Page created by Freddie Martinez

Contents                                              32      Sail Training Ship “Mircea”
                                                                 (Naval Force Staff)

                                                      33      “Mihail Kogălniceanu” River Flotilla
                                                                 (Naval Force Staff)
1    Romania – a trustworthy partner and
     responsible ally within NATO and EU              34      Technical and Specialty
                                                              Exercise “Cetatea 2017”
2    Romanian Armed Forces: experience,                          (Communications and Informatics Command)
     enhanced capability, modernization
                                                      35      Third Line Logistic Support
3    Romania’s Defence Policy in the Current                  in Theatres of Operations
     Developments of the International                           (Joint Logistic Command)
     Security Environment
       (Department for Defence Planning and Policy)   36      The First Ground-Based Aegis System
                                                              in the World
5    Walking on the Warsaw Path                                  (Join Logistic Command)
       (Department for Defence Planning and Policy)
                                                      38      Challenges and Priorities of the
7    Romanian Contribution to Preventing                      Military Educational System
     and Countering Terrorism                                    (“Carol I” General Staff,
       (Defence Intelligence General Directorate)
                                                                  National Defence University)
9    Romanian military medical personnel,
                                                      41      Military Technical Academy
     at Vigorous Warrior 2017                                    (Military Technical Academy)
       (Medical Directorate)
                                                      42      Implementation of NSIP Projects –
11   Medical Achievements of Central Military                 Key Objective of the Real Estate
     Emmergency Hospital                                      and Infrastructure Directorate
       (Central Military Emmergency Hospital)
                                                                 (Real Estate and Infrastructure Directorate)
12   Noble Jump 17
                                                      44      The WW1 Battles of Mărăşeşti,
       (General Staff, Land Forces Staff)
                                                              Mărăşti and Oituz
14   Saber Guardian 2017                                         (Directorate for Personnel’s Life Quality)
       (General Staff, Land Forces Staff)
                                                      46      “Thank you for not killing my father!”
16   Major Procurement Programs – Top Priority                   (Information and Public Relations Directorate)
     of the Romanian Ministry of National Defence
       (Department for Armaments)
                                                      47      Promoting the Military Career
                                                                 (Human Resources Management Directorate)
20   The Romanian Armed Forces Participation
                                                      49      Implementation of Volunteer
     in the International Military Operations                 Reservists’ Service
       (Joint Forces Command)
                                                                 (Personnel and Moblisation Directorate)
22   Latest Breakthroughs of Military Equipment
                                                      51      Multinational Brigade South East
     and Technologies Research Agency                            (MN BDE SE)
                                                      53      Multinational Division South East
24   Invictus Team Romania returns successful                   (MND-SE)
     from Toronto Games
       (Invictus Team)                                55      Romanian Host Nation Support
                                                              to NATO Exercises
26   War Veterans’ National                                      (Logistic Directorate)
     Legislation Updated
       (Directorate for Parliament Liaison
                                                           MINISTRY OF NATIONAL DEFENCE
        and Legal Assistance )
                                                           Publisher: Information and Public Relations Directorate
27   Tobruq Legacy 17                                      Tel./Fax: +40 213195698; E-mail: drp@mapn.ro
       (Air Force Staff)
                                                           Editorial board: Captain Dorin CHIRCA (Chief of Military
28   First F-16 Fighting Falcon Air                        Mass-Media Office), Gabriela CHIRCEA (Layout and Cover),
     Refueling Mission                                     Anca-Cristina MIHAIL (Editor and Translator)
       (Air Force Staff)
                                                           Photos by: MoND photographer & PR officers
30   Security Context in the Black Sea Region              Printed at Military Technical Publishing Center
       (Naval Force Staff)
                                                           C2467; B0610
Romania – a trustworthy
partner and responsible
ally within NATO and EU
       omania proved to be both a             Romania is firmly committed to this
       security provider and beneficiary      respect; that is why, by the end of the
       as a credible ally within NATO         year, our country will become one of
and EU, while the strengthening of our        the six NATO members which will have
country’s profile as a pillar of regional     met its commitment, allocating 2% of
stabilty in the region, is our top-priority   the GDP for defence expenditures.
goal.                                         This political pledge is to be continued
    The continuous commitment                 on a ten-year period until 2026, the
of R om an i a an d it s a l l i e s for      equipping program of our military
consolidating common security                 being developed on such financial
and defence is paramount for the              allocation.
Alliance’s credibility and relevance.             The initiation of the procurement
We are driven by the same democratic          programs for the Services is part of the
values and the Romanian servicemen            efforts made by Romania to meet the
have continuously demonstrated that           operational and defence requirements
they live up to the highest training          as well as its commitments undertaken      alongside our partners and allies, with
and integrity standards in support of         within NATO.                               a high degree of interoperability and
Romania’s and NATO’s interests.                   In this respect, the Ministry of       precision. And here, we must mention
    As the security situation in the Black    National Defence (MoND) has assumed        our servicemen participation with
Sea Region has evolved and become             an ambitious procurement program, for      land, air and naval forces in over 100
more complex, the NATO allies’                the 2017-2026 timeframe, consisting of     multinational exercises and training
contributions to the implementation           eight major elements, some of which        activities, planned and conducted in
of the tailored forward presence (tFP)        have already been initiated. Romania       cooperation with the allied states and
in the Southern segment of the Eastern        is very interested into developing the     partners. The most important exercise
flank with ground, air and maritime           defense side of its strategic parnership   was by far Saber Guardian 2017, which
forces represents an eloquent proof           signed with the USA, Germany,              was hosted by Romania, Bulgaria and
of solidarity. The enhanced forward           France, Spain, Italy and with other        Hungary, with the participation of over
presence (eFP) in the Baltic States and       EU member states, and is currently         25,000 troops from 22 NATO member
Poland, in which the Romanian Armed           considering developing relations with      states and partners, who jointly trained
Forces participate with a company-level       important foreign partners in the          in more than 20 firing ranges, training
unit, but also the NATO structures            field of major procurement programs.       centres and deployment areas.
established on our national territory         It is our intention to maximize the            The Romanian servicemen, whether
(MND-SE HQ, MN-BDE and NFIU),                 participation of the Romanian defence      they trained in joint domestic exercises
which conduct operations meant to             companies to this process, in full         or participate in missions abroad,
strengthen the defence and deterrence         compliance with the European norms         bring a major contribution to the
posture in this region, stand for the         of public acquisition and transparency.    enhancement of our country’s prestige.
proof that the Alliance remains united        The active involvement of national             Making the most of some of our
and powerful against all kinds of             defence industry into the Romanian         most valuable asset – the human
threats.                                      Armed Forces’ equipping program will       resources – is of great importance, and I
    Against this background,                  stimulate the creation of new jobs, thus   can assure you that we concentrate our
reconfiguration and increase of the           directly contributing to the fulfilment    efforts in this direction. Together, we’ll
defence budgets are crucial elements.         of our strategic security objectives.      continue to act so that the Romanian
NATO’s credibility will eventually                The year 2017 is a very important      Armed Forces remain a trustworthy
depend on the allocation by the               one, not only from the perspective         partner and responsible ally within
member states of the resources required       of equipping our forces, but also          NATO and EU.
to provide for the essential military         from proving our country’s capacity
capabilities needed in nowadays’              of mobilizing and deploying its                          Mihai-Viorel Fifor
complex s e c ur it y env ironment.           combat forces to the Black Sea region          Minister of National Defence

