Mobile Payments Update - The Paypers

Page created by Peter Elliott
Mobile Payments Update - The Paypers
A fortnightly update on the mobile payments sector

                    Mobile Payments Update
                                                                                                                                Vol. 2, Week 40, 18 September - 02 October 2008

                                                                             or whether the transaction is in a foreign        funds availability policies). The first phase of
     Contents                                                                currency. Alerts are triggered by the             the mobile money transfer pilot programme
                                                                             transaction as it passes through the Visa         will enable domestic money transfers within
     Feature Articles...........................................1            network, allowing consumers to view               the US and will involve several Visa issuers,
     Visa makes strong move into mobile                                      notifications typically before they even leave    including US Bank, and as many as 6,000
     payments ..................................................... 1        the store. Offer and Locator will make it         Visa account holders. Based on trial results, a
     RFID security concerns and innovations ..... 2                          possible for users to receive targeted offers     second pilot phase is expected to extend the
     Large m-banking initiatives taking off .......... 2                     and show consumers nearby locations of            programme to include cross-border
     Standardisation bodies act as lobbyists....... 3                        shops or ATMs that accepts Visa. These two        transactions during the first half of 2009. The
     News In Brief ...............................................3          functions can also be combined. Consumers         service is powered by Visa’s mobile platform,
     Europe ..........................................................3      would opt-in to the services, only activating     a suite of technologies that enables Visa, its
                                                                             those they choose and would be able to opt-       clients, and mobile operators to engage in
     Asia ...............................................................5
                                                                             out at any time. Additionally, Visa is            trial activities and develop commercially
     North America ...............................................5          developing NFC contactless payment                scalable mobile services.
     World.............................................................6     capabilities for Android users. At present,
                                                                             Android is available on the G1, a phone
                                                                                                                               Contactless payments
     Company Index ...........................................8
     Events ..........................................................8      produced by Taiwan-based HTC which is             Together with Nokia, Visa plans to offer Visa
                                                                             available on T-Mobile’s network.                  payment and payment-related services,
                                                                                                                               including contactless payments, remote
                                                                                                                               payments, money transfer, alerts and
                                                                                                                               notifications. The services would be available
     Feature Articles                                                                                                          on Nokia's next-generation handsets,
                                                                                                                               beginning with the NFC-enabled Nokia 6212
                                                                                                                               Classic, which is expected to be available
     Visa makes strong move                                                                                                    worldwide in October. The Visa applications
     into mobile payments                                                                                                      will first be made available for trial use to
                                                                                                                               interested financial institutions. Consumers in
     In recent weeks, Visa appeared in the                                                                                     possession of the NFC-enabled Nokia 6212
     news remarkably often announcing new                                                                                      Classic who have an account with a
     activities in the area of mobile payments.                                                                                participating Visa issuing bank will be able to
     Visa’s new developments follow rival                                                                                      make mobile payments via their Visa
     MasterCard’s launch this spring of a                                                                                      account, make mobile money transfers to
     handset-based money-transfer service                                                                                      other individuals with Visa accounts, receive
     with mobile payments services provider                                                                                    alerts related to Visa account transactions
     Obopay.                                                                                                                   and also opt to receive offers and discounts
     Visa announced new US mobile                                                                                              from merchants. Nokia and Visa first
     developments for Google’s Android platform,                             The G1. Photo courtesy of HTC                     demonstrated NFC technology in December
     services for Nokia next-generation handsets                                                                               2005 with the launch of the first large scale
     such as the NFC-enabled Nokia 6212 Classic                              P2P payments via mobile web                       NFC trial in the United States at the Philips
     phone, and also a person-to-person money                                browser                                           Arena in Atlanta. The long-term collaboration
     transfer payment pilot.                                                 In order to test handset-based P2P                between Nokia and Visa has already resulted
                                                                             payments, Visa and US Bank plan to launch         in multiple trials of Visa mobile payments
     Visa on Android
                                                                             a mobile money transfer pilot programme by        enabled through NFC technology on several
     Visa’s mobile software powered by Google's                              the end of 2008. The service will allow           continents. Pilots were conducted in United
     Android platform, a mobile operating system                             registered Visa cardholders in the US to use      States with Wells Fargo Bank, in Malaysia
     Google launched a week ago, will be                                     their mobile phones to send funds directly to     with Maybank and Maxis, in Taiwan with
     launched in the US by year-end and will                                 other registered Visa cardholders. The pilot is   Chinatrust Commercial Bank and Chunghwa
     initially only be available for Visa cardholders                        the first US-based trial testing mobile money     Telecom, and in London with Barclays Bank.
     from Chase bank. However, the payments                                  transfers between Visa accounts. Visa             Visa’s announced mobile financial services
     network expects more banks to sign on later.                            cardholders participating in this pilot will be   with partners such as Google and Nokia
     Visa will, at first, offer three services: Alerts,                      able to transfer money by using their mobile      shows that the payments network is taking
     Offers and Locator. With Alerts, Android                                browser to reach a secure website. The            important steps in developing future mobile
     users will be able to receive alerts about                              transferred funds will be credited directly to    financial services. However, Visa said nothing
     purchases via their mobile devices, based on                            the recipient's Visa account and the recipient    about cooperation with wireless carriers
     their preferences. The consumer will be able                            can then access the funds via a cash              which control both device and software
     to personalise the types of alerts delivered to                         withdrawal at an ATM or by making a               availability. Visa appears to copy
     their mobile device according to pre-selected                           purchase at any merchant that accepts Visa        MasterCard’s P2P mobile money transfer
     parameters, such as the size of transaction,                            products (subject to the recipient's bank's       initiative, a move which made MasterCard

