Myocardial innervation imaging: MIBG in clinical practice

Page created by Gabriel Figueroa
Myocardial innervation imaging: MIBG in
                                         clinical practice
                                    ALBERTO AIMO1,2 and ALESSIA GIMELLI3
IMAGING                             1
                                        Cardiology Division, University Hospital of Pisa, Italy
                                        Institute of Life Sciences, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa, Italy
                                        Fondazione Toscana Gabriele Monasterio, Pisa, Italy

                                    Received: September 25, 2020 • Accepted: March 17, 2021

                                       I-metaiodobenzylguanidine (MIBG) is a radiolabeled norepinephrine analog that can be used to
                                    investigate myocardial sympathetic innervation. 123I MIBG scintigraphy has been investigated with
                                    interest in many disease settings. In patients with systolic heart failure (HF), 123I MIBG scintigraphy
                                    can capture functional impairment and rarefaction of sympathetic terminals (which manifest as
                                    reduced early and late heart-to-mediastinum [H/M] ratio on planar scintigraphy), and increased
                                    sympathetic outflow (which can be visualized as high washout rate). These findings have been
                                    consistently associated with a worse outcome: most notably, a phase 3 trial found that patients with a
                                    late H/M 1.60 have a higher incidence of all-cause and cardiovascular mortality and life-threatening
                                    arrhythmias over a follow-up of less than 2 years. Despite these promising findings, 123I MIBG
                                    scintigraphy has not yet been recommended by major HF guidelines as a tool for additive risk
                                    stratification, and has then never entered the stage of widespread adoption into current clinical
                                    practice. 123I MIBG scintigraphy has been evaluated also in patients with myocardial infarction,
                                    genetic disorders characterized by an increased susceptibility to ventricular arrhythmias, and several
                                    other conditions characterized by impaired sympathetic myocardial innervation. In the present
                                    chapter we will summarize the state-of-the-art on cardiac 123I MIBG scintigraphy, the current
                                    unresolved issues, and the possible directions of future research.

                                    MIBG, cardiac innervation, imaging, sympathetic function, heart failure

                                    MIBG imaging: general concepts
                                    A brief history of MIBG
                                    Cardiovascular function continuously adapts to changing demands by means of the
                                    autonomic nervous system, which includes the sympathetic and parasympathetic arms,
                                    which exert stimulating or inhibitory effects on target tissues. The effects of the sympathetic
IMAGING (2021)                      nervous system are primarily mediated by the release of the neurotransmitter norepi-
DOI: 10.1556/1647.2021.00021
                                    nephrine (NE) from presynaptic nerve terminals, and its binding to adrenergic receptors
© 2021 The Author(s)                [1]. Around 80–90% of NE released by sympathetic nerve terminals is re-uptaken into
                                    presynaptic nerve terminals through the uptake-1 mechanism, i.e. the NE transporter
 Corresponding author. Fondazione   (NET) [2]. Once inside the nerve terminal, NE is transported into vesicles through vesicular
Toscana Gabriele Monasterio, Via
                                    monoamine transporter 2 or is metabolized by monoamine oxidase. The remainder of NE
Moruzzi 1, 56124 Pisa, Italy.
E-mail:             is either be cleared into the circulation or on the postsynaptic side via uptake-2, which
                                    transports NE into extraneuronal tissues, such as the heart, where it is metabolized by
                                    catecholamine-O-methyl-transferase [3].
                                        In the 1960s, guanethidine was developed as an antihypertensive drug. Guanethidine is
                                    transported across the sympathetic nerve membrane by NET and is stored, unmetabolized, in

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2                                                Cardiac         I-MIBG scintigraphy                                            IMAGING

