is foundational
to all three. Organizations need         • Shared spaces: Organizations
to take action to ensure that:             recognized that people wanted
                                           choice and control over how and
• Physically: People can work in           where they work. This has led to
  places where they are able to            a broad range of spaces that are
  stay healthy overall and minimize        shared by people throughout the
  exposure to pathogens that               organization.
  cause illness.
                                         • High mobility: Mobile
• Mentally: People are not in fear for     technologies and power solutions
  their personal safety because that       enable people to move freely
  distracts them from being focused        around the workplace. Workplaces
  and productive.                          have now become highly dynamic
• Emotionally: Everyone needs              environments, with lots of energy.
  to feel safe at work. They need to     • Communal spaces: Cafés
  be confident that their employers        and social spaces have been
  have done everything possible            intentionally designed to bring
  to create a safe environment —           large groups of people together
  especially for those who may             – increasing density and the
  be at higher risk.                       likelihood of spreading infection.

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Navigating What’s Next

The now, near
and far
As we work with our global network
of leading organizations and experts,
we recognize the importance of
looking at the return to work across
the time horizons of now, near and
far. For many organizations this will
happen in waves and differ across
geographies, as they bring segments
of their workforce safely back into
the office.

Now                                     Near                                  Far
This will be the first wave, with       At this stage, organizations may be   Work environments in the future
portions of the workforce continuing    ready to bring back most or all of    will require reinvention as science-
to work from home. Planning for         their workforce. Building on what     based evidence and emerging
now also means retrofitting the         we learn from our experiences and     technologies offer new solutions.
workplace, based on a common-           science, organizations can begin      Planning paradigms of the past
sense approach that adheres to          reconfiguring the workplace. This     were driven by density and cost.
governmental and global health          will involve new ways to lay out      Going forward they need to be
guidelines, including physical          space and change work settings        based on the ability to adapt easily
distancing, adding barriers, cleaning   to offer longer-term solutions for    to possible economic, climate and
and safety measures.                    enhanced safety.                      health disruptions. The reinvented
                                                                              office must be designed with an
                                        Key principles for these first two
                                                                              even deeper commitment to the
                                        stages will be to focus on:
                                                                              wellbeing of people, recognizing
                                        • density of the workplace and        that their physical, cognitive and
                                          its population                      emotional states are inherently
                                                                              linked to their safety.
                                        • geometry of the furniture
                                        • division using screens, panels
                                          or other barriers

