MINNESOTA HISTORY BUILDING A LEGACY - Report to the Governor and the Legislature on Funding for History Programs and Projects Supported by the ...

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MINNESOTA HISTORY BUILDING A LEGACY - Report to the Governor and the Legislature on Funding for History Programs and Projects Supported by the ...
January 2023


Report to the Governor and the Legislature on Funding
for History Programs and Projects Supported by the
Legacy Amendment’s Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund
MINNESOTA HISTORY BUILDING A LEGACY - Report to the Governor and the Legislature on Funding for History Programs and Projects Supported by the ...
                                                                     MNHS DIRECTOR AND CEO
                                                                     The year 2023 marks 15 years since Minnesota
                                                                     voters passed the Clean Water, Land and Legacy
                                                                     Amendment, providing 25 years of committed support
                                                                     for Minnesota’s natural, historic, and cultural resources.
                                                                     What a remarkable 15 years it has been.

                                                                     Support for Minnesota’s historic and cultural resources
                                                                     has reached every corner of the state through
                                                                     engaging programs, innovative partnerships, more than
                                                                     3,000 meaningful grants, exciting exhibits, extensive
                                                                     digitization projects, and so much more. Legacy
                                                                     funding and the results of this investment are a model
                                                                     for the nation, ensuring better informed citizens of
                                                                     Minnesota communities, the state, and the world.

Whether it is students participating–and taking top honors–in National History Day or celebrating the
digitization of five million newspaper pages for Minnesotans to access and research on the Digital Newspaper
Hub, this report shares the many ways history is at work in our state.

Should you have time to read this far-reaching report in detail or simply peruse its pages, we hope you enjoy
learning more about our state’s ongoing efforts to preserve and share Minnesota history. Make sure to check
out some quick reads of standout legacy projects on pages one and two.

Thanks to Legacy funds, Minnesota history continues to be examined, preserved, and shared in more ways and
in greater depth than ever before.

We are grateful to the Legislature, the Governor, and the people of Minnesota for their continued support of
history through the Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund.

Thank you,

Kent Whitworth, director and CEO

Cover: Art Speaks gallery at the Minnesota History Center, St. Paul; Historic Brainerd Water Tower, Brainerd (Photo: Steve Kohls
/ Brainerd Dispatch); Hackensack Conservation Building, Birch Lake in Hackensack; First Congregational Church of Minnesota,
Minneapolis; Susie Clark and friends (Ojibwe), Mille Lacs, approx. 1916, Minnesota Digital Library, (Photo: Stella Prince Stocker).
MINNESOTA HISTORY BUILDING A LEGACY - Report to the Governor and the Legislature on Funding for History Programs and Projects Supported by the ...
Art Speaks at the Minnesota History Center
The art collection at the Minnesota Historical Society
is the most comprehensive collection of Minnesota
art in the world with more than 7,000 works and
counting. Art Speaks, an exhibit at the Minnesota
History Center from February through July, shared
more than 160 paintings, sculptures, photos, and
more collected over the past 15 years. The exhibit
featured four interrelated themes playing to the
collection’s historic strengths rooted in portraiture
and landscapes and works that highlight the
strengths of visual arts in Minnesota – all while
stirring viewers’ imaginations and encouraging
Minnesotans to have a closer look at history as
reflected in art.

Women of the Big Lake / Misi-zagaa’iganii-ikwewag
A new exhibit at the Mille Lacs Indian Museum and
Trading Post celebrates the women of the big lake and
their lasting contributions to American Indian Arts.
Women of the Big Lake / Misi-zagaa’iganii-ikwewag is
a story of adaptation and resilience, commemorating
the lives, achievements, and legacies of Mille Lacs
Band members Margaret Hill, Maude Kegg, Cheryl
Minnema, and Batiste Sam. These four remarkable
women retained cultural practices and values in the
face of adversity, while staying connected to their
homeland. Through their arts, writings, and teachings,
their cultural knowledge will be passed onto future
generations of Anishinaabeg. The exhibit is currently
open to the public.

Taking Top Honors at National History Day
The week-long, 2022 National History Day
competition ended in June with a dramatic awards
ceremony featuring students from Elk River, Duluth,
and more. Minnesota’s 65 competitors took home
an array of awards including one silver medal, one
bronze medal, a special prize, and several other top
finishers based on this year’s theme, “Debate and
Diplomacy: Successes, Failures, Consequences.”
Minnesota’s delegation included students in grades
six through 12 from around the state, who competed
against students from across the nation. The
students presented exhibits, papers, documentaries,
performances, and websites representing months
of research and work. Due to COVID-19, the 2022
National History Day contest moved online for the
third year with the award ceremony shared via a
livestream from the National History Day website at

                                                 mnhs.org/legacy   1
MINNESOTA HISTORY BUILDING A LEGACY - Report to the Governor and the Legislature on Funding for History Programs and Projects Supported by the ...
Righting a Wrong: Japanese Americans and
World War II, at the Minnesota History Center,
April 23-July 3
Embracing themes that are as relevant today as
they were 75 years ago, the Smithsonian traveling
exhibition Righting a Wrong: Japanese Americans
and World War II at the Minnesota History Center
examined the complex history of immigration,
prejudice, civil rights, heroism, and what it means
to be an American. Through historical images,
personal stories and objects, the exhibition shared
the complicated history and impact of Executive
Order 9066 that led to the incarceration of Japanese
Americans following the attack on Pearl Harbor.

Legacy Grant Revs Up Fire Station No. 24
Fire Station No. 24, located on a corner in the
Minnehaha-Hiawatha Corridor, was staffed
exclusively by African Americans from 1907-1912,
the only such fire station in Minneapolis history.
The building was created as part of a broader
expansion of the fire department throughout the
city, segregating African American employees. The
City of Minneapolis Community Planning & Economic
Development department received a $10,000 Legacy
Grant to hire a qualified historian to complete a
local historic designation study. This designation
will help ensure the preservation of this historically
significant property and its association with events
that exemplify broad patterns of cultural, political,
and social history in Minnesota.

A Jewel in Belview: Historic Odeon Hall
Roof Restoration
The year 2021 marked the 120th anniversary of the
Odeon Theatre located on Main Street in downtown
Belview. The historic theater was built to host
community events and to this day, continues to
be a gathering place each month. It is where the
community meets and is a tangible touchstone for
local history, bringing economic benefits to downtown
and a wider community to enjoy the theater. The
roof repairs restoration, made possible by a $198,800
Legacy Grant, included critical work to stabilize the
historic structure and retain the features of its Queen
Anne architectural style, which brings additional
aesthetic benefit to the community. Today, Odeon
Theatre is once again a jewel in downtown Belview.
MINNESOTA HISTORY BUILDING A LEGACY - Report to the Governor and the Legislature on Funding for History Programs and Projects Supported by the ...
INTRODUCTION .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  4

ACHF HISTORY APPROPRIATIONS LANGUAGE  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  9

REPORT ON MINNESOTA HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL HERITAGE GRANTS .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 11
(Organized by Legislative District)

REPORT OF STATEWIDE HISTORY PROGRAMS  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  29

REPORT OF HISTORY PARTNERSHIPS .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  37
      Partnerships with the Minnesota Historical Society
      Heritage Partnership Program

REPORT OF OTHER STATEWIDE INITIATIVES  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 43
      Statewide Survey of Historical and Archaeological Sites
      Minnesota Digital Library

Above: Jackson Street Water Tower Restoration, Elk River.

