Morphogenesis and Patterning of the Phallus and Cloaca in the American Alligator, Alligator mississippiensis
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Sex Dev Published online: June 28, 2014 DOI: 10.1159/000364817 Morphogenesis and Patterning of the Phallus and Cloaca in the American Alligator, Alligator mississippiensis Marissa L. Gredler a Ashley W. Seifert a Martin J. Cohn a–c Departments of a Biology and b Molecular Genetics and Microbiology, and c Howard Hughes Medical Institute, UF Genetics Institute, University of Florida, Gainesville, Fla., USA Key Words dependent sex determination. Our analysis of alligator phal- Alligator · Cloaca · Development · External genitalia · Gene lus and cloaca development suggests that modifications of expression · Genital tubercle · Phallus · Reptile an ancestral program of urogenital development could have generated the morphological diversity found in the external genitalia of modern amniotes. © 2014 S. Karger AG, Basel Abstract In most animals, reproduction by internal fertilization is fa- cilitated by an intromittent organ, such as the penis in amni- ote vertebrates. Recent progress has begun to uncover the The emergence of external genitalia facilitated the mechanisms of mammalian external genital development; transition from external fertilization (e.g. spawning) to however, comparatively little is known about the develop- internal fertilization, a key innovation in the evolution of ment of the reptilian penis and clitoris. Here, we describe the terrestriality. In most amniotes, an intromittent organ development of the phallus and cloaca in the American alli- functions to transfer sperm from the male into the female gator, Alligator mississippiensis. The embryonic precursor of reproductive tract. Although many of the morphogenetic the penis and clitoris is the genital tubercle, which forms by and molecular mechanisms of phallus development are the budding of genital mesenchyme beneath the ventral beginning to be understood in mammals, comparatively body wall ectoderm, adjacent to the cloacal membrane. The little is known about development of the external genita- cloacal lips develop from another pair of outgrowths, the lat- lia in other amniotes. eral swellings. Early development of the alligator phallus, Reptilian phalluses have diverse morphologies. A sin- cloaca, and urogenital ducts generally resembles that of oth- gle midline phallus, the male penis and female clitoris, er reptiles, suggesting that differences in adult reptilian occurs in most reptiles. Male squamates (lizards and phallus and cloacal anatomy arise at later stages. The phallic snakes) have 2 hemipenes that function as intromittent sulcus is derived from the cloacal endoderm, indicating that organs [Arnold, 1986; Card and Kluge, 1995; Böhme and the crocodilian sulcus is functionally and developmentally Ziegler, 2009; Gredler et al., this issue; Leal and Cohn, this homologous to the mammalian urethra. Initial external gen- issue]. Some birds have a single medial intromittent phal- ital outgrowth and patterning occur prior to temperature- lus, but the majority of avian species lack an intromittent - 6/30/2014 3:37:55 PM Downloaded by: C. Steinlein - 60989 Universitätsbibliothek Würzburg © 2014 S. Karger AG, Basel Martin J. Cohn 1661–5425/14/0000–0000$39.50/0 Department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology and Department of Biology University of Florida, PO Box 103610 E-Mail Gainesville, FL 32610 (USA) E-Mail mjcohn @
phallus altogether [King, 1979]. Archosauria is com- and Cohn, this issue]. These swellings fuse to form the prised of birds and crocodilians (alligators, crocodiles, genital tubercle, the embryonic anlage of the penis in and gharials); recent molecular phylogenetic analyses males and the clitoris in females [Raynaud and Pieau, support testudines (turtles) as the sister group to archo- 1985; Perriton et al., 2002; Herrera et al., 2013; Larkins saurs [Chiari et al., 2012; Fong et al., 2012; Wang et al., and Cohn, this issue]. In non-mammalian amniotes, the 2013], although the turtle-archosaur clade remains con- adult phallus resides inside the proctodeum, which is troversial [reviewed in Hedges, 2012]. Male turtles and formed by the cloacal lips and is the caudal-most of the 3 crocodilians have a single penis that is thought to develop cloacal chambers [Gadow, 1887; King, 1979; Raynaud by similar mechanisms [Gadow, 1887; Moens, 1912; and Pieau, 1985]. Proximal or anterior to the proctode- King, 1979]. um, the urodeum is the excretory cloacal chamber and During amniote copulation, the male intromittent or- generally receives the urogenital ducts and the bladder gan acquires and maintains rigidity in order to direct [Gadow, 1887; Raynaud and Pieau, 1985]. The coprode- sperm into the female reproductive tract [Gadow, 1887; um connects to the rectum to function with the digestive King, 1979; Powell, 2000; Kelly, 2002]. Erection and ever- system, and is the most anterior cloacal chamber [Gadow, sion by hydrostatic pressure and muscle contraction func- 1887; Raynaud and Pieau, 1985]. tion to achieve turgor and to create a functional channel Morphogenesis of the phallus is physically, temporally, for sperm transfer [Hart and Melese-D’Hospital, 1983; and molecularly linked to development of the cloaca [Mo Schmidt and Schmidt, 1993; Andersson and Wagner, et al., 2001; Dravis et al., 2004; Yucel et al., 2007; Seifert et 1995; Kelly, 2002, 2004, 2013; Hsu et al., 2005; Cabrera et al., 2009b; Suzuki et al., 2012; Xu et al., 2012]. A portion al., 2007]. Hydrostatic pressure is produced by blood vas- of the cloacal epithelium extends into the genital tubercle culature in penises of crocodilians, turtles and mammals to form the penile sulcus (also known as the penile groove, [Zug, 1966; King, 1979; Kelly, 2004; Moore et al., 2012], by phallic sulcus or sulcus spermaticus) in birds and turtles lymphatic vessels in bird penises, when present [King, and the urethra in mammals [Seifert et al., 2008, 2009b; 1979], and by both blood and lymph in squamates [Dow- Herrera et al., 2013; Larkins and Cohn, this issue]. Genet- ling and Savage, 1960]. Internally, crocodilian, turtle, and ic knockout experiments in mice have demonstrated that mammalian penises have large fibroelastic, vascular, and molecular perturbation of cloacal development affects lacunar tissues that support vascular erection [Zug, 1966; morphogenesis of the genital tubercle, and subsequently King, 1979; Kelly, 2004]. Two regions of erectile tissue are formation of the penis/clitoris [Perriton et al., 2002; Mi- present; the corpus spongiosum is flexible, fibrous tissue yagawa et al., 2009; Seifert et al., 2009a; Xu et al., 2012]. that surrounds the penile sulcus in non-mammalian am- The developmental mechanisms that mediate forma- niotes and the penile urethra in mammals, and the cor- tion of the phallus have been studied most thoroughly in pora cavernosa are large, paired regions of highly vascu- the mouse. An evolutionarily conserved suite of gene net- larized tissue that expand upon increased blood flow [Re- works regulates organogenesis throughout the embryo, ese, 1915; Zug, 1966; King, 1979; Powell, 2000; Kelly, 2004, and a number of these pathways have been implicated in 2013; Cabrera et al., 2007]. The base of the alligator penis external genital development. Members of the fibroblast is formed from