Modeling Incremental Language Comprehension in the Brain with Combinatory Categorial Grammar
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Modeling Incremental Language Comprehension in the Brain with Combinatory Categorial Grammar Miloš Stanojević1∗ Shohini Bhattasali3 Donald Dunagan2 Luca Campanelli2,5 Mark Steedman1 Jonathan R. Brennan4 John Hale2 1 University of Edinburgh, UK 2 University of Georgia, USA 3 University of Maryland, USA 4 University of Michigan, USA 5 Haskins Laboratories, USA Abstract starting from Tree-Adjoining Grammar and adding a special Verification operation (Demberg et al., Hierarchical sentence structure plays a role 2013). in word-by-word human sentence comprehen- sion, but it remains unclear how best to char- In this spirit, the current paper models the hemo- acterize this structure and unknown how ex- dynamics of language comprehension in the brain actly it would be recognized in a step-by-step using complexity metrics from psychologically- process model. With a view towards sharpen- plausible parsing algorithms. We start from a ing this picture, we model the time course of mildly context-sensitive grammar that supports in- hemodynamic activity within the brain during cremental interpretation,1 Combinatory Categorial an extended episode of naturalistic language Grammar (CCG; for a review see Steedman and comprehension using Combinatory Categorial Grammar (CCG). CCG has well-defined incre- Baldridge, 2011). We find that CCG offers an im- mental parsing algorithms, surface composi- proved account of fMRI blood-oxygen level depen- tional semantics, and can explain long-range dent time courses in “language network” brain re- dependencies as well as complicated cases of gions, and that a special Revealing parser operation, coordination. We find that CCG-derived pre- which allows CCG to handle optional postmodi- dictors improve a regression model of fMRI fiers in a more human-like way, improves fit yet time course in six language-relevant brain re- further (Stanojević and Steedman, 2019; Stanojević gions, over and above predictors derived from et al., 2020). These results underline the consensus context-free phrase structure. Adding a spe- cial Revealing operator to CCG parsing, one that an expressive grammar, one that goes a little be- designed to handle right-adjunction, improves yond context-free power, will indeed be required in the fit in three of these regions. This evidence an adequate model of human comprehension (Joshi, for CCG from neuroimaging bolsters the more 1985; Stabler, 2013). general case for mildly context-sensitive gram- mars in the cognitive science of language. 2 A Focus on the Algorithmic Level 1 Introduction A step-by-step process model for human sentence parsing would be a proposal at Marr’s (1982) mid- The mechanism of human sentence comprehen- dle level, the algorithmic level (for a textbook intro- sion remains elusive; the scientific community has duction to these levels, see Bermúdez, 2020, §2.3). not come to an agreement about the sorts of ab- While this is a widely shared research goal, a large stract steps or cognitive operations that would best- proportion of prior work linking behavioral and explain people’s evident ability to understand sen- neural data with parsing models has relied upon tences as they are spoken word-by-word. One way of approaching this question begins with a com- 1 This work presupposes that sentence interpretation for the petence grammar that is well-supported on lin- most part reflects compositional semantics, and that compre- guistic grounds, then adds other theoretical claims hension proceeds by and large incrementally. This perspective does not exclude the possibility that highly frequent or id- about how that grammar is deployed in real-time iosyncratic patterns might map directly to interpretations in a processing. The combined theory is then evaluated noncompositional way (see Ferreira and Patson, 2007; Blache, 2018 as well as Slattery et al., 2013; Paolazzi et al., 2019 against observations from actual human language and discussion of Bever’s classic 1970 proposal by Phillips processing. This approach has been successful 2013). de Lhoneux et al. (2019) shows how to accommodate in accounting for eye-tracking data, for instance these cases as multi-word expressions in a CCG parser. Bhat- tasali et al. (2019) maps brain regions implicated in these two ∗ Correspondence to theorized routes of human sentence processing. 23 Proceedings of the Workshop on Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics, pages 23–38 Online Event, June 10, 2021. ©2021 Association for Computational Linguistics