                                                                                                                                                                       mnhs.org/legacy   3
MINNESOTA HISTORY BUILDING A LEGACY - Report to the Governor and the Legislature on Funding for History Programs and Projects Supported by the ...
            On November 4, 2008, Minnesota voters approved the Clean Water, Land, and Legacy Amendment to
            preserve and enhance some of the most important elements of our state. This amendment to the Minnesota
            Constitution, often referred to as the “Legacy Amendment,” created four funds, one of which is the Arts and
            Cultural Heritage Fund (ACHF).

            The Legacy Amendment mandates that a portion of the ACHF be used “to preserve Minnesota’s history and
            cultural heritage” (Minnesota Constitution, Article XI, Sec. 15). Each January, the Minnesota Historical Society
            (MNHS) is required to submit an annual report to the governor and legislature detailing expenditures it has
            made from the ACHF.

            This report details all ACHF grants awarded, and projects and programs funded, through MNHS, for Fiscal Year
            2022 (FY22), the year ending June 30, 2022.

              ACHF history projects are benefiting Minnesotans statewide by:
              • Preserving our state’s most valuable historical and cultural resources for future generations
              • Sharing our state’s stories and treasured resources with ever-growing audiences including students,
                teachers, scholars, researchers, genealogists, and the general public
              • Connecting Minnesotans of all ages to each other and to history—history that is becoming more
                accessible than ever before

            The Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund receives 19.75% of overall Legacy funding. In 2021, the legislature
            appropriated $33.085 million from the ACHF to MNHS for the two-year period July 2021-June 2023. That
            appropriation breaks down to $15.588 million for fiscal year 2022 and $17.497 million for fiscal year 2023. The
            legislature divided the fiscal years 2022 and 2023 appropriations to MNHS into the following six categories:

             Category                                                      FY22 Appropriation                         FY23 Appropriation*
             Statewide Historical and Cultural Heritage Grants                          $5,982,000                               $7,000,000
             Statewide History Programs                                                 $6,213,000                               $6,990,000
             Statewide History Partnerships                                             $2,450,000                               $2,550,000
             Statewide Survey of Historical
                                                                                          $475,000                                 $525,000
             and Archaeological Sites
             Minnesota Digital Library                                                    $368,000                                 $382,000
             Additional Projects                                                          $100,000                                   50,000
             Total                                                                    $15,588,000                                $17,497,000

                             Estimated cost of preparing and printing this report (as required by Minn. Stat. § 3.197): $1,270

                             Upon request this report will be made available in alternate format such as Braille, large print or audio tape.
                             For TTY contact Minnesota Relay Service at 800-627-3529 and ask for the Minnesota Historical Society.
                             For more information or for paper copies of this report contact MNHS at: 345 W. Kellogg Blvd., St Paul, MN 55102,

                             This report is available at the MNHS website: mnhs.org/legacy.

4   mnhs.org/legacy
MINNESOTA HISTORY BUILDING A LEGACY - Report to the Governor and the Legislature on Funding for History Programs and Projects Supported by the ...

                                                                      $2.73                       PER PERSON
                                                                                                  PER YEAR
                                                                                                  LESS THAN THE COST OF A

LEGACY HISTORY                                                                                    PEARSON’S SALTED NUT ROLL
FUNDS INVESTED,                                                                                   AND NUT GOODIE—that’s how
Minnesota receives a                                                                              much each Minnesotan pays
return on investment            RETURN ON                                                         annually for the programs,
of $2, which directly          INVESTMENT                                                         partnerships, grants, and other
benefits state and                                                                                statewide initiatives detailed in
local economies1                                                                                  this report2

 71              COUNTIES
                 HAVE RECEIVED                     $100,000 OR
                 Since July 1, 2009, Legacy history funds have supported grants in all 87 counties.

                                                                                                          GUIDED BY

                                                  STUDENTS GRADES 6-12 AT                                  230
                                                      134            MINNESOTA
                                                             participated in
                                                                                                         AND SUPPORT

                                                          National History Day
                                                          in Minnesota in FY22

                                                                                                         in the National History Day
                                                                                                         Competition representing

         2 TO 1
                                                                                                         the work of 18 Minnesota
                                                                                    PROJECTS             students from seven schools


1. “An Economic Analysis of Minnesota’s Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund Monies: An Update” prepared by the University of Minnesota
Extension Center for Community Vitality, December 2012.

2. Based on the 2020 Minnesota State Census population of 5,706,494 and the FY22 appropriation of $15,588,000.

3. Based on $14,144,027 in overall requests in fiscal year 2022 and $7,392,751 in actual grant awards.

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MINNESOTA HISTORY BUILDING A LEGACY - Report to the Governor and the Legislature on Funding for History Programs and Projects Supported by the ...
HISTORIC RESOURCES                                        Simiyha Garrison, Minneapolis
                                                                          •   Graduate Student at the University of
            ADVISORY COMMITTEE (HRAC)                                         Minnesota in the Heritage Studies and Public
                                                                              History Master’s program (HSPH)
            Legislation specifies that the HRAC, a volunteer
                                                                          •   Bachelor of Arts, History and Africana
            citizen panel that guides decisions for the Minnesota
            Historical and Cultural Heritage Grants Program,
                                                                          •   Qualified in oral history, exhibit curation,
            has balanced statewide membership and includes
                                                                              collections, museum standards, and best
            representatives of local, county, and statewide
            historic and cultural organizations and programs.

                                                                      Heather Hoagland, Minneapolis
            It further requires that the HRAC shall include, but is
                                                                         •    Executive Director of Scott County Historical
            not limited to, members representing the interests
            of historic preservation, local history, archaeology,
                                                                         •    Master in Museum Studies from the George
            archival programs, and other cultural programs
                                                                              Washington University, Washington D.C.
            related to the history of Minnesota.
                                                                         •    Qualified in collections management, exhibit
                                                                              development, grant writing, registrar, and
            The HRAC consists of 13 members serving two-year
                                                                              museum services
            terms and two ex-officio members. They represent
            a variety of disciplines and are from diverse areas of
                                                                      Kristy Jeffcoat, Minneapolis
            the state. The committee roster:
                                                                          •    Senior Paintings Conservator, Midwest Art
                                                                               Conservation Center (MACC)
            Tamara Edevold, Bagley, Chair
                                                                          •    Master of Art in Conservation, Paintings
               •   Executive Director at Clearwater Historical
                                                                               Specialization, Queen’s University, Kingston,
               •   Bachelor of Arts in History from Moorhead
                                                                          •    Qualified in conservation
                   State University
               •   Qualified in local history, archives, exhibits,
                                                                      Ginny Lackovic, Minneapolis
                   and collections management
                                                                          •   Associate Vice President at HGA
                                                                          •   Licensed architect in Minnesota and meets
            Marika Reese, Saint Paul, Deputy Chair
                                                                              The Secretary of the Interior’s qualifications
                •   Director of Family and Community
                                                                              for historical architect
                    Engagement, Ramsey County Children’s
                                                                          •   Qualified in historic preservation
                    Mental Health Collaborative
                •   Master of Arts in Education, Augsburg
                                                                      Lindsay Marshall, Baudette
                    College, Minneapolis, Minnesota
                                                                          •   Executive Director and Curator, Lake of the
                •   Owner/Executive Director, Ubuntu
                                                                              Woods County Historical Society
                    Care Services
                                                                          •   Master of Science in Cultural Resource
                •   Qualified in governance, nonprofit
                    administration, and community engagement
                                                                          •   Qualified in inventory, collections, grant-
                                                                              writing, and non-profit administration
            Jill Wohnoutka, Bird Island, Deputy Chair
                 •  Director of the Kandiyohi County Historical
                                                                      Tianna Odegard, Granite Falls
                    Society and former Director of the Renville
                                                                          •   Master of Heritage Studies and Public
                    County Historical Society
                                                                              History from the University of Minnesota
                 •  Bachelor of Art in History from Gustavus
                                                                          •   Cultural Resources Specialist at Minnesota
                    Adolphus College
                                                                              Indian Affairs Council. St. Paul, Minnesota,
                 •  Qualified in local history, grant writing,
                                                                              May 2019–February 2020
                    archives, exhibits, and collections
                                                                          •   Upper Sioux Community Indian Housing,
                                                                              Authority Commissioner (Vice-Chair)
                                                                          •   Qualified in collections care, community
            Annette Atkins, Minneapolis
                                                                              engagement–tribal communities, NAGPRA,
               •    Ph.D. in American History/American Studies
                                                                              THPO, public outreach, and conflict
                    from Indiana
               •    Professor Emerita of History at Saint John’s
                    University and Former Interim Executive
                    Director of Stearns History Museum
               •    Qualified in local history, research, and

