Munster Technological University First Governing Body - External Governing Body Members Candidate Brief - MTU

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Munster Technological University First Governing Body - External Governing Body Members Candidate Brief - MTU
Munster Technological University
First Governing Body

External Governing Body Members Candidate Brief

    Candidate Brief MTU Governing Body External Members

                                                                            MTU – CORK CAMPUS

1. MTU & the South West Region                                    1
1.1 – The South West Region
1.2 – MTU & the Role in the Region

2. Governing Body Composition & Responsibilities                  4
2.1 – Introduction
2.2 – Functions of the Governing Body
2.3 – Membership
2.4 – Operation, Duties & Responsibilities

3. Role Specification                                             5
3.1 – Duties & Responsibilities

4. Person Specification                                           6
4.1 – General Requirements
4.2 – Individual Requirements
4.3 – Eligibility

5. Appointment Process                                            8
5.1 – Term of Appointment
5.2 – Appointment Process
5.3 – How to Apply                                                    MTU WILL SERVE A REGION
                                                                      OF IRELAND PARTICULARLY
6. Appendices                                                    10   RICH IN IRISH CULTURE,
6.1 – CV Template
                                                                      LANGUAGE, MUSIC AND
6.2 – Technological Universities Act 2018 (Number 3 of 2018)
6.3 – MTU Code of Governance                                          THE ARTS IN A UNIQUELY
6.4 – Code of Practice for the Governance of State Bodies 2016        BEAUTIFUL AND PURE
6.5 – Ethics in Public Office Acts 1995 and 2001                      ENVIRONMENT.

           Candidate Brief MTU Governing Body External Members
1. MTU & the South West Region
1.1 – The South West Region

The formation of Ireland’s first regional Technological University:                            Munster
Munster Technological University (“MTU”) is an exciting milestone                              Technological
in Irish Higher Education. MTU formed on 1st January 2021 when                                 University will
Cork Institute of Technology & Institute of Technology Tralee                        provide the impetus for
came together to form MTU.                                                           continued economic
                                                                                     development within the
MTU is located in the South West region of Ireland – a region                        region. This ambitious
which, in many respects, is a microcosm of modern Ireland. To                        project will provide the
the east, it is anchored by Cork city (Ireland’s second-largest                      necessary human capital
urban centre), a nexus for foreign direct investment, indigenous                     this region needs to
business development, and cultural and artistic expression. To                       prosper and grow and will
the west, it is more rural in character and is anchored by a number                  be a central economic
of independent urban towns, situated in areas which feature a                        driver both regionally and
high concentration of microenterprises, a number of niche and                        nationally.
large-scale enterprises, low population density and a richness
in culture and heritage. Many of these towns, in Cork and Kerry,                     Mr Edmond Scanlon,
operate as significant local employment and service centres                          Chief Executive, Kerry Group
for a large rural hinterland. The South West features the largest
economy in Ireland outside of the Dublin region, having significant
strengths in pharma, med-tech, engineering, financial services,
information and communications technology, agri-tech, tourism,
manufacturing, food and life sciences.

The South West Region offers a counterbalance to the
overconcentration of development activity in Dublin and has been
targeted in Project Ireland 2040 for significant expansion of its
population and enterprise base, as well as for sustainable rural
development and renewal. As a consequence, demand for access
to higher education will rise significantly over the next 10 years in

Cork Campuses:                                                                       Tralee Campuses:
Cork City - Bishopstown, Crawford College of Art & Design and Cork School of Music   Tralee Town - North & South Campus
Ringaskiddy - The National Maritime College of Ireland

    1         Candidate Brief MTU Governing Body External Members
1.2 – MTU & the Role in the Region

The strategic purpose of MTU is to play a leadership role in the economic, social and cultural
development of the South West region through connected, collaborative, responsive and inclusive
education, engagement, research and innovation. While the primary focus of MTU will be on the
region, its success will be dependent on having a national and international outlook.

As a technological university, MTU’s contribution to the region will be complementary to that of the
existing traditional universities in the region, which have a stronger focus on fundamental research
and a lesser focus on engagement with industry and community. A particular opportunity for MTU,
and a differentiator from the current set of higher education institutions in Ireland, will lie in the
differences between its campus offerings, identities and cultures, and the cohesive integration of
these differences into the character and identity of a single, unitary University.

