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© Biologiezentrum Linz/Austria; download unter MONITORING OF CHANGES IN FISHPOND ECOSYSTEMS Jan Pokorny, Günther Schiott, Karin Schiott, Libor Pechar & Jana Koutnikovä Abstract The fishponds in Central Europe are shallow, man-made water bodies of different size. Management of fishponds did not change over several centuries since the 15th and 16th centuries, when most of the fishponds were built. In the 20th century, the changes in fishpond management resulted in an increase of fish production from about 50 kg/ha to more than 500 kg/ha. The long-term development of eutrophication of Czech fishponds is shown. The amount of fertilizers (N, P) applied, average concentration of total P and N, NQ, NH4, PO4 and pH values from the 1930s until now are given. An increase in N and P results in an increase in chlorophyll concentration and decrease in light transparency. On the other hand, no substantial rise in nutrient concentration has been observed. In particular a high load of N does not result in an increase in total N concentration in the water. Dominance of blue-green algae appears to be more correlated with the ratio of N/P than with a lack of CQ. A model experiment on the relationship between fish stock, size of Daphnia sp. and water quality is described. The experiment in several fishponds in Lower Austria shows how a fish stocking level estimated according to natural food supply may improve water quality in fish ponds. Pokorny, J., G. Schlott, K. Schlott, L. Pechar & J. Koutnikovä: Monitoring von Veränderungen in Fischteich-Ökosytemen Die Fischteiche in Zentraleuropa sind seichte künstliche Gewässer unterschiedlicher Größe. Seit dem 15. und 16. Jahrhundert, als die meisten Teiche angelegt worden waren, hat sich die Bewirtschaftungsform nicht geändert. Im 20. Jahrhundert stieg die Fischproduktion durch Veränderungen in der Teichwirtschaft von 50 kg/ha auf 500 kg/ha an. Die langfristige Entwicklung der Eutrophierung tschechischer Fischteiche wird gezeigt. Menge der Düngung (N, P), durchschnittliche Konzentration von Gesamt-P und N, Werte von NQ, NH4, PO4 und pH seit 1930 werden angeführt. Zunahme von N und P führt zur Zunahme der Chlorophyllkonzentration und zur Abnahme der Lichtdurchlässigkeit. Es konnte aber keine bedeutende Erhöhung der Nährstoffkonzentration beobachtet werden. Besonders hohe Stickstofffrachten ergeben keinen Anstieg des Gesamt-N im Wasser. Die Dominanz von Blaualgen scheint mehr mit dem Verhätlnis N/P zu korrelieren als mit fehlendem CQ. Ein Modellexperiment über die Zusammenhänge zwischen Fischbestand, Daphnia sp.-Größen und Wasserqualität werden beschrieben. Das an Fischteichen in Niederösterreich durchgeführte Experiment zeigt, wie Fischbestände, gemessen am natürlichen Nahrungsangebot, die Wasserqualität in Fischteichen verbessern könnten. Pokorny, J., G. Schlott, K. Schlott, L. Pechar & J. Koutnikovä: Monitoroväni zmen rybnicnich ekosystemü Rybnfky ve stfednf Evrope jsou melke vodnf nädrze o plose jeden az nekolik set hektarä. Zpflsob obhospodarovänf rybnfkü se nemenil nekolik stoletf od 15., 16. stoletf, kdy byla vetsina rybnfkü postavena. Ve dvacätem stoletf se zpüsob obhospodarovänf rybnfkü zmenil natolik, ze produkce ryb se zvysila z cca 50 kg/ha na vfce nez 500 kg/ha. V präci jsou uvedena mnozstvf aplikovanych hnojiv, prümeme koncentrace celkoveho dusfku, celkoveho fosforu, NO3, NH4, PO4 a hodnot pH od 30tych let tohoto stoletf do soucästnosti. Zvysene davky hnojiv vedou ke zvysenf koncentrace chlorofylu a sn'zenf propustnosti svetla, naproti tomu nebylo pozoro\dno podstatne zvysenf koncentrace zivin. Zejmena vysoke dävky dusfkatych hnojiv nevedou ke zvysenf koncentrace dusfku ve vode. Dominance sinic se zda byt vfce korelovana s pomerem N/P nezli s nedostatkem anorganickeho uhlfku. Popsän je modelovy experiment zamefeny na Studium vztahu velikosti rybf obsädky, velikosti dafhif a kvality vody. Tento experiment pro\ödeny v nekolika mensich rybnfcich v Dolnfm Rakousku prokazal jak volbou vhodns rybf obsädky zalozene na nabfdce prirozene potravy lze zlepsit kvalitu vody v rybn'ce. 37
