Page created by Alfredo Carroll

                        NAM HWA OPERA LIMITED

                        NAM HWA OPERA LIMITED
                            HWA OPERA LIMITED
         YEAR ENDED 31 MAR 2020

Nam Hwa Opera Limited               Tel: +65 6904 0030
1 Straits Boulevard                 Fax: +65 6904 0070
#11-03D                             Email:
Singapore 018906                    Web:
About Us......................................................................................... 2
Overview of Nam Hwa .................................................................... 3
Welcome Message from the Chairman / CEO ............................... 4
Leadership...................................................................................... 5
Highlights of the Year ................................................................... 14
Our Work: Programmes and Activities ......................................... 17
The Year Ahead ........................................................................... 43
Governance .................................................................................. 51

About Us
Our Mission

To preserve, develop and promote traditional Teochew Opera as an
important heritage of Singapore by: -
 Performing/presenting/producing Teochew operas – classics
 and new works.

 Enhancing the quality of performance and production
 standards of Teochew opera performers in Singapore.

 Commissioning and creating new Singapore style Teochew

 Promoting Singapore style Teochew opera to local and
 international audiences.

Our Vision

 To be the most recognized Singapore Teochew opera group in
 the local and international art scene.

Our Values

 We embrace people of all ages.

 We treasure our tradition and legacy, preserve and promote
 the Teochew culture in Singapore.

 We value people and seek to develop and groom people
 interested in performing Teochew opera to be the best.

We preserve and progress with changing times.

Overview of Nam Hwa
Founded in 1963 by avid fans of Teochew Opera, Nam Hwa Opera
Limited (NHOL) has grown into one of Singapore’s most prominent
and prolific Teochew Opera companies. NHOL mission is to
preserve, develop, and promote traditional Teochew Opera as an
important heritage of Singapore. NHOL is also home to the Nam
Hwa Teochew Music Ensemble and Yeo Khee Lim Teochew
Culture Research Centre.

Nam Hwa Opera Limited was incorporated on 17th February 2015 as
a Public Company limited by Guarantee. It was registered under the
Charities Act since 10th April 2015 with Institution of a Public
Character (IPC) status for the period from 1 December 2018 to 30
November 2020.

Unique Entity Number (UEN): 201504648M

Registered Address:           1 Straits Boulevard,
                              Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre,
                              #11-03D, Singapore 018906

Our Banker:                   Malayan Banking Berhad Singapore
                              (since 10 May 2018)

Our Auditor:                  Ernst & Young LLP

Our Legal Advisors:           Ms. Lee Geck Hoon, Ellen, JP, PBM
                              Mr. Lie Kee Pong

Welcome Message from the
Chairman / CEO
                Mr. Toh Lim Mok, JP, BBM(L)
                Thank you for supporting our company in carrying
                out our mission to preserve and promote traditional
                culture and arts, which include Teochew Opera,
                Teochew classical music and research into
                Teochew tradition and culture while at the same
                time, scripting the stories of Singapore into
                Teochew opera.

With limited resources, we had done our utmost to do all we can,
and we have accomplished quite a great deal but with much more to
be done.

I would like to thank all of you for the strong support and clear
guidance, especially from our board members, management
committee, staff members/performers and the general public for your
unwavering support throughout.

Please keep safe and keep healthy during this pandemic period.

        Governing Board Members

                    Current Designation                              Past Designation /
      Name                    /                   Occupation               Board
                    Board Appointment                                   Appointment
                    Honorary Chairman /        Company Director           Chairman
Datuk Sri Teo Kiang                                                   17 February 2015
                          Director                 (Trans-Cab
    Ang, PBM
                      01 October 2019           Services Pte Ltd)
                                               Company Director
Mr Ang Chin Koon,         Chairman
                                                  (CK Holdings           Director
   PBM, O.St.J.        01 October 2019
                                                 (2003) Pte Ltd)     17 February 2015
                      Deputy Chairman/         Company Director
 Mr. Toh Lim Mok,
                          President            (SureCatch World
    JP, BBM(L)
                      17 February 2015               Pte Ltd)
                         First Deputy          Company Director        Vice Chairman
                      Chairman/ Deputy          (Tong Fong Co.        29 October 2018
Mr. Yeo Eng Koon
                          President              (1974) Pte Ltd)
                      01 October 2019
Dato' Sri Dr Derek                              Company Director
                       Vice Chairman
 Goh Bak Heng,                                 (Serial System Ltd)
                      17 February 2015
                        Vice Chairman/         Company Director         Third Vice
Mr. Lim Chin Boon,
                      Honorary Treasurer        (Clean Solutions         Chairman
                       01 October 2019              Pte Ltd)         17 February 2015
Dato’ Sri Dr. Peter                            Company Director
                       Vice Chairman
 Lim Yong Guan,                                  (Chairman SK
                       1 October 2017
       PBM                                      Jewellery Group)
                                               Company Director
  Mr. Chan Kian         Vice Chairman
                                               (Premier Structure
      Kuan             29 October 2018
                                                    Pte Ltd)
                                               Company Director
  Mr. Khoo Hang         Vice Chairman             (Multimedia
  Choong, PBM          29 October 2018         Enterprise Pte Ltd)

                                               Company Director
                                               (Jumbo Group of
                        Vice Chairman
Mr. Ang Kiam Meng                               Restaurants Pte
                       29 October 2018

Ms. Lee Geck          Director / Legal       Advocate & Solicitor
 Hoon, Ellen, JP,           Advisor
      PBM              17 February 2015
                        Director / Legal       Advocate & Solicitor
 Mr. Lie Kee Pong           Advisor
                       17 February 2015
                      Honorary Secretary            Educator
 Mr. Su Zhangkai
                       17 February 2015
     Mr. Pan           Honorary Deputy           Ph.D Candidate           Director
 Zhengxiang, Jedi,         Secretary                                   1 October 2017
      PBM              01 October 2019
                       Honorary Deputy               Retired              Director
Mr. Tan Lye Soon           Treasurer                                  17 February 2015
                       01 October 2019
                                               Company Director
  Mr. Chia Chor            Director              (Chia Khim Lee        Honorary Deputy
  Meng, JP, BBM        01 October 2019         Food Industries Pte         Treasurer
                                                       Ltd)            17 February 2015
  Mr. Quek Soo             Director            Company Director       Honorary Treasurer
Chek, William, PBM     01 October 2019           (Union Casket)        17 February 2015
                                               Company Director
Mr Yap Seng Teck,         Director
                                                (Yappy Pets Pte
      PBM              1 October 2019
                                               Company Director
Dato Seri Mr. Teo         Director
                                               (TeoHeng Trading
Ngiang Heng, PBM      17 February 2015
                                                    Pte Ltd)
 Mdm. Heng Boey                                     Educator
 Hong, PBM, PPA
                      17 February 2015
  Mrs. Fong-Chin                                Retired Educator
 Yoon Fah, PBS,
                      17 February 2015
     PPA (G)
                                                Company Director
Dr. Teo Hark Piang,        Director
                                                  (Union Energy
       PBM               9 May 2018
                                                  Corp. Pte Ltd)
                                                Company Director
Mr. Teo Beng Teck,        Director
                                                 (Gain City Best-
       PBM            17 February 2015
                                                 Electric Pte Ltd)
                                                Company Director       Honorary Deputy
Mr. Vincent Lim Ee         Director
                                                (RMG Travel Pte           Secretary
       Hong            01 October 2019
                                                       Ltd)            1 October 2017
                          Director              Company Director
Mr. Huang Zhaoqun
                       1 October 2017          (Max Cable Pte Ltd)

