Multi-Vehicle Control in Roundabouts using Decentralized Game-Theoretic Planning
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Multi-Vehicle Control in Roundabouts using Decentralized Game-Theoretic Planning Arec Jamgochian , Kunal Menda and Mykel J. Kochenderfer Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Stanford University {arec, kmenda, mykel} Abstract arXiv:2201.02718v1 [cs.RO] 8 Jan 2022 Safe navigation in dense, urban driving environ- ments remains an open problem and an active area of research. Unlike typical predict-then- plan approaches, game-theoretic planning consid- ers how one vehicle’s plan will affect the ac- tions of another. Recent work has demonstrated significant improvements in the time required to find local Nash equilibria in general-sum games with nonlinear objectives and constraints. When applied trivially to driving, these works assume all vehicles in a scene play a game together, which can result in intractable computation times for dense traffic. We formulate a decentralized Figure 1: The DR USA Roundabout FT roundabout (Zhan et al., 2019). Planning in a dense traffic environment requires negotiating approach to game-theoretic planning by assum- with multiple agents, but not with all agents in a scene. ing that agents only play games within their ob- servational vicinity, which we believe to be a more reasonable assumption for human driving. A general approach is to assume every driver acts to opti- Games are played in parallel for all strongly con- mize their own objective, as is the case in a Markov Game. nected components of an interaction graph, signif- If no agent has any incentive for unilaterally switching its icantly reducing the number of players and con- policy, then the resulting joint policy is a Nash equilib- straints in each game, and therefore the time re- rium (Kochenderfer et al., 2022). While typical policies may quired for planning. We demonstrate that our ap- be formed using predictions about other vehicles, Nash equi- proach can achieve collision-free, efficient driv- librium policies have the benefit of considering how agents ing in urban environments by comparing perfor- may respond to the actions of others. Nash equilibrium (and mance against an adaptation of the Intelligent other game-theoretic) policies therefore can more closely Driver Model and centralized game-theoretic plan- capture human driving, where drivers reason about how their ning when navigating roundabouts in the INTER- driving decisions will affect the plans of other drivers and ne- ACTION dataset. Our implementation is available gotiate accordingly. at Nash equilibrium strategies for finite-horizon linear- quadratic games obey coupled Riccati differential equations, and can be solved for in discrete time using dynamic pro- 1 Introduction gramming (Başar and Olsder, 1998; Engwerda, 2007). More A better understanding of human driver behavior could yield recent work has explored efficiently finding Nash equilibria better simulators to stress test autonomous driving policies. in games with non-linear dynamics by iteratively linearizing A well-studied line of work attempts to build interpretable them (Fridovich-Keil et al., 2020) or by searching for roots longitudinal or lateral motion models parameterized by only of the gradients of augmented Lagrangians (Le Cleac’h et al., a few parameters. For example, the Intelligent Driver Model 2020). Both kinds of approaches have been applied to urban (IDM) control law has five parameters that govern longitudi- driving scenarios. However, they focus on scenarios where nal acceleration (Treiber et al., 2000; Kesting et al., 2010). the number of agents is low, and the methods are empirically There are different ways to infer model parameters from shown in the latter work to scale poorly as the number of data (Liebner et al., 2012; Buyer et al., 2019; Bhattacharyya, agents is increased. Senanayake, et al., 2020). However, one can typically only In dense, urban driving environments, the number of agents use these models in well-defined, simple scenarios (e.g. high- in a particular scene can be quite large. Navigating a round- way driving). Building models from data in complicated sce- about, such as the one shown in Figure 1, can require success- narios (e.g. roundabouts) remains an open area of research. fully negotiating with many other drivers. Luckily, modeling