Romanian Defence 2017                                                                                                                 1
Romanian Armed Forces:
    experience, enhanced capability,
           alking about Romania after 13 years since its NATO           for the establishment of
           accession, we can state that the Romanian Armed              the mutinational brigade
           Forces’ transformation process has evolved in full           in Romania and provided
    compliance with the commitments undertaken within the               the necessary support to
    Alliance. Thus, after having implemented the first two stages       the establishment of NATO
    of this process, the main downsizing stage (2005-2007) and          NFIU and HQ Multinational
    the NATO and EU operational integration (2008-2015),                Division South-East also
    the Romanian military is going through the last phase of            on its national territory, the
    this complex process, which is to be finalized in 2025 and          process of rendering these
    translates into a full integration into NATO and EU.                structures operational taking
        Considerable progress has been made in the field of the         place in acordance with the
    doctrines, training, operational command, human resources           previously set out calendar.
    and infrastructure as well as in the international cooperation          And to all these achievements there should be added
    with the other national defence and security structures.            Romania’s successful participation, alongside multinational
    Civilian control has been developed and consolidated, the           structures built on its territory, in complex and wide-
    place and role of the state powers with regard to the military      ranging multinational exercises. „Noble Jump 17” and „Saber
    institution were clearly established and the inter-institutional    Guardian 17”, the most important two international exercises
    dialogue has grately increased, leading to a necessary and          which were conducted this year, marked the transition to an
    expected focus on boosting military equipment acquisition,          enhanced interoperability stage, at the same time, leading to
    supported by the allocation of 2% of the GDP for defence            the increase of the level of reciprocal knowledge and trust
    expenditures, starting this very year.                              among allies and partners.
        From this reason and due to the experience gained in the            Another priority of the Romanian Armed Forces is the
    international missions and operations or in exercises conducted     continuation of the human resource management process,
    on national territory with NATO allied or partner states, we        concomitantly with a balanced redefinition of the rights
    can affirm that the Romanian Armed Forces can successfully          and obligations of the military personnel, looking from the
    acomplish their assigned missions, having the capability to act     perspective of the risks and restrainsts they must undertake.
    in order to deter a potential aggresion against the independence,       Following the practices used in most of NATO member
    sovereigity and territorial integrity of Romania. Also, the         states, the Romanian Armed Forces are focused on rethinking
    Romanian military is capable to plan and conduct defensive          the role and place of the reserve force with respect to the
    operations on the national territory to counter conventional,       increase of its combat readiness level. Starting this year, the
    nonconventional and/or hybrid agrresive actions by using the        Law on the status of the volunteer reservists was enacted,
    national power instrument in an integrated manner until the         thus, creating the necessary legislative framework which
    intervention of NATO’s main forces. At the same time, it is         allows citizens possesing the physical and psychical abilities
    able to participate, according to its undertaken commitments,       required to perform military activities to become part of the
    in NATO-led Art. 5 major collective defence operations or           volunteer reserve force, no matter if they are or not involved
    in great intensity operations conducted by EU, based on the         in other professional activities.
    mutual assistance clause.                                               Consistently with our perseverence proved throughout
         Romania and its armed forces have fully understood the         the military reform and NATO integration process, we are
    role they hold in the new regional security context, steadfastly    determined to fulfill the undertaken commitments, both at
    supporting NATO’s overall effort in consolidating the               national level and within international organizations, and
    Euro-Atlantic space security, through a balanced approach           confirm once again that Romania is a pillar of stability in
    of the threats coming up from the East and South of the             the region and loyal to the values, principles and priorities
    Alliance and paying a special attention to the deterrence           of the Alliance.
    and defence posture of the Eastern Flank of the Alliance.
    Also, Romania contributes with a company-level structure
    in the multinational battalion-size battlegroup established in                                General Nicolae-Ionel CIUCĂ
    Poland, assigned a national brigade to serve as a framework                                         Chief of General Staff

2                                                                                                                    www.mapn.ro
Romania’s Defence Policy in the
Current Developments of the
International Security Environment

           e are facing nowadays a very versatile security        affecting global stability require a comprehensive approach
           environment marked by unprecedented challenges         in the field of national security management.
           with negative impact on our regional stability and         Taking into consideration all these developments, the
security. The current risks and threats have become even          2015 White Book on Defence defines five defence policy
more complex and diverse, at a time of serious expansion of       objectives: the development of robust defence capabilities;
international terrorism and proliferation of weapons of mass      the increased strategic credibility at NATO and EU levels;
destruction. In order to effectively counter all these threats,   the consolidation of strategic partnerships, especially with
we need a new approach to our defence policy. Therefore, it is    the USA; the development of international cooperation
imperative that, on the medium term, the Romanian Armed           relationships at bilateral and regional level and within
Forces become a modern force structure, able to properly          international organizations; the support to the public
respond to all threats, including the unpredictable ones,         authorities in the management of emergency situations.
bringing an important contribution both to the credibility of         At the same time, the 2017-2020 Government Program
the Alliance, as part of NATO’s collective defence system, and    identifies the following fundamental defence vectors: the
to the regional and international security as well.               participation in the collective defence of Allies in NATO and
    Romania’s defence policy plays a fundamental role in the      EU framework, the participation in missions and operations
increase of our country’s strategic power and in promoting        under the aegis of international organizations, the consolidation
our security interests and objectives, both by means of the       of national defence capacity and the consolidation of strategic
armed forces’ participation in military operations, and by        partnerships, especially with the USA.
using defence diplomacy, too. The complexity of the current           The new security and defence challenges posed to
security developments and the evolution of security crisis        the European Union (the Ukrainian crisis, the migration