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Mobile Payments Update - The Paypers
Mobile Payments Update
                                                                                                        Vol. 2, Week 40, 18 September - 02 October 2008

believe that they are on the right track when it   surveys also found that consumers are               low power requirements, are CMOS
comes to the development handset-based             worried about the security of mobile payment        compatible and have a read range similar to
money transfer services. The fact that             transactions and mobile banking applications.       other tags. The company is currently seeking
powerful parties like MasterCard and Visa          Verayo and Peratech’s announcements are             venture funding and it is not known when
venture into mobile payments and apparently        thus timely and welcome.                            commercial products will be launched.
believe in its future, makes it more likely that   Security and authentication systems provider        Clearly, RFID security is a subject that’s
mobile payments will get off in the future. The    Verayo has launched what it calls ‘the world’s      important to both consumers and the industry
immense financial resources these                  first unclonable chip’. The Vera X512H RFID         and I have no doubt we will be seeing more
companies can wield and their actual               chip is based on technology called Physical         products and solutions in the field of RFID
willingness to do so may boost mobile              Unclonable Functions (PUF). PUF technology          and NFC security this year.
payments adoption and confidence in mobile         is a type of electronic DNA or fingerprinting
payments solutions.                                technology for silicon chips that makes each
                                                   chip unclonable, the company says. This is          Large m-banking initiatives
RFID security concerns and
                                                   an ISO 14443-A compatible chip, and in              taking off
                                                   addition to PUF technology it includes a 64 bit
innovations                                        unique tag ID and 512 bit one time                  As mobile banking has been identified by
                                                   programmable memory. Verayo is targeting            many as a way to bring services to
Over the past months a number of media                                                                 unbanked in emerging economies, the
                                                   various industries with this anti-counterfeiting
reports have been published with                                                                       World Bank, NGOs and several companies
                                                   solution, including luxury brand goods,
unveiling security problems in RFID chips,                                                             have announced projects to bring mobile
                                                   pharmaceuticals, secure IDs and access
often featuring hackers decrypting or                                                                  banking to the poorer regions across the
cloning RFID tags. Two companies have                                                                  globe. Most recently, the Inter-American
this month announced innovations                   Peratech, a technology company based in the
                                                                                                       Development Bank also said it will
addressing these concerns. US-based                UK, has developed switches that are made
                                                                                                       support the development and
Verayo is touting an unclonable RFID chip          from ultra-thin pressure sensitive material
                                                                                                       implementation of mobile-banking
and Peratech from the UK has announced             which can be embedded in RFID chips,
                                                                                                       systems for unbanked people in Latin
a switch that can temporarily turn-off an          among other things. The solution is based on
RFID chip so that information is not               the company’s Quantum Tunnelling
                                                   Composites (QTCs) material and allows, for          In April, the World Bank announced it would
always being ‘broadcast’.
                                                   example, RFID chips to be read only if the          fund a national m-banking project in the
Privacy and fraud concerns related to NFC                                                              Maldives. This project seeks to create a
                                                   user is pressing on the switch. The switches
and RFID applications seem to be a hot issue                                                           national, interoperable payments platform
                                                   thin enough for them to be laminated inside
at the moment as evidenced by the number                                                               that allows users access to any bank account
                                                   RFID tags. This solution could ease concerns
of news items and initiatives related to RFID                                                          through their mobile phone and cashing
                                                   of identity theft and ‘leaking’ of information or
security. Initiatives such as the he US Federal                                                        through any agent. The project is a world first
                                                   payment details.
Trade Commission, which is currently                                                                   and is undertaken at the request of the
seeking comments on RFID privacy and data          In addition to these recent announcements,
                                                                                                       Maldivian government.
security for an upcoming workshop at end-          there are several other companies working on
                                                   RFID security solutions as well. Start-up           Additionally, the global microfinance resource
October to discuss consumer concerns. Also,
                                                   Veratag, for example, is currently working on       centre CGAP this month made a new four
last month the RFID Security Alliance was
                                                   RFID security technology but has not                year commitment to identify, fund, research
founded as a new resource for the industry,
                                                   commercially launched products as yet.              and champion technology enabled banking
aiming to drive market education and
                                                   Veratag’s solution is based on Micro-Electro-       services for 25 million people in 20 countries
discussion about security and privacy issues
                                                   Mechanical Systems (MEMS) which can be              by 2012. The commitment builds on more
surrounding the use of RFID technologies.
                                                   placed on RFID chips, making them                   than five years of work on mobile banking
Furthermore, on 26 September, the Canadian
                                                   unclonable, Veratag says. The company calls         and microfinance by the organisation. In that
Information and Privacy Commission
                                                   the devices MEMflakes and claims they have          time CGAP has advised and shaped projects
published a white paper on privacy that also
                                                   short read times, are cost effective, simple,       with a dozen providers in Asia, Africa and
looks at RFID applications and their security
                                                   invulnerable to conventional attacks, have          Latin America and conducted in-depth policy
issues. Over the past few months several
                                                                                                       assessments in 10 countries.
                                                                                                       Most recently, on 22 September, the Inter-
                                                                                                       American Development Bank (IDB) issued its
                                                                                                       call for proposals under the Bank’s “m-
                                                                                                       Banking for the unbanked” programme. The
                                                                                                       programme is implemented in cooperation
                                                                                                       with the GSM Association. The programme
                                                                                                       will provide to qualified teams of Mobile
                                                                                                       Network Operators (MNO) and partner banks
                                                                                                       financial and technical support for the
                                                                                                       development and implementation of a m-
                                                                                                       banking solution on a pilot or trial basis to
                                                                                                       verify the operational and financial viability of
  How PUF works. Image by Verayo.                                                                      a solution, or to support a full-scale launch.

