Nanocolloid simulators of luminescent solar concentrator photovoltaic windows

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Nanocolloid simulators of luminescent solar concentrator photovoltaic windows
Nanotechnology Reviews 2022; 11: 1167–1180

Research Article

Abdalla M. Darwish*, Sergey S. Sarkisov*, Darayas N. Patel, Paolo Mele, Giovanna Latronico,
Simeon Wilson, Kyu Cho, Anit Giri, Brent Koplitz, and David Hui

Nanocolloid simulators of luminescent solar
concentrator photovoltaic windows                                      LSCs with RE-doped NPs with 200 times greater PLQY. At the
received November 21, 2021; accepted February 2, 2022                        same time, the 3 cm thick LSC window simulator had ∼90%
Abstract: Transparent luminescent solar concentrator (LSC)                   transmittance to the sunlight. The content and concentration
windows with edge-attached photovoltaic (PV) cells have                      of the nanocolloid could be easily modified to optimize the
the potential for improving building efficiency without com-                   LSC window performance without a costly window making
promising aesthetics and comfort. Optimization of such                       process.
windows requires an inexpensive simulator for experi-                        Keywords: rare-earth-doped compounds, spectral down-
menting with various designs. We report, for the first time                   shifting, spectral down-conversion, quantum cutting, solar
to the best of our knowledge, the simulator of a transparent                 power, renewable energy, green power, energy-efficient
LSC window in the form of a plastic container filled with                     buildings
a colloid of photoluminescent nanoparticles (NPs) in an
organic solvent (1-propanol). The exemplary NPs were pro-
duced by ball milling of the powder of rare earth (RE)-doped
phosphor NaYF4:Yb3+,Er3+ synthesized by the wet method.                      1 Introduction
The NPs converted the ultraviolet (UV) solar spectrum into
visible/near infrared (NIR) via spectral down-shifting and                   Luminescent solar concentrators (LSCs) operate by the
down-conversion (quantum cutting). With a photolumines-                      principle of collecting solar radiation over a large area,
cence quantum yield (PLQY) of the phosphor
Nanocolloid simulators of luminescent solar concentrator photovoltaic windows
1168          Abdalla M. Darwish et al.

                                                                       2 Materials and methods

                                                                       2.1 Solar spectrum converting nanocolloids

                                                                       In this article, RE-doped fluoride NaYF4:Yb3+,Er3+ [9–27]
                                                                       was chosen as an exemplary solar spectrum converting
                                                                       material to demonstrate the liquid LSC simulator. The
                                                                       selection of fluoride NaYF4 as a host for RE ions is justi-
                                                                       fied by its low phonon energy (∼300 cm−1) that makes
                                                                       multi-phonon-assisted nonradiative relaxation of excited
                                                                       ions negligible [29]. The energy level diagram of Er3+ and
                                                                       Yb3+ ions is presented in Figure 2. The erbium ion gets
                                                                       excited with a solar UV photon and emits down-shifted
                                                                       visible and NIR radiation in the bands at 520, 540, 650,
                                                                       850, and 980 nm (marked with vertical arrows down). It
                                                                       can also perform energy exchange with the ytterbium ion
Figure 1: Schematic of a photovoltaic window in the configuration of
a luminescent solar concentrator (LSC) with PV cells attached to the   through two quantum-cutting (down-conversion) mechan-
edges.                                                                 isms (marked by slanted dash-dotted arrows down) and cut
                                                                       the energy of the UV solar photon into the energies of two
                                                                       NIR photons emitted by two ytterbium ions.
                                                                            The phosphor was synthesized using the wet method
photons into a photoelectric current. The energy of the other-
                                                                       followed by baking the obtained micro-powder in ambient
wise wasted UV component of solar radiation will be har-
                                                                       air and reducing it with ball-milling to obtain the nano-
vested and converted into electricity, thus improving the
                                                                       powder [9–27]. In a typical procedure, 2.1 g of NaF (0.05 mol)
energy efficiency of the building. LSC windows must satisfy
                                                                       were dissolved in 60 ml of deionized water. Another solution
contradictory requirements, namely, be clear, colorless, and
                                                                       was prepared by mixing a × 16 mL of 0.2 mol/L aqueous
no-glow to provide maximum comfort to the inhabitants,
                                                                       solution of YCl3, b × 16 mL of 0.2 mol/L solution of YbCl3,
and simultaneously, convert as much UV light into photo-
                                                                       c × 16 mL (c = 1 − (a + b)) of 0.2 mol/L solution of ErCl3, and
electricity as possible [4]. The key issue of the LSC window
                                                                       20 mL of 0.2 mol/L EDTA aqueous stock solution to form the
development process is to find the proper spectral converting
                                                                       metal–EDTA complex. All the chemicals were acquired from
material that meets the requirements. In search of such mate-
                                                                       Sigma-Aldrich. The complex solution was injected into the
rials, it will be helpful to use an inexpensive and simple
simulation platform for rapid material testing without
making actual windows. The purpose of the simulator is to
reduce the parameters for the experimentalists so that fewer
experiments are needed subsequently. This article describes
such a simulator in the form of a transparent rectangular
vessel filled with a liquid that carries the spectral converting
centers of the material of interest. As an example, the nano-
particles (NPs) of a rare-earth (RE)-doped compound are
considered. Such materials have been intensely studied as
optical spectrum converters (both up and down) by the
authors of this article in the past [9–27]. To the best of the
authors’ knowledge, LSC simulators have been implemented
computationally using the ray tracing method [28]. The exist-
ing experimental LSC prototypes to be mentioned below could
not serve as cost-effective simulators due to their irreversible
design and rigidness. In the next section, the materials and
methods will be described. The sections on the obtained
results, their discussion, and conclusions will follow.                Figure 2: Energy level diagram of the couple of ions Er3+–Yb3+.
Nanocolloid simulators of luminescent solar concentrator photovoltaic windows
Nanocolloid simulators of LSC photovoltaic windows             1169