multi-agent driving in dense traffic as one large, coordinated The literature on multi-agent planning is rich and exten- game of negotiations is unrealistic. Drivers typically perform sive. A common assumption is cooperation, which can be negotiations with the only vehicles closest to them. Further- modeled with one single reward function that is shared by all more, they cannot negotiate with drivers who do not see them. agents. In this work, we formulate multi-vehicle decentralized, Multi-agent cooperative planning is surveyed recently game-theoretic control under the latter assumption that games by Torreno et al., 2017. In real driving, agents do not coop- are only played when drivers see one another. We use a erate, but rather optimize their individual reward functions. time-dependent interaction graph to encodes agents’ observa- One approach is to model real driving as a general-sum dy- tions of other agents, and we delegate game-theoretic control namic game. In non-cooperative games, different solution to strongly connected components (SCCs) within that graph. concepts have been proposed. Nash equilibria are solutions in Furthermore, we make the assumption any time a driver ob- which no player can reduce their cost by changing their strat- serves a vehicle that does not observe them in turn, that driver egy alone (Kochenderfer et al., 2022). The problem of find- must use forecasts of the other vehicle’s movements in their ing Nash equilibria for multi-player dynamic games in which plan. Thus, the game of an SCC of agents has additional col- player strategies are coupled through joint state constraints lision constraints imposed by outgoing edges from that SCC. (e.g. for avoiding collisions) is referred to as a Generalized We demonstrate our method on a roundabout simulator de- Nash Equilibrium Problem (GNEP) (Facchinei and Kanzow, rived from the INTERACTION dataset (Zhan et al., 2019). 2007). We observe that a decentralized model based on IDM is un- Nash equilibrium strategies for finite-horizon linear- tenable for safe control, and that our decentralized approach quadratic games obey coupled Riccati differential equations, to game-theoretic planning can generate safe, efficient be- and can be solved for in discrete time using dynamic pro- havior. We observe that our approach provides significant gramming (Başar and Olsder, 1998; Engwerda, 2007). A speedup to centralized game-theoretic planning, though it is recent approach, iLQGames, can solve more general dif- still not fast enough for real-time control. ferential dynamic games by iteratively making and solving In summary, our contributions are to: linear-quadratic approximations until convergence to a lo- cal, closed-loop Nash equilibrium strategy (Fridovich-Keil • Introduce a method for achieving (partially) decentral- et al., 2020). An alternative method, ALGAMES, uses a ized game-theoretic control, and quasi-Newton root-finding algorithm to solve a general-sum • Apply that method to demonstrate human-like driving in dynamic game for a local open-loop Nash equilibrium (Le roundabouts using real data. Cleac’h et al., 2020). Unlike iLQGames, ALGAMES allows The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: Section 2 for hard constraints in the joint state and action space, but outlines background material, Section 3 describes our ap- it must be wrapped in model-predictive control to be used proach and methodologies, Section 4 highlights experiments practically. We note that neither method finds global Nash and results, and Section 5 concludes. equilibria, and the same game can result in different equilib- ria depending on the initialization. The problem of inferring which Nash equilibrium most closely matches observations 2 Background of other vehicles is considered by Peters et al., 2020. Since Research to model and predict human driver behavior was re- the reward functions of other vehicles may be unknown, ad- cently surveyed by Brown et al. (2020). The field of imitation ditional work formulates an extension in which an Unscented learning (IL) seeks to learn policies that mimic expert demon- Kalman Filter is used to update beliefs over parameters in the strations. One class of IL algorithms requires actively query- other vehicle’s reward functions (Le Cleac’h et al., 2021). ing an expert to obtain feedback on the policy while learn- In this paper, we adopt the convention presented in AL- ing. Naturally, this method does not scale (Ross and Bagnell, GAMES. We denote the state and control of player i at time t 2010; Ross, Gordon, et al., 2011). as xit and uit respectively. We denote the full trajectory of all Other methods use fixed expert data and alternate between agents x1:N i 1:T as X for shorthand. X indicates agent i’s full optimizing a reward function, and re-solving a Markov de- trajectory, Xt indicates