transmitter vesicles, where (at therapeutic concentrations)                                                             
                                                                                 ðearly H  early MÞ  ðlate H  late MÞ
replaces NE and then inhibits noradrenergic transmission                                                                   *100
[4]. Combination of a benzyl group and the guanidine group                                 ðearly H  early MÞ
of guanethidine produced metaiodobenzylguanidine                          This calculation must be corrected for decay to the
(MIBG), which showed a similar affinity and capacity to NE              moment of early acquisition.
for NET, and is similarly stored into vesicles [5]. Iodination              The early H/M probably reflects the integrity of presyn-
of MIBG with a radioactive isotope enables successful im-              aptic nerve terminals and NET function. The late H/M
aging of sympathetic terminals and other neuroectodermally             combines information on neuronal function from uptake to
derived cells. The first clinical application of the radiolabeled       release through the storage vesicle at the nerve terminals. The
MIBG with 131I was the visualization of the adrenal medulla            WR is an index of the degree of sympathetic drive. Therefore,
and different neural crest-derived tumors such as pheo-                increased sympathetic activity is associated with high WR
chromocytomas and neuroblastomas [5]. The intense                      and low myocardial MIBG delayed uptake. Reference values
myocardial uptake observed in these studies led to speculate           have been identified in the Japanese Society of Nuclear
that radiolabeled MIBG with 131I could be used for                     Medicine normal database: early H/M, average 3.1, range
myocardial imaging. However, due to the suboptimal im-                 2.2–4.0; late H/M, average 3.3, range 2.2–4.4; WR, average 13,
aging characteristics of MIBG and a less favorable radiation           range 0–34% [10]. Early and late H/M decrease with age even
burden, radiolabeling of MIBG with 123I was preferred for              in normal subjects, while WR is not affected by age [11].
diagnostic purposes. In 1981 Kline et al. used MIBG scin-                   The use of cardiac SPECT may provide information on
tigraphy to image myocardial innervation in 5 healthy                  regional MIBG distribution. SPECT images can be acquired
subjects, and concluded that MIBG had the potential to                 after planar images with early and delayed acquisition. A
provide semiquantitative information on myocardial cate-               tomographic reconstruction is performed, and correction for
cholamine content [6].                                                 scatter or tissue attenuation may be applied. MIBG distri-
                                                                       bution in the SPECT study is similar to that of perfusion
                                                                       imaging tracers, but the inferior accumulation is relatively
Basic information for clinicians                                       lower in an MIBG study, particularly for aged individuals
                                                                       [12]. Myocardial regions displaying no uptake of MIBG can
Usually, MIBG is administered intravenously after blockade             still be viable, as demonstrated by perfusion imaging with a
of thyroid uptake of free 123I through either 500 mg potas-            tracer such as 99mTc-tetrofosmin.
sium perchlorate or 200 mg potassium iodide (10% solu-                      Several drugs are known, or may be expected, to interfere
tion), although this could be omitted considering that 123I is         with organ MIBG uptake. In a review of the literature on drug
a gamma emitter with a short half-life [7]. A standard dose is         interactions with MIBG uptake, the only medications for
185 MBq for cardiac imaging, corresponding to an effective             which level of evidence was judged high were labetalol and
dose of 2.4 mSv in adults [8]. The administered dose of                reserpine. Level of evidence was judged medium for tricyclic
MIBG can be down to 55–111 MBq when using the new                      antidepressants, calcium channel blockers, and antiarrhyth-
gamma cameras.                                                         mics (specifically amiodarone). Evidence was judged sufficient
    MIBG is internalized by presynaptic nerve endings of               to recommend withholding labetalol and the tricyclic anti-
postganglionic neuronal cells through NET. A 15% energy                depressants prior to cardiac MIBG imaging, and to suggest
window is usually used, centered on the 159-keV 123I pho-              consideration of withdrawal of sympathomimetic amines and
topeak. Anterior planar images are obtained 15 minutes                 serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors [13]. On the
(early) and 4 hours (late) after injection and stored in               contrary, cardiac MIBG imaging can be performed in patients
128p 128 or 256p 256 matrixes with standard single photon              on beta-blockers and angiotensin-converting enzyme in-
emission computed tomography (SPECT) camera. Because                   hibitors or angiotensin receptor blockers (ACEi/ARB) [14].
MIBG is primarily secreted via the kidneys, patients are               Withdrawal of beta-blockers (with the possible exception of
encouraged to void frequently to facilitate rapid excretion of         labetalol), ACEi/ARB, or other HF medications is then not
the tracer [7]. Importantly, differences in the rate of renal          required [7]. Conversely, food containing vanillin and cate-
excretion did not contribute to variability in mediastinal and         cholamine-like compounds (such as chocolate) should be
myocardial counts between early and late planar MIBG                   avoided as they may interfere with MIBG uptake [7].
images [9].
    The commonly evaluated parameters on MIBG
scintigraphy are the heart-to-mediastinum (H/M) ratio                  Potential clinical applications of myocardial
and washout ratio (WR). On anterior planar images,                     innervation imaging
regions of interest (ROIs) are drawn over the heart (H)
and the mediastinum (M). The average counts in each
                                                                       Heart failure
ROI are obtained, and the H/M ratio is calculated. The
WR is calculated as the difference between the early                   Despite considerable advances in drug and device treatment,
and late H/M, as a percentage of the early H/M, or by                  heart failure (HF) still represents a significant cause of
computing the actual myocardial counts during the                      morbidity and mortality, and its epidemiological burden is
early and late phases:                                                 bound to increase in the next years. HF is by far the

