Mutes for Musical Horns - Summer 2021 Volume 17, Issue 2 - Acoustics Today

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Mutes for Musical Horns - Summer 2021 Volume 17, Issue 2 - Acoustics Today
Summer 2021 Volume 17, Issue 2     An Acoustical Society of America publication

                                 Mutes for
                                 Musical Horns
Mutes for Musical Horns - Summer 2021 Volume 17, Issue 2 - Acoustics Today
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Mutes for Musical Horns - Summer 2021 Volume 17, Issue 2 - Acoustics Today
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Mutes for Musical Horns - Summer 2021 Volume 17, Issue 2 - Acoustics Today
An Acoustical Society of America publication

Summer 2021 Volume 17, Issue 2

8        From the Editor                                               Sound Perspectives
10       From the President
                                                                       70        Ask an Acoustician:
                                                                                 Efren Fernandez-Grande
Featured Articles                                                                Efren Fernandez-Grande and Micheal L. Dent

13       “Put a Sock in It!” Mutes for
         Musical Horns                                                 73        ASA Outreach in an Online World
         Murray Campbell, Joël Gilbert, and Arnold Myers                         L. Keeta Jones

23       Language Endangerment Threatens
         Phonetic Diversity
                                                                       75        How Are ASA Students Being Impacted
                                                                                 by the Pandemic?
         Ettien Koffi                                                            Hilary Kates Varghese, Kieren H. McCord,
                                                                                 Mallory Morgan, and Elizabeth Weidner

32       Inaudible Noise Pollution of the
         Invertebrate World                                            78        Impact of the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic
         Maggie Raboin
                                                                                 on ASA Members
                                                                                 Tracianne B. Neilsen and Bonnie K. Lau

42       Twenty-Thousand Leagues Under the
         Sea: Recording Earthquakes with 		                            82        Administrative Committee Report:
         Autonomous Floats                                                       Committee on Ethics and Grievances
         Frederik J. Simons, Joel D. Simon, and                                  Preston S. Wilson
         Sirawich Pipatprathanporn

52       Evolutions in Marine Mammal Noise                             Departments
         Exposure Criteria
                                                                       84        Obituaries
         Brandon L. Southall
                                                                                 Gerald A. Studebaker | 1932–2018
                                                                                 Neal F. Viemeister | 1944–2020
61       Echo Classification: Statistics of
         Echo Fluctuations
                                                                       86        Advertisers Index, Business Directory,
         Timothy K. Stanton, Wu-Jung Lee, and                                    Classifieds
         Kyungmin Baik
                                                                       40        Advertorial, Sponsored by COMSOL
                                                                                 Simulation of Perforates: An Application of
                                                                                 Nonlinear Thermoviscous Acoustics
                                                                                 M. Herring Jensen

                        About the Cover
                        British cartoon, c. 1939. Reproduced from the National Archives Image Library, with permission.
                        Read more about the behavior of mutes for musical horns in “‘Put a Sock in It!’ Mutes for Musical
                        Horns” by Murray Campbell, Joël Gilbert, and Arnold Myers.

4    Acoustics Today • Summer 2021
Mutes for Musical Horns - Summer 2021 Volume 17, Issue 2 - Acoustics Today
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Scantek, Inc.                  800-224-3813                                Summer 2021 • Acoustics Today      5
Mutes for Musical Horns - Summer 2021 Volume 17, Issue 2 - Acoustics Today
Editor                                                            Acoustical Society of America
Arthur N. Popper |                                The Acoustical Society of America was founded in
                                                                  1929 “to generate, disseminate, and promote the
Associate Editor
                                                                  knowledge and practical applications of acoustics.”
Micheal L. Dent |
                                                                  Information about the Society can be found on
Book Review Editor                                                the website:
Philip L. Marston |                     
                                                                  Membership includes a variety of benefits, a list of
AT Publications Staff
                                                                  which can be found at the website:
Kat Setzer, Editorial Associate |
Helen A. Popper, AT Copyeditor |
Liz Bury, Senior Managing Editor |    Acoustics Today (ISSN 1557-0215, coden ATCODK)
                                                                  Spring 2021, volume 17, issue 1, is published quarterly
ASA Editor In Chief                                               by the Acoustical Society of America, Suite 300, 1305
James F. Lynch                                                    Walt Whitman Rd., Melville, NY 11747-4300. Periodi-
Allan D. Pierce, Emeritus                                         cals Postage rates are paid at Huntington Station, NY,
                                                                  and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send
Acoustical Society of America
                                                                  address changes to Acoustics Today, Acoustical Society
Maureen Stone, President
                                                                  of America, Suite 300, 1305 Walt Whitman Rd., Mel-
Joseph R. Gladden, Vice President
                                                                  ville, NY 11747-4300.
Peggy Nelson, President-Elect
Subha Maruvada, Vice President-Elect                              Copyright 2021, Acoustical Society of America. All rights reserved.
Judy R. Dubno, Treasurer                                          Single copies of individual articles may be made for private use or re-
Christopher J. Struck, Standards Director                         search. For more information on obtaining permission to reproduce
                                                                  content from this publication, please see
Susan E. Fox, Executive Director

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6   Acoustics Today • Summer 2021
Mutes for Musical Horns - Summer 2021 Volume 17, Issue 2 - Acoustics Today
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                                                           Summer 2021 • Acoustics Today   7
Mutes for Musical Horns - Summer 2021 Volume 17, Issue 2 - Acoustics Today
From the Editor
Arthur N. Popper

