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Globus An International Journal of Management & IT
                                                                         A Refereed Research Journal
                                                 Vol 13 / No 1 / Jul-Dec 2021        ISSN: 0975-721X
                   LEARNING MODALITY
                                           Abel V. Alvarez, Jr.
Paper Received: 29.06.2021 / Paper Accepted: 03.08.2021 / Paper Published: 11.08.2021
Corresponding Author: Abel V. Alvarez, Jr.; Email:; doi:10.46360/globus.mgt.120212001

                    Abstract                              Introduction
  Background and objective: The Philippine                In the Philippines, the National Service Training
  education system requires higher education              Program (NSTP) is a mandated course for all higher
  students to enroll six units of National Service        education programs before the student graduates.
  Training Program (NSTP) course as mandated              The Republic Act 9163 emphasizes that Filipino
  by the Republic Act 9163. Specifically, the             youth in all higher education institutions in the
  NSTP 2 course serves as the culmination where           country have to undergo either military, literacy,
  students have to immerse themselves in the              civic welfare training, or similar undertakings in
  community. However, the pandemic situation              service for the country [3]. Meanwhile, the NSTP
  in the country resulted in temporary closures of        course that is being offered in the chosen locality of
  schools, thus, higher education institutions            this research focuses on civic welfare training
  resorted to other means of teaching and                 services. Primarily, the NSTP 2 course aims to
  learning delivery, such as asynchronous online          prepare its students towards disaster preparedness
  learning modality. This study, therefore, aims          and awareness through undergoing series of
  to deeply understand the lived experiences of           community services. However, given the present
  ten selected NSTP 2 students in an                      situation in the Philippines where strict health
  asynchronous online learning approach.                  protocols are still in place due to COVID-19, the
  Methods and Findings: A qualitative research            institution is still implementing emergency remote
  method, particularly a phenomenological                 teaching and learning [2], [5], [6]. Thus, instead of
  research design, was utilized by the researcher         the usual community immersion for NSTP 2 course,
  to interview ten purposively selected NSTP 2            the NSTP department rethinks delivering the course
  students. Guided by the semi-structured                 through an asynchronous online learning modality.
  interview questionnaires, three themes were
  revealed in this study: learning autonomously,          Previous studies showed that the asynchronous way
  reflective learning engagement, and feeling of          of teaching and learning supports students’
  helplessness and alone. Interestingly, the              developing independent learning skills [13], [14],
  findings highlighted that learning the NSTP             [15], [18]. The students also learn the process of
  course in an asynchronous online learning               regulating their pacing in which self-responsibility
  modality      developed      their   sense    of        over the course is being developed. The openness of
  responsibility and reflective thinking skills as        time and accessibility of the learning materials
  the participants learned the process of                 facilitates the student’s capability to balance and
  navigating the pace of their learning.                  grasp the learning concepts according to their
  Meanwhile, there were also cases of a feeling           pacing.
  of loneliness or isolation since there was
  limited to poor facilitator-student and student-        Conversely, some challenges must be observed
  student interactions.                                   when implementing asynchronous online learning
  Conclusion: This study is a good attempt to             modality such as the feeling of limited to no
  understand the learning journey of selected             interaction with other students which sometimes
  NSTP 2 students under the asynchronous online           results in dropping out of class [15]. The emotional
  learning modality. Nevertheless, this will              feeling of being lonely since student’s interactions
  provide institutional policymakers to revisit the       are usually limited to the content materials, hence,
  course, hence, ensuring to maintain the positive        the course facilitators have the responsibility to
  feedback from the students and addressing the           provide caring assistance to students considering the
  areas that need to be improved.                         dystopian description of the present society [1], [4],
                                                          [6], [19].
  Keywords: Asynchronous, Emergency Remote
  Education, National Service Training Program,           On this note, the researcher sees the importance of
  Online Learning.                                        listening to the experiences that NSTP 2 students
                                                          lived through considering the implementation of
                                                          emergency remote education in the country.