NaF solution quickly, and the mixture was stirred vigorously           a drop of oleic acid was added to the water colloid before
for 1 h at room temperature. After stirring, the mixture was           it was sonicated together with the balls in an ultrasonic
allowed to stay overnight for the precipitate to settle. The           bath for 60 min. The goal was to check if oleic acid
precipitate was collected and washed several times with                helped to prevent clustering NPs into bigger particles
distilled water and anhydrous ethanol. In the second stage             after drying. The water colloid was separated from the
of the process, the precipitate was dried in the open air for          balls and allowed to settle for 24 h. The top, unsettled
48 h at 60°C to remove traces of water. The resulting powder           part of the colloid was again collected with a syringe and
had the doping rate according to the formula NaYaF4 :                  filtered through a 1 µm PTFE filter. The filtered colloid
Ybb3 +Erc3 +. Four samples of phosphor powders were made:              was poured into a Petri dish and dried on a hot plate
NaY0.94F4 : Yb0.03    3+
                    Er0.03 (sample A); NaY0.78F4 : Yb0.2
                                                      3+   3+
                                                         Er0.02        at ∼80°C. After scraping, the dry powder consisted of
(sample B); NaY0.69F4 : Yb0.3
                           3+   3+
                              Er0.01 (sample C); and NaY0.83F4 :       flakes with 20 times smaller average size than in the
Yb0.14Er0.03 (sample D). The freshly made crystalline powder
   3+    3+                                                            case with no oleic acid added – of the order of 50 µm
had NaYF4 host in a cubic α-phase. It was converted into a             (Figure 4).
hexagonal β-phase more suitable for the spectrum conver-                    Adding oleic acid to the water colloid of the ball-milled
sion function using heat treatment in an open-air furnace in           powder significantly reduced the size of the obtained flakes
the temperature range of 400–600°C for 1 h. The temperature            after drying and scraping. To find out if this affected the size
range and duration of heating were found to be optimal for             of the resulting crystalline NPs aggregated in the flakes,
the crystalline phase change [9–27]. After that, the phosphor          X-ray diffraction (XRD) spectroscopy was conducted with
powder was reduced to nanopowder by ball-milling in water              a Bruker D2 Phaser X-ray diffractometer on three powder
using a PQ-NO4 Planetary Ball Mill from Across International           samples: the dry powder before ball milling; the ball-milled
[9–27]. The next step was to extract the NPs from water                powder with big flakes (no oleic acid added), and the ball-
and dry them before transferring them to an organic                    milled powder with small flakes (oleic acid added). The
solvent. Two approaches were used. In the first method,                 results are presented in Figure 5. As one can see, the XRD
the water colloid together with zirconia balls was extracted           spectra of both ball-milled powders, with oleic acid (spec-
from zirconia cups of the ball mill and sonicated in an ultra-         trum 3) and without oleic acid (spectrum 4), had the same
sonic bath for 60 min. The water colloid was separated from            width of diffraction peaks, and the peaks were broader than
the balls and allowed to settle for 24 h. The top, unsettled           those of the powder before ball milling (spectrum 2). In all
part of the colloid was collected with a syringe and filtered           three cases, the peaks and their positions corresponded to
through a 1 µm PTFE filter. The filtered water colloid was               the hexagonal β-phase of NaYF4 (plot 1 in Figure 5). Since
poured into an open Petri dish and dried on a hot plate                the peak broadening is inversely proportional to the size of
at ∼80°C to eliminate water. The obtained dry crust was                crystals in the powders [30], it could be assumed that the
scraped from the bottom of the Petri dish. The resulting               size of the monocrystalline NPs in both ball-milled powders
dry powder consisted of flakes with an average size of                  (with small and big flakes) was approximately the same.
the order of 1,000 µm (Figure 3). In the second method,                Adding oleic acid just prevented assembling the NPs into

Figure 3: The powder of phosphor sample D after ball milling, washing, drying the water colloid in a Petri dish in the open air and scraping
from the bottom of the Petri dish. No oleic acid was added to the colloid before drying. (a) The photograph of the scales of the dry powder
taken with iPhone 6 camera; dimensions: 17 mm × 17 mm. (b) The microscope photograph of the scales taken with magnification ×40;
dimensions: X = 2,257 µm and Y = 1,674 µm. (c) The microscope photograph of the scales taken with magnification ×100; dimensions:
X = 903 µm and Y = 670 µm.
Nanocolloid simulators of luminescent solar concentrator photovoltaic windows
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Figure 4: The powder of phosphor sample D after ball milling, washing, drying the water colloid in a Petri dish in the open air and scraping
from the bottom of the Petri dish. Oleic acid was added to the colloid before drying. (a) The photograph of the scales of the dry powder taken
with iPhone 6 camera; dimensions are the same as in Figure 3. (b) The microscope photograph of the scales taken with magnification ×40.
(c) The microscope photograph of the scales taken with magnification ×100; dimensions are the same as in Figure 3.

