MOTHER SUPERIOR? The biological effects of day care - Sichere Bindung

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MOTHER SUPERIOR? The biological effects of day care - Sichere Bindung

          The biological effects of day care
           The relative effects of stay-at-home mothering and institutional day care on the mental
              and physical development of toddlers have long been debated by psychologists.
                  Here Dr Aric Sigman takes a novel and neuroendocrinological perspective

28 THE BIOLOGIST Vol 58 No 3
MOTHER SUPERIOR? The biological effects of day care - Sichere Bindung
        he accepted starting point for   BIOGRAPHY             others have suddenly found their             Until now, such information has
        any national discussion of                             research data re-analysed prior to        remained in specialised journals and
        childcare is one of a “work-                           publication (Belsky 2001; Henry           has not been widely reported by the
childcare balance” involving                                   2006; James 2010). However, the           national media. By bringing together
“affordable day care”. Even many of                            uncomfortable question remains –          this under-exposed area of research
those forging academic careers in                              which is better for a young child         to form a solid body of evidence, it is
the study of day care are apparently                           during weekdays: the biological           possible that society will be able to
being held back by their own young                             mother or a paid carer at an              make more fully informed decisions
children. “Tiny tots can prove           Dr Aric Sigman        institution?                              about the future direction of
formidable foes to a woman’s             CBiol FSB is a           Until now, research on the effects     childcare.
academic career aspirations… The         Fellow of the Royal   of day care has been dominated by
shortage of high-quality, affordable     Society of            child psychology and social work,         The HPAA axis
                                         Medicine and
day care is enough to make academic                            focusing on later outcomes for the        The hypothalamic–pituitary–
                                         Associate Fellow
parents cry,” states a Special Report    of the British        child such as language skills at age      adrenal axis (HPAA) is a system
in Nature (Gewin 2005).                  Psychological         five or six. But what has proved          intricately involved in a child’s
   Half of British mothers go out to     Society. He has       elusive is an understanding of how        capacity to respond to fear or
work before their child is 12 months     travelled to          the young child is affected               uncertainty. Neuroendocrine
old (OECD 2011). As a result a vast      various cultures,     emotionally and biologically, and         research of stress uses salivary
                                         including Republic
and growing proportion of children       of Congo, North
                                                               how they experience day care while        samples to measure cortisol, the
under three now attend day nurseries     Korea, Bhutan,        they are actually there. Babies can’t     steroid end product of the HPAA.
and both the UK and the US have          Tonga, West           speak and toddlers have limited              Cortisol levels undergo a diurnal
nationalised day care programmes         Papua, Burma,         verbal abilities when it comes to         cycle; they peak in the early morning
(Sure Start and Head Start).             Iran, Korea,          describing their inner world.             and decline throughout the day.
   A recent report by the EU             Vietnam, Borneo,      However, research methods from the        Infants are born without a diurnal
                                         Mali, Bolivia,
Commission stated that in order to       Burkina Faso,         biosciences are starting to provide an    cortisol rhythm. They acquire it
solve Europe’s labour problems,          Sumatra,              illuminating glimpse of this              during their first year of life, and it is
many more mothers should return to       Cambodia and          unspoken landscape, with the child’s      subject to programming. Rising
work early. Commission President         Eastern Siberia to    neuroendocrine responses helping to       cortisol levels are healthy and
José Manuel Barroso said we “should      study families and    shed light on their experience. And       necessary as an appropriate stress
                                         child development.
look at the example of the northern                            those responses paint a very different    response. However, when stress is
countries” and create more childcare                           picture to that presented by the day      chronic, high levels of cortisol remain
places for mothers of young children                           care research establishment: there is     active in the system and this has
(EU 2011). A new OECD report                                   something about attending day care        significant biological consequences.
Doing Better for Families,                                     for an extended time, whether small-         For example, increased cortisol
representing the policy strategy of 34                         scale and home-based or large-scale       exposure is linked to higher numbers
industrialised countries, concluded:                           and centre-based, that often triggers     of plaques in artherosclerosis of
“It is crucial to mobilise maternal                            stress in young children.                 the carotid arteries (Dekker et al.
labour supply more effectively”,                                  The University of Minnesota            2008). High cortisol levels strongly
adding that “from a career                                     College of Education and Human            predict cardiovascular death
perspective alone, women are
                                         One report            Development reports that in many          (Vogelzangs et al. 2010). Cortisol is
probably best advised to go back to
                                         suggests              cases, 70 to 80 percent of children in    considered neurotoxic and has a
work at an early stage after             70 to 80%             centre-based day care show ever-          global impact on cerebral size (e.g.
childbirth” (OECD 2011).                 of children           increasing levels of the stress           McEwen 2007; Sheline 2003) and
   But day care is an evolutionary       in centre-            hormone cortisol throughout the           exposure to elevated cortisol levels
novelty bearing no resemblance to        based day             day, with the biggest increases           can lead to structural alterations in
childcare throughout history or in       care show             occurring in toddlers. Yet by age five,   the brain’s amygdala (Sharpley and
modern traditional societies (Konner     ever-                 children don’t exhibit these stress       Bitsika 2010).
2005). Understanding the effects day     increasing            reactions to being with other                Even subtle dysregulations of the
care has on children has been                                  children all day (Gunnar 2010;            HPAA, such as elevated cortisol
hindered by bitter politicised
                                         levels of             Vermeer and van IJzendoorn 2006).         levels, have now been implicated
arguments involving women’s rights,
                                         the stress            Of central concern is that the routine    in the pathophysiology of stress-
governmental desire for economic         hormone               stress experienced at day care could      related disorders, including
growth, maternal guilt and the           cortisol              cause permanent changes in the            depression and anxiety (Ostiguy et
media’s portrayal of day care study      throughout            child’s neuroendocrine networks,          al. 2011). Cortisol levels at age
findings. Some researchers who have      the day               with long-term consequences               17 have recently been used to predict
voiced concerns about the effects of                           for their mental and physical             the development of psychiatric
day care have been attacked, while                             health as adults.                         disorders during the following