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Navigating What’s Next

Now: Retrofit                           These approaches include:                   ergonomic furniture, lighting and
                                                                                    worktools to help them avoid
                                        • Reduce Density
                                                                                    injury from poor posture, repetitive
                                          To encourage physical distancing,
                                                                                    movements, eye strain, etc.
To get their organizations running at     consider removing chairs and
partial capacity, most organizations      spreading workspaces so people         • Provide Visual Cues
will need to bring their employees        are at least 6ft/2m apart. For           Use tape or other visual cues to
back in waves. Many will want             benches, consider a checkerboard         identify and suggest appropriate
to bring back up to 50% of their          pattern – removing spaces                distance between employees.
workforce in the first wave of re-        directly beside or in front of where     Arrows on the floor can be used
entry, and they will need to focus on     employees might sit.                     to direct one-way traffic flow in
retrofitting what they already have                                                narrow hallways and corridors.
                                        • Change Geometry
and take a common-sense approach          Arrange and re-orient workstations     • Smaller Meetings
based on current understanding of         away from a standard linear              Establish protocols for the number
preventing disease transmission.          approach. Reconfigure                    of people who can occupy
We have learned from factories and        freestanding desks to reduce             an enclosed space. Post that
global clients, who implemented early     sitting face-to-face without a           information so it is commonly
safety precautions as they responded      barrier; rotate desks 90-degrees         understood. Adhere to local
to the needs of essential businesses.     to face in different directions.         guidance about numbers of
                                                                                   people allowed in a gathering
                                        • Add Division
                                                                                   and ensure the room supports
                                          Adding screens or panels is
                                                                                   physical distancing.
                                          especially important when
                                          minimum 6ft/2m can’t be                • Clean Frequently and Visibly
                                          achieved. Add screens in front,          Make cleaning highly visible
                                          beside and behind people - the           so employees are assured that
                                          higher, wider and more easily            spaces are being cleaned multiple
                                          cleaned, the better.                     times a day. Make cleaning
                                                                                   wipes and sanitizer accessible
                                        • Hotelling
                                                                                   to everyone, everywhere and
                                          Shift from allowing desks to
                                                                                   ask employees to clean before
                                          be shared by multiple people
                                                                                   and after use of shared spaces;
                                          throughout the day, to a single
                                                                                   include hand-washing stations
                                          use per day. Reinforce a "clean in,
                                                                                   and promote personal hygiene.
                                          clean out" policy.
                                                                                   (See safety guidelines, page 27)
                                        • Ancillary Spaces
                                                                                 • Make Masks the Norm
                                          Furniture such as sofas should
                                                                                   In many countries, it is a social
                                          be marked for single usage unless
                                                                                   norm to wear a mask during the
                                          it can allow physical distancing;
                                                                                   cold and flu season. As scientists
                                          lounge seating should be removed
                                                                                   study how far small droplets
                                          or placed at least 6ft/2m apart.
                                                                                   emitted from people talking can
                                          Tables and lighting will need to
                                                                                   travel, consider making it a new
                                          be cleaned before and after
                                                                                   norm to wear masks during times
                                          each use by employees, not just
                                                                                   when people need to interact
                                          cleaning staff.
                                                                                   in meetings, conversations or
                                        • Work from Home                           moving around the office. Provide
                                          Returning in waves or working            masks for people as well as giving
                                          in shifts reduces density and            guidance for proper ways to wear
                                          improves physical distancing –           them. (See safety guidelines, page 27)
                                          it also means some employees
                                          will work from home longer than
                                          expected. Employees will require

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Navigating What’s Next

Near: Reconfigure                        • Flexible Furniture and Power               and using Steelcase Flex screens
                                           Introduce furniture that can be            with stools to create a space where
                                           easily moved and reconfigured.             people can naturally distance
                                           This allows employees to easily            themselves and meet without being
As businesses are able to ramp back        distance themselves from others            stuck in an enclosed space. The
up, they may need to bring 75%             as needed and organizations                extra advantage is that standing
to 100% of their employees back.           can increase density in the future         and moving is proven to boost
Businesses will need to reconfigure        when virus transmission is less            creativity by 60%, making it easier
their spaces to accommodate these          of a concern. Mobile power lets            to get back to innovation work
increased numbers while still adhering     employees work in areas where              while maintaining an appropriate
to distancing guidelines. Solutions        power is not readily available -           distance away from others.
should be highly adaptable so spaces       such as cafés or other open areas
can change quickly in response to                                                  • Enterprise-Wide Agile Practices
                                           that can be redeployed to support
any unplanned future disruptions.                                                    Working from home has forced
                                           individual work.
These solutions should also be based                                                 many workers to become more
on science – including what we’ve        • Large-Scale Collaboration                 agile and they may want to adopt
learned about pathogens and how            Devices                                   agile practices like “daily stand-
they are transmitted and destroyed.        Since travel will still be minimized,     ups" when they return to the
                                           global teams need ways to                 office. Standing meetings can
Reconfiguration considerations             connect. Large scale collaboration        be helpful in reducing the overall
include:                                   devices, like the Microsoft Surface       square footage/meter demands.
• Me Within We                             Hub are touched with a pen or
                                                                                   • Contact Tracing
  Give people the choice of having         hands, but they can also be easily
                                                                                     Should you become ill, emerging
  a dedicated workspace if they            cleaned. Innovation work often
                                                                                     smart phone technology can
  feel more comfortable not sharing        requires large-scale collaboration
                                                                                     anonymously communicate this
  with others. They will also need         (whiteboards, etc.) and large-
                                                                                     to anyone who’s been near you
  ubiquitous access to cleaning            scale digital tools can help teams
                                                                                     and suggest to them that he/she
  tools; encourage them to clean           maintain that over distance.
                                                                                     may want to get tested and/or
  their space before they begin          • Introduce Standing Meetings               self-isolate.
  work. If spaces must be shared,          Open areas can become the new
  then they should be ‘reservable’         conference room by moving the
  for longer durations, with the new       Microsoft Surface Hub 2S and
  practice of thoroughly cleaning          Steelcase Roam Mobile Stand
  between times of usage.
• Design for Disinfecting
  Select smooth surfaces that are
  easy to clean and fabrics that can
  be cleaned or washed. Introduce
  anti-microbial and/or protective
  coatings. Consider materials that
  don’t degrade with continuous
  cleaning. Utilize sensor systems
  to provide information about
  which rooms have the greatest
  occupancy and require more
  frequent cleaning.
• Deflect the Virus
  Introduce hard or fabric barriers
  that are scientifically proven to
  stop or deflect the virus.