paired penile bodies called crura [Gadow, growth factor (Fgf) family of signaling molecules mediate 1887; Reese, 1924; Kelly, 2013]. Proximally, each crus is external genital development and formation of the ure- connected to the pelvic girdle and adjacent cloacal mus- thral tube in mice [Haraguchi et al., 2000; Petiot et al., cles; distally, the crura fuse to form the shaft of the corpus 2005]. Differential expression of Hox genes throughout cavernosum [Powell, 2000; Kelly, 2013]. In crocodilians, the embryo creates a combinatorial code that confers eversion of the phallus is achieved by muscle contraction identity on many organ systems, and the paralogous [Reese, 1915; Powell, 2000; Kelly, 2013], and vascular dila- Hoxd13 and Hoxa13 genes are required for normal devel- tion inflates the distal portion of the penis (glans) and the opment of distal appendages, including the digits and ex- tissue adjacent to the penile sulcus [Gadow, 1887; Reese, ternal genitalia [Sordino et al., 1996; Kondo et al., 1997; 1915; Cabrera et al., 2007; Ziegler and Olbort, 2007; Moore Warot et al., 1997; Morgan, 2003; Scott et al., 2005]. Son- et al., 2012]. ic hedgehog (Shh) encodes a secreted signaling molecule In birds, turtles and mammals, development of the that is expressed in the embryonic endoderm and its de- phallus begins with the emergence of paired genital swell- rivatives, and is required for cloacal septation and for ings between the hindlimb buds [Raynaud and Pieau, proper patterning and outgrowth of the murine genital 1985; Perriton et al., 2002; Herrera et al., 2013; Larkins tubercle [Bitgood and McMahon, 1995; Perriton et al., - 6/30/2014 3:37:55 PM Downloaded by: C. Steinlein - 60989 Universitätsbibliothek Würzburg 2 Sex Dev Gredler /Seifert /Cohn DOI: 10.1159/000364817
2002; Seifert et al., 2008, 2009a, 2010; Miyagawa et al., USA. Crocodilians undergo temperature-dependent sex determi- 2009; Runck et al., 2014]. Ligands and receptors of the nation, and the thermosensitive period in A. mississippiensis oc- curs between Ferguson stages 21 [31–35 days post-oviposition bone morphogenetic protein (Bmp) family of patterning (dpo)] and 24 (46–50 dpo) [Ferguson, 1985; Lang and Andrews, genes frequently interact with Shh, are common media- 1994]. A. mississippiensis embryos hatch at stage 28 (64–70 dpo). tors of cell death during development, and have been Eggs from RWR were incubated in outdoor tanks at the wildlife demonstrated to regulate external genital morphogenesis refuge for 2 weeks (stage 12) before being transferred to the Uni- in both mice and chickens [Bitgood and McMahon, 1995; versity of Florida for incubation. To investigate development of the phallus and cloaca prior to sex determination, we incubated eggs Roberts et al., 1995; Sukegawa et al., 2000; Suzuki et al., at 33 ° C (which produces 100% male hatchlings, and maintains 2003; Sasaki et al., 2004; Bandyopadhyay et al., 2006; Sei- consistency in developmental timing) until they reached stages fert et al., 2008; Herrera et al., 2013; Lu et al., 2013]. Oth- 12.5–21, then harvested and dissected them in cold PBS [Ferguson, er genes implicated in external genital development in- 1985; Lang and Andrews, 1994]. Eggs from SAAFZP were incu- clude members of the Wnt/β-catenin pathway [Schwabe bated at 32 ° C for 1–2 months prior to transfer to the University of Florida where they were processed immediately for dissection. Af- et al., 2004; Lin et al., 2008; Draaken et al., 2012; Guo et ter removal from the egg, embryos at stage 23 and older were anes- al., 2014], Dlx genes [Suzuki et al., 2008] and Eph/ephrins thetized and euthanized by intracoelomic injection of tricaine [Dravis et al., 2004]. methylsulfonate (MS222) (0.7% MS222, pH 7.0 at 250 mg/kg for In order to test the hypothesis that phallus develop- anesthesia, 0.4 ml of 50% MS222 for euthanasia) based on pub- ment in crocodilians is controlled by the same mecha- lished methods [Conroy et al., 2009]. Tissue used for RNA extraction was stored in RNAlater at nisms that pattern mammalian and avian external geni- – 20 ° C. Embryos used for histology were fixed overnight in 4% talia [Kondo et al., 1997; Warot et al., 1997; Haraguchi et paraformaldehyde at 4 ° C, rinsed in PBS and dehydrated in a grad- al., 2000, 2001; Perriton et al., 2002; Morgan, 2003; Sasaki ed ethanol series, then stored in 70% ethanol at 4 ° C. For whole et al., 2004; Petiot et al., 2005; Scott et al., 2005; Seifert et mount in situ hybridization, embryos were fixed overnight in 4% al., 2008, 2009a, b; Miyagawa et al., 2009; Herrera et al., paraformaldehyde at 4 ° C, rinsed in PBS and dehydrated in a grad- ed methanol series, then stored in 100% methanol at –20 ° C. Tissue 2013], we performed a detailed analysis of American al- used for scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was fixed and stored ligator (Alligator mississippiensis) phallus development in 1% glutaraldehyde at 4 ° C. from the time that outgrowth is initiated through the on- set of sexual differentiation. We show that initiation and Cell Death Analysis early development of the alligator genital tubercle is strik- Stage 15 embryos were quickly dissected in PBS and incubated in LysoTracker red (Molecular Probes) staining solution (25 μl Ly- ingly similar to that of turtles, birds, and mammals. More- soTracker red in 15 ml PBS) at 37 ° C for 30 min, then rinsed in PBS over, gene expression patterns in the developing alligator and fixed overnight in 4% paraformaldehyde at 4 ° C. Epifluores- phallus are similar to those that have been observed for cent and brightfield images were acquired after fixation. orthologous genes in turtles, birds, and mice, suggesting that the molecular mechanisms of phallus formation are Scanning Electron Microscopy After glutaraldehyde fixation, embryos were washed with PBS, conserved across amniotes. Morphogenesis of the cloaca osmicated in 2% osmium tetroxide for 1 h, and dehydrated to ab- occurs by interaction between the posterior limits of the solute ethanol. The embryos were then critical-point dried and digestive and excretory tracts, and a portion of the cloacal mounted on stubs, sputter coated with gold/palladium, and im- endoderm extends into the genital tubercle to form the aged on a Hitachi S-4000 FE-SEM. phallic sulcus. Our results show that the crocodilian phal- Histology lus and cloaca develop by morphogenetic and molecular Paraffin histology was performed according to standard meth- mechanisms that closely resemble those of other amni- ods. Lower bodies were dehydrated to absolute ethanol, permeabi- otes. Viewed in a phylogenetic context, these similarities lized in xylene, then infiltrated with and embedded in paraffin. are consistent with the hypothesis that the genital tuber- Sections were cut 5 μm thick and slides were stained with Masson’s cle of crocodilians is homologous to that of birds, turtles, trichrome (Richard Allen Scientific). and mammals. In situ Hybridization RNA extracted (Qiagen RNeasy Plus Micro kit) from stage 15 A. mississippiensis tail and forelimb tissue was used to synthesize Methods cDNA (BioRad iScript cDNA synthesis kit) that served as template for PCR cloning. Primers were designed from published sequenc- Egg Collection and Embryo Dissection es (Bmp4, EF527278; Shh, EF527277). PCR products were ligated A. mississippiensis eggs were provided by the Rockefeller Wild- into the pGEM-T Easy Vector (Promega), PCR-amplified using life Refuge (RWR) in Grand Chenier, La., and the St. Augustine M13 primers, and used as templates for transcription of digoxigen- Alligator Farm Zoological Park (SAAFZP) in St. Augustine, Fla., in-labeled antisense riboprobes for Bmp4 and Shh. The remaining - 6/30/2014 3:37:55 PM Downloaded by: C. Steinlein - 60989 Universitätsbibliothek Würzburg Alligator Phallus and Cloaca Sex Dev 3 Development DOI: 10.1159/000364817