Company Director
  Mr Tan Thoo         Director            (Broadway Food
  Cheng, BBM       1 October 2019       Centre Holdings Pte
                                         Company Director
                      Director             (Song Furniture
Mr Woo Chee Chay
                   1 October 2019           Construction &
                                          Trading Pte Ltd)
Mr Huang Zhuang       Director           Company Director
     Rong          1 October 2019       (Yong Tai Holdings)
                                         Company Director
                      Director                (Finessco
Mr Goh Gek Liang
                   1 October 2019         Engineering Pte

Honorary Chairmen / Advisors

Datuk Sri Teo Kiang Ang, PBM     Mr Chan Kok Hua          Dr. Quek Meng Tong,     Mr. Yeo Eng Huat
     拿督斯里张建安先生                      曾国和先生                       George
            PBM,                  永久荣誉主席                       郭明忠博士
     董事/ 永久荣誉主席                                                 荣誉主席               杨启霖潮州文化

                               Board of Directors

      Mr Ang Chin Koon,        Mr. Toh Lim Mok, JP,       Mr Yeo Eng Koon        Dato' Sri Dr Derek
         PBM, O.St.J.                BBM(L)
          洪振群先生                                              杨应群先生              Goh Bak Heng, BBM
         PBM, O.St.J.               JP,BBM(L)             第一署理主席/署理             拿督斯里吴木兴博士
            主席                                                  社长
                                   署理主席/社长                                         BBM 副主席

     Mr. Lim Chin Boon,         Dato’ Sri Dr. Peter       Mr. Chan Kian Kuan     Mr. Khoo Hang
            BBM                  Lim Yong Guan,               曾建權先生              Choong, PBM
         林振文先生                        PBM                                       邱汉春先生 PBM 副
                                拿督斯里林雍杰博士                                             主席
      BBM 副主席/财政                   PBM 副主席

      Mr. Ang Kiam Meng         Ms. Lee Geck Hoon,          Mr. Lie Kee Pong    Mr. Su Zhangkai
          黄建铭先生                   Ellen, JP, PBM               吕纪鹏律师              苏章恺先生
            副主席                     李玉云律师
                                                             董事/法律顾问                义务秘书
                               JP,PBM 董事/法律顾问

Board of Directors

Mr. Pan Zhengxiang,
                       Mr. Tan Lye Soon        Mr. Chia Chor        Mr. Quek Soo Chek,
     Jedi, PBM                                 Meng, JP, BBM           William, PBM
     潘正祥先生                陈来顺先生
                                                谢楚明先生                   郭绪泽先生
    助理义务秘书                义务副财政                JP,BBM 董事                 PBM 董事

Mr Yap Seng Teck       Dato Seri Mr. Teo        Mdm. Heng Boey         Mrs. Fong-Chin
      PBM             Ngiang Heng, PBM         Hong, PBM, PPA(P)       Yoon Fah, PBS,
   葉成德先生                                          王梅凤女士                    PPA(G)
    PBM 董事                                     PBM,PPA(P) 董事            方陈永华女士
                          PBM 董事
                                                                      PBS, PPA(G) 董事

Dr. Teo Hark Piang,   Mr. Teo Beng Teck,       Mr. Vincent Lim Ee    Mr. Huang Zhaoqun
       PBM                   PBM                      Hong               黄朝群先生
     张学彬博士                张民德先生                    林怡丰先生                    董事
     PBM 董事                PBM 董事                     董事

Mr Tan Thoo Cheng,    Mr Woo Chee Chay         Mr Huang Zhuang       Mr Goh Gek Liang
       BBM               吴佶财先生                      Rong                吴玉亮先生
                                                  黄壮荣先生                    董事
    陈图清先生                   董事
    BBM 董事

Committee of Management (2019-2021)

          Designation                           Name
           President                   Toh Lim Mok, JP, BBM(L)
       Deputy President                    Lew Tong Yong
         Vice President                    Tay Chew Mong
   General Affairs Secretary                Tan Ah Hiang
Deputy General Affairs Secretary              Tay Ai Hua
           Treasurer                       Lew Tong Yong
       Deputy Treasurer                    Toinh Ngo Muay
Social & Recreational Secretary               Tay Ai Hua
 Deputy Social & Recreational
                                             Ng Gek Kheng
      Committee Member                       Tan Chin Wah
      Committee Member                       Lim Geok Hua
      Committee Member                       Tan Gek Yong
      Committee Member                   Gladys Lee Heok Boon
      Committee Member                      Teo Meng Hock
      Committee Member                       Lim Eng Siang
      Committee Member                        Lee Lai Leng
      Committee Member                      Tan Swee Choo
      Committee Member                        Ng Siew Eng

There is no change to the requirements on recruitment of members.

Membership is by invitation only with a one-off fee of $300.00
payable upon approval by the Committee of Management and
Governing Board. Any person, association, company or body
corporate who is interested to be registered as a member of the
Company may submit an application on the Company’s prescribed
form supported by a proposer and two (2) seconders, all of whom
must already be members of the Company, for the Board’s approval.

Applicants who are skilled in Teochew Opera and/or Music
performance, and/or display great potential and a significant
willingness to develop their capabilities in the traditional artform,
would be prioritized.

The Membership is limited to 150 registered members. The Board
may, from time to time and subject to conditions stated in NHOL’s
Memorandum and Articles of Association, admit and register new

Those under 18 years of age and are interested in performing opera
will be registered under the “Young Charter” category. They will be
automatically admitted as members when they attained 18 years old,
with admission fees waived.

NHOL has a total of 100 Members and 1 Young Charter Member to-

Management Committee

                          Mr. Toh Lim Mok, JP, BBM(L)

Lew Tong Yong       Tay Chew Mong               Tan Ah Hiang    Tay Ai Hua
  刘忠勇先生               郑秋茂先生                       (Annie)       郑爱华女士
 署理社长/财政                                         陈巧香女士
                       副社长                                     副总务/康乐组

Toinh Ngo Muay       Ng Gek Kheng              Tan Gek Yong    Tan Ah Chin @
  佃伍妹女士               (Catherine)                (Anthony)     Tan Chin Wah
    副财政               黄玉卿女士                     陈玉勇先生            陈振华先生
                       副康乐组                                        委员

Lim Geok Hua        Gladys Lee Heok           Teo Meng Hock    Lim Eng Siang
  (Dorothy)              Boon                   张明福先生            林应祥先生
  林玉华女士                李毓文女士
                                                   委员              委员

Management Committee

Lee Lai Leng   Tan Swee Choo   Ng Siew Eng
  (Wendy)         (Asther)       (Angie)
 李莉玲女士           陈瑞珠女士          黄秀英女士
   委员              委员             委员

     Organisational Structure

Highlights of the Year

Source of Funds

NHOL has multiple sources of income, a majority of which is derived
from donations and grants. Donations are raised from our governing
board, NHOL members, corporate bodies, supporters such as
Teochew Clan associations and the general public. It also submits
private cash donations for dollar-to-dollar matching grants under the
Cultural Matching Fund (CMF) scheme. NHOL is supported by the
National Arts Council under the Major Company Scheme for the
period from 1 April 2017 to 31 March 2020 and has also successfully
applied for extension from 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2023.

