Natural hybridization between immigrant narrow-barred Spanish

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Natural hybridization between immigrant narrow-barred Spanish
Animal Biodiversity and Conservation 44.2 (2021)                                                                 219

Natural hybridization between
immigrant narrow–barred Spanish
mackerel Scomberomorus commerson
(Lacepède, 1800) and endemic
West African Spanish mackerel
Scomberomorus tritor (Cuvier, 1832)
in the Egyptian Mediterranean coast
S. A. Bakhoum
Bakhoum, S. A., 2021. Natural hybridization between immigrant narrow–barred Spanish mackerel Scomberomorus
commerson (Lacepède, 1800) and endemic West African Spanish mackerel Scomberomorus tritor (Cuvier, 1832)
in the Egyptian Mediterranean coast. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation, 44.2: 219–227, Doi: https://doi.

Natural hybridization between immigrant narrow–barred Spanish mackerel Scomberomorus commerson (Lacepède,
1800) and endemic West African Spanish mackerel Scomberomorus tritor (Cuvier, 1832) in the Egyptian
Mediterranean coast. Immigrant narrow–barred Spanish mackerel, West African Spanish mackerel and specimens
with an external appearance somewhere between these putative parents were collected from Abu Qir Bay, East
Alexandria, Egypt. The hybrid index results and univariate and multivariate analysis indicated a natural hybridization
between these two species. The discriminant function analysis successfully classified individual fish in the data
to one of the three fish groups. Squared Mahalanobis distances extracted from the groups indicated the three
groups were clearly distinct from each other. Moreover, distances between the hybrid and Scomberomorus tritor
were longer than those of the hybrid and S. commerson. The mean values of the condition factor for the hybrid
were significantly higher than those of S. commerson. Natural mortality of the hybrid was significantly lower than
that of the exotic parent (S. commerson), indicating that the environmental conditions in the examined region are
more suitable for the hybrid type species than for the invasive parental species.

Key words: Immigrant, Scomberomorus commerson, Native Scomberomorus tritor, Natural hybridization, Egyptian
Mediterranean coast

Hibridación natural entre la carita estriada del Pacífico Scomberomorus commerson (Lacepède, 1800) y la carita
oeste–africana Scomberomorus tritor (Cuvier, 1832) en la costa mediterránea egipcia. Se capturaron ejemplares
inmigrantes de carita estriada del Pacífico y de carita oeste–africana y otros ejemplares con un aspecto externo
intermedio entre estos progenitores putativos en la bahía de Abu Qir, al este de Alejandría, en Egipto. Los re-
sultados del análisis univariado y multivariado del índice de hibridación indicaron que existía hibridación natural
entre las especies parentales previstas. La función discriminante permite determinar si un determinado ejemplar
del que se tienen datos pertenece a uno de los tres grupos y calcular su tasa de éxito. Las distancias cuadradas
de Mahalanobis obtenidas entre los grupos analizados indicaron que los tres grupos estaban claramente dife-
renciados y que las distancias entre los híbridos y Scomberomorus tritor eran superiores a las de los híbridos y
S. commerson. Los valores medios del factor de condición de los ejemplares híbridos fueron significativamente
mayores que los de S. commerson; además, la mortalidad natural de los híbridos fue significativamente inferior
a la de los progenitores exóticos (S. commerson), lo que indica que las condiciones ambientales de la región
estudiada son más adecuadas para el tipo híbrido que para las especies parentales invasoras.

Palabras clave: Inmigrante, Scomberomorus commerson, Scomberomorus tritor autóctono, Hibridación natural,
Costa mediterránea de Egipto

Received: 19 III 21; Conditional acceptance: 31 V 21; Final acceptance: 22 VI 21

Shnoudy A. Bakhoum, National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, Alexandria, Egypt.