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IMAGING                                       Alberto Aimo and Alessia Gimelli                                                    3

condition most intensely studied through MIBG imaging,           planar scintigraphy and MIBG imaging over techniques such
given the crucial pathogenetic role of sympathetic over-         as cardiac magnetic resonance, and the possible role of MIBG
activity in HF with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF). As of     imaging for the selection of candidates to cardiac resynchro-
September 2020, a search for “MIBG” and “heart failure” on       nization therapy (CRT), left ventricular assist device (LVAD),
Pubmed yields 556 papers, with a progressive increase in         or heart transplantation) [23].
publications since the ‘80s. Many of these papers focused on         The degree of cardiac sympathetic stimulation, as eval-
the role of MIBG imaging for risk stratification, and on          uated through the WR, yielded additive prognostic signifi-
patients with HFrEF, considering heterogeneous endpoints,        cance for fast ventricular arrhythmias to other measures of
but usually cardiac death or major cardiac events.               autonomic dysfunction (MIBG findings, heart rate vari-
    Myocardial denervation has been consistently associated      ability [HRV] on 24-h ECG Holter monitoring and baror-
with a worse prognosis in patients with HF. For example, the     eflex sensitivity) over a mean of 32 months [24]. Moreover,
mean H/M ratio in patients who died was typically 0.2–0.3        the presence and extent of an innervation/perfusion
lower than in those who survived. Meta-analyses of pub-          mismatch, i.e. denervated but still viable areas, has been
lished studies reported pooled hazard ratios of late H/M         consistently associated with increased arrhythmogenicity.
for cardiac death of 1.82 (95% confidence interval [CI]          For example, in a cohort of 17 patients with implantable
0.80–4.12; P 5 0.15) and 1.98 for cardiac events (1.57–2.50;     cardiac defibrillators (ICDs), the combined assessment of
P < 0.001) [15], and that a low H/M (with threshold ranging      innervation/perfusion mismatch and HRV allowed correct
from 1.5 to 1.89) denoted a 5-fold higher risk of cardiac        identification of patients at high and low risk for potentially
death (odds ratio [OR] 5.2, 95% CI 3.1–5.7) [16]. Further-       fatal arrhythmias [25]. The added value of a dual isotope
more, MIBG uptake was an independent and stronger pre-           SPECT protocol (to assess innervation and perfusion) over a
dictor of mortality than late H/M [17], and a high washout       simple innervation imaging was questioned by a study on
rate (WR) (from 38 to 53%) was also associated with lethal       116 HF patients referred to defibrillator implantation for
events with a pooled odds ratio of 2.8 (95% CI 1.6–5.0) [16].    primary or secondary prevention, the extent of late MIBG
The H/M or WR emerged as independent predictors of               SPECT defects predicted appropriate ICD discharges and
adverse events from LVEF, New York Heart Association             cardiac death over 23 ± 15 months, independent from an
(NYHA) class, and natriuretic peptides (NPs) [18].               innervation/perfusion mismatch score [26]. Conversely,
    The results of the largest prospective trial examining the   perfusion SPECT might hold additive prognostic signifi-
prognostic significance of MIBG imaging in HF were pub-          cance to a global assessment of myocardial innervation by
lished in 2010. The AdreView Myocardial Imaging for Risk         planar MIBG scintigraphy. In a cohort of 60 ICD patients
Evaluation in Heart Failure (ADMIRE-HF) study enrolled           followed for a mean of 29 months, patients with impaired
961 patients with stable HF, LVEF ≤35%, NYHA class II–III        MIBG uptake (H/M 12 had a significantly greater event rate (94%)
[19]. Patients with a ventricular pacemaker that routinely       than the group with impaired MIBG uptake and preserved
functioned or had received defibrillation (either external or     99m
                                                                     Tc-tetrofosmin uptake [45%; P < 0.05] and the group
via an ICD), anti-tachycardia pacing, or cardioversion for       with preserved uptake of both agents (18%) [27]. We are not
ventricular arrhythmias were excluded [20]. Patients had a       aware of studies evaluating whether MIBG imaging can
mean LVEF of 27%, and 66% of them were adjudicated as            inform the decision as to whether an ICD should be
having ischemic HF. Over a mean follow-up of 17 months,          implanted in borderline cases (for example, in patients
237 subjects (25%) experienced events (cardiac death, life-      with non-ischemic etiology and LVEF approaching the 35%
threatening arrhythmias or NYHA class progression), of           threshold), or can help predict response to CRT.
which only 25 occurred in the 201 subjects with a late H/M           The increased circulating NE levels commonly seen in
≥1.60 (chosen as the lower limit of normal). Two-year event      patients with HF and the poor prognosis of individuals with
rate was 15% in patients with H/M ≥1.60 and 37% in those         particularly high NE levels are associated with a decreased
with H/M
4                                               Cardiac         I-MIBG scintigraphy                                            IMAGING

