Monica Clonts, MSN, RN - Phelps-Maries County Health Department

Page created by Theodore Osborne
Monica Clonts, MSN, RN - Phelps-Maries County Health Department
Monica Clonts, MSN, RN
                              Phelps-Maries County Health Department

                                Monica Clonts worked as a research assistant at St. Jude Children’s
                                Research Hospital for 12 years. It was during this time she pursued
                                her dream of being a nurse and attended St. Joseph’s Hospital School
                                of Nursing in Memphis Tennessee where she graduated with honors
                                and received her Diploma in Nursing in 1992. After graduation
                                Monica relocated to St. James, Missouri with her husband and young
                                son and began her public health career working for Crawford County
                                Health Department.

                                During her 15 years at Crawford County Health Department Monica
                                gained valuable experience in many areas of public health. In
                                addition to being the Communicable Disease Coordinator, she
Monica Clonts                   developed, obtained funding for and directed the Positive Parenting
Communicable Disease            Program for five years. While employed at Crawford County Health
Coordinator                     Department Monica returned to school and completed her Bachelor
Phelps-Maries County Health     of Science in Nursing (BSN) through the University of Missouri-St.
Department                      Louis and began working towards her Master of Science in Nursing
200 N Main, Ste G51
Rolla, MO 65401                 (MSN) through the University of Phoenix.

Phone: 573/458-6010             In 2008 Monica made the decision to leave Crawford County Health
Fax: 573/458-6060               Department for the opportunity to work at the Phelps/Maries County
                                Health Department as the Communicable Disease and STD
Email:                          Coordinator. In addition to the other roles a public health nurse        carries out, Monica has added the role of Staff Development
                                Coordinator to her resume since completing her MSN in Health Care
                                Education in 2010. When asked what she likes most about her career
                                Monica states that it is the new challenges each day. No two days are
                                ever alike and it is never boring when you are working to protect the
                                health of your community.
Monica Clonts, MSN, RN - Phelps-Maries County Health Department
Lisa Crandall, BSW
                    Missouri Department of Health & Senior Services

                                Lisa Crandall is a graduate of Columbia College, with her Bachelor’s
                                Degree in Social Work. She has been an employee of the Missouri
                                Department of Health and Senior Services since 2004.

                                Ms. Crandall worked for Community Hospices of America. She
                                provided social services to terminally ill patients and their family
                                members. She also provided bereavement services for family
                                members and coordinated volunteer activities for the agency.

                                Ms. Crandall worked for University of Missouri Hospital and Clinics
                                as a Resource Acquisition Specialist. She assisted patients by
                                obtaining medication through financial assessments, resource
                                referral, application assistance for pharmaceutical company
                                programs, and coordination of Medicaid Spend Down.
Lisa Crandall                   Ms. Crandall also worked with the Morgan County Health Center as
Associate Bureau Chief
                                a Service Coordinator. She provided service coordination for
Bureau of Special Health Care
Needs                           children and youth with special health care needs in Morgan County
930 Wildwood Drive              and surrounding areas. Ms. Crandall conducted outreach activities,
Jefferson City, MO 65109        responded to referrals, assessed the needs and resources of
                                participants through home visits, and linked participants with
Phone: 573/751-6246             necessary services and supports.
Fax: 573/751-6237
                                Ms. Crandall worked at the Missouri Department of Health and
Email:                          Senior Services as a Program Manager and Information and Logistics     Coordinator. She provided program oversight, facilitated data
                                collection and analysis, lead statewide contract development,
                                managed information systems, and coordinated Bureau activities to
                                assure consistency among multiple programs.

                                Ms. Crandall is currently the Associate Bureau Chief in the Bureau of
                                Special Health Care Needs at the Missouri Department of Health and
                                Senior Services.      She provides leadership in oversight and
                                administration of Bureau programs and initiatives.