Corresponding author: S. A. Bakhoum. E–mail:

ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4691-9218

ISSN: 1578–665 X                                         © [2021] Copyright belongs to the authors, who license the
eISSN: 2014–928 X                                        journal Animal Biodiversity and Conservation to publish the
                                                         paper under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
220                                                                                                          Bakhoum

Introduction                                                 were taken to the nearest mm) and eight meristic
                                                             counts. To minimize any variation resulting from allo-
The Suez Canal was opened in 1869, connecting the            metric growth, all morphometric measurements were
Red Sea to the Mediterranean and allowing numerous           standardized according to Reist (1985):
Indo–Pacific species to invade the Mediterranean
(Golani, 1998). This process of immigration through                   X'i,j = log Xi – b . (log TLj – log TLi)
the Canal increased alien species of Indo–Pacific
origin from 12 species in 1882 to 92 in 2010 (Keller         where X'i,j is the standardized measurement of the i
1882; Zenetos et al., 2010).                                 morphometric character; log Xi is the mean logarithm
   In 1985, Ben–Tuvia recorded that the narrow–barred        of i morphometric character measurement; TLj is the
Spanish mackerel S. commerson (Lacepède, 1800) had           total length of the individual j; log TL is the logarithm
reached the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea.           of the mean total length of pooled individuals and b
Golani et al. (2002) later reported that this Lessepsian     is the slope of the log X against logTL plot.
migrant has expanded its distribution to the Aegean Sea.         To elucidate the differentiation of the species and
   Several migrant Lessepsian fishes are now well–           expected hybrid we used forward stepwise discrimi-
established in the eastern Mediterranean. Halim and          nant analysis (DA) on the characters, based on the
Rizkalla (2011) published a checklist of 42 immigrant        generalized Mahalanobis distance to determine the
Erythrean fish in the Egyptian Mediterranean, 17 of          similarity between groups and the ability of these
which are commercially exploited.                            variables to identify the specimens correctly (Hair et
     Permanent change of habitat has a great effect          al., 1998). We used univariate analysis of variance
on the biometric characters of aquatic organisms             (one way ANOVA) for meristic and size–adjusted
(Abd El–Gawad et al., 1995; Bakhoum, 2017). In the           data sets and multivariate discriminant function
Egyptian Mediterranean waters, the immigrant Brush–          analysis to select the important variables (Henault
tooth lizardfish showed a sufficiently high degree of        and Fortin, 1989).
biometric differences to recognize the Mediterranean             The hybrid index was calculated according to
brush–tooth lizardfish (Saurida undosquamis) as a            Witkowski and Blachuta (1980):
distinct group from that of the Red Sea Fish (Bak-
houm, 2000).                                                          Hybrid index = H – M1 / M2 – M1
   Hybridization is defined as the crossing of geneti-
cally distinguishable groups or individuals. It includes     where, M1 is the numerical value of the same cha-
crosses both between lineages of the same species            racter of S. tritor, M2 the numerical value of a cha-
(intraspecific) and between individuals of different         racter of S. commerson, and H the numerical value
species (Pinheiro et al., 2019).                             of hybrid characters.
   The invasion of closely related fish species may             Characters of the hybrid approach 50 are interme-
disturb a habitat and lead to an increasing incidence of     diate, while characters close to 0 or 100 indicate a
interspecific hybridization. It may also facilitate hybrid   character state close to that of a parent species. The
zones where the likelihood for interbreeding between         commonly used length–weight relationship was applied:
native and exotic species is seriously increased (Cos-
tedoat et al., 2005; Almodóvar et al., 2012).                                      W = a . L. b
   The aim of the present study was to detect hybrids
between the native species West African Spanish              where L is total length (cm), W is weight (g), and a
mackerel S. tritor (Cuvier, 1832) and the exotic species     and b are constants.
S. commerson (Lacepède, 1800 ), and to evaluate the             The coefficient of condition (Fulton condition factor,
degree of hybrid adaptation in Egyptian Mediterranean        K) was calculated from the equation:
waters east of Alexandria.
                                                                                 K = 100 . W / L3

