Mozambique Country outlook - Banco BPI

Page created by Jim Perkins
Mozambique Country outlook - Banco BPI
Country outlook
Mozambique Country outlook - Banco BPI

Closing date of this issue: December 2019

                                                                                            Form of Government: Semipresidentialist republic

   Mozambique                                                                               Capital: Maputo

                                                                                            Official language: Portuguese

                                                                                            Population: 29 million inhabitants (2018)

                                                                                            Currency: Mozambican metical (MZN)

                                                                                            Exchange rate: 1 EUR = 70.61 MZN (29/11/2019)
                                                                                                            1 USD = 64.08 MZN (29/11/2019)

                                                                                            GDP: $14 billion (0.0% of world GDP)

                                                                                            GDP per capita: $475 ($1,291 purchasing power parity)

                                                                                            Ease of doing business: 138 in the world out of 190 according
                                                                                            to the World Bank (Doing Business)

                                                                                            Religion: Catholic: 27%

Country Outlook is a publication that is produced jointly by CaixaBank Research and BPI Research (UEEF) and it contains information and opinions from sources that we consider to be reliable. This
document is for information purposes only, so CaixaBank and BPI are not liable in any way for any use that may be made of it. The opinions and estimates are provided by CaixaBank Research and BPI and
may be changed without prior notice.

BPI RESEARCH                                                                               DECEMBER 2019                                                                                                  2
PIB. Variación interanual (%)
                                                                                                           IPC. Variación interanual (%)

Economic       GDP. Year-on-year change (%)                                                                CPI. Year-on-year change (%)
forecast       8                                                                                                                                                             Forecast

               6                                                                                           20
                                                                                                   4.2     15
                                                                         2.1                               10
               2                                                                                                                                                    2.7           4.6        4.5

               0                                                                                            0
                       Average     2015     2016       2017    2018     2019          2020         2021             Average    2015    2016    2017    2018        2019          2020       2021
                       2010-14                                                                                      2010-14
               • Mozambique’s economy decelerated in 2019, • Inflation remained low in 2019 after falling
                  on the back of the adverse effects caused by    significantly in previous years from 19.9% in
                  two cyclones, damaging infrastructures, ports   2016 to 3.9% in 2018. The stabilised inflation
                  (Beiras’s port, for instance) and agriculture   in 2019 was mostly due to a restictive
                  proceeds. The outlook is more positive for      monetary policy which neutralised the
                  2020-21 with the economy expected to            impact of the adverse supply shock from the
                  accelerate somewhat. This recovery should be    cyclones on food availability and prices.
                  supported by the reconstruction efforts, the6 As food prices continue stabilising in 2020,
                  recuperation in agriculture and the more        inflation should remain subdued but rebound
                  accomodative monetary policy. Additionally,4 modestly that year with a recovery of
                  the ongoing investment effort in the gas        economic activity.
                  industry, with the construction of export2 Saldo fiscal (% PIB)
                  facilities and auxiliary services, should also0
                  stimulate activity.

Economic       Benchmark interest rate (%)
policy         and exchange rate (MZN/USD)                                                                 Fiscal balance (% GDP)
               25                                                                                     80                                                                  Forecast
                                                                                64.9     67.0
                                                                                                      60   -2
                                                                               15.0                   40   -4
                                                                                        13.5                                                                                                -3.7
                                                                                                      20   -6

                0                                                                                      0   -8
                       Average   Average 2015   2016    2017   2018   2019      2020      2021                  Average        2015    2016    2017    2018        2019      2020           2021
                       2010-14   2010-14                                                                        2010-14
                        Benchmark interest rate (left scale)
                        Exchange rate (right scale)