probes were generated by transcription from linearized plasmids ventral body wall ectoderm between the genital tubercle for Hoxd13 (Trachemys scripta, kindly provided by C. Larkins) and and the tail (fig. 1H). Fgfr2 and Fgf10 (kindly provided by T. Iguchi). Whole mount in situ hybridization was performed according to published methods At stage 17 (22 dpo), the genital tubercle bends cau- [Nieto et al., 1996] with the following modifications: BM purple dally, coincident with deepening of the depression be- (Roche) was used as a color substrate in place of NBT/BCIP, Triton tween the genital tubercle and the ventral body wall X-100 was replaced with Tween-20 in KTBT solution, and the con- (fig. 1I). Two crests of tissue are present at the lateral mar- centration of Triton X-100 in NTMT solution was increased from gins of this fold, forming the anlagen of the cloacal lips 0.1 to 1%. (fig. 1I, J). At stage 18, the cloacal lips are thinner medio- laterally and are closer to the genital tubercle than at stage 17 (fig. 1K, L). The posterior-most cloacal chamber, the Results proctodeum, appears as the cloacal lips emerge and the genital tubercle bends caudally (fig. 1L). The cranial ra- Early Development of the Alligator Phallus phe persists anterior to the genital tubercle (fig. 1L). At SEM was used to characterize development of the ex- stage 19 (27 dpo), a crescent-shaped outgrowth, which we ternal genitalia in alligator (A. mississippiensis) embryos have termed the phallic ridge, develops along the dorsal between stage 12.5, prior to the appearance of the genital margin of the distal genital tubercle (fig. 1M). The phallic tubercle, and stage 20, before the onset of sexual differ- sulcus is visible on the ventral side of the genital tubercle, entiation [staging was performed according to Fergu- extending into the proctodeal chamber (fig. 1M, N). The son, 1985; Lang and Andrews, 1994]. At stage 12.5 (14 cloacal lips extend farther laterally than at previous stages dpo), genital mesenchyme and the overlying ectoderm (fig. 1N). At stage 20, the phallic sulcus extends distally protrude from the ventral body wall, anterior and lateral into the glans, which appears to consist of 2 lobes and is to the cloacal membrane (fig. 1A, B). A small crease in distinct from the shaft of the phallus (fig. 1O, P). Matura- the midline of this early genital tissue delineates the po- tion of the distal genital tubercle has resulted in formation sition of the cloacal membrane, a transient structure of an arch-shaped pocket between the phallic ridge and formed where the cloacal endoderm meets the overlying the apex of the glans (fig. 1P). surface ectoderm. An additional pair of swellings forms lateral to the cloacal membrane and caudal to the genital Maturation of the Genital Tubercle swellings, at the level of the posterior hindlimb bud We used histology to examine the internal anatomy of (fig. 1A, B). By stage 13.5 (15 dpo), a single genital tu- the developing phallus. At stage 17, the phallic sulcus is a bercle is apparent (fig. 1C, D). The apex of the genital bilaminar epithelial plate that extends from the ventral tubercle is slightly bifid at this stage, which may repre- surface into the center of the genital tubercle (fig. 2A–C). sent its formation by fusion of the 2 genital swellings A ring of dense connective tissue, the anlage of the cor- (fig. 1D). A third pair of swellings emerges anterior to pora cavernosa (alternatively known as fibrovascular bod- the genital tubercle (fig. 1C, D). Outgrowth of the genital ies or corpora fibrosa), is visible in the mesenchyme dorsal tubercle continues and, by stage 15 (18 dpo), it has a to the phallic sulcus (fig. 2B, C). A second region of lacunar rounded, cylindrical appearance (fig. 1E). By stage 15, connective tissue, the corpus spongiosum, is positioned the genital tubercle has extended beyond the lateral ventral to the corpus cavernosum (fig. 2C). At stage 18, the swellings (fig. 1E, F). The anterior swellings, which are distal phallic sulcus appears as a bilaminar plate dorsally positioned immediately cranial to the base of the genital and the ventral margin is an open groove (fig. 2D). In the tubercle, are elongated anteroposteriorly and com- proximal genital tubercle, the dorsal and lateral sides of the pressed laterally (fig. 1F). A small remnant of tissue, the phallic sulcus are bordered by the dense mesenchyme of cranial raphe, is evident between the 2 anterior swell- the corpora cavernosa, and the center of the phallic sulcus ings, at the base of the dorsal side of the genital tubercle begins to delaminate to form an internal lumen (fig. 2E). (fig. 1F). At stage 16 (21 dpo), a fold has developed at the Blood vessels can be observed in mesenchyme lateral to the junction between the ventral side of the genital tubercle phallic sulcus (fig. 2E). The cranial raphe is present ante- and the body wall (fig. 1G, H). The cranial raphe persists rior to the genital tubercle (fig. 2F). Ventral and posterior anterior to the genital tubercle (fig. 1H). An indentation to the genital tubercle, an epithelial invagination indicates of the surface epithelium along the ventral midline of the formation of the proctodeum (fig. 2F). At stage 19, the cor- genital tubercle indicates the position of the phallic sul- pora cavernosa are present in both the proximal and distal cus (fig. 1G, H). This furrow extends posteriorly into the genital tubercle and are continuous with the paired penile - 6/30/2014 3:37:55 PM Downloaded by: C. Steinlein - 60989 Universitätsbibliothek Würzburg 4 Sex Dev Gredler /Seifert /Cohn DOI: 10.1159/000364817
st12.5 st13.5 st15 st16 A C E G as as gt hlb hlb gt ls ls tail B D F H hlb as as as as ls gt tail ls ls ls ls ls hlb st17 st18 st19 st20 I K M O pr g cl cl cl cl J L N P phallic pr ridge g glans cl shaft cl Fig. 1. Morphogenesis of the alligator phallus. Scanning electron cloacal lips (cl). The cranial raphe (white arrowheads in F, H and micrographs of developing external genitalia in A. mississippiensis L) is located between the anterior swellings (as). The phallic sulcus from stages 12.5 through 20. Panels in the first and third rows show (yellow arrows) is visible along the ventral midline of the genital ventral views of the external genitalia with anterior to the top. Pan- tubercle, the proctodeum (white arrows) develops as a crease on els in the second and fourth rows show alternate views of the em- the caudal side of the genital tubercle, and a caudal extension of bryos in the first and third rows, respectively. Alternate views are the cloacal epithelium (yellow arrowhead) is visible between the oriented laterally with anterior to the left, except for panels D, F genital tubercle and the tail. The phallic ridge (pr) develops at the and P, which show top views with anterior to the top. Outgrowth dorsal side of the glans (g). At stage 20, the proximal glans is bifid of the genital ectoderm and mesenchyme (white asterisks