Material and methods                                         where W is the gutted weight in grams, L the total length
                                                             in cm. This factor is often used as an approximation
Study area                                                   even when the allometric factor is theoretically more
                                                             appropriate (Bagenal and Braum, 1971; Ricker 1975).
Between November 2019 and January 2020, 102 spe-                The natural mortality coefficient 'M' was calculated
cimens (27 S. tritor, 33 S. commerson and 42 possible        by the method described by Ursin (1967). Data of
hybrid fishes) were collected with the help of local         condition factor and natural mortality were statistically
fishermen using daytime purse seine fishing gear from        analyzed using ANOVA.
Abu Qir Bay in the Egyptian Mediterranean coast,                All statistical analyses were performed using the
east of Alexandria (latitude from 30º 5' to 30º 20' N        SPSS PC ver. 16 software packages.
and longitude from 31º 15' to 31º 25' E).

Methods                                                      Results

The biometric characters examined included twenty–           Comparing morphological features of the parental
one morphometric measurements (all measurements              species with expected hybrid showed that the back
Animal Biodiversity and Conservation 44.2 (2021)                                                           221




  Fig. 1. Photographs of parent species and putative hybrids: A, Scomberomorus commerson; B, Scomberomorus
  tritor; C, Hybrid form.

  Fig. 1. Fotografías de las especies parentales y los híbridos putativos: A, Scomberomorus commerson;
  B, Scomberomorus tritor; C, Hybrid form.

colour of S. tritor was bluish–green. Sides were        distinct from both in other characters. In contrast, the
silvery, with about three rows of vertical elongated    hybrid index revealed that hybrid specimens contained
spots and lateral line gradually curving down towards   4 individual characters with a hybrid index > 100 and
the caudal peduncle. Conversely, the back of S.         < 0, 2 intermediate characters (hybrid index 45–55),
commerson was iridescent blue–green, and sides          3 close to S. commerson (hybrid index > 55) and 19
were silver, with numerous wavy vertical bands. The     close to S. tritor (hybrid index < 45) (see table 1).
lateral line abruptly bent downward below the end
of a second dorsal fin.                                 Biometric characters
    The hybrid back was blue–green and its sides con-
tained vertical elongated spots and numerous wavy       Table 1 summarizes a comparison of 21 morphometric
vertical bands inherited from both parental species.    measurements and eight meristic counts between
Moreover, the lateral line gradually curved downwards   parent species and hybrid groups.
below the end of the second dorsal fin (fig. 1).
                                                        Univariate analyses
The hybrid index                                        One–way ANOVA indicated significant differences
                                                        of meristic counts and morphometric measurements
For some characters, the average values of hybrids      (p < 0.001) between the hybrid groups and parental
were close to either S. commerson or S. tritor but      species. Tukey's honest–significant difference (HSD) of
222                                                                                                 Bakhoum

  Table 1. Hybrid index of meristic and morphometric measurements (mean ± SD) of Scomberomorus
  tritor, Scomberomorus commerson and hybrid specimens collected from Abu Qir Bay coast, east off
  Alexandria, Egypt: Hi, hybrid index.

  Tabla 1. Índice de hibridación de las mediciones merísticas y morfométricas (media ± DE de los ejemplares
  de Scomberomorus commerson y Scomberomorus tritor y los híbridos capturados en la bahía de Abu
  Qir, al este de Alejandría: Hi, índice de hibridación.