6   mnhs.org/legacy
MINNESOTA HISTORY BUILDING A LEGACY - Report to the Governor and the Legislature on Funding for History Programs and Projects Supported by the ...
Anne O’Keefe-Jackson, Morton                           THE MINNESOTA HISTORICAL
   •   Human Resource Director at Jackpot
       Junction Casino
                                                       SOCIETY EXECUTIVE COUNCIL
   •   M.A. Business, M.A. Leadership from
                                                       All grant recommendations for the Minnesota
       Augsburg University
                                                       Historical and Cultural Heritage Grants Program
   •   Board member of Southwest Minnesota Arts
                                                       and the Heritage Partnership Program are reviewed
                                                       and approved by the Minnesota Historical Society
   •   Qualified in compliance, leadership, grant
                                                       governing board and the Executive Council.
       management, and tribal community
                                                       Below is the list of members who served in FY22:
Jonathan Palmer, St. Paul
   •   Executive Director of Hallie Q. Brown
       Community Center, an 90-year old historic
                                                       David Hakensen, President
       African American social service organization
                                                       Michael Davis, Vice President
   •   Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from
                                                       Kent Whitworth, Secretary
       Morehouse College and currently completing
                                                       Daniel J. Schmechel, Treasurer
       Master Degree in Public Affairs for Hubert H.
                                                       Phyllis Goff, Immediate Past President
       Humphrey Institute on Public Affairs
   •   Qualified in community outreach, nonprofit
                                                       MEMBERS OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL:
       administration, grant writing, grant
                                                       Ford W. Bell
       management, program administration, and
                                                       Barbara E. Burwell
                                                       Grant W. Davis
                                                       Michael J. Davis
Matthew Piscitelli, Chaska
                                                       M. Mitchell Davis
    •  Project Archaeologist and Digital Media
                                                       Joanell M. Dyrstad
       Manager at SEARCH, Inc.
                                                       Richard E. Engebretson
    •  Research Associate at The Field Museum
                                                       Michael B. Farnell
    •  Qualified in archaeology, grant
                                                       Stephanie L. Fehr
       administration, community outreach,
                                                       Thomas M. Forsythe
       education, and museum services
                                                       Steve R. Gibson
                                                       Phyllis Rawls Goff
                                                       David R. Hakensen
David Hakensen
                                                       Jean M. Larson
MNHS Board President (ex-officio member)
                                                       Monica Little
                                                       Linda Brekke Mona
Daniel J. Schmechel
                                                       Richard C. Nash
MNHS Board Treasurer (ex-officio member)
                                                       Joseph S. Nayquonabe
                                                       Krista E. O’Malley
                                                       Peter M. Reyes, Jr.
                                                       Daniel J. Schmechel
                                                       Anton S. Treuer
                                                       John R. Tunheim
                                                       Noelle P. Turner
                                                       Ben Vander Kooi
                                                       Gwen N. Westerman
                                                       Kent Whitworth
                                                       Warren J. Zaccaro

                                                       EX OFFICIO MEMBERS:
                                                       Tim Walz, Governor
                                                       Peggy Flanagan, Lieutenant Governor
                                                       Steve Simon, Secretary of State
                                                       Keith Ellison, Attorney General
                                                       Julie Blaha, State Auditor

                                                                                                      mnhs.org/legacy   7
MINNESOTA HISTORY BUILDING A LEGACY - Report to the Governor and the Legislature on Funding for History Programs and Projects Supported by the ...
                                                                     The Minnesota Legislature has reiterated the
            The Minnesota History Coalition is an advisory group     mandate that every project and program supported
            composed of representatives of various history           by the Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund report “actual
            organizations in Minnesota. Using public input and       measurable outcomes, and a plan for measuring and
            members’ expertise, the History Coalition developed      evaluating the results.”
            recommendations for the legislature on how the
            FY22 ACHF appropriation for history projects and         MNHS staff and partners are strongly positioned
            programs could best serve Minnesotans.                   to ensure that ACHF projects and programs use
                                                                     best practices, current scholarship, and when
            MINNESOTA HISTORY COALITION MEMBERS:                     appropriate, incorporate state-of-the-art technology
            Council for Minnesota Archaeology                        for demonstrating measurable outcomes. During
            Minnesota Alliance of Local History Museums              FY22, MNHS continued to evaluate the impact of
            Minnesota Archaeological Society                         ACHF projects and programs to ensure that they
            Minnesota Association of Museums                         demonstrate measurable outcomes as well as
            Minnesota Digital Library                                economic value for citizens. These results will be
            Minnesota Genealogical Society                           shared on a website explained below.
            Minnesota Historical Society
            Minnesota History Advocates for Research                 TRANSPARENCY
            Minnesota State Historic Preservation Office             The Minnesota Historical Society has an obligation to
            Minnesota State Historical Records Advisory Board        the citizens of Minnesota to ensure that ACHF dollars
            Minnesota’s Historic Northwest                           entrusted to our care are invested in ways that are
            Northern Bedrock Historic Preservation Corps             transparent and will produce the greatest measurable
            Rethos (previously Preservation Alliance of Minnesota)   impact on lives, enabling our state to thrive.

                                                                     To meet this goal, MNHS has assisted in the building
                                                                     of a website that informs the public about all ACHF
                                                                     initiatives funded through MNHS. Minnesota’s
                                                                     Legacy, www.legacy.mn.gov, was created by the
                                                                     Legislative Coordinating Commission and contains
                                                                     information on all Legacy-funded projects. Through
                                                                     the end of the biennium, MNHS will continue to
                                                                     post the most current information about history-
                                                                     related ACHF initiatives ensuring transparency and
                                                                     responsible stewardship of the funds.

8   mnhs.org/legacy
Session Law Reference: Laws of Minnesota, 2021 First Special Session, Chapter 1, Article 4,
Section 2, Subdivision 4.

Subd. 4. Minnesota Historical Society, FY2022: $15,588,000. FY2023: $17,497,000

(a) The amounts in this subdivision are appropriated to the governing board of the Minnesota Historical Society
to preserve and enhance access to Minnesota’s history and its cultural and historical resources. Grant agreements
entered into by the Minnesota Historical Society and other recipients of appropriations in this subdivision must
ensure that these funds are used to supplement and not substitute for traditional sources of funding. Funds
directly appropriated to the Minnesota Historical Society must be used to supplement and not substitute for
traditional sources of funding. Notwithstanding Minnesota Statutes, section 16A.28, for historic preservation
projects that improve historic structures, the amounts are available until June 30, 2025. The Minnesota Historical
Society or grant recipients of the Minnesota Historical Society using arts and cultural heritage funds under
this subdivision must give consideration to Conservation Corps Minnesota and Northern Bedrock Historic
Preservation Corps, or an organization carrying out similar work, for projects with the potential to need historic
preservation services.