                                Ms. Crandall is dedicated to ensuring the provision of quality services that
                                enable the best possible health and greatest degree of independence
                                for Missourians with special health care needs. She enjoys working to
                                serve the citizens of Missouri.
Monica Clonts, MSN, RN - Phelps-Maries County Health Department
Alicia Downes, LMSW
                                                       Kansas City Free Health Clinic

                                 Alicia Downes holds a Masters degree in Social Work from the
                                 University of Kansas and a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and
                                 Sociology from William Jewell College. She has worked as a Social
                                 Worker for the past 22 years in the fields of Mental Health and HIV

                                 Alicia Downes is a nationally recognized expert in HIV education
                                 targeting healthcare professionals and peers. She has been employed with
                                 the Kansas City Free Health Clinic since 1999. At the Clinic she has lent
                                 her skills and knowledge to several roles, including:

                                  The program manager for the Midwest AIDS Training and Education
                                   Center of Missouri and is responsible for designing; implementing and
Alicia Downes                      evaluating HIV-related professional continuing education for
HIV Education Manager              physicians, nurses, nurse practitioners, pharmacists, physician
Kansas City Free Health Clinic     assistants, dentists and dental hygienists across the state. In the last
3515 Broadway                      grant year, these programs reached 2,340 professionals.
Kansas City, MO 64111
                                  She also participated in a national project to develop HIV peer
Phone: 816/777-2746                educator training curriculum and technical assistance tools. As part of
Fax: 816/753-0804
                                   this project, she has provided technical assistance to twelve
Email:          organizations and conducted four national peer educator trainings.

                                  She coordinated the CDC-funded prevention case management
                                   program, providing in-depth services to HIV+ persons.

                                  She coordinated the SAMHSA-funded ONXY project. Working with
                                   community partners, leading a youth advisory committee and training
                                   youth as HIV peer educators.

                                  Ms. Downes is a licensed social worker and former Ryan White case
Monica Clonts, MSN, RN - Phelps-Maries County Health Department
Franklin Fick III, BS
                           le for maternal and child health vital statistics analysis and reporting,
                           reviewing research propo
                             Washington County Health Department

                             Franklin Fick is the Director of the Washington County Health
                             Department. He began working in Washington County in 2010 after
                             spending six years working for the Department of Health and Senior
                             Services at its Eastern District office. Frank worked for DHSS as an
                             epidemiology specialist and as an environmental specialist. Frank is
                             currently an MPH student at Saint Louis University. He earned a BS in
                             Civil Engineering at Southern Illinois University. He has also worked
                             as an environmental engineer and project manager for 15 years. He has
                             worked as a first responder in environmental emergencies such as train
                             derailments, hazardous materials sabotage, and hazardous materials

                             Frank became interesting in public health as a result of a month-long
                             trip to Latin America in 1972. During that time he observed the health
                             conditions of many who were poor, under-educated, and who suffered
Franklin Fick                from malnutrition, inadequate sanitation, and unclean water. In 1977
Director                     he decided to work toward alleviating some of the health disparities he
Washington County Health     had observed. Frank has worked on short-term public health projects in
Department                   Africa, Central America, and South America.
520 Purcell Drive
Potosi, MO 63664

Phone: 573/438-2164
Fax: 573/438-4759

Monica Clonts, MSN, RN - Phelps-Maries County Health Department
Carrie Haley, MSW, BSW
                   Missouri Department of Health & Senior Services

                              Carrie Haley holds a Bachelor’s degree in Social Work and a
                              Master’s degree in Social Work with a concentration in Policy and
                              Administration, both from the University of Missouri – Columbia.

                              Ms. Haley has worked for the Missouri Department of Health and
                              Senior Services since October 2006 in the Office of Human
                              Resources. Currently she is a Human Resource Manager who works
                              with supervisors and managers in the areas of performance,
                              discipline, and policy. She supervises the payroll, leave and benefits
                              section in the Office of Human Resources. She is the current co-chair
                              of the State Human Resources Management Committee, which
                              allows human resource personnel from all state agencies to meet
                              monthly to collaborate, converse, and learn about new or upcoming
                              issues in the area of human resources.
Carrie Haley
Human Resource Manager        Prior to her work at DHSS, Ms. Haley worked for the Missouri
Office of Human Resources     Department of Social Services as a Human Relations Officer
912 Wildwood Drive
Jefferson City, MO 65109      investigating complaints of discrimination and employee concerns.
                              She also worked as a Social Service Worker at the Child Abuse and
Phone: 573/526-7872           Neglect Hotline, and in the field in Osage County handling child
Fax: 573/526-5521             abuse and neglect investigations, foster placements, and in-home
                              services with families.
Email:    Ms. Haley resides in Jefferson City with her husband, Carl, and 2
                              year old son, Dylan.
Monica Clonts, MSN, RN - Phelps-Maries County Health Department
Deborah Haller, RN
                           Johnson County Community Health Services

                               Debbie Haller has been the Administrator of Johnson County
                               Community Health Services since June 2006. In addition to serving
                               as the Local Public Health Agency for Johnson County, the Agency
                               also provides Home Health and Hospice Services to Johnson and
                               Lafayette counties. In 2010, the Agency purchased additional
                               property which will be remodeled to accommodate growth in services
                               and personnel.