               Current account (% GDP)                                                                      Public debt (% GDP)
                                                                                  Forecast                                                             80
                   0                                                                                       140
                                                                                                           120                                         60            108.8         106.8     107.2
                                                                                                            80                                         40
               -40                                                                               25
                                                                                        -63.8                                                          20
               -60                                                                               20         40
                                                                                                 15                                                     0
               -80                                                                                              0
                        Average     2015     2016      2017    2018     2019           2020        2021              Average    2015    2016    2017        2018    2019          2020       2021
                        2010-14                                                                                      2010-14
               • After years of tighter monetary conditions, 5we                                          • On the fiscal side, the authorities committed to
                  expect a gradual easing of monetary policy with
                                                                0                                            reduce the distressed public debt level. Although
                  the objective of supporting the economic activity                                          this suggests tighter controls on spending, the
                  over 2019/2021. This accommodative monetary                                                reconstruction effort after the two cyclones of
                  policy stance will be very cautious as well-                                               2019 will probably put some pressure on the
                  anchored inflation expectations are fully                                                  public accounts of 2020. Concerning the bad-                                              100
                  confirmed. Also, the Bank of Mozambique will                                               debt issues, last September, Government                                                   80
                  be sensitive to flows related to international
                                                            -20                                              reached an agreement with the majority of                                                 60
                  trade and FDI.                                                                             creditors (99.5% of the 727 million dollars                                               40
                                                                                             -40             Eurobond), which should improve the country’s                                             20
                                                                                                             credibility and help regain access to the                                                  0
                                                                                                             international markets. This restructuring
                                                                                             -80             involves a change of the 727 mUSD issue for 900
                                                                                                             mUSD bond, maturing by 2031, with principal
                                                                                                             repayments starting in 2028 and an initial 5%
                                                                                                             interest rate (until 2023) and 9% after that.

BPI RESEARCH                                                           DECEMBER 2019                                                                                                               3

Financial       Private credit (% GDP)                                                 Gross external debt (% GDP)
conditions      40

                                                                                       120                                                                130.4
                30                                                                                                                                114.8
                                                              23.1                                                                     104.4
                                                                        22.0    21.7    80

                10                                                                      40
                 0                                                                       0
                     Average   2015    2016   2017   2018    2019       2020    2021         Average   2015      2016   2017   2018   2019       2020     2021
                     2010-14                                                                 2010-14

               • After a period of instability which led to the • Mozambique registers a high current account
                  liquidation of two Mozambican banks, banks       deficit, mainly due to gas-related megaprojects,
                  remain on average more liquid, well-             which have brought in major imports. In the
                  capitalized and profitable. Even though          medium-term,
                                                                     40             the deficit should deteriorate                                                14
                  instability has reduced significantly and the    even more, in line with the investment effort                                                  12
                  Bank of Mozambique has taken measures to         prior
                                                                     30  to the initial production of gas-related                                                 10
                  tackle vulnerabilities, the banking’s high       projects (expected to start in 2022-23). In the                                                 8
                  exposure to the public sector, weak economic     long-term, on the other hand, the country’s                                                     6
                  growth and high interest rates constitute        external
                                                                     10      position should improve significantly                                                 4
                  major macro-financial vulnerabilities.           once the projects become operational and                                                        2
                                                                   exports  increase.

Political      •
                The Frelimo Party (led by Filipe Nyusi) has      Eleições voted against the acceptance of the
situation       governed the country since it held its first     results (nine in favour).
                democratic elections in 1994. Following years • Another worrying development is the presence
                of tension, there has been a ceasefire with the  of armed attacks allegedly led by a fraction of
                rebels from the main opposition party            Renamo’s party (“Junta Militar da Renamo”)
                (Renamo) since January of 2017. The country’s    as they could put the peace agreement under
                political stability remains nonetheless fragile. strain. Finally, the Islamic insurgency in the
                Frelimo won the last elections (held on October  North of the country makes this complex
                15th), but there are doubts about the process,   political situation trickier.
                as eight members of Comissão Nacional de

Long-term      GDP growth (%)                                                          Population (milions of inhabitants)
outlook        6.4                                                                     50

               6.2                                                                     40
               6.0               5.9                                                                      29.6

               5.4                                                                     10

               5.2                                                                      0
                          Average 2009-18              Average 2019-28                                   2018                            2028

                The outlook for medium-term economic •       It is also important to bear in mind the
                growth is more favourable than in the short   downside risks of this scenario. These include
                run, but is conditioned by the expected start the inability to finance reconstruction needs in
                of gas extraction and transformation (several the short-term, the political and security
                LNG projects in the pipeline) and the         uncertainty and the resulting loss of investor
                consolidation of a still fragile political    confidence, which would delay the scheduled
                situation. With respect to the first factor,  major gas projects. On top of this, lower
                major gas reserves were discovered in the     commodity prices in the international markets
                country in 2010, which could potentially make and security concerns in the North of the
                Mozambique the third largest producer in      country could also postpone some of these
                Africa. In this context, fiscal and external  LNG projects. Finally, low standards of living of
                accounts should be able to rebalance in the   much of its population and political tensions
                long-term, when gas projects start operating  between the Frelimo and Renamo also
                and the economy starts growing at double-     threaten political stability.
                digit levels.