                                                                                                                Vol 58 No 3 THE BIOLOGIST 29
MOTHER SUPERIOR? The biological effects of day care - Sichere Bindung

2.5 years (Ellenbogen et al. 2011),                           (2007) reported that, among three- to     styles. Coloured areas denote lower
and a higher cortisol awakening                               eight-year-olds, those who slept in the   grey matter concentrations in the left
curve may be a biological marker for       In human           parental bedroom had lower cortisol       hippocampus found in people with
an underlying disposition towards          grey matter,       levels, as did children who attended      high attachment anxiety scores (left).
developing depressive and anxiety          the quality        fewer hours of day care during the        Lower grey matter concentration in
disorders (Vreeburg et al. 2010).          of a mother’s      first four years of life.                 the left as well as in the right
HPAA dysregulation may also offer a        care in early         A person’s approach to close           hippocampus were found in people
biological explanation as to               childhood          relationships, or their attachment        with higher attachment avoidance
why children with a relatively low         is thought         style, is believed to be influenced by    scores (right) (Quirin et al. 2010).
socioeconomic environment (SES)            to alter the       early interactions with primary              In children with a history of
are more likely to develop psychiatric     size of the        carers, particularly biological           maltreatment, raised cortisol
and physical illnesses later in life.      hippocampus        mothers. Attachment style has now         levels predict a later reduction
Chen et al. (2010) found that over a                          been linked with waking cortisol          in the size of the hippocampus.
two-year period, cortisol levels                              levels in female children between the     Neurodevelopmental experiences
increased almost twice as much in                             ages of nine and 18. Those with a more    of elevated stress and cortisol are
low SES children compared with                                “anxious attachment style” had            increasingly seen as a potential cause
those with a higher SES.                                      higher levels on awakening and an         of reductions in the size of specific
Rearing environment and cortisol                              attenuated cortisol awakening             brain regions via a cortisol-induced
There is a close relationship between                         response, the same pattern linked         neurotoxic brain cell reduction
maternal nurturing and cortisol levels                        with disorders in adulthood (Oskis        process (Carrion et al. 2007). In early
in infants. A study at Sweden’s                               et al. 2011).                             childhood, activity of the HPA axis
Karolinska Institute found a strong                              Children who receive less nurturing    resulting in cortisol secretion may
correlation between stay-at-home                              early in life may be less securely        strain the stress response system,
mothers and child cortisol levels                             attached as adolescents and adults,       which can in turn have a direct effect
(Stenius et al. 2008). Comparisons of                         with a greater vulnerability to stress.   on its future ability to function
different child-rearing environments                          Cortisol may play a key role in the       optimally when exposed to additional
show low cortisol levels in infants with                      finding that adolescents’ attachment      stress (McEwen 2000a, b).
families who live an “anthroposophic                          orientation influences their diastolic
lifestyle” – thought to provide                               and systolic blood pressure responses     Epigenetic windows
environmental conditions aimed at                             to everyday social interactions           of sensitivity
                                           Fig. 1. Insecure
reducing stress, compared with             Attachment and     (Gallo & Mathews 2006).                   The mechanisms by which a child’s
infants in more conventional families      hippocampal cell                                             early care experiences are translated
(Stenius et al. 2010). Waynforth           density.           Early years HPAA programming              into physiological and behavioural
                                                              and grey matter                           changes are now thought to involve
                                                              In the past decade, research has          epigenetic programming of the
                                                              revealed a profound influence of early-   HPAA. Mothering plays a central
                                                              life childcare and parenting on the       role: maternal care can produce semi-
                                                              programming of the HPAA and its           permanent changes in gene
                                                              regulation in adulthood, including the    expression in brain regions vital in
                                                              development of the hippocampus and        stress response, thereby providing a
                                                              alterations in the cortisol awakening     potential mechanism for early
                                                              response (Engert et al. 2010). In rats,   childhood programming of stress-
                                                              the quality of the mother’s care          induced disease in adults (Craft and
                                                              induces changes in the brain’s            DeVries 2009). In rats, the degree of
                                                              structural neuroplasticity and alters     maternal care alters the offspring
                                                              synaptic functioning and the response     epigenome at a glucocorticoid
                                                              to anti-inflammatory hormones             receptor in cells of the hippocampus,
                                                              (including cortisol) and stress.          as well as altering the HPAA response
                                                                 In controlled experiments, shorter     to stress (Weaver et al. 2004; Weaver
                                                              dendritic branch length and lower         2009). Stress occurring during
                                                              spine density in CA1 pyramidal brain      sensitive periods of development
                                                              cells are found in the hippocampi of      might therefore cause lasting changes
                                                              adult offspring with mothers who          in the settings and function of the
                                                              were less attentive (Champagne et al.     child’s HPAA. (Murgatroyd et al.
                                                              2008). In human grey matter, the          2009; Mesquita et al. 2009; see
                                                              quality of a mother’s care in early       Figure 2).
                                                              childhood is thought to alter the size       Elevated levels of stress in young
                                                              of the hippocampus (Buss et al. 2007).    children are of particular concern
                                                              Attachment insecurity has now been        because a range of developing
                                                              significantly linked to reduced brain     systems could be adversely affected.
                                                              size and cell density within the          Concern is not restricted to high
                                                              hippocampus (Quirin et al. 2010; see      cortisol levels; it includes any
                                                              Figure 1).                                dysregulation of the diurnal cortisol
                                                                 Clusters of grey matter                cycle or the HPAA more generally.
                                                              concentration in the hippocampus          Therefore, a key element in the care
                                                              correlated with human attachment          of young children is the availability of

