Minimizing Margin of Victory for Fair Political and Educational Districting

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Minimizing Margin of Victory for Fair Political and Educational Districting

                                              Ana-Andreea Stoica,1,2 Abhijnan Chakraborty,1 Palash Dey,3 Krishna P. Gummadi1
                                                                                 Max Planck Institute for Software Systems, Germany
                                                                                               Columbia University, USA
                                                                                    Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India
arXiv:1909.05583v1 [cs.SI] 12 Sep 2019

                                                                   Abstract                                 ogy, etc. Dividing people arbitrarily may lead to biased
                                                                                                            grouping, manifested differently in different contexts.
                                           In many practical scenarios, a population is divided into
                                           disjoint groups for better administration, e.g., electorates        In electoral districting, given the voting pattern of
                                           into political districts, employees into departments, stu-       the electorate, political parties in power may draw the
                                           dents into school districts, and so on. However, group-          district boundaries that favor them – a practice termed
                                           ing people arbitrarily may lead to biased partitions, rais-      as gerrymandering (Lewenberg, Lev, and Rosenschein
                                           ing concerns of gerrymandering in political districting,         2017). For example, majority of the opposition support-
                                           racial segregation in schools, etc. To counter such issues,      ers may be assigned to a few districts, such that the
                                           in this paper, we conceptualize such problems in a voting        opponents become minority in other districts. Alterna-
                                           scenario, and propose FAIR D ISTRICTING problem to               tively, the ruling party may want to ensure that it enjoys
                                           divide a given set of people having preference over can-
                                                                                                            a healthy lead over its opponents in many districts, so
                                           didates into k groups such that the maximum margin of
                                           victory of any group is minimized. We also propose the           that if a handful of its supporters change sides, it does
                                           FAIR C ONNECTED D ISTRICTING problem which addi-                 not hamper the winnability. There have been several in-
                                           tionally requires each group to be connected. We show            stances of such manipulations in electoral (re)districting
                                           that the FAIR D ISTRICTING problem is NP-complete                in the US, starting as early as in 1812, by then Mas-
                                           for plurality voting even if we have only 3 candidates but       sachusetts governor Elbridge Gerry (the term gerry-
                                           admits polynomial time algorithms if we assume k to be           mandering originated after him) (Issacharoff 2002).
                                           some constant or everyone can be moved to any group.
                                           In contrast, we show that the FAIR C ONNECTED D IS -                Public schools in the US are governed by school
                                           TRICTING problem is NP-complete for plurality voting             boards representing local communities, and are largely
                                           even if we have only 2 candidates and k = 2. Finally,            funded from local property taxes (Corsi-Bunker 2015;
                                           we propose heuristic algorithms for both the problems            Chakraborty et al. 2019). Most of the students go to
                                           and show their effectiveness in UK political districting         a school in the district they live, proximity playing an
                                           and in lowering racial segregation in public schools in          important role in the school choice (Douglas N. Harris
                                           the US.                                                          2015). Thus, the way schools are distributed determines
                                                                                                            racial composition of their students and the revenue
                                                                                                            they earn. Several reports claim that wealthier, whiter
                                                               Introduction                                 communities have pushed policies so that white fami-
                                         Dividing a population into smaller groups is often a               lies can live in white-majority areas and attend white-
                                         practical necessity for better administration. For ex-             majority schools (Richards 2014; Chang 2018). De-
                                         ample, in many democratic countries (most notably,                 spite the desegregating efforts following the landmark
                                         the countries who follow the Westminster System e.g.,              Supreme Court verdict in Brown v. Board of Education
                                         UK, Canada, India, Australia, or the Presidential Sys-             case in 1954 (which ruled racial segregation of children
                                         tem e.g., US, Brazil, Mexico, Indonesia), electorates are          in public schools to be unconstitutional), 63% of class-
                                         divided into electoral districts; in many organizations,           mates of a white student are whites, compared to 48%
                                         employees are divided into administrative units like de-           of all students being whites; similarly, 40% of black and
                                         partments; students enrolled in public schools in the US           Hispanic students attend schools where over 90% stu-
                                         are divided into school districts; and so on. However,             dents are people of color (Frankenberg 2019). As a con-