© Biologiezentrum Linz/Austria; download unter INTRODUCTION The fishstock influences plankton structure, and therefore it influences indirectly other The management of fishponds in Bohemia parameters of water quality, including did not change for several hundred years abiotic parameters such as transparency and since the 15th and 16th centuries, when water chemistry (FOTT et al., 1980). The most of the fishponds on the present nutrient input both from fertilizers applied territory of the Czech Republic were built. directly to fishponds and from the However, management practices changed in catchment increase the trophic level of the second half of the 19th century. The fishponds. Changes in nutrient input and in basis of modern management of Bohemian the fish stock take place simultaneously and fishponds aimed at an increase in fish their individual roles in changes in water production, according to SUSTA (1898). In quality are very difficult to distinguish. the 20th century, the changes in fishpond The aim of this study was to compare data management resulted in an increase in fish on amount of fertilizers used from the production of an order of magnitude - from 1930's until present with the amount of about 50 kg/ha to more than 500 kg/ha. nutrients, pH, transparency and chlorophyll Reliable information on fish production found in the water. In this way we aimed to from the 15th century can be found in the evaluate the relationship between the State and town archives. amount of nutrients applied (load) and the Long term changes in fishpond ecosystems water quality (i.e., the concentration of caused by different management practices nutrients in the water etc.). for fishponds and their catchments may be For one season, we evaluated the studied from records of fisheries. Since the relationship between pH and chlorophyll a, 1930s the results of hydrobiological studies and also the relationship among NO3, NH4 and hydrochemical data are also available. and PO4 and blue green algae (cyanophytes), The relationship between fertilizing and fish in order to test whether the development of production has been studied by HRBÄCEK blue green algae is controlled by lack of (1969), KUBÜ (1975) and BUDEBA (1992). inorganic carbon or by the N/P ratio. They showed relationships between fish An example of a comparative study on production and the amount of fertilizers fishpond management from Lower Austria used (for some of the figures, see POKORNY is also given in order to demonstrate how et al. (1993)). The high correlation between optimalisation of fish stock may improve the amount of fertilizers applied and the fish water quality. production is evident from the 1930's to the 1960's. In the past decades, the changes in METHODS nutrient load has not resulted in any changes in fish production. Recently, there is no The data from the 1930's, 1950's, etc., on correlation between the amount of fertilizers the amount of fertilizers used (load) and on applied and the fish production. The high the nutrient content in the water were taken nutrient load brings about deterioration of from JIROVEC & Ji'ROVCOVÄ (1938) and water quality which negatively influences from the State Fisheries. Since the 1950's, the fish stock and the stability of the whole standard methods of hydrobiological and pond ecosystem. hydrochemical analysis were recommended The changes in management practices may and mostly used for fish pond study. The be considered as a long term ecosystem methods used during that time are known experiment. During this century, similar and may be repeated, and the results from management practices, i.e. fishstocking and the 1950's and later may be compared in fertilizing, were used in a large number of this way with recent results. fishponds. 38
© Biologiezentrum Linz/Austria; download unter The recent data on pH, chlorophyll a, Table 2 shows average concentrations of nutrient content in the water and cyanophyte total nitrogen and total phosphorus, biomass were collected from 90 ponds in transparency (Secchi disc depth) and TfEBOri Biosphere Reserve 5 times during chlorophyll a concentration in two regions the season of 1992 (March 19, April 29, of the Czech Republic from 1954 to 1993. June 1, June 24, August 19). NH4, NO3 Blatnä is located in the Southwest and and PO4 were estimated by Flow Injection Tfebon Biosphere Reserve is in the South of Analysis using Tecator (RLJZICKA & the Czech Republic. The number of ponds HANSEN, 1981). Chlorophyll a was evaluated is given under No. loc. (number estimated in acetone + methanol ( 5 : 1 ) of localities). extract using a Turner fluorometer (10 - Table 2 shows an increase in total nitrogen OOR). One sample from each pond was of about 2.5 times from the 195O's to 1992 taken for determination of the main - 1993. The changes in the concentration of phytoplankton groups. total phosphorus correspond to the decrease In Waldviertel fish ponds (Lower Austria), in the amount of mineral fertilizers applied the species, amount and size of Zooplankton in the 1970's. The rise of total phosphorus were monitored during a season in order to concentration in the 1990's results from the optimalize amount of food and fertilizers higher load of organic fertilizers. The applied. The water chemistry was also transparency decreased from 1.7m to 0.52m, studied. and a corresponding increase in the concentration of chlorophyll a (from 35 to RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 95 ug/1) is also shown in Table 2. Table 3 shows average values of pH and Table 1 shows long term development of average concentrations of NO3, NH4, PO4 eutrophication of the Czech fishponds. The from 1954 to 1993 again in Tfebon and load means the amount of fertilizers applied Blatnä regions. Except for the value of NH4 (1973-78, Tfebon), the concentrations Year LoadN loadP N:P oscillate around the values which are (kg/ha) (kg/ha) relatively low regarding the high nitrogen 1930 0,3 load increase from the 1950's to the 1990's 0,1 0,2 and regarding the high chlorophyll content. 1950 5,8 12,0 0,5 The load of nitrogen has increased 10 times 1960 5,0 4,8 1,0 from the 1950's to the 1990's, although no 1974 39,7 7,4 5,4 rise in mineral nitrogen can be seen. 1979 12,2 4,0 3,1 Figures la and lb show relationships 1984 36,8 7,6 4,8 between the nitrogen (phosphorus) load and 1990 41,0 8,3 4,9 mean concentrations of total nitrogen (total 1991 51,9 5,3 9,9 phosphorus). It is evident from Figure la that an increasing load of nitrogen does not Table 1: Czech fishponds. Long-term result in a proportional rise in total nitrogen development of eutrophication concentration. On the other hand, an increasing load of phosphorus brings about by fishpond managers per hectare per year. a proportional rise in phosphorus The data were compiled from the records concentrations as evident in Figure lb. and documents of the State Fishery Blatna High pH caused by photosynthetic activity and represent the means from several of autotrophs can bring about fish-kills, decades of fish ponds. An increasing load of particularly in late spring when higher nitrogen (except 1979) and increasing N : P concentrations of NH4 occur. High pH is a ratio are evident. 39
© Biologiezentrum Linz/Austria; download unter Period Total N Total P Transparency Chl-a No. loc. Region (mg/1) (mg/1) (m) (ng/i) 1954-1958 1,00 0,20 1,70 35 9 Blatna 1973 -1978 1,27 0,11 1,27 66 10 Tfebon 1979-1980 1,55 0,12 0,97 48 33 Blatnä 1990-1991 2,60 0,29 0,45 121 35 Tfebon 1992-1993 2,48 0,24 0,52 95 89 Tfebon Table 2: Czech fishponds: Long-term development of eutrophication Period pH NO 3 -N NH 4 -N PO4-P No. loc. Region (mg/1) (mg/1) (mg/1) 1954-1958 8,3 0,07 0,09 9 Blatnä 1973 -1978 8,2 0,13 0,39 0,05 10 Tfebon 1979-1980 8,3 0,11 0,11 0,04 33 Blatnä 1990-1991 8,5 0,12 0,12 0,05 35 Tfebon 1992 -1993 8,2 0,14 0,23 0,09 89 Tfebon Table 3: Czech fishponds. Long-term development of eutrophication CZECH FISHPONDS CZECH FISHPONDS Dependence of the annual mean of TN on N load Dependence of the annual mean TP on P load 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Load N [kg. ha1] Load P [kg.ha1] Dependence of the annual mean Dependence of the annual mean total nitrogen concentration (TN) on the total phosphorus concentration (TP) on annual load of nitrogen (N) the annual load of phosphorus (P) consequence of intense inorganic carbon phytoplankton groups. Therefore, the uptake by phytoplankton. concentrations of chlorophyll a and pH There are hypotheses which explain the values were measured in 91 ponds five dominance of blue green algae in eutrophic times during the period March 19 to August waters by the higher affinity of blue green 19, 1992. Figure 2 shows that pH does not algae to inorganic carbon. SHAPIRO (1990) follow the pattern of chlorophyll a explains the increasing portion of blue concentrations. The highest pH values greens by their higher ability to take up caused by photosynthesis have been found inorganic carbon at higher pH than other in spring. 40