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Navigating What’s Next

Far: Reinvent                               • Hands-free
                                              More solutions will be available
                                              for gesture or voice-activated
                                              commands (i.e. raise desk-top,
There will be an urgency to not               open door, save whiteboard notes).
simply return to where we were,
                                            • New Materials
but to be resilient, move forward
                                              Pure or engineered materials that
and thrive. Innovation, productivity
                                              allow for cleaning and disinfection
and growth can be reignited and
                                              without degrading over time will
accelerated with a workplace that
                                              become the new standard.
is designed to balance diverse
ways of working while supporting            • Sensors
people’s wellbeing more than ever             Beyond utilization, sensors
and respond quickly and easily                will measure different aspects
when faced with disruption. The               of wellbeing, possibly including
opportunity ahead is to reinvent              behaviors or actions that
a workplace that is inherently                indicate illness.
adaptable – able to change as
                                            • Inclusive Design
needed, based on new conditions,
                                              The workplace needs to ensure
whether it be the next epidemic or a
                                              that everyone has equal levels of
new prospect for growth.
                                              safe participation regardless of
This means that planning paradigms            age, abilities or health issues.
of the past, driven by density and
                                            • Living on Video
costs, need to shift -- think flexibility
                                              Travel will continue to be less
and fluidity instead of permanence.
                                              frequent and the office will need
Creating “social infrastructure”
                                              to integrate enhanced virtual
– a range of diverse places and
                                              experiences so people can connect
experiences that shape how people
                                              across distances. The use of large-
interact – will allow people to make
                                              scale video conferencing improves
connections and build trust that, in
                                              remote collaboration. Seeing facial
turn, fuels their level of engagement.
                                              reactions and body language lets
The workplace needs to deeply
                                              you “read the room,” plus people
support people’s wellbeing, knowing                                                         of connection with others. Nurture
                                              are less likely to multi-task, interrupt
that their safety is directly linked                                                        a sense of belonging and purpose.
                                              or speak over one another.
to their physical, cognitive and                                                            Reiterate the organization’s
emotional states.                           • Remote Work Norms                             strategies and long-term vision.
                                              For some companies, working from              Use virtual gatherings to help
Science-based and data-driven
                                              home is not new. They already                 people maintain that connection
solutions will need to integrate
                                              have policies in place to provide             to others.
with technology tools to create
                                              options to their employees. This
environments that are safe for people
                                              will likely become more normative
to interact comfortably and embrace
                                              for organizations, and employees
new ways of working.
                                              will need support for home offices         We need time to
Solutions might include:                      that will provide physical comfort         understand how people
                                              and allow them to participate in
• Design for Adaptability                                                                are feeling, what
                                              work seamlessly when they're not
  Space should no longer be
                                              in the physical office.                    science is learning and
  designed for permanence, but
                                                                                         the technologies that
  to change easily, expand and              • Create Community
  contract, with work areas that              Beyond the financial recession,            are emerging to fully
  can accommodate greater or                  people are weary from the                  comprehend the future
  less distancing.                            social recession and the lack              workplace.