bigger flakes. This assumption was confirmed when both                     between average sizes of NPs is less than the spread of the
ball-milled powders were dispersed in 1-propanol. The size               distributions.
distribution of NPs was measured using the dynamic light
scattering (DLS) method. The 10 mm fluorometric cuvettes
filled with both nanocolloids in 1-propanol were put in a                 2.2 Optical properties of the spectral
Zetasizer DLS instrument (Malvern Instruments). The mea-
                                                                             converting phosphor
surement results in the form of size distributions (assuming
the spherical shape of the NPs) are presented in Figure 6.
                                                                         Diffuse reflectance spectra of the synthesized phosphor
The size of NPs made from the large-flake powder (described
                                                                         micropowders with various concentrations of RE ions
by distribution curve 1 in Figure 6) was determined as
                                                                         (Figure 7) were recorded with a Shimadzu UV-2600-ISR-
172.6 ± 65.06 nm. The size of the NPs from the small-flake
                                                                         2600 Plus UV-VIS-NIR spectrophotometer with an integrat-
powder (described by distribution curve 2) was 228.0 ± 88.7 nm.
                                                                         ing sphere (measurable spectral range: 220–1,400 nm). The
Size distributions in both cases overlap, and the difference
                                                                         samples were prepared by compressing the micropowders

                                                                                                      172.6 nm      228.0 nm
                                                                            Intensity (%)

                                                                                            10         1                 2


                                                                                                 10        100               1000    10000
                                                                                                                 Size (nm)

                                                                         Figure 6: Size distributions by the intensity of the colloids of ball-
                                                                                                     3+     3+
                                                                         milled NPs of NaY0.83F4 : Yb0.14 Er0.03 in 1-propanol obtained with DLS
Figure 5: XRD spectra. Plot 1 (JCPDS card No. 28-1192) of the NaYF4      measurement. Distribution 1 corresponds to the NPs made from the
β-phase (hexagonal). 2 – NaYF4 β-phase (hexagonal) freshly made          large-flake powder; 2 – the NPs made from small-flake powder.
powder baked at 500°C for 1 h; 3 – the same ball milled powder,          Vertical arrows down mark the average size of the NPs (assuming
filtered through 1 µm filter, oleic acid added; 4 - the same ball milled   their spherical shape) on the size scale: 172.6 nm for distribution 1
powder, filtered through 1 µm filter, no oleic acid.                       and 228.0 nm for distribution 2.
Nanocolloid simulators of luminescent solar concentrator photovoltaic windows
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Figure 7: Diffuse reflectance spectra of the powder samples of down-
conversion LE phosphors. Curve A corresponds to NaY0.94F4:                      Figure 8: Visible and NIR photoluminescence spectrum of the
                                                                                                               3+    3+
Yb0.03   3+
       Er0.03 ; B – NaY0.78F4 : Yb0.2
                                  3+    3+
                                      Er0.02 ; C – NaY0.69F4 : Yb0.3
                                                                 3+ 3+
                                                                     Er0.01 .   phosphor powder NaY0.83F4 : Yb0.14 Er0.03 excited by 372 nm UV laser
Absorption peak 1 corresponds to the transition in ion of Er3+:4I15/2 →         (black curve) and by 488 nm line of an Ar-ion laser (blue). The peaks
 G11/2 (380 nm); 2 – Er3+:4I15/2 → 4F7/2 (480 nm); 3 – Er3+:4I15/2 → 2H11/2     correspond to the absorption bands with the same numbers as in
(520 nm); 4 – Er3+:4I15/2 → 4S3/2 (540 nm); 5 – Er3+:4I15/2 → 4F9/2             Figure 7. The new peak 5′ corresponds to the band at 850 nm. This
(650 nm); 6 – Er3+:4I15/2 → 4I11/2 and Yb3+:2F7/2 → 2F5/2                       band does not exhibit prominent absorption in Figure 7.
(∼980–1000 nm). All the spectra are normalized to peak 3: its depth is
(−1) in arbitrary units.
                                                                                to the same absorption bands as in Figure 7. The new peak 5′
                                                                                corresponded to the band at 850 nm (Figure 2). This band
into pellets with a 25-T manual hydraulic press. Following                      did not exhibit prominent absorption in Figure 7. Emission
Aarts et al. [31], the absorption peaks in the diffuse reflec-                    bands around peaks 1–5′ could be attributed to the spectral
tance spectra were related to the transitions from the ground                   down-shifting transitions of the excited ion of Er3+ (color ver-
states to various optically excited states of Er3+ and Yb3+ ions                tical arrows down in Figure 2). Band 6 could be associated with
as presented in Figure 7. The strongest peak 6 corresponded                     the down-shifting radiation from Er3+ at ∼980 nm (Figure 2)
to the optical absorbance of the Yb3+ ion due to the transition                 and spectral down-conversion (quantum cutting) radiation
 F7/2 → 2F5/2. The ion was responsible for the down-conver-                     of Yb3+ at ∼1000 nm. The photoluminescence quantum
sion NIR emission when relaxing back from excited to the                        yield (PLQY) of the phosphor defined as the ratio of the
ground state. The ratio of the strength of peak 6 to peak 3                     number NOut of the produced output photons to the number
(520 nm) of Er3+ was approximately 1:1, 10:1, and 30:1 in                       NPump of pump photons PLQY = (NOut/NPump) × 100%
phosphor A (NaY0.94F4:Yb3+  0.03Er0.03), B (NaY0.78F4:Yb0.2Er0.02),
                                  3+                    3+ 3+
                                                                                obtained using the integrating sphere method [32,33] is pre-
and C (NaY0.69F4:Yb0.3Er0.01), respectively. This was roughly
                       3+ 3+
                                                                                sented in Table 1 together with PLQY of other spectrum con-
proportional to the ratio between the molar concentrations of                   verting materials. One can see that the phosphor had PLQY
Yb3+ to Er3+ in the samples. This correlated well with findings                  (∼4% combined for all bands, see Table 1, column 3) three
in ref. [31].                                                                   orders of magnitude less than the recently reported, highly
     Photoluminescence spectroscopy of phosphor pow-                            efficient spectrum converters. They belong to the group of Yb-
ders was conducted using excitation with a 372 nm UV                            doped perovskites CsPbX3:Yb3+ (X= Br or Cl). The reason for
diode laser LBX-375-70-CSB-PPA from Oxxius and 488 nm                           low PLQY is that typical RE3+ ion, such as Er3+, exhibit 4f–4f
spectral line of an Ar-ion laser. The spectra were taken                        transitions with well-defined energy levels that are nearly
with a spectrometer AvaSpec-ULS4096CL-EVO with inte-                            invariable in different hosts due to the shielding of 4f orbitals
grating sphere AvaSphere-30 from Avantes. Figure 8 pre-                         and poor light absorption coefficient (∼1–10 M−1cm−1). Various
sents the spectra of the powder of phosphor NaY0.83                             light-absorbing sensitizers (such as perovskites) can be used
F4:Yb3+0.14, Er0.03 (sample D), the most efficient among the
                                                                                to nonradiatively excite the f electrons of RE3+ ions and boost
synthesized ones in terms of photoluminescence. The                             PLQY [37]. However, these sensitizers themselves can emit
spectra were adjusted to correspond to the same energy                          strong visible radiation that can be re-absorbed (dropping
received from both excitation lasers. The peaks corresponded                    the efficiency) and make LSC windows colored and strongly
Nanocolloid simulators of luminescent solar concentrator photovoltaic windows
1172          Abdalla M. Darwish et al.