                                   S. tritor           S. commerson               Hybrid             Hi
  Biometric characters
      First dorsal fin		   15.78 ± 1.093  (15–18) 16.17 ± 0.983 (15–18) 15.86 ± 0.727 (14–17) 20.51
      spines and rays
      Second dorsal fin    16.56 ± 0.882 (15–18) 16.67 ± 1.633 (15–19) 16.43 ± 0.676 (15–18) –118.18
      spines and rays
      Anal fin spine 		    17.78 ± 1.302 (16–20) 17.67 ± 1.633 (16–20) 17.50 ± 1.044 (16–20) 254.55
      and rays
      Pectoral fin spine   19.56 ± 1.509 (18–22) 22.17 ± 1.169 (21–24) 21.76 ± 1.338 (20–24) 84.29
      and rays
      Ventral fin spine 		           I±5                   I±5                   I±5             –
      and rays
      Dorsal finlets		       8.56 ± 0.726 (7–9)    9.33 ± 0.516 (9–10)   9.62 ± 0.590 (8–10)  137.66
      Anal finlets		         8.89 ± 0.333 (8–9)    9.50 ± 0.548 (9–10)   9.52 ± 0.512 (9–10)  103.28
      Vertebrae (total)		      45.78 ± 0.667          43.00 ± 1.265         44.19 ± 1.436      57.19
      			 (45–47)	 (42–45)	 (41–46)
  Morphometric measurement (mm)
       Total length		            275.38 ± 44.201       394.17 ± 43.407        312.95 ± 56.743       31.63
       			 (240–375)	 (310–430)	 (262–455)
       Forked length		           248.63 ± 44.622       359.33 ± 50.162        275.10 ± 52.371       23.91
       			 (215–350)	 (262–395)	 (233–410)
       Standard length		         241.63 ± 42.671       349.83 ± 48.967        275.00 ± 50.838       30.84
       			 (212–340)	 (264–392)	 (231–398)
       Predorsal length		         62.75 ± 8.631         85.17 ± 10.610         67.76 ± 11.036       22.35
       			 (55–80)	 (64–92)	 (51–97)
       Prepectoral length     58.63 ± 7.347 (51–72) 79.00 ± 10.621 (62–90) 65.29 ± 9.660 (56–91)    32.70
       Preanal length		          132.38 ± 16.370       194.83 ± 32.591        147.90 ± 26.760       24.85
       			 (113–138)	 (145–225)	 (123–210)
       Prepelvic length		     61.63 ± 6.948 (55–75) 88.67 ± 4.590 (83–95) 67.71 ± 10.340 (59–92)    22.49
       Body depth		           47.38 ± 7.671 (38–60) 64.67 ± 7.202 (60–73) 53.90 ± 7.409 (45–74)     37.71
       Caudal peduncle length 17.88 ± 3.523 (15–25) 25.67 ± 3.724 (20–30) 21.57 ± 3.501 (18–30)     47.37
       Caudal peduncle depth 10.50 ± 2.204 (9–14) 14.17 ± 1.602 (12–16) 11.19 ± 3.371 (8––13)       18.80
       Dorsal rays height     24.25 ± 2.816 (21–28) 35.50 ± 7.007 (23–40) 27.81 ± 27.81 (24–40)     31.64
       Anal base length		     23.00 ± 5.732 (19–35) 36.17 ± 7.808 (22–44) 26.62 ± 5.220 (21–39)     27.49
       Head length		          56.38 ± 5.927 (52–69) 78.00 ± 12.000 (58–88) 63.48 ± 8.418 (55–86)    32.84
       Head width		           23.25 ± 3.655 (18–29) 32.33 ± 3.933 (26–36) 25.76 ± 4.122 (22–36)     27.64
       Head depth		           36.50 ± 4.811 (31–46) 49.00 ± 4.817 (42–54) 40.76 ± 4.959 (30–53)     34.08
       Head depth passing
       through eyes		         18.13 ± 2.850 (15–23) 30.83 ± 3.764 (25–35) 27.43 ± 4.261 (20–36)     73.23
       Eye diameter		         11.88 ± 0.835 (10–13) 16.00 ± 2.608 (12–19) 12.62 ± 1.564 (17–11)     17.96
       Interorbital width		   17.38 ± 1.996 (15–21) 24.17 ± 2.483 (20–27) 19.33 ± 3.055 (27–16)     28.72
       Snout length		         21.75 ± 2.188 (20–26) 31.67 ± 3.559 (26–35) 24.52 ± 3.710 (34–21)     27.92
       Upper jaw length		     32.50 ± 3.295 (29–39) 43.83 ± 3.251 (39–47) 35.76 ± 4.493 (48–30)     28.77
       Lower jaw length		     31.88 ± 3.227 (29–39) 45.00 ± 3.225 (39–48) 37.86 ± 4.607 (34–49)     45.58
Animal Biodiversity and Conservation 44.2 (2021)                                                                 223