As a regional multi-campus technological university, MTU will build on the strengths of the former
Institutes, and continue to be student-centred, with a strong focus on student support and
engagement. MTU will build on its current diversity of learners, who will access lifelong learning and
research, ranging from apprenticeships to PhDs, across NFQ levels 6-10, at their own pace, anywhere
and anytime, delivered in a wide variety of flexible modes. MTU will build on its tradition of enhancing
access, transfer and progression opportunities for learners. These developments will be particularly
important for an engaged university serving a population across both urban and rural environments.

MTU will seek to maximise its societal impact and support the development of a socially inclusive
region that targets equality of opportunity and a better quality of life for all of its people. MTU will be
central to supporting sustainable growth in the region. It will strengthen the social fabric of the South
West, and address rural decline and social isolation by working to make the South West a “sticky
region” in which students and graduates choose to remain and realise their full potential in their
careers and within their communities. It will also enhance the attractiveness of the South West for
people from countries other than Ireland who are seeking a wonderful place in which to live and work.

MTU will serve a region of Ireland particularly rich in Irish culture, language, music and the arts in a
uniquely beautiful and pure environment. MTU will seek to harness the value of Irish arts and culture
in the knowledge that socially vibrant towns, cities and regions are economically successful. MTU
will support the maintenance and sustainable development of all that is best in the region as well as
promoting these qualities and values to local, national and international students and staff. It will
attract and develop creative industries while also optimising the development of traditional areas
such as tourism, food and agriculture.

                     MTU MISSION

    To lead change and, through education, empower
   people for a successful future in a globalized world.

       MTU VISION                    MTU VALUES

   To lead transformation      We are inclusive, engaging,
     through education.            dynamic and bold.

           MTU will be distinctive through
              regional empowerment

   2      Candidate Brief MTU Governing Body External Members

MTU will be a centre of excellence in education, research
and engagement for career-focused learners seeking
enterprise and community-ready qualifications and              Partnering with industry and community, MTU will seek
experiences. The entrepreneurial focus of MTU will open        out dynamic cross-sector relationships with start-ups,
a world of opportunities for its stakeholders. Through         innovators and industry leading companies. MTU will
opportunities for research funding (e.g. Horizon Europe, The   continue to invest in the future with state-of-the-art
European Green Deal) MTU will lead research by developing      research, education, enterprise, cultural and sports facilities.
multi-disciplinary, industry-focused research programmes
with national and international partners.

AND INTERNATIONALLY                                            STRONGER ECONOMY

MTU will have an extensive regional footprint with six         Creating a strong economy will depend on creating places
campuses across the South West region providing                that can foster enterprise and innovation and attract
programmes and delivering leading research with multi-         investment and talent. MTU working closely with its many
disciplinary, industry-focused research with national and      stakeholders will be a key driver in ensuring the South-West
international partners.                                        region leverages the potential of its location through co-
                                                               production of solutions and innovative approaches to deliver
                                                               economic growth.


MTU will provide significant opportunities for
                                                               MTU will foster a culture for success by preserving the
multidisciplinary collaboration across the multi-campus,
                                                               warm, welcoming, entrepreneurial, innovative, people-
regionally-based, technological university. These
                                                               oriented culture and community CIT and ITT are known
opportunities will deliver additionality for the South-West
                                                               for. We will maintain our commitment to being good to do
region and nationally across the areas of teaching and
                                                               business with and continue to be the preferred partner of
learning, research, innovation and engagement supporting
                                                               industry leaders.
the economic, social and cultural fabric of the region.