                                         the population is not homogeneous, it consists of people           sequence, a recent report by an educational non-profit
                                         with different attributes – gender, race, religion, ideol-         EdBuild claimed that “Non-white school districts get
                                                                                                            $23 Billion less than white districts, despite serving the
                                         Copyright c 2019, All rights reserved by the authors.              same number of students” (EdBuild 2019).
To counter such unfairness issues while dividing peo-        Related Work
ple into groups, in this paper, we conceptualize such            Voting mechanisms have been at the center of historical,
problems in a voting scenario: the goal is to divide a           political, and sociological studies (Barbara and Garcia-
set of n people, each having a preference over a set of          Molina 1987; Barberà et al. 1991; Lublin 1999; Erdélyi,
candidates, into k groups. While the mapping of elec-            Hemaspaandra, and Hemaspaandra 2015), due to their
toral districting into voting is direct and utilizes peo-        impact on local communities and society at large. The
ple’s ideological preferences, we can think of context-          problem of unfair distribution of voters into districts,
specific mapping in other scenarios. For example, in             otherwise known as gerrymandering, has received sig-
school districting, we can think of students having pref-        nificant attention from academic researchers (Butler
erence according to their sensitive attributes (e.g., gen-       1992; Johnston, Rossiter, and Pattie 2006; Issacharoff
der, race, etc.). Once the mapping is done, we propose           2002; Bachrach et al. 2016), and in particular from
the FAIR D ISTRICTING problem to create k groups such            the computational social choice theorists, setting ge-
that the maximum margin of victory of any group is               ographical (Lewenberg, Lev, and Rosenschein 2017)
minimized, where margin of victory is defined as the             and social constraints (Cohen-Zemach, Lewenberg, and
number of people who need to change their preference             Rosenschein 2018; Ito et al. 2019; Borodin et al. 2018)
to change the winner. We also propose the FAIR C ON -            to population mobility.
NECTED D ISTRICTING problem which additionally re-
                                                                    Central to the problem of gerrymandering is the con-
quires each group to be connected. Reducing margin of            cept of representation: does a collective represent the
victory would lead to everyone’s opinion within a group          choices or attributes of those comprising it? In other
to be valuable, since the consensus of the group can be          words, does a district represent its voters? While re-
changed even if a small number of people change their            cent papers conceptualize different measures of rep-
preferences. In practical applications, it would lead to         resentation in voting scenarios (Bachrach et al. 2016;
higher accountability from the elected candidate in po-          Johnston, Rossiter, and Pattie 2006; Feix et al. 2008;
litical districting, lower racial segregation in schools,        Gelman, Katz, and Tuerlinckx 2002; Felsenthal and
increase inter-discipline exchange in academic depart-           Miller 2015), to our knowledge, we are the first to use
ments, and so on.                                                the concept of margin of victory for re-districting vot-
Contribution                                                     ers to achieve better representation. While minimizing
                                                                 margin of victory does not ensure proportional repre-
We make the following contributions in this paper.               sentation of all voter choices in each district, it at least
B We show that the FAIR D ISTRICTING problem is NP-              ensures that the voices present are not lost in the crowd.
  complete for the plurality voting rule even when we            Intuitively, lowering margin of victory across districts
  have only 3 alternatives and there is no constraint            would ensure a strong opposition to each majority win-
  on the size of individual groups [??]. We comple-              ner, safeguarding against district monopolies, as well as
  ment this intractability result by proving existence           against diluting voter power across many districts.
  of polynomial time algorithms, when (i) every voter               Computing the margin of victory for different voting
  can be moved to any group (which we term as the                rules has been studied in (Xia 2012), while (Dey and
  FAIR PARTITIONING problem) [??], and (ii) we have              Narahari 2015) and (Blom, Stuckey, and Teague 2018)
  a constant number of groups [??] for the plurality vot-        estimate it in real elections. However, to our knowledge,
  ing rule.                                                      the problem of minimizing margin of victory has not at-
                                                                 tracted much attention. In this paper, we characterize
B We show that the FAIR C ONNECTED D ISTRICTING                  the complexity of this problem for plurality voting, one
  problem is NP-complete for the plurality voting rule           of the most common voting rules, and give practical al-
  even when there is only 2 alternatives, 2 districts,           gorithms to solve it in real and synthetic datasets.
  the maximum degree of any vertex in the under-
  lying graph is 5, and no constraint on the size of
  districts [??]. This shows that, although both FAIR
  D ISTRICTING and FAIR C ONNECTED D ISTRICTING                  Voting Setting
  problems are NP-complete, FAIR C ONNECTED D IS -               For a positive integer k, we denote the set {1, 2, . . . , k}
  TRICTING problem is computationally harder than                by [k]. Let A = {ai : i ∈ [m]} be a set of m
  the FAIR D ISTRICTING problem.                                 alternatives. A complete order over the set A of al-
B We propose heuristic algorithms for both FAIR D IS -           ternatives is called a preference. We denote the set
  TRICTING and FAIR C ONNECTED D ISTRICTING                      of all possible preferences over A by L(A). A tuple
  problems and show their effectiveness in reducing              (i )i∈[n] ∈ L(A)n of n preferences is called a pro-
  margin of victory in electoral districts in the UK,            file. An election E is a tuple (, A) where  is a pro-
  as well as in lowering racial segregation in public            file over a set A of alternatives. If not mentioned oth-
  schools in the US.                                             erwise, we denote the number of alternatives and the

