Navigating career transitions - Thrivent

Page created by Nathaniel Pearson
Navigating career transitions - Thrivent
                                       career transitions
                                       Changing jobs can be both exciting and scary.
                                       Whether you’re intentionally embarking on a new
                                       career or are faced with an unexpected job move,
                                       here’s how you can financially prepare yourself.
                                       By Elizabeth Judd / Illustration by David Saracino

                                                    he average American will       a job, you’ve got to create a plan,”        Many financial professionals advise
                                                    experience 10 or more job      says Markwell. One aspect of a job       tracking expenses throughout the
                                                    changes over the span of       change that is often overlooked, he      course of an entire year. You also can
                                                    a 40-year career. That’s       continues, is finances.                  look at each month individually. Break
                                       based on Bureau of Labor statistics            Understanding your money              your expenses into two categories:
                                       that found in 2020 that the median          situation is a key consideration to      recurring and one-time occurrences.
                                       employee tenure for men today is 4.3        carrying you and your family through     Remember on the recurring side to
                                       years and for women, 3.9 years.1            a job search and helping you make        include those necessary and predict-
                                           A new job can be the first in a chain   good financial decisions, whatever       able expenses, such as property
                                       of other changes, ranging from a            your new employment situation            taxes and insurance payments, that
                                       new daily routine to a very different       might be.                                do not hit in the particular month
                                       financial situation.                           Here’s an action plan to help you     you’re tracking. From there, creating
                                           Brad Markwell, a Thrivent               get your financial ducks in a row.       a budget is easier to do.
                                       financial associate in Golden Valley,                                                   For Colleen Foley, who had spent
                                       Minnesota, points out that being            Plan out your finances                   the past eight years working at a
                                       prepared “is one key to financially         It’s important to understand your        health club, a change in employment
                                       managing any job transition, whether        financial parameters when consider-      came in 2019. “I had no notice,”
                                       it is an unexpected layoff or intention-    ing looking for a new job. “I believe    says Foley, who lives in Bloomington,
                                       ally beginning a new opportunity.”          the number one step for getting          Minnesota. “I was called into HR and
                                           For many, a job transition is a         financially organized is figuring out    told they’re downsizing and reorga-
                                       time of renewed possibilities, and          what your budget is,” says Markwell.     nizing. There I am, 63, with no plans
                                       taking the right financial steps can        “It sounds easy and like a no-brainer,   to retire for the foreseeable future.”
                                       ease any stress experienced along           but there are so many people who            As part of the process of filing for
                                       the way. “When you’re looking for           don’t do that.”                          unemployment, Foley found Thrivent