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Mobile Payments Update - The Paypers
Mobile Payments Update
                                                                                                        Vol. 2, Week 40, 18 September - 02 October 2008

The selected projects will receive finance of        probably get the answer: ‘a lack of
up to 50 percent of the overall calculated           standardisation’ or ‘different stakeholders       News In Brief
costs, with a maximum amount granted per             pursue different solutions’. Standardisation
program of USD 150,000. The IDB plans to             bodies were established to overcome this          Europe
support at least five projects. Applications are     deadlock. The goal of these standardisation
open to companies and institutions from IDB          bodies: come up with a solution that works for    Sevenval deploys mobile banking
member countries in Latin America and the            all stakeholders, the most important being the
                                                                                                       portal for Netbank
Caribbean.                                           MNOs, the financial institutions and the
                                                                                                       Germany - German mobile applications
However, not only the World Bank, IDB and            mobile phone manufacturers.
                                                                                                       developer Sevenval has deployed a mobile
NGOs are looking into bringing m-banking to          The critical element in this matter is ‘the       banking portal for German internet bank
the unbanked. This year, money transfer              secure element’ which securely stores all         Netbank. The portal is based on Sevenval
services provider Obopay and Grameen                 payment related information. Whoever has          Mobile Platform and offers a simple interface
Solutions announced their ‘Bank A Billion’           control over the secure element, calls the        plus secure online banking features for all
initiative. The initiative aims to use mobile        shots in the whole mobile payment process,        mobile devices, while other European banks
technology to deliver banking services to a          and hence reaps the most benefits from            are currently using the platform as well for
billion of the world’s poorest people by 2018.       mobile payments. So it does not come as a         their mobile banking portal.
The initiative will provide access to affordable     surprise then, that the three most important
financial services, including cross-border           stakeholders on the supply side – we leave        Macalla powers tsb's mobile
remittances, money transfer, payments,               the demand side out of the equation, since        banking service
savings and credit accounts.                         merchants and consumers only want cheap           Ireland - Irish home loans provider and life
It seems that more and more companies and            and secure payment and don’t care who             insurance company Permanent Tsb has
organisations realise not only that m-banking        controls the secure element as long as these      picked Macalla's platform to launch a mobile
provides a real opportunity to people in             two conditions are met – want to control the      banking service. To register for the Text
poorer nations, but also that cooperation in         secure element. Financial institutions want       Banking service, users should access
this field is important. It will be interesting to   the secure element on a Universal Integrated      Permanent tsb's Open24 service, supply their
see what the results will be of the national m-      Circuit Card (UICC or SIM) which only they        mobile phone number and provider, whether
banking platform in the Maldives, the new            control, MNOs want to let space on the SIM        the account is pre- or post-paid and nominate
projects in Latin America and the Bank A             they control, and mobile phone                    their default permanent tsb account. Then
Billion initiative. No doubt, these projects will    manufacturers want the secure element to be       they will receive a 5-digit security access
provide learnings for financial institutions and     an integral part of the mobile phone.             code by SMS. Customers will use this code to
mobile operators in developed countries as           Standardisation bodies thus have the              confirm any future transactions. Tsb Text
well.                                                daunting task to align these (and other)          Banking users can request a balance enquiry
                                                     stakeholders and come up with universal           or a mini statement, transfer funds between
                                                     standards. At least, that should be their task.   own permanent tsb accounts, pay utility bills,
Standardisation bodies act                           The MNOs have put forward the GSMA as a
                                                                                                       make mobile top-ups, receive text alerts if a
as lobbyists                                                                                           lodgement of EUR 1,500 or more has been
                                                     standardisation body to defend their interests.
                                                                                                       made or if a withdrawal of a minimum EUR
                                                     Similarly, the financial institutions have the
With Mobey Forum’s recent research adds                                                                1,000 has been made.
                                                     Mobey Forum, which defends the interests of
another voice to the discussion about who
                                                     the financial institutions and proposes
will control the secure element. Several                                                               Mobiqa, Mticket offer m-tickets at
                                                     standards that favour banks.
standardisation bodies are pursuing their                                                              Masters Madrid
own solution, lobbying hard with little              The phone manufacturers have the NFC              Spain - UK provider of mobile ticketing
headway towards a global standard being              Forum, which proposes NFC standards that,         technology Mobiqa has teamed up with
made.                                                predictably, champion the solution that           Mticket, Mobiqa's exclusive partner for Spain,
                                                     integrates the secure element in the mobile       to offer tennis fans the opportunity to enter
Mobey Forum recently presented interesting
                                                     telephone. To complicate things further,          the Madrid Masters using mobi-tickets on
research which examines business models
                                                     independent standardisation bodies like ETSI      their mobile phones. Mobile tickets are
for sharing the security resources of a mobile
                                                     and ISO as well as EMVCo also have their          available online at mutuamad-
phone’s SIM. Mobey Forum is an industry
                                                     say in the discussion.                   A mobi-ticket contains a
forum dominated by financial institutions. Not
surprisingly, the solutions they investigate are     As long as standardisation bodies only            unique barcode and information about the
all aimed ‘to provide direct links between           function as an extension of the stakeholders      match and is redeemed at the venue by
banks and their customers – irrespective of          they represent, they don’t have any added         scanning the mobile phone display with a
the mobile networks users subscribe to’. In          value over stakeholders quarrelling between       standard scanner. The mobi-ticket can also
other words: the banks should have the               themselves over who is to control the secure      be used as coupon or voucher for food.
immediate contact with the consumer                  element.
regarding mobile payments, dis-                                                                        Financial institutions, Visa,
intermediating the Mobile Network Operator                                                             Swisscom trial NFC payments
(MNO).                                                                                                 Switzerland - Swiss financial institutions
                                                                                                       Credit Suisse, PostFinance, Swisscard,
Ask an expert what he or she thinks is the
                                                                                                       partner with Swiss payment providers
most pressing issue that prevents mobile
                                                                                                       Swisscard, Telekur Multipay, Visa Europe
payments from really hitting off, and you’ll

