National Identity and the World Cup

Page created by Anne Pena
Cultural Navigator® Article

National Identity and the World Cup
By Cultural Navigator R&D
Editor’s Note: This article was written prior to the World Cup semi-finals.

Since 1930, the FIFA World Cup has been the venue for players, coaches,
and fans in the global football (soccer) community to gather every four years
for their chance at greatness, with entire nations coming to a standstill to
watch their respective teams live out their hopes, dreams, and at times,
greatest fears on the field. For one nation, the tournament ends in
celebration and a place in history. For the rest, the end of the World Cup
brings sorrow as well as a renewed focus on each country’s goal, whether it
is to qualify for the tournament, reach the Round of 16, or best the other
teams to take home the glory.

As an international sporting event, the World              fragmented country. Perhaps this is the result
Cup can offer insights from the perspective of             of a strong sense of individualism within a
national identity. In the case of South Africa,            collectivist culture, of a socioeconomic
the host nation for the 2010 World Cup, the                system writhing with imperfections and a very
vuvuzela and its effects on the crowds, on                 unstable political scenario. However, this
television, and on the players on the field                year the Argentines, over the time span of
were criticized for creating communication                 only a couple of weeks, have lived through
difficulties and health concerns. While seen               two exceptional experiences that have created
as a nuisance by certain players in Europe and             a strong sense of national identity and unity.
South America, the vuvuzela offered a way for              One was the celebration of the 200th
fans to unite and support their team, similar to           anniversary of Argentina as a Republic. The
the chants and drums heard in other                        other, is the sharing of the World Cup
countries. The vuvuzela came to represent                  presently being played in South Africa. The
South African culture and, as a result, FIFA               entire population is fervently following each
withstood calls to ban the instrument during               match, without discrimination of age, social
play.                                                      class or gender. The women are especially
                                                           eager and participate actively watching each
We asked several of our consultants and                    game and giving their serious opinions as to
Cultural Navigator® users to share some of                 moves and tactics.
their own insights into their countries’ World
Cup experiences and to explore how the                     Football is considered the national sport and
tournament can help to create a sense of                   has put Argentina on the map thanks to
national identity.                                         having won the World Cup twice in the past.
                                                           The name Maradona, as the A1 player of all
Argentina                                                  time, has gone down in history and now he
In many ways, Argentina can be considered a

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reappears as the technical director of the           Televisions are brought in,                      even      in
team. Added to this, one of his team players,        classrooms, offices, and hospitals.
Lionel Messi has been named the best player
of the year. What could be more exhilarating         On June 15, 2010, the volume of stock traded
for the Argentines?                                  in the Sao Paulo stock market plunged 40%.
                                                     This was the date of the first game involving
There is constant celebration, in the homes          Brazil. The only reason it did not fall more
and on the streets, blue and white flags can be      was because of electronic trading and foreign
seen on cars, houses and shop windows. The           investors.
expectations and the passion are immense
although they have only won four games out           We can only imagine what will happen when
of the six needed to be played before the next       the games are played in Brazil during the
champion is crowned.                                 2014 World Cup. Millions of Brazilians will
                                                     have the games in their cities, extending
When Argentina plays, the whole country
                                                     Carnival all through June and July. It will be
comes to a standstill.      The matches are
                                                     the 20th tournament, and Brazil has previously
invariably watched at school and at work.
                                                     won it five times. Of course, there is still hope
Timetables are changed, and activities are
                                                     for the sixth win now in 2010.
planned specifically around those special
days. Lunches and get-togethers are
                                                     One of the reasons football is so popular in
immediately organized before and after the
                                                     Brazil, as well as in many other poor Latin
games. The streets are empty during the
                                                     American and African countries, is that it does
matches, but when Argentina wins a match,
                                                     not require special memberships, equipment.
everyone runs out, waving flags, dancing, and
                                                     or sports attire. All that it takes are large free
celebrating for hours on end.
                                                     plain spaces (the beach, a field, the streets, or
All problems are left aside, people instantly        your backyard) and not even a ball (any round
forget what separates them from their fellow         object which can be kicked around will work,
citizen, and there is a great sense of               sometimes just a sock stuffed with rags).
communion, healthy patriotism, and national
identity amongst all Argentines. There is a                                         - Sergio Pereira
fantastic and inexplicable feeling of hope and       England
excitement.                                          For the Britain, the World Cup is a testing
                                                     time. Scottish football supporters have the
                           - Lorraine Sandford       chance to cheer on whoever is playing
                                                     England, and English football fans experience
Brazil                                               complex emotions from pride through anxiety
Normally, Brazilians are obsessed with               to humiliation.
football. During the World Cup, every four
years, that obsession is transformed into utter      England is a country of private people who
madness. Rich or poor, black or white, urban         tend to keep their views, their class, and their
or rural, men and women, young and old,              lives a secret from strangers. This rule is only
regardless of the groups that you belong to          broken if the bus breaks down or if you are
everyone is transported into this addiction and      queuing for beer in a pub. Oh, there is one
national celebration. Productivity is lost on        more occasion when the Brits speak to each
the days when Brazil has a scheduled game            other: when England is playing in the World
because managers and workers alike are               Cup.
glued to their TV screens, mostly at their
homes or in clubs and bars. For the unlucky          There is an uneasy national unity, where
few who cannot get the day off, no worries.          English citizens cautiously and guiltily wish
                                                     for glory, for “1966,” and to salvage some of