in A and (asterisks in O), and maturation of the phallic ridge has resulted in B) forms the genital tubercle (gt), which is initially forked distally formation of a pocket in the distal glans (blue arrowheads). hlb = (white arrowheads in D). The lateral swellings (ls) develop into the Hindlimb bud. Scale bars = 50 μm. crura internally (fig. 2G–I). Each crus is positioned caudal genital tubercle than at stage 18 (fig. 2I). The surface epi- and slightly dorsal to the ischium, and the sphincter cloa- thelium between the newly formed phallic ridge and glans cae muscles are visible between the crus and the ventral appears thicker and more stratified than neighboring cell body wall (fig. 2I). A pair of large blood vessels is visible populations (fig. 2H, I). At stage 20, the phallic sulcus re- adjacent to the phallic sulcus on the ventral side of the mains a bilaminar epithelial plate, except at the dorsal tip, genital tubercle (fig. 2G). where a small lumen has formed along the proximodistal By stage 19, the proctodeal chamber has grown larger axis of the genital tubercle (fig. 2J, K). An epithelial in- ventrolaterally, extending farther along the base of the vagination and thickening is apparent in the proctodeal - 6/30/2014 3:37:55 PM Downloaded by: C. Steinlein - 60989 Universitätsbibliothek Würzburg Alligator Phallus and Cloaca Sex Dev 5 Development DOI: 10.1159/000364817
Transverse Sagittal crus, and the corpus spongiosum is positioned immedi- A B C ately interior to the phallic sulcus (fig. 2L). The depres- sion between the phallic ridge and the glans is lined by cc cs thickened epithelium (fig. 2L, inset). The anteroposterior st17 cc extent of the proctodeum has increased and further sepa- rates the phallus from the proctodeal epithelium (fig. 2L). D E F Gene Expression and Cell Death Fgf signaling regulates development of a closed ure- cc st18 cc thral tube in mice; Fgf10 is expressed in the genital tuber- cle mesenchyme adjacent to the urethral plate, and its re- ceptor, Fgfr2, is expressed in the mouse urethral plate ep- ithelium [Petiot et al., 2005]. Loss of function mutations G H I pr in either of these genes result in the formation of an open cc isc urethral sulcus instead of a closed urethral tube; in mam- cc sc g st19 crus mals, this type of birth defect is defined as hypospadias [Haraguchi et al., 2000; Petiot et al., 2005]. Since the croc- odilian sulcus has the same function and embryonic origin as the mammalian urethra, we investigated the expression J K L pr cc of Fgf10 and Fgfr2 in the developing alligator phallus. At cc sc cc g stage 12.5, whole mount in situ hybridization for Fgf10 crus st20 showed staining in the mesenchyme on either side of the cs cloacal membrane, in the region of the genital tubercle primordia (fig. 3A). Fgfr2 is expressed in a complemen- Distal Proximal tary pattern along the cloacal epithelium, between the 2 Fgf10 domains (fig. 3B). By stage 13, Fgf10 is expressed in Fig. 2. Internal development of the alligator genital tubercle. His- the mesenchyme of the genital tubercle on either side of tological sections of the developing genital tubercle at stages 17– the cloacal/sulcus epithelium (fig. 3C). Fgfr2 expression 20. Transverse (cross) sections are perpendicular to the long (prox- occurs along the sulcus epithelium and cloacal membrane imodistal) axis of the genital tubercle. A, D, G, and J are through the distal tip of the tubercle and B, E, H, and K are proximal sec- of the genital tubercle, and extends caudally along the ven- tions. Sections in C, F, I, and L are through the sagittal plane of the tral surface ectoderm (fig. 3D). Fgfr2 transcripts can also main body axis and the genital tubercle. The phallic sulcus (yellow be detected in the ectoderm along the lateral margins of arrows) is a bilaminar epithelial plate, which delaminates (yellow the genital tubercle (fig. 3D). An additional broad domain arrowheads) at its dorsal margin at stage 20. The proximal end of of Fgfr2 expression is present anterior to the genital tu- the corpus cavernosum (cc) abuts the crus, and the corpus spon- giosum (cs) is visible immediately adjacent to the phallic sulcus. bercle, in the region where the anterior swellings will form Blood vessels (blue arrowheads) can be seen in the genital tubercle (fig. 3D). At stage 14, the Fgf10 expression domain has mesenchyme. The cloacal gland (black arrowhead in K) develops expanded laterally within the genital tubercle mesen- inside of the proctodeal epithelium (white arrowheads). The chyme, but no expression is detectable in the lateral swell- sphincter cloacae (sc) muscles develop ventral to the crus. Thick- ings (fig. 3E). Each of the Fgfr2 expression domains pres- ened epithelium (red arrowheads, inset in L) develops between the phallic ridge (pr) and glans (g). The black arrow denotes the cra- ent at stage 13 persists through stage 14, and the expres- nial raphe. isc = Ischium. Scale bars = 50 μm. sion domain along the lateral ectoderm of the phallus appears broader and stronger than at previous stages (fig. 3F). At stage 15, transcription of Fgf10 is visible in the genital tubercle on either side of the phallic sulcus, and epithelium, adjacent to the proximal genital tubercle; this this expression extends posteriorly along the margin of marks development of the cloacal musk glands (fig. 2K). the proctodeum (fig. 3G). Fgfr2 continues to be expressed The sphincter cloacae muscles have matured and the cru- in the phallic sulcus/cloacal membrane, in the ectoderm ra are larger, extend farther anteriorly towards to the is- of the lateral swellings, in a broad domain anterior to the chium, and are better defined than at stage 19 (fig. 2L). genital tubercle, and on the surface ectoderm of the ven- The corpus cavernosum abuts the distal margin of the trolateral sides of the genital tubercle (fig. 3H). - 6/30/2014 3:37:55 PM Downloaded by: C. Steinlein - 60989 Universitätsbibliothek Würzburg 6 Sex Dev Gredler /Seifert /Cohn DOI: 10.1159/000364817
Fgf10 Fgfr2 A Shh B Hoxd13 A B gt st12.5 tail hlb st16 st15 C Bmp4 D LysoTracker Brightfield C D * tail st13 st15 st15 * Fig. 4. Gene expression and cell death in the embryonic alligator E F * phallus. A–C Whole mount in situ hybridization for Shh at stage 16 (A), Hoxd13 at stage 15 (B) and Bmp4 at stage 15 (C). A Ventral view with anterior to the top. B Lateral view with anterior to the st14 left. C Ventrolateral view with anterior to the top. Expression in the phallic sulcus (white arrows) was detected for Shh at stage 16 and * for Bmp4 at stage 15. At stage 15, Hoxd13 showed expression in 3 domains of the posterior embryo: the genital tubercle (gt), the H hindlimb bud (hlb) and the ventral side of the tail. A region of G * Bmp4 expression was detected in the tail at stage 15. D Whole mount fluorescent (left) and light (right) micrographs of a stage 15 American alligator genital tubercle stained with LysoTracker red st15 to reveal apoptotic cells. LysoTracker red staining was detected in the distal region of the phallic sulcus (white arrow), which co-lo- * calizes with the expression of Bmp4. Scale bars = 20 μm. Fig. 3. Fgf10 and Fgfr2 expression in the developing alligator exter- nal genitalia. Whole mount in situ hybridization for Fgf10 (A, C, E, G) and Fgfr2 (B, D, F, H) on A. mississippiensis genital tubercles at out the genital tubercle, as well as in the tail (fig. 4B). stages 12.5 (A, B), 