the joint state at time t. Similarly, we cision process for the optimal policy, which can be expen- use U to indicate the joint action plan u1:N i 1:T , U to indicate sive (Abbeel and Ng, 2004; Ziebart et al., 2008). More re- agent i’s full plan, and Ut to indicates the joint action at time cent methods attempt to do these steps progressively while t. The cost function of each player is denoted J i (X, U i ). using neural network policies and policy gradients (Finn et The objective of each player is to choose actions that mini- al., 2016; Ho, Gupta, et al., 2016). Generative Adversarial mize the cost of their objective function subject to constraints Imitation Learning (GAIL) treats IL as a two-player game imposed by the joint dynamics f , and by external constraints in which a generator is trying to generate human-like behav- C (e.g. collision avoidance constraints, action bounds, etc.): ior to fool a discriminator, which is, in turn, trying to dif- mini J i (X, U i ) ferentiate between artificial and expert data (Ho and Ermon, X,U 2016). GAIL was expanded to perform multi-agent imitation s.t. Xt+1 = f (t, Xt , Ut ), t = 1, . . . , T − 1, (1) learning in simulated environments (Song et al., 2018). GAIL has recently been tested with mixed levels of success on real- C(X, U ) ≤ 0 world highway driving scenarios (Bhattacharyya, Phillips, et A joint plan U optimizes the GNEP and is, therefore, an open- al., 2018; Bhattacharyya, Wulfe, et al., 2020). GAIL has not loop Nash equilibrium if each plan U i is optimal to its respec- yet been implemented in more complex driving environments tive problem when the remaining agents plans U −i are fixed. (e.g. roundabouts), where success will likely require signifi- That is to say, no agent can improve their objective by only cant innovation. changing their own plan.
served agents maintain their velocities, however, our method is amenable to more complex forecasting methods. An exam- ple interaction graph is shown in Figure 2. To control the vehicles, this decentralized planning is wrapped in model predictive control. Once each planner de- termines the plan of all the agents in each sub-component, the first action of each plan is taken, a new interaction graph is generated, and new game-theoretic planners are instanti- ated. Decentralized game-theoretic planning is summarized in Algorithm 1. Algorithm 1 Decentralized Game-Theoretic Planning 1: procedure D EC NASH(X1 ) 2: for t ← 1 : T do Figure 2: Sample roundabout frame from the INTERACTION 3: gt ← InteractionGraph(Xt ) dataset (Zhan et al., 2019). Observation edges are denoted with ar- 4: SCCs ← StronglyConnectedComponents(gt ) rows, and strongly connected components are drawn with circles. 5: for SCC ∈ SCCs do Each strongly connected component must make a game-theoretic plan while respecting forecasts of agents from edges leaving that 6: game ← Game(SCC, Xt ) component. 7: U [SCC.nodes] ← NashSolver(game) 8: Xt+1 ← ExecuteAction(Xt , U ) 3 Methodology 3.1 Decentralized Game-Theoretic Planning We believe that this model of human driving more real- We note that in dense traffic, the assumption that all agents istically captures real-life driving negotiations, where each play a game with all other agents is unrealistic. More realisti- driver makes plans based only on a few observed neighboring cally, agents only negotiate with a subset of the agents in the vehicles, and where game-theoretic negotiations only occur scene at any one given point in time. If there are many agents between vehicles that actively observe one other. For exam- in the scene, then agents typically negotiate with the ones in ple, if a driver observes a vehicle they know is not observing their immediate vicinity. them, then that driver must plan using forecasts of the ob- Furthermore, this game-theoretic negotiation exists only served vehicle’s motion, rather than play a game to commu- when there is two-way communication between agents. If nicate their intent. Furthermore, this decentralized approach two drivers can observe one another, they can negotiate, but is much more scalable since the number of players, as well if a trailing vehicle is in a leading driver’s blind spot, then as the O(n2 ) safety constraints within each game, stays rela- the leading driver is agnostic to the trailing vehicle’s actions tively small even when there are many vehicles in the driving while the trailing driver must plan around predictions about scenario. The dependence on the number of players was ob- the behavior of the leading vehicle. served empirically by Le Cleac’h et al. (2020), who saw a ten- We encode this