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Mobile Payments Update
                                                                                                      Vol. 2, Week 40, 18 September - 02 October 2008

and Swisscom to trial contactless payments         UK Data Select launches mobile-                    Other UK banks such as Barclays, Abbey
with mobile phones and credit cards, reports       based security service                            and Alliance & Leicester are also offering
Netzwoche Ticker. The Visa payWave trial           United Kingdom - UK Mobile Managed                paid SMS services. But other institutions,
uses NFC technology to transfer payments           Services, a division of UK distributor of         such as Royal Bank of Scotland, offer text
between credit cards, mobile phones and            mobile phones Data Select, has launched           message alerts for free and have no plans to
cash registers. The payments will be charged       Accode, a security service that uses the          start charging users in the near future.
like normal credit card payments. The trial        mobile phone to protect companies' corporate      According to independent research carried
runs between September and November of             networks or portals. The service was built in     out by Lloyds TSB with 2,000 adult mobile
this year, enabling 150 employees of the           partnership with mobile money services            users, 60 percent would like a facility to keep
participating companies to pay with an NFC-        provider Monitise and it is based on the same     tabs on their money, while 52 percent would
enabled mobile phone in restaurants around         technology used in Monitise's mobile banking      like to be able to move funds between
Switzerland.                                       service, Monilink, offering SMEs and              accounts and 36 per cent believe that mobile
                                                   enterprises the same level of security that       banking would help them manage their
Ukash vouchers bought via m-                       has been adopted by the UK's banks. The           finances more efficiently. Nonetheless, UK
payments double                                    service works by using a security application     mobile users are the most reluctant to use
United Kingdom - UK online cash payment            on customers' mobile phones to create a one       their device to bank online, according to
provider Ukash reveals that the number of          time passcode (OTP), which is then entered        research from Unisys.
vouchers bought via mobile phones have             into users existing VPN clients on their
doubled every month in the last year. The          laptops in place of their existing password.      Asus strikes m-commerce deal
company also announced that one in five            Each passcode is only used once, removing         with 2Shop4
Ukash vouchers are now purchased with a            the threat presented by malicious 'phishing' or   United Kingdom - Asus has signed a text &
mobile phone. Ukash launched UkashMobile           Trojan attacks. The service can be set-up         shop partnership agreement with m-
vouchers in December 2007, allowing                over the air and does not require employees       commerce venture 2Shop4. 2Shop4 currently
customers with a bank account and an               to carry another piece of hardware whenever       enables users to buy goods via a SMS while
internet enabled mobile phone to get               they need to connect to their company             on the move. Scheduled for launch in
vouchers anytime using their mobile. Mobile        network. The service is also fully managed by     November, the new m-commerce
phone users can access the Ukash Mobile            Mobile Managed Services.                          development is expected to allow products to
web page to order an Ukash voucher. Users                                                            be sold directly through advertisements or
pay a GBP 1 surcharge to receive a GBP 10          UK Lloyds TSB offers expanded                     direct marketing. 2shop4 aims to enable
voucher directly to their mobile phone. The        mobile banking service                            users to buy goods and services using their
value of the GBP 11 plus any operator costs        United Kingdom - UK financial institution         mobile phone, via 2shop4 'Buy-Now' adverts.
for accessing the internet is debited from the     Lloyds TSB will offer a new mobile banking        The 'Buy-Now' text system turns adverts,
user's mobile phone bill, regardless of            package called Mobile Service starting from       magazines, posters, digital, interactive
whether they are a contract or prepay              mid-October. The service was developed            medium into a direct sales tool via mobile
customer. At present, Ukash Mobile is only         together with Monitise's mobile banking           phone SIM&PIN. 2shop4 provides brand
available on the Vodafone network in the UK.       service Monilink and sits on the banking          owners with a 'Buy-Now' shopping mall, via
                                                   network of UK payments processor Vocalink.        texting 'Brandwords'. The brand owner
Everyman Cinema Club launches                      With Mobile Service, Lloyds TSB customers         selects their key 'Brandword/s' for SIM&PIN
mobile ticketing service                           will be able to monitor and manage their          texting, while consumers can text the
United Kingdom - The UK's Everyman                 money using their mobile phones, receive          Brandword/s and the goods or services are
Cinema Club has started offering a mobile          SMS alerts about their finances and also          purchased and delivered. Initially to be
ticketing service together with mobile ticketing   move money instantly between Lloyds TSB           launched in the UK, 2shop4's enterprise level
services provider Mobiqa and Vista                 accounts through a mobile banking                 software will be global by end-2009. The
Entertainment Solutions. The service was           application. Customers will also be able to       2shop4 software is compatible with all mobile
launched at eight Everyman venues which            view their account balances, check their last     phone networks worldwide. 2shop4's 'Buy-
include Screen on Baker Street, Screen on          six transactions and receive overdraft            Now' text system has been developed by
The Hill, Screen on The Green, Screen at           warnings via text alerts. On top of that, users   Saatchi & Saatchi, and 2shop4 is in talks with
Oxted, Screen at Reigate, Screen at Walton-        will be able to top up their mobile phone         over 1,000 retailers and service providers to
on-Thames and Screen at Winchester.                credit direct from their current account.         deploy its software.
Everyman customers can buy mobi-tickets            Mobile banking customers will need to
online at Mobi-            provide a six-digit pass code in order to view    WISeKey develops m-payment
tickets are SMS text messages that contain a       or move money between accounts. However,          platform for Mediterranean region
unique barcode and information about the           the bank does not intend to offer the             Europe - E-security infrastructure provider
film time, screen and seating. Customers           possibility of setting up direct debits or        WISeKey will develop an m-payments
have to present their mobi-tickets at the          making one-off payments via mobiles. Lloyds       platform, initially targeting over 100 million
cinema where it is scanned by staff to allow       TSB Premier and Private Banking Premier           people in the Mediterranean region still
entry to the film. Mobi-tickets can also double    account customers will receive the services       unbanked but already connected via voice
as vouchers or coupons that enable                 for free, while other customers will pay a        with their mobiles phones. WISeKey plans to
customers to purchase for food and drinks.         monthly fee of EUR 3.14 (GBP 2.50). The           provide the m-payments technology required
                                                   service is also offered for free to student       to operate a Mobile Payment Telco Platform
                                                   account holders until October 2009.               in selected geographical areas in partnership
                                                                                                     with financial institutions, telecommunications