Mary reads papers Mary reads papers NP (S \NP )/NP NP NP (S \NP )/NP NP mary′ λx.λy.reads′ (y, x) papers′ mary′ λx.λy.reads′ (y, x) papers′ > >T S \NP λy.reads′ (y, papers′ ) S /(S \NP ) < λp.p mary′ S >B reads′ (mary′ , papers′ ) S /NP λx.reads′ (mary′ , x) > S reads′ (mary′ , papers′ ) (a) Right-branching derivation. (b) Left-branching derivation. Figure 1: Semantically equivalent CCG derivations. ity of particular words or ambiguity of particular constructions.2 Previous research at the algorithmic level has The flower that you love been limited in various ways. Brennan et al. NP /N N (N \N )/(S /NP ) NP (S [dcl ]\NP )/NP (2016) used an expressive grammar, but it was not >T S /(S \NP ) >B broad coverage and the step counts were based on S /NP > derived X-bar trees rather than the derivation trees N \N N < that would need to be handled by a provably correct NP > parsing algorithm (Stanojević and Stabler, 2018). Brennan et al. (2020) used a full-throated parser but Figure 2: CCG derivation and extracted semantic de- employed the Penn Treebank phrase structure with- pendencies for a relative clause from the Little Prince. Red highlighting indicates filler-gap relationship. out explicit regard for long-distance dependency. Figure 2 shows an example of one of these depen- dencies. the surprisal linking hypothesis, which is not an al- gorithm. In fact surprisal wraps an abstraction bar- 3 Why CCG? rrier around an algorithmic model, deriving pre- CCG presents an opportunity to remedy the lim- dictions solely from the probability distribution on itations identified above in section 2. As already that model’s outputs (for a review see Hale, 2016). mentioned, CCG is appropriately expressive (Vijay- This abstraction is useful because it allows for the Shanker and Weir, 1994). And it has special char- evenhanded comparison of sequence-oriented mod- acteristics that are particularly attractive for incre- els such as ngrams or recurrent neural networks mental parsing. CCG can extract filler-gap depen- against hierarchical, syntax-aware models. And dencies such as those in the object relative clause in indeed in eye-tracking, this approach confirms that Figure 2, synchronously and incrementally build- some sort of hierarchical structure is needed (see ing surface compositional semantics (cf. Demberg e.g. Fossum and Levy, 2012; van Schijndel and 2012).3 CCG also affords many different ways of Schuler, 2015). This same conclusion seems to be 2 borne out by fMRI data (Henderson et al., 2016; Counting derivation-tree nodes dissociates from surprisal. Brennan et al., 2016; Willems et al., 2016; Shain Brennan et al. (2020) addresses the choice of linking hypothe- sis empirically by deriving both step-counting and surprisal et al., 2020). predictors from the same parser. The former but not the lat- But precisely because of the abstraction barrier ter predictor significantly improves a regression model of fMRI timecourse in posterior temporal lobe, even in the pres- that it sets up, surprisal is ill-suited to the task of ence of a co-predictor derived from a sequence-oriented lan- distinguishing ordered steps in a processing mech- guage model. 3 anism. We therefore put surprisal aside in this The derivations in Figure 1 and 2 use type-raising as a parser operation. In the definition of CCG from Steedman paper, focusing instead on complexity metrics that (2000) type-raising is not a syntactic, but a lexical operation. are nearer to algorithms; the ones introduced be- The reason why we use it as a parsing operation is because low in §5.3 all map directly on to tree traversals. that is the way it was defined in the CCGbank (Hockenmaier and Steedman, 2007) and because it is implemented as such By counting derivation tree nodes, these metrics in all broad coverage parsers. Type-raising contributes to the track work that the parser does, rather than the rar- complexity metric described in Section 5.3 24
Mary reads papers daily deriving the same sentence (see Figure 1). These NP (S \NP )/NP NP (S \NP )\(S \NP ) alternative derivations all have the same semantics, >T so from the point of view of comprehension they S /(S \NP ) >B are all equally useful. Steedman (2000, §9.2) ar- S /NP > gues that this flexible constituency is the key to S achieving human-like incremental interpretation (a) Problem — S\NP that needs to be modified was never built. without unduly complicating the relationship be- Mary reads papers daily tween grammar and processor. Incremental in- NP (S \NP )/NP NP (S \NP )\(S \NP ) >T > terpretation here amounts to delivering updated S /(S \NP ) S\NP meaning-representations at each new word of the > S sentence. Such early delivery would seem to be (b) Incremental tree rotation reveals the needed node of type necessary to explain the high degree of incremen- S\NP. tality that has been demonstrated in laboratory ex- periments (Marslen-Wilson, 1973; Altmann and Mary reads papers daily Steedman, 1988; Tanenhaus et al., 1995). NP (S \NP )/NP NP (S \NP )\(S \NP ) >T > Other types of grammar rely upon special pars- S /(S \NP ) S\NP < ing strategies to achieve incrementality. Eager S \NP left-corner parsing (LC) is often chosen because it S > uses a finite amount of memory for processing left- (c) Right adjunct is attached to the revealed node. and right-branching structures (Abney and Johnson, 1991). Resnik (1992) was the first to notice a simi- Figure 3: Right adjunction. The right spine of each larity between eager left-corner CFG parsing and derivation is highlighted in blue. The boxed node shift-reduce parsing of CCG left-branching deriva- S\NP is revealed after tree rotation. Psycholinguis- tions. In short, forward type-raising >T is like tic implications are detailed in Stanojević et al. (2020). LC prediction while forward function-composition >B is like LC completion (both of these combi- “daily”. This adjunct is an optional postmodifier of nators are used in Figure 2). However, CCG has the verb phrase “reads papers.” It could be analyzed other combinators that make it even more incre- using the rule VP → VP AdvP where “daily” is a mental. For instance, in a level one center embed- one-word adverbial phrase adjunct of VP. With this ding such as “Mary gave John a book” a left-corner rule, a context-free phrase structure parser will be parser cannot establish connection between Mary forced either (i) to backtrack upon seeing “daily” or and gave before it sees John. CCG includes a gener- (ii) to leave the VP open for postmodification (Hale, alized forward function composition >B2 that can 2014, pages 31–33 opts for the latter). Neither of combine type-raised Mary S/(S\N P ) and gave these alternatives is particularly appealing from ((S\N P )/N P )/N P into (S/N P )/N P . the perspective of cognitive modeling, and indeed To our knowledge, the present study is the first to Sturt and Lombardo (2005) report a pattern of eye- validate the human-like processing characteristics tracking data that appears to be inconsistent with of CCG by quantifying their fit to human neural CCG. They suggest that CCG’s account of con- signals. junction, itself analyzable as adjunction, imposes an ordering requirement that cannot be satisfied in 4 The Challenge of Right Adjunction for psycholinguistically-realistic way. Incremental Parsing Sturt and Lombardo’s 2005 finding is an impor- A particular grammatical analysis may be viewed tant challenge for theories of incremental interpre- as imposing ordering requirements on left-to-right tation, including neurolinguistic models based on incremental parser operations; it obligates certain LC parsing (Brennan and Pylkkänen, 2017; Nelson operations to wait until others have finished. A et al., 2017). Stanojević and Steedman (2019) offer case in point is right adjunction in sentences such a crucial part of a solution to this problem. as “Mary reads papers daily.” (see Figure 3a). Here First, they relax the notion of attaching of a the parser has built “Mary reads papers” eagerly, as right-adjunct: an adjunct does not have to attach it should be expected from any parser with human- to the top category of the tree but it can attach to like behavior, but then it encountered the adjunct any node on the right spine of the derivation, as 25
long as the attachment respects the node’s syntac- parsing, number expressions were spelled out i.e. tic type. In Figure 3a the right spine is highlighted 42 as “forty two” and all punctuation was removed. in blue. However, none of the constituents on the right spine can be modified by “daily” because 5.1.1 Participants the constituent that needs to be modified, “reads Participants comprised fifty-one volunteers (32 papers” was never built; it is not part of the left- women and 19 men, 18-37 years old) with no his- branching derivation. To address this, the Stanoje- tory of psychiatric, neurological, or other medi- vić and Steedman parser includes a second innova- cal illness or history of drug or alcohol abuse that tion: it applies a special tree-rotation operation that might compromise cognitive functions. All strictly transforms left-branching derivations into semanti- qualified as right-handed on the Edinburgh handed- cally equivalent right-branching ones. In Figure 3b ness inventory (Oldfield, 1971). All self-identified this operation produces a new right spine, revealing as native English speakers and gave their written a node of type S\NP , which is the type assigned informed consent prior to participation, in accor- to English verb phrases in CCG. In Figure 3c the dance with the university’s IRB guidelines. Partici- adjunct “daily” is properly attached to this boxed pants were compensated for their time, consistent node via Application, a CCG rule that is used quite with typical practice for studies of this kind. They generally across many different