number of preferences by m and n respectively. A map               (Hi )i∈[k] , (Vi )i∈[k] , π, smin , smax , t). In this paper, we
r : ]n,|A|∈N+ L(A)n −→ 2A \ {∅} is called a voting                 study the above problems only for the plurality voting
rule. In this paper we consider the plurality voting rule          rule and thus omit specifying it every time.
where the set of winners is the set of alternatives who            The following observation is immediate from problem
appear at the first position of a highest number of alter-         definitions itself.
natives. We say that a voter votes for an alternative if the
voter prefers that alternative most. The number of pref-           Observation 1. FAIR PARTITIONING many to one re-
erences where an alternative appears at the first place is         duces to FAIR D ISTRICTING which many to one re-
called her plurality score.                                        duces to FAIR C ONNECTED D ISTRICTING.

Margin of Victory                                                                 Results: Intractability
Let r be any voting rule. The margin of victory of an              In this section, we present our hardness results. Our first
election ((i )i∈[n] , A) is the minimum number of votes           result shows that FAIR D ISTRICTING is NP-complete
that needs to be changed to change the election out-               even with 3 alternatives. For that we reduce from the
come. It easily follows that the margin of victory of a            well known SAT problem which is known to be NP-
plurality election is the ceiling of half the difference           complete.
between the plurality score of the two highest plural-
ity scores of the alternatives. For ease of notation, we           Theorem 1. The FAIR D ISTRICTING problem is NP-
assume that the margin of victory of an empty election             complete even if we have only 3 alternatives and there
(no voters) is ∞.                                                  is no constraint on the size of any district.

Problem Definition                                                 Proof. FAIR D ISTRICTING clearly belongs to NP. To
                                                                   prove NP-hardness, we reduce from the SAT problem.
We now define our basic problem which we call FAIR
                                                                   Let (X = {xi : i ∈ [n]} , C = {Cj : j ∈ [m]}) be an ar-
                                                                   bitrary instance of SAT. Let us consider the following
Definition 1 (FAIR D ISTRICTING). Given a set A of m               instance (A, V, k, H =, (Vi )i∈[k] , π, smin = 0, smax =
alternatives, a set V of n voters along with their corre-          ∞, t = 2) of FAIR D ISTRICTING.
sponding preferences, a set of k groups H = {Hi , i ∈
[k]} along with the set Vi of voters corresponding to                        A = {a, b, c}
each group Hi for i ∈ [k] such that (Vi )i∈[k] forms a                      H = {Xi , X̄i , Zi : i ∈ [n]} ∪ {Yj : j ∈ [m]}
partition of V, a function π : V −→ 2H \ {∅} denot-                  ∀i ∈ [n], Votes in Xi : m + 2 votes for a
ing the set of groups where each voter can be part of,
minimum size smin and maximum size smax of every                              m votes for b, m − 1 votes for c
group, and a target t of maximum margin of victory of                ∀i ∈ [n], Votes in X̄i : m + 2 votes for a
any group, compute if there exists a partition (Vi0 )i∈[k]                    m votes for b, m − 1 votes for c
of V into these k groups such that the following holds.
                                                                     ∀i ∈ [n], Votes in Zi : m + 2 votes for a
  (i) For every i ∈ [k] and v ∈ Vi0 , we have Hi ∈ π(v)
                                                                              m + 1 votes for c
 (ii) For every i ∈ [k], we have smin 6 |Vi0 | 6 smax
                                                                    ∀j ∈ [m], Votes in Yj : m + 3 votes for a
(iii) The margin of victory in the group Hi is at most t
      for every i ∈ [k]                                                       m votes for b
We denote an arbitrary instance of this problem by                           t=2
(A, V, k, H = (Hi )i∈[k] , (Vi )i∈[k] , π, smin , smax , t).          Let f be a function defined on the set of literals as
   An important special case of FAIR D ISTRICTING                  f (xi ) = Xi and f (x̄i ) = X̄i for every i ∈ [n]. We now
is when every voter can be moved to every district;                describe the π function. For i ∈ [n], no voter in Zi can
that is π(v) = H for every voter v ∈ V. We call                    move to any other district except one voter who votes
this problem FAIR PARTITIONING. We denote an arbi-                 for the alternative c and she can move to Xi and X̄i . For
trary instance of FAIR PARTITIONING by (A, V, k, H =               i ∈ [n], no voter voting for the alternatives a or c in both
(Hi )i∈[k] , (Vi )i∈[k] , smin , smax , t).                        Xi and X̄i leave their current districts; a voter in Xi (X̄i
   The FAIR D ISTRICTING problem is generalized to                 respectively) who votes for the alternative b can move
define the FAIR C ONNECTED D ISTRICTING prob-                      to the district Yj for some j ∈ [m] if the variable xi (x̄i
lem where the input also have a graph defined on                   respectively) appears in the clause Cj . Finally no voter
the set of voters, the given districts are all con-                in the district Yj , j ∈ [m] leave their current district.
nected, and we require the new districts to be con-                This finishes the description of π and the description of
nected as well. We denote an arbitrary instance of                 the instance of FAIR D ISTRICTING. We claim that the
FAIR C ONNECTED D ISTRICTING by (A, V, G, k, H =                   two instances are equivalent.