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Mobile Payments Update
                                                                                                       Vol. 2, Week 40, 18 September - 02 October 2008

and technology companies in the region. In        for extending this facility to customers. Banks     service before the end of 2008. Through
addition, WISeKey will also participate in the    must file Suspected Transaction Report              Firethorn's mobile banking service, bank
launch of the 'I am Mediterranean' project,       (STR) to the Financial Intelligence Unit –          customers can check account balances, view
expected to create an online community of         India (FID-IND) for mobile banking                  transaction details and transfer funds. On top
nearly 150 million citizens. The initiative is    transactions.                                       of that, users will be able to check their
expected to provide access to all citizens of                                                         account history and to make account balance
the region from the hub in Malaga to a wide                                                           inquiries through SMS. Future capabilities will
variety of citizen services aiming to promote     North America                                       include more advanced mobile transactions
the millennial common identity and culture.                                                           and mobile commerce. Firethorn's
                                                  RBC Royal Bank launches mobile                      collaboration with Fifth Third Processing
                                                                                                      Solutions may also lead to Firethorn bringing
                                                  money transfer pilot
Asia                                              Canada - German mobile payments services
                                                                                                      traditional and non-traditional transactions to
                                                                                                      Fifth Third's 20 million cardholders and
                                                  provider Paybox announced that its Money
Obopay India teams up with Tagit                                                                      numerous other financial institutions through
                                                  Mobiliser mobile payment technology is being
                                                                                                      the Jeanie Network, as well as through direct
for mobile banking                                tested by Canadian RBC Royal Bank, in its
                                                                                                      connection to other debit and credit card
India - Mobile payments service provider          RBC Mobex mobile payment service. The
Obopay India has entered into a strategic         new service allows customers to send and
alliance with Singapore-based mobile              receive money from their mobile phones.
                                                                                                      ClairMail provides mobile banking
commerce company Tagit to create a                Customers participating in the trial send a text
                                                                                                      service to Citi Bank
common mobile banking infrastructure for          message to RBC Mobex with the CAD
                                                                                                      United States - Citi Bank community bank in
banks, telecom companies and other financial      amount and the recipient's mobile phone
                                                                                                      Texas has selected ClairMail to power its new
institutions. Tagit will integrate its MoBEIX     number. Amounts of up to CAD 100 per day
                                                                                                      mobile banking offering. ClairMail's mobile
transaction platform with Obopay's person-to      can be sent to anyone with a mobile phone
                                                                                                      banking and payments service delivers two-
person payment platform. Tagit will also          serviced by any Canadian mobile carrier,
                                                                                                      way mobile banking and payments
provide the necessary software development        even if they do not have an RBC Mobex
                                                                                                      functionality on all mobile phones across all
and support services for specific projects        account. Recipients receive an SMS alert on
                                                                                                      three user interface types, namely
requiring development of customised               their mobile phone to notify them that money
                                                                                                      messaging, mobile web and client
applications for Obopay's customers.              has been sent to them. Still, recipients have
                                                                                                      applications, known as the 'two-way triple
                                                  to register for the payment service in order to
Reserve Bank of India updates                                                                         play'. The ClairMail System is certified to
                                                  access their funds. The RBC Mobex account
                                                                                                      interface with Citi Banks' banking systems
mobile banking guidelines                         is a stored value account and enrolment is
                                                                                                      and numerous other third-party core
India - The Reserve Bank of India has             made through the RBC Mobex website,
                                                                                                      processing and online banking systems. With
