Multi-Prototype Vector-Space Models of Word Meaning

Page created by Anna Freeman
Multi-Prototype Vector-Space Models of Word Meaning

                  Joseph Reisinger                               Raymond J. Mooney
            Department of Computer Science                  Department of Computer Science
            The University of Texas at Austin               The University of Texas at Austin
              1 University Station C0500                      1 University Station C0500
                Austin, TX 78712-0233                           Austin, TX 78712-0233

                      Abstract                           to both bat and association, which are not at all simi-
                                                         lar to each other. Word meaning violates the triangle
     Current vector-space models of lexical seman-       inequality when viewed at the level of word types,
     tics create a single “prototype” vector to rep-     posing a problem for vector-space models (Tver-
     resent the meaning of a word. However, due
                                                         sky and Gati, 1982). A single “prototype” vector
     to lexical ambiguity, encoding word mean-
     ing with a single vector is problematic. This       is simply incapable of capturing phenomena such as
     paper presents a method that uses cluster-          homonymy and polysemy. Also, most vector-space
     ing to produce multiple “sense-specific” vec-       models are context independent, while the meaning
     tors for each word. This approach provides          of a word clearly depends on context. The word club
     a context-dependent vector representation of        in “The caveman picked up the club” is similar to bat
     word meaning that naturally accommodates            in “John hit the robber with a bat,” but not in “The
     homonymy and polysemy. Experimental com-
                                                         bat flew out of the cave.”
     parisons to human judgements of semantic
     similarity for both isolated words as well as          We present a new resource-lean vector-space
     words in sentential contexts demonstrate the        model that represents a word’s meaning by a set of
     superiority of this approach over both proto-       distinct “sense specific” vectors. The similarity of
     type and exemplar based vector-space models.        two isolated words A and B is defined as the mini-
                                                         mum distance between one of A’s vectors and one of
                                                         B’s vectors. In addition, a context-dependent mean-
1   Introduction
                                                         ing for a word is determined by choosing one of the
Automatically judging the degree of semantic sim-        vectors in its set based on minimizing the distance
ilarity between words is an important task useful        to the vector representing the current context. Con-
in text classification (Baker and McCallum, 1998),       sequently, the model supports judging the similarity
information retrieval (Sanderson, 1994), textual en-     of both words in isolation and words in context.
tailment, and other language processing tasks. The          The set of vectors for a word is determined by un-
standard empirical approach to this task exploits the    supervised word sense discovery (WSD) (Schütze,
distributional hypothesis, i.e. that similar words ap-   1998), which clusters the contexts in which a word
pear in similar contexts (Curran and Moens, 2002;        appears. In previous work, vector-space lexical sim-
Lin and Pantel, 2002; Pereira et al., 1993). Tra-        ilarity and word sense discovery have been treated
ditionally, word types are represented by a sin-         as two separate tasks. This paper shows how they
gle vector of contextual features derived from co-       can be combined to create an improved vector-space
occurrence information, and semantic similarity is       model of lexical semantics. First, a word’s contexts
computed using some measure of vector distance           are clustered to produce groups of similar context
(Lee, 1999; Lowe, 2001).                                 vectors. An average “prototype” vector is then com-
   However, due to homonymy and polysemy, cap-           puted separately for each cluster, producing a set of
turing the semantics of a word with a single vector is   vectors for each word. Finally, as described above,
problematic. For example, the word club is similar       these cluster vectors can be used to determine the se-
mantic similarity of both isolated words and words                                                              (cluster#1)
in context. The approach is completely modular, and                                                             importance
                                                             ... chose Zbigniew Brzezinski                      bombing
can integrate any clustering method with any tradi-          for the position of ...
                                                             ... thus the symbol s position                     (cluster#2)
tional vector-space model.                                   on his clothing was ...                            post
   We present experimental comparisons to human              ... writes call options against                    appointme
                                                             the stock position ...                             nt, role, job
judgements of semantic similarity for both isolated          ... offered a position with ...