                    This issue of Acoustics Today (AT) has     it clear that many of the issues that we think about
                    a “From the President” column and          regarding anthropogenic sound and vertebrates (includ-
                    three “Sound Perspectives” essays          ing humans) are also issues for insects.
                    that discuss how the COVID pan-
                    demic has affected members of the          In the fourth article, Frederik J. Simons, Joel D. Simon,
Acoustical Society of America (ASA) and the Society itself.    and Sirawich Pipatprathanporn discuss seismologi-
In her last column as ASA president, Diane Kewley-Port         cal studies of the Earth. They point out that to really
discusses what must be the most stressful and “different”      understand seismology on a global scale, it is impera-
presidency in the history of the ASA because it required       tive to have receivers not only on land but also at sea. The
navigating the pandemic and keeping the Society func-          authors discuss these marine seismic devices, focusing on
tioning and serving its members. Diane, in her piece,          the development of different generations of receivers. Put
talks about these issues and how the ASA met numer-            another way, the focus is on device evolution.
ous challenges.
                                                                In the fifth article, Brandon L. Southall brings us up-to-
The first article by Murray Campbell, Joël Gilbert, and date on the latest thinking about anthropogenic sound
Arnold Myers is about the muting of musical horns. To and marine mammals. The article focuses on the evolution
get “in the mood,” I suggest that readers click on the first of the ideas that have led to the current thinking on how
link in the article and listen to “Take the A Train” as they to deal with the potential effects of man-made sound on
read. The article has a number of other wonderful multi- marine mammals. It also points out the very substantial
media, some of which are musical demonstrations by the gaps in our understanding of marine mammal bioacoustics.
authors. Then, when you get near the end of the article,
click on the link to Miles Davis and enjoy the music as The final article is by Timothy K. Stanton, Wu-Jung Lee,
you read. (As an aside, I am quite partial to the “A train” and Kyungmin Baik. The authors consider how one goes
because it ran right by our apartment in very far uptown about extracting information from echoes that are used
Manhattan1 (New York City) when I was growing up and to do everything from imaging unborn babies to radar
I knew the line very well!)                                     analysis of potential tornadoes. It turns out that there is
                                                                great commonality in the approaches to the analysis of all
Our second article is by linguist Ettien Koffi. Ettien such signals in order to get meaningful information. The
discusses the thousands of languages that have disap- authors provide great insight into this analysis.
peared or are disappearing due to limited use. These are
all around the world, and Ettien shares ideas on how to “Ask an Acoustician” features Efren Fernandez-Grande, a
preserve these precious parts of various heritages.             Spanish engineer who lives and teaches in Denmark. Efren
                                                                is very involved in research and teaching and balances all of
A few years ago, I attended a session at an ASA meet- that with considerable involvement with the ASA. This is fol-
ing and heard a talk by doctoral student Maggie Raboin. lowed by an essay by L. Keeta Jones, education and outreach
Maggie talked about the potential effects of anthropo- coordinator of the ASA. Keeta shares how she developed a
genic (man-made) sound on terrestrial insects. I’d never host of interesting ways to keep up the involvement of the
really thought about anthropogenic sound and insects ASA in education and outreach during the pandemic.
before so I found the topic so interesting that I invited
Maggie to write an article. As you will see, Maggie makes We then have two essays about how the SARS-CoV-2 pan-
                                                                demic has impacted ASA members. The first is by ASA
1 If any other ASA member is from Washington Heights or Inwood, Student   Council (SC) members Hilary Kates Varghese,
drop me a line.                                                 Kieren H. McCord, Mallory Morgan, and Elizabeth Weidner,

8   Acoustics Today • Summer 2021
Mutes for Musical Horns - Summer 2021 Volume 17, Issue 2 - Acoustics Today
and the second is by ASA Women in Acoustics (WIA) mem-            We have decided to include a limited number of advertorials
bers Tracianne B. Neilsen and Bonnie K. Lau. Both the WIA         in AT because they add valuable income to help support the
and SC are concerned with how the pandemic has redefined          publication of AT as well inform members about ideas and
daily work and life circumstances for ASA members around          products that could not appear in a regular advertisement.
the world. To understand this impact, each group, indepen-        The AT advertorial policy strictly limits the nature of the
dently, surveyed ASA members about how they have been             content, and all advertorials will be reviewed by myself and
affected by the pandemic. Together, they received over 950        a member of the ASA who is an expert on the subject. If
responses from ASA members at different career stages.            any member has any thoughts about having an advertorial,
                                                                  please drop me a note. And it is important to understand
The two essays discuss key findings from each survey and          that in no case does the ASA or AT endorse the content of
make clear how our members have been affected. Although           any advertorial.
it is still uncertain what the recovery will look like, this
large response shows that many ASA members would like             AT Intern
to share their unique experiences. A longer version of the        We are seeking an intern to work with the editor and staff
essay by Neilsen and Lau is available at          of AT for a one-year period starting on or after September
                                                                  1, 2021. Internships provide opportunities for a current
AT Contest                                                        graduate student or early professional member of ASA in
The Spring 2021 issue of AT had a small advertisement             any area of acoustics to contribute to the magazine and
from ASA Fellow Neil Shaw who wants to give away his              gain mentored experience in writing or other magazine
1,000-volume library on acoustics, mathematics, and               activities. Past interns have developed social media, written
related areas. Many of the books are rare volumes, and            articles that have appeared in AT, and developed interest-
Neil will be writing an essay for AT about his library. Neal      ing and important contributions for the AT website. For
asked to put the ad in Latin.                                     further information, see the intern advertisement on page
                                                                  69 of this issue. If interested in learning more and discuss-
 The Latin statement, which appeared on page 68, was              ing the options, please contact me (
“Magna bibliotheca librorum ad porus acusticus, sonus,
 vibrationis et investigationis related subditis praesto ad
 occasum vel academicis. Et mitte nuntius cum nomen in
 institutione CCCX DCCCXC (IX)DCCCLXVI.”                                Don’t miss Acoustic
We then decided to have a small contest in which we
                                                                      Today’s online features!
asked ASA members to provide a translation of the state-                     Interviews with ASA Presidents
ment, with a small gift card going to the winner. I asked
Neil to provide the correct translation which was: “Large                        Biographies of important
library of books related to acoustic, sound, vibration, and                       acousticians in history
related subjects available to a research or academic set-
ting. Send message with your name and institution to...”                      Spanish language translations

We had eight entries and the winner was decided by a                 Interviews with Latin American acousticians
panel of judges. In case of a tie, the answer with the earliest
e-mail would win. The winner was Xinyu Zhang, a gradu-               “The World Through Sound,” an exploration
ate student in phonetics at the University of Amsterdam.                   of basic concepts in acoustics
Xinyu learned of the contest via the ASA Twitter feed.

Introducing Advertorials
This issue has something new for AT but rather old in the                        Visit!
advertising world, an "advertorial" (page 40). Advertorials
are informative articles written and paid for by an advertiser.