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Navigating career transitions - Thrivent
and realized that the first step she                                                                                      to a payout for unused vacation or
needed to take was putting her                                                                                            sick time? And what are the rules
finances in order.                                                                                                        around flexible spending accounts?         Exit plan checklist
                                                                                                                          Some accounts have a “use-it or
Think needs, wants and wishes                                                                                             lose-it clause,” which means that          š   Time your exit carefully. If you are leaving voluntarily, you might want
Once you know where your money is                                                                                         money remaining in the account                 to give notice after you’ve received your annual bonus. In addition, says
going and you’ve created a budget,                                                                                        won’t be refunded.                             Thrivent Financial Consultant Brendan Rorem, an employee with stock
it makes sense to dig a little deeper.                                                                                       For those leaving a job involun-            options should investigate when these options vest and plan accord-
Brendan Rorem, a Thrivent financial                                                                                       tarily, questions include: Will you            ingly, as well as determine if it is possible or advantageous to realize
consultant in Bellevue, Washington,                                                                                       receive severance pay? How long                income in the current year or perhaps defer it to another.
advises sorting all expenses into                                                                                         will your benefits last? And are you
“needs, wants and wishes.”                                                                                                eligible for unemployment insurance?       š   See whether your job search expenses are tax deductible. Money
   “You want to know that if you had                                                                                                                                     spent traveling to job interviews and hiring a career coach may be tax
to, you could live on X [the amount of                                                                                    Weigh health insurance options                 deductible, says Rorem.
money you truly need],” says Rorem.                                                                                       Markwell points out that one of the
“Once you have that number, you can                                                                                       biggest bills for most Americans is a      š   Read the fine print on your life insurance contracts. Permanent life
add back wants and wishes as your                                                                                         mortgage or rent payment, followed             insurance contracts can be a good source of income, says Thrivent
budget allows. This is also a good                                                                                        by health insurance expenses.                  Financial Associate Brad Markwell, noting that sometimes money can
way to approach income that may be       matters, too. “People often go to       someone to meet for coffee might be        While many people who leave                  be taken out of these contracts “in a tax-favorable way.” Check in with
desired in retirement.”                  the simple things first, like, ‘I can   an inexpensive way to network.           their jobs can pay to extend their             your financial professional to make sure all options are evaluated and
   When trimming fat, Rorem identi-      make my own coffee and stop going                                                employer’s health benefits under               wise choices are made on overall coverage.3
fies dining out and clothing as          to Starbucks,’” Rorem says. While       Understand your current                  COBRA, this is not always the most
good places to start. Next, he says,     this type of economizing may seem       employer’s offerings                     cost-efficient option. For those with      š   Gather documents before you leave your current job. Remember to
examine recurring expenses, such         sensible, it might not have enough      For planning purposes, it’s important    a clean bill of health, purchasing             print out pay stubs or retirement plan documents before your last day
as gym memberships and streaming         impact. “Going to Starbucks is maybe    to understand “what your company is      private-pay insurance may cost less,           at work. These documents may be password protected and difficult
services, because fees automatically     a $3-a-day decision, but if you’re      providing that you don’t necessarily     says Markwell.                                 to access later. Also be sure to write down contact information for the
deducted from your bank account          going to dinner each night with your    see in your paycheck,” says Rorem.         He also notes that some states               various plan administrators, especially medical and retirement plans.
are easier to overlook.                  family, that might be a $100-a-day         Employers are often providers of      have their own health insurance                And if you move, make sure to update your address with those plan
   Having a sense of proportion          decision,” he says. Plus, inviting      income and benefits. It’s critical to    marketplaces that can offer attractive         administrators and previous employer so that you receive updates and
                                                                                 consider that full package—income,       deals for residents.                           tax information in a timely manner.
                                                                                 retirement, time off, health insurance
                                                                                 and life insurance. Financial profes-    Revisit retirement funds
                                                                                 sionals can help take stock of that      When changing jobs, you might
  Tips for practicing self-care                                                  bigger picture and help you evaluate     choose to roll your 401(k) to your
                                                                                 where an employer package is strong      own IRA to be able to manage your        or more, if needed, you can move           around the time Colleen was laid off.
  Job searching can be stressful.        Practice gratitude. Even during         and where it may need to be supple-      own investments or convert a pre-tax     your cost basis (a fancy term for the      Helping her stepmother influenced
  Here are some ways to care for         difficult times, there are always       mented. That’s especially important      401(k) fund to a Roth IRA, suggests      contributions you’ve made) into your       her future goals.
  yourself as you look for your          things you can be grateful for.         if you change from one income and        Markwell. Pre-tax funds converted        savings account without paying a             In Foley’s case, Thrivent Financial
  next opportunity.                      Writing them down each day will         benefits package to a new one.           into a Roth IRA will be taxable at the   penalty. In contrast, he says, if you’re   Associate Ted Vickerman guided her
                                         help you stay positive.                    When a job change is voluntary,       point of conversion, so you’ll want to   not yet 59½, taking money out of           as she made some major financial
  Create a good support network.                                                 planning ahead is important. Stay        work with your financial professional    your 401(k) or individual retirement       decisions. With help from Thrivent,
  Others who have been in a similar      Find ways to help others. Seek          on top of routine doctor and dentist     and tax professional for the best        account might mean a 10% penalty           she first used severance and
  situation are often willing to help.   out volunteer opportunities, give       appointments. If, for instance, you      guidance on the right move for your      and a tax bill.2                           unemployment pay. She also sold an
                                         blood or organize a Thrivent            need new glasses and you have a          situation. While Thrivent does not                                                  annuity from another company. She is
  Take care of your physical and         Action Team.                            vision plan, visit an optician while     provide specific legal or tax advice,    Stay connected                             now drawing money from her assets
  mental health. Get plenty of sleep                                             expenses are still reimbursed.           your financial professional can          For Foley, looking for work was only       so Social Security will go untouched
  and exercise. Find quiet moments       Maintain a schedule and organize           To understand offerings from          partner with you and your tax profes-    one part of a much larger picture,         until she is over age 66.
  to pray and meditate.                  your search. Dedicate time each         your current employer, start with        sional or attorney.                      one that involved taking care of her         Foley’s experience illustrates that
                                         day to your search and to yourself.     the employee handbook and your              Markwell also points out that if      stepmother, Clare Foley, whose             job changes, whether voluntary or
                                                                                 HR department. Are you entitled          you’ve had a Roth IRA for five years     dementia progressed dramatically           involuntary, don’t occur in a vacuum.