 3        Candidate Brief MTU Governing Body External Members
2. Governing Body Composition
& Responsibilities
2.1 – Introduction

Munster Technological University (“MTU” or “the University”)                      The higher
was established by Ministerial Order under Section 36 of the                      education sector
Technological Universities Act 2018 (“TU Act”), (Number 3 of                      plays a critical role
2018), on the appointed day of 1st January 2021. MTU is Ireland’s       in supporting the society
second Technological University and has a Governing Body which          in which we live, work
is the authority established by law to govern the University.           and play. The contribution
                                                                        from such organisations
2.2 – Functions of the Governing Body                                   and their staff in shaping
                                                                        and directing our society is
In accordance with section 11 of the TU Act, “A technological           profound and influential.
university shall have a governing body to perform the functions of      The proposed focus by
the technological university”. These functions are set out under        MTU on supporting and
section 9 of the TU Act, Functions of technological university.         influencing societal change
To assist the Governing Body in carrying out its functions there will   is welcomed. The benefits of
be a number of Governing Body Committees to oversee specific            this focus will also influence
aspects of the business of the organisation.                            the development of MTU
                                                                        students and their societal
2.3 – Membership of Governing Body1                                     and civic awareness.

The initial number of members of the first MTU Governing Body           Mr Micheál Ó Muircheartaigh,
was 5, pursuant to section 55 of the TU Act. Membership of MTU          Broadcaster
Governing Body must then be expanded as set out section 55 and
section 12 of the TU Act.

Ultimately, under section 12, the total membership of the
Governing Body shall not be fewer than 14 and not more than 22
members, of which at least 3 but not more than 8 are external
members to be nominated by a Committee of the Governing Body.

2.4 – Operation, Duties & Responsibilities

The Governing Body must operate in accordance with Schedule 1
of the TU Act, “Governing Body of Technological University”.

1. See Appendix 6.2 (TU Act - Section 12 and 55 –
Membership of Governing Body of Technological University)

   4      Candidate Brief MTU Governing Body External Members
3. Role Specification
3.1 – Duties & Responsibilities

Members of the Governing Body perform key roles in relation to the direction, strategy, and corporate
governance of the University. Members take collective responsibility for the long-term sustainability
of the University, working with the Chair of the Governing Body, the President and the executive
management team to ensure that the University is managed and developed in line with legal and
policy parameters and accepted standards of best practice. Governing Body members should bring
an independent judgment and objective scrutiny to the oversight of the University, be prepared to
be challenging when necessary while being supportive to the delivery of the University’s mission,
standards and values.

The new Governing Body’s guiding principles are set out in the MTU Code of Governance2, which
was adopted by the Governing Body at their first meeting on 1st January 2021. The MTU Code of
Governance has been aligned to the Code of Practice for the Governance of State Bodies 20163 which
provides a framework for the application of best practice in corporate governance by both commercial
and non-commercial State bodies.

Candidates for members of Governing Body should be able to work in the University’s interests
nationally and, where required, internationally and be prepared to commit sufficient time to undertake
the role successfully.

These positions are non-executive and non-remunerated, although appropriate expenses will
be covered in line with University/Ministerial policy for external members of the Governing Body.
Candidates must not have any conflicts of interest likely to interfere with their ability to assume the
role of a Governing Body external member. Candidates must not be employees of the University and
all appointments shall be subject to the procedures set down in the TU Act.

The University invites expressions of interest from suitably qualified individuals interested in serving
as an external member on the MTU Governing Body, with eight vacancies being filled at this time.
Candidates are asked to demonstrate evidence of at least one of the competency fields listed under
‘Person Specification’ in their expression of interest.

The University is keen to reflect a diversity of backgrounds and experience in the composition and
thinking processes of its Governing Body. All expressions of interest will be welcomed and evaluated
against the stated criteria under ‘‘Person Specification’, while also respecting the need for balance
and diversity.

2. See Appendix 6.3
3. See Appendix 6.4

   5      Candidate Brief MTU Governing Body External Members
4. Person Specification
4.1 – General Requirements

Ideally candidates will have some or all of the following capabilities:
• Critical thinking, good judgment and independence
• Excellent communication skills
• Ability to work constructively with others
• Commitment to education, research and innovation as a public good
• Record of personal achievement
• Governance experience

4.2 – Individual Requirements

Candidates are asked in their expression of interest to demonstrate their ability and skills with
evidence of commitment to public good in one or more of the following areas:

• Finance
  Experience of the corporate finance function in an organisation of comparable scale. Knowledge of
  alternative funding sources including philanthropy, financial sustainability, strategy and regulatory

• Risk Management
  Experience in identifying and analysing risks; and assessing their potential effects against the
  overall risk appetite, and designing risk management solutions and processes.