Other income sources include performance income, which includes
project grants from organisations such as the National Heritage
Board (NHB), workshop fees, coaching fee, props and costume
rental fees, merchandise sales and NHOL Membership fees.

Summary of Financial Performance

During the financial year ending 31 March 2020, NHOL reported a
net surplus of $200,209.

At the end of the financial year, NHOL received $1,391,649 from
donations, and utilised $1,095,958 from grant income. It also
received $137,953 from events, government incentives and other
income sources.

                              Income for

NHOL reported a total expenditure of $2,425,351.

                              for FY2019

Major Financial Transactions

1) NHOL’s tenancy at Aliwal Arts Centre (#02-09) expired on 28
   February 2019. NHOL leased a new office at 1 Straits Boulevard
   #11-03D, Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre (SCCC).

  Below are the major financial transactions that relate to the new
  office: -
  • Leased office building with SCCC for three (3) years from 1
      Apr 2019 to 31 Mar 2022 (with an option to extend for another
      three (3) years from 1 Apr 2022).

   • The monthly payment of $ 8,025 is inclusive of rent and service
     charges, plus a monthly refuse disposal charge of $ 200
     making the total monthly sum payable to SCCC at $ 8,225
     (before GST).

   • A security deposit of $ 24,075 was paid to SCCC that is the
     equivalent of three (3) month’s rent and service charges.

   • Leased a copier machine from Ricoh (Singapore) Pte Ltd for $
     12,000. Lease period is five (5) years from 17 May 2019 to 16
     Apr 2024 with a monthly fixed rental payment of $200 (before

   • A sum of $ 294,370 was paid for installation and purchase of
     furniture & fittings in the new office.

2) A short-term fixed deposit account was closed and prematurely
   withdrawn and the total amount of $ 148,348 has been credited
   to NHOL’s Maybank account One (1) on 20 Jun 2019 for NHOL’s
   office operation expenses.

3) Total grants received during the financial year is $ 1,555,635.
   The amount utilised for office administration, projects and
   performances is $ 1,095,958.

                         Grant            Grant          Grant
                        Received         Utilised      Received in
As of 1 Apr, 2019                                        $ 263,948

CMF Grant               $ 1,326,769       $ 867,092       $ 459,677

NAC Major Grant           $ 126,986       $ 126,986
NHB Project Grant         $ 101,880       $ 101,880
                        $ 1,555,635     $ 1,095,958

As of 31 Mar, 2020                                        $ 723,625

4) Total expenditure incurred for the FY2020 is $ 2,425,351 (FY2019
   is $ 1,660,149), an increase of $ 765,202 (46%). Below is a
   summary of the major expenses that have increased: -

Expenses                                               Amount
Advertisement and publication                            $ 141,173
Entertainment                                            $ 188,620
Rental for programme venue and office building           $ 206,293
Lease interest and amortisation for right-of-use         $ 127,987
building and office equipment
Depreciation for Plant and Equipment                       $ 31,067
Salaries for local and part timers                         $ 65,239
Others                                                       $ 4,823
                                                          $ 765,202

Assets Held
Any assets held, leased or purchased during the financial year are to
support the office administration, projects and performances.

Our Work: Programmes and
There was an increase in the number of activities and events
planned and organized. In line with our objectives, we were able to
further promote Teochew Opera and Music to new and connect with
like-minded people – on both local and international levels and
reached out to youths to embrace and appreciate Teochew Opera.

We participated in a total of 139 local and overseas activities which
attracted more than 413,048 audience from all walks of life. These
performances/events were conducted and held at dedicated arts
spaces, schools, event halls, community clubs, hospitals and

1) Core Programmes (with local groups)

(P131) CHAO'AN TEOCHEW OPERA 2019, 9 to 15 June 2019,
6,580 audience
(P130) Zhao Shao Qing, 12 June 2019, 940 audience

NHOL collaborated with Singapore’s Teo Ann Huay Kuan and
China’s Chao Zhou Shi Chao Ju Tuan 《潮州市潮剧团》to present
Teochew Operas 2019 from 9th to 15th June 2019 comprising of 7
nights and 1 afternoon matinee performances 《御花园辩亲》, 《枫
叶情》, 《三凤求凰》, 《忠义五虎将》, 《五子挂帅》, 《折子戏专场
》, 《玉箭奇缘》. It was a full house capacity for each performance
at the newly renovated Kreta Ayer People’s Theatre. To encourage
more opera lovers to watch the quality performances, free admission
was offered.

Teo Ann Huay Kuan is a prominent Teochew dialect Clan
Association in Singapore and is acknowledged to be the largest with
a strong membership base of at least 5,000 members. The
Association regularly carries out activities for its members with
strong emphasis on Teochew arts, culture and tradition that are
strongly supported by prominent Teochew businessmen and
professionals. They thus have the resources to again provide free
admission for the June 2019 performances for Teochew Opera fans
and traditional arts enthusiasts.

China’s Chao Zhou Shi Chao Ju Tuan is a professional Teochew
opera troupe and they performed 1 afternoon matinee and 6 nights.
Their high-quality performance was a rare opportunity for NHOL’s
members to raise their standards at close quarters.

NHOL artists and members assisted and performed alongside with
the professionals from Chaozhou Chao Ju Tuan. It was a rare and
valuable opportunity for cultural and artistic exchange among
practitioners of Teochew Opera. We have gained much insights and
valuable lessons from the professionals that have greatly improved
the quality of our performances.

NHOL presented a revised Singapore version of a much loved
classical “Zhao Shao Qing” 《赵少卿》on 12th June 2019. “Zhao
Shao Qing” was presented in the traditional art form by our members
to enhance their performing skills and to strengthen the age group
category of our members as our performers were specifically
selected from 3 generations: the old (aged 60 and above), the
middle-age (below 60) and the youths (below 40). This is
intentionally done so for all generations to refine their skills imparted
by the veterans within each generation especially during their
rehearsals prior to the public performance. This initiative is critical in
Singapore as we see a rapid loss in the popularity and visibility of the
opera art form.

Our NHOL performers were specially trained by China’s National
first-class grade opera director, Mr Guo Zhi Xian(郭志贤) who was
specially commissioned to create an improved Singapore version of
the classical Zhao Shao Qing. This Singapore version combined the
China and Hong Kong versions and designed to put a strong
emphasis on filial piety and family dynamics, values of compassion,
mutual assistance, impartiality, integrity, respect for and upholding
law and order.

The traditional arts form in both Singapore and China risk extinction
in the face of modern challenges. Through this cultural exchange, we
gained valuable insights on preservation, development and
promotion of traditional arts through the finer coordination in
movements, expressions and vocal control that captures the
audience’s attention.

2019年6月赵少卿(南华潮剧社)-潮安会馆 (P130)

(P149, P169) Zhao Shao Qing, 16 to 17 November 2019, 800

NHOL performed a full length Teochew Opera “Zhao Shao Qing” 《
趙少卿》at Ci Yuan Community Centre on 16 and 17 November
2019 for Teochew opera fans. Ci Yuan CC is the venue sponsor for
this performance.

(P148) Singapore Teochew Poit Ip Huay Kuan 90th Anniversary
Celebration, 26th October 2019, 2000 audience

In line with the objectives of NHOL to promote Traditional Teochew
Opera, Arts and Culture to preserve the Teochew heritage within the
community at large, NHOL co-organised with Teochew Poit Ip Huay
Kuan’s celebration of its 90th Anniversary; drawing on each other’s
network and to expand and reach out to a larger community that are
representative of the Teochew community.