constructions. were paid $65 at the end of the session. Data from The idea of attaching right-adjuncts to a node of three out of the 51 participants was excluded be- an already-built tree has appeared several times be- cause they did not complete the entire session or fore (Pareschi and Steedman, 1987; Niv, 1994; Am- moved their head excessively. bati et al., 2015; Stanojević and Steedman, 2019) 5.1.2 Presentation and in all cases it crucially leverages CCG’s flexible constituency as shown in Figure 1. See Stanojević After giving their informed consent, participants et al. (2020) for more detailed treatment of Sturt were familiarized with the MRI facility and as- and Lombardo’s construction using predictive com- sumed a supine position on the scanner gurney. The pletion. The present study examines whether or not presentation script was written in PsychoPy (Peirce, the addition of the Revealing operation increases 2007). Auditory stimuli were delivered through the fidelity of CCG-derived parsing predictions to MRI-safe, high-fidelity headphones (Confon HP- human fMRI time course data. VS01, MR Confon, Magdeburg, Germany) inside the head coil. Using a spoken recitation of the US 5 Methods Constitution, an experimenter increased the vol- ume until participants reported that they could hear We follow Brennan et al. (2012) and Willems et al. clearly. Participants then listened passively to the (2016) in using a spoken narrative as a stimulus in audio storybook for 1 hour 38 minutes. The story the fMRI study. Participants hear the story over had nine chapters and at the end of each chapter the headphones while they are in the scanner. The participants were presented with a multiple-choice neuroimages collected during their session serve as questionnaire with four questions (36 questions in data for regression modeling with word-by-word total), concerning events and situations described predictors derived from the text of the story. in the story. These questions served to assess par- ticipants’ comprehension. The entire session lasted 5.1 The Little Prince fMRI Dataset around 2.5 hours. The English audio stimulus was Antoine de Saint- Exupéry’s The Little Prince, translated by David 5.1.3 Data Collection Wilkinson and read by Karen Savage. It constitutes Imaging was performed using a 3T MRI scanner a fairly lengthy exposure to naturalistic language, (Discovery MR750, GE Healthcare, Milwaukee, comprising 19,171 tokens, 15,388 words and 1,388 WI) with a 32-channel head coil at the Cornell MRI sentences, and lasting over an hour and a half. This Facility. Blood Oxygen Level Dependent (BOLD) is the fMRI version of the EEG corpus described signals were collected using a T2 -weighted echo in Stehwien et al. (2020). It has been used before planar imaging sequence (repetition time: 2000 ms, to investigate a variety of brain-language questions echo time: 27 ms, flip angle: 77deg, image accel- unrelated to CCG parsing (Bhattasali et al., 2019; eration: 2X, field of view: 216×216 mm, matrix Bhattasali and Hale, 2019; Li et al., 2018). Prior to size 72×72, and 44 oblique slices, yielding 3 mm 26
S S S NP VP NP VP NP VP VP ADVP VP ADVP VP ADVP NP NP NP NNP VBZ NNS RB NNP VBZ NNS RB NNP VBZ NNS RB Mary reads papers daily Mary reads papers daily Mary reads papers daily 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 0 2 3 (a) Top-Down (b) Left Corner (c) Bottom-Up Figure 4: Different parsing strategies for constituency trees. Below each word is a complexity measure associated with that word. It is equivalent to the number of round nodes visited by the parser when the word is being integrated. isotropic voxels). Anatomical images were col- be taken, per word, in a mechanistic model of hu- lected with a high resolution T1-weighted (1×1×1 man comprehension (see e.g. Kaplan, 1972; Fra- mm3 voxel) with a Magnetization-Prepared RApid zier, 1985). These numbers (i.e. written below Gradient-Echo (MP-RAGE) pulse sequence. the leaves of the trees in Figure 4) are intended as predictions about sentence processing effort, which 5.1.4 Preprocessing may be reflected in the fMRI BOLD signal (see Preprocessing allows us to make adjustments to discussion of convolution with hemodynamic re- improve the signal to noise ratio. Primary prepro- sponse function in §6.2). cessing steps were carried out in AFNI version 16 For constituency parses we examine bottom- (Cox, 1996) and include motion correction, coreg- up (aka shift-reduce parsing), top-down, and left- istration, and normalization to standard MNI space. corner parsing. Figure 4 shows all these parsing After the previous steps were completed, ME-ICA strategies on an example constituency tree. This (Kundu et al., 2012) was used to further preprocess Figure highlights three points: (a) that the complex- the data. ME-ICA is a denoising method which ity