there was no difference in the mean H/M at baseline be-               normal subjects, in the whole heart as well as in the remote
tween subjects who did and did not survive, 92% of those              myocardium, denoting an increased sympathetic stimulation
who died showed a decrease in H/M between the two MIBG                that might contribute to post-MI remodeling [42].
studies. The change in MIBG uptake was a better predictor
of adverse long-term outcome than baseline NE or BNP or
                                                                      Ischemic heart failure. Many studies on the prognostic value
their changes over 6 months [32].
                                                                      of MIBG imaging in HF included a significant number of
Open questions:
                                                                      patients with ischemic etiology [19], while patients with
    1. can MIBG be routinely used to select best candidates           ischemic HF have been less often specifically evaluated. Car-
       for ICD?                                                       diac sympathetic nerve activity became progressively more
    2. which is the impact of the novel therapeutic options for       altered in parallel with HF severity regardless of the underlying
       HFrEF on MIBG findings (most notably SGLT2i)?                   etiology [43], and late H/M was the strongest independent
    3. can MIBG imaging help identify patients with a poor            predictor of cardiac death in patients with LVEF 26) showed signifi-
coronary syndrome (CCS) have focused on the specific                  cantly more appropriate ICD therapy (52 vs. 5%, P < 0.01) and
disease entity known as vasospastic angina, where coronary            appropriate ICD therapy or cardiac death (57 vs. 10%, P <
vasospasm causes a transient ischemia in the corresponding            0.01) than patients with a small defect (summed score ≤26) at
vascular territory, leading to MIBG defects that persist even         3-year follow-up. An innervation/perfusion mismatch score
when perfusion is restored. Conflicting results have been             was a univariate, but not an independent predictor of both
reported on WR values, as a lower WR was associated with              endpoints [26]. In a very recent study on patients with
diagnosis of vasospastic angina [33], but a higher WR with            ischemic HF (mean follow-up of 18 months), those receiving
an increased risk of recurrent events [34]. Additionally, areas       an ICD for secondary SCD prevention had significantly larger
of defective MIBG uptake were found in patients with silent           perfusion and innervation defects, while the imaging results
myocardial ischemia [35].                                             could not predict patients with appropriate ICD therapy
                                                                      among patients with ICD implants for primary prevention
Myocardial infarction. Following the acute phase of
                                                                      [46]. Finally, innervation and perfusion defects were evaluated
myocardial infarction (MI), patients can undergo MIBG
                                                                      also as predictors of response to catheter ablation of ventric-
imaging to assess the consequences of the ischemic insult on
                                                                      ular arrhythmias in patients with prior MI and low LVEF.
sympathetic nerve terminals. Small-caliber, unmyelinated
                                                                      Perfusion/innervation mismatch in a specific LV zone was an
fibers are more susceptible to ischemia than cardiomyocytes,
                                                                      independent predictor of local abnormal ventricular activity
resulting in fiber dysfunction (stunning) or death [36]. The
                                                                      on electroanatomic mapping, and a significant reduction in
area of defective MIBG uptake is larger than the perfusion
                                                                      the perfusion/innervation mismatch score after ablation pre-
defect, and the innervation defects persist after revasculari-
                                                                      dicted a reduction of the arrhythmic burden [47].
zation [37]. The resulting innervation/perfusion mismatch
                                                                      Take-home message:
may predispose to ventricular arrhythmias [38], as demon-
strated by the fact that the degree of perfusion/innervation            1. A quite limited number of studies have evaluated
mismatch is significantly correlated with the site of earliest              MIBG imaging in patients with ischemic heart disease
activation in ventricular tachycardias (VT) [39].                          (from CCS to ischemic HF), and the evidence is quite
    A recovery from stunning and/or some degrees of rein-                  fragmentary.
nervation are believed to occur given that a normal MIBG                2. Myocardial ischemia causes enduring innervation de-
uptake was found 14 weeks after MI in dogs [40], and MIBG                  fects, areas of innervation/perfusion mismatch are pro-
uptake in the peri-infarcted area increased over 12 months                 arrhythmogenic in the post-MI setting,
in humans [41]. Patients with a recent MI (
IMAGING                                       Alberto Aimo and Alessia Gimelli                                                   5