NHOL presented the Singapore Story in Teochew opera style
through the performance of “Matchmaking at the Five-Footway”《五
脚砌-相亲》. This story illustrates the lives and contributions of our
Pioneer Generation and also our Merdeka Generation in our nation-
building process. It also reflects on NH’s ability to transform a
traditional art into a modern-day drama.

To commemorate the development of THK in the past 90 years, a
publication with the theme “Passing on Values, Shaping our Future
Together” (携手 传承 创未来) was launched that covers the history,
milestones and future inspirations of the Huay Kuan as well as most
of the Teochew clan associations in Singapore. There are also
special feature articles by academia on the past development of the
Teochew community in Singapore.

2019年10月八邑会馆90周年庆典 (P148)

2) International Programmes

(P125) Double Third Festival (Johor Bahru Old Chinese Temple),
5 April 2019, 350 audience

NHOL performers were invited once again to Johor Bahru, Malaysia,
to perform at the historic Johor Bahru Old Chinese Temple. NHOL
presented an excerpt 《游上林》 for this festival. It was a valuable
opportunity to promote our programmes and forged a stronger
bilateral relationship with the Teochew Community across the

2019年4月新山演出 (P125)

(P156) Johor Bahru Teochew Poit Ip Huay Kuan                      85th
Anniversary Celebration, 11 October 2019, 1530 audience

NHOL was invited to perform for the Johor Bahru Teochew Poit Ip
Huay Kuan 85th Anniversary Celebration on 11 October 2019 at
Johor Bahru, Malaysia. NHOL showcased 5 Teochew opera
excerpts at the celebration for the guests and public from afar to
attend the event 《十仙庆寿》, 《跳加冠》, 《仙姬送子》, 《唐明皇
净棚》, 《京城会》.

(P150) 2019 Shantou Teochew Opera Arts Week, 25 October
2019 to 4 November 2019, 1742 audience

In line with NHOL's objectives in promoting traditional Teochew
opera and cultivating bilateral relationship with the People's Republic
of China through cultural exchange so as to showcase our
Singapore style Teochew opera “The Severance Sword” 《情断昆吾
剑 》 , NHOL was invited to participate and perform in Shantou
Teochew Opera Arts Week on 17 October 2019 and was also invited
to perform at the Guangzhou Southern Theatres on 1 and 2
November 2019. A team of 59 members was formed, comprising of
the management team, performers, backstage helpers, technical
team from ITE, principally students and their lecturers. The team left
in batches from 25 Oct 2019 and 27 Oct 2019 and returned on 4 Nov

2019. Other than performing in China, NHOL successfully conducted
a talk and Teochew Music Exchange with Shantou Jing Yi Chao Ju
Tuan. The audiences were impressed by the high-quality
performances and NHOL’s innovative way of presenting Teochew

2019 年 10 月汕头文化交流 (P150)

2019 年 11 月 (P150)

2019 年 11 月昆吾剑讲座 (P150)

(P166) 7th Teochew Culture Festival Performance, 21 to 23
November 2019, 700 audience

NHOL was invited to participate and perform at the Shenzhen 7th
Teochew Cultural Festival. The performance was held at the
Shenzhen Grand Theatre on 22 November 2019. The festival invited
well-known Teochew politicians, businessmen and artists to come
together to promote traditional arts in China. NHOL’s young artist,
Ms. Tan Wei Tian, and our artistic instructor, Ms. Huang Linlin,
travelled to Shenzhen and participated in the Festival. NHOL
presented an excerpt 《来世再续鸳鸯盟》for the Festival.

3) Community Outreach and Education

[Community Performances]

Nam Hwa Blazes, (P121) 28 April 2019, 370 audience / (P122) 14
July 2019, 750 audience / (P151) 7 September 2019, 288
audience / (P123) 27 September 2019, 220 audience / (P124) 18
October 2019, 208 audience / (P152) 24 November 2019, 150
audience / (P153) 29 December 2019, 400 audience / (P178) 23
February 2020, 95 audience plus Live broadcast 1544 click-
through rates. Total 2,481 audience plus 1,544 audience is for
live broadcast.

NHOL continues with its regular mini performances to showcase its
talents with a new perspective by using each performance to
reinforce good moral values of loyalty to the country, filial piety
towards parents, strong friendship and community services.

“Nam Hwa Blazes” (NHB) is an outreach performance organized
regularly for the public with free admission. It is a developmental
platform for promising talents within NHOL to hone their skills and for
veterans to refresh their expertise before they take on more
important roles at regular public performances. This event is now
held in close frequency at the Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre

For better outreach, NHB is now performing on regular intervals
instead of only quarterly intervals as in the past due to higher

audience turnouts on weekday nights and weekend afternoons and
to cater to different audience. Compared to the previous venue at
Aliwal Art Centre that could accommodate up to 250 people, the new
venue is ideal and could accommodate up to a maximum of 600

The increase in the number of performances provide more
opportunities for our performers and members to showcase what
they had learnt. At the same time, allowing our performers to reflect
and refine the skills learned as well as to boost their confidence in
performing in front of a larger group of audience.

Nam Hwa Blazes “Multiculturalism” on 23 February 2020 is a
ground-breaking change to the previous regular performances.
NHOL identifies “Multiculturalism” as one of the important pillars for
Singapore’s success. NHOL initiates a collaborative performance
between the different cultures of Singapore. Our audience observed
for the first time how traditional artists, such as Malay musician
(Ismahairie Putra Ishak) and Indian dancer (Soniaponnamma
Devaiah), rouse artistic spark with traditional Teochew music.

2019年4月万紫千红 (P121)

(P127) CDCA - SFCCA Project C.A.R.E (Caring & Reaching out
to the Elderly), 14 April 2019, 300 Audience

NHOL was invited to perform at   the CDAC-SFCCA Project C.A.R.E
for the elderly and volunteers    of the event held at the Marina
Barrage. Nam Hwa Teochew         Music Ensemble performed “Bull
Challenges Tiger”《牛斗虎》 at        the event and was enthusiastically
received by the participants.

(P144) Memories with the Lion City 《串串回忆伴狮城》, 8
September 2019, 614 Audience

NHOL supported in an event “Memories with the Lion City”,
presented by Boon Lay Community Club Choir and Hua Xing Choir
Society on 8 September 2019 at the Victoria Theatre. It is a
Singapore creation of a three-act musical that played the stories of
struggles, love and growth through two generations of a local family
based on Singapore’s historical evolvement. It demonstrated the
spirit of Singapore through the courage to face difficult challenges,
the compassion to support one another, and to bear in mind the
social responsibility through entrepreneurship. NHOL’s artists, along
with performer from Boon Lay Community Club Choir and Hua Xing
Choir Society, performed a short excerpt of “Matchmaking at the
Five-foot Way” 《五脚砌-相亲》.