metrics correspond to visited nodes of the tree uses Independent Components Analysis to split (b) that they are incremental metrics, computed the T2*-signal into BOLD and non-BOLD compo- word by word and (c) that alternative parsing strate- nents. Removing the non-BOLD components miti- gies lead to different predictions. gates noise due to motion, physiology, and scanner In CCG all natural parsing strategies are bottom- artifacts (Kundu et al., 2017). up. The main difference among them is what kind of derivation they deliver. We evaluate right- 5.2 Grammatical Annotations branching derivations, left-branching derivations We annotated each sentence in The Little Prince and revealing derivations; the latter are simply left- with phrase structure parses from the benepar con- branching derivations with the addition of the Re- stituency parser (Kitaev and Klein, 2018). Previ- vealing operation. To compute this we get the best ous studies have used the Stanford CoreNLP parser, derivation from a CCG parser and then convert it to but benepar is much closer to the current state- the three different kinds of semantically equivalent of-the-art in constituency parsing. To find CCG derivations using the tree-rotation operation (Niv, derivations we used RotatingCCG by Stanojević 1994; Stanojević and Steedman, 2019). and Steedman (2019; 2020). In the case of revealing derivations we count only the nodes that are constructed with reduce and 5.3 Complexity Metric right-adjunction operations, but we do not count The complexity metric used in this study is the the nodes constructed with tree-rotation. This is number of nodes visited in between leaf nodes, on because tree-rotation is not an operation that intro- a given traversal of a derivation tree. This corre- duces anything new in the interpretation — tree- sponds to the number of parsing actions that would rotation only helps the right-adjunction operation 27
reveal the constituent that needs to be modified. 6 Data Analysis All parsing strategies have the same total num- 6.1 Regions of Interest ber of nodes, but only differ in the abstract tim- ing of those nodes’ construction. In general, left- We consider six regions of interest in the left hemi- branching derivations construct nodes earlier than sphere: the pars opercularis (IFG_oper), the do the corresponding right-branching derivations. pars triangularis (IFG_tri), the pars orbitalis However, in the case of right-adjunction both left- (IFG_orb), the superior temporal gyrus (STG), the and right-branching derivations delay construction superior temporal pole (sATL) and the middle tem- of many nodes until the right-adjunct is consumed. poral pole (mATL). These regions are implicated This is not the case with the revealing derivations in current neurocognitive models of language (Ha- that are specifically designed to allow flexibility goort, 2016; Friederici, 2017; Matchin and Hickok, with right-adjuncts. 2020). However evidence suggests that partic- ular sentence-processing operations could be lo- calized to different specific regions within this 5.4 Hypotheses set (Lopopolo et al., 2021; Li and Hale, 2019; Using the formalism-specific and parsing strategy- Brennan et al., 2020). We use the parcellation specific complexity metrics defined above in §5.3, provided by the automated anatomical labeling we evaluate three hypotheses. (AAL) atlas (Tzourio-Mazoyer et al., 2002) for SPM12. For each subject, extracting the average Hypothesis 1 (H1): CCG improves a model of blood-oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) sig- fMRI BOLD time courses above and beyond nal from each region yields 2,816 data points for context-free phrase structure grammar. each region of interest (ROI). These data served Mildly context-sensitive grammars like CCG cap- as dependent measures in the statistical analyses ture properties of sentence structure that are only described below in §6.3. very inelegantly covered by context-free phrase 6.2 Predictors structure grammars. For instance, the recovery of filler-gap dependency in Figure 2 follows directly The predictors of theoretical interest are the parser- from the definition of the combinators. This hy- derived complexity metrics described above in sec- pothesis supposes that the brain indeed does work tion 5.3. To these we add additional covariates to recover these dependencies, and that that work that are known to influence human sentence pro- shows up in the BOLD signal. cessing. The first of these is Word Rate, which has the value 1 at the offset of each word and Hypothesis 2 (H2): The Revealing parser opera- zero elsewhere. The second is (unigram) word Fre- tion explains unique variability in the BOLD signal, quency. This is a log-transformed attestation count variability not accounted for by other CCG deriva- of the given word type in