Ventricular arrhythmias and prediction of sudden                 tomography (PET), respectively [52]. Dysfunctional LV seg-
cardiac death in genetic disorders                               ments were found to have a normal perfusion but reduced
                                                                 innervation and glucose metabolism. These last alterations
The evaluation of the integrity of cardiac sympathetic           recovered slowly than LV motion [52]. The role of MIBG
innervation by MIBG scintigraphy has been long proposed          imaging for patient characterization and risk prediction after
as a valuable method to stratify the risk of ventricular ar-     the acute phase remains to be characterized, while there is
rhythmias (VA) and sudden cardiac death (SCD) in patients        probably no room for improvement of the diagnostic workup
with structural heart diseases with a genetic etiology, or       [53].
arrhythmogenic disorders not associated with functional and
anatomic changes detectable by conventional techniques.
                                                                 Anthracycline cardiotoxicity
Idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy. In patients with idio-        Among antineoplastic regimens, anthracyclines carry a
pathic dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM), MIBG washout was            particularly high risk of cardiotoxicity [54]. Anthracyclines
correlated with baseline LV function, and the late H/M with      cause abnormalities in myocardial adrenergic function that
contractile reserve on atrial pacing [48] or contractility       precede LVEF decline and overt HF. In animal studies,
during dobutamine stress testing [49]. Furthermore, the late     MIBG uptake in myocardial adrenergic neurons was
H/M emerged as the most powerful independent predictor           reduced in a dose-dependent way [55], and MIBG imaging
of cardiac death in patients with DCM [44]. In another small     proved superior to echocardiography, plasma NE and car-
study, a mismatch between regional innervation and               diomyocyte staining in the early detection of doxorubicin-
perfusion was associated with a higher risk of VT [50]. These    induced cardiotoxicity [56]. A dose-dependent decrease in
findings have not been replicated, despite their potential        MIBG uptake prior to LVEF deterioration was confirmed in
relevance to select patients for defibrillator implantation or    humans. In patients with previous exposure to anthracy-
to guide ablation procedures.                                    cline-containing chemotherapy regimens, late H/M dis-
                                                                 played an inverse correlation with global longitudinal strain
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Hypertrophic cardiomyop-            [57], but damage to adrenergic myocardial neurons seemed
athy (HCM) is the most common genetic cardiovascular             to persist even in patients recovering from LV dysfunction
disorder, and an important cause of SCD. Preliminary results     [58]. At present, the most promising application of MIBG
indicated an important role of cardiac sympathetic nervous       imaging in this setting is early diagnosis of anthracycline
innervation in LV function at baseline (HCM patients with        cardiotoxicity, but further comparisons with alternative ap-
systolic dysfunction had a significantly lower early MIBG        proaches such as speckle tracking echocardiography or high-
uptake than controls with a WR decrease from normal to           sensitivity troponins are warranted.
abnormal EF) and during exercise, even if it remains to be
established if MIBG scintigraphy can predict the deterioration   Heart transplantation
of cardiac function or other outcomes, most notably SCD.
                                                                 During heart transplantation, postganglionic sympathetic
                                                                 nerve fibers of the donor heart are surgically interrupted,
Takotsubo cardiomyopathy                                         resulting in complete denervation [59]. The denervated
                                                                 heart early after transplantation is a useful model to test the
Takotsubo cardiomyopathy (TTC) is a condition where the
                                                                 specificity of neuronal imaging agents, as no cardiac uptake
heart takes on the appearance of a Japanese octopus fishing
                                                                 should be detected in this condition [60]. Sympathetic
pot, and symptoms and signs of MI coexist with no
                                                                 reinnervation after transplantation was first reported in
demonstrable coronary artery stenosis or spasm. LV func-
                                                                 animal models [61], and then in human patients evaluated
tion can be remarkably depressed, but usually recovers
                                                                 with MIBG SPECT as well as with PET tracers [62, 63]. For
within a few weeks. A sudden surge in sympathetic activity is
                                                                 example, 48% of 23 patients evaluated 1–2 years after
considering as a crucial determinant of disease in TTC. A
                                                                 transplantation showed a cardiac uptake [60], and reinner-
demonstration of adrenergic hyperactivity in TTC came
                                                                 vation starts from basal segments, anterior and septal walls
from a study where 123I-mIBG planar scintigraphy was
                                                                 [62, 63]. Areas of reinnervated myocardium have improved
performed during the subacute phase (median of 8 days after
                                                                 blood flow regulation, energy substrate use, cardiac perfor-
coronary angiography). Patients (n 5 32) displayed a lower
                                                                 mance, and exercise capacity [64], but the relationship be-
late H/M and increased WR than control subjects with acute
                                                                 tween reinnervation and patient survival is uncertain [65].
coronary syndrome. Decreased cardiac MIBG uptake was
attributed to inhibited MIBG reuptake by high epinephrine
levels in the synaptic cleft and/or NET downregulation.
                                                                 Cardiac amyloidosis
Adrenergic overactivity resolved over time, as demonstrated      Systemic amyloidoses are characterized by the extracellular
by late H/M and WR values after a median of 109 days [51].       accumulation of misfolded proteins into the beta-sheet
    The relationship among sympathetic innervation,              configuration, leading to tissue damage. The two most
myocardial perfusion and glucose metabolism in TTC was           common forms are amyloid light-chain (AL) and trans-
evaluated by MIBG gated SPECT, 99mTc-tetrofosmin or 201Tl        thyretin amyloidosis (ATTR), the latter due to the deposi-
gated SPECT and 18F-FDG gated positron emission                  tion of either normal (wild-type ATTR, ATTRwt) or