                                                                                           Summer 2021 • Acoustics Today     9
Mutes for Musical Horns - Summer 2021 Volume 17, Issue 2 - Acoustics Today
From the President
Diane Kewley-Port

                    A Year of Challenges and                 days of scientific sessions, as well as social events, open
                    Achievements                             meetings of technical committees (TCs) and adminis-
                    During this extraordinary year, the      trative committees. Apparently, this was a good plan
                    Acoustical Society of America (ASA)      because 1,362 people attended.
                    can be proud of numerous accom-
plishments. The Executive Council (EC) and Technical         In the postmeeting survey, 86% rated the program orga-
Council have met numerous times to decide totally new        nization good to outstanding and 94% rated the scientific
ways to implement the Society’s mission. Executive Direc-    content good to outstanding. Survey instructions strongly
tor Susan Fox and her outstanding colleagues in the ASA      encouraged respondents to describe how to improve vir-
office succeeded in overcoming enormous challenges. For      tual meetings. Negative comments included that the two
me, I view steering of both volunteers and staff through     virtual platforms contracted for AVE were a disaster, both
rough and unpredictable seas as my achievement. Some         for the ASA staff trying to support the meeting and for
of the choices ASA made this year will become more           presenters at many oral and poster sessions.
permanent features of our Society, whereas others offered
a learning experience that did not sink the ship. In this,   Furthermore, a central role that meetings play in the ASA
my final column in Acoustics Today as the only virtual       culture is face-to-face contact between attendees in scien-
president of the ASA (hopefully), I provide insights into    tific sessions. However, survey results included negative
some notable activities of this past year. In addition, I    remarks about not seeing who was in the sessions or at
discuss how new aspects of communicating virtually will      posters, not being able to verbally ask questions, and
continue to benefit ASA in the future.                       missing discussions between attendees. Positive com-
                                                             ments about the advantages of virtual meetings included
Fall and Spring Meetings                                     full access to recordings before and after the meeting in
The most disruptive aspect of ASA’s virtual year was not     any time zone and being able to participate without travel
having in-person meetings. There are long-standing           and hotel expenses.
guidelines and traditions for managing our biannual
meetings that were of scant use for online meetings. Since   Spring Meeting
starting my presidential term, meetings in Chicago were      During the fall meeting, the leadership realized that the
canceled twice and Cancun, Australia, and Seattle each       extended pandemic made it necessary to transform the
once, and these were replaced by two virtual meetings.       spring meeting to virtual as well. However, there was too
All scientific societies this year have experienced the      little time to prepare for another full ASA meeting. Build-
same chaos. The ASA can be proud that we have offered        ing on the feedback from AVE, the leadership thought
two scientific meetings online. In order to restructure      that the major issues were finding a new virtual meeting
our meetings, I became a major organizer of the Acous-       platform that would permit more attendee interaction
tics Virtually Everywhere (AVE) meeting in December          while downsizing the number of technical sessions and
2020. Stan Dosso, vice president, stepped up as a major      preserving scientific content. The meeting title, Acous-
organizer of the Acoustics in Focus (AiF) meeting in         tics in Focus (AiF), and its logo (Figure 1) encapsulated
June 2021. Insights learned from these two very differ-      these issues. To implement this smaller meeting, new and
ent meetings are discussed below.                            innovative session types were developed.

Fall Meeting                                                 Because I am writing this column several months before
AVE was conceived as a virtual meeting that incorpo-         the AiF meeting, many readers have already experienced
rated all events of an in-person meeting, to the extent      this unique meeting. Briefly, I believe that several of the
possible. There were more than 1,100 abstracts in five       online, interactive session types will be implemented in

10   Acoustics Today • Summer 2021
of important budgetary and compensation decisions, we
                                                              have replaced in-person meetings that required travel
                                                              of ASA officers to headquarters in Melville, NY, with
                                                              online meetings. These meetings offer efficient use of offi-
                                                              cer and staff time as well because two-to-three hours of
                                                              online meetings spread out over a few months replace an
                                                              overnight trip. Monthly meetings have also made a very
                                                              efficient use of time for attendees of the EC and Techni-
                                                              cal Council at the beginning and end of meetings week.
                                                              Considerable policy, strategic planning, and governing
                                                              work are conducted during the monthly EC meetings,
 Figure 1. Logo for the Acoustics in Focus virtual meeting,   reducing time during meetings week by 60%.
 Spring Meeting, 2021
                                                              Other important innovations for meeting events have
                                                              been implemented by me. The first was the Plenary Ses-
the future by the TCs. For example, the Lightning Round       sion that required a great deal of rethinking for me and
Sessions enable many short 5-minute presentations of          the staff to host it on a virtual platform. The hybrid plan
new research and ideas, followed by a fully interactive       of videos for shorter speeches and live presentation of
discussion. Lightning Rounds can be paired with a ses-        the medals and awards by the president and the recipi-
sion of invited presentations where these short talks can     ents was implemented for the fall and spring meetings.
be added even after the program is published. The other       Headquarters staff skillfully created videos and slides as
two session types that offer new formats as technical ses-    well as implementing the complex hybrid scripts for the
sions are Tutorials with attendee discussions and focused     live broadcast. An unexpected challenge was to broadcast
Panel Discussions.                                            the Plenary Session from my living room while the sun
                                                              kept shifting (Figure 2). For the Spring Plenary Session,
To address the AVE problem of not seeing faces in ses-        a real studio is being used to prepare and broadcast the
sions, all three of these session types use Zoom in its       ceremonies. Due to concerns from the honorees that the
interactive meeting mode to allow live questions and          Fall Plenary Session was only available to registrants, the
discussion following the oral presentations. Another          spring session is an open broadcast. I predict that making
important aspect of these sessions is that they are initi-    the ceremony available to all colleagues and families of
ated more by a TC as a whole, in contrast to individuals      the honorees will become a permanent part of the Ple-
submitting their own abstracts.                               nary Session through hybrid technology.

Finally, the ASA expects to have an in-person meeting
in Seattle, WA, from November 29 to December 3, 2021.          Figure 2. Adapting as necessary, I had to use my sunny living
This is a long two years since the 2019 San Diego meeting.     room as a broadcast studio while directing and presiding over
Nonetheless, it is already obvious that future meetings        the Acoustics Virtually Everywhere (AVE) Plenary Session.
will incorporate virtual elements into their sessions as
hybrid meetings.