                                                             ... a position he would hold
words and words in sentential context. The results                                                     single  (cluster#3)
                                                             until his retirement in ...
                                                             ... endanger their position as          prototype intensity,
demonstrate the superiority of a clustered approach          a cultural group...
                                                                                                                hour, gust
over both traditional prototype and exemplar-based           ... on the chart of the vessel s
                                                             current position ...                               (cluster#4)
vector-space models. For example, given the iso-             ... not in a position to help...                   lineman,
lated target word singer our method produces the                                                                tackle, role,
most similar word vocalist, while using a single pro-
                                                                (collect contexts)              (cluster)     (similarity)
totype gives musician. Given the word cell in the
context: “The book was published while Piasecki             Figure 1: Overview of the multi-prototype approach
was still in prison, and a copy was delivered to his        to near-synonym discovery for a single target word
cell.” the standard approach produces protein while         independent of context. Occurrences are clustered
our method yields incarcerated.                             and cluster centroids are used as prototype vectors.
   The remainder of the paper is organized as fol-          Note the “hurricane” sense of position (cluster 3) is
lows: Section 2 gives relevant background on pro-           not typically considered appropriate in WSD.
totype and exemplar methods for lexical semantics,
Section 3 presents our multi-prototype method, Sec-
tion 4 presents our experimental evaluations, Section       approach is to compute a single prototype vector for
5 discusses future work, and Section 6 concludes.           each word from its occurrences.
                                                               This paper presents a multi-prototype vector space
2     Background                                            model for lexical semantics with a single parame-
Psychological concept models can be roughly di-             ter K (the number of clusters) that generalizes both
vided into two classes:                                     prototype (K = 1) and exemplar (K = N , the total
                                                            number of instances) methods. Such models have
    1. Prototype models represented concepts by an          been widely studied in the Psychology literature
       abstract prototypical instance, similar to a clus-   (Griffiths et al., 2007; Love et al., 2004; Rosseel,
       ter centroid in parametric density estimation.       2002). By employing multiple prototypes per word,
                                                            vector space models can account for homonymy,
    2. Exemplar models represent concepts by a con-
                                                            polysemy and thematic variation in word usage.
       crete set of observed instances, similar to non-
                                                            Furthermore, such approaches require only O(K 2 )
       parametric approaches to density estimation in
                                                            comparisons for computing similarity, yielding po-
       statistics (Ashby and Alfonso-Reese, 1995).
                                                            tential computational savings over the exemplar ap-
Tversky and Gati (1982) famously showed that con-           proach when K  N , while reaping many of the
ceptual similarity violates the triangle inequality,        same benefits.
lending evidence for exemplar-based models in psy-             Previous work on lexical semantic relatedness has
chology. Exemplar models have been previously               focused on two approaches: (1) mining monolin-
used for lexical semantics problems such as selec-          gual or bilingual dictionaries or other pre-existing
tional preference (Erk, 2007) and thematic fit (Van-        resources to construct networks of related words
dekerckhove et al., 2009). Individual exemplars can         (Agirre and Edmond, 2006; Ramage et al., 2009),
be quite noisy and the model can incur high com-            and (2) using the distributional hypothesis to au-
putational overhead at prediction time since naively        tomatically infer a vector-space prototype of word
computing the similarity between two words using            meaning from large corpora (Agirre et al., 2009;
each occurrence in a textual corpus as an exemplar          Curran, 2004; Harris, 1954). The former approach
requires O(n2 ) comparisons. Instead, the standard          tends to have greater precision, but depends on hand-
crafted dictionaries and cannot, in general, model         cosine similarity, a standard measure of textual sim-
sense frequency (Budanitsky and Hirst, 2006). The          ilarity. However, movMF introduces an additional
latter approach is fundamentally more scalable as it       per-cluster concentration parameter controlling its
does not rely on specific resources and can model          semantic breadth, allowing it to more accurately
corpus-specific sense distributions. However, the          model non-uniformities in the distribution of cluster
distributional approach can suffer from poor preci-        sizes. Based on preliminary experiments comparing
sion, as thematically similar words (e.g., singer and      various clustering methods, we found movMF gave
actor) and antonyms often occur in similar contexts        the best results.