   Ø European Defence Agency Meeting
            (Source: www.eda.europa.eu)

Romanian Defence 2017                                                                                                                 3
crisis, and the increased terrorist          Ø European Defence Agency Meeting
    phenomenon), Brexit and the                           (Source: www.eda.europa.eu)
    US future approach in the field
    of security and defence have
    incresded the debates on the further
    development of the C ommon
    Security and Defence Policy/CSDP.
        At present, the EU is undertaking
    a CSDP consolidation process
    by means of implementing the
    conclusions of the External Affairs
    Council of November 2016 and
    of the European Council from
    December 2016. In this context, the
    contribution of each member state to
    the development of the EU security
    and defence dimension becomes
        Within the CSDP framework,                                    the NATO Force Integration Unit/NFIU and Multinational
    Romania plays an active part as a contributor and has South-East Division Headquarters/HQs MND-SE.
    joined other states’ efforts in promoting the EU external             Last but not least, one should mention Romania’s
    affair policy, inclusively by means of several concrete actions participation in the theatres of operations in Iraq and
    (civil and military missions and operations). At present, Afghanistan, as well as its current contribution to the fight
    Romania participates in a wide spectrum of EU missions, against terrorism and its efforts in building the Deveselu Base
    with militaries deployed in different theatres of operations in hosting the US Aegis Ashore system as part of NATO BMD
    the Western Balkans, Africa and in the Southern and Eastern system.
    Europe.                                                               The Strategic Partnership cooperation platform has
        Romania is also participating in the European Defence provided Romania with the opportunity to further develop
    Agency’s initiatives, projects and programs, contributing to the existing relations with the nations that share the same
    the European efforts in developing key military capabilities. security interests. This cooperation format has been used in
    The limited financial resources require a more efficient Romania’s efforts in joining NATO and EU.
    spending. This is why Romania participates in the Pooling &           The development of bilateral cooperation, both with
    Sharing Initiative which promotes multinational cooperation strategic partners, allies and European partners, as well
    with a view of reducing defence spending.                         as neighboring countries supports our national security
        Romania’s national efforts in consolidating its NATO interests. Thus, an adequate international defence
    member status aim at fulfilling its commitments with regard cooperation framework remains essential in order to further
    to the allied defence planning process, by supporting and develop Romania’s bilateral and regional relations with its
    participating in the initiatives meant to develop the allied neighbors and the countries located within the extended
    forces and capabilities, participating in the full spectrum of Black Sea region, including the Southern Caucasus and
    allied operations and increasing the interoperability level in Central Asia. In this regard, it is important to emphasize the
    multinational framework.                                          constant and robust approach in consolidating the Romanian
        The multifaceted challenges of the international security Armed Force’s credibility as a predictable partner in fulfilling
    environment with specific threats posed to NATO’s Eastern all its assumed commitments.
    and Southern flanks have led to an increased NATO                     The development and implementation of a viable and
    involvement in order to identify the best means for collective credible defence policy represent a key component of a
    defence consolidation, as well as to the adaptation of the state’s position on the international arena. The irreversible
    Allied deterrence and defence posture which generated two process of the complex transformation process undergone by
    initiatives of utmost importance: the enhanced Forward Romania at all its institutional levels, including the security
    Presence / eFP and the tailored Forward Presence / tFP.           and defence one, proves its ability to modernize the military
        The implementation of RAP measures, mainly those system and adapt it to an increasingly complex security
    aimed at the consolidation of the security of Eastern flank environment.
    Allies, represented a priority for Romania. From this                 In this respect, the political decision to allot 2% of the
    perspective, Romania provided special attention to the GDP to defence will allow the continuation of Romanian
    political-military process of establishing the two NATO military modernization, as well as for the fulfillment of our
    command and control structures on our national territory: national commitments to NATO and EU.

4                                                                                                                 www.mapn.ro
Walking on the Warsaw Path
                      The size of NATO Response Force was tripled to 40,000 troops, with Spearhead Force
                   ready to move winthing days. The greatest reinforcement of the Alliance’s collective
                   defence since the end of the Cold War was implemented.

        any pages have been written        Force with a brigade-sized high-            but as a defensive, proportionate one,
        on the significance of the         readiness spearhead force at its core,      seeking only to defend the allies.
        Wales Summit in 2014, when         with the ability to move within a               Of particular interest for our
the Alliance launched its Readiness        matter of days. As a natural following      country, strengthening the Allied
Action Plan (RAP) and, thus, decided       step, other measures were also agreed       dete r re nce and de fe nce posture
initiating NATO’s adaptation to the        so as to complement the progress so         translates, among other measures, into
abrupt security changes produced           far accomplished. Thus, this high-level     enhancing NATO’s presence on the
in the strategic context. The Wales        Allied reunion in July 2016 served as       Eastern flank, on both its segments
Summit focused on the assurance            the framework for establishing the          (Northern and Southern). NATO’s
and improvement of allied forces’          two main lines of action for NATO           Eastern flank includes Romania,
readiness. It was just the beginning       for the years to come: strengthening        Bulgaria, Turkey and the states located
of a time of international turmoil         deterrence and defence posture on           in the Northern part of the flank, which
which was to be later determined by        the one hand, and projecting stability      include Poland and the Baltic states
an assertive Russia in the East and        beyond NATO’s borders, on the               that continue to remain vulnerable to
the terrorist threat in the South. Thus,   other hand, thus ensuring NATO’s            Russia’s pressures.
as NATO allies and partners have           adaptation to the current security              As a credible and robust ally in this
assimilated the summit resolutions         challenges: from the East – Russia’s        region, Romania has been constantly
established in Wales, they had a           aggression against Ukraine, and from        making efforts to include the Black
two-year time span to work on the          the South – the terrorist threat, as well   Sea Region among the top strategic
deliverables and implement them,           as the refugee and migrant crisis.          priorities of the NATO agenda and
both nationally and at NATO level.             Taken as a whole, the measures          to keep it there, so as to grant it the
    Then, at the Warsaw Summit – a         adopted at Warsaw represent the largest     strategic importance it deserves.
pivotal NATO Summit, the 27 th one         reinforcement of NATO’s collective          Moreover, Romania has also initiated
since the signing of the Washington        defence and deterrence since the end of     the Bucharest Format (the first such
Treaty in 1949, the RAP was declared       the Cold War. It is important, though,      meeting was held last November)
fully implemented, including by            to understand that NATO’s response          with the four Visegrád states (Poland,
tripling in size the NATO Response         should be seen as non-confrontational,      Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic)
                                                                                       and Bulgaria to discuss common
                                                                                       concerns at ministerial level, as well as
   Ø NATO Summit Warsaw 2016                                                           trilateral consultations with Poland and
            (Source: www.nato.int)
                                                                                           Thus, following the Warsaw Summit,
                                                                                       for the Northern part of the Eastern
                                                                                       flank – the Baltic states and Poland, we
                                                                                       can speak about the enhanced Forward
                                                                                       Presence / eFP, while for the Southern
                                                                                       part – the Black Sea Region, we have
                                                                                       the tailored Forward Presence / tFP,
                                                                                       which is based in fact on a Romanian
                                                                                       initiative. Specifically, allied decisions
                                                                                       have been taken in the direction of the
                                                                                       deployment of one rotational battalion
                                                                                       in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and
                                                                                       Poland, as well as the development of a
                                                                                       tFP in Romania and Bulgaria.