New Approaches
As a virtual president, it was possible to imple-
ment new approaches to ASA activities and
communication. In my AT winter 2020 column
(see, I
discussed that the EC now holds monthly meetings. This
has become a cost-effective and efficient way to govern
the Society. It is cost effective because for deliberations

                                                                                        Summer 2021 • Acoustics Today          11
Keynote addresses can be very stimulating for communi-        also recommended steps that the ASA can take to
 cating advances in acoustics and as a benefit for attending   become a more equitable and inclusive Society. The
 meetings. The ASA often has keynote addresses at joint        report states it is an “institutional imperative” for the
 international meetings but rarely at domestic meetings.       ASA to embed DEI throughout the Society, from mem-
 Because it was one of my goals as president, I am pleased     bership to medals/awards, to technical initiatives and
 that keynote addresses were incorporated during my vir-       to leadership, for the Society to evolve and reach our
 tual term. For the Fall meeting, Jim West (former ASA         full potential. Moreover, leadership starting with the
 president and Gold Medal recipient; see       EC must guide us through this evolution and inspire
 and his daughter Ellington West provided an engaging          the membership to actively participate in our transfor-
 lecture on digital stethoscopes (video of the keynote ses-    mation. This is an imperative because the alternative is
 sion is For the Spring        dissolution of this great Society.
 meeting, Carol Espy-Wilson (previous associate editor of
 The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America and on      Another new program initiated this year is the ASA Webi-
 the Advisory Council for the National Institute on Deaf-     nar Series. This program became possible because virtual
 ness and Communication Disorders [NIDCD]) presents           technology is now an ordinary means for learning and
 research on speech tools to diagnose mental health issues.   communication. Judy Dubno spearheaded the implemen-
 In addition, a second keynote address by Sylvester James     tation of a monthly ASA webinar series that is open to
“Jim” Gates, Jr. (Ford Foundation Professor of Physics,       both ASA members and nonmembers. The webinars focus
 Brown University; president of the American Physical         on topics of interest to the general ASA membership and
 Society; member of the National Academy of Sciences)         the broader acoustics community. The first webinar began
 addresses how to improve the culture in scientific soci-     in January 2021 with Patricia Kuhl’s presentation on infant
 eties to broaden diversity both in the membership and        speech perception. Given the excellent early attendance
 in the science. I am establishing an ad hoc committee        from around the world (~450), the Technical Council
 to manage the selection and presentation of keynote          Working Group on ASA Webinars was formed, chaired
 addresses for future domestic ASA meetings.                  by Linda Polka and having members from across the ASA
                                                              TCs. The webpage for the Webinar series with videos of
New Programs                                                  past programs is
An important role of any president is to identify and facili- The working group is open to ideas and suggestions from
tate new programs for the Society. As a founding member of all ASA members, with input directly to the working group
the Committee to Improve Racial Diversity and Inclusivity or through your TC chair. Because ASA members have
(CIRDI; see, I have pursued opportunities very broad interests across TCs, this new program allows
to facilitate its work. Chair Tyrone Porter has been a dedi- us to learn about acoustics outside our own research niche.
cated leader of the CIRDI by raising awareness of diversity,
equality and inclusion (DEI) in the ASA as well as start- Reflecting on my presidency, improving communication
ing an entirely new summer program for Black and other across ASA activities underlies many of the efforts I have
minority undergraduates (see                 led. Because speech communication is my primary tech-
                                                              nical area, perhaps it has influenced my approach and
In this, my last column, I share with you a particularly choice of projects. Specifically, I see communication has
important statement about DEI for all ASA members improved through the implementation of new technol-
to consider. This statement is derived from the report ogy and its application to our meetings and governance.
of Daryl G. Smith (senior research fellow and professor I feel satisfied with my contributions to the ASA during
emerita at Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, this unique year but, like other ASA members, fervently
CA) who was the DEI consultant who assessed prob- hope that in-person communication will be restored as
lems underlying the ASA’s lack of diversity. The report planned for the Seattle meeting.

12   Acoustics Today • Summer 2021

                “Put a Sock in It!” Mutes for
                       Musical Horns
                            Murray Campbell, Joël Gilbert, and Arnold Myers

Introduction                                                     examples of common trumpet mutes are illustrated in
“Take the A Train” was first recorded by Duke Ellington          Figure 1. The acoustical behavior of mutes for musical
 and his orchestra in January 1941 and rapidly became the        horns is the subject of this article.
 signature tune of this famous swing band. The recording
 (which can be heard at, features two solos      Muting Musical Instruments
 improvised by trumpeter Ray Nance. In the first solo,       The curtailment of social interaction arising from the
 which starts around 50 seconds into the recording, Nance    Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in an explosive growth
 conjures a thin, edgy sound quality from his instrument;    in the use of conference software platforms such as
 in the second solo, beginning at 1 minute 50 seconds, the   Zoom. A large fraction of the population is now familiar
 full brassy brilliance of the trumpet is unleashed. How     with the “mute button,” which an online host can use to
 was this remarkable transformation of timbre achieved?      silence the contributions of other participants in a meet-
                                                             ing. The mutes used on musical instruments such as the
The answer to this question is revealed in a 1962 filmed violin and the trumpet have a more subtle effect than the
performance of “Take the A Train” by the Ellington band mute button; a musical mute is not usually designed to
in which Ray Nance reprises his 1941 solos (available completely suppress the radiated sound but to modify
at When he walks forward to take the its loudness and timbre. A typical mute on a stringed
first solo, a copper-colored object can be seen protruding instrument is a mechanical device that can be clamped
from the bell of the trumpet, almost completely blocking on the bridge, reducing the efficiency with which vibra-
the opening through which the sound is radiated. This tional energy is transferred from the strings to the body
obstruction, which Nance removes during a break by the of the instrument. The primary role of a brass instrument
full band before the start of his second solo, is an example mute is as a partial reflector of acoustic waves, controlling
of a mute (in this case, a “harmon mute”). Brass instru- the balance between the energy trapped in the internal
ments come in many different shapes and sizes; some air column and the energy radiated as sound.

                                                                 The use of an outwardly tapering horn to increase the
  Figure 1. Examples of trumpet mutes. A: plunger mute. B:       radiated power of a wind instrument has a long history.
  fiber straight mute. C: aluminum straight mute. D: cup mute.   For at least three millennia, the shofar, a lip-excited ram’s
  E: harmon mute.                                                horn, has been used in Jewish religious ceremonies, and
                                                                 the metal trumpets found in the tomb of the Egyptian
                                                                 Pharaoh Tutankhamun expand into conical terminations.
                                                                 All the sound from one of these ancient instruments is
                                                                 radiated from the mouth of the horn, and the same is true
                                                                 of the trumpets, trombones, French horns, and tubas of
                                                                 the modern brass family. These instruments can therefore
                                                                 be muted very effectively by introducing modifications
                                                                 in the region of the horn mouth, usually described as the
                                                                 bell. This article surveys some of the inventive techniques
                                                                 that performers have developed to mute musical horns.

 ©2021 Acoustical Society of America. All rights reserved.             Volume 17, issue 2 | Summer 2021 • Acoustics Today   13

                                                              by its internal resonances, and the poor radiation effi-
                                                              ciency of the horn at low frequencies resulted in a sound
                                                              that was often strident. A large consignment of cheap
                                                              Edison phonographs was sent out to entertain Ameri-
                                                              can troops fighting in the First World War after 1917.
                                                              About this time, the colloquial injunction to “put a sock
                                                              in it” became current among groups of soldiers, and the
                                                              cartoon in Figure 2A illustrates a common (though con-
                                                              tested) view that this phrase originally referred to the use
                                                              of a sock to mute a phonograph.