BPI RESEARCH                                                DECEMBER 2019                                                                                     4

Country                                                                     Last                                                     OECD credit risk rating
                                                           Rating                                Outlook
risk                                                                      changed
                                                                                                                                     (from 0 to 7, with 0 being the best)
                                                             CCC+        22/11/19                    −

                                                             Caa2        20/09/19                Stable                                 7
                                                             CCC         07/11/19                    −

                                         Indicates that the country has an “investment grade”.
                                         Indicates that the country does not have an “investment grade”.

Risks                           SHORT-TERM                                                                               LONG-TERM

                                • Decreased investor confidence -                                                +      • Strong dependence on
                                                                                                                                                                         -                             +
                                • Stress on the banking sector  -                                                +         the energy sector
                                                                                                                  +      • Supply bottlenecks                           -                             +
                                • Political uncertainty		-
                                • Security concerns, especially                                                         • Poverty and social discontent -                                            +
                                  in the North		                 -                                                +
                                • Natural disasters		-                                                           +

Business                        STRENGTHS                                                                             WEAKNESSES
environment                     • Natural resources.                                                                 • High level of corruption.
                                • Large size of the country.                                                          • Insecurity.
                                                                                                                      • Infrastructure deficit.

Main sectors                    • Agriculture and mining industry (coal).                                            •
                                                                                                                       The gas industry will be a key player in the

Main trading                   Exports
                                 Exports                                                                                          Imports
partners                       %%of of total
                                    total    exports
                                          exports                                                                                 %% of of
                             India                                                              27.527.5     United
                                                                                                                            Emirates                                                        26.126.1

                      Netherlands                                                 21.121.1                                  China
                                                                                                                               China                         11.811.8

                            Africa                                     17.217.2                                       Netherlands
                                                                                                                         Netherlands               7.6 7.6

                            China              5.8 5.8                                                                South
                                                                                                                               Africa              7.6 7.6

                        Singapore    2.2 2.2                                                                                 India
                                                                                                                                India             7.2 7.2

                               0 0     5 5         10 10      15 15     20 20         25 25      30 30                            0 0      5 5      10 10       15 15       20 20    25 25       30 30

                               0 0       5 5         10 10     15 15      20 20         25 25     30 30

                                                                                                                               0 0       5 5       10 10      15 15     20 20       25 25     30 30

Source: CaixaBank Research, based on data from Bloomberg, IMF, OECD, Oxford Economics and Thomson Reuters Datastream.

BPI RESEARCH                                                                                 DECEMBER 2019                                                                                             5

Taxation        In Mozambique, the tax base is applied to the          the total to be paid) as well as credits and rebates
                income of resident businesses, individuals and         on the IRPC rate and taxable base.
                entities created anywhere in the world, while          The Imposto sobre o Valor Acrescentado (VAT)
                non-residents are taxed only on income from            taxes consumption in the country and has been in
                Mozambique sources. A company is considered to         effect since 1999. It is applied both to products
                be a resident in Mozambique if its legal or            manufactured locally and to imports, with a flat
                operational headquarters are in the country.           rate of 17% on the transactions of companies
                Tax administration and collection is centralised.      with gross annual sales exceeding 750,000
                Individuals’ personal income is subject to the         meticais. There are exemptions for a set of basic
                Imposto sobre o Rendimento das Pessoas                 products (corn flour, rice, medicine, goods for the
                Singulares, or IRPS, on income that residents          health and education sectors, agricultural
                obtain both inside and outside of Mozambique,          supplies), exports, financial services and other
                and on income that non-residents obtain in the         goods considered fundamental to the
                country. Residents are considered to be people         development of trade and rural industries. Also
                who reside in the country more than 180 days a         exempt are goods (in general capital goods or
                year, and people who own properties that would         equipment) imported to be used for certain
                allow a presumption of their intention to reside       activities like mining and oil and gas exploration.
                there permanently, even if they currently reside       There is also a Imposto sobre Consumos Específicos
                there less than 180 days a year.                       (ICE), which taxes the consumption of what are
                Tax rates range from a minimum of 10% to a             considered to be luxury products, with rates
                maximum of 32%. The corporate tax (Imposto             ranging from 20% to 75%.
                sobre o Rendimento das Pessoas Colectivas or           The inheritance tax is applied to pass-throughs of
                IRPC) is applied to the profits of companies with      both moveable and unmoveable properties, with
                annual turnover of over 2.5 M meticais, at a 32%       rates ranging between 2% and 10%. The tax on
                flat rate. Companies with turnover of under 2.5        property transfers (SISA) applies to transfers of
                M meticais are subject to the Imposto Simplificado     property titles or similar real estate rights. The
                para Pequenos Contribuintes, or ISPC, with a flat      general rate is 2%. Mozambique law does not
                rate of 3% on the gross annual sales volume. The       include any tax on assets.
                fiscal year coincides with the calendar year, but it   There are other local taxes: Imposto Pessoal Local,
                is possible to request taxes to be calculated for a    Imposto Pessoal Autárquico (IPA), Imposto Predial
                different period. The Codigo de Beneficios Fiscais     Autárquico (IPRA) and Taxa por Actividade
                (CBF) contains different tax credits (reductions in    Económicas (TAE).