a corpus of movie sub- tional steps. titles (Brysbaert and New, 2009). The third is the root-mean-squared (RMS) intensity of the audio. As described above in §4, Revealing allows a CCG Finally we include the fundamental frequency f0 of parser to handle right-adjunction gracefully. This the narrator’s voice as recovered by the RAPT pitch hypothesis in effect proposes that this enhanced tracker (Talkin, 1995). These control predictors psychological realism should extend to fMRI. serve to rule out effects that could be explained by Hypothesis 3 (H3): Left-branching CCG deriva- general properties of speech perception (cf. Good- tions improve BOLD activity prediction over right- kind and Bicknell 2021; Bullmore et al. 1999; Lund branching. et al. 2006). The word-by-word complexity metrics are given timestamps according to the offsets of the Left-branching derivations provide maximally in- words with which they correspond. cremental CCG analyses. If human processing is In order to use these predictors to model the maximally incremental, and if this incrementality BOLD signal, we convolve the time-aligned vec- is manifested in fMRI time courses, then complex- tors with the SPM canonical hemodynamic re- ity metrics based on left-branching CCG deriva- sponse function which consists of a linear com- tions should improve model fit over and above bination of two gamma functions and links neural right-branching. activity and the estimated BOLD signal (see e.g. 28
Henson and Friston, 2007). After convolution, each (II) BOLD ∼ word_rate + word_freq + RMS + f0 of the word-by-word metrics of interest is orthog- + bottom-up + top-down + left-corner + CCG-left onalized against convolved word rate to remove + CCG-right {CCG-revealing} correlations attributable to their common timing. Last, for H3 in section 5.4, we tested whether Figure 7 in the Appendix reports correlations be- word-by-word traversals of left branching CCG tween these predictors. derivations accounted for any significant amount of BOLD signal variability over and above 6.3 Statistical Analyses right branching. This amounts to asking whether Data were analyzed using linear mixed-effects re- CCG processing is maximally eager or maxi- gression.4 All models included random intercepts mally delayed. for subjects. Random slopes for the predictors were (III) BOLD ∼ word_rate + word_freq + RMS + f0 not retained either because of convergence failures + bottom-up + top-down + left-corner + CCG-right or because they did not alter the pattern of results. {CCG-left} A theory-guided, model comparison framework was used to contrast alternative hypotheses (articu- 7 Results lated in §5.4). The Likelihood Ratio test was used to compare the fit of competing regression mod- Behavioral results on the comprehension task els (for an introduction, see Bliese and Ployhart, showed attentive listening to the spoken narrative 2002). Effects were considered statistically signif- with average response accuracy of 90% (SD = icant with α = 0.008 (0.05/6 regions, following 3.7%). the Bonferroni procedure).5 As a quantitative comparison between ROIs was 7.1 H1: CCG-specific effects not directly relevant for the research questions at The first question that we investigated was whether issue, statistical analyses were carried out by re- CCG derivations would account for any significant gion. This approach, as compared to examining the amount of BOLD activity over and above bottom- effects of, and the interactions between, all ROIs up, top-down, and left-corner phrase structure pars- and predictors in the same analysis, reduced the ing strategies in addition to baseline covariates (i.e. complexity of the models and facilitated parameter as introduced above in §5.3 and depicted in Fig- estimation. ure 4). The overall predictive power of the three Hypothesis H1 was tested by examining the over- CCG derivations emerged to significantly improve all predictive power of the CCG-derived predic- the models fit in all six regions examined, thus tors over and above a baseline model that included providing strong support for H1. For all analyses, word rate, word frequency, sound power, fundamen- the complete tables of results are provided in the tal frequency, and word-by-word node counts de- Appendix (Tables 1 to 6). rived from all three phrase structure parsing strate- To better understand the source of those effects, gies: we followed-up with an additional set of analyses (I) BOLD ∼ word_rate + word_freq + RMS + f0 + in which we contrasted one CCG parsing strategy bottom-up + top-down + left-corner {CCG-left + at a time against the same baseline model. These CCG-right + CCG-revealing} CCG parsing strategies exhibit a region-specific pattern of fits which is summarized in Figure 5.6 To test H2, we examined whether node counts incorporating the Reveal operation