• Organisational Transformation and Change Management
  Experience of organisation re-structuring and successful change management in an organisation of
  comparable scale and complexity.

• Strategic Development and Sustainability
  Understanding of the dynamics, key relationships, trends and developments in higher education,
  which inform programmes related to international and cultural opportunities.

• National and/or International Higher Education Expertise
  Expertise in standards and practice in higher education [within and/or] outside the State.

• Student Experience and Engagement
  Knowledge of challenges in the student experience and understanding of positive interventions
  and successful approaches to well-being in a higher education environment.

• Social, Creative and Cultural
  Involvement with social, creative or cultural dimensions in the greater Munster region, nationally
  or internationally.

   6     Candidate Brief MTU Governing Body External Members
• Business and Community Sectors                                                 Supporting
  Knowledge of or experience in business and community sectors                   entrepreneurial
  relevant to the South West region & the University, for example,               activity will be
  Tourism, maritime, charities, pharma, informatics.                  central to MTU’s mission.
                                                                      Both CIT and ITT have
• Social Enterprise & Community Interest                              an established track
  Experience in or knowledge of community-based organisations         record in supporting
  within the South West region, nationally or internationally.        enterprise development
                                                                      and championing many
• Marketing and Communications                                        initiatives both nationally
  Knowledge of marketing and communications. Demonstrate              and internationally. The
  ability to deliver strategic marketing and communications with      potential of MTU to add
  experience in establishing a new brand on a comparable scale.       further value to this
                                                                      activity is embedded in
• Research, Innovation and Entrepreneurship                           the collective drive of both
  Knowledge of the research-innovation-start-up cycle and             organisations to prioritise
  related challenges or experience of innovation-based business       and support initiatives in
  expansion                                                           this space.

• Technology and Society                                              Mr Frank Fleming,
  Thought leader on ‘technology and society’ and/or the future        Founder of Verifact,
  ‘world of work’.                                                    Cork Chamber Emerging
                                                                      Company of the Year 2019
• Development of the Built Environment
  Experience of large scale capital and construction projects
  as MTU has developed an ambitious physical master plan
  and the Governing Body will be responsible for the oversight
  and delivery of a built campus environment that supports the
  delivery of innovative higher education pedagogies.

• Equity, Inclusion & Diversity
  Experience in or knowledge of diversity and inclusion
  initiatives/programs with respect to protected characteristics.

4.3 – Eligibility

A candidate shall be ineligible if he or she—
(a) is an undischarged bankrupt,
(b) has been convicted of any indictable offence in relation to a
    company or any other body corporate,
(c) has been convicted of an offence involving fraud or
(d) has had a declaration under section 819 of the Companies
    Act 2014 made against him or her or is deemed to be subject
    to such a declaration by virtue of Chapter 5 of Part 14 of that
    Act, or
(e) is subject or is deemed to be subject to a disqualification
    order, within the meaning of Chapter 4 of Part 14 of the
    Companies Act 2014, whether by virtue of that Chapter or any
    other provision of that Act.