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6                                              Cardiac         I-MIBG scintigraphy                                           IMAGING

mutated TTR molecules (variant ATTR, ATTRv) [66–68].                 innervation defects after PVI on MIBG SPECT images
The heart is the organ most commonly affected in ATTRwt              was associated with an increased risk of AF relapses over a
and one of the main sites of light-chain deposition;                 6-month follow-up (40% vs. 17% of patients) [74].
furthermore, different mutations in the TTR gene have been               The cardiac autonomic system includes thousands of
associated with a prevalent involvement of the heart or the          neurons located in ganglionated plexuses (GPs) in the
peripheral nervous system. Manifestations of cardiac                 epicardial fat pads that project axons to widespread regions
amyloidosis (CA) include left ventricular pseudohyper-               of the heart. Four of the 7 main GPs are located around the
trophy and conduction disturbances. Clinical evidence of             pulmonary veins, and the results of PVI by radiofrequency
autonomic dysfunction is quite common in ATTRv and AL                pulses may depend on effective destruction of these GPs.
amyloidosis, but not in ATTRwt. Sudden cardiac death has a           The standard approach to localize the GPs is to apply high-
high incidence and may result from tachyarrhythmias, but             frequency stimulation to the presumed GP areas to elicit
more often from electromechanical dissociation or ar-                atrioventricular blocks, but this method has low specificity
rhythmias not amenable to defibrillator therapy [66–68].              and sensitivity, is invasive and time-consuming [75]. MIBG
    MIBG scintigraphy may allow to assess myocardial                 imaging has been recently used to localize GPs. Stirrup
innervation in CA [69]. Carriers of TTR gene mutations (n            et al. defined a high-resolution CZT SPECT/computed
5 31) displayed a reduced late H/M (
IMAGING                                         Alberto Aimo and Alessia Gimelli                                                          7