(P154) Esplanade Moonfest - 潮锣鼓鸣, 13 September 2019, 300

NHOL music ensemble was invited to perform at Esplanade
Moonfest 2019 in celebration of the Mid-Autumn festival. The
ensemble performed three pieces at three different intervals for the
audience. This performance also included audience interaction such
as getting the audience to try the musical instruments as well as
giving away our exclusive merchandise to audience who participated
in our question and answer segment. NHOL also engaged other
local individual musicians to help out with the performances. There
were around 100 audiences enjoying the performance at each

(P139) A Night at the Chinese Opera at Asian Civilisations
Museum,28 & 29 June 2019, 573 Audience

NHOL was invited to perform and hold workshops for the event
organised by the National Heritage Board at the Asian Civilisations
Museum on the 28 and 29 June 2019. NHOL’s Basic Body
Movement (Kids) Class students performed a short opera excerpt on
both nights for the audience. We received positive participation in
our “Mask Painting and “Introduction to Teochew Opera” Workshop
on 29 June 2019 and all our workshops were fully registered. We
received positive feedback from both the participants and the

         2019/06/29文物馆 (P139)

2019年6月亚洲文物馆 (P139)

(P157) Arts in the Neighbourhood, 10 and 23 November 2019,
850 audience

‘Arts in the Neighbourhood – The World of Teochew Music’ is a
collaboration between Nam Hwa Teochew Music Ensemble and
theatre practitioners and puppeteer, Bright Ong, at Bedok Town
Square and Oasis Terrace Punggol on 10 and 23 November 2019
respectively. It was a new approach on the traditional art, combining
Teochew music with puppetry and storytelling.

5 mini theatres were set up around the main stage for the audience
to experience different dimensions of Teochew music. Audience
could peep into these boxed stages and witness how it can give life
to a world of miniature puppets.

(P176) River Hongbao 2020, 29 to 30 January 2020, 500

NHOL was invited by Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan
Associations to perform for River Hongbao at Float@Marina,
showcasing Teochew Music and Teochew Songs on 29 and 30
January 2020 respectively. Due to poor weather condition, the
performance on 29 January 2020 was cancelled. NHOL continued
with New Year songs in Teochew and strings of excerpts of
Teochew Opera by students from our Kid’s Basic Body Movement
Class to uplift the festive mood till 30 January 2020.

(P170) The World of Teochew Music, 08 February 2020, 60

NHOL participated at an event organised by People’s Association at
Our Tampines Hub. Performed by our students from our Kid’s Basic
Body Movement Class and a collaboration between Nam Hwa
Teochew Music and Jazz Music. Audiences at the event enjoyed
Teochew Opera Performances, Teochew Music X Jazz Music and
also Puppetry.

[Community Club Performances]

NHOL continued to present Teochew Opera performances to a
combined total of 1,398 residents and audience at events organised
by the following Community Clubs; (P138) Radin Mas Community
Club (2 June 2019, 118 audience), (P141) Siglap Community Club (7
July 2019, 900 audience), (P155) Punggol Community Club (21
September 2019, 180 audience) and (P147) Kallang Community
Club (28 September 2019, 200 audience) respectively.

NHOL presented “The Rock” 《扛石记》at 3 Community Clubs -
Radin Mas; Punggol and Kallang – a heart-warming story about filial
piety, respect and treasuring parents; with an educational purpose
and a wholesome activity for families.

NHOL was also invited by Siglap Community Club to perform at their
event, Siglap Day at Ubin. Siglap Community Club organised and
brought its residents to Pulau Ubin for a fun-filled family day. The
event was held in an open space at Pulau Ubin. NHOL presented 2
Teochew Opera Excerpts, 《 梅 英 表 花 》 and 《 井 边 会 》 and was

[Charity performances at various community hospitals, elderly
day care centres and hospices, various dates]

NHOL has been working with eldercare centres and hospitals to
provide quality performances and workshop to the patients or
beneficiaries of charity organisations. NHOL had performed at St
Luke ElderCare Ltd (Chong Pang Centre) on 29 May 2019 (P136),
31 July 2019 (P143), 25 September 2019 (P146) and 27 November
2019 (P158) respectively. Each performance had 50 spectators and
achieved a total number of 200 audience. NHOL had also conducted
a workshop for the elderly from SASCO who were brought in by the
volunteers of Chong De Cultural Society on 29 June 2019 (P140),
with a total number of 60 spectators. With these diverse groups of
elderly, NHOL provided performances in Mandarin, English and
different dialects so as to engage the audience to participate in
singalong sessions, feeling more informative and appreciative.

2019-09-25 乐龄中心 (P146)

[Youth Engagement and Outreach]

(P135) Mother Tongue Fortnight “Finding Your Roots"
Performance at River Valley High School, 27 May 2019, 640

NHOL conducted a two-hour introductory workshop for the students
from Secondary 1 to Secondary 3 from River Valley High School on
27 May 2019. Students were introduced to Chinese Opera and basic
Chinese Opera movements led by NHOL’s arts team.

(P145) Tanjong Katong Primary             School    Workshop,     10
September 2019, 38 Students

38 Primary 4 Students from Tanjong Katong Primary School visited
NHOL on 10 September 2019 for an “Introduction to Chinese Opera”
Workshop. The students tried out the various costumes and props
used in Chinese Opera. They learned the basic techniques of “why”
and “how” in the use of props. The live interaction and engagement
between the students and the instructors allow the students to gain a
better insight of Chinese opera with fun and enjoyment.

幼儿工作坊 (P145)

(P134) Workshop for MOE Kindergarten @ Fern Green, 09 May
2019, 80 Students

NHOL conducted 2 introductory workshops for the K2 students from
Kindergarten @ Fern Green at Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre,
Creative Box. The workshop included loads of hands-on activities to
keep the students engaged throughout their time. The workshop
conducted activities including introduction to Chinese opera, basic
Chinese Opera movements, props and opera workout activities.

4) Industry Development Programmes

(P163) Talk on Legacy of Mr. Lim Nee Soon, 5 October 2019, 260

In conjunction with Singapore bicentennial celebration, NHOL
collaborated with Teochew Poit Ip Huay Kuan to organise a talk on
The Legacy of Mr. Lim Nee Soon on 5 October 2019 at the
Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre. Mr Lim Nee Soon was one of
the successful Chinese businessmen and a Chinese community
leader in Singapore, and for commemorating his efforts to the
betterment of the country and a better future. The talk was on his
views on the transformation and changes of Singapore in the early
60s, and the economic development by the local Chinese, with the
support and contributions from the Teochew Community. The guest
speakers for the talk were NUS Associate Professor Lee Chee Hiang
and NUS Associate Professor Wong Sin Kiong.

(P165) #AGAK-AGAK – 90 stories of Wang Sha and Ye Feng, 6
December 2019, 150 audience

Singapore’s very own Teochew Legend, the popular comedian, the
late Mr Wang Sha. His comical performances in Teochew, brought
roars of laughter to the audience. The visual difference between him
and his partner, “one skinny and one fat”, left behind a strong impact
and impression to the audiences. This “one skinny and one fat” duo
became an everlasting classic among Singaporeans, of all races and
a memory forever for generations.

The duo had been performing for 20 over years, and their life story
was also fondly remembered by the older generation of
Singaporeans. In conjunction with Singapore Teochew Poit Ip Huay
Kuan’s 90th Anniversary celebrations, a special publication of

“#AGAK-AGAK 《弟喂,做人阿甲阿甲就好》featuring 90 stories of
Wang Sha and Ye Feng” was launched to put on record the life of
the late local veteran comedian.