Romanian Defence 2017                                                                                                               5
As far as the tFP is concerned, it   situational awareness, and a maritime       as Iraq, Jordan, Tunisia, Morocco, and
    has been conceptually designed with      coordination function for NATO              Mauritania, so as to address more
    three components: land, air and sea,     Standing Naval Forces when operating        effectively the root causes of instability.
    augmented by a training feature.         with other Allied forces in the Black Sea   The allies also agreed to continue the
    The land element will consist of a       region.                                     Resolute Support training, advice, and
    multinational framework brigade / MN         Acknowledging, at the same time,        assistance mission in a flexible regional
    BDE, under the Multinational Division    the importance of the eFP, our country      format beyond 2016.
    Southeast / MND SE in our country,       has expressed the commitment to                 Keeping a 360 degree approach with
    and will benefit from multinational      contribute to its implementation and        regard the threats coming from the East
    training coordinated by the Combined     will participate within the US-led          and the South, our country is also a
    Joint Enhanced Training Initiative       Battle Group established in Poland this     long-term contributor to Afghanistan’s
    (CJET). An elite infantry brigade in     spring.                                     stability, by participating in Resolute
    Romania, the 2 nd “Rovine” Infantry          With regard to projecting stability,    Support Mission, as well as in the US-
    Brigade from Craiova, has already been   allies decided in Warsaw to expand          led Global Coalition to Counter ISIL,
    assigned to serve as framework for the   the efforts to project stability beyond     through enhanced training of the Iraqi
    future multinational brigade and steps   NATO’s borders, both at East and            Security Forces.
    are being taken so that it can become    South. Thus, NATO will continue                 Apart from the initiatives on the
    operational in compliance with the       offering its assistance to partners in      enhanced presence and projecting
    Allied calendar.                         the East, such as Georgia, the Republic     stability, the Warsaw Summit has also
        Following the Summit, a number of    of Moldova and Ukraine, helping             decided on steps to build resilience
    specific measures for the strengthened   them to strengthen resilience and           against non-traditional challenges such
    NATO maritime and air presence in        boost self-defence capabilities. For        as hybrid tactics, cyber vulnerabilities,
    the Black Sea region were approved       Georgia, this was translated into a set     and terrorist threats.
    by defence ministers at their meeting    of support measures which enhance the           Alongside these, a very important
    in October 2016. Eight allies have       Substantial NATO-Georgia Package,           decision regarded the Joint Declaration
    committed to man the brigade staff,      while for Ukraine meant that an             between the European Union and
    while five allies have committed land    agreement was reached with respect to       NATO by which the two organizations
    and air forces for training and air      the Comprehensive Assistance Package.       have committed to closer cooperation
    policing missions.                       Romania has been an active promoter         in concrete areas, such as hybrid war
        Moreover, in Februar y 2017,         and supporter of the Allied efforts         and cyber threats, supporting partners
    after complex negotiations, defence      dedicated to these partners, being also     in defence capacity building, and
    ministers agreed on two additional       a direct contributor.                       increasing maritime security, with the
    maritime measures: an increased              On the Southern flank, NATO             aim of better dealing with the security
    NATO naval presence in the Black Sea     decided to intensify its defence capacity   challenges faced by both organizations.
    for training, exercises and enhanced     building with its regional partners such    In December 2016, NATO and the EU
                                                                                         agreed on a concrete set of measures
                                                                                         to implement the Joint Declaration
                                                                                         and staff-level coordinated efforts of
                                                                                         both organizations have already been
                                                                                             This year high-level NATO Summit
                                                                                         in Brussels was one of the most
                                                                                         significant Summits in the history of
                                                                                         the organization. It wasn’t a Summit of
                                                                                         decisions, but rather of status check, as
                                                                                         an evaluation of the Warsaw Summit
                                                                                         resolutions. It is important to note
                                                                                         that it was hosted in the new NATO
                                                                                         Headquarters and attended by the
                                                                                         new US president, Donald Trump. As
                                                                                         the latest defence ministerial meeting
                                                                                         in mid-February showed us, special
                                                                                         attention was paid to the need that
                                                                                         all allies comply with the pledge on
                                                                                         defence investment.
                                                     Ø NATO Summit Warsaw 2016
                                                              (Source: www.nato.int)
6                                                                                                                www.mapn.ro
Romanian Contribution to
Preventing and
Countering Terrorism

       he main elements of terrorism are     by the Sunni jihadist terrorist groups.       and threats, which helped maintaining
       acts of violence or threats, most     Encouraging factors for their actions         its national territory outside the
       of the times occurring without        are radicalization and mobilization for       sphere of direct confrontation with the
discrimination, benefiting from media        terrorism of vulnerable young people          terrorist phenomenon.
exposure and aiming at obtaining a           from the Western society, in short                Recent attacks of terrorist jihadist
state of anxiety, insecurity, fear, panic    periods of time, up to several months.        groups Daesh and Al Qaeda in Europe
or terror among the population, with             In recent years, immigrants and           have represented a turning point in the
the goal of achieving specific objectives,   refugees came to Europe from areas            perception of European public opinion
especially political ones.                   where jihadist terrorist groups are active.   on major geopolitical issues. It goes
    Through effects of terrorist actions,    Therefore, the risk of terrorist attacks      from the efficiency of the national and
the terrorist groups intimidate the          in the European Union remains high,           common security systems to terrorist
population or certain parts of it            with a rising trend. Actions are carried      threats, from granting asylum in the
and constrain public authorities or          out by radicalized supporters or foreign      European area to the implementation

international organizations to make          terrorist fighters that had returned          of policies meant to fit in the migrants
decisions in their favour. Most of           from Syria and Iraq to their European         into Western society.
the time their purpose is to seriously       states. The actions have already resulted         So far, Romania has been protected
destabilize or destroy the political,        in attacks in Paris, Brussels, Nice and       from terrorist attacks, one reason
e c onom i c , publ i c and m i l it ar y    Berlin (claimed by DAESH / Islamic            being the existence and activity of
structures of a state, in order to occupy    State in Iraq and Syria and Al Qaeda in       the National System for Prevention
and exploit a specific territory.            the Arabian Peninsula and Yemen).             and Combating Terrorism (NSPCT),
    Main terrorist threats to interna­           Romania has a security policy             whose purpose consists in coordinating
tional security are currently generated      focused on anticipating any kind of risks     and organizing the efforts of public