30 THE BIOLOGIST Vol 58 No 3
Windows of Epigenetic Sensitivity                                                                                              three to five-year-old children
                                                                                                                                  “attending very high quality, full time
                                                                        Neonatal                                                  childcare centres”. Salivary
                            Prenatal                                                                               Adult          antibodies provide a critical line of
                                                                                                                                  defence against pathogens. Samples
                                                                                                                                  were taken throughout the day, both
                                                                         Stress                                                   at home and in childcare, to examine
                                                                                                          Periods of
                                                                                                          sensitivity             the relationship between salivary
                                                                                                                                  cortisol concentration and antibody
                                                                 HPA axis dysregulation                                           secretion – secretory IgA (SIgA) – and
                                                                                                                                  their relationship to childhood
                                                                                                                                  illnesses. The researchers found that
                                                                  Epigenetic changes,                   psychological             “a rising cortisol profile at childcare,
                                                                     mechanisms                          dysfunction              driven by higher afternoon levels,
                                                                                                                                  predicted lower antibody levels on the
                                                                                                                                  subsequent weekend”.
   adults, particularly parents, to                                Fig. 2. Epigenetic     on possible associations between            Of particular note was a decline
   respond appropriately to stress                                 programming of         cortisol levels and quality of care,    in antibody production at weekends
   reactions triggered by normal                                   HPAA. Stress           and the influences of                   and on childcare days in older
                                                                   during sensitive
   day-to-day events.                                                                     age, gender and children’s              preschool children. They concluded
                                                                   periods of child
                                                                   development may        temperament. Age appeared to be         that “elevated cortisol in children
   Day care and HPAA function                                      cause lasting          the most significant moderator of       during childcare may be related to
   Attending a childcare centre, and the                           changes in the         this relation. The effect of day care   both lowered antibody levels and
   consequent separation from parents,                             settings and the       attendance on cortisol excretion        greater illness frequency.”
   is a significant source of stress for                           function of the        was especially notable in children      (Watamura et al. 2010).
                                                                   HPAA, leading to
   many young children.                                            physical and
                                                                                          younger than thirty-six months.             Stress may activate MHC class II+,
   A review and meta-analysis of                                   psychological          We speculate that children in           langerin+, and CD11c+ immune cells
   nine studies, Children’s Elevated                               disorders later        centre day care show elevated           in a child’s skin, which can cause
   Cortisol Levels at Day Care,                                    in life.               cortisol levels because of their        inflammatory skin diseases including
   concluded:                                                                             stressful interactions in a group       eczema (Joachim et al. 2008). Using
      “Our main finding was that at day                                                   setting” (Vermeer and van               the German birth cohort study,
      care, children display higher                                                       IJzendoorn 2006).                       Cramer et al. (2011) found that, of 11
      cortisol levels compared to the                                                                                             possible risk factors for eczema
      home setting. Diurnal patterns                                                       Sumner et al. (2010) compared          during the first two years of life, even
      revealed significant increases from                                               children aged between 16 and 24           years later only “day care centre
      morning to afternoon, but at day                                                  months on two childcare days versus       attendance is associated with an
      care only… We examined all papers                                                 two non–childcare days, finding that      increased prevalence and incidence
                                                                                        “childcare days were characterized        of eczema.”
                                                                                        by an afternoon increase in cortisol          Others have found that between
                                                                                        levels (unlike non–childcare days)”.      ages 2 to 3 the cortisol differences
                                 Cortisol elevation at Daycare v Home                   Other studies have compared               between home and daycare are
                                                                                        professional home-based and centre-       transient and diminish over a year. At
                            19                                                          based childcare. In one, children from    3 years of age, children displayed
                                                                                        professional childcare homes and          higher cortisol levels at daycare only
                                                                                        children from childcare centres in the    if they had a ‘later entry’, defined as
                            17                                                          20 – 40 months age range were             starting after 16 months, while
                                                                                        monitored. The study concluded:           children with more daycare
Salivary Cortisol (μ/dl )