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Navigating What’s Next

Considerations +
Thought Starters

One thing is certain:             In This Section

We will design and
                                  Page 11
plan spaces differently           Design
in the future.                    Considerations

                                  Page 13

                                  Page 23
                                  Home Office

                                  Page 26

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Navigating What’s Next

Design Considerations
Density. Geometry. Division.

Companies want to bring people back to the office because       Minimum Distance
they know it’s the best place for people to come together,      Create minimum 6ft/2m distancing
                                                                between people in open workstations,
align on priorities and get things done. People have
                                                                meeting spaces, cafés and lounge
grown weary of isolation and look forward to being able to      spaces. Reduce occupancy by remov-
speak directly to their colleagues and solve problems. As       ing desks, tables and seating, or use
organizations plan for people to return in waves, they need     alternating desks.
a strategy for the physical work environment that follows
new safety protocols and allows people to create,
                                                                Meet in the Open
collaborate and be productive.
                                                                Use open spaces for meetings of more
                                                                than five people, leveraging flexible
                                                                furniture with movable whiteboards and
Three key strategies to consider when retrofitting
                                                                screens to create boundaries.
spaces now or reconfiguring in the near term are:
Density: the number of people per sq. ft/m
                                                                More Owned Spaces
Geometry: how the furniture is arranged                         Reduce/eliminate shared desking and
                                                                shift to more owned individual spaces.
Division: using screens, panels or barriers

                                                                Re-orient Furniture
These strategies should be used in combination to               Reconfigure desking to reduce face-
create spaces that, when supplemented with new safety           to-face orientation; turn workstations
                                                                to 90-degee angles to prevent workers
guidelines, allow people to confidently come back into the
                                                                from working directly across or behind
workplace. Going forward, organizations will want to create     one another.
a diverse range of spaces that are highly adaptable to allow
them to navigate what’s next.
                                                                Separate Desks
                                                                Pull workstations and desks apart
                                                                to increase distancing.

                                                                Add Space Division
                                                                Increase barriers for existing work-
                                                                spaces by adding screening, storage
                                                                elements, plants or partitions.

                                                                Moveable Screens
                                                                At workstations, consider increased
                                                                user-movable screening and privacy
                                                                devices to reduce exposure.

                                                                Height Helps
                                                                Implement the highest boundary
                                                                possible above the worksurface (on all
                                                                exposed sides) when a minimum 6ft/2m
                                                                distance cannot be achieved.

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Navigating What’s Next

Floor Plan Considerations
The key to preparing the office for the return of people requires changing
the density, geometry and division of the space.








1   Higher space division and natural     5   Changing the arrangement                      8   Added video conferencing
    elements create separation and            (geometry) of the desks reduces                   enclaves enable remote
    psychological comfort.                    face-to-face orientation.                         collaboration, allowing fewer
                                                                                                people to work in the office at
2   Decreased density in the café         6   Individual seating in lounge
                                                                                                a single time.
    allows people to safely interact.         spaces helps to maintain a safe
                                              distance.                                     9   Movable boundary screen
3   Sanitation stations provide easy
                                                                                                protects personal space and
    access to cleaning supplies.          7   Individual workstations have been
                                                                                                reduces exposure.
                                              separated to provide 120 sq ft./
4   Mobile boundary screens protect
                                              11.15 sq m of personal space.                 10 Reduced guest seating and
    a team’s territory and their backs.
                                              Screens provide additional division.             adjusted orientation creates
                                                                                               distancing in the private office.

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Navigating What’s Next


                         The following design
                         considerations and thought
                         starters demonstrate how to
                         adapt existing settings for
                         the Post-COVID workplace.

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Navigating What’s Next

1: Current                Design Strategies
                          Desks and Benches

                          Ideas for how to progressively
                          adapt existing worksettings to
                          meet the new health and safety
                          requirements for a post-COVID

2: Retrofit               Division:
                          • A
                             dd three 24" AMQ desk screens
                            per height-adjustable desk.