(Lin et al., 2003).
                                                           3.2 Measuring Semantic Similarity
   Unsupervised word-sense discovery has been
studied by number of researchers (Agirre and Ed-           The similarity between two words in a multi-
mond, 2006; Schütze, 1998). Most work has also            prototype model can be computed straightforwardly,
                                                           requiring only simple modifications to standard dis-
focused on corpus-based distributional approaches,
                                                           tributional similarity methods such as those pre-
varying the vector-space representation, e.g. by in-       sented by Curran (2004). Given words w and w0 , we
corporating syntactic and co-occurrence information        define two noncontextual clustered similarity met-
from the words surrounding the target term (Pereira        rics to measure similarity of isolated words:
et al., 1993; Pantel and Lin, 2002).
                                                                                             K K
                                                                                  def    1 XX
                                                           AvgSim(w, w0 )         =              d(πk (w), πj (w0 ))
3     Multi-Prototype Vector-Space Models                                               K 2 j=1
Our approach is similar to standard vector-space           MaxSim(w, w0 )         =          max        d(πk (w), πj (w0 ))
models of word meaning, with the addition of a per-
word-type clustering step: Occurrences for a spe-          where d(·, ·) is a standard distributional similarity
cific word type are collected from the corpus and          measure. In AvgSim, word similarity is computed
clustered using any appropriate method (§3.1). Sim-        as the average similarity of all pairs of prototype
ilarity between two word types is then computed as         vectors; In MaxSim the similarity is the maximum
a function of their cluster centroids (§3.2), instead of   over all pairwise prototype similarities. All results
the centroid of all the word’s occurrences. Figure 1       reported in this paper use cosine similarity, 1
gives an overview of this process.                                                P                      0
                                                                     0              f ∈F I(w, f ) · I(w , f )
                                                           Cos(w, w ) = P
3.1    Clustering Occurrences
                                                                           q                    q
                                                                                              2               0     2
                                                                                f ∈F I(w, f )        f ∈F I(w , f )
Multiple prototypes for each word w are generated
by clustering feature vectors v(c) derived from each       We compare across two different feature functions
occurrence c ∈ C(w) in a large textual corpus and          tf-idf weighting and χ2 weighting, chosen due to
collecting the resulting cluster centroids πk (w), k ∈     their ubiquity in the literature (Agirre et al., 2009;
[1, K]. This approach is commonly employed in un-          Curran, 2004).
supervised word sense discovery; however, we do               In AvgSim, all prototype pairs contribute equally
not assume that clusters correspond to traditional         to the similarity computation, thus two words are
word senses. Rather, we only rely on clusters to cap-      judged as similar if many of their senses are simi-
ture meaningful variation in word usage.                   lar. MaxSim, on the other hand, only requires a sin-
   Our experiments employ a mixture of von Mises-          gle pair of prototypes to be close for the words to be
Fisher distributions (movMF) clustering method             judged similar. Thus, MaxSim models the similarity
with first-order unigram contexts (Banerjee et al.,        of words that share only a single sense (e.g. bat and
2005). Feature vectors v(c) are composed of indi-          club) at the cost of lower robustness to noisy clusters
vidual features I(c, f ), taken as all unigrams occur-     that might be introduced when K is large.
ring f ∈ F in a 10-word window around w.                      When contextual information is available,
                                                           AvgSim and MaxSim can be modified to produce
   Like spherical k-means (Dhillon and Modha,
2001), movMF models semantic relatedness using                    The main results also hold for weighted Jaccard similarity.
more precise similarity computations:                             corpus contains multiple human judgements on 353
                                                                  word pairs, covering both monosemous and poly-
      AvgSimC(w, w0 ) =                                           semous words, each rated on a 1–10 integer scale.
                K K
            1 XX                                                  Spearman’s rank correlation (ρ) with average human
                    dc,w,k dc0 ,w0 ,j d(πk (w), πj (w0 ))
           K 2 j=1                                                judgements (Agirre et al., 2009) was used to mea-
                                                                  sure the quality of various models.