Romanian Defence 2017                                                                                                                 7
institutions with responsibilities in
    preventing and fighting terrorism in
    Romania, spanning from security to
    rule of law and education.
        The main pillar of NSPCT’s legal
    activity is Law no. 535/2004 on
    preventing and combating terrorism.
    This legislation gives powers also to the
    Ministry of National Defence (MoND).
    MoND activity in NSPCT is based on
    the provisions of Law no. 346/2006
    on the organization and operation
    of MoND, terrorism being one of the
    threats to national and military security.
        Developments within the domestic
    and international security environment
    with regard to terrorism and the need
    to establish a valid relation between the
    operational components of prevention
    and antiterrorist intervention or
    counterterrorism have led to major
    developments at national level; this
    translates into the updating of the
    concepts and regulations required to
    put into practice the best deterrence
    activities.                                  targets of terrorist entities fall under the   Crime and Terrorism (DIOCT) on
        In order to prevent and counter          responsibility of all Romanian Armed           countering terrorism, MoND through
    terrorist acts and their related actions,    Forces structures.                             the DIGD and in coordination with the
    MoND carries out specific activities,            Designed structures with specific          Romanian Intelligence Service (RIS)
    individually or jointly, in accordance       capabilities within the MoND are               contributes to charging the persons
    with its tasks and legal competences         tasked with preparing for intervention         who initiate, organize, commit or
    and also with the provisions of the          in civil emergencies generated by              favour terrorist acts.
    General Protocol on the organization         terrorist actions.                                 In the event of imminent terrorist
    and functioning of NSPCT approved                Romania is represented by the              attack, the Special Detachment
    by the Homeland Defence Supreme              MoND in meetings/working groups                for Protection and Intervention (a
    Council.                                     at European, Euro-Atlantic and /               DIGD structure) in cooperation with
        In preventing terrorism, MoND            or international level, for political-         RIS’s Antiterrorist Brigade conduct
    carries out intelligence-operative           military cooperation in preventing and         antiterrorist or counterterrorist
    ac t iv it ies t hroug h t he D efence       combating terrorism, at technical level.       interventions.
    Intelligence General Directorate                 In order to raise the security                 MoND’s missions and forces
    (DIGD) in accordance with its assigned       culture awareness among personnel              mandate for combating terrorism
    objectives and activities.                   with responsibilities in preventing and        abroad, in the theatres of operations,
        Activities against acts of supplying     combating terrorism, MoND conducts             is given in accordance with Law no.
    terrorist entities with human resources,     periodical professional training.              121/2011.
    specific means of action, as well                The continuous improvement of                  The law refers to the participation
    as funds, logistics or information,          the legislative framework related to           of the armed forces in missions and
    performed on the national territory or       categories of missions assigned to             operations outside the national
    abroad, are carried out by the central       NSPCT, including in terms of criminal          territor y and stipulates that the
    structures of the MoND, under the            procedures, is accomplished by MoND            participation has to be approved by
    coordination of DIGD.                        through DIGD with support from the             the President of Romania at Prime
        Activities related to security,          Directorate for Parliament Liaison and         Minister’s proposal (after consulting
    protection and anti-terrorist control        Legal Assistance.                              the Homeland Defence Supreme
    which provide for the safety of MoND’s           In support of the work of the              Council), and ultimately by the
    staff and facilities that are potential      Directorate for Investigating Organized        Romanian Parliament.

8                                                                                                                     www.mapn.ro
Romanian military
medical personnel, at
Vigorous Warrior 2017
          edical Directorate participated through September    NATO standards, checking on interoperability; testing
          4th-22nd in the fourth edition of Vigorous Warrior   the tactical maneuver capacity, including redeployment of
          2017, conducted in Lehnin, Germany, and              medical units within the tactical fields; testing and evaluating
organized under the aegis of the NATO Center of Excellence     the ROL 2 Framework Nation Concept medical formations,
for Military Medicine.                                         the response capability to a great number of victims following
    Twenty-one NATO member states and seven invited            an Article V – type military operation; the interaction
states contributed to the exercise with almost 900 personnel   among military, civilian, national, multinational and private
members who were integrated into multinational ROL             medical entities with focus on civil-to-military cooperation;
2 and ROL 1-type structures, within Redeployable               evaluation of the continuous medical assistance offered
Outbreak Investigation Teams (RDOIT), bio laboratories,        throughout the entire evacuation chain and the evaluation
mobile hospital infectious disease control units, mobile       of the training and response capability in case of biological
decontamination units, a ground MEDEVAC company,               incidents.
a MEDEVAC coordination cell, a command structure,                  The joint training and the evaluation of the
an organizational structure, and teams of evaluators and       interoperability and maneuver capacity within NATO
observers.                                                     medication support formations, as part of an Article V –
    The following training objectives were accomplished        type operation, including the response capability in case of
throughout the exercise: the training and modular approach     a potential biological incident, were the main goals of this
certification for multinational support units according to     exercise.