Table 1: PLQY of the synthesized phosphor in comparison with other materials

Band        Wavelength                                                        PLQY (%)
            nm             Phosphor   NaY0.83F4:Yb3+
                                                  0.14,   Thorlabs IR       Gd2O3:Bi3+,Yb3+ [32]     CsPbBr3:Yb3+shell   CsPb (Cl1−x
                                0.03 in this article      card VRC4 [34]                             of SiO2 [35]        Brx)3:Yb3+ [36]

                           Excited with    Excited with   Excited with a    Excited with a           Excited with a      Excited with a
                           a 488 nm        a 372 nm       372 nm laser      330 ± 10 nm Xe lamp      380 nm laser        375 nm laser
                           laser           laser

3           520            0.046           0.007
4           540            0.27            0.028          0.06
5           650            0.018           0.032          0.14
5′          850            0.0375          0.004          0.015
6           980–1000       0.0186          0.0053         0.053             8.7                      64                  190

fluorescent in the visible spectrum and thus uncomfor-                   polycrystalline silicon PV cells (5-voltage; current, 30-mA
table for building residents. Therefore, it still makes sense           current; dimensions, 53 mm × 30 mm) were attached to the
to investigate RE-doped compounds with low PLQY in LSC                  container sides. The PV cells were connected in parallel.
simulators. The final judgment on the suitability of a par-              The container was filled to the level of the PV cells.
ticular material could be made based on the overall LSC                 Figure 9b shows the near-UV (488 nm) laser beam passing
performance.                                                            through the nanocolloid in the container without the
                                                                        attached PV cells. In Figure 9c, the beam is visible
                                                                        through a red filter (laser protective goggles) thus proving
                                                                        that the nanocolloid converted the near-UV light into
2.3 LSC simulator                                                       visible re-emitted by the phosphor NPs.

To simulate LSCs, a rectangular Plexiglass container was
filled with the RE phosphor nanocolloid in 1-propanol as                 2.4 Experimental setup
shown in Figure 9. This solvent has a low evaporation
rate and low absorption in UV-VIS-NIR. The concentra-                   Figure 10 shows the block diagram of the experimental
tion of the nanocolloid was 0.193 g solids per 100 mL                   setup to investigate the spectrum emitted by the nano-
liquids. The container had dimensions 65 mm × 65 mm ×                   colloid in the LSC toward the edge-attached PV cells. Solar
42 mm (2-9/16 × 2-9/16-1 × 15/16 inch). Four AOSHIKE                    simulator LCS-100 model 94011A-ES from MKS-Newport
                                                                        with Xe-lamp and Air Mass (AM) 1.5G filter was used as
                                                                        a light source. The shutter of the simulator was controlled
                                                                        with a shutter controller 71445 from MKS-Newport. The
                                                                        simulator produced an evenly illuminated square spot on
                                                                        LSC surface with dimensions ∼65 mm × 65 mm. A