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the greatness of the past. At the same time,          supporters. They gather with friends or
they know this is politically incorrect, and          colleagues to watch matches, to celebrate
they balance their excitement with self-              victories, and discuss about all that concerns
deprecation, falsely low expectations, and an         “their” national team. As for media and
incredible volume of moaning, groaning                politicians, they both try to find a social or
whingeing, and whining.                               political meaning to the success. Indeed,
                                                      concerning the French football team, which is
English players themselves seem to exhibit            composed of players from different origins
one of the most British of values: supporting         and different ethnic groups, a success gathers
the underdog. Countless times, when England           citizens and can decrease the influence and
has played a lowly and easily defeatable              popularity of radical political groups. A
team, they have only managed to come away             success makes people happy, generous, and
with a draw. This can be related to the               proud of the French team, even if they will not
mythical British value of “fairness.”                 confess their pride to be French.
The public gamble on the slim chance of an            But if the result is a fiasco, if the French team
English victory is a high-stakes affair. Schools      breaks down without showing good behavior
are opened up with large television screens.          (as was the case in this year's World Cup),
Pubs, shops, and restaurants display enormous         then the country wants an explanation and
English flags (white with a red cross), and           wishes a calling into question. It is not only a
even an Englishman’s Castle is opened up,             sport disaster, but also a social issue. Then,
and Australian and US-American beer offered           the national team is seen as a mirror of French
in support of the battle that lies ahead.             society. As a consequence, the radical
                                                      political groups become more influent and
It is all about risk. The English public loses
                                                      exaggerate the meaning of the failure.
their heads, get carried away, and dream of a
win. But underneath, they will never lose their       In conclusion, the French people are used to
fear of shame and defeat. This likely                 supporting the national team…when it wins!
humiliation is covered up with the very British
“I told you so.”                                                                              - Georges Caille

                                - Matthew Hill        Japan
                                                      Rebounding from pre-tournament friendlies
France                                                that saw Japan on the wrong end of the score
In France, the relationship between a sports          sheet, the Japanese Football Association and
event and a sense of national identity tends to       its sponsors were forced to conjure up ever
be sensitive. In general, whether such an             more innovative ways to refresh the nation’s
event strengthens a sense of national identity        sense of pride and rejuvenate the dream of
depends on the result. This is because the            “Samurai Blue” (the new nickname of the
French are largely suspicious of the notion of        national team). Their efforts have ranged from
national pride. They support the national team        stock commemorative stamps and towels to
but typically consider their events with some         more grass roots events, such as a football
detachment. In comparison with other                  chanting contest outside a major train station.
countries, such as the Netherlands or England,        However unlikely, once set in motion, the
there are very few French supporters who              cumulative effect of all of the schemes and
travel abroad to watch and encourage the              campaigns whipped national interest, if not
French team.                                          expectations, for a strong result.

However, as soon as the competition begins,           Internationally syndicated television images of
the more the French team progresses in the            the players linking arms whilst the national
tournament, the more French people become             anthem plays, the absence of shouting at the

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referee, and a clear goalkeeping error but no          accepted that the Mexican national team will
ensuing witch hunt have all showcased the              always be “almost there.” Most members of
meaning of Japanese values. They have also             “Generation Y” do not even care about
enabled the Japanese public to embrace a               football, and the few that do have high
team that in many ways has been                        expectations.
representative of the “Samurai” tag and
underlying Bushido code. At the Beijing                There are some social groups for whom the
Olympics, Satoshi Ishii was praised for                only amusing activity, due to economical
winning a Judo gold medal by becoming more             constraints, is to watch football on TV.
Westernized in his approach to the fighting            Therefore, they are convinced that the
art, whereas this team has truly enjoyed a             national team can have an outstanding
more genuine and satisfying level of success           performance, can bring them together as a
by leveraging Japanese cultural orientations to        nation.
prosper. What more do you need to create
                                                       As of the environment COM dimension,
national pride than a team that you can take
                                                       Mexicans have an orientation to constraint,
pride in?
                                                       feeling that external forces and conditions
As the sole representative left from Asia, I am        determine the future, so if the national team
sure there is some pride in being the regional         does not perform to meet their expectations, it
power which is something that it has been              is because “god” did not allow it. Moreover,
hard to be living in the shadow of China for           Mexicans are “Guadalupanos,” worshipers of
the past decade. While Japan may no longer             the virgin of Guadalupe, so before each game,
be the economic focal point for the region,            they pray to her in order to request her favor
the football team is representing some of the          so the national team wins. The national
characteristics that drove its economic                identity has to do with the national
miracle, and that is an achievement for the            “Guadalupano” sentiment.
Japanese to be happy about.
                                                                                    - Salvador Rodriguez-Gil
                                    - James Day