In one direction, let us assume that the SAT instance              TIONING    by (G, Z1 , Z2 ).
is a YES instance. Let g : X −→ {0, 1} be a satisfy-                    It     is already known that the 2-D ISJOINT
ing assignment for the SAT instance. Let us consider                  C ONNECTED PARTITIONING problem is NP-
the following movement of the voters – for i ∈ [n], if                complete (van ’t Hof, Paulusma, and Woeginger
g(xi ) = 1, then one voter in the district Zi which votes             2009, Theorem 1). However the proof of Theorem 1
for the alternative c moves to the district Xi ; otherwise            in (van ’t Hof, Paulusma, and Woeginger 2009) can be
one voter in the district Zi which votes for the alter-               imitated as a reduction from the version of SAT where
native c moves to the district X̄i . For j ∈ [m], let the             every literal appears in exactly two clauses; this version
clause Cj be `1 ∨ `2 ∨ `3 and g sets the literal `1 to be             is also known to be NP-complete (Berman, Karpinski,
1 (we can assume this without loss of generality). Then               and Scott 2003). This proves the following.
one voter from the district f (`1 ) who votes for b moves
                                                                      Proposition 1. The 2-D ISJOINT C ONNECTED PARTI -
to the district Yj . Since the assignment g satisfies all the
                                                                      TIONING problem is NP-complete even if the maximum
clauses, the margin of victory in the district Yj is 2 for
                                                                      degree of the input graph is 5.
every j ∈ [m]. For i ∈ [n], if g(xi ) = 0 (g(xi ) = 1 re-
spectively), then the margin of victory in the district X̄i           Theorem 2. The FAIR C ONNECTED D ISTRICTING
(Xi respectively) is 2 since it receives a voter voting for           problem is NP-complete even if we have only 2 alter-
the alternative c. The rest of the districts (for i ∈ [n], Xi         natives, 2 districts, the maximum degree of any vertex
if g(xi ) = 0 and X̄i if g(x1 ) = 1) remain same and                  in the underlying graph is 5, and we do not have any
their margin of victory remains to be 2. Hence the FAIR               constraint on the size of districts.
PARTITIONING instance is also a YES instance.                         Proof. The FAIR C ONNECTED D ISTRICTING prob-
   In the other direction, let us assume that the FAIR                lem is clearly in NP. To prove NP-hardness, we
PARTITIONING instance is a YES instance. We define                    reduce from 2-D ISJOINT C ONNECTED PARTITION -
an assignment g : X −→ {0, 1} to the variables in the                 ING to FAIR C ONNECTED D ISTRICTING . Let (G 0 =
SAT instance as follows. For i ∈ [n], if a voter in the               (U, E 0 ), Z1 , Z2 ) be an arbitrary instance of FAIR C ON -
district Zi who votes for c moves to Xi , then we define              NECTED D ISTRICTING . Without loss of generality, let
g(xi ) = 1; otherwise we define g(xi ) = 0. We claim                  us assume that the degree of every vertex in Z2 is 2;
that g is a satisfying assignment for the SAT instance.               z2 be any arbitrary (fixed) vertex of Z2 . Let us consider
Suppose not, then there exists a clause Cj = `1 ∨`2 ∨`3               the following instance (A, V, G = (V, E), k = 2, H =
for some j ∈ [m] which g does not satisfy. To make the                (Hi )i∈[2] , (Vi )i∈[2] , π, smin = 0, smax = ∞, t = 1) of
margin of victory of the district Yj at most 2, one voter             FAIR C ONNECTED D ISTRICTING.
who votes for b must move into Yj either from the dis-
trict f (`1 ) or from the district f (`2 ) or from the district               A = {x, y}
f (`3 ). However, since g does not set any of `1 , `2 , or `3                 V = {vz : z ∈ Z2 }
to 1, none of these districts receive any voter who votes                       ∪ {vu , wu : u ∈ V \ Z2 }
for the alternative c. Consequently, none of the district
can send a voter who votes for the alternative b to the                         ∪ D, D = {di : i ∈ [|Z2 | + 1]}
district Yj since otherwise the margin of victory of dis-                     E = {{va , vb } : {a, b} ∈ E 0 }
trict which sends a voter who votes for the alternative b                       ∪ {{vu , wu } : u ∈ V[G 0 ] \ Z2 }
becomes at least 3 contradicting our assumption that the
FAIR PARTITIONING instance is a YES instance. Hence                             ∪ {{di , dj } : i, j ∈ [|Z2 | + 1] , j = i + 1}
the SAT instance is a YES instance.                                             ∪ {{z2 , d1 }}
                                                                             H2 = {di : i ∈ [|Z2 | + 1]}
   Due to Observation 1, it follows immediately from                         H1 = V \ H2
problem for plurality voting rule is also NP-complete.                         Vote of vu , u ∈ V : x  y
We next show that FAIR C ONNECTED D ISTRICTING                                 Vote of wu , u ∈ V \ Z2 : y  x
is NP-complete even if we simultaneously have 2 al-                            Vote of di , i ∈ [|Z2 | + 1] : y  x
ternatives and 2 districts. For that, we reduce from 2-
                                                                               π(vz ) = {H1 }, z ∈ Z1
fined as follows.                                                              π(di ) = {H2 }, i ∈ [|Z2 | + 1]
Definition 2 (2-D ISJOINT C ONNECTED PARTITION -                               π(v) = {H1 , H2 } for every other vertex v
ING ). Given a connected graph G = (V, E) and two                        This finishes the description of the instance of FAIR
disjoint nonempty sets Z1 , Z2 ⊂ V, compute if there ex-              C ONNECTED D ISTRICTING. We now claim that the
ists a partition (V1 , V2 ) of V such that Z1 ⊆ V1 , Z2 ⊆             FAIR C ONNECTED D ISTRICTING instance is equiva-
V2 , G[V1 ] and G[V2 ] are both connected. We denote an               lent to the 2-D ISJOINT C ONNECTED PARTITIONING
arbitrary instance of 2-D ISJOINT C ONNECTED PARTI -                  instance.