information flow using a directed graph to twenty-fold increase in computation time for their method G = (V, E) where node i ∈ V captures information about when moving from two to four agents per game. agent i and an edge (i, j) ∈ E captures whether agent i can observe agent j. We define the agent i’s neighbor set 3.2 Roundabout Game Ni = {j | (i, j) ∈ E} as the set of all agents that agent i We formulate the local negotiations between agents in a actively observes. roundabout as separate GNEPs to be solved in parallel. Each At each point in time, we can generate the interaction graph problem can be thought of to have N -players, Nc of which Gt based on the agents each agent actively observes. We as- are controlled, and No = N − Nc of which are observed. Nc sume that a human driver can only reason about a small sub- is the size of the SCC being considered, and No is the num- set of agents that are within its field of view, so we add those ber of outgoing edges from that SCC. Since we only control observed agents to the ego vehicle’s neighbor set. The cardi- Nc agents in our decentralized plan, we only need to consider nality of each neighbor set |Ni | can therefore be much smaller the first Nc ≤ N optimization problems in the dynamic game than the total number of agents in a scene. We then instanti- in Eq. (1). ate one game for each of the strongly connected components In our roundabout game, we assume that vehicle trajec- (SCCs) of Gt . tories are determined beforehand (e.g. by a trajectory plan- Within each SCC, agents must compute a Nash equilib- ner), and the goal of our planner is to prescribe accelerations rium. Agents within the SCC negotiate with one another, but of vehicles along their respective trajectories. We do so by are constrained by the predictions of observed agents who do parametrizing a vehicle’s trajectory using a polynomial map- not observe them (e.g. the outgoing edges of each strongly ping a distance travelled along the path to the x and y posi- connected component). If two agents observe one another, tions of the vehicle. A vehicle modulates acceleration along and one of those two agents observed a third leading car, then this pre-determined path in order to safely and efficiently nav- the agents must make a joint plan subject to predictions about igate to its goal. We think it is valid to assume that trajecto- the third car. This can be done by instantiating a game with all ries can be computed a priori in roundabouts, but this may be three cars and fixing the actions of the third car to be those of a less-valid assumption in highway traffic, where agents can its forecasted plan. In our experiments, we forecast that ob- plan their paths to react to other agents. Our decentralized
method can, however, be extended to other driving environ- in the scene, thereby controlling agents along paths gener- ments by reformulating the game setup. ated from real-world data. Our code is made available at With our assumptions, each vehicle’s state can be written: i pxt = p(sit ; θxi ) We analyze behavior generated from a fully decentral- |θ|−1 ized policy in which vehicles follow an adaptation of i i i pyt = p(st ; θyi ) X xt = i , where p(s; θ) = θi si . (2) IDM (Treiber et al., 2000), a centralized game-theoretic pol- st icy, and our decentralized game-theoretic method. We discuss i=0 vti observed behavior and compare collision rates, average speed Here, s and v encode the vehicle position and velocity along shortfalls, planning times, and agents in each game. its path and are the minimal state representation. To simplify collision constraints, the first two elements in the state ex- 4.1 IDM Adaptation pand the path position to x and y locations using coefficients Given speed v(t) and relative speed r(t) to a followed vehi- θxi and θyi . Each vehicle directly controls its own accel- cle, the Intelligent Driver Model (IDM) for longitudinal ac- eration, leading to the following continuous-time dynamics, celeration predicts acceleration as which are discretized at solve time: v(t) · r(t) ddes = dmin + τ · v(t) − p (8) i i ṗ(st , vt ; θxi ) 2 amax · bpref |θ|−1 i i ṗ(s , v ; θ i ) X " 4 2 # ẋit = t ti y , where ṗ(s, v; θ) = v θi isi−1 . a(t) = amax 1 − v(t) − ddes , (9) vt i=1 vtarget d(t) uit (3) where ddes is the desired distance to the lead vehicle, dmin is To incentivize vehicles to reach their velocity targets the minimum distance to the lead vehicle that the driver will while penalizing unnecessary accelerations, we use a linear- tolerate, τ is the desired time headway, amax is the controlled quadratic objective: vehicle’s maximum