explained 7.2 H2: The Revealing parser operation BOLD signal variability over and above a base- The second hypothesis, H2 in section 5.4, is about line model that included, in addition to the vari- hemodynamic effects of the Revealing operation. ables in (I), node counts from left branching and The results summarized in Figure 6 supported this right branching CCG derivations: hypothesis: the CCG-revealing predictor signifi- 4 Regression analyses used the lme4 R package (version cantly improved model fit to the BOLD signal in 1.1-26; Bates et al., 2015). three of six ROIs examined (IFG_tri, IFG_oper, 5 A Bonferroni correction of 0.05/6 reflects the fact each 6 of the three hypotheses was tested with a single Likelihood The direction of the effects for the analyses in both Figure Ratio test per ROI, irrespective of the number of variables in 5 and 6 was not affected by the correlation among variables the models compared. (Figure 7 in the Appendix). 29
− IFG_oper IFG_orb IFG_tri IFG_oper IFG_orb IFG_tri CCG−left CCG−left CCG−left CCG−right CCG−right CCG−right CCG−revealing CCG−revealing CCG−revealing − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − − mATL − sATL − STG − mATL sATL STG CCG−left CCG−left CCG−left CCG−right CCG−right CCG−right CCG−revealing CCG−revealing CCG−revealing −2 0 2 −2 0 2 −2 0 2 Estimate Estimate Estimate Figure 5: CCG derivation effects by ROI. Coefficient point estimates ± SE. Filled points indicate that the predictor significantly improved model fit. Note that for IFG_oper the CCG-revealing predictor is only marginally significant after Bonferroni correction across ROIs. STG (H3 in section 5.4). sATL It emerged that the CCG-left predictor signif- mATL icantly improved model fit in IFG_tri, IFG_orb, IFG_tri STG, mATL, and, but only marginally significant IFG_orb after Bonferroni correction, IFG_oper. These find- IFG_oper ings, overall, indicate the ability of left branching −2 0 2 CCG derivations to account for a unique amount Estimate of BOLD activity during language processing. Figure 6: Effects of the CCG-revealing predictor by ROI. Coefficient point estimates ± SE. Filled 8 Discussion points indicate that the predictor significantly improved model fit. Note that for IFG_orb and mATL, the ef- The improvement that CCG brings to modeling fects became only marginally significant after Bonfer- fMRI time courses — over and above predictors de- roni correction. rived from well-known context-free parsing strate- gies — confirms that mildly context-sensitive gram- mars capture real aspects of human sentence pro- cessing, as suggested earlier by Brennan et al. sATL) and marginally significant in two others af- (2016). We interpret the additional improvement ter Bonferroni correction (IFG_orb and mATL). due to the Revealing operation as neurolinguis- The positive sign of the statistically significant co- tic evidence in support of that particular way of efficients in Figure 6 indicates that, as expected, in- achieving heightened incrementality in a parser. creased processing cost, as derived from the CCG- While it is possible that other incremental pars- revealing parser, was associated with increased ing techniques might adequately address the chal- BOLD activity. lenge of right adjunction (see §4 above) we are at present unaware of any that are supported by 7.3 H3: Left- versus Right-branching evidence from human neural signals. The pattern- In the last set of analyses, we investigated whether ing of fits across regions aligns with the suggestion left-branching CCG derivations improve BOLD ac- that different kinds of processing, some more ea- tivity predictions over right-branching derivations ger and others less so, may be happening across 30
the brain (cf. Just and Varma 2007). For instance This prior work by Shain et al. (2020) includes the explanatory success of predictors derived from a telling observation: that surprisal from a 5-gram left-branching and Revealing derivations in the mid- language model improves fit to brain data, over dle temporal pole (mATL) supports the idea that and above a PCFG. Shain et al. hypothesize that this region tracks tightly time-locked, incremen- this additional contribution is possible expressly tal language combinatorics7 while other regions because of PCFGs’ context-freeness, and that a such as the inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) hang back, (mildly) context-sensitive grammar would do better. waiting to process linguistic relationships until the The results reported here are consistent with this word at which they would be integrated into a right- suggestion. branching CCG derivation (roughly consistent with Friederici, 2017; Pylkkänen, 2019). 