In one direction, let us assume that the 2-D ISJOINT             in the table T as follows for every ` ∈ {2, 3, . . . , k}.
C ONNECTED PARTITIONING instance is a YES in-                                          
stance. Let (V1 , V2 ) be a partition of U such that Z1 ⊆           T (ia )a∈A , `
V1 , Z2 ⊆ V2 , G 0 [V1 ] and G 0 [V2 ] are both connected. We
                                                                                                   (                             )
                                                                                                    mv (i0a )a∈A ,
consider the following new partition of the voters.                  = 0         min           max
                                                                                                    T (ia − i0a )a∈A , ` − 1
                                                                         (ia )a∈A ,i0a >0 ∀a∈A
                                                                               P      0
Voters of H1 : {vu , wu : u ∈ V1 }; voters of H2 : others              smin 6    a∈A ia 6smax

                                                                       In the above expression mv (i0a )a∈A denotes the
   Since G 0 [V1 ] is connected, it follows that G[H1 ] is
also connected. Similarly, since G 0 [V2 ] is connected,            plurality margin of victory of the profile which con-
G[D] is connected, and {z2 , d1 } ∈ E[G], it follows that           sists of i0a number of voters voting for the alter-
G[H2 ] is also connected. In H1 , both the alternatives x           native a for a Q∈ A. Updating
                                                                                                      each entry of the
and y receive the same number of votes and thus the                 table takesQ O    a∈A na poly(m, n) time. The ta-
margin of victory of H1 is 1. In H2 , the alternatives              ble has k a∈A na entries. Hence the running time
x receives 1 less vote than the alternatives y and thus             of our algorithm is O        a∈A na poly(m, n)     =
the margin of victory of H2 is 1. Thus the FAIR C ON -                                            O(1)
                                                                    O n poly(m, n) which is n          when we have m =
NECTED D ISTRICTING instance is also a YES instance.                O(1).
   In the other direction, let us assume that there exists
a valid partition (H10 , H20 ) of the voters such that both            We next present a polynomial time algorithm for
G[H10 ] and G[H20 ] are connected and the margin of vic-            FAIR D ISTRICTING if we have a constant number of
tory of both H10 and H20 are 1. Let us define V1 = {u ∈             districts.
V[G 0 ] : vu ∈ H10 } and V2 = V[G 0 ] \ V1 . It follows             Theorem 4. The FAIR D ISTRICTING problem is poly-
from the function π that we have Z1 ⊆ V10 , Z2 ⊆ V20 .              nomial time solvable if the number of districts is a con-
Also G 0 [V10 ] is connected since the voters in H10 are con-       stant.
nected. We also have G 0 [V20 ] is connected since the vot-
ers in H20 are connected, the vertices in D forms a path,           Proof. An arbitrary instance of FAIR D ISTRICTING be
and there exists a pendant vertex in D. We also have                (A, V, k, H = (Hi )i∈[k] , (Vi )i∈[k] , π, smin , smax , t).
Z2 ∈ V200 since the voters in {vu :∈ Z2 } belongs to                We guess a winner and a runner up of every district –
H2 ; otherwise the margin of victory of H2 would be                 there are m
                                                                                       = O(m2k ) possibilities. We also guess
strictly more than 1. Hence (V10 , V20 ) is a solution of the                     2
                                                                    the plurality score of a winner of every district – there
2-D ISJOINT C ONNECTED PARTITIONING instance and                    are O(nk ) possibilities. Given a guess of a winner, its
thus the instance is a YES instance.                                plurality score, and a runner up alternative of every dis-
                                                                    trict, we reduce the problem of computing if there exists
   Results: Polynomial Time Algorithms                              a partition of V (respecting the given guesses) which
We now present out polynomial time algorithms. We                   achieves the maximum margin of victory of at most t to
first show that FAIR PARTITIONING is polynomial time                a s0 to t0 flow problem (with demand on edges) instance
solvable.                                                           (G = (U, E) , c : E −→ R+ , d : E −→ R+ ) as follows.
Theorem 3. The FAIR PARTITIONING problem is poly-                            U    = UL ∪ UM ∪ UR ∪ {s0 , t0 } where
nomial time solvable if the number of alternatives is a                     UL    = {uv : v ∈ V}
                                                                            UM    = {ua,i : a ∈ A, i ∈ [k]}
Proof. An arbitrary instance of FAIR PARTITIONING                           UR    = {ui : i ∈ [k]}
be (A, V, k, H = (Hi )i∈[k] , (Vi )i∈[k] , smin , smax , t).                    E = {(s0 , uv ) : v ∈ V}
For an alternative a ∈ A, let na be the num-
                                                                                  ∪ {(uv , ua,i ) : v ∈ V, i ∈ [k],
ber of vote that a receives. We present a dynamic
programming based algorithm for the FAIR PARTI -                                  v’s vote is a  · · · , Hi ∈ π(v)}
TIONING problem. The dynamic programming             table                       ∪ {(ua,i , ui ) : a ∈ A, i ∈ [k]}
T (ia ∈ {0, 1, . . . , na})a∈A , ` ∈ [k] is defined as fol-
                                                                                  ∪ {(ui , t0 ) : i ∈ [k]}
lows – T (ia )a∈A , ` is the minimum integer λ such
that the voting profile consisting ia number of voters
voting for the alternative a can be partitioned into ` dis-         The capacity c of every edge from s0 to UL and from
tricts such that the margin of victory of any district is at        UL to UM is 1. For every i ∈ [k], if x and y are re-
most λ. For every ia ∈ {0, 1, . . . , na }, a ∈ A, we ini-         spectively the (guessed) winner and runner up of Hi
tialize T (ia )a∈A , 1 to be the margin of victory of the           and ni is the (guessed) plurality score of a winner in
voting profile which consists of ia number of voters vot-           Hi , then we define the capacity and demand of the edge
ing for the alternative a for a ∈ A. We update the entries          (ux,i , ui ) to be ni and the capacity and demand of the