                          • A
                             dd user-movable Steelcase Flex
                            Screens to shield team space.

                          • A
                             dd moveable Loftwall Screen for
                            boundary and separation between

3: Reconfigure            Density:
                          • Increase square footage per person
                            by changing desk orientation.
                          •	Rotate desks 90 degrees to
                              eliminate face-to-face orientation.

                          •	Add three 24" AMQ desk screens
                             per height-adjustable desk.

                          • A
                             dd lockers to create a boundary
                            and provide storage for personal
                            belongings and cleaning supplies.

                          • A
                             dd user-moveable Steelcase Flex
                            Screens between people to create
                            on-demand boundaries.

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Navigating What’s Next

Thought Starters
Height-Adjustable Desks and Benches

                                       • Mobile screen for user-moveable
                                       • Three-sided, 24" desk screens
                                         on height-adjustable desk.
                                       • Flexible storage boundary.
                                       • Three 24" height AMQ screens
                                         on height-adjustable desks.

                                       • 24" AMQ screens to height-
                                         adjustable Ology desk.
                                       • 120-degree orientation of Ology
                                         desks to reduce face-to-face
                                       • Two 24" high AMQ screens on
                                         height-adjustable desks.

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Navigating What’s Next

Thought Starters
Height-Adjustable Desks and Benches

                                       • Three-sided, 24" high AMQ
                                         screens on FrameOne benching.
                                       • 54" high Turnstone Groupwork
                                         mobile markerboard screen.

                                       • Three-sided, 24" high AMQ
                                         screens to Ology height-
                                         adjustable bench.
                                       • 71" high Steelcase Flex
                                         markerboard with stand.

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Navigating What’s Next

1: Current                Design Strategies

                          Ideas for how to progressively
                          adapt existing worksettings to
                          meet the new health and safety
                          requirements for a post-COVID

2: Retrofit               Density:
                          • Increase square footage per
                             person by changing desk
                          • Rotate desks 90 degrees to
                            eliminate face-to-face orientation.

                          • Add 28" high AMQ screens to
                            two sides of the height-adjustable
                            Ology desk.
                          • Add 18" Answer glass screens to
                            the center panel.

3: Reconfigure            Density:
                          • Increase square footage per
                            person by changing desk

                          • Add 18" glass stack to the top
                            of the 48" Answer panels.

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Navigating What’s Next

Thought Starters
Panel-Based Workstations

                            • 28" AMQ high screens on height-
                              adjustable Ology desks.
                            • 48" Answer panel with 18" glass
                            • Rotate desks 90 degrees to
                              Answer panel to eliminate face-
                              to-face orientation.

                            • 24" high AMQ screens on height-
                              adjustable Ology desk.
                            • Desk orientation perpendicular to
                              the panel to eliminate face-face

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Navigating What’s Next

Thought Starters
Panel-Based Workstations

                            • 54" Answer panel with 12" glass
                              screens in workstations.
                            • Rotate desks 90 degrees to
                              eliminate face-to-face orientation.

                            • 54" Answer panels for full shielding
                              at the fixed desk.
                            • Rotate desks 90 degrees to
                              eliminate face-to-face orientation.

© Steelcase Inc.           Edition 1 | The Post-COVID Workplace / 19
Navigating What’s Next

1: Current                Design Strategies

                          Ideas for how to progressively
                          adapt existing worksettings to
                          meet the new health and safety
                          requirements for a post-COVID

2: Retrofit               Density:
                          • Break multi-seat lounges into
                            individual seats by introducing
                            table elements to reduce density.
                          • Arrange seating to eliminate face-
                            to-face orientation.

                          • Add Steelcase Flex Screens to
                            increase shielding.
                          • Move storage to create separation
                            between lounge settings and hold
                            cleaning supplies.

3: Reconfigure            Density:
                          • Break a single setting into multiple
                            smaller settings with increased
                            separation and reduced density
                          • Arrange seating to eliminate face-
                            to-face orientation.

                          • Add individual Lagunitas lounge
                            seats with personal screens.