Investment      Foreign investment receives equal treatment,               report and any other document illustrating
                and is subject to the same burdens and                     their business activity; and
                incentives as domestic companies.                      • Draft of the company’s deed of incorporation.
                Investment proposals submitted to the                  The CPI will draw up the terms of the
                Investment Promotion Centre (CPI) must                 authorisation, including the form of business
                describe the value of the investment and the           to be taken, the import and export scheme,
                activity so that the CPI can assess its viability      number of local employees and training
                and impact on the national economy. Proposals          programmes that must be implemented, tax
                must be accompanied by:                                incentives to be granted, and other conditions.
                • Identification of each investor, including          The main investment opportunities are in the
                   bank references;                                    agri-food industry, fishing and aquaculture,
                • For each corporate investor, documentation          infrastructure, energy and tourism.
                   including their certificate of incorporation,

Establishment   LOCAL COMPANY
                The Mozambique Commercial Code regulates               An S.A. must have at least three partners, who can
                and defines the type of commercial companies           be Mozambicans or foreigners, individuals or
                that can be formed in Mozambique, with the             companies. There is no minimum capital but the
                most common being the sociedade por quotas             amount must be in line with the company’s
                or S.Q. (limited company) and the sociedade            objective and must always be expressed in meticais.
                anónima or S.A. (joint stock company).                 The capital is divided into shares, which can be to
                An S.Q. must have between 2 and 30 members.            the bearer, nominal or registered. An S.A. may only
                If just one person owns the registered capital,        be created when all the capital stock has been
                these companies are called unipessoal (sole            divided among the partners, and at least 25% has
                proprietorship) and that term must be included         been paid. The liability of S.A. partners to third
                in the company name. The minimum capital               parties is limited to the amount of their shares.
                required for incorporation is 20 M meticais            Creating a company requires the name and
                and the value of each quota must be a multiple         purpose of the company to be approved by the
                of 100 and not less than 500,000 meticais.             Conservatória do Registo de Entidades Legais
                Quotas are always nominal and members are              (CREL) and the capital stock deposited in a bank
                not liable to the company’s creditors, only to         in Mozambique, which will issue a receipt for
                the company itself.                                    the deposit.

BPI RESEARCH                                     DECEMBER 2019                                                           6

Establishment    Companies can incorporate through a private            The company must register in the CREL no more
(continuation)   document signed by the partners, with the              than 90 days from the date of its incorporation
                 signatures duly certified by a notary or attorney,     and request publication in the official state
                 though a deed of incorporation is required for         gazette (Boletim da República). Subsequently,
                 more formal proceedings. The company’s board           they must register with the local tax office
                 of directors must be appointed and the statutes        corresponding to the company’s registered
                 established during the company’s incorporation         address for paying taxes, obtaining the business
                 process, and must include, among other items,          license from the Ministry of Trade and the
                 the full names of the founding members, the            statement of start of business activities.
                 purpose of the company, and the amount held
                 in capital stock.

Alliances        FREE TRADE ZONE
strategic        The government promoted two types of                   (IFTZ), which benefit from fiscal (IRPC reduction)
                 industrial organisations: Special Economic             and non-fiscal advantages.
                 Zones (SEZ) and Industrial Free Trade Zones

                 JOINT VENTURE
                 Joint ventures, associations between two or more         to contribute a series of resources to carry out
                 legal persons who share resources, know-how,             the project. In this case, the joint venture does
                 interests and responsibilities to develop a project,     not have its own legal standing independently
                 can come in two forms:                                   from the legal persons who form it.
                 1. Foreign company that associates with a             However, it should be remembered that without
                     Mozambique company to create a third               any controls on foreign capital, there is free
                     company which both purchase shares in, which       repatriation of capital, dividends and profits.
                     is responsible for carrying out the project.
                 2. Foreign company and Mozambique company
                     that sign a contract under which each commits

conditions       Mozambique is part of the Southern African             in the EU under the Cotonou Agreement. As a
                 Development Community (SADC) which is                  member of the SADC block of countries,
                 currently implementing the commercial                  Mozambique is currently negotiating an
                 protocol for its member states to remove trade         economic association agreement with the EU.
                 tariffs on certain goods. If fully applied among       Other bilateral trade agreements:
                 the 15 member states, the protocol would give          • Preferential trade agreement with Malawi, in
                 Mozambique products free access to a market               force since December of 2005, allowing free
                 of more than 253 million people with a GDP of             trade of goods originating in both countries,
                 563,000 million dollars.                                  excluding certain products.
                 Some Mozambique products currently enjoy
                 reduced tariffs or qualify for duty-free treatment