© Biologiezentrum Linz/Austria; download unter CZECH FISHPONDS CZECH FISHPONDS Seasonal course (mean data from 91 localities, 1992) Seasonal course (mean data from 91 localities, 1992) T
© Biologiezentrum Linz/Austria; download unter bring about a corresponding increase in total b) the fishponds in Tfebon Biosphere nitrogen concentration. The losses of Reserve can be considered as nitrogen (in the form of NH3 and N2) and the hypertrophic water bodies. accumulation of phosphorus in the bottom sediments bring about convenient The next part of this article deals with the conditions for the development of results of a model experiment on the planktonic blue green algae. This trend is relationship between fish stock, cladoceran shown in Fig. 3. The NO3 concentration is number and size, and water quality. highest in spring. Later, nitrate is The monitoring of fishponds must be denitrificated or directly metabolized. The closely connected to knowledge of fishpond increase in NH4 and PO4 may be explained management. Ahead of this conclusion, by their release from sediments. there is the hypothesis that proper Figure 4 demonstrates the dramatic change functioning of ponds is possible only with a in the percentage of ponds in which the proper fish stock. The size of the fish stock cyanophytes dominated (i.e. more than 4/5 should be balanced with the amount of of phytoplankton biomass consists of blue- nutrients and amount of natural food. green algae). It is evident from Figures 2 The number of large cladocerans is a and 4 that the development of cyanophytes representative parameter for the amount of is more closely related to the decrease in the natural food. Therefore the control of the ratio of dissolved inorganic nitrogen to Daphnia population and its interpretation dissolved reactive phosphorus than to the regarding the ecological circumstances lack of inorganic carbon. Despite no should be an essential point of monitoring. increase in pH during the season, Figures 5 - 9 show results of the modelling cyanophytes are becoming more successful experiment in which five fishponds were and their ratio rises from several percent in studied during one season. Number of large March to more than 40 % in August. These cladocerans {Daphnia larger than 1 mm) data show that in the case of our study, the and total phosphorus content in the water N/P ratio is more important for the were analysed during the season. The development of blue greens than the annual production of fish, the amount of deficiency of CO2 Fish stock is another food applied and feed conversion ratio were reason of the higher ratio of cyanophytes - also estimated. Table 4 shows that a large the high biomass of fish eliminates the large fish stock and a large amount of food filter-feeding Zooplankton {Daphnia spp.), applied brings about high values of total allowing the development of dense phosphorus (635 ug/1). Figure 8 shows the phytoplankton. This massive development situation when the size of the fish stock was of phytoplankton results in further lowering balanced with natural food supply. The of the N:P ratio and in further deterioration consumption of large Daphnia by fish was of the underwater light conditions. The high balanced in this case with the growth and stock density of carp can thus stimulate natality rate of Daphnia, and the development of shade-adapted blue-green concentration of total phosphorus was algae in the phytoplankton community. lowest of all the ponds studied. The crucial point for the sustainable use of fishponds in the future is to find the most The presented results show that effective way of transforming nutrients to fish production. The use of additional food a) the seasonal development of has to be harmonised with the amount of phytoplankton and concentration of natural food. Figure 7 shows another nutrients differ from those described example - feeding was stopped when the earlier by KofiNEK et al. (1987) number of Daphnia was rather high in July. 42
© Biologiezentrum Linz/Austria; download unter Clad. > I mm Clad. > 1 am ind./l ind./l AWT 2-92 8oo 8oo ISO ISO .700 .700 • 600 -600 100. 500 100. 500 400 . 400 300 300 SO 50 . 200 . 200 100 100 10 Clad. > 1 mm Clad. > 1 ind./l ind./1 B-1, 93/HT-2 800 0. F. 92/HT-3 800 ISO ISO 700 700 600 600 500 100. 500 /i 400 A 1 t 1 \ \ \ 400 Ar ' » / • / » * ' * / •300 300 50 SO. • 200 / V/ . 200 • 100 100 10 10- 7 Clad. > 1 mm ind./l NZ, 93/HT-1 800 150- 700 600 100 500 400 300 50 . 200 100 Figs. 5-9: Comparison of the number of large Cladocera ( ) and concentration of total phosphorus ( ). For fish production, additional feeding etc., see Table 4. 43