      MaxSimC(w, w0 ) = d(π̂(w), π̂(w0 ))                            Figure 2 plots Spearman’s ρ on WordSim-353
                def                                               against the number of clusters (K) for Wikipedia
where dc,w,k = d(v(c), πk (w)) is the likelihood of
                                                                  and Gigaword corpora, using pruned tf-idf and χ2
context c belonging to cluster πk (w), and π̂(w) =                features.2 In general pruned tf-idf features yield
πarg max1≤k≤K dc,w,k (w), the maximum likelihood                  higher correlation than χ2 features. Using AvgSim,
cluster for w in context c. Thus, AvgSimC corre-                  the multi-prototype approach (K > 1) yields higher
sponds to soft cluster assignment, weighting each                 correlation than the single-prototype approach (K =
similarity term in AvgSim by the likelihood of the                1) across all corpora and feature types, achieving
word contexts appearing in their respective clus-                 state-of-the-art results with pruned tf-idf features.
ters. MaxSimC corresponds to hard assignment,                     This result is statistically significant in all cases for
using only the most probable cluster assignment.                  tf-idf and for K ∈ [2, 10] on Wikipedia and K > 4
Note that AvgSim and MaxSim can be thought of as                  on Gigaword for χ2 features.3 MaxSim yields simi-
special cases of AvgSimC and MaxSimC with uni-                    lar performance when K < 10 but performance de-
form weight to each cluster; hence AvgSimC and                    grades as K increases.
MaxSimC can be used to compare words in context                      It is possible to circumvent the model-selection
to isolated words as well.                                        problem (choosing the best value of K) by simply
                                                                  combining the prototypes from clusterings of dif-
4     Experimental Evaluation
                                                                  ferent sizes. This approach represents words using
4.1    Corpora                                                    both semantically broad and semantically tight pro-
We employed two corpora to train our models:                      totypes, similar to hierarchical clustering. Table 1
                                                                  and Figure 2 (squares) show the result of such a com-
    1. A snapshot of English Wikipedia taken on Sept.             bined approach, where the prototypes for clusterings
       29th, 2009. Wikitext markup is removed, as                 of size 2-5, 10, 20, 50, and 100 are unioned to form a
       are articles with fewer than 100 words, leaving            single large prototype set. In general, this approach
       2.8M articles with a total of 2.05B words.                 works about as well as picking the optimal value of
                                                                  K, even outperforming the single best cluster size
    2. The third edition English Gigaword corpus,
                                                                  for Wikipedia.
       with articles containing fewer than 100 words
                                                                     Finally, we also compared our method to a pure
       removed, leaving 6.6M articles and 3.9B words
                                                                  exemplar approach, averaging similarity across all
       (Graff, 2003).
                                                                  occurrence pairs.4 Table 1 summarizes the results.
Wikipedia covers a wider range of sense distribu-                 The exemplar approach yields significantly higher
tions, whereas Gigaword contains only newswire                    correlation than the single prototype approach in all
text and tends to employ fewer senses of most am-                 cases except Gigaword with tf-idf features (p <
biguous words. Our method outperforms baseline                    0.05). Furthermore, it performs significantly worse
methods even on Gigaword, indicating its advan-                       2
                                                                        (Feature pruning) We find that results using tf-idf features
tages even when the corpus covers few senses.                     are extremely sensitive to feature pruning while χ2 features are
                                                                  more robust. In all experiments we prune tf-idf features by their
4.2    Judging Semantic Similarity                                overall weight, taking the top 5000. This setting was found to
To evaluate the quality of various models, we first               optimize the performance of the single-prototype approach.
                                                                        Significance is calculated using the large-sample approxi-
compared their lexical similarity measurements to                 mation of the Spearman rank test; (p < 0.05).
human similarity judgements from the WordSim-                         4
                                                                        Averaging across all pairs was found to yield higher corre-
353 data set (Finkelstein et al., 2001). This test                lation than averaging over the most similar pairs.