edge (uy,i , ui ) to be (ni − t); if (ni − t) is not positive,       describe the algorithms below, given an initial partition
then we discard the current guess. We define the capac-              as input.
ity of the edge (uz,i , ui ) to be ni for every alternative z        B G REEDY PARTITIONING minimizes the maximum
who is not the guessed winner in Hi for i ∈ [k]. Finally                margin of victory of all districts by greedily moving
we define the capacity and demand of every edge from                    voters between districts (starting from voters in the
UR to t0 to be smax and smin respectively. We claim                     district having highest margin of victory in the initial
that the given FAIR D ISTRICTING instance is a YES in-                  partition), allowing voters to move to any district.
stance if and only if there exists a guess of a winner, its
plurality score, and a runner up alternative of every dis-           B G REEDY D ISTRICTING minimizes the maximum
trict whose corresponding flow instance has an s0 to t0                 margin of victory of all districts by greedily moving
flow of value n.                                                        voters between districts, where every voter has a con-
                                                                        straint on where they can move.
   In one direction, suppose the FAIR D ISTRICTING in-
stance is a YES instance. Let xi and yi be a winner and              B G REEDY C ONNECTED D ISTRICTING minimizes the
a runner up respectively in Hi and ni be the plurality                  maximum margin of victory of all districts by greed-
score of a winner in Hi for i ∈ [k]. For the guess cor-                 ily moving voters between districts such that no dis-
responding to the solution of FAIR D ISTRICTING, we                     trict becomes a disconnected subgraph.
send 1 unit of flow from s0 to uv , v ∈ V, from uv to ua,i
if the voter v belongs to Hi in the solution and v votes             Data
for a. Since every vertex in UM has exactly one outgo-               We collected three main datasets, two real datasets
ing neighbor, all the incoming flow at every vertex in               and one synthetic dataset using graph models. The real
UM move to their corresponding neighbor in UR . Simi-                datasets consist of the general parliament elections in
larly, the outgoing neighbor of every vertex in UR is t0 ,           the U.K. from 2017 and demographic information of
all the incoming flow at every vertex in UR move to t0 .             students in public schools of Detroit, MI. We evaluate
Obviously the flow conservation property is satisfied at             all three greedy algorithms on the synthetic dataset, but
every vertex. Also capacity and demand constraints are               only evaluate G REEDY PARTITIONING and G REEDY
also satisfied at every edge since the guess corresponds             D ISTRICTING on the real dataset as we lack the (social)
to a solution of the FAIR D ISTRICTING instance. Fi-                 network information in them.
nally since the total outgoing flow at s0 is n, the total
flow value is also n.                                                UK General Elections: We collected data regarding
   In the other direction, assuming xi and yi being a                UK Parliament elections in 2017 from The Electoral
guessed winner and a runner up respectively in Hi and                Commission (,
ni being the plurality score of a winner in Hi for i ∈ [k],          using constituencies as districts and parties as
the corresponding flow network has a flow value of n,                alternatives. Though the votes are cast for individu-
we claim that the FAIR D ISTRICTING instance is a YES                als, yet in the Parliament number of seats for each party
instance. We can assume without loss of generality that              is the number that counts, we are interested in the ef-
the flow value on every edge in a maximum flow is an                 fect of districting on the distribution of votes over par-
integer since the demand and capacity of every edge are              ties rather than over individuals. Knowing the number
integers. We define a voter v ∈ V to be in the district              of votes each party got in each constituency, we simu-
Hi , i ∈ [k] if there exists an alternative a such that              lated the preferences of the voters.
there is one unit of flow in the edge (uv , ua,i ). It follows          We tested our algorithm on 10 neighboring con-
from the construction of the maximum flow instance                   stituencies out of the 650 in the region of Scotland bor-
that the above partitioning the voters into the districts            dering Edinburgh, which represents a very diverse area
Hi is valid (that is, it respects π, smin , and smax ) and           in terms of voting preferences. Indeed, these neighbor-
the maximum margin of victory of any district is at most             ing constituencies voted very differently, each having
t. Hence the FAIR D ISTRICTING instance is also a YES                a clear majority. For example, the distribution of votes
instance.                                                            in East Lothian was 36.3% Labour, 29.8% Conserva-
                                                                     tive, 30.7 Scottish National Party (SNP), and 3.1% Lib-
            Experimental Evaluation                                  eral Democrats, while in Edinburgh East it was 34.6%
                                                                     Labour, 18.5% Conservative, 42.5% SNP, and 4.2%
Greedy Algorithms                                                    Liberal Democrats.1 We subsampled this dataset, work-
Given the high complexities of FAIR PARTITION -                      ing with a randomized sample of approximately 50, 000
ING , FAIR D ISTRICTING , and FAIR C ONNECTED D IS -                     1
                                                                         The 10 constituencies we sampled are: Dumfriesshire,
TRICTING problems, we propose a set of fast greedy                   Clydesdale and Tweeddale, Berwickshire, Roxburgh and
heuristics to minimize the margin of victory by mov-                 Selkirk, East Lothian, Midlothian, Edinburgh South, Edin-
ing voters between districts, while respecting the con-              burgh East, Edinburgh North and Leith, Edinburgh South
straints on mobility of the users, and connectedness. We             West, Edinburgh West, and Livingston, for which an in-