   7      Candidate Brief MTU Governing Body External Members
5. Appointment Process
5.1 – Term of Appointment

It is intended the appointee(s) will take office by 30th June                      My qualification
2021. The term of office for these appointments is two years.                      from CIT has
Subsequent terms of office may be up to 4 years, and external                      helped me to
members may not serve more than 2 consecutive terms of office            establish and grow a strong
(regardless of duration).                                                professional identity which
                                                                         has benefited me hugely in
In accordance with Schedule 1 paragraph 7 of the TU Act, a               securing senior leadership
Governing Body member shall cease to be a member if he or she            roles working across both
is nominated as a member of Seanad Éireann, is elected as a              global multinational and
member of either House of the Oireachtas or as a representative          business representative
in the European Parliament.                                              environments. I look
                                                                         forward to seeing CIT
In order to qualify for appointment a person must not have any           building on its strengths,
conflicts of interest likely to interfere with their ability to assume   experience and passion for
the role of a member of the MTU Governing Body. Candidates               research and education,
should give careful consideration to the possibility of any              with the creation of MTU.
potential conflict of interest that may exist and address this in        The South-West region and
their covering letter. The Nominations Committee may decide,             its stakeholders should
based on any perceived level of conflict to eliminate a candidate        benefit significantly from
on this basis.                                                           delivering enhanced
                                                                         innovative and applied
5.2 – Appointment Process                                                research performance
                                                                         capabilities with scope for
As prescribed in the TU Act, the Governing Body has appointed            increased scale, quality and
a Nominations Committee consisting of the Chair and two other            global impact.
external members of the Governing Body.
                                                                         Ms Mary Good,
Expressions of interest will be considered and assessed by               Chief Operating Officer (COO)
this Committee having regard to the stated criteria, gender              at American Chamber of
balance and a desire for balance and diversity more broadly.             Commerce, Ireland
MTU will provide equal opportunity to all applicants without             (CIT graduate)
discrimination on grounds of gender, marital status, family
status, sexual orientation, religion, age, disability, race or
membership of the Traveller community.

Having duly considered expressions of interest, the Nominations
Committee will put any nominations it deems fit to MTU
Governing Body for further consideration and, if approved by
Governing Body, appointment.

   8      Candidate Brief MTU Governing Body External Members
5.3 – How to Apply                                                                                                       My qualification
                                                                                                                         and experience
The University invites expressions of interest from suitably                                                             from ITT has
qualified individuals interested in serving as an external member                                              afforded me the opportunity
of the MTU Governing Body, with eight vacancies being filled at                                                of a leading and impactful
this time. Please submit a CV, using the attached template, and                                                career in a globally
cover letter outlining your suitability for the role with reference to                                         competitive landscape. I
the selection criteria set out in the Person Specification.                                                    wholeheartedly welcome
                                                                                                               and support MTU and look
The CV should detail the following:                                                                            forward to co-creating its
• Employment history and/or voluntary roles;                                                                   expanding and significant
                                                                                                               impact on the South-West
• Academic and professional qualifications;                                                                    region at an academic,
• Other relevant experience and/or achievements; and                                                           social and economic
                                                                                                               level. Together we will
• Evidence of how you meet the stated criteria.
                                                                                                               continue to position the
                                                                                                               region as a key place to
The covering letter should outline the following:                                                              work and live and extend
                                                                                                               its leading contribution to
• How you meet the stated criteria by specifying your primary                                                  the wider global economic
  expertise (and where applicable, secondary and tertiary                                                      environment.
  expertise) as it relates to the individual requirements set out in
  4.2 above;                                                                                                   Mr Jason Hawkins,
• Why the appointment is of interest;                                                                          CEO, Carbery Group
                                                                                                               (ITT graduate)
• What you believe you can bring to the role; and
• Any potential conflict* of interest that may exist.

The Governing Body is not responsible for any expenses incurred
by candidates as part of the selection process. Subject to the
provisions of the Freedom of Information Acts, 2014, and
the General Data Protection Regulation 2018, enquiries and
expressions of interest will be treated in the strictest confidence.

• Please direct all enquiries and expressions of interest, in
  confidence to
• Closing date for receipt of expressions of interest is 12 noon,
  Tuesday 4th May, 2021

* A ‘conflict of interest’ arises when an individual holds a personal interest, whether direct or indirect, which in the opinion of a reasonably informed
and well-advised person is sufficient to call into question the independence, impartiality and objectivity the individual is obliged to exercise in the
performance of their duties. Conflicts of interest may be actual, potential, or perceived, and be financial or nonfinancial, or both.

    9          Candidate Brief MTU Governing Body External Members
6. Appendices
6.1 – CV Template

6.2 – Technological Universities Act 2018 (Number 3 of 2018)

6.3 – MTU Code of Governance

6.4 – Code of Practice for the Governance of State Bodies 2016

6.5 – Ethics in Public Office Acts 1995 and 2001
All persons who have obligations under the Ethics in Public Office Acts 1995 and 2001 are obliged
to act in accordance with the guidelines and any advice given by the Standards Commission, unless
by so doing they would be contravening another provision of the legislation.

  10     Candidate Brief MTU Governing Body External Members
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