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Navigating career transitions - Thrivent
What’s happening at Thrivent
At this stressful-yet-exciting time,
it’s particularly important to stay
connected to family, friends and
acquaintances, and to take into
consideration their circumstances,
too, says Markwell.
    He points out that today many jobs
are found through networking and
so socializing can be a form of job
hunting. Equally important, though, is
the fact that seeing people who are
important to you can motivate you
and remind you of your purpose.
    Don’t forget about caring for
yourself during the process. Job
searching can lead to financial strain,
rejection and discouragement. Find
ways to practice self-care as your
search for your next opportunity.
Incorporate feel-good activities into
your week, create a daily schedule
that works for you and take mindful       the additional income to work.       
breaks. See more ideas on page 26.           As many people learn, the               2
                                                                                         There may be benefits to leaving your
                                          job-hunting journey often turns out
                                                                                         account in your employer plan, if allowed.
Focus on the big picture                  differently than expected.                     You will continue to benefit from tax
Changing jobs does not necessarily           Job changes are many things,                deferral, there may be investment options
mean living on less money. For            among them launching pads for                  unique to your plan, fees and expenses
                                                                                         may be lower, plan assets have unlimited
many, a job change is an opportunity
to find a more satisfying position
                                          growth. Rorem credits a job change
                                          18 years ago with having helped him
                                                                                         protection from creditors under Federal
                                                                                         law, there is a possibility for loans, and
                                                                                                                                       Celebrating 10 years as one of
with a higher salary or greater
economic potential.
                                          find his calling as a financial profes-
                                          sional at Thrivent. “If I hadn’t had the
                                                                                         distributions are penalty free if you
                                                                                         terminate service at age 55+. Consult
                                                                                                                                       the World’s Most Ethical Companies
   For individuals who find themselves    disruption,” he concludes, “I probably         your tax professional prior to requesting a
in a better situation money-wise,         would never have thought about this            rollover from your employer plan.
creating a financial strategy may         opportunity, and I love my job.” n         3                                                 Thrivent is once again being                 President and CEO Terry Rasmussen         continue to set for our organization.
                                                                                         You can access the cash value of
be critical. That’s because individ-                                                     a permanent life insurance contract           honored for its strong ethical culture    says earning this recognition for the last   Every day, they practice our values,
uals who suddenly have bigger             Elizabeth Judd is a freelance writer           during your life to pay for major             and leading with integrity. The           10 years is a milestone that deserves to     demonstrate care for our clients, and
paychecks may not know how to put         in Maryland.                                   expenses, as long as you understand           organization was named one of the         be celebrated.                               bring Thrivent’s purpose and promise
                                                                                         the consequences of doing so. For             World’s Most Ethical Companies               “We’re honored to once again              to life so we can help people make
                                                                                         example, removing money from your
                                                                                                                                       in 2021 by Ethisphere, a global           be named one of the World’s Most             the most of all they’ve been given.”
                                                                                         contract can result in potential charges
                                                                                         and income changes that affect your           leader in defining and advancing          Ethical Companies,” says Terry                  For more information on the 2021
                                                                                         taxes. If you have a modified endowment       the standards of ethical business         Rasmussen, president and CEO of              World’s Most Ethical Companies,
  How Thrivent can help                                                                  contract, your actions may not be tax-        practices.                                Thrivent. “The fact that we’ve earned        visit
                                                                                         free. Withdrawing money decreases                Thrivent is one of 135 honorees this   this recognition for the last decade
                                                                                         the contract’s cash value and the value
  Whether you’re thinking about a career transition or you’ve faced an                                                                 year, and one of only six honorees in     makes it extra special for us. It speaks
                                                                                         of your death benefit. And can result in
  unexpected layoff, your Thrivent financial professional has a variety of tools         a closed account if you withdraw too          the financial services category.          to our longstanding commitment to
  to help guide you through the process, helping you achieve financial clarity.          much. If you remove money, it will take          This recognition honors companies      maintaining a strong ethical culture,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              “World's Most Ethical Companies" and
  To find the name of your financial professional, see the back page of this             you longer to meet your contract goals.       that understand the importance of         acting with integrity, and doing what’s      "Ethisphere" names and marks are
  magazine. Or you can visit and click “Connect with us.”                   Always talk with your tax advisor and         business ethics and demonstrate an        right. I couldn’t be prouder of our          registered trademarks of Ethisphere LLC.
                                                                                         financial professional to learn about those
                                                                                                                                       overall commitment to integrity.          workforce and the high standard they         For details, visit
                                                                                         implications up front.

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