                                                                                                  Ø “Vigorous Warrior 2017”

Romanian Defence 2017                                                                                                             9
Ø Orthopedic equipment

     Medical Achievements of Central
     Military Emmergency Hospital
            r. Carol Davila Emmergency Central Military Hospital       moment, our patients benefit from the highest standards
            is the biggest military hospital in Romania and a          of high-quality and professional medical care provided in
            symbol of the Romanian history. Its main mission           the following pathologies: AP TRAUMA (new 2015); AP
     is to provide specialty medical assistance at peace, war or       ENDO (new 2015); breast reconstruction (new 2015); AP
     during contingeny situations to the military and civilian         ATI; oncology; orthopedics; neurological diseases; rare acute
     personnel and their families as well as to the soldiers injured   diseases; chronic rare diseases; diabetes; transplantation of
     and mutilated in the tehaters of operations, to the military      organs, tissues and cells and, the component of prevention,
     pensioneers and war veterans.                                     surveillance and control of tuberculosis.
         The hospital leadeship showed a constant concern for              Another constant preocupation is the development of
     the development of the wide range of services offered             the operational medicine, by virtue of the participation of
     at peacetime, taking all necessary steps in order to get all      the Romanian Armed Forces’ servicemen in the theaters
     funds required for the provision of specialty treatments          of operations. In anticipation of the requests made by the
     (as part of the national health programs). Thus, at this          soldiers injured in the theaters of operations, “Dr. Carol
                                                                       Davila” Emmergency Central Military Hospital’s leadership
                                                                       established and rendered operational the Multidisciplinary
                                                                       Medical Assistance Center for the Servicemen Injured in the
                                                                       Theaters of Operations, which comprises the Compartment
                                                                       for Post-traumatic Recovery for the Servicemen Injured in
                                                                       the Theaters of Operations. This is the proof of respect and
                                                                       commitent of the military medicine in providing rapid
                                                                       access to health services, as part of the process for social-
                                                                       professional reinsertion and increase of life quality.
                                                                           Setting up the Expertise and specific activities service and
                                                                       of the Service of primary health care are other steps taken
                                                                       during the extensive institutional process, involving the
                                                                       development of operational medicine and correlation to the
                                                                       quality and safety standards of medical care applied in the
                                                                       European-Atlantic area, by optimizing the use of resources
                                                                       in health services, in terms of cost, increased efficiency,
                                                                       improvement of capabilities for early detection of pathologies
                                                                       related diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of chronic
                                                 Ø Latest optical

diseases, by ensuring fast access to healthcare in health
programs and, increased quality of life.
    One of the hospital’s projects is to develop the Stroke
Center for neuro-vascular emergencies. For this purpose,
we intend to purchase a complex neurosurgery system with
navigation, specific microscope, surgery for skull base, etc.
So we will be able to practice neurosurgery at another level.
Stroke is now a serious issue, with high costs for society.
If the patient is treated in the first hours of a stroke, his
chances to survive and to recover are clearly higher. We
will develop the acute neurological therapy and the
neurosurgical therapy and we will also have angiography,                                             Ø “Pathology of the
CT and MRI, with modules especially procured for this                                                pancreas” Workshop
    Recent years have brought, due to consistency, a number      Ø Latest medical
of firsts in the military medicine field, some of which are:         technologies
general surgery – first minimally invasive surgeries – LESS
type (laparoscopic endoscopic single site surgery)/ SILS
(single incision laparoscopic surgery) performed in a
state medical facility in Romania and laparoscopic hepatic
segment resection of a tumor using a bipolar radiofrequency
device; thoracic surgery – tumor resection of a large
segment using a medical device that releases autologous
fibrin solution; orthopedics – First International Course of
Arthroscopy of the hip and bionic prosthesis in Romania –
the result of interdisciplinary research projects; ICU – First
multi-organ and tissue sampling from a patient in cerebral
death and neurosurgery – cranio-plasty surgery by using
bioengineering systems (3D design of a prosthetic head
after imagistic measurements made through computerized
tomography, carrying out the mold that was converted into
a biocompatible medical device).
    At “PRO INVENT 2016” International Salon of
Inventica, the largest military medical unit in the country
was awarded five distinctions. The golden medal was
awarded for the „Short cervical-femural endoprosthesis”
invention, European Knight distinctions were given for
special merits in innovations while other three distinctions
were offered at “INNOVA 2016”, Brusells, for the
“Semiconstrained Total Elbow Prosthesis Made of Shape-                                                     Ø Radiotherapy
Memory Alloys” invention.                                                                                      equipment

   Ø Robotics                                                                   Ø Civilian Society Award

Romanian Defence 2017                                                                                                       11
Noble Jump 17

            OJP17 was a short-term notification exercise, planned    coming by sea or rail from Greece to Bulgaria and then
            and led by the Naples Allied Joint Force with the        to Romania.
            participation of approximately 5000 service members          NOJP 2–DEPLOYEX consisted of theoretical preparation
     from 10 Allied countries, through June 1st-16th. NOJP17         activities for the interaction of VJTF elements with the MND
     tested NATO’s ability to deploy its Very High Readiness Joint   SE, NFIU and Romanian Armed Forces structures, through
     Task Force (VJTF) and confirmed its ability to implement        April 3-7, 2017. Also, there were also VJTF deployment
     the NATO Readiness Action Plan (RAP) in Bulgaria and            activities from bases emplaced in Romania (during a
     Romania.                                                        previously scheduled period of time) and a Live Exercise/
         NOJP 17 was planned to be conducted in two stages:          LIVEX with VJTF and national elements chosen from the
     the alert of the VJTF elements, generically called NOJP1 –      country’s defence package organized and conducted by
     ALERTEX/Alertation Exercise and the deployment stage,           MND-SE (during a planned period of time, after having
     generically called NOJP 2–DEPLOYEX/Deployment                   deployed the forces to the training ranges).
     Exercise.                                                           The LIVEX consisted in firing activities in the training
         The second stage, NOJP 2–DEPLOYEX, took place in            area and/or tactical drills but also in a Distinguished Visitors’
     Romania and Bulgaria in training sites offered through host     Day (DVDay) which created great opportunities for the
     nation support/HNS.                                             mass-media to achieve the desired coverage.
         Most of the foreign troops arrived at “Getica” National         At the end of the Live Exercise/LIVEX, the VJTF and
     Training Center in Cincu, Romania from Albania,                 national participant structures in the exercise redeployed
     Bulgaria, Germany, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland,             back to their permanent bases, thus marking the completion
     Spain and the United Kingdom, the heavy equipment               of the NOJP 17.