acceleration, bpref is the preferred decel- eration, and vtarget is the driver’s desired free-flow speed. T X Though IDM is intended for modeling longitudinal driv- J i (X i , U i ) = q i kvti − vtarget i k22 + ri kuit k22 , (4) ing, we adapt it for use in roundabout driving by designating t=1 the closest vehicle within a 20◦ half-angle cone from the con- where qi and ri are vehicle-dependent objective weighting trolled vehicle’s heading as the “follow” vehicle, and calcu- i parameters, and vtarget is the vehicle’s desired free-flow speed. lating the relevant parameters by casting the “follow” vehicle Controls are constrained to be within the control limits to the controlled vehicle’s path. of each controlled vehicle, and to be equivalent to the pre- 4.2 Game-Theoretic Planning dicted controls for the observed vehicles. That is, for all t ∈ {1, ..., T }, we have We implement our decentralized game-theoretic planning ap- proach as described in Section 3.1. To generate an interaction uimin ≤ uit ≤ uimin ∀i ∈ {1, ..., Nc } (5) graph, we say agent i observes agent j (e.g. (i, j) ∈ E) if j is uit = ûit ∀i ∈ {Nc + 1, ..., N } (6) within a 20 meter, 120◦ half-angle cone from i’s heading. To compute strongly connected components and their outgoing ûit where is the predicted control of observed vehicle i at time edges, we use Kosaraju’s algorithm (Nuutila and Soisalon- t. Soininen, 1994), which uses two depth-first search traversals Finally, we impose collision constraints between each pair to compute strongly connected components in linear time. of (both observed and unobserved) vehicles at every point in We implement the one-dimensional dynamic roundabout time. That is, for every pair of agents i and j at every time in game setup as described in Section 3.2. For predictions of the the horizon, we introduce constraints outgoing edges of each strongly connected component, we (pixt − pjxt )2 + (piyt − pjyt )2 ≥ rsafe 2 , (7) assume each observed uncontrolled vehicle will maintain its velocity throughout the planning horizon (i.e. ûit from Eq. (6) where rsafe is a safety radius. is 0 for all t). We use Algames.jl (Le Cleac’h et al., 2020) to solve for Nash equilibria by optimizing an augmented La- 4 Experiments grangian with the objective gradients. At each point in time, In our experiments, we empirically demonstrate our ap- we plan a four-second horizon, where decisions are made ev- proach’s ability to generate human-like behavior in real- ery 0.2 seconds. world, complicated driving scenarios. We use the IN- We also compare our method against a fully centralized TERACTION dataset (Zhan et al., 2019), which consists approach—that is, one where all agents in a frame play a sin- of drone-collected motion data from scenes with compli- gle game together. cated driving interactions. We focus on control in a round- about, a traditionally difficult driving scenario that requires 4.3 Results negotiating with potentially many agents. From the data, As a baseline, our IDM adaptation performs surprisingly well we extract vehicle spawn times and approximate true paths even though IDM is designed to model single-lane driving. with twentieth-order polynomials. In our simulator, we We observe successful navigation within the first few hun- fix these values and allow for different methods to pro- dred frames, with collisions happening rarely when two ve- vide (one-dimensional) acceleration control for all agents hicles do not observe one another while merging. As time
progresses, we observe severe slowdowns as more agents en- ter the scene, and an eventual standstill. During standstill, the number of collisions increases dramatically as new vehi- cles enter the scene before space is cleared. One could imag- ine designing sets of rules to circumvent problems from the IDM-based approach, but rule design for such a complex en- vironment can be very difficult because of the edge cases that must be considered. Regardless, this approach highlights the lack of safety in simple systems. On the contrary, decentralized game-theoretic planning generates human-like driving without explicitly encoding rules. We observe agents accelerating and decelerating natu- rally with the flow of locally observed traffic. We also observe instances of agents safely resolving complex traffic conflicts which would be difficult to encode in rules-based planners. Although our quantitative experiments focus on evaluating performance at a single, more difficult roundabout, we see human-like, safe driving emerge across roundabout environ- (a) Interaction Graph ments. That is, we observe collision-free generalization to