(b) Historical Grants and Programs

    (1) Statewide Historic and Cultural Grants                       (4) Statewide Survey of Historical and
    $5,982,000 the first year and $7,000,000 the second              Archaeological Sites
    year are for statewide historic and cultural grants to           $475,000 the first year and $525,000 the second year
    local, county, regional, or other historical or cultural         are for one or more contracts to be competitively
    organizations or for activities to preserve significant          awarded to conduct statewide surveys or investigations
    historic and cultural resources. Money must be                   of Minnesota’s sites of historical, archaeological,
    distributed through a competitive grant process. The             and cultural significance. Results of the surveys or
    Minnesota Historical Society must administer the                 investigations must be published in a searchable form
    money using established grant mechanisms, with                   and available to the public cost-free. The Minnesota
    assistance from the advisory committee created under             Historical Society, the Office of the State Archaeologist,
    Laws 2009, chapter 172, article 4, section 2, subdivision        the Indian Affairs Council, and the State Historic
    4, paragraph (b), item (ii).                                     Preservation Office must each appoint a representative
                                                                     to an oversight board to select contractors and direct
    (2) Statewide History Programs                                   the conduct of the surveys or investigations. The
    $6,213,000 the first year and $6,990,000 the second              oversight board must consult with the Department of
    year are for historic and cultural programs and                  Transportation and Department of Natural Resources.
    purposes related to the heritage of the state. Of this
    amount, $213,000 the first year must be used by the              (5) Digital Library
    Board of Directors of the Minnesota Historical Society           $368,000 the first year and $382,000 the second year
    to either produce or purchase and distribute a book              are for a digital library project to preserve, digitize, and
    to engage and educate elementary school students                 share Minnesota images, documents, and historical
    on Minnesota’s natural resources, legacy, culture, and           materials. The Minnesota Historical Society must
    history. The book should be made available cost-                 cooperate with the Minitex interlibrary loan system
    free to educators and libraries and through state                and must jointly share this appropriation for these
    historical society sites to provide to a targeted grade of       purposes.
    elementary school students.
                                                                     (6) Grants
    (3) History Partnerships                                         (i) $100,000 the first year is for a grant to the Litchfield
    $2,450,000 the first year and $2,550,000 the second              Opera House to restore and renovate the historic
    year are for history partnerships involving multiple             Litchfield Opera House.
    organizations, which may include the Minnesota                   (ii) $50,000 the second year is for a grant to the
    Historical Society, to preserve and enhance access to            city of South St. Paul to relocate the gatehouses in
    Minnesota’s history and cultural heritage in all regions         the BridgePoint Business Park that remain from the
    of the state.                                                    Armour & Company meatpacking campus.

(c) Balance Remaining
Any unencumbered balance remaining under this subdivision the first year does not cancel but is available the second year.

                                                                                                                          mnhs.org/legacy   9
10   mnhs.org/legacy

The ACHF-supported Minnesota Historical and Cultural Heritage Grants Program provides a valuable
opportunity for nonprofit and educational organizations, government units, and federally recognized tribes
across Minnesota to preserve and share the state’s history and cultural heritage. The Minnesota Historical
Society administers the Minnesota Historical and Cultural Heritage Grants Program and awards grants based
on the recommendations of the Historic Resources Advisory Committee.

Through a competitive process, 3095 grants totaling more than $69 million have been awarded to 924
organizations in every county in Minnesota since the Legacy Amendment was passed in 2008. This year’s
report reflects 12-months of grants awarded from July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022. In this time frame, 195 grants
totaling more than $7.3 million have been awarded in 60 counties to 159 organizations across Minnesota.

Minnesota Historical and Cultural Heritage Grants are available in two tiers:
    •  Small or Structured Grants of $10,000 or less
    •  Large Grants of more than $10,000

Ten percent of grants funding is used to administer and ensure the success of the Minnesota Historical and
Cultural Heritage Grants Program. The funds allow MNHS to lead statewide grant-writing workshops and
webinars, assist applicants with technical information critical to submitting a successful grant application, and
support recipients throughout the life of their project.

To assure transparency and measurable outcomes of projects, grants staff members conduct monitoring visits
required by the Minnesota Office of Grants Management and, throughout the grant life cycle, monitor the
progress of all awarded grants.

  All grants awarded between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2022 are listed on pages 14-28.
  Information on projects funded through future grant rounds will be available at www.legacy.mn.gov.

Appropriations Language–Statewide Historical and Cultural Grants: $5,982,000 in fiscal year 2022 and $7,000,000 in fiscal year
2023 are for statewide historic and cultural grants to local, county, regional, or other historical or cultural organizations or for activities
to preserve significant historic and cultural resources. Money must be distributed through a competitive grant process. The Minnesota
Historical Society must administer the money using established grant mechanisms, with assistance from the advisory committee
created under Laws 2009, chapter 172, article 4, section 2, subdivision 4, paragraph (b), item (ii).

Above: Historic Resources Advisory Committee virtual meeting, September 2021.

                                                                                                                                        mnhs.org/legacy   11
Minnesota Historical and Cultural Heritage Grants
             July 1, 2009-July 1, 2022
            JULY 1, 2009–JUNE 30, 2022

                                                                                           Amount invested: $$69,271,890
                                                                                           Total grants awarded to date: 3,095
                                                                                         AMOUNT INVESTED: $69,271,890
                                                                                 TOTAL GRANTS AWARDED TO DATE: 3,095
                   7             13
                                4                                                                                                 23
                       12                                                                                            22
                                           22                                    33                 197
                       4             9
                                                    12            27
                       51             10

                                                    11                            18            9
                       1             40                            22
                                                                                                                Award range, with
                                                                                                                AWARD RANGE, WITH
                                                    16                       21                 23              totalGRANTS
                                10        17                      26
                       7                                                                                                  $3,000 - $30,000
                                10        22             57                           10                                  $30,001 - $80,000
                                                                            13                 16                         $80,001 - $200,000
                                     13                                               32
                                                   29        32        41               75                                $200,001 - $300,000
                           24                                                    502 428                                  $300,001 - $1,000,000
                                                                  24        39
                                     23            32                                                                     > $1,000,000
                                                                                 37       89
                        8       31         27                               10                 44
                                                                  12                  99                  26
                       24        33            10                  31        20 20 24                40
                                                         5                                                      76
                        4        35            6             11         7                                  37        27
                                                                                      9        26

12   mnhs.org/legacy
Total Grant Award Dollars Per Person Per County*
July 1, 2009-July 1, 2022
 JULY 1, 2009–JUNE 30, 2022

 $12.18                       $16.00
                                               $15.09                $11.37
                           $3.67                                                                                                    $77.21

               $10.62                                                                                                      $39.78
                                                                          $23.08                                 $31.13
    $17.04 $15.03

   $13.47                      $1.75
                                                $18.26 $4.55

                                                                            $10.86 $2.96


                                                                                                   $14.46                           $0-$10 per capita
                                                                                     $4.44 $3.57

                           $67.32 $5.77                        $10.62

                                                                                                                                    $10-$20 per capita

                                                                  $.45                                                              $20-$30 per capita
                           $14.91 $47.18              $6.70
   $4.61                                                                                                                            $30-$50 per capita
                                                                                                   $3.50 $2.85

                              $25.16                                                $1.04

                                                                                                                                    $50-$100 per capita
                           $31.73 $3.45
                               $21.21                                                                                               $100+ per capita
       $107.92                           $9.58
                              $23.74 $8.39
          $62.11     $77.12                            $17.44
                                        $7.03 $4.83
      $7.55 $88.67 $7.66