Figure 9: (a) LSC simulator filled with the nanocolloid of phosphor
NaY0.83F4 : Yb0.14   3+
                   Er0.03 in 1-propanol. (b) Side view of the 488 nm
beam from an Ar-ion laser passing through the nanocolloid (from
right to left) in the container of the LSC with the PV cells removed.
(c) The same but taken through a red filter (laser protective            Figure 10: Block diagram of the experimental setup to investigate
goggles).                                                               the spectrum scattered by the LSC to the edge-attached PV cells.
Nanocolloid simulators of LSC photovoltaic windows           1173

                                                                                             light passing through the LSC, its PV cells were discon-
                                                                                             nected from the measurement circuit and replaced by the
                                                                                             bottom PV set (the wires are marked by blue dashed lines
                                                                                             in Figure 11). The measurement of I–V characteristics
                                                                                             was conducted automatically under the computer control
                                                                                             with running LabVIEW software developed for MKS-New-
                                                                                             port I–V Test Station PVIV-1A [39]. The voltage was auto-
                                                                                             matically applied to the LSC, and the electric current was
                                                                                             measured by a computer-controlled Keithley 2400 Source
                                                                                             and Measurement Unit. The Unit was connected to the
                                                                                             computer through the GPIB-USB interface. The elevation
                                                                                             of the solar simulator over the LSC was adjusted to pro-
                                                                                             vide the radiation intensity on the surface equal to that of
                                                                                             the sun (1.0 Sun) equivalent to a 100 mW/cm2 power
Figure 11: Block diagram of the experimental setup to measure I–V                            density. The 40 W incandescent lamp was mounted at
characteristics of the LSC.
                                                                                             an elevation of 25 cm over the surface.

household white 40 W incandescent light bulb was also
used as an alternative light source with no UV light in
the spectrum. A multimode optical fiber terminated with                                       3 Results and discussion
focusing optics was mounted near the edge of the LSC
without PV cells attached. The other end of the fiber was
connected to the spectrometer AvaSpec-ULS4096CL-EVO.                                         3.1 Solar spectrum conversion in the LSC
     The experimental setup for measuring I–V character-                                         nanocolloid
istics of the LSC is presented in Figure 11. The setup used
the same light sources as in the previous case. There was                                    Figure 12 presents the spectra of the light emanating from
also a set of PV cells placed under the LSC to measure the                                   the edges of the LSC illuminated by the solar simulator
light passing through it. The set consisted of six AOSHIKE                                   and the light bulb. Spectra 1 are of the radiation directly
PV cells connected in parallel and was covered with a                                        from the light sources at grazing incidence with respect to
mask with 70 mm × 70 mm window matching horizontal                                           the walls of the empty LSC container. Spectra 2 are of the
dimensions of the LSC. During the measurements of the                                        radiation from the LSC filled with pure 1-propanol.

                   60000                                                                                1600

                                                                                                                                                             PV cell normalized responsivity
                                                                      PV cell normalized responsivity

                                                                1.0                                                                                    1.0
                   50000                                   4                                                                      3            4
                                                                                                        1200                                           0.8
                                                                                Intensity (a.u.)
Intensity (a.u.)

                                                                0.6                                                                                    0.6
                   30000                                                                                800                       1

                                                                0.4                                     600                                            0.4
                   20000                 3
                   10000                                        0.2                                                                     2              0.2
                                 1                                                                      200
                       0                                        0.0                                       0                                            0.0
                           400        600          800   1000                                                  400    600         800       1000
                                     Wavelength (nm)                                                                 Wavelength (nm)
                                             (a)                                                                            (b)
Figure 12: Spectra of the photoluminescence at the edges of the LSC simulator. (a) LSC was illuminated with the solar simulator; (b) with the
light bulb. Spectra 1 correspond to empty LSC (true spectra of the light sources), 2 – LSC filled with pure 1-propanol, 3 – LSC filled with the
NaY0.83F4:Yb0.14Er0.03 nanocolloid in 1-propanol, 4 – normalized responsivity of the PV cells.
1174                        Abdalla M. Darwish et al.