   Table 2. Significant differences between S. tritor (St), S. commerson (Sc) and hybrid (H) specimens
   based on ANOVA followed by the Tukey HSD test (honestly significant difference). (Significance level
   * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01).

   Tabla 2. Diferencias significativas entre los ejemplares de S. tritor (St), S. commerson (Sc) y los híbridos
   (H) basadas en el ANOVA y el test HSD de Tukey (diferencia honestamente significativa). (Nivel de
   significación * p < 0,05; ** p < 0,01)".

   		                                                                              Tukey HSD test
   		                                               F–value           St vs. Sc        St vs. H       Sc vs. H
   Biometric characters
        First dorsal fin spines and rays            56.723**           0.000**          0.891          0.000**
        Second dorsal fin spines and rays            4.158*             0.091           0.758          0.018*
        Anal fin spine and rays                       1.634             0.203           0.933           0.313
        Pectoral fin spine and rays                  18.37**           0.000**         0.000**          0.683
        Dorsal fin lets                             21.742**           0.000**         0.000**          0.855
        Anal fin lets                               13.401**           0.001**         0.000**          0.990
        Vertebrae (total)                           64.642**           0.000**         0.000**         0.000**
   Morphometric measurement (mm)
        Total length                                20.126**           0.000**          0.100          0.000**
        Forked length                                7.137**           0.003**          0.015*          0.549
        Standard length                             19.874**           0.000**         0.000**          0.220
        Predorsal length                              0.084             1.000           0.934           0.941
        Prepectoral length                            0.658             0.665           0.529           0.996
        Preanal length                              45.093**           0.000**         0.000**          0.186
        Prepelvic length                            24.289**           0.000**         0.001**         0.001**
        Body depth                                  46.902**           0.000**         0.000**          0.892
        Caudal peduncle length                      43.119**           0.000**         0.000**          1.000
        Caudal peduncle depth                        5.052**           0.010**          0.700          0.041*
        Dorsal rays height                          11.288**           0.000**         0.001**          0.714
        Anal base length                            10.572**           0.007**         0.000**          0.769
        Head length                                  4.776*            0.025*           0.031*          0.891
        Head width                                   7.850*            0.008**         0.002**          1.000
        Head depth                                    3.115             0.065           0.123           0.803
        Head depth passing through eyes             87.776**           0.000**         0.000**          0.089
        Eye diameter                                 12.91**           0.003**         0.000**          0.711
        Interorbital width                          25.627**           0.000**         0.000**          0.483
        Snout length                                28.661**           0.000**         0.000**          0.385
        Upper jaw length                              0.922             0.947           0.400           0.666
        Lower jaw length                            37.766**           0.000**         0.000**          0.869

meristic counts indicated that the significant differences     species. The hybrid type differed in 15 and 3 measu-
between parental species were found in five charac-            rements from S. tritor, and S. commerson, respectively
ters. The differences between hybrid and S. tritor were        (table 2).
observed in four meristic counts, while hybrid type
varied from S. commerson only in first and second              Multivariate analysis
dorsal fin spines and rays and vertebrae (p < 0.001).          Canonical variate analysis (CVA) was performed on
   Adjusted morphometric measurements revealed                 meristic counts and twenty morphometric ratios to
17 of 21 significant characters between parental               assess the shape variation between the two species
224                                                                                                     Bakhoum

  Table 3. Discriminant analysis classification             Table 4. Discriminant analysis classification
  showing the percentage of specimens classified            showing the percentage of specimens classified
  in each species, based on meristic counts: St,            in each species, based on morphometric ratios:
  Scomberomorus tritor; Sc, Scomberomorus                   St, Scomberomorus tritor; Sc, Scomberomorus
  commerson; H, hibrid.                                     commerson; H, hibrid.