                                                              What are the acoustic consequences of stuffing a soldier’s
                                                              sock into a phonograph horn? To answer this question,
                                                              we carried out an experiment with an early twentieth-
                                                              century horn gramophone (Figure 2B), playing a 1926
                                                              recording of Sousa’s “Stars and Stripes Forever” by the
                                                              band of H. M. Coldstream Guards (Multimedia 1 at
                                                     We recorded
                                                              the sound radiated by the gramophone with a micro-
                                                              phone about 1 meter in front of the horn in a domestic
                                                              room. The A-weighted equivalent continuous sound level,
                                                              measured over the final 64 seconds of the recording, was
                                                              reduced by 12 dB when a woolen sock was pressed into
                                                              the horn. The long-term average spectra in Figure 2C
                                                              show that the attenuation was significant over a broad
                                                              frequency range, rising to over 20 dB around 3.5 kHz.

                                                              In 1919, the Edison Company introduced the model H19
                                                              Hepplewhite disc phonograph, which included a volume
                                                              control. This control was, in effect, a more sophisticated
                                                              version of the sock (available at The horn
                                                              was mounted inside a cabinet, and an externally operated
                                                              mechanism allowed a soft “muting ball” to be inserted
                                                              into the mouth of the horn. By changing the degree of
 Figure 2. A: British cartoon, c. 1939. Reproduced from the   insertion, the operator was able to adjust the loudness of
 National Archives Image Library, with permission. B: His     the radiated sound. This device was apparently effective
 Masters Voice horn gramophone, early twentieth century. C:   since the model continued in production until 1927.
 long-term average spectra of radiated sound with horn open
 (blue line) and muted by sock (red line).                    Muting Brass Instrument Horns
                                                              A sock does not make a successful brass instrument mute
                                                              because inserting it into the bell changes the playing
Putting a Sock in It                                          pitches as well as the timbre and loudness. On the phono-
The phonographs marketed by the Edison Company and            graph, the vibration frequency of the needle is determined
other manufacturers at the beginning of the twentieth         by the undulating profile of the groove and the rotation
century relied on a large flaring horn to radiate the sound   speed of the record (see starting at 12 min-
energy derived from the vibrations of the stylus in the       utes 45 seconds). Altering the resonant properties of the
record groove (available at The timbre of    horn has a negligible effect on the needle vibration rate,
music played through the horn was inevitably colored          and the pitch is therefore unaffected by muting. On a

14   Acoustics Today • Summer 2021
Figure 3. Schematic diagram of brass instrument sound production.

brass instrument, however, the resonances of the horn         The acoustic resonance frequencies of a brass instru-
strongly influence the pitches that can be easily played      ment correspond to maxima in the input impedance,
on the instrument. This is because the player’s lips are      which is the ratio of pressure to volume flow rate mea-
coupled to the resonant modes of the instrument’s inter-      sured in the mouthpiece (Backus, 1976). A trumpet bell
nal air column in a feedback loop, (Figure 3, red arrow).     is carefully shaped so that most of the acoustic reso-
To play a note, the performer presses the lips against the    nances have frequencies close to a harmonic series, as
mouthpiece, using facial muscles to set the lip mechani-      shown in Figure 4 (Campbell et al., 2021). When no
cal resonance frequency close to the frequency of one of      valves are activated, the resonance frequencies are simi-
the air column resonances. When air is blown through          lar to those on a B♭ bugle, and the corresponding set of
the aperture between the lips, the coupled system of lips     natural (easily playable) notes include those required to
and acoustic resonance is destabilized, and an oscillating    play familiar bugle calls such as “Taps” (Figure 5). An
regime is established at a frequency near but not exactly     experiment with a trumpet and a sock quickly confirms
equal to the selected acoustic mode frequency (Benade,        that when the sock is pressed firmly into the bell, the
1973; Moore, 2016). If the insertion of a mute changes the    sound level is reduced, but the pitches of the natural
frequency of the acoustic mode, the frequency and pitch       notes are so distorted that it is impossible to play a well-
of the played note will also change.                          tuned bugle call.

 Figure 4. Blue line, input impedance of a B♭ trumpet. Red      Figure 5. The bugle call “Taps,” sounding a tone lower
 lines, B♭ harmonic series (integer multiples of 116.5 Hz).     than written when played on a B♭ instrument (available

                                                                                      Summer 2021 • Acoustics Today    15

The problem with the sock is that it intrudes on the inter-
nal acoustic field of the instrument; muting devices that
do this are known as internal mutes. Disturbance of the
acoustic resonance frequencies and natural note pitches
can be minimized if the muting object does not penetrate
significantly into the horn mouth. Mutes that satisfy this
rule are known as external mutes. Some examples of exter-
nal mutes are reviewed in Derby Hats and Drain Plungers,
after which we examine various ways in which internal
mutes have been adapted to serve musical purposes.

Derby Hats and Drain Plungers
An important characteristic of a brass instrument bell is
the cutoff frequency, which depends on the diameter and
rate of flare of the bell near its exit. For frequencies well
below this cutoff, most of the sound energy in a wave trav-
eling down the instrument tube is reflected back into the
instrument on reaching the bell, whereas for frequencies
well above the cutoff, most of the energy travels outward as
a radiated wave. Because the standing waves in the instru-
ment arise from the addition of the forward traveling and
reflected waves, the peaks marking the acoustic resonances
in the input impedance curve diminish rapidly above the           Figure 6. A: trombone plunger mute. B: spectrogram of
cutoff frequency. Inspection of the trumpet impedance             trombone note with plunger closing (+) and opening (o)
curve in Figure 4 shows that the cutoff frequency for this        the bell mouth. Adapted from Campbell et al., 2021, with
instrument is in the region of 1,200 Hz.                          permission of Springer Nature.