           $19.99 $31.29       $2.18 $2.66 $38.02 $26.57


           $62.43 $6.32
                         $16.26 $4.53                  $5.67 $28.58

                           $27.43 $4.18 $9.95 $30.98 $4.23 $7.91 $49.43 $17.85

*County        population
        population data from data  from the
                             the Minnesota    Minnesota
                                           State         State
                                                 Demographic    Demographic
                                                             Center                                               Center

                                                                                                                                           mnhs.org/legacy   13
Senate District 2, House District 02A                               Tower-Soudan Historical Society, Accessible
                                                                                 Restrooms - Tower Historic Fire Hall, $10,000
            Minnesota Department of Natural Resources                            To improve public accessibility at the 1895 Tower
            (Division of Fish and Wildlife), Norris Camp Priority                Fire Hall and better comply with the Americans with
            1 Construction Documents, $51,000                                    Disabilities Act.
            To contract with qualified professionals to prepare                  Tower, St. Louis County
            construction documents for the preservation of
            Norris CCC Camp, listed in the National Register of
                                                                                 Senate District 3, House District 03B
            Historic Places.
            Roosevelt, Lake of the Woods County                                  Lake County Historical Society, Two Harbors
                                                                                 Lighthouse HSR, $75,000
            Helga Township, Nary School Windows Interior                         To hire a qualified consultant to develop a Historic
            Repairs, $213,611                                                    Structure Report (HSR) that will help preserve Two
            To hire qualified professionals to conduct interior                  Harbors Light Station, listed in the National Register
            repairs on Consolidated School District No. 22,                      of Historic Places.
            Nary School, listed in the National Register of                      Two Harbors, Lake County
            Historic Places.
            Bemidji, Hubbard County                                              Senate District 4, House District 04A

            Clearwater County Historical Society, Security                       Historical and Cultural Society of Clay County,
            Review, $5000                                                        40th Anniversary of Hjemkomst Voyage: Exhibition
            To hire a qualified and experienced security firm to                 Update, $50,000
            evaluate the current level of museum security.                       To hire qualified consultants to update and install
            Bagley, Clearwater County                                            an exhibit for the 40th anniversary of the 1982
                                                                                 Hjemkomst Voyage.
            Clearwater County Historical Society, Transfer                       Moorhead, Clay County
            Collection Records to CollectiveAccess, $8220
            To improve collections care and management                           Historical and Cultural Society of Clay County,
            through an updated collections management system.                    Bergquist Cabin Revised Historic Structures Report,
            Bagley, Clearwater County                                            $10,000
                                                                                 To hire a qualified consultant to develop a Historic
            Red Lake Nation College, Red Lake Tribal Archives                    Structure Report that will help preserve the 1871
            Conservation and Preservation Plan, $5400                            Bergquist Cabin, listed in the National Register of
            To hire a qualified museum consultant to conduct a                   Historic Places.
            general preservation needs assessment survey and                     Moorhead, Clay County
            long range collections preservation plan.
            Red Lake, Beltrami County                                            Historical and Cultural Society of Clay County,
                                                                                 Collections Conservation Surveys, $10,000
                                                                                 To hire qualified conservators to assess the painting
             Senate District 2, House District 02B
                                                                                 collection and half the textile collection at the
            Hubbard County, Roof Replacement Historic County                     museum.
            Courthouse, $237,329                                                 Moorhead, Clay County
            To hire qualified professionals to replace the roof
            on the Hubbard County Courthouse, listed in the                      Historical and Cultural Society of Clay County,
            National Register of Historic Places.                                Rollag School National Register Nomination, $7000
            Park Rapids, Hubbard County                                          To hire a qualified historian to complete the
                                                                                 nomination to the National Register of Historic
             Senate District 3, House District 03A                               Places for the 1895 District 3 Rollag School House.
                                                                                 Hawley, Clay County
            Tower-Soudan Historical Society, Tower Fire Hall
            Exterior Rehabilitation, $285,618                                    Historical and Cultural Society of Clay County,
            To hire qualified professionals to repair exterior                   Object Photography/Cataloguing Phase 4, $10,000
            masonry and other features on the Tower Fire Hall,                   To provide better organization of the museum
            listed in the National Register of Historic Places.                  collections, allowing for greater public access to the
            Tower, St. Louis County                                              community’s historic resources.
                                                                                 Moorhead, Clay County

            Grants awarded July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022. Project locations reflect where grant work is being accomplished.
            NOTE: Assigned state legislative districts are pre-2022 redistricting districts.

14   mnhs.org/legacy
Senate District 5, House District 05A                                Senate District 6, House District 06B
Cass County Historical Society, Acquire Microfilm                    Virginia Area Historical Society, Fabrication &
Reader/Printer/Scanner, $9992                                        Installation of Six Aluminum Outdoor Exhibit Signs,
To purchase a microfilm reader/printer/scanner to                    $2815
make microfilmed records more accessible to the                      To produce and install six exhibit markers at Virginia
public.                                                              Area Historical Society.
Walker, Cass County                                                  Virginia, St. Louis County

Beltrami County Historical Society, Collections                      Sisu Heritage Inc., Finnish Apostolic Lutheran
Management Software Migration, $9608                                 Church National Register Nomination, $6000
To improve collections care and management                           To hire a qualified historian to complete the
through an updated collections management system.                    nomination to the National Register of Historic Places
Bemidji, Beltrami County                                             for the 1906 Finnish Apostolic Lutheran Church.
                                                                     Embarrass, St. Louis County
Cass County Historical Society, Purchase Microfilm
of the Pilot Independent Newspaper (1988-2017),                      Senate District 7, House District 07A
To add 75 rolls of microfilmed Cass County                           Regents of the University of Minnesota (Duluth -
newspapers to the historical society’s holdings,                     Kathryn A. Martin Library), Strategic Growth and
making primary records more accessible to the public.                Management of the University Archives and Local
Walker, Cass County                                                  History Collections at University of Minnesota
                                                                     Duluth, $10,000
City of Hackensack, Hackensack Conservation                          To hire a consultant to use the OCLC’s Total Cost
Building National Register Nomination, $8675                         of Stewardship framework to develop a Collection
To hire a qualified historian to complete the                        Management and Development Policy.
nomination to the National Register of Historic Places               Duluth, St. Louis County
for the 1936 Hackensack Conservation Building.
Hackensack, Cass County                                              Senate District 7, House District 07B
                                                                     City of Duluth, Historic St. Louis County Jail
Senate District 5, House District 05B                                Window Restoration, $240,000
Judy Garland Children’s Museum, Develop Script for                   To hire qualified professionals to repair the windows
an Object Theater, $10,000                                           on the St. Louis County Jail, listed in the National
To hire qualified professionals to develop a script for              Register of Historic Places.
an Object Theater about the history of the Gumm                      Duluth, St. Louis County
and Milne families.
Grand Rapids, Itasca County                                          City of Duluth, Waabizheshikana Marten
                                                                     Interpretive Trail: Implementation, $130,100
                                                                     To design, produce, and install historical markers for
Senate District 6, House District 06A
                                                                     the Waabizheshikana Marten Interpretive Trail.
Independent School District #701, Hibbing High                       Duluth, St. Louis County
School Library Mural Restoration and Protection
Project, $43,247                                                     St. George Serbian Orthodox Church, St. George
To hire a qualified conservator to restore a 1913 mural              Serbian Orthodox Church National Register
in Hibbing High School, listed in the National Register              Evaluation, $9800
of Historic Places.                                                  To hire a qualified historian to complete an evaluation
Hibbing, St. Louis County                                            to determine eligibility for listing in the National
                                                                     Register of Historic Places for the 1923 St. George
Minnesota Discovery Center, Yachwak Mineral and                      Serbian Orthodox Church, Gary, Minn.
Rock Collection Inventory, $10,000                                   Duluth, St. Louis County
To provide better organization of the museum
collections, allowing for greater public access to the
community’s historic resources.
Chisholm, St. Louis County

Grants awarded July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022. Project locations reflect where grant work is being accomplished.
NOTE: Assigned state legislative districts are pre-2022 redistricting districts.