                               Debbie graduated from Central Missouri State University in 1972
                               with a Bachelor’s of Science Degree in Nursing.
Deborah Haller
Administrator                  Her past professional work experience includes being an instructor
Johnson County Community       and coordinator of Warrensburg Area Vocational-Technical School’s
Health Services                Practical Nursing Program for nine years and serving in various
429 Burkarth Road              positions at Western Missouri Medical Center in Warrensburg, MO
Warrensburg, MO 64093          for twenty-five years including; Shift Supervisor, Director of
                               Nursing, Vice President for Nursing and Clinical Services,
Phone: 660/747-6121            Accreditation and Survey Coordinator, Safety and Emergency
Fax: 660/747-6087              Preparedness Director, Quality Improvement and Risk Management
                               Director, and Staff Educator.
                               In the local community, Debbie currently serves as the secretary of
                               the Warrensburg Clean Air Coalition, a Board Member for the
                               Greater Warrensburg Area Chamber of Commerce and Visitor
                               Center, and as an Elder at the First Christian Church in Warrensburg,

                               Debbie is married and has three adult children and three
Monica Clonts, MSN, RN - Phelps-Maries County Health Department
Andrew Hunter, MA
                  Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services

                                Andrew holds a Bachelor’s degree in Geography from the University
                                of Missouri-Columbia where he graduated Phi Beta Kappa. He also
                                holds a Master’s degree in Geography from the University of
                                Missouri-Columbia with an emphasis in population projections.
                                During his time as a graduate student, he also held an internship with
                                the State Demographer.

                                Andrew began work for the Department of Health in 1999 as a
                                Research Analyst III in the Center for Health Information
                                Management and Epidemiology (CHIME). He worked on the
                                Missouri Birth Defect Registry conducting linkage between the birth
                                certificate and the newborn hospital discharge record among other
                                birth defect surveillance activities. He also developed population
 Andrew Hunter, MA              projections by ZIP code for the Certificate of Need (CON) program
 Research Analyst IV            and prepared population estimates for Health’s web query system.
 Bureau of Health Informatics
 920 Wildwood Drive             In 2007, Andrew was promoted to Research Analyst IV at what has
 Jefferson City, MO 65109
                                become the Department of Health and Senior Service’s Bureau of
 Phone: 573/526-0444            Health Informatics. He is the project manager for Missouri’s
 Fax: 573/522-6003              Assessment Initiative grant through CDC. This grant provides
                                dollars to aid in funding the Community Data Profiles and Missouri
Email:                          Information for Community Assessment (MICA), DHSS’s primary     web query tools. These resources provide stakeholders in Missouri
                                public health with statistical data to help them understand health
                                concerns at a broad range of geographic levels. As part of the grant,
                                he is responsible for promoting MICA and expanding training
                                opportunities related to it. Andrew’s team conducts trainings
                                throughout the state for county health departments and other
                                interested parties to increase their utilization of this unique Missouri
                                tool. In addition to these duties, he still assists on most of the
                                population/demographic related projects for the Department.
Monica Clonts, MSN, RN - Phelps-Maries County Health Department
Naser Jouhari, MIS
                              Kansas City Missouri Health Department

                               I graduated from Jerash University in Jordan with a bachelor’s degree
                               in Agriculture Engineering majoring in Animal Production and
                               Protection. I continued my graduate education in the same field at
                               the University of Jordan in Animal Behavior. I moved to the United
                               States in 2009 and obtained my master’s degree in the Information
                               Technology field specifically in Management Information Systems.

                               I have been working at the Kansas City, Missouri Health Department
                               since 2001 where I began as a Public Health Specialist in food
                               inspection. In 2004, I became field supervisor in the Program where
                               I supervised and trained health inspectors and provided technical and
                               administrative guidance to them.