This publication was officially launched on 6 December 2019 at the
Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre Recital Studio witnessed by 150

(P128) Teochew Poit Ip Huan Kuan Installation Ceremony of our
45th Board of Director, 20 Apr 2019@11am, 380 audience

NHOL co-organised with Teochew Poit Ip Huay Kuan to conduct the
installation ceremony of Teochew Poit Ip Huan Kuan’s 45th Board of
Directors at SCCC Level 7 Multi-Purpose Hall. Nam Hwa Teochew
Music Ensemble performed《迎宾鼓》and a Teochew opera excerpt
of 《 京 城 会 》 . Free admission was given to youths and young
adults, senior citizens, directors, staff and members of Poit Ip Huay

(P129) The Singapore Chinese Opera Extravaganza 2019 - 2019
戏曲大汇演/新加坡戏曲胡姬花奖展演, 27-28 Apr 2019@7pm, 1,800

NHOL co-organised with Chinese Opera Institute, this event at the
Golden Theatre on 27th April 2019 to perform《京娘送兄》, and on
28th April 2019 to perform 《 别 窑 》 . It was free admission and
beneficiaries were the general public and avid fans of Chinese


(P137) Dragon Boat Festival 宗乡总会端午节嘉年华, 1st June
2019@7pm, 150 audience

NHOL co-organised with the Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan
Association (SFCCA) together with the Singapore Chinese Cultural
Clan (SCCC) and Toa Payoh Central Community Club to conduct a
performance at the Toa Payoh Central Amphitheatre. Free
admission for residence of Tao Payoh and members, friends and
families of SFCCA and SCCC.

The purpose of the activity is to manifest our affection for our nation
and ethnic heritage while celebrating the Duanwu Jie. The Dumpling
Festival is held annually over the past 9 years. The event
incorporates unique local characteristics through traditional cuisines,
cultural performances and games, attracting people from all works of

life. Nam Hwa Music Ensemble performed 《龙腾盛世》, 《狮子戏球
》 and《牛斗虎》.

(P142) Teochew Poit Ip Huay Kuan LIA Committee Installation
Ceremony, 26 July 2019@6pm, 400 audience

NHOL co-organised with Teochew Poit Ip Huay Kuan, this event was
held at the Resorts World Ballroom. Nam Hwa Teochew Music
Ensemble performed 《迎宾鼓》to welcome the guest of honour. It
was free admission for directors, members, families and friends of
Teochew Poit Ip Huay Kuan.

2019/07/26 - 潮州八邑会馆LIA就职典礼 (P142)

(P162) China’s National Day Celebration 中 国 国 庆 庆 典 , 26
September 2019@6pm, 700 audience

(P172) Celebration of the 20th Anniversary of Macao's Return to
China, 18 December 2019@6pm, 500 audience

NHOL co-organised with the China Embassy in Singapore to put up
performances on 26 September 2019 at Orchard Hotel Singapore
and on 18 December 2019 at the Fullerton Bay Hotel Singapore.
Nam Hwa Teochew Music Ensemble performed 《 迎 宾 鼓 》 to
welcome the Guest of Honour for both dates. Admission was by
invitation only.

2019/09/26 - China National Day Celebration (P162)

(P167) Spring Reception 2020新春团拜, 27 January 2020@12pm,
950 audience

NHOL co-organised with the Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre and
Singapore Federation of Chinese Clan Associations to hold this
event at the Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre. The Guest of
Honour was Mr Heng Swee Keat (Deputy Prime Minister and
Minister for Finance). NHOL’s children performed 《 峰山 叠 叠》 ,
《林冲上山》, 《春风有情临山寨》. Admission was by invitation

(P171) Teochew Poit Ip Huai Kuan CNY Celebration 潮州八邑会
馆 “庚子鼠年新春团拜”, 8 February 2020@11.30am to 1.30pm,
200 audience

This annual festival celebration of the Chinese New Year by the
Teochew Poit Ip Huay Kuan was supported by Nam Hwa Opera
Limited, to bond with its directors, members, partners and
supporters. The event was conducted at the Singapore Chinese
Cultural Centre. The Guest of Honour was Minister for Trade and
Industry Mr Chan Chun Sing 贸工部长陈振声先生. Performances
included 《戏娃闹春》彩妆, 《桃花过渡》彩妆, 《天仙配》清唱, 《迎
春 花 》 清 唱 , 《 游 春 贺 年 》 清 唱 . The beneficiaries invited were

members, directors, staff, friends, clans and associations, sponsors,

5) Others - Skills Development courses for NHOL performers

[Weekly Teochew Opera Classes]

NHOL conducts regular adult and children classes that are targeted
at both NHOL members and the general public. The courses

Programme                             Day          Time
Teochew Conversation Class            Sunday       2:30pm – 4pm
Dizi Class 苗子班                        Sunday       10am – 11am
Dizi Class 苗子班                        Monday       7:30pm – 8:30pm
Vocal Therapy Class 咽音课               Monday       7:45pm – 9:15pm
Teochew Music Ensemble and            Tuesday      7:30pm – 10pm
Opera Martial Arts and Acrobatics     Wednesday    7:30pm – 10pm
Introduction to Chinese Opera for     Thursday     7:30pm – 10pm
Female / Male Vocal Class 男女合         Saturday     11am – 1pm
Children Basic Movements Class        Saturday     4pm – 6pm
Male Vocal Class 小生歌唱班                Saturday     6pm – 8pm
Female Vocal Class 女旦歌唱班              Saturday     7pm – 9pm

These regular and professional training sessions ensure that NHOL
performers will be able to present a consistent and quality Teochew
Opera to our audience.

Our children classes start from as young as three years old and it is
also an important part of our efforts in continuously cultivating an
interest in the art form among our youths who will ultimately become
our audience and our performers. These workshops focus on basic
opera movement (戏曲基本功) and embrace building their literacy in
the traditional art form through exposure.

The programme “Introduction to Chinese Opera for Adults” is made
up of 4 main elements: singing, speaking, acting and fighting. In
order to put up a good opera performance, training in these 4
elements is essential for every student. The course also covers
physical training such as dance routines and standing postures.
These skills are indispensable, as they represent the character’s
thoughts, feelings and personality.

Introduction to Chinese Opera for Adults 戏曲基本功

Teochew Conversation Class 潮语会话班

Vocal Therapy Class 咽音课

Teochew Music Ensemble and Percussion 潮乐团和锣鼓

Female / Male Vocal Class 男女合唱班

Male Vocal Class 小生歌唱班

Female Vocal Class

Staying Connected

To stay connected with our members, we organize get-togethers and
various activities including yearly Lunar New Year gatherings,
members’ retreat, monthly management committee meetings,
weekly staff meetings, quarterly Directors’ meetings and an annual
appreciation dinner.

Lunar New Year Celebration 2020


The Year Ahead
Future Plans and Commitments

NHOL will continue with its relentless efforts to preserve, promote
and develop traditional Teochew Opera as an important heritage in
Singapore, in line with our mission statement. While also actively
searching for breakthroughs in the art, apart from presenting classic
operas, NHOL also courageously ventured into new creations,
rallying technology and different media to enhance audience
participation and experience.

We will continue to provide the platform and environment to nurture
talents in the performing arts. NHOL will also endeavour to reach out
to bigger audience at the community level, especially our youths and
the elderly, and avid fans of traditional opera. In the coming years,
we also plan to focus our charitable projects to benefit the
underprivileged and underserved community in line with our belief
that the arts should be made accessible to everyone.