  Tabla 3. Clasificación según el análisis                  Tabla 4. Clasificación según el análisis
  discriminante en la que se muestra el                     discriminante en la que se muestra el porcentaje
  porcentaje de ejemplares clasificados en cada             de ejemplares clasificados en cada especie,
  especie, según los estudios merísticos: St,               según las proporciones morfométricas: St,
  Scomberomorus tritor; Sc, Scomberomorus                   Scomberomorus tritor; Sc, Scomberomorus
  commerson; H, híbrido.                                    commerson; H, híbrido.

  		                      Predicted species                 		                      Predicted species
  Species        St            Sc              H            Species           St           Sc            H
  St           94.40          0.00            5.60          St            100.00          0.00          0.00
  Sc            0.00         100.00           0.00          Sc               0.00       100.00          0.00
  H             0.00          0.00         100.00           H                0.00         0.00        100.00

and hybrid form. Consequently, standardized ca-             The mean values of condition factors of S. tritor
nonical discriminant function coefficients extracted     fish (0.803 ± 0.279) were higher than those of S. com-
two meristic factors and seven morphometric ratios.      merson (0.354 ± 0.193) and hybrid (0.660 ± 0.083)
The discriminant function successfully identified the    fish. Analysis of variance indicated significant differen-
membership of individual fish in the data to one of      ces in the mean values of condition factor between
the three fish groups. The percentage of correctly       parental species (F = 7.277, p < 0.01), S. tritor and
identified specimens based on meristic counts for the    hybrid fish (F = 61.921, p < 0.01) and between S.
hybrid was 100 % and for S. tritor and S. commerson      commerson and hybrid fish (F = 26.110, p < 0.01).
individuals it was 94.4 % and 100 %, respectively
(table 3). Identification of fish groups based on se-    Natural mortality
ven landmark morphometric ratios classified 100 %
parental species and hybrid (table 4).                   The hybrid fish had the least mean value of natural
    CVA extracted two CVs, accounting for 100.00 %       mortality coefficient (0.177 ± 0.024) followed by S.
variations and showed three groups with no overlaps      tritor (0.203 ± 0.015). S. commerson had the highest
between groups, with a position of hybrid specimens      mortality value (0.382 ± 0.126). Statistical analysis
lying between expected parental species. Moreover,       revealed significant differences in the natural mortality
CVA plots suggested that hybrids were resultant due      of S. commerson compared with S. tritor (F = 34.151,
to crossing between S. tritor and S. commerson           p < 0.01) and the hybrid (F = 46.011, p < 0.01).
(fig. 2).                                                    Analysis of variance revealed no significant diffe-
    Squared Mahalanobis distances extracted among        rence in the mean values of natural mortality between
groups of S. tritor, S. commerson and hybrid speci-      S. tritor and the hybrid (F = 2.020, p > .05).
mens based on meristic and morphometric characters
were highly significant (P < 0.0001), indicating that
all groups were clearly distinct from each other, and    Discussion
squared Mahalanobis distances between hybrid and S.
tritor were longer than those hybrid and S. commerson.   Nature hybridization in most cases is a temporal
                                                         phenomenon occurring at different scales over an
Length–weight relationship and condition factor          extended time frame (Avise and Walker, 2000).
                                                         Hybrid species, especially those leading to genomic
The relationship between total length (cm) and total     introgression, may be an evolutionarily constructive
weight (W) was represented by the equations:             process, as occurred in the family Salmonidae (Ar-
  For S. tritor                                          nold, 1997; Dowling and Secor, 1997). Extensive
        W = 0.0245 . L . 2.6548 (r2 = 0.9655)            hybridization and introgression occurs more com-
  S. commerson                                           monly in fish than in other vertebrates of comparable
        W = 0.0092 . L . 2.1036 (r2 = 0.9666)            levels of genetic divergence (Epifanio and Nielsen,
  Hybrid form                                            2001). Almodóvar et al. (2012) recently described a
        W = 0.0192 . L . 2.3997 (r2 = 0.9455)            case of natural hybridization between invasive bleak
Animal Biodiversity and Conservation 44.2 (2021)                                                                    225