© Steelcase Inc.         Edition 1 | The Post-COVID Workplace / 20
Navigating What’s Next

Thought Starters

                          • 96" high V.I.A. demountable walls.
                          • Individual seating and personal
                          • Storage holds cleaning supplies
                            and sanitizer.

                          • Turnstone Bivi Rumble seat sofa
                            with Hoodie protects people.
                          • Turnstone Clipper screens create a
                            boundary behind people.
                          • Appropriate distancing between
                            seating areas.

© Steelcase Inc.         Edition 1 | The Post-COVID Workplace / 21
Navigating What’s Next

Thought Starters

                          • Brody WorkLounge with screens
                            and extensions and Brody desk
                            with extensions.
                          • Appropriate distancing between

                          • Individual seats and personal
                            tables provide distance between
                          • Storage holds team tools and
                            cleaning supplies.
                          • Orangebox Pod enclosure provides
                            shielding and privacy.

© Steelcase Inc.         Edition 1 | The Post-COVID Workplace / 22
Navigating What’s Next

                         Home Office

                         We’ve designed these home
                         office solutions to help you
                         work better at home — whether
                         you’re creating a small office,
                         multipurpose space or large
                         dedicated office.

© Steelcase Inc.            Edition 1 | The Post-COVID Workplace / 23
Navigating What’s Next

Thought Starters
Home Office

                          A freestanding desk and office chair
                          with a more residential aesthetic can
                          easily be added to any existing space.
                          TE4DX9SX – Link to Planning Idea

                          Featured Products
                          Blu Dot Desk 51
                          Coalesse Bindu Conference Chair
                          Blu Dot Dang File Pedestal
                          Blu Dot Punk Table Lamp

                          This dedicated home office combines
                          performance and expression. The
                          height-adjustable desk allows you to sit
                          or stand throughout the day, while the
                          accent pieces add a personal touch.
                          AJ2DF3KG – Link to Planning Idea

                          Featured Products
                          Migration SE Height-Adjustable Desk
                          Amia Air Chair
                          SOTO LED Task Light
                          Blu Dot Peek 2 Door Dresser
                          Blu Dot Perimeter Floor Lamp

© Steelcase Inc.         Edition 1 | The Post-COVID Workplace / 24
Navigating What’s Next

Thought Starters
Home Office

                          Sharing a space? This shared home
                          office provides ample space for two
                          with a back-to-back desk. The nearby
                          lounge chair creates a place to step
                          away and reflect, refresh or work in a
                          relaxed posture.
                          QP9TS2UT – Link to Planning Idea

                          Featured Products
                          Turnstone Bivi Table for Two
                          Turnstone Bivi Trunk
                          Coalesse Massaud Conference Chairs
                          Coalesse Bob Lounge Chair and Ottoman
                          Coalesse Freestand Personal Table

                          Focus on solo work at home in this
                          stylish and inspiring home office.
                          Tackle your to-do list at the standing-
                          height table or join a virtual meeting
                          from the sofa — all in one space.
                          XR3VR4XQ – Link to Planning Idea

                          Featured Products
                          Blu Dot Strut Bar-Height Table
                          Gesture Stool
                          Blu Dot Ready Barstool
                          Blu Dot Bloke Chaise
                          Coalesse Freestand Personal Table
                          Thread Power Hub

© Steelcase Inc.         Edition 1 | The Post-COVID Workplace / 25
Navigating What’s Next

                         Cleanability of the surfaces in an         Some high-performing textiles have
                         interior is more important than ever.      a colorfastness that allows them to
                         Without sacrificing aesthetics, we         be cleaned with a bleach solution.
                         can make some intentional material         The CDC recommends diluted
                         decisions that will help promote           bleach for disinfecting surfaces, and
                         a healthy, highly cleanable, and           our bleach safe textiles are designed
                         beautiful environment. ​                   for a 10 parts water to one part
                                                                    bleach solution.​
                         The cleaning guidelines for Steelcase
                         products in the Surface Materials          All soft surfaces, including seating
                         Reference Manual align with the            upholstery and vertical surface
                         guidance from the U.S. Centers for         fabrics should always be cleaned
                         Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). ​    according to the manufacturer
                         Laminates, painted metals, and
                         other hard surfaces can be cleaned
                         with commercial cleaning products          media/pdf/Designtex-Cleaning_
                         which have shown to be compatible          Manual.pdf
                         with our products through Steelcase
                         testing, when used in accordance
                         with manufacturer instructions. ​