                            16                                                          “Children displayed higher cortisol       experience, entering before 8

                                                                                        levels at childcare than at home,         months, showed higher levels at
                                                                                        irrespective of type of care.”            home. (Ouellet-Morin et al., 2010)
                            14                                                          (Groenveld et al. 2010).                  However, the one year between ages 2
                                                                                           Other studies have assessed the        and 3 constitutes one third of a child’s
                            13                                                          effects of full-time professional home-   life during the greatest period of
                                                            Hom                         based day care on HPAA function.          brain development. And so even if
                                                                                        Gunnar et al. (2010) examined 151         cortisol rises diminish within a year,
                            11                                                          children (3.0-4.5 years) in full-time     there has been some systematic
                                                                                        home-based day care. “Compared to         dysregulation and subtle lasting
                            10                                                          cortisol levels at home, increases were   effects may have already been set in
                                                                                        noted in the majority of children (63     motion.
                                   7am 8   9   10     11 12 1pm 2       3    4    5     percent) at day care, with 40 percent         And the negative effects of day care
                                                    Time of Day                         classified as a stress response.”         may be long lasting. A large-scale
                                                                                           The HPA axis and the immune            study in 2009 involving nine
   Fig. 3. Compared to cortisol levels at home, increases were                          system are functionally linked. A         institutions followed approximately
   noted in the majority of children (63%) at home-based day
   care, with 40% classified as a stress response, even in day                          recent study at Cornell University        1,000 children from the age of one
   care homes where there were only one or two children                                 therefore examined both cortisol          month through mid-adolescence
   (see Gunnar et al. 2010).                                                            levels and antibody secretion among       to examine the effects on later