The sound radiated from the instrument can be partially
interrupted by placing any solid object in front of the bell.    rapid timbral changes. One characteristic effect, popular in
Inventive early jazz musicians discovered that derby hats        swing band arrangements in the 1940s, involves the play-
and the rubber cups used on drain plungers made effec-           ing of a succession of notes with the plunger alternately
tive mutes. External mutes are most effective at reducing        close to the bell and swung away from it (Multimedia
the amplitudes of the high-frequency components in the           2 at Closed
sound because these are radiated more strongly along the         and open positions of the plunger are marked “+” and
bell axis. The instruction “in hat” on a big band trum-         “o,” respectively, on a musical score. A spectrogram of a
pet or trombone score instructs the player to play into a        performance of this effect on a tenor trombone is shown
derby hat or a specially manufactured mute in this shape         in Figure 6B. Notes that are played with the plunger in
(available at Because the hat intercepts        the open position have a rich harmonic spectrum with
much of the high-frequency radiation, the sound is both          significant components up to at least 8 kHz. Moving the
quieter and more mellow than when the instrument is              plunger to the closed position strongly attenuates the high
unmuted. A presentation of trumpet mutes by Jon-Erik             frequencies, with little energy above 4 kHz. The effect is
Kellso (available at includes an enter-          similar to that obtained by singing the vowel “ah” while
taining demonstration of the use of an aluminum derby            alternately opening and almost closing the lips, creating
(at around 4 minutes 25 seconds).                                a “wah-wah” sound.

The “plunger” mute (Figure 6A) performs a similar func- Baroque Transposing Mutes
tion to the hat, but because it can be firmly gripped in The earliest reference to the use of mutes in brass
the player’s hand, it can be easily manipulated to make instruments appears to be in a description of a carnival

16   Acoustics Today • Summer 2021
procession in Florence in 1511. One of the floats in the    A playing experiment with this mute (Multimedia 3 at
procession was described as the “Chariot of Death.” On reveals that its
this chariot drawn by oxen, singers dressed as corpses rose insertion does indeed raise the pitches of the natural notes,
from their tombs to sing a mournful song, accompanied       although by a little less than the whole tone described by
by “muted trumpets with a hoarse and deadened sound”        Monteverdi. It might appear surprising that the pitches
(Vasari, 1568). There is no record of the type of mute used are raised by the mute because the partial closure of a pipe
by the Florentine trumpeters. In 1607, however, the com-    end usually lowers the frequency of the acoustic modes. A
poser Claudio Monteverdi clearly had a solid internal       close inspection of the measured input impedance curves
mute in mind when he suggested the use of mutes in the      of the trumpet with and without the mute provides an
opening “Toccata” of his first opera Orfeo. In a note on theexplanation for this apparent paradox (Figure 7B). Mea-
score for the trumpet ensemble that plays this fanfare, he  sured without the mute, the peaks correspond to the first
comments that the use of mutes will raise the pitch of the  18 acoustic modes, the highest at a frequency just below
instruments by a tone so that the accompanying strings      1,200 Hz (Figure 7B, blue curve). These peaks are modified
will have to transpose their parts accordingly.             by the insertion of the mute (Figure 7B, red curve). In the
                                                            frequency range from 500 Hz upward, each muted peak is
The trumpets of Monteverdi’s time were natural instru- indeed slightly lower in frequency than the corresponding
ments (without valves) almost twice the length of a unmuted peak. Below 500 Hz, however, the frequency shift
modern orchestral trumpet. A natural trumpet based on increases, to the extent that the third red peak appears
an instrument made in 1632 is illustrated in Figure 7A. slightly above the second blue peak. The second red peak is
No mutes have survived from this period, but a wooden greatly diminished, and the first peak is almost unaffected
mute of the type in use around a century later is also by the insertion of the mute.
shown in Figure 7A. The mute fits snugly into the bell of
the trumpet, allowing the sound to radiate only through a A useful graphical illustration of the extent to which the
small internal cavity, terminating in a cylindrical channel acoustic mode frequencies of an instrument depart from
around 6 mm in diameter (Pyle, 1991).                       a perfect harmonic series is provided by the equivalent

 Figure 7. A: natural trumpet (after Hanns Hainlein, 1632) with a modern copy of a baroque mute. B: input impedance curves
 for a natural trumpet without a mute (blue curve) and with a mute (red curve). C: equivalent fundamental pitch (EFP) for a
 natural trumpet without a mute (blue circles), with a mute (red squares), and with reassigned peak numbers (black diamonds).

                                                                                          Summer 2021 • Acoustics Today     17

fundamental pitch (EFP) plot, which can be derived             of the French horn developed a sophisticated technique in
from the input impedance curve (Campbell et al., 2021).        which precise positioning of the hand in the bell was used
An EFP plot for the natural trumpet without a mute is          to modify the loudness, timbre, and pitch of individual
shown in Figure 7C, blue circles. Each impedance peak          notes during a performance. At this time, French horns,
is assigned an index number (n) starting from the lowest       like trumpets, were natural instruments whose sounding
frequency mode. The nth mode, with peak frequency (fn),        length could be varied only by removing one crook and
has an equivalent fundamental pitch                            inserting another; the pitch-changing property of internal
                                                               muting was in this case an advantage rather than a prob-
                 EFP(n) = (1200/log2) log(fn/nfref)(      1)	 lem because it could be used to make musically desirable
                                                               changes to the pitches of the natural notes of the instru-
where fref is the frequency of a reference pitch. EFP(n) is ment. Although modern French horns have valve systems
the deviation in cents (hundredths of a semitone) of the allowing for almost instantaneous changes of sounding
pitch of the nth mode from the exact nth harmonic of fref. length, the hand technique remains an important aspect
For an ideal harmonic series with fundamental frequency of horn performance. The normal position of the player’s
fref, EFP(n) = 0 for all n, and all the points on the EFP plot hand in the bell is illustrated in Figure 8A.
lie on a vertical line at frequency fref.
                                                               The partial obstruction of the horn mouth by the player’s
The EFP plot for the unmuted trumpet shows that the hand increases the fraction of the sound energy reflected
impedance peaks from the 3rd to the 16th lie very close back into the instrument tube, to an extent that increases
to the dashed blue line in Figure 7C, marking a perfect with frequency. Figure 9 shows the result of an experiment
harmonic series with a fundamental frequency of 65.4 Hz, in which an artificial hand, cast in gelatin from a mold
corresponding to the pitch C2, 2 octaves below “middle
C.” This is expected because the length of the removable
crook at the input of the instrument has been chosen to          Figure 8. Placement of a French horn player’s hand in the bell
allow it to play “in C.” Figure 7C, red squares, shows the       of the instrument. A: normal position. B: stopped position.
EFP values when the mute is inserted, confirming that the        Photographs courtesy of Lisa Norman.
pitches of the acoustic modes from the eighth downward
are increasingly flattened by the insertion of the mute.