Spectra 3 were produced by the LSC filled with the photo-                                       less subject to the scattering towards the edges. The con-
luminescent nanocolloid. One can see that spectra 2 are                                        version of the UV solar spectrum into additional visible and
lower than spectra 1. This was due to the total internal                                       NIR light by NPs could also contribute to spectrum 3 of the
reflection of the light on the interface between the side                                       LSC illuminated with the solar simulator (Figure 13a). This
walls of the filled LSC container and the air gap between                                       light (of red color) can be seen in the photograph in
the wall and the PV cell. The gap was not filled with an                                        Figure 9c.
index matching substance to minimize the total internal
reflection. But spectrum 3 is higher than spectra 1 and 2
approximately 18 and 43 times, respectively, in the case
of the solar simulator (Figure 12a). In the case of the light                                  3.2 I–V characteristics of LSC PV cells
bulb, spectrum 3 is higher than spectra 1 and 2 roughly 3
and 8 times, respectively (Figure 12b). The results indi-                                      The I–V characteristics of the PV cells attached to the LSC
cate that the nanocolloid scattered a significant portion of                                    edges (will be called below as I–V characteristics of the
the incident light toward the edges. This can be also seen                                     LSC) were measured to evaluate the PV performance. The
in the photographs in Figure 9b and c. The scattering is                                       measurements were conducted using the LabVIEW soft-
strong for the light, which has a wavelength λ < πd, where                                     ware for I–V Test Station PVIV-1A from MKS-Newport [39,
d is the average size of NPs, and beyond that limit rapidly                                    p. 14]. The error of the measurements was of the order of
falls to zero [38]. Since d = 228 nm (Figure 6), the light                                     0.1%. The results are presented in Figures 14, 15, and
was scattered when λ < 717 nm, on the left edge of                                             Table 2. The data on the generated PV power in Table 2
the responsivity spectrum of the PV cell (spectrum 4 in                                        were computed as areas under the I–V curves [40] using
Figure 12). To compare the shapes of the spectra in                                            the same LabVIEW program. Figure 14a shows the I–V
Figure 12 regardless of the intensity, they were normal-                                       characteristics of the LSC illuminated with the solar simu-
ized as shown in Figure 13. The spectrum of the radiation                                      lator. One can see that filling LSC with pure 1-propanol
scattered by the nanocolloid towards the edges when the                                        caused a significant drop of the photocurrent (curve 2) as
LSC was illuminated with the solar simulator (spectrum 3,                                      compared to the empty LSC (curve 1). The PV power gener-
Figure 13a) has less degradation of its long-wavelength part                                   ated by the LSC decreased by 89.7% (Table 2, data row 2,
than in the case of the light bulb (spectrum 3, Figure 13b).                                   column 3). This was due to the total internal reflection on
The latter spectrum has its “red” portion diminished by                                        the interface between the side walls of the filled LSC con-
half. This occurred because the light bulb spectrum was                                        tainer and the air gap described in the previous subsection.
more concentrated in the region beyond 715 nm and thus                                         Filling LSC with the nanocolloid significantly increases the

                                                                        PV cell normalized responsivity

                                                                                                                                                          PV cell normalized responsivity
                                                                  1.0                                                                               1.0
                       2.0                                   4                                                                                 4
I/I(398.3 nm) (a.u.)

                                                                                I/I(565.8 nm) (a.u.)

                                                                  0.8                                                                               0.8
                                     1                            0.6                                     1.0                                       0.6
                                                                  0.4                                                                2              0.4
                                                                                                          0.5                  3
                                                                  0.2                                                                               0.2
                       0.0                                        0.0                                                                               0.0
                             400         600         800   1000                                                 400    600         800       1000
                                      Wavelength (nm)                                                                 Wavelength (nm)
                                               (a)                                                                           (b)
Figure 13: Normalized spectra of the photoluminescence at the edges of the LSC simulator. (a) LSC was illuminated with the solar simulator;
(b) with the light bulb. Spectra 1 correspond to empty LSC (true spectra of the light sources), 2 – LSC filled with pure 1-propanol, 3 – LSC
filled with the NaY0.83F4:Yb0.14Er0.03 nanocolloid in 1-propanol, 4 – normalized responsivity of the PV cells. In (a) the spectra were nor-
malized to the intensity of the peak at 398.3 nm. In (b) the spectra were normalized to the intensity of the peak at 565.8 nm.
Nanocolloid simulators of LSC photovoltaic windows             1175

                                           3                                                                                       1
                              3                                                                                         0.25


                                                                                          Current (mA)
               Current (mA)

                                                                                                                        0.15           3
                              1                                                                                         0.10
                                           2                                                                            0.05

                              -1                                                                                  -0.05
                                   0           1            2             3       4                                            0               1          2      3
                                                           Voltage (V)                                                                             Voltage (V)
                                                                (a)                                                                                 (b)

Figure 14: I–V characteristics of the LSC simulator. (a) LSC was illuminated with the solar simulator at 1.0 Sun. I–V characteristic 1
corresponds to the empty LSC; 2 – LSC filled with pure 1-propanol, 3 – LSC filled with the NaY0.83F4:Yb0.14Er0.03 nanocolloid in 1-propanol.
(b) LSC was illuminated with the 40 W light bulb. I–V characteristic 1 corresponds to empty LSC; 2 – LSC filled with pure 1-propanol, 3 – LSC
filled with the nanocolloid.

photocurrent (curve 3), and the PV power jumped up by                                                      again caused the drop of the photocurrent (curve 2) as
99.2% (Table 2, row 2, column 5) relative to the empty                                                     compared to empty LSC (curve 1) due to the total internal
LSC. The results correlate with the relationship between                                                   reflection. The PV power decreased by 85.1% (Table 2, data
the intensity of the spectra in Figure 12a. They can be                                                    row 6, column 3). Filling LSC with the nanocolloid just
explained by strong scattering of the “blue” portion (with                                                 slightly increased the photocurrent (curve 3) due to the
λ < 715 nm) of the incident solar light toward the edges                                                   scattering of some visible/NIR light toward the edges. But
and by the conversion of solar UV to visible and NIR radia-                                                the power remained less than that of the empty LSC by
tion that matched the spectral response (spectrum 4 in                                                     63.0% (Table 2, row 6, column 5). Despite spectrum 3 being
Figures 12 and 13) of the edge-attached PV cells (Figure 1).                                               generally higher than spectrum 1 in Figure 12b, its “red”
Figure 14b shows the I–V characteristics of the LSC illumi-                                                portion (near the maximum of spectrum 4 of the PV cell
nated with the light bulb. Filling LSC with pure 1-propanol                                                responsivity) was relatively low (as Figure 13b also shows)