                 FREE TRADE ZONE
                 Special Economic Zones (SEZ)                           Industrial Free Trade Zones (IFTZ)
                 Exemption from the corporate tax in the first          Exemption from the corporate tax in the first
                 three fiscal years, 50% reduction from the             10 fiscal years with a 50% reduction from the
                 fourth to the 10th fiscal year, and 25% reduction      11th to the 15th fiscal year, and a 25% reduction
                 from the 11th to the 15th fiscal year.                 for the rest of the life cycle of the project.

                 Under the Generalised System of Preferences            Mozambique, even those made with fabric from
                 (GSP) and the African Growth and Opportunity           third countries, get duty-free access to the U.S.
                 Act (AGOA), a large number of Mozambique               market, without any reciprocal preferential
                 products have duty-free access to the US. Thanks       treatment for U.S. products.
                 to the AGOA Act, textiles manufactured in

BPI RESEARCH                                       DECEMBER 2019                                                         7

Negotiations     BUSINESS CULTURE
and protocol     Punctuality and discretion are appreciated.         Recognise, respect and know how to work with
                 The concept of win-win works well in business       hierarchies and understand the levels where
                 dealings. Mozambicans are good negotiators          decisions are made.
                 and are somewhat opaque, making it more             Avoid making benchmark comparisons with
                 difficult to guess what they are thinking. It is    other markets (especially Angola). They are
                 necessary to pay attention to gestures.             markets with different cultures and Mozambicans
                 Mozambicans are polite, very friendly and kind,     do not like being confused with other peoples.
                 but are formal in their treatment of others,        Avoid any attitude or comments on the local
                 especially in early contacts.                       reality (political or social) that could incite
                 Knowing the right person is important, but the      arrogance or paternalism. Avoid postures that
                 right people are often not those we meet.           minimise the other side, like for instance saying
                 Networking is easy (the market is small), but       “we are here to help Mozambique (or the
                 doors do not open right away.                       Mozambicans)”.

Top fairs        • International farming, trade and industry fair   • MMEC
                 • Mozambuild                                       • MozTech
                 • Intermodal Africa                                • FACIM

Websites         • Mozambique Government Portal:
of interest      • AT - Mozambique Tax Authority:
                 • Confederation of Mozambique Business Associations (CTA):
                 • Mozambique Chamber of Commerce:
                 • FDA - Agriculture Development Fund:
                 • IPEME - Institute for the Promotion of Small and Medium Businesses:

Payment          MEANS OF COLLECTION
and charging     The U.S. dollar, the euro and the South African     transactions. Foreign currency authorisation
methods          rand are common trading currencies. Payments        must be requested from the Bank of
                 in foreign currency are accepted by most of the     Mozambique.
                 companies and commercial establishments.            Loans in foreign currency are only available to
                 Currency exchanges are available for importers      exporters and some approved projects that
                 and exporters to finance current account            benefit the country.

                 MEANS OF PAYMENT
                 Mozambique importers must justify their              the most common payment methods including
                 payments to the Bank of Mozambique and               confirmed documentary credit, advances,
                 obtain authorisation to make payments abroad.        documented remittances, etc. Standard &
                 This is common practice, but it can be lengthy       Poor’s y Fitch issue credit ratings for the
                 and cause importers to take longer to process        Government of Mozambique and have recently
                 payments.                                            lowered them.
                 Currency outflows are regulated by the central
                 bank. Mozambique’s financial system includes

                 Mozambique’s local currency (metical) was            insure international transactions with exchange
                 sharply devalued in 2016, causing the Central        rate insurance that covers this type of risk in
                 Bank to raise interest rates and making it more      countries like this one, where the monetary
                 difficult to import goods. The metical began to      policy tends to be heavily influenced by the
                 stabilise In early 2017, but it is advisable to      Government.

  BPI RESEARCH                                       DECEMBER 2019                                                       8
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