The EFP plot also reveals why an acceptable quasi-
harmonic set of resonances with a higher pitch can
be found on the muted trumpet (Multimedia 3 at Figure 7C,
black diamonds, shows recalculated EFP values obtained
by discounting the small second peak in the muted input
impedance curve and reassigning the index numbers so
that the third peak corresponds to n = 2, the fourth peak
to n = 3, and so on. This reinterpretation of the pitches of
the acoustic modes shows that they lie close to the dashed
black line in Figure 7C, representing a perfect harmonic
series with a fundamental pitch around 170 cents above C2.
A skilled trumpet player can compensate for the residual
deviations by adjusting the natural resonance frequency
of the lips, a technique known as “lipping.”

Hand Technique on the Horn
A brass instrument can be muted simply by using a hand
to partially close the bell. In the eighteenth century, players

18   Acoustics Today • Summer 2021
closed at the wide end and open at the narrow end. A
                                                               trumpet mute of this type is illustrated in Figure 1B, and
                                                               a spectacularly large tuba straight mute is demonstrated
                                                               in Multimedia 5 (
                                                               When the open end of the mute is inserted into the bell,
                                                               it is held in position by three cork spacers. The sound can
                                                               radiate only through the narrow annular space between
                                                               the outer surface of the mute and the inner surface of
                                                               the bell, resulting in a strong attenuation of the low-fre-
                                                               quency components in the sound.

                                                              The straight-sided cone mute is usually described simply
                                                              as a “straight mute.” The same term is often applied to
   Figure 9. Input impedance curves for F horn with (red) and the metal mute shown in Figure 1C, although in this
   without (black) hand in bell. From Dell et al., 2010, with common design, the conical part is tapered to match the
   permission of the Australian Acoustical Society.           internal profile of the trumpet bell. Straight mutes are
                                                              widely used in most genres of brass performance, and
                                                              a player will normally use a straight mute unless some
 obtained from a human performer, was used to investi- other type is specified in the score.
 gate the effect of hand technique on the input impedance
 curve of a French horn (Dell et al., 2010). The boost in the The hollow cavity inside a straight mute has a range of inter-
 heights of the peaks in the input impedance curves, partic- nal resonances. The lowest frequency acoustic mode of the
 ularly in the region around the cutoff frequency, is clearly cavity is the Helmholtz resonance, whose frequency can
 shown. The strengthening of the high-frequency acoustic be estimated by blowing across the open end of the mute
 modes extends the range of pitches that can be sounded (Multimedia 3 at
 securely (Yoshikawa and Nabarra, 2017), reducing the risk There is also a series of standing wave resonances at much
 that the player will “crack” or mis-pitch a high note.       higher frequencies. On a well-designed mute, these internal
                                                              standing waves do not significantly modify the frequencies
 The horn mouth can be almost completely closed by a of the acoustic modes of the instrument. The influence of the
 movement of the player’s wrist, as shown in Figure 8B (see Helmholtz resonance can, however, be seen in the appear-
 Multimedia 4 at ance of an additional peak in the input impedance curve. This
 A note played with this hand position is described as behavior has been studied by Sluchin and Caussé (1991), who
“stopped.” The hand is then behaving acoustically as an described the additional peak as “parasitic” because it can
 internal transposing mute; on a horn in F with a sounding disrupt the sounding of low pitches on the muted instrument.
 length of approximately 4 meters, the effect is to provide
 the player with a new set of natural notes a semitone higher Figure 10 illustrates the changes that occurred in the
 than the unstopped set. The tutorial by the virtuoso hornist input impedance curve of a tenor trombone when a
 Frank Lloyd (see includes excellent demon- straight mute was inserted in the bell (Campbell et al.,
 strations of hand stopping on a modern horn, especially 2021). In the measurements shown in Figure 10A, the
 from around 5 minutes 40 seconds.                            slide was in first position (fully retracted). Figure 10A,
                                                              blue curve, shows the first five impedance peaks with the
 Nontransposing Internal Mutes                                mute removed. Figure 10A, red curve, measured with
 The invention of a mute that could be inserted into the the mute in the bell, shows that the pitches of the second,
 bell of a brass instrument without seriously modifying third, and fourth peaks have been slightly raised in
 the pitches of the natural notes is usually credited to the frequency by the mute. More significantly, a small addi-
 eighteenth century Dresden horn player Anton Joseph tional peak, corresponding to the parasitic resonance, has
 Hampel (Humphries, 2019). The simplest form of a appeared at 77 Hz. The second natural note, B♭2, played
 nontransposing mute is simply a hollow truncated cone, with the slide in first position, relies on the coupling of

                                                                                        Summer 2021 • Acoustics Today    19

                                                                 mute has its own internal resonance, at a frequency that
                                                                 depends critically on the gap between the bowl rim and
                                                                 the bell. For a trombone cup mute in its normal position,
                                                                 Sluchin and Caussé found an attenuation of 20 dB in a
                                                                 fairly narrow frequency band around 1,000 Hz, which
                                                                 they ascribed to this additional cavity resonance.