Naser Jouhari                  I was promoted to Code Enforcement Manager for the Environmental
Code Enforcement Manager       Public Health Program in 2007 working to develop and manage
Kansas City Missouri Health    procedures for the Program. Work responsibilities include planning,
Department                     directing, and coordinating the enforcement of public health
2400 Troost, Ste 3000          ordinances related to the Food Code; as well as the enforcement of
Kansas City, MO 64108          State and Federal regulations in regards to Childcare and lodging
                               facilities.   Also to plan, assign, and supervise inspections,
Phone: 816/513-6198
Fax: 816/513-6290              investigations, and training and educational activities. Moreover, I
                               provide technical training to field staff to ensure uniformity and
Email:                         consistency among inspections.
                               I am married and have two children and reside in Kansas City,
Monica Clonts, MSN, RN - Phelps-Maries County Health Department
Jean McBride, BSN
                                 Marion County Health Department

                           Jean McBride graduated from Blessing Hospital School of Nursing in
                           1983 in Quincy, Illinois. Her nursing career has allowed numerous
                           opportunities over the past 28 years.

                           She began as a pediatric nurse. She has been a Director of Nurses for
                           three skilled nursing facilities, an infection control nurse, a quality
                           assurance nurse, a hot line investigator, an internal auditor, certified
                           nurses assistant instructor, consultant, an Administrator of two skilled
                           facilities, a case manager for Aetna Insurance, developed the medical
                           assistant program for Vatterott College in Quincy, Illinois and taught

                           Jean began her career in public health in February 2005 as the health
Jean McBride               educator for Marion County Health Department. She established
Administrator              numerous programs and coalitions to provide health education to area
Marion County Health       residents, including the annual Happy Health Halloween Parade to
Department & Home Health   promote physical activity and health choice treats. She became the
Agency                     administrator in March 2009. She serves on several area committees
3105 Palmyra Rd, Rt. W     and advisory boards. Jean is chair of Alliance for Substance Abuse
POB 1378                   Prevention (ASAP) and CHART Partnership, vice-chair of CHART
Hannibal, MO 63401
                           Wellness and FACT. She is completing her BSN on line at Hannibal
Phone: 573/221-1166        LaGrange University.
Fax: 573/221-1214
                           Jean lives in Hannibal with her husband Jim. They have three
Email:                     children. They have a small farm with numerous rescued animals,   mostly due to their granddaughter, Deirdre who is 11. They have a
                           new grandson, Logan, who was born in July. Photography has been a
                           live long interest that she plans to pursue full time when she retires
                           (many years from now).
Monica Clonts, MSN, RN - Phelps-Maries County Health Department
Lori Moots-Clair, RN, BSN
                                     Knox County Health Department

                           Lori Moots-Clair is a graduate of Truman State University in
                           Kirksville, Missouri, with a major in Nursing and a minor in Biology.
                           Lori began her career in public health in March 1999 with four
                           county health departments in Northeast Missouri as a health educator
                           (Shelby, Knox, Scotland and Clark Counties). During that time Lori
                           worked under a health educator contract with the state, addressing
                           prevention and policy change regarding tobacco, nutrition and
                           physical activity.

                           Through that endeavor Lori wrote several grants that led to trails in
                           Clark and Scotland County, as well as promotions for physical
                           activity surrounding the use of those trails. In addition, Lori worked
                           with two other individuals to create, and obtain grant funding to
Lori Moots-Clair           support, Project Smokebusters, a tobacco free lifestyles program that
Administrator              supports policy change in schools and communities. In 2004, Lori
Knox County Health
                           wrote a grant to the Missouri Foundation for Health, to conduct the
Department/Home Health
Agency                     “Missouri 4-County Heart Health” project. With this grant over 450
217 North First Street     baseline assessments (lipids, blood pressures, behaviors, self efficacy,
Edina, MO 63537            etc.) were conducted in worksites across the original four county
                           area, and then programming to support policies for physical activity,
Phone: 660/397-3396        a smoke-free environment and 5-A-Day was conducted.
Fax: 660/397-3579
                           In 2006 Lori transferred to the Clark County Health Department
Email:                     where she continued her health education work for Clark and   Scotland Counties, and also began training as an administrator in
                           public health. In March 2007, she obtained her current position as
                           administrator of the Knox County Health Department/Home Health
                           Agency, the county in which she was raised and graduated from high
                           school. The project Lori is most excited about in Knox County at
                           this time is the creation of a Community Center Complex, which will
                           contain a fitness center, walking trail and education hall. Lori serves
                           on the board of directors for this project, and has been assisting the
                           group with grant writing to see it to completion. The group
                           anticipates breaking ground in late spring 2011.