In an effort to encourage more people from all walks of life to better
understand and engage with the art form, NHOL also seeks to
spearhead a Traditional Opera Festival in the coming years. NHOL
envisions to bring together the various types of Traditional Opera in
Singapore with workshops, demonstrations, performances and even

We will also continue to promote the Singapore brand of Teochew
Opera and Music in the international arena by organizing more
cultural exchanges with not only our counterparts from China, but
also in the ASEAN Countries and the world at large.

As Nam Hwa celebrates its 57th anniversary in 2020, it will
relentlessly work harder under the already established stronger
framework in order to bring Teochew opera to newer heights.

In addition to increase the number of live performances, NHOL will
continue to strive and create new ideas to engage with audiences to
achieve the objective of popularising the Singapore brand of
Teochew Opera and Music to the whole world. Live video is an
effective way to create conversations with fans. Hence, we will move
towards a strong digital video strategy via online social media and
social networking service such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube,
Twitter, etc.

Since the implementation of the circuit breaker measures due to
Covid-19 outbreak, NHOL has actively used social media to edit
previous performances, produce instructional videos, live broadcast
interviews with celebrities and actors, share knowledge of Chinese
opera music culture, and effortlessly created an anti-epidemic song
video to encourage the public to stay at home, enjoy cultural and
artistic programs and to fight the epidemic together.

Future Plans

[3 Years Plan 2020 – 2022]

  • Art Production/Core Performance –Teochew Music Concerts x 2
     ➢ Expected a total of 42 performances in a year.

  • Cooperate with the "Singapore Art Development Blueprint" of
     the Arts Council
     ➢ Strengthen research in the field of art - Yeo Khee Lim
        Teochew Culture Research Centre.
     ➢ Strengthen the program design and increase the impact of
        art on society - 漂洋过海到南洋之 《五脚砌-相亲》.
     ➢ Use technology to improve art production and art promotion
        efforts -《情断昆吾剑》.

  • Capacity development in: -
     ➢ Hiring professional tutors to supplement teaching efforts.
     ➢ Conducting regular Teochew Opera training classes.
     ➢ Attract and encourage youth participation in Teochew
       classic music and Teochew opera.
     ➢ Provide regular professional Teochew classic music training

• Excellent management
             ➢ Transparency and regulatory


     1)     New Centre to be Opened

                              Yeo Khee Lim Teochew Culture Research
                              Centre is a resource hub located in Nam
                              Hwa Opera. It was launched on 10
                              December 2019.

                             The Centre is the first Teochew resource-
                             based research centre in Singapore. Our
     aim is to reach out to more people, regardless of nationality, ethnic
     group or age, gain a better understanding of the origins of the
     Teochew culture and its evolvement over the years in Singapore.

     The Centre has an extensive collection of both local and overseas
     Teochew culture related resources, ranging from Teochew culture
     related books and magazines to Teochew Opera vinyl records that
     are now converted to digital tracks. The Centre also has a collection
     of work produced and written by local and overseas Teochew ethnic
     artists and writers, providing a platform to showcase their works and

     The Centre is named after Mr. Yeo Khee Lim to carry on his legacy
     as a collector, as well as to commemorate him and his efforts in
     preserving Teochew culture. His sons, Mr. Yeo Eng Koon and Mr.
     Yeo Eng Huat have also donated a part of the Xiu Hai Lou collection
     to the Centre in the name of their father, which further enriched
     NHOL’s collection in the Centre.

I.        Physical Content in the Centre
          - Vinyl records (33.3 RPM and 78 RPM)
          - Cassettes
          - Books (Teochew Related)
          - Magazines
          - Memorial and Performance Booklet Issues
          - Teochew opera and movie posters
          - Other Teochew related physical items (e.g. Songbooks)

➢ Digitalizing apparatus to digitize all physical contents to allow
       researchers to make use of the resources digitally

II.   Shifting of physical to digital platform
      a. Resource Centre resource platform (Intranet), comprising of
          our physically converted digital format resources
       - Books and magazine covers, as well as content pages
       - Audio version of vinyl records and cassettes
      b. A website being developed to house our digitalized content on
          Teochew culture and its related fields
      - (Expected completion: End of 2021)
      c. Short videos on Teochew culture related content
      d. Social media platforms for Yeo Khee Lim Teochew Culture
          Research Centre
      - Facebook: 杨启霖潮州文化研究中心 Yeo Khee Lim Teochew
          Culture Research Centre
      - Instagram: yeokheelimtcrcsg
      - Other social media pages in various planning stages

      Audience Outreach and Engagement
      a. Seminars/workshops – LIVE broadcast on Facebook page
        during special events
      b. Exhibitions
      c. Publications/books (physical books/e-books)
      d. Large scale events (e.g. Teochew food fair)
      e. Social media posts on these platforms
      - Facebook: 杨启霖潮州文化研究中心 Yeo Khee Lim Teochew
         Culture Research Centre
      - Instagram: yeokheelimtcrcsg

      Establishment of Singapore Teochew Identity
      a. Work with Teochew Clans and Associations in Singapore (e.g.
         Singapore Teochew Poit Ip Huay Guan, Kit Yang Huay Kwan,
         etc) to obtain historical data, records of past events and
         celebrations as well as any other activities related to Teochew
      b. Scholarship for NUS students who are interested in doing
         research on Teochew culture in Singapore, China and
         Southeast Asian region.

2)   Office Space Capacity Upgrading

With an increase in the number of programmes and activities each
year, NHOL has actively been seeking long-term solutions to resolve
dire space constraints for not just its performers but also its
management staff as well.

The NAC Arts Housing Scheme was a much-needed support system
for NHOL during its transitional period into a Company. However, to
suit its expansion plans for the next few years, NHOL found itself in
need of more space to conduct its activities as mounting interest in
Teochew opera and music grew phenomenally.

NHOL’s tenancy at Aliwal Arts Centre (#02-09) expired on 28
February 2019. As such, NHOL applied for and was awarded a
larger unit of approximately 3,210 square feet at the Singapore
Chinese Cultural Centre (SCCC) under its newly established Arts
Housing Scheme (AHS).

NHOL’s sub-lease of its awarded space at SCCC is for a period of 3
years from 1 Apr 2019 to 31 Mar 2022, with an option to renew for a
further term of 3 years.

NHOL had moved its operations to SCCC in May 2019, located at 1
Straits Boulevard, #11-03D, Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre,
Singapore 018906.

3) IPC’s Fund-raising and expenditure plans for the following
    year (Extracted from Budget Proposal Submitted to NAC)

Budgeted Period: April 2020 to Mar 2021                Amount

Earned       Income earned from core                   $20,000
             (e.g. box office sales of tickets to
             projects or programmes and
             events and sales of artworks or
             Supplementary income from                 $ 33,000
             other programmes
             (e.g. fees for performances,
             commissioned works and other
             professional fees, rental income)
             Funding from NAC for                      $ 15,000
             Partnership Projects and
Raised       Other Grants: Arts Fund                   $ 35,000
             Cash donations and                       $ 600,000
             NAC grant*                               $ 180,000
             Cultural Matching Fund grant             $ 600,000
                                  Total Income      $ 1,483,000

Overhead     Salaries of members of staff             $ 742,068
Operating    Other staff-related expenses              $ 29,147
Costs        (e.g. training, benefits)
             Rental for studio/office space           $ 105,609
             including service or conservancy
             Marketing and communications             $ 150,000
             (e.g. website, press/media kit,
             advertising, marketing collateral)
             Other operating expenses                  $ 86,094
             (e.g. administrative costs such as
             legal and annual audit fee
             appreciation to sponsors,
             complimentary tickets and
                         Total Operating Costs      $ 1,112,918