                                                                                                                      mnhs.org/legacy   15
Children’s Dental Services, Construction Documents                   Senate District 8, House District 08B
            for 25 W. Superior St. in Duluth, $10,000
            To contract with qualified professionals to prepare                  City of Henning, Trinity Lutheran Church Bell Tower
            construction documents for the preservation of 25                    and Steeple Repair, $118,769
            W. Superior St., listed as a contributing part of the                To hire qualified professionals to repair roof elements
            Duluth Commercial Historic District in the National                  on Trinity Lutheran Church, listed in the National
            Register of Historic Places.                                         Register of Historic Places.
            Duluth, St. Louis County                                             Henning, Otter Tail County

            United Protestant Church, United Protestant Church                   Minnesota Lakes Maritime Society, Collections
            National Register Evaluation, $10,000                                Storage Updates, $9478
            To hire a qualified historian to complete an evaluation              To provide appropriate storage materials for museum
            to determine eligibility for listing in the National                 collections.
            Register of Historic Places for United Protestant                    Alexandria, Douglas County
            Duluth, St. Louis County                                             Senate District 9, House District 09A
                                                                                 City of Pillager, Pillager Point Archaeological
             Senate District 8, House District 08A                               Survey, $4975
            Friends of the Museum, Implementation–                               To hire a qualified archaeologist to conduct a Phase I
            CollectiveAccess Museum Software, $10,000                            survey of Pillager Point in Cass County.
            To improve collections care and management                           Pillager, Cass County
            through an updated collections management system.
            Perham, Otter Tail County                                            Wadena County Historical Society, Wesley Hospital
                                                                                 Building National Register Evaluation, $5000
            Otter Tail County, Phelps Mill Store Reuse                           To hire a qualified historian to complete an evaluation
            Feasibility Study, $8800                                             to determine eligibility for listing in the National
            To hire a qualified consultant to write a feasibility                Register of Historic Places for the 1925 Wesley
            study for the reuse of the 1889 Phelps Mill Store,                   Hospital Building.
            Underwood, Minn.                                                     Wadena, Wadena County
            Underwood, Otter Tail County
                                                                                 Clarissa Community Museum, Inc., Clarissa
            Otter Tail County, Phelps Mill Preservation,                         Community Military History Exhibit, $6353
            $139,860                                                             To install an exhibit on Minnesota military history at
            To hire qualified professionals to repair building                   the Clarissa Community Museum.
            elements on the Phelps Mill, listed in the National                  Clarissa, Todd County
            Register of Historic Places.
            Underwood, Otter Tail County                                         City of Eagle Bend, Eagle Bend School National
                                                                                 Register Evaluation, $10,000
            First Baptist Church, Battle Lake, First Baptist                     To hire a qualified historian to complete an evaluation
            Church National Register Evaluation, $8750                           to determine eligibility for listing in the National
            To hire a qualified historian to complete an evaluation              Register of Historic Places for the WPA-era Eagle
            to determine eligibility for listing in the National                 Bend High School.
            Register of Historic Places for First Baptist Church.                Eagle Bend, Todd County
            Battle Lake, Otter Tail County
                                                                                 Senate District 9, House District 09B
            Friends of the Museum, Omnipage OCR Software:                        City of Little Falls, Little Falls Heritage Preservation
            Implementation, $508                                                 Interpretive Plan, $32,000
            To convert printed materials into searchable pdfs,                   To hire a qualified consultant to write an interpretive
            allowing for greater public access to historic                       plan for the City of Little Falls.
            resources.                                                           Little Falls, Morrison County
            Perham, Otter Tail County

            Grants awarded July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022. Project locations reflect where grant work is being accomplished.
            NOTE: Assigned state legislative districts are pre-2022 redistricting districts.

16   mnhs.org/legacy
Senate District 10, House District 10A                               Regents of the University of Minnesota (Morris
                                                                     Campus), Transcribing the Oral History Collection at
City of Brainerd, Preservation of the Brainerd                       the University of Minnesota Morris, $9993
Historic Concrete Water Tower, $162,043                              To make transcriptions of the oral history collection
To hire qualified professionals to replace the roof                  publicly accessible for researchers of West Central
and do additional restoration on the City of Brainerd                Minnesota history.
Water Tower, listed in the National Register of                      Morris, Stevens County
Historic Places.
Brainerd, Crow Wing County
                                                                     Senate District 14, House District 14A
Senate District 10, House District 10B                               Stearns History Museum, Native Americans in
                                                                     Stearns County, $9655
Aitkin County Historical Society, Northern Pacific                   To write a literature review of the Dakota and Ojibwe
Depot Roof/Paver Construction Drawings, $38,000                      people in Stearns County.
To contract with qualified professionals to prepare                  St. Cloud, Stearns County
construction documents for the preservation
of Northern Pacific Depot, listed in the National
                                                                     Senate District 14, House District 14B
Register of Historic Places.
Aitkin, Aitkin County                                                St. Cloud State University (Department of
                                                                     Anthropology), Delineating the William Warren
Senate District 11, House District 11A                               Cabin Site: A Geophysical Investigation at the
                                                                     McDougall Wildlife Management Area, $10,000
Carlton County Historical Society, Acquire Microfilm                 To hire a qualified archaeologist to conduct a survey
Reader/Printer/Scanner, $10,000                                      of the circa 1848-1853 William Warren homesite in
To purchase a microfilm reader/printer/scanner to                    Morrison County, listed in the National Register of
make microfilmed records more accessible to the                      Historic Places.
public.                                                              St. Cloud, Stearns County
Cloquet, Carlton County
                                                                     Senate District 15, House District 15B
True Directions, Inc., C.E. Williams House
Conditions Assessment, $7000                                         Sherburne County Historical Society, Digital
To hire a qualified architect to conduct a condition                 Microfilm Reader/Printer/Scanner and Computer,
assessment of the C. E. Williams House, Mora, Minn.,                 $10,000
listed in the National Register of Historic Places.                  To purchase a microfilm reader/printer/scanner to
Mora, Kanabec County                                                 make microfilmed records more accessible to the
Pine City Area History Association, Planning for                     Becker, Sherburne County
Redesign of City Hall Exhibit Lighting, $7200
To hire a qualified museum lighting professional to                  Senate District 16, House District 16A
develop a museum lighting plan.
Pine City, Pine County                                               City of Madison, City of Madison City Hall Historic
                                                                     Tower Rehabilitation, $120,562
Pine County Historical Society, Inventory of                         To hire qualified professionals to repair the roof
Collections: Phase 8, $9824                                          and other elements on the City of Madison City Hall
To provide better organization of the museum                         and Opera House, listed in the National Register of
collections, allowing for greater public access to the               Historic Places.
community’s historic resources.                                      Madison, Lac qui Parle County
Askov, Pine County
                                                                     City of Granite Falls, Andrew J. Volstead House
                                                                     Construction Documents Development, $21,000
Senate District 12, House District 12A
                                                                     To contract with qualified professionals to prepare
City of Browns Valley, Phase I: Browns Valley                        construction documents for the preservation of
Carnegie Library Construction Documents, $32,788                     Andrew J. Volstead House, listed in the National
To contract with qualified professionals to prepare                  Register of Historic Places.
construction documents for the preservation of the                   Granite Falls, Yellow Medicine County
Carnegie Library, listed in the National Register of
Historic Places.
Browns Valley, Traverse County

Grants awarded July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022. Project locations reflect where grant work is being accomplished.
NOTE: Assigned state legislative districts are pre-2022 redistricting districts.