                              0.15                                                                                      0.04
                                           1                                                                                       1
                                                       3                                                                                   2
                              0.10 2
         Current (mA)

                                                                                                         Current (mA)




                                       0           1            2             3       4                                        0               1             2   3
                                                            Voltage (V)                                                                            Voltage (V)
                                                                    (a)                                                                                (b)

Figure 15: I–V characteristics of the PV set placed under the LSC and measuring the light passing through it. (a) LSC was illuminated with the
solar simulator at 1.0 Sun. I–V characteristic 1 corresponds to the empty LSC; 2 – LSC filled with pure 1-propanol, 3 – LSC filled with the
NaY0.83F4:Yb0.14Er0.03 nanocolloid in 1-propanol. (b) LSC was illuminated with the 40 W light bulb. I–V characteristic 1 corresponds to empty
LSC; 2 – LSC filled with pure 1-propanol, 3 – LSC filled with the nanocolloid.
1176        Abdalla M. Darwish et al.

due to the scattering effects described in the previous sub-           Based on the data in Table 2, the power conversion
section. There was also no UV radiation in the spectrum of       efficiency and related parameters of the LSC were esti-
the light bulb that the NPs might convert to extra visible/      mated. The power conversion efficiency ηPCE was defined
NIR. The nanocolloid-filled LSC illuminated with the light        as the ratio of the output power generated by the edge-
bulb thus produced less PV power than the empty LSC.             attached PV cells of the LSC Pout (14.44 mW, Table 2, data
     Figure 15a presents the I–V characteristics of the PV       row 2, column 4) to the incident, input power Pin: ηPCE =
set (six masked PV cells) placed under the LSC illumi-           (Pout/Pin) × 100% [41]. For the solar simulator at 1.0 Sun
nated with the solar simulator. Filling LSC with pure            (100 mW/cm2 power density) and an illuminated spot size
1-propanol caused the drop of the photocurrent (curve 2)         of 65 mm × 65 mm, the incident power was 100 mW/cm2 ×
as compared to the empty LSC (curve 1). The PV power             6.5 cm × 6.5 cm = 4225 mW. The power conversion effi-
dropped by 12.8% (Table 2, data row 4, column 3), and            ciency was thus
was probably due to the internal reflection of the light on            ηPCE = (14.44 mW/4,225 mW) × 100% = 0.34%.
the interface between the bottom of the LSC filled with
propanol and the air gap between the LSC and the PV set          The power concentration ratio C (also called “flux gain”
under it. This power drop and, correspondingly, the loss         in ref. [42]) was defined as the ratio between the incoming
of light was seven times less than in the LSC itself (89.7%,     and outgoing power density (radiance) [41]
Table 2, row 2, column 3). Filling LSC with the nanocol-                      C = GPout/(PinηPV ) = GηPCE/ηPV ,
loid slightly increased the photocurrent (curve 3) com-
pared to the case of the LSC filled with pure 1-propanol          where G was the geometric gain of the LSC defined as the
(curve 2). But the photocurrent was still below the level        ratio of the LSC area and the area of the attached PV cells;
corresponding to the empty LSC (curve 1). The power was          ηPV was the power conversion efficiency of the PV cells
still 10.6% less than in the case of empty LSC (Table 2,         defined as the ratio between the electric power generated
row 4, column 5). Apparently, the nanocolloid reduced            by the cell and the power of the incident light. The geo-
the losses of the light passing through the LSC more likely      metric gain G of the LSC simulator was G = 42.25 cm2/
due to scattering and conversion of the UV solar spec-           63.6 cm2 = 0.66. The power conversion efficiency of the
trum into additional visible and NIR radiation suitable for      AOSHIKE silicon cells (for solar light) was measured to be
the PV. Figure 15b shows the I–V characteristics of the PV       ∼10%. Correspondingly, the power concentration ratio
set under the LSC illuminated with the light bulb. Filling LSC   was estimated as C = 0.022. The power conversion effi-
with pure 1-propanol again caused the drop of the photo-         ciency of the presented LSC (ηPCE = 0.34%) was 4.2 times
current (curve 2) as compared to empty LSC (curve 1) due to      less than that of the LSC reported in ref. [41] (ηPCE =
the total internal reflection. The power decreased by 10.3%       1.44%). where the authors used microparticles (11 µm
(Table 2, data row 8, column 3). Filling LSC with the nano-      average size) of RE-doped photoluminescent compound
colloid reduced the photocurrent even more (curve 3), and        CaAlSiN3:Eu2+ with two orders of magnitude higher PLQY
the power was dropped by 12.8% as compared to empty LSC          (83%). The power concentration ratio (C = 0.022) was ∼56
(Table 2, data row 8, column 5). This could be due to addi-      times less than that of the LSC in ref. [41] (C = 1.23). It
tional scattering of the light passing through the nanocolloid   should be also considered that the concentration of the
(with the spectrum modification described in the previous         NPs in the presented LSC simulator (∼0.1 g solids per
subsection) with no UV radiation converted to visible and NIR.   100 mL of the host) was six times less than the concen-
     The last column of Table 2 summarizes the power             tration of phosphor microparticles in ref. [41] (0.6 g per
measurement results. In the case of the solar simulator,         100 mL of polymethyl(methacrylate) or PMMA host).
the nanocolloid improved the PV power generated by               Because of the small size of the NPs (228 nm instead of
the LSC by 1825.3% as compared to the LSC filled with             11 µm) and their low concentration, the 30 mm thick LSC
pure 1-propanol. As measures of significant improvement           simulator performed well as a transparent window trans-
99.2 and 1825% are highlighted with bold in Table 2. At          mitting ∼90% of sunlight (10.6% drop of passing light
the same time, the nanocolloid brought the increase of the       power – see Table 2, row 4, column 5) while 0.5 cm thick
power measured by the bottom PV set by 3.2%. For the             LSC in ref. [41] blocked almost all the incident sunlight
incandescent light bulb as an illuminator, the nanocolloid       (Figures 2 and 3 in ref. [41]).
improved the power as compared to the LSC filled with                  The power conversion efficiency and power concen-
pure propanol by 155.0%. But the bottom PV set showed            tration ratio were also estimated in the case of the light
a drop of power by 1.8%.                                         bulb with no UV light in the spectrum. The total input
Nanocolloid simulators of LSC photovoltaic windows        1177