Spearman’s ρ       prototype   exemplar         multi-prototype (AvgSim)                 combined
                                                        K=5        K = 20      K = 50
          Wikipedia tf-idf   0.53±0.02   0.60±0.06    0.69±0.02 0.76±0.01 0.76±0.01                0.77±0.01
          Wikipedia χ2       0.54±0.03   0.65±0.07    0.58±0.02 0.56±0.02 0.52±0.03                0.59±0.04
          Gigaword tf-idf    0.49±0.02   0.48±0.10    0.64±0.02 0.61±0.02 0.61±0.02                0.62±0.02
          Gigaword χ2        0.25±0.03   0.41±0.14    0.32±0.03 0.35±0.03 0.33±0.03                0.34±0.03

      Table 1: Spearman correlation on the WordSim-353 dataset broken down by corpus and feature type.

                                                            carrier, crane, cell, company, issue, interest, match,
                                                            media, nature, party, practice, plant, racket, recess,
                                                            reservation, rock, space, value
                                                            cause, chance, journal, market, network, policy,
                                                            power, production, series, trading, train
                                                           Table 2: Words used in predicting near synonyms.

                                                          gle prototype. Participants on Amazon’s Mechani-
                                                          cal Turk5 (Snow et al., 2008) were asked to choose
                                                          between two possible alternatives (one from a proto-
                                                          type model and one from a multi-prototype model)
                                                          as being most similar to a given target word. The
                                                          target words were presented either in isolation or in
Figure 2: WordSim-353 rank correlation vs. num-
                                                          a sentential context randomly selected from the cor-
ber of clusters (log scale) for both the Wikipedia
                                                          pus. Table 2 lists the ambiguous words used for this
(left) and Gigaword (right) corpora. Horizontal bars
                                                          task. They are grouped into homonyms (words with
show the performance of single-prototype. Squares
                                                          very distinct senses) and polysemes (words with re-
indicate performance when combining across clus-
                                                          lated senses). All words were chosen such that their
terings. Error bars depict 95% confidence intervals
                                                          usages occur within the same part of speech.
using the Spearman test. Squares indicate perfor-
                                                             In the non-contextual task, 79 unique raters com-
mance when combining across clusterings.
                                                          pleted 7,620 comparisons of which 72 were dis-
                                                          carded due to poor performance on a known test set.6
than combined multi-prototype for tf-idf features,
                                                          In the contextual task, 127 raters completed 9,930
and does not differ significantly for χ2 features.
                                                          comparisons of which 87 were discarded.
Overall this result indicates that multi-prototype per-
                                                             For the non-contextual case, Figure 3 left plots
forms at least as well as exemplar in the worst case,
                                                          the fraction of raters preferring the multi-prototype
and significantly outperforms when using the best
                                                          prediction (using AvgSim) over that of a single pro-
feature representation / corpus pair.
                                                          totype as the number of clusters is varied. When
4.3     Predicting Near-Synonyms                          asked to choose between the single best word for
We next evaluated the multi-prototype approach on    
                                                               (Rater reliability) The reliability of Mechanical Turk
its ability to determine the most closely related         raters is quite variable, so we computed an accuracy score for
words for a given target word (using the Wikipedia        each rater by including a control question with a known cor-
corpus with tf-idf features). The top k most simi-        rect answer in each HIT. Control questions were generated by
lar words were computed for each prototype of each        selecting a random word from WordNet 3.0 and including as
                                                          possible choices a word in the same synset (correct answer) and
target word. Using a forced-choice setup, human           a word in a synset with a high path distance (incorrect answer).
subjects were asked to evaluate the quality of these      Raters who got less than 50% of these control questions correct,
near synonyms relative to those produced by a sin-        or spent too little time on the HIT were discarded.
Non-contextual Near-Synonym Prediction          Contextual Near-Synonym Prediction

Figure 3: (left) Near-synonym evaluation for isolated words showing fraction of raters preferring multi-
prototype results vs. number of clusters. Colored squares indicate performance when combining across
clusterings. 95% confidence intervals computed using the Wald test. (right) Near-synonym evaluation for
words in a sentential context chosen either from the minority sense or the majority sense.