different roundabouts without doing any additional parame- ter tuning. For videos of resulting behavior please refer to supplementary material. A sample decentralized open-loop, Nash equilibrium plan can be seen in Figure 3. In it, one highlighted strongly con- nected component consists of three vehicles that observe one another, and observe one other vehicle that does not observe them in turn. The optimal plan for this strongly connected component has the three vehicles in the component safely in- teracting to proceed towards their goals, while the other ob- served but non-controlled vehicle maintains its velocity. Vehicle 1 Figure 4 depicts the safe resolution of a traffic conflict by Vehicle 2 our method that would be otherwise hard to resolve. In it, the Vehicle 3 vehicles resolve who has right-of-way and merge safely be- Vehicle 4 hind one another without wholly disrupting the flow of traffic, which happens often in the IDM adaptation baseline. (b) Planned Trajectory for SCC In Table 1, we compare the performance of the IDM adap- tation, centralized game-theoretic planning, and decentral- ized game-theoretic planning in some key metrics averaged 12 over five 100-second roundabout simulations where decisions are made at 10 Hz. Namely, we compare the number of col- lisions per 100 seconds, the average shortfall below target Velocity (m/s) speed, the number of players per game given our choice of 10 interaction graph, and the time to generate a joint policy. For our decentralized approach, we define the number of play- ers per game and the time to generate a joint policy using 8 the largest values across strongly connected components at each time step, as the games can be parallelized. We note that our solution times are slow because we are approximating the 6 vtarget Vehicle 1 Vehicle 2 paths as twentieth-order polynomials, and the times are meant to highlight relative improvement when using a decentralized Vehicle 3 Vehicle 4 approach. 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 We observe that though generating a joint policy is quick in Time (s) the IDM adaptation, it leads to unsafe behavior that is signifi- cantly reduced in the game-theoretic approaches. We observe (c) Planned Velocity Profile for SCC that the game-theoretic approaches are both a) much safer in terms of collision rate and b) much more efficient in terms Figure 3: A snapshot of an interaction graph, with a particular of vehicle speed. We see an average of 55.8, 4.8, and 0.2 strongly connected component highlighted (a). There are three collisions per 100 seconds when using the IDM, centralized agents in the SCC and a fourth one which is observed but not con- game-theoretic, and decentralized game-theoretic policies re- trolled. The three vehicles inside the SCC safely negotiate with one spectively. Similarly, we see that the mean vehicle shortfall another en route their goals. The planned Nash equilibrium trajec- tory is shown in (b) with points for every 0.2 seconds. The planned velocity improves from 8.7 m/s with IDM, to 3.2 m/s with velocity profile is depicted in (c). the centralized game-theoretic policy, to 2.8 m/s with our
Figure 4: A set of snapshots of traffic conflicts which gets resolved safely through decentralized game-theoretic planning. Snapshots are shown at one second intervals (ten decision frames). The vehicles quickly resolve right-of-way and merge safely without the need for a complex set of rules. Table 1: A comparison of performance metrics with the IDM adap- gotiations which drivers undergo to resolve conflicts. Game- tation, centralized game-theoretic planning (C-Nash), and decentral- theoretic planning shows promise in allowing multiple agents ized game-theoretic planning (Dec-Nash) models, performed over five scenes of 100 seconds of driving. We compare the mean number to safely navigate a dense environment because it enables of collisions per 100 seconds (collisions), the mean vehicle shortfall agents to reason about how their plans affect other agents’ below target speed (vtarget −vavg ), the number of players in the largest plans. Though finding a Nash equilibrium in a general- game at each time step (# players), and the time to generate a joint sum Markov game can be quite expensive, recent work has policy. demonstrated significant improvements in optimization ef- ficiency for games with nonlinear dynamics and objectives Model Collisions vtarget − vavg # Players Time (s) (Fridovich-Keil et al., 2020; Le Cleac’h et al., 2020). These methods, however, are shown empirically to scale poorly with IDM 55.80±11.53 8.68±0.13 1 0.005±0.001 the number