13 (C, D), 14 (E, F), and 15 (G, H). Fgf10 mRNA Bmp4 is expressed weakly in the region of the phallic was detected in the mesenchyme of the lateral swellings (white ar- sulcus, and a stronger domain exists in the distal tip of the rowheads in A), paired mesenchymal domains in the genital tu- bercle at stages 13–15 (white arrowheads in C, E, G), and in an ad- tail (fig. 4C). In addition to playing a role in the pattern- ditional caudal pair of regions between the genital tubercle and the ing of multiple developmental systems, Bmp4 has been tail at stage 15 (bottom white arrowheads in G). Fgfr2 mRNA was shown to promote apoptosis in the genital tubercle of detected in the developing cloacal membrane at stage 12.5 (white mouse, chick, and duck embryos [Suzuki et al., 2003; arrow in B) and in the phallic sulcus at stages 13–15 (white arrows Herrera et al., 2013]. To determine whether Bmp4 ex- in D, F, H). At stages 13–15 (D, F, H), Fgfr2 was also detected in a thin domain extending from the base of the phallic sulcus towards pression is associated with cell death in the phallic sulcus the tail (black asterisks), in lateral regions of the surface epithelium of alligator embryos, we performed LysoTracker red of the genital tubercle (black arrowheads), in a diffuse area ante- staining at stage 15. We detected a region of LysoTracker- rior to the genital tubercle (white asterisks), and in the epithelium labeled cells in the phallic sulcus, which co-localizes with of the lateral swellings (black arrows) including a caudally extend- the region of Bmp4 expression in the developing phallus ed domain at stage 15 (bottom black arrow in H). (fig. 4D). Cloacal Development We next assayed alligator genital tubercles at stage In mammals, development of the phallus occurs to- 15/16 for expression of 3 other genes, Shh, Hoxd13, and gether with morphogenesis of the cloaca [Seifert et al., Bmp4, which are known to be involved in development of 2008, 2009a]. Histological analysis was used to investigate mouse and bird external genitalia. Shh is expressed in the alligator cloacal development and to determine its rela- phallic sulcus (fig. 4A), and Hoxd13 is expressed through- tionship to morphogenesis of the phallus. At stage 17, the - 6/30/2014 3:37:55 PM Downloaded by: C. Steinlein - 60989 Universitätsbibliothek Würzburg Alligator Phallus and Cloaca Sex Dev 7 Development DOI: 10.1159/000364817
cloaca is a single chamber (fig. 5A). The allantois connects A B to the ventral cloaca and has a thinner epithelium than the heavily stratified cloacal (urodeal) epithelium. Ante- crus ps st17 al al rior to the cloaca, the urorectal septum separates the al- * urs * UR cg lantois and hindgut (fig. 5A). The caudal side of the uro- UR hg deum is separated from the surface ectoderm by a layer of * * *mt * wd dense mesenchyme (fig. 5A). The ventral portion of the posterior cloacal epithelium extends into the proximal C D genital tubercle, forming the anlage of the phallic sulcus cc cc isc sc isc sc (fig. 5B). The cloacal gland (or cloacal musk gland) is vis- crus crus cs st19 al ps al ible posterior to the urodeum, adjacent to the developing LR urs cg proctodeum (fig. 5B). On the dorsal side of the cloaca, a UR CO * hg CO UR region of the urodeum evaginates to form a channel that PR wd PR will connect the cloacal sinus to the Wolffian (mesoneph- ric) duct (fig. 5B). Ventral to the developing cloaca, a con- E F s sc i m densation of mesenchymal cells indicates formation of cc cc isc sc ps isc the crura (fig. 5A). st20 crus cs al al By stage 19, the coprodeum has begun to form cranial LR ps and dorsal to the urodeum (fig. 5C, D). The uroprocto- cg cg CO UR hg PR deal fold marks the junction of the urodeum and procto- deum (fig. 5C). The Wolffian duct joins the proctodeum at the base of the phallus, caudal to the uroproctodeal fold Fig. 5. Ontogeny of the alligator cloaca. Histology of the develop- (fig. 5C). The allantois remains in contact with the uro- ing alligator cloaca and genital tubercle. All panels are sagittal sec- deum, and caudal growth of the urorectal septum has re- tions stained with Masson’s trichrome. A, B At stage 17, the allan- tois (al) and hindgut (hg) are separated by the urorectal septum sulted in reduction of the anteroposterior length of the (urs). An evagination (blue asterisks) of the dorsal urodeum (UR) urodeum (compare fig. 5A and C). The urethra connects lies in close proximity to the developing Wolffian duct (wd), into the urodeum to the phallic sulcus, which extends to the which the mesonephric tubules (mt) empty. The phallic sulcus (ps) distal tip of the glans (fig. 5C). The corpus cavernosum is extends from the urodeum into the genital tubercle, and a popula- visible along the length of the phallus; proximally it con- tion of condensed cells is visible between the urodeum and the surface ectoderm (white arrow in A). The cloacal gland (cg) devel- nects to the crus, and distally it abuts the thickened ecto- ops on the dorsal wall of the proctodeum. C, D By stage 19, the derm between the phallic ridge and glans (fig. 5C, D). The urodeum connects with the coprodeum (CO) on its anterior side corpus spongiosum is visible as a population of dense and the proctodeum (PR) on its posterior side, and the uroprocto- connective tissue along the shaft of the phallus, between deal fold (yellow asterisk in C) projects between the urodeum and the phallic sulcus and the crus (proximally) or corpus ca- proctodeum. The phallic sulcus is adjacent to the corpus spongio- sum (cs). The corpus cavernosum (cc) is visible in the mesenchyme vernosum (distally) (fig. 5D). The sphincter cloacae mus- of the distal genital tubercle, the sphincter cloacae (sc) muscles are cles are visible just ventral to the crura (fig. 5C, D). The positioned ventral to the crus, and the ligamentum ramus (LR) genital tubercle projects from the anlage of the ventral connects the crus to the ischium (isc). E, F At stage 20, the sphinc- proctodeal wall, and the cloacal gland extends internally ter cloacae muscles have begun to differentiate into the pars super- on the dorsal side of the proctodeum (fig. 5D). ficialis (s), pars medialis (m) and pars intermedius (i). Black aster- isks = peritoneum. A, B Scale bars = 20 μm. C–F Scale bars = 50 μm. The proctodeal chamber has enlarged by stage 20 (fig. 2H, 5E). The coprodeal and rectal epithelia are heavily stratified and convoluted (fig. 5E). The ligamentum ra- mus connects the dorsal side of the caudal ischium to the crus (fig. 5F). The sphincter cloacae muscles have subdi- Differentiation of the Alligator Penis vided into the pars superficialis, pars medialis and pars To investigate early sexual differentiation of the penis, intermedius (fig. 5F). The corpus cavernosum is visible in we used SEM to examine embryos at 2 stages: during the distal shaft, and the corpus spongiosum is positioned (st23) and after (st25) the thermosensitive period [Smith between the crus and the phallic sulcus (fig. 5E, F). By this and Joss, 1993]. Initial development of the phallus occurs stage, the phallic sulcus has formed an open groove externally, but at the time of sexual differentiation, it is (fig. 5E). partially enclosed within the proctodeum. At stages 19 - 6/30/2014 3:37:55 PM Downloaded by: C. Steinlein - 60989 Universitätsbibliothek Würzburg 8 Sex Dev Gredler /Seifert /Cohn DOI: 10.1159/000364817