each method (top word), the multi-prototype pre-        is somewhat robust to this phenomenon, but syn-
diction is chosen significantly more frequently (i.e.   onym prediction is more affected since only the top
the result is above 0.5) when the number of clus-       predicted choice is used. When raters are forced
ters is small, but the two methods perform sim-         to chose between the top three predictions for each
ilarly for larger numbers of clusters (Wald test,       method (presented as top set in Figure 3 left), the ef-
α = 0.05.) Clustering more accurately identi-           fect of this noise is reduced and the multi-prototype
fies homonyms’ clearly distinct senses and produces     approach remains dominant even for a large num-
prototypes that better capture the different uses of    ber of clusters. This indicates that although more
these words. As a result, compared to using a sin-      clusters can capture finer-grained sense distinctions,
gle prototype, our approach produces better near-       they also can introduce noise.
synonyms for homonyms compared to polysemes.               When presented with words in context (Figure
However, given the right number of clusters, it also    3 right),7 raters found no significant difference in
produces better results for polysemous words.           the two methods for words used in their majority
   The near-synonym prediction task highlights one      sense.8 However, when a minority sense is pre-
of the weaknesses of the multi-prototype approach:
as the number of clusters increases, the number of           Results for the multi-prototype method are generated using
                                                        AvgSimC (soft assignment) as this was found to significantly
occurrences assigned to each cluster decreases, in-     outperform MaxSimC.
creasing noise and resulting in some poor prototypes       8
                                                             Sense frequency determined using Google; senses labeled
that mainly cover outliers. The word similarity task    manually by trained human evaluators.
sented (e.g. the “prison” sense of cell), raters pre-
fer the choice predicted by the multi-prototype ap-
proach. This result is to be expected since the sin-
gle prototype mainly reflects the majority sense, pre-
venting it from predicting appropriate synonyms for
a minority sense. Also, once again, the perfor-
mance of the multi-prototype approach is better for
homonyms than polysemes.

4.4   Predicting Variation in Human Ratings
Variance in pairwise prototype distances can help
explain the variance in human similarity judgements
for a given word pair. We evaluate this hypothe-
sis empirically on WordSim-353 by computing the             Figure 4: Plots of variance correlation; lower num-
Spearman correlation between the variance of the            bers indicate higher negative correlation, i.e. that
                                                      def   prototype entropy predicts rater disagreement.
per-cluster similarity computations, V[D], D =
{d(πk (w), πj (w0 )) : 1 ≤ k, j ≤ K}, and the vari-
ance of the human annotations for that pair. Cor-           ing the contextual multi-prototype method and hu-
relations for each dataset are shown in Figure 4 left.      man similarity judgements for different usages of
In general, we find a statistically significant negative    the same word. The Usage Similarity (USim) data
correlation between these values using χ2 features,         set collected in Erk et al. (2009) provides such simi-
indicating that as the entropy of the pairwise cluster      larity scores from human raters. However, we find
similarities increases (i.e., prototypes become more        no evidence for correlation between USim scores
similar, and similarities become uniform), rater dis-       and their corresponding prototype similarity scores
agreement increases. This result is intuitive: if the       (ρ = 0.04), indicating that prototype vectors may
occurrences of a particular word cannot be easily           not correspond well to human senses.