                                                                                                                                           Vol 58 No 3 THE BIOLOGIST 31

development of childcare in the                              programming and its effects may be          the effects of day care on the child
first few years of life. Researchers                         subtle but this does not preclude their     continues to be discussed through
observed children in and out of their      Understanding     significance. If cortisol exposure can      the prism of adult sexual politics
homes, and when they reached 15            the effects of    be neurotoxic, with adverse effects on      and women’s rights. This has been
years-old, they measured their             day care on the   both specific neurons and entire            a significant impediment, involving
awakening cortisol levels.                 child continues   neural systems, and some children           a serious conflict of interest: women’s
   Children who spent more time in         to be discussed   are experiencing elevated cortisol          rights and self-fulfillment are not
centre-based childcare during their        through the       levels at day care during the first         the same issue as child wellbeing and
first three years — whether care of        prism of adult    three years of life when the brain will     may often compete for precedence.
high or low quality — “were more           sexual politics   reach approximately 80 percent of its          If women’s rights have been hard
likely to have the atypical pattern        and women’s       adult size, any consideration of day        won, so too has the ability to publish
of lower levels of cortisol just after     rights            care attendance must take these             and discuss openly the inconvenient
awakening when they were 15 years of                         factors into account. Since the             effects of day care on children.
age, which could indicate higher                             structure                                   At the same time, curiously, there
levels of early stress.”                                     and function of the brain are still         appears to be little effort invested
   Abnormal cortisol patterns were                           developing in children, failure to          in concern over the feelings of
observed regardless of gender or                             find consistent HPAA abnormalities          stay-at-home mothers. As it
ethnicity, the family’s income level,                        associated with day care does not           stands, parental care and day
the mother’s level of education or the                       preclude the importance of these            care are presented as equal
degree of sensitivity exhibited by                           systems (Mash and Wolf 2010).               alternatives entailing mere
parents during the child’s teenage                              And modern life is throwing up           stylistic differences and choices.
years. It is thought that these children                     further related, if inconvenient,           Biologically-based research
may be more prone to stress in their                         findings. Early child-rearing               is now providing a very
teenage years (Roisman et al. 2009).                         environment and a less secure               different perspective.
                                                             infant-mother attachment are now               No matter how uncomfortable,
Quality of care and cortisol                                 associated with earlier puberty in          society now needs an honest
The so-called “quality of care” has                          girls (Belsky et al. 2010), as is absence   framework in which to make
been found to modulate some of                               of the biological father. Deardoff et al.   decisions about childcare. Yet there
the relationship between day                                 (2010) found this to be the case only       remains a lack of acknowledgment for
care attendance and cortisol                                 among higher income families and            a dose-response relationship: not just
dysregulation. In the study above                            posited that “higher income families        the ‘quality’ of day care, but the
by Groenveld et al. (2010), lower                            without fathers are more likely to          number of hours spent in day care
caregiver sensitivity was associated                         have a single mother who works long         and the age of initiation may affect
with higher levels of cortisol during                        hours and is not as available for           children. It’s almost certainly not
the day in home-based childcare. In                          caregiving.” The study pointed to           a case of more being merrier.
centre-based childcare, lower global                         “neuroendocrine pathways that                  Biology has a vital yet under-
quality of care was associated with an                       influence development”, especially          recognised contribution to make in
increase in cortisol between 11:00am                         cortisol release.                           this important area of family life and
and 3:00pm. They concluded:                                     While understanding the effects of       national policy. In future, when
“Quality of care is an important                             childcare involves more than a              policy-making bodies take evidence,
factor in young children’s wellbeing                         consideration of neuroendocrine             biology should be there in the witness
and HPA stress reactivity.”                                  studies, research from the biological       box enabling both governments and
  The above study on home-based                              sciences continues to be under-             society at large to make more fully
day care by Gunnar et al. (2010) also                        reported and under-recognised.              informed decisions. Increased
found that increases in cortisol levels                      However, what is often widely               funding for biological research in this
throughout the day were influenced                           reported and recognized can be              area is therefore vital.
by the care provider and activities.                         found in a recent headline: “Day               Ultimately, decisions about
The researchers say “the behaviour of                        care Does Not Cause Academic or             childcare must not be made based
the care provider is associated with                         Behaviour Problems” (Walsh 2010).           upon the limited nature of “evidence-
both how well children function at                           The lead researcher of the study            based research”. Many fundamental
childcare, and how much their                                in question is quoted in the press          aspects of a child’s developmental
cortisol is elevated”.                                       release from the publisher, the             wellbeing are not accessible through
                                                             American Psychological Association:         current methods of assessment
Discussion                                                   “Overall, I think this shows women          because they are simply too
It seems clear that early                                    who go back to work soon after they         nuanced or unsuitable.
childcare experiences are                                    have their children should not be too          And so, as we embrace early day
associated with endocrine                                    concerned about the effects their           care ever further, we should remind
changes in the HPAA. The                                     employment has on their children’s          ourselves that when it comes to an
process of                                                   long-term well-being.” (APA 2010;           issue of such fundamental
HPAA                                                              Lucas-Thompson et al. 2010).           importance we must continue to
                                                                     Academic achievement and            adhere to that ancient medical
                                                                       overt behavioural problems        imperative “First do no harm”, and
                                                                       are highly prominent              assume that mother knows best.
                                                                     outcome measures, while
                                                             biological variables are not.               More reading and references at
                                                                Unfortunately, understanding   

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