Initial                     Greedy-partitioning
                            2500          Initial                                                               Greedy-connected            Baseline                                                                                       35
                                          Greedy-districting                                              10    Greedy-districting                                           Initial                                                                                 Initial
Maximum margin of victory

                                                                                                                                                                  17500      Greedy-districting                                            30                        Greedy-connected
                            2000          Greedy-partitioning

                                                                              Maximum margin of victory
                                                                                                           8                                                      15000      Greedy-partitioning                                                                     Greedy-districting

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Total margin of victory
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           25                        Greedy-partitioning
                            1500                                                                                                                                  12500                                                                                              Baseline
                                                                                                           6                                                                                                                               20
                            1000                                                                                                                                                                                                           15
                                                                                                           4                                                       7500
                                                                                                                                                                   5000                                                                    10
                             500                                                                           2
                                                                                                                                                                   2500                                                                     5
                                 0                                                                         0                                                          0                                                                     0
                                        UK Data                 School Data                                    0.00         0.25     0.50    0.75     1.00                   UK Data               School Data                                  0.00   0.25     0.50    0.75      1.00
                                                                                                                                   Homophily                                                                                                                  Homophily

                                         (a) Real Data                                                            (b) Synthetic Data                                            (c) Real Data                                                      (d) Synthetic Data

Figure 1: Maximum margin of victory for all algorithms in (a) real data and (b) synthetic data. Total (sum) of
margin of victory in (c) real data and (d) synthetic data.

                                                                                                                                                                          that our algorithms can be used to increase racial diver-
                                                   SNP                                                    40                         SNP                                  sity (and lower segregation) in schools, if accompanied
                                                   Lib Dem                                                                           Lib Dem
                            30                     Labour                                                                            Labour                               by government policies that facilitate movement of stu-
                                                   Conservative                                           30                         Conservative                         dents between schools (Montgomery III 1970).
                                                                               % of voters
 % of voters

                            20                                                                                                                                               We collected school data from the National Center
                                                                                                                                                                          for Education Statistics (NCES:
                            10                                                                            10
                                                                                                                                                                          about public schools in Detroit, MI, which is still
                             0                                                                             0                                                              one of the cities with highest rates of segregation and
                                     Initial                       Greedy                                             Initial                       Greedy
                                                                                                                                                                          most economic and social struggles encountered by mi-
                                      (a) East Lothian                                                           (b) Edinburgh East                                       norities (Institute 2018; Kent and Thomas C. Frohlich
                                                                                                                                                                          2015). We gathered data from 61 schools in Detroit,
Figure 2: Voters’ distribution in UK constituencies                                                                                                                       each containing between 40 and 5000 students, sum-
before and after applying G REEDY D ISTRICTING.                                                                                                                           ming up to 41, 834 students and their reported race. We
                                                                                                                                                                          modeled this data in the form of an election, where the
people and we recorded the location of each constituen-                                                                                                                   voters are the students and the alternatives are their
cies (represented by its center), enforcing in G REEDY                                                                                                                    reported race (NCES data has 7 reported races: Asian,
D ISTRICTING that voters can be incentivized to move                                                                                                                      Native American, Hispanic, Black, White, Hawaiian,
or to vote only in their closest two constituencies.                                                                                                                      and Mixed-race). Given each student’s race, we mod-
   Figure 1(a) shows that both G REEDY D ISTRICTING                                                                                                                       eled this ‘election’ as a plurality voting scenario, where
and G REEDY PARTITIONING are able to reduce the                                                                                                                           each student only ‘votes’ for their reported race. Fur-
maximum margin of victory of this dataset by approxi-                                                                                                                     thermore, we recorded the location of each school, en-
mately 91−92% percent, from 776 to 67 and 55, respec-                                                                                                                     forcing in G REEDY D ISTRICTING that students can
tively. Figure 1(c) shows the effect greedy had on min-                                                                                                                   only go to their closest 5 schools.
imizing the overall margin of victory, showing an even                                                                                                                       Figure 1(a) shows that both G REEDY D ISTRICTING
larger decrease by almost 95%, from 2652 to 148 and                                                                                                                       and G REEDY PARTITIONING decrease the total margin
135, respectively. Since G REEDY D ISTRICTING repre-                                                                                                                      of victory by 11−12% on average, from 2, 501 to 2, 213
sents the more realistic application, we show in Figure 2                                                                                                                 and 2, 311, respectively. Again, Figure 1(c) shows the
its effect on the voters’ distribution in East Lothian and                                                                                                                overall decrease in margin of victory by the greedy
Edinburgh East, showing that it created a stronger oppo-                                                                                                                  algorithms, showing a larger decrease of 18 − 24%,
sition for the leading parties (for Labour in East Lothian                                                                                                                from 18, 870 to 15, 360 and 14, 376, respectively. As
and for SNP in Edinburgh East).                                                                                                                                           G REEDY D ISTRICTING represents the more realistic
                                                                                                                                                                          scenario, we present in Figure 3 its effect on the racial
US Public School Districting: Neighborhood racial                                                                                                                         distribution of students in a selection of three schools.
segregation is still widespread in many places in US,                                                                                                                     we observe that schools containing students from one
trickling down to segregation in schools (Frankenberg                                                                                                                     predominant racial group become more equilibrated:
2019; Richards 2014). One of the main consequences                                                                                                                        Dove Academy goes from having 98% Black students
of that is white-majority schools receiving substantially                                                                                                                 and 2% White to having 80% Black, 14.5% White,
more funding than schools with mostly students of                                                                                                                         and 5.5% Hispanic students, Universal Academy goes
color (EdBuild 2019). In this paper, we attempt to show                                                                                                                   from having 95% White students, 3.5% Hispanic, and
                                                                                                                                                                          2.5% Black to having 50.15% White and 49.7% His-
teractive map with the vote distribution can be found at                                                                                                                  panic, while Cesar Chavez Academy goes from having                                                                                                                          88% Hispanic students, 8% Black, and 3% White to