9 Conclusion and Future Work In the superior temporal gyrus (STG) the sign CCG, a mildly context-sensitive grammar, helps of the effect changes for CCG-derived predictors. explain the time course of word-by-word language This is the unique region where Lopopolo et al. comprehension in the brain over and above Penn (2021) observe an effect of phrase structure pro- Treebank-style context-free phrase structure gram- cessing, as opposed to dependency grammar pro- mars regardless of whether they are parsed left- cessing. This could be because our CCG is lexical- corner, top-down or bottom-up. This special con- ized. Of course, the CCGbank grammar captures tribution from CCG is likely attributable to its many other aspects of sentence structure besides more realistic analysis of “movement” construc- lexical dependencies (see Hockenmaier and Steed- tions (e.g. Figure 2) which would not be assigned man 2007). by naive context-free grammars. CCG’s flexible Shain et al. (2020) use a different, non- approach to constituency may offer a way to un- combinatory categorial grammar to model fMRI derstand both immediate and delayed subprocesses time courses. Whereas this earlier publication em- of language comprehension from the perspective ploys the surprisal linking hypothesis to study pre- of a single grammar. The Revealing operation, de- dictive processing, the present study considers in- signed to facilitate more human-like CCG parsing, stead the parsing steps that would be needed to re- indeed leads to increased neurolinguistic fidelity in cover grammatical descriptions assigned by CCG. a subset of brain regions that have been previously This distinction can be cast as the difference be- implicated in language comprehension. tween Marr’s computational and algorithmic lev- We look ahead in future work to quantifying els of analysis, as suggested above in §2. But be- the effect of individual complexity metrics across sides the choice of vantage point, there are con- brain regions using alternative metrics related to ceptual differences that lead to different modeling surprise and memory (e.g. Graf et al., 2017). This at both levels. For instance, the generalized cate- future work also includes investigation of syntac- gorial grammar of Shain et al. (2020) is quite ex- tic ambiguity, for instance via beam search along pressive and may go far beyond context-free power. the lines of Crabbé et al. (2019) using the incremen- But in that study it was first flattened into a prob- tal neural CCG model of Stanojević and Steedman abilistic context-free grammar (PCFG) to derive (2020). surprisal predictions. The present study avoids this step by deriving processing complexity predictions Acknowledgements directly from CCG derivations using node count. This material is based upon work supported by the This directness is important when reasoning from National Science Foundation under grant numbers human data, such as neural signals, to mathemati- 1903783 and 1607251. The work was supported by cal properties of formal systems, such as grammars an ERC H2020 Advanced Fellowship GA 742137 (see discussion of Competence hypotheses in Steed- SEMANTAX grant. man, 1989). 7 This predictive relationship between left-branching Ethical Considerations derivations in middle temporal pole timecourses is observed in (the brains of) native speakers of English, a head-initial The fMRI study described in section 5.1 was ap- language. An exciting direction for future work concerns the proved by Cornell University’s Institutional Review possibility that the brain bases of language processing might covary with typological distinctions like head direction (cf. Board under protocol ID #1310004157 Bornkessel-Schlesewsky and Schlesewsky, 2016). 31
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Appendix Bottom−Up Left Corner Top−Down CCG−Left CCG−Right CCG−Revealing Bottom−Up 2.5 0.0 0.76 0.6 0.46 0.56 0.2 −2.5 2 Left Corner 0 0.96 0.13 0.06 0.1 −2 −4 2 Top−Down 0 0.01 −0.1 0.02 −2 −4 z−score 6 4 CCG−Left 2 0.77 0.76 0 −2 −4 6 4 CCG−Right 2 0 0.49 −2 −4 5.0 CCG−Revealing 2.5 0.0 −2.5 −2.5 0.0 2.5 −4 −2 0 2 −4 −2 0 2 −4 −2 0 2 4 6 −4 −2 0 2 4 6 −2.5 0.0 2.5 5.0 z−score Figure 7: Scatterplot matrix with density plots and Pearson correlation coefficients for phrase structure and CCG derivations. 36
Hypothesis 1 Model 1: BOLD ∼ word_f req + word_rate + RM S + f 0 + bottomup + lef tcorner + topdown Model 2: BOLD ∼ word_f req + word_rate + RM S + f 0 + bottomup + lef tcorner + topdown + CCG_lef t + CCG_right + CCG_revealing Region AIC_1a AIC_2b ∆AIC c χ2 (3) p IFG_oper 1762175 1762156 -19.26 25.26
Model 1: BOLD ∼ word_f req + word_rate + RM S + f 0 + bottomup + lef tcorner + topdown Model 2: BOLD ∼ word_f req + word_rate + RM S + f 0 + bottomup + lef tcorner + topdown + CCG_revealing Region AIC_1a AIC_2b ∆AIC c χ2 (1) p IFG_oper 1762175 1762173 -2.18 4.18 0.041 IFG_orb 1717590 1717576 -14.00 16
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