Mexico                                                 Spain
Football becomes an excuse to feel identified          Jorge Valdano, an Argentine former football
with Mexico, to have the sensation of                  player and current General Manager of Real
belonging, and to participate in one national          Madrid CF once said: “Football is the most
activity, the World Cup (which, by the way, is         important thing among the less important
an anthropological phenomenon that is not              things”. In Spain, fútbol is indeed the “king of
limited to Mexicans).                                  sports.” Its importance is due to the
                                                       achievements that local teams, like Barcelona
Mexicans have a double sentiment towards               or Real Madrid, have had in European
the national football team. On the one hand,           competitions and to the growing number of
they say, “We are not able to do something             international stars playing in the Spanish first
outstanding; historically, we haven´t been             division. Its hegemonic position is that when it
able to do so.” On the other hand there, is still      comes to football, we often not only talk
hope that one day this “fate” will change or           about football. The success of the local team
someone will change it, someone who is able            is a source of pride in the continuing rivalry
enough or “mighty enough” to do so.                    between regions and a supporting factor of
                                                       identity. Being a fan of Barcelona, Athletic
Generationally speaking, people from the               Bilbao, or Real Madrid means often sharing a
“Baby boomer” generation and the “X”                   certain view with respect to Spain as a
generation have lost any hope; they know this          country.
is never going to change, and they have

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The success of the Spanish national team in          YouTube and over the mainstream media
the last European Championship, after too            showing crowds celebrating in homes and
many      disappointed     expectations,    has      bars across the country.
revitalized National pride and provided a
sense of common belonging. However,                  However, even following the U.S. victory, the
talking about Spanish nationalism remains            majority of respondents to an online, albeit
controversial. The team is euphemistically           unscientific, poll indicated that they did not
referred as “la Roja” (the Red one), instead of      see soccer ever becoming a major sport in the
“España” (Spain) or “equipo nacional”                country (83% of 100,000 online responses).
(national    team)    in   order    to    avoid      Even so, the World Cup has helped to bring
suspiciousness even of some players. In any          together thousands of U.S.-Americans of
case, for many Spaniards, it was moving to           different backgrounds, uniting in support of
see spontaneous demonstrations of team               the underdog.
supporters waving red-yellow flags in Basque                              - Cultural Navigator® User
and Catalan cities, as well as in Madrid or
Seville. Media treatment and the public              As indicated by these submissions, the World
watching of games also strengthen this sense         Cup affects countries in similar, yet different,
of common identity. The different emotions           ways at the national/societal level of culture.
that shake us during different stages, primary       This global event can, at least briefly, unify
instincts like anger or joy, shared by a big         countries in their pursuit of a common goal. It
group of people allow their mutual                   can help to highlight aspects of each country’s
recognition as unity. Finally, the depressing        culture, such as socioeconomic factors,
news of the Spanish economy and politics,            dynamics around local media and politics,
urges people to look at sport as a pretext for       and the complex attitudes that country
raising the spirits.                                 nationals hold toward their own national
                      - Antonio Roldán-Ponce
                                                     With only a few matches left in this year’s
United States
                                                     games, take a moment and consider what type
While soccer has been gaining traction in the
                                                     of impact the tournament has had in your own
United States over the past several years, the
                                                     country and compare it to those noted in this
World Cup tends to be greeted by the larger
                                                     article. Meanwhile, we’ll be blowing our
population in a fashion similar to that of the
                                                     vuvuzelas and cheering on our teams to
Olympics. A greater amount of people will
tune into the games (particularly those
involving the United States), but the sport
remains separate from the traditional
powerhouses of baseball, U.S. football, and

Nevertheless, the World Cup does provide a
unique opportunity for the politically,
culturally and geographically fragmented U.S.
culture to get together behind a common
purpose and cheer on the U.S. squad. This            Reader Comments
year’s U.S. soccer team gave the country a           If you would like to share your experiences or
brief glimpse at glory after it charged back         comments, please send your responses to
from an early deficit against Algeria to win in The best will be
the 91st minute, gaining a spot in the Round of      published in a follow-up article on the
16. Following the victory, videos poured in on       Cultural Navigator®.

Connect Cultures. Maximize Performance.  • +1.609.951.0525 • ©2010 TMC | A Berlitz Company.
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