updated its 'Mobile Banking transactions in       where users can load money to their RBC
                                                                                                      ClairMail's two-way mobile banking and
India - Operative Guidelines for Banks'.          Mobex accounts from any Canadian bank
                                                                                                      payments services, Citi Bank customers can
According to the new guidelines, a per-           account or from their credit card. For amounts
                                                                                                      access account information and conduct
transaction limit of INR 2,500 (EUR 37.64 will    of over CAD 25, senders receive a call on
                                                                                                      transactions by using their mobile phone's
be imposed on all mobile banking                  their mobile phone to verify the transaction
                                                                                                      existing messaging (SMS) software and
transactions subject to an overall cap of INR     with a PIN. Participants will be able to
                                                                                                      mobile web capabilities, regardless of the
5,000 per day, per customer. Banks may also       remotely track and manage their RBC Mobex
                                                                                                      device's manufacturer, model, operating
put in place monthly transaction limits           account directly from their mobile phones or
                                                                                                      system or wireless carrier. The ClairMail
depending on the bank's own risk perception       through the RBC Mobex website to check
                                                                                                      System also incorporates a powerful Event
of the customer. Only banks which have            balances, view payment history and add
                                                                                                      Engine which can process hundreds of
implemented core banking services will be         funds. There are no additional fees to use the
                                                                                                      thousands of transactions every minute from
permitted to provide mobile banking services,     service, however users are subject to any
                                                                                                      Citi Banks' back-end systems, including credit
the Financial Express reports from the            regular bank or mobile carrier charges and
                                                                                                      card and core processing, and enable
guidelines. Another requirement is that banks     fees they might have in place. The trial will
                                                                                                      customer-defined 2-way actionable alerts. Citi
need to be licensed and supervised in India       run until January 2009.
                                                                                                      Bank customers can subscribe to two-way
as well as have a physical presence in India.
                                                  Fifth Third Processing to resell                    alerts such as deposit confirmations,
The services will be restricted to customers of
                                                                                                      withdrawal confirmations and overdraft alerts.
banks and holders of debit/credit cards           Firethorn products
                                                                                                      Alerts can also be sent when interest is paid
issued after RBI's present guidelines. RBI        United States - US mobile commerce
                                                                                                      to a checking account in Citi Bank's flagship
guidelines also require banks to install a        services provider Firethorn Holdings, a
                                                                                                      Reward Checking product.
system of document-based registration with        subsidiary of Qualcomm, has signed an
mandatory physical presence of their              agreement with Fifth Third Processing
                                                                                                      Sprint features PayPal m-banking
customers, before launching a mobile              Solutions to bring mobile banking services to
banking service. Only rupee-based domestic        Fifth Third's 2,880 financial institutions. Under
                                                                                                      United States - US mobile operator Sprint
services will be provided, while use of mobile    the deal, Fifth Third Processing Solutions will
                                                                                                      has launched online payment network
banking services for cross-border transfers is    deploy Firethorn's mobile application to offer
                                                                                                      PayPal's mobile payments application
strictly prohibited. Banks may also use the       Firethorn's products to its processing financial
                                                                                                      MyMoneyManager. The downloadable
services of Business Correspondents               institutions clients. Fifth Third Processing
                                                                                                      application is designed to enable Sprint
appointed in compliance with RBI guidelines,      Solutions plans to commercially launch the
                                                                                                      customers with Citibank, BB&T, IBC and PNC

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Mobile Payments Update
                                                                                                       Vol. 2, Week 40, 18 September - 02 October 2008