                                                                                                                    mnhs.org/legacy   17
City of Canby, Historic Canby Theatre Architectural                  Senate District 17, House District 17A
            Plans and Specifications, $9800
            To contract with qualified professionals to prepare                  Pioneer Public Television, Appleton City Hall Phase
            construction documents for the preservation of the                   1: Exterior Envelope Renovations Construction
            Historic Canby Theatre, listed in the National Register              Documents, $76,805
            of Historic Places.                                                  To contract with qualified professionals to prepare
            Canby, Yellow Medicine County                                        construction documents for the preservation of
                                                                                 Appleton City Hall, listed in the National Register of
                                                                                 Historic Places.
             Senate District 16, House District 16B
                                                                                 Granite Falls, Yellow Medicine County
            Sleepy Eye Area Historical Society, Acquire Primary
            Resources on Microfilm, $8304                                        Sacred Heart Area Historical Society, Hotel Sacred
            To add 102 rolls of microfilmed Springfield, MN                      Heart Phase 2 Construction, $290,700
            newspapers to make primary records more                              To hire qualified professionals to repair the Hotel
            accessible to the public.                                            Sacred Heart, listed in the National Register of
            Sleepy Eye, Brown County                                             Historic Places.
                                                                                 Sacred Heart, Renville County
            City of Clements, Historic State Bank of Clements
            Architectural Services, $40,000                                      City of Appleton, Orientation Map: Minnesota River
            To contract with qualified professionals to prepare                  Valley National Scenic Byway: Western and Eastern
            construction documents for the preservation of                       Sections, $10,000
            the State Bank of Clements, listed in the National                   To hire a qualified historian to research and assemble
            Register of Historic Places.                                         materials in preparation for a heritage tourism map.
            Clements, Redwood County                                             Appleton, Swift County

            Brown County Historical Society, BCHS                                Chippewa County Historical Society, Disaster
            Comprehensive Inventory Phase 3, $9957                               Response Kit, $3581
            To provide better organization of the museum                         To purchase materials to assemble a Disaster
            collections, allowing for greater public access to the               Response Kit that will be used to respond to
            community’s historic resources.                                      museum collections emergencies.
            New Ulm, Brown County                                                Montevideo, Chippewa County

            Brown County, South Attic Level Masonry,                             Senate District 17, House District 17B
            Terracotta and Window Restoration, $153,736
            To hire qualified professionals to restore stone &                   Kandiyohi County Historical Society, Acquire West
            masonry elements and windows on the New Ulm                          Central Tribune Newspaper on Microfilm, $3255
            Post Office, listed in the National Register of Historic             To add 36 rolls of microfilmed newspapers to make
            Places.                                                              primary records more accessible to the public.
            New Ulm, Brown County                                                Willmar, Kandiyohi County

            Sleepy Eye Area Historical Society, Hanska and                       Senate District 18, House District 18A
            Comfrey Microfilm Newspapers, $10,000                                City of Cokato, Working Drawings/Architectural
            To add 124 rolls of microfilmed city newspapers to                   Plans and Specifications for the Gust Akerlund
            the historical society’s holdings, making primary                    Photography Studio, $9800
            records more accessible to the public.                               To contract with qualified professionals to prepare
            Sleepy Eye, Brown County                                             construction documents for the preservation of the
                                                                                 1902 Gust Akerlund Photography Studio, a museum
            Brown County Historical Society, BCHS Collections                    listed in the National Register of Historic Places.
            Reorganization Phase 2, $7742                                        Cokato, Wright County
            To improve collections care and management
            through proper storage.                                              City of Dassel, Dassel Reconnaissance Historical
            New Ulm, Brown County                                                Survey, $9999
                                                                                 To hire a qualified consultant to conduct a survey of
                                                                                 historic structures in Dassel.
                                                                                 Dassel, Meeker County

            Grants awarded July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022. Project locations reflect where grant work is being accomplished.
            NOTE: Assigned state legislative districts are pre-2022 redistricting districts.

18   mnhs.org/legacy
Dassel-Cokato Baseball Association, 100th                            Senate District 20, House District 20B
Anniversary Publication: Research & Writing, $7978
To hire a qualified historian to research and write                  St. Olaf College, Cataloging the Rise and
the history of the Minnesota Amateur Baseball State                  Development of St. Olaf College through Archival
Tournament for their 100th anniversary in 2023.                      Items, $110,676
Dassel, Meeker County                                                To provide better organization of St. Olaf College’s
                                                                     archival collections, allowing for greater public
                                                                     access to the community’s historic resources.
Senate District 18, House District 18B
                                                                     Northfield, Rice County
City of Gaylord, Construction Documents for the
Oaks Lakeside Pavilion, $10,000                                      Norwegian-American Historical Association,
To contract with qualified professionals to prepare                  Digitization of the Norse-American Centennial
construction documents for the preservation of the                   Papers, $86,570
Oaks Lakeside Pavilion, listed in the National Register              To digitize a collection of archival materials from the
of Historic Places.                                                  1925 Norse-American Centennial, allowing for greater
Gaylord, Sibley County                                               public access to these historic resources.
                                                                     Northfield, Rice County
Senate District 19, House District 19B
                                                                     St. Olaf College, Book Completion: Chronicling the
Blue Earth County Historical Society,                                History of Japanese American College Students in
CollectiveAccess Collections Data Conversion,                        Minnesota During WWII (1941-1946), $10,000
$9993                                                                To hire a qualified professional to complete a
To improve collections care and management                           manuscript on the history of Japanese American
through an updated collections management system.                    college students in World War II Minnesota.
Mankato, Blue Earth County                                           Northfield, Rice County

Minnesota State University, Mankato (EARTH                           Northfield Historical Society, Structural Studies:
Systems Lab), Exploring Villages and Burial                          Phase 2, $10,000
Mounds in Red Wing, Minnesota through Aerial                         To hire a qualified consultant to develop a structural
Thermography, $9987                                                  study that will help preserve the Scriver Building,
To hire a qualified archaeologist to collect aerial                  listed in the National Register of Historic Places.
thermographic imagery from three Silvernale phase                    Northfield, Rice County
sites in the Red Wing area and analyze the data for a
comprehensive report.
                                                                     Senate District 21, House District 21A
Mankato, Blue Earth County
                                                                     The Artist Sanctuary, Preservation and
Minnesota State University, Mankato (EARTH                           Improvements, $26,300
Systems Lab), The Old and the New: Analyzing and                     To contract with qualified professionals to prepare
Reanalyzing Collections from the Vosburg Site,                       construction documents for the preservation of
$9846                                                                Swedish Evangelical Lutheran Mission Church, listed
To hire a qualified archaeologist to catalog and                     in the National Register of Historic Places.
review collections from the Vosburg site in order                    Red Wing, Goodhue County
to learn more about the Blue Earth Oneota in
Minnesota.                                                           Senate District 21, House District 21B
Mankato, Blue Earth County
                                                                     West Concord Historical Society, West Concord
                                                                     High School Condition Assessment, $10,000
Senate District 20, House District 20A
                                                                     To hire a qualified architect to conduct a condition
Le Sueur Theatre Historic Preservation Corporation,                  assessment of the 1902 West Concord High School,
Le Sueur Theatre National Register Evaluation,                       listed in the National Register of Historic Places.
$10,000                                                              West Concord, Dodge County
To hire a qualified historian to complete an evaluation
to determine eligibility for listing in the National
Register of Historic Places for the Le Sueur Theatre.
Le Sueur, Le Sueur County

Grants awarded July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022. Project locations reflect where grant work is being accomplished.
NOTE: Assigned state legislative districts are pre-2022 redistricting districts.