100             Hispanic                                                                        Hispanic                                                                  Hispanic
Racial distribution by percentage

                                                                        Racial distribution by percentage

                                                                                                                                                Racial distribution by percentage
                                                    Black                                                                           Black                                           80                        Black
                                     80             White                                                   80                      White                                                                     White
                                                                                                            60                                                                      60

                                                                                                            40                                                                      40

                                     20                                                                     20                                                                      20

                                      0                                                                      0                                                                       0
                                          Initial              Greedy                                            Initial          Greedy                                                   Initial          Greedy

                                             (a) Dove Academy                                                    (b) Universal Academy                                                   (c) Cesar Chavez Academy

                        Figure 3: Racial distribution of students in selected schools before and after applying G REEDY D ISTRICTING.

     having 48% Hispanic, 48% Black, and 3% White stu-                                                                         ers into districts given a network, the districts’ size con-
     dents. Given the discrepancy between White-majority                                                                       straints, and mobility of voters. While G REEDY PAR -
     schools with other schools, we hope that such demo-                                                                       TITIONING and G REEDY D ISTRICTING come as natu-
     graphic changes can help in equalizing funding for all                                                                    ral formulations, we argue the need for G REEDY C ON -
     students.                                                                                                                 NECTED D ISTRICTING as well, since re-districting can-
        Of course, since minimizing margin of victory only                                                                     not be done arbitrarily and will be more effective if the
     considers the most predominant two races, we may need                                                                     population remain connected. Thus, in our simulations,
     to enforce an additional diversity constraint to preserve                                                                 the graph models aim to mimic the natural connections
     a minimum fraction of students from other races in                                                                        individuals make.
     a school (e.g., the 2.5% Black students in Universal                                                                         We simulated the greedy algorithm for each graph in-
     Academy may need to stay). We leave exploring this                                                                        stance, averaging over 10 iterations the minimal maxi-
     direction for future work.                                                                                                mum margin of victory that it can reach and compared
                                                                                                                               that to the baseline value. Figure 1(b) shows the effect of
     Graph Simulations: To further understand the re-                                                                          these algorithms in improving the maximum margin of
     lationship between margin of victory and population                                                                       victory aggregated for all graph instances, varying the
     structure, we simulated a set of graphs based on the                                                                      homophily factor and allowing districts to change up to
     Erdos-Renyi (ER) graph model, varying the level of                                                                        20% in size. We observe that no matter how homophilic
     connectivity between people with similar political lean-                                                                  the initial graph is, greedy is able to successfully reduce
     ings. Unable to vary such a parameter in the real data,                                                                   the margin of victory for all three algorithms: G REEDY
     we turn to classical graph models to do so. Following                                                                     PARTITIONING performs the best as it contains no con-
     the methodology in (Cohen-Zemach, Lewenberg, and                                                                          straints on mobility of voters, being evaluated close to
     Rosenschein 2018), we used the line model to simu-                                                                        the baseline value and reducing maximum margin of
     late voters, alternatives, and voters0 political affil-                                                                   victory from 10 to 6 − 7 on average, G REEDY D IS -
                                                                                                                               TRICTING performs second-best, reducing it from 10 to
     iation. We then created 50 instances of the ER graph
     model, where each node represents a voter and the                                                                         8 on average, while G REEDY C ONNECTED D ISTRICT-
                                                                                                                               ING reduces it from 10 to 9 on average, performing
     edges are formed according to the model with an added
     homophily factor based on the distance between nodes                                                                      worse than the other two due to a tighter connectiv-
     (as simulated by the line model). For every node, we                                                                      ity constraint. Figure 1(d) shows the overall decrease in
     generated the list of preferences over the candidates ac-                                                                 margin of victory, where the effect is more significant:
     cording to the distance between the voter and the can-                                                                    G REEDY PARTITIONING and G REEDY D ISTRICTING
     didates. The inputs to each such graph are the number                                                                     achieve a result close to the baseline, while G REEDY
     of voters N (100), the number of candidates C (5), the                                                                    C ONNECTED D ISTRICTING performs slightly worse,
     number of districts K (5), and a homophily parameter.                                                                     reducing the total margin of victory of 46% on aver-
                                                                                                                               age. The results are qualitatively similar for varying the
        Such models capture the network and clustering ef-
                                                                                                                               district size constraints, which we omit due to lack of
     fects exhibited by voter districts in real world (Keegan
     2016; Adamic and Glance 2005; Conover et al. 2011).
     We then test all three greedy algorithms in minimizing
     the maximum margin of victory by re-districting the                                                                             Conclusion and Future Directions
     population in these graphs. We further add a baseline                                                                     In this paper, we tackled the problem of fairly dividing
     algorithm that computes the optimal partition of vot-                                                                     people into groups by conceptualizing the problem in a

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