                        Summary Table.   123
                                           I-MIBG imaging and cardiac disease: evidence from clinical studies
                                                                                                                 Patient management
                                                                                                             (planning or monitoring of
                                         Diagnosis (early diagnosis or                                           drug/device therapy,
                                             differential diagnosis           Risk stratification                     follow-up)
                                         Planar scintigraphy   SPECT     Planar scintigraphy     SPECT      Planar scintigraphy    SPECT
Heart failure                                  −               −             þþþ                    þþ               þ                −
Ischemic heart disease
Chronic coronary syndrome                      þ               þ               −                    −                −                −
Myocardial infarction                          −               −               þ                    þ                −                −
Ischemic heart failure                         −               −               þ                    þ                −                −
Ventricular arrhythmias and prediction of sudden cardiac death in genetic disorders
Idiopathic DCM                                 −               −               þ                    þ                −                −
HCM                                            −               −               −                    −                −                −
Takotsubo cardiomyopathy                       −               −               −                    −                −                −
Anthracycline cardiotoxicity                   þ               −               −                    −                −                −
Heart transplantation                          −               −               −                    −                −                −
Cardiac amyloidosis                            −               þ               −                    −                −                −
Atrial fibrillation                             −               −               −                    −                −                þ
Diabetes mellitus                              −               −               þ                    −                −                −
Parkinson's disease and related                þ               −               −                    −                −                −
þþþ, evidence from multiple clinical studies; þþ, evidence from a small number of studies; þ, evidence from one or very few studies;
−, no clear evidence from published studies.

diseases (LBD)” because they share the presence of Lewy              influenced by most therapies, contraindications are limited
bodies (cytoplasmic inclusions containing alpha-synuclein            to known hypersensitivity to MIBG or MIBG sulphate, and
protein aggregates) in neurons. The main clinical application        adverse effects are very rare [7], should be emphasized.
of cardiac MIBG scintigraphy in patients with PD is                  Furthermore, the role of regional characterization through
currently the differential diagnosis between PD and other            MIBG SPECT deserves further consideration as a tool to
parkinsonisms with high sensitivity and specificity [79].             capture early stages of myocardial denervation, possibly
                                                                     missed by planar scintigraphy, or to identify regions of
                                                                     innervation/perfusion mismatch when combined with
Future perspectives                                                  perfusion SPECT. The latest developments in SPECT im-
                                                                     aging, namely the CZT technique and digital detector-based
The main applications of MIBG and SPECT for cardiac                  SPECT/CT, can also obviate the need for ME collimators.
sympathetic imaging are recapitulated in the Summary                 PET imaging of cardiac sympathetic innervation has many
Table. One of the possible causes why MIBG cardiac im-               advantages over MIBG SPECT, including a greater spatio-
aging has not been widely adopted in clinical practice, even         temporal resolution and well-validated attenuation correc-
for the characterization of patients with HF, is the fact that       tion, the availability of many tracers that allow to explore
acquisition protocols remain quite heterogeneous in terms of         both pre- and post-synaptic terminals, and the possibility of
tracer doses, timing of acquisition, ROI drawing, and use of         quantitative tracer uptake [1]. On the other hand, the need
LE instead of ME collimators, despite a proposal for stan-           for an on-site cyclotron for all 11C-labelled tracers will
dardization [7]. Lack of standardization is likely a major           greatly limit the applicability of PET in current clinical
source of heterogeneity among study results, and may help            practice, and prompts a search for the settings where it can
explain why this technique has not gained widespread                 be replaced by MIBG SPECT.
adoption in clinical practice, and has not entered even HF
guidelines in spite of the evidence that MIBG holds prog-
nostic significance in this condition. The only exception is a        Conflicts of interest: None.
guideline by the Japanese Circulation Society Joint Working
Group, which includes a class I recommendation for MIBG              Permissions: Not required.
imaging for the assessment of severity and prognosis of HF
[80]. A standardized approach to MIBG acquisition, possibly          ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS
stimulated by novel and updated recommendations, can                 ACEi/ARB    angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors
then be envisaged. The strengths of MIBG imaging, i.e. the                       or angiotensin receptor blockers
fact that early and late acquisitions are relatively rapid, ra-      ADMIRE-HF   AdreView Myocardial Imaging for Risk
diation exposure is limited (with an effective dose of less                      Evaluation in Heart Failure
than 1 mSv when using CZT cameras), results are not                  ADMIRE-HFX extension study of ADMIRE-HF

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