© Steelcase Inc.                                                   Edition 1 | The Post-COVID Workplace / 26
Navigating What’s Next


A holistic approach to health and safety will allow people
to be safe and feel safe when they come back to the
workplace. Recommendations focus on three key areas
beyond the design of the physical workplace: new employee
protocols and communication, sanitization and disinfection
and personal protective equipment (PPE).

The information contained in this section provides general
recommendations for reopening the workplace safely
and aligns with governmental and global health agency
recommendations to the greatest extent possible. There may
be unique circumstances that require organizations to adapt
these recommendations to address facility requirements or
laws specific to a region.

Parts of this guide are adapted from Lear Corporation’s Safe Work
Playbook which has been published for public use.

© Steelcase Inc.                                                    Edition 1 | The Post-COVID Workplace / 27
Navigating What’s Next

Plan and Prepare         Set-up a Pandemic                        • Develop illness protocols. If
                                                                    employees present symptoms
Before Bringing          Response Team (PRT)                        of exposure to a virus, follow
                         A PRT is a cross-functional team led       isolation or self-quarantine
People Back              by a workplace manager to address          procedures. There should be a
                         the health and safety of employees         trained coordinator on-site, a
                         returning to work.                         designated isolation room and
                                                                    clear protocols that have been
                         • Designate leaders and teams
                                                                    communicated to all employees
                           in key areas including physical
                                                                    and require strict adherence.
                           space, employee protocols and
                                                                    Similar protocols should be in
                           communication, sanitization
                                                                    place to determine when someone
                           and disinfection, and personal
                                                                    is ready to return to the office.
                           protective equipment (PPE).
                                                                     • If someone presents with an
                         • Develop protocols and train leaders
                                                                       illness at work, coordinators
                           and teams prior to a return to the
                                                                       should be contacted by
                           workplace. The PRT should meet
                                                                       an employee or coworker.
                           daily and have a plan in place to
                                                                       Protocols should limit exposure
                           adopt and coordinate the execution
                                                                       while seeking help from a local
                           of this framework while also
                                                                       health authority.
                           developing site-specific protocols.
                                                                     • Clearly communicate when
                                                                       employees need to self-
                         Develop new employee                          quarantine. Employees should
                         protocols and                                 remain off-site for 14 days
                         communication plans                           if COVID-19 symptoms are
                                                                       present, if they have a positive
                         Organizations will need to develop
                                                                       test, or have been exposed to
                         and communicate new protocols to
                                                                       COVID-19. Return to work in
                         address new work behaviors and
                                                                       compliance with governmental/
                         manage illness.
                                                                       global health guidelines.

                         Protocols:                               • Create new lunchtime protocols.
                                                                    Implement extended hours and
                         • Schedule how people will return.
                                                                    staggered lunch schedules for
                           Decide how many people and
                                                                    café/food service areas. Use
                           how often. Some organizations
                                                                    signage on the floor to delineate
                           may choose to rotate employees
                                                                    safe distancing practices.
                           by day, week, month and even
                           shut down intermittently for deep
                           cleaning.                              Communication:
                                                                  • Develop and deliver safety training
                         • Develop health screening
                                                                    for all workers before returning
                           protocols. Require employees to
                                                                    to the workplace, using virtual
                           self-screen daily before arriving
                                                                    learning tools as well as written
                           to work. Request a verbal or
                                                                    and verbal communications.
                           non-verbal confirmation. Conduct
                           on-site daily temperature checks       • Localize presentation materials
                           upon arrival (38°C or 100°F or           to be consistent with each facility
                           higher should contact HR to follow       environment.
                           necessary protocols).