                           Finally, Lori moved back to her home county in 2009, with her
                           husband Chad and their son Cooper (3 yrs).
Amy Morris, BS
                           Cape Girardeau County Public Health Center

                                 Amy Morris is a graduate from Southeast Missouri State University.
                                 She has a BS in Biology with a minor in Chemistry.

                                 In 2001, she took a position with the Cape Girardeau County Public
                                 Health Center as an Environmental Public Health Specialist. Primary
                                 duties included restaurant inspections, onsite sewage permitting,
                                 daycare inspections, lodging inspections, communicable disease
                                 investigations, private water sampling, rabies investigations, and
                                 emergency response.

                                 She has been a Certified Environmental Health Specialist as defined
                                 by the Missouri Board of Certification for Environmental Health
Amy Morris                       Professionals since 2003.
Environmental Public Health
Specialist Supervisor            In 2005, Amy was appointed supervisor of the Environmental
Cape Girardeau County Public     Section. She manages 3 full-time employees and 1 part-time
Health Center                    employee and continues to conduct inspections and investigations.
1121 Linden St.
POB 1839
                                 She is a member of several professional organizations, such as the
Cape Girardeau, MO 63703
                                 Missouri Milk Food and Environmental Health Association
Phone: 573/335-7846 ext.         (MMFEHA), Missouri Smallflows Organization (MSO), and the
136                              Missouri Environmental Health Association (MEHA).
Fax: 573/334-6572
                                 Prior to her public health career, Amy served in the United States
Email:                           Navy from 1991-1996 and in the Naval Reserves from 1996-2002.
Ken Palermo, MM, BA
               Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services

                              Ken is employed with the Missouri Department of Health and Senior
                              Services, Bureau of HIV, STD and Hepatitis. Since 2007 he has
                              served as a Disease Intervention Specialist and currently holds the
                              position of Provider Health Educator.

                              In his role as Provider Health Educator, Ken acts as the liaison
                              between the Bureau and doctors, hospitals, contractors and grantees
                              to help support prevention, intervention and care initiatives.

                              He develops and coordinates the marketing efforts of the Bureau’s
                              and CDC’s awareness and prevention messages regarding HIV/STD
                              and Hepatitis. Ken also provides instructional and technical resources
                              for program stakeholders.

Ken Palermo                   Ken provides technological support for the Bureau though website
Provider Health               design and maintenance, data gathering and compilation and research
Educator/Health Program Rep   design and implementation.
Missouri Department of
                              He also facilitates the Missouri Hepatitis C Prevention Group as
Health and Senior Services
930 Wildwood Drive            Statewide Co-Chairman.
Jefferson City, MO 65109
                              Prior to Ken’s tenure at DHSS, his public service career spanned 15
Phone: 573/291-6535           years with the Missouri Department of Social Services, Family
Fax: 573/751-6447             Support Division. He served as a caseworker, Unit Supervisor,
                              Project Manager, Training Technician II and Program Administrator
Email:                        for various Division programs.
                              Ken holds a Bachelor of Arts from Truman State University and a
                              Master’s Degree in Management from Fontbonne University.
Donna Puckett, MS, BA
                     Missouri Department of Health & Senior Services

                               I began my public health career in 1984 as a WIC Nutritionist for the
                               Randolph County Health Department in Moberly, MO. I worked in
                               the prenatal clinics and well child clinics in addition to the WIC
                               program     for    four   years     before    leaving    the    area.

                               I returned to public health in 1993. I was hired by Iva Scott-Braun at
                               the Cole County Health Department to serve as a tri-county WIC
                               nutritionist for Cole, Callaway and Howard Counties.

                               My seventeen year tenure with DHSS began in 1994 when I was
                               hired to conduct WIC nutrition trainings. I promoted to a Training
                               Technician with the Training and Professional Development Unit in
                               1998, working with Addie Merkle and Nancy Bush. They introduced
                               me to distance learning and I assisted with the development of a
Donna Puckett                  network of satellite viewing sites throughout the state. I’ve also
Planner III                    worked with the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) and
Missouri Department of         Summer Feeding Program. I left the department for an opportunity
Health and Senior Services     to serve as the education director for the Missouri Academy of
930 Wildwood Drive             Family Physicians, but returned to DHSS two years later to join the
Jefferson City, MO 65109       Bureau of Genetics and Healthy Childhood’s Injury and Violence
                               Prevention Unit. I’m currently a Planner III in the Bureau of
Phone: 573/751-6102
Fax: 573/526-6946              Environmental Epidemiology.