separated into coherent clusters (perhaps indicating
                                                            5   Discussion and Future Work
high polysemy instead of homonymy), then human
judgement will be naturally more difficult.                 Table 3 compares the inferred synonyms for several
   Rater variance depends more directly on the ac-          target words, generally demonstrating the ability of
tual word similarity: word pairs at the extreme             the multi-prototype model to improve the precision
ranges of similarity have significantly lower vari-         of inferred near-synonyms (e.g. in the case of singer
ance as raters are more certain. By removing word           or need) as well as its ability to include synonyms
pairs with similarity judgements in the middle two          from less frequent senses (e.g., the experiment sense
quartile ranges (4.4 to 7.5) we find significantly          of research or the verify sense of prove). However,
higher variance correlation (Figure 4 right). This          there are a number of ways it could be improved:
result indicates that multi-prototype similarity vari-      Feature representations: Multiple prototypes im-
ance accounts for a secondary effect separate from          prove Spearman correlation on WordSim-353 com-
the primary effect that variance is naturally lower for     pared to previous methods using the same under-
ratings in extreme ranges.                                  lying representation (Agirre et al., 2009). How-
   Although the entropy of the prototypes correlates        ever we have not yet evaluated its performance
with the variance of the human ratings, we find that        when using more powerful feature representations
the individual senses captured by each prototype do         such those based on Latent or Explicit Semantic
not correspond to human intuition for a given word,         Analysis (Deerwester et al., 1990; Gabrilovich and
e.g. the “hurricane” sense of position in Figure 1.         Markovitch, 2007). Due to its modularity, the multi-
This notion is evaluated empirically by computing           prototype approach can easily incorporate such ad-
the correlation between the predicted similarity us-        vances in order to further improve its effectiveness.
Inferred Thesaurus                                             would be good to compare prototypes learned from
                                                                supervised sense inventories to prototypes produced
  single    guitar, drums, rhythm, piano, acoustic
  multi     basses, contrabass, rhythm, guitar, drums           by automatic clustering.
 claim                                                          Joint model: The current method independently
  single    argue, say, believe, assert, contend
  multi     assert, contend, allege, argue, insist
                                                                clusters the contexts of each word, so the senses dis-
 hold                                                           covered for w cannot influence the senses discovered
  single    carry, take, receive, reach, maintain               for w0 6= w. Sharing statistical strength across simi-
  multi     carry, maintain, receive, accept, reach             lar words could yield better results for rarer words.
  single    ensure, establish, achieve, improve, promote        6   Conclusions
  multi     preserve, ensure, establish, retain, restore
 prove                                                          We presented a resource-light model for vector-
  single    demonstrate, reveal, ensure, confirm, say
  multi     demonstrate, verify, confirm, reveal, admit
                                                                space word meaning that represents words as col-
 research                                                       lections of prototype vectors, naturally accounting
  single    studies, work, study, training, development         for lexical ambiguity. The multi-prototype approach
  multi     studies, experiments, study, investigations,        uses word sense discovery to partition a word’s con-
                                                                texts and construct “sense specific” prototypes for
  single    musician, actress, actor, guitarist, composer       each cluster. Doing so significantly increases the ac-
  multi     vocalist,     guitarist,   musician,      singer-   curacy of lexical-similarity computation as demon-
            songwriter, singers                                 strated by improved correlation with human similar-
                                                                ity judgements and generation of better near syn-
Table 3:   Examples of the top 5 inferred near-
                                                                onyms according to human evaluators. Further-
synonyms using the single- and multi-prototype ap-
                                                                more, we show that, although performance is sen-
proaches (with results merged). In general such
                                                                sitive to the number of prototypes, combining pro-
clustering improves the precision and coverage of
                                                                totypes across a large range of clusterings performs
the inferred near-synonyms.
                                                                nearly as well as the ex-post best clustering. Finally,
                                                                variance in the prototype similarities is found to cor-
Nonparametric clustering: The success of the                    relate with inter-annotator disagreement, suggesting
combined approach indicates that the optimal num-               psychological plausibility.
ber of clusters may vary per word. A more prin-
cipled approach to selecting the number of proto-               Acknowledgements
types per word is to employ a clustering model with
infinite capacity, e.g. the Dirichlet Process Mixture           We would like to thank Katrin Erk for helpful dis-
Model (Rasmussen, 2000). Such a model would al-                 cussions and making the USim data set available.
low naturally more polysemous words to adopt more               This work was supported by an NSF Graduate Re-
flexible representations.                                       search Fellowship and a Google Research Award.
                                                                Experiments were run on the Mastodon Cluster, pro-
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                                                                vided by NSF Grant EIA-0303609.
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