12                                                                                                                  www.mapn.ro
       Noble Jump 2017
       is an important
       NATO exercise that
 allowed us to demonstrate
 interoperability within
 the Alliance; I appreciate
 the Support of Greece,
 Bulgaria and Romania as
 host nations and their
 close cooperation so that
 NOJP17 demonstrated
 that our skills, knowledge
 and experience are at
 the highest level”, stated
 Admiral Michelle Janine
 Howard, Commander of
 Allied Joint Force Command

Romanian Defence 2017         13
Saber Guardian 2017
            aber Guardian 2017 (SG17),             Multinational Division in Novo Selo,
            the greatest exercise conducted        Bulgaria.
            in the region, has come to an              The Communications and IT
     end. It was an impressive force show          Command together with the Joint
     in Romania, Bulgaria and Hungary,             Logistics Command supported the
     conducted according to a fictitious           military operations according to their
     scenario, when over 25,000 service            expertise.
     members from 22 allied and partner                The Romanian Armed Forces were
     countries with over 3,000 vehicles, of        represented mainly by the Services,
     which 90 combat and airlift aircraft,         through their servicemen: 8,000 from
     conducted military operations in              the Land Forces with 1,000 pieces of
     order to free a part of the territory         equipment, over 1,000 from the Air
     under the occupation of a hostile             Forces with over 40 aircraft and almost
     force.                                        800 from the Navy, with 10 destroyers
         SG17 showed the reaction and              and logistic support ships, 12 boats and
     deterrence capacity of the allied             18 land vehicles.
     and partner nations according to                  One of the most complex operations
     the collective defence scenario, by           was forcing the Danube river crossing,
     exercising force projection.                  where about 1,600 troops and over
         On the Romanian soil alone, about         400 vehicles crossed the river with
     70 train sets, over 400 vehicle convoys,      the support of aircraft and river boats,
     about 50 sorties and a cargo ship             while under attack.
     brought together this impressive force            For the first time during an exercise
     that acted in over 20 firing ranges,          conducted in our countr y, they
     training centers and deployment               exercised a scenario close to reality in
     points.                                       which the wounded were transported
         During SG17, the ser vicemen              and treated in the three NATO ROL
     carried out a wide range of operations        2 military field hospitals (the 212 th
     in a multinational, combined and joint        US Field Hospital, ROL 2 Romanian
     context: air assault, tactical marches,       Medical Formation and the Balkan
     forcing river crossing, shooting, live        Medical Formation), an operation
     maneuvers and fire with equipment             coordinated nationally by the Medical
     from all services, medevac and treating       Directorate.                                of ensuring data communications
     the wounded.                                      The exercise was widely covered,        within the classified mission networks,
         Structures of the General Staff           as in the operations conducted in           organized on the Federated Mission
     cordinated these personnel, equipment         Romania alone participated over 200         Networking (FMN) principle. At the
     and ammunition maneuvers of the               Romanian and foreign journalists. The       same time, in order to exercise the C2
     countries involved, of the live fire          military journalists that joined them       act within the exercise training events,
     exercises and other sequences of the          took photos and live feed, especially on    Communications and Information
     exercise.                                     the social media network, at all times.     Technology Command ensured voice
         T h e Jo i n t F o r c e C o m m a n d    Almost 100 foto and video posts were        and VTC communications services,
     coordinated the activities of all national,   published on the official Facebook page     also. In order to ensure communications
     allied and partner structures involved        of the defence ministry, while the live     and information services in the exercise
     in the exercise in our country, from the      feed reached almost 3 Millions users.       locations and CIS interconnection of
     Forward Point of Command located                  During “SABER GUARDIAN 17”              the national structures participating
     at Mihail Kogălniceanu. The main              e xe rc i s e, C om mu n i c a­
                                                                                 t i ons and   in the exercise, the transport support
     task was to synchronize the national          Information Technology Command              was provided through the Permanent
     integrated exercises associated to            ensured the CIS support which               Transmission Network/ROU National
     exercise SG17 led by USAREUR, which           consisted in the installation and           Military Communications Network
     required the permanent coordination           exploitation of IT modules in the main      (PTN/NMCN) which was extended
     with the Point of Command of the              locations of the exercise with a view       in the exercise areas of operations by

14                                                                                                                    www.mapn.ro
means of the Communications and Information Technology
Command transportable shelters, as well as through the
satellite channels and flux leased from specialized civil
    The Ministry of National Defence constantly promotes
a transparent and predictible policy concerning military
operations, thus contributing to Romania’s pledge as OSCE
member related to military transparency.
    In order to ensure transparency, 25 delegates from 13
OSCE nations participated in SG17 multinational exercise in
Romania, as observers. The delegates had the opportunity to
watch the different stages of the exercise and the deployment
of the troops in the field, on the ground and from the
    The observers’ activity was organized in agreement
with the provisions of the Vienna Document of 2011 on
the measures to increase confidence and security in the
OSCE space, Chapter VI – Observation of Certain Military

Romanian Defence 2017                                           15
Major Procurement Programs –
     Top Priority of the Romanian
     Ministry of National Defence
            laced in a complex geo-political          Ø HIMARS
            position, Romania acknowledges
            the importance of an enhanced
     forward presence in the Baltic States
     and Poland, thus, focusing on the
     consolidation of the Eastern flank of the
     Alliance and on the overall approach of
     the North and Southern flank in order to
     increase security in the Black Sea Region.
         Consequently, consolidation of our
     country’s profile as regional provider of
     security and stability within NATO and
     EU stands for the main objective of the
     Ministry of National Defence.
         The Romanian Armed Forces
     participate in joint exercises and
     training programs with the allied states
     and partners, increasing resources and
     troops allocated in support of NATO
     and EU operations and missions.
         At the same time, Romania continues
     and intensifies its efforts and measures
     to consolidate defence and security
     alongside the allies and partners by
     honoring its undertaken commitments.             of four corvettes and adjacent        ¦   Long range Multiple launcher rocket
     One of these commitments referes to              equipment;                                systems.
     the allocation of 2% of the GDP for          ¦   Mobile anti-ship missile                  The total costs of the procurement
     defence expenditures on a 10-year                launchers;                            programs will be established after a
     period, until 2026.                          ¦   The modernization of the MLI-         final decision made on the technical
         The Romanian Armed Forces’                   84M infantry fighting vehicles that   and operational requirements of the
     Procurement Program for 2017-                    includes 48 fighting vehicles;        Romanian military and the course of
     2026 timeframe consists of eight             ¦   8×8 and 4×4 armoured personnel        action to be followed while running the
     major elements and was developed                 carrier; during the first stage, 94   acquisition strategy.
     in accordance with the allocated                 vehicles out of the 657 would be
     funds, the document being approved               acquired;                             Romania consolidates its naval
     by Decision of Homeland Defence              ¦   C4I system (command, control,         defence capabilities
     Supreme Council (HDSC). Each major               communications, computers and
     procurement program exceeds 100                  information technology) with               “Multi-purpose corvette”
     million euros and was approved by the            ISTAR integration capabilities;              Program is intended
     Romanian Parliament.                         ¦   Advanced surface-to-air missile            to protect the Romanian
         Eight major procurement programs             (ASAM) systems – four for the Land             security interest
     are to be initiated:                             Forces and three for the Air Force;
     ¦ The multi-purpose corvettes that           ¦   SHORAD-VSHORAD integrated               In order to accomplish their specific
         translates into the acquisition              weapon systems;                       missions in this difficult political-