Bank accounts to use their mobile phones to       enjoys the cover for the next 24 hours. The         phone bill. The system is already being used
conduct banking operations, including check       cover is available to persons aged between          by several Facebook application providers.
balances, pay bills, find nearby branches and     18 years and 80. "Consumers want products           The system is a hosted payment application
ATMs, as well as send money to recipients         that are available to them wherever they are.       specifically for micro-payment on the internet.
worldwide. Additionally, Sprint plans to          That is why we think it is innovative to use the    Customers enter their mobile number in the
preload MyMoneyManager on phones and              mobile phone to revolutionize how insurance         application at the time they buy an application
include additional banks and other financial      is sold in Kenya," said Virginiah Magondu,          or widget, the Zong application then sends a
service providers. IBC is also offering a         Kenya Orient's GM. Kenya Orient said it will        PIN number to the customer's mobile phone
bilingual version of the mobile banking           seek to market the product in rural areas           which is then entered into the payment
application, with support for English and         where it will compete with more formal              application. The charge will then be billed on
Spanish. To use the application, Sprint           products.                                           the customer's mobile phone bill. Zong is a
customers should access the operator's                                                                division of Echovox, a multinational mobile
webpage for download instructions for             New institute to explore how                        media solutions provider.
participating banks, after which they can         world's poor use mobile banking
access their bank's website to register and       World - The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation         FSTC completes first phase of
start the application download process.           has donated USD 1.7 million to the University       mobile payments project
MyMoneyManager is available free of charge        of California Irvine (UCI) for the creation of a    World - The Financial Services Technology
to Sprint data subscribers with a data pack or    new research institute focused on the               Consortium (FSTC) has completed the initial
bundled voice plan that includes data.            growing use of mobile technology in providing       phase of its Mobile Payments Technology
MyMoneyManager leverages mFoundry's               banking and financial services to people in         Project. The group is examining various
mobile financial platform which currently         developing countries. The foundation will           technology models supporting mobile
enables mobile banking, peer-to-peer              provide funding for the institute through           payments and expects to make
payments and brokerage. The platform is           August 2011. The Institute for Money,               recommendations that will facilitate an
also designed to enable Sprint to add new         Technology and Financial Inclusion will             interoperable mobile payments infrastructure
components to MyMoneyManager in the               explore how the world's poorest people              in the near future. Over 30 organisations
future, including stored value, international     spend, store and save money. The institute          including banks, technology providers,
remittances, NFC contactless payments,            will study how these habits are affected by         government agencies, clearing houses and
coupons and other mobile wallet services.         the emerging mobile banking industry, which         industry think tanks joined forces during the
                                                  could make financial services and the               4.5-month start-up phase. The first phase
                                                  security they provide available to millions of      focused on researching, documenting and
World                                             poor people for the first time. It also will fund   organising current technology and evolving
                                                  research in developing countries, host              capabilities in today's mobile payments
Yedioth deploys UpCode's mobile                   conferences and provide scholarships to             arena. To accomplish this, a FSTC team
                                                  those who conduct such research. An archive         divided itself into four functional work groups,
access, interaction platform
                                                  on the emerging mobile banking industry for         namely the Network/Handsets Work Group,
Israel - UpCode and Israeli media company
                                                  use by researchers in the US and around the         the Architecture Group, the Application Team
Yedioth Ahronoth have partnered on
                                                  world also is also being planned. UCI               and the Security Work Group. Phase II of the
interactive media. Yedioth plans to engage
                                                  anthropologist Bill Maurer will serve as the        initiative will be a four-month exercise
users through various services by scanning
                                                  institute's founding director. Although there is    targeting security and architecture priorities,
Ycodes powered by UpCode with their mobile
                                                  increasing activity in the mobile banking           while during a third phase the team will
phones on print. Users can view mobile
                                                  industry, there is surprisingly little known        develop standards recommendations for
content on their devices, as well as access
                                                  about the impact of these new systems such          transaction formats and security aimed at
various applications and services. Apart from
                                                  as Safaricom Kenya's service, which provides        supporting interoperability and facilitating
hyperlinks in the codes, the service integrates
                                                  phone-to-phone fund transfers via text              adoption. The FSTC is working closely with
advanced CRM and mobile payment tools.
                                                  message. This is especially true among poor         official industry standards bodies including
Orient pioneers mobile insurance                  people and the so-called 'last billion' who are     participation of overlapping team members
                                                  hardest to reach because they live in remote        working on both the FSTC project and mobile
                                                  areas. The Institute for Money, Technology          payments standards committees. The project
Kenya - A mobile phone-enabled personal
                                                  and Financial Inclusion will be housed in           series is expected to continue into 2009 and
accident insurance cover for death and
                                                  UCI's School of Social Sciences where               the final phase is targeted to complete in the
permanent disability has been launched. The
                                                  Maurer chairs the anthropology department.          third quarter with recommendations submitted
24-hour cover for KES 100,000 is activated
                                                  He is widely known for his research on the          to the 18-month ANSI initiative for setting
through SMS for KES 30 a day. The
                                                  anthropology of money, finance, law and             standards around mobile payments.
promoter, Kenya Orient Insurance Company,
                                                  property. The institute was officially launched
hopes the product will attract interest from
                                                  on 19 September.                                    Over 100 mln mobile users to
tourists and locals going on long-distance
                                                                                                      transfer money abroad by 2013
trips. People engaged in outdoor ventures
                                                  Zong launches hosted micro-                         World - Over 100 million users globally will
like mountain climbing, mining and
                                                  payments system                                     use their mobile phones for international
construction are also expected to find the
                                                  World - US-based start-up Zong has                  money transfers by 2013, according to a new
product relevant. The premium is paid
                                                  launched its mobile payments system                 study by Juniper Research. Currently in an
through an SMS. Once the company certifies
                                                  allowing application developers and web             incipient phase, these cross-border mobile
the recipient of the payment, the beneficiary
                                                  publishers to bill customers via their mobile       money transfers are expected to upsurge

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Mobile Payments Update
                                                                                                     Vol. 2, Week 40, 18 September - 02 October 2008