  A						                                                      B
                                           1                          100                                1
             5.0                           2                                                             2
                                           3                                                             3
                                           Centroid                                                      Centroid

                                                                Function 2
Function 2

                          1                                                                          2
             0.0                                                             0                           3


                   –5.0   –2.5  0.0    2.5 5.0 –100                                –50       0      50           100
                             Function 1					                                             Function 1

       Fig. 2. Plots of canonical variate analysis based on meristic counts (A) and morphometric ratios (B) for
       S. tritor (1), S. commerson (2) and putative hybrid (3) showing frequency of specimen distribution in
       respective group on the first two axes.

       Fig. 2. Gráficos del análisis de variables canónicas según los caracteres merísticos (A) y según las pro-
       porciones morfométricas (B) de S. tritor (1), S. commerson (2) y los híbridos putativos (3) en los que se
       muestra la frecuencia de la distribución de los ejemplares en el grupo respectivo en los dos primeros ejes.

Alburnus alburnous and endemic calandino Squalius                  Many researchers use biometric characters to
alburnoides complex following a short period of                identify natural hybrids in fish (Reist et al., 1992;
contact. This study deals with the characterization            Bakhoum, 2009; Jacquemin and Pyron, 2016). In
of the hybrids and their distinction and similarities          the present study, the hybrid index revealed that
with the parental species.                                     most characters studied in hybrids were closer to
    Hybridization in nature is generally the result of         either S. commerson or S. tritor, and one interme-
interference by humans, through the construction of            diate character revealed the hybrid nature of these
reservoirs, for example, or introduction of exotic species,    specimens. Canonical variate analysis (CVA) allowed
or modification of rivers and Seas (Crivelli and Dupont,       parent species to be distinguished from hybrids. No
1987; Pouyaud and Agnèse, 1995; Agnese et al., 1998;           overlapping between groups was revealed, and clas-
Bakhoum, 2019). The Suez Canal is an artificial water-         sification in the respective group was 100 % correct.
way connecting the tropical Red Sea and the subtropical            CVA placed hybrids in a position between groups
Eastern Mediterranean Sea. This example of human               of S. commerson and S. tritor, indicating that hybrids
intervention caused a global change in the distribution        were resultant from crossing between the two species.
of native and non–native fishes in Mediterranean waters        Squared Mahalanobis distances indicated that the hy-
(Ben–Tuvia, 1985; Golani et al., 2002).                        brid form was relatively closer to S. commerson than
    Natural hybridization occurs when reproductive             to S. tritor. This may attribute to the back–crossing
barriers break down. These barriers may be phys-               between the first generation of hybrid specimens with
iological, behavioural or geographic. Hybridization            parental S. tritor fish.
between S. commerson and S. tritor in the Suez Canal               The condition factor is used to compare condition,
is an example.                                                 fitness or wellbeing of fish. It is based on the hypoth-
    Reproductive barriers between species, both                esis that heavier fish of a particular length are in a
pre– and post–zygotic, appear to be incomplete for             better physiological condition (Bagenal and Tesch,
many fishes (Simon and Noble, 1968; Rosenfield et              1978). It is strongly influenced by both biotic and abi-
al., 2000; Hendry et al., 2000). The parental species          otic environmental conditions and can be used as an
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