stage 23 stage 25 sulting in the appearance of a morphological tube instead A B D of a groove, while the terminus of the sulcus is an open pr groove (fig. 6D, inset). g prc g pr prc C Discussion s Ontogeny of the Alligator Phallus Morphogenesis and anatomy of crocodilian genitalia are generally thought to resemble that of turtles; however, Fig. 6. Sexual differentiation of the alligator penis. Scanning elec- tron micrographs of American alligator genital tubercles incubat- since the late 19th and early 20th centuries, few studies ed at a male-producing temperature during (stage 23) and after have investigated penis, clitoris, and cloaca development (stage 25) the thermosensitive period of sexual differentiation. in crocodiles and alligators [Clarke, 1891; Reese, 1908, A Ventral view with anterior to the top. B Lateral view with an- 1915, 1924; Moens, 1912; Ferguson, 1985]. Our analysis terior to the top left. C Top view with anterior to the top. D Lat- of external genital development in the American alligator eral view with anterior to the left. A–C During the thermosensitive period, the shaft of the genital tubercle is enclosed within the proc- provides new insight into morphogenesis of the embry- todeum (prc), while the glans (g) and phallic ridge (pr, yellow ar- onic genital tubercle and ontogeny of the cloaca. Early rowheads in A) remain outside of the cloaca. The phallic sulcus development occurs via the formation of 3 sets of out- (yellow arrow) extends distally from the base of the phallus into growths: the genital tubercle, lateral swellings, and ante- the glans, which is bifid distally (yellow asterisks in C). D After the rior swellings. Budding of the external genitalia from the thermosensitive period, the penis is composed of the phallic ridge, glans, and shaft (s), and is enclosed within the proctodeum. The pericloacal region of the ventral body wall begins at stage penile sulcus (inset in D, yellow arrow) is visible along the ventral 12.5, and the genital tubercle, the anlage of the penis and midline of the penis. In the distal glans, the lateral margins of the clitoris, is apparent by stage 13.5. The lateral swellings surface epithelium are in contact at the midline over the penile develop at the level of the posterior hindlimb bud, caudal sulcus, and a circular opening (inset in D, white arrowhead) is vis- and lateral to the genital swellings, and develop into the ible at the terminus of the penile sulcus. Scale bars = 100 μm. cloacal lips. Development of the cloacal lips from the lat- eral swellings has been described in caimans, lending sup- port to our hypothesis that the cloacal lips in A. mississip- piensis also are derived from the lateral swellings [Reese, and 20, the genital tubercle has begun to withdraw into 1924]. Maturation of the cloacal lips forms the procto- the proctodeum; the ventral side of the shaft lies within deum, the cloacal chamber that encloses the adult phallus. the proctodeum, but the dorsal side is visible externally The anterior swellings are evident at stage 13.5, cranial to and is contiguous with the ventral body wall ectoderm the genital tubercle. (fig. 1N, P). By stage 23, the proctodeal chamber encloses The unpaired, medial phallus in non-squamate amni- the shaft on all sides, while the phallic ridge and glans are otes develops from the cloacal epithelium and the so- still located outside of the proctodeum (fig. 6A–C). The matopleure (lateral plate mesoderm and surface ecto- glans elongates and is now longer than the phallic ridge, derm) on the left and right sides of the cloaca [Raynaud whereas the stage 20 glans and phallic ridge are similarly and Pieau, 1985; Perriton et al., 2002; Herrera et al., 2013 sized (compare fig. 6B to 1P). Bifurcation of the distal and this issue; Larkins and Cohn, this issue]. In birds, glans occurs as the phallic sulcus extends distally into the turtles and mice, the left and right somatopleural portions glans (fig. 6A, C). The lateral margins of the phallic ridge of the genital tubercle emerge as morphologically distinct extend cranially and the medial portion remains tethered paired outgrowths, the genital swellings, that fuse to form to the underlying glans (fig. 6A). By stage 25, the penis is the genital tubercle [Raynaud and Pieau, 1985; Perriton enclosed within the proctodeum and is regionalized into et al., 2002; Herrera et al., 2013; Larkins and Cohn, this the shaft, phallic ridge and glans (fig. 6D). The glans con- issue]. Although we found similar projection of external stitutes approximately half of the length of the male phal- genital tissue adjacent to the cloacal membrane in the al- lus (fig. 6D). The phallic sulcus remains a continuous ligator, we could not resolve whether the tubercle arises structure along the ventral side of the shaft and glans from 2 morphologically distinct buds or a single region of (fig. 6D). The lateral margins of the penile sulcus make outgrowth. Other reports of crocodilian phallus develop- contact along the ventral midline of the distal glans, re- ment describe a single genital eminence [Reese, 1910, - 6/30/2014 3:37:55 PM Downloaded by: C. Steinlein - 60989 Universitätsbibliothek Würzburg Alligator Phallus and Cloaca Sex Dev 9 Development DOI: 10.1159/000364817
1924; Ferguson, 1985 and citations therein], although it is The position, morphology, and relative size of the possible that embryos in those studies were examined af- phallic ridge appear to vary among crocodilian species. In ter initiation stages, when paired buds are apparent in the Nile crocodile, Australian freshwater (Crocodylus po- other taxa. On the homology of amniote intromittent or- rosus), and Australian saltwater (Crocodylus johnsoni) gans, Gadow [1887] argues that the ‘original duplicity’ of crocodiles, the proximodistal length of the phallic ridge is the unpaired (avian, turtle, crocodilian, and mammalian) more than half of the length of the penis, and the mor- phallus is manifested in paired anatomical structures phological transition between the ridge and the neighbor- such as the copulatory nerve supply and vasculature, cor- ing glans is gradual [Webb et al., 1984; Ziegler and Olbort, pora cavernosa, and crura. We posit that in all amniotes 2007]. In contrast, the spectacled, smooth-fronted (Paleo- with a single phallus, the genital tubercle develops by co- suchus trigonatus), and Cuvieri dwarf (Paleosuchus palpe- ordinated outgrowth of homologous regions of lateral brosus) caimans have a shorter phallic ridge that is posi- plate mesoderm and surface ectoderm adjacent to the clo- tioned at the distal tip of the penis, resulting in a com- acal membrane. paratively thin phallus with a bulbous extremity [Ziegler The anterior swellings also appear for only a short pe- and Olbort, 2007; Cabrera and García, 2010]. The phallic riod of development, forming in association with the gen- ridge of the smooth-fronted caiman extends completely ital tubercle and cranial raphe. The cranial raphe that we over the glans, whereas the glans is longer than the ridge observed in association with the anterior swellings resem- in the Cuvieri dwarf caiman [Ziegler and Olbort, 2007]. bles an epithelial tag that has been described in develop- Finally, the phallic ridge of Chinese (Alligator sinensis) ment of the chicken external genitalia [Bakst, 1986]. Our and American alligators is short relative to the length of analysis suggests that the anterior swellings are