of agents in the game. C-Nash 4.80±1.88 3.22±0.16 6.23±2.34 6.43±5.74 Dec-Nash 0.20±0.20 2.79±0.12 1.83±1.00 2.24±1.97 In this project, we take a decentralized approach to game- theoretic planning for urban navigation, in which we assume that planning games are only played between vehicles that method. are mutually interacting (e.g. who are visible to one another We notice that using a centralized game-theoretic approach within a strongly connected graph component). This assump- leads to more driving hesitancy, which ultimately results in tion significantly reduces the number of agents in each game, slower average velocities when compared to our approach. and therefore collision constraints, allowing reduced Nash We observe collisions in the centralized approach being equilibrium optimization time. We demonstrate our approach caused by a) the solver being unable to find adequate solu- in roundabouts, where we control agent accelerations assum- tions when the games are too large, and b) vehicles spawning ing paths are known a priori (e.g. from a trajectory planner). before their path has been cleared. With the decentralized We observe the emergence of human-like driving behavior game-theoretic policy, we only observed one collision in the which is safe and efficient when compared to a baseline IDM 500 total seconds of driving, which we believe to have also adaptation, and which is quick when compared to centralized been caused by the game in question being too large. game-theoretic planning. Furthermore, we observe that our decentralized approach can generate plans much more quickly than a centralized one. Our approach has the limitation that it assumes shared We also expect that in larger urban intersections and round- knowledge of other agents’ objective functions within a abouts with much denser traffic, the performance gaps would strongly connected component, and is therefore not fully de- become even more profound, and our method will be a neces- centralized. Future work involves relaxing this assumption. sity to keep game-theoretic plan generation tractable. Recent work tries to infer parameters of other players’ un- known objective functions (Le Cleac’h et al., 2021), but this presents challenges in the decentralized case when other play- 5 Conclusion ers may only stay in a strongly connected component for a Generating safe, human-like behavior in dense traffic is chal- short period of time. Future work also involves designing ob- lenging for rule-based planners because of the complex ne- jectives to better imitate human behavior.
Acknowledgments Ho, J., J. Gupta, and S. Ermon (2016). “Model-free imitation This material is based upon work supported by the National learning with policy optimization”. In: International Con- Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program ference on Machine Learning (ICML), pp. 2760–2769. under Grant No. DGE-1656518. Any opinions, findings, and Kesting, A., M. Treiber, and D. Helbing (2010). “Enhanced conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material intelligent driver model to access the impact of driving are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the strategies on traffic capacity”. In: Philosophical Transac- views of the National Science Foundation. This work is also tions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and supported by the COMET K2—Competence Centers for Ex- Engineering Sciences 368.1928, pp. 4585–4605. cellent Technologies Programme of the Federal Ministry for Kochenderfer, M. J., T. A. Wheeler, and K. H. Wray (2022). Transport, Innovation and Technology (bmvit), the Federal Algorithms for Decision Making. MIT Press. Ministry for Digital, Business and Enterprise (bmdw), the Le Cleac’h, S., M. Schwager, and Z. Manchester (2020). “AL- Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG), the Province of GAMES: A fast solver for constrained dynamic games”. Styria, and the Styrian Business Promotion Agency (SFG). In: Robotics: Science and Systems. The authors thank Simon Le Cleac’h, Brian Jackson, Lasse Le Cleac’h, S., M. Schwager, and Z. Manchester (2021). Peters, and Mac Schwager for their insightful feedback. “LUCIDGames: online unscented inverse dynamic games for adaptive trajectory prediction and planning”. In: IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, pp. 1–1. References Liebner, M., M. Baumann, F. Klanner, and C. Stiller (2012). Abbeel, P. and A. Y. Ng (2004). “Apprenticeship learning via “Driver intent inference at urban intersections using the in- inverse reinforcement learning”. 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