Programme      Core programmes                         $ 390,000
Costs          (Regularly recurring programmes
(These         and events that form NHOL’s
include        core area of focus)
professional   Community and educational               $183,000
and artistic   programmes
fees, venue    (e.g. costs incurred for executing
rental and     NAC Arts for All, Arts Education
other          Programmes (AEP) etc.)
related        International programmes                $150,000
costs,         (e.g. those which allow NHOL
including      performers to travel overseas or
the            collaborate with international
payment for    groups, where applicable)
goods and      Industry development                    $ 470,000
services.)     (e.g. programmes and projects
               which aim to build the
               capabilities of Singaporean
               performers or industry
               professionals outside NHOL, set
               industry standards etc.)
               Other activities                        $150,000
               (e.g. events and activities which
               may not be regularly repeated)
                        Total Programme Costs        $ 1,343,000

                             Total Expenditure       $ 2,455,918

                          SURPLUS/(DEFICIT)          ($ 972,918)

As a result of COVID-19 pandemic, there is uncertainty on the
budgeted amount of fund raising and expenditure set out above. Our
planned activities / programs were affected. As such, all planned
activities up to end of Dec 2020 have been suspended or cancelled
until the Government's advisories are received.

Despite this, since April 2020 we have engaged more than 1.4
million viewers which include our members, supporters and
audiences (general public) on our digital platforms such as
Facebook, Instagram, etc.

Role of the Governing Board

The Board’s role is to provide strategic direction and oversight of
NHOL’s programmes and objectives and to steer NHOL, as a
charity, towards fulfilling its vision and mission through good
governance. As part of its role, the following matters require Board’s

Approve budget for the financial year and monitor expenditure
against budget: -

• Review and approve monthly and yearly financial statements;
• Regularly monitor the progress of NHOL’s programmes;
• To appoint NHOL’s auditors and to authorize their remuneration.

Term Limit of Board

To enable succession planning and steady renewal in the spirit of
sustainability of NHOL, except for Deputy Chairman/President, all
Board terms are 2 years each up to 3 terms or 6 years only, save for
the Treasurer and Deputy Treasurer whose term is only 2 years. He
may be appointed to the same post after a lapse of 1 year.

No governing board members has served for more than 10
consecutive years.

Board Meetings and Attendance

A total of fifteen (15) virtual Board meetings, inclusive of one EGM
and one AGM were held during the financial year.

Virtual Meetings
50% or more for each resolution passed.

Physical Meetings - Nil

Disclosure of Remuneration and Benefits received by Board

   No Board members are remunerated for their Board services in the
   financial year.

   Management Staff:
   As at 31st March 2020, there were nine (9) full-time employees
   employed by NHOL, one (1) voluntary CEO and eleven (11) part-
   time hires.

      Name                 Designation                 Remarks
   Toh Lim Mok                  CEO                    Volunteer
   Tan Ah Hiang            Deputy CEO
  Lee Kok Meng            Senior Manager           From 1 Jun 2019
  Suah Yeap Jun          Centre Manager          From 1 January 2020
  Tan Sing Yuan           Office Manager
    Chen Yuzhi            Artistic Director
 Lee Mooi Chiang          Artistic Director      Until 31 October 2019
     Li Lvqiao           Artistic Instructor
   Huang Linlin          Artistic Instructor
     Cai Hedi            Artistic Instructor       Until 12 July 2019
                      Education & Outreach
   Guan Yang                                     From 1 January 2020
   Su Zhangjing            IT Executive          From 1 January 2020
Karen Goh Soo Wah     Bookkeeper (Part time)
     Mary Tan         Accountant (Part-time)
                        Music Coordinator
  Choo Weikang
                        Music Coordinator
   Tong Wei Jie                                 Until 31 December 2019
                        Music Coordinator
 Lee Choon Hong                                  From 1 January 2020
                      Design & Social Media
  Chong Xin Ning                                 From 1 February 2020
                         Admin (Part-time)
                       Production Assistant
   Tan Kah Noi                                     Until 31 May 2019
                        Admin & Education        From 1 February 2020
  Wong Mun Wei
                            (Part-time)           to 28 February 2020
                       Project Management
   Russell Tan                                   From 1 February 2020
  Chen Jiann Sy        Archivist (Part-time)       From 1 May 2019

Tai Soo Cheng         Archivist (Part-time)       From 1 May 2019
Teo Kay Kiong         Archivist (Part-time)     From 1 October 2019
Chong Loy Yin         Archivist (Part-time)    From 1 November 2019
 Tan Wei Tien          Admin (Part-time)       From 1 December 2019

 There are no paid staff members receiving more than $100,000 each
 in annual remuneration.

 There are no paid staff members, being a close member of the
 family belonging to the Executive Head or a governing board
 member of the charity, who has received remuneration exceeding
 $50,000 during the financial year.

Reserves Policy

Our reserves position:

                                                      Current               Previous % Increase /
                                                       Year                   Year    (Decrease)
(A) Unrestricted Funds                               $1,194,682              $994,473    20%

Restricted / Designated Funds:
- Building Fund
- Education Fund
- Others (Restricted cash                               $723,625              $263,948     174%
Endowment Funds
Total Funds1                                         $1,918,307            $1,258,421      52%

(B) Annual Operating                                $ 2,425,351 $ 1,660,149                46%

Ratio of Reserves2 to Annual                                 0.49:1               0.60:1   (18%)
Operating Expenditure3

The reserves that we have set aside provide financial stability and
the means for the development of our principal activities. We intend
to maintain our reserves at a level that is at least equivalent to

The major purpose of reserve is for staff cost expenditure that is
expected to increase gradually over the timeframe of 3 years
particularly where we need to hire more professional tutors from
China who can provide appropriate guidance to our children and
youths in the Teochew opera training classes and Teochew classical
music in order to achieve the target of promoting programs for
capacity development.

This sum is based on NHOL’s current financial capabilities. The
reserves level ensures that in the unlikely scenario of sudden cuts
from NHOL’s funding sources, NHOL would still be able to maintain
its principal activities for a length of time.

  Total funds include unrestricted, restricted, designated and endowment funds.
2 Unrestricted Funds.
3 Charitable Activities and Other Operating and Administration Expenses.

Nam Hwa Opera will maintain its reserves level with prudent
spending, active solicitation for donations and government grants.

Every year, the Management Committee and Board Members review
the amount of reserves that are required to ensure that they are
adequate to fulfil our continuing obligations.


The Board, Management Committee and Staff members (Members)
are required to abide by a Conflict of Interest policy. Members are
required to submit an updated Declaration of Conflict of Interest form
at least annually, and also when any changes occur.

When there is uncertainty as to whether there is a need to declare,
or whether/when the Members’ declaration needs to be updated,
Members are to clarify matters with the Senior Management.

All disclosure of interest made by Members and decisions made by
the Board/Senior Management of NHOL on such matters will be
recorded, updated and filed with NHOL’s Manager.

Any violations will result in discipline, up to and including termination
from employment or removal from the Board, Management
Committee or expulsion.


NHOL has started to craft its Whistle-Blowing Policy in FY 2018. It is
still being refined and is projected to come into force from FY 2020.

Reported by:

Mr Toh Lim Mok, JP, BBM (L)
CEO, President and Deputy Chairman
For Nam Hwa Opera Limited
Date: 17 August 2020

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