                                                                                                Power improvement of LSC filled with nano-colloids
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           power coming to the LSC from the light bulb was estimated
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               (Light bulb)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           as Pin           = 29.36 mW . The output power from the LSC
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                (Light bulb)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             = 0.255 mW (Table 2, row 6, column 4).
                                                                                                relative to the LSC filled with pure 1-propanol
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           was Pout
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           The power conversion efficiency was estimated as
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             (Light bulb)     (Ligthht bulb) (Light bulb)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            ηPCE          = (Pout           /Pin         ) × 100% = 0.87%.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                               The ratio C(Light bulb) was estimated as C (Light bulb) =
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              (Light bulb)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           G ηPCE          /ηPV
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            = 0.057.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Both performance parameters are 2.56 times greater
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           than those of the nanocolloid LSC with the solar simu-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           lator. This was due to a better match between the light
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           bulb emission spectrum and the responsivity spectrum of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           the PV cells (spectrum 4 in Figures 12 and 13).





                                                                                                                                                    Power improvement relative to the

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           4 Conclusion
                                                                                                LSC filler: nanocolloid of NPs of phosphor
                                                                                                   NaY0.83F4:Yb0.14Er0.03 in 1-propanol

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           The power of UV radiation is ∼8 and ∼6% of the total
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           power of sunlight outside the atmosphere and on the sea
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           level, respectively [43]. The latter percentage is the upper
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           limit for the power to be extracted from the sunlight by a
                                                                                                                                                    empty LSC

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           transparent LSC window converting solar UV spectrum
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           down to visible/NIR. The share of the output radiation


                                                                                                                                                                                                                           power at the edges of the LSC simulator to the incident
Table 2: Impact of the nanocolloid on the PV performance of the LSC and the PV cells under it





                                                                                                                                                                                                                           sunlight power can be estimated as [Pout/(PinηPV)] ×
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           100% = (C/G) × 100% = (0.022/0.66) × 100% = 3.3%.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           This value is more than half of the maximum share that




                                                                                                                                                                                                                           can be extracted from UV sunlight by converting it down to

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           visible/NIR. Considering low PLQY of the photolumines-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           cent phosphor, most of the visible/NIR light came to the
                                                                                                                                                    Power improvement relative to

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           edges due to selective (for wavelengths < 715 nm) scattering
                                                                                                LSC filler: pure 1-propanol

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           on the NPs, but not due to down-shifting or down-conver-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           sion (quantum cutting).
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                A clear plastic container filled with a nanocolloid
                                                                                                                                                    the empty LSC

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           converting solar UV spectrum into visible/NIR radiation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           can work as a flexible experimental simulator of trans-

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           parent LSC windows. Various types of spectrum con-


                                                                                                                                                                                                                           verting NPs and PV cells can be investigated with it in




                                                                                                                                                                                                                           the lab environment. Two “clever” solutions were made





                                                                                                                                                                                                                           during the feasibility study of the simulator. The first was

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           the selection of 1-propanol as a solvent. It is polar and
                                                                                                                                                                                        Solar simulator, PV cell under

                                                                                                                                                                                        Solar simulator, PV cell under
                                                                                                    PV performance parameters

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           easily disperses NPs; it has a low evaporation rate and
                                                                                                                                                                                        Solar simulator, empty LSC
                                                                                                                                                                                        Solar simulator, filled LSC

                                                                                                                                                                                        Light bulb, PV cells under

                                                                                                                                                                                        Light bulb, PV cells under

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           stays longer in the open container; it etches insignifi-
                                                                                                                                                                                        Light bulb, empty LSC
                                                                                                                                                                                        Light bulb, filled LSC

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           cantly the walls of the Plexiglass container; and it has
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           weak optical absorption in the range from UV to NIR. The
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           second clever solution was the selection of an incandes-
                                                                                                                                                                                        empty LSC

                                                                                                                                                                                        empty LSC
                                                                                                                                                                                        filled LSC

                                                                                                                                                                                        filled LSC

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           cent light bulb with no significant UV spectrum as a refer-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ence light source for sunlight (simulated by a Xe-lamp

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           with AM 1.5G filter). Using the light bulb led to a surprise
1178          Abdalla M. Darwish et al.

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