                                                                                                                     mnhs.org/legacy   19
Friends of St. Rose, Inc., St. Rose of Lima ADA                      Murray County Historical Society, Murray County
           Construction Documents, $10,000                                      Historical Society Obituary Collection Processing,
           To contract with qualified professionals to prepare                  $9710
           construction documents for ADA improvements at                       To provide better organization of the museum
           St. Rose of Lima, listed in the National Register of                 collections, allowing for greater public access to the
           Historic Places.                                                     community’s historic resources.
           Kenyon, Goodhue County                                               Slayton, Murray County

            Senate District 22, House District 22A                              Science Museum of Minnesota, What’s on the Menu?
                                                                                Preliminary Analysis of Animal Remains from an
           Murray County, End-O-Line Railroad Park & Museum                     Earth Oven at the Pedersen Site (21LN2) on Lake
           and Dinehart Holt House Security Surveys, $10,000                    Benton, Lincoln County, $10,000
           To hire a qualified and experienced security firm to                 To hire a qualified zooarchaeologist to analyze
           evaluate the current level of museum security.                       animal remains excavated from the Pedersen site
           Slayton, Murray County                                               (21LN2) on Lake Benton in Lincoln County.
                                                                                Lake Benton, Lincoln County
           Jasper Area Historical Society, Poorbaugh Building
           National Register Nomination, $6966
                                                                                Senate District 22, House District 22B
           To hire a qualified historian to complete the
           nomination to the National Register of Historic                      Jackson County Historical Society, General
           Places for the 1889 Poorbaugh Building.                              Conservation Assessment and Long-Range
           Jasper, Pipestone County                                             Preservation Plan, $6693
                                                                                To hire a qualified museum consultant to conduct a
           Reclaim Community, Bauman Hall East Wall Sioux                       general preservation needs assessment survey and
           Quartzite Masonry Reconstruction and Repair,                         long range collections preservation plan.
           $173,026                                                             Lakefield, Jackson County
           To hire qualified professionals to reconstruct and
           repair masonry at Bauman Hall, listed in the National                Nobles County Historical Society, Exhibit Plan: “We
           Register of Historic Places.                                         are Here: Immigration & Nobles County,” $118,500
           Jasper, Pipestone County                                             To hire a qualified consulting firm to write an exhibit
                                                                                plan for an upcoming exhibit on immigration in
           City of Tracy, Tracy Municipal Building National                     Nobles County.
           Register Evaluation, $8000                                           Worthington, Nobles County
           To hire a qualified historian to complete an evaluation
           to determine eligibility for listing in the National                 Nobles County Historical Society, Collection
           Register of Historic Places for the 1938/1957 Tracy                  Storage Rehousing Phase 2, $9999
           Municipal Building and Armory.                                       To improve collections care and management
           Tracy, Lyon County                                                   through proper storage.
                                                                                Worthington, Nobles County
           Danebod Lutheran Church, Structural Assessment
           for the Danebod Folk School, $10,000                                 Cottonwood County, Cottonwood County
           To hire a qualified engineer to conduct a structural                 Courthouse Condition Assessment, $10,000
           assessment of the 1917 Danebod Folk School Brick                     To hire a qualified architect to conduct a condition
           Building, listed in the National Register of Historic                assessment of the Cottonwood County Courthouse,
           Places.                                                              listed in the National Register of Historic Places.
           Tyler, Lincoln County                                                Windom, Cottonwood County

           Murray County, End-O-Line Railroad Park and                          Nobles County Historical Society, Security Survey
           Museum History Book: Editing and Publication,                        for NCHS, $5000
           $9700                                                                To hire a qualified and experienced security firm to
           To hire qualified professionals to publish a book                    evaluate the current level of museum security.
           on the history of Currie, Minnesota’s rail yard and                  Worthington, Nobles County
           the development of End-O-Line Railroad Park and
           Slayton, Murray County

           Grants awarded July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022. Project locations reflect where grant work is being accomplished.
           NOTE: Assigned state legislative districts are pre-2022 redistricting districts.

20   mnhs.org/legacy
Nobles County Historical Society, Rehousing Rolled                   Rice County Historical Society, Conservation
Textiles to Meet Standards, $8768                                    Treatment of Jean-Baptiste’ Faribault Paintings,
To provide appropriate storage materials for rolled                  $9950
textiles in the museum’s collections.                                To hire a qualified conservator to restore significant
Worthington, Nobles County                                           paintings in the museum’s collections.
                                                                     Faribault, Rice County
Jackson County Historical Society, Collections
Inventory Phase 1, $9600                                             Senate District 25, House District 25A
To provide better organization of the museum
collections, allowing for greater public access to the               Dodge County Historical Society, Wasioja School:
community’s historic resources.                                      Construction Documents, $31,236
Lakefield, Jackson County                                            To contract with qualified professionals to prepare
                                                                     construction documents for the preservation of
Cottonwood County Historical Society, It’s Time:                     Wasioja School, listed in the National Register of
Acquire Microfilm Reader/Printer/Scanner, $10,000                    Historic Places.
To purchase a microfilm reader/printer/scanner to                    Wasioja, Dodge County
make microfilmed records more accessible to the
public.                                                              Dodge County, Wasioja Historic District Interpretive
Windom, Cottonwood County                                            Signage Graphic Design, $2700
                                                                     To design and produce historical markers for the
                                                                     Wasioja Historic District.
Senate District 23, House District 23A
                                                                     Wasioja, Dodge County
Fairmont Opera House, Inc., Structural Engineering
Assessment of Main Roof and Supporting Exterior                      Olmsted County Historical Society, Evaluation of
Walls, $125,000                                                      Building Mechanical System, $9600
To hire qualified professionals to conduct a structural              To hire a qualified and experienced HVAC engineer
engineering assessment for the Fairmont Opera                        to evaluate how well the current system controls the
House, listed in the National Register of Historic                   museum environment.
Places.                                                              Rochester, Olmsted County
Fairmont, Martin County
                                                                     Senate District 25, House District 25B
Faribault County Historical Society, Church of the
Good Shepherd (1872), Blue Earth: Stabilization &                    St. Olaf Heritage Association, Building a Pioneer
Restoration, $162,300                                                Church: the St. Olaf Lutheran Congregation, $4495
To hire qualified professionals to restore and stabilize             To design, produce, and install two historical markers
the Church of the Good Shepherd, listed in the                       for the Tverberg Log House and West St. Olaf Church
National Register of Historic Places.                                in southeast Minnesota.
Blue Earth, Faribault County                                         Rochester, Olmsted County

Faribault County Historical Society, Acquisition of                  Senate District 26, House District 26A
Historic Blue Earth Newspapers Microfilm, $5580                      SELCO Southeastern Libraries Cooperating, Writing
To add 62 rolls of microfilmed newspapers to make                    the Second Half of a Manuscript for a History of
primary records more accessible to the public.                       Southeastern Libraries Cooperating (SELCO), $10,000
Blue Earth, Faribault County                                         To hire qualified professionals to write the second
                                                                     half of a manuscript on the history of Southeastern
Senate District 24, House District 24B                               Libraries Cooperating (SELCO).
Rice County Historical Society, Alexander Faribault                  Rochester, Olmsted County
House Construction: Phase 1 – Roof Stabilization
and Sealing the Building Envelope, $85,000
To hire qualified professionals to reinforce roof joists
and seal the building envelope on the Alexander
Faribault House, listed in the National Register of
Historic Places.
Faribault, Rice County

Grants awarded July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022. Project locations reflect where grant work is being accomplished.
NOTE: Assigned state legislative districts are pre-2022 redistricting districts.

                                                                                                                      mnhs.org/legacy   21
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