*Far Eastern University, Manila, Philippines.
Therefore, this study intends to examine the lived                    sense of defining our own learning as
experiences of NSTP 2 students in asynchronous                        well.” (P1)
online learning modality.
                                                                      “AOL [asynchronous online learning]
Methodology                                                           works the best for me because I can
Since this study aimed to understand the lived                        do things at my own pace.” (P2)
experiences of ten selected NSTP 2 students in a
particular university located in Manila, Philippines,                 “I could utilize and read every
the researcher employed a qualitative research                        learning material at my own pace. I
method specifically a phenomenological research                       really had a good experience since I
design. In this way, it provided the researcher the                   can manage my own pacing in
opportunity to examine the individual experiences                     accomplishing the NSTP 2 modules.”
through reconnecting on their viewpoints,                             (P4)
perspectives, and insights which helped to facilitate
a deeper understanding of the journey they lived               Additionally, some of the participants defined their
through [9], [11].                                             experiences as a pathway for self-improving as they
                                                               engaged in learning at their own pace. P3 and P5, for
In addition, the use of individual interviews served           instance, benefitted in learning independently
as a pathway for immersive penetration of the                  through enhancing P3’s research capability in a way
participants’ experiences [8], [11], [17], thus,               that the essential learning concepts were thoroughly
allowing the researcher to picture out the situation           identified and analyzed.
they had gone through in the context of
asynchronous learning modality. The ten selected                      “It helped me to hone my research
students of NSTP 2 were virtually interviewed                         skills as I go through to our modules
considering the strict implementation of quarantine                   about Go-Bag, Hazard mapping, and
protocols imposed by the Philippine government.                       evacuation plan. It taught me to define
                                                                      the important concepts that I should
The researcher also utilized a semi-structured                        look into for every topic or concept of
interview questionnaire to elicit a free flow of                      the module.” (P3)
information from the participants which helped the
researcher to gather rich and thick information that                  “I have had a good experience with
was beneficial for the findings of this study [9], [16].              the course, assessments, and syllabus
The data were analyzed using Giorgi and Giorgi’s                      of NSTP 2. I learned a lot of things,
descriptive     phenomenological         psychological                honestly. It provided me the learning
analysis. From the chunks of codes, the researcher                    opportunity to identify on my own the
categorized and refined the codes to come up with a                   concepts that I must dig and search on
set of themes.                                                        my own so I could easily define the
                                                                      important details or concepts of the
Findings                                                              topic. The AOL [asynchronous online
There were three themes revealed after the data were                  learning] modality helped me to
transcribed. The first theme talks about learning                     process my research capability as I
autonomously. While it seemed that learning in a                      devoted my time for learning at my
time of uncertainties presented various challenges,                   own pace.” (P5)
this theme described the idea of developing
students’ capability to regulate their learning                Moreover, the theme of reflective learning
process. It pertained to students who became                   engagement presents the notion of learning the
independent learners in an asynchronous mode of                process of engaging in reflective thinking. This
teaching and learning environment so they could                means that as the participants go through the process
define and identify their own learning goals and               of AOL modality, they have learned to assess and
experiences in navigating the course modules. For              evaluate their learning and familiarize themselves
instance, P1, P2, and P4 narrated that they had a              with the areas that they think they must learn or they
good experience learning independently and                     must improve so they could, later, apply the
navigating the NSTP 2 modules anytime, anywhere.               learnings to the real-world context. Some of the
To wit:                                                        participants, for example, shared that their
                                                               experiences in accomplishing the NSTP 2 modules
       “It was good that NSTP 2 was AOL                        were engaging as they provided them to reconnect
       [asynchronous       online    learning]                 and reflect on the realities they experienced.
       because I was the one who manages
       my time. I felt that, as a college                             “The whole experience was so
       student, it is important to develop our                        enlightening. It further enhanced not
only my knowledge but also helped                     While P9 expressed disappointment about the way
       me to open my eyes to the realities of                the NSTP 2 course was being implemented. P9
       disasters    that    we     are     now               expected that since NSTP 2 course is a community
       experiencing. The modules helped me                   immersion activity, it would somehow have some
       to think and become proactive                         sort of interactivity or collaboration between
       especially in times of disasters.” (P8)               learners and the course facilitator.