                                                                 The harmon mute shown in Figure 1E has a cork strip
                                                                 surrounding the inner neck, closing off the annular gap
                                                                 through which sound radiates in a straight or cup mute.
                                                                 The radiating aperture in a harmon mute is a circular open-
                                                                 ing in the outer face of the mute. A short cylindrical tube,
                                                                 known as the “stem,” can be inserted into this aperture,
                                                                 and manipulation, removal, or partial covering of the stem
                                                                 by the fingers allows for a wide variety of timbral effects to
                                                                 be achieved. A harmon mute without the stem was used
                                                                 by Miles Davis to create the “cool jazz” trumpet sound
                                                                 that became his hallmark (available at
 Figure 10. Input impedance curves for a tenor trombone with
 a straight mute removed (blue) and inserted (red). A: slide     Finale: The Active Mute
                                                             An interesting recent development in the design of
 in first position. B: slide in seventh position. Adapted from
 Campbell et al., 2021, with permission of Springer Nature.  mutes for brass instruments has been the application of
                                                             the active control technique (Nelson and Elliott, 1991)
                                                             to cure the problem caused by parasitic resonances in
the lips to the second acoustic mode at 116.5 Hz; because straight mutes (Meurisse et al., 2015). The principle of
the parasitic resonance is not close to this frequency, it the method is illustrated in Figure 11. Because the Helm-
does not disturb the playing of the note. When the slide holtz resonance of the mute cavity plays no useful role in
is extended to the seventh position, however, the pitch the sound production of the muted instrument, it can be
of the second natural note drops to E2, at a frequency suppressed without unwanted side effects. A microphone
of 82.4 Hz. This is now dangerously close to the para- inside the cavity senses the internal acoustic pressure,
sitic resonance, and the input impedance curves shown providing an input signal to the control electronics. The
in Figure 10B reveal that the insertion of the mute has amplified and phase-shifted signal drives a loudspeaker
split the second peak into two smaller peaks. Lacking embedded in the mute, with the aim of canceling the
the support that comes from coupling to a single strong pressure changes due to the Helmholtz resonance.
acoustic resonance, the player’s lips will struggle to sound
a stable E2 with the mute inserted.                          An experimental test of the method was carried out using
                                                             the modified trombone mute shown in Figure 11. When
Some other common alternatives to the straight mute are the mute was used in a trombone with the active control
illustrated in Figure 1. The “Tuxedo Plunger” (Figure 1A) switched off, the pedal note B♭1 was very difficult to play
is a commercial variant of the simple drain plunger previ- because its frequency (58 Hz) was very close to the para-
ously discussed. The cup mute (Figure 1D) is a straight sitic peak. Switching on the active control system, with
mute surrounded by an annular bowl that almost covers gain G = 2 and a phase shift of Φ = π radians, effectively
the bell. It can thus be considered as a combination of a canceled the pressure signal arising from the Helm-
straight mute and a plunger (Sluchin and Caussé, 1991). holtz resonance. The parasitic peak disappeared from
The increased trapping of high-frequency sound energy the input impedance of the muted trombone, and the
by the bowl gives this design of a mute a warmer sound playability of the note B♭1 was restored. It seems likely
than a straight mute. The space between the bowl, the bell that future developments in electronic enhancement and
of the instrument, and the external surface of the straight active control will not only help to correct faults in the

20   Acoustics Today • Summer 2021
Moore, T. R. (2016). The acoustics of brass musical instruments.
                                                                           Acoustics Today 12(4), 30-37.
                                                                          Nelson, P. A., and Elliott, S. J. (1991). Active Control of Sound. Aca-
                                                                           demic Press, Cambridge, MA.
                                                                          Pyle, R. W. (1991). A computational model of the Baroque trumpet
                                                                           and mute. The Historic Brass Society Journal 3, 79-97. Available at
                                                                  Accessed February 24, 2021.
                                                                          Sluchin, B., and Caussé, R. (1991). Sourdines des Cuivres. Editions de
                                                                           la Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, Paris, France.
                                                                          Vasari, G. (1568). Le vite de’ più eccellenti pittori, scultori, e architet-
                                                                           tore, 2nd ed. Florence, Giunti. English translation: Bull, G. (1987),
                                                                           Lives of the Artists; A Selection. Penguin, Harmondsworth, UK.
                                                                          Yoshikawa, S., and Nobara, N. (2017). Acoustical modeling of mutes
                                                                           for brass instruments. In A. Schneider (Ed.), Studies in Musical Acous-
                                                                           tics and Psychoacoustics. Current Research in Systematic Musicology 4.
                                                                           Springer International Publishing, New York, NY, pp. 143-186.

 Figure 11. A trombone straight mute with active control                    About the Authors
 system to suppress a parasitic resonance. Top left: schematic
 diagram of the trombone, mute, and active control apparatus.
                                                                                                    Murray Campbell
 Bottom left: equivalent circuit of the mute, trombone, and                               
 control system. Right: photograph of the active mute. P1 and
                                                                                                    School of Physics and Astronomy
 U1, pressure and volume flow at the trombone input; P2 and                                         James Clerk Maxwell Building
 U2, pressure measured inside the mute and volume flow at the                                       University of Edinburgh
 mute input; Z1, trombone input impedance; Z2, mute input                                           Peter Guthrie Tait Road
                                                                                                    Edinburgh EH9 3FD, Scotland, UK
 impedance; U3, volume flow generated by the loudspeaker
                                                                            Murray Campbell studied physics at the University of
 inside the mute. LS, loudspeaker; Mic, microphone. From
                                                                            Edinburgh (Edinburgh, Scotland). He was appointed to
 Meurisse et al., 2015, with permission of the Acoustical                   the teaching staff there in 1971, and in 1985, he founded
 Society of America.                                                        the University’s Musical Acoustics Research Group. He is
                                                                            now professor emeritus and senior professorial fellow at
                                                                            the University of Edinburgh, where he continues to carry
                                                                            out research on the acoustics of lip-excited wind instru-
existing designs of a mute but will also provide brass                      ments. He is a Fellow of the Acoustical Society of America
players with exciting new possibilities for shaping the                     and in 2019 was awarded the ASA Silver Medal in Musical
sounds that emerge from their musical horns.                                Acoustics. He has coauthored three textbooks on musi-
                                                                            cal acoustics, including The Science of Brass Instruments
                                                                            (Springer, 2021).
Backus, J. (1976). Input impedance curves for the brass instruments.
 The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 60, 470-480.                                      Joël Gilbert                                                        
Benade, A. H. (1973). The physics of brasses. Scientific American                                   Laboratoire d’Acoustique de
 229(1), 24-35.                                                                                     l’Université du Mans
Campbell, M., Gilbert, J., and Myers, A. (2021). The Science of Brass                               UMR CNRS 6613
 Instruments. Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland.                                                   Avenue Olivier Messiaen
Dell, N., James, R., Davidson, J., and Wolfe, J. (2010). The effect of                              72085 Le Mans Cedex 09, France
 hand and mute on the impedance spectra of the horn. Proceed-
 ings of the International Symposium on Music Acoustics, Sydney             Joël Gilbert is Directeur de Recherche CNRS in and a former
 and Katoomba, Australia, August 25-31, 2010. Available at                  head of the Acoustic Laboratory of Le Mans University (Le               Mans, France). He read physics and acoustics at the École
 Accessed February 24, 2021.                                                Normale Supérieure (ENS) of Fontenay-aux-Roses and at
Humphries, J. (2019). Hampel, Anton Joseph. In T. Herbert, A. Myers.        Le Mans University. He received a doctorate from Le Mans
 and J. Wallace (Eds.), The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Brass Instru-         University for investigating the acoustics of reed musical
 ments. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, pp. 198-199.             instruments. He currently researches nonlinear acoustical
Meurisse, T., Mamou-Mani, A., Caussé, R., Sluchin, B., and Sharp, D.        systems, nonlinear acoustic propagation, and nonlinear
 (2015). An active mute for the trombone. The Journal of the Acoustical     dynamics of self-sustained oscillators, with application
 Society of America 138, 3539-3548.

                                                                                                         Summer 2021 • Acoustics Today            21
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