over the next two to three years, especially      these companies are creating a platform and       Contactless Payments Council
on migration routes such as                       global network for integrated prepaid and         expands to include m-payments
Philippines/Middle East and Mexico/US. The        mobile payments products. MPower's                World - The Smart Card Alliance's
report also predicts that mobile international    products will bring underserved consumers         Contactless Payments Council will expand its
transfers will increase in frequency as users     around the world a broad range of financial       focus to include NFC and mobile payments.
become more accustomed to the process,            services, including the ability to deposit and    The extended entity will be called the
exceeding one per month by 2013 on                withdraw funds, transfer funds, make              Contactless and Mobile Payments Council.
average globally. The opportunity for national    purchases and accept payments. According          The Council aims to provide contactless and
and international money transfer services         to MPower, 2 billion consumers worldwide          mobile payment educational resources that
providers is estimated to exceed USD 5            lack access to basic financial services,          will be most beneficial to the industry.
billion by 2013. The same study forecasts         including nearly 50 percent of citizens in new    Upcoming merchant projects include an ROI
that the top three regions, namely Western        EU member states, 70 percent of the               model and profiles on retailers accepting
Europe, North America and Africa & Middle         population in Mexico and places like              contactless payments. The Contactless and
East, will account for more than 75 percent of    Tanzania where bank account ownership             Mobile Payments Council comprises over 120
the global international mobile money transfer    rates are as low as 5 percent. In a related       members from 48 organizations, including
gross transaction value by 2013.                  announcement this week, MPower Ventures           card issuers, payment brands, merchants,
                                                  fulfilled its 2007 commitment to CGI with the     financial payment processors, terminal
MobiHand powers CrackBerry on-                    launch of the Empowerment Lab at the              vendors, card manufacturers, chip vendors,
device BlackBerry app store                       Center for International Development at           systems integrators/consultants and
World - Internet community for BlackBerry         Harvard. The Empowerment Lab supports             personalisation bureaus. New officers and a
enthusiasts CrackBerry has partnered e-           research between academics and the private        steering committee were elected in July,
commerce software provider MobiHand to            sector to accelerate the creation of innovative   including Deborah Baxley, IBM (chair), John
launch an enhanced on-device app store for        services for extending financial markets to the   Suchanec, Bank of America (Vice chair), and
BlackBerry smartphone users. The on-device        global poor. The Clinton Global Initiative        Mohammad Khan, Vivotech (secretary).
store enables users to access thousands of        (CGI) convenes global leaders to devise and
applications compatible with their specific       implement innovative services to some of the
phone by best-sellers, new, updated, free and     world's most pressing challenges.
discounted categories. The store will
integrate with BlackBerry Wallet to ease          Cellpoint enhances mPoint
purchases. Once they register, users can          enterprise m-payment system
purchase applications and have them               World - Mobile services provider Cellpoint
delivered over-the-air within seconds.            Mobile has added advanced features to its
Additionally, to mark the launch of the new       enterprise mobile payment system targeting
store, and MobiHand have           enterprises who plan to launch mobile
rolled out their largest MobileHeist event up     payment services. The added features
to now, offering 25 top-selling BlackBerry        include a one-click mobile phone pay and a
applications for USD 9.95, with discounts of      premium SMS auto analysis and settlement
up to 70 percent. The MobileHeist will be         tool to improve m-commerce and mobile
available at the on-device CrackBerry App         payment use. The upgraded mPoint payment
Store until 29 September. MobiHand further        system now features one-click stored credit
plans to launch similar co-branded on-device      card transactions and automatic transaction
AppStores for other smartphone platforms          analysis and settlement system, a tool for use
including Android, Symbian, Palm and              with micro payment services based on
Windows Mobile.                                   Premium SMS. It can also handle payments
                                                  via credit-based, coupon-based and loyalty
MPower extends support for                        point-based transactions. Cellpoint Mobile's
Clinton Global Initiative                         one-click mobile phone pay is designed to
World - MPower Ventures, venture fund that        enable companies to use stored credit card
invests in financial services companies           details for quick mobile payment transactions.
targeting underserved markets, has made a         Customers should text a keyword to a short
five-year commitment to the Clinton Global        code, then enter their password to confirm
Initiative (CGI), to deliver financial services   the purchase and process the sale. The
such as prepaid cards and mobile payments         Premium SMS Analysis Tool is a built-in
to at least 5 million consumers worldwide.        automated reporting and settlement
MPower Ventures plans to expand financial         application designed to enable companies to
services markets to the underserved through       use mobile payment as a fully integrated
investments in its global network of payment      payment method. It also includes premium
companies for underserved markets, Rev            SMS auditing and consolidation capabilities.
Worldwide, and its international mobile
payments company MPower Mobile.
Together with the incubator for MPower
Ventures' investment portfolio, MPower Labs,

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Mobile Payments Update
                                                                                                                                           Vol. 2, Week 40, 18 September - 02 October 2008

Company Index
2shop4 ....................................................... 2     Mobile Managed Services ..........................1                 Sevenval .................................................... 1
Asus ........................................................... 2   Mobiqa........................................................1     Sprint.......................................................... 3
Cellpoint ..................................................... 5    Monilink ..................................................1, 2     Swisscom................................................... 1
ClairMail ..................................................... 3    Monitise ......................................................1    Tagit ........................................................... 2
Data Select ................................................ 1       Mticket ........................................................1   Telco ...................................................... 2, 7
Facebook ................................................... 4       Obopay.......................................................2      Ukash......................................................... 1
Firethorn .................................................... 3     Palm ...........................................................4   Visa ............................................................ 1
IBM............................................................. 5   PayPal ........................................................3    Vodafone.................................................... 1
Macalla....................................................... 1     Qualcomm ..................................................3        Zong........................................................... 4
MobiHand .................................................. 4        Safaricom ...................................................4

Next Generation Billing and                                          IT & Banking                                                        Next generation payments 2008
Customer Management                                                  November 18, 2008 - Amsterdam -                                     December 16, 2008 - Amsterdam -
November 5, 2008 - Amsterdam -                                       Netherlands, Euroforum                                              Netherlands, IIR
Netherlands, Jacob Fleming Conferences
                                                                     Mobile & NFC Payment Strategies                                     Near Field Communications World
Mobile Money Transfer 2008                                           November 24, 2008 - Budapest - Hungary,                             Europe 2009
November 10, 2008 - Dubai - United Arab                              IIR                                                                 April 14, 2009 - London - United Kingdom,
Emirates, Clarion Events Ltd.                                                                                                            Terrapinn

                                                                                               8 of 9
Mobile Payments Update
                                                                                                           Vol. 2, Week 40, 18 September - 02 October 2008

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