       “We were taught to become active                             “It was disappointing since we are
       members of our community by                                  only required to complete the
       engaging in activities related to our                        assessments. The NSTP 2 course does
       respective communities. It also made                         not reach my expectations. We were
       me realize that youths have a vital role                     just answering the modules and doing
       to play. We must be knowledgeable                            various activities, but I can't blame the
       about what is happening in our                               situation that we are facing today. I
       community. The NSTP 2 course is an                           am just expecting that there would be
       eye-opener to the roles that we have                         collaborative activities among us.”
       to play especially in situations like a                      (P9)
       disaster.” (P10)
The statements expressed by P8 and P10 were also             The themes that were revealed present the learning
supported by P7 where he shared that the NSTP 2              journey of selected NSTP 2 students in navigating
course helped him to think reflectively and act              their remote civic welfare training service course. It
proactively as he learned about the importance of            cannot be denied that students are experiencing
disaster preparedness and awareness. P7 narrated:            different levels of adjustments just to learn the
                                                             process of adapting to the current context of
       “My experiences in NSTP 2 under                       emergency remote teaching and learning.
       AOL are both fun and informative. I                   Interestingly, the findings from this study showed
       enjoyed drafting and making essays. I                 that some of the participants have learned to develop
       have gained knowledge that I can                      their sense of learning autonomously.
       surely apply in real-life situations. I
       have learned where to go and what to                  The transactional distance that exists between the
       do in case of emergency or disaster                   teacher and students created a gap; thus, it was
       and I was also able to learn what                     substituted by highly learning content materials to
       things to bring and not to bring when                 ensure to have meaningful learning experiences
       evacuating.” (P7)                                     [15]. This makes the participants more decisive in
                                                             understanding the learning concepts as they learned
Lastly, it was revealed that the theme of a feeling of       to process the learning materials at their own pace.
helplessness and alone were felt by some of the              Throughout the pacing of the asynchronous
participants. Looking at the AOL modality where              modality of learning, it paved the way to expose the
the students are given the autonomy to navigate their        learners to stand on their own and define their
learning process, however, some students struggled           learning, hence, allowing them to hone their self-
in this type of teaching and learning process in this        responsibility over the learning materials [13], [14],
time of uncertainty. This reflects students’ emotions        [18].
about the course that they cannot process their
learning journey without the full support of their           Furthermore, in a time of uncertainties, a ray of hope
course facilitator and classmates. For instance, P6          has been seen. Even if the course was delivered in a
felt that the course is not engaging since there was         full asynchronous modality, it was interesting to
no interaction at all in the online class platform.          understand that the participants have learned to
                                                             digest and process reflectively the essential learning
       “My NSTP experience was not that                      concepts. In this way, the development of reflective
       enjoyable. Basically, it was not                      learning engagement serves as a mobilizer for
       enjoyable because not like the NSTP                   students to rethink the learning contents which
       course before where we were able to                   helped to reflect on the things they have observed
       build friendships and experiences                     and experienced. This also shows that learning
       with others, but in AOL NSTP 2                        asynchronously is not a hindrance for students to
       course, I cannot interact with my                     learning to become reflective thinkers [18]. It also
       classmates and friends. I feel being                  makes sense that regardless of the modality, the need
       isolated and just doing the modules                   to ensure proper facilitation of learning is necessary
       for compliance.” (P6)                                 to guide the students to the path of learning they
                                                             wanted to be [4].
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