© Biologiezentrum Linz/Austria; download unter Pond Annual Amount of food Food conversion Total production (grain, pellets) ratio phosphorus kg/ha kg/ha ug/1 mean value May-Sept. AWT 2 / 1992 1560 2540 1,62 635 AWT 1 / 1992 650 1350 2,08 445 B-l,93/HT-2 760 1090 1,44 367 NZ.93/HT-1 140 - 178 (natural prod.) O.F. 92 / HT-3 no fish stock - - 219 Table 4: Annual fish production, amount of food, FCR and total phosphorus content. An immediate decrease in Daphnia is with the DIN/DRP (dissolved inorganic evident and a reduction in the concentration nitrogen/ dissolved reactive phosphorus) of total phosphorus followed. The feed ratio which decreases markedly during conversion coefficient and the concentration the season. of total phosphorus were lower than in the 4)The size of fishstock in fishponds should previous two cases, and the total annual be taken into account when interpreting production was even higher than in the any monitoring data for fish ponds. It has second case. been demonstrated how optimal use of natural food by fish results in a reduction CONCLUSIONS in total phosphorus. The data and results presented in this paper represent survey not monitoring. The REFERENCES following conclusions may be made from these data: BUDEBA, Y.L. (1991): Relationship of fertilizers and food to fish production in 1) No marked changes in dissolved Tfebon Biosphere Region. Manuscript, inorganic nutrient content have been Summer Project of UNESCO found from the 1950's to the present Limnological Course, Deposited in the time. Changes have been found in water Limnological Institute, Mondsee, transparency and in the amount of Austria. chlorophyll. FOTT, J., L. PECHAR & M. PRAZÄKOVÄ 2) The increasing load of phosphorus brings (1980): Fish as a factor controlling water about the increase in phosphorus quality in ponds. Developments in concentration. On the other hand, the Hydrobiology 2 (BARICA, J. & L.R. increasing load of nitrogen does not MuR,eds.): 255-261. bring about any increase in nitrogen HRBÄCEK, J. (1969): Relations between concentration. some environmental parameters and the 3) During a season no increase in average fish yield as a basis for a predictive pH (decrease in inorganic carbon) has model. Verh.Internat.Verein.Limnol. 17: been observed in eutrophic ponds. The 1069-1081. higher percentage of blue greens in JIROVEC, O. & M. JiROveovÄ (1938): summer seems to be better correlated Chemismus der Teiche von Lnafe. Mem. 44
© Biologiezentrum Linz/Austria; download unter Soc. Royale de Boheme, Cl. Sei. 25: 1- Addresses of the authors: 34. KOflNEK , V., J. FOTT, J. FUKSA, J. LELLÄK Jan Pokorny, Libor Pechar & & M. PRAZÄKOVÄ (1987): Carp ponds of Jana Koutnikovä central Europe. In: MICHAEL, R.G. (Ed.), Managed Aquatic Ecosystems, Institute of Botany Ecosystems of the World 29: 29-62, Section of Plant Ecology Elsevier. Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic KUBÜ, F. (1975): Vyvoj trebonskeho Dukelskä 145 rybnikäfstvf (The development of the CZ - 379 82 Trebon fishpond management in the Trebon CZECH REPUBLIC region). Ph.D. thesis, Agricultural Univ. Brno, 107 pp., in Czech. Günther Schlott & Karin Schlott POKORNY, J., L. PECHAR, J. KOUTNIKOVÄ, V. DUFKOVÄ, G. SCHLOTT & K. Ökologische Station Waldviertel SCHLOTT (1993): The effects on the Gebharts 33 aquatic environment of fishpond A-3943 Schrems management practices. In: FINLAYSON, AUSTRIA CM. (Ed.), Integrated management and conservation of wetlands in agricultural and forested landscapes. IWRB Special Publication 22: 50-55. RÜZICKA, J. & E.H. HANSEN (1981): Flow Injection Analysis, 207 pp., Wiley, New York. SHAPIRO, J. (1990): Current beliefs regarding dominance by blue-greens: The case for the importance of CO2 and pH. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 24: 38-54. SMITH, V.H. (1983): Low nitrogen to phosphorus ratios favor dominance by blue-green algae in lake phytoplankton. Science 221:669-671. SUSTA, J. (1898): Fünf Jahrhunderte der Teichwirtschaft zu Wittingau. 232pp, Von Herrcke & Lebeling , Stettin. 45
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