either in- the penis, similar to the pattern in caimans, although it is corporated into the cranial side of the growing genital positioned more proximally, approximately halfway tubercle, regress, or contribute to the cloacal lips. While along the length of the phallus [Allsteadt and Lang, 1995; it is possible that cells of the anterior swellings give rise to Ziegler and Olbort, 2007; Moore et al., 2012]. In order to the phallic ridge later in development, the fate and func- facilitate future comparisons between the sexes and tion of these swellings remains unclear. Fate-mapping ex- among species of crocodilians, we propose that the term periments will be necessary to determine the definitive phallic ridge be used to describe this structure. Future fate of the anterior swellings in A. mississippiensis. analysis of phallic ridge development among different Our data demonstrate that, at stage 19, a crescent- species will help identify homologous structures within shaped ridge forms on the dorsal side of the distal glans. It the crocodilian phallus. has been suggested that formation of this tissue may reflect homology with the mammalian prepuce [Reese, 1924]. A Morphogenesis of the Alligator Cloaca and Phallic comparable feature has been described in turtles; Raynaud Sulcus [1985] characterizes the ‘ridge on the phallic primordium’ Formation of the phallus is associated with cloacal de- of Testudo graeca as a ‘horseshoe-shaped fold that envelops velopment. The vertebrate cloaca comprises 3 chambers; the urodeal furrow (sulcus) and lobes (bifurcated distal tu- the coprodeum is the anterior-most cloacal chamber and bercle)’, and a similar structure has been recently described communicates with the digestive system, the urodeum in the developing red-eared slider turtle, T. scripta [Larkins performs urinary and excretory functions, and the proc- and Cohn, this issue]. Based on its morphological resem- todeum is the caudal-most chamber and houses repro- blance to the ridge on the turtle genital tubercle, we favor ductive structures [Gadow, 1887; King, 1979]. Our data the use of the term ‘phallic ridge’ to describe this structure show that the early embryonic cloaca in A. mississippien- in the crocodilian phallus. Among adult crocodilians, this sis is composed of the urodeum; its anterior wall is con- structure has been referred to as the cuff in the American nected to the allantois on the ventral side and the hindgut alligator [Moore et al., 2012], the head in the broad-snout- on the dorsal side. Cranial to the urodeum, the urorectal ed caiman (Caiman latirostris, together with the adjacent septum separates the allantois and hindgut. In mammals, portion of the glans [Nuñez Otaño et al., 2010]), the base caudal elongation of the urorectal septum (or, alterna- in the American alligator (with all other phallic tissue ex- tively, medial migration of lateral folds) results in forma- cept the distal-most projection of the glans [Allsteadt and tion of distinct urogenital and anorectal tracts [Qi et al., Lang, 1995]), and the glans penis in the spectacled caiman 2000; Seifert et al., 2009a; Kluth, 2010; Xu et al., 2012]. (Caiman crocodilus, with the central portion of the glans Our findings support previous reports that the urorectal [Reese, 1924; Cabrera et al., 2007]). septum grows caudally during development of the croco- - 6/30/2014 3:37:55 PM Downloaded by: C. Steinlein - 60989 Universitätsbibliothek Würzburg 10 Sex Dev Gredler /Seifert /Cohn DOI: 10.1159/000364817
dilian cloaca but never reaches the proctodeal epithelium. from the embryonic cloaca develops inside the genital tu- A consequence of the early arrest of urorectal septum de- bercle as a bilaminar epithelial plate which later opens to scent in crocodilians is persistence of a shared urinary form the tubular urethra [Perriton et al., 2002; Seifert et and anorectal chamber at the terminal end of the cloaca, al., 2008]. The data presented here and in our studies of in contrast to the distinct urogenital and anorectal ori- external genital development in turtles and birds [Her- fices that develop as a result of complete cloacal septation rera et al., 2013 and this issue; Larkins and Cohn, this is- in mammals [Gadow, 1887; Reese, 1908, 1910, 1924; Sei- sue] are consistent with the hypothesis that the phallic fert et al., 2009a]. sulcus of non-squamate reptiles is homologous to the In squamates, turtles, and mammals, the allantois has urethral tube of mammals, with the primary difference been reported to contribute to the bladder [Gadow, 1887; being the formation of an open groove in the former and King, 1979; Raynaud and Pieau, 1985; Beuchat, 1986]. a closed tube in the latter. Similar to birds, the crocodilian allantois regresses before hatching; storage of urine occurs in a large chamber Molecular Genetic Mechanisms of Alligator External formed by the post-hatch fusion of the coprodeum and Genital Development urodeum [Gadow, 1887; Kuchel and Franklin, 2000]. Our A number of similarities exist between limb and exter- data demonstrate that the allantois is still present at stage nal genital development, including shared patterns of 20, but its epithelium is less stratified than that of the ad- gene expression [reviewed in Cohn, 2011]. The expres- jacent urodeal epithelium. This finding suggests that the sion patterns of Hox genes confer positional identity on transition between cloacal and allantoic epithelia be- undifferentiated embryonic tissue, particularly with re- comes increasingly pronounced due to concomitant thin- spect to axial position [Burke et al., 1995; Roberts et al., ning of the allantois epithelium and stratification of the 1995; Kondo et al., 1997; Warot et al., 1997; Mansfield and urodeal epithelium, which is consistent with previous de- Abzhanov, 2010]. Hoxd13 is an AbdB-related Hox gene scriptions of caiman and alligator cloacal development that is required for the development of distal appendages [Reese, 1908, 1910, 1915, 1924]. in vertebrates, including the digits, fins, tail, terminal Early communication between the cloaca and meso- hindgut, and genital tubercle [Sordino et al., 1996; Kondo nephros is established in A. mississippiensis by mecha- et al., 1997; Warot et al., 1997; Morgan, 2003; Scott et al., nisms similar to those that have been described for other 2005]. In mice, expression of Hoxd13 in the digits and reptiles. At stage 17, the craniolateral wall of the urodeum genital tubercle is controlled by a conserved cis regula- evaginates dorsally and anteriorly to form a small vesti- tory sequence located within the global control region, an bule, and the Wolffian ducts have not yet contacted the enhancer-containing region upstream of Hoxd13 [Gon- developing cloaca. This structure is similar to the embry- zalez et al., 2007]. In A. mississippiensis, we found expres- onic ‘urogenital pocket’ of the turtle cloaca and the ‘cloa- sion of Hoxd13 in the genital tubercle and distal limb cal horn’ that forms in squamate embryos [Raynaud and buds (as well as the tail). These results are consistent with Pieau, 1985]. We posit that this region contacts the devel- the hypothesis that Hoxd13 defines the terminus or distal oping Wolffian duct in crocodilians, as in turtles [Ray- domain of appendages [Warot et al., 1997], and suggest naud and Pieau, 1985]. By stage 19, the Wolffian duct that the gene regulatory controls identified in mice are