Rebecca Roesslet, BA
            Columbia/Boone County Department of Public Health
                         and Human Services
                              I graduated from the University of Missouri-Columbia in 1994 with a
                              BA in psychology. I worked for the state of Missouri for many years.
                              From 1995-98 I was employed by the Division of Family Services as
                              a Social Services Worker. In 1998 I transferred to the Division of
                              Aging and remained there until 2003.

                              In 2003, I began my employment at the Columbia/Boone County
                              Department of Public Health and Human Services as a social services
                              specialist. I was promoted to social services supervisor in 2005. In
                              this position, I oversee the social services staff and programs, some
                              of which include prenatal case management, pregnancy counseling,
                              dental pain relief, utility assistance, and the Missouri Community
Rebecca Roesslet              Based Home Visiting grant.
Social Services Supervisor
Columbia/Boone County         In 2010, I completed the Public Health Certificate program at the
Department of Public Health   University of Missouri-Columbia and was fortunate to be one of the
and Human Services            2010 MPHA Health Professional Scholarship recipients. I am
1005 W. Worley                presently enrolled in the Master of Public Health Program at MU
Columbia, MO 65203
                              with a May, 2012 graduation date.
Phone: 573/874-7490
Fax: 573/874-7756             I live in Columbia, MO with my husband and two young children.

Evelena Sutterfield, RN
                                     Clark County Health Department

                           Evelena Sutterfield is a 1991 graduate of Southeastern Community
                           College with an Associate Degree in Nursing. She has been
                           employed at the Clark County Health Department, located in Kahoka,
                           Missouri, for the past 15 years. Clark County is a small rural county
                           located in the very Northeast corner of the state. She has spent the
                           past 4 years proudly serving as the agency Administrator.

                           Evelena’s entire adult life has been dedicated to the field of nursing.
                           She began working as a CNA (Certified Nurse Assistant) and a LPN
                           (Licensed Practical Nurse) in long term care facilities while pursuing
                           her RN (Registered Nurse) degree. Her hospital experience includes
                           working in the areas of Medical Surgical, Oncology and Dialysis. In
Evelena Sutterfield        January of 1996 she began her adventure into Home Health and
Administrator              Public Health arena. She has worked in all the programs the Health
Clark County Health        Department offers and continues to provide hands on care along with
Department                 her administrative duties.
670 North Johnson St.
POB 12                     As a lifelong resident of Clark County, Evelena is committed to
Kahoka, MO 63445
                           improving the health and wellness of the citizens of her community.
Phone: 660/727-2356        She is married and resides in Kahoka, Missouri. She and her husband
Fax: 660/727-2927          have three daughters and two granddaughters.

Marcia Walmsley, MBA, BS
                    Missouri Department of Health & Senior Services

                              Marcia Walmsley received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Human
                              Development and Family Studies with an emphasis in Child
                              Development from the University of Missouri-Columbia and a MBA
                              from William Woods University.

                              Marcia began her career with the Department of Health and Senior
                              Services in 2004 as the Eastern District Supervisor for the Bureau of
                              Child Care. In 2007 the Bureau of Child Care became the Section for
                              Child Care Regulation and in 2008 Marcia was classified as a Child
                              Care Supervisor. In her role as a supervisor she supervises Child
                              Care Facility Specialists and assists with the monitoring and
                              regulation of approximately 1300 child care facilities within the St.
                              Louis Metropolitan Area.
Marcia Walmsley
Child Care Supervisor         Prior to working for the Department of Health & Senior Services
Section for Child Care        Marcia worked over 8 years for the Missouri Department of Mental
Regulation                    Health as a Program Specialist II. In this role she was responsible for
220 So. Jefferson Avenue
2nd Floor                     statewide policy for out of home and community based services for
St. Louis, MO 63103           children with Serious Emotional Disturbances. Marcia coordinated
                              the statewide and national awareness of Children’s Mental Health
Phone: 314/877-2812           Week, which originated in the State of Missouri. She also served as
Fax: 314/877-0203             the chairperson for the Department’s Cultural Competence and
                              Linguistic Plan. Marcia currently resides in Florissant, Missouri
Email:                        with her husband Gary.
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