© Steelcase Inc.                                                 Edition 1 | The Post-COVID Workplace / 28
Navigating What’s Next

• Review new policies and                  conduct a deep clean anytime an        Determine personal
  protocols with employees and             active employee is identified as
  leaders. Review COVID-19 signs           COVID-19 positive.                     protective equipment
  and symptoms, self-screening
                                         • Deep cleaning is defined as a
                                                                                  (PPE) guidelines
  procedures, on-site screenings,                                                 Employees need clear direction,
                                           more comprehensive cleaning
  isolation and self-quarantine                                                   training and demonstrations of how
                                           using advanced technologies and
  protocols.                                                                      to properly use PPE and frequent
                                           more aggressive cleaning solutions
• Host first-day training and              administered by a third party.         reminders to comply.
  orientation to reinforce physical                                               • Determine usage guidelines of PPE.
                                         • Take site-specific circumstances
  distancing, hygiene and sanitization                                              Response teams such as medical
                                           into consideration when sanitizing
  practices and new procedures.                                                     employees, screeners and cleaning
                                           and disinfecting. Pay special
• Create and install signage               attention to restrooms, cafeterias,      crew should be required to wear
  throughout the workplace to visibly      lockers, common areas such as            face coverings, gloves and glasses.
  communicate new protocols                handrails and vending machines,          Based on guidelines, confirm at
  and safety procedures. Signage           computer screens and keyboards,          minimum a 30-day supply.
  should include health screening          elevator buttons, light switches       • Appoint COVID-19 supervisors.
  checkpoints, isolation areas,            and other common touchpoints.            Designate team members to train
  visitor checkpoints, sanitization                                                 employees on proper usage of
                                         • Develop protocols for ongoing
  and disinfection guidelines, social                                               PPE and ensure compliance with
                                           cleaning, disinfection method
  distancing requirements and                                                       PPE policy.
                                           and frequency. The PRT should
  personal hygiene tips.
                                           supervise.                             • Anticipate making masks the norm
• Use all internal communication                                                    for all employees in the office,
                                         • Assess and maintain inventory of
  channels available including                                                      particularly at times where people
                                           disinfectants. Confirm facilities
  intranet, email, instant messaging,                                               need to interact. Provide masks and
                                           have at minimum a 30-day supply
  email signatures, and signage                                                     give guidance on how to wear them.
                                           of soap, disinfection spray, hand
  to reinforce new protocols.
                                           sanitizer, paper towels and tissue.    These guidelines are based on our
  Pervasively communicate
  desired behaviors for cleanliness,     • Encourage employees to self-           current understanding of the safety
  distancing and PPE usage.                clean individual workstations          precautions required. They will be
                                           and shared spaces before and           updated as we gain science-based
• As we all learn more about how to                                               data and learn more about how to
                                           after use. Provide “Sanitization
  prevent the spread of the virus and                                             effectively address this pathogen
                                           Stations” that include disinfectant
  as protocols need to change, have                                               and any future pandemics.
                                           spray, wipes and hand sanitizer
  a plan in place to communicate
                                           to encourage new cleaning
  evolving guidelines.
                                         • Implement hands-free experiences
Create and reinforce                       wherever possible. Leave doors
sanitization and                           open or incorporate door opening
disinfection protocols                     sensors, automatic lighting based
                                           on occupancy, or voice-activated
Deep-cleaning and ongoing
sanitization practices should be
planned and prepared for before
• Develop a sanitary baseline before
  reopening. Conduct deep cleaning
  and disinfection prior to a return
  to the office per environmental,
  health and safety guidelines. Also,

© Steelcase Inc.                                                                 Edition 1 | The Post-COVID Workplace / 29
Our Commitment

We know that employee and
organizational needs are going
to evolve as people return
to the workplace. We will
continue to work closely with
our global network of leading
organizations and experts and
share our observations and
insights with all of you.

Connect with us:

© 2020 Steelcase Inc.
All rights reserved.

Trademarks contained herein are the property of Steelcase Inc.
or of their respective owners.
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