opens into the proctodeum adjacent to the uroproctodeal conserved in alligators. fold. These findings are consistent with previous reports In mice, lineage-tracing experiments have demon- that the genital ducts of crocodilians empty caudally into strated that the urogenital and anorectal epithelia are de- the proctodeum and not the urodeum, a trait that is rived from Shh-expressing endodermal cells [Seifert et al., unique among reptiles [Gadow, 1887; Forbes, 1940; King, 2008]. Our finding that Shh is expressed in the developing 1979; Ferguson, 1985; Kuchel and Franklin, 2000; Olivei- phallic sulcus in A. mississippiensis, together with histo- ra et al., 2004; Cabrera et al., 2007; Cabrera and García, logical data demonstrating that the sulcal epithelium is 2010]. contiguous with the cloacal epithelium, is consistent with The phallic sulcus forms as an extension of the endo- the alligator sulcus having an endodermal origin. Shh is dermally-derived cloaca into the developing phallus as a expressed in the embryonic phallic sulcus of birds and bilaminar epithelial plate that first extends proximodis- turtles [Herrera et al., 2013 and this issue; Larkins and tally and subsequently ventrodorsally through the genital Cohn, this issue], suggesting that mechanisms of genital tubercle. A similar developmental progression occurs in tubercle patterning are conserved among amniotes. Al- development of the mouse urethra; a population of cells though our study examined a small subset of genes im- - 6/30/2014 3:37:55 PM Downloaded by: C. Steinlein - 60989 Universitätsbibliothek Würzburg Alligator Phallus and Cloaca Sex Dev 11 Development DOI: 10.1159/000364817
plicated in mammalian genital development, the results 1910]. Thus, the caudal domain of Fgfr2 expression that suggest that the Shh pathway is active in the crocodilian we observed in alligators may reflect formation of a post- genital tubercle. Epithelial-mesenchymal interactions be- anal gut. Anterior to the genital tubercle, a broad region tween the (endodermal) epithelially-expressed Shh and of Fgfr2 expression was observed in the region of the an- mesenchymally-expressed Bmp4 are required for devel- terior swellings. However, Fgfr2 expression in this region opment of the gut, urogenital system, multiple epithelial appears to be mesenchymal, in contrast to the epithelial appendages, and external genitalia [Bitgood and McMa- domains of Fgfr2 activity in the phallic sulcus and genital hon, 1995; Roberts et al., 1995; Sukegawa et al., 2000; Su- ectoderm. Since Fgf10 is expressed only in mesenchymal zuki et al., 2003; Sasaki et al., 2004; Bandyopadhyay et al., tissue and Fgf signaling generally proceeds by epithelial- 2006; Seifert et al., 2008; Herrera et al., 2013; Lu et al., mesenchymal crosstalk, a different Fgf ligand would be 2013]. Therefore, our detection of Bmp4 expression in the required to activate Fgfr2 anterior to the genital tubercle phallic sulcus of the alligator genital tubercle at stage 15 [Peters et al., 1992; De Moerlooze et al., 2000; reviewed in was somewhat unexpected; however, Bmp4 has been Itoh, 2007]. Future work investigating the expression pat- shown to promote apoptosis in the genital tubercle of terns and functions of different Fgf family members in mouse, chick, and duck embryos [Suzuki et al., 2003; Her- external genital development may shed light on the roles rera et al., 2013]. Cell death analysis in alligator genital of these unique Fgfr2 expression domains in alligators. tubercles revealed apoptosis in the phallic sulcus at stage 15, in a region that overlaps with Bmp4 expression. Taken Environmental Influence on Development of the together with the studies cited above, this finding raises Crocodilian Phallus the possibility that Bmp4 expression could act to promote Alligators undergo temperature-dependent sex deter- apoptosis during development of the open phallic sulcus. mination, and the development of sexually dimorphic In mice, Fgf10 is expressed in the genital tubercle mes- structures, including the external genitalia, is sensitive enchyme, and its primary receptor, Fgfr2, is expressed in to environmental cues [Ferguson, 1985; Hutton, 1987; both the endodermally-derived urethral epithelium and Smith and Joss, 1993; Lang and Andrews, 1994; Allsteadt along the genital (surface) ectoderm [Haraguchi et al., and Lang, 1995; Western et al., 1999, 2000]. Fgfr2 and 2000; Perriton et al., 2002; Petiot et al., 2005]. Genetic Fgf10 are required for normal development of the phallus knockout studies have demonstrated that these regions of in mice [Haraguchi et al., 2000; Petiot et al., 2005], and Fgf10 and Fgfr2 expression mediate maturation and pro- our findings suggest that these genes might have con- liferation of the urethral epithelium, development of a served functions in crocodilian external genital develop- closed urethral tube, and formation of the ventral aspect ment. We showed previously that Fgfr2 expression in of the prepuce [Haraguchi et al., 2000; Petiot et al., 2005]. mouse external genitalia is responsive to treatment with In the American alligator, Fgf10 is expressed in the mes- anti-androgens [Petiot et al., 2005], and other studies enchyme neighboring the cloacal membrane during ini- have demonstrated its ability to mediate androgen signal- tial outgrowth of the external genitalia. Fgfr2 is expressed ing in the prostate, which has led to it being called an ‘an- in the adjacent cloacal (and later, sulcus) epithelium, and dromedin’ [Lu et al., 1999]. Nile crocodile embryos treat- an additional region of Fgfr2 expression occurs in the ed with testosterone in ovo develop larger penises than ventral and lateral surface ectoderm of the genital tuber- controls [Ramaswami and Jacob, 1963], and American cle. The similarity of these expression patterns in alligator alligators collected from Florida lakes with high levels of and mouse genital tubercles suggests that Fgf10-Fgfr2 sig- endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDC) have smaller pe- naling may play conserved roles in maturation of the nises than animals living in uncontaminated environ- (phallic) sulcal epithelium, outgrowth of the genital tu- ments [Guillette et al., 1996, 1999; Gunderson et al., bercle, and development of the ventral phallus in A. mis- 2004]. In light of earlier demonstrations that deletion of sissippiensis. Fgfr2 or Fgf10 in mice causes feminization of male exter- We identified 3 additional domains of Fgfr2 expression nal genitalia, and that Fgfr2 is a target of androgen signal- in the alligator genital tubercle: a caudal extension of the ing, the results presented here raise the possibility that cloacal membrane, the surface ectoderm of the lateral EDC-induced downregulation of Fgfr2 may be a mecha- swellings, and in a broad domain anterior to the genital nism by which environmental contaminants induce fem- tubercle. Over a century ago, it was reported that a portion inization of the phallus in crocodilian embryos. of the cloacal endoderm extends into the tail of crocodil- External genital morphology is sexually dimorphic in ian embryos to form the transient post-anal gut [Reese, hatchlings of some crocodilian species, such as the Aus- - 6/30/2014 3:37:55 PM Downloaded by: C. Steinlein - 60989 Universitätsbibliothek Würzburg 12 Sex Dev Gredler /Seifert /Cohn DOI: 10.1159/000364817
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