16                                                                                                                www.mapn.ro
military international context, the                  Corvettes will operate as a warfare   programs established in the 2017 –
Romanian Naval Forces must have a                multitask unit within a maritime          2026 Romanian Defence Procurement
modern, credible and balanced force              taskforce or alone. The corvettes and     Pl an for w hich t he Parli ament
structure, similar to the other states           the two T 22 frigates will make up,       agreed, in May this year, to initiate
bordering the Black Sea Region.                  on rotational basis, a group of vessels   the procedures to assign the relevant
   The most efficient surface warfare            that will be at NATO’s disposal with      contracts.
ships in the littoral region are the             a view of meeting the commitments             Related to the HIMARS procure­
“corvette-type” ones, with medium                undertaken by Romania.                    ment program, the US Congress
speed engines and able to accomplish                 According to HDSC’s Decisions,        approved, in agreement with the
the entire range of missions in and              the “Multi-purpose corvettes” Program     American standard pro cedures,
outside the Black Sea Region, at the             is an essential procurement program       Romania’s request to purchase 54
same time being autonomous and                   meant to provide for Romania’s security   HIMARS launchers and auxiliary
having nautical qualities that can enable        interests. HDSC recommended the           equipment for three combat battalions.
them to conduct actions in difficult             Government that the specific contract         The choice to equip the Romanian
hydro-weather conditions.                        assignment procedures encourage           Armed Forces with the HIMARS
   The procurement of new corvettes,             the involvement of the domestic           system derives from the need to have
due to their estimated life-cycle                producers, thus, attracting several       modern artillery equipment, able to
which go up to 30 years and that can             prestigious companies in the field into   contribute to strengthening the national
be further extended by successive                the modernization and privatization       defence capability and to increase
modernization works, offers the                  process of the national defence           interoperability with the allied forces,
Romanian Naval Forces the necessary              industry.                                 by having in place a reliable deterrence
operational confidence in order to                                                         capability.
accomplish their specific medium and                    US Congress Approved                   HIMARS is one of the most
long-term assigned missions.                              the Acquisition of               precise combat support systems tested
   At present, the modernization of                  HIMARS System to Equip the            and used in real missions by the US
T-22 R frigates is taken into account,                 Romanian Armed Forces               Army and Marine Corps. It conveys
as part of the acquisition process of                                                      technical superiority, giving substantial
the multi-purpose corvettes by making                The acquisition of High Mobility      advantage to the military structures
the most of the offset of this major             Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS)         and successful options in combat to
procurement program.                             is one of the main eight procurement      commanders during operations.

     “Multi-purpose corvettes”,
      operational confidence

¦   Conduct militar y operations,
    indep endent ly or as p ar t of
    international task forces in order to
    ensure the integrity of the maritime
¦   Pa r t i c ip at e i n n at i on a l a n d
    international law enforcement
    operations in the territorial waters,
    contiguous area and economic
    exclusive zone;
¦   Conduct maritime security opera­
    tions and search & rescue activities
    at sea;
¦   Ensure permanent reconaissance
    of the littoral and of the Black Sea
¦   Support the other Romanian Armed
    Forces’ Services;
¦   Participate in international opera­
    tions and missions according to the
    approved plans.                                                                                             Ø MLI84 Infantry
                                                                                                                  Fighting Vehicle

Romanian Defence 2017                                                                                                                  17
The HIMARS reliability rate and                 Ø PATRIOT
                                                       Missile System
     interoperability degree between the
     US and Allied forces reduce the final
     operational and maintenance costs.
        T h e pro g r a m i s n ow i n a n
     intermediate stage, following the
     approval of the US Congress; there will
     be technical talks and negotiations to
     determine the final configuration of the
     acquisition, as well as the technology
     transfer options and the involvement
     of the national defence industry in
     providing the necessary equipment for
     production and maintenance.

      Acquisition of HIMARS – modern
        combat system, validated in
          real combat conditions

         HIMARS contributes to
     strengthening the national defence
     capability and to increasing
     successful­ness of military operations
     interoperability with the allied forces,
     by providing a long-range launching
     capability which translates into a
     reliable deterrence capability.
         The acquisit ion of HIMARS
     augments the essential ground defence
     capabilities meant to significantly
     contribute to NATO collective defence:
     ¦ increase reaction time;
     ¦ increase the depth of the hit;
     ¦ successfully tested in combat in
         Afgha­nistan, Iraq and Syria;            special draft law on the procurement       systems in its most updated configuration
     ¦ high-mobility and C130 transpor­           of this system, while the acquisition      namely PAC-3 Plus, which incorporate
         table;                                   process will take place following          the latest technlogies developed for this
     ¦ top of the line in NATO reactive/          negociations and the signing of an         type of defensive armament.
         self-propelled artillery, the MLRS’      agreement between the Romanian and             Thus, delivery of the first missile
         successor;                               USA governments.                           system to Romania will take place next
         Beside the advantage of their superior       Minister of Defence Mihai Fifor        year, our country joining five other
     precison, HIMARS are also equipped           stated that the first Patriot missile      NATO member states which hold
     with an integrated recharchable system       system will have been procured by          Patriot batteries (Germany, Greece,
     which is time saving, enabling the           the end of 2017. The Romanian part is      Spain, Netherlands and United States
     increase of the firing speed.                waiting for the US letter of acceptance,   of America). Also, Poland is another
                                                  so that it can initiate the contracting    country which made a request for the
        Acquisition of Patriot missile            procedures and procure the first such      procurement of these systems.
       system to equip the Romanian               system. The Romanian delegation has            Fol l ow i ng n e go c i at i ons an d
          Armed Forces, approved                  officially requested the Dependable        procurement of this system, the MoND
            by the US Congress                    Undertaking clause arragements for         intends that its producer collaborates
                                                  the procurement programs, during the       with the Romanian defence industry in
        For the Patriot surface-to-air missile    talks with Secretary of Defence Mattis.    order to identify the most adequate local
     procurement program, the Ministry                The MoND intends to pay in             suppliers and support national companies
     of National Defence wil submit to the        November the first installment for the     in developing their own manufacturing
     Romanian Parliament’s approval a             acquisition of seven Patriot missile       tehnology of the Patriot components.

18                                                                                                                   www.mapn.ro
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